#i’m just saying that it probably would have been better if mercutio was just a full on montague
cto10121 · 2 years
Broke: Mercutio being the nephew of the Prince and thus wearing Escalus colors
Woke: Mercutio being the nephew of the Prince but purposefully wearing blue to show his identification with the Montagues and being taken as an honorary member by all parties involved
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crazyw3irdo · 6 months
hi, I just want to ask; What compelled you to make that Romeo and Juliet quiz
i’d wanted to make a r&j personality quiz for a bit- hell, when i opened uquiz to make it i realized i already had a drafted version saved over a year ago, but it had no questions, just the title. i considered making it like, a normal quiz, but… i didn’t think anyone would really get it y’know? it’d probably be seen by a couple people, be just some random quiz, and everyone would move on.
i love romeo and juliet, and i want other people to too. if i made it normal, only people who already liked it would get it. i reblogged my original post with some tags of people reacting to it pretty quick too, to try and show yknow, it’s more than what it says on the tin, because i figured if i’m some random person whose only understanding of r&j is pop culture stuff, i’m not gonna click on a personality quiz for it. there’s only like, two characters anyone knows, and unfortunately the common perception of them is just stupid teenagers.
thing is, i had no ideas for questions for a while. none at all. the other day, though, i remembered that post circulating that was a screenshot of a quiz someone made where, iirc, the question was “you are orpheus” and the only option was “turn around.” and the idea popped into my head immediately for “do you believe in free will” with the only option being “no.” going only off that idea i rode the hyperfixation and created that quiz! i made the questions in whatever order and then rearranged them so that they got… for lack of a better term, worse as they went on.
oh, and two things i haven’t yet mentioned! first off, i was gonna include an obligatory song lyric question at first, but uh… i could only come up with two answers lol. they were “it ain’t about all the friends you made but the graffiti they write on your grave” for mercutio and “raised in the city in the halo of lights product of war and fear that we’ve been victimized” for tybalt.
the other thing is uh. i thought the quiz was funny lol. like some heavy themes and stuff but the free will question was hilarious to me lol. idk ive just… never really been bothered by whether it’s A Thing or not? the way i see it is: if we have it, then great! we can do whatever! if we don’t have it, then whatever! we’ll be doing stuff anyways! as for the character descriptions and things, i literally was just describing the characters in second person and changing some things to be more generic (i.e. changing “she” to “they” in the nurse’s description so that instead of referring to juliet it could be about anyone)
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bwaystanforlife · 3 years
The Dead Poets as Shakespeare Characters
this has probably been done before but i HAD to
shoutout to @auxctor because i was thinking about neil’s powerpoint from speak low and how we never got to see which shakespeare character each of the poets were so here’s what i think 
note: i only used plays i actually know so if you know characters from another play that would fit better i’m sorry
OKAY let’s start with 
hamlet from... hamlet
this one was probably the most obvious one besides charlie and todd. come on hamlet is basically just an overdramatic depressed theatre kid with daddy issues... THAT IS NEIL like it just makes sense, i mean come on. i feel like i shouldn’t even have to explain this one.
horatio from hamlet
are we surpised? literally just an anxious gay who wants nothing more than to support his boyfriend (and let’s be real horatio WOULD be a poet) and when their boyfriend is gone they resign themselves to tell his story for the rest of their lives, COME ON (also were hamlet and horatio roommates at wittenburg? cause if no, they are now) 
mercutio from romeo and juliet
okay this one was easy, the best friend who is just there to provide witty commentary and gay chaos... yep! that’s charlie. look me in the eyes and tell me he wouldn’t tell his hopeless romantic best friend that he was full of shit, come on. and also he would be the impulsive little shit who decides that he needs to fucking fight tybalt! (also shoutout once again to @auxctor for making this a reality in defying the stars on ao3 which you should all read) 
the duke from twelfth night 
a hopeless romantic? check! obsessed with one girl who doesn’t want him? check! doesn’t realize there’s someone else who’s in love with him and been there the whole time? check! (*ahem* charlie as viola *ahem*) i mean it just makes sense! and let’s be real knox would say some shit like “if music be the food of love, play on.” (but he also would make a great armado from love’s labour’s lost because let’s be real, he is just a bumbling fool in love who would write love letters no one understands)
katherine from the taming of the shrew
cameron was hard to figure out. my first instinct was angelo from measure for measure, but cameron is SO MUCH BETTER than angelo so no. but it hit me: katherine! she’s technically the antagonist of the play, but she shouldn’t be. she’s just a woman trying to live her life how she believes she should. is she annoying? yes! but that doesn’t mean she should be villainized. cameron is the same way, lots of people try to frame him as one of the anatgonists of the movie but he’s not. he’s just a boy trying to do what he believes is right and what he has been told is right. is he annoying? yes! but like katherine, he shouldn’t be villainized for it. so yes, i stand by this choice. 
meeks and pitts
the princess and rosaline from love’s labour’s lost
okay, i put meeks and pitts together because i wanted them to get a duo as iconic as they are! and i honestly struggled to find one. i considered making them clowns cause i feel like they would appreciate that and so i was thinking about making them pompey and elbow from measure for measure, but then i had a revelation when considering longaville and dumaine from love’s labor’s lost, they are the princess and rosaline! the smartest characters in the whole fucking thing? HELL YES (and if you don’t think rosaline and the princess aren’t the smartest characters, fight me) they’re witty, they’re intelligent, and they know what the fuck they’re doing. they also know how to mess with the dumbass men in their lives and that is so meeks and pitts. like tricking your love interests by dressing up as each other just RADIATES meeks and pitts energy so yeah. i’m happy with this choice. 
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emptymasks · 3 years
I’ve seen a lot about your thoughts on Elisabeth and Tanz der Vampire, and they’ve been really helpful getting into those musicals! But you have a huge list of other musicals that people can get into…
So I was wondering if you had any musicals you hadn’t mentioned in a while that you really like or would like to talk about??? (preferably something from your lists that has a blue heart please?)
Oh if only you knew how long the list of European musicals really is... I however have only seen 9 (if I counted right) and I have a lot more that I still need to watch. Oh also, I only put the blue hearts on any musicals that I was providing multiple links for so people could see which version I reccoment the most highly. If a musical only had one link and didn't have a blue heart it doesn't mean I didn't like it.
I've watched: Mozart das Musical, Elisabeth das Musical, Tanz der Vampire, 3 Musketiers, Mozart L'Opéra Rock, Dracula (the Graz production), Rebecca das Musical, Roméo et Juliette and Schikaneder.
If you enjoyed those two you're likely to enjoy Rebecca! It's written by the same composer/lyricist team as Elisabeth and Mozart (and same lyricist as Tanz der Vampire - though if you're listening to any German musical, original or translated, 90% of the time the lyrics will have been done by Michael Kunze that man is everywhere). The Stuttgart production has my favourite set design of any musical! Well... Actually probably. There are so many big set pieces it's insane, way more than I've seen in some Broadway and West End musicals. You can tell so much work went into it and the visual effects that I won't spoil if you don't know the plot but if you know the plot you know what I mean by the effects at the end are so good and I didn't expect them at all and I freaked out so much the first time I watched it. Jan Ammann as Maxim in the Stuttgart production is the best Maxim. No I won't take any argument. Other actors feel a bit one-dimensional to me, but the way Maxim acts at times comes from trauma and some actors and productions seem to forget that, but Jan really goes for it and his Maxim is a lot more sympathetic and I just want to give him a hug. Pia Douwes as Mrs Danvers, if you've seen her in Elisabeth what more do I need to say, she's amazing. A musical goddess. Her Danny is a bit more wild than some, but she kills it. My favourite video, which I put the blue heart next to, has understudy Christina Patten as Ich/I, but I adore her she's my favourite. She adds some spunk to Ich in act 2 and her voice is so pretty and aaaa. I just love these three actors together in these roles.
Roméo et Juliette is another favourite of mine! It's hard to choose which one to recommend, but it has to be the original 2000/2001 production because of the sweetness and chemistry and voices of Damien Sargue and Cecilia Cara as Romeo and Juliet. They're so pretty and work together so well. The only reason I say it's hard to pick is Mercutio. I adore him, but in the original production they cut out a song they had planned for him and he doesn't really do much at all? In the 2010 revival they gave him two more songs and you care about him so much more and John Eyzen plays such a good Mercutio. So I'd recommend the original but if you want to like Mercutio more, which you should he's amazing, I'd recommend watching at least clips of John's. It's an interesting musical because all productions are non-replica and also change around the order of songs, add or take away characters, all sorts. The Hungarian production is also very popular and I'm sure it's great, I just haven't' gotten around to watching it yet.
Mozart das Musical was the first non-English language musicals I watched so I have a fondness for it, but it's not my favourite. However, I do realise I have forgotten most of the songs and the few I've gone back and listened to are better than I remember.
Dracula isn't super popular and I understand why, I don't love the plot of the Dracula/Mina romance in it, however. I do love this musical because despite how I find the plot lacking, the songs are so good! At least, I love them. And the actors are all doing a great job. And it's one of the few Dracula adaptions to keep Quincy Morris so they get bonus points for that.
Mozart L'Opéra Rock and modern French musicals... This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but they're often more like pop-rock operas now. So if you're not into musicals with that style of music it might not be for you, but I still enjoyed it even though I didn't think I would because of the style of music. Mozart and Salieri's chemistry is very good, Salieri's bisexual crisis song is iconic, actually all of Salieri's songs are iconic.
Schikaneder... eh. I didn't like it that much and I didn't really like any of the songs. There's no English subtitles, but someone sent me the entire English synopsis and I watched it with a German friend so I had double the help of understanding it. Doesn't mean others might not like it, just none of the songs stood out to me and I had no desire to listen to any of them again. It's by Steven Scharwz of Wicked fame and I love Wicked, but I didn't love this.
3 Musketiers!! God it's so underrated and not spoken about within the European musical fandom that I even forget about it and literally forgot to write about it earlier in this post. It's a Dutch musical (though did also have a German production) and it's really good!? Faces you might know are Pia Douwes as Milady de Winter, Stanley Burlseon as Cardinal Richeliu (Netherlands Der Tod in Elisabeth), Henk Poort as Athos (Netherlands Phantom and Jean Valjean). The dialgoue is funny, the songs are good, some of the set pieces have no right to exist in this tiny musical?? They made this giant boat and pelt the actors with rain just for one 5 minute song and then we never see the boat again? And while I recommend the Dutch one because Dutch musicals deserve more love and it has official English subtitles!! Official ones, not fanmade! I have the DVD and it comes with English subtitles (and Dutch and German subtitles) which is so nice. The German version is also good, good cast, Pia came back and Uwe Kroger as Richeliu and omg they rearranged the songs and the German arrangement of Nicht Aus Stein is insane and amazing and frankly iconic.
That's all of the ones I have watched. Next on my list to watch are Rudolf and Notre Dame de Paris, both of which I have listened to some songs from and already love (I've listened to way too much of Notre Dame de Paris and am so in love).
I want to start organising streams where I'll host the musical either by getting the video from Youtube or my own files and anyone who wants to join can come along and watch with us, chat with us if you want or just watch there's no pressure to chat. I thought about doing weekly streams? This would also make me finally watch some of the ones I've been meaning to for ages. But I keep wondering about time zones. I'm in the UK and would want to stream at about 11pm at the latest (11pm BST/GMT+1 as we’re in daylight savings at the moment, if the streams continue past the end of October which would be wild then I’ll make a note of the time change that would be to 11pm GMT), which I know can work for other UK and Europeans, but for any Americans would be in the afternoon. So, I wondered if doing it on a weekend would be better? Then it doesn't matter if it's in the afternoon? Maybe Saturday evenings then? It would either be Saturday evenings UK time or Friday evenings UK time. What do you guys think? If people are down then I'll make a separate post with a list of what we'll be watching each week and if anything happens to me that means I can't stream one week then everything will just get pushed back a week, but I don't see that as likely to happen. And I'll only be streaming those that have English subtitles, so don't worry about not being able to understand anything.
edit: am also open to 10pm bst if others want that, im just trying to think of what time works best for everyone so sorry if 11pm is a little late for europeans, i know 10pm could be a little early for americans. also in case it sounded like these are the only musicals i will be streaming, thats not so, ive got more than just the ones mentioned on this list!
(Tagging some people who I know are or might be interested in streams to see what you think of that plan: @sirona-art @ringwraith100 @tanz-der-trash @smilingwoland @the-weird-dane @witchgaye @ami-fidele @kisstheghouls @looking-4-happiness @ladysapphire928 @sloanedestler @tinywound @persephonaae @phoenixdewinter @uwucoffee @freshbloodandgothicism )
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Please know that if we ever met in person, I would literally lift you off your feet and hug you for suggesting this. My afternoon was filled with adorable puppy videos because of this!
Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Can I have them?” Remus asked softly, staring at the person behind the camera with big, pleading eyes. “Please?”
“Do the introduction and then we’ll set ‘em loose,” Marlene said.
“Fine. Hey, everyone, welcome back to Lion Pride! I’m Remus Lupin and I’m here today to play with puppies.”
“And answer questions.”
“And answer questions,” he added. “Maybe, like, one or two in between snuggles.”
“You’re going to answer all of them,” Marlene said more firmly.
He rolled his eyes and took the lid off the jar of paper slips. “Can I have the puppies now?”
A door clicked open behind the camera and Remus lit up as four puppies tumbled into frame, racing straight for him. “Hello, babies!” he laughed as a tiny golden retriever jumped on his chest. “Oh, I love you so much. Come here, come here, let me give you kisses.”
“Question number one?” Marlene prompted as he began playing with them and rolling their toys around.
Remus sighed and pulled a question out. “What would I be doing if I didn’t become a hockey player? Physical therapy for su—ope, okay, you can have that one.”
The Irish Setter puppy growled playfully as they played a short game of tug-of-war until the paper tore.
“Oh no, it broke!” Remus exclaimed, giving the pup a scratch behind the ears while it chewed on the leftover scraps. “Yes, that’s all yours now. Next one: what is the best part about playing professional hockey? I get to do interviews like this.” One of the puppies, a medium-sized black one, began chewing on one of the laces of his Converse. “Excuse me—excuse me, young man, that’s my shoelace. Are you chewing it because it’s rainbow? Is this homophobia?”
“Sorry.” He lifted the puppy into his arms and kissed his head. “Okay, munchkin, what’s next? What’s next? You’re so fucking cute, I just wanna squish you. Um, what’s the most common thing fans say when they meet me?” He laughed and the puppy licked his cheek. “Usually they look at me and go, ‘god, you’re tall’, which surprises people because I’m always around these gigantic guys. Do these dogs have names?”
“If I tell you their names, you’re going to get attached.”
“We have crossed, salted, and burned that bridge, Marley.”
“The one you’re holding is Mercutio, the red one is Juliet, the retriever is Pip, and the fluffy one on your lap is Lucie, after Lucie Manette.”
Remus’ jaw went slack. “They’re named after book characters?” he asked in a small voice.
“Oh, no.” He reached out and pulled Juliet and Pip into his arms for a moment. “Oh, no, you all have to come home with me now. The next question is…would I ever do drag? Probably not, but I looked hot as fuck in eyeliner, so do with that what you will.”
“Which video was that?”
“It was the fear pong one, which I played with my fiancé and my friends James and Lily!” His voice pitched up as he turned to talk to Mercutio. “I did, buddy! It was so fun! Yes, it was!”
“Remus. Questions.”
“Right. What’s one of my weirdest or funniest fan encounters? There was this one lady, she was like forty-something, and she came up to me while I was at the post office and asks ‘are you Remus Lupin?’ and I said, ‘yes, that’s me’ and she’s like ‘from the Gryffindor Lions?’ and I said yes again and then she went—” He narrowed his eyes and nodded his head slowly. “—‘I knew you were gay. Good for you, kiddo’ and then left. It was the weirdest fucking thing, especially considering I had played, like, one game with the team by that point.”
“Are you serious?” Marlene asked.
“Totally honest. I never saw her again, either.” Juliet put her paws on the front of his Lions hoodie and began licking the edge of his jaw. “Hey, sweet girl, thank you for the kisses. Can I grab another question? No? Okay, we can stay here.”
Pip began yipping and Mercutio wiggled out of Remus’ hold, launching himself at the other dog with a tiny growl.
“Mercutio, no!” Remus gasped, scooting Juliet aside so he could put the two puppies under his arms. His hands were big enough to almost cover their whole bellies. “We’re not here to start fights, you two. Apologize.” They turned their heads to lick his cheeks. “I didn’t mean apologize to me, but okay. You’re so soft and warm, what the hell?”
“Next question?”
“What’s the craziest rumor I’ve heard about myself? A solid group of people thought I asked to be on the team, which isn’t true. I didn’t even know people were considering it until James and Lily’s wedding. Coach wanted it to be a surprise while he cleared it with the organization.” Remus shook his head and slowly petted Lucie as she napped on his thigh. “Is there a celebrity I’ve met that left me starstruck? Ha! Yes. There was a fundraiser a few months ago and Sam Neill was there, which I didn’t know until I turned around and he was about two feet away.”
“What did you do?”
Remus laughed and turned faintly pink. “Um, I made a sort of squeaking noise and he kinda chuckled, which was mortifying in and of itself. He goes, ‘hi, I’m Sam’ and I nodded because duh, he’s Sam fucking Neill, and then I mumbled something about Jurassic Park and he smiled and said, ‘son, you’re blocking the water’ and I just about died on the spot.”
“Did anyone see you?”
“Sirius was standing next to me the entire time and silently laughing his ass off. I saw them talking later, and when were about to drive home he hands me this napkin and it has Sam Neill’s autograph on it.”
“He didn’t,” Marlene gasped.
Remus nodded. “He did.”
“That’s the smoothest move I’ve ever heard of.”
“It was incredible.” Juliet waddled closer and nudged a red ball out from under Remus’ knee, which he picked up and tossed before taking out another question. “Do I appreciate when fans come up to me in public or is it annoying? Oh, it’s never annoying. It’s a little weird if I’m eating lunch somewhere or running errands and someone tries to sneak a picture, though. I love all the fans and it’s super fun talking to everyone, so please just come over and say hello instead of failing to be sneaky while I’ve got pizza grease on my face.”
“Even if you’re on a date?”
Remus snorted. “Okay, well, use some common sense. Pip—babycakes, stop trying to eat the questions. There we go.” He settled the puppy into his lap and rolled the ball for Juliet again. “In a movie about my life, who would I want to play me and Sirius?” He paused and looked at the camera. “I would want us to play ourselves, but only because neither of us can act and it would be so fucking funny to make the absolute worst movie.”
“Come on,” Marlene groaned.
“I’m being a hundred percent honest right now! I think it would be hilarious. We’d be terrible.” Juliet pawed at his arm insistently until he grabbed the ball, but she wouldn’t let it go and they ended up playing tug-of-war despite the fact that she had no traction on the floor and kept sliding around. “Aren’t you a feisty one, sweet girl! What is the most memorable moment of my life that I want to cherish forever? This. Right here, right now.”
“I have two dogs on my lap, one under my arm, and the other slobbering all over my hand. This is the best possible place to be. Wait, hang on a second.” Remus carefully lifted Lucie up and laid down, settling her on his abdomen as the other three clambered over to flop on him. “Oh, yeah, this is the peak of my entire life.”
“You’re not going to say your engagement? Maybe the day you started playing for the Lions?”
“Nope. The engagement was incredible and one of my favorite memories for sure, but I was shaking in my skates.”
“Just read the next question.”
“Okay! What’s my go-to karaoke song?” He hummed for a moment, then laughed as Lucie scooted up to rest her head under his chin. “I think it’s probably ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody’ by Whitney Houston. Lily and I did a duet of that a year or so ago, and it rocked.”
Pip began gnawing on the cuff of his sweatshirt. “Pip,” Marlene scolded; her foot appeared in frame until Remus waved her off with a smile.
“It’s okay, he can chew if he wants to. It’s an old sweater anyway, and it’s not even mine!” He scratched behind Pip’s ears. “No, it’s not, peach-a-keen! You can go nuts with that as long as you’re cozy. What is…my favorite behind-the-scenes Lions moment? Our groupchat, no contest.”
“Does it have the whole team?”
“Most of us, yeah. You have to earn your spot.” Remus looked over at the camera and Lucie put her head on his neck. “Looks like I’ve been banned from turning my head now, huh?”
“Are you comfortable?”
“Marley, there are very few things that would make me happier than I am right now. I’m being slowly crushed by puppies and I get to cuddle them for free.” He reached blindly into the question jar. “This is a two-part question. Do I prefer big dogs or small dogs, and how is Hattie doing? I love all dogs, but I think I prefer big ones because they’re always so much fun, and I don’t feel like I’m accidentally going to break them if I move wrong. Hattie’s doing well! She’s almost eighty pounds and she’s at home with Sirius right now, probably getting snuggled within an inch of her fuzzy little life.”
“That’s the dream right there.”
“Tell me about it. Alright, sorry ladies and gents, but I have to sit up to get to the questions.” All four puppies made noises of protest when he started sitting up and he sighed, eyebrows pitching upward. “I know, I know, it’s really hard. Here, how about we…” Remus carefully gathered them until he held all four against his chest; their tiny faces looked out over his forearms and he placed a kiss on each of their heads. “Much better.”
“Can you get to the jar?”
It took a bit of maneuvering, but he managed to reach in. “Do you want to read it?” he asked Mercutio as the puppy tried to bite the slip. “No? Okay. What is my favorite thing about playing on the same team as my fiancé? That is an excellent question. My favorite thing is that we finally have the same schedule, so we can build in time to hang out more easily. It was hard to do that when we were doing different things.”
Pip yawned and the entire camera crew ‘awww’ed; Remus made a soft noise and nuzzled his floppy ear.
“I adore you,” he murmured. “I really do. Last question: What is my advice to those who want to follow their dreams? Oh, jeez.”
“You can take a minute to think.”
Remus crossed his legs and lifted his knees up so he could hug all the puppies at once while still looking at the camera. “The only reason I got big and strong is so that I can hold four puppies at once. Just thought people should know that. Uh, my advice to those who want to follow their dreams is to persevere. I never in a million years thought that I would get to play on a professional hockey team, but I worked really hard to overcome my injury and stay connected to the sport because I love it. If there’s something you love, don’t be afraid to hold on to it.”
“Wise words,” Marlene remarked. “Do you want to tell the fans where they can find the puppies?”
“At my house,” Remus joked. “But if that doesn’t work, they are up for adoption at Friendly Paws Animal Shelter, which is just south of downtown Gryffindor and has tons of adorable friends like these guys. Can I call Sirius real quick?”
“Sure,” Marlene laughed.
Remus gingerly lowered Lucie into his lap and pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialing a quick number before putting it on speakerphone and setting it down to pick her up again. “Re?” Sirius sounded confused. “Aren’t you still with Marlene?”
“…did something happen?”
“Nope, all good. Can we get another dog?”
There was a beat of silence on the other end of the line. “Marlene, what did you do?”
“It’s just an interview!” she called.
“What kind of interview?”
