#i'm absolutely terrified of snakes. at one point i couldn't even look at the word without having a reaction
fauville · 6 months
thinking abt dima introducing nate to his snakes. that is all
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funtimebunnyblog · 4 years
Diamante d’Italia: Chapter 3
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(Chapter 3: Strangers like me, Part 2)
Before Josuke knew what was happening, Moody Blues had sprung into action, swinging its own fists. Crazy Diamond was immediately there to match the others strength, Josuke had enough grasp on the situation at that point to tell his stand to hold back on its hit.
The force of air even brushed through the large poof of Josukes hair, causing him to flinch, but he was too focused on what was happening right now to care about that.
Two fists collided hard over both users heads, like an overcharged firstbump from two eager friends.
The display of force from the action was so strong it created a shockwave powerful enough to make the cutlery on the table dance.
It seemed as if everything around them was drowned out now. The sounds, the sights, the smells.
It seemed as if it were just Josuke and Abbacchio in the entire world, the latter murdering the former with a penetrating gaze.
"So..." his voice was low and held a dangerous bite to it, like a snake hiding in the grass, waiting to strike and kill. "You're a stand user, you little punk-shit."
Abbacchio was terrifying. Josukes insides felt as heavy as a bag of rocks and his stomach sunk like one being dropped in the ocean as he stared up at the older man in shock.
Abbacchio had gotten up from his chair but the teenager remained seated and the other was now looming right over him, his face set into a deep scowl, sunset valleys angrily burning into him.
Josuke leaned so far back in his chair he almost fell back onto the floor, trying to put as much distance between him and Leone as he could. He didn't expect the man to react so strongly.
Abbacchio balled his fists and reeled one back, the motion mirrored by Moody Blues and accompanied by another loud drawn out beep.
To his own horror, he realized the man had honestly been expecting him to attack at full force, like an ambush of some kind, and his poultry attitude was throwing him off.
"Woah! Woah!" He said, it was almost a whimper, throwing his hands up defensively in blind panic.
The murderous look staining Abbacchios face seemed to waver for a second, the hit never came thankfully, but Josuke could tell he was still holding his ground.
"I-I... I'm sorry-- I...." Josuke was sputtering, trying to uncleave his tongue from the roof of his mouth and speak clearly.
He knew if he didn't say something to pacify the other quickly, his Mother would be getting a death notification from a Police Officer instead of a phone call from a Hotel early tomorrow.
He clammed up suddenly, rambling only made things worse for him. The very reason why he got beat up more times at school than he could count on all his fingers.
"Yeah. Yeah. I-I'm a... a stand-user!"
'No shit dumbass! He knows that!' His thoughts screamed at him, sounding too much like Okuyasu in that moment.
"I... I didn't know if you could see them, I swear I didn't! I was just curious and--"
He supposed he'd lived a full life.
Well... if you call living until 16, meeting your Father at long last, stealing his wallet and witnessing the death of a serial killer a full life that is.
If only he had been smart enough to write a will and maybe he could've left half his stuff to Okuyasu...
Leone Abbacchios raised fists shook as he forced them to lower back down and rest at his sides, he forced himself to take a couple deep breaths while he was at it.
Christ. What the Hell was he doing? Josuke looked very much like a kicked puppy right now (he was practically whimpering like one too).
He had watched the idiot get beat up by a group of bums desperate for their drug fix for crying out loud!
Josuke possessed a stand, he finally had that answer but if the poofy-haired nimrod wanted to hurt him at all, he would've done so already.
Jesus, the kid looked so very small in that moment, he looked like he was close to fucking tears.
Of course, Abbacchio would deny all claims those things tugged at his heartstrings like one would play a harp.
'Merda... I am getting soft.' Came the bitter thought as he grit his teeth.
Impressive, he had to give the kid that. It looked quite powerful. He had seen stands of all shapes and kinds at this point, kicked the asses of near to all of them but had never encountered one quite like this.
Abbacchio huffed, all defensiveness  in his body language slowly melting away and the intensity of his piercing gaze softened.
His eyes moved from the terrified teen to the colourful well-built stand directly beside him, making no move to attack but glaring at Abbacchio through the opening in its helmet.
"For a second there, I thought you were gonna try to paint the walls with me." He sighed, moving back to his previously abandoned chair and popped himself down into it.
Moody Blues gave a soft whir, floating closer to his side as he relaxed again.
"Relax." Abbacchio told him. "Being in my.... occupation, reacting like that has become a reflex."
Josuke blinked a few times, sighing in relief and sinking into his own chair as the realization he wasn't going to die before he turned 17 finally settled in.
Crazy Diamond rested one massive hand on their hip, but didn't disappear.
"Ah... sorry." He wore an uneasy smile as he apologized to this man yet again today. "Maybe I should've... asked instead?"
Heh, so his Mom was right. Old habits died hard.
Josuke found himself laughing nervously, silently thanking every possible deity out there that Abbacchio didn't beat him to a bloody pulp before realizing that.
