#i’m on a trip rn and this girl sat in front of me in the paris metro and i’m not kidding when i say i have never seen anyone prettier
roaringroa · 1 year
just saw the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen in my life like 10 minutes ago i am literally still shaking and i didn’t even interact with her
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norrizzandpia · 5 months
hey, totally ok if it’s not ur vibe, but i’d love to see an oscar fic where he’s helping his girlfriend or a childhood best friend when she’s feeling a bit down.
i keep thinking about that man helping clean a depression room and telling his girl not to be embarrassed and he’s there to help and they get it sorted and he just holds her. makes sure she’s eaten and drank something.
even if it’s just a drabble, i’d really appreciate it :) need that kinda care in my life rn, even if it’s fictional.
I made this girlfriend because it just felt softer idk
To Be Loved Is To Be Seen (OP81)
Summary: Oscar knows his girlfriend well and it’s obvious to him when she starts breaking down. He’s happy to help or, more specifically, remind her how worth it she is.
Warnings: this one is HEAVY on the family trouble, depression, anxiety, VERY ANGSTY but def cutest HAPPY ENDING
Note: i didn’t know if you wanted reader to be in a rut or have a reason for it so i just made a reason
Y/n’s first few months of university were hard. Not only was it due to the new course load, but also because of her parents lack of interest when it came to her life. It had been a gradual shift, starting from her last two years in high school and only getting stronger as time went on. They had always been there, overbearing at times, but, now, they posted pictures of their trips around the world, failing to answer her calls and texts. She felt selfish for wanting her parents’ attention as much as she did, but it was hard to fight. There were situations she had never dealt with before, she wanted her mom’s wise words and father’s funny remarks to get through it all. But, she sat alone in the darkness of her room without the guidance counselor she usually could count on. It felt as if she wasn’t enough to keep them there anymore. It was heart wrenching and it stewed within her at such volumes, it became too much.
That’s when Oscar noticed. Her boyfriend had always been attentive, noticing small things about her that no one else did, but the second her smile didn’t reach her eyes and her text messages became less frequent, it was almost as if he was staring her down in anticipation of some sort of sign. He didn’t begin to realize it was related to her parents until he caught a glimpse of her phone when they were together, the screen open to her conversations with her mother and all of the recent texts going completely unanswered. He knew she had always had a rocky relationship with them, but she spoke about them with such respect, he knew it would’ve bothered her to feel so unimportant.
Knocking on her door, his hands clutched the bag of her favorite food he had got on his walk to her apartment. He had planned this evening out for weeks, not telling her about it in worry that she would slip into a facade put together with a fake smile that made his skin crawl.
She opened it, her body tense and tired in a ratty shirt and shorts, “Oscar? What are you doing here?”
It was as if he saw her front go up, her posture straightening and that haunting smile which told him all too well how much pain she was in. He smiled softly, “I thought we could spend the night together.”
She closed the door enough to only peek her head through, “Osc, I’m so sorry, but I can’t tonight. I’m so busy.”
He stayed put, “That’s okay. I can wait on your couch.”
“No, Osc,” She said firmly, her face turning in the light and exposing the dark bags under her eyes.
He stepped closer to her, putting his hand on the door and looking down at her with a look that made her feel loved, “Y/n, let me in. I know you’re going through it. Let me be with you.”
Her resolve cracked, her smile dropping for a second and water suddenly pooling in her eyes, “You don’t want to come in here.”
He leaned against the door and cupped her cheek, “It won’t make me love you any less.”
With a sigh, Y/n pushed the door open, beckoning the boy into her home. He knew what to expect, he knew what it was like to reach the place she was in. So, when he saw the piles of clothes, half-eaten food on the counter with old dishes in the sink, and her little accessories put in the wrong places, something she would never usually do, he wasn’t surprised. If anything, he was happy she had let him in, literally and figuratively.
She picked at her nails beside him, swaying on her feet as she analyzed his every move. Part of her was trying to ready herself for him to walk out the door, give up on her because of whatever stood before them, but he gently set the food on the floor and ushered her into his embrace. His cheek laid against the top of her head, nestled in her hair, as he tightened his grip around her body. She smelled his cologne and felt his sweatshirt which made him feel all the more warm. There was something about his presence, she would later learn it was how safe she felt, that made the turmoils of her mind quiet as she began to cry. Y/n had promised herself that she wouldn’t cry for people who clearly didn’t care, but as Oscar rubbed her back and whispered how much he loved her, she realized it was never going to work.
Her breaking down wet the material of his sweatshirt, but Oscar just held her tighter, whispering how it was going to be okay and this would all pass.
“You’re so worth it all, Y/n,” He whispered, pecking the top of her ear as he smoothed down her hair.
She clutched his back before Oscar was moving her hands under his hoodie to feel the bare of his skin. He knew she loved that. And she did. Y/n’s tears began to dissipate as he told her why he was there.
“I’m with you in this. You aren’t alone. I’m here for you and I always will be. This,” He gestured to the space around them, holding her face in his hands and forcing her eyes to meet his, “doesn’t scare me at all, love. What does scare me, though, is the attempts at eating on the counter. Have you been eating other than that?”
She shook her head, “I tried. It’s too hard. I’m not hungry ever anymore.”
He titled his head with a small frown, “Well, maybe your favorite food will help, yeah? We’ll sit together and eat. We can go as slow as you want, or as fast. All up to you, baby.”
He kissed her forehead lightly before guiding her to the living room, one of the less dirty places, and setting her down on the cushions. He set it all behind him, not wanting to overwhelm her with everything he got, and took out what he knew she would want first. There was a dull sparkle in her eyes when he handed it to her, his heart lifted. It hadn’t been there when he first arrived.
She opened it slowly, eyeing the food she once ravished in seconds, and taking a utensil to pick at it. He looked at her, waiting patiently for her to take a bite. When she did, however small, he did too. When she did again, he did too.
She stopped, “Why aren’t you eating faster?”
He smiled, “Because I’ll take a bite when you do. I don’t mind, Y/n. I told you I’m in this with you.”
Her eyes gloss over as they dart between him and the food before taking another bite, giggling a bit when Oscar takes one of his own dish. She eats, he does too and their eyes never leave each other, offering unspoken support.
When the plastic boxes are gone and empty, Oscar has glasses of water randomly appearing in his grip, offering them to his girlfriend who has found herself tangled in that soft blanket he got her last Christmas. Her cheeks are a soft pink from the warmth of it coupled with the candle he lit in the midst of their dinner and she smiles when the cool liquid flows down her throat. Oscar stands over her, hands in his pockets and wondering how anyone could possibly ignore her texts. He wants to take a picture of her, remind her parents of the beauty they have in their reach. But, he also knows that any text he sends to them wouldn’t be one he should send to his potential (very likely) in-laws. So, he stays quiet and looks at her with the love she deserves.
“Do you need anything else?” He asks, pushing the hair out of her face.
She shakes her head, “No, I’m good. What movie do you want to watch?”
He kisses her cheek, “It’s up to you. I won’t be watching.”
Her eyebrows knot together and she cocks her head, “Why not? Is this some random pickup line where you’re going to tell me how you’ll only be watching me?”
He laughs, his head back, as he walks toward her room, “No, but that’s a good one. I’ll keep that for later. You put on whatever you want, baby. I’ll be cleaning.”
She crawls to the corner of the couch, watching him begin to pick up her room, “Clean? What? Why?”
He stops, turning around to look at her through the door, “Because I want to help you feel better and I know your apartment is stressing you out. You shouldn’t have to worry, love. Just relax. I’ll be done in a few hours.”
Her mouth is agape as he moves throughout her room, putting things away as if he knows where everything goes. He does, apparently. And when the shock of it wears off, a smile cements itself on her face as she turns on a random movie. She enjoys the soft humming of Oscar in the other room, answering his occasional question about the plot of the movie she’s watching. When he moves to the kitchen, out in the open and available to see what’s on the screen, Y/n falls asleep to the picture of her boyfriend doing her dishes and taking out her trash. Falling asleep with a warm heart mended by someone that has always loved her unconditionally.
She’s awoken by the feeling of soft mattress beneath her and Oscar’s arms heavy around her torso. He’s deep in sleep when she opens her eyes, has her completely enveloped in his grasp on her side. The room is dark, the window open and allowing for a cold breeze to flow through the room. She loves it. It’s cold outside, but Oscar keeps her warm. Her hands move their way up to his head, playing with his hair and staring at the man who has treated her so gently.
Tears fall down her face all so suddenly, sniffling lightly but still waking Oscar in the process.
He’s immediately worried, “What’s wrong?”
Her head drops to his chest, “I just love you so much and can’t tell you how much it meant to me that you stayed here even after seeing the state everything was in, including me.”
His soft hands leave her body and pull her face up to him. His eyes are dilated as he looks at her, “I would’ve done it yesterday and I’ll do it for the rest of our lives. I don’t want you to struggle alone. You don’t deserve that. You’ve done too much of that before you met me.”
If only her younger self could see her now. A younger girl worried she’d never find a man who loved her by seeing her now wholly adored by someone who didn’t just see her, but understood her too. She doesn’t even need to utter the problem, he already knows and she’s caught on to that since the moment he showed up at her door. His carefully chosen words about her worth and how easy it is to love her were all strategically placed in order to fix the cracks deep in her soul that have come undone at the hands of her parents.
“It’s just upsetting that they only loved me.” She whispers and for a second, Oscar doesn’t understand what she’s saying. But, the tense of her words dawns on him and the look on her face unleashes anger in his body. Loved. It’s upsetting that her parents loved her. They no longer do in her eyes. She once had parental support, love, but it’s obvious how transactional, conditional it was now. She got a taste of what it was like to be loved by them, but it was taken away when she needed it the most. She had mentioned to him before that growing up, she felt as if they used her presence to shy away from the problems of their marriage. When she was out of the house, she thought they would separate, but the opposite has happened. She served her purpose, now they throw money at trips to fill the void of what they have refused to face. Disregarded and thrown away, that’s the implications of what she’s confided.
He nods, tears in his eyes, “It’s so unfair of them to treat you this way. They’re your parents. They should be there for you, but they have never known how to love and you were just an unnecessary victim in it all.”
She wipes the moisture from her face, “I should just move on from the way they’ve treated me. I should give them grace because they’re my parents. I should just make peace with it all because this will never be fixed in the way I want it. But, I can’t.”
Oscar kisses the top of her head, “It’s okay that you can’t. That’s completely understandable. Giving grace just because they’re your family members isn’t right, Y/n. Just because there’s a blood relation doesn’t mean you can excuse their behavior. They’re your parents and they have neglected you for ages. You can’t keep giving everything to them, only to get nothing in return. Parents or not, you distance yourself from people who bring you down as much as they do.”
More tears smear against his chest, “But, they’re my parents, Osc.”
It’s as if he doesn’t know what to say because he knows how much she praises their drive and determination, giving her a life of privilege. Though, he stands firm on the idea that no one should be given a second chance if they “love” this way.
“I know, Y/n, and it’s so horrible that you’ve been put in this situation, but I think it would do you some good to let go of a part of them. You’ll go home and see them for birthdays, Christmases, but, in the time between, you don’t have to chase after them. You can find love in other things, happiness in other things. I’ll even do some of it with you. We can take up painting classes like you always wanted, walks in that park down the street that you love, studying in coffee shops, and watching the sunset. Life without them can be freeing.”
He’s right, she thinks. Life without them will be freeing. But, the story of letting go is never easy and finding yourself flipping to past chapters to hold onto something that isn’t there anymore is usual.
However, as she lays tangled in the limbs of Oscar, she finds future chapters to be more exciting, more fulfilling. Her whole life is ahead of her, one including Oscar, and that sudden revelation fills her with an overwhelming relief. His listing of all the things she loves, wants to try desperately reminds her just how in love with her he is. Every action of hers is noted by him and she’s spent years begging for that from her parents. She never got it, but maybe that was because something else softer lied in the cards for her. At times, her parents needed her, but they would always need something else more. Glamorous, shiny, new things that would satisfy them for a time. She would never be enough in the minds of them, but in the mind of Oscar, she was more than enough. It was clear she was everything to him.
A life with him would be different from the one handed to her on a broken, rusty platter. She wanted that with him and the way he looked at her told her he did too. Letting go of the dismissal of people she has killed herself for to make proud was maybe for the best, pushed her in the direction of focusing on Oscar and everything she’s ever wanted. Was this her mending old, deep wounds?
Loved and cherished, she found sleep once more, rejuvenated with hope and a sense of moving on.
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boydepartment · 8 months
quiet nights- hwang hyunjin x reader
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a/n: i am sorry this was completely self indulgent :( ik i have requests rn but like… i finished all my work and im just laying down next to my mom watching hyunjins vlogs on the tv so this is FOR ME :(( your girl has been a little tired lately and mentally stressed i usually don’t even write or take requests for skz anymore but……………. omg what’s that behind you???!!!?
warnings- none, fluff, they just talk in the hotel room. not proof read.
wc- 400-500
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curling up beside your cool hotel pillows was the standard while traveling. you didn’t expect your boyfriend to get back to the hotel room until later tonight. hyunjin was a busy man and his errands for this trip were later than your errands. your errands finished when his started, so needless to say you really missed him.
you fumbled around trying to get comfortable in the dim hotel room, you had all the lights off and you could see the city lights from the open curtains.
since the room was so high up you felt comfortable leaving them open, there was no balcony or any openings so you could enjoy truly enjoy the view of the bustling city.
you sat up and took a seat by the window, taking the throw blanket you and hyunjin bought from your last trip with you.
it was amazing to you that there was so many people living so many different lives, so many lights to signify different things. before you knew it you had grabbed the sketchbook and charcoal out of your bag. hyunjin had bought you and him art supplies while you were out earlier.
you started to sketch out the city in front of you, so focused on the scene. you wanted to challenge yourself to not try and erase or clean up your lines unless it was with the medium.
your brows furrowed and you started to get in your head, not even realizing your boyfriend was back in the hotel room. hyunjin thought you were asleep so he set down the bags of surprises quietly. when he walked further into the hotel room he saw you sitting by the window with the sketchpad in front of you. smiling to himself he watched you for a bit, changing from his outdoor clothes to indoor.
once he was done he went up to you and put his hand on your shoulder, the thin piece of charcoal snapped and you looked up at him.
“you scared me.” you felt yourself laugh a little before smiling up at him. hyunjin looked down at you, his smile never leaving his face.
“i’m sorry, my intended…” he mumbled and leaned down to kiss you.
you smiled into the kiss and set the art stuff down on the small table.
“let’s get your hands cleaned up and then we can head to bed alright? it’s late…” hyunjin caressed your face and kissed your forehead. you nodded and you both walked to the bathroom.
he helped you wash the charcoal off your hands as he told you about his day, “then this lady complimented my jewelry and i found out she was some like high political power that i didn’t even know!” hyunjin whispered through giggles.
“when did you find out?” you asked, giggling aswell, your boyfriend always found himself in weird positions like this.
hyunjin started laughing again, “literally four people came up to me and were like, ‘do you know who that is?’ and obviously i was like ‘nooooo what?’”
that sounded like something he would do and you could so clearly imagine it, “how does this keep happening to you?”
he dried off your hands and kissed your palms, “i don’t know my love! people just talk to me i guess. i don’t even know what they’re saying half the time.”
you started to giggle again and you guys walked over to the bed and got in. it was finally comfortable to you with your boyfriend next to you.