“Baby, they gave me puppies,” Remus said gleefully, burying his face in Lucie’s fluff for a moment. “Like, really good puppies.”
A long-suffering sigh came through the phone. “How many are you holding?” Remus hesitated. “Sweetheart, how many dogs are currently in your arms?”
“Holy shit, Marlene! You gave him four dogs?!”
“They named them, too,” Remus added. “Pip, Juliet, Lucie Manette, and Mercutio. Baby, they named him Mercutio.”
“This was a recipe for disaster.” Despite his protests, Sirius sounded intrigued. “How old are they?”
Remus glanced up at Marlene. “They’re all six to eight months old,” she said.
Sirius blew out a slow breath. “So they’re babies.”
“They’re all up for adoption.”
“We have Hattie already.” Sirius was wavering. “But…she might possibly need a friend. Maybe.”
“You already love these dogs and you haven’t even seen them,” Remus said with a grin.
“The names are perfect! What was I supposed to do?”
“I’m going to sign the video off and then call you back, okay?”
“Okay. Don’t let go of the dogs until I get there, please.”
“Wasn’t planning on it. Love you!”
“Love you, too.”
Once the call ended, Remus faced the camera with a smile. Juliet and Pip had already fallen asleep. “Thanks for tuning in, Lions! Be sure to like and subscribe for more content. Endless thanks to Marlene McKinnon for allowing me to spend an hour holding tiny dogs. Have a great day!”
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eurydicees · 3 years
thoughts on the musicals y’all recommended!
tysm for all the recs! i had so much fun listening to them, i really appreciate it! always feel free to rec more :)  
to preface, there’s no actual judging system. it’s all about the vibes. so, in the order that i listened to them: 
the mad ones
i already made a post abt this one, but i have to mention it again. i’ve been listening to it on repeat. like. straight up on a loop. 
i’m obsessed with this
the storyline is so put together, and you can really feel the heart of the show
the characters were well written (with the exception of the boyfriend tbh, i could have done without him), and i’m so fascinated by sam and kelly’s relationship (writers were cowards for making them not gay) 
the songs felt super cohesive, and the repeated drum loop was super well integrated. the sound techie in me is fascinated by the way this show was put together, and i’d love to see it performed (like. fr. i was getting ideas for the design. which is always so much fun) 
romeo es julia
holy shit this slaps
costumes were weird
but the music was brilliant
some of the captioned lyrics were ???? bad translation or bad lyrics??? but the sound was incredible so i don’t even care 
mercutio and tybalt were spot on
the moms were GREAT. i LOVED their voices, like. could FEEL the emotions, even if i didn’t know wtf they were saying 
pretty much everyone was like that, like idk what’s going on via words, but i def can feel it, which is the best kind of song
my mother didn’t like this one but whatever, she didn’t get to see the choreo that went with it so what does she know 
the SET. the LIGHTS. the SOUND. the SET. the LIGHTS. the SOUND. chef’s kiss. 
ordinary days
i liked “favorite places” and “beautiful” a lot, but the rest of the songs were only okay
i wasn’t super attached to the characters and the singing was just. like. okay for me. i didn’t love any of them in particular 
my mother also didn’t like this one, rip. she has a lot of opinions on musicals. 
oh my fucking god???????? 
not what i expected at all. right from the first lines i was like. 😲😲😲 
like. this was so good??? wtf???? hamilton meets shakespeare meets the mechanisms meets les mis meets post-9/11 politics meets dystopia. i thought it couldn’t be done, but here i am, in awe
i was going to include some favorite lines but. it’s just all of them. ALL of them. 
further confirmation that i’m in love with jennifer damiano. 
also angela polk?? incredible 
it’s weird bc it’s so clearly Not Broadway Music, but it’s also not trying to be, which i enjoy. i can see why some critics hated it (read some really funny reviews lmao), but i really loved the sound (haven’t seen the show, though, and that’s half of a musical, so maybe gonna try and find a bootleg) 
count of monte cristo 
damn from the overture this was. Intense. like. damn. i’m a slut for any dies irae sequence, so i was a big fan of that
that being said. gonna be real. i had no idea what was happening throughout the entire musical. it’s a pretty music-light show, so that’s probably why? 
maybe it would make more sense if i watched a performance rather than just listening to the soundtrack??? idk. anyone got a bootleg? 
thomas borchert has a nice voice. very distinctive. googled him to see where else i can listen to him. he was rum tum tugger. anyways. mad respect for this man
sonically, it didn’t feel like a very cohesive show? like it felt like there were a lot of diff vibes going around
lots of good songs for my evil musicals playlist though 
once on this island (2017 revival)
ok turns out musicals are a lot better when sung by professionals than by sixth graders who think they can belt even tho their voices are still cracking 
also turns out that stories can be much more complex and interesting-- and have much deeper themes of racism and classism-- when on broadway than when in a sweaty middle school auditorium in an upper middle class white neighborhood 
funny how that works, huh 
i’m still a little unsure abt it, and probably wouldn’t listen to it just because i can, but i definitely don’t object to it anymore 
ty for making me give it a second try 
hailey kilgore is brilliant in this
the singing in general is REALLY impressive and beautiful 
death note
i cannot express enough in words how mad i am that i actually liked this
genuinely don’t know how to feel 
i do think that i would get more out of it if i watched the anime, but it was still pretty easy to follow, just knowing the premise 
idk who the cast is bc i found a weird shady playlist on spotify rather than a cast recording, but the girl’s voice (idk character names) was beautiful. “i’ll only love you more” was SO good
reminded me a little of jekyll and hyde? which? huh
also i’m now getting tik tok videos with audio from this musical can my iphone stop stalking me for ONE second
fucking unfair that this is actually a good soundtrack. the desire to find a bootleg is unholy. 
why did no one tell me that alex brightman is in this!!!!
i listened to a few songs and really enjoyed them, but didn't get through the whole album lmao
but i did really enjoy what i did listen to, and i'm gonna come back to it
ghost quartet
i wanted to like this one. SO badly. i REALLY wanted to like it.
but i couldn't really get into it? 
there were a few songs that absolutely slapped, but overall, it was just kinda. eh. which sucks bc i have heard such good things about it
i LOVED "the astronomer," "the telescope," and "lights out" 
but i didn't get through the entire album
i'll come back to it eventually and give it another try, i think. i might just not have been in the specific mood for it
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arielovessims · 3 years
premades as abba songs
i remember seeing a tweet saying something like “there’s an abba song for everything” and listening to abba again the past couple of days, i realized... there’s an abba song for a lot of the premades too
i’ll just link to this entire playlist instead of linking all the songs one by one
take a chance on me - darren to cassandra
angel eyes - kaylynn to don/daniel
mamma mia - cassandra to don
lay all your love on me - nina to don
money money money - dina
hasta mañana - mortimer to bella
if it wasn’t for the nights - mary-sue to daniel
slipping through my fingers - any parent who’s close to their daughter (i.e. john burb to lucy; pt9 to jill)
she’s my kind of girl - pt9 to jenny
gimme gimme gimme - chloe curious/sharon wirth/chastity gere
honey honey - juliette to romeo
waterloo - mercutio to tybalt
specific lyrics and explanations under the cut lol
p.s. this is just for fun and of course you can interpret the lyrics however you wish, this is just my take ✌️
1. take a chance on me - i mean, darren probably sings this to himself as he paints his portraits of cassie
If you change your mind I'm the first in line Honey, I'm still free Take a chance on me If you need me, let me know Gonna be around If you've got no place to go When you're feeling down
2. angel eyes - poor young naive kaylynn falling for playboys 
Look into his angel eyes One look and you're hypnotized He'll take your heart and you must pay the price
3. mamma mia - poor cassie, knowing don cheats on her but she can’t resist his charms
I've been cheated by you since I don't know when So I made up my mind, it must come to an end Look at me now, will I ever learn
4. lay all your love on me - you know how despite being a romance sim, nina has only ever been romantically involved with don? and she knows he sleeps with other women but she still wants him? yep
Don't go wasting your emotion Lay all your love on me Don't go sharing your devotion Lay all your love on me
5. money money money - honestly this song is an entire mood. i feel u dina
In my dreams I have a plan If I got me a wealthy man I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball
6. hasta mañana - after bella faked her abduction and gone girl’d herself to start a new life in strangetown lol
Hasta mañana, say we'll meet again I can't do without you Time to forget, send me a letter Say you forgive, the sooner the better
7. if it wasn’t for the nights - poor mary-sue drowning herself in work to cope with daniel’s betrayal
I got appointments, work I have to do Keeping me so busy all the day through They're the things that keep me from thinking of you
8. slipping through my fingers - imagine john or pt9 feeling sad when they realize how fast their daughters are growing up 🥺
Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile I watch her go with a surge of that well known sadness And I have to sit down for a while
9. she’s my kind of girl - wholesome song for the most wholesome premade couple
Look at her face, it's a wonderful face And it means something special to me Look at the way that she smiles when she sees me How lucky can one fellow be
10. gimme gimme gimme - when romance ladies gotta romance
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
11. honey honey - teenage girl who’s giddy in love
I'm gonna stick to you boy, you'll never get rid of me There's no other place in this world where I rather would be
12. waterloo - and finally, my personal favorite. literally the entire song fits them lmao i mean, resisting your feelings for someone bc theyre the enemy but in the end you lose bc you cant fight it? hahahaha hello @bunnybananasims​ 🤣
I was defeated, you won the war Promise to love you forever more Couldn't escape if I wanted to Knowing my fate is to be with you
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margridarnauds · 3 years
Toho RJ 2021 costumes? What do you think?
Thanks for the question! 
....so, I actually unfollowed the RetJ Toho page. Because as much as I ADORE Toho RetJ, I actually couldn’t sit by for this production, I was so discouraged, and the more I looked, the more I was discouraged, so I didn’t even stay long enough for the costume reveals. That being said.... I do have MIXED opinions .
Which is actually better than it sounds, because as much as I hate almost everything I’ve been hearing about this production, “mixed” is actually positive-leaning. 
Romeo’s costume looks considerably cleaner, but also....cheap?
Let’s compare:  
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(Yes, I’m showing Ohno. Yes, we’re at THAT point.) 
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The new one looks like Romeo just....grabbed it off the rack? As opposed to it being something that he actually wears every day? It looks BETTER, more streamlined, but it looks more like a costumme™ VS something that really fits the setting, much less something that fits ROMEO as a character. (Dye it red and it would be a suitable Tybalt costume.) Part of why I actually HATED RetJ Toho’s costuming the very first time I saw previews for it was that I thought that, well....they were hideous. They were hideous, they were cheap, they looked like anything you could see on the STREET, and I wanted my pretty flowing gowns BACK. 
BUT! Then, as time went on, as I saw the full musical, I realized the genius behind them: They perfectly suited the world that THIS particular production wanted to show. No, you couldn’t put them on the French cast, because they aren’t the French cast - They have an entirely new setting to work with, rougher, grittier, just several degrees removed from us. So, in that context, do I think that Romeo’s costume works for Romeo Montague, the character, in the setting that Toho’s created? Not really. It looks BETTER, I think, in the sense that it’s something I, personally, would be more willing to wear, I like the cut better, I like the darker colors, I like the design, I like the silver accents and the overall color scheme, but it isn’t something that FITS. (Also am I high or does the strap on the shoulder somewhat look like his new Zuka look?) 
I do like Mercutio and Benvolio more because, in their case, I was (1) Never particularly ATTACHED to the old designs - I never particularly cared for how busy they were and the color scheme always seemed rather bleh (though I understood the IDEA behind it, as far as showing that, even though the Montagues looked like a mess, they had more cohesion as a group than the Capulets) and (2) ....I do like the Renaissance styled cut sleeves. I can see, in those cases, a bit of method behind the madness, and I respect it. I respect combining 16th century and modern fashion to create a contemporary look that still references the original. (Look. I’m still in love with the choices made in Julie Taymor’s Tempest.)
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Only problem is that Benvolio does look LESS “Gang Leader” and more “Fratboy Who Thinks That Cutting Down On Starbucks Will Fix Your Student Debt.” 
As opposed to this mess who has definitely lost his phone in one of his pockets at some point: 
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Juliette runs into a similar problem as Romeo: 
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On one hand, I do like ASPECTS of it. I like the color scheme, the red accents really hold the whole thing together, though I’d leave that belt (which also reminds me unfortunately of the Red Leather Belt of Horror from the recent Zuka production.) I like the sleeves because, once again, Italian Renaissance fashion being modernized, but I’m also still not really sold it fits the world of TOHO RetJ. It DOES fit Juliette more as a character than Romeo’s. A part of me like the collar and the layering - Even if it makes for a gown that looks either....I want to say 19th century or 1950s (I can almost see her going on a milkshake date with Romeo), which really works with that idea of Juliette kind of having a cute “vintage” aesthetic, which we can see even back in the 2019 production. 
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VS this, which has less of a vintage appeal (though it DOES still have that styling, with both the jacket and the skirt, I would still place her style around the 1950s), is probably something that I would be less inclined to pick up if I had to choose between one or the other, but that kind of fits the idea of a princess growing up in this totally ruined town (and also looks more like regular street fashion). Verona’s still a bit of a wasteland, we get that distinct vibe from the projections, even if they’re now far enough out from the nuclear explosion to have trees again. It doesn’t really make sense for me that Juliette would have this fresh off the rack look, even if Daddy C spoils her, because (1) He’s broke and (2) ....logistically, it would be a nightmare. Clothing would have to be made to last, like 2019 Juliette, who’s wearing NICE clothes, but clothes that are more practical, more likely something that she’s worn a few times. (But also. The new shoes are CUTE. I can admit it.) It’s also what makes Paris stand out: He DOES have an impractical, shiny costume that he must have spent a FORTUNE on, because he has money to burn and no sense. 
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No signs of intelligent life found here. 
The rest....I wasn’t too invested in the changes one way or another, only thing I really noted was that Lady C’s corset’s a bit of a letdown. We really went from: 
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The result is flat and rather cheap, the buckle looking like a failed attempt at ornamentation that really ends up just coming out of nowhere. 
THAT being said: Oka Kojiro back in his gray Peyrol coat for Escalus really makes me feel like coming home, I’ve missed seeing that man on stage, I’ve missed seeing him in gray, barking at actors decades his junior, so you know what? Maybe, just maybe.........I will keep a slightly closer eye on this. I won’t pretend that I’m more encouraged than I am, but I like the Juliettes and I like Escalus and tbh, they’re my favorite characters anyway so......
Overall.........I can’t say that I hate everything they’ve done. Quite a few of them are pretty, I like the hints of historical fashion, but I also feel like they’re kind of losing that strong sense of setting that really makes the Toho distinct from basically any other production of RetJ out there (yes....even as opposed to ResJ). 
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urdearestmom · 4 years
I'll Walk With You
hello everyone shocked to see me posting yet again???????
i said after i posted that oneshot rehashing 3x06 that i was going to one day write something where mike and max have an actual conversation.... and here it is!! for your reading pleasure :)
i think i did them and their dynamic justice with this and i'm super proud of how it turned out. we're unlikely to ever get something like this in the show but i'm hoping s4 at least gives us them being actual friends so that i can infer that something like this happened between seasons lol
Max’s house is silent as the grave. She isn’t surprised, it’s been like this nearly all the time since the summer. Her stepfather will drink himself back to sleep on the couch, and her mother will say nothing. Max won’t say anything either. The day has barely begun and it’s already shit.
Most of the time she escapes the horrible atmosphere inside her house by going to school, but it’s Spring Break now and she has nowhere to be. She’ll be stuck with her thoughts all day if she doesn’t find something else to do, so after nearly two hours of trying in vain to entertain herself, she decides to head out and see if Lucas is free. She knows Dustin already left town with his mom the night before, and she’s not willing to have Mike third wheel her and Lucas, so she hopes he’s down to go do something with her. He’s good at distracting her from the inescapable cycle of guilt and anger she feels constantly nowadays.
Except when she gets to his house, his parents are in the garage putting things into the trunk of the family car. She stops at the sight. Erica is nowhere to be seen but Lucas is standing in the front doorway and sees Max coming right away. He meets her in the street.
“Max, hey,” he says. “What’s up?”
Max gestures to his house. “I came to see if you wanted to hang out, but it looks like you guys are going somewhere.”
Lucas frowns. “I thought I told you, we’re going to visit my cousins in Chicago for a few days.”
Lord, a few days? Lucas must see it on her face because he scrambles to assure her it’s not for the whole week.
“I’ll be back Wednesday,” he promises.
“Today’s Sunday,” she protests. She knows there’s literally nothing to be done about it, but it still sucks. What’s she going to do all week?
“I swear I told you,” Lucas repeats.
“Yeah. Yeah,” Max answers. “You probably did. I’m sorry, just… forgot.”
He frowns again. Max has been forgetting a lot of things lately. She’s not sure why, it just feels like everything in her life is too much and her brain can’t handle it the way it should. Freshman year has not been the greatest so far.
“You okay?” He asks her, reaching for her hands, and his concern makes her heart squeeze painfully in her chest. He’s probably the only person who actually cares about her well-being, seeing as her mom clearly doesn’t.
Max nods. “Yeah. I just didn’t want to be at home, but I guess I’ll find something else to do. Bye, Lucas,” she says, squeezing his fingers gratefully before turning away to bike off back down the street.
“Hey!” He calls. She turns back. He motions to the big house next door, equally familiar to her. “Mike’s still home, maybe you can ask him?”
Max crosses her arms. “Like he would want to hang out with me,” she scoffs.
Lucas sighs. “Look, I know he can be a bit of an ass sometimes-”
“That’s putting it lightly.”
“-But he’s not a bad person, Max, you know that. He’s dealing with a lot right now,” Lucas finishes.
Max rolls her eyes. “Yeah, well, he’s not the only one,” she says bitingly. She has never gotten along with the third boy in their group and at this point she isn’t sure she ever will. She’s also not really in the mood to look at his stupid face today, considering it’ll more than likely start an argument and she doesn’t have the energy for that.
“I know,” Lucas says. “I know. But you’re both my best friends and I think you guys are more alike than you think. If you just gave each other another chance, you’d get along.”
Max doesn’t reply. She doesn’t really know what to say because she knows Lucas is only trying to help her with what he thinks is the current best solution, but she doesn’t want to agree with him either.
“Just think about it,” he continues. “He’s the only one not going anywhere so if you really need to see someone…”
She gets what Lucas is implying, but really? “He’d probably laugh in my face if I showed up at the door. I’d rather stay home.”
At that, Lucas raises his arms in surrender. “I’m just saying he wouldn’t turn you away. We don’t lie to each other, alright?”
Max shrugs in response. “Whatever. I’ll figure something out.”
Lucas steps forward quickly to hug her. Pulling back, he keeps his hands on her arms. “I wrote my cousins’ phone number on the back of your math worksheet yesterday if you need it.”
She gives him a tiny nod and he returns it with a small smile, dropping his arms back to his sides.
“I’ll see you first thing Thursday morning,” he adds.
“Thursday,” she repeats, putting one foot back on her bike pedal. “Got it.” What’s she supposed to do until Thursday?
The answer, as it happens, is absolutely nothing. For the rest of Sunday afternoon, Max rides around town with no destination. She stops in a park for a while, sitting down and pulling up blades of grass and sprinkling them around her. A man walking his dog gives her a weird look and she flips the bird at his back. That action feels oddly satisfying, even if he didn’t see it. In the evening she makes her way back to her house, and everyone pretends like she didn’t just spend the entire day gone.
Monday dawns looking and feeling exactly the same, except Max decides to get a start on some homework. This way when Lucas comes back she’ll be free to hang out with him without the thought of her assignments hanging over her head. Her mom leaves to go to work and all it does is make Max hyper aware of Neil’s movements across the house. He’s supposed to go to work too, but Max isn’t sure he will. In fact, she sort of suspects he’s either quit or been fired. He’s missed too many days.
When she’s tired of writing and the lines of her character analysis of Mercutio are starting to blur into the equations on her algebra worksheet, she goes into the kitchen to find something to eat. Neil’s gone, so she makes herself a ham and cheese sandwich and stands by the sink to eat it. She feels exhausted, and it’s barely afternoon.
Hours later, she wakes up from a nap to the sun near setting and the noises of her mom puttering around the kitchen making dinner. The first thing her gaze lands on is the clunky walkie-talkie sitting on her desk, and her thoughts spring to the boys. Specifically, what Lucas said to her the day before.
Maybe it has more merit than she first gave it. It’s true that she doesn’t get along with Mike at all, but she might be willing to try again at some point, if only to appease Lucas. She had wanted to when they all first met. She liked the other boys just fine, but she could tell from the get-go that Mike was their ringleader and his opinion could sway the others. If she wanted to truly feel like a part of the group, they all had to be on board. Even after that, things weren’t so terrible between them; at least until summer and all the drama with El and then everything else that happened. Now, Max’s headspace is too occupied by other problems to care much about trying to repair her somewhat-friendship with him, and Mike has become more and more reclusive by the day. She even thinks she saw him smoking once, down at the far end of the field, which, although she isn’t an expert, she feels is extremely uncharacteristic.
Everything’s just weird now. There’s too many empty holes in all their lives.
Dinner is mostly quiet; nobody in this house ever says anything that has any true meaning anyway. Maybe it’s better this way. Neil ends up on the couch joined by his bottle of whiskey and Max’s mom shoos her away after she’s cleared the table, so Max retreats back to her room. The silence is almost deafening, and she wishes that dumb walkie-talkie on her desk would crackle. What she wouldn’t give for someone to say real words to her.
She considers calling Lucas, but she doesn’t want to bother him with her problems when he’s supposed to be having fun with his cousins. She also doesn’t want Neil to ask who she’s calling. In the end, she ends up tidying her room, gathering up all her comic books and folding the clothes she has on the floor before placing them on her chair. The walkie seems like it’s calling out to her as she glances at it every five seconds, and then finally lets her frustration out on it by snatching it up and launching it at her bed. She doesn’t want to break it, but she did want to throw it. Why does she keep looking at it? It’s not like anyone’s going to call her on it. The only people who might are both out of town.
Her emotions war inside of her. On the one hand, she knows what she wants, what she needs. She needs to talk to someone freely so it has to be someone who relates to what she’s seen, because being stuck virtually alone inside her house for the next few days until Lucas gets back is going to drive her insane. Unfortunately the only person she can think of is someone she isn’t on good terms with, which makes her angry for even having the thought. Is she really desperate enough to potentially embarrass herself?
Damn Lucas for putting the idea in her head. She’s sure she never would’ve considered it on her own. Damn Lucas and his stupid advice, damn Dustin for ever speaking to her that day and getting her involved in all their mess, and damn Mike for hating her from day one.
Damn her for going to talk to him anyway. She sneaks out her window, just as she has done to meet Lucas so many times, except it’s after nine and it’s dark out. She brings the walkie with her.
