#i wrote this for my best guy friend cause i randomly got inspiration a few days ago
ayurileopardsdream · 7 years
A special Pearlina / Splatoon drabble thing (that's a word, right?)
A cute and sad ish little thing written by Cupcake the Snow Leopard (that’s my “code name” for this blog 😘)
Rating: T
Words: 432 (wow I honestly thought this was a lot longer)
Au: Gfs living together? EDIT: Domestic inklings!au
Fandom: Splatoon
Characters / Pairing: Marina the Octoling x Pearl the Squid
Genre: angst, romance, fiction.
All she could think about was how hard her day was without her silly beloved partner’s enthusiastic protection around the city’s people. Without the smaller girl, life was so cruel and awful. She never realized how much she needed the peppy and angry girl.
Wiping her eyes as she reached her shared apartment, she sighed and sat on the porch for a moment, thinking about the day. Everyone was so… racist… without Pearl being around and snapping at anyone who even dared to look their way. Everyone had always hated octopuses, octopi. Pearl was the only thing keeping her alive, so it seemed. She hadn’t really given it any thought, Pearl’s importance honestly when it came to race or species. It didn’t matter if she were a squid or Marina an octoling.  Everyone loved the two together. But when Pearl wasn’t around? The truth came out from the squids of the city. Marina was hated for what she was and there was nothing she could do to change it.
Taking a deep breath, she shakily stood up and opened the door, eyes widening when she was covered in confetti and sparkles, and an over excited Pearl in a messy cooking apron stood before her with a big cake slice and a big blushing grin, and of course a “Welcome Home!” sign. Every day and night was an party with this one. But Pearl’s smile faded and she looked horrified when Marina fell to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably for no apparent reason. Pearl put the cake on a kitchen counter, running to hug and hold Marina without a word, rubbing her arms and back as she comforted the crying octoling, before with a grunt, lifted Marina off the floor and onto their pink and green couch. Yep. Pearl was pretty strong for her size. Carefully putting Marina down, Pearl cuddled against her, stroking her tentacle hair before finally speaking up. “Did your first day alone go to shit?” Marina laughed and lied against Pearl’s shoulder, sniffling and breathing hard. “Everyone hated me… they still hate octolings… it was so terrifying without you. I was so scared… they kept throwing things at me and yelling at me… I love you Pearl… please never leave my side.” She whispered and begged, and Pearl just smiled and tilted Marina’s head for a kiss, before nuzzling her nose. “I will always be here for you, and if nobody loves you here, that just makes me love you so much more.” She whispered back, and held Marina there, just lovingly embracing her. “I will always be by your side.”
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
Playlist Feels
Member: lee jaehyun aka hyunjae from tbz cause i feel like there are too many jaehyuns around now ;_; my heart can’t take too many perfect men of the same name
Genre: COLLEGE... CRUSH? idk this is probably gonna be my most crack piece (you can already tell by the track)
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: I wrote this at like 1.30am so please bear with me lol my inspiration always come in the middle of the night because it’s so quiet and conducive 
this will be a one shot cause i’ve got no fucking clue how to make it into a series/short novel without an actual conflict/angst/drama involved :”) if you’re a writer and you see this and you want to make a 2nd part or something, BE MY GUEST
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lee hyun jae. 
who was he to me?
oh, i don’t know.
just the prettiest but handsomest man alive. if that’s even a word. 
he’s always surrounded by like, eleven other boys who are also good-looking and talented in some way or another. 
god must’ve invested his entire life into crafting these fine, fine specimens of men to be placed on earth.
maybe there was a mix up somewhere and they were supposed to be angels or demi-gods and god just fucked up. 
but i’ve got no complaints. 
i’m satisfied that i get to feast my eyes on such a gorgeous, rare, one-of-a-kind version of a person i’m sure exists nowhere else in the world. 
he’s known for being one of the most caring ones of the group. he’d make his friends laugh but watch out for them at the same time. he’s so easygoing, i wonder if he’d smile at me if i tripped him over or something. 
you might think i’m exaggerating. 
i’m not.
so who am i to him?
sadly, nobody.
harsh truth.
there was absolutely nothing wrong with the man. there was a lack of flaw, and that was literally the only flaw he had. if it could even be considered as a flaw. i could spend my seconds, minutes, hours, days, just staring at him. it was so unfair that there is NOTHING WRONG WITH HIM.
sometimes it pisses me off.
it kind of pisses me off that he doesn’t have a girlfriend despite half the school simping over him.
i mean, who wouldn’t? just look at him.
there have been rumors flying about that he was gay or something. 
doesn’t matter if he is gay though.
it simply hurts to know he’s not dating anybody.
it’ll be such a waste if such a man ends up living a life alone. a waste indeed.
so what was it that was stopping me from putting that destiny of his to a screeching stop?
well, there was just one problem. 
“hELLO, earth to y/n?” the sudden waving in your face with the heaviest textbook in your curriculum snaps you back into reality. 
“which one of the twelve are you thinking up some magical fantasy over now?” your best friend frowns at you, the vein on her arm popping from the weight of the fat textbook. 
“ah-- it doesn’t matter who i’m daydreaming about, let me have my moment, would you?” you lean back in your seat, disgruntled at her telling you what not to do with your own imagination. sometimes it was difficult to look at her without seeing all the little hints of lee hyunjae in her.
they had the same nose, but that was it. honestly, it was a miracle you just happened to make friends with one of the prettiest girls in school, and good for you, she ended up becoming your friend and stayed in that position for more than a decade. naturally, she was upgraded to the ‘best friend’ title. 
the biggest issue you had with lee hee jae was that she hated her brother getting so much attention, and she has always condemned him about it. 
which was pretty ironic, given the number of love letters that show up in her locker everyday.
but thanks to her cold, a-little-more-than-mean superficial personality, most guys don’t have enough of a pair to talk to her in person. sure, she won’t hesitate to stab a bitch, but you knew her well enough to know that if the love of her life, son young jae, were to suddenly sprout feelings for her and confess, she might just nose bleed and pass out. 
but does she know you have had the biggest, fattest crush on her older brother?
she’d kidnap you and torture you and brainwash you to unlike him. 
maybe that’s why he hasn’t got any girlfriends.
“you’re zoning out again,” she snaps her finger in your ear and the sharp click jumps you. you bare your teeth in annoyance and feign a hit towards her, but she doesn’t flinch. 
your little high school crush on her brother wasn’t getting any weaker as the years went by. in fact, it’s been getting stronger. now that you’ve seen the way he treats his friends, how kind and considerate he was, not to mention that body-- well--
let’s just say you went from just appreciating his face, to everything in general. it was only a matter of time before she finds out that the one man you were simping over out of the eleven boys was her brother.
of the eleven boys, it just had to be her brother.
“hee jae,” you pull out a pencil and start to randomly doodle in your notebook. “haven’t you ever considered talking to eric?” 
she shoots you a death glare, but you’re used to it. 
“i thought we agreed not to speak of this in school!” she leans into you and hisses, eyes piercing right through your head. if her eyes had lazers, your head would’ve been blasted off completely after years of her angry glaring. 
“no, but eric just seems so... chill, y’know? he’s either cleaning his table and packing his stuff or outside playing baseball, there’s literally nothing stopping you from talking to him.”
she rolls her eyes and snatches your pencil away from you in a bid to piss you off so you’d stop talking.
“give it back--” you snatch the stationery from her and hiss at her like a cat. “you’re literally in the damn baseball team with him. it’s not that difficult to make up a story and start a conversation with him.”
“ha,” she’s finally mastered the art of fake laughter. “easy for you to say. you simp for all eleven of them and can’t choose one for you to worry about it like i do.”
that was fun to hear.
“well, forget eric,” she waves it off. “are we doing anything after school?”
anything but going to your house. i don’t want to be stuck under the same roof as your brother, my heart would get a seizure and i’ll probably die on the spot.
“my mom’s making crepes today, and i know you love that shit,” hee jae snickers, pulling out a baseball from her bag and throwing it into the air and catching it. 
“aw, man... not the crepes,” you pout and side eye her, leaning back into your seat. 
“why are you so uptight about going to my place? you’ve been there a billion fucking times, you literally live there now.”
that’s cause i’m only over when your brother isn’t around!