“so tell me about your day?” he laid on his side facing you, tracing your hands with his fingertips, “i had to leave when you got back so i didn’t get to ask…”
“it was busy, i had to talk to a lot of people too, not political powers though.” you teased him, he threw his head back and laughed.
“but it was good, i walked around a bit when you left, picked up a couple things for us too. there’s leftovers in the small fridge.” you spoke softly. hyunjin nodded and scooted closer to you, you could tell he was getting tired. sleep finally knocking on his door.
“i found… i found a nice cafe…” he yawned and pulled you closer to him, “healthy food… nice breakfast…” hyunjin started to shut his eyes.
you relaxed in his arms and started to place with the ends of his hair, “want to go there for breakfast tomorrow?”
he nodded, “then a museum…”
“then a museum…” you repeated and smiled to yourself, sleep starting to come for you too, “we better get rest then…”
hyunjin nodded into your neck, “mhm….” humming.
“i love you..” you whispered, your hand moving back and forth on his back.
“i love you most..”
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beetlejuice-e · 29 days
texts and tweets of basketball! abby and her cheerleader! gf
authors note: i’m back, i wasn’t dead btw 😥 no warnings besides angst bc im in a bad mood rn soooo 😊 but yall gone make up so.
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loud knocks on the door filled your apartment, you knew it was abby so you didn’t really want to answer. but she was at your door now meaning you didn’t have a choice but to answer. she wasn’t going to stop until she got an answer.
getting up from your bed to made your way to the front door and looked through the peephole seeing a distressed looking abby, who had flowers in one hand and a basket filled with things in the other. you thought maybe she was sorry and maybe you should forgive her right then and there but you stood strong.
why were you even upset?
abby thought it was a fun idea to flirt with her teammate on video, getting all handsy with the girl and even kissing on her. so you were more than pissed.
when confronted about it, abby called you jealous and said that you were overreacting so you broke things off with her. just to show her how overreacting you can be.
this was about 2 weeks ago, and since she’s been blowing up your phone, coming to your apartment and even practices to see if you’d forgive her.
you didn’t. yet.
you reluctantly opened the door and gave your now ex-girlfriend a short smile before inviting her in. she entered your apartment slowly making sure you saw her. shaking your head you closed the door behind her and went off into your living room.
“apologize and get out. thanks.” you said sitting down on your couch while abby stood by the door watching as you sat down.
“can i give you your gifts first?” abby asked walking to the opposite side of the room so she could stand in front of you. she blinked and set the flowers in an empty vase that sat on the table. you hadn’t had any flowers since your 2 week breakup so the table was starting to look bland.
“i guess, why would you—“ she cut you off and set the basket filled with all of your favorite things down on the table as well.
“don’t be so blunt with me, i apologized to you multiple times and said it was a joke.”
“a joke? A JOKE? WHO KISSES THEIR FRIEND AS A JOKE!” you yelled out with your jaw dropped because you couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. a joke…really?
abby’s face turned red when you began yelling at her, it was quite embarrassing. shes always hated whenever you raised your voice at her especially if it was serious.
“do you have to yell at me?” she asked rubbing on her arm. “i’m sorry baby i swear, i don’t even look at her as someone i see a future with. i only see you.”
“come on y/n. it’s been two weeks, two whole weeks i can’t sleep without you by my side. do you not know how embarrassing that is to admit?” she asked to which she got no reply.
you didn’t answer because you wanted to see how long this was going to go on before you eventually forgave her. you were simply playing mindgames with the girl. while she went on and on you looked through the basket to see what she got you.
“my mother called me last week and asked if we could come with her and my dad to a trip to portugal, and i had to tell her no. i NEVER tell my mom no.” her rant continued.
this was true throughout the duration of your relationship she’s never once told her mom no, so you did feel a little guilty. after she was forgiven you’d definitely have to text up her mom to tell her you were sorry.
“you’re so apart of my routine and now your not, it feels so weird and out of place. i feel so lost without you.”
“ughh come here you big baby.” you rolled your eyes and held your arms out so you could pull abby in. whom nearly busted her ass trying to run over towards you. pulling her in you took in her scent, which smelled nearly identical to the one you were wearing at the moment. cute. maybe she really did miss you. “i missed you so much baby, and i forgive you just don’t do that shit again.” you spoke brushing her blonde locks out of the way so you could place a few kisses on her forehead.
“i won’t, i can’t stand seeing you mad at me. i thought i was going to die without you.”
“you’re soooo dramatic girl please. die? really.” you just stared at her and shook your head while laughing.
“it’s not funny y/n….you hurt my feelings i can’t believe your fucking broke up with me.” abby said gently pushing you off of her. “that was mean as fuck.”
“don’t kiss other girls and maybe your main girl won’t break up with you?” you said shrugging and getting up from the couch to get some water for your new flowers.
“oh hush, i kissed her on the cheek not her lips.” abby rolled her eyes and got up to follow you into the kitchen.
“that’s still kissing, i don’t care if you kiss her near her the left mole on her face. don’t kiss anyone who’s not me.” you said filling up a glass with water. abby once again following you back to her spot on the couch. she watched as you filled the vase with water, happy that you were back to her.
“does this mean we’re back together?” she asked pulling you onto her lap.
“yes abby it does.”
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box Series— Shoulder Check Showcase Edition
photo credits via instagram by _msfilms, henchcliffe_media, and greghorowitzphoto! all accounts are public dw! look at the tagged photos of the shoulder check on insta for more pics and the videos i took screenshots of!
22-23 Season & Summer Masterlist
p.s. kreider is in this bc it makes sense… sue me. tw to non rangers fans on him ig??
this is a long one to make up for all my short ones recently <3 (lie i just couldn’t shut up)
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liked by trevorzegras, shattdeuces, and 11,469 others
yourusername “the shoulder signifies something very important. it’s a commitment to reaching out, checking in, making sure everybody is okay. it’s a small gesture with a very big impact— the impact being that kindness is cool.”
on august 3rd, trevor participated in the shoulder check showcase for the HT40 foundation post being drafted first overall for said showcase!
he was captain of team moulson (the black jerseys!), scored the eighth goal for the team with a pass from my good friend nesty! the fifth slide is his celly where the damn fool kissed his stick. (this was post him failing at the michigan about nine million times) (it’s your signature move, babe. get it together.)
🚨he also committed the only crime of the night!🚨(the refs didn’t penalize him and i’m guessing that was just to keep the fast pace going) (the crowd had other opinions) (so did i) what was the crime? HE TRIPPED CHRIS KREIDER! aka his summer training partner! don’t worry though! he was belittled at dinner with chris and i AND i made him sit in the bathroom for two minutes to account for his crimes<3
sorry you lost in a shootout, my love! but you missed two shootout goals so this is all your fault, captain!
thank you, father zegras, for being a founding board members for the HT40 foundation and being a huge part in this cause. as someone who has struggled in the past, the work that this foundation does really means a lot to me.
p.s. i loved seeing shatty/mom, nesty, sonny, and spencer! i’ve missed you guys! mwah!
remember besties: reach out, check in, and make contact. because kindness is a contact sport🩵
tagged trevorzegras and theshouldercheck
view all 433 comments
trevorzegras i’m so proud of you for all that you’ve overcome❤️ i love you, forever
yourusername i love you, always, z-baby❤️ (except when you make me cry like rn ihy)
trevorzegras i’m not taking it back! p.s. tackling me for a hug is not what was meant!
yourusername kindness is a contact sport and i chose football <3
trevorzegras can’t you choose any other sport?
yourusername i could choose water polo and drown you out of love
trevorzegras football it is!
yourusername kisses can be my field goals!
trevorzegras what about your two point conversions?
yourusername foreplay!
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername @/trevorzegras don’t play football in front of me
_quinnhughes @/yourusername @/trevorzegras i don’t think you two gave water polo enough thought
user42 he really tripped that old man… so trevor zegras of him
_quinnhughes you forgot to mention that when he called me to have you let him out you turned his penalty into a five minute major
yourusername two minutes for snitching->📦
_quinnhughes you’re in stamford?
yourusername update: i facetimed quinn and screamed until he sat in the bathroom
trevorzegras update: i’m giving her a penalty for screaming
yourusername update: trevor has a penalty for attempting to give me a penalty
trevorzegras update: kisses got me out early
_quinnhughes update: i hate you both
yourusername update: quinn has a double minor
yourusername update: jacky boy has two minutes just because
jackhughes update: i’m looking for a new soulmate
user6 the fact that if the refs were calling penalties z wouldn’t been starting the season with -1 games since his last penalty 😭
jackhughes strongest girl i know alert!
yourusername pls don’t make me emotional online i have a reputation to uphold mr. “heart not boobs”
lhughes_06 @/yourusername accept that you’re basically wonder woman
yourusername @/lhughes_06 accept that miley cyrus’s song wonder woman makes that comment 1000x more emo for me
jackhughes @/yourusername accept that you’re loved (despite the speech comment)
lhughes_06 @/yourusername very loved
_quinnhughes @/yourusername extremely loved
yourusername @/jackhughes @/lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes i love you all too! now stop before i sob!
user17 tell trevor thank you for signing my brother’s forehead! he was so happy!
chriskreider19 thanks for having z pay for his crimes against me!
yourusername ur so welcome thank you for feeding us occasionally!
trevorzegras please don’t thank her this has now become a common thing
yourusername @/trevorzegras mwah!
shattdeuces i’ve missed you, daughter! i’ll miss your post roadies gift bags next season!
yourusername you’ll get one when you play the ducks next season! i’ll start fires to give it to you if i have to!
shattdeuces just don’t get caught!
yourusername i never do! i’m a stealthy ninja
trevorzegras @/yourusername i’ve been catching you from falling since we were sixteen i’m not sure that qualifies as “stealthy”
yourusername @/trevorzegras that’s all part of my elaborate plan to never be caught when it’s important. no one will see it coming. my clumsiness is an act.
jackhughes @/yourusername an act that started at five years old?
yourusername @/jackhughes yes!
user4 announcers before the game started: we might see trevor do the michigan in person tonight! trevor: *attempts and fails 3 times*
_alexturcotte yeah babe! it’s your signature move! get it together! @/trevorzegras
trevorzegras don’t tell me what to do
yourusername @/trevorzegras get it together!
trevorzegras @/yourusername …yes dear
_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras I’VE KNOWN YOU LONGER DO I MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?!
yourusername @_alexturcotte jealousy isn’t a good color on you
trevorzegras @_alexturcotte ily babe
_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras ilym babe
yourusername @/trevorzegras ten minute major for infidelity!
trevorzegras @/yourusername worth it
jamie.drysdale i fully expect to be tackled next time i see you ms. “i choose football”
yourusername trevor will want to ask us to get a room because I MISS YOU SO BAD JAMIE BABY
trevorzegras @/yourusername what do you plan to do?!?!
jamie.drysdale I MISS YOU TOO
jamie.drysdale I LOVE YOU TOO YOU WEIRDO
trevorzegras @/yourusername WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO?!?!?!
yourusername @/trevorzegras commit infidelity
trevorzegras @/yourusername ten minute misconduct
yourusername @/trevorzegras worth it
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras technically she was my wife first
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale ejected from the game
yourusername @/trevorzegras hold up you can commit infidelity and i can’t?!
trevorzegras @/yourusername correct
yourusername @/trevorzegras misogyny at its finest. you’re kicked out of our mojo dojo casa house.
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras ejected? nah. evicted.
trevorzegras update: i’m now homeless
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras you’re not living with me this time
user97 this game just made me miss hockey more
slknight35 you wouldn’t ever give me a penalty right?
yourusername never. you and coley can do no wrong ever. and if you do, i’ll cover it up or take the fall. i’ll kill for you. i’ll sell trevor. i love you.
slknight35 i forgot that you’re so violently endearing😂 i love you too
jackhughes @/slknight35 she’s gotten worse since high school
colecaufield @/yourusername i love you best friend number two!
slknight35 @/jackhughes that’s terrifying
yourusername @/slkight35 yes i am <3
yourusername @/colecaufield I AIN’T GONNA EVER STOP LOVING YOU B(est) (fr)I(end) (number) T(wo) CH
colecaufield @/yourusername you ain’t slick
jackhughes @/yourusername but you are cringe
yourusername @/jackhughes bitch <3
yourusername in hopes that this comes up as a top comment for someone: you are all so loved. every single one of you. thank you for all the support that you give me, the boys, and to all the other teams, players, and their families that you share your love to. check in on your friends. even the ones that always seem to be the happiest person around. spread love, spread hope, and spread kindness🩵 mwah!
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hotchners-wifey · 7 months
Save Her
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader, Platonic!BAU x Reader, Morgan!Sister Reader
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Summary: Y/N has a past she's never told anyone about, she was involved in some heavy things when she lived in England with her Aunt and Uncle. Things she thought were murdered along with her best friend, things she thought went missing with her boyfriend. Things that followed her to Quantico, Virginia.
Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter
Chapter Warnings: Drinking, murder, mild swearing,
10 years ago ________________________________________
There’s a knock on my Aunt and Uncles front door, I look through the peephole and see two guys standing there. I make sure the chain is on the door before opening it, “Can I help you?” I asked. They looked at each other and the taller one spoke, “Y/N Y/L/N? Can we come in. We have some news regarding some people you might know.” I realized they were telling the truth and I closed the door to take the chain off. I let them in and walk them over to the couch.
“Would you guys like anything to drink. Tea or Coffee? My Aunt makes a killer black peach tea.” They shook their heads and smiled “No thank you, I’m officer Wisp and that’s officer Bailey. Do you know a Willow Allen and a Evan Warren?.” I sat down on the armchair next to the couch, worried I responded. “Yeah I do. Willow is my best friend and Evan is my boyfriend. Are they okay?” Officer Bailey looked over at me with a sad expression.
“Unfortunately no, we found the body of Willow this morning just outside county lines, she had a picture of you and Mr. Warren in her wallet." He pulled out an evidence bag with the picture of us the day we graduated high school. I grabbed it from him smiling at the memory, but it was suddenly overpowered by the thought of my dead best friend, "We went to pay a visit to Mr. Warren this morning but he wasn't home." "When we called his parents they said they haven't seen or heard from him all day." I knew that meant they either got him already or he was in hiding, but I knew one thing. I needed to get the hell out of dodge before they came to my house asking questions. "Do you know where he might be or anyone who would?" I shook my head "No I'm sorry, when we would have arguments he would leave for hours on end but he never went home."
