#i’m gonna vomit and puke and throw up good BYE
Drunk Face (A Halstead brothers + Halstead sister! Imagine)
"Bye Y/N," Jay started as he grabbed his last duffle bag from beside the kitchen table. "Make good choices. Don't do anything stupid. Will's on shift tonight, but best believe I will find service if I get a call from him saying you got brought into Med or from a fellow cop saying that you got picked up."
"Jay, relax. I'll be fine. This isn't my first weekend staying home alone by myself," you said.
"Yes, but it's the first time you'll be home alone for the weekend when you're 21. That's what I worry about."
"Who says I didn't drink when I was home alone before I was 21?"
"Excuse me?" Jay asked, setting his duffle back down on the floor.
"I'm kidding. I wouldn't try that with you as my brother. If it was just Will, maybe."
"Nice to know I'm the stricter one."
"Jay, babe," Hailey asked as she walked back into the apartment, "you ready?"
"Yeah, just telling Y/N to make good choices," he replied as he picked up his bag once more.
"No, he just doesn't trust me, that's what this is, Hailey," you said.
"Jay, be nice to Y/N. She's a good kid. She'll be fine," Hailey said and brushed her arm up against Jay.
"She's 21."
"Pretty sure she only drinks seltzers. It's hard to get drunk super fast off of those unless you shotgun them."
"What's that?"
"Nothing!" they both exclaimed.
"Okay, okay. I'll just google it." Jay opened the door and let Hailey out first and then followed her out. "Have fun! Use protection!" you yelled before you closed the door.
"My God," Jay laughed. "You've been spending way too much time with Adam."
"Leave! Make smart choices!" Then, you closed the door behind them for a weekend by yourself.
A few hours later you got home from the liquor store with your premade mango Jose Cuervo margarita. First, you grabbed a lemon-y kind of beer from the mini-fridge where Jay kept all the alcohol. You drank that with your dinner. Then, you turned on your favorite tv show and poured yourself a glass of that mango margarita.
God, you didn't even feel that drunk. You had drank a can of that beer and two and a half glasses of that mango margarita...which was about 1/2-2/3 of the bottle...and it was a big bottle.
You walked upstairs to go to the bathroom. You were a little buzzed, but not as bad as one time when you drank a margarita and three white claws. And, you drank those fast and you just fell asleep with a dopey, drunk smile on your face. You were hungover the next day, but you were just tired; you'd never thrown up from drinking before. You just kept your buzz going for a bit.
But, when you sat on the toilet and started going to the bathroom, you felt sweat start to bead on your face. "Aw, shit," you muttered.
You took a deep breath and stood up to wash your hands. As you were standing up, you started to get hot and your stomach started to hurt. The world seemed to spin a bit, too. So, after you washed your hands, you just laid down on the fluffy, light blue rug of the bathroom, breathing in and out slowly and occasionally groaning in pain.
Eventually, you decided to stand up, grab some water, and made your way to your room. Since you were already in your pajamas, you just went right to bed, after all, it was after midnight.
You laid in bed and tried to get the pain in your stomach to stop by changing positions and jamming your knee into your stomach.
Bad plan.
You felt the familiar feeling of a lump rising in your throat. But, you were so tired and buzzed that you hoped this wouldn't happen.
But, then it did, all the alcohol came up and out of your mouth, leaving you with the stale taste of margarita in your mouth and vomit all over your shirt and bedsheets.
God, you thought of just falling asleep right there. But, that was disgusting.
So, you grabbed your phone and made your way to the bathroom. You were still sweating, practically panting at this point while you leaned over the toilet, just trying to keep it down.
This was hell.
This had never happened before...and you had drank the same amount before.
Something was wrong.
Maybe it was the fact you just started a new acne medication a week ago. Yeah, that was probably it. It had to be that, it just had to be.
You heaved and then puked again.
Once you were finished, you grabbed your phone from the bathroom counter. You couldn't call Will. He was on shift and if he had to come, he'd most definitely tell Jay and then he'd never let you stay home alone overnight again.
So, you chose a different number: Kim Burgess.
"C'mon...pick up..." you muttered.
Shit, that wasn't Kim. It was Adam. Had you called the wrong number? Were they sleeping together? You knew they were basically together, but to find out in this kind of way was kind of weird. Were they--
"Y/N? Hello?" Adam asked again.
"Y/N's calling?" you heard Kim say in the background.
You felt the familiar lump in your throat and puked again.
"Y/N! Are you okay? Are you there?" Adam asked frantically.
"Put it on speaker," you heard Kim say.
"Y/N, you're on speaker. What's going on?"
You wiped your mouth. "I- I drank too much and I'm on a new acne medication and I'm throwing up and I can't call Will because he's working and I don't know what to do," you rushed out before you could puke again. "Can you come over?"
"We'll be right there. Hang tight, kid," Adam said. "Me and Kim are on our way."
"You need us to stay on the phone, Y/N?" Kim asked.
"No, I- I should be fine until you get here."
"Okay, we'll be there soon."
One of the two hung up the phone and you started to feel hot again, but your stomach didn't hurt. And, even though laying on the rug of your bathroom with alcohol-smelling vomit on your shirt wasn't the best idea, you did it anyway because you were so tired.
"He's gotta be the stupidest person alive to put his spare key above his door. That's where everyone puts it. Dumbass," Adam said to Kim as they stood outside your apartment door.
"Adam, just open the damn door," Kim told him.
Adam reached the key and unlocked the door. "Alexa, play Drunk Face by Machine Gun Kelly," Adam joked.
"Adam! Not the time!"
Kim started walking around the apartment, trying to find you. "Y/N, where are you? It's Kim and Adam, no one's broken in. It's just us. We're here to help."
"Kim," Adam whispered. He nodded his head towards the bathroom door.
Kim threw herself to the floor and looked through the tiny crack. "She's in there. She's laying down."
Adam immediately went to open the door.
"Shit," he said when he saw you lying there with your eyes closed, vomit all on your shirt.
"Mhm, don't tell Will and Jay," you groaned.
"Oh thank God, she's conscious," Adam said.
"Y/N, can you stand up so we can get you out of these clothes? Maybe take a shower?" Kim suggested.
"Tired," you told her.
"I know, I know you're tired. But we have to get you out of these clothes before you can go to bed," Kim said. You groaned again. "How about Adam goes and grabs you a new shirt and then I help you into the shower. How does that sound?"
"On it."
When Adam went to your room, he was immediately hit by the smell of vomit. You had planned on washing your sheets once you had cleaned yourself up, but you felt so bad, that you had just left it and figured you'd get to it when you finally got yourself up and out of the bathroom.
He quickly rifled through your dresser and found a t-shirt. Then, he went back upstairs to find the door closed, so he quickly knocked on it.
Kim had helped you take your shirt off and had thrown it in the sink. You were currently standing up, back facing her, as you waited for Adam to come back with your clean t-shirt.
"Babe, I grabbed the shirt. She okay in there?" Adam asked.
"Just about to take a shower," Kim answered. "Hand it to me when I open the door."
Kim opened the door and Adam handed her the shirt and then she handed it to you.
"Am I good to leave here, Y/N? Or do you need help?" Kim asked.
"I'll be fine," you told her. "But please don't tell Jay or Will."
"Y/N, you got drunk and went over your limits everyone does it. It's—"
"Please," you begged.
"Just, take a shower. We'll figure this out later."
Then, Kim left the bathroom and you took a shower.
"She puked on her bed," Adam said.
"She doesn't want us to tell Jay or Will," Kim said at the same time.
"Okay, wait," Adam started, "say yours again."
"She doesn't want us to tell Jay or Will," Kim said.
"Why not? Everyone does it at least once when they first start out drinking."
"I don't know. Maybe she didn't want to disappoint them?"
"Could be. So, do we tell them or not?"
"I mean, she asked us not to, and I don't think we should. She trusts us enough to call us, so I think we shouldn't break that trust."
"I guess you're right. But, we have another problem."
"And what's that?" Kim asked.
"She tossed her cookies on her sheets."
"Shit, okay," Kim sighed.
"Hey, thanks for coming," you said as you walked out of the bathroom five minutes later in clean pajamas. It's not like you had to wash your hair or anything, just your body.
"You're welcome," Kim said. She pulled a chair out from under the kitchen table and sat down. "Honey, Adam saw your sheets when he walked into your room to grab you a shirt. Do you need any help with that?"
"No, I was gonna clean it up and then I puked and I got hot and then I took a shower and—"
"Y/N, it's okay. We know you're exhausted because you just got all sick. So, how about you strip your bed and throw your sheets in the washer and me and Adam will make your bed. How's that sound?"
You nodded. "Thank you guys so much. And, you guys can take the margarita mix if you want. I never wanna taste that stuff again."
"Don't mind if we do."
"Adam!" Kim smacked him on the chest.
"What? Free alcohol."
"God, you're a college kid in a thirty-year-old's body."
"That's right. Now, let's get this college kid to bed."
"Ruz, where'd you get this?" Kevin asked when he saw the leftover margarita on Adam's desk that he brought to share with the unit.
"Oh, Y/N gave it to us when me and Kim went over to help her Friday night when she got shitfaced and puked all over," Adam answered casually.
Kim smacked his chest. "Adam!" She glanced over at Jay who was making his way over to them, an angry expression on his face.
"Y/N got shitfaced this weekend?" Jay asked as he crossed his arms over his chest and gave Adam a stern look.
"Well, it wasn't really shitfaced because she was still fully conscious and lucid. She was a bit buzzed, and she puked."
"And you know this how?"
"Jay," Kim started, "she did the right thing. She didn't know what to do, so she called an adult."
"She called both of you?" Jay asked.
"Well, uh, she called me but Adam picked up since we were at my apartment..." Kim trailed off.
"Gotcha," Jay said. "Well, I'm glad you helped her. Thanks for that. But me and Will will definitely be having a conversation with her tonight."
"So, how was Wisconsin?" you asked as you, Jay, and Will sat down to eat some paninis you and Jay had cooked up later that night.
"It was great," Jay answered.
"What'd you do?"
"Went on the boat, slept in, jumped off in the lake, Hailey made cinnamon rolls, the usual," Jay answered.
"Do you two remember when you guys had me jump off in the middle of the lake without a life jacket?" you asked.
"Oh, yeah," Will laughed. "We had our asses handed to us by Mom after that."
"We gonna jump off, Will?" Eight-year-old you asked your oldest brother who had just come home from college for summer break.
"Duh," Jay replied. "That's the best part, silly!"
"Yes! That's so much fun!" You grabbed your little life jacket and Jay helped you into the boat because sometimes you'd get scared you'd fall into the water in the space between the boat and the dock.
"When can I drive the boat?" you asked as you sat down next to Jay and Will sat in the captain's chair and started backing the boat out.
"When you're eighteen," Will answered.
"But that's ten years!" you protested. "That's too long!"
"It'll go by fast," Jay promised.
"No, it won't." Jay just laughed at your remark.
Ten minutes later, you were out in the middle of the lake and Will was dropping anchor while Jay set up the ladder.
Once that was all set, Jay jumped off the boat without a life jacket. You followed him, but with a life jacket of course. After a few jumps, you took your life jacket off while you took a sip of your red kool-aid. You didn't have to wear your life jacket unless you were in the water. The boys were currently standing on the boat about to jump off again, but they started whispering amongst the two of them.
"Hey, Y/N," Jay started, "What do you think about jumping off the boat without a life jacket?"
"So, like you Will? Like big kids?" you asked, cocking your head to the side.
"Exactly. Will would be in the water and I'd be up here and you'd just jump to him."
"I dunno. Mom and Dad always told me to wear my life jacket when I jump off. I don't wanna get in trouble."
"You won't."
Will jumped in the water and swam a bit further away than usual so you had room to jump in. "C'mon, Y/N! You've taken swimming lessons, you can do it!" he encouraged.
"I- I dunno, Will. How deep is it?"
"Um," he faltered. "Maybe ten of me?"
There's no way you'd be able to touch that!
"You'll be fine," Jay reassured. "Will will be right there. But, you gotta swim to him."
"He won't catch me? But, what if the water monsters get me and pull me under?"
"There's no water monsters," Jay told you.
But, if the water was as deep as Jay said it was, then how does he know?
"I changed my mind," you said quickly. "I want my life jacket back."
"Y/N, you'll be fine," Jay told you.
"No!" you wailed and reached for your life jacket, but Jay grabbed it and threw it in the water to Will.
"If you want it, you have to get it from Will," he told you."
"No!" your lip started to tremble and tears started to form in your eyes. "You get it!"
"Nope, it's yours. You get it."
"But you threw it!"
"And I'm gonna throw you in!"
You tried to run away, but it was too late. And, where would you go? You were on a boat after all.
"J--" You tried to yell, but you were already flying through the air and into the lake without a life jacket.
You hated the feeling of falling into the water without getting pulled back up immediately because of your life jacket. You had swallowed water, too so that wasn't helpful. You kicked your little legs as hard as you could to get back above the water, and when you did, you coughed and sputtered, trying to get the water out of your mouth and take in some much-needed air.
"Shit, Jay!" you heard Will yell as he quickly swam over to you with your life jacket and grabbed you by the waist. "Why'd you do that?" Then, he turned his attention to you. "It's okay, you're okay. Just breathe. I've got you. I've got you."
He set one hand on your back as you started climbing the ladder and then climbed up after you. Then, he shoved Jay in the water.
"What the hell, man?" Jay exclaimed when he broke the surface.
"Dude, I didn't know you were gonna throw her in! Mom's gonna kill you!"
"No, she's gonna kill us! You just swam there and let it happen!"
"You didn't jump off the boat without a parent there for a long time after that," Jay stated.
"And for good reason! I could've drowned!" you argued.
"Will was there. He would've gotten you."
