#i'm actually quite proud of these snippets ngl
houseofhatano · 2 years
Writeblr Intro Time
Hello there! I'm Yuri. Long time dreamer and aspiring writer trying to motivate myself to finally get words down! Be it in the form of worldbuilding or just random snippets.
I only found out writeblr exists this week, so seeing this blog is for lore surrounding the countries I'm currently working on why not join in on the fun?
About me:
I'm a north-European cis woman in my late twenties with a love for D&D, fantasy and most things Japanese. I don't read enough, but I love spending my time homebrewing my own worlds and doodling my own characters. I'm currently in the process of writing my own elven language as well as an ancient celestial. Please don't ask me how that's going because I'm definitely not a linguist like Tolkien.
My favourite genres are fantasy, magical realism, science fiction and japanese fiction, though I'm open to anything!
Current Wips:
When I Close My Eyes If it were up to Yuki she'd rather just dream her life away. Since the death of her mother it's been hard to stay motivated, but even harder to find normalcy in her life. With her dad mostly at work and her grades being just fine it seems to her it's easier to just ignore reality. When one day her friend and classmate Sadzuki asks her to follow her to an abandoned wishing shrine, Yuki decides to tag along. Hoping to find motivation to write her entry for the upcoming writing contest she ends up making a single wish: To get to know her main character better before the deadline comes at the end of summer vacation. Little does she know, the trickster god of the forgotten shrine is desperate for new followers. And he's willing to take things quite literally.
Akira Akita Masago is certain: the death of his best friend Akira was not suicide. Having found his friend's body in his apartment some months ago, the former baseball player struggles to find his footing in life. This changes abruptly when he stumbles into Akira's younger sister Yumiko. Promising her to find her older brother's killer, the two set out on the case together, going over the steps he took before his alleged suicide. As secrets he didn't know his friend had come to light, Masago may eventually have to ask himself if answers are really all he's looking for.
Plight of the Silver Dragon Some twenty years ago the lands were under the tyrannical rule of Phillip Grayrun, a dark mage who kept his citizens subdued and complacent as his corruptive influence caused nature to slowly wither away. Then the hero Skydancer appeared. Skydancer confronted lord Grayrun, freeing Brettania from his grasp and revealing him to be a wicked silver dragon. Grayrun fled, but not before bestowing a curse upon Brettania, promising a plague of corruption would eventually spread and overtake it. With that the silver dragon left the stage. Skydancer went on to attempt to free the neighbouring Shyrmonde from Grayrun's influence, but his hold proved to strong, and with the lord's son Aran taking the opposing throne the countries would eventually split in a tense stalemate. Now, in the current age, a sickness unknown to the populace has started to spread slowly. With the rise of this disease, a young traveller by the name of Thandor Humblewood has started his journey to become a proper cleric of Sylmor. Meeting companions along his way he will have to work hard to grow, but perhaps even harder to keep his secret from his new friends; He, too, is a silver dragon.
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DS9 2x13 Armageddon Game thoughts (rewatching, so possible future spoilers)
Julian does seem to like monologuing XD
Miles giving Julian all the credit and Julian being so reluctant to accept it - my heart, I cannot!
"I suppose another day won't kill me" ...but it almost will! Foreshadowing!
Miles saving Julian when he had been well-hidden and Julian very much wasn't!
These officials are very good at lying, I'll give them that
Callback to Miles' defence of rations earlier in the season XD
Oh, he's ever the doctor and I love how consistently that shows
And I love it how Miles' experience is coming out with him knowing that the best thing is not to move
Aw, Julian biting his lip after offering to help: knowing he's an augment, this can definitely be seen as him deciding to put a more unusual skill he shouldn't have out there, possibly rising exposure, for it be dismissed
I'm glad we're shown how upset and shaken the crew are at the news of death. Their faces in Sisko's office are just... <3
This whole conversation Julian and Miles are having about women isn't quite banter, but it would be if they were friends. I really don't know if Julian is winding Miles up on purpose to get his mind off the situation, knowing what he's doing, or if he is just an idiot.
( Though ngl, my Julian/Miles addled mind is reading this as Julian totally overcompensating to cover up his massive crush on Miles by going on about women.)
Doctor Julian is best Julian
KEIKO MY BELOVED I wish you didn't have to feel this way
I am SO curious what is in Julian's diary. I suppose even in a diary - especially presumably one on a PADD - he wouldn't even hint at his augmentations, given the risk of discovery.
"I suppose I should send them to his parents..." - No, you reallly shouldn't.
I love how proud Jadzia is whenever Quark is thoughtful. That expression definitely feels like she's showing off to Kira: "See, Ferengi are actually good too!"
Also I'm noticing far more snippets of Jadzia and Kira just hanging out and supporting each other and being friends <3 Not sure why I didn't see this ship before but it has my entire heart now.
Keiko persuading them the footage is suspicious is all so much funnier knowing she's wrong about the coffee. Although WHAT a good job she was!
