#i'll try to get to writing / drafts when i get home too cause i'm !!!
stillcominback · 1 year
𝚕𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚕’𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚗 𝚟𝚊𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 !!!  this has been a way-too-long time coming [ cause your girl is burned the hell out ], but i’m finally taking a little trip to toronto from march 30 - april 4 <333 
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hyperactively-me · 11 months
break in, break down
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"You're stayin' with me tonight," he declares, voice firm and unwavering. You open your mouth, nearly telling him no, I'll find a hotel, but the look he shoots you suggests that you go with him. With a nod of agreement, Simon leads you away from the scene, his hand on your back firm and reassuring.
this has been sitting in my drafts for like, ever. it's not the best cause its super old, like months old and i lowkey forgot i even had it, but it'll do for now while i'm in this writing rut.
happy reading <3
warnings: home invasion, panic attack reaction (i think that's it? lmk if i missed anything please!)
A loud bang reverberates through your apartment, your peaceful sleep interrupted.
You open your eyes with a start, the volume of the sound causing your heart race and your breath catch in your throat.
You're silent for another moment until the sound of glass shattering causes you to jump. You sit up now, dumbfounded for a brief moment before unshakable anxiety takes over.
There's no way this could be happening to you right now.
You immediately leap out of bed, grabbing a stray hoodie off the floor, slipping it over your thin pajamas. Next, you grab your phone with shaky hands, trembling from the adrenaline and anxiety coursing through your veins. The sounds from outside your bedroom are starting to get louder. You swipe your car keys from your drawer, shoving them into the pocket of your hoodie.
In a frenzy, you grope under your bed for a baseball bat, struggling to steady your shaking hands as you grip it tightly. The rattling of your doorknob nearly makes you pass out in fear. Simon had told you multiple times to keep your door locked when you sleep, stressing to you that it wasn't safe to leave it unlocked, especially at night.
There was no way you could escape through the hallway. Lucky for you, your apartment is on the first floor of the building, meaning that you would be able to safely jump out of your bedroom window without injuring yourself.
You place all your things down quickly, unlatching your window from its locks. You heave it open with all your might, grunting as you hold it up to lock it into an open position. Grabbing your baseball bat first, you throw it out the window and onto the grass below you. Could never be too safe.
Suddenly, the person or people on the other side of your door start kicking at it, the flimsy wood shaking from the impacts. You bite back a scream, prompting you to jump out of your window, dropping onto the grass below you clumsily.
You don't bother looking back as you sprint to your car in the adjacent parking lot, throwing yourself into the drivers seat unceremoniously.
Without another thought, you dial 911. Running on pure adrenaline, you tell the operator your address and the urgency of the situation. The kind voice on the other end tells you that the police are on their way before you hang up.
You bite back a sob as your shaking hands type in Simon's phone number. You hold your phone up to your, chewing your finger as it rings once, twice, and the line picks up.
"Hullo?" a scratchy, sleep-ridden voice on the other end of the line rings out. His accent sounds particularly thick.
"Simon," your voice breaks, the adrenaline now worn off, leaving you a wreck.
"What's wrong?" he asks immediately, now sounding more awake. You hear shuffling on the other end.
"I- I think my apartment got broken into," you sob, fat tears now freely falling down your cheeks. "I'm so scared," you cry, bawling like a baby.
Simon's voice takes on a sharp urgency. "'M coming over right now. Where are you? Are you hurt?"
"I'm in my car, in the parking lot," you say tearfully, trying to wipe the tears from your face unsuccessfully.
"I've already called 911; they're on the way—" you add, clutching onto your phone.
The sound of a door opening and slamming shut crackles through the phone. "Be there in ten. Stay on the line, love."
"I'm scared," you cry again, your free hand trembling as you reach to make sure your car door is locked.
"I know, love, I know. Just hang in there. 'M on my way," Simon reassures you, his voice gentle. The ten-minute wait feels like an eternity as you sit in your car, sniffling every so often as you look out your car windows to make sure no one is coming towards you.
Sirens wail in the distance, the police clearly arriving on scene. Despite the growing fear gnawing at you, Simon's voice provides a source of comfort.
"The police are almost here," you breath into the phone, pulling your knees up to your chest.
"Good, I'm here," he grunts. You look up and see his truck hurtling through the parking lot, stopping abruptly right behind your car. He slides out of his car, rushing to the drivers side of your car.
The moment he reaches your car, you throw open the door and practically fall into his arms. Simon holds you tight as you fall into him, sobs wracking your body.
"Don't cry," he soothes, pulling you tighter against him. "'S alright, 's handled."
He cradles you in his grasp, running his hand over your hair as you sob into his t-shirt, fists bunching up the fabric. You cling to him as if he's your lifeline, the scent of his t-shirt grounding you ever so slightly.
"I've got you," he murmurs, rubbing your back.
Your sobs gradually subside into quiet sniffles, and you take a deep breath.
The distant wailing of sirens grows closer, indicating the police are here. Simon releases you just enough to glance over his shoulder at the approaching vehicles. "The police are here," you whisper, your voice shaky but relieved.
The flashing lights of police cars illuminate the surroundings as officers approach. Simon steps back, maintaining a protective stance beside you.
Two police officers approach you and Simon, asking for details about the break-in. You pull at the hem of your hoodie, trying to cover up your practically bare thighs from your tiny pajamas. Simon settles his hand on your lower back, encouraging you to speak to the officers. You recount the events timidly, telling them as much as you know. After providing your statement, the police assure you they'll investigate your apartment, but advise you that it's not the best to stay there tonight. For obvious reasons.
Upon their insistence of you spending the night somewhere else, before you could even open your mouth, Simon is insisting, no, demanding that you stay with him for the night.
"You're stayin' with me tonight," he declares, voice firm and unwavering.
You open your mouth, nearly telling him no, I'll find a hotel, but the look he shoots you suggests that you go with him.
With a nod of agreement, Simon leads you away from the scene, his hand on your back firm and reassuring.
As you approach his truck, Simon opens the door for you. He helps you up into the passenger seat, making sure you're settled before closing the door with a determined thud. Simon then strides around to the driver's side, the scent of him lingering in the air as he gets in. The engine roars to life, and you find comfort in the steady hum of the engine.
The drive to Simon's place is mostly quiet. He occasionally glances at you, concern etched into his features. You stare out of the window, the events of the night replaying in your mind. You shiver in your seat, thinking about what could have happened if you hadn't escaped through your window. Simon's hand finds yours, a silent gesture that makes your heart ache with gratitude.
As you pull into Simon's driveway, you're met with the warm glow of his porch light. The familiar sight brings a new sense of relief. It's not the first time you've been to his quaint home. Simon turns off the engine, and without a word, he's at your side, opening the door for you again.
He leads you inside, the click of the door shutting behind you echoing in the quiet house. Simon heads to the kitchen, rummaging through cabinets. Moments later, he appears with a mug of tea, a small but comforting gesture. He hands it to you, the warmth seeping into your cold hands.
"Drink this. It'll help calm your nerves," he says, his voice gentle.
You take a sip, the familiar taste of chamomile offering a small respite. Simon sits across from you, watching as you try to steady your trembling hands. The silence between you isn't uncomfortable; it's a shared understanding that words might not be enough to mend the damage that's been dealt.
After a while, Simon breaks the silence. "I'll make up the spare room for you. Take your time. We'll deal with everythin' in the morning."
He disappears down the hall, leaving you alone in the living room. You look around his living room, eyeing his front door for a brief moment. You finish the tea and set the mug on the coffee table, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over you.
When you enter the spare room, you find it tidy and pretty bare. The scent of clean sheets and the comforting atmosphere of his home a stark difference from your own. You watch as he double checks the windows to make sure they're locked tight. He also shows you the lock on your own bedroom door.
"Everythin' is secure, 've triple checked it all," Simon states, turning from the window to look at you. His concern is evident in his eyes, and you nod in response.
"Thank you, Simon. I appreciate all of this," you say, your voice quiet.
He moves over to the wall, crouching down to plug a night light into the wall. He taps it a few times to make sure it works. When it flickers on, he grunts, satisfied. Pushing himself up to standing, he walks over to you.
He gives you a reassuring smile. "No need to thank me. 'S the least I can do. You get some rest. 'M right across the hall if you need anything."
With that, he leaves the room, gently closing the door behind him. You make sure to lock the door behind him as he leaves. You crawl into bed, pulling the covers over your weary body, exhaustion settling in.
You close your eyes, hoping that sleep will offer some reprieve. As you lay there, the events of the night replay in your mind. The fear, the vulnerability, and the violation of your home weigh heavily on you. Slight sounds make you jump in fear, and all of a sudden you start to breath heavily. You can't be in here, not alone.
You stumble out of the room, practically falling into the hallway. The dim glow of the nightlight casts long shadows, and you feel a shiver run down your spine. Determined, you make your way to Simon's door and knock softly.
The door opens, and Simon appears, concern etched on his face. "Everythin' alright, love?"
You can barely form the words, your voice barely a whisper. "Can't stay in there alone."
Without hesitation, Simon opens the door wider, gesturing for you to enter. His room is dark, all lights off. You step inside his room, tugging your hoodie tighter around your body. You settle onto the edge of his bed, wrapping your arms around yourself as if to ward off the residual fear.
Simon shuts and locks the door behind him, plunging you both into darkness, save for the slight shine of the moon pouring through between a crack in his curtains.
Simon stands in front of you, looking down with a mix of empathy and concern in his eyes. "You're welcome to stay as long as you need. I don't mind."
"Thank you," you manage to say, the vulnerability in your voice more pronounced in the darkness of the room.
Simon hesitates for a moment before flicking on a small bedside lamp. The soft light casts a warm glow across the room, revealing a space that's both lived-in and comforting. You feel a bit more at ease.
He pulls a chair from his desk and sits across from you, leaving a respectful distance. The silence between you is filled with unspoken words, the weight of the night's events hanging in the air. Simon's gaze is unwavering, and you find solace in the fact that he understands what you need without the need for words.
As the minutes tick by, the atmosphere in the room becomes less tense. Simon breaks the silence, his voice a gentle murmur. "I don't want you to go through this alone. You deserve to feel safe, love."
You manage a weak smile, touched by his sincerity. "Thank you, Simon. You really don't have to be doing all of this for me--"
"Don't say that, I want to," he cuts you off gruffly, offended as if you would even suggest that you weren't worthy enough of his care.
His response hangs in the air, and you notice a flicker of something in Simon's eyes—a hint of frustration or something deeper. The unspoken tension lingers, causing you to shift slightly.
"I just... I don't want you to feel unsafe," Simon adds, his voice softer this time. He leans forward, resting his arms on his knees, his gaze fixed on yours. "Or alone. Fuckin' hell, if you hadn't been able to get out of there..."
He stops, jaw ticking as he thinks. He can't even say it.
The room feels charged with unspoken emotions, and you sense a vulnerability in Simon that mirrors your own.
"Simon," you say softly, your voice a gentle reassurance, "I feel safe with you."
"I've... 've cared about you for a long time, maybe more than I should," Simon admits, his words hanging in the air like a fragile confession.
The vulnerability in his admission tugs at your heart, and you find yourself pushing yourself up off the edge of the bed, cupping his face in your hands.
"I've cared about you too," you confess, the weight of the unspoken finally lifted.
He looks up, meeting your eyes with a mixture of relief and adoration. Simon's hand reaches up to grasp your wrist lightly, his thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of your hand, his eyes searching yours for confirmation.
"I never want you to feel unsafe or alone again. I can't stand the thought of somethin' happenin' t' you."
Your heart swells at the sincerity of his words, and you lean down, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek.
The conversation lulls, and for a moment, it's just the two of you in the sanctuary of Simon's bedroom. The emotional exhaustion begins to take its toll, and your eyes grow heavy.
He stands from his chair, grasping your upper arms gently, leading you towards his bed once again. Before he sits you down, he looks at you expectantly.
"Is this what you want?"
"Yes," you nod, "I've never wanted anything more."
With your permission, he lays you down on his bed, following you into the bed with a contained eagerness. He drags you up until you're settled on a pillow. Simon slides into the mattress right next to you, pulling the covers up and over the both of you. You turn on your side to face him, eyes searching his face just before he turns off the lamp, plunging you both into darkness.
Simon's hand brushes against your forearm, seeking permission yet again. You scoot over until you're flush against him, cheeks heating up at the proximity. You feel Simon's warm presence beside you, his hand finding its place on your waist before he pulls you up against him, cuddling you. Simon's fingers trace patterns on your back, a soothing motion that pulls you deeper into relaxation.
"Get some rest. I'll be right here if you need anything, love," Simon whispers, playing with the ends of your hair.
"Thank you," you whisper into the darkness, your voice barely audible but carrying a depth of gratitude.
He tightens his grip on your waist, a silent affirmation that he's here for you, that you're not alone. The warmth of his touch and the gentle rise and fall of his breath provide a sense of security that eases the lingering tension in your body.
. . . 
The morning light begins to seep through the curtains, casting a soft glow in Simon's room. As you slowly awaken, the events of the previous night come back to you in fragments. You turn slightly to find Simon still asleep beside you, his features softened by the morning light. His arm is draped protectively over you, and a sense of peace settles in the room. For a moment, you simply revel in the quiet stillness, savoring the moment.
As Simon begins to stir, his eyes meet yours, and a sleepy smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "Mornin’," he murmurs, his voice husky with sleep.
"Morning," you reply, a small smile playing on your lips. The air in the room feels different, more relaxed.
Simon props himself up on one elbow, his gaze searching yours. "How are you feeling?"
"Better than I thought I would," you admit, a genuine warmth in your voice. "Still kinda freaked out that people broke in to my apartment, but better."
He nods thoughtfully. "We should probably get up, check in with the police," Simon suggests, but there's a reluctance in his eyes to let go of the warmth of the bed.
You cuddle against him once more, hugging him tightly. His arm comes to wrap around your back, hand splayed across your skin.
"Yeah, we should," you say, pulling away gently as you push yourself out of bed.
"We're goin' together," he tells you. "And I will be installing a new security system in your apartment."
You manage a small smile. "I don't think you understand how much I appreciate you for this."
