#i'll let you fill in the blanks
Canon-adjacent (implied no respawns, or at least heavily impaired respawns, but otherwise canon-ish setting) platonic husbands philza and missa with philza getting himself into a good deal of bother.
TW: needles, blood, major character injury, implied temporary major character death, panic attacks
The mob was new. Of all the things that could do such harm to Philza... there's a lot of them, if he's insufficiently careful, but this one was new. New, and unpredictable, and now very dead.
Very dead, but having left a giant gash from Philza's ribs on one side, to his opposing hip. It's bleeding - heavily - but nothing a potion can't fix.
Philza puts pressure on the wound with one hand, and searches his bag with the other. He grabs a couple of potions - it's a nasty looking wound, and he's already feeling weak - drinking them or pouring them on it as the bottles dictate.
He gives them a second, then another, and the wound doesn't close.
Before he's even had the chance to think /shit/, or /poison/, or /what the fuck was on that mob's stupid scythe/, he has both hands on the injury. His first hand - the hand with his communicator on - is looking pretty gorey already. He puts pressure, realises it's barely helping, then slips his hands around.
He grabs the edges of his skin, pinches them together, and he thinks /okay, fuck, what do I do now?/
For once, Philza does not have an answer. He's a good distance from spawn, his communicator is soaked in blood to the point he isn't sure it'll work and he's very sure he can't see the screen, and if he moves he'll bleed faster. There's also the niggling knowledge in the back of his mind that his thinking is impaired, that he's poisoned and it's likely to have more effects than just preventing his wound closing, that right now if he acts on anything he comes up with then he'll do something extremely dumb.
There's no winning, not when he's having thoughts like that.
Staying put is a shit plan, it's a completely shit plan, and he's pretty sure all versions of him would agree. No matter how he holds the wound he's still bleeding, blood bubbling out between his fingers. If he stays here, in a random glade, a couple of hundred blocks north of the closest build, he's going to die.
If he gets up, if he tries to walk those few hundred blocks... With where the wound is, every single step is going to shift it. He won't be able to pinch the wound closed as he is now, and with every step any healing that's miraculously happened will be undone. He might even tear the damn thing more. He's a couple of hundred blocks north of the Hide and Seek Arena, and nobody's even going to be there at this time of day; if he tries to walk, he's going to die.
What else? What else? He tries to bash his communicator to life, just in case. He keeps the HOLD switch on when he doesn't need it, usually. With his ring finger he manages to reach said switch, and try to flick it. The blood has gotten into the mechanism, disabling it. And with HOLD on... Even if the other buttons escaped the worst, they'll be disabled to. If he gets out of this, he's begging Tubbo or Aypierre or Pac or /someone/ to redesign the damn things, make them blood proof. He's not going to get out of this, though.
He's going to die, and it's going to fucking suck.
Those are, as far as he can tell, his options. None of them are survivable, but at least if he's walking he's /trying/ to live. It'll kill him faster than waiting for help, sure, but Philza's never been much good at standing still.
He pushes up from the tree, and gets eight steps before his knees buckle beneath him.
His hands fly from the wound to catch himself, then back to it to close it back up.
Philza might not be thinking straight, and he might not be good at sitting still, but he's nothing if not stubborn. He grits his teeth, and pinches the wound closed, and drags himself to his feet.
He makes it ten steps, then fifteen, then a whole thirty before he can only make it four. With every attempt his vision grows a little darker, his heart a little faster, his teeth set a little harder into their grimace.
He still gets back up, and gets back up, and gets back up until -
Until he can't any more.
In a hazy blur Philza tries his comms again - still not working - before letting go with one hand. He bleeds even faster without it, yes, but like this? He's too exposed, too exposed, and he can hear the wolves coming. Wolves who might be fine, but might also be looking for an easy meal.
Even dying his instincts kick in; Philza drags himself into a more defensible position, and clamps his fingers around the wound once more.
His body already sprawled on the floor, it's impossible to fall further when his eyes slip shut. Vaguely, vaguely, he's aware of his fingers falling limp, away from the wound and /ah/ he thinks /well, we had a good run, didn't we universe?/.
The universe doesn't answer, or if it does Philza's too far gone to hear it. Maybe the acceptance should scare him, but as he lays beneath a tree, it feels warm, it feels gentle - it feels like coming home.
There's something on the tip of his tongue, some memory just out of reach, some deep-set knowledge he really must know.
He doesn't chase it, he simply leans into the warmth and tries to let go.
... Missa?
He might be too weak to hear the universe, but not the terrified scream of his husband.
It drives Philza, that flicker of a scream. He manages to get one arm under himself, push up, and-
And he doesn't even get to see the terrified man sprinting towards him, as his vision stays black and his body collapses back to the floor.
Philza doesn't expect to wake, not to silence and certainly not to soft Spanish sung by a hoarse voice. Whatever pillows his head is oddly shaped but warm, though everywhere else is freezing despite the weight of blankets. An arm is draped over him, and fingers brush through his hair.
He's also in a fucktonne of pain.
The singing hitches like a sob and - yeah no, that's not an angel, Philza's somehow fucking alive.
He'll take it, but it fucking sucks.
Memories are difficult, fragmented. He's...
He's supposed to be holding shut the wound in his side and /fuck/!
Limbs like lead, Philza tries to move, tries to pinch his bleeding flesh shut once again. It's hard, it should be impossible, but he's Philza Fucking Minecraft and he refuses to die!
He refuses, but one of those arms shifts, tries to stop him. Someone kisses the top of his head, shifts to hold his hands, whispers "you're alright, you're okay" in a gentle tone.
The singer, the singer whose name sits beneath his tongue and Philza can't quite grasp it, but he knows they are /wonderful/, /amazing/, his entire fucking /world/.
Well, maybe not all of it, but a massive fuck-off chunk of it at least.
And it is alright, he is okay, until something catches against his wound.
White hot agony, trailing up and down his entire spine.
Philza... Philza doesn't tense, doesn't scream, doesn't fight - his instincts are strong and his instincts have saved him before and he's just an injured, mutilated bird in the hands of a predator and for a moment all he knows is fucking pain and PLAY DEAD.
He doesn't tense at the pain, he goes limp. He can't even choose how his breathing catches - stopped in his throat, wings slack, body slack, unmoving and unresponsive as can be.
Someone calls his name, but blind pain and blind terror are winning, as in the certainty that he must survive. His name comes again, more frantic, then as a scream-
A scream.
A familiar scream that isn't his own and-
Oh, /fuck/, humans don't play dead in the same way, do they?
Through the pain and the fear and the hands on him it's hard, it's so hard - harder still when he hears running feet from else where and everything he is screams /predator, predator, predator/ - but he does it.
Philza takes a deep, loud, gasping, purposeful breath, forces his body to lock again, forces himself to stop playing, to breathe.
The wonderful voice above him stops screaming and starts sobbing, fingers tracing his jawline as he sobs over and over again.
The running feet stop, and there's a discussion in quick, panicked Spanish - too quick for any Philza, but especially for an injured one - before other hands are touching him, pressing him, assessing him.
His instincts are desperate but Philza remembers the screams before. The fight is exhausting, harder than it should be, but he forces himself to keep breathing, keep breathing, keep breathing. Just for the voice, just for the wonderful person who owns the voice and he knows means the world to him.
He tries to stay awake, he really does, but there's only so much he can do. He's tired, and breathing is /exhausting/, and the lovely voice belonging to a stupid but brilliant man isn't singing to him any more, and the longer he's here the more he realises he must actually, legitimately, be safe.
Safe, what a funny idea. But a nice one.
Philza gives in to temptation, and lets himself fade.
If he's safe, he can let consciousness be someone else's problem.
Philza wakes next to a warm pillow, and frozen blankets, and the distinct smell of honey tea. There's no singing this time, but familiar fingers trace his cheek and Philza feels them and thinks /Missa/.
There's a steady bip bip, and a sting, and his existence is cloudy with painkillers.
All of those sensations - every single one - adds up to /probably/ a good thing.
This time, awake, Philza manages to open his eyes. His vision is blurry, but the light is dim, and he's able to drink in the image of his husband above him sipping on a steaming mug.
Missa's eyes gaze vacantly into the distance. Philza does not chase them down. Instead he reaches up a shaking hand, just about managing to make it high enough to stroke Missa's cheek.
He sees Missa blink, and look down, and whisper "Phil?"
Philza can only gather so much strength, but he smiles his soft smile and mouths back "Missa".
A few hours and a nap later, Philza is sat against Missa's chest, and curled in his arms. They're both in an exhausted daze, Philza never having really quite left one, and Missa having been running on fear for too long. It strains the stitches a little, but not so much it bleeds, and Philza will live.
