#i’m still wallowing in my sadness about losing my job so i’ll respond to stuff tomorrow
kimjunnoodle · 4 months
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just got some pics from my grandpa but i gotta say im really proud of the baby for holding on🫶
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operationcavill · 4 years
Just Fun
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I’ve pictured a younger Henry x Y/N while writing this, but as always, please imagine whatever you please 🖤 This contains sexual content. Please do not read if you are not a fan of explicit material.
Henry wakes to the sound of a faint clinking and a smile on his face. The sun is peeking through the window and he can smell Y/N’s perfume. He turns where he’d hoped to find her sleeping, but he sees her sitting on the bed buckling her belt. “Why you always leave like that?”
Henry wakes to the sound of a faint clinking and a smile on his face. The sun is peeking through the window and he can smell Y/N’s perfume. He turns where he’d hoped to find her sleeping, but he sees her sitting on the bed buckling her belt. “Why you always leave like that?”
“What do you mean?” His arm wraps around her waist and his head rests on the pillow she was laying on just moments before, “Henry,” Her voice was a bit groggy and he loved that.
His hand rubs her stomach gently. “I mean; why don’t you ever stay with me?” She sighs at his question. She doesn’t want to give the answer; she doesn’t want to give anything away. “Am I that boring that you can’t even stand to sleep beside me?”
He feels her back straighten, as if she was suddenly tense. “No, I think you’re great. You’re fun. I just don’t wanna make a mess of something fun, you know?” Henry feels something inside him fall.
“So, it’s just fun for you?” Y/N adjusts her bracelet and clears her throat. No, it’s not just fun. It’s almost everything. She feels Henrys arm slip from her waist, immediately missing the warmth. She went into this for a good time, they both did, but when Henry started showing any other signs of affection or suggested dinner or a movie, she felt a ping in her chest. She felt it whenever he smiled or said even said hello.
She hangs her head and stares at her knees. “It’s a lot of things, that’s the problem.” He watches her abruptly get off of the bed and shove on her shoes, tripping and cussing her way down the hall as she walks off.
Henry throws off the sheet to go after her, not a care that he’s completely naked. “Y/N, wait,” He hears his front door open and his heart beats faster. “Y/N!” As soon as the door slams, her eyes pool with tears and Henry sluggishly walks back to his room. He flops down so hard that it hurts his back, what hurts more is that his eyes go straight to her necklace on the night stand. He takes it and twirls it in his fingers before putting it around his own neck.
As Y/N drives home she’s tempted to turn back around and tell him how she feels. She won’t, though. She’s too prideful. Henry’s voice calling out to her stings her ears and the lump in her throat has become unbearable. When she reaches her apartment she struggles with the lock, her teary eyes are blurring her vision which only makes her more frustrated. She finally enters and her roommate, Nora, jumps as she takes in Y/N’s appearance. “What’s wrong?! What happened? Are you ok?” Nora’s job was to take care of others. She was a nurse who works crazy hours and still made the time for their venting sessions.
“I’m fine. I just wanna go to bed, it’s late. Or early, or whatever.” She tries her best to hide her little sniffles but fails miserably.
“Y/N, it’s 4:43 am. Too early for bull shit. Come on, sit down. I’ll get coffee.” Nora sits her down on the couch and throws a quilt at her. She arrives with too mugs, hers being quite larger than Y/N’s. “Spill it.”
Her exhale is shaky but she explains the night before, trying not to get worked up again. “He called me around 8, asking me to meet him for dinner. I told him I’d meet him at his house instead. I could hear it in his voice, you know? That’s what’s so shitty. I think he feels the same way,” her voice breaks but she continues, “but I can’t tell him. I see him lying there and it’s like, I feel myself getting ready to explode. I just keep leaving him and I can never look at him when I leave because if I do, I won’t leave at all. I would stay there, I would stay there and tell him that I love him and risk losing it all.” Y/N looks back to Nora, who’s eyes have gone wide.
She takes the mug from her and sits it on the table. She grabs her hands, making Y/N look at her. “I’m not going to tell you to tell him but I’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t. Maybe you just need some time away from each other to be sure what it is that you’re feeling.” Y/N nods and gives her a sad excuse of a smile.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed. Call me on your break?” Nora doesn’t further pry the conversation but promises that she’ll call. She looks in on Y/N before leaving and finds her asleep with a disgruntled look on her face. Her sleep is dreamless, restless. Every fifteen minutes she tosses and turns until she lies flat on her stomach with her eyes fixed on the clock. With her vision focusing in and out on the numbers, her mind goes back to Henry. Not that he wasn’t on her mind already but he was there, clear as day as if he was in the bed with her.
So many questions float through her brain, so many emotions. Why was she such a coward? Why couldn’t she just stay, just sleep there and wake up to him? Y/N is torn from her thoughts when her phone rings. The vibration on the wooden table makes her groan a ‘Hello?’ into the device. “Well, I guess you’re still in bed then?” Oh, she forgot Nora was going to call. “Jenny and I are gonna go out tonight and you’re coming with us. She met this guy at like, a spinning class or something and he asked her to meet him but she doesn’t want to go alone, so I got dragged into it. Meaning you are too.”
“Why does that mean I have to go? I don’t want to. I wanna stay here.” Her ear is filled with sighs and what could only be described as the kind of scolding that your grandmother would give you. “You can be such a dick; you know?”
Her roommate rolls her eyes even though Y/N can’t see her, “Yeah but so can you. It’ll be fun, we’ll have some frilly drinks and stuff.” Once she has Y/N agree she gleefully announced she’ll be home soon and hangs up the phone.
Y/N looks at the clock once more and decides she can wallow for a few more hours. She pulls the covers closer to her body and rolls around until a comfortable position is found. In what seems like the impossible, Y/N actually falls asleep.
Henry, however, hasn’t slept a wink. He can’t. How could he? He’s been playing with that necklace for hours now and he hasn’t stopped thinking about Y/N. She should be beside him right now, her cold toes poking at his legs. He blinks hard to try to relieve the tired burn of his eyes. Henry thinks if he can stare at the ugly dots of the popcorn ceiling just long enough, he may finally doze off.  He finds himself questioning the night before. He could’ve flat out told her he wanted whatever it was that they did have, to be more. He might even have said that he loved her. Why did he have to go get himself in this mess? And what did Y/N mean when she said it was a lot of things?
Buzz. Buzz. His feet sprint to his phone in hopes that it's Y/N but to his dismay it's a text from Jack, asking him to come out tonight. He responds that he doesn't think he's in the mood, which in turn makes his friend call in order to convince him. “Come on. Just stop by, drinks on me, aye?” He’s silent for a few seconds before finally giving into Jacks offer. Henry throws his phone back on the bed and walks to his bathroom, grabbing a towel on his way.
