#i'll definitely open comms again!!! when the time is right ^^
guaxinimraccoon · 5 months
Hey everyone! Just letting y'all know that commissions are closed for now. I'll open them again eventually, but rn I need some free time for my personal projects
Thanks a lot for everybody who commissioned me!!!! I'll update when I'm ready to open comms again c:
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hime-bee · 5 months
hi hime i was just wondering what's ur process on writing commissions? like how the commissioner pays up, and if u charge extra for certain things? i didnt get a clear picture of what you do, so i had to ask, sorry
Hey there, sweet anon .3. Usually, I ask my commissioner what they want/what character they want (has to be from a series I know and actively write for), they give me an idea/outline and whatever kinks they want in it. From there, I start a draft and follow what my commissioner wants in the fic until I get the final product! I'll either post it on AO3 or send it to them privately, depending on what they want ^^ I only do reader inserts, also. My flat rate is $1.60 for every 100 words, I don't charge extra for anything, if I'm willing to write it, I'll do it (there are a few kinks I won't write, and I let my commissioners know ahead of time)! I usually ask for payment first. I hope this cleared things up a bit!
(Unfortunately, I'm not doing much writing with my hands/wrists being the way they are right now, but I'll definitely open my comms again when they heal)
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observeowl · 1 year
Right By Your Side | Chapter 19 - Kidnapped
Summary: In the world where wearing glasses makes you a different person. You were forced to swallow a pill that turned you into seven years old. Now, you're living with your crush in a small form, what would you do? Who were the ones who brought this to you? And, can you change back?
Chapter summary: Suddenly, there was a kidnapping spree happening?
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Wanda POV I was going to the mall to get some ice cream for later but before I was able to reach the stores, a van came out of nowhere on the streets and pulled me into the van. I was about to use my powers but they injected me with something and I slumped to the seats of the van.
The next time I woke up, I was surrounded by men in an extremely white room. All the walls, ceiling and floors were white other than the equipment that were inside. It took me a moment to adjust to the brightness. I can't fully open my eyes but I know these are definitely Hydra's men. They were prepared this time.
"Stantly Myers?" I asked, remembering the guy who kidnapped us before.
"Nope, that guy is gone. It's Sebastian."
I chuckled lightly before asking. "Looking for Y/N again? Why are you so obsessed with her?" It was a wrong choice as he ended up squeezing my cheeks, making me unable to talk.
"Listen here. I control the flow of this place, not you. You don't get to ask questions and expect answers from me."
"But I'll grant you this." He spoke in a softer tone. "She has something I need and I want you to transfer the message. My lovely boys here will entertain you until your lovely friends come and rescue you."
"We don't know where she is!" I raised my voice as he walked away.
"Don't lie to me. I've been watching you. You guys don't seem anxious about finding her." He turned around at the door to speak to me before leaving. His guys inched closer and I can only hope the rest find me as soon as possible.
Natasha POV After Tony told us the location of Wanda, Steve, Clint and I went to look for him while he stayed behind to continue his search for Allie. Was this supposed to be a coincidence that they were kidnapped at the same time? Are they together? A lot of questions were going through my head as we drove there.
From the outside, it appeared to be an abandoned hospital but it doesn't look like the usual ones.
"This place gives me the creeps." Clint said as we entered.
"It looks like a mental hospital." Steve noted as he touched the padding on the wall.
"We are not here to decipher what this place is. Let's just find Wanda and get out of here." I said as we all separated into different sections to expand our range of search. Since we think it's a hospital, there were lots of rooms to check but all of them were empty until we heard Steve through the comms.
"You guys might want to come up here. I found Wanda." I rushed upstairs while Clint went to get the car ready. When I arrived, Steve had just finished untying Wanda from her restraints but the first thing I saw was the pool of blood on the floor.
A knife was lodged in her thigh and they were still dripping blood. "Hey." She still managed to speak.
"Don't waste your energy. We'll get you to Bruce ASAP." I tied my belt just above her cut to restrict her blood from pouring before Steve lifted her up to get to the car.
"Why is it always you who gets kidnapped?" I said as we were at the back of the seat while Clint was speeding back. She shook her head and I knew she was losing her consciousness and rushed Clint to hurry.
"I'm trying."
While on our way there, Tony called to inform us that he found where Allie was located. Since we were almost reaching the compound, Bruce came to pick her up before we rushed to the location that Tony sent.
"I'll take care of her. Go and find Allie." He reassured us before running back to the lab with Wanda in his arms.
Your POV I woke up in a dimly lit room and saw the two men that caused me to be in this size. I moved my head around and noted I was in a warehouse? A hangar?
"Brother." Vodka, the black hair guy spoke first.
He placed the gun on the table and stood up. "Do you know her?" He took out a photo from his chest pocket. Even during the summer he was still wearing a black long coat. He showed me a picture of what I'm assuming is an older version of Hailey. The person in the picture has the same hairstyle and colour. She was wearing a medical coat since she told me she was once a scientist for them.
"Who is she?" I questioned, feigning innocence. "You really think a kid like me knows this aduit?"
"That is if you are truly a kid." I have no idea if he has any evidence but I wasn't going to give up so easily. "You don't even seem afraid in this situation." That's because I'm desperately trying to figure out how to use my powers to get me out of this situation right now. I'm not even sure what my powers were.
"Brother, maybe she isn't the one." He took out his knife from god knows where and pointed it at him. Vodka instantly shut his mouth and took a step back.
"Just tell me if you know her and you won't have to suffer."
"I really don't know her. I don't have anything you want! Let me go!" I struggled against my restraints. He was getting more frustrated as he turned to look at Vodka before looking back at me.
"Listen here, you piece of shit." He grabbed my shoulder so tightly that I thought it was going to pop out. "I don't know how you manage to help her to escape. But you better come clean before you drown in your own blood. Nobody is coming to save you."
I let air out of my lungs before speaking. "I have nothing!" I screamed in pain as he dug deeper into my muscles.
"The next one would be the gun." He raised his left hand and Vodka gave him his gun before he placed the metal on my right shoulder. "I just want answers, kid."
"Like hell I'm going to give it to you." I kicked his leg with all I had and he pulled the trigger causing the chair to fall backwards. I definitely have a hole on my shoulder now.
"How dare you!" He lifted me up along with the chair and this must be a regular occurrence as his partner knew to cut my restraints and Gin didn't even say anything.
He threw me to the ground. "You're going to wish you never did that." He raised his fist and started punching me. "I gave you a chance. You refuse to take it and you dare to kick me!" He was throwing punches over punches. Maybe I got the timing wrong, when the hell are they going to rescue me?
"Stop right there!" Our heads turned towards the source of the sound. I could only see the outline of the people there as the sun was shining in. It looked like one was holding a gun and another a frisbee.
Knowing that my rescuers were finally here and he was forced to make a move, he quickly moved off me and attempted to shoot me. I closed my eyes and braced myself for this impact when I heard the gunshot but there was no pain. Blood however, was dripping on me.
Seeing that his brother got shot, Vodka wanted to pull out his gun as well but he was too late, the metal frisbee went in contact with his arm and he dropped the gun before Gin told him to get out of here.
"Allie! Are you okay?" I groaned slightly when Steve lifted me up.
"She has a GSW on her shoulder." Natty said she had placed pressure on my wound which I wasn't sure was helping at this point. I bit down my lip as the pain surged through my body.
"Two kidnappings in one day. That can't be good." I heard Natty say. Two kidnappings? Who else was kidnapped?
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ivycorp · 2 years
Tarn and his made up love triangle, because I need to talk about his crushes on Pharma and Megatron who most definitely are in love with different mechs sorry Tarn
As the mech turned, the doctor smiled and extended a servo holding a freshly removed t-cog, the other holding a cup of fuel.
"Ah, doctor, you didn't have to, you just gave me one this morning," the phase sixer said, nevertheless taking the offering with a pleased sigh. The melody caused the medic to shiver, as the shorter frame pressed itself against Tarn, warm and inviting.
Just as the DJD leader was about to respond to the hint to touch the mech, his comms burst to life - a priority channel.
Megatron was calling him!
"Doctor, a moment, I'll be right back, I promise," he said, extracting the delicate arms (such lovely servos, so fragile compared to his strength) and dashing towards an empty corner, opening the line.
"My Lord, what can I do for you?" Tarn asked, giddiness making his vocaliser glitch a bit.
"Always so direct, that is why you're my favorite, Tarn - don't tell this to Soundwave," he heard in response, excitement so high he wasn't sure he would not faint on the spot.
"Of course, my Lord," the phase sixer rushed to reassure, glad to be a confidante for his supreme commander.
"I have a task just for you, and I expect you to not disappoint me, Tarn," came a low growl over the comm, which made the mech's knee joints actually buckle.
"Whatever you need, my Lord, it shall be done," the tall bot confirmed, trying not to pay attention to the jealous looks Pharma was shooting in his direction.
"Great, I'll see you in my quarters in two cycles then," came the answer, and the line dropped.
Tarn was for yet again thinking about the tragedy of having two relationships at once, as Pharma approached to steal his attention again.
"There, done for today," mused Tarn, typing up his fanfiction as he was used to doing every delacycle or so. Since he arrived back at Nemesis to rendezvous with Megatron, he found himself with more time than usual.
His Lord was a very busy mech, he knew, but it was a bit saddening to not be able to talk to him for longer than a few clicks, as Megatron was recently under a horrifying amount of supervision.
Tarn hoped it wasn't anything bad, seeing how often his commander was in the medbay…
Yet thinking about medicine made him groan internally, as he would be reminded of Pharma, who was somewhere on the planet. He promised to find him once he gets a proper meeting with Megatron - to talk about the List, the mission, maybe he could do something else, closer to him perhaps? - but as the talk was not happening, he could not leave to search for the other.
He was sure the jet was missing him already, even if he did not say it the last time they spoke...
Additionally, with Soundwave's recent extreme adherence to inter-fractional fraternization guidelines (which right now have been shortened to a "Under No Circumstances", underlined five times, with seven exclamation points) he would not be able to call the medic to arrange a meeting without drawing suspicion to himself.
Tarn sighed, resigning himself to yet another vigil around Megatron's quarters, to possibly catch the mech alone to talk. When he tried the office, he found it has been filled with so many reports it was not possible to actually work there, so the chances of meeting the supreme commander there were slim.
He tried going through Starscream, as much as it pained him to do so, but the only response was "Megatron is not available, I will let you know when that changes".
He couldn't really trust the seeker to do it, so here he was, by the door, waiting patiently for his Lord to return.
Meanwhile, in the conference room not far from Megatron's clogged office:
"Soundwave, I said I was sorry, I promise I won't call him ever again, please, don't make me read this!"
Megatron held no illusion of pride at this point, having been either prodded by Knock Out to get his entire medical file updated, as well as all maintenance and upkeep records checked and filled in - he even slept in the medbay, exhausted and tired from weird medications they made him take now that tasted horrible - but he has been forced into going through the report backlog that has gathered in his office.
He managed to stay compliant, as he could feel the punishment was relatively lenient considering the crime, but this?
This was torture.
A thin digit tapped the datapad again, allowing no argument.
Megatron considered just chewing through the pad to avoid reading it, but he had a sneaky suspicion Soundwave would just produce another instead.
And then another one, as punishment for breaking something of his.
The Decepticon Leader surrendered as he took the pad and started reading through "Lovers across the stars - a story of a devoted soldier, his charismatic leader, and their secret devotion" by MusicDrivesMeTowardsPeace.
Even he knew that was Tarn's pen name.
And just a few sentences in, he could already see the similarities in the characters on the page before him.
Stealing a look at Soundwave, Megatron knew the other chose this precisely because of that.
He could only thank the circumstances that he managed to get out of any actual conversation with Tarn so far - the only highlight in the Pit his life has become.
Focusing again on the page to not think about the reasons for all of this (as he suspected his TIC would somehow know if he even thought about Optimus), he started to read.
Last one prompted by this post of @paraxodicalundressing, related to the reason of megatron's circumstances and pharma's wherabouts
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intheticklecloset · 1 year
commissions open (+general life update)
This is a bit more rushed than I wanted it to be, but life decided to throw everything at me at once so I'm a little backed into a corner. Anyway, TLDR: I'm taking commissions again! There's no slot limit this time (unless y'all get crazy on me lol), but there are restrictions, so please read my updated commissions info page carefully before requesting. I'll try to put something a little prettier together when I have a minute to breathe. Also since paypal screwed me over I've had to move to Cash App. More info if you follow the link.