He's had the summary of what happened - Missa found him in the woods, bought him back, called for help healing him even as he cleaned and stitched the wound himself. There's talk of the poison, about it being new, and the struggle to synthesise an antidote before they ran out of blood they could give him.
From the haunted look in everyone's eyes, it was a fucking close run thing.
He'll have to thank Pac and Mike later, for that. He's already asked Fit to pass the message on, along with dropping his communicator off for cleaning, upgrade, and repairs, but, fuck, he knows the sort of toll the two are willing to put themselves through for people, and he knows he owes them.
He hopes Mike stopped Pac poisoning himself this time - Jesus Fucking Christ that man will be the death of Fit one of these days - and given the turn around might even be correct about it.
Silver lining - there's now an antidote for the next time someone runs into one of those fucks, and Aypierre is already working on a way to mass produce it.
And then there's Roier to thank, who might still give Missa side eye at times - and what even happened there - but who knows his way around the hospital /and/ seems to have kept his husband something approximating calm, and then Tubbo let slip they'd had to round up blood donations from everyone compatible to keep him alive and make up for the blood loss and, fuck, at this point he should probably get Chayanne to help him batch cook a /lot/ of shortbread to box up and hand around.
And then there's Missa, his Missa...
He's not sure /why/ Missa sang until his throat could barely function, especially when Philza was too unconscious to appreciate it, but...
But it was also Missa who found him, who saved him.
Philza presses a kiss to his fingers, then presses those fingers against Missa's throat.
"Hm?" Missa asks. "Phil?"
"Thank you," Philza shifts his hand, keeping the backs of his fingers against Missa's throat as he strokes along his chin with his thumb.
"I didn't do much," Missa whispers, his voice still suffering.
"You found me," Philza says. "You saved me."
"The... wolves?" his voice lilts slightly on the word - with Philza's communicator gone and head missing a significant proportion of blood assigned to it, they're stuck in English. "They found you."
"They would have eaten me, not saved me."
"No!" Missa's eyes widen, and arms tighten around him. "No, they are good- good boys!"
"I'm teasing," Philza promises, and maybe he is now but it had been a very genuine fear at the time. "I'm teasing, it's okay, I'm okay..."
He's not, he feels like death, and the painkillers he's been given will wear off soon. But, he's breathing, he's alive, and it doesn't look like that's changing any time soon.
Missa curls around him, hugging him close, protecting him from all sides. It's a position Philza is intimately familiar with, having done it so many times for his children.
"I was scared," Missa's voice breaks. "I was scared - you scared me."
"I'm sorry," and Philza /is/, he never - he's never wanted to be the cause of such worry, such fear. "Missa, I- I'm so sorry."
"You were dead," Missa says, the sobs free and almost drowning his struggling voice. "You were dead, in my arms. I held you dead in my arms."
A mistranslation? Philza wouldn't be here, if he were dead, he knows that much for sure.
"I'm right here," Philza promises, rather than call out his confusion; English is hard, and it's no time for a grammar lesson. "You got my dumb ass out of there, and got help. We're okay, I'm okay."
"Don't leave me," Missa answers. "You're- you're- banned! No leaving me, never leaving me."
Philza doesn't think his words are reaching through the tears; he pools his strength, and reaches up, and holds his husband close. Missa's arms wrap around his chest - not tight, moving as he breathes and clinging to that pace.
"We're okay," Philza whispers - despite the exhaustion, despite the pain, despite the catheter still in his arm just in case the bleeding restarts and he needs another transfusion, despite how controlling his body is like piloting sludge. "We're okay."
And maybe, this time, they will be.
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darkbloodmoon · 2 years
welcome to HELL B I T C H
population: ....
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livefungus · 19 days
before i go to bed i want to share this thought that's been on my mind since the episode dropped
people have pointed out that those who get mephoneX'd were involved in some sort of conflict with another person (pickle with taco, oj with paper, nickel with baseball)
and right now, paintbrush, fan and test tube are at purgatory mansion. and there will inevitably be tension between everyone there (bc of marshmallow leaving paintbrush and fan and tt creating a robot replica of bow without her consent)
so let's say everyone exchanges a few choice words, one thing leads to another, and...
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Fred k!nk confirmed?!?🤔
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Bonus pic of where Fred would like you to "kiss it"
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gojosprettyprincess · 8 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Men + How they'd moan w/audios.
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Tw - dirty talk, assplay in Suguru's, daddy kink in Nanami's, (Got a bit carried away in the geto one haha) also not proofread cause I got tired.
A/n this was requested so tysm to the person that requested it but a part of it is kinda a repost because I've already done something similar before but I hope you guys like it! Gojo, Geto, Toji, Choso, Nanami
Gojo Satoru
This is how Gojo sounds when he's close. (Ik this because he fucked me before so you can trust me on this)
He's very loud when he fucks you and he'd also whisper a lot of nasty shit to your ears while he's rutting his hips inside you, fucking you deeper into the bed while he has your legs over his shoulders, hissing and groaning at the way your tight cunt sucks him in so well, while your sinking your freshly manicured nails that he paid for into his back, decorating it with angry red marks and when he's close he'd be panting and breathing heavily on top of you, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead onto you from how much he's been fucking you.
"Fuckfuckfuck gonna fill you up so good baby, m'gonna stuff you so full of my cum, bet you'll like that yeah?".
Geto Suguru
This is how Suguru sounds while you're riding him in cowgirl position, he has a clear view of the way his cock slides into your soaked cunt every time you bounced on it, he just can't take his eyes off of it, the way your cunt would swallow his cock in and the way your ass jiggles every time you moved your hips, it was so hot. One thing that really caught his eye though was the way your asshole looked so neglected and desperate to be filled, he thought this would be the perfect opportunity to try something.
he spat on his right thumb, making sure to gets his spit all over it to use as lube before circling it around your hole, spreading his spit all around it then sinking his thumb slowly into the tight rim. He hisses as he felt how tight your ass was, clammed around his finger. He noticed how you started slowing down, and how your moans got so much louder, he lands a sharp slap on your ass. "Fuckkk sweetheart k-keep going, Fuck yeah, keep bouncing on my cock, yesss that's it, don't worry princess I'll make you feel s'good". He groans, feeling your cunt fluttering and cleaching around his cock.
He starts thumbing your ass, fucking his finger in and out of you matching your rhythm. "Holy fuck need you to cum, Be a good girl and cum f'me yeah?". He hisses, feeling you thrusting your hips faster and faster onto him, your brain gets all fuzzy and blank it was too much, both of your holes were getting stuffed and penetrated. You start feeling yourself getting closer and closer as you bounced yourself on top of him. "F-fuck sugu gonna cum, M'gonna cum!" you cried out. "Go ahead, cream on my cock baby you can do it fuckk", and that's all you needed to hear before you came undone, creaming all over his cock, rings of your nut appearing at the base of his cock, his thumb still buried in your ass to the hilt. He lets out a loud groan, looking at how your creamy cunt covered in cum. "Good fucking girl, see the mess you made on my cock baby?".
Toji Fushiguro
This is how he sounds when he's close, he doesn't really make that much noise while he's fucking you, maybe you'd earn a few groans and grunts once in a while because of your cunt but most of the time it's just dirty talk.
But when he's close, he gets so much louder and faster, he picks up his pace, hammering into you harder from behind while your face is buried into the pillow beneath you and landing harsh slaps onto the soft flesh of your ass while looking down to watch it jiggle everytime he thrust his hips against you. the sound of his cum filled balls that's waiting to be emptied inside your little cunny, slapping against your clit filling the room with each thrust along with your muffled moans. Your cunt was clamping around him like crazy because one thing about Toji, he always fucks you so good every damn time.
"Holy fucking shit, tight little cunt milking my cock so well, you gonna give me another kid baby or what?".
Choso Kamo
This is how he'd moan while you're on your knees sucking his cock and he's getting close; he'd be whimpering and moaning loudly while saying stuff like "pleasepleaseplease m'so close don't stop please" with tears prickling from his eyes while he's looking down at you. He begs you alot and he's also really sensitive so that makes him moan and whimper even more.
Nanami Kento
This is how he sounds when he's ramming his cock up into your poor messy cunny in his work office, purposely molding your tight hole into the shape of his thick girth as his large beefy hands gripping onto the back your thighs to hold your legs up into a full nelson-type positon but the difference is that he's sitting down and your back is leaning against his board chest.
His thrusts was hard and fast as he continues feeding your greedy tight cunt with his fat cock, loud pants and groans escaping his lips at the way your cunt tightens around his cock while he stretches you out. "Hah- oh fuckk such a good little slut, taking daddy's cock so well, s'good f'me baby". His deep and husky voice made you throbbing around his cock while he ruins you.