The hot water hits his chest and he sighs. He lets the water rain over his head, making his long hair cling to his forhead. Henry opened his eyes and focuses in on Y/N’s necklace. It sways back and forth, back and forth. His mind goes to the night before and he pictures her moving on him, for him, just like that necklace; back and forth. She dug her nails into his chest and his into her hips, her chest moving just out of reach in front of his face. His hand moves to his dick, now hard and begging to be touched. He moves slowly, just like she would. He thinks about that dirty image and replays it over and over until her mouth pops into his mind. Those lips wrapped around him, “Fuck,” She always moved her tongue in the best way, swirling it around and if he was lucky, licking him clean. He closes his eyes and continues to move his hand. Even though Henry has just started; he’s already finishing, gritting his teeth and grunting.
“You look so good in this that it’s actually stupid.” Nora zips up Y/N’s dress and fluffs her hair. Before she can turn around to talk to her, she’s rummaging through her closet flinging shoes around until she finds the perfect pair. “These!”
Y/N dodges the heels and throws a pillow at her careless roommate, “Try to kill me, why don’t you?” She picks up the shoes and flails them in the air before flopping on her bed.
Nora just rolls her eyes and scoffs, “Shut up, put the shoes on. Cabs gonna be here soon.” Once she leaves the room, Y/N wiggles on the heels and involuntarily extends her arm to her desk to grab her necklace.
“Shit.” She looks in her unmade bed, under it, under the desk and even the bathroom but the necklace is nowhere to be found. Nora finds her on her hands and knees with her head under the couch.
She snickers at her and pokes her butt with her foot, “Y/N, did you pre-game? Are you already drunk?”
“What? No, I can’t find my necklace.” Then it clicked that she left it at Henry’s, “Fuck a duck.”
Nora laughs, “What?”
“I left it at his.” They sigh in unison and Y/N gives Nora an upset look. She pulls her up off the floor and drags her to the door.
“I bet it’s in the car. We’ll look for it in the morning, let’s get outta here and have some fun!” The ride to the spot was proven difficult for the driver, with the two in the back singing very loudly to a song that he doesn’t know, he was more than glad that they left him a nice tip.
Upon entering, the duo searches for their friend who seems to have not arrived yet. They order drinks and sit at the end of the bar. “So, where did she meet this guy again?”
Nora takes a drink before answering, “She told me she met him at a spinning class. Which is weird cause I’ve gone to that class and there are zero guys. His name is Jake, or jack or something.” They both laugh and Nora suddenly waves, “Oh, look! They’re here.” Before Y/N can turn, she notices her friends face fall.
“What? What is it?” Nora just makes a funny smile, just like she makes when she’s uncomfortable. She finally turns her body on the stool and her eyes meet Henry’s, causing him to freeze in his place. Her feet meet the floor and Nora grabs her wrist. “I’m just gonna go to the bathroom, Ok?”
“If you don’t come back, I’m kicking your ass later for lying to me.” Y/N reassures her that she’ll come back and heads to the bathrooms. She ignores the half-drunk girls and makes her way to the sink, looking at herself. She adjusts her dress and fixes her hair.
Back at the bar, there’s an awkward silence between Nora and Henry but she breaks it, “Okay, Cavill. Let’s get to it.”
He cuts her off with a nervous laugh, “You know, you can call me Henry.”
She gives him a blank stare and sports no amusement, “Listen up, Cavill. Y/N is my best friend so I’m obligated to tell you to get your shit together and tell her how you feel. Seriously, whatever you two have, talk about it.”
“Well, it’s not exactly easy when she’s sneaking out of the house every five-seconds.” He downs the rest of his drink and places it on the bar.
Nora guffaws and thinks she needs about 3 more drinks to get through this conversation. “You ever think to go after her, you freaking idiot.” Then it clicks, he was too worried about bothering her to go after her but was that what she really wanted?
Henry nods at the bartender for another round then returns to their conversation, “So, should I like go get her?”
“Sure. Good a time as any!” Nora pushes her empty shot glass away and laughs, “…I’ve had too many, startin’ to yell.”
“Well, Buzzed Nora is enlightening. Fingers crossed, eh?” Henry makes his way to the tiny hall where the bathrooms are located. He knows she’ll be right pissed with him waiting for her but Nora got him all determined and okay, a little nervous.
Y/N checks her ass out in the mirror and sighs, getting the attention of a girl applying lipstick. “If you’re worried about your ass, don’t. That dress is incredible.”
She is taken aback a bit but giggles, “Thank you. You look incredible yourself.” After a small chat, she leaves the bathroom feeling a little more confident and convinced that she’ll just ignore Henry the rest of the night. Her plan comes to a screeching halt as she finds him leaned up against the wall in front of the door. “Shit.”
Henry raises his eye brow, “Nice to see you too, Y/N,” She gives him a pathetic excuse of a smile and slowly begins to walk away from him but he follows. He gets close enough to stop her and to her disappointment, right in the middle of what looks like a sea of dancing bodies. His arm slips around her front and pulls her to him, “Always running away. I would complain a lot more but you’ve got such a nice ass.” He knew how to get under her skin, she abruptly turns and scowls. “I’m kidding, kind of.”
She shakes her head to get her hair out of her face and avoids his face, “I have to go find Nora.”
“Ah, but you don’t. She knows we’re gonna talk.” Y/N makes a mental note to get back at her but the thought fades when Henry kisses her cheek and her hand flies to his chest to stop him. A familiar glint dangles from his neck and her brows furrow.
Her fingers pull the charm from the necklace out of his shirt and he gulps at the feeling of her touching his skin, “Why are you wearing my necklace?”
“It was the only part of you that stayed.” Suddenly, she feels closed in and hurt all at once. That risk-losing-it-all feeling washes over her and she tries to brush past him, but his arm catches hers and he leads her to a dark secluded nook, where only a few people who are much too into their drinks and own conversations.
The close proximity of their bodies makes her heart race and the soothing touch of his hand on her back is almost too much, “Let’s go back to the bar.” She catches his eyes and he gives her one soft kiss before getting even closer.
“I may not know what’s going on in your head, but I know that when I do this,” He pulls her to him, looking her right in the eye, “you start to breathe heavy.” Henrys mouth moves closer to her ear and a hand slaps her backside causing her to moan, “and when I do that, you purr like a fucking kitten.” Her nails dig into his bicep and she attempts to turn her head away from his, but his hand moves to her jaw in order to keep it in place. “No, no, Look at me. I’m not finished.” Y/N’s eyes find his and she knows she has no chance. “If you wanna leave, fine. But not until I’m done talking.” His hand slips under her skirt and his chest connects with hers, pinning her to the wall behind them. Henry’s mouth moves to her ear as his hand ghosts over her panties.
Her teeth bite into her bottom lip in order to stop herself from groaning but she fails. “Now that I’ve really got your attention, I’m gonna start.” His lips barely touch the shell of her ear and she shivers. “I wake up every day wishing you were in my bed. You see, we have these incredible nights together where I get the privilege of making you moan for me, come for me.” His hand moves her underwear to the side and a finger teases her. “I get to do this to you, I can get you wet but I can’t get you to say you love me.” Henry lets the word slip from his lips and it travels through her ear then all the way down to the pit of her stomach.
