#i’m excited don’t get me wrong like yay my friends are back and animated but toh…
h0neywheat · 2 years
love you mp100 but toh has me by the brainworms
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knightofameris · 3 months
ames :D it’s jules🧸!!!
woah!! i’m so glad i caught you in a (un)timely manner :D three months isn’t toooo bad of a wait, right? KWKDWK
you’re right, you never changed your URL—i don’t know what april 2023 me had going on but i am glad i’ve remembered the right one all this time! i don’t use tumblr that much anymore either but i do log on from time to time just to see what’s up!! i’m so glad you’re doing well, it makes me so happy to hear about what you’ve accomplished and what you’re excited about for the future. :)
i am so so so proud of you. i know you have talked about how your home life was never the best and to know that you have made your own life for yourself and are away from such an environment genuinely brings me so so so much joy!! AGHH ames, you deserve it. i hope you know you deserve to feel so accomplished of yourself + proud of yourself, and that i’m proud of you too! and hey, no one ever said you had to stick to one thing in life >:D so yeah if you end up switching career paths, go ahead and do it! i support you no matter what you do!
AHHHH!!! A BOYFRIEND!!!! he sounds so so so cute i hope you two are doing good now!! i love that you two can talk to each other about anything and be comfortable like that :3 and of course of course, a prerequisite for being a bf is to be able to play games and watch anime together >:3 i hope everything goes well for you two no matter what, and that you find happiness <3
i’m glad you’re doing better mentally, hun <3 burnout sucks ass and having no passions for anything definitely sucks the life out of you… but YAY! one piece!! i still…have yet….to get into it….my friends are into it + so is the guy i’m seeing right now KSMDSK should i get into it??? is this a sign?????
thank you for all the sweet words ;D my journey has definitely been a little bit … hm. crazy? than i would have wanted?
(TWs up ahead for unhealthy coping mechanisms, breakdowns, depression, anxiety, anger issues + toxic relationships. if you’re not okay with that it’s completely okay! i’ll put a TLDR at the end of where you don’t have to read too explicit stuff)
it has been an incredibly wild ride for me, even though it’s been only 9 months since i initially sent that ask. i graduated and started college late august and went through probably the absolute worst month and a half of my life; i got broken up with after a 2 year relationship, lost my entire high school friend group including my best friend, almost lost my childhood friend group, dealt with a LOT of mental health issues, and just overall was not having a very good time. to be clear, i was in the wrong in my relationship and i denied it so much of the time until it ended up kicking me in the damn ass. i dealt with a LOT of home issues/past trauma, which impacted my relationships with my pre-college friends + ex, and in the end, my breakup was the straw that broke the camel’s back. my pre-college friends dropped me with no warning and everyone from before turned their backs on me, basically. i spiraled into a depression and since i already struggled with anxiety + anger issues, it was rough, INCREDIBLY rough. it was like you were talking to a wall, almost? i would have breakdowns during the dorms and lashed out and was just coping in an incredibly unhealthy way, to the point where one night i ran off. i ended up having to have what’s called an emergency counseling session at my college with a counselor and the community director, and since then have been going to therapy.
TLDR; because of mental health issues, i lost a lot of people who meant the world to me right as college started (i.e. bf of 2 years and bestfriend). this, along with the adjusting to college life + past trauma, had me seeking therapy early october.
HOWEVER, i am doing so much better now! and i can say this confidently. i started therapy, rekindled my passions in poetry and art, focused on my academics and ended with a 4.0 for the sem, found friends who love and care for me and want to see me grow, enjoyed my first semester + got out of my comfort zone, and currently am romantically involved with someone who means so much to me! it’s been a roller coaster in getting to where i am today and i know i have so much more to work on but i’m so, so, so proud of myself. i also found myself a found family in one of my hs teachers. him and his wife figuratively took me in and care for me as if i am really their child, and i am so incredibly grateful to them for all that they’ve done to support me.
actually, the day i’m sending in this ask is the day before i move back into the dorms! i’ve been home for winter break. it’s been a lil rough again but i am excited to get back to the dorms (less excited for the actual classes…) and see everyone. i start classes monday!
so yeah, that’s about it for me!! i’m not really into haikyuu anymore or even genshin—i still think about the characters from time to time (iwaizumi hajime 27 personal athletic trainer yeahyahyeahyeahyeah) but it’s nothing too serious :P i played honkai star rail for awhile!! however once college started i haven’t really had any time to invest in those kinds to time-consuming games where you have to grind D: but i still do love all the character designs and am actually studying to hopefully be apart of the game design process one day!! so !!! WOOP WOOP !!!
OKAY THATS ACTUALLLYYY IT i swear !! hopefully we will be able to catch up again soon—it’s always nice knowing that the people you crossed paths with in life are doing well :3 thank you so much for everything once again! until next time, darling ames <3
- your lovely 🧸 :)
Okay well, uh, this is like 5 months later ASDJFLKADSJKLDASFALSKDJ I would be totally down to exchange discord if you're comfy! but up to you! I will be trying to check more <3
AWWWW thank you so much jules ;u; that's so sweet of you. Life is so strange as we get older... I know it's just going to get weirder and weirder. A lot like Haikyuu, even when reaching the end of a journey, not only do you feel a bit empty but also... relieved? Because you did it!! But also, the journey, even hard, was fun. I sure miss my friends because a lof of us have big adult jobs now so it's hard to call and text--you're always a bit exhausted at the end of the day. Watching Battle of the Garbage dump really hit me in the feels LMAOOOO. The match was fun for them but they didn't want it to end but in order for it to BE fun was because they knew it had to come to an end TT_TT
Heheh thanks!! I find that a lot of the characters I simp for all have bits and pieces of him so :3
Also, hey, that shit sounds real hard man. Thank you for sharing all of that with me, I hope that in the past 5 months it hasn't been to crazy and you've been enjoying your first year of college! I hope you've found a good therapist and I hope, no I know, you will find friends who will stick with you through thick and thin. And whoever your partner is is lucky to be with you. Honestly, I don't really, and haven't really, have a friend group anymore. Maybe it's because America has the lack of a third place, the lack of walkable cities except during university (if you lived on campus), and a bunch of other things. But we gotta work with what we got and sometimes just having different friends in different parts of your life is okay, you don't always need to bring them all together for that "friend group" because it's just not always like that. And I spend time with my boyfriend's kinda friend group (more like a discord server where anyone who joins will join and it's the same people who do) and yeah I know them and they know me but I also know they would not be good REAL friends. LMAO.
I'm glad you're doing so much better! Therapy is so good and helpful and also props to you for getting a 4.0... that shits hard. And I hope you're enjoying the time with the person you're romantically involved with! heheh. Also that's so sweet of your former HS teacher! Goals, honestly. (On that note, I have a contracted teaching job as a physics HS teacher now WAHOOOOO, I long term-subbed an English class for all of second semester and that shit was hard cus these kids had two teachers quit on them and multiple long term subs lmao so they were pretty disheartened until i stuck it out)
I hope you enjoyed your second semester in the dorms!!!
I get like random spurts of haikyuu obsession... and then it's off. I actually got back into genshin now! LMAO I started playing the main quest, and it just got me hooked. Since it's summer and I already have a job set out I've been relaxing tbh so I started playing again since I got bored... Trying to work out though cus I have no muscle and I should take care of my body LMAOOO
Also valid! I feel like I would try to play games and shit during school as a student but there was always so much to do. Now, I have so much free time heheh.
I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOUR WORK WHEN YOU GO INTO GAME DESIGN OMGGGGG, imagine i play one of your games in the future...
Yes! I totally get it, I'm glad you're doing well, I hope you've been doing well as well ;u;
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golbrockstar · 3 years
So, let’s talk about the Jersey Devil Video
All in all enjoyed the video even though it wasn’t very “eventful” per se, but that didn’t bother me this time around.
I really like how unique this video idea is, I hadn’t heard of this forest before this video and that’s always fun when I never hear about the place before watching the video (makes the lack of research seem less noticeable 😂) The famous places are fun too, don’t get me wrong, but I enjoy going into a video blind.
Paul, the man they talked to at the beginning, was fun! He had a lot of stories and he seems like a pretty chill guy, but I’m glad he didn’t go walking them around the forest or anything that would have kind of taken me out of the video.
No offense to the guides they’ve had in the past few videos but it was nice to watch the video knowing they weren’t being monitored.
Sam and Colby, you’re from Kansas do you not have chiggers there? Or did you just forget about them? They seemed so surprised to hear about chiggers lol
That being said, I’m going to reiterate for like the thousandth time that these boys suck at planning things.
For one thing, none of them were dressed appropriately for camping in the woods lol. You’d think Colby would learn after a few times but he just keeps repeat offending.
And they didn’t try their lighter beforehand??? Or bring any food with them???
Come on Mr. boy scout Brock you’re supposed to be in charge of these things.
Speaking of, when they made Colby get out with all the stuff I died laughing.
And when they were hiking back in the dark, oh my god, none of you thought to check when the sun was going down before you went?
God, Sam and Colby just need to hire me to set reminders on their phones for certain times/things lmao.
SNC: Her 13TH kid, that unlucky number-
Me: That’s a lot of fucking kids omg.
Dude, the forest was so echoey. Like Colby noticed it later but I noticed right away when they were yelling and stuff. Are forests usually echoey? I feel like they’re not...
When they did the ghost story thing I thought that was cool, it added some interesting content to lengthen out the video a bit and was a cool way to give us viewers some new information about the place. But, Sam, my guy, breaks? On a stagecoach?
Also, Colby Brock stop running away from the group while in a haunted forest dude, this is the second time-
And Colby befriends spiders now. That’s fun. Adding him to the long list of animal friends Colby had made over the videos.
Also, I like how that super dramatic clip of Seth running and stuff in the intro/trailer was because of a giant hornet lol. And, honestly, with SnC’s track record with bees that’s very on brand.
I’m not sure that the forest is very haunted, it might be, it’s possible, but I think it’s mostly “folk tales” and stories that make the forest renown.
Sam’s car door shutting was weird (cause I’m pretty sure the video shows him leaving it open), but I mean that could have been breeze or the car shifting in its place causing it to shut. In the dark looking for haunted evidence, though, I can see why you’d point that out as being weird.
Next video looks exciting, but ah...Amanda...again...yay.
In all honestly, though, from the trailer it looks like she takes a pretty good backseat in that video, so here’s hoping for that.
I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, I really am, but she makes it so hard.
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dancer-me · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
@hopeintheashes tagged me (that was pleasantly surprising, so YAY) as well as anyone who wants to play (so if you want do - just do it!!!) 1) How many works do you have on AO3?
I have nine!
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
106,461! I broke 100,000 on AO3 and didn't notice =O
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
For posted fanfiction, I have written for 5 fandoms at this point. Naruto (this was my early days, around 2007 to 2015, with pretty huge gaps inbetwen), Merlin (oops), High Seas (just the one small fic because Netflix had me angsting hard enough to break my hiatus), and of course 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star!
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Express to Nowhere (911 / 911 Lone Star) 2. Giving up Ground (911 / 911 Lone Star) 3. Quarter Life Crisis (911) 4. Pull me Under (911) 5. Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You (911)
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I hesitate to say this about a WIP but I'm pretty sure it's going to be Giving up Ground when it's done. Not that it's going to have a sad ending, but that it's part of a continuous series and I already have the next part planned out and partially started (titled "Overdrawn" for anyone interested) so it will leave things feeling hopeful but open-ended, which can be construed as angsty. But really, all my other stories, while they have angst for the most part, have happy endings because I'm a sucker for it. Chaotic Energy is slow burning itself to the happiest of endings.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Hmm... I think it's Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You! This story was just such a fun blast of drama, hijinks, and hilarity, with our two leads getting their love story at the end of it all :) All my completed works have very happy endings, but this one resonates because there really wasn't any angst at all in the whole thing. Just good fun!
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
The only cross-over I have ever written or been compelled to write in my life has been with 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star, and that's my Chaotic Energy series. I don't know if it's "crazy", though it's turning out to be crazy long, since my original plan for it was 5 separate one-shots and Captain, that ship has long since sailed. We're deep at sea now, SOS. I love what it's become, though, and I hope everyone who reads it is enjoying the journey :)
8) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Weeeeeeeeell. Here's the thing. I wrote m/f smut back in the day, on ff.net and carried my one shots over to AO3 when I made the move. I'm talking way back in the day - those two "E" stories are dated 2015 but I actually originally posted them in 2011 - TEN years ago!! I haven't written smut since (I'm not counting TK and Carlos getting frisky in chapter 2 of Giving up Ground). It's not that I wouldn't, but that I haven't been inspired and with time somehow I have also become ragingly self-conscious over whether I could still do a good job. My smut has always been emotion based though, as I've never been able to truly go PWP. That said, I'm actively open to and considering some m/m smut for my current fandom. Fingers crossed I don't embarrass myself.
9) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do on all my recent work on AO3 (basically my 9-1-1 and lone star fics that I've written since coming out of hiatus).
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not on any of my AO3 work, though I have received hate on my much older work on ff.net to varying degrees of reasonability. So far the AO3 community has been very kind to me! I’ll get some comments where I think readers had hoped I’d go in a different direction, but nothing has ever been too much.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! Imitation is the greatest form of flattery but also no, stop, don’t do that.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, actually! I wrote my first ever published fic for Naruto called “Stand Alone” back between 2007 and 2011 (took a couple years off in the middle there to, you know, finish high school…) that someone asked me if they could translate into Russian. At the time I thought that was super cool, and it still is, but now I look back at that story and I think oof, now we can cringe at it in multiple languages. (more on that later)
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I’m not opposed to it! I’ve seen some excellent fic partnerships and it’s so great seeing writers leverage the creativity and talents of their friends and peers.
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
Y’know, before 9-1-1, it was Merlin x Arthur, but Buck x Eddie have 110% of my heart and attention now.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
On the topic of Merlin… I started writing “The Quest for the Knife” back in 2015 at the peak of my Merlin fixation after painstakingly planning it out. I have pages upon pages of outlines and notes for a 14 chapter adventure… somewhere. I found a piece of it like an archeological dig when I was moving this pandemic season, but the rest seems lost to time. I’m sad because I had gotten so excited about it and loved my first two chapters, but I don’t think I’ll ever finish it. I might take it down so I can stop wallowing in guilt.
16) What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I write good action / adventure scenes and plot lines, because I love painting vivid pictures of what I see playing out in my head whenever I think through my stories. I like to incorporate subtle (and not so subtle) humour as well in my work, which is born from my very active internal narrator voice as I go through my day-to-day and try to find the humour in everything. I also like to make outlines before all my bigger stories too, which ‘usually’ means I avoid cringey plot holes and can make some fun connections.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
*looks at the camera very seriously* writing convincing smut. Well, that, and the kind of emotional, flirty love and fluff that I love devouring in fics. I don’t think I do nearly as good a job there. Get in a character’s head and angst them up? Sure. Wax poetic in a convincing and not jarring way about how much Character A is in love with Character B without making it seem like it was a bit too much of a leap? Debatable.
Also… I tend to require my readers to suspend a lot of disbelief to enjoy my fics with elements of adventure, because I tend to do exactly 5 minutes of Google research for something before I decide I’ve had enough and go ahead.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Here we revisit the cringe of “Stand Alone,” where I tried in the first half (the 2007 portion) to incorporate Japanese since I watched the anime in Japanese and felt this was the best way to try and have the character’s voices come off the page. It… is really just a big ol’ cringe, because I didn’t know the language, and I definitely didn’t use suffixes right at ALL. So… I tend to avoid it personally because I don’t want to cringe at how wrong my use of other languages is.
But if it fits you, your story, fits your character, and you know the language confidently enough to not embarrass yourself? You do you *carefully side steps around discourse and leaves the room*
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I think it has to be “Express to Nowhere” these days. It was wanting to write that fic that pulled me out of hiatus and helped me find joy in writing and sharing my work again, and I have nothing but love for it and how it turned out.
Holy Cow I was warned that this level of introspection was going to take a minute but whew this was a good chunk of time. Fun to do and think about though!
Tagging: @221bsunsettowers, @onelonelytortillachip, @blueeyedbuckley and anyone who sees this and thinks, "hey, I have an answer for these questions." Because I am madly curious and would love to see your take!