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oreo-creampie · 1 year
“𝐠𝐨𝐝 𝐈 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐤”
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: light angst/all smut, some possessiveness/jealousy, breeding, mind-break, overstimulation, squirting, pussy slapping, begging, double and hints of triple penetration (satoru's clones, listen i know you need to do things to get the clone but I don't care they are just going to appear because smut and I'm horny), fingering your ass, edging, begging, teasing, daddy/mama/princess/sweetheart etc...., hints at breeding, toji holds you up and fucks you like a cock sleeve, choking, stoner!suguru, shotgunning, some grinding, groping, kissing, semi-outdoor/car sex
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧: god I missed your cock with toru!
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Folding you in half, pinning the back of your knees by your sides. Admiring your soaking wet, tight cunt stretching to take his pale pink cockhead. Closing your eyes, biting your bottom lip, muffling your cries.
Gliding his cock out, the soft ridge line of his head tugging on your cunt. Slapping your plush lips and sensitive clit. "Look at me, sweetheart! Who am I?" Rolling your eyes at him.
"My annoying slightly handsome ex?" Your empty cunt clenching when he slaps his long, veiny cock.
"Wrong answer!" He groans at the slick sound of gliding his head between your plush wet lips. "Guess you don't need my cock that badly." Avoiding your clit, nudging half his head past your lips. Swirling his head at your soaking wet, clenching hole.
Pushing your hips down, Satoru pulls away. "No! I mean yes. I mean, I didn't need it before. If you won't, then I'll call Ky-" You can't finish the word before he stuffs two fingers past your lips. Pinching your tongue. A second Satoru looms over you.
Clone Toru lets your tongue go once you whine. He smirks crooning, "Why do you look surprised, my love?” Satoru flips you over by your legs, grabbing your hips and lifting them up. Grabbing the previously forgotten lube nearby.
'my love' the words replay in your mind, soaking your cunt and tugging on your heart. Bitting your lip refusing to let the 'i love you too' slip out. After all the work to try and forget him, crumbling in one night around him.
Satoru generously pours lube on your other hole. Smearing it in small circles, with his thick pointer fingers. Both holes clench from the anticipation. “I'm offended after all the times you begged for me to fill up every little, sloppy wet hole.” Toru grabs your hair, lifting your head up, stroking his head. Smearing his pre-cum with his thumb.
Moaning when Satoru glides his finger in, spreading the lube with each pump. “It’s been almost two years!" He swipes his cock head between your plush lips, squeezing your cheek with his finger in your ass. Satoru rocks his hips forward, Toru stuffs your mouth the second you moan.
Fingering your ass at the same pace he fucks your tight sloppy wet cunt. "So fuckin' warm, sweetheart." He roughly slaps your other cheek. Crying around Toru's cock, he pushes your head down, your cunt clenching as you gag.
Toru groans, "It doesn't matter who you fuck, you had me, sweetheart." Picking his pace up, his balls hitting your chin. Letting go of your hair, grabbing your neck, choking you. Both of your holes clenching from the pleasurable pain of the restriction whilst getting roughly face fucked.
Satoru groans, "I'll always be the best you've ever had. Tell me I'm wrong." Gliding another finger into your ass. It feels too good to have his thick fingers stretching, filling you up. As he pounds your sloppy wet cunt loose.
Your mind is going blank from getting sandwiched between two Satorus. "You're going to take another cock in this pretty little hole till I stuff every hole full of cum." You're losing your reservations towards him.
Whining the second Toru slips his cock out of your mouth, loosening his grasp on your neck. "God I missed your cocks!" Sticking your tongue out wanting him to fuck your mouth for your and his pleasure. Toru slaps his cock on your tongue.
"I know you did, that's why we couldn't stay away." Satoru pulls away, grabbing your neck to pull you back. Another Satoru appears before your eyes next to the first clone. Ru lays down, "You're going to take all three of me like you used to."
You want to pretend Satoru is your’s again. That you never left. Satoru loosens his grasp on your neck. "I'm your’s." Satoru pushes your chin up with his thumb, passionately kissing you with a loud groan. Wrapping his arm around your waist, shifting you to straddle his clone.
Ru's warm, cock into you. "All fuckin' mine, say it again. I need to hear it." Satoru lines his cock up with your asshole. Groaning from the pleasurable stretch into Satoru's mouth.
You're blaming the drinks Toji bought you for the hot tingly soaking wetness of your cunt. It's not him, with his large macular body pinning you to the bed. Making you feel so small and powerless beneath him, nothing but a beautiful fuck toy for his cock.
You don't care how you've missed the shade of forest green Toji's eyes are. Old feelings aren't stirring up after he stares deep into your eyes. Switching between memorizing the way your soaking wet cunt stretches for fat, veiny cock and your cock drunk expression.
Reminding him, "This means nothing. We aren't talking after this." You can feel every puffy vein, the softness of his skin rubbing your soft, wet cunt. Clenching him, your eyes rolling back and toes curling from how hard Toji is.
You're going to cum when Toji stops moving. Pinching your clit, jerking your hips back into the blankets, crying. He points out, “Sounds like you're reminding yourself. You know you missed me mama. You didn't have to bring me home with ya." Stroking your clit, easing the pain with pleasure. Sliding his cock out till his fat head is tugging on your tight cunt.
He splays his fingers on your stomach, pinning you down. “Don't see why I did, when you're not letting me cummmm!” Toji grabs the headboard, using his size and strength to roughly glide his cock into your dripping cunt.
The venom in your voice softens into a needy moan. “You’re-nnnnannnn asshole.” Grabbing a fistful of his black hair to tug on it. He looks too beautiful moaning, his eyes fluttering shut his jaw dropping. His pussy drunk expression getting you off.
“I am sweetheart, I’m n' asshole for leaving both of ya. Biggest fuckin’ mistake was letting ya go.” You can't give in to him again. This is just lip service, but why when he's already in you.
It's already too much getting underneath him, taking his fat, veiny cock. You couldn't open your heart to him again. Whining, “Don’t say that." Letting your headboard go, grabbing your neck loosely, leaning down roughly kissing you.
Biting your bottom lip, making it tingle. “Can't help it doll, I'm inside ya but it's not enough I miss ya so badly. Miss see ya in the morning, coming home to ya, hearing your voice. Can't forget how beautiful you look with your belly swelling, your tits dripping milk." Your soaking wet cunt clenching Toji's veiny cock.
You're clamping down on his cock feeling every vein too acutely. You can't think straight, you can only fixate on how hard his cock is. Your toes curling, your tight trembling your cunt dripping down your cheeks. Your resolve crumbles.
Toji's former title slips off so easily, "Please Daddy don't stop! Oh god, daddy please m' so close! Oh god I missed your cock!" You're so close, the pressure in your gut is about to burst. Desperately you want to cum on Toji's cock.
Toji groans, the deep rough sound pushing you over the edge. "Aw my mama so worked up she's cumming after a few strokes. Good girl, make a mess of your daddy's cock" He grabs your neck and hip, pulling you off the bed. Holding you up right, bouncing you on his cock with ease.
Wrapping your arm around his shoulders digging in your nails. Giving up on thinking about anything else but being Toji's fuck toy. He loosens his grasp around your neck. "That's it nnnn! Daaadddy fuck me, use your cunt! Nnn you're so big stretching my pussy out, reachin' so deep. Nnnn." Sliding your hand down his thick arm, squeezing his hard muscular bicep.
Sliding your hand down his thick chest, his tits jiggle with each thrust. Squeezing one and biting down unable to resist. Toji croons, "You like how big daddy is? Huh let me hear it otherwise I won't cum in you." All you have to ground yourself and hold onto is Toji.
"I missed your dirty mouth talking about my big cock. Callin' me daddy makin' me want to make you a mama, oh wait I did." Whining, wrapping your legs around his waist, not wanting him to pull away. The one thing your mind can focus on is his thick cum.
Toji roughly grunts, "You're all fuckin' mine." Squeezing your throat tightly, rocking you faster on his cock. His navel brushing your sensitive, puffy clit. You're too close to cumming, and so quickly. You're so powerless in his hands, getting fucked by Toji like he owns your pussy.
Your body is tingling and going limp when he lets go. Holding you close to him by your neck. The second you can breath steadily you beg, "I'm your beautiful baby mama. Wanna feel you cum in me, please daddy. It's been so long, missed feeling your fat puffy veins pulse right before you fill me up."
Suguru's large, warm hand hasn't left your thigh, sliding higher. Getting closer to your cunt soaking through your underwear. Pressing your thighs together trapping his hand. Taking your gaze off the full moon and stars above to study Suguru’s beautiful side profile.
He breathes in the last hit off the blunt, squeezing your thigh. Shifting your hips, his pinkie brushing your clothed cunt. Suguru leans in for a kiss, parting your lips, bitter smoke drifts into your mouth.