He sighs as he leads you to his small kitchen. "You never have to thank me for anything, love."
Before you can retort, he turns to you. "Let's get some breakfast in ya. How do you like your eggs?"
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jenchan-writingmultis · 2 months
Twst x obey me.... Where something happens that makes both worlds overlap or makes characters from both worlds meet each other،as a result, Mc and Yuu meet each other and it turns out that they were friends when they were still living in the human world.
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Twisted Wonderland x Obey me Crossover
Part One ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⊱⊰⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
Part Two
A/n: This was requested last June 7, why am I so slow (╥﹏╥) not gonna lie this is hard to write, I kept thinking about what to put the reader’s pov on, I might write You as Yuki, and vice versa, where Yuu goes to Devildom, but that plan is still in drafts, for now, please enjoy the part 1! A few reminders: - Yuki is the default name in Obey Me! - NO pairing yet, It will be implied, but not explicitly displayed. - this will be divided into chapters, It will be considered a one-shot/non-series since I'm not doing different Points of view like how I do series. - Updates will be a bit slow - Credits: The line breakers are from Kaomoji dividers and Official Obey Me and Twisted Wonderland art. - Just enjoy! Would love to hear your responses on this fic cause I'm having fun writing it ^^ Masterlist
“What is that?” you asked, bewildered, as a strange portal suddenly opened in front of you. Grabbing Grim protectively, you jumped back, creating a considerable distance from the portal. Grim meowed in confusion, stirring awake.
“Mrgh...” Grim stirs slightly, rubbing his eyes with his paws, “Hench human did you really need to be that rough?” he huffed yawning, rubbing his eyes he blinked away his drowsiness and stared at where you were looking at.
The reddish portal loomed ominously before you, causing sweat to bead on your forehead. "Sorry, Grim, but just look at that! It opened so suddenly," Grim's tail wagged curiously. "What is that?" he asked, his eyes reflecting your own bewilderment. It was becoming clear that the two of you were starting to mirror each other’s reactions, the same responses and all.
Uncertain of what to do, but feeling compelled to investigate the strange portal, you decided to proceed. Maybe it would offer some clues about how to return home. Cautiously, you placed Grim at the door, advising him to stay put while you approached the portal. Grim grumbled in protest, but your serious tone made him comply, his ears drooping as he huffed. "Don't do anything stupid, Henchhuman. I'll be here to protect you!" he declared, trying to mask his concern with bravado.
The moment you touched the portal, a hand slid out, grabbing yours and making you screech in surprise.You tried to pull away, but instead, you ended up dragging out another person... or rather, a sheep?
“Wha—” you squeaked, falling down with a thud as the weight of the body you pulled out slammed into you.
“I am so sorry!” a familiar voice rang out. They quickly grabbed your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze as you rubbed your head, trying to shake off the daze. As Grim hissed fiercely at the person who had just body-slammed you, you managed to groan out, "It's fine," while grabbing Grim firmly by the scuff. "Behave, Grim." When the person finally got off you, your eyes widened in surprise. "Yuki?"
"Hm?" they exclaimed, eyes widening as they pointed straight at you. "It's you!" With a squeal, they leaped at you once more, sandwiching poor Grim between you both.
“Ack! Get off me!” he squirmed managing to push himself off the crushing hug you both shared. “Where have you been?! You vanished in our world!” Yuki cried out, shaking you and making you dizzy as you grabbed their arms, trying to calm them down. “Wait! Wait!” you said, “You vanished too! You recall the time we were in a sleepover?!” You complained.
“So, both of us got taken away at the same time?” Yuki said, frowning, making them look around. “Is this where you live?” they said, eyes twinkling. “Wow this is a good place” they stood up, offering their hand to help you stand on your feet. Which you unconsciously take, a gesture you do with your long-time friend.
“Yeah, but it wasn’t even like this before- It was a mess” you admitted, scratching the back of your neck, you’re not sure if you should tell Yuki about how you’re basically broke, and you’re being exploited by a certain birdman headmaster.
“Are you not telling me something else?” Yuki’s eyes narrowed, crossing their arms. “Tell me the deets, now” " Their gaze shifted momentarily as Grim the cat perched on your shoulder steals their attention causing them to get distracted. “A flaming cat? Really?”  Yuki said, “Hey! His name is Grim, not a flaming cat,” you huffed, hugging Grim. “He’s my companion, first friend in this world.” Rubbing the base of Grim’s ear, he still glared at Yuki. Now that you think about it, Yuki looked incredibly different, sure their pink hair was normal but why do they have horns, and are those sheep legs?
“You know, forget about me, at least I look normal,” you commented, reaching out to touch Yuki’s horns. “What happened to you?” you asked, Yuki grins, grabbing your wrist and pulling it away from them as they cup both your hands. “I’m an exchange student in RAD.”
"RAD?" You interjected, acknowledging the interesting adventure both of you had after getting separated. "You know what," you continued, cutting off Yuki's babbling before it could start. "Let's discuss this in the living room. Will the portal you used close?" you asked, glancing towards the portal.
"Oh, that? Yeah, it'll probably close, but I should be able to bring the demon brothers out with me," Yuki replied casually.
“Jesus Christ Yuki!” you gasped out, what the hell do they mean by Demons. “ARE YOU IN HELL?”
“Devildom School!” Yuki corrected “But they’re nice, all I need to do is study, I don’t need to worry about expenses, unlike the time we were living in our apartment.” Yuki grins, causing you to get hit by that like a truck. “You don’t?”
Yuki nodded their head too enthusiastically, “I’m quite happy here, the demon brothers are incredibly attractive, and they keep me safe” they said which made Grim laugh, “Everyone here is ugly! Well except for Vil and me!” he huffed proudly, causing you to cover his mouth. “Maybe I can go there, Yuki.” You joked, causing Yuki to smile brightly, tugging your hand to their chest “You will!? I’ll ask Diavolo to make reservat- “
“On second thought nevermind, those names give me the shivers” You quickly retracted your hand away.
“Say,” Grim says as he looks at the portal, he floats on it, eyes blinking owlishly and you don’t like that look “This portal sends you to hell?” he questions, Yuki walks beside him “Well yes, but it’s much better if you don’t go in there, demons tend to eat tiny kitties like you” Yuki says, hands motioning to grab Grim’s chubby belly.
“Isn’t that rude to say?” a voice echoed in the portal, and before Grim could even move away a pair of hands grabbed him, causing him to squeak in surprise, you, on the other hand, got alerted as you tried to grab Grim back, but Yuki stopped you, pulling you away from the portal so that the mysterious man can come out.
A tall figure emerged, his blonde hair catching the light as he stepped outside, one hand cradling Grim the cat while he absentmindedly rubbed the feline's paws. "Aww, look at you, kitty kitty," he cooed in a tone that made Grim cringe, the cat trying to squirm free from the man's unyielding grip. "Get your filthy paws off me!" Grim spat, eyes narrowing with irritation.
But it seems like Grim’s threat fell on deaf ears as he started to eagerly pet Grim. “Such a cute kitty” he coos with a blissful smile on his face, “And, Yuki, you shouldn’t go in mysterious portals “He added, focusing suddenly on Yuki, who nervously scratched their cheek. "I'm safe now, though, and I get to see an old friend!" Yuki deftly redirected the intimidating man's attention towards you. "Who might this be?"
"Ah, a friend from the human world," Yuki introduced as you bowed politely. "Nice to meet you," you replied, perhaps a bit too formally, sensing something unsettling about the man. His demeanor rang warning bells, and you were cautious not to provoke him. "No need for formalities," he said casually, still petting Grim. "You're Yuki's friend, so you're good in my book." He glanced at Grim. "Is this your pet?"
“No! Get your-!” Grim bites his finger, causing the man to flinch, but instead of getting mad he nudges Grim gently off his bleeding finger. “You’re quite feisty, aren’t you?” the man’s demeanor suddenly shifts, Grim tears up sensing the sudden intensity of Satan's vibe as he looks at you for help, and you quickly went to them, grabbing Grim. 
"You're scaring the kitty, Satan," Yuki remarked, causing Satan to flinch when you immediately retreated behind your friend, arms around Grim. "Oh," he said, his demeanor sheepish. "I apologize." huh, you guessed he wasn’t that bad. "It's alright. So, your name is Satan?" You swiftly changed the subject, opening the door. "Let's continue this conversation somewhere else." Walking out, Yuki and Satan followed you.
"The living room isn't very tidy, and I hope you don't mind the ghosts," you murmured, noticing Yuki stiffen. "Ghosts?" they asked fearfully, making you snort.
“You literally have the Satan behind you,” you point out as Grim jumps off your arms, noticing that there was someone knocking at your door.
“Prefect! Open up!” Ace was starting to get impatient; he’s been banging at your door for 10 minutes already!
"Is that your friend?" Yuki asked while Satan stared narrowly at the door, aware of the two figures beyond. Both possessed magical abilities, though evidently not enough to subdue him if they were indeed attackers.
“Oh no,” You look at Yuki, who’s half sheep and this tall man, while he looks human enough, the outfit screams “I’m not from this world!” "Yeah, that's my friend, but Yuki, could you try to look more human right now?" you asked quietly, overhearing the two bickering outside.
"Hey, I swear, if that door breaks because of your banging, the prefect will ignore us for the rest of the week!" Deuce apprehended Ace, who glared at him, huffing. "They're not that mean."
“You guys are so noisy,” Grim said, swinging the door open.  "Grim! Where's Prefect?" Deuce hurriedly asked as he entered, coming to an abrupt halt upon spotting you and two unfamiliar guests. "Oh, uh... I didn't realize you had company," Deuce muttered, feeling embarrassed that he and Ace had barged in uninvited. Ace nudged him aside and approached where you were seated. "Who's this?" he asked bluntly, prompting a sigh of relief from you. Thankfully, Satan quickly thought to use illusion magic to make Yuki appear more human.
Deuce glared at Ace as he looks at you apologetically as well as your friends “We’re sorry for intruding,”
“It’s fine” Satan says, your two friends seemed to have taken interest in him, quite a looker Ace thought to himself, is this guy a model perhaps?
"So, uh" Ace drawls out, casually taking a seat beside you, "What’s your relationship with our prefect here? Friends? Acquaintances?" " Deuce settles in on your opposite side, while Grim comfortably finds a spot on your lap. Yuki and Satan occupy seats across from you, creating an intriguing tableau of friends gathered around.
"Yes," Satan says with a smile directed at them. "We're here visiting Yuki's friend." His gaze shifts back to Yuki, who has their arms crossed, communicating nonverbally for a moment, silently gauging whether it's alright to reveal to a group of high school kids that Satan is, well, Satan, and they came from that portal that ripped open in your room.
Before Yuki could agree to Satan's request, their eyes locked onto yours, silently seeking your approval to trust the two individuals. Feeling a pang of guilt for putting them on the spot, you nodded. "Listen, guys," you interjected, drawing the attention of the two boys, deciding to take responsibility instead.
“Yuki is my friend back in my world” you said, Ace’s eyes almost bulging out of his sockets. “What?”
"So, they're both your friends from your world?" Deuce inquired, crossing his arms and resting his hand on his cheek—a habit he fell into whenever he needed time to process new information.
“Oh no” Yuki denied, “This is Satan” she introduced him as Satan bowed his head momentarily. “I apologize for concealing our identities, we had to assess if you two were a threat, but it seems like you are friends of Yuki’s friend”
“Satan?” Ace scratches the back of his neck, “Sounds like a big shot guy, nice to meet you too” The moment Satan offered his hand, Ace hesitantly accepted it, still wary of the guy, Deuce on the other hand, shook the hand without much thought.
Satan assessed both their magic prowess, focusing on the magic he can see from them, they have potential. They were young, but promising; he hoped to see their abilities blossom soon.
"Does that mean Prefect has a way to get back home?" Ace asked, to which Satan closed his eyes in contemplation. "We're uncertain if it's safe for your Prefect to use the portal we opened,” Satan says, “My brothers have yet to come out yet, till I give the signal, since I saw Grim, I couldn’t help myself” he added with a twinkling gaze, focusing on Grim, who shivered and moved behind you. "He's trouble! I don't trust him, Henchhuman!" Grim whimpered, prompting a chuckle from you.
"Could you tell me more about your world? It seems like our timeline, yet there are many peculiarities I've noticed around this house," Satan explains. "For instance, the abundance of ghosts here; in our realm, we have ghouls for that." "Ghouls?" Deuce choked on the water he had been drinking just moments before. "What kind of world do you live in?" he said, visibly terrified. "Well, they're not aggressive; it's easy to dispatch them with a single blow." Ace and Deuce exchanged a side-eyed glance at you, clearly perplexed by your unusual circle of friends. “Ah,” Yuki says, as the two stared dumbfoundedly. “A beast person?” Ace says, eyes boring on Yuki making them flush in embarrassment. "You're not weirded out?" they asked, anxiously fiddling with their fingers.
Ace shook his head. "Nah, I was just more surprised by your friend over there," he gestured towards Satan, "he's got the qualities of a model." His attempt at a compliment seemed to backfire as Satan glared at him.  He tried to look at you for safety, but you were also glaring daggers at him.
"I mean!" Ace hurried to amend, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender, "They look great! They seem to have more of those beast-like traits, you know? You're adorable! An adorable sheep!"
Deuce couldn't contain his amusement at the escalating tension, which prompted Ace to retaliate by tossing the bottle of soda he had just bought at Deuce's head. "Hey!" Deuce protested, rubbing his head indignantly. "That hurt!"
"You two, stop. You're embarrassing me," you sighed, casting a glance at both Yuki and Satan.  They both look pitifully at you, how could you handle such chaos like this daily?
What came next surprised you.  Satan calmly threatened the boys into obediently taking their seats.
"Wasn't so hard to contain your anger, huh?" Satan's smile was sly, causing Yuki to look at him incredulously. It was ironic coming from the Demon of Wrath himself, telling a group of boys to tone down their emotions.
“Speaking of, Satan?” you caught his attention, the light outside shining directly at the living room’s table. “You said that your brothers will come?” you asked, realizing you haven’t made any coffee or tea for them as you stood up bowing apologetically “Sorry! I’ll brew something up for you two,” you said hurriedly making Yuki giggle.