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solartranslations · 3 years
AF2 Common 12/28: A Long Night
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Even if they’re somewhere new, what doesn’t change is the time they spend at the bar. …It’s the start of a long night
~*Scene: Nordia Bar*~
Pace: So gooood! I’m so glad Nordia has lasagna too
Debito: Ahh, that hits the sport…Nordia has the best drinks
Luca: I can’t believe you two…a client is coming to meet us soon. Be professional
Debito: What for. I thought this was a friend, not a client
Pace: *eating*…Debito’s right! Wouldn’t she actually get mad if we acted that way?
Luca: Maybe, but…
Felicita: Who is it? A friend of yours, Luca?
Luca: Yes. You met her the other day. It’s Agata
Felicita: Agata is…
Debito: Don’t worry, Bambina. She is strict, but she won’t do anything while over a meal
Pace: Huh? She’s scolded me while I was eating before. Agata’s whip sure is painful
Agata: That was because your behavior required discipline. I don’t raise my hand to others without reason
Pace: Uwah!? Agata, when did you get here? Don’t scare us like that
Debito: Our guest of honor is finally here. You’re late
Luca: Sorry for calling you out here when you’re so busy
Agata: I don’t mind. I wanted to talk with you all too
Agata: It’s been so long since we were all together. Debito, Pace, Luca, have you all been well?
Pace: Of course! You still got your whip, Agata?
Luca: Pace, don’t be rude! That’s no way to greet someone
Debito: You could show us if you wanted. It’s been a while after all
Luca: Debito! I said not to be rude!
Agata: Haha, you really haven’t changed. They sure must be a handful for you, Luca
Luca: Yes, dealing with these two certainly is
Pace: Really? I thought Luca was the handful. Right, Ojou?
Felicita: Um…
Debito: Yeah, Bambina’s definitely had it the hardest. You tell her how much of an airhead your attendant is
Luca: Are you trying to say that my head is filled with nothing but air?
Luca: It’s not true. I think a lot about Ojou-sama, but not air…
Pace: Same thing, isn’t it?
Debito: Yeah, it is
Luca: It’s not!
Felicita: You all need to settle down…
Agata: You all are causing trouble for your lady. Pay more attention to those around you
Debito: Wow~, nice one, Agata. You haven’t lost your touch at all
Pace: Your whip sure is quick, Agata. …It’s scary though
Felicita: Um…thank you, Madam Governor
Agata: Agata is fine. No need for titles. I regret that we couldn’t talk more the other day
Agata: So I was excited at the chance to talk to you now. There’s no need to be humble, just act as usual
Felicita: Thank you, Agata
~*Scene: Nordia Bar VIP Room*~
Felicita: [There was a room for special guests in the back of the bar]
Felicita: [We were able to talk freely there]
Agata: So tell me, why did you call me here?
Debito: Well we had to say hi to you since we came out to Nordia after all this time. It’s a courtesy, right?
Agata: You’ve got guts to talk about courtesy. There’s more to it, right?
Luca: Ah, it’s nothing too important…we just wanted to see you, that’s all
Agata: —Let me put it this way then. Are you curious about the contract with Vir that I mentioned the other day?—
Pace: Why are you bringing that up? Didn’t you say you couldn’t talk about it?
Agata: I just thought it’d be a dull and pointless topic to end things on
Agata: Anyway, I have things I wanted to ask you too
Agata: If that girl with Vir really did hurt Sumire, then I can’t stay quiet about it either
Agata: It won’t sit right with me until I hear the whole story
Luca: Agata… you don’t need to worry about Mama
Luca: Though she did suffer some shock and will need to recover with rest
Felicita: We don’t know why Mama got hurt. But…I don’t think Neve is the kind of person who would do that
Agata: Right, Neve. I know of her too
Agata: Sumire is like a little sister to me. I understand why you’d blame Vir, and I have no intention of sticking up for him
Agata: But for Nordia, Vir is—
Agata: Someone we need. The basis of our contract is that Vir lends us his power
Agata: So we can’t lose him, no matter what…
Agata: I’ll say it again. I won’t get in your way. But I can’t help you either
Agata: I’m under that contract. It’s to protect Nordia—
Felicita: If it’s to protect Nordia…. Can we help with that in any way?
Pace: Yeah. If it’s something Vir can do, we might be able to help you instead
Agata: No, it’s…
Luca: You can’t talk about the details of your contract then
Debito: Any more talk is pointless. I have an idea. How about we play a game?
Agata: A game? What kind?
Debito: Chess. We used to play it a lot, right?
Agata: Hmph. Looks like you’re all quite desperate to get information out of me
Debito: As you know, I’m the kind of person who doesn’t do anything without a good reason. And I’d still only do the minimum
Agata: Huh, interesting
Agata: The masquerade is soon. We should have a match for the tournament on its last day
Debito: Then let’s make a deal. The loser will have to do one thing that the winner wants
Pace: Huh!? Should you really promise that? Every time we played against Agata before…
Agata: I’m surprised you’d bet with such high stakes against me…
Agata: Hm… did you forget our games in the past, or are you that confident you’ve improved?
Luca: Debito…are you sure? Do you have a plan?
Debito: No I don’t. It’s just the only way I can think of to get any information
Agata: Having the loser listen to the winner’s request is too obvious. You just want information on Vir, right?
Agata: How about this. The loser will tell the truth about what they’ve been hiding. You’ll be witness, Felicita…
Agata: We’ll use “The Lovers”
Felicita: You want me to use “The Lovers” to see if you’re telling the truth…
Luca: I see. Even if it was a lie, Ojou-sama’s powers will see through it
(*smirk) Debito: I’m fine with that. Let’s get started
—And then—
~*Scene: Nordia Bar VIP Room*~
Pace: Yay! Haha, I won!
Felicita: Amazing, Pace! Even Debito and I couldn’t win…
Luca: It must have been his animal instincts
Agata: I truly didn’t think I would lose. I underestimated you
Debito: Since we won, we’ll be asking the questions then. Pace, what have you got?
Pace: I’ve been curious about something ever since we started playing
Felicita: Curious…?
Pace: Yeah. We never told you about Ojou’s powers, right Agata? So how did you know that she can use “The Lovers”?
Felicita: Right
Luca: Can you tell us, Agata?
Agata: That’s simple. I heard about them from Vir. That’s all
Luca: It was from him? But we never told Vir about her powers
Felicita: Yeah, I don’t remember saying anything
Agata: You didn’t have to. He knows everything about the Tarocco…
Pace: Huh? Is Vir really that smart?
Debito: That’s not what you should be impressed about
Agata: He knows about the Tarocco you all host too
Luca: …Just how much does he know?
Felicita: Who exactly is Vir?
Agata: Vir has formed a contract with “Agata” to protect Nordia for generations
Debito: Protect it from what?
Agata: A great storm that occurs once every 100 years, “Acqua Tempesta”— (TN: storm water)
Agata: It causes much greater disasters than when a normal acqua alta raises water levels (TN: when high tides cause flooding in Venice etc.)
Agata: And Vir protects Nordia from that threat…as is our contract
Pace: But that doesn’t make sense. Vir still looks so young…
Debito: Don’t be dumb, Pace. She said it was for generations
Debito: She just means he inherited the name “Vir” like she did with “Agata”
Luca: He’s right. Even if we don’t know how old he is, a person can’t live for hundreds of years
Luca: Probably, I think…
Agata: …Yes. You’re right
Debito: So the contract you made with Vir was that he’d protect the city from the Acqua Tempesta…now it all makes sense
Felicita: So that’s why Agata says she can’t help us
Agata: I had no choice but to keep it a secret. But it’s just as you say
Agata: The next Acqua Tempesta is in January…when the New Year comes, the whole town will be washed away. We can’t stop it on our own
Agata: I will protect Nordia no matter what. It’s my reason for being “Agata”—
Felicita: Your reason for being “Agata”…?
Agata: If we survive this Acqua Tempesta, the next one will be in a hundred years
Agata: In that amount of time, I can persuade my people to move elsewhere to safety
Agata: And if technology advances enough so that we don’t have to, all the better
Agata: Time brings change and progress. But, time makes people forget as well
Agata: I wasn’t able to get my people to believe me in time
Agata: The burden I carry from my ancestors is heavy—
Felicita: Agata…
Agata: People are like pawns in God’s game
Agata: And right now, I’m a failure at carrying out my duty as a pawn
Debito: Saying that’s not like you
Pace: Yeah, it’s like you’ve gotten old, Agata
Agata: Idiot, just say I’ve matured. I’m only old enough to be your sister
Luca: You’re older than Mama though
Agata: …I thought you were a genius when you were younger, but now I know you’re just normal. Well, maybe not. I see you have a one-track mind with your Ojou-sama
Luca: Um, why am I the only one you’re saying that to?
Pace: Why don’t you like hearing that? Being obsessed with Ojou is something to be proud of!
Felicita: Pace, I don’t think she means it in a good way…
Luca: It definitely isn’t praise!
Felicita: [Agata shoulders the responsibility of Nordia and its people. No matter how hard it is, she doesn’t give up and tries to find a way]
Felicita: [Agata is strong…that’s clear to me. I want to protect Regalo too, so I send my thoughts out to its people…]
Agata: Isn’t there anyone besides Pace who can challenge me?
Luca: You’re just too strong, Agata. Strategy games like this are your forte
Agata: You’re not wrong. I couldn’t be governor if I wasn’t
Felicita: Agata…I want to play another round with you
Agata: We’ve already seen the outcome, so no. Maybe another time
Felicita: …Please?
Agata: *sigh*… Children are so tiring. If you were my son, I’d have brought out my whip
Pace: You did that to us too before
Debito: Yeah. No mercy at all
Luca: Then, how about you play against me next? Is that alright?
Agata: Yes, let’s give it a go
~*Scene: Nordia Bar VIP Room*~
Luca: It’s been so long since I’ve played chess with you, Agata
Agata: Yes, it has. And just like before, only Pace would be able to win out of the three of you
Luca: I think I’ll be joining him this time. I will win
Agata: I can’t believe you can say that while looking at the board now. Your king and queen are cornered
Luca: This is where I turn things around
Agata: Haha, very interesting
Felicita: Luca’s good at chess?
Pace: Hmm, he could get pretty far but…
Debito: Yeah, but he could never finish it. Neither of us have ever won against Agata
Luca: If I take this pawn next…
Agata: That won’t work, unfortunately
Luca: Wha?
Agata: Checkmate
Debito: Oh well. Luca lost
Luca: Another loss… You certainly are strong
Agata: Those who think too hard about their actions won’t win against me. But people who act on instinct are harder to read
Agata: I’ve won this time…but you were the ones to ask questions during the last round
Agata: I know. I’ll give you an opportunity
Pace: What opportunity?
Agata: You can do it when I’m not around, but answer one of Debito’s questions
Luca: We’ll answer Debito’s questions…?
Debito: Huh? What’s that about? I didn’t ask for you to give me your prize
Agata: Luca, you are a very stubborn man. You try to maintain balance even while fooling yourself. It’ll be easier if you break that just once
Luca: ……
Pace/Debito: ……
Agata: I will take my leave then. You all can do as you wish
Felicita: I should probably go too…
Debito: …Yeah, let’s go. I’ve got nothing to ask anyway
~*Scene: Nordia Street*~
Pace: Wow, it’s totally dark out. All the shops are closed too
Debito: It’s not that late. And isn’t this when grown-ups really start having fun?
Luca: Only for you. And if that causes you to stay in bed until noon, I think you need to reevaluate your priorities
Debito: It’s not your problem
Luca: It is. The Coins are always…
Felicita: !?
Luca: That person getting off the gondola is…
Pace: It’s definitely Vir
Debito: Perfect. We’ve got business with him after all
~*Scene: Nordia Waterway*~
Vir: Hm?
Luca: Haaah!
Vir: *laugh*…
Luca: He knocked away my attack!?
Vir: It looks like alchemy hasn’t advanced one bit
Vir: It’s the same as it was 400 years ago. No, it’s actually gotten weaker
Luca: …!
Debito: I guess Agata meant what she said literally
Pace: You mean when she said she’s known him for 400 years?
Vir: You really thought such a small flame could capture me?
(*click) Debito: Nope. These are the real goods
Vir: That’s quite the greeting. Hm? Your right eye…
>Debito Route
>Pace/Luca Routes
Vir: What a nice gem. It should last you the rest of your life. Perhaps I should sell some in my store
Vir: But, that amethyst won’t last much longer. Do you have a replacement ready?
Luca: Why would you know…we don’t need your concern. I have a replacement
Debito: Tch, you really do know everything…
Vir: That gem was made with alchemy. Is it your creation?
Luca: …
Vir: You’re even better than your teacher. You couldn’t have made that if you hadn’t watched him for so long
Vir: I’d love a gifted student too. Will you join me?
Luca: I humbly decline
(Luca: Because I have Ojou-sama) (This line is Luca route only)
Vir: Unfortunate. But, it seems those two do need you too. Now then
(*shing) Felicita: You aren’t getting away
Debito: We came all the way from Regalo to capture you
Pace: Yeah. Finding you here makes things a lot faster
Vir: Didn’t Agata tell you? You can’t touch me yet. This is Agata’s city. You aren’t the law here
Vir: And I’m not someone you can catch that easily
Vir: Haaa!
(+10 Amore)
(-20 Amore)
(*dodge) Felicita: Hah!
Felicita: Ah…
Luca: Ojou-sama! Watch out!
Luca: … L’Armonia della Luce!
Vir: Haha, you can run if you like. I’m not in the mood to fight you today
Felicita: Well I am!
Vir: Stubborn aren’t you…fine then
Debito: You’re fighting me too. So don’t turn your back!
Felicita: Debito! I’ll cover you!
(*whish) Felicita: Yah!
(No Amore)
(-20 Amore)
Vir: Guh…
Vir: That’s all you’ve got?
Vir: You have to mean it if you’re going to attack me. And you won’t catch me anyway
Pace: If you’re just going to run away, doesn’t that mean you’re actually weak?
Vir: I’m running for your sake. If you hit me with your powers, punishment will befall you
Felicita: Punishment…
Debito: You’re not going to trick us with a joke like that
Vir: Is it really a joke?
Pace: If you won’t attack, then I will!
Pace: Hyaaah!
Vir: Hah, that won’t hit me…
Debito: Didn’t I tell you already? You’re not just fighting one of us!
Debito: Hahaha!
Vir: Those bullets won’t work on me. I’ll just erase them
Felicita: No you won’t!
(*whish) Felicita: Haaah!
(+10 Amore)
(-20 Amore)
Vir: Guh…Right. You’re here too
Vir: Where are you aiming?
Vir: …So tiring. This is all the time I have for you today
Vir: Haaah!
Luca: All of you, get away from Vir!
Luca: I’ll block his attack, so get behind me!
Felicita: Right…!
Luca: Guh…
Vir: See you tomorrow then
Felicita: Luca! Are you alright?
Luca: *panting*…Yes. I’m sorry. It’s been a while since I’ve fought that hard…
Debito: I am interested in one thing he said
Luca: ……
Debito: He said “You couldn’t have made that if you hadn’t watched him for so long”
Felicita: …
Debito: If this hadn’t happened, I never would have asked…
Debito: Back then…who’s side were you on?
Pace: Debito…
Luca: I…
Debito: Honestly, I don’t care what the truth is though
Pace: It feels late bringing this up now, but I’ve been hiding things too
~*Flashback: Back Alley*~
Pace: Um, because of a special trait of my Tarocco, I––
Pace: I can only live until age 30
~*End Flashback*~
Pace: I guess Debito’s been the most honest out of us
Debito: Shut up, Pace
Pace: I guess the best thing is for Luca-chan to come clean and for us to give him one good hit for hiding it?
>Luca, I want to know too…
>I think you should tell Debito and Pace
Luca: Ojou-sama…
Luca: Right. I never was good at keeping secrets
Luca: And I didn’t plan on hiding it this long either
Luca: It might make things easier if I just told the truth…
Luca: I don’t know if hearing this will help them
Luca: But I think it will be better for me
Luca: It hurts to keep this a secret. …I just want to tell you
Luca: This is the opportunity that Agata gave us
Luca: I’ll tell you…about the secret I’ve been keeping
Luca: Back then, I had a lot of feelings that I had a hard time putting into words
~*Flashback: Bedroom*~
Debito: Uw, ahhhhh!
