#i’ve had this in my drafts for so long pls forgive me
merchenary · 1 year
“ this is a mistake, i shouldn’t be here. ”  
THERES A GRIN ON SAMPO’S FACE —-— it’s clear he’s up to no good ( per usual. ) but what he didn’t expect to find was dan heng wandering about. “ — a MISTAKE? ” there’s a POUT to his words. that whine in his voice is a clear indicator that he’s BORED. “ we’ll have fun! you can trust me! ” just what exactly was he planning? not even he is sure about that.
it’s not unusual to see the other SNOOPING around but this was different. the rest of the squad was nowhere to be seen. HOW INTERESTING. “ but did you wanna tell me why you’re running around belobog in the middle of the night? ”
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lockedfighter · 5 days
to those who are consistently so patient with my slow butt —- i thank you from the bottom of my heart . i’m constantly worrying about my lack of replies & concerns that people will deem me as uninterested but i can honestly say , that’s not the case at all . please forgive me if i don’t respond straight away . i have a couple of threads that are two months old ( and i’m so sorry , it’s taking me so long , loves ) . i’m trying to be faster and give the very best like people give me . i noticed i was no longer mutuals with a few wonderful writers in my drafts ( & while i do feel saddened by such , i completely understand and wish you all the absolute best ! ) but it did make me worry that i’ve been a terrible writing partner and just had to apologise . i shall cherish those threads deeply and will focus on everything i can so to not keep people waiting much longer going forward .
that being said , if i follow you ; i am 100% interested in interactions ! i may not be on all the time to like everything or respond quickly to ims but trust me , i would adore being friends and writing together at some point . i am so interested in your characters and lore / the stories we can create so pls never think otherwise . and to those who do follow me , genuinely thank you so so much ! i’m so grateful to be involved in such a wonderful community . i just felt i had to come on and express my apologies / appreciation . ♡
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pixxelcatt · 4 months
So I was reading a fanfic about ice cream kitty, and then my mind started to wander and I came up with this idea (what kind of monster wouldn’t link the fic)
So you know how at the end of Earth’s Last Stand where they implied that Honeycutt was still alive somehow ??
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You bet I’m gonna take one tiny detail and make a whole big deal about it again 👍👍
Honestly I had a whole thing thought of for this, but I accidentally left this post in my drafts for too long and I forgot most of it lol but I’m gonna try to fish it out of my brain just for you
I’m thinkin here that, eventually, Fugitoid’s head either falls from the sky coincidentally in New York and also in the water so it doesn’t disintegrate on impact, or gets recognized and picked up by a visiting Y’Gythgba or the other guy I forgot his name (Sal Commander)
I don’t know wether he’d be conscious or not, he can kinda? function without his body (I forgot the ep name, but it’s the one with the Gremlins) but tbh since he blew up his power source on purpose, he probably would need some help
I made a silly doodle here, which happens to bring us back to the beginning of this ramble! While reading about ice cream kitty’s laments over being trapped in the freezer, and having not gotten to the end of the fic yet, I decided she should have a freezer collar that keeps her frozen 👍 and I think that technology is a liiiittle above Donnie (no offense lol) so Honeycutt was my next best bet
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(I’ve never drawn Fugitoid before, pls forgive me)
I have yet to think of exactly what his repaired body would look like, but I think it’d be cool, he’d get a tech mishmash body kinda like Metalhead, but reminiscent of his previous body because I love the shapes of it.
So yeah I think that’s kinda it 💔 if I think of more I’ll add it in a reblog
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s0ulm8s · 4 years
boys like you (1.0)
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✿ summary : alone and left in a mansion with nothing but your canvases and the dust slowly collecting on the window sills - a commission and a call from a childhood friend completely changes your life.
✿ genre : ot7 x f!reader, poly au, hybrid au, soulmate au, deer!seokjin, black panther!yoongi, great dane!hoseok, wolf!namjoon, calico cat!jimin, tiger!taehyung, bunny!jungkook
✿ warnings : mentions of death, maybe some mentions of assault, some fluff, reader is described as small (i.e smaller than jimin), slight age gap (reader is younger than jungkook)
✿ word count : 2.2K
✿ author’s note : i am inexperienced in hybrid aus, smut, and series so pls bare with me (not proofread yet)
✿ series masterlist! | 2.0
making yourself buckle down and work on the piece in front of you had proven to be more of a task than you had originally anticipated. the wide expanse of blank canvas you had stretched yourself 3 weeks ago, mocked you from the the sun room. it was only four days before you had to deliver your piece that you had really forced yourself to pick up a paint brush and do something useful.
the endless days spent alone in the vast building you now called home was doing a number on your psyche. the sheer loneliness seemed to eat away at not only your sanity but aided to your artist’s block - it was truly a gruesome cycle. locked away in an beautiful estate that you never asked for.
not only that, but working from home and having an all but nonexistent social life in a country you only permanently moved to a year prior was a fate worse than you had imagined.
you huffed, finally setting your small brush down on the easel, stepping back to assess your final draft. despite being so unmotivated and plum out of ideas, you were still proud of what you created - you had promised yourself long ago that you’d never sell a piece you abhorred, and you’d remained true to that promise thus far.
a blaring ring ripped you out of your critical trance trained on the landscape in front of you, startling you as your heartbeat quickened in pace.
“hello?” you answered, soft voice flowing through the other end as you anticipated the response from the unknown caller.
“yah! y/n! is that you?” the voice that responded was loud and excited, the baritone of it something you could never forget. a staple soundtrack from the summers you spent with your father in south korea.
“mingi? how’d you get my number?” you asked, a genuine smile flooding your face at the sound of his familiar laugh on the other end. 
of course, the two of you had stayed in brief contact since meeting as children. but as you grew, you saw less of each other. three years ago he and his boyfriend, yunho, had successfully started their own rehabilitation and adoption center for hybrids. the first year was hard, but the business quickly gained popularity and as the creator - he’d been exceptionally busy since her permanent move to south korea. they had two permanent doctors on staff, kim hongjoong and park seonghwa, along with a 24 hour staff. the workers were really exceptional, but you had only ever met their core group when the business first started. which included: choi san, jung wooyoung, choi jongho, kang yeosang, the two doctors, and of course the two owners.
“you were commissioned by a friend of mine! which is actually why i wanted to reach out.” he answered happily as your breathing evened and heartbeat finally settled.
“it’s good to hear from you, really. what can i do for you?” you asked sweetly, and mingi only briefly thought about teasing you for your soft tone and giving nature.
“would you be able to come to the adoption wing today? i’m working here all day as we’ve some new hybrids ready to find a new home. maybe in about an hour? you could join me on my rounds and we could talk. i’d like to see you, anyways. i’ve missed you.” mingi spoke professionally, but his admission made tears prick at your eyes. he almost sounded like the sixteen year old boy who had stolen your first kiss when visiting your father that summer and the memory of when things were simpler stung in your chest. your cheeks flushed. mingi smiled at your silence, knowing he had flustered his best childhood friend. you narrowed your eyes briefly, as he had tried to convince you many times in the past to adopt a hybrid of your own - but you had declined, not entirely convinced that you could provide an exceptional life for another being. because even though your knowledge on hybrids wasn't nearly as advanced as mingi’s, you still knew the basics. they weren't just animals, they were human. and there was no guarantee there. there never was with humans. you hesitate.
“y-yes. i can come by, i’ve just got to swing by and deliver my painting beforehand.” you answered as you both agreed on the meeting the time. “oh, and mingi? i’ve missed you, too.” you said genuinely as he broke into a toothy smile. it had been ages since he’d seen you, and though he knew he could blame it on his work - he didn’t know how to face you after the death of your father. he couldn’t bring himself to be there for you, to see you so broken, and he had blamed himself for that everyday. it was a relief to hear you say it. you had always been so forgiving, sometimes to a fault.
after bidding your goodbyes to the tall boy on the other side of the phone, you quickly changed clothes into something not completely ruined by the muted pigments of your paint, loaded up in your small suv, and you were off.
the delivery of your piece went smoothly, no heckling or disapproving gazes from the wealthy couple, which made your trip to TWILIGHT that much faster. you pushed open the double doors connected to the building in the right wing, clearly labeled ADOPTION. 
the smell of roses and lavender was strong in the reception area, the scent was welcoming and calming as you walked up to the front desk. 
“y/n!” the dark haired boy behind the computer called, finally rolling away from behind the screen. kang yeosang. “it’s so good to see you!” he exclaimed, eyes scanning your face as he made his way around the counter and pulled you into a soft embrace.
“likewise, yeo! it’s been a while hasn't it?” you ask rhetorically as you stare up at his daunting height.
“mmm” he hummed with a nod, releasing you. “i'll let mingi know you’re here.” he called, returning to his place behind the sleek desk, paging mingi, and then proceeding to catch up with you.
the small conversation didn’t last long before a pair of heavy footsteps drug your gaze to the wide staircase, mingi barreling down them.
you braced yourself as the giant scooped you up into a bone crushing embrace, spinning your small frame around in a circle as he let out a happy laugh. your arms snaked around the man’s neck to secure your place and return the hug.
you giggled happily as mingi finally set you down in your original place, looking down at you excitedly. had he gotten taller? impossible. maybe you had shrunk?
after an exchange of excited greetings, mingi gestured to his clipboard before finally asking, “you ready?”
you nodded softly and followed close behind as he guided you down the halls of the adoption center. he gave you the rundown of their center, showing you the wide expanse of spotless rooms sealed in by plexiglass to show the hybrids ready to be rescued. he explained that most hybrids were separated by predator, prey, species, breed, etc. but many were grouped together with their respective packs. the rooms were quite lavish, but not very homey. but what could you expect from an adoption clinic? the point was to find homes.
you passed many show exhibits, watching intently at the small dogs or tall humans sitting in the rooms patiently, playing with one another or napping quietly. you cooed at a few.
“so i asked to see you because i’d love to have your art displayed in our business.” he propositioned, leading you into an empty room as the automatic doors opened and shut behind you. you nodded, heart lurching a bit as you recalled your artist’s block. you shook the thought away as you observed the room. it was large, littered with scattered pieces of nice furniture and random toys. “ideally, i’d love to have your pieces throughout the whole establishment but this is my main concern.” he finished, gesturing to the empty space on the large wall, the one you’re faced with when first entering.
“are you wanting a mural?” you ask, voice now stable and a bit louder. 
“i'd like the piece to cover the majority of the wall, but i’d rather have it on canvas if that’s doable. in case it needs to be moved.” he explained as you nodded, taking in rough measurements of the space as mingi explained his vision for the space - effectively helping you circulate a few ideas on what you could create. you accepted his offer as he discussed payment and supplies with you, adding in an extra cost at the large measurement of the canvas you’d need custom made.
the air in the room grew a bit thick at the sound of a small beep, alerting the two of you to another door opening. your skin was now a bit hot and you suddenly became very aware of your surroundings. your fingers tingled a bit. usually a foreign feeling such as the one you were experiencing would send you into a panic, but it didn’t. if anything you felt quite calm as you looked on inquisitively at the distant thump coming toward the two of you.