"He would come back sweaty and would brush off my questions just responding with a 'I went for a run' and I would stop asking questions, knowing it would lead to more arguments." They nodded and stood up heading to the door, handing me a card, they tell me to call them if I can remember anything else or if I have information that I think could help. I opened the door and on my doormat was a single Y/F/F with a note that said in blue letters, "see you soon." ________________________________________ "Hello? Earth to Y/N, are you okay?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped turning to look behind me, I was greeted with three friendly faces looking at me with concern. "I'm sorry what'd you say?" Emily chuckled and pointed to the bouquet. "I asked you who got you the flowers." I looked down at them with a frown, "I don't know there's no name just says 'See you soon' in blue ink." They nodded and I turned to my front door and slowly put my key in the door opening it carefully. I have a security system but these people know how to break into an home without tripping it. I stay on my toes as I let the girls in and secretly do a quick onceover of my apartment before I relax. "All right, lets get to it. If we want to get to the club before a line forms then we should hurry up and get ready." They give each other looks and excitedly nod and quickly pull out their outfits for the night ________________________________________ Time skip to arriving at the club(i'm too lazy rn) ________________________________________ We arrived at the club and I already felt uncomfortable, Emily decided that the dresses I had in my closet weren't risky enough so she brought me one of her dresses in Y/F/C. It had lacy designs and sequins and it hugged my body tightly, when we walked into the club Derek, Spencer and Rossi were already there. We walked over to them and Emily looked around before asking Rossi, "No Hotch?" she yelled over the loud music. He nodded his head over to the bar where Aaron stood waiting for our drinks. We nodded and Spencer came over to me trying his best to keep his eyes on my face, "You look good Y/L/N." I smiled and playfully shoved his shoulder, "I thought I told you that you can call me Y/N when we're not working." He flushed and nodded awkwardly. Hotch came back with the drinks and we sat at the booth, Derek sat on my left while Spence sat on my right. After a few rounds I needed to use the bathroom, Spencer stood up to let me out and I let them know I'll be right back. I walked into the bathroom and hovered over the toilet seat to relieve myself when a singular Y/F/F was thrown under the stall door and the bathroom door opened and closed. I quickly finished up and grabbed the flower. When I went to wash my hands there was a photo pinned to the wall with a pocket knife. The photo was of me and Evan and the knife was the pocket knife my uncle gave to me before I moved to England, I ended up giving it to Evan to use for a job but he said he lost it. Which I was very sad about, I would've been happy about it being returned if I knew how and why it ended up back in America and in the town I live in.
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strangeholic · 2 months
I don't want us to be casual anymore.
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It’s so confusing. He thought that they had something going on, but was he being delusional? Was everything that they did just happen to be… casual?
Simon sighs as his eyes stare at the picture that Ethan had just sent at the Troops group chat. They were at what seemed to be a club, and the picture showed Harry sitting down with a girl next to him. They were both smiling and seemed to be having a lot of fun. 
Unlike Simon, currently. He’s going crazy.
Things started feeling different between him and Harry. It felt sort of… flirty, in a way. Simon thought it was going kind of smooth, thought that they were in a phase where they don’t really acknowledge the romantic slash couple-y things that they do.
He thought that one day, they would have their cuddly hang outs as usual and one of them would end up crossing a certain boundary. A boundary that may or may not contain touching each other’s lips, or even better, each other’s bodies.
“Ughhh.” Simon lightly tossed his phone to the side, thankfully not landing any further off the bed. It’s 3 A.M already, he shouldn’t have been awake to see that picture, which now has him in complete distress.
Maybe this whole time it really was just a complete friendship thing for Harry. Maybe he really was that stupid. Or maybe, he was just fooling around with Simon.
Well, “Fuck him.”
Harry: free tonight?
Simon: nah, im streaming  
Harry: oh then can we call rn?
Simon: sorry cant rn
Harry: oh okay
Ethan looked dead straight at Harry, who was sitting very comfortably at Ethan’s couch at Ethan’s house. “It’s late, go the fuck home.”
“But I’m so bored,” Harry paused and took a look at his phone for a second. “And… Simon is ignoring me.”
Ethan raised an eyebrow at the sentence, Harry now actively ignoring his eyes. “Oh, so it’s about that.” He immediately grinned and walked towards the pouting man. “Is he pissed?”
“I don’t fucking know! You’re the ass for sending that fucking picture!”
Ethan laughed as he took a big step back, avoiding the leg that was about to kick him flying to the wall. “I had to! To make him jealous!”
“Jesus, you’re so annoying. I shouldn’t have told you anything.”
Ethan finally calmed down from laughing and took a seat next to Harry, while also making sure that Harry doesn’t kick him off. “Look, dude. You lot have been hanging out at night, watching movies, falling asleep while cuddling, looking at each other all lovey dovey, and that fucking country trip. Oh my god, that country trip.”
“What about the country tri-”
“Oh, don’t piss me off, bog.” 
“Well, it’s all gone to shit now, anyways. He lied to me about having a stream tonight. He doesn’t want to talk to me anymore.” 
Ethan groaned and pushed Harry to the edge of the couch, quickly having a grab at Harry’s phone. “You’re such a pussy.”
“Simon, can i come ov-”
“Okay, sent!” 
Harry: simon, can i come over?
Simon: uhm what for?
Harry: need to tell you something
Simon: sure then
Harry: omw 
Oh god, this can’t be happening. Simon was slumped up on his desk, playing COD and drinking beer when he got the sudden message from Harry. He wanted to come over to Simon’s place, and in 5 minutes he’s going to arrive while Simon looked and smelled like shit. 
Simon quickly cleaned up his bottles of beer, changed his shirt and fixed his hair. He then sat down at his living room couch, waiting for a knock on his door. 
He had a sudden realization of why on earth is he doing all this? Acting like this? For a man that he just cussed at all night because of a fucking picture. A picture where it was pretty obvious that the time they spent flirting, or what Simon thought was flirting, were all a waste of time. 
Who knows, maybe when there’s a knock on his door, he won’t answer it.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Harry’s inside his car, head down on his steering wheel.
He was right in front of Simon’s place, in which he doesn’t got a fucking idea on why he’s even there. To hang out? To cuddle? To confess? To hook up? Seriously, why did Ethan do this to him.
Well, Harry knows that he has feelings for Simon. He knows that he wants to be more than a friend. He wants to be more than someone to cuddle with and then act like nothing romantic is happening between them. 
But he’s so scared. He’s never felt this way before. 
What if he fucks up his confession? Simon might just not be into him at all, actually. And when he confesses, everything will get fucked. Will he even be able to face that and then having to still work with his crush who rejected him? Nothing good will ever come out of this whole ordeal.
Harry took a look outside of his window, the door is so close. All he needs to do is get out of his car and take a few steps. Or should he just start his car and drive away?
“Jesus,” Harry flinched when his phone started ringing, and surprise, it was Simon. Harry felt a cold sweat drip down as he picked up the phone and accepted the call. 
“Uhm, Hey.”
“Harry, are you actually coming over?”
“I’m still-”
“Look, I don’t know what it is that you wanted to talk about, but I’ll tell you this. I like you.”
Harry froze, he felt like time had just stopped.
“I really like you, Harry. All the time we’ve spent lately has been nice and I realized during that time, that I have a thing for you. Especially when we filmed that video in the countryside. We literally drove around on a scooter for 30 minutes while we listened to love songs. Maybe for you this whole thing has just been for fun and nothing serious. And to be honest, I want it to be more than that. So, if you were planning to come over to just do the same things and go home without addressing anything like usual, just don’t come.”
“Simon, open the door.”
The door slowly opened, the wind immediately hitting cold on Simon, who was frozen at the sight of Harry in front of him. A few seconds passed of them staring into each other’s eyes, confused on what to do with themselves. 
Simon’s heart was about to explode, they must look like idiots just standing there in silence. He wished that Harry would say something, something about the very embarrassing confession that Simon had made over the phone. He wished that Harry would just do anything– 
“I like you too,” Harry clenched his fists. “A lot.”
As Simon was about to say something, the atmosphere had pushed Harry to lean forward and cup Simon’s face, for a kiss. Simon kissed back. It was a moment of relief.
The relief of finally getting what he wanted, what they both wanted. With the warmness that came when he grabbed a hold of Harry’s waist, pulling him inside the house. Is this what heaven feels like?
Harry pulled away, a smile started to grow on his face and slowly to a giggle. It just hit him how funny it was that he was just inside the car, contemplating on driving away from the love of his life whom he thought didn’t have feelings for him. 
“Oh, how stupid of me,” He mumbled, as his hands were still cupping Simon’s face. Their eyes sparkling like they’ve just experienced the happiest moment of their lives. “I shouldn’t have doubted my feelings.”
“You and me both, Haz.”
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imwetforyourmom · 3 months
hey hey heyyy
this is long so prepare yourself
so basically i went to this church camp w my youth group and at this camp we were separated into groups that we would do most of the activities with called families. i was sorted into purple and we named ourselves the purple piranhas ✌️😗
anyway—this guy that i have seen around church before and is my friend’s cousin (we’ll call him blackberry) was in my family. so what we would do with families was do a morning family challenge so it was basically just minute to win it games, eat lunch as a family, and then do bible study as a family, and then another family challenge at the end of the day.
so we really bonded that entire time and then my friends decided to make a group chat and it had me, my best friend (we’re not using real names here 🤓) rizzler, my other friend z, this guy that i hadn’t met until we were on the group chat named e, my crush at the time we’ll call him juice, his twin i’ll call b, two girls that i didn’t connect with on the trip so they aren’t very important, another guy i’ll call him spaghetti, and my other friend i’ll call flowers. (this is prob gonna get confusing i’m so sorry haha)
anyway, we were texting in that big groupchat for awhile, but it was only really me, flowers, rizzler, e, and blackberry participating, so juice was like “yo you guys should make a separate group chat with just you guys,” bc we were blowing up everybody’s phones with hundreds on messages lol so we made the separate groupchat. 
so, then like a week later, blackberry went to florida to visit family for a week. the wednesday before he left (so the last time i would get to see him before he left), i was planning to go to youth that night which i love so much, but my mom wasn’t feeling good so she couldn’t take me, so i was so sad and i texted “never mind i cant go tonight my mom doesn’t feel good.” and he messaged me separately and said “you poisoned your mom,” and that’s when we started texting separately.
but now he occasionally texts rizzler, and it makes me KINDA jealous but i have to remind myself that they’re friends and friends text each other. me and blackberry are friends too. besides, i’m not ready for a relationship rn lol.
also, flowers liked him at the same time that i did/do, but she’s talking to this kid from her school like they just said i love you to each other so she’s like “imma stay with this kid you can have blackberry.”
also, i saw him yesterday at church, but like he got there RIGHT before worship so i couldn’t say hi to him bc i was already sitting w my friends and then AFTER service, he was talking to the youth pastor and a youth leader and me and rizzler were wanting to say hi to him but we didn’t know if what they were talking about was personal stuff but i think it was just about florida lol.
also, in our high school service, we sit at tables and he sat at a table in a seat that was right in front of me and there was a perfect window that i could see him through and it was perfect 👌 and of course the first message he sat through back from florida was about sex and lust like what—
maybe im delsuional, but.. is he into you orrr…
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girasollake · 2 years
intern | p.p
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pairing: peter parker x fem!stark!reader
requested: no
warnings: curse words
summary: peter needs to get his class a tour of the compound and no one wants to help him until a stranger comes along
type: fluff
a/n: i got this idea while i was showering and i thought it would make a nice fic, rn i have no motivation to write unless an idea comes up like this one lmao, eddie fics are on their way but im leaving for 2 weeks so im really sorry u guys have to wait
word count: 1.9k
comments & reblogs are appreciated <3
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Ever since Peter’s teachers found out he had a Stark Internship they had been up his butt constantly. Trying to get him to schedule a tour of the Avengers Compound for his classmates. And ever since Flash found out about the idea, Peter had enough of listening to him gushing about Tony Stark’s daughter and becoming her husband. The thing is, because of all that Peter had been trying to call and message Happy for the past two weeks. He even tried emailing all of the possible emails he had found that belonged to people working at the compound. Nothing worked. He looked at his phone while he was doing his chemistry homework and decided to call Happy one last time. Fortunately to him, it wasn’t Happy who listened to the voicemail.
☽ ☽ ☽
(Y/n) was sitting in her chair, many parts of Tony’s old suit were scattered in front of her. She had been trying to modify them and turn them into something more useful since her dad didn’t need them anymore. Happy entered the room and hung his coat on the hanger, then he took something out of the paper bag and threw it at (Y/n). She easily caught it and chuckled.
‘Really? Another cheeseburger?’
‘If you want to complain then find your dad, he’s always ordering the same stuff.’ He said and came over to her. ‘What’s that?’ He pointed at the table.
‘Oh, just parts of an old suit. I wanna put it to good use.’
‘Great, you do you kid and I’m gonna take a quick trip to the bathroom.’ He said quickly and ran away, it was probably the Mexican food from last night making itself known.
A minute after he left she heard his phone calling. She yelled his name but he was already far away and because of her curiosity, she had decided to look at it. She took it out of his coat just when it stopped calling. To her surprise she saw 320 unread messages and 24 missed calls from someone called P. Parker and the first thought she had was that it was Happy’s girlfriend. Who else would be calling him that many times, right?
‘Happyyyy, it’s not nice to not answer your girl.’ She said to herself with a soft smile and placed the phone in the pocket she took it out from.
‘You have one new voicemail from ‘P. Parker’.’
She heard the lady say from the phone, it was wrong to listen to it but she couldn’t help herself. She entered Happy’s password which she obviously knew and clicked to listen to the voicemail.
‘Hi Happy, um, it’s Peter again. Peter Parker. I hope you know which one. Anyway I don’t know if you have read the messages but I really need it. Everyone is begging me for this tour and they won’t give me a break. Please Happy, I need your help. I would call Mr. Stark but I don’t have his number so please, Happy, help me out. Oh and for the report! I stopped a thief today at-‘
The voicemail got cut off and a slight frown appeared on (Y/n)’s face. Sadly, it wasn’t Happy’s girlfriend and she was a bit disappointed but aside from that curious about the boy calling Happy. She quickly got a piece of paper and copied Peter’s number, she had no idea what tour he was talking about and how he got Happy’s number so she decided to check if they had any files on him. She returned Happy’s phone to its place and rushed to her room.  
‘Friday, can you show me what do we have for Peter Parker?’ She asked the A.I. when she sat in front of her computer.
‘Of course.’ Friday answered and soon a picture of Peter appeared on (Y/n)’s screen.
‘Cute.’ She smirked. ‘Okay, hmmm… Midtown High? Isn’t that this school for geniuses or something?’
‘Yes. It is.’
‘What else is there…’ She whispered while she was scrolling through his files. ‘Huh?’ She said when a protected folder came into her view. ‘Password? What the hell? What are you hiding, dad?’
She quickly tried a number of passwords and since she had been living with her dad most of her life, she quickly cracked it.
‘Spider-Man?’ A lot of videos of him appeared in front of her. ‘No fucking way.’ She laughed.
She glanced at her phone and quickly put in Peter’s number, then she hesitantly sent him a message.
- hi. is this peter parker’s number?
- do i know you?
- sorta, im a friend of a friend and i wanna help u out
- with what?
- some kind of tour? idk, you tell me
- oh my god finally!!!! thank you so much whoever you are!!!!
- not a problem, what kind of tour is it?
you can tell me everything cause no one filled me in
- basically i want to take my class to avengers compound
my teachers are on my ass and its been pretty tiring honestly
im glad someone finally wants to help me out
will you tell me your name? or should I call you mr? or mrs? im sorry if I was rude at the start not addressing you with a title!!!
- its fine, just call me ‘a friend’
ill set everything up and ill text you the time of it
- okay okay! thank you so much once again!!