In addition, coffee shot requests are still open (and free!) so definitely feel free to send those in as well. It just may take me a bit to get to them. I'm scrambling a little, but I'll get caught up one day!
For those who wanna know all the things:
The good news is, I've finished moving into my new place! The bad news is, my car started acting up right as I was getting everything finalized, so all of my savings has gone into 1) paying double rent to give myself the month to get out of the old place and 2) paying for this expensive car repair (and that's only the first half of it - I have more to do next month).
I'm excited to be in this new environment that is a significant improvement over the old one (it's a lot quieter here so I'm able to hunker down and focus on writing a lot more, as well as being able to finally start getting caught up on all this anime I've fallen behind on), though I admit I have been very overwhelmed by the amount of things that I have but don't need anymore, so I've now got to start the process of unpacking/sorting through/donating things. Also I'm still working full time and have not had much time to myself due to all the chaos. And, as I mentioned, I've depleting my savings making this big life change.
Good news number two is my workplace underwent a management change due to so many people wanting to quit under our old boss, so we have a new one and they're a LOT better! So at least I'm not having to stress about that at this time anymore.
Overall I'd say things are definitely looking up, so I'm feeling good about life except for my financial situation. And on that note, I appreciate all the help I can get, but please don't feel pressured. This is my mess and I'll get myself out of it somehow. But I've been wanting to get back into writing regularly here again for a while, and thinking about opening commissions even before all of this went down in the last couple of weeks. I'll continue to share with everyone, regardless of if you're supporting me financially or not. I have a couple of fics already written that I plan to share soon, so you'll not be without content even if I don't get comms. Your moral support is just as needed and appreciated, trust me. <3
I think that's all I've got for now. Thank you again for all of your support, patience, kind messages, and general care/interest about my life outside of the writing. You're the reason I decided to stick around, so thank you. <3
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior*
Chapter Twenty
Rex's POV
When the blast went off, the droids slumped over where they stood. We did it...Then came the shock wave....the blast threw me. I lay sprawled out on my back looking up at the sky. I must be alive still...that's good...the squad....Raven...I slowly sat up and looked around. My head hurt and there was a loud ringing in my ears. Must have bown our or comms. I see no threat in the area but my stomach drops. Where's everyone else? As I survey the area, finally some familiar armor comes into view. I take my bucket off. "Sir! Sir? Are you alright?" He sounded muffled through the ringing. He too had taken his bucket off so I was able to read his lips. "Yeah I'm fine, just hard of hearing" I reply after a moment. He helps me up. "Injuries?", "I haven't been able to locate everyone yet. But I've got Hardcase, Dogma, Tup, and Jesse over there" Kix points off into the bushes. I slowly stand up and collect myself, the ringing in my ears is starting to quiet. "And Raven?" I ask, looking over Kix face for any clue as to how she is. "We haven't found her yet sir. Comms are down" he responds picking my bucket up and handing it to me. "We will send a group to the exfil point and see if the drop ships are there" I command. "Sir, yes sir" Kix replies and we both head over to the other four.
"Everyone all right?" I look each of them over quickly. "Hardcase, Dogma, and Tup. I want you three to head to the exfil point and see if the drop ships are waiting. Kix, stay with me, we need to find the others", "On it sir" Tup salutes before the 3 head off to do as they were told. I slide my bucket back on and use the HUD to scan for heat signatures. They've gotta be around here somewhere. Stepping over the droids we carefully begin our search. "Hey Cap, over here!" Kix yells from off to my right. I jog over and see Raven laying face down in the dirt. Kix carefully looks her over before rolling her on her back. "She's been knocked out" Kix says looking for obvious injuries. "I don't see any external injuries but there might be internal ones. Get her helmet off and I'll scan her" Kix commands. I do as he says and carefully slide her helmet off. She's definitely out cold. Kix scans her and looks at the results. "Her vital signs are good, but she's probably got a concussion" he explains. "I've got her. Go look for Fives and Echo", "Won't have to look far sir". I look up and see the two of them heading our way. Echo is helping Fives walk. "Looks like we got them! Di'kutla (stupid) clankers!" Fives says. I can't take my eyes off of Raven, I should have protected her. "Cap? Hey Cap?" I hear Echo. I shake my head clearing my thoughts - my men need me - "Yeah?", "She going to be alright?". "Yeah she will be, we need to get moving to the exfil" I say handing Kix her helmet. I scoop her up and I swear I hear her grunt "It's alright, I've got you" I whisper.
Raven's POV
I feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness. The wonderful thing about beskar is, yes it in fact can hold up against anything. However, when you are thrown 50 feet and hit the ground as hard as I did, it doesn't stop internal damage. My head hurts too much to open my eyes but I can hear very muffled voices through the intense ringing. Suddenly I'm being scooped off the ground, causing an involuntary grunt. I can feel the vibrations of someone's chest like they are talking but I have no idea whats being said. Rex...it's gotta be Rex. I nizzle myself closer to him as I feel myself slipping from consciousness again.
This time when I wake, I open my eyes to bright lights. I quickly squeeze them shut and my head is throbbing. Thankfully the ringing is gone and I can hear voices but they are somewhat muffled. My name is said and so is... Rex... I open my eyes again and sit up. This time I use my arm to shield my eyes from the light. I blink a few times, vision still blurry I can make out the two standing in the door, they are in white and blue plastoid. One comes over and puts a hand on my shoulder slowly pushing me to lay back down. "Raven? Raven can you hear me?"I blink a few more times and look up to where the voice was coming from. It's Kix. "Rex?" I ask. Kix laughs "He's fine. He will definitely be happy to see you" he nods at the second person in the room and I hear the door open. "Try to relax, you hit your head pretty hard so it might take a second to get readjusted" he explains. "Anyone-", he cuts me off "No one was severely hurt, Fives has a fractured ankle but other than that, just some scraps". I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest "Thank Maker" I whisper and lay back. Kix hands me some water which I gladly accept. The realization is now hitting me, I'm in the med bay on the Resolute.
After a few minutes I feel like I've collected myself enough, Kix helps me sit up and swing my feet over one side of the bed. I notice my armor neatly staked in the chair by the bed. Looking down I see I still have my flight suit unbuttoned to my waist, exposing my tank top. Kix must have noticed me studying myself "Sorry, I had the medical droid check you over for any more injuries. Looks like you've just got a mild concussion". "It's alright, thanks Kix" I say smiling up at him. He looks like he wants to say something but is holding back "what is it Kix?" I ask. The hesitates for a second "You know me, I don't like to get into everyone's personal business....however....I've never seen Cap look at anyone the way he looks at you. I've also never really seen him scared but if you blinked you would have missed it. I can tell he really cares about you and I think you really care about him", "I care about all of you Kix. Whether you like it for not, you are all a part of my family now" I try to deflect. "That's not what I'm getting at and I think you know it" he says quirking his brow at me, "your like a sister to me too you know". "I know Kix, he does care about me and I care about him, but I'm not sure if he's ready for everyone to know that yet so can we keep it between us?" I ask. "Sure thing Sen'ika (little bird). But I will say, I'm pretty sure everyone knows" He lights up at my admission. "You know at first I hated the nickname, but it's growing on me" I laugh. "If it makes you feel better I call Fives Sheb'ika (little asshole) sometimes" he says so matter of factly, I can't help but laugh uncontrollably. "Don't make me laugh that hard! My head hurts! But that might be the best thing I've ever heard!"
Just then the door opens and Rex is there with Echo. They both give each other a confused look at my hysterics. Rex visibly relaxes. Echo comes over and sits next to me on the bed "You must be feeling better" he smiles at me. I lean into his shoulder "Other than a headache, I'm doing alright. I'm glad to see you guys in one piece. That got pretty dini'la (insane)". "Yeah no kidding" says Rex rubbing the back of his neck. "So? Was it a missions success?" I ask Rex. He walks over and sit in the chair across from me. I can see the tiredness all over his face. "Yeah, yeah it was. General Skywalker said the minute the base was gone, the droids all disabled. Whatever was in there was controlling them like we thought". "Good, that's good" I say leaning my head into Echo and closing my eyes for a second, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm exhausted". "You need to get something to eat before you do that" Kix almost sounds like a parent scolding his child. "Alright Buir (Papa)" I joke and he rolls his eyes. "I should probably go check on Fives. He's kind of miserable on crutches" Echo says before standing up. I grunt at his motion "I was comfy", Echo smirks at me "Hey you've got two other options in this room but I think Kix need to check on Fives again". The heat is rising up my face "I'll see you guys later". With that, they both head out, leaving Rex and I in the room alone. He is starting at the floor. I get up and crouch in front of him, resting both my hands on his knees, "Rex?". He slowly pulls his eyes from the floor to meet mine, "Yeah?". "Everything alright?", "Yeah- yeah- everything is fine. It's just been a long day" he replies. I study his face, his honey brown eyes have dark circles starting to appear around them, and only about half open. I stand up and extend a hand "lets go get something to eat and then some rest mhm?". He looks up at me and slowly moves to take my hand before standing up "Yeah, that sounds good".
At this point most of the squad had already eaten and/or opted for sleep first. Can’t say I blame them, fighting most of the day and being blown up is exhausting. Rex and I ate together, mostly in silence with the occasional small talk. Poor guy, he just looks exhausted. I roll my shoulders and my neck feeling the tension from the day “I’m going to get some rest. You should too”. I give him a look, knowing he will likely try to stay up and work on his after action report. He just looks up at me from his tray “I need to get started on the report-“, “Captain Rex, I am ordering you to at LEAST get 4 hours of sleep” I cut him off. He half smiles at me and gives me a lazy salute “Sir, yes sir”. “If you don’t make sure you are taking care of yourself then I will” I say getting up and taking care of my tray. Rex continues to sit there for a moment thinking over what I said.
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 2 months
✨ Art Commissions Open w/ Writing Commissions Mentioned Too ✨
Hey everyone!
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Give me ten dollars and I'll draw you a profile pic of your OC or a favorite character of yours.
Give me twenty and I'll draw you your OC AND your favorite character together. Something basic like cheek to cheek, cheek kisses, side hugs, etc. Just depends.
OPEN BELOW FOR MORE IMPORTANT INFORMATION BELOW PLS! Also please answer the poll below the cut if you really want to help me out.
If you don't have the money please reblog, reblog, REBLOG!
It's August 5 as I'm making this so I'll keep this open until September, meaning until then anyone and everyone can send in their comms before I shut this post down and start over in September. Let's see how this goes, if we do a good job I'd love to do something like this every month just to draw for people.
Imma push myself so I'll open 15 spots to do these commissions. I think well for one, outside of the fact that I get to practice my art if people pick me I do actually enjoy talking to everyone. Especially fans.
Notes to Consider:
Artist who needs and wants money. Been talking about getting one of those at home treadmills and other home gym equipment so I can work on my body and get it back to the right shape I want it so it doesn't play with my head and trigger something
I'll do lineart, coloring, and shading for these of course. I only take Cashapp, Venmo, cash one, etc.
I plan on returning to school next year if my body is up to conditions by that time. To do that I really want this at home gym equipment stuff. I was even thinking that if I get it I can make another account and document my workouts. Probably will be on discord or things like a second Twitter for me but it depends on y'all.
Please be above 18 when commissioning me. I'll check your account for one...and for two these things can already be stressful, I don't need someone else's child being added to that.
Other art commissions are available, highest pricing is like $105 but I gotta check again. I'll link the post HERE.
I'll do 10-20 for chibis, 15 to 25 for sketching, 35 to 45 for lineart and basic coloring. 50 for regular shading and highlights, 60 for second line of lineart because going over it a second time is better for me but also looks neater. 75+ dollars include multiple (up to five sketches) of how I thought about drawing your character/s. For the $105 I'll give the sketches but they'll be lineart neatly, the time lapse videos for your main piece and the sketches after, shout-outs to you for working with me, a short blurb for your character and/or ship. I know with the art community some argue that we over price. This is literally the bare minimum especially with everything I'm going through between being immobile for the most part, living with trauma in a household where people gave me said trauma, being mentally unstable and even needing money to get that checked on. I would prefer $105 for the whole bundle I listed above. If you don't want to pay the $105 then you aren't paying for the bundle. So don't worry.