"That's not the point! And I'm pretty sure that's the same logic Mom used when she took your car keys away from you for the rest of the summer and didn't let Will's girlfriend stay over when she was visiting him."
You ate your food for a bit and then Jay turned to you. "So, Y/N, we need to talk."
You gulped. There's no way Adam and Kim told him what happened! They promised!
"About what?" you asked.
"About you getting drunk on Friday night and calling Kim and Adam because you got sick," Jay explained.
"I don't know what you're--"
"Cut the bullshit. Adam told us in the bullpen today. So, I suggest you explain what happened."
So, you explained because you knew not to argue with Jay when he used that tone.
"Y/N, do you know about proofs on alcohol?" Jay asked.
"No, what are those?"
"It's the amount of alcohol in a drink. For example, seltzers typically have 3-5% alcohol in them, but margaritas like the one you apparently bought that Adam has now, has about 19% alcohol."
You widened your eyes. "So, I can't just go on how many glasses I'm drinking?"
"No way. Why do you think shots come in tiny glasses? Because they have lots of alcohol in a small volume."
"Oh, oops. Sorry."
"Y/N," Will started, "This isn't an oops thing. You could've seriously died from that if you kept drinking." You furrowed your eyebrows. "There's this thing called alcohol poisoning. It's when you drink too much alcohol in a short amount of time, so your body can't filter it in your liver fast enough. And, you just got on a new acne medication, so that's also filtered in your liver. Because of this, your liver's working overtime, which could be why you didn't feel super drunk but still threw up."
"Oh, okay." You knew you sounded dismissive, but you were embarrassed about what you'd done.
"Don't you get that this was dangerous?" Jay asked. "You could've died if you kept going!"
"No, she needs to know this, Will. If you kept drinking, then you could've gotten seriously sick and had to go to the hospital! That's why bartenders cut people off: so they don't get sick because people can die from alcohol poisoning!"
"I'm sorry, okay! I'm embarrassed because I didn't think I even had that much and I didn't even know what a proof was!"
Jay's eyes softened. "Y/N, we're just trying to protect you. Why do you think we told you all that stuff about not leaving your drink unattended at a bar or watching the bartender make your drink and not just taking it from someone? It's because we're trying to keep you safe, Short Stack."
You nodded. "You're right. I really am sorry. And, you don't have to worry about me drinking a lot until I'm off that medication...or ever really."
Will chuckled. "Yeah, we figured as much."
A/N: I threw a few requests together and this is what I came up with. I wrote this in a day btw. (Also, I did get drunk like this once and I'm pretty sure it was because of the combination of the acne medication and the alcohol. Always drink responsibly and only drink if you're of the legal drinking age.) Anyway, thanks for reading and please reblog/like and comment and tell me what you think! As, always, just tell me if you want to be added to my taglist and I'll add you!
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies@brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @onechicago18 @iamasimpingh0e @i-like-sparkly-things @herecomesthewriterwitch
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Opposites- Peter Parker x Female Reader
   Kody: sassy reader for the win
   Movie/Show: Spider-Man: Homecoming / Infinity war / Endgame
   Request: hi, how are you? i hope everything is okay! it's ok if i ask for some peter×reader where the reader is all sass and peter is all shy and cute maybe? idk, don't really have something specific in mind, but i really like your writing thank you! 💕 @loudbluepancake
   Possible Triggers / Warnings: cursing, puke/throwing up/vomit, angst because i suck, Peter being to innocent for his own good
      people always say opposites attract. That two completely different people could cherish each other. You didn’t really believe in such superstitions for most of your life. That was until you met Peter Parker in chemistry class, it was like your whole idealism was thrown into orbit. 
   it was sophomore year and you despised anything science related. Mostly because you sucked at it- okay that’s the only reason. Your teacher had issued some work packet, about six pages to be finished by the end of class. The urge to throw yourself out the window was growing by the second. 
   you guessed your internal struggle became visible at one point because you felt a light tap on your shoulder. 
   your head snapped to the left like an owl, startling the brown haired boy in front of you “What?” you said rather harshly due to your stress. He purses his lips together, contemplating whether it was a good idea to come over to you after all, he just had to listen to Ned.
   he holds out his hand, offering it for her to shake with a nervous smile “I’m Peter- uh Peter Parker. I saw you were um- struggling? I can help” he says, stumbling over his words a bit, something he usually did. You eyed him up and down, noting his nervous stature. 
   narrowing your eyes for a second, you sigh “Yeah clearly. I’d appreciate that. I’m Y/n by the way” you reach and grab his hand, shaking it twice before letting go. “Pretty- i mean your name is pretty. Sorry” he apologized quickly. Watching him trip over himself was kinda funny.
   “Well i hope i don’t look ugly either” you said, a small grin on your face as his drops to a worried look. “No!-” he exclaims, earning a harsh shoosh from the teacher in front of the classroom and a few weird stares at his outburst. Peter takes notice and smiles nervously around the room. 
   he turns to look at you and sighs “That was joke wasn’t it?” his face scrunches up. He looked cute that way “Yeah, but i would actually like your help” you admit with a half smile. He blinks mindlessly for a moment before exhaling deeply “Alright”
   and that’s how it started
   six months later
   after your quick encounter, would would always bug Peter on chemistry work when it didn’t make sense to you, so most of the time. “I- I’m busy Y/n” he spoke, not looking in your direction “With what?” you asked, not believing him in the slightest. He was such a bad liar.
   his hands clench a bit as he crosses his arms “I’m going out of town for a bit” he says and Ned nods along with him. Ned didn’t look like he was lying, so you figured he was in the dark too? Unfortunately you were a hot head “when you want to buck up and tell me the fucking truth, delete my number” 
   Peter looks up at you, his mouth opening to say something. He wanted to say something, anything really, but he knew he couldn’t. How was he supposed to say he was going to Germany to fight Captain America with Tony Stark. Oh yeah he was also Spider-Man!, but he really wanted too. 
   his mouth closed and you took that as your cue to leave. Turning on your heels, you walk towards the door of the classroom “Y/n!” Peter calls out, but instead of turning round you lift your hand up and flip him off. As you walk out the door Peter drops his head onto the table. 
   “That girl has too much sass for her own good” Ned says, Peter just folded his arms and sighs, but he did agree. You on the other hand were huffing and puffing as you walked out, trying to calm yourself down and convince yourself that Peter blowing you off shouldn’t hurt as much as it did. 
   two weeks later
   you were sitting at your desk looking at your chemistry textbook and taking notes. The truth was you had been taking Peter’s study techniques to heart and were actually passing because of it. You had just gotten so used to Peter coming over to help you study for tests that you assumed he’d be there. 
   maybe it was selfish of you too expect him to bend to your will, but he was your only friend other then Ned and Maybe Michelle, but she was more of a loner at the moment, but she’d come around. You liked watching him teach you because he was confident in the way he spoke.
   but you loved his shy side, because you could get an reaction out of him by anything you said- that sounded more mean then it should. You were brought back to reality once you hear your cat meow next to you, since they were sitting on your desk. 
   “Do you think he has a girlfriend and that’s why he blew me off?” you ask your furry fellow who nuzzles it’s head into your hand. “It’s not like i would care if he had a girlfriend. We don’t even like each other like that” you shrug your shoulders, the words not feeling right as you say them.
   “Are you talking to your cat?”
   “What the fuck!” you shout and jump out your chair to face your window. Perched on the windowsill was a guy in a red and dark blue spider suit. Spider-Man. He raises his hands up in defense, almost falling back out the window “Okay okay, maybe i should have knocked” he joked.
   was he- making jokes?
   you turn to your desk and grab from the stack of textbooks, chemistry. You chuck it at him and he catches it “Yeah that’s not gonna work” he says with an amused laugh, but it’s cut short s you throw your english book next and it hits him straight in the head. 
   “Ow! What is your problem?!” he shouts and throws your books onto your bed. You deadpan and gesture to the room “Your in a 15 year old girls room you fucking creep!” you shout back. “If it makes you feel any better i’m also 15!” he says, dodging more flying books and throwing them on the bed.
   “It doesn’t dipshit, your still a man!” 
   “Okay okay, i’m sorry!” he apologizes, letting out a groan as he grabbed his his side. You narrow your eyes and drop the book you were holding “What’re you hurt or something?” you question, He lets out a small laugh “Ran into a mugger on the way here- i mean i live around here”
   “Right and you stopped by my room because?” you say, not fully trusting spider boy over here. “I heard you talking to yourself- well cat and thought you needed some company” he shrugs. At this point you thought he was either a creep or a really nice dumb guy. 
   “Why were you talking to your cat. Don’t have friends?” he said and you life up the book again to throw it at him “No no no i mean like you seem like a nice gal, so i assumed you would have friends?” he quickly mustered up the words. You roll your eyes “Nice save” you say before sitting on your bed.
   “I have three, one is busy with crime documentaries, one is building legos, and i’m not talking to the third” a frown overtook your face. Spider-man stepped through the window and sat down, leaning against the wall “What’s the reason?” he said, sounding unsure if that made sense. 
   “He’s a dick and lied to me” you reply, hoping off the bed to sit on the floor, but still lean against the wooden frame of said bed. “How do you know he lied?” Spider-man questioned “He shoves his hands under his armpits and doesn’t make eye contact with me. He’s also just a shit liar”
   Spider-man went silent after that, mumbling something to himself before eventually speaking up “Maybe he had a good reason?” he said and you rolled your eyes. “I told him everything about myself and he lied to me. Maybe everyone else was right”
   “Everyone else?”
   “Most of our other classmates and people in our year in general think i’m obnoxious, loud, and just overall an overbearing attitude. Ned, my other friend just calls it sass.” cracking a smile, you advert your eyes to your hands to mindlessly pick at your nails. 
   you weren’t able to see as Spider-man’s fist clenched before sighing “Does he know about what they say about you?” he asked, already knowing the answer “Nah” you shake your head “I didn’t want to worry ‘bout lil old me. I guess someone got to him”
   “I don’t think that’s true”
   “How so spidey?”
   “If i was your friend i’d never believe what other people say about you. You don’t seem obnoxious” he says. That was kind ff sweet of him “Well you don’t seem like the kind of guy to fight Captain America, plus some other avengers but i saw the news yesterday”
   he reached behind to scratch the back of his clothed neck “That’s on the news already?” he asked. You lift your head and nod “Yeah dude, some people stayed back and recorded it i guess” you shrug, thinking that was a plausible answer. “Aw man” he whines, making you chuckle. 
   “I think you held your own for a good amount of time. i would have probably died, but i can’t shoot webs out my wrist so it only makes sense” you wave your hands a bit “Hey! i also have enhanced strength, reflexes, and speed. I’m amazing” he gloats. 
   “Alright Spider boy don’t let that go to your big head” 
   “It’s Spider-man, thank you very much” he replies with as much sass “I’m already rubbing off on you, get out of here before you become my clone” you joke, standing off the ground, Spider-man doing the same. You saw his mask move as he laughed a bit.
   “I should get home and you better call your friend, even if it’s just yell. I’m sure he’d want to hear your voice after how long?” he asked, going over to the window “Two weeks” you say, stepping towards him “Yeah he definitely misses you. See you around”
   “yeah yeah i will. See you round Spidey. Get that rib checked out by the way” you point at him in a mock scolding tone. He shakes his head “I will too, bye” and with that he fell back out the window. You went over and looked at the sidewalk just as he swung passed you. 
   he waves and you do too before shutting the window. What a weird dude. You look back at your desk and spot your phone “Dammit” you mumble and walk over slowly, like the device was going to jump out and bite your damn finger off. Once your close you grab your phone and swipe up, unlocking it. 
   you click on the green phone button. It opens up and you click contacts until you see ‘P.B Parker’ it was funny at the time you made it, now it seemed stupid. fuck, why did this seem so hard all of the sudden? You quickly click the call button before your mind could make you pussy out. 
   it rang once, then twice.. “Hello?” you press the phone to your ear, feeling nerves nip at your skin “Hey Parker” you say and it went silent for a few moments “It’s- uh It’s nice to hear your voice, i thought you’d ignore me forever” he says with a nervous laugh. 
   “Nah, i don’t have enough friends to do that. What were you really doing the past two weeks?” you ask, hoping to get straight answer from him “I was working with Tony Stark, i got an internship with him. I wanted it to be a surprise” he said. “Now i feel like a bitch”
   “Don’t- i. I should have said something. I don’t like when your mad at me Y/n. It’s both scary and depressing” he admits, which made your chest feel a bit warm “It’s because i’m so amazing i know” you reply, making him chuckle “Yeah, you are”
   you two ended up talking on the phone for hours about nothing and everything. He seemed more confident in the way he spoke as well, but you will always like the shy side of him. It was also the night you figured out you liked your best friend. 
   one month later
   “Hey guys, Peter’s in his room. I’m making turkey meatloaf” May says as she steps aside so you and ned could come through. May wraps her arms around you and squeezes you tightly “May. Losing. Oxygen. Tell my mom. I love her” you say dramatically and she laughs, letting go.
   you smile as she kisses your forehead before going back to the kitchen “Five bucks says she burns it” Ned says and you nod, shaking his hand. Both you and Ned walk into Peter’s room, not bothering to knock because you both suck “Where the hell is he?” Ned asked and you shrug. 
   “May said he was here, so she probably doesn’t know he’s out. I’m not snitching’” you raise your hands, pushing the door a bit with your foot. Ned rolls his eyes and goes over to Peter’s bed placing the box of legos down “I’ll call him” he says and you nod, taking a seat at his desk. 
   Ned lifts his phone to his ear and you could hear as it rang a rang, but Peter never picked up “I’ll text him were here and i guess will wait?” he says, unsure. You shoot him a shrug “Whatever you want to do dude” you reply. Ned sighs as he texts rapidly on his phone before looking at you.