Another moan escapes her but not only is it filled with pleasure, it’s filled with a new kind of desperation. “Henry, this isn’t fair.” He was being relentless. His fingers play with her clit and she can feel his heart beat, “This is, this is mean.”
This time Henry groans, “If you’re gonna pretend like all you want is a good fuck, then I have news for you; you’re a bad liar. Do you really think I don’t know? I see it every time you run off from me. I wake up feeling like it’s gonna be the day you tell me you love me and I finally get to say it back. Can you imagine how far you’d run if I said it first? ” His voice is low but his finger still moves. Her hand moves to the back of his neck and her forehead rests on his shoulder, “Not letting me love you? That’s mean.”
She’s overwhelmed in every sense of the word. Her body is hot yet she’s covered in chills. “It’s not that, god…it’s not that simple.” His pulls her closer and inserts two fingers inside her. “Oh my god, we have to go.” Henry smiles against her ear as her hips move forward. His fingers curl and she yelps loudly but his mouth lands on hers to silence it. She has no fight left in her. Her body loosens and their lips press harder together. Henry gets carried away and moves his hand faster. “There’s too many people…Someone will see.”
“No one’s looking at us. Maybe I should make you come right here. If that’s all you think you want from me, I might as well give it to you. That all you want from me? You want me to make you come? Huh?” He can feel her squeeze on his fingers, “I told you, you were a bad liar. Tell me the truth. Tell me what you want.” He moves so that they’re face to face again. “Hmm?”
Y/N clutches his arms and an angry look covers her face. “This is the worst way to get me to tell you I love you.” Henry smiles widely and releases his fingers. She hates how cute that smirk makes him. “What?”
“Gotcha,” He grabs her hand and pulls her away from the corner, through the club and out to the parking lot. He opens the car door for her and rushes to the other side. She can’t believe how fast this moment is passing. He had her up a wall only a few minutes ago and now they’re zooming towards his house.
Henry is still grinning and it further pisses Y/N off, why is he being such an idiot? “What are you smiling about? Where are we going?” He keeps his eyes on the road and continues to shifts gears.
“You told me you loved me and we’re going home to celebrate.” Her mind drifts off and her words from earlier shake her brain. She did it. Fuck, she said it.
Her voice is quiet and confused, “Celebrate?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m fucking crazy for you.” Even with him saying how he feels, she can’t help but think none of it’s real. Henry could be lying, there’s always a chance. “I love you.” There it is, it’s out in the open and Y/N kind of feels dizzy.
She’s not sure what to do, what does she say? Does she say it back? “Um…I, well, me too.” They hit a stop light and Henry cheeky grin falls.
He sighs, “Why won’t you say it? Said it before.” He doesn’t sound annoyed or disappointed, if anything he sounds a happy.
She plays with her fingers as she whispers, “I don’t know.”
He playfully returns the whisper, “Liar
She whispers even lower, “I love you.”
Henry now yells and actually makes her smile, “Baby, I can’t hear you.”
“You heard me.” Y/N shifts in the seat, adjusting her dress.
“Afraid not,” Henry accelerates, taking Y/N by surprise and falling back into the seat.
She sighs in annoyance, “I love you.”
“Good.” She stares at him blankly as his smile returns. She has no idea what else to say at the moment. All she can do his stare at Henry and that cute dimple.
Y/N and Henry sit in his kitchen, her on a bar stool at the island and him at a table in the corner that he’s never actually been used. She fixes herself a glass of water and brings her fingers to her neck, forgetting that there’s no necklace to twirl. “It’s weird not wearing my necklace, weirder seeing it on you.”
Henry pulls the necklace out of his shirt and smirks at her, “Well, maybe if you didn’t run out of here so damn fast you’d still have it.”
Y/N scoffs, “How long you gonna hold that over my head?”
“I won’t, but you can’t pretend that there’s nothing to talk about.” He untucks his shirt and leans back into the chair, “I’m ready for whatever you want to throw at me. Whatever dumb reason it is that you think I’m a liar or using you, throw it at me. I’ll be right here saying the same thing; I love you.”
She groans quietly and looks down at her cup, “Why are you so straight forward?”
“Why aren’t you? You can fuck me like you love me but can’t say it?”
She begins to twirl her cup so she can distract herself from how good he looks, “Henry, don’t be rude to me.”
“It’s true, Y/N,” His eyes narrow and his voice lowers, “why can’t you tell me what you want?”
She takes a sip and taps her nails on the counter, “I want my fucking necklace back.” He smiles and cocks his head to the side. She looks down her dress and smooths it out, “Did I spill it?” Henry shakes his head and bites his lip. “What?”
“Come here,” She sighs before walking over to him and stops just at his knee, allowing him to stoke her skin. “You upset with me?” He looks up at her and gives her a slight pout when she doesn’t answer. His hand moves to the back of her knee and pulls her forward so she falls into a straddling position, “I’m sorry, baby.” He kisses her shoulder and up her throat, “You can have it back but you gotta earn it.”
His hands fall to her backside, pulling her hips to his own. “Earn it?” He knew just what to do to get her worked up.
“Mhmm, I’ll give it back if you tell me what you want.” He nibbles on her skin and she moans. “Pretty little kitty.” His nickname causes her to moan again. “Come on, what ya want?”
Her thighs squeeze around his torso and he closes his eyes, “I want you.” A small chuckle leaves his lips and she really wants to kiss him, she has to.
She tries to kiss him but he playfully dodges it, “I know you want me but that’s not what I want to hear.”
“I want you to want me, I want you to love me.” She brings her forehead to rest on his and he kisses her deeply. Her hands rake through this hair and her hips jolt to his. He bunches the fabric of the dress in his hand, groaning and growing harder.
He hoists her up, her legs wrapping around him as he makes his way to his bedroom. She unbuttons his shirt while he carries her, her mouth leaving small kissing in his neck every few seconds. “’ L‘Show you how much I love you, then I’m gonna do it all over again in the morning. Just fucking wait.” He falls on top of her when he lies her down on the bed, loving the loud of her giggle. He takes off the necklace and places it on the nightstand, “More than earned it.”
Henry takes off his shirt and gets down on his knees, pulling her thighs to the edge of the bed. “Oh,” Her skin erupts with goosebumps as his fingers glide up her leg to pull down her panties.
“May I eat your pussy, with love?” He sings the last words and if she wasn’t so turned on she would hit him on the side of the head.
“Henry, if it proves my love at all, it’s that I don’t mind you saying dorky shit like that.” Both of them smile but Y/N gasps when she feels the warm air on her. He begins to give her small kisses, knowingly teasing and further frustrating her.