- no problem, spidey
Peter was looking at his phone screen, he felt relaxed because all of the weight was finally lifted from his shoulders. At the same time he was also a bit anxious because someone knew his identity, but he quickly shrugged it off thinking it was just an agent or someone who wouldn’t expose him.
(Y/n) spent the next two days planning the tour for Peter. She was bored anyways and she loved helping people, especially if they were cute heroes. The last step of her plan was asking her dad and she quickly made her way to his office.
‘Dad?’ She asked while slowly opening the door and knocking on it at the same time. ‘Can I come in?’
‘Sure kiddo, what’s up?’ He was sitting at his desk, plans of a new armour in front of him. ‘Is something wrong?’
‘I have a question.’ She sat on the comfy chair on the other side of the desk. ‘You know Peter Parker, right?’
‘Never heard of him.’ Tony was looking at his project intensively.
‘I know he’s Spider-Man and I want to give him and his classmates a tour of the compound.’ She said and Tony finally looked up at her, confusion written all over his face. ‘God, dad, don’t be surprised that I know who he is after you put in ‘peppermenbeater420’ as the password for the file.’
Tony shook his head and chuckled.
‘Yeah, I need to come up with something more creative. How all of this started?’
‘I listened to the voicemail he left Happy and since he wasn’t interested in poor Peter I had decided to help him out. I texted him and he was over the moon for getting this tour, so… can I tell him to come this Friday? Is 10 a.m. okay?’
‘Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just make sure the kids don’t go near my office and stay away from the kitchen.’
‘Thank you!’ She said and ran away from his office.
‘Eh.. I really gotta change my passwords.’ He mumbled to himself.
☽ ☽ ☽
(Y/n) quickly snatched her phone from the nightstand and texted Peter the exact date. She also told that if anyone wanted to know who was behind all this, he would just answer them ‘a friend’. (Y/n) was thrilled at the thought, it’s been some time since she had friends her age and this was her chance to get out of her shell. I mean, it wasn’t exactly a shell, she was just all around older people all the time. She needed to hang out with someone like Peter and maybe his closest friends if she was lucky.
Peter was overjoyed when he read that the tour was finally happening. He told the class and it looked like the teachers were the ones who were the happiest to go. Flash was too, but for a different reason. Peter has been waiting for Friday what seemed like eternity and when it finally rolled around, he felt relieved. After this day, no one is going to ask him for this anymore and he can finally breathe freely, not a single person sticking their nose in his personal space. He hurried to his school, everyone was already waiting in the bus.
‘Parker. Late again. I’ll let it slide this time though, because without you this wouldn’t be happening. Get inside.’ The teacher said and gave him a nod.
‘Thank you.’ Peter answered and headed inside.
He took a seat next to Ned who was frantically looking at his phone and photos of the compound.
‘Are we going to meet the Avengers?’ He asked with a big smile on his face.
‘I dunno, Ned. Maybe.’
‘Ayo Parker! Think you can introduce me to my new girl?’ He heard Flash screaming from the back of the bus.
‘Ignore him.’ Ned whispered.
‘I am.’
The ride wasn’t long and soon their bus was approaching the huge building. Excitation was running through Ned’s veins and Peter wouldn’t admit it but he was also interested in this tour. HE felt his phone buzz and looked at the message from ‘friend’.
wait outside the main entrance at the bottom of the stairs,  ill come get you from there xx
He smiled to himself and put away his phone. The teachers announced that they are here and he told them what his friend messaged him. The whole group was waiting in the area they were supposed to meet with their tour guide, but after 10 minutes of waiting everyone was starting to get annoyed.
‘I knew you didn’t get us the tour, you’re full of shit Penis Parker.’ Flash sneered.
‘If he didn’t get us the tour we wouldn’t make it through that gate and those guards.’ MJ said and pointed at the entrance which quickly shut Flash up.
Peter felt his phone buzz again and looked at the screen.
im here:)
He looked up to the top of the stairs and he saw the person he recognized instantly. She was walking downstairs, her plaid dress was adoring her body and she was wearing big black high-heeled boots, the fact she moved in them so easily was shocking.
‘Hi, I’m (Y/n) Stark and I’ll be your tour guide today.’ She said to everyone when she reached the bottom of the stairs.
She looked at Peter and gave him a wave which caused everyone to look at him. Especially Flash who couldn’t believe his eyes. Peter was in awe, he had no idea that all this time it was her helping him, he also felt slightly embarrassed, but (Y/n)’s smile took away all his worries.
‘If you have any questions feel free to ask them along the way. Let’s go, shall we?’ She asked and turned around to head back where she came from.
‘Dude?! You didn’t tell me you know (Y/n) Stark!’ Ned whisper yelled in Peter’s ear.
‘That’s because I don’t.’ He whispered back and Ned raised his eyebrow. ‘I’ll tell you later.’
‘Okay, before we start I want to tell you some stuff. Firstly, before you ask, I don’t know if we’ll meet any Avengers along the way. They are usually in our living area and we won’t be going there for privacy reasons. Secondly, if you need to use the restroom, just tell me and I’ll get one of these guys,’ She nodded towards the four guards standing behind the group. ‘.. to escort you there. The last thing I ask of you is to be respectful and not break anything or yell, people are working here. Is that clear?’ Everyone nodded their heads rapidly. ‘Good.’ She smiled and turned around. ‘Follow me.’
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taglist: @imleavingtonightt @r93339 @stvrdustalexx @cursedandromedablack @steelthistle @raajali3 @onecrazydirectioner @stilesks @luvwanda @screambih  @tomskookie @wolfstarsimpxx @miss-bloodbath @evahpmcu @phantomxoxo @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @naturalswifty89 @lyntic @freeshavocadoooo @alainabooks143 @ilovedilfs32 @kaitlin-r130  @squidwardsluverxx @greengarsstuff @088i880 @bookfrog242 @hawkins-hs
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malfoysstilinski · 4 years
flower crowns | draco malfoy
draco malfoy x fem!reader
summary: it’s the first sunny day of the year and you want to spend it outside with draco. he wants to make you a flower crown.
a/n: shout out to everybody else in the uk rn that’s had to deal with this shitty weather since september and is now in a third lockdown :))) these are the vibes we all need rn i think
It felt as though it hadn’t been sunny in years. You were used to the bleak weather that Britain provided nearly all year round, but it didn’t stop you from jumping out of your bed as soon as you saw nothing but sunshine peeking through the high windows of your dorm room.
“It’s sunny!” You gasped, “Oh, Merlin— Hannah, please tell me it’s as warm as it looks outside!”
Hannah Abbott glanced up from her book where she’d risen early. “I think so. It’s been getting warmer all week.”
You squealed, your roommates exchanging glances with each other as you rushed into the bathroom to get ready for your Saturday off from classes. You did have homework that needed to be done, but it could wait. You were not wasting the first nice day cooped up in the castle.
After showering and changing into one of your favourite summer dresses, you bounded back into the dormitory room and found your friends all slowly starting to get ready for the day.
“Anyone fancy going down to the Black Lake?” Susan Bones asked, “I heard a bunch of the Gryffindors are going down if the weather turned out nice today and Ernie mentioned joining them.”
A chorus of excited replies came from everybody else, but you smiled politely.
“I’ll have to ask Draco what he wants to do. He doesn’t really get along much with some of the Gryffindors,” you said, applying some makeup and then slipping on your shoes.
Hannah huffed. “Fine. I don’t know what you see in him, Y/N. You’re way too soft for someone like Draco Malfoy.”
Raising your eyebrows, you smiled. “There are many sides to Draco you’ve never met. I can assure you that there are billions of reasons why I’m with him.”
None of the girls said anything as you bid them a farewell before pulling open the door to your dorm. Wandering through the bright common room, which seemed to thrive with the sunshine pouring through it, you waved and greeted some of your peers, the smell of sunscreen filling your nose and making you excited.
You bounded through the corridors of the castle, saying ‘hi’ to Ron, Harry, and Hermione as you passed them. They seemed slightly taken aback by the bounce in your step, Hermione hitting Ron before he could make some sort of sarcastic comment.
You made it down into the dungeons, finding the bare wall you’d come used to staring at. Whilst a huge majority of the school would never be able to catch a glimpse of the Slytherin common room, as the girlfriend of Draco Malfoy, you’d been given the password and was updated of the change fortnightly.
Whispering the new one, you were thrilled when it opened to reveal the green and silver room. It was much darker and drearier than the Hufflepuff common room, perfect for when you were in a cozy mood, but today wasn’t one of those days.
“Hey, Y/N,” Blaise greeted you as he looked up from the leather couch. “Draco’s in the dorm room.”
“Thanks, Blaise!” You replied, waving to Pansy and Theo as you walked by them, making your way to the fifth year boys’ dorm.
You knocked once before you entered, finding it empty. You frowned as the door closed softly behind you, but your ears pricked upon hearing the steady rushing of water coming from the attached bathroom.
You settled down onto Draco’s bed, eager for him to hurry up in the shower so you didn’t have to waste anymore time inside. Who knew how long the good weather was going to last for? British spring was unpredictable— tomorrow it could go back to jumper weather and stay like that for weeks, with nothing to do but watch the rain drip drip drip.
Water dripped from Draco’s broad shoulders as he finally left the bathroom, a white towel wrapped around his torso. He looked gorgeous— in platinum hair soaked and pale skin slightly flushed from the temperature of the water. His face lit up when he saw you on his bed.
“Let me guess,” Draco hummed, “You want to spend the day outside?”
“Please?” You sent him the same very pout that always allowed you to get your way with him.
Outsiders often believed that Draco was as cold as ice and as hard as steel, that, even for you, he would never be soft. However, it seemed like only you, him, and his friends knew the truth-- all you had to do was breathe and Draco was putty in your hands. You could probably ask him to jump off of the Astronomy Tower and he’d just ask if you wanted him to do a run-up or not. 
He tried to keep up his tough exterior around you at first, but with every laugh that escaped your lips, every excited gasp you gave when you learned something new, Draco felt his walls crumbling and he had to admit that he was hopelessly in love with you. Soft Draco was your favourite Draco, and it was the one he had reserved for you and you only. 
When people teased you, whether it be for your naive nature or because they were taking your kindness for granted, Draco was always the first to defend you. He’d ended up in countless detentions for hexing multiple other students who even looked at you wrong. You were his sunshine and he swore to preserve you and keep you safe from any harm. Even if he was your opposite.
“Fine,” he sighed as if it was a chore, but the corner of his lips twitched up at the idea of spending the entire day whilst you were out in your favourite weather.
“Hurry up and get dressed then,” you said, bending down to reach into his trunk and chucking him some clothes.
Draco caught them, sending you a look. “You sure? We could just stay here all day, I could just wear this...”
He watched you blush and shake your head. “Another time. Right now, it’s sunny-- so we have to go outside.”
Draco didn’t bother delaying you anymore. He knew you’d been hoping for good weather for a long time now. It felt like you hadn’t seen sunshine since the very start of September, and now it was early April. The cold, dark evenings always got you down a little unless you were wrapped up warm in the arms of Draco.
Within a few minutes, he’d dried off and chucked on the clothes that you’d thrown at him, slipping his shoes whilst you practically bounced up and down on your heels by the door. As soon as he was done, you grasped his hand and tugged him away. 
“Can we pick somewhere with a bit of shade?” Draco asked once you’d made it out onto the fields, finding multiple other students who had the same idea as you two. “I don’t want to burn.”
A group of first year Gryffindors ran by, nearly knocking Draco over. He let go of your hand and went tug out his wand, his nose scrunched up in disgust, when you grabbed his wrist.
“Draco!” You scolded him, “You don’t need to hex the eleven-year-olds for nearly knocking you over.”
He huffed, rolling his eyes. “They should watch where they’re going. I would have only done a tripping hex, anyway.”
Shaking your head at your boyfriend, you felt his slender fingers intertwine with yours once again and he led the way this time. It felt surreal to be outside without having to stuff your hands in your pockets or complaining about rain water seeping through the small hole in the sole of your school shoes.
“Here.” Draco stopped beneath a tree and settled down, his back against the trunk. 
“I’m going to sit in the sun,” you said, moving a few feet away so you were no longer under the shade.
Draco knew you wanted to make the most of it on your skin. He saw it glow on your shoulders, light up your hair and relax your mind as you lay down on the grass, nose pointing towards the sky. He smiled, simply watching you from the shade. 
He grabbed the book he’d managed to pick up before you’d forced him out of his dorm room, burying his face in it for a few moments as you sighed happily, sunbathing nearby. He’d glance up every now and then and become distracted by your beauty, his brain having to force his eyes back down to the pages in front of him. 
Eventually, he gave up, settling the novel beside his legs and moving over. He found you lying on your stomach, plucking daisies out of the grass and arranging them into a pile next to you. 
“What are you doing?” Draco asked, lying beside you, facing the sky. 
“You’ll burn,” you protested, “You wanted to be underneath the shade, Draco--”
“I don’t care,” he murmured, “Just let me be next to you for a bit, yeah?”
You smiled softly, shaking your head a little as you blushed. Draco turned his head to continue watching what you were doing. He saw that once you had a pile of maybe twenty or so daisies, you began to pick them up one by one before piercing a hole through the long stems with your thumbnail. 
He watched with furrowed brows, studying the way your hands delicately began to thread each daisy through another, tying a knot on the end so they couldn’t slip back through. He realised you were making a daisy chain, and quite a large one at that. Eventually, you closed it off and tied it back around to the first daisy. 
“What is it?” He stared at the circle of plants.
“A daisy crown,” you chirped, moving across and straddling him, his hands moving to your hips as you placed it on top of his head. “For my Prince of Slytherin.”
Draco grinned, reaching up to adjust it on his head. “How does it look?”
You beamed as you peered down at him. “You look like a dashingly handsome young prince.”
You leaned down and kissed his nose, watching his own cheeks blush a little. He managed to sit up, your body moving back a little so you were sat in his lap with your legs around his waist, one hand on you to adjust you and the other to keep his daisy chain on his head. 
You decided your words were nothing but the truth. He looked adorable with the white and yellow daisies in his platinum hair, which was fluffy from the shower he’d just had. He looked like the epitome of soft, his silver eyes melting as he stared at you in a mixture of complete adoration and love. 
His hands circled your waist and he managed to pull you even closer. Your sunscreen filled his nose, as well as the shampoo you wore, the sun beating down on the two of you as he moved to meet your lips in the middle. He hummed against you, enjoying the taste of your lip balm and the way you felt against him. 
One hand reached to stroke your cheek, the slightly calloused pad of his thumb brushing at your jaw. His lips worked against yours softly in an attempt to pour every inch of love and appreciation into you, his touch feeling like fire on your warming skin. You wished you could stay like this forever; just you, Draco, and the sun in the sky.
“If I’m the prince, I want to crown you my princess,” Draco murmured against your lips when he pulled away. 
“Do you know how to make a crown?” You asked.
“I can try,” Draco offered, “I watched you.”
Smiling, you climbed off of his lap and watched as he turned to look at the grass. He plucked a few more from the ground until he estimated that he had enough. Draco’s face scrunched up for a second. The boy was clearly deep in thought. 
“You pierce the stems next,” you whispered in his ear.
“I know, I know,” he played it off, grabbing one.
He inspected it for a few moments before trying to stab a hole through it with his thumbnail like you did. He groaned when it ripped all the way through, leaving him with half a stem. Draco tried again three more times before throwing his latest destroyed daisy to the grass in a fit. 
