#i'll tale other recs in general too
conkers-thecosy · 11 months
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Just wanted to throw together a little link post to help folks find what they're looking for a bit easier! I've updated my tagging system (below) to navigate writing updates, recs, quotes, etc, as well as listing a few external links to my fics and other social media - if I've missed anything, let me know 💛
Links beneath the cut!
On Tumblr:
Conkers Corner - This is my general tag, for anything and everything!
Writing Update - All writing updates fall in here. If you're looking for updates on a specific project, I'll always tag with the project name, too!
Conkers Quotes - All the little quotes and snippets I've posted from my bagginshield fics!
Fic Recs - All the bagginshield fics I've stumbled across and fallen in love with!
Ask - Quite straightforward, if you're looking for an ask I've answered, you can find it here!
Conkers Cosy Games - This tag is for gaming stuff, and for when I start to stream once again! (see the Twitch link below for details!)
External Links:
AO3 - A small collection of Bagginshield fics written by yours truly! All currently in a canon setting, but always with the "everybody lives, nobody dies" tag, because I'm a sucker for a happy ending. I have a few AU ideas that I want to tinker with, but that won't be for a while yet!
Pillowfort - A place for me to share snippets of my writing, updates, headcanons, and other fun stuff! Used to do that here, until tumblr decided to roll in AI. So! I'm jumping ship. Do come say hello!
Twitch - Have set up a new channel to play some cosy games, but this won't be happening for a couple of months while I get my set-up re-organised. At the moment there's nothing here, but probably early next year sometime! (Definitely in time for "Tales of the Shire"!)
BlueSky - This is new! Life stuff, garden updates, cooking, some very fake-deep rambling, and a little smattering of politics... but only a very little!
TikTok - More life stuff! Lots of my dog, Wilfred, and some cooking and gardening things!
Instagram - This is actually my personal account, so there's not a lot of fandom content, but I am considering a side account... let me know if you'd be interested in that?
Ko-Fi - For anyone who might want to buy me a coffee to help fuel my writing!
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doctorprofessorsong · 2 years
Destiel Fic Recs
Who needs to stuff your face with turkey when you can stuff your brain with fanfic? Fresh out of the oven, please enjoy these fic recs.
Raise the Black by valleydean (emmbrancsxx0) @valleydean (Explicit, 246k)
There are passion projects and then there is Raise the Black which takes it to a whole new level. It's not surprising that the author of The Shawnee Trail and A Ghost Story knows how to write historical fiction, but there are so many gorgeous bits of pirate life in this fic from the superstitions to the metaphors tied to the sea. 
The story is a Pirate AU. A chance encounter has left Cas, an officer from the Royal Navy, with a lasting obsession with Dean Winchester, the notorious pirate Captain of the Impala. When presented with the opportunity to defect and save his son from the abusive practices of the Royal Navy, Cas finds himself a part of Dean’s crew. 
I cannot overstate how good this one is. The underlying pirate mythology and superstition, the horny sparring, the epic battle scenes and of course the incredibly unhinged Dean and Cas that drive this story. The story had me anxious, like literally unable to focus on work because I had to know what happened.
It's @valleydean so she gives us a happy ending, but she makes us pay dearly for it in angst (so sexy of her really). 
And it isn't just the Destiel. The casting is phenomenal. I would die for pirate Meg. The use of the younger generation (Jack, Emma, Claire, Kaia) is amazing. Sam, Benny and Charlie as pirates. Truly we get so many great characters in this one y'all.
Without giving too much away, I'll just day that this one falls into the sweeping epic category and the results are staggering.
o weary traveler by dothraki_shieldmaiden @dothwrites (Explicit, 107k)
OK. So you know when you are in like Chapter 1 of a fic and already know it's going to be one of your favorites? That was this fic for me.
A mash-up of the Odyssey and Beauty and the Beast, this fic grabbed me and refused to let go. When Dean and his crew are shipwrecked on an island, they inadvertently anger its inhabitant, Castiel. Cas, an exiled angel, decides to take revenge, culminating in a Beauty and the Beast style pact for Dean to accept punishment on behalf of his wayward crew. 
Cas in this fic is very much an ancient being lacking the human perspective and Dean is just some guy who hunts monsters. It's my favorite dynamic. The way they dance around each other and eventually come together is beautiful to watch.
Throw in some delightful worldbuilding and poetic prose and you have a powerhouse of an epic tale.
The Common Hours by quiettewandering @wanderingcas (Mature, WIP 29k so far)
I very rarely recommend WIPs, so you know when I do it's because I think there's something special about the fic. I honestly think this one and the process of getting a bit more information each week is worth diving into, even if you are normally a "wait until it's done" kind of reader (and if not, this one is worth at least marking to be read with stars and highlights and little hearts).
The fic is a twisty mystery that has me throwing out theories every chapter. Cas is an amnesiac trying to recover from trauma he doesn't understand or remember. Luckily, he met Charlie who has been helping him rebuild his life. But Cas is haunted by half memories and a forgotten life, especially the memory of a man with green eyes who inhabits his dreams.
I don't want to say too much because half of the joy of this fic is pulling at threads and watching to see how it unravels. I'll just leave it at this: the story is captivating and fresh and these versions of the characters instantly grabbed me and wouldn't let go.
Vibrato by Tiamatv  (Explicit, 69k)
Tiamatv really does write some bangers. I couldn't put this one down. They are both disasters in this fic, but in a way that makes you to hug them and smoosh their faces. Dean meets a cute boy, has a full blown bi panic, realizes he was an ass, and strikes up a friendship that morphs into a friendship with benefits that morphs into basically a long term relationship but they're both idiots. It's idiots to lovers (but still idiots) at its finest.
Oh and also Cas is a super old genetic vampire. Whoops. One of the most delightful things about this fic is how well tiamatv captures the ancient and terrible being and also just some accountant dynamic that makes Cas so deeply loveable.
Despite some heavy stuff, this one is fluffy cotton candy most of the time and it's really about their irresistible dynamic. It is immensely readable.
The Sweetest Con by aimforsplendor @aimforsplendor (Mature, 19k)
If you are looking for some fairly low angst fun, this DeanCasBang (Taylor's Version) entry is an absolute delight. Dean and Sam are Robin Hood type con men using tech to steal from the rich and give to those who need it. They've finally found the head of a crime network, a billionaire resembling a particularly prominent and news worthy one recently which makes it fairly cathartic actually. But the mission is threatened when Dean gets sidetracked by a particular blue-eyed hottie.