He pulls away too soon, snuffing out the blunt in the ashtray he bought. "Takin' me out here, smokin' with me under the stars." Straddling his hips. Suguru glides his hand underneath your shirt. "Seems like you're trying something." Rocking your hips, grinding your clothed, soaking wet cunt on his covered, hard cock.
He fondles your cheek, slipping his hand up your shirt. Closing your eyes, savoring the pleasure of Suguru feeling you up. His large warm hands, "I'm trying to see if we can make us work again. I've been getting help, doing better and I'm so fuckin' sorry I hurt you." Your eyes sting with tears you blink away.
"You're the best person I could have ever had the chance of being with. I miss you, want to be anything you'll let me be." Gliding your fingers into his soft dark hair, half up and down, pulling him in for another passionate kiss.
You've been in denial about how much miss the softness and shape of Suguru's lips. He parts his lip for you to slip your tongue past. Moaning into his mouth. There's a deep-seated longing in his needy groans, your moans, and the desperate way he holds onto you.
No one else feels so right to kiss, hump, and grope. Breaking away, his harsh words ring in the back of your head. Could you really start again, without him pushing you away? You couldn't fully take the step so quickly. "We can be friends with benefits, hang out and cuddle fuck a few times." His handsome face catches the full moon's light.
Kissing down Suguru's well-defined jawline. He wonders, "Do those benefits include going on dates?" He tugs on your shirt, pulling your arms up for Suguru to slip your shirt off. Tossing your shirt aside, you help Suguru make quick work of his shirt.
He's bigger since you last saw him. Thicker pecs, sharply defined abs, and brawny, muscular arms. "Sometimes, we can go on a casual date. Nothing fancy or serious." Dragging a finger down between his pecs. Tracing your finger underneath Suguru's left thick pec.
Suguru squeezes your hips, "More dates like these then? Just two friends fuckin' around in the woods." Standing up, wrapping your legs around his waist. You undo the bun in his hair, sliding your fingers through his silky hair. Once by his shoulders now meeting the middle of his back.
"Catching up, getting high, and staring at the stars isn't too bad of a way to pass time." Climbing onto the mattress in the back of his remodeled van. He leans over, laying you down with your head on a pillow. He grabs your skirt, tugging it off with your underwear tossing it to the side.
Spreading your legs groaning when he sees your soaking wet cunt clench. Spreading your lips apart, "Next time we can get a little kinker with it and I can hunt you down. When I win." Suguru glides a thick finger into you, "I'll fuck you till you squirt." Finding your g-spot in seconds. Rubbing your puffy, sensitive clit with his thumb.
You whine, "Don't tease me, please I want you so badly. God I missed your cock and how you touch n' kiss me." Your cries turn to begging, "Daddy let me suck you off if you're going to eat me out. I'll sit on your handsome face, gag myself with your cock n' massage your balls." He glides his finger out, licking it clean.
He climbs out of the van, partly pushing his cozy-looking baggy sweats down. "You missed what now?" Giving you a small glimpse of the bottom of his hard cock. The two thick veins on the top are making your mouth water. You want to suck his cock, and fondle his balls.
Crawling towards him, pushing his sweats down, grabbing his heavy cock. Your eyes widen, and you remember Suguru was big. But damn your memory didn't do him justice. using both your hands. "I remember but forgot big you are, hottest fuckin' cock," cupping his ball sack, fondling him. "I missed how you stretch out my cunt." Kissing his head, he groans, rutting his hips forward, his thick thighs flexing.
"I've missed how good you taste, want you to sit on my face and smother me." Smearing his pre cum around looking at him in his warm brown eyes. Letting him go, enjoying the soft plop of his heavy cock falling onto his balls.
He steps out of his sweats and climbs onto the bed. Fixing his hair so you won't kneel on it. In those few seconds, you can't leave him alone. Gliding your hands over his hard abs, picking up his cock and taking him deep into your mouth.
Suguru's breathy loud groan of your name makes your cunt drip down your thighs. He sounds so beautiful it's almost a pity you have to smother him with your pussy.
strawberry brat all works
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burntoutdaydreamer · 11 months
Weird Brain Hacks That Help Me Write
I'm a consistently inconsistent writer/aspiring novelist, member of the burnt-out-gifted-kid-to-adult-ADHD-diagnosis-pipeline, recently unemployed overachiever, and person who's sick of hearing the conventional neurotypical advice to dealing with writer's block (i.e. "write every single day," or "there's no such thing as writer's block- if you're struggling to write, just write" Like F*CK THAT. Thank you, Brenda, why don't you go and tell someone with diabetes to just start producing more insulin?)
I've yet to get to a point in my life where I'm able to consistently write at the pace I want to, but I've come a long way from where I was a few years ago. In the past five years I've written two drafts of a 130,000 word fantasy novel (currently working on the third) and I'm about 50,000 words in on the sequel. I've hit a bit of a snag recently, but now that I've suddenly got a lot of time on my hands, I'm hoping to revamp things and return to the basics that have gotten me to this point and I thought I might share.
1) My first draft stays between me and God
I find that I and a lot of other writers unfortunately have gotten it into our heads that first drafts are supposed to resemble the finished product and that revisions are only for fixing minor mistakes. Therefore, if our first draft sucks that must mean we suck as writers and having to rewrite things from scratch means that means our first draft is a failure.
I'm here to say that is one of the most detrimental mentalities you can have as a writer.
Ever try drawing a circle? You know how when you try to free-hand draw a perfect circle in one go, it never turns out right? Whereas if you scribble, say, ten circles on top of one another really quickly and then erase the messy lines until it looks like you drew a circle with a singular line, it ends up looking pretty decent?
Yeah. That's what the drafting process is.
Your first draft is supposed to suck. I don't care who you are, but you're never going to write a perfect first draft, especially if you're inexperienced. The purpose of the first draft is to lay down a semi-workable foundation. A really loose, messy sketch if you will. Get it all down on paper, even if it turns out to be the most cliche, cringe-inducing writing you've ever done. You can work out those kinks in the later drafts. The hardest part of the first draft is the most crucial part: getting started. Don't stress yourself out and make it even harder than it already is.
If that means making a promise to yourself that no one other than you will ever read your first draft unless it's over your cold, dead body, so be it.
2) Tell perfectionism to screw off by writing with a pen
I used to exclusively write with pencil until I realized I was spending more time erasing instead of writing.
Writing with a pen keeps me from editing while I right. Like, sometimes I'll have to cross something out or make notes in the margins, but unlike erasing and rewriting, this leaves the page looking like a disaster zone and that's a good thing.
If my writing looks like a complete mess on paper, that helps me move past the perfectionist paralysis and just focus on getting words down on the page. Somehow seeing a page full of chicken scratch makes me less worried about making my writing all perfect and pretty- and that helps me get on with my main goal of fleshing out ideas and getting words on a page.
3) It's okay to leave things blank when you can't think of the right word
My writing, especially my first draft, is often filled with ___ and .... and (insert name here) and red text that reads like stage directions because I can't think of what is supposed to go there or the correct way to write it.
I found it helps to treat my writing like I do multiple choice tests. Can't think of the right answer? Just skip it. Circle it, come back to it later, but don't let one tricky question stall you to the point where you run out of brain power or run out of time to answer the other questions.
If I'm on a role, I'm not gonna waste it by trying to remember that exact word that I need or figure out the right transition into the next scene or paragraph. I'm just going to leave it blank, mark to myself that I'll need to fix the problem later, and move on.
Trust me. This helps me sooooo much with staying on a roll.
4) Write Out of Order
This may not be for everyone, but it works wonders for me.
Sure, the story your writing may need to progress chronologically, but does that mean you need to write it chronologically? No. It just needs to be written.
I generally don't do this as much for editing, but for writing, so long as you're making progress, it doesn't matter if it's in the right order. Can't think of how to structure Chapter 2, but you have a pretty good idea of how your story's going to end? Write the ending then. You'll have to go back and write Chapter 2 eventually, but if you're feeling more motivated to write a completely different part of the book, who's to say you can't do that?
When I'm working on a project, I start off with a single document that I title "Scrap for (Project Title)" and then just write whatever comes to mind, in whatever order. Once I've gotten enough to work with, then I start outlining my plot and predicting how many chapters I'm going to need. Then, I create separate google docs for each individual chapter and work on them in whatever order I feel like, often leaving several partially complete as I jump from one to the other. Then, as each one gets finished, I copy and paste the chapter into the full manuscript document. This means that the official "draft" could have Chapters 1 and 9, but completely be missing Chapters 2-8, and that's fine. It's not like anyone will ever know once I finish it.
Sorry for the absurdly long post. Hopes this helps someone. Maybe I'll share more tricks in the future.