On the way, she wonders why she’s even doing this. She supposes it would make it easier for Lucas and Dustin when they all hang out together (which is getting rarer every week) if she and Mike aren’t constantly at each other’s throats about something or other. She also remembers something El said to her on the phone a while ago that she had forgotten about until this very moment. El had heard enough complaints from both of them about each other and was just wishing they would stop fighting. Max had scoffed at it and been about to launch into another rant about just how much of a jerk Mike was when El had said she didn’t care if they weren’t friends, she just wanted them to stop being so mad all the time.
Max kind of agrees with her. Being angry all the time is exhausting, and there are way worse things in her life to be angry about than Mike Wheeler and his dumb attitude. If she can make peace with him, maybe she won’t feel so out of place around her own friends. And maybe, if they can get over everything that’s happened between them, it’ll give her hope that the rest of her life might look up one day, too.
It’s only when she gets to his house that she realizes she doesn’t know what she wants to say. Maybe it doesn’t have to be a whole conversation, maybe just seeing each other for five minutes will give her enough stability to stay in her house until Lucas returns and she can talk to him instead. She just needs to be around someone who knows the things she’s been through since she moved here, someone who looks at her and knows why she is the way she is. Her mom can never know and will never understand, and Neil is too scary to ever think about approaching him with anything at all.
She drops her bike in the grass by the back of the house, making her way to the basement door where she knows the boys like to be. He’s probably in there still. Her stomach is roiling with nerves, scared that he’ll open the door and glare at her like he usually does, but she remembers there’s another way he looks at her sometimes. There are moments at school, when she passes the gym or sees the basketball team, where Max gets overwhelmed at the memories of her dead stepbrother. It’s almost like she can smell him, the way he used to get up in her face when he yelled at her and the way he looked when he died apologizing to her. It’s moments like that when Dustin and Lucas will be distracted with some petty disagreement that she looks to Mike and his gaze contains solidarity instead of hostility; reassurement that he knows what it feels like to be reminded at every turn of someone you cared about who is gone. He was there, too, and saw Billy sacrifice himself at the last moment just as she did. It’s not an image either of them can forget.
It’s this that gives her the courage to rap her knuckles on the glass pane of the basement door and wait for an answer. When she waits ten seconds and nothing happens, she frowns and knocks again. He wouldn’t know it’s her, why would he ignore it?
She pushes her face up to the door again and tries to see inside, her breath fogging against the glass, and then realizes all the lights in the basement are off.
“Shit,” she says quietly. She doesn’t want to show up at the front door at this time of night. His mom will probably answer and Max doesn’t want to explain herself. She wanders around to the front of the house anyway, looking at which lights are on. There’s one on the ground floor that flickers and seems like it might be a TV, and there’s one on in a room on the second floor. That room has pink wallpaper, though, so Max decides to assume it’s not the one she’s looking for. The middle upstairs window is dark, and the one on the left has the blinds pulled halfway down, but she spots a familiar figure walking past it in the half second her eyes jump to it. Bingo.
She takes a breath to steel herself before bringing the walkie-talkie out of her jacket pocket and pressing down on the button. “Mike, do you copy? It’s Max. Over.”
The walkie crackles with static for a few seconds, and then clears up as an answer comes through. “Yeah, I copy. What do you want? Over.”
“Can you come outside?”
It crackles again in the silence, and Max thinks that maybe this was insane and she should just go home. Then, “You’re outside?”
The blinds lift all the way up and Max sees Mike’s expression change from confused to surprised, like he didn’t actually believe she was there. In a second, he has the window pulled up too and his head sticking out of it.
“What are you doing here?” He asks, his tone of voice anxious, and Max realizes he probably thinks something horrible has happened. In his head, there’s likely no other reason she of all people would show up at his house at close to ten at night.
“Nothing happened, if that’s what you’re thinking,” she says, glancing away from him above her and noticing she’s standing in front of the front door. This is not a good place to be. “I just- didn’t want to be alone.”
She looks back up to find him staring at her like she’s grown another head. “So you came to me?”
Max huffs and crosses her arms. “Well, there’s no one else to go to!”
“Keep your voice down!” He hisses. “Do you want my mom to hear you?”
She glares. She’s starting to think that this was a bad idea after all.
After a few seconds of mutinous eye contact, Mike puts a hand to his forehead exasperatedly. “Give me a minute, I’ll meet you at the basement door.” He shuts the window and pulls the blinds down without another word, so Max heeds the order and circles back around to where she left her bike. A few moments later, he comes out the door shrugging on a jacket over what looks like-
“Are those Star Wars pyjamas?” She asks, her mouth twisting into a teasing little smile. What does El see in this guy? As far as she knows, Lucas isn’t this completely nerdy.
He gives her a flat look. “Why do you have to have a problem with everything that I do?”
She frowns. “It was just a question. Relax, jeez.”
In response, Mike puts his hands in his pockets and looks at her. “So what do you want to do?”
Max balks for a second, awkwardness taking over her. This is so weird. She’s never willingly chosen to spend any of her time alone with Mike, and now she doesn’t know what to do.
“Um… just- walk around, maybe?”
He shrugs at her answer and starts walking toward the line of trees behind the house, where there’s a little path that leads off to the next street. Max follows quietly, a little moonlight shining down on them, and she thinks that the silence between them doesn’t feel as explosive as it usually does.
Somewhere along the way, after they’ve crossed another street and gone down a path between two houses, Mike takes something shiny out of his pocket and starts playing with it, and Max sees that it’s a lighter.
“What’s that for?” She asks.
“Lighting things up,” he says.
“You smoke?”
“Only sometimes.”
“So what’s it for the other times?”
He looks at her and his eyebrows furrow for a quick second, seemingly surprised that she inferred something about him correctly.
Mike shrugs again. “Sometimes I go out to the woods and set dead leaves on fire one at a time just to watch them burn. It’s weird how something that was alive once can just disintegrate right in front of you.”
Max isn’t sure what to say to that, but she offers something anyway. “Sometimes I steal my stepdad’s Bowie knife. Use it to stab trees,” she says casually. “Sometimes I even carve that I hate him into them.”
She’s never told Lucas that. Something in her knows that he wouldn’t relate, that his way of dealing with his anger is much calmer and reserved, but Mike’s admission of low-level violence makes her feel less crazy for her own. Maybe Lucas was right in saying they’re more alike than they think they are.
They come out of the trees behind the houses, and the path continues down a hill to a small playground area. There's a swing set that Max sits down on, the cold rubber biting through the fabric of her jeans and making her shiver. The chains creak when Mike sits in the one next to her. He’s digging through his pockets for something.
Max is almost surprised when he pulls out a box of cigarettes and plucks one from the pack, lighting it, but given what he’d just told her two minutes ago it’s not that shocking. He takes a pull from it and then blows the smoke out into the air slowly.
“You want some?” He asks, turning to her.
She remembers the choking sensation she’d felt that time Billy had offered her a drag from his cigarette, and then her mom’s reaction to it.
“Yeah, why not.” Maybe if she still smells like smoke tomorrow, her mom will care enough to ask where she’s been.
Mike hands it to her and the tips of his fingers are warm. “You’ve smoked before?”
“Once,” Max says.
He nods and watches her, and she tries not to let the hot, ashy air she breathes in make her choke. She holds it for a few seconds and then blows it out, and it makes her feel less nervous than she was before about this whole situation.
The pair of them sit there in the darkness for a few minutes, sharing the cigarette in silence, before Max thinks to ask a question she never got a real answer for.
“Why do you hate me so much?”
Mike doesn’t look at her, sucking in another breath of smoke. “I don’t hate you.”
“You sure act like you do.”
“Oh, and you don’t?” He says sarcastically, still not looking at her. “If I hated you why would I be here right now?”
“Well, if I hated you, why would I have come talk to you?” She retorts, trying to restrain the irritation she knows is probably written all over her. If she doesn’t rein herself in, she knows this is going to go south quicker than she wants it to.
He laughs dryly. “You said it yourself. You only came because there’s no one else.”
Max bites back the anger that’s trying to rise. He does have a point there, but she’s not going to tell him that. He’s also not answering her question.
“Fine. Maybe you don’t hate me.”
“I don’t.”
“What’s your problem with me then?”
He hands her the end of the cigarette to finish and grabs onto the chains of the swing, dragging the toes of his Converse through the grass.
“You’re always starting shit with me for no reason and it makes me so tired,” he says. “Like, we’d be friends just fine if we didn’t argue every other day.”
“And whose fault is that…” Max murmurs under her breath, dropping the cigarette stub to the ground and putting it out with her foot.
Mike turns to her sharply. “Uh, yours? You made El break up with me! How am I supposed to forget that?”
“I already told you I didn’t make her!” Max says loudly. Why is he still on this? As far as Max is aware, they’re basically back together anyway so it’s not like it made a difference. “And how am I supposed to forget how shit you made me feel the first week I was here?”
He looks away again. “I was pretty rude, I’ll give you that.”
She scoffs. “That’s underrating it. You were a total asshole.”
He pushes himself forward a little bit and then lets himself swing back. “I guess I never really apologized for that. I do regret it.”
Max stays silent and waits for him to continue. He’s slumped over in the swing, looking smaller and sadder than she’s ever seen him look, and her heart twinges. She recognizes the defeat present in the way his shoulders are hunched, the complete and utter exhaustion at the state of their lives painted on his face. It’s what she sees every day when she looks in the mirror.
“It wasn’t that I didn’t like you, or something,” he tells her. “I was jealous that Lucas and Dustin seemed like they were moving on when I was so…”
“Messed up?” She offers.
Mike shrugs. “Yeah. And part of it was out of concern for you, too.”
Max furrows her brows in confusion. That’s new. “Concern?” She asks, shaking her head slowly. Her hair swings around her face like a curtain, blocking her vision, but she wants to look at Mike and see how he explains this. She tucks it away behind her ear.
“Yeah,” he says again. “I could see how fucked up Will was, and I knew how fucked up I was. And Dustin and Lucas are good at pretending stuff doesn’t affect them but I know it did. It does.”
“And I didn’t want someone new getting mixed up in our shit, okay?” He bursts out, meeting her curious gaze once again. “I didn’t want someone else to have to experience the stuff we did. I thought if I made it obvious that I didn’t want you there, you would leave. You know now, but when Lucas told you we couldn’t tell you stuff for your own safety it was the truth.”
Max thinks about that. She supposes it makes sense. She has noticed that Mike tends to be the guy that worries about everyone else’s safety, and always wants to get to the bottom of the problem before anyone gets hurt. Lucas is the same and it’s something she admires about him, but it’s overtly obvious in Mike when he’s always the one stressing about coming up with plans. Lucas is a little more go-with-what-the-adults-say.
“I’m sorry that I hurt you,” Mike finally says, and his expression is earnest. He’s a bad liar anyway, so Max knows that he means it. Speaking of his lies… she has something to apologize for too.
“I’m sorry too,” she says. “For judging your relationship too fast.”
He makes a weird noise when he registers what she said, almost like a laugh but kind of mad, too. “Yeah, and for making my girlfriend dump me.”
Max reaches out towards him and smacks his arm, a spike of irritation fuelling her. “Mike, how many goddamn times do I have to tell you I didn’t make her?”
“Well, what the hell did you say to her to make her do that?!” He exclaims.
The peace of the previous moment is gone and Max crosses her arms over her chest defensively. “From what she told me, it sounded like you were just lying straight to her face so you didn’t have to see her. All I did was tell her that if you did it again, she should dump your ass. You did it to yourself.”
Mike throws his arms up. “Hopper made me lie! He told me if I didn’t, he wouldn’t let me see her anymore. You seriously think I wouldn’t want to spend time with her? After everything we went through?”
She thinks for a second about the way he’d looked when El had walked back into their lives; the way he had seemed to drop all the negativity he’d been carrying around the second she came through that door. Max remembers thinking she’d never been so sure about someone’s presence in her life.
He’s still on a roll. “What, is that why you’ve dumped Lucas, like, seven times? You just break up with him the second he does something you don’t like without even letting him explain himself?”
Bringing that up is a sore point. Max feels incredibly guilty for the way she’s treated Lucas in the past, and she’s trying to be better. She’d told him once that she knew she could be a jerk like her stepbrother sometimes, that she was angry just like he was, but that she didn’t want to be like him. And then she turned around and behaved exactly like him, manipulating Lucas’ reactions and dumping him over and over because she knew he would come back. It made her feel like she was in control, the dominant one, the complete opposite of what she saw in her mother and what she felt in her house every day.
But she had come to a point where she realized that one day, Lucas would get fed up with her. There would come a day when he wouldn’t stand for it anymore and he’d leave her permanently, and Max didn’t think she could live with that. From then on, she had decided to try harder with him and make things better, to talk about her feelings more. It’s always going to be difficult for her, but Lucas is worth it.
“Don’t say that like you know anything about why I did that,” she says sharply, gripping so tightly onto the chain of the swing that the cold metal feels like ice in her hand.
Mike glares back at her, indignant. “Oh, that’s rich! Like you knew anything about me when you said that shit to El!”
Max stands up suddenly. “I’m tired of the lies, Mike! Do you know what it’s like to live in a house where your mom will watch your brother get beat up and leave the room so she can pretend it didn’t happen? Where she doesn’t care where you go or how you feel or what’s going on with you because if she doesn’t ask, she doesn’t have to lie to herself that it’s okay? Where we all just don’t talk about anything and pretend it’s all fine when it isn’t?”
She’s breathing hard and he’s staring up at her with wide eyes, accustomed to her outbursts by now but not like this. Max sits back down on the swing, hard.
“I broke up with Lucas a lot because it made me feel like I had control,” she admits. “I needed to feel like I was in charge of the situation. I get enough of being treated second-class at home, and I don’t want to be like my mom, ever.”
She looks back at Mike on the other swing and he doesn’t look mad at her anymore, only like he’s processing what he’s just heard. It lets her own anger drain out of her.
“When El told me what you said, it reminded me of my mom,” Max continues. “She seemed so confused on why you would do that and to me it looked like you were just using her when you wanted her and dropping her when you didn’t. My mom kind of… disappears into whoever she’s dating and just goes along with whatever they do, and it looked like that for me,” she finishes.
“I get it,” he says, and Max raises her eyebrows. “I mean, I don’t get it personally, my parents aren’t like that. I just meant I get where you’re coming from. It makes sense why you would think that way.”
“I didn’t want the same thing that happens to my mom to happen to El,” Max adds. “She is her own person, and she of all people deserves the chance to be that.”
At last, they find common ground. “I agree,” Mike replies. “She’s been through enough in her life. And I’m happy you and her are friends now,” he adds. “Seriously. It was kind of weird to imagine her having girl problems or something and talking to my sister about it. I’m glad she has you.”
“I’m glad she has you,” Max says, and Mike looks shocked to hear her say it. “I might not get why, but I know you make her happy somehow. Even if you do wear Star Wars pyjamas.”
“Hey!” He says, offended. “You recognizing it means you’ve seen it too. And I know for a fact you read comics, so you’re just as much of a nerd as me.”
Max shrugs, giving him the point. “At least I can beat you at arcade games.”
“Is that a challenge?” He asks, swinging closer as if to intimidate her.
Max laughs, and it’s a real laugh for the first time in what feels like forever. “You’re on.”
“Tomorrow,” Mike suggests. “Twelve o’clock. I’ll meet you there.”
“Bring painkillers,” she warns him. “You’re gonna need them after I’m done kicking your ass at every. Single. Game.”
“You won’t beat me at Galaga,” he says proudly.
“Wanna bet?”
They stand up and shake hands, and his feels pleasantly warm. It’s a nice change from the frozen chain she was holding onto.
“Loser gets us fries,” Mike adds, and Max agrees to it. As if of one mind, they both turn back up the path they came from.
They’re back across the two streets they crossed and almost all the way back to Mike’s house when Max speaks again.
“So are we good?” She asks. She feels good about having aired out all the conflict she had with him, and he’s had this dumb smile on his face the whole time they’ve been walking back, which she’s choosing to take as a good sign.
“Yeah,” he says, looking at his feet. “We’re good.” He smiles wider.
It brings a small smile to Max’s own face. Having friends feels nice. “Why are you smiling like that?”
He coughs a little, scratching his head. “Just thinking about how happy El will be when she finds out we’re not enemies anymore.”
Max rolls her eyes good-naturedly. “You are so whipped.”
He shrugs as if to say, what can you do?
“I think Lucas and Dustin will benefit from having us not trying to kill each other every five seconds, too,” she says.
“Although I’ll probably still be annoyed by half the things you say.”
Mike makes a face like he’s not surprised to hear that. “Don’t worry about it. You’re still annoying, I just like you now. No more actual fighting.”
“Good,” she replies, feeling happier than she has in days as they arrive back in his backyard. She can faintly see her bike lying in the grass.
Mike has the door to the basement halfway open by the time she’s sitting on her bike ready to ride away, and at the last second lays a hand on her arm.
“Hey, anytime you need somewhere to go… I’m usually home,” he says, looking at her directly. It’s a simple thing to say, but she knows what he means by it. He’s telling her that he understands that sometimes her house is not a home, and that she’s always welcome in his if she needs it.
“Thanks,” she responds, and for once she is truly thankful for Mike Wheeler’s existence.
“Well, good night,” he answers, and awkwardly salutes her out of nowhere.
Max squints at him confusedly for a second. “I’ll... see you tomorrow,” she says haltingly.
He looks kind of embarrassed and shuts the door quickly, and Max rides off back to her house. That was random.
However, she is looking forward to tomorrow. She has a feeling Mike’s going to be the type of friend she’s constantly competing with, ribbing back and forth to see who can be worse just like they usually do, but this time knowing they’re both forgiven for their mistakes. It’s different from her other friendships for sure, but she thinks it’ll be good. Lucas is going to be pleased.
Maybe the wait until Thursday won’t be so bad after all.
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ready-4-takeoff · 3 years
Fire Emblem : The Road to Healing Chapter 2
Characters Used by asklucinalowell: Mercutio, Marseille, Mauris
Chapter 2
The Next Morning…
The sun from the Fodlan sky was shining through the window into Marseille’s room, and some of the rays from the sun hit Marseille’s face which caused her to squirm in her sleep and after a few seconds, she woke up to the blinding light and as she began to sit up, she shielded her eyes from the sun. Despite yesterday’s events, she slept better than she had hoped she would.
Afterwards, Marseille began to get dressed by putting her white undershirt on first and then putting on her school uniform. When she was done, she then finished freshening up by tying her hair, and then she proceeded to exit her room for the day but as she closed the door to her room, she heard a familiar voice.
“Good morning Lucina.”
“Oh!” Marseille gasped, “It’s you Brady. You surprised me there for a second. But it’s good to see you.”
“Same here” responded Mauris. “So, are you ready to go for the day?”
“Yes” Marseille answered and the two left their rooms to go for the day.
The two made their way to have breakfast with their classmates from their house, after having their first meal for today, Marseille and Mauris decided to sit outside by themselves. They also had a little time before they went to their Morning classes, so they talked about what has been going on since they arrived at Garreg Mach monastery.
Just before they were about to split up for the day, Mauris noticed Marseille feeling a little down so he decided to talk to her to see if he could help her out.
“Um, Lucina?”
“Yes Brady?”
“You seem to be upset about something…” Mauris began “Are you feeling alright?”
“Huh? Oh… I’m fine, it’s just that I am feeling down about what happened yesterday…” Marseille replied.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he questioned her.
“I guess it is ok if I told you considering no one else is around us.” Marseille answering Mauris’s question.
“Alright, then tell me what happened.” Mauris replied.
“Ok…” Marseille began, “The reason why I am upset is that I decided to talk to Rob- I mean Professor Mercutio to see if he could remember his past and…”
“Well…” Marseille said as she began to form tears from her eyes. “He sadly said that I was nothing more than a stranger to him, which probably means he no longer remembers me.”
“Oh… well, I am so sorry to hear that.” Mauris said feeling bad for her, “If you don’t mind, I probably could…”
“Brady…” Marseille interrupted while wiping her tears, “We’ve already went over this, and I know you want me to be happy but just in case a miracle happens, it would be best not to…”
“That isn’t what I meant Lucina…” Mauris intervening.
“What I wanted to say is I could go tell Professor Byleth why you are upset and maybe he could help so you won’t be as upset as you are.”
“I really appreciate what you are trying to do to help me feel better Brady, but I’m alright for now.” Marseille said.
“Ok, well I guess we should get going to our classes then, so I’ll see you later then…” Mauris said as he left.
“Same here” Marseille said.
It was just a few minutes into the afternoon and Marseille had just finished her classes for the morning, and for her, she felt a feeling of accomplishment because she was able to pass the exams in her beginners’ classes meaning she is now able to wield higher classes of swords as well as lances and bows. While she wanted to tell her professor about her achievement, she could not find Professor Byleth. So, she decided to go and see if Byleth was in his office.
As she was about to knock on his door, she heard a voice down the hall, “Marseille?”
“Huh?” Marseille “Oh! Hello there Annette. What brings you here?”
“I was also looking for our professor to see what chores that me and Mercedes were planning on doing today.” Annette explained to Marseille.
“Oh, I see.”
“But while I was searching for Byleth, Seteth gave me this to you.” Annette finished as she handed Marseille an envelope.
Marseille took the envelope and opened it up and inside it was a letter from Byleth and she decided to read it.
A few minutes later…
“So what did you think?” Annette said as Marseille handed the letter back to her.
“Well…” Marseille said as she began, “That explains why Hanneman is going to be our temporary professor for a while, but then again, I could understand for an event that is extremely important like that it’s for the greater good to make the journey. But I think it is best we put that topic aside for now.”
“I agree” Annette said as she nodded her head up and down. “So, what do you say we go out and do these chores that we were given out to do? And you are welcome to join us if you want.”
“Yes” Marseille agreed as she walked with Annette. “That sounds like a good idea.”
The two made their way to a garden with a fountain in the center of it and the garden appeared to be littered with weeds all around the area with some entangling and dragging flowers down. It looked like it was going to be a long and tedious task to get all the weeds out in one day, but thankfully for them, they were about to get some additional help to get the job done easier.
“Annette? Are you there?” Marseille and Annette heard a voice behind them.
“Mercie!” Annette said as she ran over to hug her best friend.
“Annie! It’s so good to see you!” Mercedes said as the two friends embraced each other.
“Same here!” Said Annette in a cheerful voice.
“So, what have you been up to?” Mercedes asked.
“Well,” Annette began “Me and Marseille were just waiting for you here in the garden to get started here with taking out all of these weeds and while you were coming, the two of us had a short chat.”
“What did you talk about?”
“We talked about the gardening mishaps that you and Annette share and how maybe I could teach you two to tend to a flower garden properly. And we also talked about how nice this place is going to be once this is done.” Marseille responded catching Mercedes by surprise.
“Oh! Hello there Marseille.” Mercedes said when she saw her. “What are you doing here?”
“I was out here with Annette and based on the situation here, I was wondering if the two of you needed some help…” Marseille explained.
“Oh, that sounds lovely! Thanks Marseille, we would really appreciate it if you helped us out.” Mercedes said as she began to walk towards the first area of the garden to work.
“Then I am glad I was able to come here with you.” Marseille said with a smile as she followed Mercedes and Annette.
