#i’m still very much in love with kunikida
How about BSD men when you're sick with a cold? (Totally not cause i have one rn lmaoo) I love your work btw <3
Thank you sm! And ofc! Hope you like this!!! (same, I was sick this whole week 😞😞 hope you get better soon)
(This is part 1. Part 2 with the rest of the members will come shortly!!!! I decided to slip it so at least one half of it was out…I think I might start doing this in the future to be able to post more frequently! Btw, I have seen all your requests and currently working on them!!!! Please keep requesting! I love every single one of them!)
BSD Men When Reader Is Sick With a Cold (P.1)
In this post: 🌹 Doppo Kunikida, Atsushi Nakajima, Yukichi Fukuzawa, Edogawa Rampo, 🌹
Pairing: Fem!reader/BSDMen
Synopsis; How would the BSD Men act when you have a cold.
Yukichi Fukuzawa
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Fukuzawa, being the president of the Armed Detective Agency is a responsible person. The minute he notices you’re feeling sick, he takes care of you so well, he almost rivals Yosano. He makes sure that you take all your medications, constantly checking your temperature, and will not make you lift a single finger. You are his sick princess; you stay in bed and do absolutely nothing. If you ask for anything, he would rush to get it for you. With Fukuzawa’s love and great, responsible care, you overcame your cold very quickly.
“Where is (Y/N)?” His voice cut through the thick fog in your mind, sounding distant and echoing loudly. You winced, peeking open your eyes. Reality felt dreamlike; you saw Fukuzawa walk towards you, the view of your boyfriend slanted, as you were lying on the surface of the table in the conference room. You had hoped to refresh the burning hellfire that crackled in your mind, but with no avail.
“My dear,” Fukuzawa sighed, sitting down next to you. “You should go home.” He chided, pressing a large hand to your forehead. Your elevated temperature made his usually calm face grow worried. “You’re burning…you’re going home.”
You tried to protest, feebly gripping his arm to hold him back, but the worried glance Fukuzawa threw at you, seeing you pale, burning, nothing could convince him to make you stay at work.
You closed your eyes, your illness draining you far too much to remain awake. Every sound echoed in your ears, hurting your already weakened head.
When you blinked your eyes open, you found yourself in your apartment, and only vaguely remembered Atsushi bringing you home. Fukuzawa would have done so himself if he didn’t have a crucial meeting with a politician he could not avoid.
You dragged yourself to bed, too tired to change, only falling in your futon. Morpheus immediately pulled you under, dragging you to the depths of a dreamless sleep.
You opened your eyes suddenly, feeling a presence next to you even through your agitate sleep. Your eyes had to concentrate more than usual to focus on reality, ironing what was blurry, before you noticed the presence was Fukuzawa.
“Shh…I’m here, my love,” he whispered in your ear, adjusting the covers around you to make sure you weren’t exposed to any cold air. You immediately calmed down, snuggling against his chest. “Take this before you sleep,” Fukuzawa whispered, slipping two pills inside your mouth. You swallowed, knowing they were probably medication to reduce your fever.
You conked out right after, vaguely remembering finding it difficult to fall into deep sleep. You only found peace when Fukuzawa wrapped you in his arms, caressing your head.
You woke up the next morning to an empty bed. You sat up, pressing a hand to your forehead. You sighed in relief when you realized your temperature had gone down, but you still felt under the weather, your eyes burning, and your throat itchy. You glanced at Fukuzawa’s empty spot, wondering where he could have gone.
Almost sensing your thoughts, your boyfriend walked inside your room, carrying a mug of delicious warm milk with honey. “Good morning, sweetheart.” He cooed, seeing you sniffle sadly, clearly not happy you were sick. “I made this for you.” He handed the mug to you, making sure you didn’t burn yourself holding it.
“Yukichi, I don’t like being sick.” You whined, leaning against his side when he sat down next to you.
“I know, darling, but you have to rest to get better. And not stoically push through it like you were doing yesterday.” He chided softly, urging you to drink milk. You pouted, knowing he was right.
You couldn’t help but feel sadness crawl on your face, when you realized you wouldn’t be able to spend your few days off having fun with your partner, who you already saw too little of.
Fukuzawa realized, and to try and bring back the sparkle of happiness on your face, even amid a sore threat and runny nose, he leaned down to press a kiss to the tip of your nose. “Would you wish to watch a movie?”
As he had hoped, a smile brightened your face, and you almost jumped up in joy, Fukuzawa’s hand blocking you from doing so, afraid you would topple over sick. “Can we watch a romcom?”
“Whatever you desire, my love.”
The two of you cuddled in bed, using your laptop to watch your favorite romcom. You could have not been happier, snuggling underneath the covers with your perfect boyfriend, and Fukuzawa also enjoyed spending some time with you, peppering a series of kisses on your face every time the characters kissed on scene.
Edogawa Ranpo
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Ranpo is…interesting when you are sick. It’s one of the few times he shuts down, and does not know what to do, or how to react. For once, the genius detective feels lost. When he realizes you’re sick, his first reaction is disgust, and worry that you could infect him, and then he freezes when he realizes you, his beloved (Y/N), is sick. Panic infects his body, and he just..crashes. It takes a few seconds for his heart to calm down, and to regain the composure on his face. All of his panic runs behind his face, only visible through his emerald green eyes to whomever knows him very well. The moment he has calmed down, he takes control, even if the fear of messing up and making you even sicker haunts his mind. Ranpo cures you slightly chaotically, forgetting to give you medicine and then remembering late at night, but he tries his best, and succeeds in making you feel better, inevitably being exhausted by the time you are no longer sick. Now it’s your turn to take care of him.
“Where is (Y/N)?” Ranpo asked, sulking at his deck, his lips wrapped around a vanilla lollipop as his green eyes scanned the office, noticing your absence.
“She took a day off.” Kunikida replied, not lifting his gaze from his computer.
“She didn’t tell you?” Dazai asked as he spun around in his chair, accidentally kicking Kunikida’s leg and then rolling away when his partner got mad.
Ranpo shook his head, sucking on his lollipop pensively. “Nope…I wonder why,” he thought aloud. You were his girlfriend, and always told him everything. He didn’t know why you didn’t tell him today that you wouldn’t be going. He knew you knew he preferred when you were in the office, brightening his day by just caressing his hand when you walked by, busy working.
When you were not there, Ranpo usually took the day off with you, doing whatever you had needed to be doing. For a second, Ranpo’s rapid mind jumped to the unrealistic thought that you might be cheating on him, but he quickly threw the idea away, not even considering it.
But the lack of knowledge irked Ranpo, and he didn’t feel like rummaging through his pocket to find his glasses to use Ultra Deduction. Instead, Ranpo tapped on his phone for a few minutes, calling your number.
The wait felt excruciatingly long, and he only focused onto the rhythmic beeping, completely ignoring Kunikida choking Dazai.
“Hello?” You answered, your voice strangely nasally and lower than usual.
“(Y/N)!” Ranpo called sadly, pouting. “Why did you not tell me you were taking a day off? I could come over and cuddle in bed with you,” he whined, throwing the finished lollipop in the bin.
You sighed: you had hoped you could escape telling your adorable boyfriend that you were sick. He always panicked, and exhausted himself while he took care of you, and you didn’t feel like draining his energies for a menial cold. But of course, nothing ever went the way you had intended it to, still feeling a little smugness lift your lips into a smile: Ranpo had noticed your absence almost immediately.
“I’m sick,” you explained. Almost to provide you with ironclad evidence, your throat started itching uncomfortable, and you coughed for a few seconds.
When your words registered in Ranpo’s head, he froze. His eyes went unfocused, and his phone almost slid out of his grasp. An avalanche of thoughts flooded his mind, the most common theme, fear and worry. Extreme fear for you, and worry because he didn’t know how to care for you; both feelings battled in his chest, a conflicting tsunami that only rendered his green eyes duller.
“Ranpo?” You asked, your voice rough after your coughing fit, but the silence on the other end of the line scared you more.
“I’m coming over.” Was the curt reply you got.
“Wait, what? Ranpo, no you’ll get sick — and he hung up.” You sighed, placing the phone back next to you, and waiting for Ranpo to barge in through your door.
It took a good thirty minutes, but your prediction came true. Opening with his copy of the key, Ranpo flew in, his arms decorated by various bags filled with medicines. “I’m here!” He gasped, his chest heaving.
“Ranpo, did you run?!” You croaked, trying to get out of bed and hold Rampo before he inevitably collapsed.
“No, of course not.” He replied, blatantly lying. He gently pushed you back down on the bed, climbing in after you. He emptied out all bags in the center of the bed, and you widened your eyes in shock at the medium sized pile that formed on your duvet.
“Oh my god…that’s enough medicine for a lifetime,” you whispered. You did, however, feel very loved, as you watched Ranpo rummage through the pile, trying to find a specific packet. This man, who hated exercise, had run around multiple pharmacies to try and find one that would make you feel better. Your heart melted into your chest, almost making your tired eyes teary. You gently clasped his hand, pressing a kiss to his knuckles.
Ranpo barely noticed, digging frantically. “Here it is!” He exclaimed victoriously shoving a small, blue box into your hands. “This is the best one for sore throats, apparently.” He said, a proud smile loitering on his face.
You opened it, downing the pills with some water. “Thank you, Ranpo,”
“Am I the best boyfriend or what?”
“You certainly are.”
Ranpo’s smile grew, and his cheeks darkened by a few shades: receiving praise from you was on the same level as receiving praise from the president from him. “Now, they said sleep helps as well, so we should sleep.” Ranpo declared, hurriedly placing all the medications on your bed side table, before dragging himself underneath the covers, and snuggling against you.
You laid your head on his chest, already feeling your throat become less irritated, letting you exhale peacefully. Ranpo fell asleep before you, his rhythmic breathing becoming your lullaby. As felt your eyes go droopy, and your mind quiet down, resembling a calm mountain spring, you could not help but think that you truly had gotten the best boyfriend in the world.
That claim was instantly withdrawn when you were shaken awake at 3 in the morning by a sleep-drunk Ranpo, who suddenly remembered you had to take another medicine in while talking that one. You sighed, but after all, it meant Ranpo truly loved you, and that was more than enough for you.
Doppo Kunikida
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Kunikida is a man of rules, and ideals, and he tries to follow his life bound by his self-imposed rules. He has a specific page on his notebook dedicated to the procedure to follow when he, or you, go down with a cold. But his ideals, and rules get thrown down the drain when you actually have a cold. Like Ranpo, Kunikida freezes, but not because he does not know what to do, but because he wants to do everything in his power to make you feel better. Seeing you sick, and coughing makes his heart ache, and is what pushes him out of his brief moment of panic. Kunikida writes down your symptoms in his notebook, and goes out on a hunt to find the best medication. He will then take care of you lovingly, but also strictly, not letting you get out of bed, or miss some medications because you say you feel better. A small part of him will also be blaming himself for allowing you to get sick, even if he can’t protect you from everything. Kunikida will, however, always remain by your side, not caring of the perpetual danger of falling ill as well: he can’t leave you alone when you’re sick. You’ll be wrapped in his arms at all times, and that is one of the best aspects of being taken care of by Kunikida.
Kunikida was typing on his computer, filling a report that, initially, had been Dazai’s. He noticed movement from the corner of his eyes, noticing you slumping in the chair next to his.
“Kunikida,” you called, gently tapping on his desk to get his attention.
“Yes, darling?” He asked, still typing on his computer.
“Do I feel a little warm to you?”
Kunikida looked up from his computer immediately after hearing your words. He instantly stood up, walking towards you. Your health always took priority on his work.
You did look paler, and more tired, Kunikida thought, as he pressed his hands on your forehead. “You’re a little warm,” he sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Unfortunately, I cannot go home with you right now.” Kunikida said, hurriedly looking through his notebook, snapping it closed in anger.
You waved your hand. “Don’t worry, Kuni, I’ll just go home by myself.” You tried standing up, but Kunikida gently pushed you back down on the chair.
“I can’t let you go home alone. You’ll stay here, and I’ll take care of you while I work.” Kunikida declared, picking you up in his arms.
“Darling, I don’t feel that sick…and taking care of me while you work will just exhaust you more than you already are!” You tried protesting, as your boyfriend gently laid you down on the couch in the Armed Detective Agency office.
“Taking care of you will never exhaust me.” Kunikida grumbled, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. He took his jacket draped on the back of his chair and covered you with it, returning to his desk to continue working.
Throughout the day, Kunikida walked over to your half conscious, half sleeping form on the couch, taking your temperature, and bringing you cups of water to drink. Kunikida also gave you various medicines that he had quickly popped out to buy on his break.
Various times you caught him glancing at you with worry, feeling that he was not doing enough to take care of you. You also saw him intensely research which medication to give you, also going as far as calling Yosano (it was her day off) to ask her what she thought would be the best course of action.