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shotmrmiller · 8 months
Multiverse part 3
You sat in a small room on a padded chair, with equipment set up around your arm, chest, and fingertips. A polygraph test. That's what you were being forced to take. And to your chagrin, Ghost is in the room with you and Captain Price.
"Try to relax, yeah?" Price commented. He must've noticed your restless leg.
"I'll do that, shall I? I've done nothing wrong, other than exist and I'm being interrogated. Because that's what this is— an interrogation." You finally turn your attention from Ghost to look at Price, who's sitting at the desk by your side. "Tell me, Captain. Did you get this same treatment when you came back after spending all that time locked up in the gulag?"
His dark eyebrows furrow in confusion. A sigh escapes your bitten lips. That's only in your...world, for lack of a better term. Dimension? Universe?
"I haven't been to the gulag here." Yeah, obviously.
With an impatient wave of the hand that doesn't have cables strapped to it, you mutter, "Let's get on with this circus act, then. Ask your questions."
Ghost steps forward, his arms unfolding as if he's about to speak to you, but Price swiftly intervenes, halting him with a raised hand.
"Alright then. Baseline questions first. Name." Ghost gives away nothing when you say your last name is Riley.
It goes like this for a few, then he switches to the control questions, until finally moving on to the relevant ones.
"How did you get here?" I don't know.
"Do you know why you're here?" No.
He pulls up a photograph. "Recognize him?" Captain MacTavish.
Another photo. "Him?" I don't know.
"What do you mean by that?" If that's Roach, I've never seen his face unmasked.
"You're sure you don't know him?" Unless that man's name is Gary Sanderson, no. I do not know him.
Price acknowledges your response with a nod, then shifts his gaze towards Ghost, whose head slightly tilts forward. Returning his attention to you, he retrieves a final photograph. "What about him?"
As you look at the picture, your eyes begin to well with tears, lip trembling violently. A new fracture reverberated through your tender heart, intensifying the ache in your chest. Yes.
"Who is he?" Price softly asks.
"That's my Simon," your voice broke on the last syllable. It was hard to not use a possessive adjective when the face of your husband was in that picture.
Blinking the tears away, you clear your throat. "Anything else, Captain?"
Price purses his lips under his hefty facial hair and responds, "Just a few more questions."
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Once finished, you sat unabashedly staring at Ghost in the tiny room. "I wear Roach's tags alongside yours, in honor. He was with you until the very end, and for that, I couldn't be more grateful."
Ghost is completely silent, but you continue talking anyway. "I've been married to you since a bit after you came home on leave that one time. You know the one."
His eyes are emotionless, blank, as he stares at you. But you know him like the back of your hand. You've got his full attention.
"I accompanied you to your brother's wedding. He married a woman, Beth. She was good for him. They had a baby, your nephew, named Joseph. The love you had for him was one of a kind. I had told you later that evening that I dreamed of the day you'd look at our children like that."
With a shuddery breath, you tell him how none of those matters. Because your husband is dead, and you're stuck here. With his counterpart that hates you.
With a hushed click, the door closes shut behind him as he leaves, yet its resounding noise fills the compact room you're in.
You begin to fidget with the sizeable ring that hangs on a thin necklace beneath your shirt— the metal is warm under your touch as if it had never gone cold in the first place.
As if Simon had never taken it off his finger to go find Makarov.
ah theyre short but hurt. much pain.
taglist: @1mawh0re @sae1kie @darkravenqueen98 @chinuneko @thestartitaness @bowtruckleninja @hawsx3 @uyudunmuyavru @prettyoatmeal @arael-asuka @spencerreidisbae123 @beau-min @lovefks @maliakealoha @kit-williams @clear-your-mind-and-dream @theloneshadow24 @wolfieisacat @littlebunie @bloobewy @kkaaaagt @sadsackssss @hypernovaxx @halobaby @lildemon475 @animarix @just-pure-trash @catatemyslideshow @hayleybarnesx @sasagehoes @thigh-o-saur @youdontknowe @destroyer-of-za-warudo @maxisqq @k4marina @onlineoutcast
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cherryredcheol · 6 months
just one secret
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tldr: you know what they say about assuming... a/n: reader is referred to as she/her/wife. this is as angsty as i'll ever be (and this isn't angst)
“okay, just make sure she doesn’t find out. i don’t want her to know.”
you stopped dead in your tracks. you weren’t trying to spy on mingyu and his phone conversation, honest. you had just woken up from a very peaceful nap and the plan was to go beg mingyu to cook for you, or at least pay for take-out. your blood ran cold hearing mingyu on the phone in the living room. you didn’t keep secrets from each other. or at least you didn’t keep secrets from him. you were under the impression it went both ways but suddenly you’re not sure. 
you knew you were jumping to conclusions. you’re not even sure what he was talking about. who he was talking about. it could be any other woman in his life, his sister or his mom. but how were you not supposed to spiral when you hear him whispering on the phone to god knows who about secrets? your stomach twisted uncomfortably. what were you going to-
“angel? you up? are you hungry?” mingyu was calling to you from the living room. he must’ve heard you down the hall. before you could even figure out what your next steps were going to be, he appeared in the doorway, backlit from the sunny windows, and you almost melted seeing him smile at you. but then that little voice in the back of your head reminded you mingyu was keeping secrets. 
“who were you on the phone with?” you had to play it cool, not wanting to alert him of your suspicion. you didn’t want to accuse him of something that was nothing. the best course of action here was to let him tell you. ask a few leading questions and let him fill in the blanks. if it really was nothing, he’d tell you. 
mingyu started walking towards you, holding his arms out for you. “it was no one, angel. are you hungry? i can cook or we can get take-out. what sounds good?” he had reached you at this point, wrapped you up in his arms where you stood stiff as a board. 
your thoughts were racing. why didn’t he tell you who was on the phone? what was going on? why was mingyu keeping secrets?
“angel?” he peered down at you, clearly waiting for your answer. 
you shook your head, clearing your thoughts, “i’ll eat whatever, gyu. i’m not picky.” you pulled yourself out of his arms, suddenly feeling suffocated by his embrace for the first time since you met him. “i’m going to shower real quick while we wait for dinner. okay?” 
you didn’t even wait for his reply before you abruptly turned and went back into the bedroom you had just come from. 
in the safety of the ensuite bathroom, you stripped and let your thoughts run wild as the shower warmed up. what was going on? things with mingyu had been so good for the last 3 years. you two were so in love, his members often complained about spending time with the two of you, citing nausea at the sight of mingyu’s lovesick eyes boring into yours. 
you jumped when you heard a knock at the door. 
“angel? can i come in?” you could hear the confusion in his voice. probably wondering why you had suddenly decided on a shower and not engaging in your usual bicker over what to eat for dinner. you two would go back and forth but mingyu always gave in to you, paying for your favorite take-out spot or cooking whatever you requested. 
you didn’t want to alert him to your strange behavior, still not sure exactly what was going on, “yeah, come in.” 
the door cracked open and he peeked his head in the steamy room, eyes searching yours for signs of what was wrong. he could sense it, of course he could. 
he entered the room fully now, not reaching out to you, but fingers twitching at his sides begging to touch all your exposed skin. he stayed respectful though, eyes never leaving yours. “um, i ordered your favorite sushi. hope that’s okay.” 
things were awkward, tense. “yeah. thanks.” 
mingyu sighed, “angel, are you okay? things were okay before you took your nap. did something happen? can i fix it for you?” he was desperate for answers, hating this distance between you two suddenly. he’s not even sure what was going on, he just knew you were not okay. 
you looked away from him, “yeah. i’m okay. just have a bit of a headache. i’m hoping this shower will help. thanks for ordering dinner gyu, i’ll be out soon.” you effectively ended the conversation, hoping he’d get the hint and leave. 
he did.  “okay, angel. love you,” he gave you one last lingering look before closing the door behind him. 
you did everything you could to drag the shower out for as long as possible but you knew you were being a bit ridiculous. mingyu didn’t deserve the cold shoulder and you’re not even sure if he did anything beyond having a suspicious phone call. pulling one of his shirts on over your head, you decided it was time to face him. if you stewed in your thoughts any longer you were actually going to go crazy.
the first thing you noticed walking out of the bedroom was the darkness of the apartment. all the lights were off and the sun had set while you were in the shower. had he left? 
that one little word pulled you out of your spiral. he hadn’t left, just turned off all the lights? you were confused, wandering down the hall pausing in the doorway to the living room, yep, lights off in there too. as you reached the kitchen you saw mingyu hunched over the kitchen table, trying and failing to light a candle in the middle of the table. one of many candles he had lit, you realized as you looked around the room. there were little candles all over the room, a soft glow illuminating the dark space. you could see that the sushi had arrived and mingyu set the table, making for a much fancier take-out night than you usually had. 
