#i’m not arguing with the mutual btw im just talking to fandom
sonicattos · 1 year
oh inspired by a mutual, but abusive family relationships are not all black/white. they can have fun, get along, have genuine and meaningful connections, can love each other, care for each other. that’s why they’re so hard to separate from. that’s why they’re so traumatizing. it’s painful because we’re all human and we’re complex. chances are the person who hurt you is also a victim, that’s what generational trauma comes from. it would hurt them to leave them and become better, but even if you stay, you’re both still suffering. the victim isn’t entitled to giving up their own autonomy for their abuser to take advantage of them, but you need to understand, when writing characters, that they might not even know that that’s happening to them, or that it matters. trauma can result to black and white thinking. to delusions. denial. stockholm syndrome. complex dynamics.
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