Outside of school I'm hoping I can join a more serious outside gym later to keep my body in shape. I have an interest in boxing and tai quando so I'd love to join a community for that around me. Same for some sports like tennis which I used to play when I was a lot younger. I love swimming so a swimming class could be fun and I've always been anxious about this but I'd love nothing more than to join a fun dance exercise group thingy.
Gotta keep my dog up to date, I've been talking about getting his next check up but disability bills go so far when you are helping others in your house to pay for things... I went from 802 to currently 200 in just a few days. Please help me out guys I'm begging. I've started a thing for piggy banking but I've never done it before so it definitely takes self discipline. I'm hoping that with the funds I make here I can just put the money in the piggy bank and open it by January...
Um if check ins are needed I don't mind give one every couple days to a week.
I have to pay for some stuff a sibling broke while I was sicker and couldn't keep things safe...I'd like to get those fixed or replaced but a few hundred dollars were lost there too..
I still do writing commissions as well. Check that post HERE.
Here's some art that I've done recently for reference of what you COULD get but with these the characters will probably be more chibi-ish compared to my normal style ^^`
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Some of these I'm sure I've posted before but I need more things to draw y'all! Outside of the money I really hope I get to practice my drawing skills some more..
DM me or comment if you are interested.
Also here's a poll to enforce engagement ^^`
I'm serious guys. With the last poll on commissions people voted but I have yet to actually have anyone ask me about commissions or to do anything for them. If you don't have the money please don't vote, in a situation like mine the last thing I need is to get my hopes up.
If you are also serious and stand of your word then I'm happy to meet you in my dms for further communication.
Oh and preferably I would appreciate drawing for characters that are in the same fandom I'm in. You'll find a list of those fandoms HERE so check those out before texting me or asking me anything. No I will not conform to a request just because I need the money, pick a fandom that I share with you and we should have no issues.
I'll also post any commissions I get either here on Tumblr, on Twitter, deviantart, and/or Tiktok. (I'll post on all.) If you want to be mentioned when I post let me know that before I actually post. I'll warn you when I am.
If you have any questions on these RULES or anything please dm me before ever actually sending in money. DONT SEND ME ANYTHING UNTIL WE BOTH COME TO A FIRM AGREEMENT ON WHAT OUR INTERACTION WILL BE, pls and thank you. I already had one person who didn't read my rules before sending money and tried to put that all on me...I don't need that again.
Just to make sure it doesn't happen again I'll even ask you three questions revolving around this post when you dm me just to make sure you ACTUALLY read it.
Thank you to anyone who's made it this far, bigger thank you to those happy and ready to help me. I look forward to hearing from you guys!
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I'm really hoping I blow up for this post Lord Please.
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fantastickkay · 1 year
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Album Review of the Week: Paramore - This Is Why (2023) ☆☆☆☆
Paramore's long awaited return (after their 2017 album, After Laughter) has finally arrived, once again they have made an existential crisis sound like fun! They promised a return to their punk pop roots, and I do believe they delivered.
The album opens with This Is Why. The chorus is strangely addicting but I cannot help but feel as though Hayley's vocals are far too reminiscent of her recent solo debut. Personally, I prefer the live version - at least how it was performed on Jimmy Fallon's late night show. Even with that, it was a very strong lead single and made for a great appetizer for what was to come!
The News served as the second single, as well as the second track. It has the same aggressively cacophonic chorus, but the verses are punched up a bit compared to the previous track. I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this song, I know I can, of the need to know but the desire to live a peaceful life. Those 2 things don't exactly go together when you're talking about keeping up with the news!
Running Out of Time is the star of the show and golden child for me. The first time I heard it, I was almost surprised and had a handful of thoughts and feelings. It was so odd to hear her voice so soft, especially on a Paramore track. Then, when I heard her voice again as the background, it also felt a little weird as usually the guys are at least doing background vocals. The music video made it all make sense and click for me, and now it's one of my favorite singles of the year! I absolutely love the vocals all throughout and I, indeed, do always feel as though I am running out of time.
C’est Comme Ça is another really really interesting track. Verses are spoken word, and very cheeky, while the chorus is extremely striking with crazy yet fun-to-imitate vocals. It almost leaves me speechless, making for quite a short paragraph!
Big Man, Little Dignity is a nice song, but to be honest it is definitely one of the more boring tracks in my opinion. I like it, but there isn't a whole lot to say.
Then, we punch it back up again with You First. This is my favorite non-single track. It has a thoughtful message, which again plays into my own thoughts and worries, with another interesting melodic delivery. It's also probably the first real punk/pop song (I'm not an expert at genres, don't come for me) on the album which is great.
Figure 8 is also really good, but it is very similar to the previous track so it doesn't stand out to me as much.
Liar reminds me a lot of Lana Del Rey, it is slow and has a hauntingly beautiful vocal delivery. I definitely look forward to having this on my autumn playlists.
Crave is another one with a personally relatable message about wanting to be in the moment so bad you tend to miss it sometimes. Looking forward to the memory instead of savoring the fact that it is happening right now! Love the vocal delivery in the chorus.
Thick Skull is a little slow for my taste, it is a little reminiscent of Weezer somehow. I may be relating it to Say It Ain't So. It is interesting that Thick Skull is the first song they wrote for the album and This Is Why is the last, when they are reversed on the album order. (This is from the video uploaded to accompany the album upon release to Spotify)
Overall, this is a really great album and while it comes in a little short at 10 tracks, it makes good use of the time and space it does occupy. P.S., I'll be seeing them on August 2nd, so very excited for that!
0 notes
➳the search party ❦
in which there is much one-sided pining after a mystery girl saves fred weasley in the battle of hogwarts. the reader helps him search for her but what fred doesn't know is the girl is y/n l/n, his flatmate.
fred weasley x fem!reader
word count: ±1.6k
tw: mentions of the war
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ft. the reader's very good acting skills
and all the pieces fall
right into place
the search party
the last thing fred remembered of the girl who held the wall up was her gaze. under the dimness of the world around them, he could tell she was on a mission. her eyes were cold and determined. her ponytail had swerved violently and that was the last time he ever saw her. or so he thought.
he didn't know that the very girl sat opposite to him, munching happily on icecream with a satisfied smile on her face, curiously drinking in the very familiar view of hogsmeade.
y/n l/n kept two secrets from him. the first was the massive crush she had had on him ever since he had left to open the joke shop, and the second, well, it was that she was the girl he had claimed that had saved him.
she had listened to his tales of pining after the girl with a bittersweet mood. he'd probably lose all romantic feelings when he discovered that the girl was her. if she was anyone else but her, she'd find herself very unpleasant.
he had suggested that they go on a trip to hogsmeade one sunday to possibly find the girl. with a little hesitation, she'd agreed.
for the most part, playing clueless was easy, especially when you knew everything he didn't.
there was just one problem. he only knew her by her gaze. y/n scoffed quietly to herself. fred was probably the most dreamy out of the both of them, surprisingly, considering y/n's terribly romantic thoughts that she had conjured from her lifetime of watching her friends absolutely fall in love with people.
they watch the people that pass with a sort of hidden interest.
y/n doesn't even bother trying to find the girl, instead observing every passerbyer with interest, analysing them quickly.
"d'ya think she's here or maybe in london?"
y/n shrugs, "anything's possible in a world of people. if it's fate, it'll happen."
"none of these people have the look in their eyes!"
"well that look did happen in the war, so it must've been a special type of condition that caused her to have the gaze," y/n offers.
"yeah, i think so."
they fall back into a comfortable silence.
fred now has a sneaking suspicion that y/n knows who it might be. right now, she's wearing sunglasses though. he can't tell anything.
"she's got the same sort of hair," fred nods his head in the way of a girl with her hair up.
y/n nods, "wanna approach her?"
"nah, she's looking over here."
"quick, avert your gaze subtly."
"okay, okay. i don't see why though. is my gaze not smouldering enough?"
y/n laughs, "it's creepy for sure."
"you wound me."
"truth hurts, freddie."
they watch as the girl watches them with narrowed eyes.
"that's definitely not her. she had pretty eyes," fred ponders.
"maybe you could post a note of some sort on the joke shop?" y/n jokes, "girl wanted, strong gaze, ponytail, saved me in the war?"
she laughs at his disgruntled expression as he folds his arms.
"maybe i should."
y/n bursts out laughing again, "i was joking!"
"i wasn't!"
she shakes her head, "suit yourself."
"why, i do have a suit!"
"it's an expression, dummy."
"how am i supposed to know?"
"you just do!"
"extremely helpful."
"that i am, mister."
this type of playful banter continues into the night, as they occasionally walk up to strangers to check their 'gaze'.
the search is unsuccessful, and soon y/n needs to get to her job at flourish and botts, where she works as the manager on the nights of weekdays, whilst she works as head of magical wellbeing at the ministry from monday to saturday.
"hi mister boris!" she says as she fiddles with an apron, open up the cash register and sorting the new stock.
"bonjour y/n," he says distractedly, frantically searching for something, "have you by la chance seen the book of french for wizards?"
y/n nods, immediately climbing a different shelf and hands him the leather bound cover.
"this is why i hired you. excellent."
"you hired me because i could find books...?"
"you were in here too much tes jours d'école."
"it's a nice place," she gives him a small smile.
"ahh, the weasley boy from just down the road, he came up to me and asked me if i knew of a girl with a ponytail, and when angry, has the prettiest eyes. say, it does sound like you, oui?"
"non," she answers in an easy manner, "not at all."
"and how come, mademoiselle?"
"it is not."
"well i do hear angeliqua johnson saying something, oui, what was it? sauveuse, perhaps that is like tu?"
she laughs, "you got me. angie's right. i dunno how she knows though."
"so it is you! comme c'est excitant! how exciting!"
"not really, boris."
"how so?"
"he's looking for her! imagine how disappointed he'll be when he finds out she's me!"
"it's half true, i guess. it's not exciting, but the story's very well real."
"i n’y a pas de verités moyennes. there are no half truths, mademoiselle."
"very sophisticated, boris." y/n rolls her eyes and continues to dust the shelves.
at the end of her shift, it's almost 10p.m.
she closes up and is surprised to find it's raining.
smiling to herself, she walks in the rain happily, enjoying the beautiful ambience of hogsmeade in night rain.
a tap on her shoulder brings her out of her thoughts. she stands face to face with cormac mclaggen.
unbeknownst to her, fred stands watching the exchange.
"hello, mclaggen."
"nice night, isn't it, darling?"
y/n sighs, "what do you want?"
"i want your company."
"no, goodbye. come to chase another girl who won't give you what you want?"
he scoffs, "i get all that i want. every single girl."
"get out of my face mclaggen," her tone is dangerous and hard. fred can tell she isn't angry just yet.
"as soon as you accept my date request."
"the first words you spoke to me, mclaggen, was 'you are a miserable beauty'. what makes you think i'll ever accept?"
"well just look at you, all pretty and vanilla-"
"get out of my way," she snaps, "all pretty and vanilla is out of your league."
fred watches as her eyes turn cold and furious, before she turns away with a swish of her ponytail, sparing one last cold glance at cormac and walks quickly away.
he's struck with realisation. he's seen that expression before. he's seen the hair before. those pretty eyes that gleam ominously. it's the girl. she's the girl. suddenly everything comes into place.
he doesn't know how or why or when exactly.
all he knows is that he loves y/n. and she's the one he's been looking for after all.
he runs after her. "y/n!"
"mclaggen just get out!" she turns to face him with those eyes, and that hair.
her eyes soften at the sight of him. they turn a bit lighter.
"oh, hi freddie."
"why didn't you tell me?"
"what?" y/n fiddles with her jumper hem. he can't know, can he?
"that all this time, we've been searching for you!"
she looks dismayed, "uh huh. yeap."
"why did you keep it secret?"