“hey,” you called from the doorway, softly to not scare the big, clumsy man holding a lighter above your dinner. 
he jumped anyway, spinning around to see you. he was apprehensive, nervous energy pouring off of both of you as you eyed each other. neither of you wanted to upset the other, doing this delicate waltz around each other's feelings. 
he smiled despite himself, “hey angel. feeling better?”
“what is all this?” you ignored his question, very confused as to what was going on. 
his hand went to the back of his neck, suddenly feeling embarrassed about all the effort he went to, “well, you said you had a headache so i thought you might like softer lighting in the apartment so your eyes wouldn’t hurt from the overheads.” 
you made him jump a second time when you burst into tears. mingyu stood there looking at you holding your face in your hands, sobs wracking your body, frozen for only a second before he jumped into action, crossing the room in long strides and holding you to his chest. you kept crying, the wet spot on his shirt growing larger and larger.
when your sobs turned to sniffles, he loosened his grip on you. pulling back only enough to look at your face. 
“what is going on, angel? please tell me so i can help.” he was pleading with you, begging even. it hurt him to see you upset like this, especially because he didn’t know what was causing it. 
you couldn’t look into his eyes, instead, you stared at his feet, clad in soft socks, one on either side of yours, caging you in. “why would you do all this for me when you’re keeping secrets?” you sniffled, tears pooling at your lash line, threatening to spill again. 
mingyu blinked, confused, “what are you talking about? what secrets, angel?”
you still couldn’t look at him, “i heard you on the phone earlier. you said, ‘make sure she doesn’t find out.’ what did that mean? and when i asked you who it was you said it was no one. are you keeping secrets from me, gyu?” you felt so small in that moment. all the air around you still as you waited for his answer. 
“angel,” he cooed at you. grabbing your chin and bringing your eyes up to meet his. “you heard me on the phone? that’s what you’ve been upset about this whole time? i didn’t even know you heard that.” 
“you still have not answered my question, mingyu.” 
he winced hearing you use his full name, “angel, i promise you i am not keeping secrets. well, just one. but i was going to tell you soon! it just wasn’t the right time.” 
you tried to back out of his grip but his arms tightened around you, keeping you against him. “we promised not to keep secrets.” 
he laughed, “i can’t exactly tell you about my plan to propose, can i?” 
you went rigid, “you better not be fucking kidding, kim mingyu.” 
“i’m not fucking kidding, angel. that was wonwoo on the phone earlier. he’s been keeping the ring hidden at his place for months. he’s dropping it off tomorrow and we had to coordinate when he could swing by because i didn’t want you to be here. didn’t want to ruin the surprise. guess that doesn’t matter anymore,” he laughed, squeezing you even tighter to him. 
you suddenly felt very stupid. and so guilty. how could you wreck his surprise like this? you felt like crying, “i’m so sorry gyu. i shouldn’t have assumed and now i’ve ruined the whole thing.” 
he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, “angel, you ruined nothing. you should’ve just asked me in the first place, though. could’ve saved yourself all this heartache.” 
belly full of sushi, comfort show playing on the tv, mingyu by your side, you have never felt more content. you loved this man so much and you couldn’t wait to be his wife. 
“wait, are you proposing tomorrow?” 
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dreambunnynotes · 7 months
bunny's 60-day glow up challenge ❤︎
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hi my loves! my birthday is right around the corner and i want to end the year strong, so i thought it would be a cute and encouraging idea to host a challenge for all of us glow-up girlies! the steps for the challenge are very simple and customizable, and they give plenty of space for low-energy days. this challenge is all about trying your best to remain consistent in your goals, not to strive for an impossible "perfection" but instead to build trust in yourself that you can show up for your beautiful self and achieve the glow up that you deserve!
steps for the challenge:
pick three habits or things you want to dedicate time to every day
write a sentence or two on why you want to focus on these habits so that you have motivation and inspiration to complete them on hard days; this could include a basic "why" or you could write out specific goals you'd like to achieve through these habits
write out three different energy level variations of the habits so you can achieve your habits even on low-energy days
optional step: write an intro post sharing your habits and goals with everyone! you can use the tag #bunny60days to connect with others doing the challenge and hype each other up with accountability and love - you can also tag me and i can cheer you on hehe! 🥰 otherwise you can simply keep track on your own using a journal or planner or whatever works best for you!
optional step: write daily (or weekly) check-in posts sharing what you accomplished on the different days of the challenge, what you'd like to improve on the next day, or just a general update on how you're feeling. remember that this is a feel-good challenge, not a shame-filled one, so be kind to yourself and use this reflection as a way to show compassion and empathy to yourself 💕 again, you can use the tag #bunny60days to track your progress and see how others are doing!
the only very important rule for this challenge:
if you fall off and don't complete every habit you've written down in a day, do not start the challenge over, just pick up from where you left off! remember, this challenge is about building self-trust and resiliency - this means that you won't let one bad day or break in a streak stop you from continuing your habits. being "strong and hardworking" doesn't mean doing everything perfectly from day one, it means picking yourself up when you fall off course and trying again even though you may feel imperfect.
why only three habits?
when we do challenges, it's so easy to want to accomplish everything all at once, from working out to sleep schedules to everything in between. however, when you eventually burn yourself out or don't complete everything on your super long list of habits, shame is bound to follow, and shame does not make healthy soil for a beautiful plant to grow. starting off with three habits with different energy levels is a good way to ease into habit building while still feeling challenging enough to be interesting.
i don't know where to begin! can you give me an example of some habits or goals?
absolutely! if you'd like an example, you can check out my own personal goals for the challenge here. i'll be participating too, so you know that you have at least one person joining you in your glow up! 🥰 there is also a blank template below for you to use for your own glow up adventure.
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blank template for you:
my chosen habits:
my goals and why's:
habit one:
habit two:
habit three:
my habit energy tiers:
habit one:
low energy:
medium energy:
high energy:
habit two:
low energy:
medium energy:
high energy:
habit three:
low energy:
medium energy:
high energy:
let's do this! bunny xoxo
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servicpop · 13 days
CAN SOMEONE BE MY ADRIEN RN 😭 !! Anyways, what if Adrien asked Y/N to their prom?! isn't that the cutest thing?! is up to you if you gonna make it nsfw! I REALLY NEED HIM !! 🥲 AHHHH (love your page! so glad I found it 🫶🏻)
had so little time cus of work so let me write up something quick !
NSFW ; fingering & overstim
"Who are you taking out to prom, Adrien?" It was a question Adrien never really thought about. The obvious answer was... you, so he had completely forgotten the fact that you two weren't exclusive, or public yet. "Dunno, might just skip it," Adrien shrugged, pushing himself off the cobble pavement and brushed off the dirt from his clothes. The guys just laughed, nudging him with their elbows and patting him on the back, typical Adrien, they all remarked. Now came the complicated part, actually asking you out and playing it off so you won't get found out.
He decided a few weeks before prom day to ask you out. It was a Saturday evening, you were in your room filling out some paperwork for the school. It was crazy how much of a burden the school dumped onto you just because you were the student president. Your phone buzzed on your table, causing you to flinch from the unexpected notification from Adrien.
Look outside ur window I got a surprise for u
It has become normal for Adrien to sneak in through your window. You didn't know how your parents would react to seeing someone like Adrien, and you sure didn't want to risk it so you never actually asked them if Adrien could come in. The chair creaked as it rolled, allowing you to get up and walk to your window. You peered through the glass to look down at your yard, seeing Adrien standing on the grass with flowers in his hand and a large cardboard cut out with poorly drawn glittery words that were practically ineligible from his handwriting. You could tell he used glue and threw glitter on it from the way the letters drooped and melted.
You turned away from the window and went back to work.
You had barely gotten back on your chair until you heard your window slam open and Adrien jump in. How did he get into your room on the 2nd floor? Who knows. A few petals scattered onto your floor and Adrien dropped the cardboard cutout onto the floor, striding to where you were standing. "I'm not leaving until I hear a yes," Adrien grinned, placing the bruised flowers onto your desk and wrapping his arms around your waist, hoisting you up into the air and placing you back down onto your bed.
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You don't know how long he's been at it. He has you laying ontop of him, back to his chest and three fingers slowly pumping in and out of you. There was already white all over your abdomen from your previous orgasms. His left hand is working on your spent cock, rubbing the tip over and over again. His fingers are sodden with your pre-cum that continued to leak out your slit despite how many times you've cum. "Adrien— please I can't take anymore," Your whole body screams with pleasure but your mind is so blank you can't even think a full sentence.
"Not stopping till you say yes," Adrien cooed, rubbing circles along your cockhead that sent shivers down your spine. He knew exactly all the spots you're weak in and all the spots that would drive you insane. Your pride wouldn't let you say yes, how could he even attend prom with you without it being a huge give away to their relationship? But now, all you could think of was his calloused hands rubbing so sweetly at all your spots. His fingers squelched as they pushed deeper, pressing against your prostate once more.