He pushes the dress to her waist and locks his arms around her thighs, finally giving her a full lick. “Didn’t know you could get so wet, love.” He continues licking, kissing, and sucking, oh the sucking, on her clit until it gets even more sensitive and swollen. “Such a tasty little cunt, innit?” He sucks on it loudly making her yelp. “And you make the cutest noises.” He licks lightly again but grabs her hands and brings them to her center. “Spread yourself open for me.” She obliges and widens her legs as well. He peppers kisses all over her and watches her contract. “I  love this pussy.” Her legs shake and her hands grab his forearms.
“Oh my god,” Henry smiles into her, she can feel it. He was always so good at this, always so good with his mouth and always a tease.
“That’s my girl,” He then rubs her clit with her own finger and kisses her inner thigh, “I don’t know if I’m ready for that just yet.” God, why was he like this? His cheek rests on her thigh and two fingers enter her while he continues to use her hand. He knows how to read her; he knows that what she wants: she wants it to be dragged out. She was silent other than her whimpers but that was all he needed. His fingers stop just so he can feel her pulse around them, then he kisses her thigh before curving them just right. Henrys hand leaves hers but orders her, “Don’t stop playing with yourself.” He brings his now free hand to his jeans, unbuttoning them and tugging them down just below his bum.
Henry’s dick had gotten so hard that he had to let it out, he just had to give it a proper squeeze as well. He stands, removing his fingers and making sure to look her in the eye as he licks them clean. He smiles at the fact that she’s still rubbing herself in a little circle. “Take your pants off.”
He smiles again, “Take your dress off.” Both rush out of their remaining clothes and Y/N moves to the head of the bed. He swings his leg over her torso so that he’s directly in her face, “Hands up, open up.” Her arms rise and he grabs hold of them as he enters her mouth. The feeling of her wet mouth is unexplainable. She was always able to get him so deep in this position, he’s forever thankful for that day they googled ‘Fun Sex Positions.’ Her palms lay flat on his chest as he thrusts slowly into her mouth. “mmm, so good at that. Wanna know a secret?” She makes an attempted to nod but fails, “I thought about you sucking me off this morning, had to come all by myself, love.” He pulls himself all the way out of her mouth and drops her hands. The sight of her wiping her mouth is enough to make his dick jump. “I think you owe me one.” He pulls her legs down the bed so she’s flat on her back, smiling when he hovers over her.
“Oh, I owe you one?” He smiles but pretends to be serious.
“Mhmm, so, I think you better stay right here and make it up to me.” Y/N giggles at his dramatics and widens her legs to accept him. He doesn’t enter her right away. He instead flips them over, Y/N now on top of him. “Come on, love. Make it up to me.”
She sinks down on him and leans forward to whisper, “I’m not leaving in the morning.”
[Tagged: If you’d like to be tagged, just shoot me a message or ask!]
@igotkatiepowers  @xxxkatxo  @lunedelorient  @heartfelt-pen​ @omgkatinka​ @viking-raider​ @summersing69 @littlefreya​ 
HAPPY HUMP DAY! I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the week.
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illumose · 5 years
BTS reaction : when they say something they end up regretting [ part 2 ]
genre : angst and fluff, it depends on the member
requested by : a lot of people ✨
author’s note : thank you for reading and the feedback, I appreciate it a lot xx [ part one, must be read in order to understand ]
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seokjin •
Seokjin asked himself why he said those horrible words to you. He wondered how he could invalidate your feelings and have no consideration towards your person. Yes, it was his job to be nice with fans, but you were his significant other. The person he wanted to marry, to have kids with. Yet, he managed to fuck up so badly that you avoided him at all costs. It has been three days, three days of silence and quietness that he could no longer bear. He missed your laugh, he missed you. He heard you cry at night and it broke his heart. He felt so guilty, he felt like an asshole.
"Y/n, honey. I’m terribly sorry, I’ve been such an ass with you. I shouldn’t have reacted like that, you had all the reasons to be upset," He started, sitting next to you on the couch. "I can’t quite understand why I reacted in an aggressive way when you only voiced your concerns and feelings. I bed your pardon, my love. It will never happen again, I promise you."
You looked at him, he was wallowing in guilt and sadness. In spite of what he did, you did not want him to be sad nor sorrowful. "You used my fears against me, it’s not fair."
"I know, and I’m sorry. I can’t bear to be without you. You’re my universe, please, give a chance to make it up to you," He pleaded, his eyes lighting up when you snuggled into his chest.
"One chance, that’s all. Don’t waste it," You warned him as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
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yoongi •
Like you asked him to, he moved back to the dorm. Yoongi regretted his words, however, he was too proud to make the first step to apologize. He had believed that with time, you would have calmed down and you would forgive him. Well, his little plan did not work. He took you for granted too many times, and you were not going to let him treat you like trash. You ignored his calls, his texts.
He was now in front of your front door, knocking and screaming like a mad man for you to open the door. He began to realize what he was slowly loosing. You, the person he loved and cherished the most. He could not let it occur.
"I have plenty of time, Y/n. I can stay here all night. I just wanna talk to you," He explained, his ear against the door. He was trying to know if you were behind the door. You sighed, tired of his bullshit. You knew he could be stubborn.
You opened the door, much to his surprise. He had a bouquet of flowers in the hands, an apologetic smile on the lips, and dark circles under the eyes. He must have exhausted himself in his stupid studio.
"You look terrible," You said, bitterly. You let him enter your apartment, but you did not sit on the couch.
"It’s because I need you. I know I said the opposite, but I was just irritated because of work. I know it’s no excuses. You’re the one who keeps me sane, without you, I would die," He explained, with sincerity.
"Prove that you won’t do it again, and I might consider giving you a second chance. Otherwise, it’s over between us."
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hoseok •
Jimin followed you after you stormed out of the practice room. He felt sorry for you, and wanted to comfort you. "Y/n, don’t take his criticism to heart, he’s moody," He tried to reassure you, speeding up to keep up with your fast pace.
"It does not give him the right to be hurtful and mean towards me, not when I’ve been here for him for so long. I asked him to teach me, not to judge me. I’m tired of being comprehensive and understanding with people," You claimed, eyes filled with tears. This time, you won’t forgive him. He often snapped at you for no reasons, and you grew tired of feeling sad. "I won’t leat anyone bring me down, not even him. I love him, but I love myself more," You finished, flashing Jimin a smile.
"You’re only debuting, and from what I’ve seen, you clearly succeeded more than any other beginner. If you want to, I can teach you," He suggested, knowing that Hoseok was wrong.
"I’d like to," You replied, hugging Jimin to thank here. "I’m going to go back home, tell Hoseok that he can pick up his stuff. I don’t want to live with someone who disrespects me."
As much as you loved Hoseok, he crossed the line. You would never forget his cruel criticisms, you needed to end this relationship which quickly grew toxic. It was not the first time he made hurtful comments, but it was for sure the last time.
"Be careful on your way back home. If you need anything, text me. I’ll be here in a minute," The blond-haired boy told you, earning a laugh from you. He was Hoseok’s friend, but also yours.