   “You are no help sometimes, you know?” 
   “Fully aware. Now let’s build that death star thing to rub it in his face” you suggest, going over to sit next to Ned “It’s just death star” he says and you roll your eyes this time “Yeah whatever. Now open it up before i put legos in your shoe”
   a couple hours later
   “I don’t even know what it’s supposed to look like, but damn that’s cool” you say, looking at the fully built death star in the hands on Ned “Yeah! We have to take a picture for Peter-” Ned stopped talking as you both heard the window to the left of you both. 
   you tilted your head to watch as the the similar figure wearing red and dark blue suit clung onto the wall. What. The. Fuck!? Both you and Ned are stunned into the silence at the fact that Spider-man just crawled through your best friends room. 
   was this a normal thing for him?
   you were just beginning to process what was happening until Spider-man reached up to grab his mask and rip it off his head. You should have looked away, but you didn’t and what you saw some reason made you feel sick. The dorky face of Peter Parker.
   Peter slowly crawled across the ceiling until he was a few feet to the right of his door. He lifts his arm and shoots a web, slowly pulling it closed. Once he could no longer do that, his feet detached from the ceiling and he was dangling by one arm for a second until that detached as well. 
   he went to the door and used his hand to fully shut it, letting out a deep sigh. He turns around and his whole body freezes up, his  brown eyes going back and forth between you and Ned. Ned drops the death star, causing it too crash onto the floor and break apart. Damn- 
   Ned stood up abruptly while you looked around, reaching for the trash can beside his bed. You grab it and release the lunch you had earlier in it. “What was that?!” May called from the kitchen. Peter looked back and the door with a worried look “UH! Nothing! Nothing!” he shouts back.
   he looked back at Ned, who looked like he was bubbling with questions already “Your the Spider-man, from youtube” he breathes out. Peter pats his chest as his suit deflates around him. You look up for a moment, wiping your mouth to see Peter just in his boxers. “I’m not. I’m not” Peter repeats
   fuck, Shit, Damn- 
   emotions were everywhere at the moment. Wait did he have abs!? “You were on the ceiling you dipshit!” you shout at him, pointing up with your finger. Peter looks like he’s about to implode “NO i wasn’t. Guys what’re you doing in my room?!” 
   is he- trying to- turn this on you guys?
   “May let us in. You said we were going to finish the death star?!” Ned explains hastily. “You can’t just bust into my room!” Peter shoust back just as the door opens, causing him to stand next to Ned as smoke came filing into the room. Jesus, was the house on fire- oh nevermind. 
   damn you owned Ned five bucks. May came in laughing to herself “That turkey meatloaf recipe is a disaster. Lets go to dinner. Thai? Ned, Y/n you wan’t Thai?” she says, reaching up to take the clip out of her hair. Ned smiles “Yeah actually-” 
   “No he’s got a thing”
   “A thing to do after” Ned corrects, smiling nervously as May looked at you, waiting for your answer “I just puked in this trash can so” you say simply making May’s face become worried “Okay, i’ll go get some stomach medicine” she says, grabbing for the handle 
   “Maybe put on some clothes” 
   Peter purses his lips together and grabs a grey sweatshirt off his desk chair quickly. May smiles and closes the door, Peter going back to standing in front of both of you. Ned raises his hand gesturing to the door “Oh! She doesn’t know!” Ned says. 
   Peter sighs before turning back to ned. “No, nobody knows. Well Mr. Stark knows, but that’s because he made my suit, but that’s it” he explains, showing his arms through the sleeves of the sweatshirt. “Tony Stark made you that? Are you an avenger?” Ned says in pure disbelief. 
   Peter’s mouth went agape for a moment until his head did that cute, stupid little nod thing “Yeah basically” he says, shrugging his shoulders. Ned dramatically leaned against the bunk bed “Oh Jeez” Peter went to stand directly in front of him. You finally stood up and stood next to Ned
    “Dude, you guys can’t tell anyone about this. You gotta keep this a secret” he says in a hushed tone. This is a first seeing him so serious “A secret, why?” Ned says and you facepalm next to him “Seriously?” you say, whacking Ned’s arm. who swats your hand away. 
   Peter’s voice suddenly got very high in pitch “You know what she’s like. If she finds out people are trying to kill me every single night, she’s not going to let me do this anymore” he says, gesturing to the door every couple words. “Come on Ned please” Peter begs. 
   “Okay, okay, okay, kay I’m gonna level with you.I don’t think i can keep this a secret ” he says and Peter sighs, turning his head away “This is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me” he says. He acted like he just found out that he himself was Spider-man instead of Peter. 
   “May can not know. I can not do that to her right now, you know?. With everything that’s happened with her I- please” he pleaded his case once more, his voice cracking a bit. It would have pained you to see him like that a little more if the urge to strangle him wasn’t there. 
   “Just swear it okay, both of you”
   “I swear” Ned says and Peter looks at you. “Yeah i swear, for May’s sake” you make sure to point out you were still pissed at him. “Thank you” Peter says anyway. “Okay” you shrug your shoulders. Peter ran a hand through his hair “I can’t believe this is happening right now”
   “Is the internal freakout kicking in Spidey?” you say with a small grin on your face. “Can i try the suit on?” Ned asked “No“ both you and Peter say at the same time. “How does it work? Is it magnets?” How do you shoot the strings?” Ned kept the questions rolling. 
   Peter grabbed his arm, leading him towards the door “I’mma tell you this at school tomorrow okay?” he said and Ned nods as Peter grabs the door handle “Great. Wait ” Ned says and they both stop at the door. Did he forget about you. “How do you do this and the Stark internship” he asks. 
   Peter gives him a strange look “This is the Stark internship” he says and Ned smiles, nodding “Oh” Peter shakes his head and shoves Ned through the door “Just get out” he says and shuts it. He turns his back and leans against it, exhaling deeply. 
   you take a seat on his bed and grab your black sneakers so you can slip them on. “What’re you doing?” Peter asked, pushing himself off the door “Leaving. What does it look like genius?” you snap at him as you stand up once more “But May said she’d bring you some-”
   “I’ll tell her i’m fine. I just want to go home” you say and go to grab your bag off the floor when Peter shoots a web at it, pulling it towards him “I know your mad at me” he says “Oh so he is a genius, what do you want? a cookie. Give me my bag Peter” you say bitterly. 
   “I wanted to tell you, i really did. Especially after that night in your room-”
   “Don’t even bring that up”
   “Y/n please, just let me and explain” he begs as you walk towards him and go for the handle, but he shoots a web onto it before you can even touch it. You sigh and look at him with a glare “Fine” you submit and he nods, dropping your bag beside him. 
   “I was a normal kid my whole life and then my world was flipped over. I could do things no one else could and it was awesome, but i knew i couldn’t tell anyone but at the same time i knew i could help people. So i did and it became my new normal”
   you listened quietly, trying not to give off any emotions or whatever “then six months ago i met a girl who couldn’t do her chemistry work, so much so that she was breaking her pencil and didn’t even notice. Everyone calls her obnoxious and full of attitude, but i think she’s perfect”
   “Are you flirting with me Peter?” you asked and he smiles sheepishly “No- well yes, but i’m trying to tell you i like you. Like- like like you” he said then immediately averted his eyes away from you. “Oh” you breathed out, in shock yourself.  
   a few moments went by and both of you didn’t say a word, just stared at each other awkwardly. Peter seemed to become antsy by the second because out of nowhere he grabs your face with both of his hands, planting his lips on yours. It took you a second, but you kissed him back.
   pushing him away, you wipe your mouth “Peter i just puked in your trash can dumbass!”
   two years later / senior year
   “I fucking hate bridges” you groan, slumping down into your seat. Field trips sucked ass, especially when you had to drive over a bridge. “You’ll be fine” Peter reassures, wrapping an arm around you. You narrow your eyes and look at him “When we drive off this bridge and die. I’m blaming you”
   Peter shook his head before his face dropped and he looked at his arm. The hairs on his arm standing up. He takes his arm from around your head and places his hand over the hairs, causing your head to fall back “Ow. What the hell Peter?” you glare, 
   you sit up in your seat and spot what he’s looking at. Oh aliens- that’s fucking great. Wait your boyfriend is a superhero “Peter” you say, but he looks at the back of the bus before reaching in the front to tap Ned in the face. Ned takes out his earbud and looks back at him.
   “Hey Hey. I need you to cause a distraction” 
   “Ned don’t” You say, but it’s too late, Ned spots the spaceship, his face lighting up “Holy shit. We’re all gonna die!�� he shouts, getting the attention of everyone on the bus. “Peter” you say again. Everyone gets out there seats and strats to crowd the back of the bus. “It’s a spaceship!”
   Peter reaches into his backpack and pulls out his web-shooter, slapping it on his wrist. It connects automatically. He points it out the window on the other side of the bed and shoots a web at the latch, pulling it open. You grab his arm, finally catching his attention “Peter for fucks sake think about this”
   “It’ll be fine. I always come back, you know this. I’ll see in a couple hours okay?” Peter flashes you a smile. You sigh and nod “Fine, come back soon” you say and he nods, leaning down to peck your lips. “I Love you, bye” he spoke quickly before launching himself out the window. 
   he had never said i love you before
   you were at home, religiously watching the news on your phone, switching to other channels if they didn’t have any view of Peter.  Speaking of Peter, he was currently holding onto Doctor Strange as something was beaming it up “Peter just let go” you say to yourself. 
   but you knew he wouldn’t
   you watched as the light post that was keeping him down was ripped out the earth and your boyfriend shot through the air, leaving earth with that spaceship. He was gone, but he would come back. That’s what he told you. Like she had been watching herself Mj’s contact appeared on your phone. 
   scrambling across your bed, you grab your phone, answering it “Y/n” she says before you have a chance to explode on her “He’s gone Mj What am i supposed to do?” you say, your words breaking like you had forgotten how to speak. Mj waits a few seconds before responding.
   “He’ll be back. No get some rest it’s late will meet at the cafe next to your house with Ned”
   two days later
   “Y/n, you looked like you haven’t slept” Ned points out, causing you to send a glare his way “Yeah no shit, my boyfriend is in fucking space and i haven’t seen him for two days, but yeah thanks for pointing that out dickwas” you snap, leaning back in your chair. 
   Ned purses his lips and looks around, begging for Mj to show up with your drinks already. “He’s my friend too, my best friend. I’m scared, but you know Peter. He’ll be back” he says. You look at him and sigh “Yeah i’m sorry Ned” you say and reach across of the table, opening your hand. 
   Ned takes your hand into his and you smile “You guys having a seance without me or something?” you both turn your heads to see Mj standing in front of the table. She places the drinks down, one in front of you and one in front of Ned. “God, did we have to chose a table outside it’s hella freezing”
   you laugh at Mj’s comment “I needed the fresh air. My room smells like depression and doritos” you say, making Mj snicker this time. You lift up your drink and look at Ned who is frozen in fear. “Ned” you say, placing your cup down.
   Ned doesn’t say a word, only lifting his finger, pointing at something between you and Mj, who had taken a seat next to you. Both you and Mj turn around to see people- people turning into dust and floating away like a old dandelion you blew to make a wish on as a kid. 
   Mj’s eyes widen “We have to go!” she shouts and just as you were both ready to take off- “Guys” you both turn to look at Ned. He’s staring at his hand, watching as he came apart and floated away “Ned!” you shout and jump out the seat, going over to him. 
   Mj grabs his hand, but he goes right through it. You can see her eyes watering, you can’t remember ever seeing her cry before “Ned, it’s going to be okay” she says. “I- i feel weird” Ned spoke. You both lift him out the chair, but it’s too late. The last bit of him had flown away.
   “Oh god” Mj spoke, looking at her own hands, she was fading away as well. You grabbed her shoulders, both of you in tears at this point “Mj you can’t leave me, okay? That’s not how this friendship works. Your to stubborn for this bullshit” you spoke through sobs.
   Mj’s knees buckled under her and you fell with her. As soon as her lower legs touched the ground she was gone. You didn’t know what to do, your best friends and vanished in front of your eyes. Like you were on autopilot, you grab your phone from your pocket and click the phone icon.
   ‘P.B Parker’ you click the call button and it goes straight to voicemail 
   “Please leave a message after the tone”
   “Peter. Ned and Mj vanished into thin air and i don’t know what to do. Your usually the logical one and- fuck Peter why did you leave. I’m so scared and all i can think about is how you told me you loved me on the bus, you really know how to make an exit”
   as you spoke you saw your hand beginning to fade as well “shit- I love you too Peter Parker” your boyfriend would never hear that message.
   titan (sorry in advance)
   Peter Parker clung onto Tony “I don’t wanna go” he kept repeating like he could convince the stones to let him stay. 
   “I don’t wanna go Mr. Stark”
   Peter fell, taking Tony with him “Y/n- find her and make sure she’s alright please. I should have stayed with her- i-” Peter was choking on his words “I’ll find her kid” Tony assures him and Peter cracks a small smile, before looking Tony in the eyes.
   “I’m Sorry”
   and the universe lost Spider-man
   23 days later
   “It’s been 23 days since Thanos came to earth” Rhodey spoke as pictures of the avengers and other people related and were blipped flashed on the screen. “world governments are in pieces and parts that are still working are trying to take a census and it looks like he did-”
   Natasha stopped speaking for a moment “he did exactly what he said he was going to do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures” as Nat spoke Tony saw Peter’s face and quickly looked away “Where is he now, where?” he asked.
   “We don’t know, he just opened a portal and walked through” Steve replied, leaning against a table. Tony sighs, a bitter smile on his face before his head turns to see Thor sitting away from the rest and points at him “What’s wrong with him?”