This one is plain fun with a healthy dose of humor and really likeable characters. This one is truly just readable. Fun and fairly light and with enough interesting turns you keep you on your toes. 
Anything You Can Do by FagurFiskur (Explicit, 21k)
From the Dean Winchester is an absolute disaster genre, this is a surprisingly sweet, crack-taken-seriously smutty romp. 
Dean overhears his soon to be ex-girlfriend Daphne talking to a friend about how their mutual rebound relationship isn't working, especially because her gay ex-fiance, Castiel, was better in bed. Dean can't possibly let that stand. 
So he does the only logical thing and tracks Cas down. And hooks up with him. So he can win at the sex. Even though he's totally straight. 
Tag list
@varlysca @naturallyathief @greatbigbugger @fandoms-and-things @cascodedtech @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @deanwasalwaysbi @fellshish @valleydean @raspberry-tooth @the15yearhatecrime
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idlingsomewhere · 8 days
tales from the shadow realm (ive been shadowbanned) (send help) (pinned post)
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Hey. Welcome to my blog. You may know me as @shiftedelsewhere (which previously had the URL that this account has now), but unfortunately Tumblr has shadowbanned that account. I'm going to try to recover it, but for the time being, this is where I'm active, I guess.
"girl who tf are you"
good question! I wish I knew.
I go by "N" on the internet; I use any/all pronouns; and i love music with my entire heart. Call me whatever! it really doesn't matter to me all that much.
"why are you here"
to post about my interests
"which are?"
music! mostly. my 2 favs at the moment are porter robinson and jane remover. i also really like a lot of other stuff too; you'll figure it out easily since it's the main thing I post about on here
i like a good videogame sometimes. In particular I'm especially fond of zelda games, pokemon, splatoon, and those mii games on the DS!
i do NOT watch shows very often. i can count the number of tv shows I've seen in my life on my fingers. my favourite show is gilmore girls because I'm a massive autumn fiend. living my best life rn. whenever i finish a show i tend to write down my thoughts and share them. currently, I'm trying to watch community, big brother (season 26), and am on my 5(?)th rewatch of gilmore girls.
other than that i like math and physics and transit systems and some other stuff that evades my memory right now ! we will find out what i like together, in due time..
"ok, and?"
general ground rules/vibes
feel free to dm me or chat with me in the comments, just keep in mind I'm a VEERRRRY tired stem student and can't get back to you immediately. send recs or tell me about your day or show me a meme! we can be friends if you'd like :)
uhrm don't be weird lmfao. I'm not gonna tell you where i live. u can figure out the general area VERY easily but. dude im not giving you my ip address
no tagging system at the moment - let me know if you need me to tag something (i.e., a tw or something) and I'll do it :3
i like a good tag game. if you DON't want to be tagged please let me know. i used to have a system but its gone now! awesome!
"if your tumblr goes down again, where else can i pester you?"
art instagram
porter robinson fanpage (LMFAO)
apple music (this is where i listen to stuff)
spotify (this is where i post playlists. also we should do a blend :3)
feel free to ask for my discord or something if u want
yeah and that's all! thx for reading. they really deleted my old pinned post too..crazy. what did i do to displease the tumblr algo? i don't know. let's hope this doesn't last too long
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underdark-dreams · 5 months
Facts About Fellow Writers Tag Game
Thank you @darkurgetrash and @lostinforestbound for the tags! Tagging @rolansrighthorn (zero pressure, only if you feel like participating 🖤)
Last book I read: 
I'm reading through the Fourth Wing series by Rebecca Yarros right now (thanks for the rec Cal!) Last book I finished was a re-read of Jennette McCurdy's I'm Glad My Mom Died. Obsessed with her raw honesty
Greatest literary inspiration: 
Jane Austen for her characterization and use of the Loud Silence, and Dickens for his world building and details! (sidenote A Tale of Two Cities: The Musical was one of the 2008 recession's most tragic victims, go look it up if you're a Les Mis fan)
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write:
I very much want to but am so bad at writing M/M pairings 🫣 At the same time, M!Paladin Tav x any of the Tiefling men is literally catnip to me. I love it sm 😩
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me:
Ikaron 💗 Anything Ikaron, including a rewrite of the Tieflings in Act 2 with him as a protag. I'll probably write it anyway! We Ikaron lovers are few but feral. There are dozens of us!
You can recognize my writing by:
Pared-down prose, comma splices, gerunds, too many adverbs, use & abuse of pining tropes. Generally all the things I was taught not to do in my creative writing program but said fuck it
My most controversial take (current fandom):
Zevlor as a paladin companion ("good" route alternative to Minthara) makes more sense than Halsin or Minsc as a companion. Halsin at least should've been party-recruitable going into Act 2 and the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Right? He would have so much idle dialogue while exploring that map. And though I truly adore Minsc and do use him in my party (re-specced to Gloomstalker to give Astarion a break now and then), he's just recruited so late in Act 3. Recruiting Zevlor in the Mindflayer Colony and bringing him into Act 3 (plus the Ketheric fight) would've just been so interesting for the Tief community as a whole. They are such a big part of Acts 1 & 2, it just feels like they need more closure in the final act.
Current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut):
I'd say a 7! I am noodling on little blurbs every night, including for my Rolan WIPs, and for any other NPCs that strike my fancy. I don't have as much free time as I did in January (fuck work) or I'd be writing a lot more. And Rimworld Anomaly DLC + Stardew 1.6 are seriously testing my free time lmao! But the thirst to write can never be snuffed out~
Top 3 favorite tropes?
Forced Proximity ( awakened by @catsharky who handed me the plot for Pent Up)
Share a random frustration:
It takes me a lot of time and effort to get into a writing flow. The littlest distraction can completely derail a good session (ADHD gang wya)
Also, I can never turn off my editor mode, am constantly editing as I draft, and am slow as fuck at writing as a result 😭
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1eos · 3 months
Hii Kendra! I love your reading/book tag and I wanna start reading more diverse books because my thesis is abt to end and I'll have more time to get into non-academic reading do you have any recommendations?