"i did think of telling you, but y'know, i played it out all in my head, and you seemed very excited and all, i didn't want to ruin it by just telling you this magnificent love story," she put quotation marks, "was with me. if i were you, i'd be disappointed, so i just let you go on with the nice fantasy. and whilst i'm spilling all my secrets i might as well get it all out. i like you maybe more than i should. and so it would hurt twice as much if you reacted badly to it and, and-"
she's cut off by a kiss on her lips.
her eyes widen. when they both pull out of the kiss, he chuckles at how surprised she is.
"i like you too."
"so you're not mad?"
"no, just never keep a secret from me again."
"and you need to promise me something."
"what is it?"
"that you'll be my girlfriend."
she smiles, "okay."
"that's it?"
"yup. okay."
she's grinning as she places a kiss on his nose, having to balance on her tiptoes to reach him. he blushes.
"and thank you."
"saving me, loving me."
"always, freddie."
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tlcwrites · 3 years
A birthday gift for @paper-n-ashes
Summary: When you steal the Supreme Leader's sweater, there are... repercussions.
Word Count: 3483
Tags/Warnings: Kylo Ren x Fem Reader. NSFW, 18+. MINORS DNI; PIV sex, unprotected sex (no glove no love), oral sex (m receiving), fingering, heavy dom/sub dynamic, praise kink, breath play, I'm probably forgetting other kinks but I finished this at 3AM last night and I'm not even sure that I used real words let alone remember what I wrote so if I missed any let me know and I'll update the tags, smuuuuuuut for daaaays, canon what's canon The Rise of Skywalker can go fuck itself mostly except for that beautiful white set of rooms on the Steadfast.
Author’s Note: It's my hetero lifemate @paper-n-ashes' birthday today (at least in my timezone for a few more hours so IT COUNTS sorry Sarah at least you got to read it yesterday) and she has been waiting SO patiently for me to finish this damn fic. I started writing it back in like November? Maybe even October? and have struggled so fucking hard with finding the mojo to finish it. Then out of the blue this week, said mojo came back and I figured Sarah's birthday was the perfect deadline. So, voila. And don't forget to go tell her how awesome she is.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SISTER IN THIRST AND SHAMELESS HOEING. I couldn't actually get you Kylo so I got you this instead. #throne room hair is the best hair forever the end
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You’re perched on the sofa, open book on your lap, when the comm chimes. You can’t help your soft smile; it’s finally that time of the day cycle.
You don’t bother answering the comm, since it’s an alert, not a call. Closing your book, you rise and return it to the bookcase set into the wall of the lounge. With a gentle press, the hatch closes, and the bookcase disappears into the stark white expanse of the rest of the room, precious cargo hidden. Books are an expensive indulgence, even for the Supreme Leader.
Or whomever he choses to share them with.
You cross to the base of the stairs that lead to the chamber’s entrance and open a small compartment, also a part of the structure of the room. You toe off your slippers, setting them carefully inside the cubby. Your soft leggings pants are next, folded carefully. You start to remove your sweater as well, but hesitate. It is chilly. For all of the technology the First Order has amassed, you’d think they’d have figured out how to keep their Destroyers at a comfortable temperature.
You leave the sweater. He’ll definitely have an… opinion about it.
Now bare but for the sweater and your bra, so scant it hardly deserves the term, you take your place at the base of the stairs. The hem of the sweater brushes your thighs. Standing tall, feet together, hands clasped loosely behind you, you wait. You keep your eyes on the blast doors.
When the doors finally open, you smile softly. “Good evening, Supreme Leader.”
His cape billows behind him as he descends the stairs (he’s clearly inherited his family's flair for dramatics). As he reaches the bottom, you respectfully drop your gaze. His boots stop in front of you, your bare feet looking so small compared to his. But then again, everything looks small compared to him.
He raises a gloved hand and strokes the back of a finger down the collar of your sweater. “What’s this?” His voice is throaty and deep. As usual, it sends a thrill through you.
You keep your eyes downcast. “A sweater, Supreme Leader.”
“Clearly.” His finger continues down from the collar of the garment, caressing the soft rise of your breasts. “Perhaps I should rephrase my question.” His finger catches your nipple, and you can’t help but gasp. “What is my sweater doing on your body, when your body doesn’t have permission to be wearing anything?”
You finally risk a glance up. His face is impassive, but there’s a glint in his eyes. He’s amused.
You raise your chin. He loves when you’re confident. “It was cold.”
“Cold.” The finger continues to tease your nipple through the fibers. “In space.” The tease turns into a flick, and you barely smother your gasp. His lips twitch. “Imagine that.”
He’s in a good mood. You decide to toy with him. “Perhaps I simply need something substantial to keep me warm, Supreme Leader.”
One eyebrow raises, ever so slightly. He’s going to play along. “Do you find my care unsatisfactory?”
“Of course not, Supreme Leader.” His finger has shifted to your other nipple. You take a shuddering breath. “I would never dare to question your wisdom.”
He shifts almost imperceptibly closer to you. “And yet-” He brings that accursed finger back up your sternum, tracing up your neck and ghosting over your jaw. “-is that not exactly what you’ve done by ignoring my directive?”
He passes the leather-wrapped digit over your lips, stroking the soft skin. “Nothing to say, pet?”
You drop your eyes again. “My most sincere apologies, Supreme Leader.”
His hum of approval reverberates in your chest. “I imagine they will be.” He applies the barest hint of pressure to your lips. “Open.”
You comply immediately, opening your mouth enough to allow his finger entrance. The leather tastes so different from his skin. He presses the thick digit inside, and doesn’t have to say a word as you begin to suck obediently. He adds a second finger and you can’t stifle your moan.
“Good girl.”
Two words. Just two words, hummed in that honeyed voice, and you can practically feel your arousal dripping down your thighs. You glance up once more.
He’s watching you, his pupils blown wide with arousal. Maker, you love his eyes. You can always read him through his eyes. He tries so hard to bury his emotions, but nothing can be hidden in their cinnamon depths. And right now, his eyes say that he’s about half a standard second away from losing what’s left of his famously little control.
Hmm. Time to have a little more fun.
You deliberately graze his fingers with your teeth, the leather of his glove supple under your bite.
His cheek twitches and you know instinctively he’s chewing on it. “You’re playing with fire, sweetheart,” he warns you.
Pulling your mouth off his fingers with a ‘pop’, you smile serenely up at him. “Whatever do you mean, Supreme Leader?”
“You know exactly what I mean,” he purrs, dragging his spit-soaked fingers along the edge of your jaw, his own clenched as he tries to keep himself in check. “Careful you don’t get burned.”
Your smile becomes less teasing, and more sincere. It’s okay, you think, knowing he’ll be able to feel your emotions. You never guard yourself around him. I trust you, Master.
There’s a split second when his eyes search yours; for permission, for acceptance, for confirmation of that trust that you hold in him and that he holds in you. It’s a breath of a moment, but he leaves his raw self exposed.
He’s affection starved, your Supreme Leader, even if he’ll never admit it. Deep inside, where even his former masters couldn’t reach, is that little boy he once was; still desperate to please and be praised by those too focused elsewhere to pay attention, and terrified of disappointing those who do. It breaks your heart that he’s spent his whole life feeling so alone.
Your dynamic fills that void in a way he feels safe with. It’s on his terms. He needs your adoration; needs your worship. He craves the affirmation. No more abandonment and fear from those he should be able to trust most; no more abuse and gaslighting at the hands of those who are supposed to guide him.
Just trust, and love. Pure, unconditional love.
He presses his lips to yours.
You whimper into his kiss, pressing a hand against his massive chest to steady yourself.
In the next moment, he scoops you up, pressing you against the window and hooking your legs around his waist. You yelp at the coolness of the transparisteel against your back, even through the sweater, but he swallows your cry as he plunders your mouth.
“Kylo,” you whimper when he lets you up for air, but he ignores you, sucking a line down your neck to your collarbone.
“Get this off,” he growls, tugging at the neckline of the sweater. “Or I’ll take it off for you, and it won’t survive the removal.”
You let go of his shoulders, grasping the hem of the top and practically ripping it over your head.
His mouth is on you in an instant, those plush lips teasing one nipple at a time through your lacy scrap of a bra.
“Maker!” you gasp, flinging the sweater in the general direction of the floor and bringing both hands to grip his hair. Frantic fingers twist his dark waves. You could write sonnets to his hair. “Kylo!”
You feel the clasp of your bra come undone. He rips his lips from your breasts, and with one barely-there flick of his fingers, the undergarment is on the floor next to the sweater.
“Did you just-” It’s next to impossible to smother your giggle when you realize what he’s done. “I can’t imagine the Force is meant to be used for that.”
Kylo ignores you, although you’re positive you can detect the barest hint of a blush on his ears. But then you’re not paying attention to his ears, as he’s sucked one of your nipples back into his mouth and is grazing it with his teeth. Your moan turns into a shriek when he hooks his arms under your legs and hefts you higher against the wall, so it’s easier for him to feast on your flesh.
He shifts your weight to one of his massive arms, that paw of a hand gripping the opposite flesh of your rear as he brings his other hand back up to your mouth. “Open,” he commands once more.
You take the two still-gloved fingers as deep in your mouth as you can, gagging slightly as he presses on the back of your tongue.
His dark chuckle is breathless. “Such an eager whore,” he murmurs against your chest, your answering whimper going straight to his cock. Pulling his hand back, he nips the skin at your collarbone at the same time he drags the fingers you’ve just drenched straight through your swollen folds below.
“Do you even deserve my fingers, Pet?” He smirks as you drop your head back and moan. “Such a wanton little thing you are.” He teasingly traces a circle around your clit with just a fingertip, satisfaction growing at the sound the movement elicits from you.
“Master,” you gasp.
Without warning, he twists you away from the window, carrying you with ease to his desk. When he drops into his chair, he’s unable to suppress a sharp intake of breath as he settles you on his lap and brings your core into direct contact with his cock, hard and throbbing beneath his trousers. The contrast of your nudity with his still-clothed body is intoxicating. He guides your hips to roll against him again, your moans simultaneous as your cunt makes slick the leather stretched taut over his arousal.
Already closer to his breaking point than he'd prefer to admit, Kylo clamps his teeth down on the inside of his cheek hard enough to break the skin, the pain working as usual to allow him to refocus his energy and reclaim control of his passions. Unhinged as his reputation is, there is part of his life the Supreme Leader rules with meticulous care- you.
He knows you love him, and you’ve declared time and again it’s unconditional and without reservation. Your submission is a gift he knows he will never truly be worthy of. Maker knows he adores you with every part of his long-shrouded heart. But the fear never leaves him. Decades of distrust and broken promises means he lives in terror of the day his tenuous temper snaps, and he horrifies you or, stars forbid, truly hurts you.
That dark voice lurking at the back of his mind teases him with a possibility somehow perversely worse than fear or injury: abandonment. That you’ll inevitably see him at his most honest; broken, contemptible. Unworthy.
He loathes himself all the more, because he knows if it comes to it, he couldn’t survive letting you go. He isn’t strong enough to endure the loss of the only light he still has.
Unaware of his internal torture, you grip the front of his gambeson and try to rock your pelvis against him, whining as you’re foiled by his hands still gripping your hips. “Master, please.”
Your voice jerks him back to reality, and your begging makes his cock twice as hard. “Something you desire, Pet?” he purrs, grateful you were too wrapped in lust to notice his momentary lapse.
“You, Master.” You can’t help a frustrated whimper as you try once more to undulate against him and are again prevented from doing so. “Please, Kylo, let me please you.”
He reburies his anguish, and smirks at you. “Very well.” He releases your hips. “Please me.”
As soon as he lets go, you’re sliding off his lap and on to your knees, scrambling to unhook his belt. He obligingly helps you open his trousers. You make quick work of the placket and draw out your prize, salivating as you pump his already-leaking cock.
He hisses as your mouth engulfs him. “Yes, just like that. What a good, good girl you are.”
A lewd moan escapes around his length as he fists his hands in your hair.
He doesn’t need to say another word. You can read it in his eyes, every filthy, dark thought as you bob your head on his shaft. How good it feels when you take his cock in your throat; that he knows exactly how hot and wet it makes you when he fucks your mouth; how knowing you’re waiting in his quarters to be used as his personal whore is the only thing that gets him through the day. You moan again, and one corner of his mouth twitches.
You know him well enough to recognize it as a smirk.
“As delightful as this is, Pet,” he finally sighs, a slight waiver to his voice the only indicator of how close you already have him to release, “there’s a different part of you I desire at this moment.”