   “uh he’s pissed. He thinks he failed, which of course he did, but you know there's a lot of that going around ain’t there” Rocket chimes in, sitting on the floor. “Honestly, until this exact second i thought you were a build-a-bear” Tony says, point at Rocket.
   “Maybe i am”
   “We’ve been hunting Thanos for three weeks now. Deep space scans and satellites and we got nothing.” Steve admits to the room before looking at Tony “Tony you fought him” he adds. “Who told you that?” Tony asked, holding onto his robe. 
   “Your a fighter”
   “No he wiped my face with a planet while the bleaker street magician gave  away the store. That's what happened. There was no fight.” Tony corrected. “Okay” Steve nods, noting Tony’s agitated behaviour. “Did he give you any clues, any coordinates, anything?”
   Tony shakes his head “Pfft! I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision. I didn't wanna believe it. Thought I was dreaming.” he says. He was starting to act like a child. Steve sighs “ Tony, I'm gonna need you to focus.” he says, trying to calm him down. 
   but Tony’s anger was already bubbling up and ready to boil over “and I needed you. As in past tense. That trumps what you need. It's too late buddy. Sorry. You know what I need?” he asked, standing up from the table. He reaches into robe and pulls out a camera and a cellphone. “I need you too watch this and listen”
   “What is this?” Steve asked, looking at the tables contents. “Oh you know just some things i asked Happy to grab from Peter’s apartment. Let’s have a look shall we?” Tony said. Everyone in the room looked tense at the mention of his name. 
   “Friday play the video on the screen” Tony instructs as he steps back. Everyone turns towards the screen and the first thing they see is Peter, laying on his bed with a smile. He turns the camera and shows you peacefully sleeping on his chest, wearing his shirt. 
   “Peter if your recording me, i’m going to break that camera” okay maybe you weren’t sleeping. The camera is placed on his chest “You uh- looked cute” he spoke and you shook your head, leaning up to kiss him, it only lasting a couple seconds. “Friday pause” Tony says. 
   “Why are you showing us this?” Steve asked, but his questioned went unanswered. “That right there is Y/n L/n. B to C student at Midtown high, only child and all that. She was also the kid’s girlfriend for three years. He told me to find her and i did”
   “Friday play the security footage outside of Steamin’ mugs cafe” Tony says, Friday replying with a ‘yes boss’ before the footage of you crying on the phone before you vanished into nothing. Natasha looked away, having see that too much for her own good. 
   “I’m kinda happy for her. At least i didn’t have to tell her i watched him turn to dust in my arms, but you know i got here the last thing she said to him. It’s a real tear jerker. Wanna listen?” Tony says, going over to grab Peter’s phone off the table. 
   “You made your point Tony” Rhodey says. Tony turns to Steve once again “ I said, ‘we'd lose’. You said, ‘We'll do that together too’ and guess what, Cap? We lost and you weren't there. This is what we lost. This is who we lost. You didn’t know her, but it matters. It matters is because they’ll never see each other again  ”
   five years later
   (Kody’s endgame so no death lmao)
   everyone was in front of the destroyed base. Thanos was gone and everyone was still around to see it happen (i wish). Doctor Strange has just finished returning everyone to where they belong. “I must say i did not think we would win” he admits.
   “Thanks for the optimism buddy” Rocket says, looking up at him. Peter stood up from the rumble he sat on “I need to see someone, can you bring her like- here?” Peter asked Strange, who already knew who he was talking about because- it’s Doctor Strange what do you expect?
   he nods and backs away to do his thing.
   you took a large gasp of air as you saw light. What happened? Didn't you just vanish? It was only a second ago. You look around and see people staring at you strangely. “Aw damn my head hurts” you heard Mj groan. You instantly tackle her to the floor “and now it hurts more”
   “Yeah cry about it i just saw you vanish”
   “I’m here too, ya know?” both of you turn to see Ned and the hug became a group tackle as you both smiled and embraced each other. That was until you were pulled into a orange portal out of nowhere. You end up facing a bunch of rubble and debris.
   “What the fuck?! I’m so tired of the super magic bullshit!” you shout. 
   you turn your head and see a couple of avengers like Captain America, Thor, Hulk, and thor stare at you. You already met Tony. “Hi Mr. Stark’ you say, raising your hand for a awkward wave. Tony smiles and gestures his hand to Peter who was standing, in a new suit might you add and a nervous smile. 
   you didn’t care much for embarrassment after that and ran towards him, practically leaping into his arms “I’m back” he says, digging his head into your shoulder “Yeah no shit, you went to space you dumbass. I think i called you a hundred times or until my phone died”
   Peter let out a breathy laugh as his arms tightened round you “I’m sorry,no more space okay? Just you and me on earth. ” he suggests and you nod “Yeah i like that. About what you said on the bus by the way” you let go a bit to look up at him. 
   his nervous, shy stature set in quickly “What uh- what about it?” he asked, hoping for a good answer. “i love you too dork” you smile and he sighs “Oh thank god. I was about to dust away again’ he says and you whack him in the arm “What?” he asked, slightly hurt. 
   “Too soon Peter” you explain and he nods “Right” he says and a silence falls on both of you. Was he going to do anything “Oh my god- Kiss her!” Tony yells from behind you both. Peter’s face flushes in slight embarrassment before he shrugs, grabbing your face. 
   you both share a sweet kiss, long overdue by the amount of time spent apart. Even if it was just two days and five years to everyone else. Both you and Peter end up spending weeks together, alone just cause you could. You made Peter promise no more space trips and he begrudgingly agrees. 
  a girl with two much attitude and a boy who was too shy somehow managed up the nerve to talked to said girl. They were polar opposites and some would say completely different people, but they managed to fall in love and make it through anything. 
    who wouldn’t want love like that
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    Kody- i haven't slept yet and i pulled this plot out of my ass. It’s 8am and i’m going to go pass out. Anyways, peace. 
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Sharja prompt: one of them taking care of the other when sick or drunk (ik that’s not very specific sorry 😩)
There it is, I wrote it in my physics class so I’m deeply sorry if it makes no sense. Enjoy:))
Tarja has just changed into her pyjamas and got ready for bed. She was exhausted from a busy day at a festival, performing with both Within Temptation and her own band, but it was the good kind of exhaustion. She jumped on the bed with a heavy sigh. What a good day.
Her girlfriend, Sharon, was still out with her bandmates, in a club. Originally Tarja was planning on joining them, but she just felt like she needed to rest. Sharon had offered to stay with her so that she didn't feel alone but Tarja wanted her to have some fun after a hard day so she was by herself.
Suddenly, the phone on Tarja’s bed table rang. It was Ruud, the guitarist.
‘’Hey, what’s up?’’ she asked.
‘’Well, that's a long story. You know, Sharon and wine.’’
‘’Oh jeez, what happened?’’
‘’Nothing yet, except for awkward dancing and singing along to songs. But she's completely wasted. Do you think that you could come pick her up before she does something stupid?’’
‘’Ah, ok. I'm on my way.’’
She put on some jeans and a t-shirt. The last thing she needed were news articles with titles such as ‘’The queen of metal, Tarja Turunen, caught bringing her drunk girlfriend back to the hotel room in just her pyjamas’’. Fortunately, she had her car there.
She got in the car and drove to the club with the speed of the light. Tarja would always drive too fast - especially when it had to do something with her girlfriend - but relatively safely.
Finally, she was there. She quickly looked around and found the club Ruud told her about earlier. She made her way up there. After showing her id to the guy next to the door, she was finally inside. She couldn't believe her eyes. Sharon was sitting behind a table, laughing hysterically to everything the guys said, no matter how not funny it was. Tarja didn't think that she ever saw her this drunk. Or maybe she just didn't remember because she was drunk too at the time.
‘’Hey, Sharon, your girlfriend is here.’’ one of the guys informed her.
‘’Oh, hi sweetie’’ Sharon said loudly, over pronouncing every word. Tarja struggled not to laugh, although she knew it wasn't funny at all.
‘’Why are you here, my gorgeous lady?’’ she asked her. Tarja had to giggle. They had a lot of nicknames for eachother but she had never used this one before.
‘’The guys didn't tell you?’’ she asked, lowkey confused.
‘’We did.’’ Martijn said.
‘’I'm here to pick you up honey. Ruud told me that you're very drunk. I'm here to make sure that you're gonna be ok for the interviews tomorrow. Also we wanted to watch some of our friends perform as well’’
‘’Tarja, please, just ten more minutes’’
‘’Sharon, for god's sake, i'm your girlfriend, not your mom. If you want to stay, you can. What i am trying to say here is that if you want to be at least a bit ok tomorrow, you should go home and drink some water. But you can stay if you want to.’’
‘’Ok so I'm gonna go BUT you'll make me your special pancakes and cuddle me till I fall asleep’’
‘’I always do that, silly.’’
‘’Ok, lets go. Bye guys, see you tomorrow. Well, today actually, it's 2 am.’’
They made their way towards the car. Sharon was basically hanging on Tarja, as she was a little bit too drunk to walk properly. Tarja sat her down in the front seat of the car and sat in the driver’s seat. 
It was about 15 minutes to the hotel. Tarja wanted to have the way over so she was driving too fast again.
‘’Tarja slow down or I'm gonna puke at you! You're driving too fast.’’
‘’Ah, ok’’ Tarja said and stepped on the brake way too hard. For a second she thought that Sharon is actually going to throw up.
Tarja finally stopped the car at the parking lot. They did it. She drove Sharon home without vomiting. Tarja managed to get Sharon to the room. 
‘’What now? You wanna those pancakes now or in the morning?’’
‘’Pancakes can wait. Cuddles can’t.’’ Sharon said and smiled widely. Tarja did the same. Whenever her girlfriend smiled, she just had to smile too and it didn't matter how drunk she was.
‘’Ok, but you gotta get a shower and drink some water’’
‘’Whatever. But the snuggles better be good.’’
‘’Do you want some help in the shower?’’
‘’No, I'm a grown ass woman, I can take a shower myself.’’
‘’Ok, just call me if you change your mind.’’
Not even five minutes passed when Tarja heard a loud crash, soon followed by dutch swear words.
‘’Oh my god, Sharon, are you alright?’’ Tarja screamed, running to the bathroom.
She found her girlfriend laying on the floor, almost crying.
‘’Oh honey, did you hit your head?’’
‘’That too, but I'm not crying because of that. Look at me, I'm such a mess. I cant even take a stupid shower by myself.’’
‘’Sweetie, you're not a mess. You're just drunk, it's gonna pass. And even if you were a mess, I don't care. I love you for who you are, not for who you are not.’’
Sharon was still sobbing, wiping her tears and smudged mascara on her girlfriend’s shoulder.
After she got out of the shower, with her girlfriend's help, she changed into her pyjamas and finally went to bed.
‘’Snuggle time’’ Sharon screamed and pushed her on the bed and layed on the top of her, kissing the hell of her lips.
‘’Wait, I said snuggles, not throw me on the bed and crush me into pieces’’ Tarja giggled. She couldn’t breathe well, but she still enjoyed the other woman's touch.
‘’Oh, ok, sorry, I'm a bit drunk, y’know’’
Tarja smiled lightly and freed herself. She laid on her side and pulled Sharon close.
‘’You're my favourite teddy bear, you know that, right?’’ Sharon said.
‘’You're my favourite teddy bear as well, honey.’’ Tarja answered and kissed her girlfriend goodnight. She could still taste the wine on her lips, but she didn't care. She loved her for who she was, not for who she was not. 
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bentaylorrogerhardy · 5 years
Lily of the Valley - Part 6
Joe Mazzello! x Reader!
Summary: Being a young, single mom that worked full-time was hard. When you weren’t working, you were taking care of your five year old daughter, Lily. You had given up on dating after many failed attempts. That was until after a rough day of dealing with your ex boyfriend, your best friend introduced you to Joe.
Word count: 2103
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of vomiting, vomiting, mentions of being drunk, someone being drunk, more fluff
A/N: Ahhh this is so cute! Leave me some feedback if you enjoyed. Reblog/like/send me asks/anything!
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About a month has passed since you and Joe have started seeing each other, and things were going great. Every moment of free time was spent either just the two of you, while you had a day off from work and while Lily was in school, or the three of you together. Lily LOVED her ‘best friend’, as she often referred to him as.
“What do I call you?” Lily asked Joe one night when he was over for dinner at your place.
“Whatever you want to,” he chuckled, setting his fork down. Lily looked at him for a minute, furrowing her eyebrows.
“Joey?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.
“I would love to be called Joey,” he smiled, glancing at you, then back at her. 
“Okay. Joey? I’m gonna call you Joey, ‘cause it’s cute, and you’re my cute best friend,” she giggled, taking a bite of mac and cheese.
“You think I’m cute?” he laughed, leaning back in his chair.
“Uh huh!” she nodded, “so does my mommy!” Joe turned to look at you, sitting on the opposite side of the table from him, as you could feel your cheeks flush rapidly.
“Really?” he chuckled.
“Obviously,” you stated, laughing and trying to hide your red face.
“Joey!” Lily gasped, “do you think my mommy’s cute, too?”
Joe glanced over at you, and you at him, and a smile spread across his face.
“I do,” he replied, still smiling, “in fact, I think she’s beautiful.”
“And I think he’s handsome,” you smiled back. Lily covered her mouth and started uncontrollably giggling, then got up out of her chair and walked over to Joe.
“Kiss her,” she whispered in his ear.
“You want me to?” he asked her, getting up from his chair and walking to the other side of the table to you.
“What?” you asked as Joe made his way next to you, taking one of your hands in his.
“Kiss her, Joey!” she giggled, jumping up and down in anticipation.
“Ahhh, so that’s what she wanted,” you laughed, standing up and wrapping your arms around Joe’s neck, “well, Mazzello. Whatcha waitin’ for?” Joe chuckled, shaking his head, then gently pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, accompanied by the background noise of Lily.