"C'mon just tell me you'll go to prom will me, I'll work double shift to buy you a suit if you want—" "I'll go to prom with you." "I'll even rent a car— huh?" Adrien paused, instantly sitting up to look at your face. It took a moment of pause before a toothy smile spread across Adrien's face, "Really?" You barely nod, your body as so spent from Adrien's torture. Adrien slides his fingers out of you, and wraps his arms around your shoulders in a bear hug. He basically tackles you on your own bed, rolling you around with a hearty laugh, "Fuck I really thought you'd reject me," he smiled against your shoulder, pulling you to lay ontop of him again but now both your chests were brushing against eachother.
"Does this mean we're dating—" "No."
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chaepink · 1 year
bark for me | sub!denji
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wc: 400+ words | masterlist
dom!reader, kinda puppy boy!denji, slight crying, pet play, collars, praising, begging, thigh riding
note : puppy boys are so cute
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"bark for me, denji"
The blond flushes red at your command. You want him to bark?
"Go on. Do you need me to repeat myself?"
You raise an eyebrow at him and give a sharp tug to his leash, making him whimper. With the way he's sitting at your feet looking up at you, you're able to see the way the bell connected to his red collar—you knew the color would look good on him—jingles as he moves and how his face turns red from your praise or insults.
Especially the way his dick is hard and continues to leak pre-cum no matter how hard he tries to hide it between his legs and with his hands.
Denji gulps and licks his lips. The fact that he's naked and that you're fully clothed makes him even harder.
Your stare stays blank. Did he do it wrong?
"Thats disappointing denji," you say, letting out a feign sigh. "That sounded like a question rather than a actual bark. Maybe you're not fit to be my dog after all-"
"N-No! P-Please!" You stop talking as you see actual tears well up in Denji's eyes. "Please... i-i swear i'll be a good dog for you!" He paws at your legs as he pouts at you. His bell jingles as he frantically tries to convince you for another chance.
You coo at him, your hand going down to caress his check. You can feel the way he tilts his head to rub against it gently.
"Really? Then prove it." Denji shivers at the tone of your voice. "Know that I won't give you another chance so go on and bark." He knows its not a request, its a command. And he's not one to ever disobey you.
"woof woof!"
At last you smile at him and Denji feels his heart swell, knowing he did it well. You give him a pat on the head and rub it, watching as he lowers his head to hide his flushed face.
"Good boy"
You watch as his body shivers from the praise. He lets out a whimper as he rubs his head against your thigh, looking at you with pleading, innocent eyes.
"Please what, baby?"
He lets out a whine. "Touch me please!"
You take a quick glance at his hard dick and look back at Denji who has a pout on his lips. How adorable.
"How about you ride my thigh?" You watch as a grin appears on Denji's face and his personality changes into a more energetic, happy one.
"R-Really?" You smile and if you didn't know any better, you would've thought that there was a actual tail behind him wagging side to side if you were to look.
"Yes baby, think about it as a reward." Immediately he jumps onto your thigh, a whimper leaving him as his dick touches your thigh.
He slowly rocks against you, afraid to speed up in case he's not supposed to. But your impatience gets the best of you and you grab his hips to force him to ride your thigh faster.
He jolts as he lets out a gasp that soon turns into a needy whine. He quickly crams his face into your neck, letting out quiet whimpers and moans as he wraps his arms around your neck. Each roll of his hips against your thigh has him letting out even louder noises, letting you to assume that he's close.
A hand leaves his hips and goes to travel up his back before it gently wraps around his neck.
You hear his breathing turn ragged when you gently squeeze his neck, your head turning sideways to whisper in his ear.
"such a adorable puppy, arent you?" Denji lets out a whimper and wraps his arms around you even tighter, his hips practically rutting against your thigh on his own, trying to chase his orgasm.
"If you want to cum, i want to hear you properly beg for it, denji."
With a slight nod, he lifts his head from your neck only to throw it back as particular thrust of your thigh has his body shivering in pleasure.
"ah! please! fuck- let me cum please" He looks at you with tear-filled eyes as he paws at your chest with a pout.
"wanna k-kiss you ah!" You quickly bring him into a kiss filled with teeth clashing and some rather lewd noises coming from him.
He's so eager, really. Even with the way his hips are humping your thigh as if his life depends on it and the way he's moaning and mewling against your lips, you still think he's so so cute.
A perfect puppy boy for you to ruin, for you to keep, and to play with whenever your heart desires.
You pull back from the kiss and have to pull on his hair in order to keep him from chasing your lips to which he whines at. With a grin, you mumble against his mouth.
"Go on and cum, baby."
He widens his eyes at your command but he doesn't waste another second and shoves his face into your neck with a muffled cry, his body spasming as his orgasm hits him hard. Ropes of his cum shoots out and onto your clothes and his chest.
His hips slow down as the intensity dies down. You press a kiss onto the side of his head.
"You did so good for me denji." Denji lets out a hum and cuddles against your body further. He stays still and when you look at his face, you find out that he fell asleep on you.
Perhaps your puppy boy used up too much of his energy today.
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ty for reading to the end! ❤ - chaepink
╰┈➤ masterlist | rules
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animehideout · 10 months
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JJK Men And Things They Would Say 🔞
Gojo Satoru:
“Damn you're so fucking sexy ..”
“shh want me to gag you rn?”
“Yeah... who's a good girl?"
“who did a great job tonight huh?”
“Show it to me, show me your beauty, strip for me baby”
“come on daddy needs to release”
“feel me fucking pound it”
“spit on it”
“open your mouth and swallow it.”
“On your knees...come on.”
“gimme those lips..lemme kiss you mnh”
“You like it when I'm rough don't you?”
“Attagirl...cum rn”
Ryomen Sukuna:
“I'm in charge, I'm in control and I can make you beg...beg for it”
“plead me to be inside you”
“Watch, how this will go deep down your throat”
“spread them wide for me”
“take that fucking cock you fucking slut”
“moan louder, scream my name so everyone knows how good I'm fucking you”
“who told you to stop? keep on sucking”
“Imma destroy you, imma destroy that pussy”
“you belong to me”
Toji Fushiguro:
“turn around and bend over”
“lemme go deep inside you”
“imma tease you till you drip”
“lemme finish inside you, lemme fill you”
“open those legs right now, you're gonna get fucked the way i like”
“I'm not stopping till I make your whole body shake”
“oh I'll make you cry”
“I will use your body the way I want”
“You like how my fingers curl inside of you?”
“give me that tongue”
“fucking whore...you asked for this”
“shut up and take it”
Geto Suguru:
“lemme stretch your first”
“Already dripping for me”
“oh you like it when I rub you there?”
“You sure you can take it?”
“I can feel your body reacting to my cock..”
“cum for me princess”
“hngh nice and slow”
“fuck your pussy tastes so good”
“oh yeah so fuckin tight”
“squeeze me with that pussy baby”
“yeah princess pull my hair”
“you said you can handle me so let's see?”
Choso Kamo:
“ahh you got me all worked up”
“sit on my fuckin face and press it down.”
“you fucking do things to me y/n”
“i will lick you till you can't take it anymore”
“nhng mommy”
“oh I love you...ah just like that”
“damn you y/n, fuck me..”
“What a goddess”
“lemme grab those hips”
“does it feel good? yeah you like it when I rock you like that”
“Holy shit I'm cumming..baby mmnnhn”
Nanami Kento:
“look at me show me those pretty eyes”
“I'm gonna slide it in...okay”
“lay back and relax”
“let me help you sweetheart”
“god, you're gorgeous”
“lemme me make you feel good baby..”
“don't be embarrassed sweetheart”
“let it out, don't hold those sweet noises back.”
“Do whatever makes you comfortable.”
“set the pace with me baby”
“lemme hold your hand”
“it's just me your man.. I'll take care of you.”
Ino Takuma:
“Sit on it”
“Throw it back, bounce that ass on me come on”
“yeah I'll be your good boy”
“Make me feel it, make me fucking feel it.”
“you can do it..make me cum”
“Now lemme watch you play with yourself.”
“come here let me taste you.”
“oh yea I'll make your head go blank”
“babygirl...you feel so good”
“so fuckin warm”
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cherieluver · 10 months
Cigarettes After Sex. (Johnnie Guilbert x fem!Reader)
Word Count: 1091?
Warnings: smut, alcohol use, smoking (reader is 21+)
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8:15 PM
You just arrived at the party as you grabbed your bag and walked up to the door. Breathing nervously, you stepped inside and looked around. You knew some of your friends were there but weren't sure where to find them. 