“I can’t make the holes!” Draco complained. 
“I’ll pierce them for you,” you suggested gently, “You pass them to me, and I’ll make the holes. Then you can tie them up as you go along.”
Draco didn’t reply but handed you your first daisy, watching intently as you made a hole with your nail and passed it to him. He grabbed another daisy and handed it to you and you did the same thing, and then he looped it through. 
“Good, now you need to tie it up,” you reminded him. 
Tongue poking out slightly, Draco did as you had said, creating a knot in the stem of the daisy. He grinned when it worked, his pearly whites on display as he practically threw it in your face.
“Good-- you have one chain. Here’s your next daisy,” you beamed, passing him another with a hole in it.
Draco took longer than you had, his eyes focused and his nose scrunched in concentration as he created you your very own daisy crown to match his. When he was done, he sighed in relief but, overall, looked quite pleased with himself.
“Here you are, my love,” he murmured, placing it on top of your head. 
His fingers adjusted it and moved some of your hair out of the way so it sat perfectly. Draco moved backwards a little and smiled at the sight.
“How do I look?” You teased.
“Like the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid eyes on,” Draco promised breathlessly, kissing you hard on the lips again. 
You kissed him back. Maybe your roommates would never understand because they never saw this side of him, but this was one of the million reasons you loved Draco Malfoy.
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ladyvesuvia · 3 years
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@firewhiskyss: 🎢 harry with either “That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?” or “I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…” “A dangerous pastime.” because my heart can’t handle angst rn 😋☝🏼|| for my 300 followers celebration
Pairing: Harry Potter x Fem!Muggle!Reader
Summary: Being stuck in the elevator is bad enough, but being with a stranger makes matters worse.
Words: 3.9k
Warnings: not proofread, light cursing, elevators, power outage + let me know if i missed anything
A/N: too bad u cant handle angst i could’ve found ways to sneak that into this hehe jk anywaaayy ok i felt uninspired sorry hydagjih
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Harry held a bag he did not own in his hand. His shirt was a bit muddied and moist on one side, but he didn’t mind. He stood in front of the eighth door he’ll be knocking on in hopes it was the owner of the bag. It still wasn’t, though.
Instead, a woman his age greeted him with a smile. She was pretty, sure, but she wasn’t what he was looking for. He apologized for interrupting and went ahead to knock on the ninth door.
It swung open, and Harry let out a long sigh.
“Hold the door!” said a voice from the lobby. Harry pressed the open door button in haste, the doors doing as it was told to do. The figure rushed inside, hair dripping wet on the tiled floor of the elevator. He kept his eyes trained to floor as she moved his way to press the button to the eighth floor. “Thank you,” she mumbled.
The girl next to him began to dry her drenched hair with a purple towel, patting herself dry. Harry risked a brief glance in her direction — she was wearing a floral one-piece swimsuit which she layered with denim shorts. When she caught his eye, they both inched away from each other uncomfortably. To their relief, the elevator started to move up.
Nobody seemed to be coming in just yet. After all, it was six p.m. and most were probably outside biding their time for night swimming. Harry, on the other hand, just came down to get a box of doughnuts for Mr. Weasley, who he can only assume was changing into his swimming trunks in their hotel room. The rest were probably doing the same.
Harry was waiting for it to reach the ninth floor when the elevator lurched to a stop on the seventh. While Harry refused to meet eye contact with the girl next to him, she was busy trying to convince herself it was alright.
It’s okay, she thought to herself as she made a show of more aggressive patting of her hair in more of an attempt to calm her drumming heartbeat than to really dry it. Another passenger was probably just entering.
But she knew better, they both knew better. The lights above them began to blink in an inconsistent manner. To her dismay, the doors did not open nor did they continue to go up.
They both turned to each other with a bewildered look on their faces. Harry made to reach for his wand, but held himself back. Then the lights went out along with the tiny ones coming from the buttons. Harry froze. He heard the stranger next to him shift, probably wrapping the towel around herself. She had stopped pretending to pat herself now. Harry watched as her as she dropped her bag down on the wet tiled floor and pulled out a bulky gray block from it. Harry stood there awkwardly as if a statue while she kept on fumbling with the block thingy he now recognized was a flip phone. A light glowed from it, her face looking similar to that of a ghost.
She pressed it against her ear, but it seemed to not be working. She then raised her hand higher in hopes of getting better reception to no avail. Harry cleared his throat. The girl’s head whipped to his direction. “The emergency call button,” said Harry.
“I know,” she spat, reaching out for the buttons. But instead of clicking that particular button, she clicked the button for opening doors. Harry noticed she seemed to be shivering a bit even with the towel.
The girl was still dripping, albeit lesser now. She kept pressing the open door repetitively with her wrinkly fingers. Harry remained stiff, unsure if he should use his wand. “What floor are we currently?”
Taken aback, Harry didn’t respond for a couple of seconds until she reached out to his shoulder to check on him. “Oh, er — seventh, I think.”
He then heard her click a button he supposed was for the seventh, then a bunch of other buttons the next.
“We’re gonna die, we’re gonna die, we’re gonna die. . . .” Harry found that he preferred the constant clicking noises from the buttons over her constant reminder of their ‘impending doom.’ It was like fourth year all over again when their Divination teacher Professor Trelawney kept telling him he was going to die an early death. She kept chanting to herself in hysterics.
“Have you tried . . . the emergency call button? The one with the bell?”
“What do you think I’ve been doing?” said the girl. To his surprise, she picked up her bag again and aimed it at the elevator door before swinging it right in the middle. She then started banging her fist hard on the doors, pounding. “Help! I’m stuck! I mean, we’re stuck! Hello? I’m wi —”
“There’s a press to call thing here,” pointed Harry.
“Good,” she remarked as she practically run to it when the elevator made a creaking noise from above. The girl let out a shriek as she fell backwards and pulled Harry down with her. “Lie flat or we’re both gonna die!”
“Why — ?”
“JUST DO IT.” He did. Both of them sprawled their legs and he felt the damp floor wet his back a bit, but he was still weighing the pros and cons of pulling out his wand. Of course, if it were up to him, he’d pull it out in a heartbeat but the Weasleys’ vacation was on the line and he couldn’t jeopardize that by—
The elevator whined, and it felt as if it was moving a bit. “We’re gonna plummet to do our death!”
“Calm down,” said Harry, hardly knowing why he even bothered in the first place because he didn’t know what to say next especially with the girl’s expectant eyes on him. He thought of what Hermione had told them when they first came here, who then attempted to calm the others down about their feelings on Muggle Elevators. “Er — elevators are one of the safest ways of transportation with only the fatality rate of zero point zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-something-fifteen percent per trip.”
“Oh, shut up, stranger,” cried the girl. “There’s still a fifteen in that end. We’re gonna die, accept that!”
“You seem to be the one having troubles accepting that,” argued Harry back. She shot him a glare.
“I haven’t written my will and we’re gonna die. You see — you hear that rumble? We’re slowly falling down and we’re gonna die. I should have — should have taken the stairs. Please, please, please let me live! I swear I’ll start eating vegetables! This is it stranger, we’re gonna die.”
“That’s a bit melodramatic, don’t you think?”
“We’re about to die and you have time to think? Lie with your chunkiest bits on the floor to increase our chance of survival.”
He wanted to argue, but he resorted to inching further away from her and stretching his limbs awkwardly.
“Damn it, you shouldn’t have kept the door open!”
“How is that my fault? If anything, I was being nice,” said Harry.
“Being nice? You just sentenced me to my death and now I’m dying in this cramped space in a swimsuit and shorts that aren’t even for swimming!”
Surprisingly, the elevator whined to a stop. They remained on the floor for half a minute. Eventually, she was the first to stand up. Dusting herself and not meeting Harry’s eye, she smashed the bell button with her finger. It buzzed for a few seconds before a guy’s voice answered.
“Hello,” said the operator. The intercom seemed to be having troubles.
“Uh, hello, hi,” replied the girl.
“So are you currently stuck in the elevator?” Harry could hear the girl turn to him in the dark and call up the look of utter disbelief, as if wanting to reply, ‘No shit.’
“Yes, very much.”
“Okay, are you alone?” asked the operator.
“Unfortunately, no. I’m with . . .” she trailed off, turning to Harry with prolonged contemplation. “With stranger. I’m with stranger. A stranger. With a stranger, I mean.”
“May I know your names please?”
“Uh, sure? I’m . . . Papier Matchen and this is —”
“Har — Neville. Neville Longbottom, sir,” answered Harry. The operator did not respond. “Neville Longbottom.”
“Are you both guests?” asked the operator.
“Yes,” said [Y/N]. “Wait, are you a guest?”
“I am a guest,” said Harry stiffly.
“He’s a guest,” she added, as if in an attempt to keep whatever morale is left high. The operator didn’t respond again. “Hey, uh, operator? It would really help if you didn’t keep disappearing on us.” She chuckled nervously.
“What floor are you currently on?” said the voice with a bit more static.
“Uh, well,” she said, turning to Harry, “last time we checked, it was on the seventh but it moved down a bit and we might be in-between floors seven and six.”
“Alright, thank you. We’re currently experiencing a city wide power outage, and it appears that the back-up battery in Elevator Three has not yet been replaced since the last brownout. We apologize for the inconvenience.”
“Yeah, you should be sorry. So, uh, is any of your authorities gonna come and pick us up?”
No response. She pressed the button again. And again. And again. No sound came, not even static. “Hello? Hi?”
When no one responded again, she slumped to the floor once more, her hair still wet but no longer dripping. “Sit down,” she said, pointing at the spot right next to her. Harry obliged. “You can sit across, I don’t care. I know I smell like chlorine right now.”
Harry sat across from her, leaning back against the wall. She didn’t talk either. This went on for about five minutes until Harry had the urge to do something or at least say something.
“I’m afraid I’ve been thinking,” he started.
“A dangerous pastime, you should be afraid. Go ahead,” she said, gesturing a finger gun his way.
“Shouldn’t we try to get out of this?”
“Who are you, Bruce Willis? Need I remind you that you are Nev . . . Bottom?”
“That’s not actually my name,” said Harry.
“Same, I just said Papier Matchen off the top of my head. Like papier mache but witchy. My name’s actually pretty good, I think. I’m [Y/N] [Y/L/N]. Oh, wait, nope, don’t like it.”
“I think it’s good.” [Y/N] turned on her phone and shone it around until it landed on his face. Harry realized he had kept the box of doughnuts in the corner when she made them sit down. “I’m Harry,” he said when she finally turned off the phone.
[Y/N] turned it on again and directed it to the box of doughnuts. “Are those doughnuts to make us super tiny like Alice in Wonderland or something?”
“Oh, those are for my friend’s father.”
“Let’s eat it, I’m hungry,” said [Y/N].
“It’s for my friend’s father.”
“You have to realize that that is so not a good enough point. We’re trapped in an elevator with no means of communication with that musty man and eating that is the only thing we can do. Unless you want to do something else?”
“Er — What?” choked Harry, clearing his throat. “Okay, fine, uh, doughnuts.”
She made a triumphant sound Harry couldn’t explain, but paid it no mind as she reached out to grab the box of doughnuts from the corner. She set it in front of her.
“Hey, these are from my aunt’s bakery.”
“They are?” asked Harry.
“Yeah! The one across the street from here?” asked [Y/N], to which Harry nodded. “Ooh, you got the one with Oreos? Nice! I helped design those.”
“Okay, uh, can I have some?”
“I thought it was against your will to take some of these from your ’friend’s dad?’” teased [Y/N], but she handed him a doughnut anyway. Harry began to eat just like she did. “Sorry I forced you to lie down here. . . .”
She looked at him, waiting for something. What? Harry furrowed his brows, confused.
“Sorry, I mean, what’s your name again?” asked [Y/N], hints of the chocolate stuck between her teeth and some on her lips.
“Harry Potter,” replied Harry, who debated against himself whether or not he should point it out. After all, she seemed to be having a good time and they just started to lose the tension. “You’ve got uh, something on your, you know.”
“I know,” said [Y/N], but she didn’t do anything about it. “Anyway, can you believe six and seven are lucky numbers yet here we are, stuck in the wretched elevator between them?”
“No, that’s why I don’t really believe in those . . . things.”
“I’d say that’s insulting, but I’m dripping in my swimwear while I’m stuck in the elevator with a total stranger, so fair enough.”
Harry didn’t know how long they were talking, but it just went on. He was pretty sure there were times he even laughed. Harry reached out to grab another doughnut when he realized she was holding it as well. They both let it drop back to the box.
“Oh, no, it’s yours,” said [Y/N].
“It’s okay, you can have it,” said Harry.
“I ate more than you did, you can have it. Just go,” said [Y/N].
“You can —”
“You know what? Let’s just split it.”
[Y/N] ripped it in half, handing him the bigger slice. Just when Harry was going to offer to exchange, she swallowed it whole.
“Too late, I ate my half already.”
“I can see that,” said Harry. He began to eat his own half, savoring it with three more bites.
“Sorry I smell like chlorine again.”
“Eh, I don’t know, it’s kind of growing on me,” said Harry. “I shouldn’t have said that, sorry.”
“On a good day, that would sound like an insult but it’s anything but a good day, so, thank you, I guess.”
The two shared a laugh (and most definitely three) the entire time when the lights turned on. They could see each other clearly now. There was no denying they felt quite vulnerable — like finally meeting an friend you only send letters and emails to for the first time, but she smiled to make it feel lighter.
Suddenly, it started to move up again, [Y/N] kept them seated just in case it started plummeting again. It didn’t, though. It opened on the seventh, as the indicator told them so.
The intercom buzzed once more and different operator spoke. None of them stood up.
“Hi, power’s slowly being restored. How’s everyone?”
“We’re good,” said Harry. [Y/N] smiled in the shadows, tossing the towel in the corner. “Wait, you’re — er — good, right?”
“Yeah, surprisingly so,” she said.
“Good to hear, we’re currently doing the best we can to cater everyone’s needs. Has your, uh, elevator moved yet? Sorry, I’m new here. Anyway, has it?” asked the operator.
“Currently open on the seventh floor, but we’re both going up, all’s good now, don’t worry,” answered [Y/N]. She stood up, taking the towel with her.
“Okay, great, thank you and take care!” said the operator before the intercom buzzed off. Harry and [Y/N] stood there as the elevator door closed shut and began to move up and open again to the eighth.
“So,” started [Y/N], “this is me. My floor, I mean.”
“Right,” said Harry
“Well, I still don’t like elevators and I may or may not ride one ever again so I can’t believe I’d ever say this because it’s hella cheesy but thanks for making it bearable.”
“I feel like I should say, ‘you’re welcome?’” said Harry.
“Oh yeah, you should.”
The door began to close, but Harry pressed the open door button.
“Okay, you’re welcome.” The two shared lighthearted laughter. “Anyway, er — thank you, too. See you around?”
“Yeah, yeah, see you around. Bye.” [Y/N] waved as the doors closed between them and Harry was once again all alone in the elevator.
He noticed what a mess the floor was, and went to pick up the empty box of donuts. His hand went to where he kept his wand to clean up and looked around for cameras and found one tucked in the upper corner. Harry let his hand down and dusted his shirt with his hands when something caught his eye. A beach bag in the corner, resting carelessly.