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namjoon •
The moment you closed the bedroom’s door, Namjoon understood that he slowly destroyed the love you two shared. His behavior towards you was toxic, it consumed your happiness. He promised you to never break your heart, however, he broke his promise.
Being tired was not an excuse to be an asshole, he knew it. He called you a ‘pain in the ass’, something he said, out of his mind, without thinking. Of course you weren’t one. He messed up, and he did not know if he could make it up to you.
After a few hours of being locked in the bedroom, you decided to confront your boyfriend, well future ex-boyfriend. "Namjoon, can we talk?" You asked, finding him sitting in front of the door with puffy eyes. He nodded, following you in the living room. It hurt you to see his saddened expression. Nonetheless, he was responsible for his own pain.
"I know. You’re sorry, you did not mean it. It’s like the past few weeks, you mess up and then you apologize, thinking I’m going to forget and forgive. Do I look like a punching-ball? I’m not. I refuse to be one. That’s why we must end it before it gets worse," You stated, seriously. "I love you, and I will forever do. However, you crossed the line. You took me for granted, and treated me like garbage. You cannot expect me to stay in a relationship in which I feel more hated than loved. I’ll be moving out in the following week, Namjoon," You went on saying, flashing him a sympathic smile, supposed to comfort him.
He sobbed, realizing that he destroyed everything. He was the main reason behing the break up, and he wouldn’t forgive himself.
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jimin •
You two were currently on no speaking terms. You avoided him, and he avoided you. He did not know what to say, and thought that he would only make it worse. He knew it was not your fault if you had missed the date, your boss did not give you the choice.
A knock on the door pulled him out from his daydream. "I need to shower." You stated, coldly. His childish attitude irritated you, even more when it was unfair. He unlocked the door, letting you in. You did not acknowledge him, and walked past him, undressing yourself.
He watched as you got into the shower, thinking about the words he pronounced yesterday. I did not make the mistake to propose to you. He scoffed at this untrue statement, he was acting like a prick. All he wanted was to see you walk down the aisle, and now, his dream was compromised by his shitty actions.
"Y/n, love. I did not mean everything I told you yesterday." He said, joining you despite your small mumbles of complaint. "I don’t know what has gotten into me. I guess I was pissed off because I wanted to use this date as a way to propose to you. I felt upset when you couldn’t come, so I snapped at you."
You reached out for the shampoo, feeling your heart warm at his words. He wanted you to be his significant other for life, which was a huge commitment. "I guess I can forgive you, even though I shouldn’t," You responded with a smirk on the lips. He kissed you as your hands were wrapped around his neck.
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taehyung •
"C’mon, I apologized. You’re not actually going to break up with me because of small argument, are you?" Taehyung frowned, confused as to why you were still not talking to him nor forgiving him.
"Are you deaf? Do I need to repeat this again in order for you to understand? It’s over between us, Taehyung. You’ve been such a prick for the past few days. I can’t believe you’re still here thinking you can make it up. I’m tired of your excuses, I’m tired of you. I’ve supported this attitude for too long, now, I’m ending it. You and me, it’s not possible. I deserve way better than you," You smirked, watching as he was being hit by realization. "I don’t why you’re behaving like this, but you should figure out the reason before your friends actually give up on you."
"Is it really over?"
"Yes. No second chance because you already got four. No making it up, no marriage counselling. See this as an omen, you’ll be able to find someone perfect who doesn’t mess everything," You laughed out loud, feeling relieved.
Taehyung’s eyes filled with tears. Why did he have to be mean? He should have been encouraging. He failed miserably his job of boyfriend.
"I wish you the best, Taehyung. I truly do, even if our relationship ends badly."
With that, the two of you never talked again. It was over, even if Taehyung still loved you.
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jungkook •
A mess, it was the best word to describe Jungkook right now. Without you, he was miserable. He tried to reach out for you, but you avoided all his calls.
"Please, hear me out, babe," He begged you, following you like a lost puppy. You just got out of work, and he was in front of your workplace, waiting patiently for you. His voice was full of despair.
"I‘m giving you the space you asked for," You replied, ignoring his soft gaze. His words caused you sorrow. It was particularly harsh, and aimless. "Stop following me."
"No. I won’t stop until you let me apologize properly," He declared, speeding up when you tried to lose him in the crowd. "You’re not uptight, you’re far from uptight. You’re generous, kind and loving. You’re the most amazing soul I’ve ever got to meet. Perhaps you deserve better than me, a man who cannot think before thinking. I’m sorry. I love you deeply, Y/n."
Jungkook reached out for your hand, and for the first time, you did not try to reject his affection.
"I cannot express how sorry I am. You’re my lover, not my mother. I don’t want space, I want you. You’re the only one I’ve ever loved," He confessed, his body getting closer to yours. "It won’t happen again, I promise. Don’t dump my ass, please," He implored, and you finally gave in. You planted a kiss on his lips.
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amehanaaa · 5 years
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Last chapter at last! Isn’t it great that we just get to read our OTP fall in love like 10,000 times and it never gets old? Thank you all for joining this story, your love, and your support. Writing professionally is a dream right now, but you all make me feel like it’s possible someday. Please, take care of yourselves! Happy summer! (Also can be read here.) Chapter 9 – Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 Words: 4500 Summary: Lucy and Natsu are determined to take the necessary steps to fulfill their lifetime dreams. Little do they know, they have both given themselves 10 days to achieve it.
“This wasn’t what I was expecting, Lucy.”
Lucy watches her boss flip through the printed article. Erza pauses to read a few pages before going on to the next. Although she wears a poker face, Lucy has never seen Erza’s eyes gleam like this before.
With uncomfortable bags resting beneath her eyes, Lucy uncontrollably bobs her knee while she waits in her seat. Not because she’s nervous, but she is certain that she will fall asleep if she doesn’t find a way to keep herself moving.
Instead of processing her breakup with Natsu last night, she spent all night polishing her notes into a cohesive article. She feels as though she poured her heart and soul into this article. At this point, she doesn’t care what Erza thinks about it anymore.
One of Lucy’s eyelids is in the midst of closing when Erza looks up from the manuscript. Lucy perks up in her seat, noticing Erza’s sparkling grin.
“It’s even better than I thought. Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” Lucy replies with a tight smile.
Since Erza isn’t one for hugs, Lucy awkwardly leans over the desk to give her a high-five. Erza doesn’t notice the atmosphere as she marvels at her story.
“I think you’re ready to be a real journalist,” Erza tells her proudly. “Anything that you want to write about—it’s all yours!”
Lucy raises her brows. “Everything? Even politics?”
“Mmmm, not quite.” Erza waves her finger in the air to dismiss her. “You just have more flexibility on shoes, makeup, therapy, and trends. Use your imagination for once.”
Lucy can’t hold back her disbelief, slowly shaking her head. “Thank you for this opportunity, but I’m turning this down.”