Just as the three were about to sit down to get started on working on the garden. Mercedes raised her hand in the air.
“Before we begin” Mercedes began, “I just wanted to say that I am so glad that I am able to work alongside the two of you. It is going to be so much fun!”
“I am sure it will be” Marseille replied then paused and realized something important, “But if we just continue talking to each other, then how are we supposed to get our chore done?” She asked.
“Marseille has a great point Mercie. Having fun and getting in a good chat is fine and all, but when we are doing these chores, the results are what counts!” Said Annette agreeing with what Marseille told to the group.
“Yeah, but I know that silly, I can have fun without holding us back!” Mercedes replying.
“Heh…” Marseille said with a smile, “You made a very good point there.”
45 minutes later
Marseille, Mercedes and Annette were all making great work on their chore in the garden and because of it, more than half of the weeds in the garden were removed. But there was still a lot of work to go, and the temperature was starting to warm up quicker than the trio had expected.
“Argh! There are so many weeds to pluck from the ground!” Annette complained as she plucked another weed off the ground “Is it possible to finish all of this in a single day?”
“Well,” Marseille began as she grabbed a handful, “If you look at the progress that we have already made by working together, then I am sure we will be able to finish this up with ease.”
“You’re right Marseille.” Annette replied, “Let’s do our best to finish this up!”
While the trio were working on getting their job on the garden done, they were unaware that they were being watched from afar by a figure. And that figure is none other than the professor of the golden deer Mercutio. He looked at the working trio with a frown on his face and gave out a deep sigh.
“Something the matter?”
Mercutio turned around and looked into the eyes of Hilda and simply said, “Oh, it’s only you Hilda… well I just feel kind of upset about myself.”
“It’s about Marseille, isn’t it?” Hilda replied
Mercutio looked away and then said, “Yes, it is about her. I mean, when you look at her right now, it looks like she is having a good time and all, but deep inside her, she isn’t happy, and it is mainly because of me.” He paused and gave a sigh and then continued, “I just wish there was something that I could do to set things right for her…”
“I know what you mean.” Hilda said looking down, “Well, I just happened to accidentally run into her last night.”
“You did?”
“Yes Mercutio, I did see her, and we decided to have a chat about what happened yesterday, and I could tell, she was upset about the previous day.”
“Huh… I guess Marseille told you about our talk yesterday.” Mercutio said nodding his head “Well, did you do anything about it?”
“Well… there wasn’t much I could do but I did my best to try and calm her down, and it seemed to work if only for a brief moment.” Hilda replied
“I see…” Mercutio said with a sigh. “But even with friends like you around, I’m still not sure if she could recover from something like this…”
“Look, how about this.” Hilda said as an idea popped in her head, “It’s the beginning of the month and that will give her a lot of time to try and find her happiness. However, if things don’t get better for Marseille and she still is depressed from what happened between the two of you by the end of this month, then you could get involved. Okay?”
“That sounds fine to me…” Mercutio said agreeing with the idea although he was looking away.
“Great!” Hilda said happily. “Well, I guess I’ll see you later in class alright? And after that, you and I could have tea together!” she finished while giving Mercutio a wink while walking away.
“Yes, I’ll see you too.” Mercutio replied. Once Hilda left, he went back to looking at the working trio which included Marseille who was laughing alongside with Annette and Mercedes. After a few moments, he left to go teach his class.
“Marseille, when I get the chance, I’ll do my best to make it up to you…” Was all he thought as he left.
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microcos-pod · 3 years
Micro-Cosmos S1E3: A Little Piece of Home Transcript
(The crew celebrates a special day. Transcript begins below break.)
[THEME MUSIC FADES IN] ANNOUNCER Futuristic Trail Mix Productions presents Micro-Cosmos: A Science Fiction Podcast. [THEME MUSIC FADES OUT] [sfx: button press] ATHENA Hey, HQ. It's Officer Athena Romero, with Crew #0137-F. I'm transmitting from... North 54 degrees, West 109 degrees, in a moment of alone time. Camp's not too far, I just... wanted to come out here to record. We were up so, so early, but we made really good time getting our travel in for the day. And... I don't know. I felt like being introspective. I know that's rarely a good thing to be, for people of our situation... but sometimes it can't be helped, I guess. We're nearing what Doctor Couvillion calls the temperate forest region of the planet. Oh, uh, Felix is... fine, by the way, in case you were wondering. I know I haven't talked about him a lot for the last week since his little run in with Mercutio, and in hindsight, that was probably a little alarming from your perspective. But, no. He's, um... just been very focused on his work. Ever since our encounter with that little... strange... cat lizard dinosaur thing, he's taken to a pretty enthusiastic approach of figuring out what it actually is. You know, what is eats, how it behaves, it's characteristics. Thus, he's not been his usual social self, but he's had what I guess you'd call a breakthrough. He's named it. The species, I mean. Varanus concolor. Apparently he's determined that it's a new species of monitor lizard. Exciting stuff. Miles and Cal have been sorta... tense, the last little bit? I don't know if Miles is still mad at them about that terrible, terrible prank or just for being, you know, Cal. I like Cal. And Miles. Honestly, I do. I think they're almost a little too similar to get along sometimes. I get that. I've been in the same spot for most of my life. I only recently figured out how to sort of... stop taking my own reflection personally. [sfx: fingers drumming on comms, pacing footsteps] ATHENA (CONT’D) Alex is good! If you're wondering. You know, morale and all. We've been talking a lot, since we're sort of the only ones not in our own world. Well, I guess we're all in our own world, that's sort of our job, but... 
[Athena laughs.] ATHENA (CONT’D) Literal humour, Athena. Good one. Anyways, she's nice to talk to. Leadership skills to boot, in case you didn't already know and needed someone to sing her praises. I think I'd be more than willing to sing her praises. So... the mission's going very well. Everyone is healthy and accounted for, and we're absolutely on track to get to our shipment drop-off point. Comms and tech and climate are all nominal. We're okay. We're okay.
[sfx: bag shuffling as she picks it up, footsteps] ATHENA (CONT'D) Oh, by the way, before I head back. It's my birthday. I don't know if that's something I should mention. Just thought... I don't know. I don't expect the others to notice, or even know at all, really. But it's nice to acknowledge another year, you know? I'm certainly not spending it where I would've expected to be if you had asked me on my previous... thirty birthdays. Anyways. Yes, it is my birthday, and I kind of miss home, and also I kind of don't, and also being here is present enough. So, I will celebrate by breaking open some of the candy in my bag, and getting some sleep- FELIX, ALEX SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! [Athena laughs.] ATHENA Guys! What are you doing?
ALEX Oh, come on Romero. You didn't really think you were going to get it past us, did you?
ATHENA No, I wasn't meaning to-
ALEX Oh, don't bother backtracking. You're busted.
FELIX There's no real party, or, presents, or... anything that would make this a proper birthday because of our circumstance, of course, but...
ALEX But an ambush was the least we could do.
FELIX The Commander and I only found out when she was conversing with Cal, inquiring of the database today's points of interest, or else we would've...
ALEX Done more than an ambush.Alex observes Athena, who's just standing there, staring at the two of them and grinning. But, I don't know. Seems like the ambush worked out pretty well. Try to smile less, huh?
ATHENA Heh. I, I mean... this is really sweet of you guys, I appreciate it.
MILES Appreciate what?
[sfx: footsteps, tapping on a screen] [C41′s JINGLE PLAYS] ATHENA Oh, uh, hey Miles!
MILES Heeey Athena, guys. What's up?
FELIX Did we...?
ALEX Nope.
FELIX So we forgot to...?
FELIX Dammit.
ALEX Well, when you assume...
C41 Oh, um! Happy Birthday, Athena!
ATHENA Oh, uh, thank you Cal. Anyways, I was thinking we could get to bed early-
MILES Crap, it's your birthday?
ATHENA ... Yeah.
MILES I am so so sorry, I had no idea, I must have like, missed the memo, but-
ATHENA No, no, Miles, it's okay, I promise. I didn't say anything, and so how would you know? Spending it away from home, I wasn't really sure what to do, it's kind of hard, but...I just got busted by the Commander, so... [The crew laughs nervously.] MILES Happy Birthday.
ATHENA Thanks.
MILES You're welcome. Yeah, uh, actually, Cal and I forgot something back at our setup.
C41 We did?
MILES We did. The thing. We need. We need that thing, Cal, uh... we will be back... later. [sfx: footsteps walking away]
[C41′s JINGLE PLAYS.] FELIX Well, who wants to get this party started and play some cards?
MILES Caal! Why didn't you tell me it was Athena's birthday?
C41 I didn't think it was that big of a deal. It's just another day of the year, which... happens to be the day that Athena was born. You can congratulate her on still being alive, like you did, and then move on! Didn't seem that important to me.
MILES Yes, it's a big deal! It's like you said, it's the day someone was born, not just another day. Come on, Cal! Remember when Em and I made a huuuge deal about it on the anniversary that I created you?
C41 By chance, do you mean Doctor Macey? If so, then unfortunately, yes I do remember. It was very loud. If not, I haven't the slightest clue who 'Em' is.
MILES Yes. Her. Doctor Macey.
C41 Okay whatever. Anyways. Do continue on with what you were saying. It's proving to be really entertaining.
MILES Oh, I'll show you entertaining.
How did you not know that birthdays were important? Seriously, there's even a song about them. I taught you better than that.
[Miles sighs.]
MILES Cally, I didn't mean it like-
C41 It's Cal. And no, you're right. Why would something the O Great and Powerful and All-Knowing Miles Abbott made be so inconsiderate and dumb?
MILES Seriously, Cal. I didn't mean it. You know how I get.
C41 Yeah?
Oh, just drop it.
[C41 lets out a long series of scoffs and huffs in the following silence.]
C41 (CONT'D) ... Miles?
MILES Caaaal....
C41 Miles- MILES Cal, I need to make Athena a birthday present!
I don't even know what she'd like, let alone what I could make her! There's like, nothing even worthy of being a gift on this planet.
[sfx: Miles snapping.]
MILES (CONT'D) What do I have? What do I even have? What does our camp have? I need to find something. Anything. I'll make it work. Cal, help me look. Please.
[C41 snorts.]
C41 Oh.
Oh, you mean actually help.
[sfx: a buzzing noise of C41′s form]
C41 (CONT'D) Um... well there are some big batteries that Alex didn't need over there, she left them this morning with her equipment. There is a... There is a... it looks like... is that a plastic fork? I really hope that isn't used. You all are a mess. And, um... what's that box, over there? What's that?
[sfx: footsteps, objects being knocked over]
MILES It's, uhhh... Chocolate. And... more chocolate. A gift from Emily, I... forgot I had these.
C41 Huh. A... whole box, huh? Of chocolate? What could you even make with those?
MILES I don't know, okay? I don't even know like, maybe I'm overreacting. Athena didn't tell us because she's not at home, or whatever-
Wait. Cal, what, um, what does Athena's home have?
C41 What?
MILES Where she's from. What's it like?
C41 Patroclus C? Well, it's-
[sfx: a long glitch]
C41 (CONT'D)- Patroclus C. A moon in orbit around more well-known terrestrial body Mirana Dunis. Patroclus-C is known for it's industrial prosperity and plentiful resources, as well as it's freezing conditions.
Notable landmarks include it's few geysers. All imported plant and animal life have adapted to the cold climate, however they take refuge in the steamy geysers that provide both water and heat- MILES Okay, Cal. That's enough, thanks.
[sfx: the same glitch, a zap]
C41 Oh, ouch. Eugh. Why did you let that happen? You know I hate that mode!
MILES I'm sorry! I'm stressing a bit here, if you haven't noticed.
C41 Yes, I'm well aware.
MILES Anyways. I... I think I have a plan.
C41 That's never good.
MILES Let's just hope this turns out. Mmm.... a decent start. ***
FELIX Have any... fives?
ALEX Go fish. [sfx: drawing a playing card].
ALEX (CONT'D) Got any queens?
FELIX Yes, yes. Queen of stars.
ALEX Thank you! Got any threes?
FELIX Go fish.
[sfx: drawing a card]
ALEX So close.
[sfx: approaching footsteps]
FELIX (with his mouth full) Better luck next time. Do you have any-
ALEX Want us to deal you in, Romero?
FELIX Athena? Hm. Cannot believe you were still doing work on your birthday.
ATHENA What's the name of the game?
ALEX Go fish. Do you play?
ATHENA I like to think cribbage is more my forte but... sure. Deal me in.
[sfx: cards shuffling]
ATHENA (CONT'D) Who's winning?
ALEX Me. I've won three matches.
ATHENA And how many has Felix won?
ALEX We've played three matches.
[Alex and Athena laugh.]
FELIX I am beginning to suspect her a cheat.
ALEX Can't help having an eye for this stuff.
ATHENA For what, counting cards?
ALEX I wish. Patterns. Got any kings, Athena?
ATHENA Go fish. Is that technically cheating, then? Patterns?
[sfx: drawing a card]
FELIX I believe I can call it cheating if it makes me feel badly about myself.
ATHENA Fair enough. Felix? Any fours?
FELIX Go fish. See, that felt perfectly fair.
ALEX Doc, I said patterns, not x-ray vision. You keep accusing me of cheating, I'm gonna start to take it personally.
FELIX I harbor suspicion, not accusation. Commander, do you have any aces?
[Alex sighs.]
[sfx: passing cards]
ALEX Dishes and comets. Happy?
FELIX Yes. Athena, do you have any sixes?
ATHENA Yeaaah. Here you go.
[sfx: passing cards, movement of pairs]
ALEX Feeling better about yourself?
FELIX Yes. Very.
ATHENA Jeez, you're already on track to win.
ALEX Felix, should I start repaying you all that whining?
[sfx: stumbling, approaching footsteps]
FELIX Speaking of.
ALEX Uh... no, I don't think so. Maybe you should ask Cal?
MILES (distant) No. That's okay. I'll use the transport hawser. That should work... just as well if not better. I'll... I'm gonna go get that. Bye.
[sfx: retreating footsteps]
ATHENA That's... that's for... emergencies, what do they need that for-
ALEX My guess? Nothing good.
FELIX Commander, do you have any twos?
ALEX No, but I do have a Petty Officer who needs their marbles back.
[sfx: standing, retreating footsteps]
ALEX (O.S.) I'll be right back!
FELIX It's her turn, actually. Which one of us should go next?
ATHENA It's my birthday. Got any sevens?
[sfx: shuffling]
MILES I got something! Not cables, but... almost even better.
C41 You're... actually doing this?
Oh... Okay. Even if it may be sliiiightly dangerous? Not that I care or anything-
MILES Look, I just can't sit back and do nothing for Athena's birthday.
C41 Yeah, but I think it would be better to guarantee everyone's safety than... You know, possibly blowing us up and setting everything on fire.
[sfx: metal chain drops]
[Miles sighs.]
MILES I guess that's true. I just don't want to disappoint her.
ALEX You're not disappointing her, kid.
Oh. Hi, Commander.
ALEX Wipe that sad look off your face. Even if you didn't know, she's happy that you're at least thinking about her right now.
[sfx: footsteps, shuffling, sitting]
MILES I... guess that's true. But I want to make her something. That's what I specialize in.
ALEX Fair enough. I guess I just didn't know you guys were this good of friends.
MILES I don't know that we are. It just seems like the kind of thing I should've tried for, I guess. We've got so much time to spend together and I don't want you guys thinking I'm cold and ignoring you all just because I get wrapped up in crap and get away from myself and especially lately with everything going on with Cal-
ALEX Hey. We don't think that. And I'm not just saying that, either. What were you planning on doing?
MILES I- ... Well, if I tell you, it would ruin the surprise.
ALEX Okay, okay. Do your thing, fix-it guy.
[sfx: getting up, a few footsteps]
MILES Hey, Commander? What if she doesn't like it?
[sfx: footsteps stop]
ALEX Remember what we talked about, kid. Make it from your heart, and she'll love it.
MILES O-okay, Commander... Thank you.
ALEX No problem, Miles. Always here to help. Let me know if you need anything else, yeah?
MILES Mhm! Now, I... I gotta get this show on the road.
ALEX Cal, keep an eye on them for me.
C41 Will do, Commander.
ALEX Good luuuck!
[sfx: retreating footsteps, tent closes]
C41 Well, that surely was-
MILES Alright Cally! We have some major business to attend to!
C41 -motivational.
MILES Okay, so I'm thinking... What if we melt the plastic fork? Like, all the way, and then, and, and then shape it around to make a base for the volcano geyser thing?
C41 That sounds incredibly dangerous. And like it would be highly amusing to watch.
[sfx: a whirring]
C41 (CONT'D) And according to my calculations I am correct on both counts. Do it.
MILES And... then we can put the chocolate in- Hold on, do we have anything to keep the chocolate melted?
C41 Hm. Probably not.
MILES Dammit, okay. That's fine, that's cool, uh... We can hook it up to the batteries someway to keep the heat constant and the launch device powered, that's fine, I can do that...
This is going to be a piece of cake. Let's go, Cally!
C41 How many times to I have to tell you? It's Cal.
MILES Mhmm, yeah. Let's just kick this baby in the teeth.
C41 Wh... what?
MILES It's an expression. Like, "let's blow this popsicle stand"? Or... "let's get this show on the road"?
C41 I don't understand how that could be related to either of those meanings.
MILES Whatever. I am gonna get this thing started, and it's going to be great.
[sfx: prolonged noises of tinkering and contstruction, a zap of electricity]
[Miles yelps.]
[C41 laughs.]
MILES Not funny!
[sfx: more sounds of construction and tinkering]
MILES Aaaaand there! Done. Finished. Phew.
C41 That looks...That... looks...I mean, um...That looks so good!
MILES You think?
C41 Yeah, I think she's-
ALEX (O.S.) How's it looking in here?
MILES Yeah, I think everything went great!
ALEX Perfect!
[sfx: Alex claps]
ALEX (CONT’D) Well, grab it and let's go; we have a birthday to celebrate. Take Cal and we'll meet her and Felix at that clearing. We're doing a little more celebration for Athena.
MILES Okay, Cal. You heard the boss; let's get going then.
C41 Yuuup.
MILES You know, I’m pretty proud of this.
C41 As you should be, Miles.
[sfx: approaching footsteps]
MILES HEY! Hey, guys I'm back!
FELIX Hello- oh. Oh wow. What...
ATHENA Miles... what's all this?
MILES It's, uh, it's your gift!
ATHENA Oh, Miles, really you didn't need to do that, that's super sweet, but-
MILES Oh, it's... it's just a little... something... electrocuted myself a few times making it, but- Happy Birthday!
ATHENA Oh. Oh, wow, that's really something, Miles, I love it!
What is it?
MILES It's a geyser. Like... you said. Well, actually you didn't say, but I did some digging and your... your home plant has... geysers, yeah? So it's like a little piece of home.
A geyser.
ALEX A geyser.
ATHENA Oh! Yes! A geyser. Of course! That's really thoughtful, Miles, you, uh... you shouldn't have! So it's like a... trinket! Or a little... a sculpture!
ALEX Oh... just you wait.
MILES Well, it's for more than just show.
Heh. Bet you've never seen anything like this before.
FELIX I'm quite sure I have not.
[sfx: setting down the present, the geyser bubbles and erupts pathetically, with a crackle]
[Miles breathing heavily.]
MILES Ta-dah!
ATHENA Ohhhh, wow, that's... that's so cool. Was it... was it supposed to melt like that?
MILES It was not the intention but apparently... that doesn't matter now-
C41 Evidently.
[sfx: more crackling]
ALEX Oh, okay, is this thing going to blow, Miles? Like actually, really blow?
MILES Shouldn't. It's a possibility... but it shouldn't.
C41 Probably not? It'll be fine! Maybe Miles should get a little closer to shield the blast just in case.
C41 Who, me? Never.
[sfx: the crackling and bubbling stops]
ALEX Alright, okay, okay. That was very cool. Right Athena?
ATHENA (CONT'D) Look Miles, I really appreciate this, it's very, very sweet and I just hope you didn't feel like you had to do this, or anything-
MILES No, no, no. I wanted to. I mean... you were around to... keep me calm when I thought we were gonna get eaten in the woods. I didn't want you to think I didn't care, and... I wanted to make something nice for you. Normally I have more stuff to work with than forks and batteries and... chocolate.
FELIX Real chocolate?
ALEX Yes, real chocolate. Not now.
FELIX Ugh, and it's all on the grass, and... what a waste.
ALEX There will be more chocolate. Actually. Felix?
[sfx: receding footsteps]
[Alex and Felix whisper as they retreat.]
ATHENA Um, okay, but... Anyways. Thank you, Miles. That was a lot of fun. And I hope you didn't actually electrocute yourself.
MILES Oh, don't worry, it's not the first time.
C41 They're not joking.
MILES More of a shock than anything.
ATHENA Doesn't sound great for your health either way.
MILES Well, heh, yeah, I mean- Hey, wait a second. Wait what's-
[sfx: candles burning, approaching steps]
[Alex, Felix, Miles and C41 begin singing “Happy Birthday”]
ATHENA (overlapping) Oh, my... guys, what are you... that better not be our only fruit cake-
ALEX Come on, blow out the... flare candles. Make a wish.
ATHENA Okay, okay!
[sfx: blowing on candles, a glitch]
[sfx: candles burning]
[Alex laughs.]
[Athena hums in confusion]
[sfx: blowing on candles, a glitch]
[sfx: candles burning]
ALEX Come on, Romero. All in one go, now.
ATHENA Right. [sfx: blowing on candles, candles extinguishing]
[The crew cheers.] ALEX Happy Birthday. I'll clean up Miles's present later.
[Alex and Athena laugh.]
FELIX Time for cake!
[Felix leads Alex, Miles, and C41 in singing “For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow”]
FELIX  Cake! ***
ANNOUNCER Micro-Cosmos: A New Science Fiction Podcast. This episode, "A Little Piece of Home", was written by Zyrel Thompson and Lauren Tucker, edited by Luka Miller, and directed by Jesse Smith, Zyrel Thompson, and Lauren Tucker. It starred Jesse Smith as the voice of Athena Romero, Jackson Rossman as the voice of Miles Abbott, Luka Miller as the voice of Alex dela Cruz, Kaleb Piper as the voice of Felix Couvillion, and Pippa van Beek-Paterson as the voice of Cal. Original music by Julia Barnes, and sound editing by Tobias Friedman. Be sure to stay tuned to our feed for upcoming episodes from the new backpacking intergalactic adventure from Futuristic Trail Mix Productions. To follow the show and find transcripts, you can find us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram as @MicroCosPod. Questions, comments, and concerns can be emailed to us via [email protected]. Find more information on the show on our website, microcospod.space. Thank you for listening.
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crimsondomingo · 4 years
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In honor of @barryallenweek, this being the last day, I am posting an image set and prompt for a potential fic combining all 7 days.
So, this hits Fake Relationship, Time Travel, Online Friends, Coffee Shop, College, Misunderstanding, and Celebrity in some form or another. Maybe I’ll write it out in full someday if there is interest, but for now, here’s:
While Barry Allen is going through his divorce, he doesn't blame his wife – ex-wife now – because it isn’t Iris’s fault. It isn’t either of their faults. It had just never been right between them.