“ugh, okay fine. but i gotta dash home first to grab some homework. i left some of it at home ‘cause i wasn’t expecting an invitation today.”
she squeals, showing you a part of her that nobody else has the privilege of seeing. “sick,” she gets out of the seat she dragged to yours and brings it back to where she took it from. “call my home number and tell me you’re on your way before you leave your house!”
you nod un-enthusiastically, waving her off before she leaves the classroom and returns to hers. 
you were finally back at home, showered and changed into comfortable clothes while you shoved all your homework into your bag. you leave your parents a text to tell them that you’d spend the afternoon and evening at heejae’s so they don’t have to worry about your dinner, then you dial her home number.
the phone was on it’s eighth ring, and you were already one foot out of the door. usually, it doesn’t take her that long to pick up the phone.
“this little bitch invites me over and doesn’t pick up the damn--”
your grip tightens around your phone and you stumble out of your house, the door swinging shut behind jumps you and you process the voice on the other end of the line. 
“is this y/n?”
“uh... yeah, this is she.”
he knows me?
shut up, of course he knows you. you’ve been friends with his sister for a decade!
“oh, okay, cool. heejae’s in the toilet right now and she said she’ll get it but i couldn’t stand the sound of the phone ringing.”
“ah...” your voice trails off, unsure of how to respond. you were just preoccupied with how soothing his voice was, and just imagining his face with the phone to his ear on the other line was just so--
“hello? y/n? you there?”
“yeah, yeah, sorry i was... crossing a road.” you weren’t even moving; you were just planted into the pavement like a tree. 
“actually, why don’t i go and pick you up? your place is on the way to the shopping mall and my mom just told me to go get some groceries, do you want to tag along? we can head back to my place afterwards and you can get the crepes you like.”
where in the world was he getting all this information from?
“uh--” you stammer into the receiver for the billionth time. he must think you have some kind of speech problem by now.
“you know what? just hang tight for a few minutes. heejae’s still in the bathroom so she doesn’t get a say in what i do if i decide it without her presence,” you hear him walk around on the house and call out for his mom to tell her he was leaving for the shopping mall. “you live on 31st avenue, right? the white house with the blue roof?”
“uH--” you really need to get a grip on yourself.
“i guessed. hang tight, i’ll be there in a sec! see you!”
hyunjae doesn’t bother to wait for you to hang up before he does. the line goes dead and the beep nearly deafens you, but you couldn’t believe your ears. you were about to be in the same vehicle as lee hyun jae. one of the most popular boys in school, the handsomest man alive, the love of your li--
too fast.
you shake the nonsensical daydreams out of your head and walk back to the steps of your door. while waiting, you can’t help but to let the quiet crush on him run your mind recklessly. 
what if he was just messing with you and he’s just chilling at home? what if he knows that you have a crush on him and he’s just having fun? what if he thinks you’re weird for hanging out with his sister? what if he’s caught you staring and he thinks you’re a creep? oh my god, what if heejae’s told him embarrassing stories about you and now he’s going to poke fun at you with that? 
you stare blankly at the little weeds in the cracks of the pavement, the thoughts in your head running wild as you slowly convince yourself he’s not going to turn up. 
but the familiar silver family car rolls up at the end of the pavement, and the windows roll down to reveal hyunjae in sunglasses wearing a simple white tee-shirt. 
“did i keep you waiting?” he pushes down his sunglasses and looks at you over the rim, one arm dangling outside the window. 
you shake your head, suddenly losing all ability to speak. 
“alrighty then, get in. we’re heading for the shopping mall.” he nods his head towards the car, retracting his arm back into the vehicle. 
your heart was thumping so aggressively and so loudly you were sure he could hear it. hell, he could probably see it. 
“how’s school? i haven’t seen you around back in my house after... what, about five years? you were always around when i was out, if i didn’t know better, i’d think you were avoiding me,” his voice was so alluring, you had to constantly remind yourself that he was actually saying something.
“uh-- well....” 
come on, say something. anything.
“i guess god just doesn’t want us to meet.”
no, it’s because you were avoiding him. what the flying fuck was that?
he laughs heartily, his teeth catching the light of the afternoon sun and glistens in your vision. “if that’s the case then god really needs to give me a break.”
your little-crush-on-him morphs into a tiny character in your head and it starts yelling at you. did he just say what you think he just said?
“no, i mean,” he glances at you, hands still on the steering wheel once he notices you’ve gone eerily silent. “i would’ve spoken to you and tried to be actual friends with you sooner, but heejae never wants me talking to her friends. you can imagine how she is with her best friend.”
you sigh heavily, the mention of your best friends’ name loosening some knots in your stomach. “lee hee jae is just something. not sure what, but something.”
“it does baffle me to think about how you put up with her for what, nine years now?”
you were looking out the window, and the idea of being in the same car as hyunjae doesn’t seem as tormenting as it seemed once you realise the best support you’ve had for the last ten years was lee hee jae. 
“eleven, actually,” you say without looking at him, eyes zeroing on a couple walking a dog on the pavement by the road. “yeah i guess she can be a handful sometimes, especially with how cold and mean she is on the outside...”
the car stops at a traffic junction.
“but put her in front of one guy and she’ll pass the fu--”
“‘one guy’?” he interrupts.
your eyes widen and you suck your lips between your teeth, wincing a little to yourself when you realise what you just said. 
“lee hee jae has a crush on someone?” you hear him scoff and a brotherly chuckle rushes out his lips. “do you know who it is?”
you were about to protest and stop him from trying to dig the information that you nearly disclosed, but he interrupts you again.
“y’know what? don’t tell me. i’ll guess. i’ll just watch your reactions while i’m at it.”
you grit your teeth and tighten your temples. you don’t realise how sweaty your palms were until your phone slides out from underneath your skin when the car starts to move. 
“is it kevin? no wait-- doesn’t feel like it.”
is he going to just start talking on his own until he finds someone he thinks suits her and then look at my face to read my expression?
“i don’t think she’s the kind to go for someone older than me or my age. so that takes sangyeon, jacob, younghoon-- is it younghoon? no, it’s not... ah, no matter how i think about it, someone nearer your age pops up. haknyeon, sunwoo, eric. it’s one of the three.”
that wasn’t so hard. hee jae must be easy for her brother to read.
“are you really going to let me play this elimination game alone?” he raises a brow and turns the wheel, driving into the car park of the shopping mall. the little gesture causes your heart to involuntarily skip a beat, and you could see his eyes folding even behind the sunglasses when he turns his head.
“your sister would kill me if she knew i even started this conversation, so i’m just refraining from deepening my grave.”
you hear him laugh through his nose. “relax, i’m not going to tell her you said this. i’ve seen the way she looks at us whenever we’re in school. she gives me a look of disgust but she always reserves a blush on her cheeks for someone. i just can’t put my finger on who it is.”
“you mean you notice the way she looks at you and your friends? that’s a little weird.”
the car starts to reverse into a parking lot and he pulls the gears into parking mode. there was a short silence in the air as he lays his finger on the start up button of the car and he turns to look at you, now without the sunglasses to block your view of his eyes.
“you’d be surprised that i notice a lot of things.”
he flashes you a smile and reaches for the door on his side, pushing himself out as if he didn’t just expose both you and your best friend. 
you were just tailing hyunjae while he told you what was on the grocery list, and you start filling the basket. he doesn’t stop guessing though, but the entire time spent with him only made you feel like he was so comfortable to be around.
besides his pretty face, of course. 
you were waiting for him to pay for the items while you stood outside when heejae’s caller ID showed up on your phone screen.
“where the hell are you?”
“hello to you too,” you roll your eyes. “your brother said he was going to get me and now we’re shopping for groceries before we return to your place. didn’t your mom tell you?”
“what? no, she didn’t. she just told me he went out to get groceries.”
“huh?” you look over your shoulder to see hyunjae paying the cashier. “are you saying that your mom lied about me?”
“now, why would she do that?”
“she’s your mom, not mine. why don’t you ask her instead?” 
hyunjae picks up the grocery bags and walks towards you, looking into them and making sure he didn’t miss out anything. 
“this is so fucking weird. where’s hyunjae? pass the phone to him,”
“we’re done, let’s go.” hyunjae stops by your side, noticing that you were on the phone. 