“Since when were you polite to me?” Yuki grabbed you, forcing you to sit down beside them instead “Seriously sit down we don’t need tea” They urged you, seeing the pang of disappointment on Satan’s face. He seemed eager to try whatever brew you were planning to create. After all this was a whole new world. He was only trying to elongate the time he had alone with Yuki.
You lean closer to Yuki, “I think Satan wants to try tea” in which they looked at Satan who seemed to look away. “Do you want to try their drinks?” Yuki asked, which Satan’s eyes softened, “Can I?”
You didn’t quite put a finger to it, but doesn’t these two seemed to be dating? Yuki who pets Satan, giving him permission like he was some kind of dog.
“Are you two dating?” you asked, making Yuki grin. “maybe” your friend had the tendency to hide stuff like this making you pinch their cheeks.
“You! Seriously!” You huffed, the trio on the opposite table watching you. Satan on the other hand stood up. “Can I brew myself some tea?” He asked you softly, making you nod and stand up “I can help, if you’d like?” “No, it’s fine” Satan waves his hand dismissing you. “The kitchen is on the left side” you told him as he walks to where you pointed the direction. The moment the most intimidating guy left the room, Deuce, Ace, and even Grim crowded you and Yuki.
“There is no way that guy isn’t crazy strong, what is he?” Ace asked first sitting beside Yuki who laughed “He may be crazy strong, but he means well” they explained.  While Satan was away, looking at the weird labels clearly not in their language, you along with your friends came to chat, telling each other’s stories and the differences of their timelines to one another.
Satan’s phone rings as new messages pop up, he opens the main group chat of him and his brothers along with Yuki.
“Where the hell are you?” The first one to chat was Mammon, who was obviously in distress.
“Is it safe to go to the portal? You didn’t die right Satan?” Levi next, who had the most outrageous ideas. “Satan answer us!”
Satan sighed, his fingers dancing across his phone's screen while the other hand toyed absentmindedly with a packet of sugar. “Yuki and I are fine, you guys are allowed to go to the portal” he sends, with his advanced hearing, he could hear the portal causing fluctuations in upstairs.
"Wait, don't go down just yet. You might scare Yuki's friends," he typed hurriedly, his brothers seening and giving him a thumbs up.
“Then come up here, isn’t it a little rude keeping us in this tiny bedroom?” Asmodeus chats, with a crying bird emoji.
Lucifer finally spoke up after minutes of just seening. "Satan, what's the situation downstairs? We hear Yuki's voice.” he really wanted to answer sarcastically but he mentally stopped himself.
“The human that Yuki has been trying to locate has been found, however our conversation was interrupted by two first years, they seem to have magic but it’s weak” he explained via text.
“Aren’t you taking too long there Satan?” a voice jolts him out of his focus, causing him to accidentally drop the sugar, instinctively he kicked it up bringing it back to his hand again. “Christ Yuki,” he glares at Yuki who laughed. “Stop with the sneak attacks” he ruffles their hair causing Yuki to apologize while smiling.
“So? What are you so focused on your D.D.D about? Are they here?” Yuki said, opening their D.D.D and rereading what happened. “Oh! They are” they chirp. “Should we have them go down now?” Satan says, not keen to having Lucifer in the same vicinity as him. He might end up dueling his brother and destroying this dormitory.
“We should inform them for it first, those two first years are really nice, I don’t want them to get incredibly scared by the brothers” Yuki suggested, which Satan nodded, agreeing.
You were idly chatting with the two till you heard some footsteps upstairs, wanting to investigate it, Satan and Yuki came back with a tray of multiple cup of tea and coffee, which was already excessive with only 5 people in there.
“What’s the occasion?” You asked while rubbing Grim’s cheek who was resting on your lap.
“My brothers are here” Satan said, as he places the tray down, giving the cup of tea and coffee to deuce, ace and you. “Oh!” you chirped, curiously, Ace raises his eyebrow. “There’s more of you?”
The hell does that mean. Satan stared at him blankly before sighing. “Was it not mentioned before?”
“Well, if they’re your brothers, we’d love to show them courtesy” Deuce says, taking the coffee and thanking Satan. "So, that's a yes? Just so you know, they're way taller than Satan here," Yuki added, prompting all three of them to look at her in disbelief as she continued chatting in the group chat.
After only a few seconds Asmodeus ran down, eyes sparkling as he scanned the first-year students. Spotting you, he pounced with exuberance, wrapping you in a tight hug. "You must be Yuki’s friend! Oh, you’re absolutely stunning!" he exclaimed, squeezing a bit too tightly, causing you to gasp for air. Weakly patting his arm, you managed to croak, "Can't... breathe..."
Lucifer grabbed Asmodeus by the collar pulling them away, saving you from the grip of hell. “They do have magical prowess,” he says amusedly distracted by the odd magic he's sensing, as Asmodeus scratches his cheek “Woops, my bad, you just looked so cute like Yuki,” he says, ready to hug you again if Grim didn’t hiss at him.
“Oh no wonder you went first in first” Leviathan murmured to Satan who went down after Asmodeus, looking down at Grim who was hissing at him as well “Hey! Why are you so close?!” he growled which Leviathan backed away, “Ah! sorry I didn’t realize I got too close, you kind of reminded me of Henry”
Grim had never looked so offended in his whole life, who the heck is Henry? He huffs, looking away from Leviathan.
“Nice to meet all of you” You said as you smiled, you didn’t take into account that this tall man who just saved you from the grips of lust looked a lot like Professor Crewel.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, my name is Lucifer” he places his hand on his chest, eyes observing you along with your friends. “I must say, I didn’t expect such a nice home to go into” he says looking around, for someone so young they seemed to have good taste when it comes to architectural design. The dormitory, while bland to others seemed to have gotten the interest of lucifer, this home reminded him of the house of lamentation, without the bizarre decorations.
“Sup” Ace says, the first guy he noticed was Mammon, who looked like he’s been staring down at him and Deuce. “Yo” he nods at Ace, and for some reason… he feels like he’d get along with this guy.
Unceremoniously the two grabbed each other’s hands as a form of friendship.
“You two are getting along” Deuce said as he looks at the others, they were all just letting the man with dark hair speak to you, is he the eldest?
“I apologize for the scare my brother gave you” he acknowledges Grim and you by bowing slightly, while you got embarrassed by it Grim seemed to huff proudly. “You should be! There ain’t that much space for big humans like you!” he jabs.
A man who seemed to yawn and fall asleep standing up was held by another who had ginger hair. “That guy seems sleepy, why don’t you let him rest on the bed?” you suggested, feeling a bit bad since he looked so tired.
“You’ll let him?” The ginger man said he looked like a big brother to Ace now that you take a closer look as you nod. “We can just wake him up once we finish talking” The man seemed to beam as he guided Belphegor back to your bedroom.
Lucifer went to sit down on the extra seat Deuce offered him while Asmodeus and Mammon sat with Ace.
“Can you tell us about this whole portal thing?” you started first, breaking the sudden dead air that happened.  “How did you find my location?”
“It’s a long story,” Lucifer’s attention goes back to Yuki who had one day, started to feel homesick and didn’t eat well. So, he had to do something about it to keep their mental well-being up. “Yuki was in a bad mental state so I went to try and find out why” Yuki who was beside you seemed to fiddle with their fingers anxiously, as if they were anticipating you to react badly, but you continued to keep a neutral expression while listening to him.
“It turns out, that they were missing you” Lucifer continued but got stopped by Yuki. “Okay! I’ll continue from here Jeez!” they sighed turning to you. “I didn’t know why I felt like I needed to come find you, despite not feeling that way for a few months” they admit, your brows knitted in confusion as the others listen to your exchange.
“I know that it’s uncalled for to come find you, so I’m sorry” Yuki frowns “What are you talking about?” you glare at them, pinching their fluffy cheek, “It’s been almost a year since I last saw you and you think that you’re bothering me for opening a portal?” you scold them, pulling them into a crushing hug “If I was mad I would have attacked you by now you idiot” you said burying your face into their shoulder as Yuki relaxes, pulling you into a deeper embrace.
While you two were in vastly different worlds, the bond you shared with your friend is nothing but solid. “I’m sorry” Yuki murmurs, feeling like they’re going to cry for this.
The brothers along with the three of your companions stared in awe, it was nice that you finally found your long-time friend.
“I’m sorry to burst your sweet reunion but” Ace interrupts, feeling terrible that he had to. “We should go,” he says, standing up as Deuce stares at him like he just committed an unforgivable sin. “Class’ going to start in 2 hours and Professor Crewel’s gonna kill us if we don’t finish this report soon”
The moment You and Yuki pulled away you checked the time, realizing that it was time for class, but you can’t leave them be! “Do you guys wanna roam around for a bit?” you blurt out, but you start to regret it as all the brothers along with Yuki seem to have gotten curious about this place. How are you going to let them roam around while looking like a bunch of models who suddenly decided to use Night Raven College’s school to promote it?
“If you’d let us sweetie!” Asmodeus chirps, he wants to check if there are other gorgeous beings around here, just so he can have a chance with them, exchange make-up routines, and recommend good products! That’s a sweet way to broaden his horizon of self-care.
Mammon on the other hand seemed to have twitched thinking about what items he could find, what he could do with them and if they’re valuable if he sells it back home, and that little faint smile he  has made Lucifer’s alert system tingle, he looks back at Mammon who jolted as he places both his hands on his head acting chill about it like he wasn’t planning to steal something from this Dormitory.
“Mammon…” Lucifer calls his name out with a warning. “Don’t even think about it”
“I wasn’t!” he whines, “Plus! Not like I can get anything from this Shabby dormitory” he crosses his arms which Grim glares at him “Shabby? I’ll have you know that this place could may as well be a hotel! Be grateful!”
“Hah? This?” he said and Grim floated off your lap almost getting into a verbal fight with Mammon himself, if Lucifer didn’t emit an ominous aura that is.
“Che!” he huffs causing Ace to stare at him dumbfoundedly “Dude… I was gonna praise you for looking like another model but never mind” he says, Mammon flinching at his words “Hey!  I AM a model!”
“Whatever you say, Prefect do you wanna go to class by now?” Ace asks as he grabs his bag. “We can’t miss the quiz too” Deuce adds. You were starting to feel the stress, thinking whether you should leave them be for now or call Crowley just to inform him that you got literal demon brothers at your house and your friend who meticulously became half sheep! You already know that in one way or another Crowley might not even like it or kick them out! You don’t want that yet! You want to get to know your friend’s friends! And it’s been so long since you last saw your friend!
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wriothesleybear · 11 months
Apparently, in a leak, there's a made-up story about Wriothesley fighting a deep-sea beast but he says its fake.
Anyway, imagine him saving you from one or just fighting one to impress you.
I'm so sorry this took so long! Was in a writing rut for a while and then when I finally started writing, I lost my first draft of it. It was so good and I got so sad that I lost it😭... Anyways, now that we've seen his character and gotten to know him more in the main story and his character story, I can see him doing this lmao. He's likely to save you from one because he is protective of those he cares about. If you get impressed by him doing that it's a plus! Imagine him saving you from one and he casually walks over to you, holding his hand out to help you on your feet. He has a smirk on his face as he asks you, "impressed?" You could respond in two ways.
Either you blush and shyly thank him. He notices the hand he's holding is shaking a bit. He understands that you were scared and you're probably having trouble calming down. With a gentle look on his face, he gives your hand a comforting squeeze. "It's okay. You're safe now." You know he's trying to comfort you and you appreciate him trying to do that, but it just causes you to break down in tears. He hates seeing you cry. He immediately pulls you into a tight hug, letting you cry into his chest as he rubs your back. He lets you take your time letting your emotions out, giving reassuring words every now and then. He blames himself for not protecting you and can't even imagine what would've happened if he didn't get there in time. He tries to calm his own thoughts and focus on you. Once you finally calm down, you slightly pull away so you can see his face. He cups your face, using his thumbs to wipe the tears off your cheeks. "Thank you Wrio." He leans his forehead against yours and gently smiles. "Let's go home. I'll make you some tea." You slightly chuckle. "Okay." He picks you up in his arms. You get embarrassed and tell him he doesn't have to carry you but of course he says he doesnt mind. You smile, wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his cheek. "My hero." He's the one who's blushing now.
The other way you can respond is by messing with him and saying not really. Although you deny it, he notices the blush on your cheeks. He knows what you're doing and plays along. "Are you sure because I saw how awestrucked you were while I was fighting the monster." You blush more. "Fine, I suppose I was a little bit impressed." He smirks some more. "Thank you for saving me Wrio." "If you really want to thank me, how about a kiss on the cheek to show your appreciation?" You want to wipe that smirk off his face. "How about I get you some high quality tea instead?" You suggest. "Eh, that's no fun. How about you join me for a tea date?" "Hm? Is THE Duke asking me out?" You tease. "It's either the tea date or a kiss on the cheek. Your choice." You contemplate for a few seconds and ultimately make a decision. You pull him by his tie towards your face and kiss him on the lips. It only lasts for a few seconds but it leaves him stunned. You smirk and start walking away. You notice that you don't hear footsteps following behind you, so you look back to see him still standing in place, trying to understand what just happened. You chuckle. "Come on. I thought you said you would take me on a tea date." You turn and continue walking. He finally gathers himself and chuckles. Well played, he thinks. He finally follows you and catches up. While walking back to the prison, he silently plans a way to surprise you with a kiss next time.
I hope he wasn't too ooc, but these are my thoughts on if he saved you from a monster. Thank you for the ask anon and I hope you enjoy!🥰❤️
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carleycore · 6 months
PLEASEEEE DO MORE HAIKYUU “when they try to insult you”
A/N: The way I didn't see this... 😶 But thank you for requesting and I hope it's to your liking!
Genre: Hurt/comfort
part one part two part three
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(not being athletic)
Ever since you started dating Atsumu you knew fitness was important to him, as it was to you.
But the difference was, you were a writer and he was a pro athlete.
Even so, you'd try to work out with him every once in a while but you could tell he wished you were jogging at 5:00am with him and things like that.