Lying on the couch, slipping in out of sleep, you felt enveloped by the warmth of your boyfriend’s love, who took care of you efficiently even while he was working.
You slowly woke a few hours later, noticing that the bright sunlight had been replaced by the lukewarm colors of the sunset, and the agency was empty, only Kunikida remaining, sitting at his desk. His hair shone like golden strands in the light, and his grey eyes resembled pieces of melted starlight.
You pushed yourself up, noticing your fever had gone. Your throat was still itchy, and your nose still clogged, but you felt better, overall. You slipped Kunikida’s jacket on, walking quietly towards him. You leaned over his shoulder, caressing his cheek, your two shadows intertwined on the floor.
Kunikida turned to glance at you, surprised. “Do you feel better, sweetheart?” He asked, turning to face you, immediately pressing his hand to your forehead to check your temperature.
You leaned into his touch, nodding happily. “All thanks to you, my perfect doctor,” you cooed, sliding down in his lap. Kunikida turned a fiery red, looking away.
“(Y/N), this is highly inappropriate!” He squeaked, although his hands tentatively went to wrap around your waist.
“Oh, come on: no one else is here. It’s not like we’re fucking in public.” You joked, panicking when you heard Kunikida choke on his spit. You laughed, gently slapping him on his broad back. “Ah, what should I do with you?” You asked, peppering kisses on his jaw.
“Kiss me properly,” Kunikida said quietly, seemingly having abandoned the war cry of propriety.
You laid your head on his shoulder, admiring his sharp features that were only accentuated by the dying sunlight that slid through the large windows. “I can’t, Kuni, I’ll get you sick.”
Kunikida looked at you in silence for a second, also admiring your face, his eyes zoning in on your lips. You saw the internal struggle reflected clearly on his eyes, a dueling waltz between his love for you and his ideals.
“Oh to hell,” he croaked, before diving down to press a passionate kiss to your lips, even going as far as to slide his tongue inside your mouth.
Your eyes widened in shock, but you quickly responded, threading your hands through his hair. Kunikida slowly pulled back after a few minutes, both of you panting for hair and grasping onto each other. Kunikida turned even redder when he noticed a small string of saliva glittering between the two of you. He pressed his forehead against yours: “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Oh! How cute!” Dazai called suddenly, waltzing into the room.
Kunikida never fainted so fast before in his life.
Atsushi Nakajima
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Atsushi would know what to do, probably having to take care of his fellow orphans. But he will do everything with an underlining panic he will try to hide for your sake, but that you will inevitably notice because he’s soaking in sweat, even if it’s winter. It’s because he worries so much; anxiety crawls inside his body, and he almost dies on the spot. But once you reassure him that it’s just a common cold, his heart will stop running a marathon and he will calm down. Atsushi takes care of you with love, as well as diligence, sleeping lightly to make sure you’re sleeping well. He’ll make you take warm baths, helping you get out and in, and will cook you whatever you want.
When Atsushi had waltzed into your shared apartment, excited to take you out on a date, his heart had dropped to his stomach when he saw you bundled up in your futon, trembling.
“A-Atsushi!” You called, your voice nasally. You opened your arms, looking like a scarecrow draped in duvets and covers.
“What happened?” Your sweet jinko boyfriend asked, worry evident in his furrowed brows as he knelt next to you, tucking the covers back around your body to make sure no draft would touch your skin.
“Got a cold from my last mission,” you mumbled, sniffling. “Walking around the countryside drenched in cold, mountain water was not a smart idea.”
“You did what?!” Atsushi stared at you, even more worried because you had walked around for god knows how long shivering in the icy air. You smiled sheepishly. Atsushi sighed, exasperated, pressing one of his hands to your forehead, relieved that you seemed to have only a slight fever. But your shivers were worrying his already panic-stricken heart.
“I’ll make you some soup.” He started getting up, but you grabbed his loose tail and tugged back onto the futon.
“No…warm me up! You’re always so warm!” You whined.
“I’ll do that after I make you the soup, okay, love?” Atsushi asked, gently persuading you to let go of his belt.
You pouted, reluctantly letting go. Your face suddenly brightened. “What if you order pizza!”
“No! That’s not what you need right now!” Atsushi called from the kitchen, scolding you gently. You sighed, dropping back into the covers.
Your caring boyfriend soon walked out of the kitchen, holding a steaming bowl in his hands, his eyes fixated on the quivering soup that danced threateningly close to the edge, teasing to suddenly overflow.
Atsushi placed it down in front of, a sigh of relief rushing out of his lips. You giggled, eyeing the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead out of concentration. You reached down to grab the spoon. You blinked, and the spoon was gone, now tightly held in Atushi’s grasp.
“Absolutely not. I’m feeding you.” He said, deciding to ignore your questioningly raised eyebrow. “And I’m not exaggerating.”
You decided to stay quiet, and simply enjoy the care your boyfriend was enveloping you in, relishing in the joy of being loved. You obediently swallowed down the warm and delicious soup, noticing how it smoothed out the irritation in your throat. “It’s delicious, ‘Sushi,” You said, in between spoonfuls.
Atushi’s cheeks turned red, and he grinned shyly, playing around with the remaining soup in the bowl. “I’m a good cook, aren’t I?” You threw your arms around him, nuzzling your nose against his.
“The best cook.” Atsushi beamed back at you, kissing the tip of your nose as he put the bowl down.
Lazily, you trailed your hand down his chest, feeling his solid muscles underneath. An idea suddenly came to you, and a lazy grin spread on your lips. “Baby, I’m cold.” You whined.Your hand, who had momentarily stopped on his stomach, restarted its journey, slowing sliding down to to his crotch.
Atsushi, who had been resting his head against yours, pulled back to look at you, worry evident in his eyes. “You’re cold…— (Y/N), WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” He gasped in surprise when he felt your warm hand on his dick, his breath getting stuck in his throat.
“Thanking the cook for the delicious dish!”
“A-Absolutely not! You’re sick! No!” He stammered, his eyes wide and panicked, his hand immediately clasping yours and gently pushing you back down in the bed, tucking the covers around you, restricting your movements: Atsushi knew he couldn’t resist you for long, and needed to prevent your hands to linger on his body before he got a hard-on.
“Atsushi! What the fuck?!”
“You need to rest. Doing what you wanted to do is not resting.” Atsushi stumbled and tripped over his words, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. You huffed, rolling your eyes. Atsushi glanced at you, playing with his fingers. “If you’re better tomorrow then maybe…” He quietly trailed off, defeated by the small pout that lingered on your face. You immediately perked up, smirking at him. “B-but only if you feel better!”
“I’ll sleep right away and get all the rest in the world so I feel better immediately!” You giggled, lying comfortably down in bed.
Atsushi sighed, a small smile on his lips, knowing that his heart truly belonged to you. He quickly slipped underneath the covers, holding you in his arms to suppress the shivers that had suddenly returned. You soon fell asleep, and Atsushi stayed awake a few more minutes, making sure you weren’t uncomfortable, before letting himself be pulled to sleep. But not too deep of a slumber: he had to make sure you, his treasure, his princess slept fine throughout the night. He was ready to sacrifice his sleep for that.
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awoogayanderes · 1 year
➪ characters : osamu dazai, chuuya nakahara, ryūnosuke akutagawa, fyodor dostoyevsky, sigma
➪ other notes : its 4 am and i’m wide awake, so i decided to write tooth rotting fluff on my own accord, non edited, also this kinda sucks because im basically brain dead but i knew my ideas would go away if i did this later
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osamu dazai :
physical touch
- dazai would rather have a dog than not be in your arms late at night
- even at work, he often has his hand on top of yours or he intertwines your legs together, later to be scolded by kunikida
- you ground him in a safe space that he’s definitely not used to but he consumes whole
- whether it be holding pinkies or him holding onto you like a koala, there’s a part of him that always needs to be with you
- congratulations, you now have a clingy dazai who whines for your warmth
chuuya nakahara :
gift giving
- chuuya has always had a very difficult time expressing his love for you, most of the time coming out as anger
- even if it’s an inexpensive snack you saw at the store, he pays close attention and buys it for you even if you don’t ask for it
- your wobbly lips and sweet smile are enough for him, always wanting you to be happy
- nothing is too much money for him, if you want it or even look at it, you have it, take it as a token of gratitude for putting up with him
- congratulations, you now have a chuuya who’s willing to do anything for your smile
ryūnosuke akutagawa :
acts of service
- akutagawa, the bloodhound of the mafia, who helps you out on any task, minor or major
- whilst he isn’t your perfect partner, he tries to show you that he actually does care, his way being doing chores or maybe errands
- you reached a level of connection with him that he subconsciously does these things for you, always set on making you content
- a part of him leaves his body when you thank him with a kind smile and a small hug
- congratulations, you now have a whipped akutagawa who’s likes to help you out a lot
fyodor dostoyevsky :
quality time
- fyodor has always lived a simple life, outside of his terrorism of course, but this extends to you, the simplicity of it all
- he’s the least ideal partner but he still does tend to your needs, being around you often
- whether it’s tea time, or a small dance in your living area, or maybe even before bed, you both enjoy those quiet moments together
- he believes words are useless when actions show heavier weight, so he instead spends time with you to express his love
- congratulations, you now have a lingering fyodor who appreciates these small moments
sigma :
words of affection
- sigma doesn’t know much about love, but he does know how to convey it with words
- ironically out of everyone, he’s the one who expresses his affection so freely with you, wearing his heart on his sleeve for you
- you don’t use him nor do you take advantage of him, you deserve kindness so that’s what he gives to his partner whom he cares about
- unlike fyodor he believes words open up one’s soul to others, their true feelings
- congratulations, now you have a lovey dovey sigma who doesn’t shut his mouth around you
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akutasoda · 8 months
If it’s possible could you right bsd men with an s/o thats wayyy shorter than them ? Like not just a couple inches I’m talking like 4 feet (I’m saying this cause I’m 4’9 , and look like I’m 13) if Can be anyone you want! But someone I really want is chuuya , so if you want you could also just do him , to save you some time , or if you’re really tired (I wouldn’t wanna bug you) but if you can’t it’s okay as well! Hope you have a good day/night!
heights of love
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synopsis - how are they with a s/o that is drastically shorter than them
includes - kunikida, chuuya, tachihara, nikolai, tecchou
warnings - gn!reader, reader is very short(around 4'9), fluff, slight crack, wc - 505
a/n: hoping your having a good day/night aswell! fun fact im 5'7
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doppo kunikida ★↷
↪ kunikida knows he's tall and yet he doesn't care nor does he barely acknowledged it. he's roughly around 6'2 and obviously knows he's way taller than most but he never cares.
↪and so naturally there is a very noticeable and drastic height difference. he was a bit taken aback when he first met you about how small you were but he soon came to care very little.
↪he loves you for who you are and wouldn't stand a single person talking about your height.
chuuya nakahara ★
↪chuuya himself is quite short, around 5'2, he knows that and he doesn't quite appreciate certain comments on his height (dazai).
↪so he couldn't help imagine how many comments you received. although he did have to suppress the urge to tease you himself as it really wasn't everyday he met someone that much shorter than him.
↪but he would ultimately come to not care that much about your height. so what if you were quite shorter than him, he still loved you and if anything he'd fight anyone that dared disrespect your height.
michizō tachihara ★↷
↪ tachihara is roughly about average height. he's around 5'7 and he never really ever thinks about his height or how tall or small he is compared to some people.
↪the only person he reckons he's seen as short as you would be teruko, but then again she would be in her younger form. but he really didn't care about the height difference, if anything he thought it was rather sweet.
↪ he'd never openly comment on your height and the closest thing you would get to him emphasizing the difference would be if he was feeling rather joyous and would just pick you up for a hug.
nikolai gogol ★↷
↪nikolai knows he's tall and he takes pride in that. he's roughly around 6' and he does sometimes like to really emphasise the fact that he's tall.
↪and so he does think that it is quite funny with how short you are compared to him. there is a very noticeable height difference and he loves it, he takes every opportunity to tease you unless you really didn't like it.
↪sometimes he'd scare you by randomly picking you up from behind, regardless of wether you'd scold him afterwards. but if anyone else dared comment on your height? he wouldn't have that.
tecchou suehiro ★↷
↪ again, tecchou doesn't really care about his height. he knows he's tall, he's roughly around 6'0 but it's not really his top priority of thought around other people.
↪but when he met you, he really couldn't help but embarrassingly stare at how short you were. he really couldn't help it as the difference was extremely dramatic and he did feel bad afterwards.
↪ standing next to you only emphasised this but he didn't care. he wouldn't admit it, but he did think you were quite adorable with how short you were. and sometimes he really had the urge to just pick you up.
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just for a small reference in terms of height differences in cm!
4'9 = 144cm
kunikida - 6'2 = 189cm
chuuya - 5'2 = 160cm
tachihara - 5'7 = 176cm
nikolai - 6' = 184cm
tecchou - 6' = 184cm
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dreamkidddream · 1 year
Pulling Them in for a Kiss || Dazai, Gin, & Ango
It’s been too long since I wrote for BSD so please enjoy and reader is gender neutral!