“don’t you dare hang up on me, pass the phone to him!” hee jae screams into the receiver. you wince and pull it away from your ear, shooting hyunjae a look of slight confusion as you hand him the phone. 
“it’s your sister.”
he sighs and places the bags on the floor, wiping his hands on his pants before taking it. 
you could hear hee jae screaming at him on the other end, but hyunjae’s face doesn’t change one bit besides that sweet smile plastered to his lips while he let his sister berate him. hyunjae got bored extremely quickly, and he was already removing the phone from his ear while he repeated the word ‘bye’ into the receiver. 
he hands the phone back to you and hangs it up for you, picking up the bags and heading back to the car. 
by the time you reach the road right outside their house, heejae was standing on the porch, anxiously tapping her foot on the wooden boards. 
“oh, no,” he groans, looking out the window and observing heejae like she was a lion in the savannah. “well, just another day for us people who have to deal with miss lee.”
he says so coyly, pushing himself out of the car and going to open the door of the backseat. you help yourself out, and heejae storms toward you, fists balled by her side and steam coming out through her ears.
you thought she was going to scream at you for accepting a ride from hyunjae, but she dodges you and opens the backseat door opposite hyunjae to yell at him in the car. 
“what made you think it was a great idea to pick her up? didn’t we have a deal that both our friends were out of bounds to each other?”
wait what--
“yah, lee hyunjae!” she yells at the top of her voice as he ignores her, pulling out of the car and walking towards the house. “we had a deeeeeaaaaaaal!” 
you grab onto heejae and turn her around, trying to peel her attention away from her brother and to you so you could get a grasp on what she just said.
“did you just say what i think you just said?!” you blink in surprise at her, and the thought of hyunjae finding an excuse just to spend time with you melts you into a puddle of hopeless goop. 
“no,” she says with a stern face, lifting a finger and pointing at you in the face. “no.”
“well--” she yanks herself out of your grip and turns to the house. “what’s so bad about dating your siblings’ friends? you like eric.”
she literally screeches to a stop and turns around with eyes that were burning. honestly, it was pretty funny to see her so riled up, knowing that she wasn’t angry at you. she was angry with hyunjae for... whatever he did, and the fact that she just had to fall for someone in hyunjae’s circle of friends. it was a slap in her face, or whoever thought about the no-dating-siblings’-friends pact.
“is that why you don’t want to talk to eric? because of this... deal?” you raise a brow, entertained, completely forgetting that there was the slightest chance that hyunjae might’ve been looking for an excuse to hang out with you, and he had just succeeded.
she had no words, but her silence was enough to let you unpack the situation.
“ah... i see,” you fold your arms across your chest and smirk at her. then you remember you were standing right outside lee hyunjae’s house. this was your chance to dig the information out from her. “so if this deal is stopping you from talking to eric, then is it safe to assume that it’s similar for hyunjae?”
you could see her bottom lip quivering upon your question, as she realises that you’ve finally found out why she was keeping a distance from her own teammate. but her silence also pushes you further into confusion. does that mean--
“look, you can’t date hyunjae, okay? i forbid it. the last time a girl dated someone in that group of friends of his, they broke up because she got bullied by other girls in school. i told hyunjae he wasn’t allowed to date any of my friends so i wouldn’t need to beat the fuck out of any bullies and get myself expelled,” she huffed and hugged her torso. “and i made him agree to that deal by promising him that neither i nor any of my friends would date his.”
you shake your head, fingers pressing into your temples and hair while you let the story unfold from her narration. 
“my mom didn’t tell me about him going to get you because... well... he--”
“i like you!”
your heart stops and you think your blood stopped flowing through you as well. heejae’s head snaps back to look at the house and the source of noise, and she pulls out a shoe to hurl it at hyunjae. 
“ah--!” he starts yelling once she reaches him with the shoe. “let me at least try, god damn it! sunwoo only let his girlfriend get bullied because he’s a dumbass-- ow! but i’m not gonna let her get bullied, i promise!”
you slowly turn your head to see hyunjae trying to dodge every hit, and he starts running away from her and toward you. he pulls you in front of him so you were standing between him and heejae, who was holding onto the shoe so tightly, her knuckles were turning white. 
“y/n, take a chance with me, would you? i’ve always noticed the both of you looking at us but it always bothered me that i have no idea who either of you are looking at--”
he dodges a side swing, and your view of heejae trying to reach him was pretty hilarious, if you weren’t acting as his shield. 
“what makes you think she’ll say yes?! she can’t even choose--”
“i do, heejae,” finally, you’ve decided to shoot your shot. heejae freezes with the shoe in mid-air, and hyunjae’s hold on your shoulders tighten. “i’ve only said i can’t choose only because i didn’t want you to know that it was your brother i liked.”
you couldn’t believe what was coming out of your mouth. all that effort to keep it hidden only to expose yourself infront of both heejae and her brother at once?!
she looked like she wanted to slap you with the shoe now, and you flinch when she shifts, closing your eyes to brace for impact. 
but it doesn’t come. 
you open one eye and look at her, and she looked like she’s completely resigned to fate. she shakes her head like your mother would when you did something stupid, and she squats to get her shoe back on her feet. 
“i give up,” she grunts, shoving her feet into her shoe and tying the laces messily before standing up again. “of all eleven of them, him?” she raises an agitated brow and points to the boy hiding behind you. 
“it wouldn’t have been so annoying if it had been one of his friends, but him?!” 
you turn back to look at hyunjae, who was giving you puppy eyes as if he was already your boyf--
too fast. 
“does it look like i chose to like him?” you pout, hands reaching out to her and trying to play for affection. 
“for fucks’ sake,” she groans, face palming herself. “now i’m going to look like a shitty friend and sister if i don’t let you two date.”
“on the bright side..” you pull her into a hug and tighten your hold, knowing that whatever you were going to say next was going to warrant another violent outburst from her. “if hyunjae and i date, that means the deal’s broken and...”
“you can talk to eric now.”
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emilykinncy · 4 years
Normily My Caffeine Withdrawal Podcast episode (transcript of certain parts)
EK intro: I first met Norman Reedus working on The Walking Dead of course. Over the course of my four seasons on our show, I got to know Norman better and better and we became good friends. And in a sort of interesting parallel, our characters storylines also became more intertwined within the show. Norman is so special, he seems to have endless amounts of creative energy that I find incredibly inspiring. He also has great taste in music and coffee which makes him a perfect guest for this podcast. Welcome back to My Caffeine Withdrawal, I am so incredibly excited to share this episode with all of you today. Norman has so many fans and I know this to be true because everyday someone in my life or someone on social media asks me ‘hey, how was it working with Norman? What is Norman Reedus like?’ Well, now today you guys are going to get to know Norman in the same way that I know Norman! We talk about how Norman got into acting and when and why he moved to California, as well as what his life was like as an artist first starting out in Los Angeles. We talk about a book he’s been writing! And he tells a lot of great stories! But first, Norman explained his current coffee setup situation and how he’s currently weathering the quarantine from Costa Rica. 
This gets long so putting it behind a cut!
I put a timestamp of where each segment starts at the end of them! 
NR: Hi Emily!
EK: Hi!
NR: I just set this up cause I’ve been listening to your podcast which I really like and I know it’s heavy on the coffee so I brought my coffee setup down the mountain in my backpack on the motorcycle and this is my coffee jam here (I’m not 100% sure of the last 2 words) so, this is what I do. You ready?
EK: Yes!
*NR shows her & describes his coffee process*
EK: What was the thing um, on Instagram, you posted this picture of a hummingbird, that was crazy! What made you post that?