Abbacchio rolled his eyes and offered him a half-hearted chuckle. The scenario probably wouldn't have been too different if he had gone that route instead in all honesty...
Abbacchio nodded, both their gazes fixed on the interaction now happening between their stands, neither one however paying any attention to their own.
Coming to his senses again, he found his gaze trailed to Moody Blues and felt awe wash over him. He admired their design, so sleek and completely androgynous in body, very much unlike his.
"You said their name was 'Moody Blues'?" He questioned.
Moody Blues had floated closer to the other, staring at Crazy Diamond with its unnatural holed eyes. There was some curiosity to be found in its featureless face as it beeped and whirred with some rhyme and reason to it, as if asking the larger stand if it was a friend.
" 'Blues here isn't much of a fighting stand." Abbacchio said, folding his arms and watching the scene with some amusement evident in his face. "But what they lack in battle they make up for uniqueness."
Crazy Diamond hadn't moved an inch from their spot next to Josuke and was standing absolutely motionless, so very silent an onlooker (if said onlooker could see them at all that is) could mistake them for a statue. Their face forever had a stern nature, mostly stoic on the norm, but there was definitely some emotion in its narrowed coral eyes.
They bowed their head simply, a slow acknowledging nod to the other stand, keeping their gaze fixated on them.
Josuke blinked in surprise, for someone as tough and scary as Abbacchio, he never would've guessed his stand wasn't a fighter.
His first impression of the man had been him kicking the shit out of someone after all.
"Oh." He said, he couldn't help feeling more intrigued.  "What do they do?"
Abbacchio paused and seemed to be considering his options, probably debating on whether he should be enlightened to know those things (Josuke knew he was still a stranger to him after all), before smirking.
"Watch." He said.
Finally, it stopped with a distinctive click. The numbers read 00:00:18:43.8
The Highschool student tilted his head, raising an eyebrow as the slim mauve figure froze up for a moment, standing straight and ascending right up over the table, landing in a seat directly across from the two of them.
The blank screen reminiscent of a digital alarm clock on the stands forehead started to fill up with numbers, Moody Blues made a sound like a VCR tape rewinding in a player the entire time.
Josuke nearly jumped in his chair as a noise much like a machine powering down sounded from the stand. Or more importantly, how their featureless face and body dissolved into another thing... no... another person entirely as it happened.
Sitting across from them now was no longer Moody Blues, but someone Josuke had never seen before.
They seemed around his age, sporting clothing colours similar to the ones on his own stand. The most notable thing being the hat on the boys head, an arrow pointing directly down to the  bridge of his nose. His hands were positioned in mid-air like he was holding cutlery and he wore a somewhat serious expression.
"--All I'm saying is, 3-wheel cars should make a comeback. Their design wasn't only cool but it would prevent a Hell of a lot of accidents! Just think about it! It would be for the greater good!.... hmm?.... No! I'm not being irrational!"
Another distinctive click sounded and Josuke watched in fascination as the numbers on the still visible clock began to wheel.
Abbacchio found himself sighing as Guido Mista continued his very long and very boring rant from last nights dinner.
The teenager stared, utterly captivated by the scene playing... no... replaying before him.
"You can... replay events?" He asked, his blue eyes huge and glittering like sapphires, unable to tear his gaze from the show Abbacchio was putting on.
"Sure can. As long as I'm in the right place." He replied, drumming his fingers against the table quite boredly (much like he had done last night as this was happening the first time), only half-listening to Mista continue to rant and rave, slapping the table and pointing fingers now.
"Is that one of the 'comrades' you mentioned earlier?" Now he turned to Abbacchio, giving him a sly smile.
"Yep. One of Four others." He grunted, secretly glad this version of Mista wouldn't suddenly turn on him and scream in his face about how its unlucky to even say that damned word (like it was fucking MacBeth or something). "He's... something. Maybe one day you'll have the displeasure of meeting him."
Josuke had to laugh at that, Abbacchio sounded so much more like an overly tired parent rather than a teammate to this other teenager.
"--Oh really? I'd like to see you try Narancia!" 'Mista' hissed, pointing a finger at the chair Josukes bag was currently occupying. "I'll kick your a--"
There was a click, just as he balled a fist and banged it on the table again, he was frozen in time.
"Another thing about 'Blues is when a replay is happening, you can track everything from the persons heart rate, to their perspiration and breathing patterns." He told him. "Better yet, you could track their brainwaves if you were a Doctor with the right equipment."
Sure he had friends with weird stands that possessed even weirder powers, but he never knew a stand could do something like this!
Josuke couldn't contain himself any longer and found himself jumping up out of his seat to slam his hands on the tables surface.
"Oh my God, that's so cool!" He cried out, stars were practically dancing in the Highschoolers eyes. "Both of things! All of those things!"
"How could I not be impressed?" He asked incredulously. "I wish I could do that!"
Abbacchio couldn't hold back the smirk on his face, raising a pointed eyebrow at his expressive companion in amusement.
"I take it you're impressed?"