“ah, it’s look like some of our hybrids are finished with their check ups.” mingi announced as you nodded lazily. he turned to you. “we usually send them into the lounge area for about an hour after routine check ups. helps them calm down.”
suddenly, you could pay no mind to mingi’s words as a black bunny rounded the corner, back foot slapping the tile exceptionally hard every so often as you smiled down at the creature happily. it stopped in it’s tracks as it’s gaze landed upon you, rearing up on it’s back legs, and tilting it’s head innocently as it examined you. 
you knelt down to greet him, the bunny immediately approaching you and sniffing your hand before accepting you and nuzzling into you closer. mingi was taken aback as he observed the usually reserved and nervous rabbit.
“hello.” you cooed, stroking the bunny effortlessly, careful to avoid his ears and tail, briefly recalling how sensitive they could be. “what’s your name?” you asked as mingi coughed.
“this is jeongguk, he’s one of our younger hyrbrids. the youngest in his pack.” he told you as you picked the bunny up and set him into your small lap. mingi almost gasped at the interaction between you and the rabbit as you pet him happily.
your trance was interrupted at the light purr and brush of a small calico next to you. you instinctively reach out to pet him, as he rubbed into your hand. “and who might you be?”
“this is jimin, the two are in a pack.” mingi attempted to explain, trying to understand the absence of jimin’s usually protective behavior and unable to tell you the full story before you asked him something he was not expecting.
“and they’re ready to be adopted?” you asked softly, not even looking up at mingi as he stuttered. the idea of adopting a hybrid didn’t seem so far-fetched now at how taken you were with the two animals in your lap. you could handle the bunny and cat, without a doubt.
“y-yes but we only adopt out entire packs together and -”
“of course, i wouldn’t dream of separating them. is there anyway i could meet them properly, as soon as i possible i think -” you interrupt. starting to gush a bit, voice hushed and excitable.
mingi cut you off, “no, y/n. you aren’t listening. they aren’t just a pack of two.” he sighed, as your gaze finally met his. “in fact they aren’t just bunny and calico, they’re pack also includes that of a wolf, black panther, deer, great dane, and tiger... their pack has been hard to adopt out as it’s so rare for such a large mix of predators and prey... but they found each other and experienced a lot together... it was only inevitable. and we can’t separate them, we refuse to. and they won’t leave one another.” he finally finished explaining as your expression fell. you let out a breath. seven hybrids. all male. and three apex predators, at that. the thought of suddenly thrusting seven knew faces - seven new men - into your home was intimidating to say the least.
you looked down at the two animals in your lap, the bunny almost looked cresfallen. gauging your reaction as his big brown eyes stared at you expectantly. as if he knew you’d reject him. mingi continued rambling on about how many adopters had expressed interest in at least one of the pack but were never willing to bring in all seven. it hurt your heart as you watched on the bunny and calico.
the estate your father had left you was empty, though. begging to be occupied. you had more than enough room and were blessed with an untouched inheritance. maybe this is what you should use it for. you had always felt too guilty to spend it. but nothing seemed more right, which was a shocking realization to someone who never thought they’d adobt a hybrid.
“could i meet them? the seven of them? i’d at least want to give them a chance... truthfully, i dont think i can leave them behind.” you admitted softly, the bunny and cat both perked up, ears raised and twitching.
“of course. i can arrange a meeting and speak with them tonight... i’ll gather their files for you to take home tonight. can you make it back in again tomorrow?” mingi asked after a deafening pause of hesitation, mouth hanging agape before coming back into reality.
“i’ll be here.”
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sinkix · 4 years
~ Haikyuu!! Boys baking with reader - Ft. Ushijima, Tendou, Oikawa, Hinata & Nishinoya ~
YO! SO UHHHH... I’M BACK??? I GUESS?? MAYBE??? After a little break I had this in my drafts for a while and realllyyy wanted to complete it since it’s such a cute concept. Honestly at this point my posting frequencies are so sporadic and random pls forgive me lmao.
@deathcab4daddy​ gave me the inspo to include Ushi and it was so funny coming up with ideas for him, he is no.1 country boi chef 
Dude I’m listening to the Mario Kart soundtrack ‘Coconut Mall’ while I continue writing this someone save me. Like u think I’m joking. UR WRONG.
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The most straightforward yet idiotic baker you will ever come across.
Before you even THINK about performing step 1, he will read the entire fucking leaflet like it’s a Shakesperean monologue.
I’m surprised he doesn’t count every single particle in the brownie mix.
You bought him a frilly cupcake-printed apron stating ‘best wife’ not expecting him to actually wear it
But since he’s secretly a big softie and treasures anything you buy he wears it proudly.
His stoic and dignified disposition is a comical contrast to the words printed on the front lmao.
Ushi best wifey bro.
The tight fit of the apron is pretty hot since it outlines every ridge of his pecs and tightly toned torso.
Gotta resist groping your mans while stirring the brownie batter.
tbh he’s more likely to grope you, he can’t resist that a$$.
And let’s face it he’s def an ass/thigh kinda guy.
Can and will try to casually initiate some form of unholy activities by lifting you up onto the kitchen counter, goading you to slowly lick the spoon and locking gazes before pulling you in for a deep, open-mouthed kiss to get a taste of the incomplete creation himself.
Ushi’s lips and brownie batter are a knock-out combo js.
Literally has the most serious face when he’s cracking the eggs into the bowl
The amount of concentration is equivalent to that of when he’s performing a serve at match-point.
HAS to set the temperature to the EXACT degree stated on the box
Everything is done by the book if you do one thing out of place he will pull you up on it lol.
“(Y/N) you were supposed to stir it for 5 minutes, not 7.”
When its done you feed him some and he can’t help but smile its so ADORBALE AHHH.
You end up eating most of it since Ushi doesn’t strike me as much of a chocolate/junk food lover.
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The complete opposite of Ushi
Does everything wrong and the unconventional way.
Absolute disaster but doesn’t even sweat it since Tendou basically thrives in chaos and the disorderly.
To him instructions are purely equivocal, will read them for five seconds then toss them away.
Step aside Gordon Ramsey, Chef Tendou is here.
Despite doing everything the unorthodox way it still comes out amazing.
Like??? how???
Will cheekily place a dollop batter on your nose then lick it off fh3jkeffefds
Or if he’s feelin’ a lil freaky, he’ll swipe it off with his long ass finger and make you suck it clean, smirking at your submission as you coat his finger with your saliva.
Constantly cracking jokes and shitty food puns, pretending to drop the bowl to make you go into preemptive cardiac arrest before you can swat him with the spatula.
While you’re waiting for the timer to ping, Satori being the schemer he is will use this as an opportunity to pull some fuckery and tease you in any way he can.
u better be praying like bodhisattva TanaNoya rn because he is MERCILESS.
Suggestive comments, the brush of his fingers against your thigh, it’ll leave you A C H I N G in frustration by the end of it.
Unholy activities aside, once your baking session is completed you finish it off by feeding PHAT forkfuls of brownie to each other and giggling like dorks when it gets all over your mouth.
The jackass actually got a fingerful and SMEARED it over your cheek and forehead, drawing a little cross and snickering when the crumbs fall onto your nose.
Tendou was smart to draw a cross bc he gonna need jesus with the ATTACK you launch on him after that, which promptly leads to an all out food war in your kitchen that neither of you want to clean up after ward.
Don’t worry though it’s Tendou, he’ll somehow find a way to make such a mundane activity fun.
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You best believe he will try and eat some of the batter and you have to swat the spoon away from his mouth since he has NO REGARD FOR THE FACT HE COULD GET SALMONELLA.
Plus you know what Noya’s like once he starts eating something the whole thing will be gone in a matter of milliseconds.
He somehow managed to get Baking powder EVERYWHERE and even gave him self a little moustache with it.
The white substance kinda looked like something else but you didn’t really wanna say lmaooo.
could explain why he has so much energy all the time oK ILL STOP-
While you’re putting the mix on the tray he is SO extra and will do fancy lil swirls and over extend his arm like a swan to gracefully spread the batter
until he nearly fucking knocks it over.
During processing time since he is so excitable and impatient you best believe he’s gonna suggest a game of ping pong or something because my guy can well and truly never sit still.
ping pong match with the spatulas, kitchen island and a hard boiled egg.
Pls be careful he will rolling thunder that egg and pimp slap it so hard with the spatula it’ll damn near give you a concussion, not intentionally, but like protect your noggin. Wear a helmet.
For the remaining 5 minutes of baking time y’all just sit like kids in front of the oven and watching it rise like starved hyena’s observing it’s pray before demolishing it into sad particles of cocoa.
And lemme tell u, once the timer pings, that baking tray is free real estate for Noya. Half of your creation will be devoured before you can even put it on a plate and marvel at your handiwork. 
He kicked your ass at spatula ping pong btw I’m sorry sweaty but short kings stay winning.
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Such a dramatic bitch like he got the whole she-bang going on.
Strapped with a pink apron, a whisk at his side and standing proudly with both hands on his hips.He is prepared like a greek gladiator going into battle.
You better believe he gonna make some snarky remarks and tease your method of doing things. 
“Ah-ah-ahhh (Y/N)-chan you’re doing it all wrong, let me show you how a PRO does it.”
Proceeds to drop entire bowl on his foot and yelp like a little girl in pain.
Well and truly embarrassed with himself, you put a band-aid on his toe and he piped down after that.
Shattered big toe and mixing bowl aside, actually a really good baker??
He is a PRO at decorating, y’all decided on cupcakes since its literally his forte to make them look aesthetic and pretty.
You almost don’t wanna eat them from how good they look.
jk almost
You take it in turns breaking bits off and placing pieces into each others mouth with a loud “aaaaaahhh!”
Places a piece in your mouth, leans forward and locks lips with you in a soft, passionate kiss before pulling away and uttering the words “It tastes even better coming from your mouth ;)”
You both whine and bicker over who cleans up after.
“You cleaaannnnn!”
“no Toru YOU clean!”
“but I made the cupcakes look pretty :(”
“not as pretty as you <3″
He did the cleaning after that.
Like just stroke his ego with some compliments and he’s whipped with a smug grin on his face for the next 30 minutes.
You decide to save the rest and bring them to his next practise.
Literally on the verge of tears when he sees you beaming and holding the platter of treats, Kiyotani mauls half of them in a matter of seconds to which Oiks gets salty over LMAO.
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So excited oh my god he’s so precious please protect him I will CRY-
Yes you decided on cookies bc he goes rabid for some choc chip biccies.
You have to guide him v carefully because of how easily confused and clumsy he is.
Cannot for the life of him crack the eggs without getting a quarter of the shell in the bowl so you have to do it instead.
Has a surprising amount of strength and forearm power bc holy shit boy can stir FAST.
Hums a little tune while he does it and bobs up and down with a wide grin on his face it’s so adorable, he has such a gentle singing voice I can’t-
Attempts different shapes with the batter when pouring it onto the tray but fails pretty miserably lol.
he tried ok???
Once they’re done he takes the tray out of the oven and since it was heavy, subconsciously propped it with his knee and nearly dropped the entire tray from the pain. (I’ve actually done this before when making chicken nuggets I do not advise being that brain dead)
Had to put some burn cream on the bbies knee :’((
When you decided to dig in, he handed you a cookie that looked like a crooked circle and said he tried to make that one a heart and insisted he feed it to you.