Pace: Debito!? Where are you?
Luca: I can’t see him…but I can hear him. Are these Debito’s Arcana powers…?
Debito: *panting*…
Pace: Ah! There’s blood near the bed… Debito, are you there?
Debito: Uaa, Pace…
Luca: If I could see you, I could neutralize your powers with mine, but I can’t touch you like this
Pace: Ah! I see him! Debito, can you hear me? Debito?
Debito: ……
Luca: He’s not conscious. And his right eye is bleeding…he hit himself on that pillar…
Luca: Hurry, Pace! At this rate, Debito will…
Pace: But where should we…
Luca: We’ll take him to Jolly
~*Flashback: Alchemy Room*~
Pace: Jolly! You have to help Debito!
Debito: Guh…ahh…
Jolly: …What happened
Luca: Debito’s powers are out of control. He struck his eye against a pillar…
Luca: He settled down after losing consciousness, but he hasn’t woken up yet
Jolly: His powers…
Pace: Jolly, what’s going to happen to Debito?
Jolly: He’ll die if we don’t do anything. He must not have the emotional strength to handle his powers
Luca: …No way
Pace: I don’t want Debito to die! Since you experiment all the time, can’t you save him!
Jolly: …I have an idea. But I can’t guarantee that it will work
Jolly: Do you still want to save Debito?
Pace: Of course we do!
Luca: Yes…
Jolly: Good. I’ll get started
Jolly: We’ll put this gem in Debito’s right eye. It will amplify his emotional strength to make up for what he lacks
Luca: An amethyst…
Pace: You’ll stick that in him!?
Jolly: He won’t be able to use his eye anymore either way. This is better than dying
Debito: Ahhhhhh….!!!
Jolly: This should last for a while
Pace: Thank you, Jolly
Luca: Thank you
Luca: Jolly…
Jolly: Pace already left. Was there something else, Luca?
Luca: I know you saved Debito…but will he really be alright like this…
Jolly: Hmph, I don’t plan on leaving this be. You’ll be paying me back for saving him
Jolly: …How about this. From now on, you’ll have no contact with Debito or Pace
Luca: Wha…
Jolly: Or you’ll help me with my experiments again. It’s an equivalent exchange. You’ll pay me back one of those two ways. The choice is up to you
Luca: …I…
~*Flashback: Bedroom*~
Pace: Don’t worry us like that, Debito. I told you not to push yourself
Debito: Yeah, but I had to. I’m not good at staying put
Luca: Calm down, you two. Debito’s awake, and that’s all that matters
Luca: I’ll be going now. I’m doing a little favor for someone
~*Flashback: Alchemy Room*~
(*knock knock)
Luca: It’s me
Jolly: Come in…
~*End Flashback*~
Luca: My…heart was always with you two, but I was acting on Jolly’s orders
Luca: I stayed to protect you. But, it’s true that I was still observing you as directed by Jolly too
Luca: I wanted to protect you, but still felt guilty. I thought protecting you was my duty
Luca: And it’s why I feel so conflicted into inaction now
Luca: And then, Ojou-sama’s powers went out of control
Felicita: …!
Luca: I was ordered to live with Ojou-sama, and went to that small house with her and Sumire-sama
Luca: I had a peaceful life there. And that’s when I realized that I was making up for what I did to you two…
Luca: It’s because of Ojou-sama that I found the strength to accept myself
Luca: It’s thanks to Ojou-sama…that I realized what I should protect
Luca: I’m the weakest one out of us. I just couldn’t live on if I lost even a single one of you
Felicita: Luca…
Luca: ……Is that all you wanted to know?
Felicita: Luca…!
Luca: Wah! O-Ojou-sama…
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Debito: You shouldn’t be crying at your age
Pace: Yeah. You’ve hit a milestone so you really should grow up
Felicita: Luca, how could you keep smiling before now?
Luca: Because…you all…were with me
Debito: Oh get a grip! Pace, let’s throw Luca in the canal!
Pace: Okay! Heave-ho!
Luca: *bubble bubble*…
Felicita: Luca, are you okay!?
(*splash) Luca: *cough*…
Debito: Yeah, he wouldn’t drown
Pace: Yup. That’s his punishment from us instead of getting hit
Debito: Yeah I figured
Luca: You weren’t going to let me get washed away, right!?
Debito: Okay, let’s head back
Pace: Oh wow Luca, you look just like Dante. Let’s go, Ojou
Felicita: O-okay…
Luca: Can you at least pull me out of here!!!
~*End of Scene*~
(Continue to Common Route December 31 (Pace Route)) Coming Soon!
(Continue to Debito Chapter 4)
(Continue to Luca Chapter 5)
(Back to Directory)
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hellokittymartian · 4 years
I need to get this out of my chest
I’m incredibly pissed at young justice’s treatment of m’gann’s character, i have always been, but i can’t even stay pissed bc this is the only appearance we have of young naive ‘’sweet’ megan outside comics so ugggggggggggh hear me out while i try to explain my toxic relationship with yj.
So is 2010, yj comes out, alright everyone liked that, but season 2 comes around and we miss martian’s fans found out that she’s been acting like a fuckin’ psycho frying people’s minds... okay i said back in the day, they are just givin her a little something, a lil drama, action whatever... but nobody liked that. Everyone started hating on her more than they already did (for whatever reason they hated her before. I have many things to say about that but that’s not the point of this rant, i can make another one for that) and started saying how she was awful and how she did not deserve to be forgiven and you know what more, we all know.
Fast forward to some years later, when i was finally old enough to read comics without having to change the screen everytime my mom walked in my room, i started reading teen titans and shit like that bc oui. So, i got to know m’gann better, and this whole ‘miss martian frying brains and trying to erase her beloved’s mind’ did not sit right with me anymore. Wtf was that about? what was that for?????? In teen titans (2003) she has codes and rules that she sticks to when it comes to using her powers on earth. She’s very concious that she’s an alien and only breaks her rules when it’s EXTREMELY necessary (like when they visited her in the australian dessert) soooooooo????? nevermind.
Then we got the amazing news that yj was coming back!!!!! yay i was super excited i thought ‘now is the time for m’gann to be explored and redeemed and understood. Fuck That, they said, because my girl got like 5 sec of screen time and i know she was a leader this season, that’s something, but most of the time i saw her being conner’s fiance than anything else. Not that i complain, and problably it isn’t true but that’s how i percieved it bc i expected more of her on season 3. I wanted her to be a BAMF like she is in the comics, AND THAT’S WHAT PISSES ME OF!
In the comics we have this beautiful sweet, naive alien girl who’s just so delicate and sensitive that even quit the teen titans after a fight! AND WOULD NEVER HURT ANYONE!!! in fact, in one of her first appereances in the teen titans comics she’s fighting against a thief (idk i don’t remember very well it’s been YEARS) and she’s like ‘promise you won’t do it again i don’t want to hurt you’ ‘if you promise you’ll never do it again i won’t hurt you’ and at the end she just gives the guy to the police! we only got to see that in s1 and still she was hated (ugh again, so many thing to say about that too) so it wasn’t really... joyful.
In yj it’s clear that m’gann has great power, that she’s increadibly powerful, even J’onn mentions it and then???? it’s forgotten for the rest of the series????????? noooo, the only time when we see how powerful miss martian is is when... u guessed it... she goes full psycho mod and starts attacking minds for no apparent reason beyond ‘they are the bad guys and we need the info idc’. WHY????? In TITANS (2016) we see how wonderful of a ‘leader’ M’gann can be and it’s AMAZING. Not only that but we see her being true to herself: she still has secrets, but she’s her sweet self and not some mind-intruder monster, plus she’s a lot more mature. 
In both Teen Titans (2003) and Titans (2016) we see her as we know her: kind, loving, caring, fun but serious when needed. It’s shown that she can cope with great responsabilities and we can see also how willing she is to sacrifice herself for others (i mean she doesn’t even think twice before projecting her astral self to save the rest of the titans even though it leaves her in a coma, a BAMF) and this is precisely why she’s my fav<3 why can’t a sweet girly girl also be a leader and one of the most powerful heroes of the world??
I see what yj tried to do: they wanted to give her sometnig more i guess... like what happened when she killed the Manhunter in teen titans and was kind of evil but fighting against it...but it ended up going in all the wrong directions. I feel like what happened with her in s2 was made just for the general plot and not really for her character development. People already didn’t like here as much as the rest of the characters in s1, so for the second they were like ‘ah whatever they dislike her already, what’s a little more going to do’. As each season passes i see her fading more and more to the background and it’s not fair:( bc yj is the most important and big Miss Martian appearence outside the comics, and still in the comics she’s not that studied. So now i fear i’ll never see the Miss Martian at her full potential outside the comics bc yj made everyone dislike her.
THIS is what i mean when i say that Miss Martian deserves better. I want to see her fighting villains with her 8 arms and laser vision, not being a ‘liar’ and fainting everytime there’s fire near or yes GIVE ME SOME FUCKING ANGST! so we can see the team caring for her!!! bc wtf??? you see your friend doing a villain move and you are just ‘oh never mind’ i mean Nightwing hears that M’gann, sweet naive loving im- going- to- bake- you- cookies -bc -i -love- u M’gann, fried Kaldur’s mind and he just goes :o WHAT? or Artemis being like ‘Now fix what u did and hurry up’ when they were in Manta’s ship I MEAN????????? do u really not care??? Ur friend is going through some shit right now, pulling a whole ‘I might turn evil’ stunt and u are like ...that’s something. Shouldn’t hey be asking like??? what happened to make her go like that???? they all just let it pass i mean C’MONNNNN
Okay so, what i mean is that i want to see the REAL Miss Martian, The Hello Kitty Martian, who asks what button’s for hugging when playing Playstation, but that can also kick your ass into another psychic world and then ask you if you are okay bc she didn’t mean to hurt you. THAT’S my Miss Martian. I guess I just stick around with yj bc 1. It’s fuckin great can’t lie (plot, animation, the rest of the characters, etc) 2. bc s i said before, it’s the only chance to see m’gann outside the comics.
Give me the M’gann I know and love, and give M’gann the chance to have fans who love her and get to know her.
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lunar-jimin · 4 years
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i don’t want to fall in love, if he won’t be here next year
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: best friends to lovers, fluff, wee bit of angst
Word Count: 3.9k
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: feelings, soft kookie, swearing, kissing
Summary: The universe was evil to make you spend Christmas Eve alone with your best friend who you definitely are not in love with. 
A/N: This is for the lovely @namluve​ through @btswriterscollective​ Secret Santa project! Happy holidays, love! Sorry that it’s at the later end of the posting period, but I hope you enjoy!
“For fuck’s sake Jungkook, can’t you unzip your own damn pants?”
“It’s not my fault they got stuck,” he whined, back arched awkwardly as he attempted to see what he was doing, “and I can’t see it because the zipper is in the fucking back.”
You sigh. The mall had started using Santa suits with the zipper in the back after some curious kid showed off Jimin’s candy cane boxers to the entirety of the shopping center last year. Now, your unfortunate best friend had managed to get the damn thing stuck.
“Move,” you frown, taking the zipper from him. You wiggled it back and forth a couple times before it finally moved down the rest of its track.
“Oh, thank god, I thought I was gonna be stuck in these forever.”
“God, you’re so overdramatic. It’s a wonder you make it through the day without me babying you every step of the way.”
“Hey, that’s not fair. You were the one who almost burnt down the kitchen making ramen.”
You roll your eyes.
You continue to strip yourself of your itchy elf dress and the god awful red and white striped tights to match. It takes everything in you not to glance over at Jungkook who is now inevitably just in a muscle tee and tight black underwear.
So what, your best friend was one of the prettier humans to ever grace this planet? You were a grown woman. You had self-control. And you definitely didn’t want him to bend you over this sticky locker room bench and fuck you into the next century. You don’t even need to think about the fact that you were maybe, kinda, sorta, totally, irreversibly in love with him.
“So it’s just you and me tonight, huh?” his voice is less agitated, now that he’s free of his confines.
You snuck a glance and were happy to find him in matching grey sweatpants and sweatshirt. Still deadly hot, but your panties would stay dry. For now.
“Yeah, I suppose. I’m gonna miss our holiday ragers.”
Normally, you would spend Christmas Eve getting black-out drunk with your friends. This year, however, most of them were going home to their families or had started families of their own. Which left you and Jungkook alone with each other for the first time in years.
You were nervous. And you hated that. There was no reason why you should feel like throwing up at the prospect of spending an evening with your best friend. You had done this a million times, why was this time so special? Maybe it’s because you can’t remember the last time you spent more than two hours alone with him.
Ever since Jungkook started dating some girl from his animation class last year, the time the two of you spent together had decreased drastically. You couldn’t blame him, everyone around you was finding themselves in long-term relationships, excited to build a future now that college was almost over. He was just doing the same, and for a while, you thought she would be the one (a thought that left you crying in your bed for a week). You’re embarrassed to admit how pleased you were when Jungkook arrived at your doorstep four months ago, piss drunk at three in the morning to tell you she had cheated on him.
That was the last time you had spent a decent chunk of time and he was either crying or asleep for most of it. But now, here you were, following Jungkook to his beat-up Toyota Corolla, with the intent to spend the night with him. And while he hadn’t shown so much as the slightest hint that he may share your feelings, you couldn’t help but hope.
Three hours later, your nerves have been calmed by the half-a-bottle of wine you’ve downed. Your face is warm, but the spot on your thigh where his hand rests is warmer. Jungkook had convinced you to watch the Holidate despite your better judgment, and now you wanted to bleach your eyes.
“I can’t believe we watched that,” you groan into his shoulder, “I should be able to sue the production company for the two hours of my life that just got wasted.”
Jungkook lets out a buzzed giggle at your complaint, body shaking lightly next to yours.
“It was terrible,” he agreed, “but Seokjin said it was good.”
“Jin has a terrible taste in movies, and you know it.”
He turned to look at you, little sparkles in his doe eyes as he gave you the sweetest smile. Your stomach flips.
“So, what do you want to watch?”
“I think you know the answer to that.”
“Do we really have to?”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t love Die Hard just as much as me,” you slap him playfully, “besides, you know you’re going to make me watch Love Actually after this.”
“You know it’s true, Kookie. We all know you’re a hoe for Bruce.”
“Am not.”
“If you want to live in denial, who am I to stop you.”
Despite his vehement denial of loving the movie, Jungkook quoted nearly the whole damn thing. If it weren’t for his adorable ‘yippee-ki-yay motherfucker’, you probably would’ve smacked him.
“You didn’t have to quote the entire thing,” you grumble.
He looks up at you with his doe eyes and you melt.
“It’s fine, just don’t do it with Love Actually. It’s confusing enough as it is without you talking over it.”
“I won’t, I won’t. Just admit to me you actually love the movie though.”
“I really don’t see the appeal.”
“How can you not see the appeal? It’s a cinematic masterpiece.”
“Yeah, but it’s confusing with all the different stories and I don’t understand British people at all. Also, as a single person, it’s incredibly painful.”
“How is it painful?”
“Because I want someone to fall in love with and cuddle me throughout the holidays.”
“You have me, you know?”
“You know that’s not what I mean, Kookie.”
“What do you mean?”
He’s grinning cheekily, completely aware of how uncomfortable his question makes you. You may be in love with him, but that does not stop you from thinking he’s a little shit sometimes.
“I want, you know, a partner, someone who’ll take me on dates, and kiss me, and do other things.”
“What other things?”
“Jeon Jungkook, you know what I’m talking about.”
Despite being best friends with Jungkook since the pair of you were in pull-ups, you had never felt comfortable talking about sex with him, even before you realized your feelings. You just hadn’t had a lot of experience, limited to a few boyfriends, and the subject wasn’t one you were comfortable with. Luckily, it was a topic Jungkook hadn’t brought up. Until now.
“Yeah, yeah, I get it, you just want a holiday fuck buddy.”
You smack his bicep, but don’t respond. Neither does he, simply turning to the screen before him and pressing play.
You’ll never admit it to Jungkook, but you do quite enjoy the movie. Sure it was a little painful to watch a ten-year-old have a more successful love life than yourself, but the storytelling was good. By the time the credits were rolling, you were only a little embarrassed to admit there were a few tears in your eyes.