Erza gazes at her with bewilderment. “What?”  
“I’m finished, Erza. I’m done.”
“You’re going to regret—”
Not allowing her to finish, Lucy pushes herself up from her seat. She doesn’t bother to look back as she exits Erza’s office. She walks through the office, passing by Cana’s desk to find her with curious eyes.
“How did it go?” Cana asks.
“I quit,” Lucy answers simply.
“You what—”
“Let’s go out for drinks sometime,” she interrupts her. “See you.”
“I-I’ll call you,” Cana responds, obviously flustered. She isn’t able to say anything else as she watches Lucy leave the office.
The moment Lucy steps out of the building, she can physically feel the shackles on her wrists breaking free. She has never sacrificed so much for a job, which caused her to feel trapped within her articles. Now, she is free to pursue her lifetime dreams.
Her surroundings are a fog as she returns to her apartment. Although there is a part of her that feels liberated, she still has a pressuring sense of the rest of her emotions. Even if she has this newfound freedom, her heart is more broken than ever.
Since Levy decided to spend last night with Gajeel, Lucy isn’t expecting for her to be home. However, she finds Levy sitting on the couch and waiting for her expectantly. They lock eyes for just a moment. Levy can already tell none of this will be good.
“Tell me everything that happened,” Levy tells her.
Everything spews out of Lucy all at once. She can hardly see Levy through her tears as she joins her on the couch.
“It was a bet. Natsu was only with me because of a stupid bet.”
Levy’s eyes widen, but she lets Lucy continue.
“And I quit,” Lucy manages to say through her sobs. “I don’t work for Erza anymore.”
“It’s okay. Everything is going to work out,” Levy says gently, allowing Lucy to cry in her arms. “You’re worth more than any bet.”
“I don’t even care about losing my job,” Lucy says in between hiccups. “What I had with Natsu felt so real. Do you even think any of his feelings were real?”
“I think that’s for you to discern,” Levy admits. “There had to have been something real between you two, though.”
“I really liked him,” Lucy cries out.
She takes such deep inhales that her back begins to hurt at how strong her sobs are. Never in her life has she wept like this—all for a guy she has known for ten days.
But she doesn’t care. Even if she shouldn’t be the one crying, or all of it is pathetic, or Natsu doesn’t deserve her tears, she simply doesn’t care. Right now, all she cares about is expressing the sadness in her heart.
Levy rubs Lucy’s arms to comfort her as she continues to hiccup. After a while, Lucy is honestly surprised that she had all of these tears pent up inside of her.
“You’re doing the right thing,” Levy assures her. “How about I make dumplings tonight?”
“Please,” Lucy whimpers.
Levy nods, spending a few extra moments with her best friend. Living and growing up together since they were 15, Levy thought she had seen every part of Lucy. But this is entirely new—she has never seen her best friend this hurt.
Watching her become like this, Levy recommits to be the best friend that won’t let her ever become this way again.
“I’m here for you, Lu,” she whispers to her.
Lucy stays silent, closing her eyes and resting against the couch. The lack of sleep catches up to her suddenly, crashing over her all at once. She doesn’t resist to give into a much-needed nap.
Lucy isn’t sure how much she has slept for when she feels Levy lightly shaking her awake. It’s dark outside, meaning it has been at least three hours. Lucy wipes away the dried tears on her face and looks at Levy.
“The dumplings are ready. You don’t have to eat them now if you don’t want to, though.”
“I’ll eat them now,” Lucy replies, her voice hoarse. She pushes herself up from the couch and follows Levy into the kitchen.
Quietly, they eat their dumplings. As always, these are the best dumplings Lucy has ever eaten, but she can’t bring herself to express that. There is only one thing on her mind right now.
“I’m going to bed,” Lucy says after their meal. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
She doesn’t even try to shower or brush her teeth—all she wants to do is sleep. She curls up in her bed, allowing the blankets to envelop her. When she is half asleep, it reminds her of Grandeeny’s comforting warmth.
Again, Lucy loses track of time as she sleeps. One moment it’s completely dark; the next moment sunrays are illuminating her room. She doesn’t wake up naturally, however. Her sleep is interrupted by a tsunami of notifications.
She rubs her eyes to clear her vision. All of the notifications are comments on her newly published article. She taps on one of them, directed to the online version of the weekly magazine. There are already a handful of comments, all praising her for the experiment.
She feels a sense of nauseating regret, so she hastily turns off her phone and forces herself out of bed. After an imperative shower, she feels a bit more like herself again. It is as though she is finally washing off the past ten days.
With her hair wrapped up in a towel, Lucy discovers Levy at the kitchen counter. She sips on a cup of coffee and reads her phone.  
“Are you reading it?” Lucy asks hesitantly.
Levy nods. “I can’t believe you wrote this.”
“I know,” Lucy sighs out. “It’s—”
“Beautiful,” Levy cuts her off. “Even if it was a selfish experiment, I can feel all of your pain in this. If Natsu reads this, I’m sure he’s going to feel it, too.”
Lucy would have never thought that her article could be considered beautiful. She is convinced that the article is borderline public humiliation.
“Even if Natsu understands, I don’t know if either of us want to see each other again,” Lucy responds simply. “And I’m done writing that type of stuff. I’m sick of writing articles that are meant to destroy someone.”
“What do you want to do then?” Levy raises a brow.
“I want to reinvent myself,” Lucy states. “I’m determined to create a new company for myself.”
Levy takes another sip of her coffee. Lucy is taken aback to notice a grin on her face.
“You definitely have your ambition from your parents.” Levy’s eyes sparkle with admiration for her friend. “I know you’re going to achieve that dream, Lu. I believe in you.”
Lucy truly doesn’t know where it comes from or how it’s even possible, but tears form at the back of her eyes. “Thanks for your support,” she says softly.
“So, what’s the next step now?” Levy questions.
“No more pity parties.” Lucy begins, standing up to brew her own cup of coffee. “I had my crying moment, but now I don’t have time to wallow in sadness. I need to start researching.”
Levy nods in agreement. “Sounds like a plan. I need to start heading to the bakery, but I’ll come back for lunch. Take your time today, alright?”
“Okay,” Lucy says as she waves goodbye. With that, she tosses her towel into her room, grabs her mug, and takes out her laptop.
The screen lights up to the document of her article. She stares at it for a few moments.
It’s easy to relapse into sadness when she is reminded of everything, but she doesn’t allow herself to. She doesn’t have time to sort out her feelings. If she wants to reinvent herself, she needs to tackle this project immediately. Without another thought, she deletes the file from her laptop.
Now is the time to seek a new part of herself. It’s time for a redemption season.
Although the wound from her relationship with Natsu is just two days fresh, she can sense a new page turning over—with or without him.
Natsu can’t remember the last time he felt a sense of emptiness like this. No matter how much food, sleep, or movies he watches, there is still a sensation of longing for more. He can’t put his finger on what made his relationship with Lucy so satisfying, but whatever it was, he misses it.