“Ewwww!” she squealed. You and Joe pulled away then looked at her.
“What?” you laughed.
“Kiss again! Kiss again!” she giggled, jumping up and down more.
“Again? Okay, it’s gonna be gross,” Joe laughed, then kissed you again, harder than before, and dipped you, steadying you by holding your waist.
“EWWW!” She squealed even louder. You and Joe pulled away again, laughing at her reaction.
“Has he met Chad yet?” Kristen asked at work the following day. You turned to her and rolled your eyes.
“I haven’t heard from him in nearly a month, so no, and I don’t intend on them meeting until I know we’re serious,” you answered, turning back to your computer to finish your final reports for the day.
“A month?!” Jana exclaimed, slamming her folder on the counter, “a fucking month?!”
“Yeah. I know,” you sighed, “Lily wants to see him, but he just won’t answer.”
“Could he be drinking again?” Kristen asked.
“Don’t know,” you shrugged, finishing up the last report and getting up from the computer, “okay, I’m done for the day.”
“You and Joe have plaaaans?” Jana smirked at you, leaning back in her chair as you grabbed all of your things.
“Yes, actually,” you laughed, “he’s taking Lily and I to dinner.”
“Oooooh,” her and Kristen said in unison. You laughed, shaking your head.
“Okay, I’m out of here,” you said, pulling your keys out of your purse, “bye, girls.”
“Bye!” they said. You headed to the elevator and down to the first floor and out to your car, heading to pick Lily up from school.
“How was school?” you asked Lily as she climbed into the backseat.
“Good,” she sighed, laying her head against the window as you drove away.
“What’s wrong?” you asked her, glancing at her through the rearview mirror.
“I don’t feel good,” she whined, “my tummy hurts.”
“Aw, my girl,” you frowned, “we’ll be home shortly. You can take a nap in my bed, okay?”
“Okay,” she sighed, laying her head back against the window. A few minutes later, you arrived at your apartment, parking and getting out, then walking around to her side of the car, getting her out and carrying her inside. After getting inside your apartment, you brought Lily to your room, changing her into one of your old tee shirts and laying her down in your bed.
“Mommy,” she whined, tears welling up in her eyes, “I don’t feeeeel gooood.”
“I know,” you frowned, putting a damp cloth on her head, “just try to go to sleep, okay? Maybe when you wake up, you’ll feel be-,”
Just then, in a split second, the contents of Lily’s stomach was now all over your bedroom carpet. Her face pale, she looked at you and began to sob.
“No, no, no, it’s okay,” you said, brushing her hair out of her face, trying to calm her down, “I’ll clean it up, it’ll be okay.”
“I want my daddy,” she sobbed, laying her head back down on the pillow. You sighed, knowing what the result of calling Chad would be; no answer. It’s been a month, why would he answer now?
“I’ll try calling him, okay?” you said, kissing her forehead, then placing the damp rag back on her head, “try sleeping. If you need anything, just yell for me.”
“Okay,” she sniffled, “mommy?”
“Yes?” you asked, turning back towards her.
“Can I watch Peppa Pig?” she asked.
“Of course,” you smiled, walking over to the TV and putting on the Peppa Pig DVD, then exited the room.
Two hours had passed, and nothing had progressed. Lily was still throwing up and couldn’t go to sleep, you couldn’t get a hold of Chad, and by the looks of it, you were going to have to cancel your date with Joe. You decided to call Chad one last time, in hopes he would possibly answer. As you ran around the apartment like a mad man, throwing the vomit covered sheets and clothes into the washer, the phone pressed to your ear, holding it with your shoulder, a shocking voice came through the phone.
“Whaaat?” Chad groaned when he finally, and surprisingly, answered the phone.
“Where the fuck have you been?” you spat out, closing the washer and starting the load of laundry.
“Busy,” he said, his words slurring. He was drunk, but what’s new?
“Jesus Christ, Chad,” you sighed, “are you drinking again?”
“What’s it to ya, huh?” he slurred again.
“Whatever. That’s not why I’m calling. I’m calling because your daughter has the stomach bug and wants to see you,” you sighed, “but you’re obviously not in the right state of mind to do that.”
“I’ll come by tomorrow,” he said, letting out a burp into your ear, “okay, gotta go. Bye.”
“Chad, n-,” you started, but he hung up before you could get the words out. You let out a sigh, then dialed Joe’s number.
“Hey!” he answered, “I was just about to call you.”
“Hey,” you smiled, “I really hate doing this, but I’m gonna have to cancel dinner for tonight.”
“Oh,” he said, his voice dropping, “why? What’s wrong?”
“I picked Lily up from school and she was complaining about not feeling well, and when we got home, she couldn’t stop puking and she hasn’t stopped,” you sighed, resting your elbows on the counter.
“Oh, no,” he said, “poor Lils. Do you want me to come over?”
“I think she’d like the company,” you said, “her dad has....other obligations.”
“I’ll be right over. See you soon,” he said, and the two of you hung up.
Thirty minutes later, and there was a knock at your door. You opened it to find Joe standing there, multiple grocery bags in his hands.
“What’s all that?” you asked, taking a few of the bags from him, and setting them on the counter.
“Well, when I was little, my mom always gave me gatorade when I had the stomach bug,” he said, setting the remainder of the bags on the counter, “I didn’t know what flavors she liked, so I grabbed all of them.”
“Oh my god, I could cry,” you laughed, wrapping your arms around him in a big hug, “you’re a lifesaver.”
“Where is she?” he asked, kissing the top of your head.
“In my room,” you sighed, “I’ve tried to get her to nap, but she can’t.”
The two of you walked to your room, and found Lily laying in bed, still watching Peppa Pig.
“Look who came to see you,” you said, sitting on the bed next to her, “and he even brought you some stuff to help you feel better.”
She rolled over to face you and Joe, and her sick, little face brightened up at the sight of him.
“How’s my best friend?” he asked, laying down next to her on the bed.
“My tummy hurts,” she whined, “I threw up.”
“I heard,” he said, then reached over and grabbed the bottle of lemon lime Gatorade, “so, I got you this special drink.”
“Why’s it special?” she asked, looking at it questioningly.
“Because it will help you feel better,” he said, opening it and holding it up to her mouth so she could take a sip.
“Mmmm,” she said, “Joey, that’s good!”
“I’m so glad you like it,” he smiled, “I got you a billion kinds!”
“A billion?” she giggled quietly, “you’re silly.”
“Oh, I know,” he laughed, “hey, where’s Princess Bubblegum Sparkles?”
“In my room,” she said, then turned to look at you, “mommy, can you go get her?”
“Sure,” you laughed, getting up and walking to Lily’s room to get the stuffed pink unicorn she treasured so much, then handed it back to her when you got back to your room.
“Do you think you can try and take a nap?” Joe asked her, “you’re probably really tired.”
“Uh huh,” she nodded, yawning, “okay, I can try.”
“Okay, I’ll lay with you until you fall asleep,” he said, and she cuddled up close to him and laid her head on his chest.
“Do you want me to stay in here, too?” you asked her, and she shook her head.
“No, just me and my Joey,” she said, yawning again. You flashed Joe a thankful smile, then headed back out to the living room. About 20 minutes later, he came out of your room and joined you on the couch.
“She’s out,” he said, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into him.
“Oh my god, you’re the best,” you sighed contentedly, “I don’t know how to repay you.”
“I know how,” he said, and you looked up at him.
“How so?” you furrowed an eyebrow. He chuckled and shook his head.
“This isn’t exactly how I planned on doing this, but…” he started, “this past month has been one of the best months of my life. I love being around you, and I love being around Lily, and I was just wondering if you wanted to be my girl-,”
“JOOOEY!” Lily sobbed from your room, “I want my Joey!”
“Better go tend to your best friend. It’ll give me time to think of an answer,” you smirked at him, winking. He laughed and got up, following the sound of Lily’s sobs. Obviously, your answer to Joe was that, yes, you would love to be his girlfriend. Nobody has ever treated you like he has in the past month, and after dating Chad, he was exactly what you needed. You got up quietly, and walked to your room and stood outside the door, quietly listening to the sound of Joe humming ‘Here Comes The Sun’ by the Beatles, as Lily drifted back off to sleep. You could cry at the sight you were witnessing, but suppressed them as to not disrupt the moment. You made your way back out to the living room, and shortly behind you, so did Joe. At the sight of him, you nearly crashed into him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him like your life depended on it.
“Well, I take it that’s a yes?” he chuckled, resting his hands on your hips. The tears started streaming down your face as you profusely nodded.
“Yes,” you breathed out, smiling as Joe wiped a few stray tears from your cheeks, “I would love to be your girlfriend.”
Tags: @hargreevesgrace @deakyspuff @okiegirl24 @joalsglasses @toger-raylor @panicatttckiss @cheeseedreams47 @shesakillerquueennn @cruelnatalie @mrsmazzello @rogerina-owns-me @johnricharddeaconn @jiswoogannon @loveofmychips @v-o-o-d-o-o-c-h-i-l-d
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years
Back Home
this is bad. its also like midnight.  why do i write late at night, it just makes it bad.  it be like that.  this is also really fluffy tho so yay dad ralbert is back
ship: ralbert
warnings: vomit mention
editing: nuh uh
“Papaaaaaaaa!” Race braced himself for impact as his son, Andrew, barreled into him, knocking him backwards into his husband, Albert.
“Lovely to see where your loyalties lie,” Albert smirked, steadying Race before lugging their shared suitcase in behind him.  Andrew giggled loudly, detaching himself from Race and moving to latch onto Albert instead.  They had gone for the week on a short trip to Washington DC to teach a few masterclasses at the National Theatre.  Spot, their best friend and godfather to their kids, had offered to watch Andrew and Emelia while Race and Albert were gone.  Although, as Race looked around his apartment, there was no sign of Spot, or his daughter for that matter.  He frowned, concern bubbling in his stomach, but his son’s excited voice brought him back to the present.
“Missed you guys!” Andrew exclaimed, making grabby hands at Albert, who hoisted the five year old onto his hip.
“We missed you too, champ,” Albert grinned, smacking an exaggerated kiss to Andrew’s cheek, “Did you have a good time with Uncle Spottie?”
“Yeah!” Andrew said, squirming to get out of Albert’s hold and reaching his hands out to Race instead.  
Race seamlessly took Andrew away from Albert, shifting him onto his hip instead, “I’m glad you had fun, dude,” he said, finally walking to the couch to set down his carry-on bag, “Where are Uncle Spottie and Emelia, though?”
“Me and Em’s room,” Andrew said, matter-of-factly, “Em isn’t feeling good.”
Albert frowned from where he was unzipping their suitcases to put their jackets away, “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” Andrew nodded seriously, “She was puking all day!”
Race and Albert exchanged concerned glances behind their son’s back, “Alright, bud,” Race said, putting Andrew down, “Why don’t you go with Daddy to get washed up and I’ll go check on your sister, alright?”
Andrew nodded and hurried off in the direction of the bathroom.
“You good with that?” Race asked Albert, who was already grabbing a fresh towel from the hallway closet.
Albert made waved a dismissive hand, “I got him, go make sure our daughter isn’t dying.”
Race furrowed his eyebrows, “That was dark.”
Albert shrugged and hurried off to wrangle his son before he flooded the bathroom.  Race kicked off his shoes and headed in the direction of his children’s bedroom.  As he got closer, he could hear the unmistakable sounds of retching coming from the other side of the door.  He knocked lightly before entering.  
“Hey,” he greeted softly.  Spot was sitting on the edge of the bed, one hand on Emelia’s back.  His daughter looked incredibly weak and was leaned over the side of the mattress, vomiting violently into a trashcan.
Spot looked up when he entered and offered Race a tired smile, “Heya, Racer, how was DC?”
“It was pretty good,” Race said, “Only lost Al once on a segway tour,”
Spot scoffed, “Wouldn’t expect anything less from that idiot.”
“He was easy enough to find,” Race said before diverting his attention to his sick daughter, “What’s wrong, bug?” he asked, kneeling in front of Emelia and pushing a few strands of sweaty hair away from her forehead.
“Don’ feel good,” She managed, gagging again and pitching forward towards the trash can.  Race looked up at Spot, who was frowning at Emelia sympathetically.
“Poor thing’s been throwing up since 10:00 this morning,” Spot said, “Tried to call you and Al, but I couldn’t reach you.”
“Has she just been throwing up, or..”
Spot nodded, “Yeah, mostly.  Complained about being achey, too.  I’ve been taking her temperature throughout the day, but it’s been normal.” Race relaxed a bit, “Okay, good.  Thanks, Spottie.”
“You gonna take her to a doctor?” “I’ll probably make an appointment tomorrow sometime.”
Spot hummed approvingly, right as Andrew, followed by a rather flustered looking Albert, busted through the door, wearing his duck wrap around towel.  Albert’s shirt was soaked and Andrew still had shampoo in his hair.  Race and Spot cast questioning glances to Albert, who simply shrugged.
“One second, we were shampooing, the next he was running,” Albert said, wringing out his shirt onto the carpet.
“Stop that,” Race scolded.  Albert held his hands up in mock surrender.
“What’s wrong, bud?” Race questioned Andrew gently, who looked slightly overwhelmed by the cluster of people in the room.
“I didn’t want Uncle Spottie to leave without saying goodbye,” He said, lower lip starting to tremble.
“Hey, whoa,” Spot said, finally moving from his spot on the bed to squat in front of his godson, “I wasn’t gonna go nowhere without saying goodbye, champ, but why don’t we finish getting you washed up first?”
Andrew nodded, then turned to look up at his fathers with pleading eyes, “Can Uncle Spottie finish helping me?”
Albert and Race raised their eyebrows, amused, “I don’t see why not,” Race said, “We’d better be careful, Al.  Spot might just steal our children away from us.”