Releasing his cock with a ‘pop’, you continue to stroke him with your hand as you beam up at him. “As you wish, Master.”
Your mouth and chin are wet with precum and spit. He drags his thumb through the mess and brings it to your lips, his cock jumping in your grasp as you wrap your tongue around the digit.
“Up,” he snaps.
Rising immediately, you can’t help your squeak as he spins you to face the desk and pulls you back onto his lap, impaling you on his cock with one hard thrust. You gasp, unable to cry out as all the air is expelled from your lungs. Your arms are wrenched behind you by invisible bonds, the posture thrusting your breasts out. You hear his low chuckle as he tweaks both nipples while simultaneously bucking his hips, eliciting a shriek from you.
Thick fingers twist into your hair, pulling you back until you're flush with his chest. His breath is hot against your ear as he snarls two words that have your cunt clenching in anticipation: “Ride me.”
No further encouragement is necessary. He works your body over as you rock in his lap, reducing you to a burbling mass of arousal. Releasing his grip on your hair, his hands make their way down your body, the leather feeling so kriffing good as he caresses every inch of you.
Plush lips drag against your jaw as he leans forward, pressing his chest closer against your back. He trails his fingers up your thighs while simultaneously dragging his teeth along your earlobe. The noise that escapes you is undignified at best, and positively libidinous at worst.
The bastard’s smirk is obvious against your heated skin. “My beautiful Empress,” he murmurs, licking a stripe up your neck.
You can’t suppress your panting as he nips at the sensitive spot just below your ear. “I’m not your Empress,” you manage, your voice breathy with arousal as you continue to move.
“Mmmmm.” Kylo hums as his right hand trails up your abdomen to gently cup your left breast, those elegant fingers plucky at your nipple and making you moan. “Not yet.”
“Oh.” You squeak as he latches on to your pulse point, his teeth scraping over your skin as he marks you. His other hand drops to your core, fingertips stroking your folds as deftly as a musician plays a hallikset. You cry out as he deliberately ignores your clit, but your cry becomes a gasp as he abruptly slaps the inside of your thigh. “Kylo!”
“Feel how wet you are, little whore.” He pulls his hand from your cunt and wipes your slick across your cheek. “Only the most depraved whores drip like this.” When he wraps the same hand around your throat, you sob in euphoric bliss. His chuckle is low. “Look at you, reduced to a needy slut who wants nothing more than to be filled by her Master.”
You can’t help but moan as he tightens his grip, the other hand on your breast squeezing hard.
“Speak, Pet.” His order is hissed in your ear, his breath hot on your skin. “Tell me how much you want my cock.”
“Need you, Master,” you gasp, deliciously light headed from the lack of oxygen. “Need you to- oh, Maker!- need you to fill me, need you to fuck m-me oh!”
A squeal erupts as he abruptly thrusts up, hard, and proceeds to set a brutal pace. Helpless to do anything but take what he gives you, all you can do is wail and enjoy the desperation in his movements.
When he stands and surges forward, shoving you against his desk while still buried in your swollen heat, it’s just enough to send you over the edge and you crash into your climax with a scream.
Over your shoulder, you hear Kylo tsk in admonishment. “Oh, princess,” he chides, as you feel your Force bonds tighten even more, “you know better than to cum without permission.”
With that, he shoves you forward, pressing your chest flat against the thermoplastic and using his knee to spread your legs. You willingly comply, relishing in his hiss as he pumps into your wet, waiting warmth. He finally releases your throat, and the sensation of your cunt clenching as you cough is too much for him. His pace becomes blistering, each thrust sending your pelvic bone into the edge of the desk; speech is now beyond your power, incoherent babble all that remains as he obliterates your cunt.
The lewd symphony of your coupling is punctuated by his growls and your cries. You can already feel the crest rising anew and you beg for salvation. “Master, please!”
He grips the back of your neck, anchoring your head, snarling as he takes you with rapid, deep thrusts. “Do you think now you'll be able to follow instructions?”
You nod frantically, trying desperately to stave off your orgasm. “Yes, Master!”
His voice is deeper than ever, trembling slightly as he uses your body to chase his own end. “Tell me, my little slut; who owns you?”
“You, Master!” You can’t hold back the shriek that erupts from your lips as you feel that subtle tickling of his powers against your clit.
The sounds you’re making have him right on the edge. “You’re mine, all mine,” he sneers as you cry out once more. “Say it.”
“Yours, Kylo,” you gasp. “I’m yours!”
“You need to cum again, sweet little Pet?” When you frantically nod, he fists your hair and yanks your head back. “Do it,” he hisses next to your ear. “Cum for me. Now.”
You explode around him, screaming your pleasure. His echoing roar is your only warning before he slams into you a final time, ripping himself from your heat and snatching your body off the desk. You land on your knees just in time to receive his spend, splashing across your face and chest as he pumps his length.
It takes several moments before you can even start to become aware of your surroundings once more. In that time, Kylo has bundled you in your favorite cozy blanket, and cradles you in his lap as he smooths your hair back and murmurs sweet words of praise. His seed still decorates your body, and you preen as you feel his hands, finally ungloved, gently rub it into your skin as one more claim of his ownership.
Your contented sigh is what alerts him to your consciousness, and he can’t help his proud smile as your eyes slowly flutter open, or the chaste and caring kiss he presses to your temple. “How are you feeling, princess?”
A beaming smile is his reward. “Wonderful,” you sigh, and then giggle. “And filthy, in the best possible way.”
“As requested,” he slyly teases.
You notice that sometime during your torpor, he’s shed his gambeson and trousers, replacing them with soft lounge pants and  the stolen sweater. Hooking your fingers over the neckline, echoing his own earlier actions, you tug gently. “Thief.”
He laughs, your favorite sound in the galaxy. “The Jawa calls the Ewok short.” Your answering eye roll elicits another chuckle and another brush of his lips. “Happy birthday, love,” he murmurs against your forehead.
“Thank you, Supreme Leader.” Your smile is soft as you raise your face, content when he understands the overture and leans down to press his lips to yours. A/N: Alexa, play "I Want Kylo Ren To Rail Me on a Desk" by Beyoncé or someone.
Likes and reblogs feed my dirty, dirty soul. I always want to tag mutuals but then I feel like that would be super presumptuous even though I love being tagged, so IDK I guess send me an ask if you want me to tag you in new writings?
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theseptemberist · 2 years
For the WIP game, "Arcana Imperii", "untying ch 3", "Nyanakin pt 2: The Renyanaking", or "Spanky Spanky" please? I gave multiple options because the list was full of 👀 concepts and in case someone else already chose some of them. That said, please do not feel obligated to answer them all!
send me a WIP title from this list!
Thank you for the ask!! <3 If you follow my ao3 you'll know what the first two are. Spanky Spanky was my attempt at a fic that I still owe a friend from like. WAY too long ago and that I am probably going to throw away and redo because I don't like my idea lol. Nyanakin Pt 2 is a follow-up to my fic Lost Kitten with catboy Anakin and Obi-Wan hurt/comfort, playing with how cats will hover around their people if they're sick or injured.
Under the cut find a snippet of Nyanakin being cute, as well as a little bit of context and thirst from untying 3 that will probably end up being cut because I am trying to keep it short.
Yes, I am taking 50000 years to write untying 3 because I can't figure out how to keep it as concise as I want to. *palpatine voice* Ironic.
At least Anakin was begrudgingly allowing him to do paperwork from his bed, although he'd only acquiesced when Obi-Wan had pointed out how stressed he would be if he had to catch up on a whole week's worth when he was healthy. Still, Anakin had spent the day watching him intently and snatching away his datapad if it looked like he was frowning too much. It would have been extremely annoying had his concern not been so endearing. Obi-Wan was not used to being fussed over. The true extent of Anakin's solicitousness was revealed when Obi-Wan yawned and said something about how it was time for them both to get to sleep. "Sounds good!" Anakin, who'd been going over reports of his own at Obi-Wan's desk, got up and grabbed Obi-Wan's extra pillow. Obi-Wan watched, puzzled, as he fluffed it and placed it on the floor. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like?" Anakin laughed. "I'm going to sleep, like you said." "On the floor? You should go back to your bunk, Anakin. I'll be fine here." Anakin shook his head adamantly. "What if you need something in the middle of the night?" "Then I'll comm you, but you needn't sleep here! Really." "What's the matter? Scared I'm going to crawl in bed with you? I haven't done that since I was a youngling." Obi-Wan coughed and blushed lightly, hoping that Anakin wouldn't see. In fact, he was rather scared of that. Scared of what he might do, anyway. Because Anakin most definitely was not a youngling anymore... Obi-Wan shook his head. He couldn't think about that while Anakin was right there, sitting on his floor.... removing his tunic? "Fine." Obi-Wan said quickly. "You can stay, just... keep that on!" He must have imagined the flash of hurt in Anakin's eyes. "Not very comfortable for sleeping, but whatever you want." Anakin closed his tunic again and curled up on the floor, head to knees, his tail wrapped around himself. "Goodnight, Master." Obi-Wan sighed and turned out the light. Anakin sounded upset. He hoped he hadn't made things between them worse as a result of his own unspeakable attraction.
untying ch 3:
“Anakin?” He cracked open sandy eyes — and blinked, suddenly feeling turned over and shaken. Obi-Wan had exited the fresher in nothing but a towel slung low across his hips. His still-wet hair was slicked down against his neck, one lock dripping a trail of water to wind through auburn chest hair and cling to the cut of muscle that defined his abdomen. Anakin shook himself. “I— I must have fallen asleep,” he mumbled, shaping the words with a tongue that felt dry and clumsy. “You should go wash up too,” said Obi-Wan, moving a few feet to the bench where they’d set down their bags. “We still have Margrave Shule’s garden party to attend.” Anakin rolled his eyes, willing his heart to slow down. “Yes, Master.” He passed Obi-Wan on the way to the fresher. He was rummaging around in his things, presumably looking for his smallclothes, his broad, scarred back to Anakin. More water glistened on the freckle-dusted caps of his shoulders. “You feel unsettled, Padawan. Is everything alright?” Anakin swallowed. From this vantage point, he could see the contents of Obi-Wan’s bag— including the coiled bundle of rope sticking out from among his other things. “Fine. Maybe. I don’t know.” Obi-Wan turned to look at him, his eyes soft. “Do you need to meditate? I’m sorry we haven’t had time. We might later this evening— if you’d like.” Anakin chewed his lip and nodded slowly. They’d done that several times now, but he was still always hesitant to ask for it, worrying that it— that he— was too strange, too demanding. Too much. It was a relief to have Obi-Wan offer. Obi-Wan looked strangely relieved too, at his agreement. “Good. The Margrave gifted us with traditional attire— today seems as good a time as any to wear it.” He picked up a flat box from beside his bag and held it out. “They’ll be a sight more tolerable than our robes in this heat, at least." Anakin accepted the box and scuttled into the fresher, his face burning.
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little-smartass · 3 years
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THE VAMPIRE LESTAT COVER ALBUM - the legendary Vampire Lestat is back and bigger and badder than ever, this time bringing a whole album of song covers ranging from classic bangers to newer fresh takes on chart hits! get your copy now, complete with a transcript of the artist's commentary on each song!
(songs I think Lestat would cover and release as an album in an attempt to re-kickstart his career and/or make some sort of dramatic statement to Louis. tracklist and "artist commentary" under the cut)
Survival - Muse
“And I’ll reveal my strength, to the whole human race, yes I am prepared, to stay alive, and I won’t forgive, and vengeance is mine, and I won’t give in, because I choose to thrive! Yeah I’m gonna win!”
Oh, I wish this song had been around back on that opening night at the Cow Palace - how apt that would have been! What a fucking anthem! They would have been rioting all night. I mean, they already were, but, like, because of the music. Not because vampires were being immolated in the middle of the crowd. Different kind of riot.
The Bitch Is Back - Elton John
“I’m a bitch, I’m a bitch, oh the bitch is back, stone cold sober as a matter of fact, I can bitch, I can bitch, ‘cause I’m better than you, it’s the way that I move, the things that I do!”