Blushed VERY hard at the moment of silence and intense eye contact while he fed it to you.
Nearly short circuited when his fingers brushed against your lips.
Moe moe x100000000000000000000000000000
You offer to do the cleaning after because he hurt himself and you didn’t wanna make him do any work, but he still offered to wipe the surfaces for you bc he’s an angel <333
literally just wanna marry him.
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aubrey-plaza · 4 years
AUTHOR: aserenitatum / @theron (prev. monae/kate-siegel) FANDOM: Pitch Perfect (movies) PAIRING: Stacie Conrad/Aubrey Posen - Staubrey STATUS: draft WORDS: currently 8721 TAGS: set during Pitch Perfect 2, based on that behind the scenes gif of Stacie pulling Aubrey into the mudpit NOTES: Happy Birthday Kim! Thank you for being literally the loveliest person in this fandom and for always supporting and encouraging my fics (and even supporting me through all my other fandom hopping lmao). Writing is made so much better and fun by knowing that you’ll be reading and I’m so grateful we as a fandom and me personally get to know you <3 I’ve been working on this but it’s become such a long project that I didn’t manage to finish it today in time but I’m sharing just a lil sneak preview so that you know that your gift is on its way!! I hope you are having the best day and that we may be blessed with many more years of you!
Stacie Conrad, 3:48 PM Hey Aubrey! I’m assuming I can put you down as a definitely for Worlds?
The phone buzzes at the chime of an incoming text and slides off Stacie’s middle and her reflexes are quick enough that she manages to grab it before it slides off the couch as well, fingers unlocking the screen as she checks her messages and frowns with a Cheeto halfway to her mouth. 
Aubrey Posen, 6:02 PM Who is this?
Stacie pops the snack in her mouth and licks her fingers clean, ignoring her show on the large television to navigate to her camera app to take a selfie. Her front-facing camera opens and she winces at the sight of herself, hair that had been previously pulled into a neat French braid now wild and askew and framing her face not in a good way, there’s Cheeto dust on her chin from where she’d been trying to toss them into her mouth, and her mascara is smudged making her look like a raccoon. 
She looks awful. 
Stacie immediately sits up, which already makes her look marginally better. She reaches behind her and tugs the elastic from the end of her braid, dropping her phone for the time being so she can use both hands to finger comb her hair loose and even though the braid Chloe had put in for her wasn’t super tight, her scalp still feels lighter with her locks flowing freely. 
Fingers under her eyes to wipe her smudged makeup away and to brush off the remaining orange dust, and when she lifts her phone again to look at herself, she looks much, much more presentable. 
She snaps a quick picture of herself smiling and shoots it off, ready to toss her phone to the side until she sees the bubbles with three dots pop up that tell her Aubrey’s typing. 
Stacie Conrad, 6:10 PM {img attachment} it’s meeeeee
Aubrey Posen, 6:10 PM  Oh! Hi Stacie. 
Stacie Conrad, 6:11 PM wait do you not have my phone number saved?! 😭😭😭 I thought we were friends 🥺😭😩
Aubrey Posen, 6:12 PM You’re ridiculous. And no, I don’t but I’m saving it now with that picture as your contact card
Stacie Conrad, 6:13 PM why not 😟 ur breaking my heart 💔 that’s fine bc it’s a cute picture!!
Aubrey Posen, 6:14 PM  It is. I had to get a new phone because SOMEBODY pulled me into the mudpit
Stacie Conrad, 6:15 PM 😮 what a terrible person but you really shouldn’t have your phone with you when working near such dangerous sites who knows what could happen?
Aubrey Posen, 6:16 PM A rogue Bella with a plan?
Stacie Conrad, 6:17 PM but you looked so good covered in mud 😍
Aubrey Posen, 6:18 PM so you’ll forgive me if the first person in my new phone isn’t the same person who got me all muddy 😠
Stacie Conrad, 6:19 PM 😘 so, you in for Copenhagen?  Chloe said you’d be
Aubrey Posen, 6:20 PM Yes
Stacie Conrad, 6:21 PM Awes! You know… now that you have a picture of me, I feel like the nice thing to do would be to send me a picture of you
Aubrey Posen, 6:22 PM I just got out of the shower
Stacie Conrad, 6:22 PM wow you skipped right past the pictures and buildup and went straight to sexting? woman after my heart does this mean you’re in a towel right now?
Aubrey Posen, 6:23 PM No, it means that I’m not sending you a picture. Good night.
Stacie Conrad, 6:24 PM good night??? it’s like 6pm
Aubrey Posen, 6:24 PM I have plans
Stacie Conrad, 6:25 PM with someone or something? 😈😈
Aubrey Posen, 6:25 PM I’m not going to tell you
Stacie Conrad, 6:26 PM I’ll just start imagining things
Aubrey Posen, 6:27 PM I know; that’s why.
Stacie Conrad, 6:27 PM oh Aubrey you don’t know what you’ve just started
Aubrey Posen, 6:27 PM I think I do 😉
Stacie Conrad, 6:28 PM a WINKY emoji huh? wow okay well you enjoy your night. think of me when you light a candle for the mood.  first rehearsal is next thursday at 6 in the auditorium. pls bring running shoes because beca wants to punish you with cardio
Aubrey Posen, 6:29 PM I don’t consider any type of exercise a punishment
Stacie Conrad, 6:29 PM so many responses, so little time
Aubrey Posen, 6:29 PM And now you’ve wasted your comeback. Goodnight Stacie.
Stacie Conrad, 6:29 PM byeee
Stacie groans at the sound of her phone chiming with an incoming message, rolling over and burying her face in her pillow while cursing herself for leaving her ringer on instead of silencing it like she she does every day before bed, and she’s about to fall back asleep when another message comes in. 
She cracks open an eye to glance around the small room, whining softly when she notices that it’s not entirely light outside yet and cursing whomever is up at the early hour and sending her messages. 
She desperately wants to ignore her phone and go back to sleep but there’s a small, niggling part in her that can’t leave it be, and the knowledge that there’s somebody texting piques her curiosity and won’t allow her to [rest] so she rolls back and flails for the phone somewhere on her night stand. 
She flinches when she screen lights up, squinting at the sender of messages and both eyes widening when she reads who the texts are from. 
Aubrey Posen, 6:57 AM Good morning! {img attachment}
Stacie sobers up at the sight of Aubrey’s smiling face, her hair pulled back into a neat ponytail and wearing minimal make up, clearly wide awake and standing outside because Stacie can see the lake behind her and the glint of the rising sun reflected on the surface of the water. 
She slides back down into bed, curling up as she types out a quick response, her own smile never budging as she hits send. 
Stacie Conrad, 7:01 AM VERY cute! but waaaay too early so goodbye
more to follow soon!
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wxlfstxrx · 4 years
My Love (Chapter Three!!!!)
FINALLY. the final chapter is up!! god, i’m tired. firstly, before i forget, pls forgive my ignorance regarding the passport thing. HAHA. i had no idea that a passport wasn't necessary when crossing between states. best believe i was shooketh when i found out. i tried to briefly correct it in this chapter. also, once again the French phrases were translated online, so apologies if there are any errors.
i wanna thank everyone who’s provided support one way or another. i love you guys <3<3
special thanks to @lumosinlove for the wonderful story & characters. you are very lovely :))
“DUMO,” Finn yelled as the Dumais’ door slammed open. “God damn, fuck, I’m sorry, oh god—”
“C’est bon, Harz,” Dumo, who had jumped in shock, got up off the couch and made his way over to Finn and Leo, meeting them halfway at the entryway of the living room. 
“I don’t understand,” Leo removed his glasses to rub at his eyes blearily, not bothering with contact lenses at six thirty in the morning. “Pourquoi est-il parti?”
“Je ne sais pas, mais quelque chose a dû lui arriver....”
Finn groaned and shoved Leo lightly. “French, guys.”
“Sorry, mon chéri,” Leo patted Finn’s unruly mop lightly.
Dumo raised an eyebrow at Leo, who yawned, unaware. “Dumo, you’ve got any coffee? I can’t think straight right now.”
Dumo gestured for the two boys to follow him into the kitchen, where he started heating water in the electric kettle. He busied himself with getting three mugs while Finn and Leo plonked themselves at the dining table. 
While Leo was still half asleep, despite dozing on the car ride to the Dumais’, Finn was filled with nervous energy, subconsciously shaking his knee out of habit until Leo softly slapped his thigh under the table to stop him from rocking the table.
None of them said a word, all lost in their own thoughts until Dumo placed the three steaming mugs of coffee on the table, along with creamer and sugar, before sitting down opposite the pair. He took a sip, while Finn and Leo jostled for the creamer and sugar. When they were sufficiently satisfied with their coffees, Finn spoke up again.
“Dumo… You didn’t speak to Logan at all yesterday?” 
“Non, not since before he left the house after training. D’you know where he went?” Dumo gave Finn a significant look, the latter flushing and quickly taking a big gulp of his coffee to avoid meeting the former’s eyes.
After several moments, Finn realised he hadn’t answered. He shrugged in what he hoped looked like a nonchalant way, “We went for lunch, and then he dropped by. He… He left before dinner, so I assumed he, err… I assumed he came back here right away.”
“Ah bon? Celeste and I brought the kids upstairs to bed around ten, and he still hadn’t come back by then.” Dumo frowned into his mug, as though his coffee had the answers to all his problems.
Finn and Leo shared a look, Leo raising his brows meaningfully. He jerked his head ever so slightly in Dumo’s direction, and Finn shook his head sadly, looking down at his hands. 
“And he’s not answering his phone?”
Dumo laughed humourlessly. “Never does, that boy. It’s bad enough on normal days, but I think he’s completely turned his phone off. I can’t get through at all, and his last seen was—”
“Yesterday night. Yeah.” Finn buried his face in his hands.
“Did… Did you try asking the rest of the team? Maybe they’ve seen him,” Leo suggested, running a hand through his messy blonde hair.
“Later, I guess,” Dumo hummed, looking out of the kitchen window. “‘s still a bit early.”
Finn stayed silent, draining the rest of his coffee in one gulp. His knee was shaking again, and Leo didn’t have the heart to stop him this time.
They went down to the basement, greeting a sleepy, bewildered Celeste at the stairs as she made her way to the kitchen. Dumo stayed to exchange terse whispers with her while the other two boys headed down.
Objectively, Logan’s room looked as it always had: his unmade double bed with pillows strewn all over and the duvet half falling off the bed (Why make your bed every morning when you’re just gonna mess it up again at night, hmm Harz? You know I’m right.), his dirty clothes clumsily thrown into a laundry hamper by the door, the small desk cluttered with random knick knacks such as his laptop, several caps that he hadn’t bothered to stow away properly, and a few bottles of cologne. The floor was in an even worse state, however, where a few stray tee shirts that had fallen out of the laundry hamper and a whole array of clothing items that had tumbled out of his wardrobe on the far end of the room. 
Finn approached the mess by his wardrobe, his stomach dropping. Crouching down, he let his hand run over the soft fabric of his red Lions hoodie. The exact one that he was wearing now. He lifted the hoodie up, biting down onto his bottom lip, and let himself fall backwards on his arse, into a sitting position. 
He felt a warm hand on his shoulder, and he turned his head to look up at Leo, wide brown eyes shining with tears. 