Also i think ur super cool in general I hope you've been doing well!
omg congrats on almost being done w your thesis! i know that extra free time is gonna feel soooooooooo good. and ofc i have recs!
the vanishing half by brit bennett - omggggg one of my most favorite books of all time currently. its almost a set of twins who run away from their hometown that's obsessed w breeding dark skin away basically and how their lives diverge with one twin passing as white and the other deciding to 'stay black'. its a romance its a family history its an homage to toni morrison. the prose is AMAZINGGGG and the characters are just so good. i love this book
this is your mind on plants by michael pollan -a very interestingly written nonfiction book on the like...contradictions of what mind altering plants are demonized/normalized. was hooked from the opening tbh
natural beauty by ling ling huang - how the toxicity of the beauty industry and societal pressures for woc to assimilate visually go hand in hand. the ending was wild but i really liked it
yellowface by r f kuang - a white woman has an inferiority complex bc shes a mid writer and instead of tackling her innate belief that she deserves recognition for being white and mid she proceeds to pretend to be asian. an infuriating but good read bc the narrator is the epitome of That Kind of white person 😭
my sister the serial killer by oyinkan braithwaite - title tells you the premise but it goes sooo much deeper than that. tackles what it means to be the 'ugly sister'/the 'sister's keeper' bc you're the eldest. devoured this book in just a day its so good
the only good indians by stephen graham jones - horror book rooted in the lives of a group of native american friends that grew up on the same reservation and the manifestation of intergenerational curses......metaphorical curses and like LITERAL curses. be warned ppl do die.......and it gets kinda crazy at some points so check does the dog die for list of warnings
a tale for the time being by ruth ozeki - this book got me into reading again. its two stories in one almost? a writer finds a lunchbox on the beach that has the journal of a japanese high school student named nao who is having a shit time in school and its this really amazing coming of age story not only for nao but for the writer who finds her story. warning. nao is casually suicidal at the beginning of the book and its not too graphic depictions of bullying towards the middle
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Hi! Thank you for your service, indie games always need more exposure. Would you happen to have any recs for gamebooks about fleshing out a city or more specifically having players run a tavern? I'm currently homebrewing something along those lines but always looking for more inspiration.
THEME: Tavern Games.
Thank you so much! This rec is going to mostly focus on Tavern games, and I’m going to direct you to my other city-building recommendation post, mostly because there’s so many tavern games out there!
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Bragging Rights, by Yuigaron.
EXHAUSTED, YOUR PARTY ENTERS THE TAVERN. Curious patrons watch as you unload your gear and rest your weary legs. “What’ll it be”, you hear from the bar, but before you can answer, a patron shouts, “I'll buy this round, if you’ll tell us a tale.” You smile at your comrades. Surely your exploits have earned you some bragging rights; and the drinks to go with them. 
This Lasers & Feelings hack helps you tell a story about adventurers telling stories: your party will sit down in a tavern and try their best to tell a compelling story, while making rolls to determine how well they did during their adventures. This is still an adventuring game, but the adventure has happened in retrospect. If you want to run a tavern with a number of different adventuring parties, you could use a game like this one to play out their visits. A simple one-page game with just 2 stats, means that this requires little-to-no prep before you’re ready to play!
A Night at the Tavern, by Nameless Designer.
Create your tavern from the Golden Dragon Inn with its upmarket standing to the Crimson Hand with its notorious reputation and fill it with patrons from boisterous thugs to debating merchants and more. Take your party of adventurers for an evening of carousing and entertainment; interact with the patrons; participate in a variety of mini-games and earn rewards or suffer consequences as a result of your actions.
A Night at the Tavern is a tavern generator and mini-game for fantasy adventure games. This supplement can be used with any role-playing game system. This game is designed to fit into a longer campaign, including a list of prompts and events that your characters might get involved in during a night of carousing. If you want to play new characters, you can do that too! Just roll on a few random tables, and you’ve got a quick patron with a description, a detail and a mood. It looks like this game is primarily designed to be used with games like 5E, so if you want to use it for another system, you might need to home-brew a little bit, or just use the roll-tables and prompts for inspiration.
So You’re in a Tavern, by Live Real Press.
So You're in a Tavern is about telling outrageous stories about adventures that are absolutely true in every way. It uses a deck of playing cards and a few tokens to help tell the tales and determine a winner. It can be played with a group or solo.
Players take turns drawing cards to prompt for an outrageous story. As the player tells their story, other players add wagers to change the story. "I'm sorry, Sir Pantsonfire, but wasn't it a giant daisy, not a fire-breathing dragon?" The player can accept the wager and incorporate the change or deny it by adding a coin of their own.
This is another quick-to-run storytelling game about adventurers telling of their exploits, but it uses cards instead of dice to present your players with prompts. The characters are competing to tell the best story, rather than collaboratively telling a tale of adventure - which means that they’re also competing to see who gets the most coins. If you tell the best story, you win - but you also have to buy all of your friends drinks!
Better the Devil Who Serves You, by Rae Nedjadi.
You have been a Demon Lorde for hundreds, thousands of years. The armies of men and mage alike have trembled before you, begging for mercy.
You remember those days quite fondly.
As much fun as you’re having spending time with your new Master and in their lovely coffee shop, you had no idea how difficult being a Devil Butler would be! (Not that you would ever let anyone know you were having a hard time!)
This is a PbtA game about powerful creatures that serve a young witch-child who got kicked out of magic school. Your ward has always wanted to run a coffee shop, so you’re managing a business and parenting at the same time. This game is meant to be humorous and light-spirited, great for a fun session with friends.
Bar Adventurers, by BarAdventurers.
Bar Adventurers is a light-hearted and creatively stimulating TTRPG about going out for a night of drinking. Players go on an adventure, hopping from one bar to the next where they try different, wacky, and sometimes questionable alcoholic beverages. The main premise of the game is to have fun exploring and coming up with zany drinks but watch out! As a night full of drinking can bring other crazy and risky surprises…
This bar-hopping game includes rules for getting into bar-fights, regaining HP by drinking water or eating a snack, and bar-crawl based abilities. You do not die in this game - you’ve just drunk more than you can handle, and get knocked out. The game document itself is done up in bright colours and has a character sheet based off of an ID card. A great one-and-done game for players who don’t want to do anything serious.
Poutine, by The Kinematic Cafe.
This is a game about love, regret, and delicious, delicious poutine. In it, you will tell the stories of people living in a small town, their hardships, and their perseverance. It's designed for two (or more) players, and is heavily influenced by Avery Alder's A Place to F*ck Each Other, Jason Pitre's Spark, and D. Vincent Baker's Apocalypse World.