Spot picked Andrew up, skillfully avoiding his soapy hair, “I might just,” he said as he left for the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
“How’s she doing?” Albert asked, his question punctuated by another retch from Emelia.  He winced, “Not so good I take it?”
“Yeah, we should take her in tomorrow,” Race said, perching himself next to Emelia on the bed, “No fever, though.”
“That’s good,” Albert said, sitting in a straddle on the floor beside the trash can.  He reached up to rub Emelia’s shoulder, “Hey, sweet pea.”
“Hey, Daddy,” Emelia said, shakily.
“Did you have a good week?” Emelia nodded and Albert smiled, “I missed you and Andrew.”
“Missed you, too,” Emelia said, yawning.
“Getting tired?” Race asked.  Emelia nodded, eyelids drooping, “Alright, pea, let’s getcha changed outta these sweaty clothes, then you can sleep.”
“Uncle Spottie still here?” Emelia asked, sleepily, as Race helped her into a new nightgown that Albert had gotten from her drawer.
“Yeah, I’ll make sure he peeps in to say goodbye, okay?”
“Do you want me or Daddy to stay with you while you fall asleep?” Race asked, tucking her back into bed.
“Daddy,” Emelia said, reaching out for Albert, who took Race’s place on the bed.
“Alright, princess,” Race said, leaning down to kiss her on the forehead, “I love you, goodnight.”
“Love you, too,” Emelia curled into Albert’s side, “Can you read me a book?”
“Sure, love,” Albert said, petting a hand through her hair, “What book?”
“Jack and Annie!”
“Alrighty, did Uncle Spottie start a new one with you?”
“Yeah, the one with the leprechaun,” Emelia said.  Albert nodded and turned to ask Race to pass him the book, only to find that his husband was already holding out Magic Tree House, Leprechaun in Late Winter, for him.  
“Thanks, babe,” He smiled, taking the book and tilting his head back slightly for a kiss.  
Race bent down and pecked him on the lips, “Yep.  I’ma go check on Spot and Andrew.”
“Sounds good,” Albert said, opening the book and beginning to read out loud.  Race took the trash can Emelia had been using and left the room.  Spot and Andrew were sat at the kitchen counter, playing with Andrew’s Hot Wheels.  It looked like Spot had successfully gotten Andrew ready for bed, because he was no longer soapy and was sporting his favorite Star Wars pajamas.
“Papa, come play!” He declared, crashing his car into Spot’s, who let out a noise of fake offence.
“That is no way to treat Mr. Speedsy,” Spot said, hugging the black car he was holding to his chest.  
Andrew shrieked with laughter and Race smiled at the scene in front of him, “I think playtime is over,” he said, crossing over to the other two, “Uncle Spottie has to get home and you, Mr. Hot Wheels, need to get to bed.”
“Five more minutes?” Andrew pouted, sticking his bottom lip out.
“Nope, it’s time to call it a night,” Race said, firmly, “C’mon, bud.”  He plucked his son out of the kitchen chair and used one hand to put the Hot Wheels back in their box.
Spot followed them to the kid’s bedroom, stopping in the doorway and watching as Race tucked Andrew in, “Bye Andrew, bye Em,” he called quietly.
“Bye, Uncle Spottie,” Both children said in unison.  
Race crossed to the doorway and pulled him into a brief hug, “Thank you so much for watching them this week, man.  Seriously.”
“Yeah, we appreciate it so much,” Albert said, also standing to hug Spot, “Lunch tomorrow?  Our treat?”
“Sure,” Spot smiled, “And it’s no problem.  It’s always a pleasure to watch the munchkins.  Take care you two and I hope Emelia feels better.”
“We’ll see you tomorrow, thanks again,” Race said, clapping him on the back.
“Bye, Spottie.”
They watched as Spot let himself out of the apartment, then turned back to their kids.
“You go get ready for bed,” Albert said, “I’ll finish up with them.”
Race sighed gratefully, the exhaustion from the week finally hitting him, “Thanks.”
“I’ll be in soon,” Race shot him a thumbs up and left to change into his pajamas, opting to shower in the morning.  
Twenty minutes later, as promised, a tired looking Albert climbed into bed next to Race, who bookmarked his book and wrapped his arms around his husband.
“They out?” He asked into Albert’s hair.
“Like lights.  I got Emelia a fresh trash can, too.”
“Awesome,” They lapsed into silence, breathing in each other’s presence blissfully.
“I love this, you know,” Albert said after a few minutes.
“This,” Albert gestured vaguely, “All this domestic shit.  I love it.”
Race smiled, warmth spreading through his chest, “Yeah,” he murmured, “I love it, too.”
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
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@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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looshk-blog1 · 6 years
It’s so romantic in Paris chapter 1
I can't believe he would do that to me... After everything we've been through... All the years we've spent together... All the time and effort I'd put into us and he throws me He remembered walking into their home, they had spent so much time doing it up together, painting, decorating, picking things out... They'd made love on the floor their first night there, in the middle of all of their stuff. The excitement had made it electric and they fell asleep on their mattress on the floor...   When he proposed it was an easy yes and he'd promised he would love him forever... He'd started saving to buy a place together immediately. Started working longer and longer hours to save for their deposit... After all they'd need their own place eventually. However when he arrived home one night, noise from their bedroom surprised him. But trust and comfort led him forward. The possibility of his fiance cheating didn't even enter his mind and he walked straight into their bedroom. His fiance Xigbar was fucking someone in their bed. A range of emotions went through him in less than ten seconds... Anger, fear, hurt, rage, shock... His body must have cut it off, because a strange sense of calm overcame him and he casally asked them. “Having fun?” Xigbar turned in fright as did the person he was in bed with... “Shall I pop the kettle on?” Demyx walked back into their living room and started boiling the kettle. The man Xigbar was sleeping with pulled on his boxers, he looked fearful as he heard the kettle whistle. He shook his head at Xigbar clearly put off by Demyx's calmness. “I'm out...” The blonde man was leaning on the counter with a cup of tea as Xigbar's bit on the side emerged and moved towards the door with his head down. He raised his cup of tea to the man leaving his home. “Bye now!” Xigbar knew he was in for it. He pulled on his boxer shorts and went out to the kitchen to Demyx. “Look... I can explain...” Demyx raised his eyebrows sarcastically staring at him. “Really?” He sat at their kitchen table. “Ok then...” He motioned for Xigbar to sit down. This should be good... Xigbar paused trying to think quickly. “Uh...” He laughed humourlessly, Demyx folded his arms sarcastically. “That's what I thought... Now you have one hour to get your shit and get out of here.” “W-What...? Just like that? But what about all the years...” “Perhaps you should have thought about that before getting balls deep in... Whatever... One hour.” He poured the rest of his tea down the sink, grabbed his coat and bag and moved towards the door. “Where are you going?” Demyx turned towards his soon to be ex fiance. “Out. I'll be back in an hour and I expect you to be gone.” Xigbar looked incredulous. “You can't mean that surely...? You can't do that...” Demyx smiled sweetly. “Well... My name is on the lease and I pay the majority of the rent... So...” He cocked his head to one side and turned towards the door. “One hour... I'm not kidding.” He approached Demyx from behind and grabbed his arm. “Don't do this... Don't destroy us...” He pulled his hand free. “You destroyed us when you decided to bring someone else home... And judging by how comfortable he seemed in my bed I don't think it was his first time here...” He caught Xigbar's eye and he couldn't meet his gaze. “That's what I thought...” He removed his engagement ring and placed it on the small wooden side table by the door. “Demyx, don't do that come on... Be reasonable.” The blonde man looked back through a crack in the door. “One hour...” Then closed it shut on his ex forever. Demyx went to the elevator and hit the button, he could hear the doors close from somewhere lower in the building. His hands were starting to shake with shock and he could feel tears stinging at the corners of his eyes, he tapped the button twice more willing it to come faster. Finally the door dinged at his floor and the doors opened. He walked into the lift and as the doors shut his former life out, tears began rolling down his cheeks. Axel ran down the stairs of his house to deal with whoever was assaulting his front door. “Okay, okay! I'm coming! Calm down! Jeez...” He answered the door angrily at first but quickly calmed down when he saw who was behind it. “Demyx? What happened?” He ushered his sobbing friend into the living room and sat him down on the couch. “Breathe Demyx... Deep breaths...” The redhead slowly rubbed his back. “You're okay... I'm here...” He slowly started catching his breath again. “There we go... Do you want anything? A drink, something to eat?” Demyx was breathless from sobbing. “W-water...” Axel nodded. “Ok, you stay there, I'll be right back.” He fetched the bottle of water from the fridge, filled a tall tumbler glass with ice, poured the water in, put some lemon and lime slices in the glass with it, put a twisty straw in and popped a cocktail umberella on the side for good measure. He placed this in front of Demyx who immediately laughed despite his red eyes. “Is this water or vodka?” Axel shrugged. “Water, it's all in the presentation!” Demyx took a sip and cleared his throat and Axel sat down in the armchair across from him. “Are you okay?” The blonde nodded slowly then shook his head tears running down his face again. “Do you want to talk about it?” He paused, shrugged then dropped his head into his hands sobbing. Axel twigged something different about his hands... His engagement ring is missing... “I don't mean to alarm you but are you aware your engagement ring is gone?” Demyx looked up and nodded. “What's going on?” “Xigbar cheated on me...” Axel was wide eyed for a split second. “I see...” He stood up and grabbed the baseball bat from behind his chair and Demyx took it off him. “I appreciate the sentiment... Believe me I do... But the last thing I need right now is my best friend behind bars over him...” The redhead nodded and sat down, then shot back up. “But what if I jump him in a lane, no baseball bat... I'll just rough him up real...” Demyx shook his head. “As much as he probably deserves it... I just need you here with me right now... He's currently packing his stuff up as we speak, I told him I'd be back in an hour... But I don't really want to go back tonight...” Axel nodded. “That's fine, so you'll stay here. We'll have a few drinks, order in some food... Laugh at his workout pics on his instagram. It'll be great!” The blonde wiped his eyes and smiled gratefully. “That sounds good actually.” Axel walked out to the kitchen and pulled every spirit he could find out from his cupboards then rubbed his hands together excitedly. “Hey Demyx? Do you like cocktails?” The blonde cocked his head. “Yeah, I have the occasional one, now and then. Do you need a hand?” “No no! This is gonna be a surprise!” Demyx heard bottles clinking, ice shaking and noises of approval coming from the kitchen. “Nearly ready!” Axel applied the finishing touches, orange on the side of the glass, an umberella comeplete with a cherry on the stick, a straw and edible glitter, which he stirred into the cocktail to make it sparkle. He popped the two drinks on a tray and poured out two shots of tequila, complete with salt and lemon slices on the side and carried it into the living room. “I call it the Memory Eraser!” Demyx sipped it. “Hmmm... Tastes like a Blue Lagoon...” Axel rolled his eyes. “I was kidding...” Demyx blinked his eyes open slowly the next morning. “Ugh...” He blocked his eyes from the light. “Fuck... Why is it so bright in here?” He opened and closed his mouth several times parched and found a glass on the bedside table with a note on it saying 'for sober Demyx'. Guess I had the good sense to leave myself water... He took a sip and nearly puked mentally cursing his drink self for leaving a full glass of undiluted VODKA next to his bed. He cautiously stood up in an attempt not to make his head feel any worse and walked down to the bathroom, he slumped into the bath and turned the shower on sitting down under it's pleasant warmth. Axel knocked on the door. “Demyx? You ok?” “No... I'm fucking dying...” “Same... I'm gonna go make us some breakfast ok?” “Kay...” Axel slumped off towards the kitchen in a haze, nearly vomiting at the sight of empty bottles of spirits and wine. Gross... How much did we drink? He started piling bottles off the counter into a black plastic bag. They're gonna think I have a problem at the recycling plant... He lifted the bag of bottles out into his front garden and closed the door. I'll swing by later on... He put the rest of the bottles away trying not to look at them and avoiding the smell like the plague. When all the bottles were put away, he wiped down all of the counter tops, his kitchen table, the coffee table in the living room and collected the glasses from the kitchen, the living room and the bedrooms. Jesus we put away a lot last night... He emptied the bins, put the glasses in the dishwasher and washed his hands. There... Now it's livable again. He pulled a skillet out from one of his cupboards and turned on the gas, sleepily he cracked eggs onto the pan and retrieved some bacon from the fridge adding it on with the eggs. Demyx could smell breakfast cooking from his bedroom where he was getting dressed. I'm starving... He picked up his phone and absent mindedly unlocked it. What's this...? His stomach dropped as he nervously checked his email. Axel called Demyx making him almost drop his phone. “Grubs up!” The blonde made his way to the kitchen and sat himself down Axel placed a plate in front of him. “Thanks...” He started to eat. “Do you remember much of last night?” Axel shook his head. “I know we didn't leave the house... We ordered a lot of food. That's about all I can remember... But I have no missed calls or angry messages from anyone so I assume we didn't get up to anything too bad...” Demyx held his phone out for Axel to see. “Do you remember us booking me a trip to Paris?” Axel took Demyx's phone and laughed checking over the details. “That's awesome!” The blonde was less sure. “This trip will cost me most of the money I saved for me and...” His face became sad. The redhead grabbed him by the shoulders. “That's all the more reason to go! You've always wanted to see Paris! Drunk Demyx did you a solid, don't let his bravery go to waste by cancelling it!” Demyx rested his face in his hands. “I don't know... It's a lot of money...” Axel shrugged. “Look, you have a day or two to think about it before it's final, sleep on it tonight and if you still feel like it's a bad idea tomorrow then cancel it...” Demyx nodded munching on a mouthful of toast and egg. “I'll think about it...”