“Mon chou…” Leo’s eyes darted around Finn’s face, and he had just started to tug on his hoodie to pull him into a hug when they heard footsteps right outside the door.
Leo quickly stood up and took a step back, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants just as Dumo walked in.
“I’ve dropped Sirius and James a text, hopefully they’ll have some idea of where he is,” The older man frowned, his voice trembling, looking as heartbroken as Finn felt.
“Thanks, Dumo,” Finn ran his hand through his wild red curls, tugging on them in a weak attempt to calm his nerves. No such luck. “I’m sorry, this mustn’t be easy for you either, yeah?”
Dumo smiled dejectedly. 
“He’s like a son to me. Mon dieu. I don’t know what to do. I’ve never…” He dropped down onto the edge of Logan’s bed, wringing his hands together. “It’s just… He’s been with me for some time now, oui? I can sort of read him. Sometimes even better than he knows himself.”
He looked at Finn once again, who ignored the thundering of his heart in his chest. 
“I’ve noticed something off ever since he came to live with us. I mean… I do think he enjoys staying here, sincerely. We get along well. We all love him... Me and Celeste and the kids. We spend a lot of time at home just, being together, you know? Playing games and talking and watching the telly. We’ve always been close. But there’s just something, something that he’s not telling us. He gets closed off sometimes when we’re talking to him, and some nights he comes home refusing to talk to any of us at all, heading down to his room immediately. But then the next morning, he’ll kiss us all on the cheek, and he’ll take us out for breakfast, as if nothing happened.
“He acts as though he’s fine all the time, and maybe he doesn’t know it himself, but I know. Je la vois. Dad instincts,” Dumo tapped his temple with his pointer finger, the corner of his mouth turning upward slightly, but without a hint of joy. 
Leo sighed and asked Dumo a question, but Finn barely heard it. His mind was running in overdrive.
He knew that they had parted on awkward terms when he got drafted to the Lions, and other than the text reply that came a few days after Finn had messaged him when he had arrived in Gryffindor, they frankly hadn’t talked much for a couple of months. He felt like he had left his heart behind at Harvard, and the homesickness he had felt, combined with the heartbreak over being away from Logan for the first time in years had him feeling very, very lost and unsure. 
Several times, he had stared into his phone for long periods of time, Logan’s contact flashing on his screen, but he had never dared to make the call. Call me when you get there. I want to hear about everything. What would he even have said? Both of them had been in two very different places, and he knew Logan had been missing him too. Would he have just made things worse if he had called? 
So, he never did.
His first interaction with Logan after that had been when the younger boy had graduated. After several unsent drafts, he had finally decided to text Logan a simple Happy graduation, I’m proud of you.
Logan had called him almost immediately, chattering excitedly, and since he had been seemingly in higher spirits, Finn had let him, sitting in his apartment alone, feeling a sense of calm washing over him for the first time in almost a year. 
They had kept in contact regularly afterwards, after both of them had apologised, awkwardly, for not catching up sooner. Logan had not said a word about what had happened during the party two years ago, or the night before he had left Harvard. He had decided to let it slide, though. If ignoring what had happened would give him back his best friend, he’d take it in a heartbeat.
Soon after, Logan had been drafted into the Lions. Finn had felt a whole roller-coaster of emotions: pride, excitement, and love, but also fear and nervousness. He hadn’t known what to expect. Would things be the same between them? Or would their friendship be different, now that they were out of school and past their partying days? Would they still be living together, like they did in school? Would Logan ask to share the apartment with him? Would he ask Logan?
One day, he had woken up to receive news that Logan had chosen to billet with Dumo and his family, and Finn never did have the chance to ask. He had felt as though his heart had been ripped in half, and seeing him during trainings together had been strained and tense for some time after. 
Following one of their team dinners about a month after, they had talked it out, just the two of them, seated on the trunk of his car in the parking lot of Sid’s. Neither of them had really looked at each other. Basked in the warm glow of the streetlamp above them, Finn had never felt colder than he did then. 
Didn’t— Didn’t you think I would’ve asked you to stay with me?
I did. That’s exactly why I didn’t.
Finn had sucked in a deep breath at that, feeling the pain in his chest intensify until he had found it difficult to breathe.
Okay. Yeah, no, it’s alright.
I’m sorry. I couldn’t. I— I couldn’t. 
It hadn’t been alright.
read the rest on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24215410/chapters/58975165 <3
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(was originally an ask, then i rambled a crapload, so if u wanna skip through, just go to the bolded questions)
i am new to the fandom & just found your blog, just wanted to say DAMN its so detailed and everything, i cant wait to read it all! also i was so relieved to find that the fandom is still alive <3
side note im just rambling here, i binged sherlock all really quick and everything is like a blur (idk if im in a state of shock or something, but i do know i was super invested at s1 ep 2, then i finished s4 at 4am one day and i had to read me some johnlock fics to comfort myself and i really dont know how i feel about anything yet just that well, johnlock and i cried during sherlocks fake death even tho i already accidentally read spoilers, and i also cried when they just went to hang out at bars together and hhh and during sherlocks best man speech and sherlocks goodbye to john (…maybe goodbye should be plural)…also i was v mad at eurus and s4 was a hell of a rollercoaster gd), so just wondering, how many times have you watched sherlock? how was the experience each time? (can be about any season or eps or anything, also any snacks u liked to eat while watching or anything of that sort? just curious and thought that might be fun to answer)(apologies if you answered this already i tried to look for it but i got a bit overwhelmed)
btw u are amazing ^^ (also nice timer even tho it makes me sad) and MAD RESPECT for answering so many asks and like SO DETAILED-LY? (i cant grammar) and god ur metas and stuff?? absolutely fantabulous. im legit crying im so glad i found your blog. i know how much work asks take (and like i procrastinate on them for so long…mm months old esp for fic rec lists bc i know those take WORK) so like again, SO MUCH RESPECT thank you for all your hard work!! you are absolutely fantastic and awesome :D please make sure you take care of yourself too <3
ALSO you have a great profile picture + background pic (forgive me i have half a braincell (actually lets make it .7437 gave myself a tiny upgrade even tho i didnt do anything) i forgot what its called…background thing?? idk) i love them!!
if u read through all that tysm, if not thank u anyways for being so amazing, i have a habit of rambling so pls bear with me ^^
(also would it be possible to make this anon? if not feel free to delete this line ^^)
(Submitted by Anonymous)
Hi Lovely!!
Always can make something Anon if y’all ask <3
First of all, SORRY for how long it took me to get back to you with this one. I’m a giant heap of trash and I’m surprised people still come here LOL
Secondly, WELCOME TO THE FANDOM! We love having y’all here, and I’m honoured that you enjoy my blog and content! Also will comment on your praise on my meta here: THANK YOU. I’m very proud of my meta, and especially the SHEER AMOUNT of it I have produced still boggles me mind. Y’all remember when I was creative and thoughtful??? LOL S4 dragged me hard hahah. I still try to write S4 meta, just not as much as I used to. I like speculating, I truly do, but I have so little free time these days because of the nature of my full time job, so I tend to just... do nothing LOL. I find Fic Reccing really relaxing when you have nearly 800 bookmarks. I’m worried I’m becoming stale though. Oh well. I’m just trying to leave my mark here. <3
Thirdly, HAHHAH Thank you for your compliment about my replies to my asks; I genuinely wish I could get more asks finished every day, but I tend to ramble, as you can see, and I just... don’t finish them in a timely manner. Honestly, it’s a relief when I don’t know something because I can then get the community involved to help me out AND I also get new fic recs that way too LOL. I also draft a TONNE of asks and when I do that, I tend to just keep adding MORE and MORE and MORE so I have to post them, LOL. 
And finally: My fave episode is TAB; it was the episode I studied the closest and my analysis of the trailer is my “claim to fame”. I just love it to bits. It’s the episode I’ve watched the most. S3 is my fave season, and it’s the SEASON I’ve watched the most, no less than 30 or 40 times. Season 2, then 1. I have only seen S4 like 5 times in full total, and horribly enough, TFP is the most-watched episode: I watched the Leak, the airdate, and I went and saw it in the theatres because I already bought the ticket before it aired so I just... didn’t care. And then at least 3 more times in Watchalongs. So yeah :| I still haven’t watched the BluRay I bought, but I hated having an incomplete set so I bought it when it went on sale fore 10 bucks LOL.
But yeah, S1 and 2 I watched together, and I LOVED the show. I joined fandom the summer before S3 aired, and S3 is when I REALLY got into the fandom. I’ve been pretty much here since then, about 7 years I think now. When I saw S4, it was incredulity and disappointment with it. That’s really it. I’m still a fence sitter these days about the series as a whole, but I’m leaning more and more to “no S5 for at least 3 more years” kinda thing. Just... everyone involved seems so disinterested in the show these days, minus Mofftiss to keep pushing the Sherlock™ Brand to make money.
ANYWAY. Thanks for writing to me!! This was such a joy to read when I first got it, and I just... have been really overwhelmed the past few weeks that I just have only been sticking to shorter asks. But I had some free time tonight when I’m answering this, so THANK YOU. 
I hope you’re still around, and I hope you still enjoy your time here! Don’t hesitate to ask me anything else!! <3 <3
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k-itsmaywriting · 4 years
2020 Creator’s Self-Love Extravaganza
Boy howdy, but it has been a year. So much so that I felt the need to dig up this meme so I can lavish myself with a little TLC, ‘cause you know what? I deserve it! And so do you. This year has been tough, and even in the best of times it can be a real struggle to remember that, instead of being your own worst enemy, you should strive to be your best cheerleader. Remember to be kind instead of cruel, to forgive rather than condemn yourself. Creativity is hard, and it is always a journey, never a final destination, so let’s take a moment and sight-see where we’ve been this year, yeah???
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2020. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love! <3
Thank you for tagging me @kaedix and @sabraeal !! <3
1) Obi Under the Lanterns: Apparently I love writing music about Obi being happy and content :D It’s what best boy deserves. From the very beginning when I decided I wanted to write an album for the Lyrias Time Series I wanted Obi’s to explore a softer side of him, one that’s introspective about his place in the world and where/who with his home is. And I’m really happy with it!!! It’s soft and wistful but grounding at the same time.
2) Jennifer when she bodied idk i didn’t watch the movie (a Kikiyuki AU) - WIP: Sometimes when you procrastinate doing your homework you watch commentaries on movies you have neither seen nor have much intention to see. And Jennifer’s Body was popping up everywhere because people were talking about how the marketing failed the movie and Megan Fox deserved better (she sure did). I’ve also been wanting to write more Kikiyuki ALL YEAR and I had some Moods where I wanted to write gory stuff, so these just all married to create this idea. I don’t predict this is going to be very long bc I’m just trying to finish it (brain pls let me finish SOMETHING omg) but also it’s fun moving out of my writing comfort zone :]
3) Magic!AU Yuris Island Arc Pt 2 - WIP: It’s been months since I worked on this but it was fun and I want to finish it!!!! This ‘arc’ will probably end up being 3 parts and I know how I want it to go. It also has my very first AnS OC!!! I was originally supposed to do this for Trope Battle, but then lockdown started and for like a week I did nothing but go to online classes and Panic and before I knew it Trope Battle was over. And then the whole semester was over. And then the break was over. And then--
4) A DAY6 series based on some MVs with a shared fictional story that was originally meant to be one (1) ship fic now it’s an ensemble fic that’s already spiraled out of my control pls help me i’ve finished nothing - WIP: Listen, those MVs left me with MANY POSSIBILITIES because they gave me YEARNING and MANY FRIENDSHIPS TO EXPLORE. Writer brain ate that up with a spoon!!!! But yeah it’s been a very fun, no-pressure thing and I’ve written it when I wanted to de-stress. But now I want to finish them too and it’s been added to my mental list HHHHHHH
5) Obiyuki Youtuber!AU - WIP: Started writing it for AU Bingo! I might finish it idk but it was rly cute and kinda funny and it reminded me a lot of the kind of Obiyuki I wrote in like 2017 ie “fluff with Reveals(TM)” so that was nice :)
Tagging: @ruleofexception @the-pompous-potato and @fade-touched-obsidian 
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lavendersoft · 5 years
My Soulmate’s Soulmate.