The door finally opened to the ninth floor. Harry was frozen, looking directly at a long hallway of doors. It took a few seconds until it whirred and shut close. Not knowing what to do, Harry picked up the bag and swung it over his shoulder.
He tapped his foot as he waited for the elevator to go up to the twelfth floor until it began going down again. He pressed the button to the ninth floor again.
Eleven. A couple his age entered, probably about to go down. Narrowed eyes landed on him and his dirty shirt and pants, but he paid them no mind.
Twelve. The couple started to talk about their plans on the honeymoon tomorrow. Harry busied himself by playing with the straps of the beach bag. He realized just now it had her name inside one of the straps lazily written with a sharpie. [Y/N], it stated.
Eleven again.
Ten again.
Nine again. The door opened, but he did not step out. Of course, the couple began to eye him with suspicion now as he reached out to press the button to the eighth floor.
Eight. When he stepped out, he heard the hushed but relieved sighs from both of the other two behind him as the elevator proceeded to close shut and go down.
Harry knocked on the first door. A man in his pajamas answered. Harry muttered an apology as he walked away to try the second door. He heard the first door swing shut.
The second door was equipped with a sign on the doorknob saying, ‘Do not Disturb.’ So, of course, Harry moved on to the third. He heard loud sounds of children playing inside. When he knocked, a tired woman carrying a toddler in her arms answered. Harry apologized once more and moved on.
Harry’s shoulder was aching, so he let the bag down and simply held it in his hands.
The fourth door was answered by a middle-aged man holding a glass of wine.
The fifth door’s knob held the same message as the the second — ‘Do not Disturb.’
As you may recall, Harry held a bag he did not own in his hand. His shirt was a bit muddied and moist on one side, but he didn’t mind. He stood in front of the eighth door he’ll be knocking on in hopes it was the owner of the bag. It still wasn’t, though.
Instead, a woman his age greeted him with a smile. She was pretty, sure, but she wasn’t what he was looking for. He apologized for interrupting and went ahead to knock on the ninth door.
It swung open, and Harry let out a long sigh.
An older woman greeted him with a pleasant smile. “Hello, dear,” she said. He took a shot and asked if she knew anyone by the name of [Y/N] [Y/L/N]. Unfortunately though, she did not.
Harry finally made it to the last door. He knocked once more, holding the bag tighter now. A little kid answered, with her parents and siblings in the background, eating pancakes. They did not know of someone named [Y/N] [Y/L/N], either.
Shoulders slumping, Harry made his way back to the elevator. He pressed the up button.
“Excuse me?” called out a voice from behind him. His heart skipped a beat. Wait, don’t skip, he thought to himself.
It still wasn’t her. It was the same girl from the ninth door. “Yes?”
“You’re looking for [Y/N]?” she asked. “[Y/N] [Y/L/N]?”
“Er — yes. Do you know her?” asked Harry.
“Yeah, she’s in the shower. Is that her bag?”
“Oh!” He almost forgot that he was holding it. “Yes, yes it is.”
“I can give it to her,” called out the woman. She closed the door behind her, making her way towards him. When she was close enough, she extended her hand.
The elevator dinged open. Harry was about to hand it over to her, when he decided something else.
“Er — no, uh, I was actually hoping if I could see her.”
She let her hand down, grinning. “You must be Elevadork.”
“Oh, yeah, it’s an inside joke,” said Harry.
“You can wait inside,” said the girl. “I’m Karolina, by the way. She’s just showering because she’s, and I quote, ‘will be too unlovable if smelling like chlorine.’”
Harry chuckled as Karolina led him to their hotel room. It was just like every other room he had seen, then he saw the same towel she had with her just a while ago when they were stuck with only each other’s company.
“He was nice, though. I wouldn’t mind seeing him again. By the way, we’re out of hair conditioner. My hair badly nee — Harry!” [Y/N] tumbled backwards to the bathroom with a different towel wrapped around herself. Harry’s eyes widened, and he turned around.
“He wanted to return your bag and ask you out,” said Karolina.
“That’s not what I actually said,” whispered Harry, turning crimson.
“Honey, trust me, it was definitely what you said,” laughed Karolina, patting him in the back. “You might want to change first.”
“I guess,” added Harry.
[Y/N] rushed to the get her clothes from one of the two beds and ran back to the shower, where she hastily pulled on her shirt and checkered pajama pants.
“She’s done changing, by the way,” said Karolina, patting Harry on the shoulder again as she left to pour iced tea for herself.
[Y/N] led Harry out, earning two thumbs up from Karolina, who was beaming up at the two of them. “How’d you find me?”
“Fate,” said Harry mockingly, as if from a show. She giggled. “I knocked on all the doors in this hallway.”
“To return a bag?”
“Sure, that, too. But mainly to ask if you’d like to get some — er — doughnuts with, uh, me. I really want to bring some up to —”
“Your friend’s dad, right,” [Y/N] cut out. “Are we still taking the elevator?”
“Yeah,” said Harry.
They finally reached the elevator, where they stood side by side.
“Aren’t you going to change first?” asked [Y/N].
“Nope,” said Harry, pressing the down button. He turned to [Y/N], looking at her shirt. “Does that say ‘Treacle Treat?’”
“Yeah, like as in Trick or Treat. See the pumpkin?” She pointed at the bottom part of her shirt.
“Oh, there it is.” The two were laughing even when they stepped into the elevator. They exchanged a knowing glance at the sight of scattered crumbs of doughnuts on the floor, not daring to talk about it in front of one another guest.
As the elevator began to go down, Harry realized he might as well believe in the lucky numbers. After all, if it weren’t for six, seven, and nine, he wouldn’t be here right now standing shoulder up to shoulder with the girl wearing a funky shirt.
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Taglist: @gingerale2017 @maybanksslut @hey-there-angels @mrzweasley @gwlvr @booksarealwaysbettersworlds-blog @greenlyblue @henqtic @meiitanoia @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts
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wizkiddx · 4 years
the worst case scenario part 4
Finally! Sorry it took so so long I’ve just been mad busy! I’m really not sure how much I like this, but deff this is the second last part (if people still want another) so not much more to endure and suffer through if your stuck in it ahah x
Warnings [please check before reading!!] : mentions of death / hospitals and ICUs / bit of lack of childhood love (have no idea how to phrase that rn wow)
Tom had silently cried again when saying goodnight to Y/n for the evening. Harrison hadn’t a clue what to do, except stand back helplessly and watch, giving his friend a bit of space - but at the same time not letting him go it alone. It took a painfully long time for Tom to collect himself before he could straighten up and turn toward Haz.
“You sure you don’t mind staying with her?” Harrison nodded pitifully at Tom’s glassy eyes, the way his eyebrows were furrowed downwards.
“I’ll stay till 10, I got her”
“I owe you bro” Mumbling, Tom launched himself to wrap his arms round his taller mate - squeezing extra hard because that was a way of distracting him from the emotions still threatening to overtake him.
“Nah I’m not doing this for you div…. I love her too ya know?” That made Tom scoff laugh a little, nodding his head as he leant away.
“Yeh she…she has that effect. Just-“ Tom momentarily looked back at the bed, watching the ventilator pump air to mechanically inflate your lungs. “Just call me if anything happens, please promise me.”
“You already know I will…. but- and I know this is hard for you- but you have to promise me you’ll give the baby a chance?” Tom gulped at the mention, looking away at the blue curtains for a minute, his jaw clenching. “Come on Tom just give her a feed or something… you know it’s what Y/n would want.“
“Can we not speak about this in front of her please?” Tom's voice was short and teeth were gritted as he gestured at his unconscious fiancé, giving the clear impression to H that it wasn’t really a question. The nurse pretended to busy herself monitoring all Y/n’s readings, feeling incredibly awkward. She was the one who had mentioned to Tom that Y/n might be able to hear, at the time meaning to be a comforting and possibly hopeful gesture, now she was deeply regretting it. This wasn’t the first uncomfortable situation she’d been in, working 1 on 1 with patients in ICU meant you were automatically privy to some of the deepest conversations between patients and relatives - though this was the first time it was a celeb too, especially one who valued his privacy so much. It was more than obvious Tom wasn’t uncomfortable just because his fiancé might be conscious enough to hear.
“No Tom I…” Harrison lost control. He snapped “No not at all! Because I know she’d want me to give you a good bloody shake! I get you haven’t landed on a name yet but at least see your daughter! I bloody hope Y/n hears this… if that’s what it takes for you to realise that, to be honest she’d be heartbroken and betrayed that you haven’t been loving your baby!”
Silence, except for the beeping and whirring of the various machines.
And the silence stayed for a painfully long time - Tom and Harrison holding each other in intense eye contact, whilst the nurse bit her lip in the corner. Harrisons breathing was slightly ragged from the whisper-shouted words that he’d let slip out. The atmosphere was tense, the nurse was inwardly preparing calling for help if and when Tom ultimately started throwing fists at his friend.
It took literal minutes for Harrison to concede, his friend's dark eyes painfully boring into his skull. Again he hadn’t meant to go off like that, he really didn't want to hurt his friend who was literally going through hell and back. Now wasn’t the time for tough love really , and Harrison instantly felt an insurmountable level of guilt.
“I-I didn-“
“-her names Aurora.”
“No Tom I’m sorry I really didn-“
“Her name is Aurora. Aurora Christina Mary Holland.” Tom wasn’t joking. He was so deadly and sincerely serious. Harrison had no trouble believing this, believing that Tom had been ruminating all day on this - just by the look of his brown eyes.
“It’s beautiful.” The blonde almost was gasping, inwardly repeating the name as a chant inside his head, correlating it to the memories of earlier that day when he was cradling the girl. There was no doubt about it- Aurora was an Aurora, it suited her perfectly. Yes, it wasn’t typical but it was beautiful. “What’s it mean?” He only asked because nobody picked a name without looking into it and Harrison knew that the couple had yet to name the little girl when she was first born as they were still torn between a few carefully considered options.
“Dawn like sunrise I think and-and, you know… the auroras that me and Y/n saw in Iceland the night I…. The night I proposed.”
The word held an awful lot of emotion for Tom. Y/n had always been one of those people - the ‘look up’ type or the ‘smell the roses’. Underneath her sarcasm and wit, she was one of the purest people, in the way that all she needed was the little things in life. It was a ball ache to Tom sometimes but Y/n always would drag him out of bed at stupid o’clock in the morning on a beautiful day to see the sunrise. He’d moan and groan all the way, only to grow silent when he gazed deeply at the sunrise sparkling her eye as she peered out at the horizon.
Of course, the aurora borealis was important too. You can probably already guessed; Y/n loved the night sky and stars too. She also loved the snow, the winter, the cosy log fires, the walks spent launching the freezing powder at Tom’s face - only to get it returned twice as bad. So when Tom was ready and oh so certain he would spend the rest of his life with her, a trip to Iceland seemed a pretty good opportunity to do it. No expense was spared on their little cabin in the woods, wrapped in cosy blankets staring up at the sky through the transparent roof that was the reason this cabin was so incredibly expensive. They’d spent the evening after they’d got back from exploring the frozen forest wrapped in the thick white duvet, chatting pure rubbish while cradling a luxurious hot chocolate, complete with marshmallows and whipped cream. Then these almost otherworldly green and blue ribbons grabbed their attention, dancing and waving across the deep midnight sky. Whilst she was transfixed, hair billowing round her on the pillow while staring upwards - that was when Tom leaned over, pulling the little black box out of the bedside table.
And then there was the new connotation to the word. The new situation that had him so incredibly hesitant to label her just yet. If Aurora meant a new dawn and meant life without Y/n he didn’t want it. More than that, he refused. No matter how impossible it was, Tom refused to think about life without her. It just wasn’t an option. It couldn’t happen.
Yet without much control over his own mouth, when Harrison had asked, it had just slipped out. He knew it had to be her name. But the fact he’d spoken it… that was terrifying.
“Well go see Aurora Tom… please.” This time they’d swapped, Tom was stoney faced and Harrison knew he was about to cry, which really Tom didn’t need to witness. What he needed to do was get him with his daughter. So again, for now, Harrison's emotions would wait.
And with only a small nod of parting, off Tom walked. The man left in the bay released a breath he didn’t know he was holding before turning and all but collapsing into the armchair next to Y/n. Unsurprisingly, this still was too much to process and shut his eyes, squeezing the bridge between the nose as he tried to slow down all the blurring thoughts in his mind - simultaneously trying to bring each one into focus and shock … that wasn’t very easy.
It was in fact at least two and a half hours he sat there, the white noise of the ward whirring dully in Harrison's head while he spent the time just… thinking. He looked asleep, eyes closed and slumped in the chair but he was painfully awake. All the remaining energy that dwindled in him from before this whole nightmare had started was spent trying to organise his thoughts; process all the medical explanations and jargon he’d heard; everything he’d seen, all the wires and tube; the advice on how to feed a baby with a bottle.
That was until a voice got progressively louder from the background crackle, slowly forming into intelligible words.
“Sir… Sir?” Blinking forcefully Harrison's eyes lazily focused on the nurse that had been stationed next to Y/n for certainly as long as he had been here, her black hair pulled tightly into a low bun and kind eyes smiling at him. “Sorry for waking you.”
“No no I was just ehrmm… just thinking.” She nodded with a gentle smile that kind of suggested she didn’t believe him but relented all the same.
“It’s just getting late and I thought you’d like an update before I clock off for the evening?” Nodding frantically, Harrison’s eye quickly shot over to Y/n - just to check she was still there.
“Okay well it all seems really positive actually. The doctors were in just before…” Alright, so maybe H had fallen a little bit asleep because he definitely didn’t know that the doctor had been in. “… they’ve withdrawn the sedation and her GCS has started to improve slightly, which basically is a measure of how unconscious a person is.”
“She’s waking up?” Haz was now bolt upright in the chair, looking between the nurse and the still apparently unconscious women lying in the bed.
“Very slowly… but it is looking good, maybe, the doctors are keen to see her condition tomorrow. I thought you might like to help me do her last GCS check of the evening?”
Just maybe the nurse had already taken these set of observations before she’d stirred Harrison but it was a nice way to demonstrate improvements that couldn’t really be seen to a patient's relative - who couldn’t interpret results like qualified health care professionals could. Hopefully, Y/n’s response would be the same as before and then maybe Harrison could report back to the heartbroken fiancé that maybe things weren’t so bad. Standing in front of Harrison, the state of him was more than evident and she had a sneaking suspicion Tom would be worse. Instantaneously then, Harrison nodded vigorously; jumping out his chair with sprite that even he didn’t know he had.
“Okay so in GCS we test eye responses, verbal responses and the motor - so movement…” The lady talked through it all to Haz who listened intently, nodding his head every so often. She then went through the process of first asking Y/n to open her eyes - nothing. Then applying light pressure to her forehead, still Y/n lay still. She then moved on to trying to rouse her with words, getting Harrison to join in but still receiving nothing back. It was starting to feel a bit hopeless to Harrison, yet he still entertained the lady, going through all her steps.
“Okay so now we test movement so first hold her hand and ask her to squeeze it.” Following her directions precisely Harrison tried, still receiving absolutely no response. “Okay so now we add stimuli, trying squeezing between her shoulder and neck, like your pinching her just not too hard.”