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http-peachjimin · 6 years
7: Run
You woke up, a crick in your neck and soreness between your legs. You felt stiff as a board and everything seemed to hurt, including your head.
Although it was fall, you felt oddly warm. Why had you been outside anyway? You couldn't remember. Finally mustering the strength to sit up you realized you were naked and on the roof of your and Jimin's favourite hang out spot.
It didn't occur to you what had happened until Jimin sat up as well rubbing his sleepy eyes.
He was naked. You were naked.
No, it couldn't have been, this is impossible...
That's why your parts hurt...
"Ahhh!!!" You screamed, it all clicking to you.
"Y/N?! Why are you naked?!"
"Why are you naked!?" You retorted.
"Well 'cause I.... I can't remember."
You saw the gears in his head turn. Even though you had already figured it out it was too embarrassing to tell him.
"No. W-we didn't do this...right?" He asked confused.
You pointed to your still sticky stomach.
"Unfortunately...the evidence is still here." You cringed, not wanting to touch it.
"Well at least I know how to fucking pull out I guess. For fucks sake... This is bad. Really bad." He grumbled running a stressed hand through his brown hair.
"We have class! Shit what time is it?" You questioned rushing to put your clothes back on.
"Forget it. It's twelve thirty already. There's no point." Jimin stated.
"Do you know how bad this is gonna look?! They're gonna think we fucked!" You cried.
"Technically we did..." He mumbled.
"I know that Jimin! God what am I gonna do? Cheol-min will kill me." You stated.
"Why do you even care about him?" Jimin mumbled under his breath.
"The fuck do you mean?! I cheated on him!" You yelled at Jimin.
"I mean yeah but... You weren't happy with him anyway." He stated.
Had he lost his mind?!
"Jimin!!! I'm a fucking cheater! It doesn't matter that my boyfriend is an asshat! I'm still in the wrong! I'm- I can't, I gotta go get my underwear, I'll be back.
You walked down the old stairs and put on your underwear and pants finally being fully dressed.
Once that was done, you went back to Jimin.
"I'm sorry for speaking nonsense. This really is juat a big mess isn't it?" He chuckled awkwardly.
"It's okay let's just go so that-"
You both jumped, almost falling through the hole in the roof.
"You're on private property and you both are supposed to be in school!" The cop yelled at you both.
"We're sorry! We'll be down immediately!" You called.
You pulled Jimin through the hole and down the stairs.
"You kids are in big trouble. What made you think it was okay to skip school? You're Park Jimin and Y/N Y/L, right?"
You nodded and gulped.
"You're looking at... three days of suspension for the both of you." The officer threatened.
Jimin bit his lip and darted his eyes from the cop, to the outstreching road, to his silver vehicle.
Making his final decision, he took your hand and squeezed.
"RUN!!!!" He yelled.
You both bolted down the street and took off.
The cop tried to chase after you but by the time he'd gotten into his vehicle you had shuffled down an ally, making him loose your path.
You panted looking at Jimin.
"W-what the fuck was that for?"
"He can't prove it if he doesn't have us." The boy replied.
"Why would it even matter? We've been suspended before." You pointed out.
You and Jimin used to be a bit more wild in your sophomore days.
"If you wanna go to prom, you can't have any offenses, and I didn't pay 150 dollars for a dress to not fucking go." He grumbled.
What about Jiae? I thought he'd be going to her, not the money he spent on her dress.
Maybe you were over thinking it.
"Come on, we've been here for a solid half hour. I'm sure the cop is gone." He stated and tugged you with him back to his car.
The cop gave Jimin a ticket which he begrudgingly intended to pay and went on his merry way not wanting to deal with two rebel teens.
"I'll drop you at home." Jimin said breaking the silence that had been suffocating you two.
"No. I can't go. I cant go home he'll kill me for sure." You sighed.
"Well... You're welcome at my place, but I cant guarantee it'll be peaceful either."
You nodded.
"What are we gonna do? We either divise a plan or come clean..." You mumbled.
For you, coming clean was hardly even an option. No way in hell were you going to subject yourself to that demon you called your boyfriend.
On the other hand Jimin already got enough yapping as it was. He couldn't stand to hear another jealous, venom coated, envious word come out of her mouth about you nor your relationship.
"So what's the plan?" He questioned, already knowing which route you had chosen.
"I don't know but all that alcohol on an empty stomach is making me-" You bolted out of Jimin's car and got sick in the grass.
"Making me sick. I was going to say making me sick." You complained, the killer headache overtaking you.
"That's it! You got sick!"
"Yeah asshole, as if you didn't just see me puke on an ant hill." You grumbled, making your way back to the carseat.
"No I mean, I'll say I arrived late to school and saw you running in the girl's bathroom and a wretching noise soon after. And since your parents don't live with you, I decided as your bestfriend to take care of you." He stated his well formulated plan.
"Okay, so what do we do right now?" You asked still burbbleing on the verge of vomiting once more.
"I get you to my place. You are sick after all. And I really would like you to not throw up in my car." He chuckled pulling out of his space.
Once there, Jimin carried you inside, grateful you didn't blow chuncks in his vehicle and safely put you on the couch, with a clean garbage bin of course.
Jimin, although it may not seem like it from his small stature, was really good at holding his alcohol, even if he drank to much.
You on the other hand wanted to be that one hard chick that could down 50 vodka shots and not be phased. But that wasn't the case. You were the queen of weak stomachs, always claiming you could handle more when you knew you'd regret it later.
"How ya doing sweetheart?" Jimin asked, coming to check on you after everything had been settled.
"Three words. Kill me now." You sighed.
"Well I have a couple pain killers for you. And some ginger ale. Hopefully that will pick you up." He offered.
You nodded as he guided you to sit up. You threw the two pills back and quickly drank the soda to wash them down.
The ginger helped soothe your stomach and you were soon back to chuckling at shows on Netflix, all while lying down of course. You didn't want to push your luck with the nausea.
Jimin had allowed you to borrow his spare charger and you phone had finally lit up.
15 text from Minnie
2 missed calls from Minnie
Holy shit were you in for it.
And the last two texts scared you.
You're over his house aren't you?
I'm coming, this is the last time I'll catch you cheating Y/N.
Tears sprung from your eyes. The way he typed that, you knew he was going to be ruthless and not just verbally any more. Most importantly, at least in your eyes, he was going to hurt Jimin. You were the target, he was the obsticle. You couldn't let that happen so you picked up you thing and bolted towards the door.
"Y/N? Where are you going?" He asked tenderly grabbing your sleeve.
"I can't stay here, he'll hurt you too! Don't follow me please!" You begged.
You dashed out the door, Jimin chasing after you. You weren't sure where you were going but you knew it had to be alone.
Let’s run run run again! I can’t stop running
Let’s run run run again! I can’t help running
Only thing I can do is run
Only thing I can do is love you
Jimin was worried sick, you'd turned a sharp corner and he couldn't find you anymore and that's when he began to panic. His house was now far away but it was getting dark and he had to find you before the nasty streets of Seoul did. With all the strength he still had he ran the other direction towards his residence. He'd left his phone and everything at home chasing after you.
Let’s run run run again! It’s ok to be injured
I am happy enough even though I can’t get you
Once he reached his front porch he caught his breath but not for long as he realized he didn't have much time.
He walked in, reached for his phone, and called the police.
They said it would take at least 30 minutes for them to round up a search party, which Jimin was less than pleased with. He wanted to see you. He wanted to know you were safe.
Run... Don’t tell me bye bye Run... You make me cry cry Run... Love is a lie lie Don’t tell me, don’t tell me Don’t tell me bye bye
please be okay
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energonalucard · 7 years
Killer Kyoudai AU (pt. 3)
AU: The Killer Brothers are Magnum Ace’s brothers and the Silver/Fighter Brothers were made just to counter the murder sprees they go on as detectives. They also adopt Magnum at one point.
Robot Harem Animes-Today at 12:50 AM
they're scared of them and they're scared of them
Chaoit-Today at 12:50 AM
but they know that they're not welcome
Robot Harem Animes-Today at 12:50 AM
…geez, how to get around this
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 12:50 AM
Chaoit-Today at 12:51 AM
oh that's gonna be fun
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 12:52 AM
The UN is gonna be a major part of this and they're gonna bite hard. They don't buy out SC, they buy out a middle class League team and rebrand all the mechs and femmes for war. But they take it to the field.
Chaoit-Today at 12:54 AM
and holy shit it's going to be fun for SC
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 12:55 AM
This team rebrands as a casting call to all those who were Iron Soldiers. They named their teams after letter combinations and their moves based on things like the Black Box, X Section, and Dunk Guns. It's not a fun reminder for everyone who sees this and knows...
Chaoit-Today at 12:55 AM
because how are they supposed to relax or practice when the Killer bros are in their base? and mental games ahoy
They have to work it out. This is where things look better. They have to work together for this threat, and it's been about a year that they've joined SC.It goes...
Bad ➡ Good ➡ Better ➡ Gets Worse ➡ Oh shit no it's bad ➡ Gets better ➡ Tear jerker happy ending. We're at "Good" now
Chaoit-Today at 12:59 AM
that would be good
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:00 AM
This is where they start to get along and actually practise during the day. The team try to play as soon as they wake up but due to their neglect of their newer members, they noticed the KK are nocturnal now, as they'd do everything when SC was asleep. So they push them to sleep closer to sunsets to wake up at daybreak, and they slowly work them back into a normal schedule. They play baseball together, soccer, and a bit of hockey but that's dropped when the season is all soccer and baseball.
Robot Harem Animes-Today at 1:04 AM
I would like to point out that you writing 'oh sh!t no it's bad' on the plot chart fills me with terror
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:04 AM
The KK talking outside of each other for once as Magnum has a whole day planned for his main team to force the KK to speak up to win at practice. It works after day 42 of this and Killer B shouts during baseball, "Outfield, catch it already!" and since it's Magnum's plan for this, Windy jumps to catch it as told.
(( Thank you! ))
Integrating them into after games activities other then Ruri forcing them to watch TV with the team include; showering with the team at a comfortable distance, going to festivals, going on walks with Juurouta to clear their minds and souls a bit, and just having fun in general.
Chaoit-Today at 1:08 AM
((yeah, it kinda scares me too))
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:10 AM
(( I feel flattered! 😇))
Top Joy winding a wet towel and snapping it at Killer Q's aft in good nature in the shower as he's not looking... 
Killer B gasps, expecting his brother to break down or scream. But Killer Q just balls his fist, turns on Top Joy, and wraps Top Joy's face in a towel. "Eat cotton, pinky!" Q cries as everyone laughs, especially Killer B.Going to sleep and snuggling just because they want to instead of in fear.
Chaoit-Today at 1:14 AM
just flings it at Topjoy's face
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:15 AM
Wraps it. Threw it to surprise him, and pulls in tight in a knot to make sure it stays! He deserves it!
Robot Harem Animes-Today at 1:15 AM
it makes a 'whap' and top joy yelps in surprise, but the noise he makes it just too funny
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:16 AM
Killer Q walking out of the shower, hips swaying and shoulders bouncing as today's the first days he's been carefree for so long.
Mixing oils with Lavenders to see what they can take in late night after practice games. "Chug! Chug! Chug! HE DID IT!"
Games start in summer, and it's spring. Valentines Day!
Killer Q and Killer B just wanting to retreat to their room because they're not Valentine fans. And Top Joy says, "You guys are the literal colors of VA day" and makes B almost pop out paint to hide it.
Robot Harem Animes-Today at 1:20 AM
valentine's day is my favorite holiday, LOL!
Chaoit-Today at 1:20 AM
Q would actually have his hands on the paint before someone stops him
Robot Harem Animes-Today at 1:20 AM
ruri gets little cans of chocolate oils and hands them out to everyone. including the killer bros
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:21 AM
Q finds pride in rocking pink and Killer Q would down chocolate like air. Killer B would sip it regularly. Killer B trying to get Killer Q out of their before he thinks about getting drunk/overcharged and he's already drunk, okay this isn't ending well
Chaoit-Today at 1:24 AM
B having to haul his drunk bro's aft out of there and to their room
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:25 AM
Q just crying out like a kid, "But I wanna stay with the nice mechs! They don't harass us or hurt us! Please, can I stay?!"
*Pregnant pause*
The party grows quiet.
Chaoit-Today at 1:26 AM
B moves faster
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:26 AM
B flat out picks his brother up and fireman carries him out like "shit shit shit shit"
"In front of the team? Really?" B asks his drunk brother as he runs down the hall.
Chaoit-Today at 1:27 AM
dead lifts into a fireman carry and books it
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:28 AM
Bye felisha!
Killer Q was growing queezy from the bumpy ride, "But it's true... They don't hit us, and they help us..." he let's out a sad drunk noise. "I miss Magnum..."
"He's back there! You'll see him tomorrow!" B says as he books it.
"I miss Frontier... I miss Aniki..." Q groans on his shoulders
Chaoit-Today at 1:32 AM
"Don't throw up on me! We're almost there!"
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:33 AM
Killer B jumps down a stairwell more then use the steps but once he got to the private quarters, he stopped running and used the time to think. "My too Irepid. Me too... And you better wait till we get inside to puke, I have rags you ass!"
"I won't... it's just spital running down your back..."
"You always were the cute one, Q."
"Thank you... Wait, was that sarcasm...?"
"Oh look, pretty and smart!"
"Fuck... You..."
"Love you too, Q."
He shifts his bro on his shoulders so he can type the code in and goes into their room. He lays him down on his side and brings a bucket to him just in case. He gets a rag, places it in subspace and cuddles his brother from behind as he licks their door. Not tonight... They didn't want to be disturbed tonight.
Q purging about thirty minutes later and he just wakes up to a hand outstretching a rag from behind him. "Thanks... b."
"No prob, Q... Go to sleep when you feel better." He hugs his brother closer to him to reassure him as he wipes his face.