CW: a teensy, tiny bit suggestive (tagging it just to be on the safe side)
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Dazai is usually the one to take initiative, and he’s very physical with his affections. He’s not afraid to hide it either, always planting kisses on you or pulling you into his arms at any moment
He’s not one to be caught off guard, and if he does it’s rare
He knew you were planning to do something when you approached him with a smile that seemed too sweet- but he’s curious to see what you’re trying to pull off. He won’t stop you
Just know that you’re playing a very dangerous game- and he isn’t one to lose
Dazai could feel your eyes on him, and he could picture the gears turning in your head. You’re obviously plotting something- but he’ll pretend to let you have the upper hand. Could this be revenge for the little stunt he pulled at your doorstep last night? More than likely, but he couldn’t help it- it was so fun to tease you and see your reactions!
An amused smile played on his lips as he thought about last night- how flustered you were getting from just a brush of his fingertips, the denial of it, how close he was to pressing his lips against yours…
It was a fun little cat and mouse game you both were playing. Even if you mistakenly thought that you were the cat, Dazai was still enjoying himself.
But he had to admit, his patience was starting run a bit thin at this game. And he was ready to be selfish-
“Hm?” You stood before him, arms crossed. You tried your best to not look bothered, nervous, but the way your fingers tapped away and the fidgeting that you’re trying to hide made it apparent that you’re planning something.
“Can you give me your report on the Hanako case? I’m ready to turn it in.”
“Well anything for you belladonna.” He collected the papers in one pile and held it out to you. He came off nonchalant, but he was watching your moves carefully- did you really think you could catch him by surprise? He couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought.
When your fingers brushed his for the papers, he let his touch linger as he spoke up. “That can’t be all that you came over here for, is it?”
He smirked as he heard your breath catch. You’re so easy to rattle.
“No, actually-“ You softly put the papers back down, a flash of determination crossed your face.
“I’m finishing what you started.”
You pulled him by his bolo tie and smashed your lips against his. Dazai’s own eyes were wide as yours was tightly shut.
For once, he was caught off guard, and by the time he started to melt into the kiss and move to wrap his arms around you, you had already pulled away.
You didn’t look him in the eyes as you grabbed at the papers again, clearing your throat. Seems that you were still processing what you did yourself, “Now, if you excuse me-“
Unfortunately, you weren’t fast enough.
You jumped when his wrist caught your arm, and you felt yourself being pulled back.
“Oh there you are-“
Kunikida stopped in his tracks, his words trailing off and a questioning look on his face.
You were trapped against Dazai’s chest, whose smile was unnerving and only making you sweat more.
Before Kunikida could even begin to ask what he was happening, Dazai was already pulling you away, claiming that there was a very important case that had to be solved that couldn’t wait any longer.
Gin’s senses are sharp- and they never fail her. Even when she’s not on a mission, she’s always aware of her surroundings, prepared for the moment when she needs to strike
But it still doesn’t stop her from getting flustered
Or rather- from you making her flustered
No one would have ever suspect that a high-ranking assassin like herself would be acting a schoolgirl being near her crush- and the same could be said for you
You love seeing Gin smile so much.
Honestly you just love seeing her.
She came off as delicate despite being able to easily end anyone with just a flick of her wrist. You would have never imagined that you would get this close to Gin- let alone fall in love.
Yet here you are, fingers itching to lace them with her own.
You chose a private space away from everyone else to watch the fireworks, high enough to get a good view and quiet to where you could admire her in peace. Just glancing at her now, raven hair cascading down her back with a soft smile with a glow from the flashing sparks- she always took your breath away, but this was to a new level.
And it awakened something in you.
Her eyes flickered over to yours, and any hesitations that you had vanished in that very moment.
You clenched your fists and took in a deep breath, before willing yourself to grab at her hands.
She let out a small squeak, and could already see how flushed her cheeks were getting.
It was now or never.
Your eyes were shut tight when you pulled her forward and connected your lips.
Everything went still in that moment, and there were a million thoughts running through your head- how soft her lips were, how you can’t believe that you’re actually finally doing this-
When you pulled away, Gin’s face was completely flushed and head turned the opposite way. She couldn’t even look you in the eyes- not that you were brave enough to look at her either.
You were expecting her to move away and sprint to the other side, until you felt something on top of your hand-
You glanced down to see her fingertips meeting yours. You can see how they were slightly trembling, but she still laid them gently on top of yours.
Gin still wasn’t looking at you and vice versa, but it didn’t stop you from lacing your fingers together.
You both sat there gazing at the fireworks, while she gently gave your hand a squeeze.
Does Ango know anything besides work?
You’re a bit concerned- not only in how he works nonstop, but also in how little he was paying attention to you- it sounds petty, but it’s the truth!
It’s so easy for him to get consumed with his work with how much is weighing on his shoulders with his position, but you don’t want him to overwork himself either
Lucky for you- you knew how to make him take a break and a way for you to get your point across…
“Just a second dear- I’m almost done with this report.”
You know that Ango has no simple job. The multiple hours that he puts into his work aren’t useless- it directly affects Yokohama, that much you know. But it wouldn’t do the city or Ango himself good if he keeps pushing him to the point of over exhaustion.
It’s been nights where he would tell you not to wait up on him and you do so anyway, seeing him crawl into bed mere hours before sunlight would come into your shared room. You were already concerned when it happened, and it only grew when it kept happening more.
There was to immediate threat that he had to focus on, yet Ango was never a procrastinator, already trying to be one step ahead of whatever problem would come next- which wasn’t bad, but it was when it was getting the way of his health and his relationship.
And desperate times call for desperate measures.
“Ango,” you placed your head directly in front of the screen and he jolted back. You took this moment of weakness to crawl into his lap, effectively straddling him.
Ango’s cheeks were progressively getting redder by the second, and the stutters that left his lips began to jumble together the more your hands trailed up his chest, reaching up to remove his glasses. You forgot how much you loved seeing him like this- seeing him unravel under your fingertips.
Before he could even try to understand what you were up to, you pulled him by his tie and locked lips with him.
His breath hitched and his eyes widened, hands hovering above your waist. You felt the tension in his body slowly leave as he sunk into the kiss, eyes closing and pulling you even closer.
When you both broke apart, you rested your forehead against Ango’s, who was panting lightly with his eyes unfocused. The tips of his ears were turning brighter (if that was possible), when you kissed him again.
“Come to bed with me?” You gave him another peck. “Please?”
“It- It is getting late, I could always finish this tomorrow.” He cleared his throat, trying to get himself composed again even if he was failing miserably.
Was it a bit of an underhanded tactic? Probably.
But you thought it was worth it when you were curled into Ango’s arms later on that night, both of you soundly sleeping.
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syoounn · 5 months
Hello i love your work!
I was wondering if you could possibly write in a short fic style maybe Chuuya, Kunikida, and Akutagawa with a reader that has trichotillomania? Specifically the reader that pulls out their lashes and brows?
Im pretty insecure about that and i would love to read something like that :) would very much appreciate it if you wrote something like that :)
•Reader with a Trichotillomania.
•Characters: Chuuya, Akutagawa, Kunikida
After Chuuya got home.. he was ready to see you and cuddle with you. Seeing you doing it again, Chuuya shifted a bit in bed before laying next to you and placing you in his arms. With his hands, he began playing with your hair, seemingly trying to get your attention. “Hey, look at me.” He gave you a gentle squeeze, looking directly into your eyes. He wanted to comfort you and make you feel loved, especially looking at your beautiful eyes. “I love you. It may not be in my nature to think about other people’s feelings, but that’s the truth. You’re the only person I think about. You keep me grounded.” His voice became more gentle as he spoke. He was well aware of your insecurities, but he believed you always had it in you to overcome these obstacles. Of course, his words were never enough. He had some idea of how to really relieve you of your problems, but he’d only be able to share it with you when you were ready to let him. “My precious little Doll…” He mumbled affectionately, stroking back your hair and bringing his lips down to your forehead. Chuuya, comfort you when you lose control of yourself, not judging you for your faults. Instead he’d pull you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your waist, holding you tightly against himself. He continued to speak and comforting you “It’s okay, darling… I know you can’t control it, and I do think it’s very unfortunate, but I’m not going to hate you for it. I hate the fact that you hurt yourself and have a negative mindset about yourself… You don’t need to apologize for something about yourself you can’t control.” You then relaxed to his words and hugged him as both of you embraced both your warmth tonight.
Both of you were watching TV in the living room he noticed you weren't really paying attention to the TV. He let out a quick sigh and gently grabbed your hands to stop you doing it. "Are you okay?..." he asked as he tried to be gentle as he could be.. he wanted to comfort you even though sometimes he struggled to give comfort. "I'm alright.." You said, not wanting him to worry. Therefore, that didn't stop. He clearly can see that you were not, as he sighs and wrapped his arms around you, giving you some comfort since he's Akutagawa is not that the best on words. He was slightly upset that you were not being truthful to him. "I'm not stupid, I know that you're not fine, and I don't like when you lie to me." "I'm sorry.." You replied. Akutagawa sighed as he kept looking at you. The anger he had felt was disappearing. His grip on you grew a bit more gentle. "I'm also sorry, I didn't mean to sound aggressive, I just really want you to be honest with me." He said, his tone and expression was softer and seemed to have more care in his words. Akutagawa stayed in silence for a moment. He knew this was a really sensitive subject for you. He wasn't going to push you to explain much about it, but he was still concerned. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" He asked in a soft voice, making sure not to sound judgmental or critical. Feeling the way he cares for you and wanting to do something for you makes you feel appreciated and went completely calm. As you hugged him back and relaxed to his embrace, smiling. "I'm fine now.." You said softy. Akutagawa smiled slightly at the reply. He liked that you hugged him back. It had made him feel happy. He squeezed you in another hug and looking at your eyes as he was looking at the most beautiful thing he ever seen, not wanting to let you go. "Okay then, we should just enjoy the movie now." He said, still hugging you as tight as he could. Both of you enjoyed your time as it makes you forget all of your problems just because you're with him.
Kunikida came home, usually having a grumpy face, seeing you changed into a small smile without hesitation.. he approached you. "Your symptoms are acting up again, aren't you.." Kunikida said with a worried look on his face. Kunikida looked very worried about you as he reached out and took your hands. He looked directly at your eyes "Look, I know this is extremely difficult for you." He paused and cleared his throat You have to be strong. I know you can overcome this. I'm with you, always, and I'll always love you no matter what. Kunikida said, his voice soft and reassuring. He then gestures you to sit back and get your medication and some tea to make you feel better. He writes down and does his best to support you... always reminding you things and always reassuring you. Even though sometimes he can be straightforward, deep down, you know he truly only wants you to live comfortably. He turned around and headed toward the kitchen. His footsteps were heavy and firm. After a few minutes, he returned and handed you the tea. "Here, drink this. It should relax your nerves and calm you down. That should help." He smiled as he saw you become more relaxed. He watched you take a few more sips of the tea before he spoke "That's good. It'll help.. and you should not forget to take your medication Y/N.." Kunikida said as he walked over and sat on the side of the bed as you lay down. He moved so he could cradle you with your head resting against his shoulder. He looks at your sleepy eyes.. as he always adores, he can't help but smile, and he always admires your beauty by looking at your eyes softly.
Your hair felt soft and pleasant against his skin. He caressed your hair gently. And now.. you were relaxed and peacefully sleeping. Knowing he's beside you makes you feel more calm and loved. Kunikida is such a strict but lovable caring lover.
(I hope you like it! I love your drawings, btw :3)
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chiara-hotel · 1 year
𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝐭𝐡: 𝐒𝐡𝐲 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 (𝐏𝐨𝐞, 𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐚, 𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢 & 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐲𝐚)
Characters: Poe, Kunikida, Atsushi & Chuuya
BSD Characters with an s/o who gets very energetic & bubbly when talking about halloween (etc.). And enjoys baking, dressing up, making treats, eating treats, looking at halloween decor & watch halloween movies.
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- Poe LOVES seeing you so excited about the holiday
- Despite not being a huge fan of it like you are, Poe will gladly do anything halloween related with you!