The game is centred around a small restaurant, and the people who frequent it. The restaurant is a place of confession, and perspective. Players will make, and play these people in scenes with other citizens of the town; but they will also be playing with a "third wheel", a player who represents the hardships these people face in their day to day life.
If you want to be focused on the customers who inhabit the city and frequent your tavern, I’d recommend taking a look at Poutine. The core focus of the game is on the people who make this establishment a second home - and it doesn’t have to use the in-game setting. You can make it a fantasy tavern, a futuristic cafe, or even on a space station on the final frontier. The game runs off of a “menu”, requiring the players to push their characters into personal problems so that the wait staff can help them find their way out. If you want to play a game about the small troubles of everyday life, I recommend this game.
Games I've recommended in the Past
Tavern Stories, by Matteo Sciutteri.
A Diner at the End, by Bammax Games.
Spirited Cafe, by A Couple of Drakes.
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wri0thesley · 11 months
Hi I don’t know if you’ve mentioned it before but I would love to know what books you’ve read and what ones you really enjoyed. Seeing as I really like your writing i think I might like some of ur book recs!
i love love love talking about books, anon, so i never get sick of the question!!! <3
my own very personal fave books ever:
les miserables (victor hugo), the vampire chronicles series (anne rice), the discworld series (terry pratchett), the picture of dorian gray (oscar wilde), we have always lived in the castle (shirley jackson - i also love her short story collections a lot!!!), let the right one in (john ajvide lindqvist), the chrestomanci series (diana wynne jones), anything by laura purcell, the valdemar series (mercedes lackey)
books/authors i've read recently (slash within the past few years) and have really enjoyed:
the regency faerie tales series (olivia atwater), spinning silver (naomi novik), deathless (catherynne m valente), the bell at sealey head (patricia a mckillip - i've been reading a lot of mckillip and really enjoying it!), bitterthorn (kat dunn), the salt grows heavy (cassandra khaw).
if you want recs in specific genres or about specific things i can help with that too, these are just generic recommendations! my personal interests tend to be fantasy, horror, and especially historical variants in both! i love fairy tale retellings and gothic vibes and vampires and fae beings. (i also love recommendations from other people too!)
i am currently reading (and have been high key struggling with) silver nitrate by silvia moreno-garcia; i've been recommended her work a lot but if more of them are like this i'm not sure if i'll enjoy them! still, i will persevere!!!!
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cosmereplay · 1 year
Stormlight Pride fanfic recs - Mature/Explicit Edition
(Looking for the General/Teen rated version? Click here!)
Happy Pride month! Here are some Stormlight fanfic recs, and this one’s the Mature and Explicit edition! Looking for the General and Teen recs? They’re here. Starting with KalMoash and ace!Kaladin fics because they were requested!
Let’s start with a steamy KalMoash: Fanfic#1 Day#1 by GhostKey Rated Mature, 200 words, WoR era
And to balance it out, a dark KalMoash, beware tags for dubcon, suicidal thoughts. Nothing Loving by Anonymous Rated Explicit, 2000 words, RoW spoilers Moash is broken, and in a desperate moment, he looks back on his connection and history with Kaladin. (This is also the prequel to a very good Kal/Adoliln fic)
Sexuality is complicated, and so is Kal. Choose your own adventure for him, including aroace, sex positive ace, demisexual, and bisexual options as he figures out what to do with bi Shallan and Adolin! The Call to Adventure by cosmere_play Various ratings based on choices, all choices are warned for ahead of time. Each storyline is about 7-10,000 words. Modern Canada AU.
Gotta get Raboniel/Navani in the mix! Research by BlindRadiant Rated Mature, 2000 words Ace Raboniel decides to do some “research” on bi Navani
Love me a bi acespec Jasnah: when you don't have to think about it (love me at the ungodly hour) by gaybrial Rated Explicit, 4000 words, canon divergent but maybe I’ll say RoW era why not just in case Established Shallan/Jasnah relationship. Jasnah makes a suggestion to appease Shallan’s urges.
Showing some trans (self)love: A Strapping Young Man by whoreship Rated Explicit, 5000 words, modern Roshar AU Renarin is a trans man trying to figure himself out, with the help of Fuckform Rlain’s signature sex toy line.
And some more difficult trans experiences too: An Edgedancer's Tale by Susanoko Rated Mature for violence, self-harm and thoughts of suicide; 22,000 words. A beautifully-written original character goes through a bonding and a healing when it’s still not safe to transition.
Have a night of orgies: A Wild Night by notsafeforkaladin Rated Explicit for rough sex, getting drugged, dubious consent; 7000 words. Adolin accidentally gets dosed with something that makes him insatiably horny, and he needs whoever’s nearby to help him out.
You think one night is good? How about years of them: Old Friends by rarepairs_only Rated Explicit, 18,000 words. Set in the conquest era with a focus on Dalinar/Sadeas but also includes other partners and loves and losses.
And a kinky time for our blessed kinksters: Cherry by SlutweaverElhokar Rated Explicit, 2000 words. Humiliation kink, losing virginity, cuckholding, bondage, tentacle sex, gangbang, dubious consent… What can I say, it’s a story about Elhokar. Part of last year's Planterlanche.
I couldn’t get to all the gender stuff I wanted to post, so here’s a list of favourites. If you're interested in a rarepair, kink, or theme, check out the Stormlight kink meme on Dreamwidth (you can post anonymously!) and/or send me a message and I'll see if I can find a fic that meets your criteria. I'm always down to hype some Stormlight fic!
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laviejaguardia · 1 year
French viewing recs for you!
How I Became a Superhero - this is a super fun and creative little movie about how bonkers it would be if superpowers were real, if you're burned out on superheroes at all (understandable!) this might be refreshing
AKA - seemingly standard gritty action movie but wait! the main action guy has unexpected heartwarming dad vibes with the mafia boss's adorable young son!
The Takedown - action comedy starring the guy from Lupin
Lupin - you're probably already aware of this one, season 3 just dropped, super charming mystery thriller heist antics thing, the main character has a guest appearance in one of my fics
Jusqu'ici tout va bien | Thicker than Water - crime thriller with just a super compelling main character, she's a protective older sister who ends up an accidental druglord maybe? you'll recognize her boyfriend from Disorder
Into the Night - environmental disaster survivors thriller, political in ways that are sometimes clunky and sometimes really interesting, stressful to watch at times but highly recommend if you like that sort of thing
Le Bazar de la Charité | The Bonfire of Destiny and Les combattantes | Women at War - soapy period dramas
plus a bonus rec that's not in French but it's my very favorite of my non-English watching: Onisciente. Brazilian scifi mystery that's sort of a dystopia but remarkably upbeat? hard to describe but I love the main character so much, I feel like she and Nile would dig each other
also also! I haven't seen this one yet, just discovered it when I was looking up titles for these recs: Oxygen, a scifi thriller starring Booker's wife's namesake Mélanie Laurent
I'm all ears if you've got recs en español! <3333
Dirah!! Thank you so much!! These all sound very intriguing <3<3<3
How I became a superhero I think I watched it, or maybe started it at least lol AKA and The Takedown are def going on the list!!