When you looked over at Jungkook, you were surprised to find a downcast face.
“Is everything alright, Kookie?”
He looks back at you and you were surprised to find tears running down his cheek.
“Oh gosh, Kook, what happened?”
He remains silent, only taking your hand in his, thumb gently rubbing over your skin. His eyes stare down at where your palms meet, and despite your best friend’s apparent distress, you can’t help but notice the warm tingles radiating from his touch. With your free hand, you reach up to brush the tears from his cheek, a pout forming on your lips.
“It’s just,” he sighs, pulling away from you and wiping his eyes, “it’s just, I want it to, you know.”
You tilt your head to the side confused.
“What are you talking about Kook?”
“What you were saying earlier, about the cuddling and dates and shit. I want it too.”
“Oh, Kookie.”
You pull him into, clasping his neck as he buries his nose in your shoulders. You want so badly to tell him that he can have it. He can have all of it and more. With you. But you know now is not the time for confessions.
He pulls his head back to look at you, a twinkle in his eyes that you can’t quite place.
“What is it Kookie?”
He looks down at this lap and then back up at you.
“I don’t want it with just anyone.”
“Well of course not, you’d want it with someone who can love and cherish you just as much as you love and cherish them.”
A dull ache in your heart was beginning to grow. He was so close to being yours, lips only inches away. But yet it seemed a mile still remained between the two of you.
“That��s not what I mean.”
You are once again sent hurling back into confusion.
“Well then what do you mean?”
“I want,” he falters, breathing unsteady like a fish out of water. He grabs your hands again, holding them tightly as if he was afraid you’d slip away. Your heart was pounding in your chest, your mind only just beginning to grasp onto what was happening. Part of you refused to believe, refused to hope, less you were wrong.
“I want you.”
His voice was soft, almost too quiet to hear, but the words were there. You felt your body tense up, shocks running up and down your spine, sirens wailing in your head. You had hoped for this moment for months, no, years, and here you were, and you were totally unsure what to do with yourself.
When you don’t respond, he pulls away and turns to face the TV.
“I’m sorry,” you see him wince in an attempt to stop the tears that are forming in his eyes, “I shouldn’t have said anything. Forget that I ever opened my mouth.”
“Kookie I…”
He turns to look at you and you can’t help yourself. His lips are just as soft as you’d dreamed about during lonely nights. He responds immediately to your kiss, mouth forming against yours as his hands come to cup your jaw softly. Soft glowing warmth radiates throughout you and you are no longer sure whether the tears you feel on your cheeks are his or yours.
You pull away and look into his eyes and at once you recognize the twinkle dancing in them.
Love. Adoration.
He didn’t need to say the words. They were already there. Unspoken. Filling the small space between his body and yours. Radiating throughout the room.
He grabs your waist and swings your body over his so that he is slotted between his thighs. Your hair falls down around you as he stares up at you, his eyes telling you everything you’d ever need to know.
“Will you be mine?”
You nod before leaning down and pecking his lips. You want more than anything in this world to be his.
“I love you, Kookie.”
His eyes go wide, body stiff beneath yours. He slowly lifts a hand up to brush the hair out of your face.
“I love you too.”
A year later, you walk back into the living room with two glasses of wine in your hands to find him down on one knee.
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marvelmadam08 · 4 years
Baby Blues 11/?
Summary: Ace goes to his first doctor’s visit, and Alex checks in with her doctor.
Warnings: First shots, crying, doctor visits, slight jealousy. Fluffy Dad!Chris content. Body insecurities, health concerns, and mentions of sex.
A/N: Rest in Power to Chadwick Boseman, our Black Panther and King. He gave us so much while battling cancer, not just Black Panther. The work he has done in the amount of time he had left a mark, and cannot be replicated. Chadwick Boseman has been such a force in Hollywood that no one could ever forget him. My heart goes out to all his close friends and family.
Also, let’s not make this about Black Panther 2.
6 Weeks Old
“I mean they can program a robot to perform surgery on a grape but they still have to jab a n-e-e-d-l-e into my baby’s skin for vaccinations.” Alex glared at a few of the other moms in the waiting room, eyeing Chris up and down with Ace. 
Chris fed him while Alex filled out the medical file. He was noisy drinking from the bottle, but he took to bottle feeding easier than Alex expected. She watched from the corner of her eye, Chris was a natural, jumping right into action whenever Ace needed something. Seeing him walk around the house with Ace never got old. He was always singing songs to him, some made up. Alex’s favorite so far was the one called ‘Doggies Are Friendly’, in attempts to get Ace to warm up to Dodger. No luck.
Overall seeing Chris Evans with a baby was enough to get any woman excited, and willing to give him more. So she could understand the gazes he got from the other moms, but that didn’t mean she had to just sit there and let them undress her husband with their eyes.
“Al, he can’t understand you.” He watched Ace, unaware of the extra eyes lusting after him
“He’s intuitive Chris, he knows what I mean." Alex frowned, thinking about the how upset Ace would be once he got his shots. She always thought her mother was being overprotective when she was younger but now she understood it completely. She could hear him crying now, and the thought made her eyes sting.
Chris finally looked up, after hearing the infliction in Alex’s voice ”What’s wrong?”
“Don’t say that, we’re not gonna bottle up our feelings.” 
She half shrugged “I guess it’s a mental thing. I mean I know he has to get the shots- I just feel like I’m a monster, purposefully putting him through pain.”
“Baby, it’s a required check up, the first of many shots down the road. You aren’t a monster, you’re a mother.” 
“Evans?” the nurse called out from behind the counter
“Are you gonna be okay?” Chris asked as they stood, shifting Ace against his shoulder to burp him
“If you’re asking me if I’m gonna cry, I’m making no promises.” she quickly admitted
Alex hovered over the nurse while she weighed and measured Ace, and checked his heartbeat. Ace’s face when the cold stethoscope touched his chest was adorably deadpan. However, Chris was the one with all the questions, discussing development stages with the nurse the entire time. Going over Ace’s feeding and sleeping routine, asking if the amount of sleep was too little or too much. Would changing the baby wipes would cause any rashes. How soon would it be before hiding out if he was actually allergic to food or animals. And he jotted it all down in his phone, Alex stopped the nurse short when she offered to give Chris her number for any future questions.
“Al, I can hold him.” Chris offered once it was time for the vaccine shots
“No, it’s fine. I can handle it.” She kept Ace’s head turned away facing Chris. The nurse took a step closer, syringe in hand, Alex moved away slightly. “Sorry.”
The nurse tried again, Alex turned the other way.
“Mrs. Evans, I need you to stop moving him.”
“Okay, you hold him.” she conceded, before handing Ace over to Chris
She chewed her nail and watched from her new spot. Ace cried the second the nurse stuck him, Chris felt tears rising to his eyes. He went to wipe them away before anyone could see but more spilled over hearing the cries getting louder. Ace fidgeted against Chris, a heartbreaking attempt for him to move away from whatever stuck him.
“It’s okay baby.” Alex did her best to soothe him while the nurse prepped for another shot. She looked up at Chris, his cheeks wet but he kept his face straight, Alex wiped the tears away from her husband’s face before repeating “It’s okay baby.”
Seeing Ace’s lip poke out while the nurse moved in to stick him again nearly made Chris go into full defense mode, but he bit the inside of his cheek when the crying started again. Ace’s, not his.
“It’s okay honey, we’re all done with the shots.” the nurse soothed, covering the puncture points with small smiley face band-aids
“Yay, all done!” Alex clapped while Chris kissed the top of his son’s head to calm him “You okay?” Alex gave her husband some comforting back rubs
“Yeah, I’m okay.” He sniffled
"Good because now we have to go to my appointment."
After chewing down the nails on her left hand, Alex was half through her right one when she was called into her doctor’s exam room. Chris offered to go in with her, but she quickly declined, knowing she would have to be undressed for part, if not most, of the check-up. She done her own self-examination last night, seeing how different she looked down there. 
She didn’t want to be vain about it, but the first thing that popped in her head once she looked was how much she needed to get a wax. The second was equally as vain as it was humbling when she thought about having sex with Chris again. Her husband, AKA, Captain freaking America, who could eat to his hearts content and still come out looking as cut as the day she met him. Alex wanted to kick him and kiss him at the same time.
“Well Alex,” her doctor spoke, going over her notes “my main concern for you right now, is your blood pressure. It’s a little higher than usual, what’s your diet like at home?”
“More red meat than before, loads of pasta.” Alex paused to think “I tried string peas, y’know just for research purposes, surprisingly good.”
She chuckled “I tended to lean towards the squash when my first kid was born, but peas were a close second. What about stress?”
Alex shrugged “Fine, I guess. I mean, I can deal with it.”
“Alex, you can’t take this lightly. Stress can be just as harmful as smoking, for both you and your son. You are still breast feeding right?”
“Yes, and I started pumping.”
She jotted down some more notes “Mhmm, and how’s that going? No issues? Low milk supply? Pain while nursing?”
“Aside from the nipple chaffing, not really.” Alex picked at her nails, her doctor noticed
“Alex, I can’t help if you’re not one hundred percent honest with me. It’s bad enough we have doctors that downplay our symptoms because of a bullshit theory that Black people, specifically Black women, have higher pain tolerance. Don’t put on a brave face, not when it comes to your health.”
“Well when you put it like that- I hate pumping, I hate feeding sometimes too. It’s like a bunch of pins and needles sticking me when I do it, just sucking the life out of me. I don’t recognize my body anymore, and I’m warning you now, it’s not pretty down there. As for the stress, my husband and I have been fighting over what’s best for Ace, and our marriage. Which makes me concerned for when I go back to working. My Dad damn near broke his back, my son won’t sleep for longer than an hour, and I think he hates our family dog.” Alex exhaled a sharp breath 
“You feel better?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“If you don’t like the feel you have when pumping when why do it?”
“Chris wants to be included in feed Alexander, my son, which I get. He’s gonna be back and forth between working and home again, so he wants his chance to bond with him.”
“But breast feeding is also uncomfortable to you?”
“Only when he fights trying to latch, but once he does and he’s calm, it’s worth it.”
“Have you ever considered formula? Lots of new moms do it, even rotated between that and breast milk. It’s actually proven to help both the mom and the baby.”
“We’ve talked about it, I voted against it.”
“I’m not saying you should, ultimately it’s your choice, but I will recommend, giving it a shot considering the stress you might be going through.” she scribbled down a few more notes “Now physically, how do you feel?”
“In my vagina?”
“There too. Please scoot forward and lay back for me.”
Alex followed orders and put her legs in the stirrups “Mostly tired, out of everything I’m exhausted. I’ve been walking to try and slim down a bit, but the weight isn’t going anywhere.”
“That’s to be expected, a lot of new moms hope for the baby weight to drop right off.” Alex’s doctor explained while pulling on her gloves “However, a lot of it is your uterus trying to shrink back to it’s regular size after being stretched out for nine months. Perfectly normal to like your body isn’t the same anymore, because it’s not. It gets easier the more kids you have.”
Alex chuckled “I don’t plan on having another one for a while.”
“Are you taking birth control?”
“No, Ace’s spit up on my clothes is all the birth control I need right now.” Alex shifted slightly “Plus I don’t really get in the mood too often now a days. Not sure if it’s emotional or mental but I’m just not ready to bring intimacy back in just yet.”
“Well physically, you’re good to go. Stitches are all healed, no signs of infection or tears. I will recommend going easy though, as well as a birth control, in case your mood changes.”
“Thanks, what do you recommend for my marriage?” Alex asked jokingly
“I have an acquaintance who’s a marriage counselor. I can give you her contact information if you like.”
“Um- I think I’ll pass this time Doc.”
“Okay then, I’ll let you get dressed and just talk to Toni at the desk before you leave to set up your next appointment.”
Chris stood once he saw Alex reenter the waiting room, Ace was fast asleep in the carrier.
“What did your doctor say? How are you doing?”
Alex did her best not to hesitate “A little concerned about my diet, said my blood pressure was a bit high, but overall-”
“Are you okay?”
“Chris, let me finish.” she gave him a reassuring smile “I gotta fix my diet, limit my stress and my blood pressure will be fine.”
“What did she say about- other things?” he hinted, a light blush creeping to his cheeks
“Well- my insatiable husband- I should wait a little longer. Nothing is wrong it’s just what she recommends.”
Chris nodded “Okay, not a problem.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders “We’ll wait, doctor’s orders.”
“Doctor’s orders.”
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psicostyles · 4 years
The one where I get to know you
This might be a sequel since I don’t have a script or ideas to continue yet, but who knows?? This is a draft I found lost on my phone and tumblr and kinda liked the way I used to think when younger. Let me know what you think anyways
It’s not like I hated him.
We just don’t get along. I met Harry - the guy I don’t hate - a few months ago. 
We were at a pool party of a friend we have in common. They though we would like each other right ahead since we have “similar taste” according to them. Alright.
We started to chat about nothing in the corner of the pool and I felt a little bored, to be honest. He is a nice guy, don’t get me wrong. But not for me. We haven’t spoken since that. And well, I’m still good this way, thank you. 
But let me tell you what happened. The same friend who threw that party is now hosting a baby shower because guess what? She’s pregnant. Well, that was kinda obvious I guess. 
Back to the point. 
I’m here talking to myself in the same spot we chat the last time we saw each other, about a story who I rather forgot because I got nothing better to do…
I look up, seeing a tall man holding two drinks.
"Oh, hey" I answered back.
 "I don’t know if you remember me…“ he said reluctantly "I’m Ha…”
 "Harry," I said interrupting him “yes, I remember you" 
 He smiles nodding at me, sitting by my side afterwards.
 "Here, I brought you a beer” I murmur a silent thank you, and drink my beverage.
 He still sits there, moving his leg inside the water with his beer in his hand looking from one side to another. And I stare at him.
I’m about to say something when Kendra - my pregnant friend - walks from God knows where with her husband by her side holding hands with a massive smile on their faces. They are in the middle of the yard with a massive box in front of them.
 "Thank you so much for being here today" she started “it’s a very special day for us, not only because it’s our baby’s shower…but because we are about to found out our baby gender” everyone starts to clap exited.
Even though this gender things it’s super cliche and way too inappropriate, even for a unborn baby, it’s their day! Not mine. So I clap along, because either way I’m also happy. And I don’t need to be a brat about it. I can have a conversation with them in a near future about this whole thing, can’t I?
 "Let’s do this," said Alex, the husband. 
The box was opened and pink balloons were floating in the air. Classic.
Oops, I mean, yay.
Everyone started to clapping and cheering, and so do I.
 I get up and go hug them - trying not to soke them with my wet legs, and congratulate my friend. Then she started to speaking again. 
 "Enjoying the situation, Alex and I wants to request something from my friends over here. Can you come here, Harry?“ 
 Harry got up from the ground - also a little wet, and came to where we were.
 "Well… Y/N, you know, we’ve been friends for awhile now” Said Kendra “and you’ve been with me through my ups and downs, you are really important to me" 
 "And Harry,” she said facing him “Although we know you not so long, you became our best friend, our personal jokester and our precious baker" 
 Harry chuckled. 
 "All this speech is for actually ask you both if…” we four stared at each other.  ”…you want to become our baby girl’s godparents," they said together. 
Harry cheered exited hugging they both screaming yes, yes!!
 I stayed frozen. Too shocked to say anything. 
Meeting my failed date and being invited to become the grandparent to a child in the same day? Might be too much to handle.
Who I’m trying to deny? It’s too damn excited. 
 The three of them - after their hugging section - stared at me waiting for an answer. 
 "What do you say Y/N??“ Said Alex. 
 "Yes” I finally answered “I will be her godmother”
Like I said, Harry and I don’t get along.
We’ve been seeing each other lately on behalf of our goddaughter Nina - she’s the cutest little thing I must say.
We had a dinner at Kendra’s place the other night, with a delicious meal and a fantastic glass of wine. I might have had two or three glasses.
Nina is eight months now and I have to admit she’s too smart for age, she skipped the ‘crawling processes’ and went straight to walking. The result was me and Harry chasing her the whole night. Not that I mind, it’s nice to spend some time with him, but after five minutes you get tired and want to get rid of him. At some point, Nina got tired of walking and decided to watch Peppa Pig while she’s was peacefully laid down in her crib.