- He spends a lot of money on decor for you because he knows you’ll love it
- Hes also a bit not used to seeing you so energetic
- Baking marathon!! Poe will but everything you need for all of your spooky treats (also Karl is the taste tester)
- Matching costumes!! I’ll let that go to your imagination
- Let Karl i’m on the matching costumes though
- Poe wouldn’t bea fan of the huge gruesome movies but he will watch some movies like Coraline, Corpse Bride or even The Nightmare Before Christmas (Poe is very confused why you guys were watching a Christmas movie at first)
- Ends up a little scared of your halloween obsession, but he also still loves you to death so
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- Now Kunikida with his journal, obviously he’s planning a bunch of events/dates every day until halloween to fuel your obsession
- Sone ideas: Halloween movie binge night, Baking halloween treats, going to a haunted house and many more
- Hes scared for the haunted house but tries to act calm (it fails)
- Dresses up as something simple with you, (he only dressed up because you forced him)
- Dazai chuckling beside you to add he sees kunikida all dressed up
- (He is not letting Dazai ruin his and your schedule)
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-When he was younger he probably didn’t get to celebrate halloween that much so he’s happier that you are so excited about it
- He gets really happy hearing you so energetic about something you like
- He LOVES baking with you! Atsushi will even recommend new treats to try out
- Atsushi also bakes a few for his colleagues at the agency (specifically Ranpo, but every one else gets some too)
- Hes going as a tiger, like his ability but he also willing to try on costumes at the store with you
- When you guys look at some of the decor hes a bit scared of the “more scary stuff” so he avoids those aisles and hides behind you as you walk down them :)
- Also buys some with you (a bit scary, but not too scary)
- Some decor he’d like to buy is probably pumpkins, kid-friendly blow ups for your lawn, and some things like that
- Similar thing with halloween movies, he likes the non-scary movies (yeah don’t watch really scary halloween movies with him, he will cry)
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- Shocked
- How you went from normally quiet, Shy & introverted s/o an extrovert very knowledgeable about halloween
- Chuuya also LOVES seeing you like this
- While you guys go shopping, he accidentally sets off a prop and gets scared (now he’s in denial that he got scared)
- Buys EVERYTHING related to halloween in that store, if you mention about how much it most cost Chuuya will just say “anything for you, doll”
- Its like an early christmas present except it’s all about halloween
- No space in the house? He can hire someone to expand the property, theres also the mafia headquarters for more storage (ya’ll probably have a huge house though so it’ll fit in a store room somewhere)
- Also buys A LOT of baking materials so you guys can make pumpkin pie, pumpkin cupcakes, pumpkin loaf, pumpkin pretzels and many more
- Cuddles while movie binging (he might get scared at some of the movies but deny it (it’s really obvious when he dies because he grabs onto you tighter))
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soupthatistohot · 2 months
BSD: An Absurdist Analysis - Chapter 10
Friends and Foes
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The chapter opens with the agency getting news of Atsushi’s capture after last chapter’s events. At first Ranpo and Kunikida respectively argue that the ADA isn’t responsible for saving Atsushi and that they have too much other work to worry about on account of a job involving the ministry. 
But then Fukuzawa appears, demanding everyone to suspend their work to track down Atsushi. Ranpo tries to argue with "logic," but Fukuzawa completely bulldozes him, asserting that Atsushi is their comrade and that he must therefore be their top priority. 
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Fukuzawa stands out as the absurdist here to me, forgoing all typical professional protocol simply because one of his employees is in potential danger. Bureaucracy would want the agency to continue work as usual, favoring completing the assignments given to them over Atsushi’s safety, but Fukuzawa is not one to bow down to greater powers (at least, in this instance). 
Fukuzawa’s argument is one of humanity. Empathy. Care. For him, all these values trump Ranpo’s cold logic as he prioritizes the life of his employee over a government assignment. It's quite absurdist of him.
And finally… the moment we all have been waiting for… the infamous soukoku dungeon scene with the one and only babygirl himself, Chuuya Nakahara. What a lovely view indeed.
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But in all seriousness, there’s something inherently absurd about the whole situation. Dazai has allowed himself to be captured by not only an enemy organization, but one he is a traitor of— all in the hopes of gaining information. Let it also be noted that Dazai’s coworkers have no idea of his plan at the current moment, he’s gone completely AWOL. And on top of that, he has willingly put himself in the position to converse with his former partner who undoubtedly resents him not only for his betrayal, but also for merely existing. 
And it works. 
His plan works! Despite not having seen or interacted with Chuuya for four years, he is able to flawlessly manipulate him into revealing the information he came for and gets off primarily unharmed (except for the bruises I’m sure will form from Akutagawa and Chuuya’s hits). Yes, Chuuya calls him out on his bluff (he knows he got captured on purpose), but Dazai is still able to convince Chuuya not to kill him. 
This is an example of a protagonist embracing the absurd and it working in their favor. Dazai could have tried a more conventional way of obtaining his intel, but he opted for this seemingly insane method instead. Very often, the absurdist protagonist has to take a wild chance on something despite the possible pitfalls. Put simply: you’ll never know if you don’t try.
Not only is the situation inherently absurd, but so too is their interaction. They bicker. They tease. Dazai makes Chuuya do an impression of a rich girl. It’s fucking ridiculous and it’s also all par for the course for their relationship.
I would like to quickly note here that in these analyses I will not be making a case for any ship, and that includes soukoku. It is no secret that I very much ship these idiots, but I can also acknowledge that Asagiri did not write these characters with the intention of building a romantic relationship and reading it as such is simply my interpretation. However, this does not mean that soukoku don’t have a very complicated, close, soulmate-esque bond. Platonic interpretations can still involve these traits.
Admittedly, I am jumping the gun a bit here, as this interaction doesn’t resolve until the next chapter, but I’ve read this scene so many times that I know what I want to say about it, so there it is!
As always, I’m always open to chat about my analyses! I love hearing feedback and additional thoughts, so feel free to reblog or drop questions in my ask box :)
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darling--angst · 1 year
Hiya! I dunno if your requests are open or not, because it doesn’t say, but i’m gonna hope they are ( ̄▽ ̄)! This a bit of an odd request, but could you do some headcanons of how Ranpo would act if he met Fukuzawa’s, like, biological child? So, Reader is like 10-12 meeting Ranpo for the first time (*´∀`*)! Thanks a lot! Just remember that you aren’t obligated to take my request if you don’t feel like it, take good care of yourself!
Ranpo meeting Fukuzawa's child
Tw! None
Type: Hcs/Oneshot skit
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: None
Synopsis: When Ranpo meets Fukuzawa's 11 year old biological child things would go very chaotic in the Ada, not because of the child no no. Will jealousy take over the greatest detective's feelings? Or will there they share cute moments together?
A/n: I really love this idea! Also thank you I'll take care of myself you too! Not proofread.
When Ranpo first found out about your existence he was quite happy to know that there would be a mini Fukuzawa but then it occurred to him...
He didn't hate you no, he just wanted to have affections and attention.
What if his father figure Fukuzawa replace him?!
Maybe he wouldn't care about him anymore and focus on you?!
That's why he made a plan..
A plan to make so much achievements that Fukuzawa doesn't replace him and maybe be his son figure in the process.
That was what he had planned...
"everyone. Please listen." He coughed and everyone's attention and eyes shifted to him.
"What is it Fukuzawa-dono?" Kunikida asked.
"I want you all to meet my child." He declared which made almost everyone dumbfounded with Ranpo opening his eyes that was full of determination.
"P-pardon??" Kunikida stuttered. After processing Naomi and the others squeeled in joy while Kenji's eyes brightened. As Ranpo stood up from his seat to face Fukuzawa he asked:
"Where are they?"
Fukuzawa sighed and Ranpo took notice of a hand clutching his yukata.
"Y/n. You can come out" Fukuzawa's eyes softened which Ranpo noticed and pouted.
"Hello. I'm Y/n..."
When Ranpo saw you his eyes widened the girls on the back squeeled while Kunikida looked away coughing clearly shocked. They surrounded you while he stood there supposed to be facing his arch nemesis for your father's affection.
"aww! How old are you Y/n?" Naomi asked.
"I'm eleven." You said with confidence looking around the room. Your eyes met Ranpo and his eyes met yours, you mouthed 'help' after all you couldn't breath on how tight the black haired girl is hugging you.
"I see!" She exclaimed.
"Naomi-san.. I think you're hugging her too tight-" Kunikida tried explaining but his mouth closed shut after seeing the fire in her eyes.
"ahem. We still have work to do." Fukuzawa ordered.
"Yes. Boss." Everyone replied.
"So who would like to take care of Y/n for me..?" He asked but Ranpo's mind wandered somewhere. He thought:
''If I take care of his child well... The he might give me a pat in the head! And a praise!''
"I volunteer to take care of her!" Ranpo exclaimed raising his hand. which made some surprised to think he would volunteer to take care of a child.
"Very well.." Fukuzawa replied giving him a pat in the head making him flabbergasted but he smiled.
After that, both you and Ranpo did all kinds of things. His supposed plan backfired greatly. He took you to a bakery and he found out that both of you shared the same taste and sweet tooth. You enjoyed chess together. He shared his sweets with you which he doesn't share with anyone. You tied his hair and he did yours. You fed him sweets you like and he did so. You watched 'inspector gadget' together. He felt happy to spend time with you. Without noticing time passed and the sun set.
"But I don't want to leave Ranpo-kun.!." You muttered biting your lip.
"Yeah! I don't want Y/n to leave!" He pouted cuddling you and you cuddled with him.
You two were sitting on the couch watching TV and cuddling for warmth as you two fought each other for the warm blanket. In the end you shared the blanket and continued to munch on the popcorn.
"Hai.. both of you would see each other tomorrow" Fukuzawa sighed.
"fine.! But one more episode!" You bargained. At the start of your sentence he was relieved. He pinched his nose but could only sigh when he saw you and Ranpo's sparkly eyes. He ended up agreeing and left the TV room.
When he entered you and Ranpo were both asleep while the TV kept playing. He acted as your pillow and you acted like his in the comfortable blanket. Ranpo was snoring and you were drooling. He chuckled at the sight and closed the TV.
In the end, Fukuzawa praises him and pats his head telling him:
"you did a good job"
My heart! Ranpo was really happy and you spent more time together slacking at the agency and being bored.
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mystwrites · 6 months
Hello, If its not too much can i request lee Kunikida and ler Dazai (platonic) with 🍉 and 🎮. Feel free to decline and i hope you have a lovely day. ❤️
My 200 Followers Event is still open!
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Kunikida had no idea how Dazai managed to get him away from the office. He never had any real intentions of getting invested in video games but here they were, three laps into Mario Kart. He furrowed his eyebrows as he frantically pressed the keys on his controller, desperate to stay in front of his colleague. He was going to beat Dazai at Mario Kart if it’s the last thing he did! He was sure of if!
“C’mon Kunikida kun!~” Dazai taunted, his tongue poking out playfully as he elbowed his friend.
“Stop that!” Kunikida hissed, shoving Dazai in response. “I’m trying to focus!”
“And I’m trying to win!” Dazai argued back, reaching out to poke Kunikida’s side.
Kunikida flinched and growled but kept his eyes on the TV, desperate to beat Dazai which he thankfully was. However, he had to stay focused. Dazai could easily beat him if he let his guard down.
“Ku-ni-ki-da-kun!!” Dazai sang, emphasizing each word with a poke to Kunikida’s side.
If there’s one thing Dazai knew, it was that Kunikida wasn’t very ticklish. Compared to Atsushi, Kunikida just had no real reaction whenever Dazai tickled his sides, neck or stomach. The poet did have one specific ticklish spot that unlocked one other spot though. One single poke there and Dazai knew his friend would be done for.
“Don’t you even think about it you bastard!” Kunikida spoke up, fully aware of Dazai’s intention as he watched a finger raise in his peripheral vision.
“But I didn’t even do anything yet!” Dazai whined, leaning on Kunikida’s shoulder. “Stop beating meeeee!!”
“Well you might wanna try harder then, you idiot.” Kunikida scoffed, smirking as he got ahead of Dazai. “Oh yeah! Now we’re talking!”
Grumbling, Dazai took a seat on the couch, glaring at Kunikida who sat hunched over on the floor, focused on his current task. Slowly, Dazai scooted closer to the blonde, smiling when Kunikida barely acknowledged his movements.
With his friend now unaware of what would go down, it left room to catch the man off guard. Dazai placed his hands on either side of Kunikida and squeezed just below his ribcage, grinning like a goon as Kunikida let out a yell and hurled the controller across the room.
“GAAAHHH!!! WHAT THE AAIIYYYEEE!!” came Kunikida’s shocked cry. “Nooo!!! The controller!!!”
“Hey! Don’t break my controllers, Kunikida kun!” Dazai cried, digging in with more force.
“MMMMM!! D-Dazai, you menace!” Kunikida huffed, grunting as Dazai continued squeezing his sides. “W-why are you touching me?!?”
“Oh no particular reason.~” Dazai responded, gently gliding his fingers up and down Kunikida’s ribs.
“D-Dazai…let go! I need to grab the controller…HHNNGGG!!”
Kunikida was now struggling not to laugh, Dazai now fueled by his sheer desire to make Kunikida break. He desperately wanted to catch the blonde off guard by suddenly squeezing a new spot in hopes Kunikida would react.
Dazai did just that, making his squeezes more deliberate and intense. Before he knew it, Kunikida was sputtering and trying his hardest not to laugh. Dazai knew that eventually he would crack and kept squeezing from his hips to the underside of Kunikida’s ribs. He’s never failed at making Kunikida break and knew it would just be a matter of seconds before he attained his victory.
