#i'd been building molly for this fic as well which was wonderful
xlucygraysongbirdx · 3 years
Weasley Wednesdays
Hello! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another Weasley Wednesdays! For this week, due to my lack of writing ability and my love for this fic and the Weasley cousins, I’m here to do a shameful self-promo. 
This here is a snippet from Chapter 3 of my fanfiction: Room On The Third Floor, which is a scene with all the Weasley cousins who show up in support of Scorpius (and Albus) and remind Albus what family is all about. Enjoy :) It’s long, so I do apologise for that!
“Guys? Everything all right?” Lily’s voice sounded from the other side of the door. They jumped apart and shared an exasperated look before Scorpius unlocked the door and opened it with his wand. The moment had disappeared, and Albus couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.
His overbearing family and Jenny piled into the classroom. It seemed more of Albus’ cousins had showed up. Domi, Louis, Freddie, Hugo and little Lucy had popped up from somewhere. It seemed only Roxanne and Rose were missing and- nope, there they were. Albus didn’t realise he’d signed up for a family meeting.
“Fine,” Scorpius spoke, but his voice was strained.
“That was rough, Scorp,” James said, walking over and placing a hand on Scorpius’ shoulder. He had clearly witnessed it.
“Yeah, Fletcher is a douche,” Molly chipped in helpfully, jumping onto a desk.
“What happened?” Hugo asked.
“Fletcher Adams refused to make Scorpius Slytherin seeker purely because of who he is, which is not only extremely discriminating but also just plain mean. Scorpius, I’ve literally known you for five days, but you’re the nicest person I’ve ever met and deserve to be treated better than that,” Jenny said, making her way through the mass of Weasley-Potters to stand next to Scorpius. She pulled him in for a hug, and Albus saw him tense slightly before he settled into it.
“Thanks, Jen,” he smiled, though Albus could tell it was forced.
“So, what’re we going to do?” Louis asked, a grin on his face that mirrored Freddie’s.
“Yeah, are we going to get him back?” Freddie asked, and Albus could swear that if you looked close enough, you could see the ideas swirling through his brain.
“No,” Scorpius cut them off and they both deflated. “You guys are amazing, but I’m not going to do anything to him.”
“Why not?” Lily asked. She had a bone for pranks too.
“Because it’s not me. Look, I wanted to join Quidditch because I wanted people to look at me and see Scorpius. Not a Death-Eater’s son or the boy who fucked up the world by trying to change time,” at that, Albus reached out and squeezed his hand. “Obviously, even Quidditch can’t do that for me. So, I’m going to do something different. I’m going to find a different way, my way, to show people I’m not a monster. To show them that I’m only a Malfoy by name but not by personality.”
The fire in his eyes had returned, but this time it wasn’t anger. No, it was determination. Albus had no idea what he was cooking up in that brain of his, but if he knew Scorpius, then it would be brilliant.
“So, then what are you going to do?” Hugo asked, and the Weasley-Potters looked among themselves when Scorpius shrugged. Albus watched as his mind faded away, letting him get lost in his thoughts for a moment.
He looked to his family, who were all looking at him with such intensity it was heart-warming. It had only just occurred to him that they hadn’t come here because it was Albus that was being discriminated against, but because it was Scorpius. That day Scorpius came over the summer, he was welcomed into the family with open arms. Albus smiled knowing his family were still looking out for him. They were willing to risk detention because of some prick who somehow made Quidditch captain. They were treating him like one of their own without Albus asking them to.
He looked among them. To James, Freddie and Louis who looked ready for a fight if that what Scorpius asked for. To Domi, Molly and Lucy who were ready with their arms open if Scorpius requested a hug. To Rose and Roxy, who had a fire in their eyes not unlike Lilys, ready to hex if needed. To Hugo, who looked at Scorpius with a proud smile, and he knew he would be proud no matter what came out of Scorpius’ mouth next.
Albus felt a swell of love for his family in his heart and thanked every star he could imagine for their existence. Twenty years ago, the Weasley’s would never have dreamed of being in the same room as a Malfoy and ready to defend his honour. As a family, they had overlooked the prejudices’ of the past that even their parents suffered through, and openly accepted Scorpius. If the Weasley-Potters could achieve that in one day over summer break, then why couldn’t the rest of the world get on board just as easily?
Scorpius snapped from his reverie and gave Albus a proud smile.
“So…?” Rose prompted, clearly noting Scorpius’ breakthrough.
“I’m going to change the world, one lonely nerd at a time,” he spoke proudly, a grin of pure elation on his lips. No one had any idea what it meant, but for the second time that day, Scorpius was out the room in a rush of black and green robes.
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