NR: It’s this person that I’ve become friends with, they only try to post positive things…*he explains more about the person & post* (starts at 6:08)
EK: You wanna hear something kind of crazy about the hummingbird thing? I don’t know if you know this about me but I’ve definitely gotten more like spiritual…but like *Emily giggle* this is gonna sound crazy and I don’t even usually talk about this stuff, but I sort of have this sign of when I’m like guided where I’m supposed to go, and my sign has been a hummingbird. And you had text me and I randomly looked at your Instagram and saw—
NR: Wow
EK: —It definitely was like one of those where like ‘go there’, maybe it was just if there is a god or whatever just being like ‘oh nice, connect with your friend, you know, like connect with Norman…’
NR: I actually believe all that. When I texted you I was having breakfast at this place by the beach, the lady that makes the honey, by her place. And I was listening to your podcast with Lennie. And I had already heard Lauren’s and I was listening to Lennie’s, and at the end of it you were like ‘you know what I hope during Covid everyone can reach out to a friend’ and I was like ‘I’m just gonna text her’ so I texted you at that moment. I have the same thing with a bird like my dad, before my dad died he was always talking about cardinals, those red cardinals. So everytime I see a cardinal I think the same thing. And then the night before, Danai called me out of nowhere. I hadn’t spoken to Danai in forever. And she’s like ’what are you doing?’ and I’m like ‘I’m sitting on my patio with all the lights off…’ and there was a meteor shower, it was called like the Gideon meteor shower, this huge meteor shower that happened. And I saw 21 shooting stars before I went to bed. I pay attention to all that shit—
EK: Yeah
NR: 21! And I was like talking to her I’m like ‘there’s 11! There’s 12!’ and it just kept going. I believe all that stuff.
EK: I grew up Catholic so I kind of, like…religion in general felt sort of overwhelming even though prayer and stuff like that came naturally to me and then just over like the last like 5 or 6 years or so I’ve like really embraced it where I’m sort of like ‘yep, I think these things are happening, I have little signs that tell me like where to go…’. I guess I don’t really talk about it with people much but it’s just, like I read about it and stuff. Yeah.
NR: I believe it, I believe all of them. I’m not really religious but I believe all those signs all the time. I see little signs in everything, yeah.
EK: Yeah! (starts at 9:38) 
EK: That sounds like you’ve had a very productive quarantine, or whatever this corona-pocalypse quarantine time.
NR: I’m not good with sitting still, you know what I mean, so I’m always doing something.
EK: Yeah! Yeah. I mean that’s one thing, when I was thinking about—when I was around you more working on the show, was that you were always…like you know sitting down to dinner and then like noticing this saltshaker and this fork should be next to each other in a certain way and then you can take a picture. You know what I mean, like I remember that about you like always making something, I guess. Or looking for the art in it or the picture. Or, you know, which um—
NR: it’s ADD or something I dunno what…
EK: I admired it because I feel like I can be so slow. Like, I love making stuff but I can sort of like piece it together over weeks  and then I finally do—like in my head somehow, like I’m more of like a turtle! You know just like—
NR: Yeah but you make music! I mean, we all wish we could write songs and perform songs. You know, you make music. We all wish we were musicians, you know what I’m saying, so. (starts at 18:18)
EK: I remember you telling me a story of how you got an agent by like going to a party and then someone said ‘do you want to be in a play?’ and then you were the understudy and then the guy just happened to have to call out so then you were in the play, you didn’t have to be the understudy and then an agent—and that’s how it all started with acting, um, *laughs* did I just tell your story for you?!
NR: You’re right. No, no you’re exactly right. That’s exactly what happened. (starts at 26:08)
NR: I actually made an album, a music album
EK: You did?!
NR: Yeah
EK: Oh, that’s—you wrote all the songs and stuff? Or did you—
NR: I didn’t write any of it. And I didn’t really sing it, it’s more of a spoken word thing
EK: Yeah!
NR *tells story about how this came about, which involves an igloo*
EK: Wait, why were you in an igloo in Switzerland?! *laughs*
NR *tells more of the story…it’s long ok I don’t wanna transcribe it sdhfhsfh*
EK: Yeah I wanna hear your album! I mean…
NR: It’s out—
EK: It is?!
NR: It played…it did pretty well in France, it was on the radio and shit
EK: Yeah, will you email it to me or something, so I can…
NR: I will. Yeah yeah.
EK: I also wanted to make sure today to get some of your music picks because I remember back when we were on the show you always gave me the best music, like stuff that I hadn’t heard. I don’t know if if it’s just like because of your friends in New York or like maybe you’re a little bit older than me so you know different bands than I do. But, I remember like Dinosaur Jr., you like introducing me to Dinosaur Jr. Like I didn’t really know Dinosaur Jr. before you
NR: That’s crazy that you don’t know Dinosaur Jr. then (? I really can’t tell for sure that last word he says)
EK: I know! I think I might have pretended that I kind of I knew but like you introduced me for sure and I like totally dove in. But yeah during this quarantine, what have you been listening to?
NR: *lists some bands* Sean Lennon’s band that he made with Les Claypool is really good. He was on Ride with me.
EK: Oh, he was?! I’ve only see—I haven’t seen all the episodes of that, I’ve only seen, um, a few of them (adsdfdjf don’t lie Emily it’s probably actually 0 but we all understand babe) (starts at 35:10)
EK: It was so fun to talk to you today
NR: Yeah I miss you! I miss you, it’s good to see you and hear you.
EK: I miss you too, I’m going to check out that sock method…although I think it’s just pour over it’s just with a special…reusable—
NR: Yeah, a dirty sock
EK: Yeah, but something about it, yeah….*both laugh* Thank you for being on here, it feels so good to like chat with you
NR: Yeah, I miss you it’s good to hear your voice
EK: I miss you too, yeah. *she starts talking about twd & the connection with everyone etc* (starts at 41:36)
NR: *after he mentions everyone from the cast he’s still in touch with* You get these friendships with people and it becomes a big part of your life, your friends on the show, so. I’m glad I’m talking to you
EK: Yeah, I’m glad I’m talking to you too. (starts at 44:03)
From Emily’s end blurb: I hope you guys enjoyed Norman and I’s little catch up call over Zoom, I hope that you learned something new about Norman you didn’t know before. You know, Norman and I really hadn’t connected much over the last couple years (we all know this Emily and we pretty much all know why lol) we’ve just been on sort of different paths (yeah, that’s a way to put it I guess haha) but again and again I’m finding that one of the blessings of this time, being stuck at home, is remembering and reconnecting with people I care about and people that care about me. Maybe you have a friend you used to work with that you haven’t caught up with for a while and now you’ll feel inspired to send them a little text saying hello.
(How do they literally have chemistry on a *podcast* okay bye I’m going to go fly into the sun now)
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ravens-rambling · 6 years
It’s time Thomas stops running
A/N: Hey so I got inspired randomly and wrote this. I’m not even sure if this is cannonly how it went down in the au but I was thinking of Spiderverse’s Peter and how he was scared to have kids with MJ, so he ran. Again not sure if this is something Thomas would actually do or not but idk. Also, I just realized this is my first fic with the perspective of Thomas! Would you look at that! Hopefully, I got MJ’s character right XD 
Spiderverse Au belongs to @sugarglider9603 and @ask-spiderverse-virgil
summary: Thomas ran. He's run before and now he’s doing it again. He can’t help it, but last time...last time it ended a friendship. A relationship. And now he’s worried that once again he’ll ruin it. Can one of his sons calm him down enough to face his fears? Or will he run until he can’t run anymore... and find that once again he is alone? 
WC: 2,49
ships: uuhhh idk what the ship name for Thomas and MJ is so yeah, Platonic LAMP, mentions of RED 
warnings: Crying, hurt/comfort, mentions of anxiety attacks, mentions of breakup, 
Tag List: @punsterterry @frostedlover @stormcrawler75 @mutechild @mycatshuman @panicattheeverywhere15 @thewinterbookqueen @analogical-mess   @saddestlittlebabe
Oh, he screwed up, he screwed up badly. Now he’s screwed up a lot of things in his life. Let’s…not go down that gigantic list. The point is right here, right now, he messed up. And he’s not sure if he can fix it this time.
It’s been an issue for a while now if he had to be honest. It’s why his previous boyfriend broke up with him really. But recently it was brought up again and he’s not ready to face it yet again. He’s just not. Sure he has more of a support group going for him this time. But that just means there is more on the line.
More to be scared about. More to worry.
What is the thing he’s oh so worried about?
MJ wants to have a kid.
Now, now, he knows what you’re thinking. Oh, won’t that be good? That would mean taking it to the next step right? MJ loves you that much that he wants to share the love you two have.
That’s not the point.
The point is…is that he’s Spiderman. He’s a hero.