“S-stop!!” Kunikida gasped, squeezing his arms tightly against his sides. “This is childish!! Quit this nonsense!!”
“Heheheee!” Dazai only continued, his skilled fingers nimbly dancing along Kunikida’s sides, finally making him laugh earnestly as his fingers kneaded up his ribs. “Ooh! Now you’re ticklish along your ribs? Do I need to make you laugh first before you become ticklish all over?~”
Kunikida shook his head. “S-stohop! Ahaha! Dahahazai you ahahahasshole!! Stop cheating!!”
“Cheating? Me? I’d never!” Dazai gasped, acting all hurt and dramatic before shoving his hands under Kunikida’s arms. “Tickle, tickle, tickle! There we go, Kunikida kun! That’s what I wanna hear!~”
The dam was finally broken and Kunikida’s wonderful laughter filled the living room as Dazai tickled his neck, tummy and hips. Overjoyed, Dazai just had to continue and jumped on top of his friend, giggling mischievously as he forced more cackles out of Kunikida.
No spot was left untouched. Dazai was pleased to find that the surprise armpit tickles unlocked ticklish spots he ever knew Kunikida had. A brush to the neck had Kunikida snorting, tasing his ribs caused him to squirm and squeezes up and down his sides left him wheezing.
“Da-HAAAA! Dazai! Dammit! Ahahaa! You better stop before I kick your scrawny a-AAHHHAHAHAA!!” Kunikida all but broke when two hands found their way back under his arms. “YOU AHAHARE A JEHEHERK!!”
“Sorry, Kunikida kun. This is how I will win!~” Dazai cooed, continuing to knead under Kunikida’s arms.
As Kunikida laughed and fell over, Dazai took the opportunity to grab his controller once more and cross the finish line, laughing and fist pumping the air as he released Kunikida from his tickly embrace. The blonde groaned and rubbed his sides while he walked to pick up the controller he threw, sending a glare at the brunette the whole time. Dazai paid it no mind though. He was just happy he made his friend laugh and beat him at Mario Kart.
“Heheheee!!” Dazai giggled, poking his tongue out. “I won!~”
Suddenly, Dazai squawked as a pillow from his couch whacked him in the face. Now sprawled out on the couch, Dazai held his cheek in shock before letting out a yell as Kunikida whacked him again.
“GRRR!! YOU MADE ME BREAK THE CONTROLLER YOU ASS!!” the man fumed, continuously beating Dazai with the pillow.
“Aahh! Ow!! Ahhaha!! That’s your fault for OW! Hurling the controller across the ro-OOOHOHOHOOM!!” Dazai cried, feeling hands on his sides. “No! Kunikida kun noooo!!”
“Yes! I think I’ll have my revenge and tickle you silly!” Kunikida snarled, tickling Dazai within an inch of his life. “You’re gonna pay for that, Dazai!!”
A/N: I absolutely loved writing this! Kunikida and Dazai’s interactions never fail to entertain me! They’re so silly!🤣Thank you for the request!
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chuuyasheaven · 1 year
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1st: This is a different Event! 
All of the fics will be based off songs from my playlist! 
I will interpret the meaning and kinky them up and stuff!
You’ll be able to choose which character would fit the best with it! Most likely, it won’t be easy to choose so I’ll be making two versions with different characters each.
2nd: Here’s my no-no list!
M*ri and any minors 
S3xual assault / R@pe
Any weird kinks (p1ss, sc@t, vom1t, hardcore stuff, etc.)
3rd: This is a nsfw Event only, but maybe, I’ll open up a sfw one after!
4th: Here’s my character list!
Chuuya Nakahara
Dazai Osamu
PM! Dazai Osamu (18 ofc)
Kunikida Doppo
Atsushi Nakajima
Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
Fyodor Dostoevsky 
Nikolai Gogol
Ranpo Edogawa
Edgar Allen Poe
Tetchou Suehiro
Jouno Saigiku
Fukuzawa Yukichi
5th: Requesting should go like this;
"Hi! I personally think that day four would really fit with Dazai! Could I request him with a afab!Reader please?" 
And to make it better, I will genderbend SOME characters! But only for fem!/afab!Reader tho!
Also mention what gender the reader should be: fem!/afab!/gn!/amab!Reader (trying amab! too!)
6th: Please be patient. 
Lately things have been fucking with me, so I may be a little slower or even take breaks! Writersblock can appear any time.
7th: Au's will and can be included, example; College!Au, Modern!Au, etc.
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1st day: 
"I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight.."
— You and your partner went out on a date, sitting in their car, you guys got heated while enjoying the moonlight..
Tags: making out, car sex,modern!au, soft sex, praise kink, pet names, etc.
2nd day:
"He had a cigarette with his number on it, (and) gave it over to me.."
— You boss called you to their office, wanting to 'talk' with you. But no need to worry, they just want to reward you for being good!
Tags: office!/normal!au, Office sex, teasing?, praise kink, pet names, etc.
3rd day:
"I hope, you’re ready, for what I’m about to do.."
—  You/Your Partner notice your/they’re kinda feeling low today, so you/they decide to cheer them/you up a little!
Tags: Oral sex, normal!au, praise kink/degradation kink, pet names, stress relief, etc.
4th day:
"He tore my clothes right off, he ate my heart and then he ate my brain.."
— A incubus, who was in a need of energy, needed you, really bad. So you let him fill you up!
Tags: Monster fucking?, incubus!au, praise/degrading kink, breeding kink, petnames, rough sex, cream pie, overstimulation, etc.
5th day:
"I’m gonna fuck you up, fuck you until you ask me for more.."
— You went out to a party with your partner, but someone tried flirting with you! So they got a little jelly!
Tags: Jealous sex, normal/modern!au, rough sex, praise/degrading kink, teasing, overstimulation, petnames, etc.
6th day:
"Buckle up, tonight I’m gonna give it to you stronger. Heads up, we can go a little longer.."
— During 'it', you got a little carried away. You needed to cum, so you got a little rougher, which made them get more submissive..
Tags: Switch!Character, normal!au, fingering, teasing, taking control, hickeys, overstimulation, petnames, etc.
7th day: 
"You’re dangerous, I’m loving it.." 
—  Your Partner/You are known to be the most dangerous person to Yokohama, but still, they/you can’t resist you/them..
Tags: Normal!au, marking, overstimulation?,slight breeding(?), petnames,  etc.
8th day: 
"As you recall, you know I love to show off.."
— Your Partner loves you very much, and they make sure you and everyone else knows, by showing you off. Bringing you gifts, kisses, cuddles and most importantly, making you feel good!
Tags: Modern!/Normal!au, passionate sex, overstimulation?, praising kink, foreplay, pet names, etc.
9th day: 
"'Cause I’m a jealous, jealous, jealous girl.." 
— Now the tables turned; someone was flirting with your partner?! You can’t help but feel jealous. You can decide, they could make you theirs or you’ll make them yours!
Tags: Jealous sex (2nd), modern!/normal!au, praising kink, pet names, overstimulation, teasing, etc.
10th day:
"Treat me like a slut, little bitch who loves to fuck.."
— You and your partner didn’t do it for a while, which had you sexually frustrated. So you were a brat, and how do you tame one? Easy, you fuck ‘em into oblivion!
Tags: Brat taming, rough sex, overstimulation/edging (u decide), (loving/degrading) pet names, etc.
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Also, if you have any song-fic ideas feel free to request! 
Maybe smth like this;
"So, I had a idea for another song fic! The song "she’s so nice" by nice guy where the reader is like really nice but (character) fucks them really rough and calls them their slut? Also the reader's an afab?"
(Yes, mention what gender you want)
So can’t wait for your requests!! :3
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Again, we’ve come so far! I can’t believe I have 1k People who like my works, so thank you all so much!!
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simp4bsdcharacters · 1 year
Ranpo Dating Hcs!! (SFW)
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Do I really have to tell you that Ranpo used snacks?
Like, bro went to the store and vandalized the sweet section 😨
Atsushi and Kunikida had to pay for him and Poe and Dazai had to provide the 20$ tip Ranpo gives to the cashier every time he buys sweets (Poe could’ve payed it alone, Dazai just wanted to be useful #cutecriminal)
Ranpo promised to pay them back ( he never did so you had to do it)
he gave you 90% of them (c’mon it’s Ranpo did you expect him to give all of them to you)
Still, he came with 4 big guys bags full of sweets and a huge smirk on his face
Ranpo even put his glasses on for the occasion 😱😱
Why? Bc he had to solve the “Mystery of you stealing his heart”
When you said yes, bro was too happy for his own good <3
Ranpo was jumping up and down, hugging you, screaming
He kept repeating “really?!” until he tripped and fell due to his jumping
And that’s the confession part for you and Ranpo Edogawa!
*sigh* anywhere where you guys can have desserts
Ranpo pay 1/4 times
he isn’t the most romantic guy during dates… always talking like a child (what a surprise)
often just asks you about your life, and brags about how his is so cool and stuff 🙄
but it’s adorable to hear him speak, so let him be ok 😩
sometimes, Ranpo eats so much that he asks you to carry him home?!
like bitch excuse me?!
but you do it anyway, or else he’s going to give you the longest silence treatment ever known to mankind (help I think of AoT whenever I hear the word mankind 😭)
General hcs!!
Scared of the dark
very very scared
If he wakes up, you aren’t here and the lights are off, Ranpo WILL scream at the top of his lungs
”Why did you leave me?! You know I don’t like the dark!!” “Ranpo, I went to get a glass of water” “AND?!?”
Once, you left to go to work very early at like 4 AM
you didn’t tell Ranpo and oh boy was that a bad idea
Poor baby had a panic attack
he called you multiple times
” [Y/N] WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!??” “Ran’, I’m at w-“ “WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!?!”
He then started crying loudly, making you come back home and comfort him
you had found the whole house in a sorry state
Ranpo moved everything to see if you were hidden behind something, he even checked inside the fridge
Needless to say he was extremely mad at you, holding a tantrum like a kid
Anyway, let’s leave the angst aside
Ranpo loves spending time with you
your conversations are more or less one sided, it’s mostly him talking and you agreeing or not with him
First kiss with him was… sweet
im talking about the taste not the way he acted 😭
Thats all I have to say, don’t attack me 😫
I wrote sm lately idk why 🤷‍♀️
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misslovasstuff · 2 years
Dazai x reader
Prove it
“Her? Mhm, well….”- Dazai itches his head, shifting his gaze to the floor. - She is nice. Yeah, nice.”
Atsushi and Kunikida raise their eyebrows as the bandaged brunette seemed to avoid a simple question:
Do you like Y/n?
“I mean, we don’t doubt her niceness, what we’re asking is if you fancy her by any chance?”- Oh, Kunikida was enjoying too much what seemed to have turned into a silly interrogation. He fixes his glasses with a smirk, leaning over Dazai’s shoulder:
“She’s totally your type, isn’t she?”
Dazai sighs, shaking his head with a vague smile.
“Just because Kunikida-kun doesn’t have an interesting love life it doesn’t mean you have to start investigating mine.”- he claims with a silly voice, once again provoking his colleagues’ nerves as Atsushi could have sworn he heard Kunikida’s glasses break as he grabs Dazai by the collar of his shirt, whispering all sort of funny insults, to which Dazai is completely immune by now.
“Kunikida-san, perhaps Dazai-san is not comfortable talking about his relationship with Y/n. Perhaps it is better to leave him be haha.”- Atsushi claims with a weak smile, trying to calm the chaotic situation.
Dazai sighs, rubbing his temple then explains:
“Look, to extinguish your curiosity, there is absolutely nothing going on between me and her. Are you blind to fail to see that she has no interest whatsoever in me? Plus, I’ve heard from Yosano she’s seeing someone already so…”
Kunikida widens his eyes to a rare sight; Dazai sighing and looking out the window as if the most beautiful tragedy had happened to him. The kind of misfortune that makes people write poems, listen to music and take long walks by themselves. The tragedy of loving someone you can’t ever have that makes you fragile but yet unbreakable, strong but weak in the heart and it gives you a slap back to a reality that you don’t want to accept. It hadn’t occurred to Dazai before, thus he wonders what this feeling is about and if he can do anything about it.
“Have you ever been rejected by a woman before?”- Atsushi asks, after which he hits himself mentally for asking such a question.
“No. - Dazai answers frankly, to which Kunikida scoffs.
“Well, at least Y/n will ground you a bit.”- he claims, putting his hands in his pockets. - How does it feel to love someone you can’t have?”
“Terrible.”- Dazai says, seemingly not sad, nor happy, he had a rather empty expression on his face, not letting out much emotion to understand what was really going on inside his head. - I see her, and I am struck by her beauty. God, when her eyes meet mine, each and every motioning becomes more intense for my heart. When she greets me and smiles at me so genuinely and gently like she knows how much that smile affects me, making even the sun jealous of her radiance and cheerfulness. Don’t let me get into how talented she is, and her cooking skills, oh and also did you know that she reads poetry? She gave me her favourite book and underlined all verses she found beautiful and meaningful. On page 63, poem two, she had underlined two verses which were:
“I may not know your heart, but it knows me quite well. Am I resident or a foreigner to it?”