He thought about everything he'd want to do if he had such a power. He thought about using the ability to see what his Father Joseph looked like way back when he met his Mom all those years ago. Or hell, even just replay the precious moments he spent with Joseph the first (also the last) time he saw him.
They watched as the form of Guido Mista dissolved completely, revealing the one true Moody Blues again. The stand emitted noises that reminded the Highschooler of a fax machine running, almost seeming like it was enjoying the praise Josuke was showing it.
"Like I said, my ability isn't very practical." Leone hummed, folding his arms and shrugging. "Sure it looks cool but I'm no help in battle."
His duel coloured eyes shifted to the one very strong and silent figure who still hadn't moved an inch.
Abbacchio tilted his chin up, "What about them?"
Josukes cheeks dusted coral pink to match the stand asked about, rubbing the back of his head as a shy smile tugged on his lips.
"Crazy Diamond? He fixes things." He said casually. "Anything from a destroyed building to a small hole in your clothes, he's got it patched."
If Crazy Diamond minded the attention, it made no outward signs of objection.
Abbacchio's eyebrows raised and nodded as he listened, studying the larger and more burly stand as the teenager talked.
Moody Blues, being nosy as always, had now floated back over the table and was hovering right next to the other stand, inspecting them much like its user.
Moody Blues was called back to the Goths side to give the other stand some breathing room to work.
"He's also just really strong. He could probably bench-press two cars if I asked him to." Josuke laughed a little, secretly enjoying bragging about his abilities to someone.
His smile went huge as he became visibly excited again. "I can give you a little preview of his powers if you want!"
"Knock yourself out."
There was a bright twinkle in the teens eye as he pushed his chair back, stepping out of it with a wide grin. Abbacchio spent a moment wondering what would happen.... however nothing on earth could've prepared the man at all for what did.
With a single thought from Josuke, Crazy Diamond slammed one massive fist down onto the center of the table, the legs collapsed underneath in an instant and the surface of it shattered like a plate hitting a hard concrete floor, ultimately breaking it.
It was fast.
Very fast.
Leone jumped in his chair, his own stand catching him as he nearly toppled out of his seat in utter shock.
But just as quickly as it broke, the pieces of the table rearranged itself and everything was as it should be. The restaurant hadn't even noticed the ruckus going on.
Abbacchio blinked rapidly, still gripping Moody Blues like a lifeline as his eyes darted between the others and the table, as if trying to piece together what the fuck he just witnessed.
Josukes smile disappeared for the fraction of a second as his companion sighed, slumping forward in his chair as a hand went to his face. Anxiety bubbled in the pit of his stomach fearing the man was pissed at him again... before seeing his shoulders start to shake.
Josuke and Crazy Diamond looked like the absolute picture of innocence, standing side by side. He could practically see the halo above the teenagers pompadoured head as he smiled at him, eagerly awaiting a response to his display.
Abbacchio swore he saw the tiniest smug grin on Crazy Diamonds face.
Leone Abbacchio broke out into laughter. His eyes squeezed shut and the biggest smile Josuke had seen on the man so far pulled on his face, showing his pearly white teeth. His body shook as he kept laughing and laughing, practically rocking in his chair.
"Jesus..." the man wheezed, gripping at his stomach that was feeling painfully tight from laughter, a hand going to his eye to swipe away a tear quickly before his mascara started to smudge. "I think my heart stopped."
He liked this kid.
He managed to compose himself again, however that small smile lingered on his face, "Very impressive. But next time, for the love of God, fix a damn teacup or something..."
Josuke considered doing something less extreme to demonstrate next, like bending a fork, before he noticed the waiter returning with their orders and hastily seated himself again.
Josuke blinked, his face glowing with embarrassment as he rubbed at the back of his head.
"Oh-- Oops..." he laughed. "I guess I got carried away there..."
Abbacchio supposed the mans timing couldn't have been better. He wasn't sure what he would do if he ended up witnessing a table being destroyed and magically repaired in the span of 2 seconds.
Bucciarati wouldn't be very happy if he caught word of a staff member of his most favored establishment being escorted to a mental hospital for "seeing things".
"Torta di fragole." The waiter beamed at them, placing Abbacchio's plate down as well, earning a nod and a quiet "Grazie" from the Mafioso.
Josuke, on the other hand, was focused more on the heavenly aroma coming straight from the steaming mug the waiter set down in front of him, along with the huge slice of cake.
Leone held back more laughter, the kids eyes were bigger than dinner plates.
Oh man... Abbacchio hadn't been kidding when he said it was 'the best damn cake in town'.
Or maybe after chowing down on nothing but plane food for the last few meals just made it seem that way...
Either way, Josuke hummed in delight, practically scarfing down the dessert.
Abbacchio reconsidered his previous thoughts on just how much this kid could eat, watching him inhale the cake from over the rim of his steaming mug of tea.
He'd be sure to ask Tonio if he could make Okuyasu and him some of this heavenly "tortoise day frog-leg" at his little restaurant back home.
If Okuyasu didn't eat him out of house and home while he was away that is...
'Oh well,' he mused. 'at least the punk didn't try to kill me.'
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