Nothing had been right since Barry became the Flash—the most popular superhero ever to get a movie franchise. He’d always wanted to be an actor, but he hadn’t thought much about being famous.
Sometimes he wondered if he would have been better off sticking with theater, smaller scale acting, and stayed in his hometown, working part time at that little coffee shop.
He still remembered the day he was scouted, during college after a big production, approached while making an espresso by an agent who said he was headed for big things if he got the right representation. The agent was right, but sometimes Barry wished he could go back, say “no thanks, I’m not interested in film or TV.” Maybe then he wouldn’t be alone in a big house without any friends or family close enough to him anymore to lean on.
After signing the divorce papers, he spent hours sifting through fan emails, trying to remind himself why he did this. Some made him smile. Others were creepy. A few were just trolls. And far too many would have been inappropriate even for Thirsty Tweets.
But then, just when he was going to call it quits, shaking his head at himself for wasting an entire evening, a new email came in from a familiar name.
Leonard Snart—an old acquaintance from college who Barry hadn’t thought of in years.
Heard about you and Iris. Sorry, Barry. Sometimes the love of your life isn’t who you expect. I always enjoy watching you on the silver screen, but if you’re ever passing through Central, a seat at Jitters has your name on it.
Barry and Len were friends in passing, never close, and more like rivals, since Len had done a little acting too. They were even Romeo and Mercutio senior year, and Len had killed at the Queen Mab speech. Len hadn’t considered pursuing acting though, Barry remembered, because he needed to stick close to home, get a practical job to help support his sister.
Barry and Len had worked at that little coffee shop together, and Barry had always preferred their joint shifts to working with anyone else.
Now, stalking Len a little online, Barry saw what ‘practical’ had amounted to. Len had bought the coffee shop. He owned Jitters now.
And wow, the past decade had done him well. Had he always been that handsome? In college, Barry was so hung up on Iris, he hadn’t noticed anyone else, even though it wasn’t until senior year that they got together.
He remembered that day too, a couple months before the agent showed up, with Iris just suddenly there at the shop flirting with him—blatantly, unmistakably—and after years of pining, Barry had finally asked her out.
It had been a happy memory once, but even more than meeting that agent, that was when everything had started to change. Back home in Central City, at Jitters coffee shop, with Leonard Snart working beside him, and Iris West strolling up to take a seat at the counter, was the moment when everything started going wrong, even if, at the time, Barry had thought it was perfect.
He had no idea how to respond to Len’s email. ‘Thanks’ didn’t seem sufficient, and he couldn’t go to Central City now. He was between shoots, but he didn’t have more than a handful of days set aside for the divorce before he’d be on the press circuit again.
That’s when the questions would start. He couldn’t bear the thought of fielding questions about his failed marriage…
Closing his laptop without responding to the email, Barry slumped into the kitchen and pulled an expensive bottle of scotch from his liquor cabinet. If only he’d realized back then that Iris wasn’t the right choice, he could have saved them both so much heartache. If only he’d never asked her out. If only he’d done everything differently, starting right from that—
“Barry, I’m pretty sure he said with room.”
Barry jumped, nearly sloshing the coffee pot he was holding.
No, he was holding a bottle of scotch.
Wasn’t he?
“Huh?” Barry could only stare down at his hands, because his kitchen was gone, and so was the scotch. He was holding a coffee pot and had been filling a to-go cup that was nearly to the brim.
Everything seemed so… bright, because it had been dark out a moment ago, and Barry had been in his kitchen—alone.
“Never mind. I got it. Have an all-nighter or something?”
That voice. Images of the owner swirled in Barry’s mind before he finally looked up—at Leonard Snart. He really had always been that handsome, with his close-cropped hair, knowing smirk, and sparkling blue eyes.
Barry kept staring, as Len took the coffee pot and to-go cup out of his hands, carefully dumped a little of the coffee back into the pot, and finished the order to hand to a waiting customer.
This was Jitters, late afternoon, so besides that customer, there wasn’t any line. Barry was working a shift with Len—ten years ago.
Only ten years ago was now.
“Better wake up,” Len said with a crook to that incredibly handsome smirk. “The love of your life just walked in.”
Barry startled again, snapping his attention forward to see Iris coming through the door, looking so different from how he’d last seen her. Not only because she was ten years younger, but she was smiling instead of looking so sad.
“Hey, Barr,” Iris greeted as she took the stool in front of where he was still gaping, unable to move. “You okay? Something on my face, or did I really knock it out of the park with this dress today?” She batted her eyes at him, smiling coyly.
It was today—that day.
“Um… I, uhh…”
Love of your life, Len had said, but all he could think about was Len’s email.
Sometimes the love of your life isn’t who you expect.
“Did you want coffee?” Barry blurted. At least basic coffee and decaf was made from an older coffee maker and kept in pots. If she or anyone else asked for something that required the espresso machine or frother, he had no idea how to use those anymore.
“Latte?” she said.
“I can get it for you, West,” Len offered, nudging Barry not so subtly out of the way—and closer to where Iris sat.
He was being a good friend, encouraging Barry, since Barry had probably spent more of their shifts talking about Iris than actually making drinks, but now…
Now, Barry thought there was a dip to Len’s smirk with Iris’s arrival, despite his friendly nudge.
“Thanks, Snart. So, Barr, you don’t have practice tonight, right? And, knowing you, I bet you don’t have any homework left leading into such a lovely weekend. How were you planning on passing the time?” Iris propped her elbows on the counter and rested her chin in her hand, batting her eyes again, so lovely and dark. “Not working too hard, I hope?”
She was fishing for him to ask her out, leading him there like she had the first time.
This time.
And oh, she was beautiful. She’d always been beautiful, still was in the future, and he loved her, he did. He hoped they’d manage to be friends again someday after the pain wore down, but Iris wasn’t the love of his life. He knew that now.
“I’m… working a little.” Barry snapped his mouth shut after that, unsure what else to say.
Her brow furrowed at her lacking success, but then she smiled again and sat up straighter. “How about I make this easier. Do you want to go out tonight?”
He didn’t want to hurt her, he’d never wanted that, but even if he was certain that this was a dream and he was passed out on his kitchen floor, he couldn’t go down the same path twice.
“I can’t.”
“Busy? How about tomorrow night?”
“No, um… I can’t because… because…” Feeling the presence of someone beside him, Barry turned once more to see Len staring at him inquisitively as he held Iris’s finished latte, silently asking with his beautiful blue eyes—what the hell are you doing?
“Because?” Iris pressed.
“I’m going out with Len,” Barry said, and Len’s one raised eyebrow became two reaching for his hairline. “Sorry, Iris.” Barry turned back to her. “I hadn’t gotten around to telling you yet.”
“Oh…” She deflated but perked back up with a wave of her hand. “No big deal. My loss for waiting. You two actually make a lot of sense.” She reached to accept her coffee, but Len didn’t notice, still staring at Barry.
Barry took the cup from him and handed it to her. “On me.”
“Thanks, Barr,” she said and slipped away, seeming happy for the excuse to make scarce.
“Hadn’t gotten around to telling her yet? And when were you going to tell me?”
Barry knew he’d read Len right by the way the crook to his smirk returned. “Want to go out after work?”
Len chuckled, staring for several more seconds as if trying to read something he hadn’t seen in Barry before. Finally, he said, “You’re on.”
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currywaifu · 5 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: should we rest for a little longer? 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: minagi tsuzuru/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 2.7k words
𝐚𝐧: i just want to take care of this tired boy
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He was asleep again.
“And you’re being a creep again,” Your friend nudges you, and you nudge him back with a vengeance. You peel your eyes away from the sleeping brunet to frown at the boy beside you.
“I’m not being a creep. I’m just… concerned, I guess.” As soon as the words leave your lips you find yourself cringing a bit. It sounded off, almost like you pitied him. If anything, the right way to phrase it probably would have been-
“I kid, I kid,” your friend raises both of his hands, almost defensive, “it’s because you’re a fan of his, right?”
Your lips purse at the suggestion, neither offended nor angry but not very pleased either.
“I suppose,” you say, eyeing the professor that entered the room.
Fan. That sounded wrong too, despite being the truth. You have watched all of Mankai Company’s plays, ever since your little sister dragged you to one since the boy she liked was playing one of the leads.
“Ahh, so cute!” Your sister was shaking you for what might have been the nth time that night, but you weren’t so focused on Romeo as you were Mercutio.
When you saw a familiar face standing on stage beside the pink-haired boy, you were rather surprised. You couldn’t pretend you knew him, but you did see him here and there on campus. You might have even shared a class together and you just never noticed.
You didn’t peg him for an actor.
Curiouser and curiouser.
You checked the website where you booked your tickets again.
Minagi Tsuzuru, Scriptwriter
Somehow, even though he wasn’t in the next play, you found yourself watching more and more. You’d swear up and down that as a theatre fan, you wanted to support deserving local productions; while not exactly false, it was hard to deny your admiration for Tsuzuru’s scriptwriting.
An almost inaudible yawn breaks your reverie and your eyes settle on the familiar green of his jacket. Did the professor just not care? Well, perhaps it was for the better. He probably needed a nap, more than a nap if you were honest.
“Lend me a highlighter real quick,” your friend whispers.
When you pass him the marker, its bright turquoise hue brings you back to your original thoughts.
Were you really just worried because you were a fan of his?
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The next time you see Tsuzuru is at a cafe that had ‘the best hot chocolate ever!’, or so your little sister proclaimed.
“Eh? You’re Mercutio, right?”
Specifically, at a cafe where Tsuzuru was currently working at.
Do you let your sister do the talking? You don’t wanna disturb him at work or anything. Besides, it’s not as if you’ve ever talked to him, so other than telling him your order there really wasn’t much else to say.
“… really likes your scripts!”
“Ah, really? Please keep supporting us, I’ll make sure to keep improving!”
The corners of Tsuzuru’s eyes were crinkling as the corners of his mouth slid upwards.
Eh? Why was this boy suddenly giving you an angelic smile? What happened when you spaced out? Wait, didn’t your little brat of a sister mention something about scripts?
“Ah, yes, I’ll keep watching your plays!” You smiled quickly, lightly kicking the younger girl’s feet from beneath the table. Did you say anything to her about your admiration for Tsuzuru or something, or did she suddenly get observant?
She was lucky you weren’t so petty or you would have outed her crush on Sakuya to his troupe mate then and there.
“Oh, by the way,” you begin to lower your volume to be sure, “is the hot chocolate really that good?”
A small chuckle barely escaped his lips before he shrugged, positioning his clipboard to take down your orders. “You have to try it to find out.”
“Then two hot chocolates, and a strawberry creme crepe for me.”
“Chocolate covered banana pancakes, please!”
As he took down your orders, you caught a glimpse of the dark circles under his eyes. He seemed to be fine when he was talking to the two of you, but a part-time job along with university and theatre probably took a lot out of his energy.
“Eh, isn’t this-“
“Don’t say anything.”
So when you ended up with a chocolate-drizzled banana creme crepe and your sister got strawberry topped chocolate pancakes, you let it slide. The hot chocolate was actually pretty good.
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You were only supposed to borrow a reference book for one of your classes, take down some notes, and then scramble home.
So what were you doing?
You wanted to sit somewhere further down the library where it was quieter when you stumbled upon Minagi Tsuzuru, fast asleep with several papers scattered haphazardly on the desk.
The two of you weren’t close or anything, but you wanted to encourage him somehow. Sometimes sleepless nights were really necessary, you’d be a hypocrite to vouch against them, but you wanted to tell him to persevere somehow.
You set your bag down on an empty chair, bringing out a green sticky note pad and a ballpoint pen.
When Tsuzuru wakes up it’s from Juza lightly, well as lightly as Juza could, nudging him awake. He waits for his eyes to adjust to his surroundings, wondering how long he’s been asleep. The first thing he spots is Juza’s purple tupperware, wildly contrasting the off-whites and blacks and browns his things usually were.
The second thing he notices is a green sticky note stuck on one of his notebooks.
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise!
Les Miserables, a line from the finale song if he remembered right.
No name or hint from who could have given it.
He found himself humming the song on the way home.
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“This presentation will be a paired work activity… and as usual, I’ll be pairing you up.” Several people groaned audibly, while two girls whispered excitedly behind you.
“I wonder if she’ll couple me up with someone?”
“Ahh, I hope I get coupled up with…”
Seriously, coupled up? Since when were you all Love Island contestants?
You knew this professor was highly acclaimed to be some kind of “yosei of love” or matchmaker or whatever, but weren’t they expecting too much out of her?
“This is a class, not a mixer,” your friend began to say, “is probably what you’re thinking right now. Am I wrong?” He looked awfully smug and you couldn’t resist rolling your eyes.
“More along the lines of ‘this isn’t a reality tv show’, but that works too.”
“Should you really be insulting me? Prof is probably gonna pair us up again and I’d be stuck with you for a whole week.”
“What’s wrong with that? We became friends precisely because she thought we’d look good together. Of course, it didn’t work out, unless?” He started wiggling his eyebrows and you smacked his arm.
“Dumbass. Well, she’s probably hoping we’re some kind of slow-burn pair and keep us partners,” you predicted. Somehow his smugness increased tenfold, looking as sly as a fox.
When the professor calls your name you perk up, head-turning to her. Even seated three rows away from her you could see her eyes sparkling with mirth.
“Please pair up with Minagi Tsuzuru.”
Your eyes immediately sought for the familiar figure in front of you, until you felt a soft tap on your shoulder from behind you.
He greeted you by your surname, a small smile on settled on his face. “Looks like we’re partners. I didn’t know we had a class together.”
“Ah, yeah, it’s nice seeing you again.” You reply, discretely reaching over to your ears as if to hide them.
“Right!” The two of you looked over to your friend as he clapped his hands together, “Looks like I just got called! Take care of my babe, Tsuzuru!” You were so, so close to slamming your face on the wooden desk, instead deciding to shoo him away with the motion of your hand.
Turning back to Tsuzuru, you give him an awkward laugh. “Don’t mind him, Minagi-san. He acts dumb, but at least he’s consistent.”
He stands up, shuffling his things and for a moment you forget that he’s actually pretty tall. Transferring to the seat beside you, he shakes his head. “If you think that’s bad, wait until you see what I have to deal with.”
“7 younger brothers, and 2 honorary younger brothers that I had and have to deal with on the daily.” Despite his visible tiredness, his tone suggested that he didn’t mind having to look over them so much.
“I only have my little sister, but she’s as much of a pain as she is cute.” Your eyes lock with turquoise, and both of you simultaneously release a sound between a sigh and a laugh.
“Older sibling night hours?” You offer.
He lets out an appreciative hum, “More like older sibling noon hours, really.”
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It’s been two hours since you’ve gotten up from your chair. It’s not that you don’t like Tsuzuru’s company, far from it actually, but your back was starting to hurt and you were getting real fidgety. You needed a walk.
“Minagi-san, do you mind if I get something to drink?”
“Not at all, we’ve been at this for a while.” At his signal, you stood up from your chair and fished through your bag for your wallet.
Pausing, you turn back to look at him for a couple of seconds. He was typing furiously fast, but his eyes were droopy and lidded. If you asked him if he wanted anything he’d probably say no, but that didn’t mean you weren’t gonna try giving him something. He mentioned not having a least favourite food, so coffee milk would probably do, right?
Tsuzuru’s eyes tear away from his laptop, catching you staring at him. Before he could ask if something was wrong, your body suddenly tensed before dashing off.
He sighed, letting his eyes rest for a bit while you were still out. He barely got any sleep last night, and the light emitted by the screen was starting to make his retinas burn. Despite his drowsiness, he manages to let out a small huff to mask his growing smile.
Your ears were red again.
Discretely hiding the milk cartons as you re-entered the library, you jokingly wondered if Mankai Company’s playwright would be asleep on a library table again.
“No way,” you murmured in disbelief, setting the cartons on the desk the two of you occupied. There was neither the click-clack of his keyboard nor swift ASMR scribbling on his notebook. Hadn’t you only been gone for 5 minutes?
You debated waking him up for a moment, maybe even teasing him for immediately falling asleep as soon as you left. Maybe you’d press the cold drink next to his cheek to shock him.
You do none of those, and let him sleep for as long as possible. He said he didn’t have any work for the evening so no harm, no foul right?
Unzipping your pencil case, you spot your trademark green sticky notes. You had thought about giving him another note again but never found the opportunity to until today. Of course, if you wrote one now he’d definitely know it was you.
It was sorta embarrassing, but you didn’t mind him knowing.
Ah, but you didn’t really want him to see it while you were in front of him?
“Let me just,” muttering to yourself, you hid the sticky note in one his jacket’s pockets. He shifted slightly, causing your heart to stop for a moment.
Don’t wake up, don’t wake up…
When his eyes don’t flutter open, you let out an audible sigh. Well, whether the brunet was asleep or not you still had work to do.
30 minutes pass when the actor finally woke up. He’s still a little dazed and thoughts still a little muddled when he sees you out like a light in front of him.
Maybe, as he’s walking back home, the humiliation and shame of falling asleep while waiting for you would hit him;
but right now he’s focused on the golden rays of the setting sun hitting your gentle, sleeping features and he’s absolutely entranced. Tiny sighs, soft breathing, a picture of peacefulness.
Seriously, Tsuzuru? Just because you like his scripts. Just because you had your similarities. Just because you had a serene sleeping face. Just because your ears turned red around him and was he allowed to hope?
Did you even see him for more than just Tsuzuru the Mankai Company Playwright? Tsuzuru the actor? Tsuzuru who’s in a class with you?
Last month, he thought of you as a sincere fan. Last week, he thought of you as his cute partner.
And what about now? His mind couldn’t supply him an answer right away, but that was okay. There was time for that tomorrow, and the days and weeks after.
His hand extends forward to pet your head when your eyes blink open and lock with his own.
He thaws himself out of his frozen stupor and quickly moves to take his hand back. Unexpectedly, you reach your own out to keep it in place.
What were you doing?
“Were you going to…” You trailed off, and by the way your eyes averted from his gaze he could tell you were too embarrassed to finish the question.
“Yeah,” he replied quietly, “Sorry.”
For a few beats, only silence was exchanged between the two of you; then you spoke up again.
“I don’t mind,” some more beats, “you can, you know.”
There are questions left unsaid, but instead, he lowers his palm down slowly, hovering with a bit of hesitance left.
“If it’s you,” you start, “it’s okay.”
His fingers glide over the soft strands and begin caressing the top of your head.
The concept of time itself didn’t seem to exist as both of you soaked in each other’s quietude. When was the last time he felt all his worries didn’t exist? That he wasn’t constantly worrying about his family, or finances, or university, or scripts.
“Minagi-san,” you began, tone still soft as though not to ruin the atmosphere they created. “It’s important to get some rest too, okay? I worry… I don’t want your health to suffer, so please take care of yourself.”
A rush of endearment overcomes him and if you paid an ounce of attention to his fingertips brushing against your cheeks as he played with your hair, you don’t mention it. He whispers your first name and watches as his index paints a peach across your skin. Your lips part and the palpitations in his heart increase at a pace that can’t be normal.
“I can’t pretend to know, offer to carry your burdens,” you pause, placing your hands atop of his free one, “but if for a while I could relieve you of your stresses, I’d like to stay by your side.”
He moved his hand from beneath yours and interlocked your digits together. “Then take care of yourself too.”
When you looked like you were about to protest in confusion he squeezed the palm of your hand lightly, drawing circles on them with his thumb.
“Alright, I promise,” you whispered.
A dozen or so seconds of nothing but tranquility passes when Tsuzuru breaks the silence. “Should we rest for a little longer?”
His eyes have a teasing glint to them, a look rare on the brunet, and something else you can’t describe other than it makes your heart skip a beat.
“We should be heading home now,” you said, almost regretfully, “but our project still isn’t done, so…”
An oath of next time.
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It really wasn’t any of Masumi’s business, but wasn’t Tsuzuru in a particularly good mood tonight? The younger boy had no plans to be nosy, but it was getting weird. What if he was planning something with the director? He had to make sure he wouldn’t get in the way.
Quietly, he peered over Tsuzuru’s shoulder to look at the green paper the college student has been staring at for the past five minutes.
I’ve heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn, and we are led to those who help us most to grow.
Oh, wasn’t this from one of the musicals the director liked? The dark-haired boy didn’t know how to interpret it, but if it meant he wouldn’t have to share the director as much that was fine by him.
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want to order again?
127 notes · View notes
AU Prompt: Emma pushed Killian away when he confessed his feelings to her. He’s finally returned home, a bit broken by the world. Will she finally have the guts to tell him what she always regretted not saying? (Can be smutty or not)
Sorry this took a few weeks but here it is! Thank you for my first ever prompt! I don’t know if this is what you wanted but this is what it turned into... nearly 10000 words of friends to lovers angst.
You can read it on Ao3
Send me your prompts!
Emma met Killian Jones when she was seventeen years old and she hadn’t liked him one bit. From the moment he’d first said hello to her she’d read him as a cocky, smooth talking broody type who probably liked to win over girls with his accent and his Edward Cullen like aloofness. She had not been a fan. She’d let him know too, on multiple occasions. 
She’d spent most of her time avoiding him for the first month of the semester and she was doing a pretty good job of it actually. That is, until she got detention. For being late. How unfair was that? It wasn’t her fault that Ruth’s car wouldn’t start in the morning and so she and David had had to walk to school. David got away with it, he always did. He was sweet and friendly and he could charm teachers like it was nobody’s business. 
Emma had scowled and defended her innocence and had ended up with detention. She loved the guy, really. Ever since he and Ruth had taken her in a year ago she was nothing but grateful for their kindness and love. She’d even started referring to him as her brother. She just hated how much better he was at being a person than she was sometimes. 
That was the second time she met Killian Jones. She was shocked to find him there. Despite her first impression she had managed to discover that he was, at his core, a nerd. He may dress like the love interest in a teen movie but he spent most of his time in the library or sitting under trees reading or doing homework. He even wore glasses sometimes, these big, awful square things that took over half his face. So what was he doing in detention?
“Afternoon, Swan,” he said when she walked in. He was immediately shushed by the teacher who had gotten the unfortunate role of supervising them. “I’m just being friendly,” she heard him mutter under his breath. 
They were the only two in there today. They had to stay for an hour after school. She guessed the punishment for being late to class was being late to dinner. They were told to sit silently and to either do homework or read. Emma figured she might as well try to get through some of her English homework. She was crap at it and it was the one subject that David couldn’t help her with. She’d rather do it here then at home. 
She started working through the questions for Act 1. Why the hell did they still study Shakespeare? The guy was dead four hundred years now. Give it up already - let him rest in peace. She was working on the third question - guessing the answer to the third question was more like it - when she heard a small cough beside her. She looked up to find Killian leaning over in his seat, his own homework in front of him.
“That’s the wrong answer,” he said quietly and she raised a brow at him.