And she had written a smiley face on the corner of it, with a little note that said: “Mhm, Dazai?”
Not only that, but she is such a great-
Dazai kept blabbering about how fascinated he was by you while both Kunikida and Atsushi listened and came to a very unbelievable conclusion.
Dazai is so oblivious when he truly falls in love. Either that, or he’s trying to avoid that but still digs the idea of being in love and being loved so beautifully.
“I’m afraid to tell you this buddy but, - Kunikida touches Dazai’s shoulder. - You’re an idiot.”
Atsushi scoffs as he turns around to contain his laughter. Dazai’s face freezes with a smile like 😀
“Homegirl knows you like her, she literally wrote it down, what’s wrong with you?”- Kunikida snaps at Dazai, who now seems to be confused.
Little did they know that you were listening to all this go down, hardly containing your laughter.
The truth is, you and Dazai had been together for a while and no one is the agency knows. You told Yosano you were seeing someone, but funnily enough, even though they’re detectives, they don’t have a clue about your relationship, and you’re thinking is because your lover messes with their heads.
“Kunikida-kun, stop tormenting me! I’m telling you, she doesn’t like me. End of discussion.”- Dazai claims, getting up from his seat and stretching a bit.
“Where do you think you’re going?”- Kunikida asks as he watches Dazai’s tender figure walk away.
“To think about this unbearable pain of my weak heart, since my friends and colleagues don’t care.”
Atsushi holds back Kunikida from going after Dazai:
“He’ll never admit it that he likes her.”- Atsushi claims which gives Kunikida a rather sinister idea.
“Oh he will, I have a plan.”
There is a sudden change of atmosphere which leaves Atsushi a bit scared.
“Kunikida-san, w-what exactly are you planning to do?”- he asks, noticing a smirk from his mentor.
A little bit later/ Coffee shop
You are taking a sip of your hot coffee as rain hits the window by your seat. Although it is raining, you were feeling rather warm, and even though you were by yourself, you were fully enjoying your own company until the door of the cafe opens.
“I’ll take a black coffee, please.”- a unfamiliar voice says, which gets your attention. You turn your head and notice a tall man, build figure and blonde hair. He turns and faces you while waiting for his coffee.
“You don’t mind if I sit next to you while I wait for my coffee, yes?”- he asks with a beautiful smile, blue eyes shining right through.
“Mhm, sure it’s okay.”- you reply, mirroring a smile and scanning the man upfront.
The probability of a very handsome person, coming to this coffee shop while I’m the only one here and all the seats are empty, asking to sit next to me, and furthermore-
“So, what is such a beautiful lady doing here all by herself?”- he asks, looking at your hands holding the coffee cup, then looking directly at your eyes which made you gulp hardly.
“Drinking coffee.”- you reply rather coldly, not warning to give this guy the wrong impression.
“By yourself? Have you no one to accompany you? Maybe a boyfriend of yours?”- he continues to bring up weird questions. What was even weirder, was the fact that he was reaching for your hand, now holding it.
“Since you’re not answering, I’m assuming you do not have a man in your life. Such a catastrophe indeed. - he brings your hand close to his lips, caressing it. - I can offer myself as a candidate.”
“She’s not running any elections. - a sudden voice from behind makes your heart drop. - if that were the case, I would have known.”
You glance over your shoulder and see Dazai. He reached for your hand, shooing away the other guy’s who immediately flinches to the touch.
“Is it a habit of yours to approach lonely women in coffee shops? That’s kinda desperate and disrespectful.”- he continues, glaring at the guy who had widened his eyes.
“I’m just waiting for my coffee.”
“Wait for your coffee somewhere else. - Dazai claims with a cold tone of voice, making you shiver in what you would describe fear, but with a hint of pleasure.
He was so hot right now, for real.
“She didn’t tell me she had a boyfriend.”- the guy claims as he gets up from his seat.
“She doesn’t need to inform you about anything, really. Plus, I’m never too far away. - Dazai winks at you, getting your cheeks all heated up.
Now, - Dazai smiles, - get out of my sight.”
The guy gets out of the coffee shop, forgetting about his order which was now being served in your table.
“I’ll take that, thank you.”- Dazai claims, sitting down in front of you, not noticing the looks you were giving him.
That is, until he takes a sip and his eyes meet yours.
“Mhm? - he hums. - what’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong is the fantasy im having to have you right here, right now.”
“Woah woah, belladonna~, - Dazai almost spits his coffee. - What has gotten into you? I mean, I’m not complaining but-
“Dazai, do me right now, I swear I’m barely hanging on.” - you explain as Dazai notices your flushed cheeks and heavy breathing.
Damn, what happened? - he wonders.
He smirks and leans in, whispering: “But the coffee will go cold, love. Are you sure?”
“Don’t start teasing me. - you claim. - or would you rather have me do you at the agency while everyone watches so they can finally know that you are mine?”
“That’s … interesting. You’re so hasty, belladonna. Did I do something to turn you on this much?”- Dazai asks, biting his lip as he looks at you up and down with those gorgeous eyes of his that consumed your entire soul with one single glance.
“The moment right now, you being possessive and all, gosh. That was so hot of you.”- you lean in, exposing a bit of your chest to your boyfriend, on purpose obviously, to which Dazai responds by raising his eyebrows and staring at it for a bit.
“Oh really? You know what else I can heat up?”
“No I don’t know, enlighten me.”- you two lean even closer to one another, as Dazai is ready to whisper in your ear:
“That little -
“ALRIGHT THAT IS ENOUGH, point proven Atsushi let’s go!”- you hear Kunikida shouting from behind. They were not only seeing all this go down, but also orchestrated the whole thing.
“So you guys are together, awwww.”- Atsushi says, giving a weirdly firm handshake to you and Dazai. - Congrats, omg. Dazai-san that was so manly of you, Kunikida-san didn’t predict you’d actually go wild like that-
“Kunikida planned this?”- you ask, giving a disappointing nod.
“A perfect executed plan, and Dazai fell right into it. Now, you’ll stop lying and admit that you love this woman.” - Kunikida claims with a smirk, thinking that his partner would still pretend to be in denial.
“I love Y/n.”- he claims, still sipping his tea and acting unaffected by this whole scene, although in truth he was a bit conflicted on how to feel about it.
Upon his declaration of love, you melt, of course.
You caress his hand, to which Dazai smiles, starting to gesture you weirdly.
He means to get out of here. Now you had heated him up.
You nod, looking at Atsushi and Kunikida who are still looking at you both.
“Oookaaayy, - you get up, Dazai following you. - Since you put us into so much trouble, I guess you can pay for our coffee, no?”
As you walk towards the exit, holding hands, Kunikida’s shoutings accompany you:
“If anything I helped you! You owe me one, Dazai!”
You close the door behind you, giving a small sigh.
“You’re so troublesome you know that?”- you poke his nose, so which he responds by pulling you closer by your waist.
“I put you into so much trouble, huh? You’re the one making me go crazy over and over again.”- Dazai answers as you pull him by the belt of his pants.
Remind me, where were we?”- you ask and he smirks grabbing your hand, leading him to somewhere.
“I’ll remind you shortly.”
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akutasoda · 1 year
Hi. I love your blog and the way you write so I thought I should request. Could you please write scenarios with Atsushi, Akutagawa, Ranpo, kunikida and mushitaro? Reader and character “hate” each other(like enemies or rivals to lovers) and frequently argue over anything because “they just can’t stand each other” (but it’s actually so they can talk to each other cuz they’re too prideful to confess) but later either reader or character end up confessing? (All separate of course) reader is female or gender neutral you can pick.
In Atsushi’s scenario reader is part of the guild or port mafia and fought against atsushi at one point and is mean to him and that’s why they hate each other but reader ends up liking atsushi and tries to be nicer to him and they make a truce and then atsushi likes reader.
In Akutagawa’s scenario reader is part of the agency and akutagawa hates reader and tried attacking them but dazai told akutagawa not to and that’s how they end up getting close cuz they can’t fight anymore but it’s hard to confess cuz reader is too prideful and akutagawa doesn’t know how to confess and thinks reader still doesn’t like him romantically
In ranpo’s it’s a pride thing because reader is another super smart detective (obviously not as smart as Ranpo but smart enough to challenge ranpo’s ability) so her deductions often clash with ranpo’s and they somehow both end up being right? Ranpo loves how smart reader is but because he’s so prideful he thinks he’ll never confess but ends up doing it anyway
Mushitaro: another prideful thing, I’m not sure what to come up with in this one, maybe mushitaro and reader are competing on looks? Mushitaro is very vain I think, so they’re like “I look better and attract way more women than you” and then they’re both like bro you do look attractive😳idk
Kunikida: hates how reckless and sarcastic reader is and reader is nothing like his ideal woman but ends up falling so hard for her
so sorry if this is too long of a request you can cut out mushitaro’s and kunikida’s part if it’s too long and you don’t wanna do them. Have a great day and stay hydrated!❤️
i can't believe you sometimes
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synopsis - if you two hate each other so much why do you still hang around the other?
includes - atsushi, kunikida, ranpo, akutagawa, mushitaro
warnings - reader's gender is stated in each section, fluff, enemies to lovers, wc - 1.4k
a/n: ty! i hope you too have a great day and stay hydrated :)
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atsushi nakajima ★↷
- gn!reader is a guild member
when you had first been told that you would be heading to japan you weren't particularly happy. sure you understand that it was buisnees or whatever it just seemed unnecessary for all of you to go. but the plus side of that was that lucy was going with you.
lucy was one of the only people you could stand in the guild and a genuine friend. not too long after the guild had ended up in yokohama you had ended up against one of the agency members, you think his name was atsushi not that it mattered that much.
the fight was cut short as your attention was needed elsewhere so you simply bid the weretiger farewell and left abruptly. it seems if you were to re encounter the weretiger you wouldn't mind finishing the fight.
however it was under quite different circumstances. after the guild's less than desirable defeat, lucy had informed you that she was offered a job at a café by the agency and that she requested for you to have the same option. and in honesty you weren't too happy in the guild do you took it as it also meant you could still keep in frequent contact with her.
this was where you yet againmet with atsushi. if it wasn't your job to serve him you sure as hell would of not given him his order. which is when your little rivalry continued. and for some time at that. until eventually you started realising from how he talked with his fellow colleagues that he seemed to be a genuinely nice person.
maybe he deserved a second chance. and atsushi noticed you slight change in behaviour and soon realised not long after that you weren't too bad yourself and eventually a truce wad formed. only for the benefit of having to see each other often. nothing else.. right?
maybe you weren't that bad and maybe you were slightly intresting to him. this truce seemed to bring about a new found intrest in not only becoming friends but something more. but neither of you could bring yourselves to actually confess your feelings but one day maybe one of you would build up the confidence.
doppo kunikida ★↷
- fem!reader is a agency member
sometimes he thinks that there could be no-one worse than dazai during work. that was until you joined shortly after. it was like his perfectly crafted hell. you had passed the entrance exam flawlessly, your skill was admirable he would admit but your sarcasm and reckless behaviour really made his opinion on you dwindle.
he often found himself trying to lecture you on your behaviour but you simply didn't listen. he just wished that you toned down a bit a work. eventually you had decided to give him some lecturing, more like teasing. you, like dazai, found some entertainment in teasing the man with thousands of ideals.
this just made him hate you even more, not that you cared. you found his expressions quite cute it made ot all worth it. and eventually kunikida started feeling a weird sensation whenever he talked to you.
he ignored them for the most part, i mean you barely ticked any of his ideals for a woman so it couldn't be a crush of some sorts right? but if not, why did he sometimes blush when he watched you do something stupid or simply from seeing you?
eventually he started to realise that he did infact hold a small crush for you. and when he realised he fell even harder. maybe he should start by getting closer to you afterall maybe he wouldn't mind becoming closer to you affter all. they do say opposites attract.
ranpo edogawa ★↷
- gn!reader is a agency member
never in his entire career among the agency would he of considered someone that could actually compete with him on the same level. sure dazai had came close some times but when you came into the picture it came as a very big surprise.
somehow, in ways that baffled him, you were able to challenge his abilities as a detective. he still took pride in the fact that he was still actually smarter but this was the first time someone came to the same or similar conclusions to his and be correct. and not only did he see it as a rivalry but he saw you as someone worth talking to.
not only were you nearly as smart as him but you two had similar interests. it often became a competition between you two within case's to see who could reach the conclusion first and sometimes he would just to find out that you discovered more details that he missed.
but somewhere along the line he started feeling something more for you. everytime you rebutted against his deduction to add one of your own he couldn't help but smile and blush ever so slightly.