LUPIN YEAH I love it haha I'm about to start the last episode of part 3 rn! Jusqu'ice tout va bien sounds interesting too (reminds me of La Haine which I doubt is a coincidence lol) Into The Night I actually started and abandoned :/ just didn't click at the time, can't say why. I'll keep Le Bazard and Les Combattantes in mind but I'm not super into soapy and period and drama together haha
I haven't heard of Onisciente but I WILL keep it in mind, it sounds great, and Oxygen sounds maddening lol
Hmm I find it hard to think of recs cause I have no idea where they might be available with English subs! I'll leave you some anyways
Nueve Reinas: A movie about an amateur conman and the mentor who decides to train him for a big strike. Set in the late 90s Argentina. It either won an Oscar or was nominated if you care about that sort of thing
Los Simuladores: TV series, also heist/conmen vibes, I've yelled about it a lot
Relatos Salvajes | Wild Tales: Five stories of violence set in different parts of Argentina, a dark comedy is how I'd best describe it
El Reino: Series, 2 seasons so far, A crime drama about an Evangelist presidential candidate with a murky background. Second season is more of a political drama but I haven't finished it yet!
Argentina, 1985: A drama following the attorney general who carried about the trials against the top leaders of the last dictatorship. Based on true events, not a lot of fun but in my opinion very well done. Also Oscar nominated. It's on Amazon Prime. In the same vein but fictional: La Historia Oficial
Un Cuento Perfecto: Spanish series, pure romcom very cute!
El Robo del Siglo: Heist movie based on a true story of a crew that robbed a bank. More of a comedy
Muerte en Buenos Aires | Death in Buenos Aires: crime-ish movie with very big homoerotic vibes, I really enjoyed it. Also, Chino Darín POR FAVOR QUE HERMOSO QUE ES
El Secreto De Sus Ojos | The Secret in Their Eyes: NOT the usamerican version with Jessica Chastain (why????), the argentinian one, deals with rape and murder so you gotta be ready for that
Just in general Almodóvar is a great filmaker though he likes a lot of shadier themes, his movies feature cheating, murder, incest, rape and etc. Guillermo del Toro's Laberinto del Fauno is vvv good if you want some fantasy! Sorry I went very argentinian on this but it's what I've seen the most haha and not a lot of action because we ain't got the budget akhdfñg
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gemsofgreece · 2 years
I will be in Greece by the end of October, which means I'll spend my first Halloween there, and I'm very glad someone asked about Greek traditions as I had no idea of what to expect..
Do you have any recommendations on what to do? Aside from the worldwild celebration, I mean. I wish to experience Greece like the Greeks, and going there after the touristic season already feels like a good start. (Ξέρεις πόσο αγαπώ τη χώρα σου.. ❤️
Να είσαι καλά!
Hello! Before getting to the rec part, I must clarify that these folk tales and traditions mentioned in these posts are not associated with Halloween. Greece does not celebrate Halloween, it is just a fitting period to talk about spooky stuff just because spooky is trending now that so many countries are in Halloween mode. Customs that refer to dark folklore take place in various dates across the country but most of them take place around February and early March, when it's the Carnival season, which is what Greece traditionally celebrates (and it is really interesting IMO). Some other customs might be celebrated around Christmas season too (i.e shooing the goblins). However, if you are in either of the two biggest cities (Athens or Thessaloniki), you will certainly find cafes and other establishments having Halloween themed parties on October 31st. You could ask your hotel receptionist or maybe a Greek you know, to learn more about what parties are available.
Depending on where in Greece you are heading, the experience may vary significantly especially in such a transitional month as October. In the far south, it will likely feel like mild summer while in the far north it is going to be the beginning of winter. Here are some general recommendations though:
If you are in Greece by October 28th, it is a great opportunity to participate in the Anniversary of No celebrations! The Anniversary of No is one of our national days (we have 2 and a half national days... long story). On this day, rural areas and folk associations have festivals with traditional dances and food but what certainly happens everywhere around the country is the parade. We have both a school and an army parade. Because of their big size, Athens and Thessaloniki switch between school and army parade in every national day. On October 28th, the army parade takes place in Thessaloniki. In other, smaller places the parades are usually mixed. In very very small places, where a military camp might not be nearby, the parades might be only school parades. Regardless of what the parade is, all of them almost always feature some representation by the traditional costumes associations. And obviously, the army parades are way more interesting than the school parades. It should be noted that there are some minor school or army representation even when the parade is of the army or the school respectively. In short, this is going to be best if you are in a big urban region or in Northern Greece, in Thessaloniki on that day. If so, don't miss the chance. Again, ask your hotel receptionist or a Greek where and when the parade will take place.
If you go to the south / southeast or the islands there, take your swimming suit with you if you want. You might find temperatures to be quite tolerable. However, don't skip on a proper jacket, long sleeves and long trousers, boots and an umbrella. I heard this October is going to be mild but you don't want unpleasant surprises.
I've said it before, I feel strongly about this. Since you want to experience Greece like a Greek, definitely consider adopting a Greek sense of time for the days you are here. Wake up around 9.30 - 10 am, take breakfast around 10-11 am. Have lunch at 2 - 3 pm. Relax a bit. Have an afternoon drink / dessert / snack around 6-7.30 pm. Take dinner after 9 - 9.30 pm. Go to a bar or a club after 11.30pm - 12am . Make sure to take your time while eating or drinking your coffee. Bring a book with you. Some cafes have board games you can play with your company. Don't worry that you are taking up space or anything, that's how it works here. You will see how much livelier your experience will be as all Greeks will be out and about at these hours. It looks so sad to see tourists eating a salad for dinner all alone in a desolate place while we head at home to take our afternoon nap LOL (Unless of course your day is full of things to do or places to visit, obviously. In these cases, you will have to plan your schedule accordingly.)