“Your answer, Mercutio isn’t Romeo’s cousin. Benvolio is. Mercutio is just his friend.” Her eyes widened in surprise. He wasn’t being condescending or self-righteous. He was just… letting her know. Trying to help her, she realised. He looked nervous as he glanced at her and then back at his book. 
“How do you know that?” she asked.
“I’m in your English class,” he said, looking down, ears turning red. Right. And she was a jerk. She felt bad, he looked a little dejected and it was her fault. She hadn’t seen him hanging around with many people, he was usually alone. Like her. She wondered then, a bit sadly, if maybe he wasn’t alone because he wanted to be. Maybe he was alone because he didn’t have anyone - like her. 
“Thanks,” she said with a smile and he gave her a small one in return. “Um, do you know who the hell Tybalt is?” 
His smile widened and he nodded as he leaned over to help her. The teacher told them to knock it off but he insisted that they were trying to help each other complete the same homework. He even argued that it was more character building than just sitting in silence. He was damn lucky that he seemed to have some of that same charm that David had when it came to teachers. The teacher waved them away, letting them continue to work together. 
She finished her homework a lot faster than she would have without him. And she understood the story a little better than she had coming in to detention. She was reminded then that that was where they were and as she looked at Killian, with his red ears and his shy smile and hunched shoulders and his dumb glasses, she had to ask. 
“What did you do to get in here?” His smile faltered just a tad. He scratched behind his ear nervously. 
“I, um, I punched Eric.”
“You what?” she demanded, loud enough that the teacher glared. Of all the things she’d expected - that was not one of them. 
“He was picking on Belle. He threw her book in the snow and made fun of her for liking to read - I mean, who the hell makes fun of someone for reading?” 
Emma felt her lips curling up a bit at his incredulous tone. “What, is Belle your girlfriend or something,” she teased. He frowned at her, looking confused.
“No,” he said. “She’s with that strange Scottish exchange student who’s name I can’t pronounce. But she’s a person and she’s sweet and Eric is an asshole and well, Belle is only about yea big,” he said, bringing his thumb and index finger close together. “I couldn’t do nothing,” he insisted. Emma laughed. 
Two things changed that day. One, Emma understood Shakespeare for the first (and last) time in her life. And two, she decided to make Killian Jones her friend. 
They were inseparable after that. At school  they spent almost all of their time together. In class they sat next to each other, they chatted in the halls between bells, they ate lunch together, and Killian ate dinner at their house regularly. Emma learned fairly quickly that his own home wasn’t a place he liked to be when he could avoid it. 
His mother had died when he was young and his father had raised him and his brother for a few years but finally decided that he couldn’t handle raising his sons on his own so when Killian’s brother went off to university, he had sent him to live with his aunt Cora in Boston. She was, in Killian’s own words, not a very nice woman. 
It was then that Emma realised how similar she and Killian were. They’d both been abandoned and left behind by the people who were supposed to care about them more than anyone. His father had sent him away. Her parents had abandoned her by the side of the road. Both their parents had chosen to give them up. And so she invited him for dinner, because Ruth and David were the best thing that had ever happened to her and she thought he could use a little bit of the Nolans in his life. 
He and David got along like a house on fire. She was surprised considering how David was such a jock, and Killian revealed dorkier and dorkier interests with every day that she knew him. But they were similar, she could see that, in their friendliness and openness and their humor. Killian told her that David reminded him of his brother and that made him miss him less. 
David also quickly became the bane of her existence, insisting that she and Killian were secretly in love with each other and getting on her case to just admit it already so that they could get married and have lots of babies like they both clearly wanted. Emma usually punched him for that. 
She and Killian were friends. That was all. She’d had few real friends in her life and she wasn’t going to screw this one up by developing feelings for him. No matter how cute he looked when his hair fell onto his forehead despite his best efforts to push it back. No matter how much he made her laugh or how much she enjoyed when they watched a movie late on the weekend and he let her fall asleep with her head in his lap. No matter how she thought he looked kind of hot when he got mad every time she beat him at Scrabble - which was all the time. They were friends. 
Emma had tried love once. She was sixteen, just when Ruth and David had first taken her in. There had been a guy. He had been in one of her group homes a while back, before he aged out and they had stayed in touch. They’d reunited when they found themselves both in the same city. 
He was older but she didn’t think that mattered. What was five years when they’d lived so many of the same experiences? Ruth hadn’t approved of the situation but she’d stayed mostly quiet about it - their relationship not strong enough for her to impose her views yet. 
She’d thought Neal was the love of her life. But then, she’d had a pregnancy scare and he’d run away faster than a bat outta hell. She’d never heard from him since. She hadn’t been pregnant, thank god. She was not ready to be a mother. But to see how little she meant to him, how despite all his pretty words and promises he had left her so easily the second he was faced with her being in his life forever… it had hurt. It had destroyed her, really. So she figured love wasn’t really worth it in the end. 
She’d met Killian less than a year later and at first she’d hated him because that easy charisma and confidence and air of a damaged soul had reminded her so strongly of Neal that she’d headed for the hills. But after she’d gotten to know him she realised how different they were, and so she did love him - not in that way, maybe in that way- but in the way she loved David. She trusted him and liked being around him. 
He was her friend - even if she had had that weird dream about him one time… several times… too many times. It wasn’t her fault that she thought about him when she woke up and before she went to sleep. He was usually texting her at that time - what else could she think about? They were friends. He was her best friend and he had been for nearly a year when everything changed. 
“I um, I got in,” he told her when they were sitting at the kitchen table one weekend near the end of their senior year. They’d decided to open their letters together. Emma had applied to a few colleges nearby and the local community college. She had her sights set on becoming a police officer or a social worker. She wasn’t sure which yet. Killian wanted to be an English professor. He’d told her so one of the first days they’d hung out. She’d called him a nerd but gave him credit for at least finding a way to make money off of it. 
“Got in where?” she asked. She’d missed which envelope he’d opened. He had a lot - they were all the big envelopes too. 
“Oxford,” he said, his eyes wide in disbelief and amazement. 
“Holy shit, Killian!” she shouted, standing up and throwing her arms around him, nearly knocking him right off his chair. “That’s amazing! Isn’t that where your brother studies? That’s an amazing school! Oh my god, professor Jones here you come!” 
She was beaming, so proud of him, so happy for him. She knew this was his dream school. But there was something off. He didn’t look as thrilled as she expected him to. Maybe it was just shock but she thought he could at least smile about it. 
“What’s wrong?” she asked, nudging his shoulder. “I thought this was what you wanted?” 
“It is - sort of. It’s just…”
“Just what?”
“It’s in England,” he said and for the first time since he’d opened that letter it hit her. Oh. Oh. That meant… that meant he’d be leaving. Moving hundreds of miles away. 
“I don’t have to go there,” he said, giving her an awkward, embarrassed smile. “I got into Harvard too.” 
“You what?” she practically screamed. She punched his arm. “You weren’t supposed to open letters without me!” 
“It was Harvard, Emma,” he deadpanned and she couldn’t really be mad at him. She wouldn’t have been able to wait either. 
“Where do you want to go?” she asked and he looked at her hesitantly. She tried not to think about the way her heart was racing in her chest. Or about how blue his eyes were. Or about how she might not get to see them every day if he went to Oxford. 
“I don’t know,” he started and she knew he was lying. 
“Yes you do.” He looked away, not meeting her eye. “Killian, I know you hate it here,” he opened his mouth to protest but she cut him off. “I know you like me and David and Belle and some of the others but… I know you miss home. I know you miss your brother. I also know it’s the better program because you’ve told me so. Multiple times.” She held her breath for a moment, surprised at how much it hurt to encourage him to follow his dream. “Oxford is everything you’ve ever wanted.” 
“Not everything,” he said and she tried to meet his eye. He wouldn’t look at her. 
“What do you mean? What’s missing.” 
“You,” he answered, finally looking at her and her breath caught in her throat. Not just at his words, but at the way he was looking at her, like he’d been holding something back a long time and now the floodgates had opened and it was rushing out, plain on his face. “Oxford doesn’t have you,” he said. 
“If I stay here,” he continued, “we could go to school in the same city. We could keep hanging out between classes and on the weekends - we could even get a flat together!” he said a little excitedly and Emma’s chest hurt because she wanted all of those things, so badly. But she couldn’t have them. She couldn’t let him choose her over his future. They were friends. They were seventeen. He would regret it and resent her for the rest of his life. 
“But Oxford is your dream, everything you said you wanted,” she reminded him. “Oxford is where your family is, your brother and your old friends.” Her argument sounded weak to her own ears. 
“Maybe I have other dreams, other things I want more,” he said, looking at her that way again. It scared her. 
“What dreams,” she asked, barely whispering. 
“Emma,” he said, taking her hand and her heart started racing. “Emma you have to know, there’s no way you couldn’t. The whole school knows, your brother knows.” Her breath was coming quickly now, all of her senses on high alert and her blood rushing in her ears as he leaned in.
He pressed his lips to hers, tentatively, nervously, but with a passion that Killian always had for anything he did, anything he cared about. She shouldn’t let him kiss her, she thought. She couldn’t. She couldn’t because she wanted him to and if she wanted that then she had to admit to everything she wanted, to how much she wanted him. 
Of course she knew. She’d always known and… he knew too. But this was his life. His future. She couldn't let him throw it away for her. She loved him, regardless of which way, and so she had to let him go. So she did let him kiss her, for a moment, let her lips slide over his own, let herself enjoy how natural it felt, how right it felt - because she knew she’d never get to again. She pulled away first. 
“Killian -” she started and he must have heard it in her voice because he raised his hand, cupped her cheek.
“No,” he said, pressing his forehead to hers. His words were frantic, desperate, like he was trying to hold on to something he knew was slipping away. “I love you, Emma. Ask me not to go. Ask me to stay.” 
She couldn’t. She couldn’t ask him that. It was selfish and she couldn’t let him give up his dreams for her. She wasn’t worth it. She knew he wouldn’t listen, wouldn’t let her convince him to leave just like that. She’d have to hurt him - for his own sake. And it would hurt her just as much. 
“I can’t,” she said and she felt his hand tighten slightly in her hair. She pulled back. “Killian. Don’t stay for me. Whatever it is you feel for me… I don’t,” she lied. “I’m sorry. But you can’t stay in Boston for me. Not if you’re staying because you hope something will happen because… it’s never going to happen.”
She felt him tense. His hand still in her hair, her hand still clasped in his. Then he pulled back all at once, looked down, and then back at her. He was hurt, but there was guilt there too. 
“I’m sorry,” he said. “Emma, I shouldn’t have…”
“It’s fine.”
“Will you still be my friend?” he asked. “Even after…”
“Yes,” she promised. 
“You really want me to go?” he asked. She nodded, hoped he didn’t see the tears she was struggling to hold off. 
“Yeah. I really want you to go,” she said. 
When Killian went home that night, earlier than usual, Emma let herself cry. 
Killian left in the summer. Their goodbye was awkward, as had most of their interactions been since his confession. They’d tried not to make it awkward, to go back to how they’d been but now he had this huge vulnerability hanging between them and she had this huge lie hanging between them. It tore at the fabric that made them what they were, that made their friendship what it had been. It stained it. 
“Keep in touch,” she said as she hugged him outside his aunt’s house, the cab waiting behind them. 
“Aye,” he promised. He got in the cab and David’s arm was around her suddenly. 
“You okay?” he asked. 
“Fine,” she lied again. She was getting good at it. 
They were still sort of friends, for the first year they kept in touch - really made an effort. Killian told her about the residence and the people he had met and his professors and Emma told him about her forensics courses. She’d decided on becoming a police officer - but she wanted to be a detective. David was in the same program. It was nice to do it with someone else. 
But slowly, unavoidably, life got in the way. The phone calls were few and farther between, he didn’t have the money to go to Boston for Thanksgiving and she didn’t have the money to go to England for Christmas. Plans were broken, texts went unanswered, new friends were made, new interests developed and slowly, they drifted. 
It wasn’t anyone’s fault. It was just one of those sad, unavoidable realities of life. Only, he and David still talked, still texted and emailed and spoke on the phone. So maybe it wasn’t so unavoidable. Maybe they’d both needed it. 
She still had him on Facebook, still checked in on his profile despite the years that passed, trying to stay aware of the things that were happening in his life. She learned about his brother’s death from David. She sent him a card with her condolences but she didn’t go to the funeral. It had been three years since he left, two since they’d spoken. He probably wouldn’t have wanted her there anyway. He hadn’t come down for David and Mary Margaret’s wedding a year later, despite having known both of them since high school. He’d had exams and had sent his apologies and a gift by mail. 
She saw online that he was in a long-term relationship, someone called Milah, a pretty dark haired woman who looked a few years older than him, a professor at his school she discovered after a little bit of snooping. He was with her for two years during which Emma was accosted with pictures of the two of them, until finally, one day they just stopped. She wondered what had happened there. 
She smiled when she learned that he got his PhD. He’d posted a picture of himself with a beer in one hand and his diploma in the other. He’d captioned it ‘that’s DOCTOR Killian Jones to you’. She hit the like button. He changed his job status to ‘employed’ at one of the smaller nearby colleges shortly after and she was proud of him. He’d done it. He’d gotten everything he wanted. It had taken ten years, but he was exactly who he’d hoped to be. 
So was she. She had made detective a few years ago, alongside David. They were even allowed to be partners since technically they weren’t related. She was happy, she had a job she loved, a nice apartment that was all her own, good friends, family… but she still checked his Facebook. She still spent evenings sometimes with a glass of wine looking up the boy who had told her he loved her when she was seventeen. 
She and David were sitting in their patrol car, staking out a coffee shop of all places that they’d been told their perp liked to use to make his drops, when he told her Killian was moving back. 
“What?” she demanded, her voice practically squeaking. 
“He got a job at Harvard,” David said dismissively, as though he hadn’t just turned her world upside down. “He’s got a one year teaching contract. I guess they liked the idea of a Brit teaching British lit,” he smirked a little at his own joke. 
Emma was reeling. She wasn’t prepared for this. She didn’t know how to handle the guy that she’d loved in high school and then stalked on Facebook for ten years suddenly coming back into her life. 
“You okay?” David asked, looking at her strangely. 
“Fine,” she said quickly and he rolled his eyes, not buying it. 
“Whatever,” he said, picking his battles. “We’re having a party at our house to welcome him home,” he told her. “You should come.” Emma forgot sometimes that David and Killian were still friends, even after all these years. He and Mary Margaret had even taken the time to visit him when they’d gone to Europe for their anniversary last year.
“Maybe,” she said dismissively. 
“He still asks about you, you know,” David said after a moment. Emma stayed silent, pretending to look through her binoculars at the front door of the cafe. Pretending her heart wasn’t racing in her chest at the idea of seeing the man whose heart she’d broken a decade ago. 
She’d debated not going to the party. Had walked to her front door and back into her kitchen a few times, had hesitated at her car, but she’d finally told herself to snap out of it. It had been ten years ago. They’d been teenagers. He was surely over it by now and she should be too. So she went. 
She hadn’t been prepared. She thought she was but when she walked in and saw him standing with David and Mary Margaret, smiling at something one of them was saying… it was brutal. It was brutal because he was different. She’d expected him to be different of course, but not like this. 
His smile didn’t reach his eyes. He looked sadder and older. He held himself more confidently than he had in high school, but something about it told her it was a facade. Maybe she just knew him, she thought. But she didn’t anymore, did she, she was reminded. Her heart stopped when he looked over, met her eyes. He smiled a little but it wasn’t the easy smile she’d loved so much. He raised his bottle at her and she gave an awkward wave. 
“Long time no see, stranger,” he said later, coming up behind her to say hello and honestly scaring the absolute shit out of her.
“Jesus, Killian,” she said, hand to her chest. “Don’t you know not to sneak up on a cop like that?”
He smiled, that teasing smile she remembered. “I think I could take David if we’re honest.” She laughed. “I heard you made detective,” he said. “Congratulations.” 
“Thanks. I hear you’re finally Professor Jones.”
“Aye. It seems we both got what we wanted in the end,” he said and there was a bit of sadness in the way he said it, the kind that she could tell was unintentional. 
“So,” she started awkwardly when the silence dragged on. “How have you been?”
“Good, good,” he said. “You?” This was brutal. They continued the small talk for a while. She missed how easy things used to be between them. She missed all the stupid, fun things they did when they were kids and they didn’t have all this baggage hanging between them. 
“You know what I miss?” she said out loud and he raised a brow at her. 
“No, Swan, what do you miss?” 
“I miss when we used to steal Ruth’s whiskey and climb up onto the roof and drink it there,” she smiled, remembering how many long, slightly drunken conversations they’d had as kids on the roof of Ruth’s house. 
Killian smiled, fondly and then a little mischievously. He leaned in a little and Emma couldn’t help but notice the way his face had changed. His jaw was sharper, some of the roundness of his cheeks having faded with age, and he’d grown into his nose. He was sporting a short beard now too, something he’d always wanted to complete his professor look but hadn’t been able to grow. He dressed better too, no more jeans and band tshirts. Now he wore… well, jeans and a tshirt but nicer ones with a jacket and boots instead of converse. It was pretty unfair, Emma thought, that he'd gotten better looking with age. He’d been good-looking enough to begin with. 
“I think I spy a bottle of whiskey in the kitchen there,” he hinted and Emma smirked. 
“This place does have a roof,” she said, matching his tone. 
“I’ll get the bottle, you distract Dave,” he said, winking - well, trying to. He’d never mastered that one and it made her smile a bit to see that some things hadn’t changed. 
They successfully managed to steal the bottle and hurry their way up to the guest room that Emma knew had a window they could walk out onto the roof from. They sat there, knees pulled up, passing the bottle between them as they looked out at the slowly darkening sky. Emma let the liquor warm her, let it make her a little looser, a little braver. 
“How are you really, Killian?” she asked eventually. He sighed, reaching for the bottle and taking a sip. 
“Tired,” he said. “It’s been a rough few years.” 
“I saw, about your brother,” she said. “I’m sorry.” 
He nodded. “Thank you. I’ve learned to live with it.”
“There was a woman too,” she said, not quick enough to catch the words before they slipped out. He raised an eyebrow at her teasingly.
“Been stalking my facebook, have you, Swan?”
She shrugged, deciding to be honest. “Only a little.” He looked surprised at her confession, a small smile breaking out on his face. 
“Aye, there was a woman,” he said and she wanted to roll her eyes at the fact that he sounded like some old dandy poet, lamenting over a lost love. “Milah. She went back to her husband.” Emma’s eyes shot up to her hairline. Husband? Wow. That was not what she’d expected. “There was a child involved,” he said, not turning to see her surprised look. “It was for the best.” 
He didn’t sound like he totally believed what he said, but he sounded like he’d made peace with it. Emma felt for him. His life had continued on the way it had been when they met. He’d lost more people, been left behind by more people he cared about, loved. She’d managed to avoid that. But she hadn’t let herself love anyone new. Not since him. 
“And what about you?” he asked, turning to hand her back the bottle. “What great loves have you lived and lost? Or is there a great love now?” he asked with a cheeky smile. She laughed.
“Nah, not for me,” she said. “My love affairs usually only last until the next morning.” He huffed out a laugh as she took another drink from the bottle. 
“Ah, you’ll find it someday,” he said. “One day there will be a man that you can’t dream of living without and that one will last a long time.”
“Two nights?” she joked and he laughed again. His laugh was the same, she thought with a small smile. 
“Aye, two nights.” 
They sat in silence for a while, continuing to share the bottle and Emma decided to blame that for what she said next. “I’ve missed you,” she told him and he turned his head to face her, away from the stars they’d been gazing up at. 
“I’ve missed you too, Swan,” he told her. He lay back, stretched his arm out and she took the invitation, snuggled up next to him like they had when they were teenagers watching scary movies and she lay her head on his shoulder. 
They stayed out there for another hour before David came to find them, scolding Killian for sneaking out of his own party. But he smiled at them as they climbed back through the window and Emma knew he was happy they’d found their way back to each other - that they were finding their way back to the friendship she’d once valued more than anything.
The next night, Emma invited him out for a drink with her and some of her friends from college. He’d made a comment about going out two nights in a row and she’d mocked him for being an old man - ‘I’m sorry, has it been ten years or fifty since we last saw each other?’ - and he agreed to join her. 
Emma was surprised, tough not really, at how well he fit in with her friends. They all loved him, loved his stories from teaching and the fact that he had dirt on Emma from before any of them knew her. He and Will and Robin hit it off immediately and she figured it was probably a brit thing. They spent over an hour talking about soccer. 
He fit in well here. Emma tried not to think about the fact that he fit so well into her life. Or about how much she liked that he fit there, how much she’d missed having him there. She also, really tried to ignore the way that his shirt clung to his biceps. He hadn’t had those in high school. It was difficult when Ruby seemed so intent on pointing it out. Ruby was being herself, pretending to be more salacious than she really was for a laugh, making comments about how she could just spread him on a cracker, when she looked at Emma and her face changed. 
“Oh,” she said and Emma didn’t like the knowing tone of her voice.
“What?” Emma asked, realising that her arms were crossed over her chest. She let them fall, tried to strike a more casual pose. 
“I didn’t realise… you like him,” she said with a sly smile. Emma scoffed.
“We’re friends,” she said flatly. 
“Mhm,” Ruby smirked. “You don’t look at me like that,” she pointed out. “Or Will, or Robin, or even Graham.” 
“Shut up,” Emma said, crossing her arms again as Killian looked over and she accidentally, automatically smiled at him. Ruby only laughed. 
They were friends. They’d only just started being friends again. She wasn’t going to ruin it now. She’d been the one to ensure that they would always, only be friends. ‘It’s never going to happen’, she’d told him. She’d made her bed. Now she had to lie in it - alone. 
She still couldn’t help wondering though if he still kissed the same way. She’d only kissed him once but she’d had yet to have another that lived up to it. And he’d been a teenager then, she was pretty sure she was the second girl he’d ever kissed. She wondered what it would be like now. 
She pushed the thought away. She’d thrown that possibility out the window a long time ago. She’d done it for his own good. And look who he was now, a professor, he had a goddamn PhD. He’d gotten everything he wanted. So why did he look so sad most of the time? Why was she so sad most of the time? She hadn’t noticed that she was before - it had only been since he came back and she had become aware of the gaping hole where something had been missing from her life. 
Having him back helped a bit. Like a bandaid over an open wound. She just hoped that the awkwardness would fade and they would find their way back to the friendship she had mourned for so long, had never really gotten over. She hoped he would let her earn it back. She looked at him laughing at something Robin said and she realised that regardless of time, her life was a little better with him in it. 
The awkwardness did fade. It wasn’t instant and it wasn’t necessarily easy - there was a lot between them, a lot of years and disappointments and broken trust, but soon, they found their way back to what they’d had as kids. It wasn’t long before they were spending evenings in each other's apartments, curling up on the couch and watching bad movies. She found herself smiling a lot throughout the day when he would text her a funny message or a stupid meme.