The adults kept chatting about adult stuff, Harry was sat in front of me and every now and then I feel his glare on me and when I stare back he pretends he wasn’t looking. Nina was already asleep when we decided to leave but, I don’t have a car so, add this to a credit card with no credit you will find a woman who can’t order an Uber. So now, Harry is now taking me home. Might be the excess of wine in my veins talking but in this second I wasn’t so bothered to be in this same space as him for the first time.
The traffic got us stuck in the middle of the avenue at 11pm. He had turned the radio on with music I’ve never head, but I was tipsy that I don’t really know what I was listening to. Both of us didn’t say a word since we got in the car. While he was facing the road I could watch him better, even though was dark you could notice how sharped his jaw is. Or how his hair is getting curly, or-
‘‘Are you staring at me?’‘ I face the road again without saying a word. ‘‘So...’‘ Harry says trying to break the silence ‘‘Are you free next Friday?’‘
I chuckle 
‘‘Are you seriously asking me out?’‘ he looks at me confused 
‘’Is that a problem?” he stares the road. I look to him surprised.
‘‘Not at all, it’s just...awkward” I said “We just started to speak again because of Nina you know... If wasn’t for that I bet you wouldn’t even remember me”. 
He is the one who chuckles now. He starts to drive again and decided that silence was the best option after all. Half an hour later he parks the car in front of my house when I’m almost leaving he stops me saying:
“You know, even if it wasn’t for Nina or Kendra or whatever, I would still try to talk to you. And I respect your decision, it’s okay if you don’t want to hang out’‘ we both smile. I got off the car and he calls me again ‘‘But if you change your mind...” I roll my eyes.
‘‘Good night Styles” he smiles turning on the car and leaving.
Kenda asked me if I could spend the night with Nina since her and Alex wanted to spend some time together, I said yes, of course. So after work at a Friday night I’m at their place. They left around 7pm or so and since they I’m playing the babysitter with the happiest baby in the world. Nina is a very - very - excited child. She never stops. Never.
Now it’s around 8pm and I’m already tired. The thing is she loves climbing their’s stairs, from the bottom to the top, and once she get’s where she wants to start over again, and again, and again. Remember I said she learned how to walk very fast? Yeah, maybe she should have waited.
I’m in the middle of the stairs with Nina giggling when the doorbell rings. I take her with me with a pouty face, getting surprised when I answer the door
‘‘Nina!” he says ignoring me. Nina straightway leave the comfort of my embrace so she could have his “How you doing my love? Are you good?” 
“Harry?” I try again. He looks at me “May I help you?” 
He enters while I close the door. I follow him ‘til the living room where he puts Nina into her crib. He turns around and faces me with his hands inside of his jacket.
‘‘Alex called me told to come over so I could help you out’‘
‘‘Well,” I said “I appreciate but they didn’t warned me of anything”  
“It was sudden” he said “Are we hungry?”
“We already ate, but thanks”
He shrugged and face Nina again.
“Who missed the nestes grandfather in the word hmm?” Nina giggles. Cheater “I heard you wanna play some more, yeah? Let’s go then”
She grabs her again and says she’s taking her upstairs to the playroom. Now I “can take some rest” according to him. Yeah, okay. Suddenly I don’t feel so tired anymore. I clean the mess we made earlier and hear the giggles from upstairs. I climb the stairs carefully and move to Nina’s room. Her door is almost closed so I give a little peek inside the room and caught Nina playing with muppets laughing with everything Harry - well the mullet Harry was playing, a frog I belive.
“Why don’t you come from behind the door and come play with us, Aunt Y/N” said Harry, the frog with a strange but yeah, actually funny voice.
And so I did. At every terrible imitation of animal he did Nina giggle like it was the funniest thing in the world, as she understood everything we said. I was playing a very badly sheep but she didn’t mind at all. A few hours later she felt asleep right when Alex and Kendra got home.
“We don’t know how to thank you guys” they said.
“Tell me he is coming next time” I thought but I kept myself quiet.
So yeah, here we are again like the last time. I did not have a drive so Harry, the saviour offered to take me home so I accepted. The silence it’s not the uncomfortable as before, most of the time we talked about Nina and how special she is. From one second to another we where at my place. Before I could get out of the car he said
“Remember last time? I asked you out and you rejected me like...Well, you rejected me” he said uma playful tone.
I got out of the car and supported myself on the window.
“Oh, well. Maybe if you ask me a second time maybe I can accept”
He smirked.
“Are you free anytime?”
I smiled at him.
“You know what? Who knows maybe at third time you convince me”
We both smiled. He left and I watched him go.
He wasn’t so bad after wall.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
surveys by taco-tuesdays
What would be the pros and cons of a four-day school week? That was my schedule throughout college (we had Mondays off) and it really helped out a lot, especially mentally; and, on some level, emotionally as well. I’ve always thought 3 days is the most effective and ideal length of time when it comes to having a break.
As for cons, I honestly can’t name any as I was happy my schedule and I only heard miserable insights from my friends from other schools, who otherwise had to keep up a 5-day schedule in college.
What is a subject or topic that you would like to learn more about? My manager recently encouraged me to watch Going Seventeen – I initially thought I wouldn’t get the hype but I was wrong hahaha; they seem super interesting so I’ve been reading up about them today.
Would you rather live somewhere that was hot year-round or cold year-round? COLD.
What is something that you do during the summer that you don't otherwise? Give the weather the power to make me cranky. I’m not always vocal about the weather, but the summer heat just unleashes a monster right out of me.
Which professions do you feel deserve the highest amount of pay? Well, especially in the case of my country where essential workers are not paid nearly enough – medical frontliners.
What is your own definition of success? Reaching a point wherein I can honestly say I’m proud of myself. I’m my biggest critic and the worst overthinker I know, so if I’ve done something well enough to feel confident and comfortable about it, then I consider myself successful.
Do you have a favorite day of the week? Fridayyy.
What are some of your favorite songs? These days I’m really into Blue Side by J-Hope.
Do you donate to a specific charity or cause on an annual basis? Not annual, but there is an animal shelter to which I donate a small amount of my earnings whenever I can. I used to do it monthly but as more...life stuff that I need to pay for has started to pile up, I haven’t been able to keep up the habit as often as I would like.
If you won the lottery, how would you spend the money? Give half to my parents; use a portion of my half to get a new phone since my screen’s LED recently got permanently damaged and my phone now has weird colorful lines on the screen lmao; get sushi; save the rest.
Would you be a stay at home parent or send your kid to daycare? Ideally I would provide my child with their own helper that can watch them while I’m away for work. That’s a luxury I never got to have so my petty ass just wants to get back at my way-too-simple childhood and give my kid their own yaya.
What excites you more - tire swings or treehouses? Treehouses. I’ve never seen one; they’re not common at all here.
What's the highest amount of money you received in a card? I think around ₱2000? That’s roughly ~$40.
What's the last CD you purchased for yourself? My Butter set.
Dolphins, whales, sharks, or narwhals? Whales, then dolphins.
Did you get any scholarships or grants towards your education? No. But I technically didn’t need to apply for one; my entire college tuition was free.
Are spicy foods a yay or a nay for you? Absolutely the fuck yay. I have a pretty high tolerance and I think it just got even higher over the last year from all the kimchi and spicy noodles I’ve been downing haha.
Have you ever quit or been fired from a job before? No; but being fired is one of my biggest fears.
Have you ever wondered what your pets are saying to you? Just Cooper. I can read Kimi like the back of my hand at this point.
Did you walk or take the bus to school? My parents paid for a school bus service, which is the practice here. We don’t have a public school bus system.
Have you ever had to turn someone in before? For what? Hmm, not that I can recall. I don’t think so.
Describe a time where one of your parents embarrassed you. My dad belittled a staff at McDonald’s when we did drive-thru a couple of weeks ago. It has been like 11 in the morning and he was upset that his change came in coins, so he made a fantastic show of staying at the payment window for what felt like fucking years as he counted the coins one by one...like seriously? It’s fucking currency, are you really getting your panties in a bunch over coins?? Anyway, I didn’t talk to him for the whole day after that and didn’t touch my order that he paid for.
Do you prefer grapes, raisins, or prunes? Grape-flavored candies are fine, I guess. All of these choices in their pure form all suck.
Do you like knocking icicles off of things? Well no, considering I don’t encounter them a lot.
Have you ever had a party when your parents weren't home? I’ve never thrown a party at my own home.
What is something that irks you about your sibling(s)? There is a glaring lack of proactivity. My mom could be struggling with carrying something heavy and they will stay glued to whatever they’re doing, and will literally not move unless they’re addressed. It worries me sometimes as I don’t know to what extent it could possibly reach.
Does everyone really deserve to be forgiven? No.
How do we make men and women equal in today's society? Equal pay can be a good start to go with.
Did your parents favor one child over another when you were growing up? My mom clearly favored my brother and would give him millions of passes for shit I would otherwise be yelled at for; I didn’t feel any favoritism from my dad.
How much PDA is too much PDA to witness? I scrunch my nose even at light PDA all the time just to make my friends laugh, but to be honest about it it doesn’t actually bother me as much as I let it show. I’d only be grossed out if I see a full-blown makeout session or anything beyond that somewhere inappropriate.
If you get married, will you take your spouse's last name? I’d hyphenate so that I would still get to keep both my maiden and last names.
What's the last fight you had with your mother? Something about the courier delivery service I booked last week. The whole thing is too complicated to explain but I do remember retorting at her and her biting back with what I can best translate as, “How dare you have the gall to answer back,” which...as a minor probably would’ve been effective and made me feel guilty...but I’m literally 23. I had to hide my face to snicker because that kind of statement just doesn’t bother me anymore.
Do you still eat Lunchables as an adult? I’ve never had that; we don’t have them here.
When's the last time you made Kool-Aid? I have never tried Kool-Aid either.
Do you prefer photographs in color or black-and-white? Why? Color. Moments and memories just feel more alive that way.
What's your favorite comfort food? SUSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII fuck I need some right now.
What makes you proud to be from the country you're from? I like our regional and local cultures.
If you had to work in a store, which would you choose, and why? Ooh...I dunno. Maybe a bookstore? so I can get to slowly rekindle my love for reading.
If you were a teacher, which subject would you teach? History.
Who shows that they love you more than they actually say it? I feel like this question applies to me more than it does for people in my circle, most of whom are quite vocal. I don’t usually throw around the words I love you, but I will show it a lot.
0 notes
gazeopard · 4 years
My Thoughts on Chapter 193
SPOILAHZ. Link: https://read-beastars.com/manga/beastars-chapter-193/ WHELP. I don’t know if I should be happy or terrified about that smile. That happy, squinty kitty smile... XD This is giving me some real-life serial killer vibes right now. Like, holy schtick. Melon keeps proving me wrong again and again. I thought he was gonna die, we ALL thought he was going to die with Yafya, but nope. XD Just... nope. I’m kind of curious about the fan-mail, as it’s giving me some Charles Manson and Ted Bundy vibes. Is it from Holger (pfft, imagining the sloth writing all those letters to Melon so Melon could pretend he has friends is depressing as fuck XD)? The people at the tattoo parlour he frequented? The guys working behind the Bloodbone drug? Members of the Ivory Tusk Trade? A new character (or characters)? The carnivores that hate Yafya? That last look on his face makes me think he’s getting some trick up his sleeve and he’s not done just yet. That something is going to go down in the future. I swear, if Melon evolves into an Overarching Villain, I will freak out. XD That would be freaking AWESOME, but that’s most likely just wishful thinking due to the anticlimactic ending this arc has gotten. The conclusion to the Revenge of the Love-Failure arc is very.... anticlimactic and rushed. The BAM is demolished, which I have mixed feelings about, as Louis stated a few chapters ago that “carnivores need meat”. When Louis said that it was necessary for carnivores to eat meat, I don’t think he meant destroying the BAM. I always thought that the Back-Alley Market was going to stay and the carnivores and herbivores were going to have to live with it, while fish meat and seafood were going to be included in the market as remedies or alternatives for carnivores that had cravings for herbivore flesh. But, I guess they're all just going to eat fish meat now? Yay? How did that not occur to them before? This sudden resolution feels like a Deus Ex Machina, and the sudden pacing of Chapters 192 and 193 make me wonder if Paru's editors or publishers are forcing her to rush it to move on. It's disappointing, because I was really invested in Melon's story, despite the arc's flaws. I was on board for most of the way and was very excited to see what happened after the end of Chapter 191, until Chapter 192 happened. The Revenge of the Love-Failure arc was all over the place, to say the least. It started off great, with Melon’s introduction and his clashes with Legoshi and his interactions with Haru, but after the game-quiz thing, it started getting crazy and a lot of things were left unresolved, like in my previous post. Legoshi’s fight with Melon was kind of anticlimactic and all over the place, and this ending has left plot-threads revolving around Melon hanging and unresolved. What was the point of introducing Melon’s father if they’re not going to meet at all? The guy might as well have just stayed dead if that was the case. And what happened to Melon’s ‘promise’ with Haru? It makes all their previous scenes together pointless. Unless Melon somehow breaks out of prison or his father decides to drop by and visit him, I can't see either happening. With Haru being the only animal that gave him the urge to eat for the first time in his life, I thought his promise with her was going to conclude with him kidnapping her and recovering his sense of taste after his fight with Legoshi. Even if Haru had changed her mind, it wouldn't have hurt to have had a brief scene where she'd tell him she changed her mind, only for Melon to try to kill her anyway. Kyuu’s betrayal also comes across as filler as well. Even if she did tell him Legoshi was using dentures, what was the point of that if Legoshi grew his teeth back anyway before Melon could use it to his advantage? The whole thing with Legoshi starving himself in preparation for the final fight didn’t really change anything, either. I remember people speculated that he was going to lose control and try to eat Melon and go feral, but nothing ever really came from it. From the way Ch. 191 ended, it looked like Gosha was going to get shot and I feel like having somebody (be it Yafya or Gosha) get wounded or die in that moment would've been very powerful, realistic, and would've risen the stakes higher. I thought Ch. 192 would open up to Legoshi and Yafya rushing to Gosha's side and Gosha was going to say some heartfelt words to both of them and die, Melon was going to see his killing of Legoshi's grandfather as an opportunity to goad Legoshi into killing him by harming more of his friends, like Louis or Haru. I thought he was going to escape with Louis, Louis was going to discover a kidnapped Haru, where we'd get a flashback chapter as to how and when Melon caught her, Louis was going to buy Melon some time until Legoshi got to them, Legoshi was going to turn up and, with Louis, fight Melon one last time. For something so unexpected and big like the death of Gosha to happen, it would've made Legoshi and Melon's animosities toward each other more personal, and it would've shown us that nobody is safe and anybody could die at any time much like in real-life. But for everybody to just survive at the end, and for everything to be just magically resolved like this, it all feels like a cop-out. And another thing... I wish Melon had had a bigger goal, or at least a warped vision of the society he wanted to achieve. I remember there was a theory on Reddit about Melon inspiring the carnivores of the Back-Alley Market to rise up in a civil-war against the city that was forcing them to hide away what they were, similar to what he did in the Turf-War scene (the one where he cut Dolph), and I was hoping something along the lines of that was going to happen. I suspected Melon was plotting something bigger and crazier than Yafya and the others were prepared for, and it was going to get crazier and crazier, forcing Legoshi and Louis to put a stop to it and their cooperation and efforts would earn them the titles of “Beastars”. That would've been an epic climax, but alas. If this is the end of the Love-Failure arc, I kinda hope this isn’t the end of Melon. I know some people are getting sick of him, but I kinda hope he’ll make a better-written comeback since his introductory arc was rather weak. But that’s probably just wishful thinking from me, as it does feel like the manga is reaching its conclusion. On a less depressing note, I think I’ll end this with.... a happy Melon. The Fruit-Boi may be behind bars, but the Fruit-Boi is behind bars with no fucks to give.