Also the sun sets early that time of year. After the timezone change which will happen on the last Sunday of October, the sun will be setting around 5.30 pm. This will sure feel very different from summer XD (You will have to set your watch one hour back on that Sunday a little after midnight.) Our time scheduling is not affected by the early sunset, we still do everything late but maybe a little less late if they start the Covid restrictions again. Be on the lookout for that, although I'm pretty sure it's not gonna be as restrictive as the two previous years.
Speaking of COVID, do have a bunch of masks with you (easily available in pharmacies), just in case, because the state might enforce them inside buildings when the weather gets cold. But even aside from the state, Greeks themselves took Covid a little more seriously than West Europe. I mean, there are always antis around too, but still.
Shopping hours are roughly 8 am - 2 pm and on some workdays also 5.30 pm - 8.30 pm. On Saturday shops are only open in the morning hours (except for chains and supermarkets which are open until the evening) and on Sunday everything is closed. State services are only in the morning hours and only on workdays. Certain pharmacies (always) and very few mini markets (occasionally) have extended shifts that cover the nights, Saturday evenings and the entire Sundays too. Of course, the more remote the place, the better prepared you need to be anyway. To find the pharmacies that have extended shifts, you can google "εφημερεύοντα φαρμακεία σήμερα" (= pharmacies on duty today) + the place you are in.
Always check tripadvisor or ask locals where it's good to eat. Don't always feed on the Greek salad or souvlaki, you will be missing out! You can ask the waiter for any specialties too or what is the freshest dish they have at that moment.
I see you are learning Greek. Make use of that knowledge, Greeks love it!
If you are unsure of how to make the best of your travel, visit a kiosk or a big magazine & newspaper shop. They usually sell maps and tourist guides for their respective regions.
Unless you are part of an organized group, instead of trying to visit too many places across the country at once, stick to one or two regions (islands or mainland prefectures) and explore them thoroughly. Greece is not easily navigable and it has many places to see. If your plan is ambitious, you will end up exhausted and with only a very superficial impression.
Definitely explore beyond archaeological museums and ancient sites. Visit Byzantine and Modern sites and museums as well as churches and monasteries, which are a huge part of Greek culture. It doesn't matter if you are not religious or your faith is different. Only thing to care about is to be dressed a little modestly (covered shoulders, skirts for women in the monasteries). I think you can take photos (except when it's explicitly forbidden) but not when there is a service taking place (although I have done it LOL it was a cool church okay?). If you are a Christian of any dogma, I think you can do the two standard things Greeks (and all Orthodox people) do at the church. As you enter, there is a stand with candles and a coin slit. Throw a few cents in the coin slit and take a candle. There is a special candelabra nearby, usually with sand, where you can light your candle and place it there. Next, you can kiss the hagiographies close to the entrance and on the right and left corridors of the church (not the ones in the chancel). Again, only if you are a Christian and feel comfortable doing it. I'm just recommending this because I genuinely believe that no matter what dogma a Christian belongs to, it's still the same God and the same saints and I find it really weird when they are competitive with each other.
Always keep some cash on you, especially when you visit more remote or rural areas.
To be honest, late October is a good time to visit the mainland, the north and the mountains everywhere in the country. Check out hiking options and mountain villages close to where you'll go.
That's all I can think of now. Hope that helped any!
Ελπίζω να περάσεις υπέροχα και το ταξίδι σου να είναι γεμάτο αυθεντικές εμπειρίες, όπως το ονειρεύεσαι!!!
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dreamsatdusk · 1 year
bookish asks: 📕 📑 📙 !
📕 What book has had the biggest impact on your life, and why?
Oh, that's tough. Many different things have had different impacts for different reasons. But for this, I'll go with a book that has left me with happy, cozy feelings for a long time. The Adventures of Mabel, by Harry Thurston Peck. I think my grandmother read chapters of it to every grandchild of hers over the years. It was originally published in 1897 and her copy of it was very old and maybe a first edition? I am the grandchild who wound up with it (I asked her for it and I guess no one else had?) It's a series of stories about the adventures of a little girl named Mabel who at the start of matters, saved a lizard's life and it turns out the lizard was the king of the animal kingdom. In return, he teaches her a way to communicate with other animals, which comes in handy when she encounters a big grey wolf not long after and he becomes her buddy. I loved the sound of my grandmother's voice reading those stories in the evenings when we visited her and the book thus has lots of memories of being cozy and feeling loved. Also, hey, as a teeny girl myself at the time, it was lots of fun hearing about another teeny girl befriending wolves and going on adventures, meeting giants, exploring the brownie kingdom (the fey, not the food!), and so on.
📑 Hardcover, paperback, ebook, or audiobook? Which format do you prefer?
I like hardcovers for the sturdiness and, if I really enjoy a book, I like having a nice hardcover copy if possible. That said, I have loads of paperbacks being as they are of course cheaper. I do have ebooks as well, though I only got into them when I started traveling a fair bit for work years back and I quickly got tired of toting 3 or 4 books along in my bag. (If I'm on planes and in hotels a lot, a lot of reading is going to happen even in a single week.) These days I use Libby to check a lot of ebooks out of the library, so that's handy.
I'm not too in to audiobooks; I get distracted easily when listening to them. I used to listen to non-fiction books more, but it was when I was driving more and now that I'm not nearly so much, I've probably only listened to one in the past few years. I admit I struggle with many of the fiction books I've heard, as some of the character voices just made me snicker too much to pay attention.
📙What’s your favorite genre to read, and do you have any recommendations within that genre?
I read sci fi and fantasy the most when it comes to fiction. For sci fi, I know of course that you have already read Machineries of Empire given you're the reason I even knew about it! ;) But it is has been my top rec in the genre for a while now.
For fantasy, hmm. I really enjoyed The Traitor Son Cycle by Miles Cameron. It's a bit of an endeavour as there are five big books to it and the author is a Medieval reenactor and sometimes goes off into extended descriptions of a lot of minor details of things, but I tend to love that sort of stuff. I also like to give a bit of a warning that some characters' initial appearances in the story may be rather...off-putting? But that they turn out to be far more complex than it may seem at first. The biggest example of this I can think of in the first book is Queen Desiderata, who's intro smacked of the "she breasted boobily down the stairs" cliche such that I had my doubts about things. But then she proved to be quite an complicated character and possibly has the most powerful will of anyone in the series.