"I'm feeling more sane too... sorry for ruining Valentine's Day... And our lie..." Q said as he gripped the foul smelling rag.
"It's okay... They're smart... They'd find out eventually." B murmurs behind him.Q makes a sad noise. And he throws the rag across the room. 
"Damnit! I miss him so much now! I used to not care, now I want Frontier back and it hurts to sleep without him!"
"I know... I know..." He pats his brothers back gently.
Chaoit-Today at 1:48 AM
((depending on if Ace is shipped in this or not, that's gonna be interesting))
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 1:48 AM
"We were such assholes! What the hell did Girochi make us that way for?!" Q growls. "It's not fair!"
((Ship as you please, I don't care!))
B can only nuzzle his back as Q just faints from drunkenness. He makes sure to sent positive waves to his brother's prone form. Everyone outside their door. Magnum had tried the code to unlock but he got a red lock screen. Well... He doesn't try to barge in and they all filter in as they heard Q vomit and rage.It's quiet in the hall until everyone but Magnum leaves.
'I miss Frontier... Why did Girochi make us... It's not fair!'
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 2:00 AM
NEXT DAY is a little awkward for everyone except Killer Q, he's got a hangover so he can't focus. He can't play with his stupor but B gets bombarded with stares. It's just... unnerving and he almost loses his edge while playing and having to stare at Magnum. Killer Q has reopened an old wound and hes feels lightheaded and just... he misses every swing he does and quits after strike 11. He tells his brother to follow him, he's not in the mood for playing today.
Q just falls on the couch as his brother fetches coolant to drink and sat at the end of the couch that Q wasn't taking up. Q groaned as he tried to find the remote.
B turned the TV on with the remote and handed it to his brother's searching hand. "Watch what you want bro. I'm going to sleep... We stayed up late last night..."
Killer Q only watched TV for twenty minutes before someone threw a blanket over him. He assumed it was B and snuggled up to sleep again. Killer B had been asleep for ten minutes before this and he too got a blanket and the empty coolant taken from him. Magnum watched them and turned the TV down low, not changing their environment too much just incase they had their Soldier systems.
He leaves the room to see everyone gathered at the entrance way to the room. Some were concerned, others just had neutral faces."Are they...?" Ryuuken asked quietly.
"They're asleep, yes." Magnum says in a quiet voice. "Don't be too loud on this floor if you don't mind."
Everyone was silent. The air was serious.
"Look... what we heard last night was an invasion of privacy and was a very personal moment." Magnum saids as he makes to look at everyone. "Even I shouldn't have been there."
"Personal? They're both breathing anxiety." Top Joy says in concern. "It's really bothering..."
"They both radiate fear, anger, and dark energies of all kinds," Juurouta said with a deeper frown. "With a cloud of happiness around it. We made leeway but it's far from enough."
"Who cares." Windy says as half his team look at him in shock. "They're apart of this team, so they'll have to spill eventually."
"Windy!" Magnum warns. "This is dangerous ground. We don't know what's happened to them since last time we've met. We need to treed carefully."
"Can't be as bad as what happened to Gold Mask or-" Windy was cut off.
"WINDY!" Magnum's voice raised just enough to drowned Windy out. "We. Will. Treed. Carefully."
That was Magnum's final sentence as he walks away. He calls back, "Please don't wake them up. It's easier for mechs who are sad to sleep in, it's also healthier."
He makes it to the room he wanted. A call room and makes his way over to a stall. He turns on the screen and types in some numbers. He waits two minutes before two faces show up on screen.
"Nii-san." Magnum says as he looks at the two on video chat. "I need your guidance."
"Magnum, we're close to practising, we can't stay long." Silver Arrow says as he looks at Spirits who was holding a few too many bats for him to handle as he moved them around for the team. "Is it about them?"
Spirits perked up and came running, the bats making a thub as Spirits dropped the bats to come over.
Magnum almost laughed but he continued nonetheless. "They miss Frontier... They miss being able to call me brother."
They looked between each other and they seemed to have a silent conversation. They looked back. "That's up to you Magnum. If you think they can benefit from this and you are comfortable with it, go ahead. But no one-sided stuff."
There was a Leaguer in the background that slipped on the bats."Gotta go, Magnum. Practise calls." Spirits says as 'Who's the f#cking genius who did this?' was heard before the screen went black.
Magnum sighs at the short talk and walked back to the room he'd found the KK in and they weren't disturbed a bit. He let out a happy smile as he notices a show he likes was on.
He looked around and closed the door quietly as he grabs an oil can and looks at the shared couch. He gently pushed Q's feet up to make him curl up and make room for him. He gently sat down, covered himself up with a secondary blanket and reached for the remote. He turned it up so he could hear his show when B stirred.His eyes never opened but his head boded in his tired state. 
"Q... stop moving." 
Q heard his name being called from the realm of sleep and replied, "You moved asshole... I haven't..."
They both reached their arms out sleepily to smack at Magnum's thighs, thinking they hit the other.
Did they....? Oh my god they were cute.
Magnum sat back as he smiled widely. "Goodnight... Nii-chan."
"Goodnight Q..." Killer B mumbled and drifted away.
"I love you, B... G'night..." Killer Q said as he fell asleep as well.
It's 11:56 AM.
They were adorable. Magnum undid his straw and drank as he watched his show for a while...
Chaoit-Today at 2:57 AM
((is magnum being a troll?
Minion tO WHO?-Today at 2:57 AM
1:19 PM
They were all asleep on the couch, Magnum leaning against Killer B and Killer Q on his side. They had never been so soundly in oblivion.
((Nope, he's genuine!))
Chaoit-Today at 2:58 AM
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– mod–
I’ll add to the comments as usual. Anon:
The DM ran photos of DK in the exact same outfit with the exact same shopping bags iSaturday – walking alone. Check it out. No way she wore the identical outfit and had the same bags yesterday. The story conveniently tags them as yesterday when it was known N was back in NYC. The “getaway” makes for a much better story than 2 friends hanging out like he’s done with several female friends in the past few weeks (Ira, Jarah, Liz) – and been photographed with them too. These pics were set up.
what is everyone talking about with norman and what did this DK woman do? i’m late and curious because i really don’t want to find a way to dislike norman
grooooooooossssssssssssss. well if the other rumours are true, she wants a baby w him.
I honestly am surprised about Norman and Diane. And to the person that said Norman is a horrible person, you’re wrong. Norman liked Diane and I believe that Norman can do whatever he wants to do with his life. If Norman wants to date Diane, that’s fine.
So he is w a disgusting famewhoere. completely changes the way i see him. bye bye norman, no longer your fan (and im a lesbian, so this isn’t butthurt shit here)
Anon: If this is true, I don’t want to go to WSC London now. I don’t feel like meeting him if he has been lying to us this whole time.
Anon: Norman has to address this. He’s getting so much hate. I hope he shuts it down. Please Norman say it’s not true.
I can’t believe he lied to us. If this really is true, then everything he says is bullshit.
Anon: Mod, I am at a loss how this whole narrative in the NR fandom went from “DK is vile, they’re not friends ” to “DK is vile they’re definitely not dating cuz NR is sweet and great” to “They’re dating! They’re both vile!”…. Like, where is this coming from? Norman’s own fans would rather believe he’s some sort of vile scumbag than the alternative that maybe, just maybe 1) NR and DK are both decent people? And 2) none of us knows the private details of when/how they got together?
Anon: Mod in your opinion do you think he would have done that? He did things that made us believe he was single so do you think he was really lying to us the whole time? I want to cry if he was. I thought he was different. Do you think there’s a chance that he is just friends with her?
Anon: Just friends my ass. They’ve been together off and on for over a year. Time for fans to take off the delusional glasses and accept it. He’s a good ACTOR, isn’t he?
Anon: II thought that if this happened I would feel angry and sad and disappointed. But I feel relaxed and calm and I wish Norman finally have found the woman that will stay with him till the end. I feel really happy for him.
Anon: I hope that Norman realizes that Diane probably called the paparazzi and set that whole thing up so they would finally be outed as a couple. She is a real piece of work.
Anon: A few choice words like unwise, irresponsible, childish, selfish, asinine, and dishonest, as well as many more like them are all coming to mind right now.
Anon: I know it’s his life but I think he needs to say or do something for his fans now. Just like when he shut down the EK rumor. Btw, TMZ also reported that as official too, if I recall and that was never true either. Please say something about the truth of this, Norman
Anon: In the midst of this DK stuff, someone on Facebook who works at LaGuardia airport says she talked to Norman at work today. Do you know if he’s heading somewhere?
Anon: What had Diane done and why does everyone hate her?
Anon: I am an extremely disappointed… I was gonna say fan, but I can no longer even bring myself to write that much less say it. What an effing nightmare. Seriously, I’m not sure if Norman could make a more foolish decision.
Anon: I want to be clear this is not a DK hate (or even dislike) post. I have to say I find it a bit ironic of NR fans blaming the trash mags for NR not being able to “live his personal life”. If I’m not mistaken didn’t the pap pics originate in daily mail? Doesn’t DK and her people have a deal with them and they set up pics all the time? So I’m assuming DK or both of them are courting this attention, yes? I think we need PR wife again, lol.
Anon: Ok wait, it doesn’t have to mean they are together. She could have been hanging with him like he does with a lot of his female friends. And I stil think the pics are only one day. Not a “weekend getaway” I really hope he says something now, though. This back and forth is too much. I pray it’s friendship and nothing more because I don’t want to have to stop supporting him. Say something Norman.
I cannot think of a single nice thing to say about Norman right now and I’m not sure I will ever be able to again. Anon: Dont you think that this is kinda ridicilous , this whole dk / nr is going on since 2015 , if they were together , they would already admit that and dont forget joshua and diane broke up a long time ago , so nr and her had a long time chance to admit it 🙄(sorry my english is not very good ) 

Susa206: Everybody should calm down! In my opinion it´s obviously, that they are a couple. I think we don´t have the right to judge about his or her life! Nobody knows what really happened between DK and her former boyfriend….. I never liked her … but the most important thing, is that he is happy…. and we have to accept his choice…. ( sorry again for my bad english)
Anon: So are we to believe they have been so careful to not be seen out together in more than a year and now they are caught in his parking garage? Set up
Anon: she is just so unlikeable. ive read her interviews and seen her interviews. she is not likeable. this is bad new for his brand, but its his life. i know i won’t tune into anything he does if she is accompanying him or being mentioned. i know celebs are humans, but i also consider them brands that i choose to consume. ive no interest in using my money & attention to help her brand, and won’t consume anything she is attached to. sorry normski, not interested if you come w her as an add on
Anon: But hold on remember when he was photographed with Elsa Hosk? and they aren’t together. I know because of DK, it’s strange but I don’t think it proves it yet. Until Norman comes out and says it.
Anon: Mod , i would like to help you a bit. I also dont believe that they are together , in fact i do believe Diane might have a crush on Norman (who not) and im sure Norman knows that , but it seems he is enjoying his single life and told her that , and still wants to hang out as friends with her , because why not? Maybe they were out having dinner , maybe he or she made dinner at their homes! 😊( just what i think about the whole dk/n thing)
Anon: this norman stuff with TMZ, is utter bullshit. they are probably just friends and so what if they are dating, they should be happy that they are happy.
Anon: Mod , it seems you doubt about if they are friends or not ….
Anon: Mod, do you think they really are together or do you think the friends theory is possible? I just want to cry if it’s true. It’s not that he’s with someone but that it could be her! I hate her. She is nothing like him she is so full of herself and now he looks like a cheater and a liar. I didn’t think he was anything like that but now he looks like such a fake person. Not who he said he was to his fans. I’m so sad. What do you think Mod??
Anon: If them unloading a car together is the smoking gun on their relationship… damn! I am in a relationship with a bunch of cab drivers! Dammit… and here I am thinking I’m single! 

Rebellacycle: I’m sorry I’m laughing at a lot of this this man can’t be any where near a woman or his female fan loose their shit “ oh he’s with her no ” if he is dating her at least she is close to his age if she slept with him I’d hi- five her good for you Diane 😂🤣💪🏹 let him live his life I don’t know her we really as fans don’t know the both of them it’s his and her business if they are dating or not what ever and I would love to be at his next convention to see if these “ fans ” ask him about it
Anon: Sorry!! I meant good luck to HIM. I want the man to be happt but she is just YUCK. My bad. You always rule. I’m going to drink whiskey til I puke this weekend. Why do I care? I have no clue but am just disappointed.
Anon: Can someone post the pics of DK that are supposedly from Saturday, please. Also, are those pics on tmz from yesterday or Thursday. I’m confused!
Sooooooo are they together or were they just carpooling to like Whole Foods and Best Buy or something?
I’m done with NR. Cannot support this disgraceful behaviour whatsoever. More to the point how can he be okay with a supposed partner calling the paps on them? Entire thing is a mess. he is not who he pretends he was.
NR and DK kept their relationship hidden this long because they knew people would never forget about how their relationship got started (cheating) and they knew if they went public they would be one of the most hated couples in Hollywood. I seriously want to throw up she is such a horrid human being. N has developed really shit taste in women.
Here it goes. Seems like we finally got our proof and Norman and DK came out and made it public finally. They are together. You can’t tell me she’s just a friend cruising around with him and unloading his car. Not after all. I’m so disgusted, I almost vomited. I can’t believe Norman fell for this woman. I’m SO SO disappointed and disgusted! 😞
Those two horrible people deserve each other. And they deserve every ounce of hate that they get as long as they are together.
Isn’t there a simple way to clear it up? One or both of their reps will confirm or deny the rumors, right? NR had to do that with the EK thing. Plus I think isn’t DK going to LA for Oscar weekend stuff? If she gives any interviews I’m sure they’d ask about this, right?
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