He was there for Christmas, only the second they’d gotten to celebrate together. They’d both spent the night at David and Mary Margaret’s and Emma had only been disappointed for a second that there were two guest rooms. She’d been looking forward to staying up late talking with him and laughing… and flirting. She’d noticed that there had been a bit more flirting, more than there used to be. On second thought, having to share a bed might not have been a good thing. Not if she wanted to keep him as a friend. She bought him a tweed jacket with leather patches on the shoulders that year. It was meant to be a joke but he’d worn it every day for a month. 
He was there for New Years and Emma felt her heart skip a beat when he kissed her at midnight. It was a small thing, a peck on the lips, barely a second, and he’d smiled at her in a way that made her feel that she shouldn’t read into it - no matter how much she wanted to. It was just a European thing, she insisted, weird boundaries. 
There had been a moment, once, when they’d been sitting on her couch in her apartment, watching another terrible movie. Nothing had happened, nothing specifically, but suddenly she found herself looking at him and he was watching her too, something heavy hanging in the air between them. 
Their hands were close and he moved his little finger, brushed it over hers and it made her breath stop. It was ridiculous, considering her legs were thrown over his and they were already sitting so close, but her breath stopped anyway. It was the way he was looking at her, the uncertainty and the affection and just a tiny bit of longing - there was no other word for it. She recognized it because she’d felt it every day since he’d come home - every day since he’d left ten years ago. 
His fingers had continued, collecting more of hers and slowly intertwining them. She wanted to kiss him. She wanted him to kiss her. She was pretty sure that he would for a moment. He held their hands up between them, looked at them and then at her, pulled her a little closer. And then a loud noise had come from the TV and he’d jumped, dropping her hands and scratching at his ear. They didn’t bring it up again. 
He was there for St Patty’s Day and Easter and the Fourth of July and birthdays, and before she knew it a year had passed. Well, nearly a year, eleven months to be exact. She knew that because it was August and he was complaining about having to go back to teaching the ‘little entitled shit’s’ as he called them. 
“Weren't you one of those students a few years ago?” she reminded him, flicking at his ear as she walked around him into her kitchen to grab them a snack. He was sitting on her sofa a few feet away. Her apartment was small, but it was cozy.
“I was a little shit,” he allowed, batting at her hand. “But I was never entitled. It’s the entiledness that really gets to me.”
“I don’t think that’s a word,” she taunted, as she put the popcorn in the microwave and turned it on. 
He turned, throwing his arm over the back of the couch and looking over his shoulder at her. “You really want to question an English Literature professor?” 
“Being a professor doesn’t mean you get to make up words,” she told him. “Besides, I still beat you in Scrabble so I’m pretty sure I’m the expert.” 
He scoffed, hopping over the back of the couch and joining her in the kitchen. “Scrabble is a game of luck, nothing more,” he told her. “You can’t make words if you don’t get the right letters.” 
“Sounds like something a loser would say,” she shrugged. He looked at her in shock and Emma saw the glint in his eye a second before he moved. “Don’t,” she tried to warn him but he was too fast. He grabbed her and the idiot started tickling her, actually tickling her like he was seven years old. 
“Admit I have a superior mastery of the English language,” he demanded. She shrieked as she laughed, her sides burning, cursing him. He had her trapped against his body, his arm wrapped around her waist, pinning her back to his chest.
“Never!” she saw her opportunity and she took it. She grabbed his arm and spun him around, managed to pin him against the fridge, her arm braced against his chest, holding one of his wrists, she held the other down at his side. 
“Woah,” he said, eyes wide. 
“I keep telling you not to mess with cops,” she pointed out. 
“That was kind of hot,” he admitted, looking more impressed than turned on really. But that was enough for Emma to realise that she had him pushed up against the fridge, her whole body pressed to his. She could feel her face warming, could feel all of her skin warming where she touched his. Oh. She saw it in his eyes when he noticed too. 
She let him go, moved to step back but he caught her, putting his hand on her lower back and pulling her back in. Her heart rate picked up as he pressed her against him, that look in his eyes he’d had that night on her couch back again. He licked his bottom lip and Emma’s eyes darted down to it immediately. 
She saw the way his expression changed a little when she did, curiosity there as he cocked his head, looking her over. He seemed unable to settle on a single part of her face until he stopped at her lips. His own parted, his chin tilting slightly, drawing closer and she couldn’t think of anything except the heat of him against her and her heart running a marathon in her chest. She could feel his breath on her face and that he looked so damn handsome and she just really, really wanted him to kiss her. 
The microwave beeped and Emma cursed the shitty timing that seemed to keep ripping them apart anytime she was given the smallest bit of hope that there could be something more, that they could be something more. Because that was what she wanted. She’d stopped denying it that night on her couch. 
She wanted Killian. She loved Killian. She had since she was seventeen years old. She’d thought it would go away, had almost believed it had at one point. But then he’d come back into her life and that part of her that had been on mute, on pause but never truly gone had reared its head, made sure she knew that she was still, completely and hopelessly in love with the boy she’d met in detention. 
Killian released her, cleared his throat and she stepped back. She held back her sigh, her disappointment. She couldn’t tell him. Not now. Not after all they went through, not now that they were back to who they’d been. She’d turned him down ten years ago. She’d broken his heart. To tell him now that she loved him, that she’d always loved him... She feared his reaction, feared his rejection. 
“I have to tell you something.” He said to her back. She was pouring popcorn into a bowl. 
“If it’s that you don’t want Milkduds in your popcorn you’re shit outta luck,” she said, trying to lighten the heavy mood between them. 
“No, well, yes, but that’s not what I wanted to tell you.” She turned around, recognizing the serious tone of his voice. She leaned back against the counter, waiting for him to say whatever he needed to say. “I’ve been offered a job,” he told her. 
“Killian that’s amazing!” she started but he stopped her. 
“It’s at Oxford.” She felt her heart drop into her stomach. No. Not again. She’d only just gotten him back. “A former professor of mine, Nemo, he pulled some strings when one of the faculty announced her retirement. He says the job is mine if I can get there for the fall semester.” 
It took Emma a moment to speak, trying to process what he was saying, trying to cope with the way it was ripping out her heart. “What about Harvard?” she asked, a little hopefully. 
He scratched that spot behind his ear like he always did when he was nervous. “That position is still up in the air. They’re still reviewing my candidacy.” 
She didn’t say anything, not for a long time. She couldn’t think of what to say. She felt like she was seventeen again, having the exact same conversation they’d had then. Please don’t go, she wanted to beg. Don’t leave. Stay here with me. Be with me. Choose me. But he’d chosen her once before. He’d chosen her and she’d practically thrown it back in his face. 
“It’s a pretty great opportunity,” he continued. “Rare too. It usually takes years to get a position like that.” She could hear him speaking, was aware that he was talking to her, but she couldn’t hear him over the thoughts that were rolling around in her head. She couldn’t lose him again. Not like last time. Don’t go. Don’t go. Don’t go. 
“The English program there is renowned and-”
“Don’t go.” 
He froze. “What?” 
Shit. Shit, she’d said it out loud. He was looking at her with disbelief and shock and maybe a tiny bit of hope, but maybe she’d imagined that. Well, it was too late now to take it back. 
“Don’t go,” she repeated, stronger this time. She watched the emotions playing over his face, so many that she couldn’t track all of them. But the last one was anger, a desperate kind. 
“What do you mean don’t go?” he reeled on her. “How - How can you ask me that? After all these years?” 
“I know,” she said, hanging her head. “I’m sorry but I just,” she took a deep breath. “I let you leave once and it was the worst mistake I ever made. I was in love with you and when you left I lost you and... Don’t go.” His eyes widened in shock, his jaw dropping. If this moment hadn’t been so serious it would have been almost comical.
“You were in love with me?” he demanded, disbelief clear in his voice. He stepped forward. “Why didn’t you tell me that ten years ago? Why did you push me away?” His voice cracked a little. “I was in love with you, Emma. I’d have done anything for you and you - You broke my heart.” 
“I know,” she could feel tears burning her eyes. “I thought it was the right thing to do. I thought that if you stayed you’d resent me, that you’d hate me eventually. I wanted you to get everything you wanted.”
“You were what I wanted!” he practically shouted at her. She flinched a little. “I wanted to be with you but you turned me down. And then you cut me out of your life.”
“I didn’t-”
“You did, Emma. You stopped answering my calls, my texts, my emails. You didn’t come to the funeral…” She hung her head again. “And now, now we’re finally speaking again, finally back in each other’s lives, finally friends again and now you say you loved me? Now you ask me to stay?”
“Are you not anymore?” she asked and he looked at her in confusion. “In love with me," she clarified. She shouldn’t be asking him. She knew she wouldn’t like the answer. Just because her feelings hadn’t changed in ten years didn’t mean his wouldn’t. He tensed, stood up straighter.
“Are you?” he demanded. 
Emma bit her lip. She was. She was as in love with him now as she was at seventeen but it was different now. She was an adult, she understood the difference between love and infatuation, knew how they were different. Her love had grown from missing him for a decade, had grown more from being with him this last year. It was all consuming, all she thought about. All she wanted was him, if he turned her down now… she didn’t know if she’d recover. 
“Emma, how can you ask me to stay if you can’t even tell me how you feel? What are you asking me to stay for?” She didn’t have an answer. She just stared at her feet. He waited for a while, and she heard as his breath slowed and became a heavy sigh. “I should go,” he said, walking back over to the couch to grab his jacket. 
He was at the door when the panic seized her. The dread and the fear that he was leaving, that he was walking out of her life again, that it was her fault again, that she would surely lose him for good this time, overwhelmed her, reared its head and took over. What are you asking me to stay for? he’d asked. He hadn’t answered her question, hadn’t told her he didn’t love her. He’d just wanted a reason. She’d give him a reason if it meant he would stay. He’d been the one to put his heart on the line last time. Now it was her turn.
“Don’t go,” she said again and he stopped with his hand on the doorknob. “Don’t go. Don’t leave the apartment. Don’t go back to England. Don’t leave again. Please,” she begged.
He didn’t turn around but she heard him speak. “Why not?” 
“Because I love you,” she nearly shouted at him. “Okay? I’ve been in love with you since I was seventeen and I thought I could get over it but I can’t. I lost you once and I can’t lose you again so please,” she paused, a small sob leaving her. He turned around finally, walked back over to where she still stood against the counter. 
“Please just don’t go,” she said again, quieter this time. “I should have said it then but I’m saying it now. I’m being selfish and asking you to pass on your amazing opportunity. I’m asking you to choose me and be with me instead.”
He took her chin between his thumb and his finger dragged her gaze up from where it had been staring at her feet, met her eyes and her heart jumped at the softness there, the anger from earlier gone. “I’ll stay,” he said and she thought her knees would give out with the force of the relief, the hope hitting her all at once.
“What about your job?” she said hesitantly. Shut up, Emma. You got what you wanted. But she still cared - about his success and his dreams, even as she asked him to give them up.
“Fuck my job,” he said before his hand moved to her cheek and he slid his mouth over hers. Emma wanted to cry as she felt his lips move over her own. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, slanting his mouth over hers and she opened beneath him, let him explore her with lips and tongue, and his hands on her body. 
Her hands came up around his neck, tangling in his hair and dragging him closer, pressing herself against him until here was no room left between them at all. He backed her against the counter and she didn’t care even as she felt the hard ridge digging into her back. He groaned when she rolled her hips against the hard ridge digging into her belly. 
“Wait, wait,” he said, breath heavy and ragged as he pulled his lips away from hers.
“What?” she asked, suddenly nervous. That had been the best moment in her entire life and now she feared it would come crashing down, that he’d changed his mind. 
“I forgot to tell you that I love you too,” he said, sounding panicked. She looked at him in disbelief and in that moment he was exactly the boy she’d fallen in love with, awkward and sweet and nervous and just so stupid for such a smart person. “I love you,” he said. “I have for a decade. It never stopped for me either.” Whatever quip she had planned died on her tongue at the sincerity in his voice and on his face. 
She smiled before pulling his lips back to hers, standing on her tiptoes so that she could kiss him properly, the way she’d wanted to for ten years and hadn’t been able to. He kissed her back just as eagerly, lips and teeth and tongue driving her nearly as mad as his hands, which were everywhere at once, stoking the fire that had been burning inside of her since she’d pinned him against the fridge. 
“You’ve gotten better at this,” she teased when they pulled back a moment to catch their breath. He gave her a truly wicked grin. 
“I’ve gotten better at a great many things,” he promised, and she knew where he was going with it, was definitely on board with his plan… but she couldn’t help herself.
“Not Scrabble…” 
He bent down then, grabbing her around the knees and hoisting her up over his shoulder. She shrieked, laughing as he carried her the short distance to her bedroom, dropping her unceremoniously on the mattress. He was such a sore loser. 
He looked at her for a moment, standing at the edge of the bed before leaning down over her, bracing his hands on either side of her head, and lowering his face to hers so their lips nearly brushed as he spoke.
“Not Scrabble,” he conceded before that smile came back. “But a great many things.” 
40 notes · View notes
youeggbastard · 4 years
Oc Questionnaire (Again)
Now it’s Jens turn. 
Once Again thank you so much @jessaryss​ for this awesome template you’re the bees knees! ❤❤❤
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Name: Iphigenia ( Iph·​i·​ge·​nia )but better known as just Jen very few people are allowed to know her full name
Race: Imperial
Age: 25
Pronouns: She/Her
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale... she needs to tan more
Height: 5′6
Weight: 143
General Physique: A little more on the curvy side
Tattoos, WarPaints & Scars? None yet but I’m still working on character design
Dragonborn: YES / NO
Werewolf/Bear or Vampire? None
Occupation: Best described as a spell sword for hire, but really she’s just a wandering necromancer for hire. 
Guild Association(s): Used to be a Vigilant of Stendarr, it didn’t end well though. 
Favoured Weapon Class / Type: Duel Wielding One handed, primarily only bound swords. 
Favoured School of Magic / Type: It’s a tie between Destruction and Conjuration. 
Heavy Armor? Light Armor? Robes? Robes
Place of Birth: Cyrodiil
Place Where They Were Raised: Same place up until she was 12 years old, then she came to Skyrim. 
Current Location: Skyrim
Education / Place of Study: No formal education really, her father and his “friends” cult taught her conjuration, or more specifically necromancy, and then when she joined the Vigilants she learned a great deal of restoration magic as well as some destruction. The rest she’s taught herself, so no doubt her magic style would make classically trained mages cringe.
Any Teachers / Inspirations? Pretty much all her teachers and inspirations have let her down in one way or another. 
Patron Deity (if any): Used to be Stendarr until he abandoned her, now she doesn’t associate herself with gods.
Political Alliance (if any): Despite being Imperial Jen doesn’t have any loyalty to the Empire and she does sympathize with the Stormcloaks cause, but it’s kind of hard to fully sympathize with them when they hate her. So, her political alliance is closer to the common people, the ones who are actually suffering from the war.
Strongest Skills: She’s deadly with destruction magic, mainly lighting and she has always had a knack for Necromancy though that’s more of a curse than a blessing. 
Strengths: Clever, strategist, She can be downright ruthless in battle, fearless, stubborn, will continue fighting until the end. 
Weaknesses: Her fearlessness often leads to recklessness, doesn’t really have survival skills, more often than not her emotions control her rather than vice versa.
Spouses? Flings? Lovers? Jen is pretty sex positive, she’s had a couple of flings here and there but only with people she actually trusts, so friends with benefit situations mostly, she’s not one to have a one night stand or hatefuck, but she’s always kept them at arms lengths and the minute feelings start she scatters. In her entire life she’s only be in love twice, once with her partner in the Vigilants who ended up betraying her and she ended up killing him, and then with Kaidan who she eventually marries. 
Thaneship (and of where?) Whiterun, Riften, and somehow Morthal though she’s not entirely sure how she became Thane of any of those holds. 
Most Difficult Quest They’ve Been On? Pretty much any of the quests from the Vigilant Mod, the one where she had to fight Lamae fucked her up emotionally. 
Jail Time? No she’s too streetwise.
Largest Bounty Held? The vigilants have a pretty large bounty on her head, but I don’t think that counts.
How Much Gold Are They Typically Carrying? Anywhere from 2 to 20000 Septims
How Do They Get Gold? Primarily through necromancy jobs, a lot of people will hire her for help getting rids of spirits, ghosts, etc... But Jen isn’t good at charging or saying no to people in need, so most of her income comes from overcharging rich people and jarls.
Are Werebeings and Vampires Vile Creatures or Simply Misunderstood? If you asked her this a couple of years ago she would have said, yes they are vile and need to be eradicated. Now that she’s no longer a vigilant and not under the influence of them she has a different opinion. Now she realizes the line between man and monster is a lot more blurred, now she sees herself more as the monster after all she’s done in the name of Justice. 
Do They Actively Hunt Dragons? Not really, they hunt her more often than not. 
Goals In Life? Help as many people as she can and hopefully do some good for once.
Deepest Regret? Killing innocent people under the guise of Stendarr’s mercy, and not being able to save Altano before it was too late.
Greatest Hope? She would never say this but she desperately wants a family. She craves the unconditional love that she has searched for all her life and was instead betrayed and her love used against her. 
Most Embarrassing Moment: She has screamed more than once encountering spiders. 
Flaws: Stubborn, hot headed, unforgiving, judgmental, isn’t very good at controlling her emotions which isn’t exactly good thing for a mage or a dragonborn, proud. 
Fears: Spiders and all other kinds of creepy crawlers especially things with more than two legs, betrayal, the dead (especially the ones that haunt her nightmares).
What Makes Them Happy? Flowers, the stars, the quiet nights, helping others, her friends, baths. 
Hobbies: She’s actually an avid horseback rider, if her life had been normal she probably would have owned a stables, collecting flowers and creating new spells as well. 
Favorite Locations: She loves Riverwood and the area surrounding it, it helps that the people of Riverwood actually like her. 
Favorite Holds: Falkreath 
Eating Habits? She’s not very picky.
Can They Cook? She can, though she doesn’t have much time to make gourmet meals, so she really just cooks enough to get by. 
Favorite Food: She loves tomato soup, it reminds her of her childhood, before her parents went crazy. 
Favorite Drink: Wine
First Thing They Do At A Tavern? Take a bath
Sleeping Habits? Very sporadic, sometimes she won’t get sleep for days, other times she will sleep 12 hours at a time. God help anyone that tries to wake her up, she’s a graceful riser.
Cities or the wilds? Both, she likes people watching and being near civilization, but she also loves the outdoors, being under the night sky, fields of flowers etc.
Pet Peeves? Being talked over, being bossed around (specifically by men)rich people just fucking existing. 
Describe Their Bedroom or Home There would also be fresh flowers in a vase, as well as lavender hanging from the roof. It would be very clean, unless she’s working of magic study of a new spell than it’s a complete mess.
How Would A Stranger Describe This Person? She’s got a bad case of Resting Bitch face, comes across as very cold and distant, just an unfeeling bitch.
Someone Close To Them? The opposite of that. She cares so much for her friends and will go to the ends of the Earth for them, it’s that quality that has gotten her in a lot of trouble. She helps whoever she can and has the worst case of bleeding heart syndrome. . 
How Do They Deal With Anger? Jen is a hot head, and when she does get angry she can be cruel and unrelenting. But luckily her anger fizzles out pretty quickly especially if she knows she wrong, so she will apologize and make things right if it’s someone she loves. But if you’re in the wrong, it’s gonna be hard to get her forgiveness back. 
How Do They Deal With Failure? She can take it hard, she’ll probably get moody and lash out, but deep down knows she’s really just angry with herself, eventually she cols off and learns from her mistakes and swears to not make them again. 
How Do They Deal With Loss of a friend or someone close? Jen’s friends are everything to her so losing them would wreck her, she wouldn’t be able to sleep or eat, or probably even let them go that easily, she would storm the gods if it meant saving someone she loved
Go Into The Bandit Filled Cave To Retrieve The Lost Amulet For Some Simpleton, or Tell Them Nah Bye? Depends is it someone desperate and downtrodden who couldn’t do it themselves? Yes. Someone entirely capable  of doing it themselves? probably not then, but all you really need to do is make up a sob story to appeal to her bleeding heart. 
Opinions on Daedra? She isn’t a vigilant anymore but she still knows Daedra are always a bad idea and would probably never side with them or trust them. Molag Bal though, she would storm Coldharbour just to kill him, she would find a way to kill daedra just to kill him. 
Companions / Followers
First Follower: Gorr (3DNPC)
Have They Stuck Around? Not really, they had a bit of a fling and Jen scattered. 
Something The Look For In A Follower (or do they hire anyone without question?) Someone who she trusts and won’t get annoyed by her gentle mothering as well as her need to save everyone and everything. But really trust is a huge thing, she would die for her friends so she needs someone who won’t betray that trust.
Followers Over The Years (or whatever amount of time): In This order
Gorr (3DNPC) (2 Months)
Mercutio (1 Month)
Mjoll the Lioness (5 Months) 
Kaidan (Still Present)
Auri (Still Present)
Serana (Still Present)
Lucien (Still Present)
Funny enough the first three were people she’s had flings with who she ended up leaving once feelings got in the way. I mean Kai is also part of that group, but she actually stayed for him, obviously. 
Fourth Wall
Any Must Have Mods To Play This Character? Vigilant, Apocalypse, and then all the followers mods mentioned above. 
Random Screenshot / Drawing: See Way Above
Level? 34 as of right now
Serious RP or Thomas The Tank Engine Dragons, Fart Shouts, and Kawaii Cat Girl Mods? Serious so far, but I’ve only had one gameplay of her and I’m still working on it there might be some tank engine dragons in her future who knows. 
5 notes · View notes
psycho-slytherin · 5 years
In which Romeo hates Juliet, but not as much as Juliet hates Romeo.
Pairing: Actor!Jimin x Reader
Genre: fluff; drama; enemies to idiots to lovers
Warnings: Swearing, Old English
WC: this was gonna be a drabble 5k
A/N: A happy, happy, happy birthday to my most beautifullest darlingest @chimchimsauce. Congrats! I hope you have a fantastic day and ily!!! <3
“But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief. See how she leans her cheek upon her hand– Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!”
You look out into the darkness, sighing. “Ay, me.”’
“She speaks. Oh, speak again, bright angel!”
“Romeo, Romeo…” you wring your hands. “Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father, and refuse thy name. Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love–” your voice catches. “And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.”
“Some shall be pardoned, and some shall be punished. For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”
You hold your breath, waiting in the wings. There’s a pause, silence, before…
Thunderous applause rings through the theater. You peek around the curtain and see some audience members already on their feet. Yes! The applause rises in volume by the end of curtain call, when you and your Romeo step back onstage to bow once, twice, give credit to the orchestra, bow again, and done. 
“Did you see that?” Hoseok, who plays Mercutio, whoops before chugging the rest of his beer. “Standing ovation, bitches, for a touring production! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”
You smile from the corner of the green room. You’re happy onstage, but you can’t help but let your natural shyness come into play when you’re back to playing… well, yourself.
“Let’s hear it for the stars of our show– Juliet and Romeo!” Momo, the costume designer and your best friend on tour, nudges you forward. Across the room, Hoseok is doing the same to your Romeo. Oy vey.
You press your lips together. “Hello, Jimin.”