Which means he has a lot of villains that would love to hurt him and anybody he cares about. Also…hes not sure he’s ready for that.
If he had to be honest with himself…he's scared. Scared that he won’t make a good father. Scared that he screwed it up and hurts the kid or MJ, even more than he has right now of course. Scared that this kid would be dragged into his problems. Scared for so so many things.
He’s not sure he can take that on.
Now, of course, he does have well, sort of, four kids now. But he’s trained them well they know how to handle themselves if push comes to shove. But this kid? This kid would be defenseless. This kid won’t know anything about defending itself. MJ, on the other hand, …well he’s MJ he knows full well how to take care of himself. But would he be able to defend their kid if something happens and he can’t get there in time?
He’s not sure…
Now he is not doubting MJ at all. He is strong. Stronger than Thomas could ever dream of being. He has dealt with so much over his life that it puts Thomas’s life to shame. That’s not his worry his worry is the fact that his enemies are supervillains which means they have powers.
No matter how strong MJ is he isn’t superpowered strong.
And heaven forbid if something happens to MJ and their kid? Oh… He doesn’t know if he can take it. It would crush him. Worse than losing the kiddos. Worse than losing himself. He just…can't do that. He can’t risk that.
So what did he do? He ran.
Just like the last time this happened. He ran with his tail between his legs and didn’t look back.
Go on you can say it, he knows it, he’s a coward. A coward that is too scared to face the music. A coward who always runs. A coward who can’t even face his emotions. All he does is run. Run from bad guys. Run from love. Run from a slim chance at a happy life for him. Run from a family.
The last guy he was with…didn’t like that. He didn’t like that he ran and kept running. No… He got tired eventually and kissed their relationship goodbye.
That’s what’s gonna happen with the two right? MJ will realize he is tired of running after him, tired of making sacrifices for a guy that’s not worth the trouble, and finally, move on. Maybe it’s for the best… Maybe…this love thing won’t work out, in the end, no matter what he does…
Yeah… Maybe not…
Thomas glanced down to his phone with another sigh, the same ringtone he has for MJ filling the night air. He breathed out as he ran a hand through his hair and looked back out to the city lights, ignoring it.
Eventually, he’ll get tired of chasing after him…
“There you are.”
With dark, tired, almost teary eyes he looked over his shoulder to see the familiar figure of a white dressed teen with his hoodie up… Virgil…
Maybe he’ll get tired of him eventually too, right?
Maybe he’ll realize he isn’t such a good mentor or dad figure… Maybe they all will realize that someday. Cause that’s what he is… A disappointment.
“Dude? Dude, Earth to Thomas.”
Thomas jumped as he blinked and suddenly Virgil was a lot closer than before but he still kept his distance, thankfully. Slowly Virgil smiled and walked closer to him, and even more slowly took a seat beside him his feet dangling off the edge.
And with that, he took off his mask letting the hood fall down and looked over to Thomas with a small smile his hair all over the place and a worried look in his dark brown eyes, “What’s up, dad? MJ is pretty worried after you stormed off. Well, actually that’s an understatement more like frantically calling between all our phones and yelling our ears off when we pick up.”
His heart pricked with worry and anger at himself at hearing how frantic MJ is. He’s never like that even when he isn’t home after a few nights…
Yeah… A runner…
“It’s just…” He sighed and looked back towards the city breathing in and out. Virgil was silent as he gathered up his thoughts. Thankfully he didn’t look at him as he did so simply looking out at the city as well. They sat there for a few minutes enjoying the silence. Until Thomas broke it again.
“You know I love you guys right?”
“Yeah? Like kids yes we know.”
“Do… Do you know why I broke it off with my last boyfriend?”
“He wasn’t good enough for you?”
“No… No that wasn’t it… Not at all…”
He took a shaky breath. Guess he’ll have to actually say it. He’s never really talked about this, not to a single soul…
“The reason was…he wanted to have kids… A-And I got scared. I got scared cause I knew the risks and I wasn’t ready. I’m still not…”
“And MJ wanted that? To have kids?”
“Yeah… That’s what he wanted to talk about. He thought we could adopt. Even showed me some pictures of these cute kids from that nice orphanage but it just… I’m still not ready, Virgil. I don’t think I’ll ever be. And that’s not fair for MJ. He deserves better he deserves-”
“Now I’m gonna stop you right there, dad.”
The serious tone of the teen made Thomas whip towards him. He’s never heard Virgil this serious before. And oh boy the spark that went through the kid's eyes. Yep, he’s deadly serious.
“First off, self-deprecation is my thing. Don’t go stealing my thing. Second off, this is MJ. He will understand more than you know trust me, okay? He’s not like the last guy. If you are serious about never wanting kids MJ will never leave you just for that, you got it? MJ isn’t like that and never will be. Third off, who says you won’t be a good dad? I mean you have four teens right? And yes,” He cut off Thomas as he opened his mouth, “with you being a superhero and everything there are even more risks. But honestly… Thomas,” His eyes grew teary at this one and he breathed out.
“You are the best dad anybody can ask for. You are the best boyfriend anybody can ask for. Most importantly,” He paused at this and smiled reaching forward to touch Thomas’s leg, “You are the best friend anybody could ask for.”
Oh… Oh dear…
Before Thomas could even help it or realize what he was doing he started crying hard. Tears tore down his cheeks. And before he could stop himself he lunged at Virgil his arms wrapping around the thin male as he sobbed harshly.
“There, there dad. It’s gonna be alright. Oh and I forgot to mention, this kid, they won’t have just you and MJ protecting them. They will have all four of us, I’m sure even Dolion, Remy, and Emile, will be on their asses if they so much as touch your kid. Understand?”
That made Thomas cry even harder. All his fears all his worries Virgil just presented on the table and he cleared through every one of them. He didn’t know where his son got so intelligent but oh boy was it something. Even he was impressed…
Yeah… He was impressed with his son.
They spent what felt like hours up on that tall building the background of the city and his cries the only thing that filled the air. Virgil holding him the entire time even rocking them gently and playing with Thomas' hair to ground him… Just like what he does during one of Virgil’s attacks…
Until finally his sobs quieted down until it was just hiccups. Very slowly he started breathing back to his normal self again.
“You okay there?”
“Y-Yeah… Sorry for crying on you.”
“Hey, 'tis payback for all the times I’ve cried on you. So we’re good now.”
Thomas chuckled as he drew away from their hug grimacing as he saw all the tears and snot on Virgil’s outfit, “Sorry about that. I’ll do the laundry this time.”
Virgil looked down and chuckled waving his hand, “No, it’s fine dad. I’m serious. Also, your laundry detergent isn’t very good anyways. I’ll take at least three loads to get this out if I leave it to you.”
“Yep… Sounds about right,” He laughed as he wiped his eyes then sighed again.
“Thank you, Virge… For all of that… It meant a lot to me.”
“Yeah, sure whatever. Don’t tell Roman I got all sentimental I’ll never hear the end of it. Now,” He put back on his mask as he stood up. Thomas glanced up to see him extending a hand and though he couldn’t see his lips he could tell he was smiling.
With his own smile, he took it and stood up.
“You have a boyfriend to talk to,” And with that, he did his signature two-fingered wave and ran off the side of the building. Thomas watched as he slingshotted through the night air.
He supposes he does…
With new found energy in his eyes, he put on his mask and started making his way towards MJ's place. Though before he does he's got to make one detour…
Once he got to his door he breathed out a nervous breath. Would MJ be angry at him for just leaving quickly like that? Would he forgive him for just bailing? Oh, maybe this was a mistake… Maybe-
The door opened and his heart skipped a beat as he saw the familiar orange curls and his freckled face, though his heart stopped for a completely other reason when he saw the tear stains going down that same freckled cheeks.
“Thomas! Oh god. I was so worried,” And before Thomas could even take a breath again he was practically tackled to the floor in a hug and his eyes pricked with tears once again, “Don’t ever do that again! I thought you were mad at me! Or worse that you got hurt somewhere since you weren’t answering any of our calls. Oh god were you hurt? Please tell me you weren’t hurt. Oh god-”
“MJ. MJ, I’m fine I promise,” Thomas chuckled.