One day I want to have this play as I walk into Night Island. I’ll time it perfectly so that I throw off my coat - my denim jacket, or- oh, no, a fur! Maximum drama! - just as the chorus starts. Armand will know that I’m coming of course, but I think that’ll just make it even better. And I have good memories to this song... [muffled question] Sorry, gentlemen don’t kiss and tell, bébé. [laughter]
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
"Oh my, feels just like I don’t try, look so good I might die, all I know is everybody loves me, head down, swaying to my own sound, flashes in my face now, all I know is everybody loves me”
Look, do I even need to explain this one? Didn’t think so.
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett
"I don't give a damn ‘bout my reputation, I've never been afraid of any deviation, and I don't really care if you think I'm strange, I ain't gonna change - and I'm never gonna care bout my bad reputation"
This one's fairly self-explanatory again. It could have been my personal anthem when I was mortal quite honestly. And it's an awful lot of fun to jump about and headbang to, don't you think? That's a new thing I've found out about, headbanging. People have been hopping about to music looking like fools for centuries but now there's a name for it. Fantastic.
bad guy - Billie Eilish
"I’m that bad type, make your mama sad time, make your girlfriend mad type, might seduce your dad time… I’m the bad guy. Duh.”
Creepy? Check. Sexy? Check. Tongue-in-cheek? Check check. This song was great and a lot of fun to cover.
Lover to Lover - Florence + the Machine
“I believe there’s no salvation for me now, no space among the clouds, and I feel I’m heading down, but that’s alright, that’s alright, that’s alright”
I don’t know, this one just felt very relevant. Also the piano was great to do. You might have noticed that I’ve picked a lot of songs with piano, and that’s because I bullied the studio into getting me a goooooorgeous grand piano for the recording space and I wanted to use it as much as possible!
Feeling Good - Muse
“Stars when you shine, you know how I feel, scent of the pine, you know how I feel, oh freedom is mine, and I know how I feel”
I just really like this song - I’ve done a cover of an excellent cover! Can- can you put emojis in this? Do people still use emojis? Well imagine I’ve put the shrug one. Wait, isn’t there- Daniel, Daniel, come here, isn’t there a shrug emoji made up of keyboard- [muffled words] yes! The shrug one! Yes, put that in the transcription. [ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ] I just like this song.
The Man - The Killers
“I got gas in the tank, I got money in the bank, I got news for you baby, you're looking at the man, I got skin in the game, I got a household name, I got news for you baby, you're looking at the man”
I feel like this one speaks for itself too. Can you put that shrug emoji thing in here again? [ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ] Yes!
J'ai Pas Envie - MIKA
J'ai pas envie, de faire comme si, comme les maris, qui disent oui, j'ai pas envie, j'ai pas envie, j'ai pas envie d'te faire plaisir, j'ai pas envie, j'ai pas envie, si tu m'aimes viens me le dire"
Look, I'm not going to translate the whole song for you, because it has all this clever wordplay you just totally lose in english… but the gist of it is that these two lovers are… at odds a lot. It's… it's maybe a little spiteful [laughter] but in a fun way! It's a fun song! Louis won't even be mad about it, it's MIKA.
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
"When I'm not with you, think of you always (I miss those long hot summer nights), when I'm not with you, think of me always, always"
[Long pause] God, I miss Freddie.
Let 'Em Talk - Kesha
Ah, full disclosure - I put this song in purely because of the expression Louis made when I played it in the car and it got to the line “can suck my dick” and she did that popping noise… it was incredible, and I just knew I had to cover it so I could see his expression when I said that. I can’t wait to play it to him. [laughter]
So What - P!nk
"So so what, I'm still a rockstar, I got my rock moves, and I don't need you, and guess what? I'm having more fun, and now that we're done, I'm gonna show you tonight, I'm alright, I'm just fine, (and you're a tool, so)"
I'm actually a big fan of nineties and noughties female stars - all that grrrrrrrl power, it's great fun, you know? I'd say this one is fairly self-explanatory, because I am still a rockstar! This is my new album! Fuck you EMP and your sniffy little article calling me "washed up"!
Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons
"But it was not your fault but mine, and it was your heart on the line, I really fucked it up this time, didn't I my dear?"
This one could be self-deprecating, but it's also very vindictively angry at the same time, and that's a combination I definitely get. Like, oh, it's my fault, isn't it? It's my fucking fault again, what a surprise. Perhaps "learn from your mother or you'll spend your days biting your own neck" is a little on the nose… [muffled words] you've read my books, right? [muffled words] Good, good.
Missy - The Airbourne Toxic Event
"But I swear there's still some good in me, I think if you'd stuck around you'd see, all the botched attempts at integrity I once had"
Oh, I was feeling philosophical when I picked this one. No, philosophical isn't the right word… melancholy? Do people still use that word? "I swear I swear I swear I'll never get sad" is both furiously defiant and yet so self-defeatingly ironic. [Exasperated noise] Enough of that. Next!
Please Don't Leave Me - P!nk
"I don't know if I can yell any louder, how many times have I kicked you out of here, or said something insulting? I can be so mean when I wanna be, I am capable of nearly anything, when my heart is broken… (please, please don't leave me)"
Oh, we’re… we’re getting to this section now. [clearing throat] Well, I have to make up for that sucking dick line, don’t I? Get a bit vulnerable. Oh God, why did I decide to do this bit? [muffled words] [bad chicago accent] But why buy the cow? Because you love him, you really do. [sigh, laughter]
Next To Me - Imagine Dragons
"Oh, I always let you down, shattered on the ground, still I find you there, next to me, and oh, the stupid things I do, I'm far from good it's true, still I find you, next to me"
Why did I- I don’t remember putting so many of these ones in.
Run To You - Pentatonix
"I've been settling scores, I've been fighting so long, but I've lost your war, and our kingdom is gone... how shall I win back your heart which was mine? I have broken bones and tattered clothes, I've run out of time"
[Sigh] [clears throat] Yeah. I think we can move onto the next one.
Love of My Life - Queen
“Love of my life, don't leave me, you've stolen my love, you now desert me, love of my life, can't you see? Bring it back, bring it back, don't take it away from me, because you don't know, what it means to me”
I play this one sometimes on my baby grand when we've had a fight, and it's impossible for him to stay angry. He's a sucker for this sort of… formality in romance. God, I wish I'd realised that earlier. If I'd written him a letter in fancy copperplate script with scented paper and enclosed rose petals politely requesting him to bend me over his desk back in the day, it might not have taken two centuries of mutual blue balls for us to figure our shit out. Ah well, live and learn… as it were. [muffled words] Look, I did a whole bunch of vulnerable songs! Now I get to make sex jokes! [laughter] oh fuck off.
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chokemewanda · 3 years
Main Masterlist Only Child Series Masterlist part three / part four / part five chapter warnings: violence, sarcasm, swearing, fatalist humour, blood, calculus,
"And on your right, you'll find yet another boring wall because this is the one mission where there is nothing remotely exciting going on." Y/N knew she was annoying everyone but it was that or do the Exponential Growth questions she'd gotten this morning.
"If you don't shut up I'll tell Hill you got out of the quinjet," Tony warned and Y/N sighed again. She looked down at the equation in front of her. She'd done the hard part and manipulated the formula. All she had to do was sub in the numbers.
"Bucky?" She asked quietly. He hummed in acknowledgment, letting her know he could hear her. "Are you waiting until I'm eighteen to tell me you're my dad so you don't have to pay maintenance."
"I know I'm not your dad because I'm a virgin." Bucky sighed and Y/N scoffed.
If you're a virgin then we all are. Besides, you don't know what you did under the influence." She reminded him and he sighed again.
"I can't get drunk." He reminded her.
"I didn't mean under the influence of alcohol. I meant under the influence of Nazis." She heard the definitive click of her com access being turned off and smiled. Thirty-two minutes was almost a record.
"Finish those equations," Bruce warned, an almost smile on his lips. They listened to the idle chatter of the other's inside and a loud burst of static almost knocked them off their seats.
"Tony?" Bruce called, pressing the button for his mic multiple times. Nothing was coming through and Y/N flipped through the channels only finding more and more static.
"It was a setup," Bruce whispered, recovering from his shock. "We need to establish a link. See if you can get Jarvis." Bruce began entering signals, trying to get in contact with the team.
"Hey J, you got a link to Tony?" Y/N used the external radio, typing in Jarvis' frequency.
"Mr. Stark appears to have gone offline. I have tried reconnecting several times but there is no response." Y/N swore and looked to Bruce who was pressing buttons rapidly but seemed to be having no luck.
"Do you think this calls for a Code Green?" He asked, looking desperately to Y/N. She was already shrugging off her sling, rotating her shoulder, and trying to hide her wince.
"We can't put a communicator on the Hulk. I'll go in with a com and a handheld. If both of them go then we'll call a Code Green." Y/N told him.
"If it's a false alarm, an old signal blocker then you'll have put yourself at risk for nothing," Bruce argued. Y/N ignored him, pulling on one of the strike team's tactical vests and rifling through the ammo drawer.
"If it's not a false alarm then we'll need back up. The Hulk won't be able to get that. We need you, Bruce." Y/N could see the argument taking place in his head but she didn't give him a chance, ducking out of the open barrier and smiling at Bruce over her shoulder when he yelled at her to come back.
The hallways were just as boring as they had been when the team had walked through them. There was no sign of a struggle and no noise as far as Y/N could tell. Bruce kept up a steady stream of directions in her ear but she didn't answer him in fear of giving herself away.
She was approaching the cut-off point and just like they expected her comm died in her ear. She lifted the handheld communicator to her mouth and pressed the button. "Bruce?"
"You okay?" He asked quietly, barely audible over the shaky signal.
"Yeah, no sign of anyone yet," Y/N whispered back. "I'll check in every minute or so. If I exceed five minutes call for backup."
"Copy." Bruce was such a nerd.
The corridor split off in two directions and she peered down both ways, hesitating. She had no idea which way to go but she was sure as anything Steve would've divided them into two teams, leaving no stone unturned.
"The corridor divides past the point where the comms cut off. I'm going to go left." Y/N warned Bruce. She held her gun low in her right hand, her left shoulder setting up a persistent ache from being out of the sling.
Hill was going to murder her. It had only been a week and a half since she dislocated her shoulder and got twelve stitches in her thigh. She was nowhere near cleared for fieldwork and she was so grounded it wasn't even funny.
She paused at the noise and crouched to peer around a corner. If she listened close she could hear voices arguing. One of those voices was definitely Steve's. She began to move quickly down the corridor and found Steve, Bucky, and Wanda in a room that contained more filing cabinets than Y/N had ever seen in her whole life.
"You have got to be joking me." Y/N sighed when she found them.
"You're so grounded." Wanda laughed while both centenarian soldiers frowned at her.
"What the hell are you doing off the quinjet?" Steve asked.
"Your comms cut out, it was me or a Code Green." She told them warily and Steve tapped the com in his ear, frowning.
"Tony turned them off because Clint and Natasha were bickering," Bucky told them and Y/N frowned. "Said he'd turn them back on if something came up."
"Even his connection to Jarvis?" Y/N asked. They all shared a look before Steve was sprinting back out through the door, the other three hot on his tail.
"Bruce, I've got Wanda, Steve, and Bucky. No sign of the others. Heading back the way we came."
"Keep me in the loop." Bruce cautioned. Y/N's shouldered sent a burst of white-hot pain with every step but she kept running, forcing herself to keep up with Wanda.
They passed the divide in the corridors and sprinted down the corridor Y/N hadn't taken. It wasn't overly long before they heard the shooting and yelling. Steve burst up against sealed metal doors, hacking at them with the shield. He only moved back when Wanda stepped forward, her hands glowing red.
She struggled against the weight of the doors, opening them enough to allow Steve and Bucky to slip through. Y/N only just managed to get through when a shot rang out and Wanda flinched, the doors slamming shut.
"Bruce, if you can hear me call for backup. Wanda is compromised and alone." Y/N wouldn't know if there was a reply because the communicator was shot at, shattering in her hand. She fought off the scream as a bullet entered her hand and she looked up at the fire fight from hell.
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hotshot9 · 3 years
Just part of a WIP for my OC Sana from the CRC
I switched on the holo-radio, nice and low, as the Defiance lifted into the air above the busy streets of Coruscant. Rude guided us into an outbound lane and we slowly navigated out of atmo. I paused the ship for a moment once we passed orbiting level to stare at the city planet below. This far up, with the radio playing softly in the background, it actually looked kind of pretty - patterns of blinking, shimmering lights twinkling up through the ever present screen of smog.