"Hey, Y/N I'm going out for a run. Do ya' want to come with?" Your boyfriend asked as he laced up his sneakers.
"Sorry, maybe tomorrow. I have to get this draft out to my editor before midnight," you explained.
"If you don't want to run, you could've just said that," he sighed, rolling his eyes.
You knew what he was implying and it pissed you off.
This had been an ongoing argument since day one of your relationship, and you weren't really trying to start an argument so you just said, "have a safe run," and went back to writing.
As the hours went on, you started to get more and more worried.
Was he taking a while because he didn't want to come back home or was he taking a while because someone had knocked him from behind, dragged his body out in an alleyway, then murder him?
Yeah...You were watching way too many true crime documentaries.
But it'd been long enough.
You threw on some shoes and started running down the street.
Not long after you saw him sitting on a bench at the neighborhood park.
Trying to catch your breath, you called his name and sat next to him.
"'Tsumu, I've been...been worried sick!" You gasped, hugging him and tearing up in his neck.
"Baby, It's dark, you shouldn't have ran out here," he sighed, hugging you back.
"You were taking too long to come back and I was worried that something had happened to you."
"I'm so sorry my love, I was so rude and here I am causing you to worry."
"Thank you, tomorrow, I'll walk around the neighborhood with you, but it has to be after 5."
He laughed, "deal,"
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sorryyyy it's only one but I'm literally writing this as I wait for my professor to start class LMAOOO
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Hi. Can I request something similar to the immortals outliving you? Could it be with the rest of the characters and us passing from other causes?
Their reactions to losing you
I wasnt sure if you wanted the immortals as well, so I added them in here as well!
This is all written in one go since tumblr doesnt let me save drafts for asks so I apologize for any spelling/grammar mistakes <\3 it's like 1am rn
CONTENT WARNINGS, idk what all needs a warning but I'd rather play it VERY safe:
M*rder revenge, almost all of them touch on it tbh, love me the revenge trope
D3ath, obviously
Grief and the general hurt that comes with it
In EJs case he sees your death first hand
Does violently slamming yourself around count as SH /genq, because if so that's vagued in EJs part as well
Maskys handles a hit and run but its vague
Masky also hints to a smoking addiction
Nonspecific illness in hoodies part
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I remember that I mentioned this for Slendermans part, but I had an idea that he already accepted that fact that you wouldn't last forever
But I don't remember if I mentioned/vagued the idea of how he'd react to you're life being forcibly cut short
Accepting the fact you'll eventually pass away does nothing when he finds out someone else was responsible for your sudden end
All that comes out is a cold rage, something that the creature hasn't experienced in a long time
Writing this, it makes me remember that clip from the first episode of castlevania where dracula appears in the fire in episode one, after they kill his wife
But instead of carelessly showing himself to the world in a fit of rage, he fiercely protects everything that you touched; his forest, your home, your grave, ect
But despite the rage he doesnt immediately take down the person who caused this
Nonono, he does what he does best; he chips away at the person's mind through stalking and paranoia, essentially tormenting them for.. god knows how long until he gets bored
When he does decide hes through with them he'll make sure their... death... is drawn out
Basically don't meddle in the life of a forest monster; he may be a very... passionate.. lover
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Incredibly similar to the other version of this post where he naturally outlives you
But if you pass unnaturally, he'd be even more torn up about it
His time with you was already going to be short to begin with, but it was cut down even shorter
Doesnt matter the cause; murder, illness, accident, ect.. he'll be just as broken up
There's no real significant changes; he still mourns and honors you the same way for the most part
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Laughing Jack;
It was an accident; one day you were there and the next, gone
He would stay in the house for a few days, not even knowing what was going on
At first he'd be worried and confused, before those feelings would deepen into something debilitating
He'd probably eventually find out through the news, after turning on the tv to pass the time and fill the silence
His worry immediately morphs into ice cold; he could feel his heart drop
He'd throw caution to the wind and try to track down whoever did he
He doesnt care if it was an accident, he wants justice and compensation
He follows a similar route as slenderman; the only thing is, is that jack lacks the patience to draw it out
After everything is said and done he's beside himself; avenging you didnt bring him back and it hardly made him feel better
He likely just. Goes back to what he was doing before he met you; drifting from house to house and causing havoc; but now he carries a melancholic aura
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Eyeless Jack;
Another story of revenge, but with a twist so his part isnt too similar to LJ and slenders
So I'll be using the idea I should've given slenderman (but I'm too stubborn to rewrite his part)
Like Slenderman, Jack is seen as a cryptid and thus, there are naturally going to be people trying to hunt him down. Especially considering before he was a cursed monster he was a normal dude who got caught up in a whole... thing... and who's body was obviously never found as it still walks
Jack is.. semi used to that; but one day he completely catches him off guard, and what's worse is that you were there when it happened
It was a group, too, usually they come in two; but there were more that day. If it were less Jack could have easily put a stop to it all
It escalated
You had tried to step in to help him, to buy him some time so he could run; but it all went wrong
I don't like going into detail about this kind of thing, so this will be up to interpretation
The whole thing flings him into a rage and he makes quick work of the remaining hunters, but it's all too late
Even if he wasn't, how could he help? He cant just leave the woods and dump you at a hospital... but he doesnt have the supplies to help you then and there... and even if he did you were both much too far away from the cabin
It just leaves him helplessly trying to stop the bleeding
He hardly ever leaves the woods after that; not even to eat
He's resorted to.. rather violently subduing the monstrous side of him that craves flesh
There's broken furniture everywhere
He blames himself
He should have had you stay in the cabin
He should have told you to run
He should have told you to hide
He should've...
The worst thing is that he begins to believe that it was his fault; afterall he let you out of his sight when he began fighting. Even worse, and perhaps stupidly, he believed this wouldn't have happened if he never met you
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He just sits there, quietly
Be it shock or something else he just sits there
But his mind is going a mile a minute to try to figure out what exactly happened to you
You were.. in a wreck, and the other person just. Fled.
As feral as I tend to write and interpret masky, he can be thorough when it comes to investigating
Though I'm torn in whether or not he'd actually be able to find the person; especially because I'm kinda. Dumb when it comes to crime stuff and I'm not about to do mental gymnastics on something I'm not confident in <\3
In terms of grief, he seems... lost...
I don't usually hc that Masky smokes; that's just a Tim thing
But I feel like the smoking would bleed into Masky and become a whole... issue.. whether or not Tim as his own person knows about you/was involved with you is up to interpretation; as I tend to write the proxies as a separate.. thing
Still trying to find the correct term
But yeah
Focusing back in on Masky, he's kinda just lost. Angry, definitely, but mostly just. Wandering through life
He doesn't want to forget you
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Similar to Masky he's quiet and lost
Similarly he would feel the urge to try to find out who took you away; but I feel we've had enough "S/o dies at the hands of someone else" for this post, so we'll do something else... and because I fear hoodies portion will be too similar to maskys
You got sick, to put it simply
It's.. odd..
He's well aware that you're deteriorating, and he's aware that time is running out
But he can't help but feel calm in your presence; its only when you're apart that he feels that dread, and its constant
Maybe it's the fact that when he's with you he can easily convince himself that, in that moment, you're alright
It hurts when it finally happens
Out of all the guys, he's probably the most normal(?) About the situation
He visits your grave, a lot of the time, leaves little gifts there
He doesn't talk much, but he probably talks to you
Likely keeps something on him to remember you, like a locket or something
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imaginexwwe · 1 year
HIS GIRL - Roman Reigns
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"I should get going, Joe." Y|N giggled, trying to wiggle out of his grip causing the guy next to her to tighten his grip. "Joseph, let go."
"I don't want you to go."
And I don't want to leave.
Y|N sighed.
Her lips slowly turning upwards into a smile as she unknowingly sunk deeper into his muscular arms.
Just hearing Joe say he didn't want her to leave made her stomach do backflips.
But she knew she had to stop herself before she got too deep in her feelings.
Like who was she kidding?
Joseph's her bestfriend.
Has been her best friend since the day they met when she was the new girl in school.
The first day of seventh grade, to be exact.
It was only recently that they had decided to give in to the temptation that had began lingering over them since their junior year of high school, and had, had sex.
It was Y|N's first time.
Not so much Joe's.
Of course, the man's like every girl's fantasy at school.
But that's beside the point.
Y|N had swore up and down that night she had allowed Joe to take her virginity that she could handle her emotions, and not be one of those clingy girls that all of a sudden wanted more than no strings attached.
Those girls that would ultimately find themselves wanting a relationship.
Wanting said bestfriend to be theirs and only theirs.
When deep down she had quickly became that girl.
All because she wanted her bestfriend to make her feel the way he had made those other girls feel.
It just so happen, Y|N was good at hiding how she felt.
But then there would be times like now, when Joe would say things like 'I don't want you to go.'
Something so simple that would only make Y|N long for something more, even more.
Get yourself together, before you ruin everything.
With another sigh, Y|N began wiggling again. "It's the night before the first day of senior year, Joe. I have to go home and get some sleep."
"Sleep here." Joe quickly replied, with a chuckle as he leaned over to nip at the skin on my neck, almost immediately causing me to close my eyes, and bit down on my lips. "Please."
Y|N shook her head, trying to fight off the urge to moan, as Joe's hand began to slide further and further down her body. "I have no clothes." She quickly blurted out, trying to think of any excuse to be let go.
"Wear something of mines." Joe countered with a smirk as his hand stopped. "You love stealing my stuff all the other times."
"My dads will be pissed." Y|N gasped out, feeling Joe's finger come in contact with her folds. "I'm not about to show up on the first day of my senior year dressed like you. And I know if I stay I won't be getting much sleep."
"Are you serious?" Joe questioned, looking over at Y|N in disbelief. "You really want to go? Right now?" His grip now loosened from around Y|N waist.
"Well..." Y|N stuttered out, rolling over so that she could face Joe. "Maybe I can be a little late. But we have to be quick."
"No promises." She heard her bestfriend say, smirking, as he gripped Y|N's face, pulling her in for a kiss.
This boy will be the death of me.
"Looks like you and Joe had a good time." Trinity said, nudging Y|N with her elbow as she, Y|N and their other friend Liv walked down the hall at the end of school.
"Is it really noticeable..?" Y|N blushed, already knowing her friend was referring to the hickey Joe had marked her with last night when they were going for round two. "I was up at six this morning covering this thing up."
Thank goodness the other three are in a place they won't see, Y|N thought, giggling to herself.
Liv shrugged, playfully rolling her eyes at her friend. "Well, it looks like you need a touch up."
"I'll put more on in the ca-"
Before Y|N could finish what she was saying, a male voice was heard calling out to her.
"Who's he?" Liv was the first to ask, as the three girls turned their attention to the unrecognizable boy calling out to Y|N.
"Oh..." Y|N spoke with a smile. "The new guy, Colby. He just moved to Florida from Iowa."
Trinity laughed, eyeing her friend. "And how do you know all of this?" She asked, taking note of the instantaneous smile that formed on Y|N's face.
"He's in my first and second period."
And before either one of her friends could think of anything else to say or question her about, Y|N had walked off heading over to Colby.
"Is that Y|N?" Joe heard his cousin Jonathan ask as him and Jon's younger twin brother Joshua turned a corner in school, heading for the double doors to leave out the school building.
Joe stopped in his tracks, looking in the direction that his younger cousin was looking.
Seeing none other than Y|N.
And some guy he didn't know.
"Who's that guy she's talking to?"
"Oh, that's the new guy, Cory." Jon answered.
"It's Colby." Josh spoke up, correcting his brother. "He's the new kid from Iowa. He's in first period with me and Y|N."
Joe nodded, his eyes locked on his bestfriend as she was deep in conversation with Colby.
Even when Joe tried to tear his eyes away, he couldn't.
And for some reason, the longer he watched the more his blood began to boil.
Wait, why was his blood boiling?
Y|N's talked to guys other than him and his cousins before.
Hell she's even dated guys before.
She's even been out a few times with guys since they began fooling around.
And Joe's never had a problem before.
But then again, he's never had to watch Y|N talk to a guy other than him, his family and a few mutual guy friends.
People that went to school here knew Y|N was Joe's.
And because of that she was off limits.
So, he most definitely didn't want to start having to watch some clueless ass new guy step on his territory.
Now that he's got a good thing going on with her.
As if someone was controlling him, Joe had quickly made his way over to where Y|N stood, laughing with the new guy, Colby.
"Hey, beautiful." He greeted Y|N, leaning down giving Y|N a sloppy kiss, shoving his tongue into her mouth.
That's my girl, Joe thought smirking into the kiss as Y|N almost immediately kissed back.
Y|N slowly pulled away from the kiss, her hand on Joe's chest as she pushed him back.
Where did that come from?
She could feel heat rising to her face as she stood there for a second or two trying to catch her breath after Joe's spontaneous tongue filled kiss.
And 'hey beautiful?'
When did Joe start addressing her as beautiful?
Don't get it wrong, Joe has always been the main guy to call her beautiful or make her feel beautiful but that was maybe when Y|N was showing off a new outfit or you know, when they're having sex or whatever.
But addressing by saying beautiful?
That's new.
She wasn't even sure if he's ever even addressed her as babe, or even baby before.
So why now?
Y|N looked up at Joe for the first time since he came over to her and stuck his tongue down her throat seeing a new emotion that she's never seen before.
Joseph was jealous over something I was doing?
Could he be feeling the things I've been feeling for him lately, for me?
"I'm sorry about that, Colby." Y|N said embarrassingly as she tried to focus her attention on her new friend, while also taking notice of how close Joe was pulling her in to him. "This is Joe."
"Colby." The guy she's only met this morning during class said a smile on his face as he stretched out a balled up fist to Joe seemingly to give him a fist bump.
Joe nodded, ignoring Colby's gesture. "I heard Y|N." He mumbled turning to Y|N dropping his arm from around Y|N's waist. "I'm ready to go."
Y|N nodded taking note of his tone.
It wasn't something she liked considering it didn't seem like the Joseph she'd known since she was twelve.
But at the same time he was her ride home and because of her being unable to say no to a second round with Joe last night, she was on the verge of being grounded by her dads after coming home half an hour after her curfew.