Natsu has never been one for holding a grudge against someone, so he only waits less than twelve hours to knock on Gray’s door the next morning.
Gray doesn’t hold back his bewilderment when he opens the door. Natsu doesn’t pay too much attention to it as he forces his way in, immediately going for the pantry.
“Are you upset?” Gray asks cautiously.
“Yes and no,” Natsu responds, shoving some crackers into his mouth. “I came here to hear your side of the story.”
Gray nods while swallowing thickly. He sits at the kitchen counter and invites Natsu to sit down as well.
“Where do you want me to start?”
“From the beginning.”
Gray pauses, twisting his necklace around his neck. “Well, I almost killed Lucy with my bike.”
Natsu’s eyes widen. “You almost killed her?”
“I wasn’t looking to see if anyone was crossing!” he explains quickly. “The next time I saw her was when she was leaving your apartment after the second night you spent together. That was when I overheard her experiment.
“I wasn’t sure if I should have told you because of our bet. I didn’t want to see you get hurt, but I didn’t think you’d want to end it. You’ve always been a man of your word.”
Gray’s piercing eyes don’t break eye contact with Natsu. That way, both of them know that he is completely serious. Natsu returns the eye contact, being able to feel the sincerity through Gray’s words.
“I’m genuinely sorry that I let it keep going. I should have looked out for you more. I wasn’t being a good friend to you.”
“I appreciate that,” Natsu responds honestly. “And you’re right. If I had known the experiment was going on, I still would have gone through with the bet. The way Lucy started to act would have made a lot more sense, too.”
“She really put you through some hell,” Gray states. “I don’t know how she could be so—”
“I don’t want to talk about her,” Natsu interrupts him. “I can’t decipher what was real with her and what wasn’t. I just want to forget about everything. You’re forgiven, alright?”
“Thanks, Natsu,” Gray sends him a grateful smile. “The bet paid off, didn’t it?”
“In some ways,” Natsu replies with a shrug. “It probably wasn’t the best move to fall for the girl after ten days, though.”
Natsu doesn’t realize his words until after he says them. The two stay silent for at least a minute with Gray blinking incredulously.
“You fell for Lucy?”
“Yeah,” Natsu breathes out. “I did.”
“Even after everything she did to you?” Gray asks in disbelief.
“I-I can’t talk about it yet,” Natsu stumbles over his words. He tries to change the subject. “But anyway, you’re forgiven.”
Gray scratches the back of his head. “You know what? The old you would have never come and talked to me so calmly. What gave you more compassion?”
It isn’t until then when it dawns on him. Natsu takes a deep breath, knowing exactly who gave him compassion. That is what he misses—the unpredictable, profound lessons he learned from Lucy. Even if it was only ten days, he grew more than he expected.
But instead of telling Gray the truth, he responds with his second thought.
“Redemption,” Natsu reveals. “I wanted to give you a chance at redemption.”
Gray leans over to shake Natsu’s shoulder. “Thanks again.”
The two share a heartwarming moment for the first time in weeks. Even though they’ve known each other since college, Gray has officially seen two of Natsu’s messiest break ups ever. It’s in that instant when Gray recommits to be the best friend that won’t let Natsu ever become this way again.
The moment is interrupted when Gray’s phone lights up with a call from an unknown number.
“Hello?” he answers.
Natsu strains his ears to listen to the voice on the other end. Since it comes out like a distant whisper, he listens to Gray occasionally hum. Natsu notices his dazed eyes when he ends the call.
“Who was that?”
“That was my coworker,” Gray states. “There’s a crew member position available for you.”
“Already?” Natsu raises his brows. “Where?”
Natsu pauses for a second, trying to sift through his memories. He has heard of the town a few times, but has no idea where it is on a map.
“It’s a three hour plane ride,” Gray informs. “I’ve been there several times on business trips. It’s smaller than Magnolia, but it’s a gorgeous city.”
Natsu is at a loss for words. All he can do is continue listening.
“They’re giving you a week to commit,” Gray tells him. “If you say yes, then they expect you to be there.”
“In a week?” Natsu repeats. A tingling sensation scatters across his body as he watches Gray nod. “Okay, I’ll think about it.”
“Alright,” Gray responds.
By the look in Natsu’s eyes, Gray can see that he is thoroughly considering the opportunity. He is about to give the subject a rest, but Natsu talks before he does.
“I’m in.”
Gray gapes at him. “You already decided?”
“I’ve been here too long. I don’t have a reason to be here anymore.”
Gray notices that Natsu was going to add without Lucy at the end of his sentence. That is when he recognizes how much she impacted Natsu these past ten days.
“Okay,” Gray says finally. “I can help you pack your stuff when I’m off work. When do you want to leave?”
“As soon as possible,” Natsu answers while standing up from his seat. “I need to go to the station to tell them I’m leaving.”
Before Gray has the chance to say anything else, Natsu leaves the apartment. He is already set on his mission, stopping by his apartment to get his keys and making his way to the station.
Suddenly, everything comes all at once for Natsu. One second he is giving all of his colleagues goodbye hugs, the next second he is talking on the phone with the landlord for an animal friendly apartment in Acalypha, and the following second he is packing all of his belongings.
Lucy is simply a distant memory as he prepares for the next step in his life. He can physically feel a new page turning over; however, there’s still that feeling of emptiness inside of him. In the back of his mind he understands what he needs to do, but he can’t bring himself to act. If he suppresses it enough, he’s sure he’ll forget it someday.
Soon enough, three days have passed since their breakup. Natsu is actually impressed with himself that he cleaned out his entire apartment. Being so busy has allowed him to be distracted enough to slowly forget about Lucy.
The worst times are at night once he’s about to fall asleep. When he closes his eyes, he can still see the brightness of her smile. When he tosses in his bed, he can still smell the sweetness of her hair.
But if everything goes to plan, he’ll be leaving Magnolia in two days. After that, there won’t be any traces left of her.
Because it’s not worth buying ingredients to cook with, Gray’s courtesy lunch is now courtesy dinner. Each night, he visits Natsu with a meal that they share while sitting on the floor. Tonight, Gray brings over a box of pepperoni pizza.
“You’re the best,” Natsu groans out as he takes a slice. “This is great.”
“How much else do you have to pack?” Gray asks in between bites.
“I’m pretty much done,” Natsu answers, pointing at his bed. “Laxus needs a new bed, so he’s coming the morning I leave to pick it up.”
“It’s so empty,” Gray points out. “I think I can hear an echo in here.”
“Isn’t it cool?!” Natsu shouts, his voice travelling across the room and bouncing against the walls.
“It looks like you’re really leaving this place,” Gray admits.
“Are you saying you’re going to miss me?” Natsu smirks at him.
“Don’t worry, Juvia and I will be visiting you more than you’d like,” Gray assures with his own smirk. “But yeah, it’s going to be weird not having you live above me anymore.”