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bangtan-madi · 5 years
All Of Our Lifetimes — One: Daymare
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Pairing — Taehyung x Reader
Tags — boyfriend!Taehyung, husband!Taehyung reincarnation au, lovers to strangers and to lovers again, established relationship, implied soulmate au
Genre — fluff, angst, crime (ish)
Word Count — 2.7k
Summary — Does love ever truly end, or does it simply take another form in a new life? The cycle is like clockwork: your lives end and you’re reborn again. You’ve lived it over and over. Each cycle, one of you loses your memories and is tragically unaware until the other finds and awakens their lover. After all these eons, all these lifetimes, is it possible to find each other again—even when neither of you awakens with your memories? 
Part — 1 / 10
Warnings — swearing
A/N — This is going up a few hours earlier than I said previously, but I don’t care! Tuesday is the worst day of the week so I need to put out something good lol. Enjoy!
Previous — Next
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"Find me... Find me... F—"
"—Oh, fuck me!"
Milo's temper tantrum draws you from your intense daydream. Jolting in your seat, breath ragged and heartbeat racing, you see your roommate throw a copy of her resume across the living room in a burst of rage.
"Fuck you," she points sharply at the paper, "fuck this, and fuck me!"
As Milo throws herself onto the couch, draping her forearm dramatically across her eyes, she heaves a heavy sigh and groans loudly.
"How are we supposed to have this much experience for an entry-level job, [Y/n]? We were lied to. I feel wronged. Can I sue?"
You shake your head, trying to push the daymare away from your mind. It's not the first time this has happened, and it certainly won't be the last, but somehow that man's face keeps coming back to you. Day and night, he's all you see when you close your eyes, almost like a memory...
You feign a smile as you reply, "Who are you gonna sue, Mi? You're the one that insisted on doing your resume yourself, after our internships."
Milo gestures extravagantly with her free hand, making shapes in the air with her fingers. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe the professor who told us that we'd have enough to get a job overseas by the time we graduated? Maybe the damned school who never mentioned the fact that South Korean's are so damn particular? Maybe my mom who never forced me to continue speaking Korean or writing Hangul when I was a kid so that I had to basically re-learn every-fucking-thing?"
The highs and lows of her complaints cause a laugh to slip out as you turn your attention back to your own resume, a digital copy ready for edits on your laptop. "You're gonna sue your Mrs. Choi? Doesn't sound like a great idea. Besides, I like her too much. Her kimchi is to die for. And if you had already known Korean and Hangul, we may have never met!"
Your best friend nods once, accepting this fact as true. "Probably not. That semester in a foreign language really did solidify our nerdiness about South Korea." She jabs a finger in your direction. "But I have a one-up on you 'cause my grandparents were first-gen immigrants from Seoul. So ha!"
Raising your hands in mock defeat, you retort, "You win that one. I'm just an American."
"So sad." The brunette sits up with an excited expression, eyes wide as she crawls over to you on your side of the sofa. "How about my academic advisor, if you can even call the woman an advisor for rehashing my own questions back at me? She convinced me that I could get a job anywhere, with any degree. So what did I go with? Interior design! I can't find a single freakin' job in Seoul for that! Not that doesn't require, like, three years experience, a particular certification that I conveniently did not get, and a signed contract with the Evil Underlord Satan."
"I really don't think that's gonna work, but hey go ahead and try!"
Milo shoves your shoulder playfully, turning to the television to change it to the New Year's Rockin' Eve show that you'd been waiting to start. "You're the one that took ethics classes! I thought you'd be able to tell me if I had a case."
You scoff, "I took business ethics, not legal ethics! But I can agree with you partly. That woman was of no help. At all. Glad I wasn't stuck with her as an advisor since I was in the communications program."
"Yeah, I like to compare her to our house: a conventional ranch with no personality."
You burst into laughter, and Milo hops up from the sofa, an amused expression on her face. She tosses the remote in your direction. "Get the channel right. I can't find it. I wanna watch the ABC exclusive. Pretty sure we get that through YouTube TV."
You catch the remote with ease and turn to the menu. "You think I know how this thing works? I only use Netflix and Crunchy Roll."
"Just shut up and search, will ya?"
You roll your eyes and do as your roommate asks. "Why ABC? Isn't it easier to just stream it online?"
"Becauuuse BTS! They're gonna be performing in, like, ten minutes!"
"What's that again?" you tease.
"Okay, I am not dealing with you right now. Don't make me come over there and hit you with the champagne bottle."
The last two words catch your attention. You turn around, rest your arms on the back of the sofa, and give your best friend the biggest puppy-dog eyes you can manage. "Pour me a glass, Jagiya?"
Milo smirks at the Korean pet name and grabs the golden bottle from the refrigerator. "Get your ass over here so we can pop it and move on. I ain't waiting for midnight. We got shit to do before then, and I can't work on this job-seeking stuff for another damn second without some alcohol in me."
You squeal a tiny, "Yay!" before leaping over the back of the sofa and joining your roommate in the kitchen.
After the champagne is popped and poured, both of you return to your places on the sofa. You take a sip from your glass as Milo calls your favorite local pizza place to place an order.
"Pickup in fifteen, which is perfect! I don't wanna miss BTS," she giggles, pushing her champagne away. "No drinking and driving. I can wait until I get back."
"You're giving up champagne for this band?" you tut, swirling your glass to show off the drink. "You must really love these boys."
Milo narrows her dark eyes at you and tosses her hair over her shoulder. "You'll see."
Another sip and you turn back to your laptop, the noise of the New Year's Rockin' Eve in the background. "Mhm, sure."
You continue to work in relative quiet for the next five minutes until Milo breaks the peace with an elated screech, a sound that is more similar to that of an animal than a twenty-something woman.
"They're on!" She grabs your arm and shakes it vigorously. "Look at them!"
You stop your edits to your portfolio and turn to the television with a sigh. The crowd has started to go mad over the seven men currently trotting up the stairs and on to the stage. The singing has already begun, and you have to admit that their voices harmonized spectacularly together.
But there's one voice, in particular, that is so familiar to you. Despite being mixed in with the group, the lowest register has your eyes leaving your laptop screen and shifting to the television. You can't put your finger on it, but there's something so soft, so real, so warm about it.
The camera zeroes in on the seven men. All are dressed to the nines and look like they're having a blast while performing. So not only can they sing and dance—and, for some, rap—they're all stupid good looking, each in their own unique way.
As the first song comes to a close, and Milo sings the last verse at the top of her lungs, the camera pans to the man in the center. He delivers some of the last lines in a voice as soft and warm as the one you'd heard amongst the mass. Except, this time, he stands out.
But you recognize more than his voice; his appearance is familiar, too. Despite remaining in the background for most of the first song's performance, there's something about the man with the wavy black hair and similarly colored trench coat that calls to you. On an ordinary day, on any other day, you would wave it off as a simple attraction.
But this—this is different. You can't put your finger on how or why, but you know that you've met this person before.
Lightning strikes. You know where you've seen this face before. He's been in your dreams and nightmares, your daymares and daytime imagination. He's been all over your mind, consuming it for the past few months. You've always had this dream, ever since you were a child, but lately, those nightmares have been getting more frequent. This man might be a slightly younger version than the one that plagues your dreams, but it's the same person. You're sure of it. Every time you close your eyes, his face is the one you see.
Right before you both die.
The next song begins, and the dark-haired stranger is back at the front. For the remainder of their eight-minute time slot, your eyes are glued to the screen, unable to comprehend where this person came from. You have distinct memories of your mother consoling a three-year-old you after having these same night terrors. Surely, you could not have seen this person back then. It's unlikely you saw him at all, and certainly not as he is at the turn of the decade.
"Who's that?"
Milo follows your gesture, seeing the raven-haired man taking center stage once again. "That's Kim Taehyung! Pretty, isn't he?" She chuckles at your expression. "You have a bias already, damn that's impressive. I mean, I'm more of a Hoseok girl myself but..."
Your roommate's chatter fades away as your attention is once again drawn to the screen. The performance ends, and the show shifts to a different artist, all part of the New Year's Rockin' Eve circus.
"Welp, that was worth the wait, but  I'm gonna go pick up that pizza," Milo cheers, hopping to her feet. "Don't drink all the champagne before I get back!" 
You shake your head and wave to the brunette as she slips out the door. Turning back to your laptop, you open a new search bar and put in two words: Kim Taehyung.
Millions of results pop up, everything from Wikipedia articles to Koreaboo gossip posts and everything in between. The entire time Milo is gone, you spend online researching BTS' V. By the end of the half-hour, you've learned quite a bit about him—taking particular note that his birthday is just a few days after yours—and have stalked his social media.
A little farther down on the results, you see an ad for Big Hit Entertainment. The ad says that the company is looking for bi-lingual speakers, preferably English and Korean, to hire as a production assistant. Out of curiosity, you click on the link and are taken to Big Hit's site.
Milo returns with fanfare, holding the pizza in front of her like Simba the lion. "It's the cirrrcle of life!" she sings. "They were definitely talking about pizza when they wrote that line."
As she plops the box onto the kitchen counter, you make a sound of vague agreement. Milo asks you how many pieces you want, but you hardly hear her, eyes skimming the job posting over and over.
Is this a possibility? Is this something you're actually considering? Besides the fact that you just saw the add a few minutes ago, your reasons for applying are vague at best. Are you weighing the real options, or are you leaning into this particular job because it might lead you to answers? Or maybe give you an opportunity to meet this Kim Taehyung, maybe even ask him questions?
"Hello? Earth to [Y/n]!" Milo reaches over the back of the sofa to wave a hand in front of your face. Snapping you out of your stupor, your best friend laughs. "Damn, what are you reading? You're really out—wait...is that Big Hit? You found a job posting? What!"
Milo grabs your laptop and pulls it from your grasp. "Mi—"
She brings it over the back of the couch, placing it on the counter beside the pizza. Her brown eyes are wide and curious as she scrolls through the information. "Production assistant for Big Hit, in Seoul, for a bi-lingual speaker with no prior experience? Dude. This is the perfect job! Like, seriously, where did you find this?"
"On Google," you sigh, knowing that you're not going to get the laptop back until Milo relinquishes her control. You settle in on the stool beside her. "I was looking...for postings while you were gone. I stumbled across it."
Milo cocks an eyebrow and shows you your search history, terms which mostly consist of "BTS," "BTS V," and "Kim Taehyung."
"Mhm, suuure, we'll go with job postings."
You take the device from her with a playful scowl. "My point remains. This is exactly what I've been looking for. It says here that the job would be a lot of translation work, both in person and on documents. I'd also assist in the studio while recording or producing. And various other tasks, but I think it'd put my communications major to good use. It's a step in the right direction."
"You sure you just don't wanna see Taehyung-ssi?" she giggles.
A rising feeling of defensiveness comes over you as you close your laptop, moving to the sofa to retrieve your glass of champagne. "I just heard BTS for the first time tonight, Milo. I'm not about to pick my first post-college job and move half-way around the world for a boy I don't even know, let alone a K-pop boy."
"A cute K-pop boy, though." 
You return to her side, raising both eyebrows in an expression that says, "Really?"
Milo shrugs, raising her hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay, I'll let it go. Just an odd choice for you."
"Well, it's like we were saying earlier." You grab a piece of pizza from the box and shove the end into your mouth. "What'd we got t'lose?"
Milo makes a "close your mouth" gesture with her hand, grimacing at the sight. "Points were made. Fine, but maybe sleep on it? And this is me telling you to not be impulsive," she laughs towards the end. "But what the hell. If you go for it, I might have to find a job in Seoul sooner than I thought."
"I'm sure there are thousands of applicants," you grimace, the reality of the situation settling in. 
Milo grabs a slice for herself and wraps an arm around your shoulders. "And you're worth each and every one of 'em." After pressing a loud kiss to your temple, she slips from the bench and plops back down on the sofa. "C'mon! We got some balls to drop and resumes to edit."
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Later that evening, or earlier the next morning, you're left cleaning up as Milo reclines on the sofa in a tipsy slumber. After the New Year rolls in, along with a brand new decade, you're left alone with your thoughts. 
Thoughts and several disposable dishes.
As you tidy up, you contemplate the options in front of you. Sure, you'd sent out several resumes to plenty of companies already. Some of which you'd heard absolutely nothing from, while others have let you know they'll get back to you about a possible interview. So far, nothing has been terribly promising.
So what' the harm in applying for the Big Hit job in Seoul?
The other half of your motivation slips into your sleepy mind. The person you've seen since childhood, could he really be Taehyung? Could you finally be so close to the answers? Why only one dream? Why him? Why so much blood and death?
Does he dream of you, too?
The laptop remains on the kitchen counter, and your fingers itch to open it up and send off your completed resume. This could lead to more than just a new job and a fresh start; this could lead to the answers you've been seeking ever since you were three years old.
A tiny voice inside you says, "Do it."
And, against your better judgment, you listen. 
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bangtansbun · 4 years
Little Ones || Part Two
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pairing: human!jin and namjoon, and hybrid!jimin, taehyung, & jungkook
genre: fluff
summary: Jin’s best friend, Namjoon, gets to see the boys for the first time since they left the adoption center. The two adults get to catch up with each other and Namjoon suggests something to Jin that he thinks will make both of them happier.
series: part 2/??
part 1
word count: 2,348
To Namjoon:
[10:17am] Hey, Joonie!  Are you free for lunch today??
From Namjoon:
[10:18am] Yeah, I’d love to have lunch with you guys! :)
To Namjoon:
[10:20am] Perfect :) the boys would love to see you and I miss you!
From Namjoon: 
[10:21am] I miss you too, hyung! Name the time and place and I’ll be there :)
To Namjoon:
[10:24am] How about noon at Stardew Diner?
From Namjoon:
[10:25am] I’ll see you there!!
“Alright boys! It’s time to start getting ready for the day!” Jin shouts to them from the kitchen where he’s been puttering around for his next article. Jungkook and Tae had been watching Fairly Odd Parents all morning while Jimin snoozed in a sun spot on the ground, his gray fluffy tail curled around him for extra warmth. 
The two cartoon-watching hybrids snapped their heads around, “where are we goin, hyungie?” the bengal kitten asked with round eyes. “We’re going to have lunch with Namjoonie today. We’re friends remember?” Before Jin could even think of saying anything else the two of them jumped off the couch yelling a chorus of yays, effectively waking up their older brother. “Wh-what’s going on?” Jimin asks with his eyes slowly blinking open. “WE’RE GOING TO SEE NAMJOON-HYUNGIE!!!!” the youngest shouts at him out of pure excitement. That wakes Jimin right up, but now he has a huge grin on his face. “Okay, okay, I know you’re excited, but you all need to go wash up and get dressed. We’ll head out at 11:45, so be ready.”  They all nod their heads quickly as they take off down the hallway toward their respective bedrooms.
The boys had been with Jin for a couple weeks now and were finally starting to really settle in. Jimin now has his bedroom all fixed up with everything he could possibly need and they were all starting to get more comfortable as a new little family. Jin has been feeling so content with boys starting to come out of their shells more, especially Jimin who seemed the most guarded from the beginning.
While Jin cleans up his mess in the kitchen and heads to his own room to get ready, the hybrids are rushing around to grab bath towels and clothes so they can be ready in time. “Wait! Jungkookie-ah, before we go shower, which shirt should I wear: green teen titans or blue airbender?” Tae asks as he looks  between the shirts, brows furrowed and spotted ears twitching as he waits for a response. Kook begins to tap a finger on his nose, “hmmm, dat one, Tae-Tae!” he says as he points to the avatar t-shirt. Taehyung gives a big toothy smile to him before they both scurry off to take their shower.
Jimin likes to take his showers at night so he didn’t need to worry making  sure his little brothers didn’t hog up all of the hot water. However, his hair was a mess this morning from his nap and no matter what he did he still thought it looked bad. He frowned at himself in his floor length mirror before he padded off to Jin’s room.
He knocked on the door before lightly pushing the door open, peaking through the crack to see if it was safe to enter. Jin was just pulling a hoodie over his t-shirt when he heard the knock. “Come on in,” he said to whoever was behind the creaking door. Jimin stepped in and walked up to Jin, hair brush in hand. “Can you please help me Jinnie-hyung? I can’t do my hair,” he says with his plush lips in a big pout and dark gray ears flat on his head out of frustration. How could Jin possibly say no to that face? “Of course, Minnie. Your hair is long enough to do braids, how about I do two french braids in a half-up, half-down style?” Jimin’s ears immediately perked up and eyes turning into crescent moons. He handed over his brush and sat on the bed with Jin so he could do his hair. Jin hummed softly while he brushed through his soft hair, giving Jimin little ear scratches here and there. The little boy seemed so relaxed in that moment and Jin savored it, storing it away, a keepsake for his memory.