Hesitantly Harrison reached up to her shoulder adding a small pressure between his thumb and first and second finger. Again nothing happened but the nurse encouraged him to go a bit harder - he was being light as he just didn't want to hurt her. With a nod and a small mumble of “cmon Y/n/n” he added strength. It took a moment or two but then sure as Harrison standing there himself, Y/n’s opposite right arm limply twitched upwards - making a small almost pathetic, yet still very clear attempt to remove the pressure on her shoulder.
Looking up at the nurse pleadingly Harrison received a confirmatory nod back at him - communicating the fact that this was indeed progress. In fact, just seeing Y/n not completely limp and almost vegetative - made his adrenalin soar.
“It’s baby steps but in the right direction okay?”
Letting out a breathy and relieved laugh Harrison nodded jerkily, wiping his cheek on his shoulder just because there might’ve just been a tear or two there.
For Tom forcing himself to leave the ICU was one of the hardest things he’d ever done. Why he had ever agreed with his mother was so ridiculously beyond on him, yet he felt he had somewhat lost his choice thanks to his well meaning best mate forcing him down the children’s floor. It wasn’t that he hated Aurora, physically that was an impossibility. And yet he hated what she’d done to Y/n, he hated that he was alone in this, he hated the whole situation. Which ultimately was his fault 9 months ago- which just made him hate himself even more.
Also in some weird and convoluted way, he felt as though he was betraying Y/n by seeing their baby. And that was exactly why… it was their baby. She’d been so excited, so so over the moon when those two lines appeared on the stick - it was cruelly unfair that he was physically capable to see her and Y/n was paralysed in an unconscious state.
Again his body seemed to be on autopilot, Tom was confused as to how he knew where he needed to go - having skilfully avoided the children’s ward for as long as possible. It was like a homing instinct, as much as he consciously was almost terrified to see her - he still appeared to need her near him. Seeing his parents in the hallway, Nikki cradling the little bundle wrapped in blankets, both of them making small talk to the nurse opposite. It was his dad who noticed him first, looking over the cautious look in his eyes and the way his fingers clutched nervously at the bottom of his hoodie.
“How is she?”
“The same I guess… she okay?” He nodded toward the little baby, Nikki looking up excitedly.
“She’s beautiful… a little bit stressed out but…” Nikki referred to her slight fussing, which was clearly far from full blown scream, more like tired and muted groans.She didn't really realise her poor choice of words till her son mumbled under his breath.
“Not the only one.”
Before she could apologise and backtrack, the same nurse who had been so kind to Harrison approached them all.
“Ah… Mr Holland right?” He nodded passively, receiving yet another sympathetic smile back. So many of them had been chucked about today, each one becoming less and less helpful and more and more infuriating. Though Tom was not about to fly off the handle since in all honesty, he was too drained for that. “ I just need to get you to sign some paperwork in private with me before we can formally discharge baby Holland. Would you mind bringing her in here?”
Almost even before finishing the statement she had already disappeared through a door into another hospital room, as if demanding him to follow immediately in order to comply with her busy schedule. Still stood a little dazzled, Tom watched the door swing shut while his brows furrowed, until eventually turning back to his mum. Aurora’s groans and general discontent had somewhat escalated during the small interaction with the nurse lady, her immature lungs producing an impressive level of volume. Nikki was doing the best she could, bouncing the little bundle up and down though it had little effect.
So wordlessly and as if in slow motion, Tom took the two steps necessary to be inches away from his mum - now able to completely see Aurora’s distressed face scrunching up with each sharp inhalation. He didn’t want to but Harrison had betrayed him by telling Y/n; the nurse wanted her in the side room; and he did…. He did want to. Wanted to have her pure and soft skin nested into his chest not Nikki’s; wanted to be her safety and her comfort; wanted to do Y/n proud.
In silence, Tom scooped the girl out his mum's grip, both Dom and Nikki watching his with cautious and shocked eyes - as Tom kept his gaze completely on the little thing. Then, he whisked the two of them into the room, away from the prying eyes (even if they were his own parents and Aurora’s grandparents).
As soon as he walked in the nurse pressed her mouth shut, sensing the need to be an invisible entity for a short while. Dom and Nikki had expressed their concerns about Tom’s feeling toward the baby girl before he’d arrived on the ward. She was acutely aware this was the first time he’d held his child in the last 18 hours.
Tom sat down, the girl silent now as she blinked open heavy eyes in confusion, probably because she recognised these arms but couldn’t place where. That was the first time Tom had seen his daughters eyes and all he saw was Y/n. Her Y/e/c eyes with the little darker flick in the bottom half of each iris. Aurora was his little piece of Y/n, which in that moment Tom realised was perhaps what he needed all day. Tears were tracking steadily down his cheeks while Tom used the back of his first finger to gently stroke up and down Aurora’s little chin- enjoying the way she leant into the action, uncoordinated movements of her head wiggling herself within the crook of his elbow.
The two of them and then the nurse opposite just sat quietly for five or so minutes, till eventually - lulled by her Dad’s regular stroking action, deep breaths and scent- Aurora let her eyes close again.
“She looks very happy with you Dad.” The nurse thought now was the safest time to speak, voice low, then taking the time to wait for Tom to respond. When eventually he did, it didn’t really fit the conversation but it was all Tom wanted to - and could- say in that moment.
“She’s just like her mum.”
The two then went through all the various forms Tom had to sign, all of which he did carefully so as not to disturb the little girl in his arms. It didn't take long before the nurse woman was ushering him out back into the hallway, where his parents were waiting anxiously for him. Dom saw the tear tracks Tom hadn’t bothered to wipe away, putting two and two together to realise maybe he’d come to his senses. So with the question of are you ready to go, Dom was more than delighted by the response he received. It wasn’t actually directed at him, more a breathy rhetorical question the sleeping child securely nestled into her dad’s toned arms.
“Let’s get you home Aurora.”
Because like it or not; no matter what the outcome was with Y/n there was doubt that this was a new start. A new dawn. It was terrifying, stressful and hard but in the same way you can’t fight the coming sunrise; Tom knew he couldn’t fight this event. It was happening, dawn was breaking and it was Aurora, him and Y/n. In whatever way fate chose it to be. A new ‘dawn’.
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lilxberry · 4 years
The Glitch: Chapter One
Wanda certainly had attracted the newest Avenger. Y/N’s usual overconfident façade seems to easily drop when around the Sokovian witch.
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(A/N: Your powers are kinda like Fives’ from TUA but it acts a lot quicker and it has the visual of an actual glitch. Kinda like Penelope Von Sweets in Wreck-It Ralph.)
Warnings: Language. Violence. That’s pretty much it for this chapter.
Words: 1,022
Pairings: Avengers x reader, Wanda Maximoff x reader (later chapters)
Y/N never thought she would be in an elevator, on her way to officially join the Avengers. It all came about when a bank robbery took place as she was waiting to transfer money into an account. Just your average trip to the bank, right?
--- flashback ---
She had just gotten to the front of her line and about to start her transaction with an employee when the group of men stormed into the bank with an array of firearms.
‘You gotta be fucking kidding me!’ She thought as she huffed out a breath of annoyance.
As everyone scrambled to lie on the floor as instructed by the men, Y/N proceeded to to pull the hood of her jacket up and shove her hands into her pocket, back facing the criminals.
“I said get on the ground, you dumb bitch!” She could hear the irritation and lack of patience within his voice. She rolled her eyes before dignifying the asshat with a response.
“Why don’t you fuck off so I can finally speak to my financial adviser, nob gobbler.”
At that point, the men had become miffed beyond belief. The man closest to her stomped his way over, ready to sweep her legs from underneath her and pin her to the floor. But before he could advance on her position further, she had, what could best be described as ‘glitched’, away before him, shocking and frightening the people surrounding her.
Before they could comprehend what had just happened, she let out a whistle, notifying the men of her new position.
She had placed herself upon one of the desks, sat with her legs crossed over one another, wiggling her fingers in a mock wave. A simple, little smirk strewn across her soft features.
 As soon as the men began to raise their guns, she had glitched again, only too reappear, just as quickly as she had disappeared, behind one of said criminals.
She kicked his legs out before knocking him out with a quick, sharp punch to his temple. Y/N  after, glitched away to a new position within the building hastily, continuing to confuse her self-appointed foes.
Her second target had speedily turned and raised his weapon, only to realise she had switched out his weapon. “Woah. cool mug man!” She proceeds to flip the pistol she had swapped out in her hand as she glitched to stand behind him, landing a unmerciful ‘WHACK!’ to the back of his head, unsympathetically smacking him with the butt of the gun.
She continued to swiftly take out the armed men, leaving her with her final opponent and too many one-liners she never got the chance to use. She flashed him a sinister smirk, showing the man no mercy. “You wanna do this the easy way or my way, hun?”
His eyes flitted across the room, noting his fallen compadres'  and the hostages who watch the young girl in awe.
He threw his weapon on to the floor and raised his arms to convey his surrender. “Good choice,” she quipped before she delivered a round house kick to the jaw, instantaneously knocking him out .
As the last bank infiltrator fell to the floor with a harsh thud, the hostages ran towards the buildings main entrance without delay .
Once the bank was void of civilians, Y/N quickly glitched outside to an alleyway a few buildings away. She had quickly rid herself of her hood and peered around the corner in the direction of the bank, closely watching the scene before her. 
In the corner of her eye, she spotted a certain wall crawler sporting iconic red and blue spandex crawl his way out through one of the side windows on the bank and make his way up towards the roof. 
‘Must’ve realised it’s been dealt with.’ She shrugged her shoulders ever so slightly before heading back further into the alleyway before glitching back to her apartment. 
Meanwhile, as she made a clean break for her home, the spiderling had a million questions whirling through his head.
The main thing being, ‘Who was that?’
--- end of flashback ---
“Do you have any questions before we step out of the elevator?” Fury asked the newest recruit to join the team.
“Yeah. Will there be snacks?”
“Is that really the question you want to be asking right now?” His voice rises in pitch, expressing his disbelief and quite possibly, amusement, at her inquiry.
“Yes.” Her face stoic, void of any humour at the situation. “You interrupted my lunch.”
Fury returned his gaze forward towards the elevator door, observing her through her reflection in the metallic surface. He noticed the girl tends to fidget quite a bit, making sure to make further observations of her behaviour in the coming weeks.
A small silence resurfaces as they pass more floors before the inevitable opening of said elevator doors slide open, revealing a large living space with a crowd of people. 
Y/N’s mind whirls a hundred miles a minute as she and ‘patches’, her nickname for Fury, advance towards the lounging Avengers. Fury claps his hands together loudly, the sound cutting through the air and drawing the attention of Earths mightiest heroes towards the pair. 
“Who the hell is that?” Tony is the first to speak as he motions towards the female at the S.H.E.I.L.D directors left. Everyone looks Y/N up and down with narrow eyes, except for one. A teenaged boy. A kid.
“Surely you can show some respect towards the newest Avenger, Stark.”
Everyone’s eyes widen in most notably shock and surprise. Again, all except for one set of deep brown eyes, a knowing gaze paired along with a sweet and welcoming yet almost excited smile.
“Hey. I’m Y/N and I guess I’m your teammate.”  She raises her pointer and middle finger up towards her forehead, giving them a faux salute, all the while smiling at the team cheekily.
The Avengers shared quick glances with each other, all wondering what is now in store for them with a new addition to the team.
“Soooooo, got any snacks?”
So, I guess I’m writing a Marvel series rn. That’s cool.
My updates may be slow with chapters for this series as I want to keep alternating between my fandoms and stories.
I don’t want to focus my all on to just this one project, if that makes sense.
Either way, I hope you enjoy. Please like if you do so I know to continue this.
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed.
And finally, who would you like to see as the main love interest of this story??
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
“Funny Seeing You Here.”
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a/n: inspired by this tweet I saw: I’m in Target rn and i just overheard a woman tell her daughter. “Come on baby. Daddy will be home around 8:30 and we have to beat him there to hide all the clothes we are buying.” @saradesdinn on Twitter.
another a/n: also, you all are gonna see a lot more of Aurora. For some more background, read Dumbfounded Drew where the reader tells Andy they are expecting!
Freedom at last, you happily waved goodbye to all of your coworkers who were just as equally as glad to see gone. It was Friday, meaning you’d be able to be free from their irritating and fatuous gossip for the next two days. Half of the time, while you’d be diligently working at your desk, they’d be sitting around, picking their nails and loudly yap about whomever they pleased.
Once in your car, you quickly called your nephew who babysat your daughter, Aurora, for you since you’d gone back to work. Fresh outta high school, your nephew gladly took the opportunity since it meant he’d earn some money.
You arrived home in no time. Unlocking the door, you were greeted with the sight of your nephew playing with Aurora. With a giggle you came over to hug him, the young man smiling at you with a light tint to his cheeks.
“Thanks again for babysitting her, Ethan. It means a lot to me and your uncle.”
Digging in your purse, you fished out your wallet along with a check you had prepared for Ethan. You handed him the piece of paper with a bright smile as his jaw dropped.
“Aunt (y/n), I can’t accept this. We agreed on less than this. I won’t take it.”
Ethan stood in his place, holding out the check for you to take back. Shaking your head, you pushed his outstretched hand.
“Nonsense, you do a lot for us and you deserve this. Now go on! It’s Friday, have some fun!”
The young man laughed and accepted the check. You gave him a quick hug and he then walked himself to the door.
Once Ethan left, you turned to the floor where Aurora sat, chewing on some rubber toy you had gotten her.
“Hi sweetie! What do you say about a girl’s trip with mommy?”
You bounced Aurora on your hip and she grabbed at your hair, a large smile on her chubby little face.
“I’ll take that as a yes, Miss. Ro.”
With that, you grabbed Ro’s baby bag and brought her to your car.
Once you parked at the mall, you unstrapped Aurora from her seat and then adjusted her in the baby carrier that you had bonded across your chest.
With Aurora secure, you placed a soft kiss on her head and then grabbed your purse from the car.
Inside the mall, you went to the first department store in sight which happened to be a Macy’s. Rarely did you ever buy anything when you went on these spontaneous shopping trips. They were more of just window shopping trips to be honest.
After a few minutes of walking around, you caught sight of the most beautiful blouse you think you’ve seen in your life. Picking it up, the temptation to buy the dang thing grew stronger and stronger.
“One little blouse won’t hurt. Right, babe?”
You peered down to see Aurora asleep, as if you had actually expected an answer from the baby.
Oh how wrong you were.
From there, everything went downhill pretty fast and you ended up buying a bunch of clothes for Aurora and then a pair of shoes for yourself. Yes, you bought more things for the baby, but that’s how it worked now. You enjoyed spoiling Aurora, especially with her being your first born and all.
By time you were in line, you hadn’t even realized you’d picked up so many things. Instead of worrying, you just shrugged it off and whispered to Ro who had finally woken up.
“We better hurry up, sweetie. Your daddy should be getting off soon and we need to get home in time to hide all of our shi—-stuff.”
You softly laughed at your slip up and pecked Ro’s kissable baby forehead once more.
Leaning up, you peeked around the woman in front of you to see how many more people were in line. As you did so, a man in a suit turned to leave from his place checking out at the register. The handsome man turned his head in your direction, revealing two cerulean orbs that locked with yours. In shock, your eyes widened and said man started to strut over in your direction, heavily chuckling.