"I'll see you tomorrow." She said to Colby, before turning and walking off with Joe.
Joe walked to his car, an slightly angry Y|N leading the way as she stomped ahead, her arms crossed over her chest.
This is gonna be a long ride.
Seeing Y|N had reached his car before him, Joe used his key fob to unlock the car giving her access.
About a minute later, Joe had finally gotten settled in the car and had thrown his backpack in the backseat next to Y|N's.
"What the hell was that?" He heard Y|N ask, her head snapping in his direction as he put his key in the ignition, starting his car engine. "And don't ask what like you don't know I'm talking about you shoving your damn tongue down my throat."
"I thought you loved my tongue." Joe fake gasped, pretending to be hurt bu Y|N insinuating she didn't enjoy their kiss.
Y|N blushed, rolling her eyes. "I do love your tongue Joe." She replied. "But that's not what I mean."
"Then I'm confused."
"You've never done something like that at school, Joe. That's what I'm trying to say." Y|N tried explaining, hoping Joe was catching on to what she was saying or trying to say.
"I've never had to." Joe replied, glancing over at his bestfriend. "I've never felt like someone was threatening me."
Y|N scoffed. "How was Colby threatening you? All he was doing was talking to me."
"I don't know." Joe mumbled. "It's just everybody at school knows you're mine but here comes some new kid and he's basically flirting with you." He added. "I just wanted him to know you're my girl."
"Really, Y|N." Joe quickly answered, unaware of the way Y|N thought he meant when he said she was his girl.
Joe did mean it when he said Y|N was his girl.
He won't even deny that he's got actual romantic feelings for her to anyone, other than Y|N herself.
But he didn't mean it as he plan to stop seeing his other flings.
After all him and Y|N had an understanding.
And him getting jealous didn't mean much right?
As long as Y|N kept her romances out of his sight and she stayed away from that new kid, this thing between him and his bestfriend was good.
Y|N smiled, while also side eying her bestfriend.
She wasn't stupid.
Which was why she knew Joe hadn't meant that she was his in a way she'd hoped he'd meant.
But that was fine.
Cause atleast now Y|N knew Joe had enough feelings for her that he would get jealous over her simply talking to a guy.
After all he wouldn't have gotten jealous over someone he just saw as a friend who he enjoyed having sex with from time to time...
One thing's for sure Y|N had more hope in this moment than she did last night when they were together.
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crystalsnow95z · 7 months
Yoongi throwing up when he's working with Jimin on a song together because of a 24 hour bug, having to give him a shower because he got barf in his hair and Jimin having to put him to bed because he was too weak to walk
This is a prompt my roommate gave me when I first started writing because I lacked confidence to use Yoongi as more than a background character and her bias Jimin. I was going through old drafts and found this. I wanted a story with Yoongi for his birthday and this is the best out of my 4 options.
"We did it! We got through the new choreography without any mistakes!" Jungkook cheers, hugging onto the closest member in excitement, Yoongi pushing him away.
"Jungkook, please don't hug me.. It's too hot for that..." Yoongi complains, relaxing when Jungkook moves to hug j-hope instead.
"Let's take a five minute... break to cool off. Great work, everyone." J-hope praises his members, hugging Jungkook briefly before also sending him away, still trying to catch his own breath.
Yoongi goes to the mirror where he left his water, taking a drink before passing it to Hobi.
"Thanks hyung.." j-hope takes a drink, eyes widening when he realized he finished it. "Sorry, I didn't realize how thirsty I was."
"I'll get us some more water." Jungkook offers when he finishes his own bottle. "It looks like everyone's empty.." he notes watching Jimin share his water with Jin and Taehyung with Namjoon.
"That'd be great." Yoongi says with gratitude. This new choreography has me feeling woozy.. i didn't think I drank that much last night..my tolerance must've went down from when I wasn't drinking. .
"You okay hyung?" Jimin asks, offering Yoongi the last bit of his water,but Yoongi pushes it back towards him.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just tired..i think i drank too much with Dong-hyuk.." Yoongi didn't want to worry Jimin over a little stomach ache. I'll just take something for it if it gets worse.
"Too tired to work on music with me after practice today?" Jimin's asks, wanting to give him the option to back out. He's been working on his own music on top of the team, I shouldn't have asked him yesterday..
"I can still work on music with you Jimin-ah. If you wanted to practice the choreography with me, that's where I'd tell you no." Yoongi tells him, smiling despite the small ripples of pain that moved throughout his lower abdomen.
"Are you sure? It's okay if you're too tired, though. I could ask someone else."Jimin asks again, trying to get a good look at Yoongi, but the ballcap he was wearing cast shadows over his face, making it unreadable.
Jungkook goes over by them, giving both of them a water bottle. "Here hyung. Try to stay hydrated.. you look a little pale Jiminie hyung."
"Thanks Jaykay, I gave all my water to Namjoonie-hyung." Jimin takes a drink. "I'm fine though. I'm more worried about Yoongi hyung."
Yoongi takes small sips, not wanting to risk worsening the ache in his abdomen. "I'm fine. You guys worry too much. I should be worrying about you two with all your extra lessons."
"It's only English, singing and boxing." Jungkook says as if that wasn't a lot on top of their practices, interviews and meetings.
"Let's work on your album at your place Jimin-ah. My studio is a mess right now." Yoongi blushes lightly, recalling his moment of frustration causing a mess of papers he'll have to go through later.
"Tired of looking at your studio?" Jimin muses, smiling when he sees color returning to Yoongi's cheeks after drinking water."I'll make us dinner when we get to my place. I went shopping yesterday."
"Sounds good. It's been quite a while since I had a homemade meal." Yoongi couldn't bring himself to say he wasn't feeling all that hungry when Jimin was so excited about it.
"Alright break time is over. We have one more song I want to get all the way through then we can go home. We have an early morning tommorrow so I don't want us staying too late."
"Hyung dinner is ready. Do you want a bottle of soju with me?" Jimin asks while setting the table. "I made a little bit of everything.."
"No, I'd rather have some tea. We have to get up early and I struggled getting up this morning. You can drink if you want to though." Yoongi waves away the bottle, his medicine he took while Jimin was showering after practice only just now kicking in.
"I'll make us both tea. I didn't think ahead about getting up in the morning.. hobi-hyung will scold me for sure if I'm late a third time this week." Jimin fills a tea kettle with water then takes a seat at the table, taking a bit of rice and stir fry for himself. "Did you really like the third song? I think the lyrics need some work.."
"The lyrics aren't the problem, it's the chorus..it's too rushed.." Yoongi picks up where they left off, getting himself some rice to start with.
"The chorus did feel fast.. should I add a line or..maybe just slow down the music..?" Jimin takes a bite of steak, pulling his notebook closer.
"What if you try this.." Yoongi sings the chorus, changing the notes.
"Oh that sounds good.." Jimin mimicks Yoongi, rushing to get a keyboard.
"Jimin-ah, Jimin-ah take a break to eat.." Yoongi sighs with a smile when he realizes Jimin doesn't hear him, trying to mimic the notes on the keys."The first note is D not C."
"Aish I need to practice more.. could you play it for me?" Jimin asks, Yoongi happy to oblige. The bowl of kimchi fried rice was already sitting uncomfortably in his stomach.
Yoongi hits the notes for Jimin, writing them down."You should ask Supreme Boi to help you, this song is right up his alley."
"Do you think hyung has time to work with me?" Jimin asks. "I'm not as good at writing as you or Hobi hyung or-"
"Don't compare yourself, you're good at writing songs too, you just lack confidence. All of you kids do." Yoongi scolds Jimin, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I'll ask him then.." jimin blushes at Yoongi's praise, jumping up when he hears the kettle screaming."Ah, the tea is ready."
"Ahhh...mm...hmm.." Jimin sings, trying to match his voice to the notes on the page. "Why can't i get this right?" Jimin asks Yoongi, biting his lip. I sounded so bad..
"You're singing two octaves too high. Are you still nervous? You don't have to be. I've heard you sing a milion times of times." Yoongi tries to calm Jimin's shaken nerves.
"Do you think we should touch up the first verse? Is it too immature? Maybe we should-" Jimin stops when he feels Yoongi's finger touch his lips.
"Jimin-ah, shh. The lyrics are fine. Stop it. Your song is good.. you're just stressing yourself out."Yoongi places his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "I know you're nervous about asking someone to do a collaboration with you, but just because they say no, it doesn't mean your song isn't good. They could just be too busy or don't...mm.." Yoongi moans softly as a ripple of pain bubbles up in his stomach, making him dizzy with nausea.
"Hyung what's wrong? Are you okay?" Jimin wraps his arm around Yoongi's shoulder to keep him from double over.
"My stomach..it..just..don't feel well all of the sudden.." Yoongi speaks softly, lying to the younger member. Why did the medicine wear off already, it's only been two hours..
"Do you feel like you're going to be sick?" Jimin asks, trying to gently lead Yoongi to his feet when he sees the color drain from his lips. "Aiigo Yoongi.."
Yoongi let out a wet burp, his body trembling with cold sweat as he tried to hold down his dinner that was quickly rising up his throat, clinging to Jimins arm for balance. "Jimin-ah.." He whines with urgency when his vision faded, another burp pushing up the meal Jimin made, the sick spraying across the floor halfway to the bathroom. "I'm..I'm sorry..I...I can't.."
"Don't be sorry.. it's okay.. I have a little bin in my room. Just wait here it's closer.." Jimin runs into his room, grabbing the small bin, eyes widening when he hears Yoongi retching again, heart tightening. I should've noticed something was wrong sooner. He's been silently suffering while I feel sorry for myself..
"Here hyung, I'm back.. just move back just a little bit okay?" Jimin pulls him back a bit to be able to place the bin without having Yoongi kneeling in his own sick.
Yoongi takes Jimin's hand, squeezing it when another waterfall of sick pushes up, hitting the plastic liner. "F*ck..." he whimpers wrapping his other hand around his cramping muscles as another mouthful comes.
"I know, I know it hurts.. but you'll feel better once you let it all out.." Jimin tries to sound reassuring, but his voice trembled. I've never seen him so sick.. I can see the sweat rolling off his chin.. is he running a fever?
Jimin reaches to touch the back of Yoongi's neck, shocked at the amount of heat coming off of it. "You're burning up.."
"Hyung..." Yoongi calls weakly before another wave of nausea hits him, thick bile rising up his throat, gagging up more sick.
"Hyung is at home, but I'm here.. it's okay.. I got you.." Jimin gently scratches Yoongi's back, giving his hand a squeeze. I need to calm him down, he's hardly getting a breath in..
Yoongi continued to heave despite having nothing left in his stomach. Make it stop..it hurts so much..I wish I never ate anything today..
"Yoongi, Yoongi-yah you have to take deep breaths..i know its not easy..but you have to try for me..please?' Jimin felt his eyes misting with tears, his heart breaking to hear Yoongi's sharp gasps of pain between the dry heaves.
Yoongi closes his eyes, trying to take deep breaths, moaning softly when a sharp pain spikes up his side, pressing his palm into it. "Aish..i..i..it hurts.. Jimin-ah.."
"You probably got a stich from your muscles overworking..are you finished now? Do you want to move to lay in bed?"
"I..I just.." Yoongi backs into Jimin, leaning against him. "I just need to..rest..i don't want to move..I'm so dizzy.."
"We can stay here as long as you need. I just want you to be comfortable.." Jimin kisses the top of Yoongi's head, gently running his hand up and down Yoongi's side. "You should've told me you weren't feeling well sooner Hyung.."
Yoongi tries to focus on slowing his breathing, wincing with every inhale. "I know..I'm stupid..but..please.." I don't need a scolding from you..I'm aware I fu*ked up..
"I'm sorry..I know.. I'm just.. I don't want you to feel like you have to be strong for us..you like to handle things on your own and you don't have to.."
Yoongi turns to his side,focusing on matching his breathing with Jimin's listening to his racing heart. I must've really scared him..
"Are you okay yoongi-yah?" Jimin asks, brushing Yoongis hair from his face.
"I..I don't know.. I don't think I have anything left..but I still feel dizzy.." Yoongi speaks in a raspy whisper.
"You should stay the night with me.. you shouldn't drive if you feel this poorly.. do you want me to carry you?"
"If you can.. I think I can stand with your help though.." Yoongi gasps in surprise when he feels Jimin start picking him up lifting him off the floor. "Jimin slow, slowly.." he wraps his arms around Jimin's neck, feeling his stomach churn. "Mm..."
"Sorry, sorry..I'll move slow. It's okay.. I got you.." Jimin moves slowly, tensing when he realized he didn't have the arm strength he thought he had, feeling Yoongi slipping. "Almost there..just..hold on tightly okay..?"
"Okay.." Yoongi's voice comes out small, tightening his grip around Jimins neck, heart skipping a beat when he feels himself dangle while Jimin adjusts him. "Jimin-ah.."
"Almost there.. we're in the room, we just need to get to the bed.. I'm sorry.. here we go.. safe on the bed..I'll get you a pair of my pajamas. You're covered in sweat." Jimin slowly places yoongi on the bed. "Do you think you can drink a bit?"
"I think I'll throw up again..i still feel bad.." Yoongi curls up, pulling his knees to his chest. "I want heat.."
"Oh right, I'm sorry hyung.." Jimin gets a heating pad, putting it aside trying to gently uncurl Yoongi. I have to cool him down, but if hes in too much pain he won't be cooperative.. "Let's get you changed first.. at least your shirt okay?"
Yoongi doesn't fight against Jimin, but he doesn't help either, not making any movement. Jimin just barely gets him to sit up long enough to get his shirt off, getting the top on him, helping him back down to button the top two before Yoongi curls up again. "Cold.."
"Alright hyung.. here you are.." jimin gently places the heating pad against Yoongis side, cuddling up to his ailing hyung. "Is that any better?"
Yoongi nods, pressing against Jimin. "You're warm.." He murmurs.
"If you say so hyungie..rest well.. I'll be right here if you need anything.." jimin gently kisses Yoongi's temple, hearing his breathing slow as he starts to fall asleep.