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Once 11:45am rolled around, everyone was ready and getting themselves situated into the car. “Okay, you boys ready to see Joonie?” he says with excitement, and the three hybrids in the back all start chanting “yes! yes! yes!” with fists pumping in the air. They were ecstatic, to say the least. 
They arrive just in time, but as Jin expected, his best friend was already there and had grabbed a table for the five of them. The second the three little ones see him they all run up and pile onto him, effectively suffocating him in the process. “Hey, guys! How have you three little monsters been?” he asks as he squishes them to him in a big group hug. “Hey, we’re not monsters! We’re good boys!” Taehyung says to him, with a serious look on his face. Namjoon and Jin laugh at this, “I’m just messing with you, buddy, but knowing how you and Kookie play, I’m sure you wear Jin out sometimes.” The two hybrids named turn to him with questioning looks, “ah, they’re really not too bad, they just play hard.” He reaches over and scratches their ears affectionately.  
Jin takes a seat across from his friend, Jimin coming in beside him, and the younger two sandwiching Namjoon. The two adults get the boys to settle down as the server takes their drink and food orders. Young hybrids out in public with empty tummies do not usually make for a great time, as Jin has quickly discovered.
While the boys are preoccupied with crayon games of tic-tac-toe and coloring, Jin and Namjoon start to catch up with each other. Since making the adjustment of going from a one person household to a four person household, Jin hasn’t gotten to see his best friend and, truth be told, he missed him a lot.
“How’s it been going so far? I feel like we’ve barely spoken since you adopted the three little rascals,” Namjoon chuckles at the end of his sentence and takes a sip of his water. “Actually, a lot easier than I thought it would have. They argue sometimes, as any set of brothers would, but they’re actually really well behaved most of the time. I’m mainly just trying to make them comfortable and trying to get them to come out of their shells more.” Namjoon nods his head to this. 
Having been with the hybrids for a little bit while they were at the adoption center, he knew how closed off they could be sometimes. Namjoon lowers his voice, “how’s Jimin been? I know you were a little worried about him at first. No doubt the other two are adjusting just fine.” they both look over to the animated bunny and bengal hybrid, smiles on their faces. “He’s still a little more reserved than the other two, but I can definitely tell he’s warming up to me. He let me do his hair this morning,” there’s a gleam in Jin’s eyes when he tells his best friend this. Namjoon’s heart swells, he couldn’t be happier that Jin and the boys are doing so well. He can tell that Jin truly loves them with his whole being. 
The server brings their food to them, bringing their conversation to a halt for a minute or two. The hybrids gasp with ooohs and ahhhs as their food is set in front of them, clearly excited to start munching. “I’m glad it’s going so well. You all seem very happy and that makes me happy too,” Namjoon grins widely, and Jin notices his cute dimples that are on display. “Thanks for checking in so much, Joonie. If it wasn’t for you, none of this would have happened anyway,” Jin gives a soft smile back to him. Namjoon nods at him, shyly acknowledging Jin’s appreciation. With that, they all happily eat their lunch, growling bellies being tamed.
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Before they head off to go to their respective homes, Namjoon grabs Jin by the elbow, wanting to run something by him. “Something wrong, Joon?” Jin asks with concern written on his face. “Oh, no! Not at all. I just wanted to ask you something.” Jin’s shoulders noticeably relax, “sure, what is it?” Just before Namjoon asks, Jin hurries the boys into the car just in case the subject matter is more serious than what they need to hear. “I, I just really miss getting to see you and talk with you. I know you’re really busy with work and them, but you’re my best friend and I don’t want to lose that. I’d like for us to make more of an effort to hang out with each other. I also really love those boys, so I have a proposition,” Namjoon is nervously running his hand through his hair. 
Jin is intrigued as to what his best friend is going on about. “Again, I know you’re busy and everything, but I was wondering if maybe I could come over on some of my off days and spend some time with you and the boys if you’re not working. I can even watch them for you on some days, keep them entertained if you need. Point is, I just want to spend more time with you all. Even if that means playing PUBG or watching Teen Titans all day.” 
Jin’s heart is warmed by the thought that Namjoon would offer up so much of  his free time just to see each other more often. He didn’t know how he got so lucky as to have him in his life, and he certainly wasn’t about to let him go. “Of course, I miss you too and I’d love to have you over more often. I know the boys would love to see you too. Maybe we all can even go out on days where I’m not busy working - to the park or something. Don’t worry, you’re not losing me as a friend just because I’m busier. I’ll always make time for you,” Jin smiles at him and gives Namjoon’s shoulder a rub.
Namjoon lets out an audible sigh of relief. “Okay, well, I’ll see you soon then?” Jin nods as they start to part slowly in the direction of their cars. “Of course, just let me know what days you’re off!” Both feeling lighter and optimistic from their talk, they head back home, looking forward to the week ahead of them.
Once they’re back home, the boys all seem to be tuckered out from all of the excitement at lunch. Jimin walks almost like a zombie over to his designated napping spot, fluffy gray tail dragging on the floor behind him. Taehyung also heads toward his room, eyelids fluttering as he walks in that direction. Kook is stood in the middle of the living space, unsure of what he wants to do. “Come here, Kookie,” comes a voice from the sun spot in the living room. Jungkook walks over and Jimin has one eye peaked open and he’s holding his blanket up for Jungkook to get under with him. He hurries over and snuggles in closely to his eldest brother. 
With all of them napping soundly, Jin uses this time to catch up on some more work. He’d actually gotten the idea from their first family meal they had together. His article for this month’s issue was “7 Simple Meals for Fussy Eaters.” Although he thought it might be difficult to satisfy Jimin’s eating habits, he’d actually had a lot of fun coming up with recipes that were simple and delicious enough for the picky hybrid. He thought sharing what he learned might be helpful to others too. 
As Jin sat there writing his article, he began to reminisce on the past couple of weeks. He felt like the boys had already bloomed so much from when they first arrived. He new a lot of their habits now and how best to talk to them. He loved getting to learn more each day. Taehyung was such a free spirit, always doing what made him most happy. He loved a wide array of things, spanning from painting, to video games with Kook, and playing dress up. Jungkook was the most open out of all of them, always wanting snuggles and to play with his brothers. Jimin, although reserved at times, was possibly the sweetest of the three. He valued quality time, watching cartoons as a family, and taking care of this little brothers. Each of them so different from the other, but all so lovable, nonetheless.
Caught up in the moment, having subconsciously stopped typing as he daydreamed, a buzz from his phone finally broke him from his trance.
New Message From Namjoon:
[2:22pm] So, I’m free Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday this up coming week. Any of those work for you?
To Namjoon:
[2:23pm] They all work great! In fact, why don’t you spend the night on Tuesday? I’m sure the boys would love a sleep over :)
From Namjoon:
[2:24pm] Really?? I’d love that :)
To Namjoon:
[2:26pm] Of course! We’ll probably have to build a fort or two with the boys, but once we send them off to bed we can have a beer together!
From Namjoon:
[2:27pm] Sounds perfect :) I’ll see you Tuesday then!
To Namjoon:
[2:28pm] See you then, Joonie!!
Setting his phone down on the desk, Jin looks back at the two boys fast asleep in each other’s arms. He’s smiling at himself and at the prospects of next week. He’s excited to get to see Namjoon more and he knows that it’ll make the three little hybrids really happy too. With next week’s plans all figured out and contentment washing over him, Jin returns back to his work, determined to get some of it done before they all wake up.
taglist: @littlewolfieposts
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Polyamorous : The Name Game
Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes, Stucky x reader
warning:  fluff, language 
The First kiss |  The first touch | Moving In | The day they left for war | Found you | The day Stark found out | Big Change | The Train | The Plane | Alone | Unfortunate sequences of events | I know her | The Resturant part 1 | The Resturant part 2 | It’s me | You can keep her | He’s okay with that | Mama loves me | Kissing Captain | Kissing Winter | Healing | Hurt | We’ll Wait | Memories | Prude | Whore | Put in her place | The day Stark Jr. Found out | Now you know |  Nursing | Like a Virgin | Morning After | The Catacombs | Off with her head | Grieving the Insane | Let me make it up to you | Punishment | Spiderling pt1 | Spiderling pt2 | Twentieth-century love | The new we can imagine | Connection | Please, marry me | Walk me | Stand with me | Final touches | I Do | Honeymoon | A moment of Paradise | Pictures from Paradise | The Fever | The bad days | Let’s talk about it | Practice makes perfect pt1 | Practice makes perfect pt2 | Seed | Unknown Stolen | unfulfilled Duties | Talking Emotion | Next Step | Holy Shit!! | First steps to hope | She’s Awake | Nicknames | The Mother and The father | The Boy | The Name Game 
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It has been a month since Roger- Barnes got their new addition and things we're doing well. She was given therapy and tutor to see where she was with her education and catch her up if necessary. And twice a week every week someone most likely (Y/n), Bucky, or both would take her for a walk through the city each time showing her something new. Despite how good everything was going and the progress she was making there was one glaring problem that no one realized but never brought a solution to until now. 
"So, I've talked to Tony and he talked to some lawyers and officials and we are going to get you a new birth certificate." "Why?" (Y/n) was still excited and happy to hear her talking so freely it meant she was becoming comfortable with them. It might have been something like a word a day but that was still something. Slowly but surely. "While your first birth certificate was in Russian and it was made in a highly illegal factually so technically it wasn't real and it had o names just numbers...anyways I figured since we're making a new one you could pick name, usually babies don't get to pick their names at birth but your order and I believe you deserve a choose. So with the help of the internet, we're going to name you. Yay" (Y/n) did a little happy dance in her seat as she slid the tablet across the table to her. She had a pen and paper ready to write down any name that sounded good. -45 minutes later (y/n) had a few names on her paper but it was mostly filled with doodles as the kid was having a hard time coming up with a name.  "Ash" (Y/n) writes the name down.  " Ash Uzumaki Roger- Barnes" On the tip of (Y/n)'s tongue was an explanation of Copy Rights and anime names but all that flew out the window when she saw her smile she looked so happy so proud of her new name and she couldn't ruin it. "That's a beautiful name, Ash Uzumaki Roger-Barnes, and it's yours." The two girls sat straight as they heard footsteps and voices coming their way it was Natasha, Clint, Sma, Steve, Bucky, and Peter. She stood up  " Hello" Everyone stopped their mission of emptying the fridge " Hello, My name is Ash Uzumaki Roger-Barnes, nice to meet you," No one said anything the room was silent at a complete standstill she looked back at (Y/n) believing she had done something wrong. Everyone was just shocked to hear her speak at all She only spoke a few words and only to (Y/n) any other time she would just use facial expressions, she had a beautiful voice.  "Hey, Ash Uzumaki Roger- Barnes my name is Peter Benjamin Parker it's really nice to meet you. I hope we can become friends."  she smiled at Peter "I'd really like that very much" "Isn't Ash ... from Pokemon?" "I don't know about that but Uzumaki is definitely from Naruto." "Hey, Clint, Sam shut the fuck up. Kids don't say that it's a bad word" "You shouldn't say that either" "But Steve-" "You're grounded" "I'm a grown woman " (Y/n) said suddenly standing up hands on her hips.  "And I'm your husband. Now go to your room and think about what've done." Steve said in his well know I'm in charge and you're in trouble voice.  "But-" "March," Steve said pointing to the door. With a heavy sigh (y/n) got up and with even heavier feet she stomped away while cursing Steve's home like a child.  "Did you just send your wife to time out?" Natasha said trying her best not to laugh.  "Oh please, He does that every two weeks. He likes making her march" Steve spun around and glared at Bucky "Would you like to join her" he said but less stern. "No dad, I'm sorry. It won't happen again" Bucky said rolling his eyes and winking at Ash.  "Come on, Kid. Let's go find Tony and Pepper and make you a birth certificate." Natasha said waving her over to follow her out. Clint jumped up and followed them out "Hey, have you ever heard of Pokemon or, better yet, Naruto."
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excaliefur · 4 years
How Anne got her Introduction
Hey y’all. I hope your good!
This idea came to me from a whim, I was listening to the Anne Boleyn introduction and it just came to me lol. I have a lot of angst coming so savour this strange fluff while you can.
Also a bit of context, at the time of this fic, they are working on the musical, it wasn’t fully written.
TW: I don’t think there’s anything, a bit of swearing maybe, let me know if I need to add something.
And sorry for the boring dares, I have no life and no friends to do stuff like this. Anyways, enjoy folks!
All the queens were working hard writing the musical, so naturally after a hard week, on the Friday evening, the only thing they wanted to do was get drunk and have fun. So thats what they did.
‘If i roll a 2, you have to call Starbucks and say you want a pizza.’ Catherine snickered, pointing at Jane. Jane looked affronted and nodded vigorously. ‘I’ll do it, I’ll do it, just watch.’ She said, offended.
‘Woah, calm down she hasn’t even rolled yet.’ Anna said, holding her back. Maybe everyone was a little drunk, scratch that, they were very drunk. First they played some harmless board games, then moved onto cards against humanity after Jane started to slur her words, and now they made up a game, just because they could. Anne had to stand on her head for a round, which she did, afterwards she proceeded to throw up and return to the game. Everyone was too drunk to say otherwise. Cathy had to chug 3 red-bulls, which was definitely not good, she was definitely gonna throw up soon. So maybe some of the dares were a bit extreme.
‘Awww man, I rolled a one.’ Catherine cried, she was a very emotional drunk. So if she felt sad normally, as a drunk she would be devastated. all her emotions were multiplied by a 100. Jane frowned. ‘I wanted Pizza!’ Anne yelled from her armchair. ‘Ok, moving on, Kat, its your turn!’ Cathy said, out of all of them, she was probably the most sober, which was saying something. She passed the die to Kat.
‘If I roll a six, Anna, you have to do push ups until it comes back to me!’ Kat shouted. Kat was a loud, horny drunk. Anna did not look like she was fit for push ups, but nodded nonetheless.
‘Seriously Kat?’ Anne groaned. ‘You’ve been focusing on Anna for the last four, or five, no it was two, turns.’ She continued, looking extremely confused as she tried to count on her fingers.
Kat shrugged, ‘I like seeing you do them Anna.’ she said, winking very clearly, everyone except Anna and Kat groaned. ‘Get a room!’ Jane said in disgust. Anna sighed and said ‘Fine, roll it then.’ Kat threw the dice across the room, right next to Catherine, who crept over and looked at it.
‘ahh, a five,’ She said, very sympathetically.
Anna smiled, glad she didn’t have to, but she looked over to Kat, who had a very exaggerated pout on her face. Anna hated seeing Kat upset, but was too drunk to notice that it was fake. ‘Don’t look so upset liebe, I’ll do it.’ She told her, before sighing and dropping down. Kat instantly looked happy and cheered ‘Yay!’. However, the others had noticed her fake expression.
‘Wow another manipulator huh?’ Catherine asked, cynically. That wasn’t really said well, and Anne slapped her hand. She looked up and noticed the not fake frown on Kats face, and the fear in her eyes. ‘Oh I didn’t mean it like that, I swear! I meant it like you and Anne are so alike!’ she rectified, Kat nodded and looked down. Catherine sighed, how could she have forgotten about Kat’s previous tormentors. ‘I’m sorry Kat.’ Kat nodded and gave a small grin, saying she accepted the apology. When everyone looked away however, Kat had a devilish grin on her face.
‘Lets move on then.’ Cathy sighed, she was getting bored. She caught the die from her god mother and passed it to Anne who slid onto the floor. Anne thought for a second, wondering what she wanted.
‘Ok, If I roll a 4 then Cathy you have to cuddle with me.’ Anne said impishly, Cathy groaned, Anne was such a hypocrite. A minute ago she was talking about lame dares and then she asked for this.
‘You could just ask for affection, you know?’ Cathy asked. She rolled her eyes and waited for a rebuttal.
‘Hush, let me roll.’ There it was. It was very late in the night and Cathy was starting to get energised from the red-bull. She stood up and started pacing. As she looked around from the room, she noticed that Anna was perspiring heavily, she felt sympathetic for her. Jane was curled up next to Catherine, looking tired.