I sighed and was just reaching for the hyperdrive controls when my comm chimed. The grainy blue image of my contact Brek'lan popped up, his scarred lekku twitching a greeting. I nodded hello.
"What've you got for me, Brek?"
"A transport. Coupla togruta stranded with a cargo of rations. Need help getting off planet," the Twi'lek said in his heavily accented, gravelly voice.
I turned my eyes down, considering for a moment. Passengers and cargo - that type of job tended to pay well. And maybe I could even negotiate a few of the rations to send back home...
I looked up again. "Where?"
Brek opened his mouth, but then hesitated. I lowered my brows in concern; the gruff older man was as blunt as they came - hesitating on job details wasn't his style. Wherever this job was, I had a feeling I wasn't going to like it.
"Nar Shaddaa," he finally said, voice low.
I flinched. I couldn't helped it. Nar Shaddaa was deep into Huttspace and that was one place I definitely didn't want to be. But, then again, N'Hon was dead. The aqualish and his Hutt master couldn't possibly be a threat to me anymore. And the tribe sorely needed those rations...
"You can say no, 9. I know how you feel about Hutts," Brek offered gently.
I shook my head. "No, I need this..." I started to say, then trailed off, turning sharply to Rude. "Turn that up," I told him, gesturing at the radio. For once, the surly little astromech obeyed without grumbling and I listened in silence to the broadcast that had caught my attention.
"-cellor Palpatine has been killed. The suspect appears to be a lone woman, although some reports have stated she is now accompanied by several senators, Jedi, civilians, and many clone troopers. Before they could be apprehended, the group, led by the unknown woman, commandeered a fleet of ships and appear to be headed to Kamino. What their intentions are when they arrive, no one can be sure. There is some speculation that, as clones are now involved, their plan is to collect the other clones still on the water planet. What may happen after that? Who knows. For now, we will continue waiting for updates from Coruscant security forces. Reporting from outside the Senate Building, this has been C'netera And'roos for Coruscant Holo News Network. Stay tuned to CHNN for the latest information on this developing situation."
I felt something inside shift as the report ended. Maybe this was the opportunity I'd been waiting for. The chance to make a difference. To be something more than... this. Whatever the group headed to Kamino was planning to do, I was fairly certain I needed to be there to help.
"Sorry, Brek, I don't think I'm going to be able to take this one. I have somewhere else I need to be."
The grizzled Twi'lek nodded. He looked at me for a long moment, then said quietly, "Good luck, 9. Try not to get yourself killed."
I grinned at him. "I'll do my best. Bye, Brek. Thanks. For everything."
His lekku flicked a farewell and then he cut the comm.
I sat in the quiet of the cockpit for a time, simply breathing, considering the decision I had just made. I didn't know what had prompted it, but it felt right, somehow.
Rude beeping a question jerked me out of my reverie.
<We going to Kamino, Bantha Brains?>
"Yeah, we're going to Kamino, Spare Parts," I answered, beginning to ready the ship for the jump to hyperspace. "Got a route laid in?" He beeped an affirmative and I reached for the hyperdrive.
"Then let's do this," I said, grinning as the stars around us streaked blue.
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echo-three-one · 4 years
Whatever It Takes
It's Task Force 141's first mission after gathering intel about the whereabouts of Samantha Coleman. Gary and the rest of the team proceed to briefing and would probably head straight to their rescue mission. Do these mini summaries even make sense? Find out soon.
Chapter 3 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
Previous Chapter : Soap - F.N.G.
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"Run Through the Jungle"
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Task Force 141
Task Force 141 - Mess Hall
Gary was almost done with his raccoon story when the PA system alerted them of an immediate briefing. Simon nodded to him and got up making his way to the briefing room. Gary also noticed the rest of his squad from earlier walk to the door, and was France crying on Alex? Much to his curiosity, he went to John who was still sitting by the chair.
"Anything you want to tell me, Soap?" he asked, patting his comrade's shoulder. 
"Bugger off, mate. Let's just go to the meeting." he replied, Roach couldn't tell if he was sad or disappointed or mad, but it may have something to deal with France crying.
"Whatever mate. I'm always here if you want to talk it out." he assured, and he was in fact true. It's been a month since the Task Force was created and Gary was the team's therapist, everybody's friend and ally no matter what. He always felt that he could feel everyone's emotions and believes he could be a sponge for someone who's unable to deal with the trauma. Ghost was one of his customers, he had a lot to deal with and Gary was always there for him.
"Few hours ago, our informants intercepted with a group of armed men on a safehouse near the borders of Germany. They told us that there was a man named Augustus who happens to be our step closer to Nero." Gary took note of the information General Shepherd relayed, his scribbles became faster as the General continued.
"We also received word that our hostage, Samantha Coleman is with them in one of these houses. We have to proceed with caution as this area may be rigged with traps or surrounded with tangos." he added.
"As for rules of engagement, fire only when fired upon. This is a local settlement and civilians may be anywhere. We don't want to create unnecessary civilian casualties just to retrieve a single person." he instructed. Gary took a quick survey of the room, everyone looked at the screen intently, he could see MacTavish's eyebrows furrowed in anger, France's eyes were downright sad and Alex, despite being a CIA agent, actually looked worried.
"As for assignments, I'll let your captain take the floor." Shepherd concluded and exited the area, Price then stepped forward and began briefing.
The silent chirping of the crickets echoed from the nearby forest. Gary took a cold exhale and leaned on the railings just outside their quarters. 
"Big day tomorrow, huh?" Ghost surprised Roach as he spoke.
"Yeah, it's been a long time since I spotted, but I still know the basics." Gary answered. He and Ghost were assigned for sniper support a few clicks away from the Alpha Team lead by Alex and the Bravo Team lead by Captain Price.
"Your math is good and fast?" Ghost asked, chuckling at the question. Gary inhaled before he answered the question.
"Yeah. Try me." he dared, glancing at the masked man.
"Suppose there's a target about 516 meters far, the wind is one half value." Ghost planned out the situation. Gary's gears started turning as he scratched his freshly shaven chin.
"Five degrees. Descending." he muttered. Ghost thought about it and agreed.
"Yeah. Your math is still on point." he mused laughing at him.
"What do you think Nero is up to? I mean it all doesn't add up. And what's with erasing memories?" Gary flooded the man with questions. Simon just pondered without saying any words.
"I dunno mate. I'm as baffled as you are." he replied, waving to Alex and France who were out on a late night walk.
"Say Gary, what's the deal with the new girl? One minute she looks tough as nuts then the second Soap comes in she's fucking crying?" Ghost rambled. Gary could feel a hint of jealousy but not entirely. It's as if he's mad and jealous at the same time.
"Well, we were too far from their table and I couldn't hear anything. Maybe they had an argument while Soap was out with her on the training room?" Gary speculated, he saw Simon's fists clench as he left his side.
"Eh. Not that I care anyway. Get some rest, spotter. Big day tomorrow." he remarked and went to his room.
"Yeah yeah." he replied waving at the two walking around the oval. They both waved back and Gary yelled good night to them before entering the quarters himself.
Gary plopped on his bed and closed his eyes. He was actually nervous enough that he could hear his own heartbeat, he took deep breaths and lulled himself to sleep. He wanted to see to it that they save the hostage tomorrow and a perfect sleep is what he could contribute right now.
Gary hated the ghillie suits. It was heavy, uncomfortable and animals sometimes land on you, but it does the job well. Treading the dense forestry just above the safehouse, Gary and Simon head out to look for a perfect spot.
"This one's got a view of the houses." Ghost whispered, signaling Roach to move forward.
"This is Echo Three One, we've cleared the two houses on the right, all empty. Over." Alex reported over their comms.
"Bravo Six copies that and the two houses here are also clear." Price reported.
"Looks like it's going to be the one on the far side." Soap concluded.
"I've got eyes on the safehouse. There's no activity on all windows. Proceed with caution." Ghost reported.
"Rog." Price replied.
"Copy that, eye in the sky." Alex replied.
Gary put out his spotting scope and placed his eye behind the lens.
"I've got my eyes on them, Ghosty. Alpha Team is on its way." he whispered.
Ghost rolled some knobs on his sniper making a soft clicking sound as he spins it.
"Don't call me that, Bug. I have eyes on Bravo Team. Still no movement from the safehouse." 
"This is Alpha Team, approaching the left side of the safehouse."
"Bravo Team is Oscar Mike as well."
"Roach, did you see that?" Ghost whispered.
"Yeah. The winds are shifting." Gary noted, sticking out a tool that detects wind speed.
"Three Fourths value at 400 meters. 15 miles per hour. Adjust to 15.3" he informed, calculating on Ghosts still shoulder with a pen. Decimals are too dangerous to calculate mentally. Ghost's sniper clicked once again to adjust with the wind, he took a deep breath and his targets stabilized once again.
Leaves rustled behind them, Roach quickly held on his rifle and slowly turned back to check if it was an animal. Nothing, but before turning back on his scope, he saw a black figure from the corner of his eye.
"Bollocks. We've got movement on our Six." Roach reported. 
"Remember our ROE, Roach. Fire only when fired upon." Price reminded.
"I'll take care of it from here. You go check on that." Ghost said as he turned back to his scope.
"Roger that. Be safe." Roach quickly ran to the direction if the rustling.
He couldn't make out much of the figure, but he was sure enough it was human. He tried to look for areas where the leaves were disturbed but with the wind picking up, he was clueless. Then there it was again, movement. He quickly dashed to it's direction, not wanting to get lost again. His boots slapped the fresh soil as he made his wauy to a clearing.
'Left, right then left by the rocks.' Gary mentally noted his each turn so he could easily remember but when he's chasing someone whom he felt like it doesn't know where it goes, then it's a whole different story.  
Gary was alone in the windy forest, in pursuit of a person who's out on the woods at five in the morning. He wanted to go back but there's something that bothered him and convinced him to keep chasing it.
"Roach, you okay? They're almost in the safehouse." Ghost pointed out.
"Yeah haaaah… I'm still haaaah… hot on its trail." Gary panted. He suddenly turned when he heard a yelp.
"It's a girl. It might be our hostage." he radioed and followed the direction of the sound.
Soft sobs and English curse words could be heard from where Gary emerged. This alerted the injured female and she plead at the British solider.
"Please. I'm not an enemy. I'm I'm- I don't know who I am or where I am… Please. Don't hurt me." She was an American girl, possibly around 20-30 years old and had blonde hair wearing a black tank top and grey sweatpants, there were a few bruises on her arms and she was threatening him with a stick.
"Maam, put down your weapon and calm down. I will not hurt you." he dropped his weapon slowly on the ground stepped forward, his hands both raised.
"Good good. I need help." she whimpered, looking at her sprained ankle.
Gary immediately took his ghillie off and ripped a piece of his sleeves to wrap around the sprain, treating it with something from his medical kit.
"There you go… You're feeling better now? Maam?" Gary accommodated. The unknown blonde nodded in agreement.
"So.. you don't know who you are?" Gary asked.
"All I know is that I'm with another girl, Brunette." she added.
"I located the one out on the woods. She's American but I can't ID her. She's about 20 - 30 years old, short blonde hair." Gary informed.
"Is that Maxine?" Alex and France simultaneously replied over comms.
"Excuse me. Do you go by Maxine?" Gary asked politely. The girl quickly covered her ears and screamed.
"Aaaaaah! My head hurts!" She yelled. Gary was quick enough to cover her mouth as soon as she opened it as to not give away their presence.
"I don't know if that's a yes or a no guys. But that definitely is a reaction." Gary said over the comms. He assisted "Maxine" and lifted her up as he tries to get back to Ghost.
"Thick trees everywhere. Any Idea where you are Ghost?" he asked over the secure radio.
"I'm at the same spot I've been since we got here. Can't you retrace your steps?" he replied.
"I could try." he muttered, carrying an unconscious woman on his shoulders across the jungle.
Next Chapter : Déjà vu
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior* Bad Batch Edition
Previous Chapter
Chapter Five - But Did you Die?