Jimin waits until Yoongi grows heavy against him before removing the heat from Yoongi's side. "Now to take care of your fever.." he whispers, yawning. "Then I'll sleep too.."
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wraenata · 1 year
You seem to put a lot of energy into being considerate of others. I'm thankful for it but like, how? I hope you're taking care of yourself.
Hi anon! Thank you very much, I really appreciate this.
I really like being considerate of others, in fact it makes me happy. When I see someone having a down day, I just want them to know that someone saw, and wants things to get better for them. Because that's how I really feel. I love all of you in my phone and I want you to be ok. And I like leaving nice tags for people on their art, because I know how much joy that can bring.
But, ugh, yeah. I'm not going to lie, it takes a lot of energy.
I think I'll put the rest under the cut...
Ever since the months started getting warmer this year I've been having more trouble keeping up with my dash (I'm someone who needs to scroll through the whole thing). Before the wedding I was in and covid about a month ago, I was able to just barely keep up with my dash and also scrolling the rise tag. Because I didn't want to miss anything! I also was able to scroll through ao3 to see what new fics were posted and bookmark ones I wanted to read! I...haven't been able to do that anymore...and I hate it.
I'm so far behind on reading fanfics that I absolutely enjoy because I just don't have the energy for reading anything longer than 1k at a time right now. And I can't start any new ones until I catch up on the old ones. There are so many writing posts I came across on my dash that are stuck in draft jail until I have time and energy to read them. And quite a few art posts that I came across when I just didn't have time.
I try hard to keep up with my dash at work but I only have so much (extremely generous) time to do that. I'm often speed running tags when I don't have a lot of time or energy. And sometimes I can't express just how much I love your art because of that low time or energy. And I hate putting posts in drafts cause it piles up and gives me anxiety. And when I come home its just, dash, all night.
I am eternally grateful for @/teainthesnow, she keeps all the tmnt tagged posts coming onto my dash so I can still see them (if you see this tea I am so appreciative of all the work you do for the fandom, you are an amazing person and I love you/platonic).
I've already unfollowed a few blogs, and I agonized over it, for like weeks, before doing it. But it hasn't been enough. If you noticed I unfollowed you in the past 2 months, please know that it was nothing personal and I hated that I had to do it. I miss seeing your posts and how your day is going. We are mutuals in my heart forever.
In fact I wish I could follow so many more blogs but I have had to stop myself for a while now. And it really fucking sucks. I've tried filtering a bunch of tags to make it easier too but it's not enough.
The fact of the matter is, I need to unfollow more blogs. And I hate to do it. I know I need to do it. I've known for a while now. I don't have the energy to keep up with it anymore, not after getting covid. I'm just so tired. All the time.
If you see that I unfollow you at some point, again, I love you and we are mutuals in my heart forever. All of my followers are my mutuals. My askbox and messages are always open. You can always tag me in posts (and oh my I'm just remembering all the of tag games I haven't had time to do) I just can't keep up with this anymore. I want to get back to reading fanfic and making the mountains of fanart I want to do for people.
I just, I love you all. But I'm so so tired. I really hope if anything comes out of this long ramble, its that I love you all. The rise fandom has given me so much and I want to return that love.
I'm sorry for the late response anon, and I'm sorry for turning your lovely ask into a bit of a vent. I've tried to put this off for as long as I could, but I just can't do it anymore.
I love you all though <3
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amberjazmyn · 1 month
butterfly effect🫶
pairing : mick schumacher x fem!reader
summary : the story of how astoria and mick schumacher met each other and then ended up falling in love and marrying each other.
warnings : none (cause i'm not ready to put little mick through my angst rollarcoaster yet)
a/n : this is another recycled one-shot but don't worry, my charles request has finally got some kick and words to it but it is now in the drafts because i had inspo and then it went away so this is what we're getting now!
fc : laila hasanovic <3
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the wing of a butterfly brushed my cheek, stopped me from starting to cross the street.
astoria was on her morning walk through her hometown in denmark, when on her way home, the wing of a monarch butterfly brushed against her cheek, completely stopping her from the beginning of her crossing the street in front of her. she had just been getting coffee after an hour or two flight back from london before she needed to rush off into her denmark recording studio for her band, venus' new album, but, the butterfly brushing her cheek completely distracted her. 
so you bumped right into me, actualisation of a theory maybe, baby, then you said sorry, i said the same. 
startled by the butterfly, astoria and a cute boy just bumped right into each other. stepping back in shock and hoping that the person she bumped into wouldn't be mad, she apologised. yet, it turned out, the boy was thinking the exact same thing and, seemed to also be very apologetic for the incident. 
"sorry!" they both said at the same time as the actualisation of what just happened hit the both of them 
"i should have watched where i was going i..." 
spilled my coffee, "oh, what a shame", said you'd buy one in exchange for my number and name. 
"...oh, what a shame, i am again, so sorry for spilling my coffee on you!" astoria was flustered as she tried to fix her clumsy and fatigued mistake as the boy ended all her worries 
"don't worry about it, i'll buy you a new one, in exchange for your number and name..." the boy was very clearly slick as astoria chuckled, nodding her head 
"...oh, thank you so much and, of course, you can!" astoria smiled as she and the boy started to walk back in direction of the coffee shop that she had just left before the two of them collided with one another 
writing down her name and number on a napkin that she managed to still have in her hand from the other coffee, she handed it over to the boy who smiled brightly, his gorgeous blue eyes sparkling. 
looking down at the name and number on the napkin, the boy smiled, "hello, astoria, that's a lovely name for a very gorgeous girl. i'm mick, and honestly, don't worry about the coffee stain, i wore a black shirt for a reason, clearly!" mick giggled as astoria gulped, her eyes wide as she nodded her head, not sure whether she had already fallen in love with the man in front of her or if she was still horrified that she bumped into him all because of a butterfly
"hmm, yeah, clearly!" astoria hummed out as she gulped, trying to keep her composure as the two made it back to the coffee shop 
after telling mick her order, he ordered it for her whilst astoria sat herself down in a far-off booth after recognising that just like her, the reaction he was getting from people around him. clearly meaning that like her, he had some sort of fame and recognition to his name, she knew that he'd want some privacy and turns out that she would also need it too. 
the duo then got to talking with each other and found out a lot about one another. like they both were born in the place that wasn't their 'home country' (mick being a swiss born german and astoria being a greek born dane), they both come from very influential and loved families (mick being the son of f1 legend michael schumacher and astoria being the daughter of a famous opera singer) and they both drove mercedes cars.
the moment astoria finished her coffee, she was sort of sad that she'd have to be parting ways with her new friend, having to catch another flight but this time to london. it seemed as if mick thought the same thing before quickly coming up with a compromise to make the farewell a lot happier. 
"...how about on friday at 6pm, i take you out on a date, on me, to make up for us having to leave in the next couple of seconds, you to switzerland and me back to london for the british grand prix?" mick smiles as astoria's face lights up in excitement as she nods her head 
"you've got my number, schumacher, you know what to do," astoria, in a moment of confidence, winked and gave the blondie a kiss on the cheek, completely rendering him speechless as he was then left nodding his head 
"uh-huh..." he mutters out as the two part ways, both of them smiling like high school kids as they both almost happily skip to their cars before going on about the rest of their highly busy days slightly happier than how they started them
one date turned to two, then four, then ten. "hello" turned to "never leave my mind again".
since mick asked astoria on that first date, it quickly turned to a second, then a fourth and then tenth. shortly after the tenth but in between the sixth and the seventh, was when mick fully knew that he was falling head over heels in love with astoria and astoria was falling head over heels with mick. on the tenth date however was when mick finally popped the question and that was when astoria really felt like maybe, that butterfly incident wasn't something that she wished hadn't happened when this is what she got in return. 
"...this was a lot of fun, mick. i really did enjoy it, but, my one question is. how...how do you continue coming up with all these amazing date nights?" astoria smiled brightly as she and mick walked alongside each other, hands clasped together, which they had upgraded to very quickly, on their second date 
mick smiled, his eyes looking at the ground as he blushed, "i...i just, i guess i just know what you like?" he said it as though it was a question which made astoria laugh which made mick giggle 
"well, you clearly do as all these dates have included all of my favourite things that i did as a kid or a young teenager back in denmark. you're either a stalker, which i doubt or you just really have a spiritual connection with me and we're like, soulmates, that were destined to meet," astoria smiled contently as mick smiled too as he stopped the both of them in the middle of the road as it started to rain, which made the both of them laugh at how cliche this was looking 
"i know this may seem cliche now that it's raining but, i...i really do like you astoria and, i don't just like you, i love you. it...it's as though we really are soulmates that were destined to meet and, i'm glad we did on that day that you spilt your coffee all over me because you got distracted by a butterfly's wing brushing your cheek *giggles*. i've honestly never felt the way i feel around you, like any other girl i may have just been named alongside. you...you make me feel safe and happy all the time. we're both considered as famous people yet, you don't use that to blackmail or use it against me when last-minute, we're not able to meet up because you know exactly what last-minute meetings and being an f1 driver like that are like. you don't get mad at me just because i was seen, god-forbid, with another person in a magazine, originally published at the very beginning of my racing career but republished just to get clicks and create drama. you don't care about the way i act or that i take my job very seriously. you don't care because you know me and have gotten to know me as just mick, not f1 driver mick or 'michael schumacher's kid'. i bloody love you astoria and i really would love it if you could never leave my mind again and be my girlfriend?" mick smiled shyly as astoria smiled brightly as she nodded her head and giggled 
sighing loudly, mick smiled happily as he picked up his new girlfriend making her squeal, "oh am i so glad you said yes!" he breathed out as he spun the both of them around as they chuckled 
"my love, this is cute and all but, now we're soaking wet from the swiss rain and we're still three blocks away from your car..." astoria trailed off, hating that she ruined the moment as mick giggled, shaking himself off like he was a dog, making astoria squeal 
"...and?" he jokingly retorted back as if it wasn't a problem which made the both of them giggle hysterically as they didn't bother to get out of the rain 
sometimes i sit in bed and think if that butterfly never made me spill that drink would you have found your way to me?
astoria and mick had just come back to their hotel room after their wedding ceremony and were still celebrating but not in the way some people may have been thinking they were. mick was pretty much fully asleep, his arm softly draped around his wife's chest as she was fully sat up, leaning against the headrest as she was heavily thinking. 
clearly bothered that he wasn't cuddling his wife and sleeping with her, mick woke up and grumbled, "what are you thinking about love?" astoria chuckled at her husband's grumble as she smiled brightly 
"us..." she trailed off as mick sat up as well, now fully awake as he shook his head in confusion at the fact that no context was given 
"...context please babe, what do you mean you're thinking about us?" mick spoke slowly as astoria giggled, caressing her husband's cheek 
"the fact that if it wasn't for that butterfly that made me spill my drink, would you still have met me? would we be laying here, together, right now, married as mr and mrs schumacher?" astoria explained as that really made mick think, would they be married right now if it weren't for that butterfly? 
"well, that...that's actually a good question..." mick trailed off as he yawned and astoria giggled as she leaned on her husband, her eyes drooping as she also began to feel tired 
the schumachers, after really thinking about how they met, found themselves falling asleep within moments as they slept and dreamt of their first meeting all over again as it was just that, a dream. 
was it fate or the work of the theory clearly? you and i were meant to be so, the universe helped bring you to me and i'm thankful every night for that pretty butterfly! 
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liked by mickschumacher, estebanocon, landonorris, maxverstappen1, gina_schumacher and 14k others
astoriaschumacher was it fate or the work of the theory, clearly? you and i were meant to be so, the universe helped bring you to me and i'm thankful every night for that pretty butterfly 
all the time, mick and i are asked how we met and we always smile and laugh because, truthfully, the way we met was absolutely something you'd either read in a book or watch in a movie. so, the reason why we don't say it is because we genuinely think that people outside our families and f1 family won't believe us. but, here we are, here i am, finally explaining to you all how mick and i met. so, one day, in the year 2019, the day mick and i ended up meeting, i was walking back from buying myself a coffee because i had just come back from flying to london for a recording session with one of my bandmates to then have to fly to denmark to record with the other two but, was distracted by a beautiful monarch butterfly that brushed its wing against my cheek which caused me to forget to cross the street and bump into mick, spilling my coffee all over him. and, i know what you're thinking, and i honestly always think the same thing too but, i'm glad it happened because i am in absolute love with my husband and we were truly destined to meet and marry because we are literally soulmates. and yes, i also wrote a song about mick and i meeting called "butterfly effect (demo)" and whether it'll be rerecorded to be sung for me and the girls, i don't know yet but, i am releasing the demo edition everywhere this weekend which is something i'm so excited about so if you want to hear the song about the story of mick and i meeting, you will be very soon and both mick and i are very excited for you all to hear it! 
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mickschumacher i love you schatz! i really do and i am so fucking excited for this new song demo to come out oh my god! 
astoriaschumacher mickschumacher i love you most liebling and thank you, i'm glad you love it just as much as i do
estebanocon this is adorable and i cannot wait for the song to be released! you best believe i'll be the first to listen to it! 
astoriaschumacher estebanocon aw, thank you estie bestie <3
landonorris i'm in love already and i haven't heard the song yet! 
astoriaschumacher landonorris thank you lando!
maxverstappen1 okay, this excites me for reasons unexplainable 
astoriaschumacher maxverstappen1 thank you maxie, i'm glad it excites you!
gina_schumacher my baby schumis <3
astoriaschumacher gina_schumacher ginaaaa <3
username mum and dad?? 
the day i met you, felt myself mend. "hello" turned to "never leave my mind again". now you sleep by my side and kiss my neck. and i thank the world for the butterfly effect
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liked by astoriaschumacher, maxverstappen1, kellypiquet, gina_schumacher and 14k others
mickschumacher the day i met you, felt myself mend. "hello" turned to "never leave my mind again". now you sleep by my side and kiss my neck. and i thank the world for the butterfly effect ❤️
happy release day to mrs schumacher's new gorgeous song "butterfly effect (demo)"! astoria, watching you go from just talking about the idea of you writing a songf about our love story and how we met was magical. then to see you actually produce it, record it and now release it has been an experience i truly would love if i got to do it all over again. sure, there was always a reason i was meant to be an f1 driver however, there's something so special about being in a recording studio whilst a song is being made. it was truthfully so special and i am so glad i was able to be a part of every single moment of it. i love you so much astoria and i am so fucking proud of you my special girl 🤍. everyone please go and listen to "butterfly effect (demo) and stream it!!!