“Good… Okay… You don’t look like your injured… Yeah…” Now he was backing up from the hug tears still coming down. Then he huffed and smacked his arm playfully and gently.
“Ow! What was that for?”
“For making me worry you selfish little prick! I thought you were angry at me and never coming back. God… Thomas, I thought I would never see you again…”
And if that didn’t break Thomas' heart he didn’t know what would. He felt like his heart was bleeding as he gulped.
“Well… Virgil helped me… And… We have something to discuss… Well, a lot of things but first…” He showed the huge flower bouquet that was hidden behind his back, it was covered with different colors of roses. All the colors of the rainbow. He smiled as he waited for the others reaction as he mumbled, “This is for making you worried. I’m sorry.”
MJ gasped loudly and started crying even harder which caused Thomas to suddenly get worried all over again.
“No, wait! You're not supposed to cry! Why are you crying? Do you not like it? I can return it! I just thought-”
“Shut up you gay disaster and kiss me.”
“Wait what-”
Before he could finish his sentence lips smacked against his with a loud thud noise. Thomas slowly closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around MJs waist. They leaned into each other as the kiss ticked by. And slowly all the tension and nervousness that engulfed Thomas bones just a moment ago evaporated just like that. MJ wasn’t mad with him.
He came chasing after him…
And just as soon as the kiss started it ended and they both looked at each other their eyes sparkling with energy for each other. And they smiled and giggled.
“Okay, pretty boy get inside so we can talk and so I can put these roses in a vase. I’m sure the neighbors would love to hear more of our little conversation.”
“Yeah… That sounds lovely.”
With that MJ took Thomas free hand and led him inside. They certainly did have a lot to talk about, but Thomas wasn’t as scared or worried about it as before. He felt a certain calm through his body as he stepped into the house and closed the door.
Yeah...He's not running again.
“Did he go in?”
“Yes, Roman, he went in.”
“He did? Yay! I was so worried about him.”
“Yes, Pat you won’t shut up about it. Can we please get out of this bush now? Roman, you are on top of me.”
“Oh, hush nerd. You complain too much.”
“Now now boys don’t argue. Yes, Lo-Lo we can leave now.”
“Thank god.”
As the two teens left one grumbling while the other yelled at him the pastel wearing teen paused in his tracks.
“Nice work. I knew you could do it.”
“Thanks, Pat.”
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gammafish · 6 years
Fanfiction writer asks Thank you @saantha and @writerforthetylwythteg ! ^^ <3
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Okay, Caroline first cause you sent this to me like a week ago :’D 1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction? My answer is really similar to yours, I think? I started years and years ago, maybe when I was 15 or 16? But I didn’t even know what fanfiction was lol. But before that I was writing a long looong story, kiiinda origina but also kiiiinda with a character based on an existing character from a show ^^’ I first published an actual ‘proper’ fanfic on AO3 when I was 19.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why? Surprise surprise, but my I love writing ‘dark’, tortured, angsty, and tormented characters, wow, who would have thought xD I wrote for a few fandoms and I guess I have a favourite in each? In SNK it’s Levi, in X-Men it was Charles, in BBC Sherlock it’s Moriarty, and in Black Butler it’s... well, both Ciel and Sebastian. But I’d say that out of all of those, at least recently, I’ve been enjoying writing Sebastian; I wrote over 25k words of a series recently entirely from his POV, as you know, and it was fantastic to write, that fic is my little baby, my little pride and joy :’D I remember you saying that the fic read like something I was born to write, and that that demon was my perfect muse and my dude, it sounds so right XD
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why? Hmmmmmmmmmmm no one comes to mind, really? Logically progressing from the previous question, I’m not the biggest fan of writing overly-happy, bubbly characters XD But I don’t think I have one I actually dislike. If I really hate a character, I probably won’t include them in my fic, or as little as possible.
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx?  (Guide Dog) Whump. I just wanted to write lots of whump xD And fear, and abuse, and recovery from these; describing the slow mental process of a character progressing from being scared of their own shadow to - through someone else’s kindness and patience - learn how to function again. I’ve wanted to try this for years and years, it’s been brewing in my head for so long, and I had so many plans and drafts, but somehow it just never took off until I came across SNK, and Eren’s story. And then of course it got a bit political, but honestly I’m kind of glad it took that kind of turn, I think it made it a more meaningful story than just an attempt at a feels-fest XD
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire? Well, you know I obviously like your works because of how wonderfully fucked up they are, right up my street so :D In the SNK fandom, I love acidtowns who wrote Junkyard Dogs, and also julieofthwatertribe, and I’ve STILL got to read pinkheichou’s massive Ereri fic but people love it so I’m sure she’s good too x3 There are tons and tons of fics in that fandom that I love but these are the first few that come to mind. In BBC Sherlock fandom, Mad_Lori wrote this absolutely infamous ‘Alone on Water’ fic which is basically just a rollercoaster of angst and tears, it was amazing. SD_Ryan wrote amazing fics too, with Moran/Moriarty. I had a friend on deviantArt years ago, who wrote really good Rammstein fics too, she even wrote one for me!  And of course, in the SPN fandom, the top of the top of Destiel fics; Twist and Shout by gabriel and standbyme. It’s the highest-rated (in terms of kudos) Destiel fanfic on AO3, and I can absolutely understand why. The angst in this is just indescribable, I wasted like an entire tissue roll on my tears. And then there were two fics; ‘To high places by narrow roads’ by Fossarian, and ‘Carry On’, by TamrynEradani. I don’t remember the first one too well, but it had lots of angst and issues of slavery like in Guide Dog, so I loved it lots, but the second one, ohhh the second one. The writer described a dom/sub relationship in the most perfect, wholesome, realistic way I ever saw written anywhere. I need to reread it soon now actually, because it’s a feast for the soul, I’m not even kidding XD And then finally, Black Butler fandom; chromehoplite, gxlden both write awesome stuff (and they collaborate a lot too and the results are aMAZING and they grace this fandom with sooo much content :’3) Severus_Divides_into_H is also writing a fantastic multi-chaptered fic which is so beautifully sad, dark and gothic and full of feels, honestly you can clearly see I have a type, when it comes to fics :’D
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten? I couldn’t choose a single one, I’m flattered whenever I get any kind of compliment :’) But I live and breathe for the moments when people tell me that my fic made them cry. And honestly you gave me some of the best compliments lol, I wanted to launch myself into space when you said that Ciel’s death from my fic affected you and that you randomly found yourself thinking of that scene the next day, because you’re not even in the fandom T__T <3 And I wanted to do the same thing when a few people told me before they would buy a physical copy of Guide Dog, like, people would pay money for what I wrote?? How possible, nat.exe has crashed, reboot now. And hahah, recently when I comment on some Black Butler fics, once or twice I got a response that the author was glad to get a comment from me because they read my fic and they liked it, and that just blows my mind because???? Someone recognised me??? how possible?? Reboot again
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about? Uuuuuum I think it was actually a Rammstein fic, based on the ‘Ich Will’ music video. Angst and death all around ;-; But again, at that stage I didn’t really know what fanfiction was lol. 