‘A four!’ Anne cried out in joy. ‘Now get over here!’ she said with her arms open. Cathy rolled her eyes and climbed into Anne’s arms. She focused on listening to Annes heartbeat.
‘Anna, you can stop now, it was a stupid dare.’ Kat said, eyeing Anna nervously. Anna shook her head. ‘I never back down from a dare.’ she said between breaths.
‘It’s my turn right?’ Jane asked, before grabbing the die, and preparing to roll. Anna stopped doing push ups and grabbed a bottle of water. during her break she looked up. ‘Do something good this time!’ Anna huffed out, Anne nodded.
Jane looked upset, ‘Hey! Mine was good last time.’ Jane said.
‘Seriously? Knocking on the neighbours door and giving them a high five without speaking isn't that interesting.’  Anna sighed, then she dropped back to do more push ups
Kat grinned at Anna before speaking, ‘Ok, moving on, what do you suggest?’ she asked calmly, Jane pondered for a moment, and took a look around the room. Cathy was sweating badly, but neither Anne or Cathy seemed to notice. Anna was looking faint and seemed to struggle to stay balanced. Kat looked worried, but Anna was extremely stubborn. Jane, although drunk, still had her mother-senses dialed high. So she quickly thought, Anna was exhausted and needed to rest, while Cathy was energised and needed to let off steam before she overdosed.
‘If I roll a 1, Anna and Cathy have to switch dares.’ Jane said smugly, she was a genius. Anna looked relieved, Cathy looked confused but excited, she was so hyper it seemed animated. Kat looked relieved, Anne however pouted.
‘Ha! I rolled a one, both of you, move.’ Jane shouted, pointing at them. Anna stopped and collapsed onto the floor. Cathy and Kat moved to help her.
‘Can Cathy even do push ups?’ Anne asked, not meaning to sound mean, just Cathy was so short, and underweight. Nobody really expected her to be the second strongest queen.
‘Rude, I am very strong for your information.’ Cathy replied, while moving into plank position. Anne rolled her eyes. ‘Sure, twig arms, i dare you to do like 100- Woah.’ Anne said, before she stopped. Cathy, energised by the caffeine and wanting to prove Anne wrong, immediately did 20 push ups rapidly, without breaking a sweat. Everyone stared at shock, everyone except Anna, who smiled smugly. Cathy and Anna trained together all the time, they were both extremely fit.
‘Get on my back.’ Cathy said to Anne. Who looked confused ‘What. no I’ll break i-’ she was interrupted by Cathy, who shouted ‘GET ON MY BACK.’ Anne flinched and complied. ‘O- K?’ She said, still confused.
‘Woah!’ Anne was taken aback by the speed of the push ups Cathy did. Caffeine and Alcohol did surprising things to people.
‘OK! moving on. Anne it’s your turn.’ Catherine said suddenly, getting up from her chair rapidly and grabbing the die.
A few rounds had passed, it was nearing 1 am and everyone was still awake. Everyone was even more drunk, Cathy was banned from the coffee, Jane had to do the chicken dance to crab rave, Catherine had to stare at Anne for 2 rounds. Kat was trying to balance herself between Anna and Janes chairs, which were opposite each other. Anna had write a fan fiction about Henry Manox and Thomas Seymour both getting what they deserve, and she had to publish it. Anne was forced to throw her phone into the air and let it drop, only if the others were nice, they would catch it. Nobody caught it. Cathy stopped doing push ups and was now running up and down the stairs.
It was once again Anne’s turn.
‘Ok, if I roll a, 3, then you guys have to write a song about me.’ Anne muttered, slurring her words. Catherine chortled ‘Thats easy, i already have one I HATE ANNE BOL-’ she began. ‘No, Catherine,’ Jane commanded ‘Stop’ Cathy said before running back up ‘Don’t be mean pwease,’ Kat stage whispered ‘Did you just say pwease?’ Anna stage whispered back. Kat giggled. Frowning, Catherine sat back.
‘No, I mean for the musical! And it has to be good.’ Anne said after Catherine shut up. Cathy reappeared, also frowning. ‘But we already have Don’t Lose ur head?’ she asked.
‘Yeah! but it has to be like, like it’s hyping. me up!’ Anne said, throwing her hands up. ‘Like, OH HERE COMES ANnE BolEYn THe GreATEST tEmptReSS!’ She sang, very out of tune.
‘Yeah I’d make that for you when hell freezes over.’ Catherine muttered darkly. Anne sighed. ‘Ok, say if it doesn’t land on 3, then I have to do something instead.’ she suggested, that got them interested.
‘Go on,’ Anna said, sitting up. ‘Ok, so, um, if it lands on 4, you guys get to make me do a dare instead.’ Kat nodded, a devilish smirk appearing on her face. ‘BUT, if it does land on 3, you guys have to make a good song for me, ok?’ Anne said before anyone interrupted. Looking at each other, the queens nodded.
‘Ok, we’ll agree with that, but are you sure you want to do this? I mean the odds of it landing on 3 is low, and we won’t show any mercy once it lands on something else.’ Cathy said cautiously. Anne smirked, they were overconfident, that was their mistake. She nods and gets ready to roll.
She rolled it, it disappeared underneath a table and everyone held their breath as Kat went to check it. She popped out and sighed. ‘It was 3.’ Everyone groaned. Except for Anne who shot up. ‘YES!! YOU GUYS HAVE TO WRITE A SONG ABOUT ME!’
Catherine shook her head desperately. She grabbed the die and rolled it, ‘It has to be tampered with, no, I can’t write a song about Anne.’ she hissed. It was a six, then it was a 4, then a 3, then a 1. It wasn’t tampered with.
Catherine dropped her head low.
‘Suck it Aragon!’ ‘Fuck off Boleyn!’
let me know if you want to be added to my taglist.
Stay safe and wash your hands queens/kings/leaders
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TITLE: Bonds
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 4 / ?
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-darkmidnight
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki assuming your nephew is your son. He’s not totally wrong, though, since you’ve been the boy’s legal guardian for a couple of years now. Plus, you do play a convincing “mother” role. (more to the imagine in link)
RATING:  M (Swearing, maybe some violence and MAYBE some smut)
NOTES/WARNINGS: I don’t want to give too much away but obviously adoption takes place. Talks of abandonment. Angst. 
AUTHOR'S NOTES: YAY! Some more Loki and Raelynn interactions!
My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
LENGTH: As usual I will try to keep to my 3,000 words per chapter.
*FINALLY..Read the warnings. Once you agree you can handle it...
 ~ ~ ENJOY  ~ ~
Looking at herself in the mirror Raelynn cursed. “Natasha I can’t go and see everyone like this!”
Natasha walked into her room. Headed straight for her closet, flipping through the clothes. “You need a new set of clothes.”
Raelynn scoffed. “Sorry my clothes don’t scream, “Look at me. I’m single and ready to get mingle.” Because I am not ready to mingle.”
Natasha threw a tank top and long sleeved cardigan on the bed. She threw a pair of jeans on the bed too. Then she searched through the very few shoes Raelynn had, she picked a pair of heeled ankle boots. “Next time we go shopping.”
Raelynn rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Now get out so I can change.”
Natasha went to the door but turned at the door. “Make sure you wear your best bra.”
Raelynn groaned, “Natasha. I swear you are terrible.”
“I am a great friend. Don’t lie to me.” With that said, Natasha shut the door.
Once Raelynn left her room she saw Natasha looking her up and down. 
Natasha spoke. “Definitely going shopping.” Then she turned with her purse towards the door.
“There is nothing wrong with my clothes!” Raelynn sighed heavily as she grabbed her jacket and purse, following her friend to the car.
Loki took his turn to throw the darts.
The men agreed to having “male bonding time.” Which consisted of drinking, sports on the TV and playing various games, such as darts.
Clint watched as Loki got 2 of the 3 darts in the center.
The elevator door opened causing Tony to yell, “GIRLS!”
Loki rolled his eyes before throwing the dart. However, just as he was letting go of the dart, Thor patted Loki roughly. 
Thor’s voice boomed, “Lady Natasha has returned with Lady Raelynn! Grand news!”
Loki looked to the entrance, his eyes instantly set on Raelynn… His heart fluttered at seeing her. She has always been gorgeous since the first time that he laid eyes on her. Her outfit was motherly, with a more casually comfy look as well. She pulled the mother look very well. 
“I win.”
Loki turned to Clint, then observed the dartboard… Clint had certainly won. Loki’s dart was in the wall. 
Clint pulled the dart out of the wall and handed it to Loki with amusement in his eyes, “Care to try again. It seems you were distracted.”
Loki ignored Clint and threw the dart in the center again, then walked away. He walked to Raelynn, helping her out of her jacket. He hung the jacket on the chair.
She gave him a shy smile. “Thank you Loki.”
Tony grinned, “Where’s the Kid?”
Raelynn’s smile disappeared for a moment, making Loki want to throw Stark. But Loki waited because he was curious as well.
“He is at a friend’s house tonight. Slumber party.”
Tony nodded. “Okay. But what are the two of you doing here? You are interrupting boy time.”
Natasha smirked and looked to Raelynn. “I leave the boys alone and they throw a party.”
Loki watched Raelynn laugh, and let the others catch up with her. Natasha went to pack a bag, apparently staying at Raelynn’s for the night. Tony offered her a drink but she just had some sparkling water.
Listening to Raelynn talk he discovered tonight was the first time she let Travis spend the night at a friend’s house. She seemed to be upset about it underneath the brave front that everyone else fell for. 
She talked about Travis. His love for animals unmatched, and he has been begging her for a pet. He has a ton of friends at school, as well as a particular bully she's worried about. Travis was doing very well in school, he does struggle with math though.
Tony shrugged. “Bring him here and I’ll teach him some cool stuff to do with numbers.”
Bruce laughed, “Your math is a little too advanced.”
Tony looked offended. “I can teach simple math! You don’t think I can, is that it? Bring the kid sometime. I got a whole lesson planned out. He will love it.”
Raelynn looked worried, “No you don’t need to do that.”
Tony waved his hand. “Nope. I gotta prove I can do it now. I will get my suits involved and the kid will love it.”
Raelynn spoke evenly, “Travis.”
Tony spoke, “I knew that.”
Loki mumbled, “Going to teach Travis simple math, but you can’t manage to remember the boy’s name?”
Clint chuckled a little, “I would like to see him again.”
Raelynn smiled sheepishly. “I know… I was supposed to bring him over.”
Thor beamed, “It has been settled. We shall invite the little one here and teach him valuable lessons!”
Everyone looked at the other and Raelynn laughed a little. “I can see if it is something he wants to do.”
Natasha came back with a bag. “We could pick him up and bring him tomorrow.”
Raelynn nodded with a shrug. “We will see what happens tomorrow.”
Loki felt excited at seeing Raelynn tomorrow.
He wondered what he could contribute to the boy’s knowledge…
Raelynn smiled as everyone said they missed her, and very strongly insisted on her visiting with Travis.
She laughed at everyone trying to figure out activities to teach Travis things and the jabs from the others. “Okay, I will see what he wants to do tomorrow.”
Her phone and watch notified her of a call coming in. Excusing herself to answer the call from Travis.
“Hey Kiddo.”
Travis yawned. “John’s mom gave me crackers and ginger ale. My tummy feel a little better. The movie is over and I think I am going to stay here.”
Raelynn smiled, “Okay Kiddo. If you need anything just let me know.”
“I will.”
“Hey.. I am at the Avengers tower, Natasha is going to stay the night with me so we had to get her a bag. Everyone here wants to meet you. Would you want to come here for a little tomorrow?”
“YEAH! That sounds like fun!”
Raelynn heard the excitement in his voice as the second wind kicked in. “Make sure you sleep, Okay?”
“I will try but I might meet the Avengers. You can’t just tell me something like that and expect me to sleep with this information!”
“Oh boy…” Raelynn smiled a little but regretted telling about it before he was supposed to go to bed. “Just promise me you will go lay down and ATTEMPT to sleep.”
“I guess I can promise that.”
She heard the promise but didn’t entirely believe it with the tone he used. “Goodnight Kiddo. I will see you tomorrow. After breakfast let me know when you want picked up.”
“OKAY! Goodnight, Rae Rae.”
And with that the call was ended.
She shook her head in amusement. She announced that Travis was excited about tomorrow.
Everyone looked to Thor at his outburst of suggesting a movie.
“Oh. Um…”
Natasha shrugged, “Up to you.”
Raelynn bit her lip for a moment. “I guess we could stay. We were probably just going to stay up for a while anyway.”
Everyone went to the TV after getting some snacks. Somehow Loki and Raelynn were the last ones to sit and were placed next to the other.
Loki offered her some of his chocolate bar.
Smiling, she accepted the offer, exchanging for some chips. Throughout the movie they would exchange a few things, passing the bowl of popcorn around the room, but it seemed to stay with them. Occasionally their hands would brush the other as they reached in the bowl absentmindedly, preoccupied with the movie.
The brush of his hand sent a familiar sense of belonging to Raelynn. Like his hands were hers to hold, and his hands would alway be there to protect her. It was a simple comfort that yelled belonging to Raelynn. She allowed herself to bask in the feeling for a few moments, but with Travis in mind.
Would Loki extend his protection to Travis? Raelynn couldn’t bother with anyone who wouldn’t protect Travis first.
She threw the thoughts, the wishes, away. 
“Are you okay?”
Raelynn smiled at Loki, realizing she was worrying her lip. “Yeah.”
Loki gave her a lingering look. The same look he would give her when she would lie, just as she did. “If you are sure.”
“Don’t worry. I’m okay.” Raelynn reached in the popcorn bowl, realizing it was gone. She took the bowl from Loki. “I’m gonna get more.”
She expected Loki to stay where he was, but he took the bowl with him to the kitchen.
“You can go watch the movie. I can make more.” But that didn’t stop Loki from getting more popcorn ready.
He turned to her after starting the popcorn, “What’s wrong?”
She looked at him wide eyed. Stuttering, “Nothing.”
He gave her a doubtful look. “Rae… Talk to me.”
She shrugged looking away. “It isn’t something I wanna talk about. I promise I’m okay though, just sorting through some thoughts.”
Loki’s chest swelled with air before sighing. “Well. If you need to talk I am here. Just don’t be a stranger again.”
Raelynn looked at the microwave as the popcorn started to pop. “I appreciate it Loki.”
Loki leaned against the counter. “I don’t want to loose you again.”
Loki cursed himself for the admission. Especially when Raelynn looked at him with wondering eyes.
He looked elsewhere briefly before admitting. “You are an amazing person Rae, and with you gone I had to depend on those fools for entertainment.”
Raelynn smiled a little. “Loki I thought we talked about not calling the teammates names.”
Loki shrugged and grinned. “It’s the truth.”
The popcorn stopped popping and Loki retrieved the bag, pouring it into the bowl. “Butter?”
“You know that answer.”
Loki’s lips pulled into a small smile as he got the butter out. He put the butter in a bowl, then in the microwave. “I do know that answer.”
She smiled back at him. 
Loki was curious about the earlier statement, "so Travis' first time over at a friend's?"
Nibbling on her lip for a moment. “I was really nervous about letting Travis go but he seems to be doing very well. Got a little case of home sickness though.”
Loki smiles, “I can understand the homesickness to a point.”
Raelynn tilts her head in thought, “Have you been able to visit Asgard again?”
Loki looks out the window. “No. Not yet.”
Raelynn offers a kind smile, “I hope you are able to soon.”
“My mother tries to talk with me sometimes.”
Loki watched Raelynn smile warmly. 
“How is she doing?”
Loki shrugged, turning to retrieve the butter from the microwave. “She seems to be okay. Claims to miss Thor and I.”
“Neither of you have been to Asgard in a few months. I am going my first night without Travis and its… Hard. I can’t imagine what your mother feels.”
“Well… It is sentenced, by Odin,  that I do my community service here. I was only back at Asgard to report in.” Loki got the butter and poured it over the popcorn. He smiled a little, setting the popcorn in front of Raelynn. "I don't like the soggy popcorn."
Raelynn’s face dropped to a brief moment of upset then turned to teasing, "you could have got some out before dumping the butter over the whole bag."
Loki shrugged, "I know."
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