We tail the people Hunter is pretty sure were waiting for us, for quite some time. "Are you sure they are what you think they are?" I ask doubting him some. "I'm sure" he says looking over my shoulder, watching them. We follow them a bit further when they enter a cantina. "I'll go around back, you stay here and see if they leave" I say. Hunter nods at me and I head down the ally.
Around behind the cantina there is a covered delivery speeder. I hop up on the back and open the flap. I raise my comm to my face, "Hunter, come in. I found the cases. They aren't quite as big as I imagined." "Roger, I'm on my way." I climb inside the speeder and start counting the crates. I feel the speeder move like someone hopped on the back of it. I draw my blaster as the flap is pulled back. "Woah, easy there. It's me" Hunter whispers. I holster my blaster, "Looks like they are all here. This thing isn't exactly inconspicuous, but we need it to get these to the Marauder." I think out loud. "This time you drive" I say playfully gesturing for him to get out. "Fine, just keep your comms open" he says through gritted teeth. He hops out and heads around. I hear the speeder start up.
"Alright, Let's get out of here" he says. I get into a position in the far back, peeking out the flap. I hear a few speeder bikes approaching...fast. "Uh, Hunter, We've got company", "Get rid of them!" He barks. I try shooting at them but there are too many civilians around. "There's too much potential collateral. You'll have to take us down the alleyways!" I yell into the comms. The speeder suddenly jerks sending me about falling over "What did I say about a warning!!". "Do you want to lose them or not!?" He yells.
I manage to shoot one of the riders of their bike but the passenger takes over. Thinking quickly I notice there's wire every so often, hanging over our head. "Hunter, see the wires hanging above your head?", "Yeah. What are you thinking?", "Shoot one down when I tell you", "Are you serious?!", "Just do it when I tell you!....NOW!". He hits the wire and it comes crashing down just behind our speeder. The two on speeder bikes behind us, hit the wire and are launched through the air. I peek out the back to see if there are anymore. "Looks good from behind" I say and before I get a response the speeder jerks to the right and I fall out. I hit the ground with a loud THUD. "Har'chak! (Damn it!)" I say standing up and dusting myself off. That really hurts without beskar. "Hunter, Hunter, do you read?" I try to comm him but I notice my comm link is broke. "Osik (Shit)...now he owes me a new comm link" I grumble to myself.
I look around to see if there is anything I can use to get to the Marauder. He will have to notice I'm gone....right? Seeing how there aren't really many options that are fast enough. I climb up to he roof top and decide to run for it. This is great....just don't fall...no beskar to save you now.... I race across the roof tops leaping between buildings. It's definitely not fast but I can take short cuts you can't in a speeder - let alone one as big as the delivery speeder. I can see the tip of the Marauder's wing in the distance. "Hunter, Hunter! Come in! Har'chak! (Damn it!)" I try my comm again. "If you can hear me, I think my comm link is broken. I'm on the roof tops and coming in hot." There's no response but at this point I'm praying he heard me.
Just as I jump to the next building, I hear a blaster shot from behind me. I'm knocked off balance and stumble, rolling onto the next roof. When I stop, I look up and see two thugs chasing me. "Cid is never going to hear then end of this" I grumble, getting up. I unholster my blasters and shoot behind me, while trying to pay attention to what's in front of me. In the distance I see the Marauder starting to take off. "No, no, no, no!" I sprint as fast as I can but I can see I'm running out of roof tops. Osik (shit)....you chakaar (low life, insult)....this might be the end. As if on que the small side ramp to the Marauder comes down and the ship gets close enough I think I can make it. I holster my blasters and throw myself from the building. At this point everything is moving in slow motion. I'm close but not close enough to the ramp. I'm about to accept my fate when a hand reaches out and grabs my wrist yanking me onto the ship. The door closes behind us and I fall on top of Hunter. We are face to face, theses not much space between us, and my hair has fallen like curtains around our faces. We both stay there for a second panting. "Vor'e (Thanks)" I say between breaths, "Ba'gedet'ye (you're welcome)". I roll off him on the floor, sprawling on my back and he gets up "I'm gunna get us out of here". I give him a thumbs up, "I'm going to lay here and catch my breath". He chuckles and heads to the pilot seat.
Once I've collected myself enough I can breathe, I head for the co-pilot seat. I plop down and take off my jacket and vambraces. "I got your message. I'll have Tech fix that when we get back. Sorry about....uh" he apologizes. "It's alright" I say looking over my armor pieces. Hunter looks over and pauses "Are you alright?" He gestures to my arm. During all of the craziness I hadn't noticed I'd been shot. I look over the sleeve of my jacket noticing the hole where a blaster bolt had skimmed it. Then, looking over my arm I see the burned flesh. "Honestly, I didn't even feel it" I laugh and look over at Hunter who looks a concerned. I touch it and hiss in pain. He shakes his head and gets up. I hear banging around like he's looking through something. When he comes back he's got medical supplies to clean a wound and a bacta patch. "I can't promise you won't feel this", "just do it" I wince knowing what's coming. He gently pours the bacta down my arm, soaking up the extra with gauze. I close my eyes and lean my head back against the seat, trying not to scream out in pain. He gently cleans it and applies the patch, which almost immediately starts to sooth the stinging. "I guess I owe you one" I laugh. He scoffs "You saved Omega. I think we are even". I nod my thanks and he moves to put the medical supplies away. "We should get some rest" I say knowing he likely won't. I haven't been with them more than 3 standard rotations but I feel I've got him figured out....a little at least. "Go ahead" he says confirming my thoughts. I stand up and pause before going to the bunks, "You should too".
I hear people screaming. The smell of smoke in the air. I can feel their pain. When I look down I'm standing on a pile....no not a pile....a mound of empty, charred armor. There'd no grassy plains or thick lush forrests or deep blue crystal clear waters like I remember. Just death.
I try to run but I'm stumbling over the beskar beneath my feet. I cry out but there's no response, just the echo of my cry in an empty wasteland. Suddenly explosions fill the air. They get closer.....and closer.....and closer.....suddenly I hear someone saying my name....then I'm grabbed and pulled down below the beskar.
"Raven. Raven. Hey!" I startle awake, tackling to the ground whoever just woke me. Without even realizing it, I've pulled my vibro blade and am holding it in a reverse grip at their throat.
Hunter - flat on his back on the floor with his arms up in surrender with me straddling him - looks at me wide eyed "Udesii, Udesii (Calm down, calm down". My heart racing and sweat dripping down my brow I realize what's happened. "It was just a dream......ni ceta (sorry)" I say setting my blade on the bed and standing up. I offer Hunter my hand and help him up. He gives me a concerned look. "I don't usually sleep great" I blurt out, not knowing what else to say. "I see that" he eyes me. I slump myself back on the floor, pulling my knees to my chest, and bury my head. "This is why I usually travel alone. It's my burden to bare." I feel a hand gently slide up my arm to my shoulder. "You don't have to bare it alone" Hunter says in a low husky tone. I slowly lift up my head and meet his eyes. He gives me a soft, half smile. "We were....on Kamino when Tipoca city blew up. My brother....Crosshair. He didn't stop the Empire, he helped it. I'm his...was his Sargent. I should have done better by him." He's now on one knee so he's eye level with me. "Based on what I've heard the last few rotations....you were...you ARE a good Sargent to your men. Omega basically thinks of you as a father. And the rest of them - Echo, Tech, and Wrecker - look up to you like an ori'vod (big brother). You're lucky you have them." He sighs, "Everything I do is for them." Neither of us say another word. Just sitting/kneeling there looking at one another. Two broken people trying to find their way. For a moment, it feels like the galaxy or the Force or whatever brought us here...together...in this moment. Then reality slaps me in the face, Everyone you've ever cared about is gone....they will be too if you get too close.
Hunter stands up and offers me his hand. I let him help me up, "I actually came to tell you we were here." "Oh, right, the di'kutla (stupid) nerf nuggets. Cid better pay us better then she promised." Hunter laughs, "I'll let you negotiate that one." I sigh heavily, throwing on my jacket. It's a little breezy considering the blaster hole in the bicep. "I'm going to freshen up quick, I'll be right there" I say heading to the fresher. When I'm done, I head down the ramp to see Hunter waiting. I nod to him and he goes to get the delivery speeder out of the cargo hold. I jump in the passenger side and we head to the location Cid gave us. The location is kind of far but it all goes well. I mentally praise Maker the drop went way smoother than the pick up.
The two of us head back to the Marauder in comfortable silence, the ride seemingly takes forever. I roll my shoulder to try to ease the ache from the bacta patch wearing off. Hunter takes notice, "I can help change that when we get back to the ship. If you want." "Vor'e (Thanks)" I say not in the mood to argue with him. Funny now that I think about it, we haven't argued since we landed. Before that's all we did. I look out the window at the buildings and people passing by. "Sometimes I wonder if they even know what's going on. I mean a back world planet like this. They probably have no idea." Hunter hums, "There is this thing called the Holonet" he teases. I give him a look, "Well, I know that, Mir'sheb (smart ass). But to them, they probably don't really feel the effects of the Empire....Yet anyways." I lean my head back on the seat and find myself nodding off. I catch myself a few times before Hunter huffs out a light laugh. I'm too tired for a smart remark. Eventually I give in and this time, no dreams, no nightmares, just good restful sleep.
I wake to a gentle nudge on the shoulder. My eyes flutter open and I look over, "We're back at the ship. I let the others know we would be heading back." I rub my eyes and climb out of the speeder. Hunter opts to just leave it behind, which I can't blame him, it's a piece of duse (waste/trash/rubbish). We head up the Marauder's ramp and the pain in my arm reminds me, "Hey wanna grab that bacta patch?", "Sure, let me set the course to Ord Mantell" I nod and follow him to the cockpit. He gets us in the air and charts the course back to the others. I peel off my jacket and the bacta patch to reveal my seared flesh. "I guess it looks a little better" I say studying the wound. Hunter comes over and sets the medical supplies on the floor. "I could do this myself you know" I say raising a brow. He gives me a look, "Fine" he hands me the stuff. I open the bacta solution and clean the wound - messily - before struggling to line up the patch. Hunter laughs, "fine you do it" I give in, letting him help me. "That's what I thought" he quips. "I'm going to get some rest. Let me know if-" I cut him off "yeah, yeah. If an alarm goes off. I do have my own ship you know." He smiles and shakes his head at my sass before heading to the bunks. I climb into the pilot seat. It smells like him. I sit there and breathe in his musky scent. Maker why am I so attracted to this man? My thoughts wander now that I'm in total silence.
Hunter ends up sleeping the rest of the flight home and I manage to land the ship without waking him. Considering this man has enhances senses I'd call that a win. I head back toward the bunk area to wake him up but he speaks before I get the chance. "You might give Tech a run for his money" he sits up. "Ni ceta? (Sorry?)" I asked, confused. "You're landing. I almost didn't feel it", "I told you, I do pilot my own ship." He jumps up and we head back to Cid's place.
When we enter we are deep in conversation - reliving my roof dive -, "Look I really didn't have much of a choice! I thought that was it!" I defend myself. Hunter was picking on my facial expression when I jumped. "I'd like to have seen you do it Mr. Tough guy!" I give him a playful shove. Omega sprints over and throws her arms around us both "You're back!". The others are staring, Echo smiles and whispers something to Tech, to which Wrecker laughs loudly. Omega steps back and looks us over. She immediately notices the hole in my jacket, "What happened to your arm?" She asks. I look down at my arm, "Oh I got shot running across the roof tops because SOMEONE dumped me out of our speeder." I say giving Hunter a dirty look. "Thought it was supposed to be a milk run? Echo teases. "Sounds like you guys had all the fun!" Wrecker says pouting. "What do you mean? I had fun" Tech says. I roll my eyes at their banter. "Here, give it to me I can fix it" Omega says extending me her arms. I take the jacket off and give it to her, "If you want to. I mean I did kinda like that jacket." She runs off and disappears.
Just then Cid comes out of her office, "I heard your mission was a success. Told you it would be a milk run." "I got shot!" I explain. "But did you die?" She quips. I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration and mutter a string of curses in Mando'a under my breath. Hunter - with his enhanced hearing - hears me and laughs.
Next Chapter
Buckle up. The next one is gunna be good! I'm almost done with it so bare with me!
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