Bahaha I hope you enjoyed your novel, my GOD that took me so long XD
And hóhóhó Jázu thank you for asking too ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉) <3
8) Where do you take your inspiration from? Uuuuugh that’s a tough one. Maybe overall just some messed up movies or books or other fics, and when I’m actually writing, it’s usually some dark or sad gothic music, or whatever else fits lol ^^ But I don’t write THAT much, so I don’t need a constant IV with inspiration, I suppose ^^’
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them? Yeeeeesss ^^’‘‘ Guilty as charged lol. I have at least one abandoned WIP in the BBC Sherlock fandom, X-men fandom, and supernatural fandom (in the last one, I remember it was some heavy angst - what a surprise - destiel wip that I actually tried to find a few days ago, but couldn’t which made me very sad lol cause I wanted to read over it :( ). I guess I abandoned them because there was no solid plot, and I only started writing them because I wanted to write some quick whump, or some feels, but didn’t have the determination to write a whole story around it XD
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story? ABSOLUTELY, with the amount of angst I try to squeeze in everywhere, I take it as a personal offense and lack of skills if I can’t make at least * myself * cry x’D Although, I’m writing this long multichaptered fic for Attack on Titan that I think I mentioned to you, and its close to 200k words, and there’s lots of angst, but it hasn’t made me cry as much as writing this other for, Black Butler, which is only 24k words. I cried for at least half of it lol, maybe because it’s much closer to canon, and the canon itself is so tragic and has me upset whenever I think about it ;__;
HOH ALRIGHT that’s me done, I think this actually took me around an hour to do XD But thank you guys, that was fun :3c <3
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nialler-imagines21 · 7 years
So Long - Niall Imagine
Hey guys! I think I am finally back with my writing! Niall performed his first concert of the Flicker world tour last night and he sang a song which didn’t make it on the album. I am so in love with this song and honestly it deserved better. I will link the performance here, for you to watch, anyway the song inspired this imagine, hope you enjoy xx
You and Niall used to date when you were younger, 17 to be exact. When you first met he just turned 18. Both of you had the best time, sometimes you guys struggled a little when Niall was touring constantly but he was worth the wait. You guys were in love, you couldn’t imagine living without each other and soon you guys hit your 1 year  anniversary. During the whole time you were struggling with some problems at home, which caused some mental health issues but Niall was worth the fight, you wanted to be happy for him and you were with him. Sometimes it got really rough because timezones didn’t make it possible to contact Niall when you needed him but you tried to manage it on your own, which you sadly failed. 
After a year and a half you felt like your problems killed the butterflies in your stomach and everything became such a routine. You felt like you were falling out of love because of all the pain your problems were causing you. It wasn’t fair, Niall tried his best to make you guys work. He somtimes didn’t sleep a whole night just to be there for you and you? You felt like you were slipping away.
Nowadays this was a few years ago, Niall and you eventually broke up and you could tell, it hurt him, a lot. Your were the first one who showed him what it really meant to be in love and it destroyed him to let go of you. 3 whole years you haven’t talked to him. And now that you were grown up yourself and had your own stable life, you missed him. The small cute things he did for you like sending you some flowers randomly or chocolate when you were feeling horrible. By now One Direction seperated and Niall had his own album. You were incredibly proud of him but you could tell that many of the songs were about you. You realized in how much pain he actually was in back then. And you felt so guilty for it, he didn’t deserve to be in so much pain just because you were struggling. He deserved to be loved, by you. 
And then a drunk mistake developed into something incredible. On new years eve you were pretty drunk because you were partying with friends. When it hit midnight you called all your loved ones to wish them a happy new year and before you knew it you called Nialls old number, hoping he wouldn’t have changed it, he didn’t because your call was going through. 
“Hello?” You missed his voice and wow he sounded older but the voice you haven’t heard in years made your heart melt. “Hello?” He obviously deleted your number because he had no idea who was on the phone. 
“Happy new year Niall” 
“Y/N?” he sounded confused. 
“Yep, hi. I don’t really know why I called, maybe I missed you I don’t know, maybe I tried to  call someone else or I don’t know what I am doing in general” he probably could tell that you had a few drinks too much. 
“Are you drunk?” 
“Noooooooo. I need to go, I don’t know where but I have to”
“Y/N? Please stay on the phone until you sobered up a little bit so I know that you are safe.”
Since that night you guys talked every day and became really good friends again. You could feel all your old feelings coming back, the butterflies which died years ago were coming back to life. You haven’t met since the call but you planned on doing so in the next few days, you were scared, scared about developing feelings again, he might not return anymore. 
“Y/N?” you were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t realize Niall standing in front of you. You sat on a bench in hyde park because it was quite a neutral place to meet at. 
“Oh hey” You said, stood up and hugged him, Niall quickly wrapped his arms around you and gosh you missed the feeling of you being in his arms. Your stomach was going crazy which proved that you didn’t fell out of love all these years ago, your thoughts just were consumed by all the hard times in your life. That day you talked until the middle of the night and wow you missed him more than anything. 
The next few weeks Niall was reharsing for his upcoming world tour and you were hanging out with him, listening to him playing his new songs live and to be honest, you felt more than a friend kind of love, you fell for him all over again but you couldn’t tell if his feelings came back again, you were too scared to talk to him about this, if he would tell you that he didn’t feel the same, it would break your heart as much as you broke his years ago. 
“Are you coming to the show tomorrow?” Niall asked you out of the blue.
“Yeah, sure I don’t have any plans” you smiled at him.
Then almost 24 hours later you were standing backstage with Niall listening to the first few seconds of On The Loose and thousands of screaming girls, waiting for him to walk on stage and then he did which made the screaming of the girls increase. You loved every second of the concert, you were so in love and so proud of him. Half way through the set he announced that he would play a song which didn’t make it on the record because he shortly wrote it after but he would have loved it on the album. The fans obviously were going crazy and you were so excited to hear a song, even you haven’t heard before. Niall sat down on the piano and started the first notes of the song.
Looking back, through changes where we started from,
Don’t know about you but I knew it wasnt wrong. 
You know i kept a place for you in my mind,
I know you did the same ‘cause you’re just that kind.
So if you knew all along why did it take so long?
Knew you since we were young, so why did it take so long?
You know you make me feel loved, make me feel like I am home.
So if you knew all along why did it take so long?
Moving on, you and I, started looking back.
Now we’ve got to make up for all the wasted time.
You know I’d never let you just walk on by.
From the day that I met you, I knew you’d be mine.
Yeah, so if you knew all along, why did it take so long?
I know you since we were young, so why did it take so long?
You know you make me feel loved,
make me feel like I am home.
So if you knew all along, why did it take so long?
It just started, it just started, never sure you believed it is true.
It just started, it just started, now we know the truth.
So if you knew all along, why did it take so long?
I know you since we were young, so why did it take so long? 
You know you make me feel loved,
make me feel like I am home. 
So if you knew all along, why did it take so long?
Why did it take so long?
By the end of the song you were a sobbing mess, this song literally answered all your questions. As soon as Niall got off stage, you ran in his direction and jumped in his arms. He caught you surprisingly. 
“Don’t let me go anymore no matter whatever I do” you whispered. 
“I won’t” Niall said smiling. “You make me feel like home” 
“I am so sorry Niall” 
“Don’t be, I luckily got you back” 
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nbhd-daily · 7 years
Jesse Rutherford’s Blonde Ambition
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After seeing success as the lead singer of standout band The Neighbourhood, the 26-year-old So-Cal native decided it was time to try things on his own. &, Rutherford's first solo album, perfectly embodies the personality of the man who was born to be blonde. It's funny, poppy, loose yet precise, and more than anything, honest.
office met with Rutherford at his hotel in New York City a day before his flight back to California to perform in front of a sold out crowd alongside the band that helped him find his voice. Rutherford was open and reflective. He's as transparent as you'd hope any musician would be. He knows the key to success as a musician is being your best and most honest self at all times, all while making great music.
Interview by Khufu Najee
Photos by Mitchell Connell
I want to start off by saying I love the album.
Thank you.
I was in LA with my girlfriend when I first heard it and on that same morning, I actually dyed my hair blonde.
Yo (laughs). That’s sick.
True story.
So cool. It looks great, by the way.
Thank you, man. But that leads me to my first question. "Born To Be Blonde." What was the inspiration for that song? I know you were very specific about starting the album with that song. What went into that thought process?
The general statement just kinda means be whoever you wanna be. It’s just kind of a twist on how to say that or my particular way of saying it. I felt like it was a chance for me to be as stupid and as smart as I am — or as I think I might be — all in one go. I don’t know. It just kind of happened. It was a poem. It was a poem that I wrote while The Neighbourhood was recording our Wiped Out album. It was just a poem. I wrote it one day and or one night. I don’t even remember. I just know it was during that process cause I was blonde at that point and I was really psyched about it. It was just the way it made me feel I guess. Wrote it down. Maybe 75% of it came from that initial poem. The last 25% — the bridge and shit — was written in the studio as I was recording it. But I tried doing it a couple times. It was going to be a Neighbourhood song a long time ago. Nothing ever happened to it.
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It’s very interesting how often I hear a good portion of songs that we hear on someone’s new album are actually old.