“Damn, not even a greeting?”
“I’d rather save my breath for the stage.”
You feel the deep, familiar coil of rage in your stomach begin to tighten. This guy… “I’m sure pretending you have a heart saps most of of your strength.”
“At least I can pretend decently, since it’s my job. What’s yours?”
“Hey, hey, let’s keep it civil.” Hoseok moves in between you two. “Alike in dignity, right? It’s Friday night, there’s no matinee tomorrow… let’s party like it’s 1391!”
The cast and crew cheer as they load into multiple SUVs, surely headed for the nearest bar.
“You sure you don’t want to go?” Momo asks, poking your arm as the cars leave. 
“And spend more time than I have to with a certain coworker?” You wrinkle your nose, grabbing your things from your locker. You’ve already changed back into your civilian outfit, a longsleeved shirt tucked into loose pants. “I’ll pass.” 
“Don’t let him ruin your night, y/n. He’s the devil, and he’s got an ego as big as his dick is small.”
You snort. “Classy.”
“Like, okay, let’s be honest, he is hot.”
That, you can’t deny. “But he knows it, which makes him more of an annoyance. Ever since I landed this role he’s been so rude and entitled!”
“It’s ‘cause he thinks he’s such a panty-dropper, and how dare you not sleep with him.” Momo giggles. “I’ll bet you money that he doesn’t spend tonight alone.”
You feel a pang in your chest at the idea of Jimin spending the night with some faceless beauty. God, you hate him. “How come Casanova Montague is getting more action than me?”
“I’ll tell you how– he’s at the bar right now, meeting and seducing people. He’s playing Romeo, the flirt that makes the first move. Now stop being shy little Juliet, go out, and get some!” Momo strides to the costume closet and pulls out a leather… thing.
“What’s that?”
Your friend huffs. “It’s a dress. And it’s your ticket to showing up Park Jimin tonight.”
You laugh, examining the outfit. “Not only did I say I wasn’t going out, this probably doesn’t fit me, and who says I care about showing up Jimin?”
“Not only are you friends with the resident fashion guru, but you also deserve a fun night out! All you’ve done this tour is get through the show and head to the hotel. Which means the only guy you’ve kissed for two months is a prettyboi with his head so far up his ass that his headvoice is his belt.” Momo thrusts the leather number at you. “Now go change. I don’t care what demons I have to summon to have this dress fit you, we’ll make it happen.”
“Why did I agree to this?” You say through a forced smile, your back to the wall. You tug at the hem of the dress, attempting to cover more of your thighs. You’ve worn revealing costumes onstage before, sure, but that’s not you.
“You never really agreed, actually, you’re just too weak to fight me.”
“You said a bar, Momo, this is a club. People are dancing! I can’t dance!”
“I can’t believe I need to tell a professional actress to let loose and have fun. I hear wild stories about your cast parties all the time!” Momo looks effortlessly flawless in a loose red top and shorts, and she actually seems comfortable in the loud, warm, energetic setting.
“Y/n’s never been to our troupe’s cast parties,” Yoongi, the cast’s Benvolio, approaches and slings an arm around you. You and Yoongi have always had good banter, and at first you mistook his wisecracking for flirting. Now you know better.
“Because I want to be able to walk the next day, maybe?” You laugh, stealing his beanie. Or because Jimin is there.
“It’s an important bonding ritual!”
“Getting drunk and high with Park Jimin is the last thing I’d ever want to do,” you announce dryly. 
“Don’t worry, Sunshine.” Even with the blaring music, you hear his voice clearly. “It’s not on my list of priorities either.”
You jump, seeing your costar approach. “Jimin!”
Jimin rolls his eyes. “No, please, go back to talking about me. I was so invested.”
You clench your jaw in frustration and Yoongi chuckles nervously. “That’s my cue, ladies and gents. Momo, care to get a drink?”
Momo looks from you to Jimin with worried eyes and you nod at her– you’ve never needed help dealing with Park Jimin. 
The two leave and, despite the crowded club, it feels as though you and Jimin are alone. You hate to admit it, but in his civilian clothes he looks really, really hot. 
“Complaining about me behind my back? That’s really mature, y/n.” Jimin runs his hands through shiny black hair, his tight shirt straining to accommodate muscles that you’ve never noticed through the Romeo costume.
“Would you rather I complain to your face? Because that I wouldn’t mind.”
“I’d rather you keep your pretty mouth shut offstage– maybe onstage too, so I don’t have to spend half my performance making up for yours.”
The familiar fury that Jimin always manages to trigger tinges your vision red. You stomp closer to him, your heeled boots bringing you to eye level with Jimin, your blood boiling beneath your skin. “Why do you hate me so much? I earned this role. I do the work. I get results. You don’t do anything besides stand there and look good. You barely deserve to be an understudy!”
Jimin mirrors your movement, drawing closer to you before smirking. You’re almost nose to nose, so close you can feel his breath on your lips, and you almost shiver when he speaks. “You think I look good?”
“You– ugh!” You’re so tempted to wind up and punch the guy but you can’t afford to get in trouble. “The only one who thinks you’re good-looking is you, Jimin, and given that your personality archetype is ‘Entitled Swine’ you’re goddamn lucky you’ve got that going for you.”
“Ooh, perfect Juliet can swear.”
“Dumbass Romeo can leave.”
“At least this dumbass can dance.” With that, Jimin turns on his heel and makes his way to the crowded dance floor before stopping and looking back at you over his shoulder. “Admiring the view? Or you just hate to admit that you can’t dance?”
A very small voice in your psyche pipes up: Is he trying to reverse-psychology me into dancing in order to make fun of me?
Nah, he wouldn’t be that conniving or immature. You’re sure Jimin is happy just rubbing your nose in your skills… or lack thereof.
Hey, just because you said you can’t dance doesn’t give him the right to make fun of you. You’re half tempted to follow him onto the dance floor, join the mass of sweaty, tipsy, hormonal bodies… and just act like you belong.
But that’s not you. You glare at Jimin before moving to find Momo. You encounter her at the bar, along with Yoongi and Hoseok. Namjoon, who plays Lord Capulet, is there as well, and his eyes light up when he sees you. “Hey, our star decided to join us for once!”
“Y’all are making me feel like I live under a rock,” you complain. “I just like sleep.” Or, you’re just trying to avoid Jimin as much as possible.
“Then girl, you picked the wrong career. Why do you even do stage plays if you’re so uptight?” Hoseok is clearly well on his way to drunk, not that he needs alcohol to speak his mind.
“I-I-” You look down, embarrassed. “It’s different when I’m acting. I’m not uptight on stage. I just get nervous when I’m being myself, I guess.”
Momo slams back a shot. “That’s it!” she gasps, her face contorting as the liquor sears her throat. “That’s how you can loosen up tonight. Act!”
You look down at the foreign leather dress. It does feel like you’re already wearing a costume. 
“Hey, I can get behind that! Y/n, be someone else for the night!” Yoongi winks. “Someone confident!”
“Someone exciting!” Namjoon chimes in.
Momo grins. “I’d say someone sexy, but you’ve got that down. Go, channel Romeo for a bit.”
“But, uh… how do I start?”
Yoongi gets a mischievous gleam in his eye. “By dancing.”
You look over. The dance floor is dimly lit, save for a multicolored pulsing light show. Jimin is somewhere on that floor, probably looking as comfortable as he does onstage.
“Momo, come with me?” You ask desperately. You’ll do this, but you don’t want to be without backup.
“Of course! But first, a round of shots. And two for my girl here! A toast to y/n, and whoever she’ll become!”
“Oh, I don’t like drinking,” you say.
“Yeah, but your new persona does!” Momo replies, and you laugh. Surrounded by your coworkers, your friends, you feel more comfortable than before. As you relent, downing shots in quick succession, you feel… different. Confident. The alcohol wouldn’t affect you so quickly, right? When you rise, you stand straighter, at last at home in the tight leather. Whoever you are now, she likes feeling sexy. She doesn’t mind attention. And she doesn’t care if Park Jimin says she can’t dance.
“Let’s go, Momo.”
Your friend whoops. “Bye, boys! We’re gonna have ourselves some fun!”
Together, you join the crowd on the dance floor. The DJ is playing some electronic music you don’t recognize– but it’s got a strong beat, and that’s all you need. Momo is a fantastic dancer and you follow her lead: you jump, shimmy, and spin. The real you would feel awkward as hell, your body would seem clunky and unfamiliar. But now, with the lights down low and the music blaring, all you feel is adrenaline.
“That guy is making eyes at you!” You shout in Momo’s ear to be heard over the music. She turns and checks out the man who’s been looking her way the past two songs. “Ooh, he’s cute. But I’m here with you, y/n!”
You flash her a smile. “Who’s y/n? I can handle myself fine, darling. Talk to him if you want!”
“You sure you won’t mind?”
What are you doing? This isn’t you. It’s not even drunk you. It’s different. You wouldn’t want to be this girl every day, but for right now… you’re relishing in the feeling. You love it. This is acting.
“I’m sure.” You wink. “And have fun!”
Momo dances her way over to the guy, who breaks into a grin when he sees her headed towards him. You turn your attention back to the music, the melodies you don’t recognize, the beat you feel in your bones. You’re not y/n, you’re just one messy soul among dozens swaying to the same song.
The spell is broken when you feel a hand on your ass.
“Hey beautiful…” a husky voice growls in your ear, his chest pressing into your back. You want to yell, hit him, anything, but terror floods you and you feel frozen to the spot. “That dress looks great on you. It’d look better on my bedroom fl– oof!”
You turn just in time to see the man double over, and standing above him is Jimin, looking angrier than you’ve ever seen him.
“You don’t get to touch her,” he growls, “ever.”
He glances at you, eyes softening. “Are you okay?”
“I- yeah.” You feel nervous again, your new persona having slipped for a second.
“I’m gonna get security to throw this scumbag out. I’ll see you later, y/n, okay?” He nods at you and melts into the crowd, dragging the creep with him.
“Y/n? Oh my god, what happened?” Momo asks, appearing beside you.
You stare after Jimin. “I don’t know.”
You silently pretend to have a conversation, yet you feel his eyes burning into you. 
“Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.”
You’re oblivious, you can’t hear him, you’re super engaged in this fake conversation.
As Lord Capulet argues with Tybalt, played by your friend Taehyung, you allow yourself to sneak a glance at Jimin. It’s your first performance together since Friday night at the club– your understudy took on Saturday’s show, and Jimin’s played on Sunday. The whole weekend has passed and even now, Monday, you can’t stop thinking about that night. Why should Jimin care if you were getting harassed? Sure, it was probably him feeling protective of a fellow cast member, or just being a decent human being for once. Still, that raw fury in his voice... before you know it, it’s time for your first scene with your Romeo.
Jimin takes your hand. He really is handsome with stage makeup on, not that you notice or care. Though his body is angled towards the audience, his eyes bore into yours. “If I profane with my unworthiest hand, this holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.”
And, still staring at you, he presses his lips to your hand. His gaze is so intense that if you didn’t utterly despise him, you might have felt flustered.
The scene continues, and before you know it…
“Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake,” you say your line teasingly. Your characters are young, and flirting. Despite your and Jimin’s true feelings for each other, you both agreed to leave your rivalry in the dressing room.
“Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take.” Jimin draws you in, like he’s done a hundred times in a dozen cities, and lightly touches his lips to yours. “Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged.”
“Then have my lips the sin that they have took,” you manage, breathless. You turn away, hiding your face, before Jimin takes your hand and whirls you around. You end up pressed against him, much closer than the blocking you had rehearsed, but it does make the scene more intimate.
“Sin from thy lips?” Jimin cups your cheek– his hand seems extra soft today– and tilts your chin up. “Oh, trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.” And this kiss is nothing like the first, no, it’s desperate, messy, hormonal, secret, his plush lips move against yours hungrily and his tongue–
Eventually you pull away, almost lightheaded. You hate him, and you hate to admit it, but… “You kiss by the book.” Especially tonight.
After curtain call, you’re changing in the dressing room when Momo pokes her head in. “Yoo-hoo! How’s my favorite Juliet?”
“Hey!” Hyuna, your understudy, complains good-naturedly. 
“I heard the kiss scene today was intense,” Momo continues, helping you out of your costume. “Do I sense underlying sexual tension?”
You roll your eyes, swatting your friend. “As if, darling. My standards have yet to fall low enough for Park Jimin.”
A knock at the door startles you. “Who is it?”
The voice makes your heart drop into your stomach. “The walls aren’t soundproof, darling, and you’re right next to the men’s dressing room,” says… shit. Jimin.
“Oh damn, he heard that?”
Momo flaps her hand dismissively. “Since when have you cared about speaking your mind around Jimin?”
“I…” You shake your head. “You’re right, I don’t.” Right?
Once you’ve changed, you shoulder your bag and head down the hall. You’re almost to the door when Jimin steps out of the green room. “Well, if it isn’t Miss High Standards.”
You sigh inwardly. You haven’t spoken face to face with him since Friday, and you’re too tired to fight Jimin right now. “I’m sorry you had to hear that.”
“Wow, y/n apologizing? Let me mark the date on my calendar, we’ll call it a holiday.”
“Whatever, Jimin.” You’re so tired of arguing with him every single day.
“No comeback? What’s gotten into you?” Underneath the snark in his tone, he almost sounds concerned… or so you’d think, if you didn’t know him better.
“Y/n, a bunch of us are going out tonight, want to come?” Taehyung calls behind Jimin.
You nearly laugh. Given how Friday went? “No thanks, I’m just gonna go back to the hotel.” With a curt nod to Jimin, you continue to the back door.
“Alright, good performance tonight,” Tae replies.
“You too.” You call a taxi and head to the hotel. You’re rooming with Hyuna, but if you know her at all you know she won’t be sleeping in her own bed tonight.
After brushing your teeth and hair, you take a breath and finally relax. Even when you’re offstage, at work it feels as though you have to be ‘on’ all the time. And with Park Jimin around, you can never let your guard down. It’s nice to have this time alone and finally wind down. You pull your sudoku book from your purse and curl up in bed to work on the puzzles. You like reading, but ever since high school you felt most at peace when you were able to channel your focus into problem-solving. Back home, that meant doing puzzles. On tour, your sudoku book is much more portable. It’s nearing midnight when you hear a knock on your door.
That’s weird. “Hyuna?” You call, padding to the door and pulling it open. “Did you lose your key ag-”
“Hi,” Jimin says.
Your mind goes through about nine stages of panic, and for lack of a better plan you swing the door closed, with Jimin still on the other side.
“Uh… y/n?”
Your mind a whirling dervish, you can do nothing more than stare at the door. What is he doing here? Why is Jimin, of all people, outside your door? Sure, the whole cast is rooming on the same floor, but that doesn’t explain why he’s here. Is he hooking up with Hyuna? Does he need to borrow some toothpaste? Did he lose the revised blocking script?
Does he… want to talk to you? A rush of guilt nearly topples you. Did you really just close the door on him?
Wait, it’s Park Jimin. You hate Park Jimin. You should slam a door in his face, as regularly as possible. 
“W-what do you want?” you squeak, inwardly cursing. Get a hold of yourself. You’ve dealt with Jimin ever since the first table read, so why are you nervous now?
Jimin’s reply, though muffled through the door, sounds almost...sheepish. “I just want to talk.”
“Since when do you ‘just want to talk’ to me?”
“Can you just open the door, y/n? My ego is hurting enough as it is.”
What does he mean by that? Your curiosity alone is enough to make you open the door. Jimin is standing there, his cheeks tinged red, holding out a bottle.
“What’s this?” You take the bottle from his outstretched hand. It’s cold.
“Call it… a peace offering.”
“Sparkling apple cider. I noticed you don’t like to drink.”
“Oh.” You can think of nothing else to say– what is going on? “Uh, thanks. Do you want to come in, or…?”
“Actually…” Jimin shifts from side to side. “Do you want to go for a walk? The walls in the rooms are pretty thin.”
Befuddled, you follow him into the elevator, watching as he presses the R button.
“Roof, huh?” You finally have your voice back. “Is this it? Are you at last gonna murder me?”
“Yep, that’s definitely what’s going on here,” Jimin replies sarcastically, taking the bottle from your hand. “And apple cider is my weapon of choice.”
“Seriously, Jimin, what’s this about?” you ask as the elevator stops and you step out. “I mean, it’s not like you to– woah.”
Stars. Hundreds, thousands of stars blanketing the night sky, more than you’ve ever seen in your two months on tour. Spending all your time in big cities meant light pollution got in the way of stargazing but here, above the busy city streets…
“So pretty,” you whisper. “And the moon is so bright!” So much for being a snarky force of nature– you really, really missed the stars.
“Stars, in your multitudes…” you sing under your breath, forgetting who you’re with, where you are. 
“Scarce to be counted, filling the darkness with order and light.” Jimin’s rich tenor voice chimes in behind you. “Always a sucker for Les Miz. Apple cider?”
“There aren’t any cups.”
Jimin pries off the bottlecap and takes a swig directly from the bottle. “Who needs ‘em?”
“Really, Jimin, where’s all this coming from? Why are you being… well, nice?”
“Who says I’m being nice?”
You stare at him, unamused, although it’s too dark to tell if he’s noticed.
“Alright, alright. Look, I just…” Jimin’s words turn soft, and he sits down. You settle next to him. “I wanted to apologize for how I’ve behaved lately. You’re right, I’ve been an utter cock. My behavior, the shit I’ve said to you… it’s probably unforgivable. I wouldn’t blame you for getting up and leaving. I acted completely unprofessional, and created a bad working and social environment for you. I’m–” he pauses, takes a breath. “Y/n, I’m really, truly sorry.”
Well. He sounds genuine. But how can you trust Park Jimin? “Why were you always so hard on me?”
Jimin sighs. “I’m not going to try to justify my behavior. I’m not always the friendliest guy at work, but, uh…” he takes another swig of the cider. “Damn, now I wish this was alcoholic.”
You steal the bottle and take a drink yourself. “You were saying?”
“This sounds childish, god. The last troupe I was in, before I joined this production… my girlfr- ex-girlfriend at the time was an actress too. She wanted to do screen work but she wasn’t finding opportunities, and I introduced her to our director. She made a good impression and joined the troupe– we toured with In The Heights, I was Usnavi and she got Vanessa.”
“So you played love interests onstage? Neat.”
“It was, yeah… until we broke up. She’d been sleeping with the director, of all people.” The hurt and betrayal in Jimin’s voice is so potent you feel an urge to comfort him. But it’s Park Jimin, how do you know he’s telling the truth?
“There were still two months left in the tour– so even after we broke up, even after she cheated on me, I still had to kiss her and act like I was in love.”
“Jimin, I’m sorry…” you murmur. You want to reach out and touch his shoulder, but would that be inappropriate?
“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be dumping this on you. The truth is, when I first saw you, and saw you were cast as Juliet, I got nervous. You’re smart, funny, talented, beautiful…”
“I’m sorry, did you just compliment me?”
“And I was honestly scared of falling for you. I didn’t want to go through that again. But how I acted was awful– Momo told me Friday that the reason you didn’t join our cast parties or nights out was because you wanted to avoid me. I didn’t realize what a toxic environment I was making it for you.”
“Oh, I mean…” dammit, Momo.
“When I first met you, I figured you’d be meek, a pushover. You were so nervous! I didn’t expect you to bite back,” Jimin laughs. “I never should have messed with you. You can fend for yourself better than anyone.”
“I guess you weren’t alone in escalating things,” you admit. “It’s not like I was nice to you either. I’m sorry for talking behind your back– and to your face.”
There’s a moment of thoughtful silence. You feel more relaxed than before, which is nice.
“Did you listen to the new Mean Girls musical?” Jimin asks suddenly.
“A few times, yeah. Why?”
Jimin lays back and points at the sky. “I see stars, so many stars tonight, you could make diamonds dull, you are so beautiful~”
You suddenly regret that your troupe is performing Shakespeare and not a musical. How you’d love to hear that clear, emotional tone every night. “You sound great.”
“Oh, ah…” Jimin’s voice rises in pitch. “Thanks.”
“Y’know, I never thanked you for helping me out on Friday with that dude.”
“Anyone would do the same.”
“But you’re the only one that did. I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome. That guy is part of the reason I came here tonight, actually.”
“Yeah. Obviously you’re a human being and also a troupe member, so those are two good reasons I didn’t want him to harass you. Later, though… jeez, this makes me sound like such a yandere… I dunno. I got so mad at that asshole, and I realized it’s because I care about you as more than just a troupe member.”
“What? J-Jimin?”
“And the show today. I feel like such an idiot, but I have to know: did the kiss scene today… did it feel different to you?”
Is that a tremor you hear in his voice? Is Park Jimin, with his endless confidence, nervous? Because of you?
“It… yeah, it did. I thought you changed the blocking.”
“I thought you did.”
You laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. “What is going on?”
Your costar joins in, chuckling mirthfully. “I have no clue. But I like it.”
What’s it? Does it mean you? This? The two of you together? Because if so, you’re starting to like it too.
“I’m supposed to hate your guts, man. You can’t come here, acting all adorable, bringing me apple cider, and still expect me to hate you.”
“So you think I’m adorable?”
“That is not what I said. The only person who thinks you’re adorable is you.”
“How narcissistic do you think I am?”
“I never realized you had enough room in your heart for more than you, to be honest.”
“There’s enough room for you too,” Jimin whispers, contrasting with his fast-paced quips. 
What does he mean by that?
You sit back up, and Jimin joins you. You stare at the night sky shoulder to shoulder for a moment before you speak. 
“Y’know, Momo always said you were the devil,” you say, keeping your voice light. “But I thought the devil was too high-class. There’s only one Satan, you know. You’re just a regular sinner.”
“Oh, so I’m a sinner? Then give me my sin again.” And Jimin is right there, leaning forward, a thousand questions in his eyes and you answer every one by pressing your lips to his.
Suddenly you’re kissing Park Jimin, which you’ve done a thousand times, but this time it’s different. Jimin makes a happy little “mmph!” noise when you kiss him before snaking his hand into your hair and gently pulling you closer. You’re finally kissing him like no one’s watching– it feels so familiar, and yet entirely new. 
After not-long-enough, you pull away. “Should I say you kiss by the book or is that too cliche?”
“Well, I did fall for my beautiful costar who I specifically didn’t want to fall for– so I think we’re past cliches at this point.”
You laugh, a clear, genuine sound you thought Jimin would never hear. “I can’t believe this. Should I ask what happens now, or…?”
Jimin quiets. “I’m scared,” he admits. “I don’t want…”
Right, his ex. “The tour ends next month. Do you want to maybe… see where things go from there? Once we don’t have to be Romeo and Juliet?”
“Call me but love, and henceforth I will never be Romeo,” Jimin quotes. 
You swat him. “Nerd.”
“No, but that sounds good. Yeah, that sounds…” you can hear his grin, it sounds like sunshine and sugar. “That sounds really, really, good, y/n.”
“Good. So… now what?”
Jimin chuckles mischievously. “Give me my sin again?”
A/N: Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, please don’t forget to like, reblog and/or comment. I really appreciate it! <3
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