“Andy! What are you doing here?!”
You were caught in the act, your husband couldn’t stop laughing as you attempted to hide the many items and ultimately ended up miserably failing.
Andy held up the small plastic bag in his hand, slowly pulling out a box.
“Well, it was going to be a surprise, but I guess it’s kinda ruined now.”
He frowned for a short second and then immediately contorted his lips back into a beautiful smile. Taking the small box in one hand, Andy removed the lid to reveal a white gold band encrusted with microscopic gems that seemed to be diamonds.
By now, you had stepped out of line and brought your hands to your face in shock.
Andy tugged your left hand from your face and gently held it in his own. As he had done so many times before, Andy slipped on the ring, stopping just above your wedding band.
“I figured I’d get you a little something to remember when our precious Ro was born.”
You smiled at your husband and pulled his tie, bringing him closer to you, all while being mindful of Aurora who was still strapped in the carrier on your chest.
Without second thought, you sweetly kissed his lips for a long moment in time.
Against his plush, pink lips, you spoke up, “What did I do to deserve you, Drew?”
The man sighed, “Oh honey, I ask myself the same thing about you and Ro, every day.”
The two of you were oblivious to the many staring people, but just carried on.
Eventually detaching yourself from Andy’s lips, your husband offered to take Aurora while you went to go checkout. Yes, you were still going to buy those things.
Just as you walked away, you saw Andy strolling around the store, Aurora strapped to his chest as he maneuvered her pudgy little arms to wave at the people who smiled at her. With a small giggle, you turned away from the sight, relishing in a blissful sigh at the thought of your wonderful family.
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Texted Love
Henry Cavill x Fem! Reader
Part 6
Central Masterlist | Texted Love
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You wanted to say you were used to the flashing lights but in truth, you definitely weren't. Each burst of white blinding your gaze. Your eyes ached tremedously as they strained to continue looking forward, you could feel a massive headache coming in. You really wanted to get out of there as fast as your heels could take you.
Although you had to admit, the attention was divine and intoxicating.
Walking up to red carpeted steps with the help of your dear assistant, who by the way looked absolutely ravishing in his velvet purple suit, you swiftly made your way to the top. Overjoyed at the fat that you had not experience the traumatizing affair that was tripping on the carpet in front of thousands of international cameras. Ugh, the memes they would make.
Just as you were about to head through the main entrance, a familiar voice reached your jeweled ears. Glancing to your right, the faint squeals of Liza Koshy brought a smile to your face as she spoke into her microphone, " Holy cow, it's (Y/n) (L/n)! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Damn look at her dress! Yes queen!" Giggling at her fangirling, you sauntered over to her. Enjoying the glimmers of joy in the young woman's eyes.
"Hello Liza." Your voice smooth like honey.
"Oh my- Hi (Y/n)! How we feeling today?" Her smile was contagious. You shook your head, a tired look on your face.
"Lights are making me dizzy and I'm tired and hungry. What about you my darling dove?" Both her and the cameraman laughed at your honesty.
"I'm doing great thank you for asking. I gotta ask, who are you wearing cause this dress is outta this world." Leaning into her, you were mindful of not "eating the microphone".
"I'm wearing Versace. But not only was the dress designed by them but, of course, the jewelry and purse." You showed her your bracelet, the white diamonds matching the pearliness of your teeth.
"Say (Y/n), I've heard a few things about a certain someone~ Wink wink." You giggled. For some reason, anytime you spoke about him, you seemed to have more energy than ever.
"You mean babyboy Henry?" Liza made a face as she let out a loud 'Ooo'.
"Have ya'll been talking?" Her voice was filled with excitement. You nodded causing the girl to squeal in delight at getting some tea.
"You heard it here folks! The ship has sailed!" You laughed, holding onto your abdomen as your whole body shook with each laugh.
"I wouldn't say its sailed yet. We're just talking. Hell, we haven't even met yet." She made a 'I-don't-believe-you' face, sassily placing her hand on your hip as she put all her body weight to one foot. You chuckled.
"Still, there's already a fandom." Your eyes widened in both horror and pure happiness.
"You jest!" She shook her head, her black locks moving back and forth like silk in the wind.
"I do not jest m'lady."
"Oh god. I don't know whether to be horrified or not...well...hmmm... As long as fanart has yet to exist I guess we're good." The reporter made a face to which made you have a moment of lapsed judgement.
"Bitch what the fuck ya'll work fast." Upon realizing your mistake you gave her a sheepish smile, apologizing for your sailor's mouth. Hopefully they bleeped that out.
The two of you spoke some more despite many interruptions made by your assistant. You genuinely enjoyed the young youtuber's presence, it was warm and bubbly just like her. Unfortunately, all things must come to an end. It was just as you were about to walk away when the she asked," Is there anything you'd like to tell Mr. Cavill at this moment?"
Acquiring a new sense of boldness, you nodded. A wicked smirk coming to sit upon your painted lips.
"Henry I don't even know why you bother, you can't handle this." You teased as you ran your hands down the curves of your body with a lopsided grin. Giving a kiss goodbye to your newfound friend, you walked away from the camera. Finally entering the main building, you were sat down near the stage, beside some other actors you had yet to see on the big screens. Or most likely, they were already on the big screen but you just didn't know considering that you don't really watch TV or movies as much as the regular person.
Opening your bag, you pulled out your phone, pushing back the many Wendy's receipts that were already lazily stuffed in there as an effort to have an alibi in the unlikely case that you get caught committing a crime.
Unlocking the device, a lopsided grin overtook your features the moment you gazed into your notifications bar. An oh so familiar username lighting up through the pixels.
Instagram 7:50pm
(henrycavill): (u/n): Too much to handle? Is that a challenge?
You laughed. Tapping on it, you unlocked the phone allowing for it to take you to the origin of the message.
(U/n): (henrycavill): What? You actually think you can handle me? Dunno bout that mate
He replied fast. 
(henrycavill): (U/n): Oh I know I can handle you. Also nice dress, fits you well ;)
You rolled your eyes, a charming smirk settling upon your lips. You could feel your cheeks flush with heat as blushed rushed into them.
(U/n): (henrycavill): Thank you doll. What are you doing rn?
(henrycavill): (U/n): Just doing some things for the Witcher.
(U/n): (henrycavill): Big oof. Loved the first season, can't wait for more. If we meet you gotta be wearing both the contacts and the hair cuz 👌
(henrycavill): (U/n): hehehe
(henrycavill): (U/n):  What would you do if I did? 😏
You couldn't help but giggle. Catching wandering eyes on your figure, you sent the owner's a little sensual shrug before glancing over to Terry, who stood not so far from you. At the moment, he was ordering some Champagne for the two of you.
He mouthed, Is it him? You puckered your lips, feigning a shy glance to the side before looking back up at the lean male. It seemed that the response was exactly what he wanted for his eyes shined brighter than freaking supernovas. Quickly grabbing both your drinks, he swiftly made his way over to you in long strides.
You proceeded to look back at the screen upon hearing your friend pull out the chair beside you after having put down the drink on the inky black silk tablecloth.
(U/n): (henrycavill): 😜 we’ll find out when we cross that bridge lol 
(henrycavill): (U/n): smh. We will meet. How could I not want to meet my celebrity crush? ;)
Seriously, the audacity of this man. Like hOW COULD HE?
Playing with my emotions and not my puss-
(A/N): Sorry this is short.
@peachy-aisha @josiejosie0 @alwayshave-faith @hista-girl @sleepyxcoffee @akropodeti @artsxpe @ju-lehnsherr @jessyballet @snowbellexx @fanfictionaddiction99 @barikawho @thummbelina @amberparker18 @tinawritesstuff​ @doozywoozy​ 
Hope you enjoyed!
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psycoweeb · 4 years
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Amber/Momo Yaoyorozu
Color Prompt: Amber(Most of this was meant to happen in front of a fire...)
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, cheesy confession, hiking, and my bad writing ❤
Disclaimer: I do not own bnha or any of its characters. Only the story written below.
A/N: I am SO SORRY this took so long! To make a long story short I basically dropped all of my hobbies in order to focus on the last bit of my school semester😅
It's litterly 12am rn so sorry if it seems a bit off at the end (this fic DEFINITELY did not go the way I planned😂I kina like it tho)
You tried to keep up as you walked the trail, ducking and dodging branches. 'Why am I here again?' you thought starting to feel your fatigue slowly building.
It was nearing the end of class when Aizawa sensei randomly announced a surprise four day "field trip" that would take place two days later, and it wasn't an option. We ended up rushing to get our parents permission, and pack up.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as you heard Mina groaning loudly. "FINALLY!" The pink haired girl exclaimed sounding relieved. She had good reason to be, Aizawa Sensei had the entire class take a SIX HOUR hike instead of taking the bus up the very obvious road.
You dragged yourself to the clearing along with the rest of the class toward Aizawa sensei, who some how made it up before all of you. And didn't seem the least bit tired??? After giving the class a few hours to rest, thank goodness, Aizawa sensei stood up to speak.
"I'm glad to see you all made it in one piece, however I can't promise you'll leave that way" Everyone internally groaned at this. "starting today we have survival training" He said with a bored expression.
Iida stepped forward, confused by his teachers statment "With all do respect sir, why would we need that type of training? We'll most likely be working as heros in the city, correct?"
"While that may be true" The teacher said turning to him "we don't want other incidents like the USJ. We don't know the extent of their power, therefore we dont know where or how far they can teleport someone. And it was made clear how much you all are lacking in this type of environment at the training camp"
He continued "None of you are used to fighting in a closed off environment with obstacles everywhere you turn, that's what this training camps main objective is, to get you ready for anything. Today we have survival lessons and tomorrow we work on combat, we'll switch off between the days. That means you have two days to learn how to survive in a forest and two days to learn combat in a forest, good luck"
~~•∆(Timeskip by: Momo's delightful tea∆•~~
Everyone sat in silence waiting for their teachers instruction... And by silence I mean bakusqaud was quoting vines while Bakubro yells at them to shut up. (but with more✨𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠✨)
Dekusquad was thinking about random strategies they should use if they were ever ambushed (don't jinx it) while also thinking about what they would eat once they get back.
And the rest of the class are sitting in silence minus some mumbling about cold soba and a few poems.
At some point, in the middle of all this, Midoriya decides it's been long enough. "It seems like Aizawa sensei doesn't have any intention of helping us figure out what to do"
"I do believe it's time that we take charge of the situation." Said Iida "yeah but who?" Kirishima asked quizzically
"What do you mean? " Ojiro inquires
"Who should take charge?" You nodded at his answer
"He has a point" You started "It would be to chaotic if we all 'took charge' of ourselves."
"I vote Iida and Momo!" Hagakure beamed "They aren't the class president and vice president for nothing!" she exclaimed, running over to hug Momo's arm.
"Yeah that sounds good"
"I have no qualms with it"
"I don't see why not"
"I can get behind that"
Mutual agreeance flowed over the crowd of teens in the form of nods and over exclaimed confirmation.
"Okay then" Momo said, sounding slightly nervous.
"ALL RIGHT THEN" exclaimed Iida unconsciously chopping the air, beginning to bark out a few plans and ideas.
×ו∆Timeskip by: Mina's killer moves∆•××
You walk through the trees, glancing around at the ground every once in awhile to make sure you're not skipping over any decently sized sticks.
"How many do you have so far?" You yelled out, not in any particular direction.
"Not enough" Momo yelled back, obviously preoccupied with finding sticks big enough for the fire you both were tasked with building. And by fire you mean bonfire, I mean, it is meant for about 22 people.
So you were kind of disappointed when you found out Momo couldn't use her quirk to make your jobs easier since sticks were considered living things.
You continued to walk forward until you came across a log with a few decent sized sticks protruding from the sides. You snapped them off the log, deciding what you had combined was enough, you both quickly started heading back the direction you came, hoping to get back before it gets dark.
Now, listen. The camp was generally pretty big. I mean, it IS meant for 21 students plus 1 teacher. That being said... why couldn't you find it?!?
You DID come from this direction... RIGHT???
Or.. Was it that way....oh no
"Whats wrong?" Momo walked a bit closer, noticing your hesitant steps.
"Oh nothin', just got a bit turned around" Your voice got higher, trying, and failing, to brush off her question
"Wait so...we're lost???"
"Hey! I never said 'lost'...but uh" You cleared your throat "Yes"
And that my friend... Is when panic set in. You'll never be able to graduate or even try to beat Bakugo and his damn near perfect grades!
"Um... Y/N"
Forget about being a hero! You can't even save YOUR SELF! FrOm TrEeS!
I'll never be able tell her
That.. That is when you made the worst mistake of your life, you looked at her.
And saw Momo's confused, borderline sad face. You had been speaking out loud this whole time.
'Well, I was mumbling what are the chances she ACTUALLY understood what I was saying??? Maybe I could play it off?'
"Tell who what?"
'Dang it!'
You thought you were packing before? Ohh you haven't seen anything yet!
This is the WORST time to confess! It's not romantic AT ALL and your covered head to toe in sweat! And now, you either have to confess your undying love for the girl you and been borderline stalking for MONTHS! Or let her go on believing something that MY NOT EVEN BE TRUE!
You took in a sharp breath. "Well" She gestured for you to continue "There's this girl, she's smart, pretty, nice, well tempered, a good leader, and most likely WAY out of my league... " You had started rambling "A-and I kind of have a massive crush on her... "
With every word Momo's face slowly fell until she was completely looking at the ground
"Well, it sounds like you really like her"
"I do" You looked toward the sky dreamily
'Wait.She doesn't think. She couldn't really. Oh no.. '
You stopped dead in your tracks and turned toward your classmate.
There is NO WAY are you letting the classic: mIsuNDErsTAnDInG tRouPE get in the way of you possibly being able to get a date with the girl you've had a crush on for basically the whole school year!
"Momo Yaoyorozu!" You unintentionally shouted with sudden confidence. She jumped in surprise "You are the most amazing person I have had the pleasure of meeting and will no doubt become an even more amazing Hero"
You paused "I don't want to end this year knowing that I had the chance to have someone so beautiful in my life, possibly forever, and passed it up." You grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes, she was blushing... HARD.
You low key felt proud of yourself. "Momo, YOU are the girl I like. Would you please consider becoming my girlfriend?" You could feel her grip on your hands tighten.
"Do you really think I'm all those things?" She mumbled. "Of course" You answered without thinking, a confused look on your face.
"Strong, stubborn, creative," She spoke softly, gaining confidence with every word.
"good looking, encouraging, and always able to calm down a bad situation while still being able to bring energy into a room just by walking in"
"That's what you are to me." She was now looking you in the eyes. A bright smile on her face. "So when you ask me if I would consider being your girlfriend, the answer is, I already have. And there is nothing I want more"
Your eyes we're now glossed over with tears, but you didn't feel embarrassed because you could see that hers were too.
You both started to lean in and closed your eyes. Soon enough your lips met. It was as if time had stopped. As if the universe itself wanted to sit and appreciate the beautiful and unforgettable moment.
Even when you consider everything that happened that you didn't exactly enjoy. Even though you were still lost and BAKUGOU of all people was sent to find you. That was the most memorable and magical night you had ever experienced as a student of UA.
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