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astoriaschumacher fuck i love you, husband! 
mickschumacher astoriaschumacher i love you too, wife!
maxverstappen1 now this is too cute! the song is fucking amazing, astoria! kelly, p and i send our congratulations! 
mickschumacher maxverstappen1 aw, thank you max! astoria really loves and appreciates you guys!
kellypiquet husband of the year! the song is a hit, i'm sorry but astoria is a fantastic songwriter, why doesn't she write for venus? 
mickschumacher kellypiquet she has recently been writing for the band but, i can't reveal anything else 
gina_schumacher just finished listening to butterfly effect and i am in love with it! 
mickschumacher gina_schumacher aw yay! thank you for saying that gina, astoria will love you forever!
carlenevenus honestly this is the best song i've ever heard! excited for everyone to hear the songs that you've written for the band! 
mickschumacher carlenevenus glad you girls think that too! and so am i, i cannot wait to hear the songs she wrote you girls in venus!
fan12 so proud of astoria and i bet you are just as much, mick! 
mickschumacher fan12 oh absolutely proud of her
piperstewartvenus this. song. is. amazing! 
mickschumacher piperstewartvenus thank you pips!
for the butterfly effect 
okay, i can't lie, i did love rewriting a fluffy recycled fic because i can't always be breaking your hearts every time i write a new fic! in saying that though, if you want me to write fluffier and even more suggestive fics, please do request it and i'll happily write it! because whilst i do love the occasional angsty fic, it can't be everything i write at this point haha!
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romirola · 1 year
for the WIP game, lets seeee… can you tell us what inspired you most during the writing process, like maybe a certain song or Redacted video?
by the way I’ve got to tell you how much I admire you conviction I deeply envy your ability to have one WIP and fuckin knock that shit out the park my undiagnosed ADHD could literally not fathom it you beautiful mythical creature
-Lexi Sun ☀️
From this ask game!
@weightedblanketjoyfriend, thank you so much for this ask! It's always a joy to talk about fics, and to talk about the process of a fic!? You spoil me!! (And that's why you get a few short snippets!) Thank you for those kind words, but honestly, forcing myself to work on one WIP is less about conviction and more about my own sanity. It's too hard for me to keep all the plots in my head. I just gotta get my head down and focus on the one, or else I'll feel too pressured to make progress on everything and make progress on nothing, not to mention suck all the fun out of something I find to be so, so enjoyable. Onto my writing process for Balancing Act:
Most of my fics start with a bit of dialogue that I hear inside my head and really, really like. So much so, that I get obsessed with it. From there, I start to construct the immediate scene/context of that dialogue. Who said it? Why? To whom? What's happening to prompt that speech/situation? (Fun fact, I can point out the "starter" dialogue snippet of every fic I have written, because it just turns over and over and over again in my head before I even start drafting.) In the case of Balancing Act, the starter bit of dialogue was:
“It… It hurts!” they half-cried, half growled. Sharp teeth pushed up from out of their gums, shooting lightning bolts through their jowls. Angel sputtered and choked, overwhelmed with the onslaught of stretching and expanding every part of their body somehow experienced all at once. “Hurts bad… Make it stop! Please, I can’t…” They wrestled out of David’s arms, rolling over to the other corner of the bed. They teetered near the edge before toppling onto the ground in a wriggling heap. “Ahh!” David vaulted after them. “Angel!” He quickly ran to his whimpering mate. When David stepped to the side to reach Angel on the floor, he gasped sharply.  An enormous black wolf lay sprawled out on the ground, awkwardly trying to balance on massive paws and twisting their sleek head in every direction to get a good look at their furry, beastly body.
Yeah, 9.9/10 times, my starter dialogue is hurt/comfort... Very predictable Romi behavior right there...
Eventually, a story starts to form around the moment, and I follow that story backwards and forewords. If I'm lucky, more "starter moments" form in my head and the connections between moments becomes clearer. For example, once I realized Angel struggled with a spontaneous shift, and that their instinctual confusion with experiencing the process would probably lead to the shift causing them immense pain, I also realized I'd love to see Angel thrive as alpha, which led to me to hear this little bit of dialogue:
Janelle’s smug grin faltered. She flinched away from Angel, her pegasus suddenly wanting to flee from the predator before her. “I…” “And say that breach happened in front of an unempowered human who decided to go hunting shifters for sport, trying to bring home a mythical pelt, thinking they’re going to be the one to show the world Bigfoot exists,” Angel pressed. “What then, if shifters were compromised? If bounties were put out on our heads by unempowered people who see shifters as animals? If shifters were hunted for sport, maybe legally, if the unempowered government were afraid of the half-monster things they'd fear you to be? Or, maybe instead, you want shifters all to be rounded up and caged like animals by some amatuer-wanna-biologists? Is that how you want to live? Trapped? Experimented on? Always tranqued out your mind? Kept as someone’s pet, with an electric collar to keep you on your best behavior?”  Angel felt the wolf within howl and groan at the mere thought of the pack being subjected to such cruelty. <em>Pack. Protect. Threat. Shift. Shift now. Attack.</em> Their need to take down the pegasus and punish her for her insubordination was growing into a painful ache. How dare this woman be so cavalier about covert? Didn’t she understand the stakes? Didn’t she realize how brutally and power-hungry the unempowered part of society could be?  Angel did.
Or sometimes, the moments are totally unrelated! And that's a fun part of the process, too, because it means I have to get creative to see how the moments lead into each other. For example one has nothing to do with alpha!Angel, but it wouldn't leave me alone until I figured out how to include it:
“Watch yourself,” Sweetheart warned though their yawn undercut the normal edge with which they spoke. “Because that cute little girl is going to grow up to be the strongest stealth anyone has ever seen.” They held out a threatening finger. “And if anyone tries to deter her from that path in any way, shape, or form, I'll rip their guts with my bare hands and cloak the evidence before they even knew they were missing organs.” Milo shuddered at the graphic imagery Sweetheart used. “Okay, okay.” He wiggled Sweetheart over so that they were tucked in close to his body, turned inward so that their head could rest on his chest. “I think someone is up way past their bedtime, and their exhaustion is once again making them a little bit too vengeful for their own good.” He brushed a hand across Sweetheart’s forehead, letting his fingers linger on their temple until Sweetheart's blinks began to slow. “You are so hot when you're violent,” he whispered softly enough so that only Sweetheart would hear. “I love you.” 
It's the *moments*, Lexi! For me, the *moments* make the process. I am not one to draw inspiration from songs, though if there are any songs that you felt resonated with the fic, I would be very excited to hear your thoughts!
This was a long-winded answer to your question, so thank you for indulging me.
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khaire-traveler · 1 year
I have a question regarding your curse-masterpost. I haven't gone through all of them yet, it's a very interesting and useful one. So, I am looking for a spell that would make the person realise what they have done and have them feel remorse in some way. Or at least so they try to do better than hurt me and my close ones. The Person is a close family member who, becasue of their lack of emotion(seriously, I doubt they have ever felt an emotion in their life) and self awareness and thoughtfulness are continually hurting those closer to me. They don't help with the housework and leave everything upon others, are completely oblivious to other's pain. I am away from home and hence I don't have many resources like pepper and all that. I do have access to threads(I crochet), paper and pen of various inks, salt and things like dishwasher liquid. I don't have access to mirrors so I can't do a karma spell or smth. Is there a way I can make them pay for what they are doing? I can't risk having them.injured or sick since it would unfortunately affect others who live with them(as I said, it's a family member). But they are causing a lot of stress and pain to my close ones and I am unable to take direct action as i am still dependent on them financially and otherwise.
I am sorry for such a long post I don't know if I am being coherent about my situation, but your long and detailed post on curses and spells made me want to approach you.
Hello, and thank you for the ask! I apologize for taking so long to answer it.
Even just with paper and pen, you can create some pretty potent curses with the right intention. One that I'd recommend (and I've made a post about; I believe it's on that masterpost) is an Ancient Greek curse. I'll attach the link to my post here (link will be added after answering because I have too many drafts and don't want this ask to get lost 💀). It's very simple and pretty much only requires paper and a toothpick (or any "sharp" object you can stab through paper and are ok parting with).
Here's another curse you could do that might suit your situation a lot better (there's no post for it, so I'm just gonna type it out; it was shared with me by someone else):
- Needed supplies: Crocheting ability and tools, paper, red writing utensil (preferably red pen), baneful herbs that you feel called to add (there's no right way to do it),
- Summary: You will crochet an animal that represents the person in question. The animal must remain hollow as you create it. During the process of creation, you will place a paper inside of the animal describing what they've done wrong and what you'd like to happen to them as retribution. You will also add the baneful herbs inside of the animal. Once finished, hold onto the animal, and shake it around whenever you feel the need to aggravate the curse. If you ever feel that the person has paid their dues, you may destroy the animal and empty out its contents.
1. Choose an animal that best represents the person in question. Personally, I typically go with a peacock, snake, or leech.
2. Begin the process of crocheting. It doesn't have to be super elaborate; you just need to be able to have enough space inside of the animal to fit a strip of paper and some herbs.
3. Stop crocheting when you have enough room to place something inside of the hollow animal.
4. On a strip of paper, use a red writing utensil. On one side, write a summary of what the person has been doing wrong. On the other side, write what you'd like to happen to them as retribution. I'd also recommend either writing or saying aloud, "When I feel my anger rise, I shake the [insert animal name here], and it is [insert person's name here] who suffers, whom I despise."
5. Fill the remaining space with baneful herbs that you feel called to add. Things like pepper certainly work, although you don't have access to it at the moment. It can be anything that you intuitively feel called to use, even if it's not an herb. I've used broken glass before (obviously, be careful if you plan to use something like that) and still got potent results.
5. Finish crocheting the animal. As you finish, ensure that your focus - your intention - remains on "sealing the person's fate". Closing the animal with a final stitch indicates that you're "sealing it off", in a sense, so put as much negative energy into it as you can muster while you're still in the process of creating it.
6. That's it, it's finished! Whenever you want to aggravate the curse, shake it around a bit. If you'd like to add an extra boost of energy to this, I recommend burning a red candle as you crochet and either pouring the melted wax inside of the animal or on top of it. Hope this helps you and is still relevant!
I'm not super well-versed in curses, honestly, so the curse above is one I've gotten from an in-person acquaintance. I don't personally even know how to crochet, but this person has told me this method has worked well for them.
As always, I recommend cleansing your space after the curse is completed, mostly just to get rid of any lingering energy in your space. I would also recommend cleansing your crocheting needles and any other objects you used to contribute to the curse (but obviously do not cleanse the crocheted animal itself).
I hope you find (or have already found) a curse that suits your needs. There's quite a lot of information on my masterpost, so I hope you can also find something there, if the above methods don't work for you. Take care, and have a good day/night. 🧡
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vanlegion · 4 months
TL;DR script 1?
I'm getting the urge to write my first RVB fic. Yet, I've been going back and forth about how I actually want to handle it. Directly after Restoration, I had a lot of " EMOTIONAL DAMAGE " and whipped up a seven page comic i've yet to publish (and still am debating about at this point because I dont feel its very good and I lost a lot of the anger that spurned it but GODDAMN do I want to keep pump the RVB tag with more Grimmons Art JUST BECAUSE) along with a few other pictures and feels and ideas of other WIPS that also came from that anger and angst... But now that it's been some time and I've cooled down and have been able to process and ALSO come to understand that 19 could be taken as another Simulation, and that ALSO RVB gave us the unique gift of letting us CHOOSE where our canon story ends (Be it at S10, or S13 or for the very few of us S17) ... My brain has slowly been allotting, plotting and working its way towards writing a story that could be a more realistic take to an ending. I've never written 'Fix-It fics' in my life. Mostly because I don't really believe in them that much, personally, for me. ( I'll read them if the premise sounds awesome, and I'm curious how people switch things up. I just have a hard time writing them myself.) For me I do 'Mend-It' fics. Which means I keep what was considered 'broken' in canon, but then find a canon way to fix it BEYOND the breaking point. . . . . So now I am conflicted because as I stated before - RvB is a Choose Your Own Ending series. S19 does have some concepts I'd like to play around with and explore further and expand on. But I'm also an enjoy of have S17 as my ending. Never getting the SoC fight feels wrong. But maybe, maybe. . . I've got a way to have my cake and eat it too. Ya know, before Grif finds out I had cake.
Anywho, this was a quick Outline for the first draft of a Fic I was planning, but am now thinking of scrapping maybe for what's now brewing in my brain. I might flesh this back out again but this was what I came up with about some odd hours after finishing Restoration day of. "First Nights"
How often does Simmon's second guess himself? By nightfall, when he see's Grifs unmade and trashed bed - because you KNOW Grif left him one last mess to clean up, he's going to bitch about it, bitch about the trash and . . . probably put it off for the morning. Being so fucking tired after surviving all of that. And then when he starts to ask a question. . . realizing he wont get an answer, he'll choke. Tucker's acting all 'Yeah I'm fine sure' but he's probably struggling a fuck of a lot right now and trying to do it all himself - and Wash is still learning how to let go but he's got Carolina for support so he can be Tucker's support as well. Them learning how to heal together is very viable. Grif is probably going to run off disbelief for a few hours, along with adrenaline to figure out his immediate living situation as soon as he gets back home. But it's gonna sink in pretty quickly that he's alone, and it'll hurt when it hits. He didn't even tell Kai he was leaving to go back home cause he was still waiting for a second shoe to drop, but it didnt and now he's back in Hawaii.