but his pride got the better of him. he was still the best detective, if he wanted to be with you he could wait until you confessed to him. that was if you liked him back. but eventually he realised you knew and were leading him on, waiting for him to admit it. and so he did.
ryunosuke akutagawa ★↷
- gn!reader is a agency member
he didn't really care who you were at first. just another agency member that he would eventually have to deal with. that was until you two did end up in a fight while you were out on a different mission and had ended up crossing paths with him.
seeing as this wasn't part of your mission you just wanted to defend yourself long enough to escape or until your coworker returned. you didn't know what his problem was with you as you never have encountered him before but he just seemed to really want you dead. maybe it's just because you were an agency member.
whatever the reason, not too long after your coworker showed up and stopped the fight. just akutagawa's luck for your coworker to be dazai. and of course dazai had simply teased him about being so eager to fight someone and made you two sign a truce to not fight as maybe you two would get along. you wanted to punch him.
and so everytime you ran into each other all you could do was glare at each other and ignore the other. he couldn't disregard what dazai had told him to do. but eventually you seemed to be put on missions that collided with seeing akutagawa. you were starting to think this was on purpose.
akutagawa however had started feeling something that his sister had told him was a crush. but what does he do now? gin had told him that normally crushes would confess to each other but what if you didn't like him back? even if he did how would he confess. he'd rather save himself the embarrassment.
but little did he know you had realised yourself that you had started feeling things aswell. but a slight flaw of yours was that you were quite prideful. you didn't want to be the one to confess and be rejected. maybe dazai would have to give a final push.
mushitaro oguri ★↷
- gn!reader is a friend of yokomizo
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he quite simply found you annoying to be around. the only reason he actually still hung around you was because you too were a dear friend of yokomizo. and if he held you in high regard he guess he had to tolerate you.
he simply couldn't stand how you actually could stand up to him and be somewhat nearly better than him. nearly. like what do you mean you had a better ability than him? no one could compete with him but you somehow insisted you could. he had tried to ask yokomizo what he saw in you as a friend but he just laughed at him and told him that maybe if he got to know you he would find out.
and with a slight heavy heart he took his friends words to heart and tried to talk to you to understand what made yokomizo want to be friends with you. what he didn't know was that it would leave him with the desire to be more than friends.
but for know all you two could argue about was either looks or abilities. more specifically looks as you both threw petty comments at each other he started realising that maybe you weren't that bad looking and if maybe you weren't so harsh to him you would be quite nice to be around.
and maybe to you, he wasn't that bad looking. if you looked past that stuck up attitude and got to know the real him maybe just maybe he might be quite the nice boyfriend. maybe you two would be a perfect match.
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
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Hi anon! I love this idea, because that is totally like one of my friends loool. Thanks for the request, and I hope you enjoy!
The images used are not mine. They belong to their original owners.
TW: None, reader ranting
Dazai, Chuuya and Kunikida reacting to s/o switching to customer service voice
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-Dazai laughs a little when he hears you cuss out someone with the most unnfiltered words that he had ever heard you use
-He does tease you for it, only to see you get more angry and start cussing at him. You then return to cussing and ranting about the aforementioned person while Dazai is trying not to die of laughter from the stuff that falls out of your mouth
-Then the phone rings. Dazai waits and watches to see what your words would be, holding in his laughter
-“Hello! Company [Name] speaking. How may I help you today?” And in a very sweet and polite voice too!
-Dazai is kind of surprised. But not too surprised, since he himself changes personalities multiple times as well
- From ‘Like can you believe that $@&*# did that #^@%@?! I swear that I will actually &^%$ their @#$%^ one day!’ to ‘No worries, please take your time!’ Dazai is definitely going to tease you for it
-When the call ends, he raises his eyebrow and smirks/smiles teasingly
-“Oh? I didn’t know my beloved Y/N had that side to them. Who knew that you actually had a nice side?~”
-Dazai will unashamedly bring that up every time to tease you for it. And in return you refuse to give him cuddles for a week (watch him act like a big baby lmao)
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-Chuuya just listened to you rant about this particular customer that you disliked. Maybe not disliked; detested was a much more suitable word for what words were coming out of your mouth
-He didn’t really say much; mostly because you were doing most of the talking, and also because he didn’t want to say something to tick you off more
-The phone rang, and you picked it up. Chuuya braced himself for what you were going to say, but he was really surprised when you said in your sweetest voice ‘[Company name], Y/N speaking, how may I help?’
-Mans is surprised. Weren’t you cussing out someone earlier? Where did all of that anger go?
-When you finish your call, Chuuya is silent for a while. Because he didn’t really expect that from you
-’What?’ ‘Nothing... it’s just that weren’t you cussing out that customer earlier?’
-‘Oh yeah, that #%^&!!!’ And you were back at it again loool, and all hints of your sweet politeness was gone
-Chuuya now knows not to make you mad. Because who knows what would happen if you were mad at him xD
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-Kunikida was disapproving a lot on the things that were coming out of your mouth as you cussed out this specific co-worker that you hated
-Mans was ready to lecture you and all, but he stopped because he didn’t want to make you more mad lol
-He still has a lot of patience for you though. Kunikida will listen to you, but if you continue for another minute he will interrupt with a lecture xD
-Then the phone rang. You picked it up and Kunikida was preparing to snatch it away from your hands and fix the situation up since you were in such a bad mood lol
-But to his surprise, you put on a sweet and kind voice to greet the customer all throughout the phone call
-Mans is stunned.
-Legit goes ‘...’ with that o-o face
-Kunikida certainly does not want to make you angry now.
Tbh I’m not that proud of how I wrote this, but my brain is refusing to work today lol.
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maislovebot · 1 year
Top 10 bsd characters oral scenarios: Doppo Kunikida
Hello! I’m so sorry I didn’t post it when I said I would but my parents surprised me with a trip to Yellowstone and I didn’t have service! I’m back now tho and I’m ready to roll with some porn<3
Contains: afab reader, no pronouns used, reader teased Kuni, dom-ish Kunikida, fluff and smut, Kuni has a huge lingerie kink, praise (giving and receiving), aftercare + cuddling
Read it on ao3 if you’re interested:)
“Doppo” you whined, stretching out the end of his name.
“Why don’t we go on a date or something?”
Kunikida has been focusing on work far too much lately. Ever since the Guild got destroyed, he’s been so focused on keeping everything in order, he’s been forgetting about you! You just couldn’t allow that, and you were determined to get him to just forget about work for a few hours, and focus on you. Or better yet, focus on himself, because he’s clearly been neglecting himself.
“Maybe once everything has passed, but you know that I have to keep working.”
“But you’re off the clock! You’re just working for the sake of working at this point.”
Kunikida sighed, “I would hardly call it that.”
You frowned. Were you really just distracting him from his work? Maybe working is what’s best for him right now.
“Alright, fine. Let me know when you’re done with your work so we can do something.” You were trying your hardest to keep your annoyance out of your tone, but you just couldn’t help it. He just wouldn’t leave his work alone! Even if at this point you assumed it’s what he wanted, it sure felt like torture for you.
Kunikida, being the man he is, noticed your tone of voice and turned to you.
“Alright, fine. Let’s plan for a date tomorrow. Right after I get off of work, we can go somewhere.”
“Yes! Where do you wanna go?”
“Wherever you want.”
You sighed. “Well that doesn’t help! This dates for you, after all.” Kunikida’s face became a slight shade of pink at your confession. “Alright. How about somewhere like a park? We could just go there for a little. I think going outside would do me some good right now.” Kunikida was trying to stay calm, but he was clearly very, very ready for this date with the way his foot tapped against the floor lightly.
“The park sounds nice! I can bring us something to eat, too.”
Kunikida gave a surprisingly warm smile and replied, “that sounds nice.”
Today is the day! You thought. It was now two hours from when Kunikida would leave work, so you decided to start getting the food ready. All kinds of things were packed, but it was all stuff you made yourself. You knew Kunikida would feel more appreciated if you made the food yourself.
You hummed in the kitchen faintly, clearly very excited for what was to come.
It was now half an hour before you left, luckily, you were already dressed under your apron. You untied your apron from behind your back, and hung it up where you typically do. You went into your bedroom to grab your wallet before leaving when you noticed a special something on your nightstand.
‘ ah, I forgot about that. ’ What lay before you was new lingerie you bought because you saw it at the mall recently and you couldn’t bring yourself to go without it, it was just so fitting of you. It fit your body perfectly, brought undeniable confidence and you just knew how much Kunikida was gonna love it.
‘ It wouldn’t hurt to wear it.. what’s the worst that could happen? ’ You thought to yourself. Quickly undressing, you replaced your underwear with the lingerie and got dressed again. ‘ I hope he notices it at some point. ’ Considering how long you two had gone without getting it on, you were desperate for some action.
Luckily, you still left a little early, despite putting on some pretty lingerie and needing to get dressed all over again. Considering who you were going out with, it was probably a good idea to be early instead of on time.
You arrived, and you were met with an exceptionally early Kunikida. “Damn, I was hoping I’d get here before you!” You playfully pushed his shoulder with your pointer finger to tease him.
“You probably would have if I didn’t have extra time at work today.”
“How was work, by the way?”
Kunikida sighed and closed his eyes tight and rubbed his temples after sitting down on the bench next to him.
“Dazai was teasing me the entire time. He somehow knew I was planning something after work and wouldn’t leave me alone about it trying to guess what it was.”
You laughed and responded, “well, did he figure it out?”
“Yes. Then he went on and on about how he’s surprised I was able to meet someone who actually fit my ‘standards’”
“That’s funny though!”
Kunikida looked at you doubtfully as you sat down. “Not when you have to deal with it every day of the week.”
“I guess it could get a little annoying.”
There was a part of you that wanted to tell Kunikida what you were wearing underneath your clothes, but there was another part of you that wanted to wait till you got home so you wouldn’t have to deal with a scolding from Kunikida for trying to have sex with him in public, so you decided to keep it a secret for the entirety of the date, no matter how disappointing it was.
You looked around for a minute, looking at the trees surrounding you two, and the well maintained grass that was just below your feet, the warm sun hitting your skin.
“Well.. how did I meet your many, many requirements?”
“You don’t.”
The typical person would probably be offended by this response, but you knew Kunikida too well. He was blunt, and sometimes it came across as rude. But you knew better than that, this is just how he is, but you love him for it.
“Oh. Well then, why’d you pick me?”
“I fell for you too hard to let you go,” Kunikida replied, not realizing how lovestruck his confession sounded till a couple of seconds after it left his mouth. “..or something like that.” Kunikida finished his reply with his cheeks turning pink again, this time more vibrantly.
“How cute! I love you so much, Doppo.” You said as you gently wrapped your arms around him, in order to reach him better you moved onto his lap and he sat still for a few seconds before moving his arms to wrap around you as well.
“I love you, too.” His reply was short and sweet, just like always.
You two sat like that for a few seconds, before moving your head out of his chest.
“Well, I brought some snacks. I even brought your favorite!” You spoke, breaking the silence.
“Thank you, my love.”
You blushed at the nickname. Kunikida rarely called you by anything other than your name, so whenever he didn’t it never failed to make you feel weak in the knees.
Kunikida noticed this and placed his hand in your hair, almost petting you. His form of comfort came across as very wholesome, and gentle despite his nature. It was sweet.
Your date went wonderfully, and you two left with a satisfied appetite and mood. Kunikida lifted his wrist to check what time it was.
“Ah, so we have half an hour before you go to sleep.”
“Yes. Let’s go get ready.”
You sighed. “You and your schedules.”
“I need a strict schedule!”
You lifted your arms to defend yourself. “I know, I know! It’s just funny. Go do your thing.”
Kunikida lifted an eyebrow, and walked off. Little did he know what you had planned.
Kunikida arrived in his bathroom and laid some mint flavored toothpaste on top of his toothbrush before he looked over and saw you, changed into your pajamas. He assumed you were just coming in to brush your teeth as well, which would be correct. What caught him off guard, however, was the fact he could see a lacy bra strap peeking out from the neckline pajamas you were wearing.
You, being who you are, noticed this and made a sly facial expression despite having a toothbrush occupying your mouth at that moment. Despite Kunikida arriving to brush his teeth before you, you had finished first. Probably because he was staring at what he (rightfully) assumed to be lingerie. Because you were done, you laid your head on Kunikida and closed your eyes.
“Well, I’ll see you in the bedroom.” You said, with the smallest amount of flirtatious undertones. Kunikida grabbed your shoulder when you were in the door frame and asked you a question rather bluntly.
“What’re you wearing?”
You smiled and replied, “oh, this? It’s just some lingerie I bought recently. Brand new, too! Wanna take a peek?” The glisten in your eyes had practically trapped him. Sure, it was off schedule, he liked being asleep by ten every night because he knew it would be beneficial, but it wouldn’t hurt to indulge you just this once, right? You looked so genuinely excited, and he just couldn’t bring himself to say no.