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Part 4
Soulmate AU-
Synopsis: Before you meet your soulmate your world is black and white, without color. When soulmates meet, their world glows with vibrancy. The reality, however -as harsh and uncommon as it is- is that you are not always your soulmate’s soulmate.
Pairings: Jungkook x Reader, Taehyung x Reader, Jungkook x Taehyung (poly!au),
Warnings: N/A
Author’s note: jungkook is kinda dumb for the sake of plot. forgive pls.
Her mouth fell agape as she continued to stare at him. Taehyung started to get anxious, she looked like she had totally spaced out.
“Y/n..? Listen, I know it’s a lot to proces-“
“A lot to process? A lot to process?!” She immediately covered her mouth with the book she had been fidgeting with, her voice getting a bit too loud for a bookstore.
“I’m sorry. It’s just- yeah! Okay? It’s a bit more information than I had been expecting. I mean, I’m your soulmate and you’re my soulmate’s-” She places the book back in her lap and places a palm on her forehead, collecting her racing thoughts. Her voice was soft and her eyes cast downwards when she spoke again “It’s just that I know how you feel. I’m not my soulmate’s soulmate either.”
Another piece to the puzzle.
“He told me years ago, when we were still teenagers. I’ve always suspected he’d find his partner. Actually, I expected it. It just hit hard when it actually happened. It’s just difficult, I've been dealing with all this for so long.”
There was something in her voice, the way her eyes seemed glazed over, the way she lost herself in deep thought, the way her hands tremble as if she could break down right here, it was all Tae could do to keep from crying. This whole situation wasn't fair, they didn't deserve this. Especially not her.
“This is all new to me. I thought you were just ignoring me because you were already in a committed relationship, not because...” his voice died out as he realized what he was saying.
Not because you weren't my soulmate, too.
Her face contorted in what seemed like guilt or empathy for just a split second.
“I had no idea about Jungkook. To be honest, I wondered why he attached himself to me from the beginning, but I figured he was just friendly.” He was only half-joking.
She let out a genuine laugh and shook her head as if to say “that’s ridiculous, you idiot.”
“I just always assumed soulmate’s came in pairs.” He finished. Her giggles died down to a small, sad smile.
“Me too.”
After a moment of thought, she looked him in the eyes with sternness.
“I need you to be honest with me. How often have you seen him since you two met?”
“He’s scheduled at least six meetings with me.”
There was a flash of melancholy that crossed her face.
“He told me he was working overtime.”
She didn’t seem surprised, just a bit sad while she nodded her head and eyed the hardcover in her hands. Tae wanted nothing more than to reach over and hold her hand, to comfort her as much as he possibly could. But he knew that would be inappropriate, considering the current situation. So instead he studied her. Her mannerisms, the details of her face, the way her hair fell, the curve her neck that peeked out through her oversized nit sweater, the color of her fingernails, the twinkle in her eyes, the way the light from the window hit her features just right, making her look like a perfect muse for a painting. She was ethereal. And he was falling hard.
Taehyung searched her face as he contemplated confessing his feeling for her. To some extent, she probably knew. But she didn't know how he’s gotten but a wink of sleep since they met. She couldn't know that he can’t bring himself to bear the thought of never being able to be with her. There was no way for her to know how weak she made him, how he feels like sighing when she so much as speaks his name. She couldn't know. He felt like such an idiot, falling for someone he’s had a handful of words with. Then, he remembered his own soulmate-paired parents and the story of how they met. “Love at first sight,” his mother would always tell him, “It was like a light switch that could never be turned off. It was immediate and felt so natural, like breathing.” His mother had always been a hopeless romantic, that's where he got it from.
He took a moment before taking the chance.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you since that night we met at the restaurant, Y/n. I’ve wanted so badly to see you but something inside told me that I’d never be able to get over you if I saw you again. And I was right. You’re even more beautiful than I remember.”
She finally let out the breath she’d been holding. She looked overwhelmed, which was understandable.
She met his gaze and for the first time, it felt like she’d actually seen him.
“Taehyung,” Her voice was filled with sympathy when she reached over to ever so gently place her hand on top of his own, alighting his skin.
“I think the first step is breaking the news to Jungkook.”
*Two weeks ago*
Jungkook sat at the tiny little not-so-busy cafe with a warm coffee in his cold hands. The weather had been getting so chilly lately. He instantly thought of you and how adorably whiny you get when your cold.
He grinned fondly as he plans a sweet little movie night, with lots of blankets and warm snacks as the fireplace crackles. He just wants to snuggle up with you while watching horror movies.
He brings the coffee to his lips once again as his thoughts snap back to the current situation.
His company had given him free rein over the cover of his new album. It was the first time he’d have full control over the aesthetic points and he was ecstatic. He had so many ideas rushing through his head constantly ever since he heard the news.
So many ideas, in fact, that he thought it’d be best to meet with a professional to find the absolute right path to go down. He didn’t know if he’d get another chance like this so he had to make it count. It had to be perfect.
It took about two minutes to find the perfect person for the project.
He was a well-established freelance artist that had worked with many different celebrities before, and his portfolio was amazing. Jungkook was impressed immediately and made the first call.
Which turned out to be the best and worst decision of his life.
He heard the bell to the cafe ring softly but paid it no mind as he was so lost in thought.
“Jeon Jungkook?”
At the sound of his name, he looked up to find the most handsome man Jungkook had ever seen. Dressed in all black except for the leopard print coat he had slung over his broad shoulders. His hair was a dark silver styled in loose waves, longer at the nape. Several piercings adorned his ears and he sported a plethora of rings with a simple silver coin pendant necklace. The man had already moved to take a seat in the booth across from him.
“I’m Kim Taehyung, we spoke over the phone? Good to meet you.”
It was all Jungkook could do not to scream.
What the hell? What the hell? No. No way, this can’t be happening! No! This isn’t real!
Taehyung hadn’t been paying too much attention to Jungkook’s silence, going ahead and pulling out different works and sketches from his bag to show Jungkook as references.
“From what you told me over the phone, I kind of went ahead and made a few rough drafts, you know? This one, I think, is my favorite.”
Taehyung pushed a piece of paper with beautiful different colors on it. Jungkook had to blink away the tears from his eyes. Jungkook’s eyes couldn’t even focus, they darted around the vicinity.
“Come on now, it’s not that good. Don’t cry.”
It was so good, so good. He’d literally never seen anything like it before. This was the first object he was able to focus on in what felt like hours at this point.
“I- I’m sorry I have to g-go. Um.. I’ll uh.. call you.” Jungkook new he looked absolutely insane, slamming his laptop and packing up in a panic.
To his surprise, Taehyung hadn’t looked angry at all, just confused.
“Oh, okay. So rain check, then?” He asked.
“Y-yes, rain check.”
With that, he ran out of the building, with a migraine unlike anything he’s ever had.
That night he had told you about Tae. He’d felt your heartbreak but had convinced you to stay, yet again.
Right before you two had fallen asleep that night he made you a silent promise.
He would make this work. He’d find a way to keep you from leaving, and to keep you happy.
—Two days later—
He made a phone call to Tae. They rescheduled their meeting. He kept it as professional as he possibly could. But he felt it, the pull of the Bond. He would have given anything just to touch Tae.
But not you. He won’t give you up.
He wondered how Tae so seemingly effortlessly hid how much he wanted Jungkook. I mean, he must be hurting so much, too. Jungkook felt a pang if guilt.
This was a mistake.
He shouldn’t have rescheduled. He should have gone with another designer for his album cover. He should have deleted Tae’s number. It would have been less painful for everyone involved.
But that’s easier said than done. Ever since he met Tae, it was almost like he couldn’t breathe if Tae wasn’t there. And seeing him again just solidified the fact that everything is so much... so much brighter when Taehyung’s near.
Jungkook is completely hooked.
That’s why Jungkook kept seeing Tae. Throughout the next week or so he scheduled so many meetings with the beautiful artist.
He told you he was just working extra hours.
Jungkook he fell deeper each time he saw Tae. The meetings became less and less professional and more personal. Jungkook learned Tae was from Daegu, that his parents were farmers, that he is the oldest sibling, that he can sing, and that Tae had the most wonderfully weird sense of humor.
However, each time Tae would crack a joke and send him one of those lovely smiles, Jungkook’s heart would clench in guilt.
Tae reminded him of you. The same odd, sarcastic sense of humor. The same bright smile.
He kept thinking how betrayed you’d look when you found out about these secret meetings.
“Hey, Tae, I have someone I’d like you to meet. I think you’d like her.”
If only he knew back then how right he was.
Jungkook sat at his desk finishing up the editing for his new single. He’d felt so guilty due to all the time he’d put into meeting Tae behind your back. He planned on taking you out tonight to compensate. But that was before he got the text that made his heart drop.
Please meet me as soon as you can. I’m at the little bookstore on the corner. It’s important.
I’m with Taehyung.
He didn’t bother shutting his laptop or even grabbing his bag when he rushed through the door of his office.
He had the most gut-wrenchingly terrible feeling about this.
Taglist: @ourwhispersbecomeouranthems @fantasyjoon @ally22042000 @ireadfanficsonthisleavemealone @embrace-themagic @lexi-tries-art @ccmemoirs @just-call-me-trash-can
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am-stories · 4 years
Introduction to My WIP’s (pls forgive i suck at explaining ideas)
Eradicate: This is the story this blog was initially for but then I kept getting ideas for other stories. This is also my longest running WIP -- I started this story when I was THIRTEEN! This will be the sixth year of me working on it, due to constant procrastination and restarting, plus the fact that I gave up on it for a full year once. Over the years, I’ve been struggling to figure out if this story would be better suited as a novel, graphic novel, web comic, etc. I still haven’t truly decided.
When an illness starts to rapidly spread across the world, causing humans to lose their ability to function normally and attack each other (cough zombies cough), major cities are forced into quarantine. The quarantined cities are relatively safe, so long as you’re of some importance, but when a homeless shelter is ignored in their times of need, the survivors in the shelter decide to escape the quarantine zone, unaware of just how much worse it is on the outside. The survivors of the homeless shelter stick together, trying to learn the ways of the new world and trying to find what they were unable to before the world ended; a home.