Caboose is gonna wonder the canyon. He'll be quite. Probably ends up in front of a broken Simmons, and is just there to be supportive. Because Simmons also, in a way, also just lost his best friend. So he'll offer a shoulder and a hug and let Simmon's have his emotions. Because doing the right thing is the sad thing. He'll probably say thank you to Sarge's grave. It'll inspire him to make one for the Epsilon Unit, but the grave stone will be carved with ALL the names ... Church, Tex, Alpha, Beta, Epsilon and the rest in their Greek Lettering. He'll put the Sniper Rifle on it. Tucker leaves with Wash and Carolina because the trauma does finally hit him and hard, and he needs a doctor. Carolina tires to convince Caboose and Simmons to go with them but they both stay behind - Simmon's claiming some kind of bullshit technical reason and Carolina know's he's lying but doesn't push, just leaves the invite open. Caboose and Simmons sit atop Red Base and talk into the night, watching the stars and recounting things again. The first night alone is rough, and it hurts. It gets easier each passing night, but it still sucks when it feels you no longer have a purpose. They started as pawns in a fake war, and it feels like after everything that's happened, they're still just pawns the UNSC would rather push into the shadows. At least here. Maybe there's somewhere they could actually make a difference, or that their help and experience would be beneficial. It takes time to find that place. But eventually, they do. A new training facility/liaison office looking for experienced vets is being built. Simmon's files the paperwork immediately, because Red Tape bullshit requires these thing be done ASAP and he's taking no chances. Takes time again, but eventually, the new facility is finished and they're paperwork is accepted. They clear out Blood Gulch. They leave it behind for good. (Debating Simmon's having rigged the bases to explode or not - sees on brand for him, but also he may just leave it derelict because Sarge) Simmons, anxious but excited, turns to Caboose and see's the other's excitement. He's going on about how "It'll be great!" and all the things he wants to see and do and all the new friends he could make, but then grows kind of quiet and look over to Simmons. "It will be great, right?" "Going to Earth? Yeah. I think it will." Last scene is just them talking while the data-pad next to Simmons shows a readout of the New Facility they're transferring to, " RTB: ODST - Red Team Base: O'ahu Division for Science and Technologies"
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killerandhealerqueen · 5 months
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2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
3. how you feel about your current WIP
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
7. your preferred writing fonts
10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
9. start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
13. a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
20. in what year did you publish your first fic?
26. are you able to write with other people around?
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
17. talk about your writing and editing process
16. favorite place to write
Jaz my beloved, hello!
2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
I normally write from an "omniscient" view point, so I don't really use like "character povs"
3. how you feel about your current WIP
Currently I'm working on my rewrite and I forgot how much I loved working on it. We are on ep. 27 though, which means we're getting to the mental hospital scene soon so that'll be fun. But I forgot how much fun it is to write it as well as liveblog/rewatch. God I love this stupid drama so damn much
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
The only unpublished wip I have rn has a lot of dialogue and not so much paragraphs...but this is the closest "paragraph" I could find
         “You’re right, I’m not” he agreed, just as Chen Yuzhi tripped over a rock and fell, causing him to cry out in pain before he rolled over to see the wolf coming straight towards him, its teeth barred. 
7. your preferred writing fonts
For headcanons, Times New Roman, size 12, for actual fic writing Helvetica size 11
9. start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
Hmm...last fic I posted (not updated cuz updated was 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer) was Second Chances. That fic, from start to finish...took me about...maybe 3-5 days?
10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
Hmmm...good question. Maybe a few days...but it's very rare, unless a fic is fighting with me too much. I mainly work on the draft until it's done and then I post it (but I of course go over it one more time before I actually post, just to make sure I didn't misspell or forgot a word or something)
13. a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
Currently really only writing for CSI: Miami (trying to finish my multi-chapter fic, we're almost done), Killer and Healer, and S.C.I. I do have one more fic to post for White Cat Legend but other than that...I'm not really planning on writing for any new fandoms
16. favorite place to write
Either in my armchair by the window or in my bed. I can control the noise at home, so it makes it easy, and I don't have to worry about people trying to read my laptop screen
17. talk about your writing and editing process
Oof...there's not much to talk about. I get the idea, let it ruminate in my head, kind of start seeing scenes play out in my head/in dreams and then I just sort of...write. I've stopped trying to outline stuff because that just seems to fuck with my flow, so we don't do that anymore. But anyways, I just write until I'm content/I've told the story I want to tell, I'll bring up the "post a new work" page on ao3, type out all the necessary information, past the fic into the box, then copy and paste it into my notes app (cuz sometimes the formating from copying it from word to ao3 fucks up my indents) and then do a quick re-read/edit if I miss stuff and then I post. The only time I'll ever send a fic to someone (aka @ahhhnorealnamesallowed) is when I need a second pair of eyes/I'm sick of the fic but other than that...that's kinda how my process works
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
Oh, if you've read my fics you know that I research a lot of stuff for anything regarding my case fics, but I think the most interesting one is for my fic Violence Is Never the Answer...Except When It Is where I researched step by step instructions on how to clean a katana. There's never a dull moment in my fics, I promise you that, but that one was probably really interesting...and really in-depth
20. in what year did you publish your first fic?
Lord...like 2012? It was a fic that I wrote for a Kakavege fanart that I saw on Deviantart. I loved it and then messaged the artist if I could write a fic for it. They said yes and even linked it to their art. My deviantart account has since been deleted but that was definitely my first like true fanfic
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
I have no idea how to describe my writing...other than maybe out there, fantastical, exciting?
Idk Jaz, how would you describe my writing?
26. are you able to write with other people around?
Oh yeah, as long as they don't ask what I'm working on nor do they look at my laptop
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
Now...we all know that I'm very proud of 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer (and really, I should be) but I'm also really proud of For All Eternity because I flipped what I normally would do for Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi when writing xianxias/wuxias (I made Jiang Yuelou the immortal this time while Chen Yuzhi is the demon instead of the other way around) and yet I STILL kept them true to their personalities. So...yeah. I'm really happy with that fic and I hope more people read it because it's good (it's also inspired by Chinese Paladin 4 which was Mao's latest drama and my god was he gorgeous in that drama. He was also my favorite character but no one is surprised by this at all)
more fic writer asks | send me asks
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nsk96 · 2 years
So, everyone, I'll be away for a while. Just thought I'd let you all know before someone thinks I've disappeared hehe :3
The upperclassmen and a professor at my school has warned our class that this semester is going to be extremely difficult. After the brutal exam I had today, I realize that I will have to drastically cut back on my social media use, almost like going on hiatus.
What happened, was that yesterday was a critical period where I was supposed to study the majority of the material for today's exam and instead, I spent most of the day glued to social media (and getting snacks🤡). I took a step back and wondered why on some days it's so easy for me to spend less than 5 minutes on social media, while most days it's impossible to pull away. I noticed it's because when I'm stressed and/or depressed, I get sucked into the endless scrolling. Like, it just feeds on that shit.
Since this semester is going to be nothing but a stressful and depressing mess for me, I will have to stay away as much as I can. That means no scrolling through Tumblr, Reddit, nor Instagram. I'll still visit to finish up my fan fic, Spicy Water, and try to clear out my drafts. I still got 931 left 💀. There are some of you whose fan fics (and fan fic suggestions) I have yet to read, and I intend on doing that during this period since reading is one way to maintain my sanity in the absence of social media.
But just know that I love and appreciate you all and you will be on my mind during this period. Feel free to message me any time, though my response time may be a little slow. You’re always welcome in my inbox (I’m also on Discord if you prefer: nsk#9480). Stay safe, stay hydrated, stay awesome 💙💙💙 @uncontrol-freak @kg-clark-inthedark @starsharks @rottenheartedchild @rurifangirl @a-chaotic-dumbass @anonymousgeekhere @deephumanoidduckdonut @spoopy-fish-writes @kikicocobell @koisheep and anyone I may be forgetting at the moment😭
As many of you already know, there's a lot going on in my life (personal rant. Skip this next part. I got too carried away but don't feel like deleting anything right now):
A cluttered home (because moving into a smaller home where my bedroom storage is cut in half and I now have to store things in my room that I'm not supposed to store in my room, but have to because my mom and I fear they'll be tampered with)
Living in a constant state of paranoia and fear with a narcissistic dad
Living with a mom who always has to remind me of things I don't want to be reminded of at the most inconvenient times (past issues, new issues, constant issues, and some things just too TMI that got me thinking like, "yeah, I didn't need to hear that before breakfast. Thanks. Now I've started my day on a depressing/or mildly disgusted note")
My mom's health not doing so great
My own health not doing so great (both mental and physical)
Falling behind on class lectures
Those two girls on my team who love to cause trouble for me on group projects
Overload of homework
Pharmacy rotation that takes up a whole day out of my week and drains the life out of me
Wanting to write fan fictions and my novels but not having the time or health to...so now it feels like my soul is dying. I don't know how else to describe it. When I can't write or even daydream the stories I want to write, I feel like I'm withering away.
And to be honest, the debilitating loneliness I feel. Wanting to love and be loved (romantically) and not having the time nor mental health to handle it. And the guy I'm interested in, seems so far away. Like, I want to get to know him better but he's on my team and it's all 'business' and he probably wants nothing to do with me after our team mentor had to call a meeting about our team's toxic dynamics (the meeting was called because me and another girl told our mentor about the toxic crap those two girls were doing). He seemed irritated and after the meeting didn't really talk to me directly much. Maybe I'm overthinking it. That's a big problem with me: I don't talk enough to people, I just stand there and think too much. And just...none of the guys I'm interested in ever seem interested in me. After my last breakup, it feels like the magic of finding out that your crush has a crush on you too, ended for me in 2019. Then there was this one guy my school friend introduced me to. He literally looked me up and down with a scowl or something. I don't know if it was the way I was dressed or what (I know some people hate anything that even remotely resembles khaki pants). Or it could be that I was taller than him (considering that I'm now finding out that a lot of guys are uncomfortable with their height😥). To put it into context, I'm 5'3" (160cm). I want to think it's my overall appearance but my appearance hasn't changed much in the past few years. Let me not get too much into that before my people-pleasing tendencies resurface.
Honestly, there’s just a lot of negative feelings and thoughts coming to my mind. I wish I could live on my own just for a little while until I have myself figured out. Unfortunately I can’t afford it. Balancing a job and pharmacy school isn’t doable for me because I need all the study time I can get. Just want to grow as a person but I feel so stifled living with my parents. I can’t even be out past 7pm apparently? My mom freaks out and wants to call the cops if I don’t reply to her texts within like 10 minutes. Considering her background and the crazy shit happening in the U.S., I understand but geez, give me some breathing room. I don’t know what changed…it wasn’t this bad when I was in undergrad. It was bad just not this bad. And this from the lady telling me I need to start thinking about dating and look around. How am I supposed to go out with a guy if you expect me to text you every 30 minutes now??? I was out with a female friend last weekend and my mom was freaking out so much. Texting, calling, and she even drove up to where we were when I didn’t answer her call. I don’t know what to do. My first step right now would be to get in contact with a therapist and look for apartments so that I can make a plan. Then look into financial resources. Hopefully I can do all that without my dad finding out. I feel like if I can get us away from him, she’ll feel so much better.
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I’m sure you’ve answered this before, but I scrolled through your Tumblr for an embarrassingly long time and wasn’t able to find a post on it so I thought I’d ask you (possibly, again) but please don’t feel any obligation to answer (which goes without saying), but: what is your secret? You’ve written 60 works in your fandom in 3 years — that’s insane! And they are such good quality writing! The prose, the plot, the dialogue, the characterization, everything. How do you do it? How do you find the time, because I assume you’re an adult with a job, etc. (this conclusion, dear reader, being the result of my aforementioned sleuthing) and how do you find the motivation? Sometimes I come back from work, and if I even manage to make it in before 8 pm, I’m still a zombie staring at the wall. Do you plot? Do you outline? If you outline, do you have a specific way of outlining? How long do you spend on a first draft? I’m sorry, I want to know EVERYTHING, because I’m so impressed, not just by your stories or your writing or your storytelling, but your CONSISTENCY — I’ve been writing 30 years and it takes me so so long to produce any type of writing (100 words can take me a whole week) . Having said that, obviously no pressure at all to answer this, in which case, just know that I find your writing magic 🥰
I feel like I've answered all of these in bits and pieces over the years.
answer below the cut cause it's kinda long
yes, I'm adult lmao, but an adult with a job where I'm high up enough that I often have a ton of excess time during the work day, which I'll use to write. Notice how my fics are usually updated on a Tuesday or Thursday? It's because I work from home those days. Now, does my job also have periods of intense stress where I end up not writing for a full week because my brain is too numb? Yes, absolutely.
on the topic of writing quckly, I've explained it like this before: when I'm doing something mundane like driving or showering or work or whatever, I think about my stories constantly, and therefore by the time I sit down to write, I've watched the movie version play out in my head dozens of times and so all I need to do is type it out. Writing is my creative outlet, stress relief, and therapy all in one.
Do I plot? In my head, absolutely. I always know the end of a story when I start it. How I get there may shift and change, but usually not the main plot points, and I've very rarely deviated from my original ending. The only one I can genuinely think of is help me out. The main killer changed about halfway through, as did what Jon chooses to do with his life at the end.
Do I outline? I try. My current outline for saddest summer is just "chapter 5 - festival". Like plotting, I tend to do it all in my head. If I type out an outline, it's a stream of conscious set of words and thoughts and possibly phrasing I want to use. there's no bullet points or anything like that
I'll be honest and say I don't really know what people ever mean by drafts. I just start writing the chapter and I'll usually reread what I've written before continuing to write, so the first part of a chapter is always the most edited. One shots I tend to write in one go, read it over once, then post it.
I've seen other people on here talk about writing like it's some elegant craft, whereas I feel like I throw a bunch of nonsense at the wall and call it art. I feel like my writing is as chaotic and random and last minute as my home renovations are, but somehow both always turn out alright. I'm really just here to have fun and hopefully other people can have fun reading what I write!
Also, you say 60 fics, but remember that 30 of them are one shots I did for events/prompts, and about 10 more are 2/3 chapters only. Also my stories in general tend to average about 10 chapters, which is also how I get so many written. I don't enjoy writing super long fics (though I have no problem reading longer fics?) When I was first starting out, I posted waaaayyyy more frequently, especially with the events here on Tumblr that aren't really a thing anymore. Now I average a chapter a week
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