Anyway, what begins in book 1 as the tale of a little mercenary band hired to defend an abbey from a monster problem snowballs into an epic tale of saving existence. And there's a lot of fun trope subversion along the way.
I also really enjoy Glen Cook's fantasy and sci fi books, but would also put a warning there too that a lot of it was written in the 80s or so and so it shows in many ways. Also, he just generally doesn't write about very nice people.
Thank you!
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candles-inthewoods · 1 year
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Hello there, my name is Rosemary. I use she/her pronouns. I'm over 18 (23 y/o), but this is not a typical NSFT blatant explicit blog.
This is a side-blog for curating content that reminds me of The Gothic. Specifically Gothic Romances, with a heroine lead. Fucked up coming-of-age tales, with a fantastical, dramatic and historical edge to them. This blog will include unnerving themes and imagery, so please leave if you're sensitive for your own benefit.
This is a side-blog, so I will not be able to be mutuals or start conversations. If you'd like to get in touch with me, do send me an ask! And if you'd like to talk more, I'll reach out to you through my personal account.
CW List, Tag Directory and Media Inspo after the cut.
abduction, blood, cannibalism (#devour), excessive/ gratuitous violence, gore, psychological torment, supernatural monsters and elements, unhealthy + toxic relationships, etc
These topics will not be tagged individually.
You are strongly advised to leave this blog if you are uncomfortable with these topics.
You are responsible for your experience on Tumblr. I cannot physically stop you from following so it's your judgement for your own sake.
#actual advice — The Gothic explores and highlights human flaws and points of conflict. But they say a character flaw is just a character’s strength taken too far. A trait in reverse. So, if you reverse all of these constructive, helpful observations and just see them from another angle… these keys to recovery end up as destructive tragedies. And Gothic stories are often the biggest tragedies there are.
#art — artwork that depicts the aesthetic.  
#analysis — posts that are serious insights into tropes and stories. Analyses and academic papers and such.
#board — collages, mood boards, web weaves, gif sets
#characters — characters and the interactions between them
#costume — fashion of the aesthetic
#gothic heroine shit — Active and angsty female leads, instead of dream-like feeble female leads. Byronic she-bastards. themes of self-discovery and independence
#gothic pulp — Artwork from the Women-Running-Away-From-Houses era of Gothic literature. Art style ranges from the 1940s to the 1970s.
#holy — these posts specifically include religious themes and imagery.
#ingenue things — the idea of pure innocence and naivety and kindness and sympathy. brutes who become enamoured and possessive over damsels. ideas of corruption and escapism
#mine — My own posts… both serious and silly.
#people — images of figures that would be at home in this aesthetic.
#places — images of various estates, castles, forests, churches and other similar scenes.
#poetry — various quotes, translations and poems.
#prompt — ideas, prompts and plots that can make for interesting stories in this genre
#prose — relatively longer snippets of fiction
#recs — recommendations for any works in this genre (typically films or novels)
#writing help — how to write a better story or better characters.
#yearning — shitposts that poke fun or straight-up idealize the Gothic
🌘 a pearl from the pile: a random post from this blog
🌘 what haunts your heart: asks that i've answered
🌘 the cultural touchstone of our generation: a personal list of (tv) tropes that fascinates me
🌘 how to navigate tags on desktop
🕯️ Candyman (1996) 🕯️ Corpse Bride 🕯️Crimson Peak 🕯️ Curse of Strahd 🕯️ Ghost (the band) 🕯️ Hannibal (2019) 🕯️ Haunted Mansion (2003) 🕯️ Phantom of the Opera 🕯️ (tbc)
If you have any recommendations, please send them in. I'm always looking for that perfect story that captures the feeling.
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
Do you have recommendations of sources and books about fae? Cause I need some reading on them for Glory Upon the Wretched (my evil queen & beast arranged married wip)
My vague role for them starts with a woman who accidentally passes a test of a powerful one and is granted a wish, that she uses to bless a baby with survival (the beast), not knowing the baby will grow and keep ties with all sorts of "other folk", the same way he handles beasts and wild animals: kindly (when possible), respectfully, and always aware they could bite his head off, so don't cross their boundaries unless actually necessary
I have a lot of fairy tale reading ready to do, but it's on fae that I feel the drought due not knowing where to start
Hey pumpkin, I can give you sources but I don't usually read modern stuff about fae. I did ask a friend of mine (who had better be asleep, so it'll be a moment) who does read fae/elves stuff. She's a big LOTR fan, so she'd probably rec that? MAYBE? I DON'T KNOW!
I would probably start with reading Celtic mythology. Irish (the Aos si) and Scottish (the Seelie and Unseelie courts) myths are generally what I fucked with as kid, though myths from Wales and Manx convered them too I believe ... (also actually the Norse had their own sort of faeries too, but I'm less familiar). I'd focus on stories about deals (one I like and is well known is the Ballad of Tam Lin) and changlings (like Yeats' poem The Stolen Child) -> even though the child doesn't seem to be one, it'll probably lead you to stories about magical babies.
I am sorry but I'm the worst to ask for sources, like books and such these days because all I do is google until I find what I want. The Encyclopedia Britannica and wikipedia are my friends, particularly wiki because I use it to lead back to THEIR sources.
So, I'd probably start there. Actually, specifically look up 'books about fairy bargains' and there seem to be a list of stories -- I don't know how good they are.
Maybe someone I follow will be of better help <3 (and I'll keep an eye out, in case I find something.)
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bl-recs-and-reviews · 2 years
Do you have any posts tagged that are like maybe just short lists? Maybe a favorite titles of a season (year or 3 to 6 month period), a one liner summary, maybe a few show spotlight trends (enemies to lovers, slow burn, relationships that never was that end up with a last episode kiss {or high five lmao}) and your personal score or some thoughts? I tend to watch them when they are done. It looks Like I'll check out moonlight chicken next.
I'm slightly picky when it comes to BL but I find it impossible to actually find a consistent stream of them to watch. Like some of my favorites from 2021-2022 were Not Me, kinn porsche (hard time ranking one of those higher than the other both had issues but were fun) The I told Sunset about you + sequel series, Bad Buddy. On a fluffier level game boys 2 was cute. I thought love in the air was kind of too fluffy for even me but I finished it. Triage seemed cliché and then I saw read ahead the romance had about the same level of intensity as A tale of a thousand stars (not a huge fan, but I at least forced myself to finish it).
Anyway instead of ranting lol, I was wondering if you had like overall ranking posts.
I unfortunately do not... yet.