The Outskirts of Life: This story I’ve been struggling to figure out, but it means a lot to me. The idea for this story came early this year, while I was in college. I was going through a bout of depression. One of the worst ones I’ve had in years. Basically because I felt all alone at college and I was constantly exhausted due to the fact that I was studying at a private university, and paying for it by myself, and working on the school play every night. I was even having suicidal thoughts during this time. I remember just being at work, exhausted and in desperate need of a break, and suddenly this idea came to me and I instantly felt lighter. I don’t know if it was because I had no time to draw or write anymore or what, but I just felt so much better and excited by the idea of creating again. And that night, I thought about ideas for the story all day at work and then rushed to my dorm to write it down.
This is a story about a city, and a girl within the city. The city would be called “Life,” probably in a different language so the metaphor is less obvious. This girl is struggling with depression when she meets another lost soul. They become friends and this person tells the girl to meet her on the outskirts of the city. When they go there, the girl finds out she can leave the city, which is something she didn’t realize she could do because it was so unheard of. At first the girl is against the idea of leaving, but then she feels compelled to see what the outskirts have to offer. She learns that past the outskirts, it can feel freeing at first, but the longer people stay there, the darker and scarier it becomes. I still have a LOT of figuring out to do with this story, especially with how to execute it without romanticizing mental illness or suicide. But I want it to ultimately be about her learning to embrace Life, even if it does seem hopeless and mediocre at times.
Marnie and the Chosen Ones: I haven’t read or seen The Babysitter’s Club, but for some reason I feel like these would be sorta similar. This story hasn’t really been fleshed out at all, but it’s something that I’m interested in writing for myself. Basically because I didn’t get to have an experience like this in my high school and I think it would have been so beneficial for me.
Marnie is a young person in high school and she decides that she wants to form a Gender-Sexuality Alliance (GSA) so that she can feel less alone, and educate other students in her school. The club starts out scarce and they have to go through hurdles, such as bullying from other students and faculty forcing them to censor themselves. Within the club, the members form a new family and learn that real love is unconditional.
Unnamed Idea #1: This idea came from a dream oops. I actually kinda see this story not in the form of a novel, but maybe as an RPG Maker game. (If you don’t know what that is, maybe you’ve heard of Ib, Mad Father, The Witch’s House? Those are still some of my favorite games ever.) I’ve always wanted to make an RPG Maker game but didn’t have the means to. I may splurge and buy the program one day but for now I’ll just write what i have in mind for it. c:
This story is about Ana Kumari and a few other lost souls. (I’ve said lost souls twice now... oh well) Ana has just moved to a new city for her partner’s job. She tries to be optimistic about life, but she feels it’s just... lackluster. Her relationship, job, family life, apartment all just feel mediocre to her. This feeling becomes more and more overwhelming because her 30′th birthday is coming up and she feels as though she hasn’t made any impact on the world around her. One day, she notices Christmas decorations being put up. She urges her partner to come see them with her, but they refuse so she decides to go anyways. Along the way, she notices someone drop a device. She tries to return it to them, but after chasing them, she finds herself lost. She becomes trapped somewhere, seemingly underground, with strange threats around every corner. Overtime, as she tries to find her way out, she meets others trapped in there and discovers that the device leads you to your greatest desires. Not until each person trapped inside figures out their greatest desire will they be able to escape.
Unnamed Idea #2: I literally got this idea from a dream I had LAST NIGHT but I lied in bed contemplating ideas for it for two hours afterwards so I’m gonna include it. c: Although I think this dream was inspired by the tiktok soulmate trend thing so if I ever wrote this it would probably not be something I try to get published. But that’s okay, I think it’d be fun to write. c: 
In a time of war, many people never get to meet their soulmates. If they do, they don’t always get much time with them. On each person’s 18th birthday, a birthmark appears somewhere on their body. Their soulmate gets the same exact mark, in the same exact area, on their birthday as well. Two women meet and quickly become friends. One of them has already received her mark, and the other’s birthday is in a few weeks from the start of the story. They instantly gravitate towards each other, like most soul mates do when they first meet, but this confuses them because all their lives they were told same-sex soulmates didn’t exist. After a bit of suppressing their feelings, they both accept that they have feelings for one another. The younger one is almost certain that her mark will match the older one’s. But the older girl’s almost certain they won’t match despite their intense feelings for one another. One day, the older girl goes to meet her lover, only to find that her house is empty. She’s devastated until she gets a letter in the mail. Her family had to leave because her brother had been drafted for the war. The end of the letter only says “Find me.” The older girl decides that even if they are not soulmates, what they have is worth the heartbreak. So despite her fears, she gets ready for the road trip to find the love of her life again.
Aaanddd that’s it right now. C: 
This is honestly scary, but I’m proud of myself. Eradicate is the only story I’ve told people about in any detail, and that’s always been online. This is also online but... It’s progress! :D 
Many All of the ideas need a LOT of work, as most of them are still in the very early stages of existing. But I’m excited to do that work. c:
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johobi · 5 years
Abandoned draft - Taehyung post-concert hook-up
This was a(n incomplete) gift for a friend, totally forgot it existed until I found it on calmlywriter lmao. I won’t be adding to it or finishing it, it’s rough as fuck and I haven’t bothered to edit it, but I thought I might as well chuck it up here in case anyone wants something quick and (mildly) dirty. Pls forgive the usage of oppa, my friend is younger than him and I knew it’d push her buttons haha. 
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: non-penetrative sexy shenanigans that end abruptly. use your imagination after!!
You peer down at the card sitting pristine in your palm. Scrawled in black ink is the number ‘224’ and little else, embellished only by a golden border marking its perimeter. And you stand before the door to the room it seemingly suggests you visit, though why you were even given the card in the first place remains a mystery. It was a hushed, split-second exchange, the mysterious item appearing in your hand after a stranger of East Asian origin bumped into you.
So here you are now, standing before a door you know not what lies behind, bouncing on the balls of your feet. Because why would you be stupid enough to knock?
Anyone could answer.
You do anyway.
There’s no response from within, not even the soft padding of feet over carpet. And then there is, as hard as it is to distinguish through the thick, mahogany door, and the sound of one set of soles - a relief - settles behind it. Aware that the room’s occupant is probably examining you through the eyehole, you fidget self-consciously on your spot, averting your eyes from the pinprick looking glass.
A chain scrapes the interior of the door, and then it swings open into the plush room, the figure that reveals itself snatching your breath. “Oh my God,” you whisper, your heart  in uproar.
“Hi,” Taehyung’s affected English kisses your ears. Jesus, his voice is so deep. So are his eyes, now that you’ve been gifted the chance to admire them close up. The concert was amazing, but not as intimate as you’d desperately wished. How could it be, when BTS was now a global phenomenon? “You came,” he continues, those deep, deep eyes joyfully wide. His mouth is an adorable rectangle.
“Y-Yes,” you’re looking at the ground. At his Gucci slides. Of course. “I didn’t know I was going to meet you. I was just given this card,” you flash it briefly in his direction, and he mmmms in recogntion. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t meant to. I didn’t really understand.”
“No, no,” his palms move in your periphery and your head tips up to catch his gesture of reassurance. “I want you here,” he prepares his stilted translation with a thoughtful roll of his tongue. “Tonight, I saw you. I wanted–want meet you,” Taehyung’s fluffy head of ochre hair flicks left and right, surveying the stretch of hallway. “Come in? People come soon.”
Your hesitation isn’t sourced in distrust or unwillingness. The unreality of your situation is what cements your feet to the ground. Unfortunately, Taehyung takes it as a sign of reluctancy. His expressive brows unite dolefully. “OK? I won’t hurt you.”
It’s your turn to put your hands up. “Oh, oh. I know, I know,” knowing well that you need to keep your utterings simple, you communicate predominantly by emoting. Your voice is soft. “I know that. I’m just nervous.”
Taehyung appears to understand. A radiant smile splits across his face. “You will come?”
“I will,” you dip your head shyly as you sidestep him into his five-star surroundings, an unfamiliar heat dappling your cheeks. Normally the outspoken, collected type, just being within 3ft of this man regresses you to a vulnerability you’ve long run from. “Thank you.”
Inside, you haven’t had a second even to scan the excesses of his jetset lifestyle before you feel two large, heavy palms on either shoulder, and jellify at the contact. “I take your coat,” he murmurs in bass, the hair at your ear fluttering with his proximity. His breath is supernaturally hot on your neck, perhaps because it’s taken you until this moment to realise that he is real. Not a holographic projection, not a spectre of your fantasies, but solid flesh and blood. A tangible human being, as you are, with unstyled, shower-fresh hair and chaotically-scattered moles; one on the tip of his rounded nose and the other on the underside of his plump, lower lip. As flawless as he is, he isn’t manufactured. He’s real.
And he’s here, his fingertips skimmng your forearms a little too long as he removes your coat. “I call you because you are beautiful,” Taehyung murmurs, unfiltered, perhaps because of the language barrier. He drapes your coat gently over the arm of a chair and faces you pointedly, his dark eyes darker as they sweep evaluatively from your head to toe. “So tall. I like tall. And your jacket,” the word is transformed endearingly by his accent. “I like. And your face,” he gestures in vague circles at his own face. Taehyung’s monologue is hardly articulate, but you’ve never found yourself more enthralled by someone reeling off a list. “Beautiful. I saw you holding sign and wanted meet you.”
Your voice is uncharacteristically high. “W-Wow. That makes me happy. I think you’re beautiful, too,” admitting this to anyone else would be hard, but your multi-year, open appreciation of him comes naturally to you. “The most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
“Oh, really?” Taehyung’s tone pitches adorably, his Ls leaning into Rs. The angular grin is back. “That makes me happy,” he parrots your earlier assertion, heading over to the mini-bar as he does so. His robe is silk, flowing, and enticingly open at the collarbones. “Would you like drink?”
“No thank you,” you wave away his kind offer. There can only be one reason why he would extend an invitation to his hotel room, and there’s no way in hell you’re going to risk sullying the memory of it.
Yes, though it’s hardly your style to fuck on the first date, let alone after a 10 minute meeting, there is nothing you want more than the man humming gleefully to himself as he pours himself a Coke, a contradiction of childlike delight and manly self-assurance about him. “Sit on bed?” he directs at you as he sips at the carbonated beverage, his eyelashes thick over the rim over his glass. “OK?”
You can’t move fast enough. The mattress is a little higher and thicker than you’re used to; a bed size you couldn’t dream of fitting into your cosy apartment. Everything here sings luxury, including the man stepping toward you, an ephemeral grace to his movements.
Taehyung checks on you again. “Everything OK?”
“Oh, yes,” you’re breathless and rosy as you peer up at him, his towering silhouette looming closer. And then it’s dipping, bending to your seated height.  “Totally okay.”
His perfectly chiselled face is but a breath away, complexion dewy from skincare. The tongue that has long tormented you in 2D slides out to wet his ample lips, and it’s with a helplessness that you fall under his spell. “You know why I call you here?”
This must be his way of ascertaining your consent. God, you want to scream it from the rooftops. “Yes, I know. I understand. Taehyung–” you’re laced with desperation. “I want you, too.”
His hands settle either side of your thighs and he leans ever closer, close enough to taste the caffiene on his breath. The tip of his nose brushes tentatively to yours, as do your eyelashes, combing your eyes closed. “What is your name?” Taehyung poses to you, and in your lust-crazed state it’s a challenge to answer.