“Of course I do.”
“Well then meet me in the bedroom!” You teased, stretching out the last word of your sentence. As you were leaving, you stretched upwards, allowing Kunikida to see the bottom of the lacy bra he was practically drooling over.
“We can go there together.” Kunikida said, wanting you out of your clothes as soon as possible. The tone of his voice was proving it.
“Just let me finish brushing my teeth, I’m almost done.” You smiled. “Okay, I’ll wait here then.” You leaned against the doorframe and looked at Kunikida.
Only a few seconds later, he finished so he grabbed your shoulders and walked you over to the nearest wall.
He looked at the top you were wearing, and reached to grab the sides of your shirt. “This is fine, right?”
“I thought you’d never ask! Of course it is.” You smiled and placed your knee between his legs, and he trembled lightly.
Almost frantically, Kunikida was taking off your shirt, making sure to caress the sides of your waist in the process. He brought his hands down to your hips and grabbed the waistband of your bottoms hesitantly.
“Are you okay?” You asked, tilting your head.
“Yeah—of course.”
You looked like you didn’t believe him, and that would be right. “No, really, what’s wrong? Do you not like the lingerie? I can take it off if you want.”
His eyes widened, and he shook his head rather violently.
“No! Definitely not.. it looks stunning on you. I just feel—well, a little bad.”
“For what?” You asked, eyes beginning to show concern. You lifted your arms up from the wall and placed them on Kunikida’s face, rubbing small circles.
“I’ve just been neglecting you lately.” He looked directly into your eyes, and all he could see was the way your eyes began to soften out of pity.
“It’s fine. I get it, work is stressful, the Guilds gone, but their effects still remain. You’re trying to make up for that. It’s respectable.”
Kunikida’s eyes widened just a little before he shut them.
“Well, how about I make it up to you?”
“Now that’s more like it!”
Kunikida chuckled and returned to what he was doing. He moved your bottoms down your hips, then down your thighs, and lastly, he let go and they fell to your ankles. In order to get out of your clothes, you stepped out of the pants.
Almost as soon as you did, Kunikida grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into his arms, carrying you to your guys’ shared bedroom.
“That lingerie looks amazing. Mind if I admire it for a little longer?”
“No. Please, look for as long as you want.” You replied as you laid on your joint bed.
“I paid a pretty penny for them. Bring them to good use!”
“I promise.” Kunikida looked down as he said it, and he was eying your crotch.
“Do you mind if I taste you?”
You took a few seconds to respond.
Kunikida blinked,
“Can I eat you out?”
“No—I heard you, it’s just, you’re straightforward, but even you have limits. I’m just shocked you asked so easily.”
Kunikida moved himself down until he was by your knees, and silently lifted your knees over his shoulders, before finally replying.
“You look so amazing in that, I can’t bring myself to wait. I needed to be straightforward because I need to have you against my mouth. Please?”
His confession was sweet, being dirty at the same time. It caught you off guard, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want this just as much as he did.
“Yes. Go ahead, you’re gonna do great.”
A small mumble was said, before he licked at you through the panties you were wearing. It caught you completely off guard—you were expecting him to take your underwear off before going down on you, but that was too much effort apparently. He wanted to eat you out as soon as possible, so he didn’t want to waste time on taking off your underwear, you presumed.
The feeling of the lace rubbing against your clit, and his tongue making the fabric wet felt shockingly nice, and you mewled out almost immediately. Especially because the underwear wasn’t completely covering you, and was honestly more lace than it was cotton.
The friction made you carry your hand down and run your fingers through his hair, making the ponytail that was already loose from such a long day completely undone, and the rubber band fell next to Kunikida’s head. Because he was licking at your clit so tentatively, his hair quickly fell to the sides of his head and framed his face in a beautiful way.
The way his hair fell around his face didn’t change his pace at all, he was still frantic, still licking at you like a man starved. In a way, he was. You two hadn’t had sex in a few weeks, and now that he was finally torn away from his work, he was realizing how bad it had gotten. Almost as if he wanted you more dependent on him, he lifted himself up slightly so you were now laying at a small diagonal, your head against the bed, and your legs up and over his shoulders, and as a way to stabilize yourself, you linked your ankles together atop his back.
“Wha-what’re you do—agh!” You were cut off yet again by your own cry as Kunikida lifted his fingers to pull your panties to the side to completely expose you, and dove his head between your thighs yet again, sucking on your clit feverishly, using his right hand to grab your thigh and hold it in place, pulling your underwear to the side with his left.
“God..I love you, Doppo—fuck—please, I’m so c-close..”
Kunikida parted himself from your pussy and gave you his first demand.
“Say that again.”
Realizing what he wanted, you gave in and began to beg him. You just needed to come. You didn’t care how shameful you looked—you needed his hand pulling your underwear to the side as he suckled your clit with no remorse.
Despite planning to talk, Kunikida ran out of patience and gave a small kitten lick straight to your clit so you’d stop thinking about what to say and just say it, the less ordered it sounded, the hotter it was to him, in all honesty.
“A-ah! I love you, Doppo. I love the way you grab my thighs when you’re eating me out, I love the—ah!”
You were cut off from his tongue going inside of your hole, and him tongue fucking you. You were quickly given an albeit, muffled demand.
“Keep going.”
You obeyed, and nodded as fast as you could, grinding against his tongue as it moved around your walls slowly.
“I love how you fuck me with your tongue, how you make me so desperate I grind against your face—I love it all. You’re amazing, you drive me crazy—plea-ah! P-please.. keep going.. make me c-cum on your tongue!”
Kunikida couldn’t bring himself to say no to that confession, so he put more pressure on your clit again, causing him to remove his tongue from your hole.
You let out one last, loud, scarily loud moan, and came on Kunikida’s face.
“G-god.. Kunikida I haven’t come that hard in god knows how long. You really know how to get me going.” You said, chest heaving heavily as Kunikida slowly moved himself out of your thighs and next to you, caressing your hair and laying down next to you.
“Thank you.”
You laughed loudly, and turned your head over to him. “You’re so cute.” You brought your finger to trace shapes on his chest before moving your hand up to run your fingers through his hair.
“Your hair looks nice like this.”
“What do you mean?”
You looked at him with a dumb smile.
“I mean disheveled. It’s a nice reminder of what you were doing to me just a few seconds ago.”
Kunikida blushed, hard this time, and brought his hand down to rub your upper thigh gently. “Are you alright? I didn’t do too much did I?”
“No, not at all! Quite the opposite, actually,” you paused then looked down. “Don’t you want some relief? I can feel you against my thigh.”
Kunikida turned his head away quickly and became even more red.
“It’s fine.. I better get to bed. We can go at it tomorrow morning though. I’m going to be losing all constraint from holding back all night, so be prepared.”
You looked at him, slightly worried. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. It’s already late.”
“Fine.. I’ll be waiting~”
You turned away and Kunikida pulled you close, making your back press against his chest. He decided to use this opportunity to take off your lingerie, there’s a no way that was comfortable to wear to bed. First, he unclipped the back of the bra, then he gently pulled it off your shoulders.
When he moved his hand down to pull your panties off, he accidentally brushed against one of your folds and you trembled because of it. As a way to console you for accidentally touching you when you were recovering, Kunikida gave the back of your neck a feather light kiss.
“You did amazing.. I love you.” Kunikida finally reciprocated your love confession from earlier, and all you could let out was a small hum before falling asleep.
Next chapter will be out tomorrow:) expect some Ryu naughtiness
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kyouka-supremacy · 5 months
also here is your excuse to do beast sskk as well :)
Thank you so much for asking them I owe you my life,,, this is going to be long. Doing Akutagawa here and Atsushi in the next post.
Favorite thing about them: Akutagawa's real, authentic struggle to be good. His struggle to conciliate the inhuman Beast in him with his genuine striving to be good. I think it's a very beautiful way to depict a real and universal struggle of every man. He's just very sympathetic in his trying so hard to be a good person and how more often than not fail at it, which is very endearing to read about. He's just a very human character in his very beastliness. I think trying to be good despite his very own nature and even fight against his nature to be a better person is endlessly admirable. Akutagawa's character in Beast is an expanded, more elaborated on and mature, and overall better version of the same struggle Akutagawa faces in canon, and I love it.
Least favorite thing about them: Sometimes I do have the impression that when writing him the author gets lost in the very loop of not good → tries to be good → is still not good → is inherently unable to do good. I wish I could elaborate on this better, but I need to reread Beast to do that. Just... Sometimes it feels like the author themselves doesn't know which road to pick between “man is inherently unable to do good” and “you aren't evil, you just haven't had you chance to be good yet”. There's a primary example for this: the act of brutally slaughtering the men who killed his friends Akutagawa commits at the start of the story is repeatedly framed all over the novel as something deplorable, mindless, and simply unmistakenly evil; and I deeply disagree. I can't agree with the story when it tries to frame Akutagawa as evil because he killed the men who killed his friends, because I see how that action wasn't moved by evil for evil's sake, but rather by the deep, inextricable love he felt for his family. And someone argues: but the reader is supposed to pick up on this inconsistency! A critical reader is supposed to see how since the start, Akutagawa has never been an entity of pure evil. But... I don't think it's the case, or at the very least that it was something intentional onf the author's side. For a very simple reason: Dazai and Gin say otherwise. And those two are the characters we're supposed to trust. Dazai, because he literally can't speak false in bsd (sorry. But c'mon. You know how the author writes him. Everything Dazai says is true and just and irrefutable). Gin, because in the story she takes on this very role of showing how much pain and suffering Akutagawa's inextricable evil causes. When Gin says :
If you really wanted vengeance—if you really wanted to avenge your friends—you would’ve come up with a plan before attacking. You would’ve stood by until your wounds healed, researched your enemy, and patiently waited for your chance. But you didn’t do that. You left me behind when I was injured and rushed right into battle without so much as a plan. It was like you were enjoying the flames of revenge. [...] If I’m wrong, then prove it. Convince me. Prove to me that you had some sort of grand scheme that day. Prove to me that you didn’t just want to destroy the world you despised like some wild beast.
we're supposed to believe her. I wholly doubt that passage was put there for the reader to say “she's wrong” at all. But it's also true that when Kunikida later says “You’re not evil, [...] You just don’t know who you are yet”, he directly contradicts that. So you see, Beast as a story itself in my opinion struggles to conciliate its need to prove Akutagawa as intrinsically evil and its belief that everyone has its chance at good. Which... I don't really blame it for, it objectively engages with complex philosophical themes it's hard to delve into, especially when coming from a place of the nihilism the author more often than not has been bearer of in the bsd story.
(Didn't want to spend this many words on this but it's really a complex subject you can't properly explain by keeping it short. That said, I love Beast Akutagawa infinitely more than what I dislike of him lol.)
Favorite line: Everything he's ever said 😭😭😭 His monologues are all very good, the struggle to become human so real and easy to relate to. “Until that day I become human, I will continue to run, howling loudly” may be my favourite.
brOTP: Akutagawa's relationship with Kenji in Beast means so much to me......... They're one of my favourite duos in the whole franchise, I really like the two of them together. I like to think they will become work partners in the future (well, I know for sure anyone in their sane mind in the agency is going to keep Akutagawa and Tanizaki from becoming partners LMAO). Then, Oda and Akutagawa (Oda cares about Akutagawa so much and AAAHH), Akutagawa and Tanizaki's relationship is heartwarming in its own weird way, and in general really Akutagawa & the whole ada is just the best. THEY are the found family of bsd, the only of that kind. (Side note, I love Ryuunosuke's relationship with Gin, and I love how Beast emphasizes on how much they love each other, but ough, I have so many issues with how Gin is written in Beast... Please please forgive me Akutagawas. I just think you deserve better writing.)
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(They're my favourite bsd ship ever okay. I like them a lot.)
nOTP: I wouldn't say I have any notp for him, but I do quite struggle to picture him with anyone who isn't Beast Atsushi (´;ω;`)
Random headcanon: He helps out at Kenji's farm whenever it's harvest time. In general, I like to think he carries on the lessons of humanity he learnt during his ada quests arc. I like to think he also pays visits to Oda's children (his little siblings), plays with them and tutors them and so on. They're his chance of being a good older brother where in the past he failed.
Unpopular opinion: He's the cooler version of canon Akutagawa LOL
Song i associate with them: Usseewa by syudou, cover by hyozan ft. flower. A while ago, I happened to tell my sister that the song made me think of Beast Akutagawa, and she went “Really? But isn't he stupid?”, lmao. She was right, but the reason I tend to associate the song with him isn't the honor student and successful businessman parts, as much as the unrestrainable rage the song expresses, the frustration, the hatred towards everything in the world, the finding notions such as “rightness” and “stupidity” equally meaningless. The carelessness for hurting other people. The underlying feeling of loneliness. It's more about the vibes, really.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration by Hoshikawa:
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Favourite illustration by Harukawa:
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