“I’m excited,” Natsu replies with bright eyes. “It’s finally happening.”
“You’re going to be living your dream,” Gray reminds him.
Natsu eagerly nods. “It has been a long time coming.”
It isn’t until now when Natsu begins feeling the reality of his move. He is truly starting all over in Acalypha, living in an unfamiliar place with more strangers than ever. Living in Magnolia his entire life, he can’t believe the time has finally come to leave.
“I have something to show you,” Gray mentions, bringing Natsu out of his thoughts. “You don’t have to read it, but I wanted you to see it.”
Natsu’s heart pounds in his throat as he watches Gray take out his phone and extend it out to him. After he reads the headline cover, he doesn’t feel like eating anymore.
“I don’t want to read it,” he declines. “I can’t read it. Why are you showing me that?”
“I didn’t agree with it when I read it, but the last part is worth reading,” Gray says.
Natsu isn’t sure how much he can agree with him. Even though it has been three days, he doesn’t think his heart is ready just yet.
Nonetheless, Natsu’s hands move on their own as he reaches for the phone and reads Lucy’s article. His eyes almost race across the screen as he takes in each of her words. He freezes once he reaches the end of the article.
So, I lost the guy. What went wrong, you ask? When I started writing this week’s article, I didn’t realize that I was making the biggest mistake of all. I lost the guy I had fallen for.
“Natsu, what are you doing?” Gray asks at his sudden movements.
“I’ll be right back,” he answers, hastily taking his keys while leaving the apartment.
Natsu has never ran faster than he is right now. He has wanted to do this all along, but he couldn’t muster up enough courage to act.
Everything that moves past Natsu is a blur as he jumps down multiple stairs to the parking garage. He doesn’t hesitate to rev the engine on his bike and roll out onto the street.
Yes, he may look out of his mind. Yes, he may be making a mistake. And yes, he has fallen for Lucy.
That’s why he needs to see her. Even if he’ll regret this, it doesn’t matter—Natsu desperately wants to show her how all of this can be redeemed.
Since he has only been to her apartment complex a couple of times, he can’t remember where it is exactly. He parks his bike where he believes is the general area and begins his search.
“Which one is it?” Natsu gasps out as he tries to catch up with his breaths. Sweat trickles down his forehead. Suddenly, all of the buildings look exactly the same.
It isn’t until he recognizes the set of stairs leading to the building when he heads inside. He jogs up the front steps, wiping his forehead with his arm. He pauses in the lobby for a moment.
“I have no idea where Lucy lives,” he realizes aloud. He has no choice but to pull out his phone and call her. The phone only rings once after she answers.
“Where do you live?” he demands.
“I’m on the fourth floor,” she responds slowly. “Third door to the left.”
“Okay,” he replies before hanging up.
Knowing that the elevator would be too slow, Natsu takes deep breaths as he hikes up the four floors. When he reaches her floor, he notices that he has been here before.
As Lucy calmly sets her phone back on the counter, her heartrate instantly speeds up. Not only because she has missed the sound of Natsu’s voice, but because she has no idea what is going on.
She wants to know how close Natsu is, so it’d give her enough time to prepare for what is about to happen. Meanwhile, Levy obliviously sits on the couch and watches TV.  
Lucy is about to tell her that Natsu may be coming, but she doesn’t get the chance to. A round of persistent knocks sound on the front door. Lucy gulps as she watches Levy stand up and head for the door.
Levy opens the door with a smile. “Hello—”
On cue, Levy yelps and instinctively slams the door. She turns to Lucy with wide eyes.
“I’m going to my room. I can’t do this right now,” Levy states as she rushes into her room.
Lucy rises from her seat with trembling hands, forcing herself to open the door. She can feel her breath escape her body as her eyes connect with Natsu’s.
His eyes flick behind her for a moment. “She wasn’t a real doctor, was she?”
“N-No, she wasn’t,” Lucy nervously laughs.
He lifts his brows, but then dismisses it. “Well, that’s not what I’m here for. Can I come in?”
Lucy stands back to invite him in. Now that he’s in her home, she feels vulnerable. She sits on the arm of the couch as Natsu rubs the back of his neck.
“I read your article. Is it true?”
Lucy freezes for a moment until she slowly begins to nod. “I meant every word.”
They stare at one another, feeling a familiar ripple of electricity form between them. Even though only three days have passed since they separated, it feels so much longer than that.
“Come with me to Acalypha,” Natsu says immediately.
Lucy’s jaw drops before she can stop it. “Wait, what?”
“I got a job offer over there,” he reveals. “You can reinvent yourself. We can do everything we’ve ever dreamed of.”
There’s a ringing in Lucy’s ears, which tells her she’s not in the right state of mind to be deciding like this. But this feeling inside of her is too evident to suppress. She slowly opens her mouth, her voice soft.
“Are we running away from Magnolia?”
Natsu shakes his head. “No, we’re chasing our dreams.”
A grin forms on Lucy’s lips. Finally, their dreams have aligned.
“Let’s do it! Let’s go to Acalypha!” She excitedly jumps up.
“Yes!” Natsu exclaims. He doesn’t hesitate to wrap Lucy in a hug, spinning her around as they share delighted laughs.
Once he sets her down, she blinks a few times in realization. “This is happening. We’re leaving Magnolia.”
There’s a sound behind Lucy; she turns around to hear Levy clearing her throat.
“Levy,” Lucy says hesitantly. “What do you think?”
“Follow your heart, Lu,” Levy replies with a warm smile. “I’m supporting you, remember?”
Lucy swallows as she returns her gaze to Natsu. “Wait. You’re not mad at me?”
Natsu takes one of her hands and brushes his thumb across her knuckles. “I also came here to apologize to you. I should have cut the bet off with Gray the moment we met.”
“But you wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity in Acalypha,” Lucy reminds him. “I’m the one who shouldn’t have done the experiment.”
“It looks like both of us need an extra chance at redemption and forgiveness,” he replies gently.
Lucy’s heart leaps into her throat at his words. It isn’t until now when she realizes she has overlooked a crucial part of compassion—having it for others means you must also have compassion for yourself.
Although she isn’t sure why, tears well up in her eyes.
“Thank you, Natsu,” she whispers.
Natsu sends her a smile, causing warmth to dwell inside both of their chests.
“When do we leave?” Lucy questions.
“The day after tomorrow,” he responds. “I can help you pack your things.”
Lucy nods gratefully. She looks over her shoulder to find Levy with puffy eyes.
“I’m going to miss you so much!” Levy shouts as she rushes to wrap her arms around Lucy’s shoulders from behind. “Natsu, you better take care of her, okay?!”
“I promise,” Natsu says firmly. “I’m going to make sure of it.”
Lucy can’t help but laugh as Levy happily cries in her arms.
Suddenly, everything feels to be shifting into place. Natsu is redeemed, Lucy is forgiven, and they are both ready to take on Acalypha.
And just like that, a new page has turned over—together at last.
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