“_____,” you offer after some time. You don’t even sound sure of it.
“_____,” your name coats his tongue like an exotic moniker. His pronunciation of it, you decide, is the only correct one. “Beautiful, like you,” he caresses you with those words, first, before you feel his lips encompass yours with a passion that knocks you backwards. Taehyung uses its momentum to mount your lowering form, his knees dimpling the mattress either side your hips. The kiss grows deeper with his tongue, the slick muscle stimulating your own into compliance. Your hand is against his jaw, its muscles flexing as his lips undulate against you, his full, greedy mouth sucking your lower lip into its heat. There, he suckles on you like the sweetest candy, his serpentine tongue dancing at the sides of your mouth. Every swipe sparks the kindling in your abdomen. And when he ensnarls his fingers in your hair, tugging deliciously at your scalp, you can’t help but to press closed your thighs, revelling in the resultant throb of your clit.
“Oh,” Taehyung’s moan reverberates through you like jazz-club bass. While dragging in an urgent breath, he catches your predicament. “____, you like me so much,” you can hardly disagree. “I make you feel this.”
“Yes, you d–,” your final word is cut short by the introduction of his slender fingers on your clothed crotch, palpating your aching core through your jeans. “F-Fuck.”
“You are–” the translation comes slower in Taehyung’s arousal, his pupils blown wide by this discovery. “–wet? Wet for me?”
Just hearing those words in this context, delivered in his sinful baritone, has you gasping and rolling into his touch. “So wet. Taehyung-oppa, I’m so wet. Fuck me.”
He must undestand the obscene request because a growl bubbles low in his chest, and his fingers, no longer satisfied with the unyielding denim claddng you, slip past the waistband. And straight toward your grateful, sopping cunt. You buck like a mare in heat. “Yes, yes, there. Please, oppa.”
“Oppa,” he repeats, breath raspier in lust. “I like this from you,” his illegally long tongue laves wetness behind your earlobe. “Call me again, ____,” he sucks marks indisciminately into the flesh of your neck as he descends into your exposed cleavage, trailing saliva and discolouration. “Tell me.”
“Taehyung-oppa,” you stress, not so much squirming but convulsing from the bed as his wonderfully long fingers breach the squishy mess that is your drooling pussy, sinking himself as far as the rest of his hand will allow him. While you accommodate him with some discomfort - it has been a while, after all - it dissipates as quickly as it takes for him to begin exploring you. Rhythmically he penetrates you, applying pressure to the softest, most sensitive parts of your cunt as he withdraws.
“Pretty little pussy,” it falls from his lips a purr. “Tight and wet. Feels so good, I know,” Taehyung seems lost to the clench of your unaccustomed cunt. “I know I will feel so good in you.”
“Please, fuck me,” your nerves are alight. Every graze of his curled knuckles sends shockwaves through your tremblings extremities. “Oppa.”
“Good,” your obedience appears to thrill him. Your reward is starker, stiffer thrusts, his fingertips touching you so far back your stomach twists. “Feel me?”
Buried between your mounds, you feel, rather than see, how his mouth sucks the extent of his desire into you. His free hand uncups a breast from your bra so his tongue-lashing can migrate to your exposed flesh. There, he torments your already-erect nipple into standing firmer, bullying the nub with hungry nips and the suction of his swollen lips. You’re about to confirm that, yes, you can feel him - that’s hardly the word - when you realise the actual meaning behind his asking.
Pressed close and hot to your thigh is the unmistakably solid column that is Taehyung’s erect cock, as long and girthy as your speculation had posited. He rubs himself, unrestrained, into the friction of your jeans, likely chafing himself raw. However, it appears only to frenzy him further, when his enthusiastic humping unravels the tie around his waist and exposes his body in all its lithe, golden glory. No longer swathed in silk, it doesn’t deter him, however, from grinding his bare cock into your thigh, spotting your trousers with the drool of precum.
The gown, as satin black as his dilated pupils, slips sensually from his shoulders, barely a scrap of it hanging to him now. But he has no care for it while teasing your nipples to a darker colour, one embedded in the wet of his mouth and the other between his thumb and forefinger, twisting and throbbing at his behest. His other hand, occupied deep in the recesses of your constricting cunt, batters its exterior as he finger-fucks you into another dimension. “좋아~” he croons in his native language as he scours his cock raw against your leg. “자–자기야~”
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cowardsanctuary · 6 years
Into the Object Hole:
Why is Nearly Every Object Show Flash-Animated?
(warning: a big, gigantic ramble generated by the mind of a comic artist)
I’m asking this question because I was bitten by the “Object Show” bug myself! It’s become a niche but easily replicated genre of its own within the animation community. Starting with the eponymous Battle For Dream Island (a show I think we’re all familiar with), we’ve seen many creators follow suit in the seemingly simple formula of having a bunch of inanimate objects participate in a game show-esque competition.
This is not to claim that Object Shows are unoriginal or overdone at this point: on the contrary. With the advent of resources for learning writing, animation, et cetera, I feel there’s a massive amount of potential that this community has, until now, mostly neglected. Battle for BFDI is, from what I can tell, reveling in its own, unique premise in the way it wants to. Inanimate Insanity’s second season has, as of late, recognized its potential to communicate a story about change and growth within individuals and the world around it. Unfortunately, I haven’t watched many shows, but I feel I’ve gotten my point across.
In another post, I asked about shows that didn’t use Flash, so i’m going to be responding to those before I embark on my tangent.
@apcwoc said:                                                                                                                            djshjksjhhdj most of the shows are probably done on flash because a lot of them were started when the og creators where much younger and flash is the easiest and most reliable to use when people start out animating            
that’s a common thread i’ve been finding!! one of the earliest object shows, Animation Island by legotd61, was created a year after BFDI—and at the time, legotd61 was 7 years old. granted the animation & visuals aren’t the most jaw-dropping thing in the world, but they were a kid so it’s automatically charming. in like, a kid sense.
@demi-gray suggested Modern Objects as a non-asset-using show!
Unfortunately, it still relies on assets for arguably the most important visuals: the characters! They do use the capabilities of Flash more extensively than other shows (that I know of), which makes watching the characters do their thing a lot more fun and engaging. The unique style compared to other shows definitely helps out a lot as well!
@payjayisgod said:                                                                                                                            i mean, i do frame-by-frame all the time, but for the sake of saving time i’ll be using assets for the bodies (gonna try doing everything else with frame-by-frame) in my own series i’ll be making with some friends ^^“ if you wanna see my animations my youtube is Icedog McMuffin :0c                            
PLEASE show me your show when you do it, because your animations are!!! really cute!!! also i’d LOVE to see stuff that takes the path of Modern Objects: with asset bodies, yes, but everything else is done according to the needs of the visuals. Use your medium to the best of its ability!
@dottival said:                                                                                                                            I once saw someone who Wanted to do frame-by-frame, but they never got their show off the ground. Mostly because they never really started??
you can’t just. tell me this. and not say who this person is (unless they want their identity under wraps, which i’ll respect)!!!! I’d love to ask them about their thought process towards their show, unless they didn’t actually plan much. I want to do some... ReSearch....
Speaking of planning, the thing that enchants and haunts me most about object shows is how much is going on behind the scenes. This is for any animated show, really, because as a bitty comic artist, I had no clue where to begin. I’ve started to draft and worldbuild for my own show, but I can’t help but wonder how much of it is done for other object shows.
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(this is a thumbnail for a setting on my show!)
The medium, by default, demands attention on the characters at the forefront. The premise generates interest, the aesthetics (aren’t necessary but) lead viewers in, and the subject(s) of the show is what keeps audiences engaged. No matter what the creator(s) choose as the subject, they must make sure it’s polished to their best abilities, while ensuring other elements of their medium is properly balanced.
If you’re creating a character-driven narrative, for example, you’ll want to focus on the development of your characters. And, since it’s easiest to relate to concrete characters, that’s what novice content creators focus on developing as their content’s primary subject (and what professional content creators master).
However, the development of, say, a character is more often than not put into the hands of the viewers. How? Viewer participation: having the audience vote off who leaves a competition.
An interesting concept as, typically, animated shows require oodles of planning in order to convey the story it wants to the best of its ability. This makes the typical object show a challenge (forgive the word-play) to pull off properly, despite being deceptively simple enough of a feat on the surface. Character development can be volatile, as any character can be booted off (depending on how well you can predict a character getting eliminated).
Following this, the difficulty of creating a cohesive and well-written story through the Object Show format is very, very high. After all, you need to place time in your resources as wisely as possible, in order to avoid taking too much time on an end product you may not even like a little while later. The elimination of one character may upset a part or the entirety of the show’s plotline, if a creator is not careful.
Inanimate Insanity’s writing was able to excel at its greatest the moment viewer voting was dropped. One of the best shows in this genre (in my opinion), Modern Objects, isn’t even an object show: it’s formatted like a sitcom, and focuses primarily on characters and comedy. The one object show I was able to find that was primarily frame-by-frame animation (thank you, @bfb-basard!), Race to the Mansion of Tomorrow, is 100% script-driven; meaning, no viewer participation. This is the same for a few other shows as well, though I am not aware of them at this point of time.
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(a snapshot of my animation process: this is for an animation of my OCs Milt and Malt, put to the audio of Big Bill Hell’s Cars.)
So why Flash? The answer is because it’s just easier. Not in the sense that the animators of these shows are lazier, but because animating in Flash saves time. Unless you’re putting all your stops into your show, or the contestants will always be present / aren’t quite as important to the narrative, you absolutely cannot afford to waste time and energy on things that can get thrown away later. Either that, or you don’t know where a character or a plotline or what have you will build up to, so you want to make sure whatever you do make isn’t wasted.
(Granted, I always feel there’s always time for weird plots to be resolved until it’s the very end, but retcons are also an option?)
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You see this video? It���s a pretty simple animation of just a little softball walking around.
It took me 2 or 3 hours, give or take, to finish. Nearly every frame is unique, and I drew them all with my hands and my tablet, nothing else. All moving parts are either animated in 2′s or 1′s—the latter of which being 1/24th of a second. There are 35 drawn frames overall, stretched out onto 127 individual frames that constitute the entirety of the animation.
In other words, this clip is 5 seconds long.
If you want to finish an object show within your lifetime, let alone within 5 years, then Flash will be your best friend. It’s good, revolutionary technology that will make your life easier. With Flash, you don’t have to draw things over and over and focus instead on the motion, not the artwork.
Not only that, but being able to finish in a timely manner will help smaller content creators as, since we’re small and have small audiences, not everyone has a long enough attention span to hang onto you for decades. Certain shows like BFB and Inanimate Insanity have the advantage of popularity, so they can take their time with both the show and life (but they’re still rushed by their audience anyways so it’s a double-edged sword).
If you want to tell a story, consider what medium you tell it through wisely. Animation isn’t the only way, but I know for a fact that, if I get there, my show will be frame-by-frame. Why? Because I consider the artwork and the motion in my story just as important as my characters, if not moreso. You might not.
You can make it 3-d animated, claymation, traditionally animated, digitally animated, Flash, frame-by-frame, what have you. You can write your show as a novel, a script, a screenplay, a radio play, what have you. You can illustrate it as a children’s book, a comic, a graphic novel, or even an illustrated novel.