I have a few WIP powerpoint recs besides the ones I already have (you can check my snow recs tag) which might be more useful in the future if you can't find exactly what you're looking for.
For one liner summaries you can check my bl news tag. You'll find mostly annoucements of shows which sometimes come with the trailer or summary. I am working on a series of posts with lists on them, but in the meantime I can just give you a list of what I would reccomend to you based off of what you're saying in the ask (so basically enemies to lovers, slow burn and a plot):
Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu
Chains of Heart
I Will Knock You (a slow burn if I ever saw one)
Semantic Error
Eternal Yesterday (this one is just a good one xD)
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
Love Mechanics
My Beautiful Man
We Best Love
Gaya Sa Pelikula
3 Will Be Free
Indigo no Kibun
I hope some of those are to your taste. The last ones are good shows that might stray a bit from the enemies to lovers, slow burn and a plot, but if you haven't seen them, I say give it a try.
I don't generally do ranking posts because those are very subjective, but I will have an all time favorites list in the near future. For that level of detail in recommendations of shows check @piningbisexuals. She makes a full review of the shows she watches, with a rating, pros and cons and if she recommends it or not, so that might be more helpful.
I am better at personalized rec list based off what you're looking if you put it in an ask. (like I did earlier)
I hope you can find what you're looking for! <3
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crouton-knight · 2 years
End of Year writing meme
Wasn't tagged but I wanted to join in. Took it from @splickedylit though!
I assume these are only for fics published in 2022
Most Popular Fic: This year, there's Butterfly Paradox sitting at 641 hits or Karkat And Eridan's Hot Boy Summer with 49 kudos.
I'm actually really surprised that Butterfly Paradox got so much attention since the ratio of comments and kudos is so disparate, and the characters were somewhat controversial in the fandom; especially since the second runner-up for hits was ArchMaid, which has more generally beloved characters and broadly appealing kinks.
Though ArchMaid didn't get a lot of kudos and comments either so 🤷‍♂️
Favorite Fic: Oh man this one's a hard choice. I'll just give you a rec list.
I think the fic I most enjoyed writing was Oasis Run because it came so easily and I had never explored Zhoom as a character before.
The one I enjoyed most as a concept was The Masochism Tango because I really liked the overall aesthetic and the character dialogue went really well.
Sutures gave me the most brainrot. It was a fun challenge and I got to get really weird with it. (Though unfortunately it seems to have grossed a lot of people out? Oh well.)
Mayor of Ameowtyvale I liked a lot because it gave me a more solid idea of how I want to characterize the DF hero as a canon presence and not just as my OC hero Izza.
Parasomnia is where I started to consider the hero as their own character, too, and I really like how they played off of Remthalas in this one.
Most Unexpected Fic: 100% The Weight Of The Crown which is extremely short but also I didn't expect to find myself so interested in either King Alteon or Drakath as characters. I'm still chewing on a few other ideas for them right now, even, though separate from this fic.
Fics for the Next Year: Uhhh a lot. It's already 2023 as of posting this, so I have a few ideas for what I'm about to finish next at least? I really want to conclude Stranger Stars And Suns this year, and hopefully continue into the third book.
In general I really want to continue my longfics, such as Devilfish, let it be different (let it be enough), As the rain comes home to the sea, and all those homestuck fics just lying around. Tales From Kazamuki too, but idk if that's gonna happen.
Next Fic I Plan on Writing: I'm slightly embarrassed to say that the WIP list has grown another four fics since the last time I posted about it. But right now I'm working on Warp And Weft, because it's the closest to finished while still holding my attention. We'll see how that goes.
Tagging @tmae3114 @7yd1a @valorousowl and @oddeyesight
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lastoutpost · 2 years
can i get some early seasons samdean recs please i saw in one of your posts you were talking about Them (early seasons obsessed samdean) and i adore them
*rubs my evil little hands together* you came to the right place
If you haven't read The Last Outpost of All That Is, I think it's not only the pinnacle of samdean fic but of fanfiction in general (hence the URL). It's set after John's death but before Dean's deal and diverges from canon (but in a way that makes sense).
Let's start with classic authors:
candle_beck is my favorite spn author of all time. I highly recommend all of their work but will specifically shout out Second Map of the World (set in vague early seasons, first time fic), American Myth (same) and For Keeps For Good Forever (S3 AU).
Another classic author is Paxlux -- all their stuff hits the good spot but I will specifically shout out Artery (very poetic, vague early seasons first time) and Watch the Weather Change (interesting early seasons case fic)
Astolat is another "everything is good author" but I'll shout out Kings Queens and Jokers Too (tall tales AU), Leader of the Pack (S3 AU where Sam has powers) and Taking the Fifth, (one of the few actual AUs I really enjoy).
There's also sevenfists, whose work I fully recommend but will specifically shout out Life As We Know It.
Everyone knows nyxocity but I will shout out specifically Like Staring Into the Sun (it's smutty but hits the brothers-obsessed-with-each-other vibe).
More modern authors:
I'm sure you know about hathfrozen but if not, make no delay and go read their stuff! Sooo good at accurately portraying how WEIRD the brothers are. Shoutouts include Dead Unfinished Selves (S3 AU, disturbing), and The Gold Room (sexual tension the fanfic, S2 setting)
Also, applecrumbledore!!!! They are probably my second favorite author after candle_beck. They write obsession so well! Shoutouts to Human Hands (S2 casefic where Sam has powers) and Dream fuckery (no timeline given, case fic). Their other stuff is pre series or late seasons but I would give it a shot too, especially Acid! I haven't seen anything after S10 but I still really enjoyed it. Very much about obsession.
One off fics
Last but not least, here are a few one-off fics i've read and enjoyed:
Some people gave me some excellent recs on this post!
Kin & Keeper - a very long fic about Dean coming to terms with Sam's death in Swan Song. Tells their relationship through flash backs. Worth the long read!
The Truth in the Lie - fake dating casefic!? What's not to love.
The Other was a Star Shaped Hole - post S5 AU with a bone chilling plot twist. All about obsession and the refusal to let each other go!
Hit the Ground Crawling - S3 AU. Sam pulls Dean out of hell, but he stops talking.
And the Highway Lines Pass By - post S2 AU
It Doesn't Mean You Can Explain the Ocean - vague early seasons, one sided Sam pining but So So So beautiful. Give it a shot!
Okay, that's all for now but not all I've got. Let me know how you like them and if you need more!
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