After looking around, you walked over to the open bar to get a little drunk. There was music blasting in your ears, and the house seemed like a maze. After downing two shots of Pink Whitney, you looked around to see if there was anyone you could talk to, but couldn't find anyone you knew. 
Eventually, you ended up in the bathroom just to fix your hair and makeup and stepped back outside. Walking into the living room, someone caught your eye, some guy was sitting on the couch with a beer in hand. You adjusted your dress and fishnets while slightly stumbling over to the couch. As you sat down, he looked you up and down with a blank expression. Awkwardly, you cleared your throat and looked away from him while fidgeting with your bracelets.
"So..." the guy said while tapping his fingers on his beer glass, "You can't find anyone to talk to either?" He asked as he looked over at you on the opposite side of the couch. "Yeah, basically." you sighed, "I have some friends that are here, but I have no clue where they are," you said with disappointment. "Well, I'm about to get another beer if you want to come with me," he said as he stood up. "Sure!" you said a little too excitedly while your heart raced. 
As you got to the bar you made small talk and found common interests. "Oh I forgot to ask, what's your name?" he asked while smiling a bit. "Oh I'm Y/N," you said with a sigh, "What about you?". "I'm Johnnie," He said and took a quick swig of his beer.
After chatting for a bit more you and Johnnie went to go explore the house. For such an introverted person, Johnnie seemed to open up easily to you, but the beers helped out with that. After some time, the two of you ended up in an unused bedroom. You and Johnnie were laughing when Johnnie got a call. "What's up, man?" He said on the phone, "No, y'all can leave without me, I'll catch an Uber later." Johnnie slurred, "Okay, bye Jake," He said as he hung up the phone. 
The room was filled with a comfortable quiet. Johnnie was looking at you as you lay on the bed together with nothing left to say. Slowly Johnnie reached his hand out to hold your cheek. "Is this okay?" He whispered as he was about to lean in. "Almost perfect," you mumbled as you smiled and leaned into a kiss. 
You pulled back but looking into each other's eyes for a few moments made you both realize how much you needed each other. Johnnie put his hands on your waist and leaned into another kiss, this one being more heated and lustful. 
After a few moments into the kiss, Johnnie pulled away, "fuck..." he mumbled under his breath. you looked confused and said, "Do you not want to..." Johnnie interrupted before you could even finish your thought, "No, I do want to,". You got tired of Johnnie's hesitation and both sat up as you started taking off your dress. Johnnie looked shocked for a moment then started taking off his clothes. You threw your dress on the ground as Johnnie did the same with his shirt, leaving him in only his pants and boxers. 
You took the initiative and kissed Johnnie while guiding his hands along your body, first grabbing your waist and then moving down to your ass. you let go of Johnnie's hands and let him touch wherever he wanted to. As the kiss broke, Johnnie looked down at your cleavage, "Take it off for me," you said in a raspy voice. Johnnie looked flushed and mumbled, "Okay..." as he unclasped your bra and continued to kiss you. 
As you were kissing, Johnnie's hands traveled to your breasts and played with your nipples as you moaned into the kiss. Your hands moved down Johnnie's torso as you slowly started to unbutton his pants. "Yes," Johnnie moaned into the kisses. You moved to his lap after you took off his pants and started palming him through his boxers as your bare chests touched. 
Johnnie let out a needy moan which immediately made you look up at him. His hair was messy and his makeup was smudged but, god, it looked sexy. You could feel your heart pounding as Johnnie took off your fishnets and underwear. Johnnie inhaled sharply as he saw you fully and took off his underwear just as quickly. With your approval, he moved his fingers down to your folds and started stretching you out. Moaning out of pleasure, you said, "I'm ready" as he licked his fingers and leaned back onto the pillows. 
You slowly leveled yourself down onto his length as you sat to adjust yourself for a moment. You gave Johnnie the look of 'okay', so he began to slowly thrust into you. With every thrust, he let out a small grunt, but as he went faster they slowly turned into moans. At this point, you both were sweating and your legs started to get tired so Johnnie decided to flip you over. You wrap your legs around him as he thrusts into you, panting and whining. You felt yourself coming closer to the edge and could tell Johnnie was too. "Fuck, fuck..." Johnnie moaned as you came and he was on the edge. Your knees buckled as he quickly pulled out of you and came on your stomach as his eyes rolled back. 
Luckily, there was a connected bathroom so Johnnie put his boxers back on and went to grab a towel and a cup of water while you slipped your underwear on. Johnnie wiped off your stomach and you sat back, leaning on the headboard as Johnnie from his pants. He pulled out two cigarettes and opened a window as he lit one. He handed you one and lit it as you held it in your mouth, taking a heavy breath of the smoke. You gave Johnnie a peck on the lips as he went to sit down next to you. 
"Cigarettes after sex, hm?" You sighed as you looked over at Johnnie as he smiled at you.
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artinvain · 11 days
normally stoic and nonchalant, almost mean dom abby who turns into a whiny slut when using a double sided dildo for the first time
okay but what if she's a mean whiny slut???
cw: pwop, double dildo, mean-needy abby!!
men, minors, ageless and blank blogs dni!!!!!!!!!
"feeling real needy tonight princess," abby tells you as she grips you closer in your bathroom. lets her hands follow the slit into your silk gown and grabbing your ass, pressing her hips against yours.
"wanna be inside you," she whispers, placing kisses to your neck, "and feel you inside me," she groans, working your hips into a rhythm until you're grabbing at her, kissing feverishly as she smirks against your lips.
she doesn't have to say anything more, when she exits the bathroom after brushing her teeth, there you are splayed out like a fantasy. you moan at the sight of her naked body clambering onto the bed. she sits back for a moment to watch you work your end of the dildo into yourself.
"abby," you moan, reaching for her hand and she intertwines it, kissing you knuckles
"god, you always moan like such a fucking slut when you get that pretty little pussy filled," she's moaning as she watches your slick pussy swallow the dildo and you moan out for her. "please - need to feel you, i need you," you whimper and abby groans, intertwining your legs and lining herself up.
"let's see what all the rave is about huh?" her chuckle turns into a choked moan as she bucks her hips against yours and works the dildo in.
"fuck now i know why you can't shut the fuck up, must be nice getting filled like this all the time huh?" abby pants, whimpering when you grip onto the middle of the dildo and start to snap your hips against abby's.
"god fuck, you're good at that," abby moans, "my perfect little slut, god, working so hard to make me feel good," she moans. her hips twitching as you groan, her name falling like a prayer from your lips as your eyes roll back.
"look at you, getting so stupid on my cock, can't even talk," abby chokes as she groans out, her fingers coming down to rub her clit. the sight of you working yourself on her, the feeling of her pussy stretching around you. god fuck she can't take it.
"m'gonna cum baby," she finally whimpers, "fuck please, i'll be so nice please make me cum," she gasps as you start to buck your hips just that little bit faster.
"just like that angel," abby's voice cracks as you angle your hips and hit her gspot over and over - "oh my god, that's so good, please baby m'gonna cum," her fingers are bruising your hips as she cums, pussy twitching and pushing the dildo out. abby sighs as you fall on top of her, the feeling of fullness something you often liked, just as she holds you close in her arms.
😫🏷️ @iamaboringrattat @lavendersgirl @sexysapphicshopowner @emiliabby @lesbian-useless
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golden1u5t · 5 months
next time just ask | s.r x fem!reader
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ꨄ requested: anonymous
ꨄ genre: smut
ꨄ summary: you’ve had an attitude with spencer all day long, he finds the one thing that’ll make it go away
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spencer had a brutal pace going, using such force you didn't think he had in him. his hands gripped your thighs as he held your legs over his shoulders, his hips crashed into the back of your thighs and caused an obscene clapping noise to fill the room.
you chanted his name like it was a mantra as your walls clamped down on his cock, your back arching up off the bed as you got closer to your release. your mind had went completely blank since he started fucking you, the attitude you once had was completely gone.
"this is all you wanted, huh? just wanted me to touch you." spencer leaned over your body, your legs still over his shoulders, and tucked his head in the crook of your neck, licking and nipping at the flushed skin. his hips struggled to keep up the pace he had set before as he got closer to his own orgasm. "all you had to do was ask, pretty. you know i'll give you whatever you want."
"yes!" you gasped, the sound of both of your moans seemed to get louder with every passing second, drowning out the sound of his cock moving against your slick walls. your hand found its way into spencer hair as your orgasm crashed over you, you tugged at it all the way through.
spencer's head dropped down onto your shoulder as his head started to spin, he pressed himself as deep into you as he could as he started to cum. you let go of his hair as he let out a breath and sat up, letting your legs fall down off of his shoulders. he pressed a kiss to your lips before he pulled out.
"next time, baby, just ask instead of getting upset."
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