One of my favorite shows, up there with Modern Objects, is a comic by @swabsbloo​ called Escape From Abject Reality (which you can read on it’s own blog at @efarwebcomic​! Please read it! PLEASE READ IT! PLEASE!!! PL). Swabsbloo takes the premise of object shows and simultaneously puts it on its head while playing it straight: a bunch of objects wake up in an oddly absent field, only to figure out they’ve been trapped in a game show-themed death trap controlled (...?) by a(n apparent) sociopath named Snake Oil. You should read it. You should read their comic.
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Hell, does your object show even need to be an object show? You can create stories that are beyond inanimate objects, or stories beyond competitions. Again, Modern Objects isn’t a competition show. You can base your characters off of objects as well, without needing to make them explicitly an object. The show I mentioned earlier, Race to the Mansion of Tomorrow, takes this latter approach for the most part!
As a storyteller, what I obsess about the most is storytelling. I love seeing all forms of it, and the potential that this community’s genre has astounds and fascinates me. The way in which we view the story doesn’t have to be important, but I find the ones I enjoy the most are the ones that utilize its medium to the best of its ability. It doesn’t have to be the best, it just needs to try.
So what do you want to try?
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
Hopefully tumblr doesnt eat this p.1 again! Its been so long since Ive dropped by and said hello to one of my favorite people so hello Coon! I feel like Ive been so busy I dont have time to drop bye and say hello these days How are you? Are you doing well? I hope you are bc you deserve so much happiness. I also wanted to do a status update on the fact that Im now writing again! I took a longer break than I thought I would but hey Im now more motivated than ever so I guess it all worked out ^^
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Okay you let me add a keep reading right here aaah ;A;
Oh my god, Jaz….Jaz I’m so sorry, I don’t even know where to start apologizing, I’m so sorry. I honestly forgot and that’s the worst part. If I had been busy for real I would have had an excuse at least, but the truth was just that; I put this in my drafts and then forgot it was there. I rarely check my drafts because that’s where I put stuff that I want to reblog at some point but don’t know when because it’s not FFXV related so I just wait until I’m done with the XV reblogs but I never am, and I just assumed everything in drafts was stuff to reblog, I totally forgot there was an ask here that I hadn’t replied to and that it was yours, I’m so sorry, so, so, so sorry, Jaz… :(
I don’t offer an excuse and if you’re upset you have all the rights to be, I understand. Jesus, it’s been a while since Ir eplied this and I mean, there are asks in my inbox that are like a year old but those are prompts or requests and it’s fine, but yours was a personal and it’s been so long for me to answer to it aklsdjalkgjadklgja omg Jaz I’m so sorry….
I’m sorry, Jaz, very sincerely. Zomg…I’m sorry OTL
Well. Still answering ahah ;w;
Akjdlsafdgalkfjaklhj hhhnnnngnggg. HEWWO JAZ!!! ;w; I’m sorry OTL
Don’t worry about being busy. Real life is already super busy as it is and then we get here and it can get sort of ‘busy’ in its own non-serious way too! I hope that whatever’s been keeping you /kept you busy has given you a break from time to time and that it’s something you enjoy.
I’m doing well! A little ‘busy’ in the non-serious way trying to nail down all my PMs and asks (I’ve lately had a quite excited anon flooding me ahahahah! It’s lovely but keeps me super busy because each I answer gets drowned by another incoming 5 ;w;) and the reblogs and the fics. I’m having funa nd take my breaks to make it enjoyable and not turn it into something I dislike, but hence it goes slower. And out of Tumblr I’m doing okay too! 
How have you been, dear Jaz? Besides WAITING FOR MY ASK OTLHave  yuo been alright? And happy? I wonder what else you’ve been up to since you last wrote to me!! Hoping sincerely that it’s been okay with you too because you too deserve SO MUCH HAPPINES LIKE LOADS OF IT!!!!!!! You’re such a nice and good person that does no harm to others, you deserve all em happy things and events. U HAVE ALL IT GOOD KARMA, MY FRIEND!!!
Jaz, that’s WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! Omg buddy that’s fantastic, you have no idea how happy it makes me when someone says they’ve taken up/retaking a form of art. It’s so beautiful and so exciting, and you’re a friend so that adds a lot to the hype!! Jaz, that’s AMAZING! CONGRATS, BUDDY, I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! ( ˙꒳​˙ )
It’s okay that you took a longer break than you had first expected. Be it because you were busy or just lacking the motivation, it’s okay! What matters is that you went back to it and you must have felt so refreshed and welcomed back. The warmest welcoming is the one given after a long wait (but thankfully it wasn’t THAT long either!!). Plus, you took all the time that you needed to get back to it so it means you’re not forcing a single bit of it and that’s PHENOMENAL!!
I’m so happy to know that you’re motivated now, Jaz, all of this is honestly SO GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY :’3 AKLSJDLAKDGJADLKGJAGLKAJGA AAAAAAAHHHHHH, I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!
I guess the first time you sent the first part you were telling me what you were writing, so I don’t know for sure what you meant with hoping that one day I can read ‘it’, but I’d love to! I’m very slow at reading things because of the massive updates I do to my fics, but I think that I’d love to. Is it XV related? Original content? I’d get lost if it’s from something that I don’t know, but I can still try if you want me to
Aaah, thank you for asking about the laptop! Lamentably I’m nowhere close to getting a new one. They’re pretty expensive. I’m fine with one of the cheapest because all I want is basic internet access and MS Word lmao, but they’re still quite a price number and I have no job >
I thought about using the money that I’ve saved up from my kofis, but…to be honest, I’m being consciously selfish there, because I don’t want to waste my kofi money in ¼ of the price of the laptop… ;n; I want the kofi money to be mine for games or books, it’s money I’ve earned from doing what I love and I wanted it to go to selfish things, but I’m still debating with myself as to maybe having to put it for the laptop ahaha ;w;
Again, don’t feel bad for being busy!! Real life stuff is more important, and Tumblr isn’t going anywhere (not without a long time warning that we’ve never had, thankfully!), so don’t you stress. I for sure am going nowhere, so you take the time that you need and want :3
And don’t say you’re ‘not keeping me for longer’, because it’s not like you’re taking my time by force, dear Jaz!! You texting to me is a kind gift to me so you’re not taking any time off me, you’re taking YOUR time!
Sweet precious wonderful dear Jaz, thank you soooooooooooooooo LIKE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR DROPPING BY TO SAY HELLO AND SHARE ALL OF THIS WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, I don’t even know where to start, I’m sorry for taking so long, and thank you immensely for dropping by, my friend!! ;A;
Thank you for the time you dedicated to writing to me and the one to read me. It sounds like you’ve been very busy and I really appreciate that you’ve taken some time to write to me, you have no idea :’(
Thank you for updating me on what you’ve been up to, and thank you for sharing with me that you’ve retaken your writing!! Those news made me so happy, and re reading still makes me feel shivers out of the joy askldjfdaklgjaklgjadglkj
Thank you for being as kind and as gentle as you always are with me. You’re so precious and I hope you know that. You’re always so nice and patient and so good with me, I don’t know how to express it enough or how to let you know or how to thank you properly :’3 Thank you so much for being the sweet and warm creature that you are, Jaz. You’re truly phenomenal and I’m very happy that you exist. The world can very easily wear me out, and it’s creatures like you that relieve it off my shoulders. Thank you
I’ve missed you SO MUCH TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every time I re fave both your artworks I think about you and I was wondering what you were doing and if you were okay. And there I was, forgetting that it was me who never replied... :’D Really, seriously, I’m so sorry, Jaz, I didn’t mean to take this long... OTL 
I hope that you’ve been okay, Jaz! Have you been okay and doing better? How’s the writing going? I’m eager to hear about you again, buddy!! :3
Dear Jaz, I hope you’re having a FANTASTIC weekend, and do receive lots of raccoonie hugs and sparkles!! HUGZ
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busanbunnie · 5 years
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I’m in the middle of my drafts now lovelies!! thank you so much to everybody who has been so patient and kind! people who have written me starters (i have them all in my drafts and will be getting to them tonight!) memes will be posted as they’re done and so will sweet asks (some of which i’ve had stored in my inbox for a while pls forgive me) threads will be put into the queue but i’m gonna bump it up to post 4 times a day so more will have a chance to get out sooner and you guys won’t have to wait as long... i honestly cannot thank you all enough!! ims will be answered the second i’m out of the dark abyss of my drafts. if you’re waiting on an im, iloveyou!! sorry bubs! i’ll be replying soon, m’not ignoring i promise!! just been so busy with work and i’m really trying to get my draft count down! that being said, i hope everyone is having a lovely day & sorry for my constant updates >//-//< ♥
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dawnswindow · 4 years
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Reminder to stay humble folks.
Drafted the damn first cut yet not only am I not invited for the meeting I ain’t even CCed in the email.
Long post ahead so text under the cut.
Today’s been a bad day.
It started at midnight when I made the stupid decision at 11 not to sleep and to draft my LOD/NOD instead.
I was tired, knew I didn’t want to do it and it was due on Monday I.e. I could have slept and woken up early to draft. It wouldn’t have taken me nearly as long as it would have when I did it in that state.
I had a cold, my eyes were swollen, somehow I got the bright idea to draft in the dark in my bed with only the humidifier as a light. Yes. More bad decisions.
It only got worse.
I’ve had 11 calls from my boss today. Man is clingy but this takes on a whole new level.
Sure enough I made mistakes in the LOD that I wouldn’t have had I been awake and alert. Knew I was making an error but not really what errorand still pressed send.
A lot of the structural integrity of the drafting is there. Only it’s a mess of ideas.
It was a simple thing. I should have been able to do it.
Didn’t help when everything I’ve done today subsequently has been amended.
A series of unfortunate events if you will.
I followed the LAs advised and used her service letter only to be told off by my boss because ‘why are we cc’ing court’. At least that’s clear now.
Had amendments in my email to court, my service letter for my MOA. And just a bunch of other silly little mistakes that just wouldn’t be made had I just gone to bed yesterday.
And as if the universe laughs at one bad decision, my Tesco order wasn’t complete through no fault of my or the shops. But damn did it feel so disappointing to an already poor day. And it was only 1pm.
Last call to boss was at 11 pm. Yeah. He was kind when he answered and gave me advice as to what to say. But I wonder.
Would anyone else in my position do the same? When do you make your own decision on files and when do you check with a partner? Maybe I’ll have this answer eventually.
This is also a reminder for future me. Hi hello.
You can’t draft last minute on an adrenalin rush every single time. You make mistakes. You need time to marinate. Look at when you draft in calmness. It’s much better. Take your time. Listen to what the managing partner said. Invest the time.
I know it’s so easy now that there’s WFH and unstructured weekend time but pls, I beg of thee. Invest the time. You’re only hurting yourself.
Did you totally screw your chance to be on the two other new files you wanted? Maybe. Only time will tell. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Work with other teams now.
For now. Heed this reminder. Invest in yourself. Invest your time. You’ve got 24 hrs. Take breaks sure but also take them within reason.
And forgive yourself. You made mistakes. You’re human. Tomorrow will be kinder.
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