Yep. And that comes with age and with time. It’s crazy you say that cause I’ve thought about that a lot recently too and it’s given me a new hope with writing music because I probably have hundreds of songs that are not released and now I know sometimes I can go back in the fucking Rolodex. Oh okay. Wrote it in 2013. It’s 2018. Now they're ready for it. That’s how it goes sometimes.
You have to be ready to let it go.
You have to be on time. You can’t be early in this game. That doesn’t get you anywhere. At least from my experience. I feel like there have been moments where I’ve been like well I did that first and then something else happens and someone else does it. And maybe they did it at a better time. Maybe they had it more refined. Maybe it was better than the version I had. Or the type of song. Or the type of sound. Sometimes you gotta wait for the right time.
The 2014 mixtape with the band. Two features I want to ask about. You had Gerald and Kossisko. Two really good friends of mine.
Oh, you grew up in the bay?
Yeah, man.
So, I’m curious. How did the Bay Area connection come about?
It's always a good answer when they laugh before answering.
Well, Kossisko, 100s at the time, that was through our friend Matthew. Kirk, who has a label now, runs it with Matthew’s partner label.
What’s the label?
Bad Habits.
And Matthew, he’s like my LA homie. He’s like my first LA friend. When I was like 19 trying to rap and putting my shit on the internet, he was the first dude from the city — cause I’m from the suburbs outside the city — he was like the first dude from the city to be like, yo, you’re tight, come hang out with me and my friends. And those friends ended up being 4e, who helped me produce the mixtape and then helping The Neighbourhood do our Wiped Out album. It was a long process. That was, you know, six or seven years ago. It was a while ago. I met Kossisko through him.
He’s a good dude, man.
Yeah, dude. He’s smooth too.
Staying on collaborations, on that same mixtape, you had Danny Seth. And I noticed on this new album, you had MD$, both of whom are big on the music scene in London. How did that connection come about?
Danny was also through Matthew.
Of course he was. Danny lived in LA for a bit, yeah?
Yeah, and Matthew was fucking with him for a minute. I could give you Matthew's number if you want (laughs). He’s in with everyone.
Collabs are important. How did you go about choosing who to work with on this album?
Well, I met Dylan Brady, who produced the majority of the project. I think I was playing a show and Kirk came out. Kirk met with Dylan. I think we were in St. Louis, where Dylan is from and he just walked in and I saw him. I know this may sound very surface but I basically just judged a book by the cover. Like, clothing and how you present yourself, matters. Dylan walked in and he just had this steez that I’d never seen before and I was like there’s something about this guy. Then I ended up hearing his music and it was so ambitious and unique and at the time I was trying to figure out how to find my own lane and find my own sound and do my solo thing. So we got in the studio together, we had a week in Paramount in LA, five days, and we ended up doing seven songs, and about four or five ended up on the record. It was a solid week for sure. He’s a great producer. He can really do anything. He’s unlike anyone I’ve ever seen before. He’s a fucking machine, dude. He’s nonstop. Dylan kinda kicked it off. We started with this sound. I worked with Daytrip a couple times before when they were back in LA and we did a couple records but nothing that was my favorite. They were amazing doing what they do but I wasn’t pleased with what I was doing on the songs.
The mind of a perfectionist, man.
Right? But then they randomly sent me a 30-pack and I was like this is fun. So I went through them, picked ten that I liked, recorded on about four or five really quickly and two of them ended up being on the album. MD$, that was just another random session when they were in LA.
MD$ is fire, dude. That’s good music.
They make really good music.
London, for the most part, is known for Grime Rap. When you think rap in London, you think grime. But what they do isn’t grime. It’s so dope and so different.
Very musical.
Very musical. Absolutely. I really want to meet the dude.
He’s a mystery. You never saw him?
He’s cool. He has a swag to him for sure.
How old were you when you decided on music?
I started playing drums when I was in the eighth grade. High school came around and I met this guy who became my buddy. I grew up in a suburb where it’s like hard core punk kinda shit and I just wanted to be a part of that. But my balls took forever to drop and finally when they did I started singing. Voice is still pretty high so they only dropped so far (laughs). But I would say around 17 is when I took it seriously.
And around that age is when you knew this was what you were going to do with your life?
Yeah. Especially once I stopped doing hard core and started making really bad pop rap. I had to start somewhere though (laughs). I’ve never really thought twice about thinking twice. This is all I’ve ever done. And luckily it’s worked. It’s always felt so good. It’s the only thing I’ve ever felt natural at. I’m not that great at video games. I’m not that great at fucking school, all the cliche shit that everybody says.
Knowing what you know now, what would you tell that younger self?
Don’t get those tattoos on your right arm (laughs). Save that real estate because you’re going to want some other shit some day. Maybe don’t get any of the tattoos so early. But 17 year old me, looking at 26 year old me, with like neck tattoos and shit, would be like "yo this guy is so sick what the fuck.” I know that really surface level but I think the boxes you in. If I’m in the whitely tatted lane, then okay. I did it to myself. Other than that, just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s working.
Are you familiar with the word synesthesia?
It’s basically a condition, although I don’t know why they call it that cause it almost gives it a bad connotation. But, Lorde has it, Frank Ocean, few other artists. Basically, you can taste, smell, see colors, in ways other people can’t. It’s amazing.
Me and my team talk about that all time time. We try to relate things to colors when it comes to Neighbourhood music and my own music. We try and connect songs to seasons. Some songs always seem to fit with certain seasons. Day or night. That’s a big one.
Very true. I have music I only listen to at night time. Or when the sun isn’t shining.
That’s the struggle of being asked to play a festival, when you make night music, but they give you the noon slot. How do you like the sun, yo? Yeah, this dark ass song is going to sound great while this bright ass sun is turning my pasty skin bright red.
What color would you say your music is?
I feel like I have to just say rainbow because it has to be the opposite of rainbow because The Neighbourhood has always done the black and white thing. But I don’t know. I really do like yellow. I think yellow is a really cool color. And it doesn’t even have to be bright yellow. Just a nice warm yellow that kinda has some warmth to it.
I’m not going to ask you who your musical inspirations are cause I think that shit is corny as fuck but I am curious where do you draw inspiration from? Are you the kind of dude who has a movie playing on silent in the studio at all times?
No. I’m terrible at watching movies. I need to start watching more. I just started on Apocalypse Now.
Started. Didn’t finish?
Not yet. I’m about half-way through. It's a slow process for me. But inspiration… It’s funny cause I do like Spongebob (laughs) but I feel like a sponge. I just absorb a lot of shit around me. Sometimes I can’t even pinpoint it. It’s just like shit that’s coming at me. Between the different styles and sounds of music that I like and what’s fucking constantly stewing in my head. I just feel like I can do all these different types of music, so I need to do it. And sometimes I fail. And sometimes I think, from what I’ve seen from the internet and from what fans tell me, I think I nail it sometimes. With this project especially, the title alone, just using &. Calling it that left it open to anything. Cause you can’t just have that and nothing else. There has to be something before and something after and you know that. So that alone it’s just like, I’m a sucker for that kind of shit. I just love hooks. I want everything to be a hook. A photo, to a fucking pair of shoes, the title of something, hooks only. I did a book two years ago I called that. It’s a collection of photos I took with my friend, ended up turning it into a book. I’ve always called that book the Bible of Jesse. In that book, there’s no words. All pictures. Just me wearing a whole bunch of shit. It’s all over the place. But that’s how I felt. That’s who I am. I think a lot of people are like that. Especially young people. With the internet how are you just gonna be one thing in this shit?
You have to do everything. It’s the norm now.
You have to. Remember when Drake came out. And he was singing and rapping? People were confused. But now? You can’t not do that (laughs). It’s all that. Which is great. It’s fucking incredible. I feel like now more than ever music is ready for me. You know what I mean? And I’m ready for it. I don’t feel old, I just feel grown enough to just be like, oh yeah I can do all this shit. I’ve been doing this shit for years. It’s just about catching the right moment and knowing what to do. Last time I caught the moment I didn’t know how to hold onto it. I never know how it’s gonna work anymore. I never know what song is going to work. You said you love Barbie and Ken. I was terrified to put the song out because it’s so, so opposite to the character of Jesse Rutherford from The Neighbourhood is known for.
Well, that’s what a solo project should do, innit? Show that other side?
I think so. I hope so.
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