Huh, initially Miles was describing the components to Julian (dark blue coil beside the green cylinder), but now he's moved fto calling them by name (subprocessor, RFoscillators). Either Julian has faked learning quickly otr let on how much he knows about electronics.
Julian really doesn't want to listen to Miles' thinking he'll die - but even less to Miles talking about Keiko...
Oh, I've just remembered why they tried to kill them!
"The T'Lani and Kellerun have finally made peace" - and boy, what a way to ensuring it survives, iirc....
Julian's complete bafflement at the lengths they were willing to go. He cannot understand killing innocent people at all!
"I'm sorry I didn't get us home, Chief." And he probably feels responsible, too, seeing that he ended up being the one to make the radio and contact the T'Lani.
"You did your best. It's been an honour serving with you." MY HEART.
Oooh, not home and dry yet, a space race!
I can't believe they'd risk a BIGGER war against the Federation to protect their peace?! They're not thinking this through very thoroughly, are they.
Idk why, but this fight scene has very TOS energy to me
Clever clever clever! Took me a second to figure out after the runabout exploded, but I got there before the T'Lani did so I'm pleased with that :P
Oh, Julian's so genuine and sweet, he just wants to be friends and have Miles like him
I can understand your time alone with him being hell seeing as you were dying, but you're definitely overexaggerating how bad Julian was, Miles
That reveal is still a favourite. What a twist XD
O'BRIEN: You know, I wouldn't mind a cup of coffee right now. KEIKO: Miles, you never drink coffee in the afternoon. O'BRIEN: Sure I do. KEIKO: You do?
I really love this episode. What a banger.
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captainderyn · 2 years
Now, if I may be a lil greedy in return, lol, 3, 19, & 20 from the AO3 wrapped <3
Absolutely lol it's only fair xD Thank you for the asks!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Lol so I have two answers, both of which no one has seen yet ;--; the first one is my original novel, titled Deeper Waters right now, that is probably a solid 75-80% of the way through its first draft right now. I took a break to write Fictober, but plan to pick it up again in the new year as I settle into my new place and the dust starts to settle. It's the first original work I've been able to make it this far into and actually feels like I might want to take it somewhere. I've written close to 73k on it since February and that's a massive achievement for me.
The second one is a prompt-fill gone wild for Ryn and Garrus that got way too long to even fit the prompt fill anymore and has taken on its own life that deals with the very real impact the Reaper War starts to have on Ryn post Thessia and its consequences and kJDHFkfhs I'm excited to share it so here's a snippet:
“Garrus.” she said with the sort of calm that put him on immediate high alert. All the color had drained from her face, leaving her eyes wide and stark against her pallid skin, “You need to call the Normandy.”
“Tali’s working on it--” Garrus followed Ryn’s hands, body going unnaturally still.
The Phantom had worked a long, black blade between the fibrous parts of her armor and the carbonized plating. It blended into the dark metal of her armor at a first glance.
Ryn’s hands flitted around it, “Suit deploys medigel.” She reasoned with that too-calm voice, “Medigel can’t fix that.”
Honestly it's got a lot of extremely raw emotion in it and tension that I feel like I haven't been able to capture very easily recently in my writing and kjsfhkjdf I'm so excited to share it.
For stuff that y'all have seen lol...definitely Dog Tags as I feel like its the most comfortably and correctly I've been able to capture the complicated mess that is Ryn and Garrus' feelings at the beginning of ME2.
I dunno, this year I finally feel like I've bounced back from a lot of stuff that happened previously and finally found my place here on tumblr again. I finally feel like I'm getting a bit of my Just Deryn identity back :') it's quite pleasant.
Read more because whoopsies
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Shakarian! Lol for realsies I have so many more fics for Ryn and Garrus in store. So many ideas for them have started flowing that I just don't think I'll be able to stop writing them xD
Not a pairing, but I want to get back into writing Five and Era as a team, whether that's in their Imperial Agent format or adapting them for Cyberpunk 2077. I guess we shall see :P
Ngl there's part of me that wants to get back into the interacting-more-with-other-people's-characters side of things as these last few years I've been playing in my little sandbox of Wulf/Raenor and Garrus/Ryn but I don't even know how to reintegrate myself there lol.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
Is it cheating to say Dog Tags? Because the answer out of fics from this year is Dog Tags. I do regularly go back and reread Under the Party Tree as I really like how some of those turned out, but it hasn't been long enough for me to fully enjoy going back and rereading those yet. They're still too fresh.
That being said of all time, the fic I go back and reread the most is fictober '19 Moments in Time. The adoration I have for the fics in this collection is nearly unmatched and I reread them all the time. I think it might be because it was my step back into writing fic after quite a long break and my first time back to writing two characters that were fully mine without the support of someone to bounce ideas off of and hash out all the details with.
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quetozcoatl · 2 months
For the fanfic game: B, F, and R!
Original ask meme here, feel free to send me a letter!
B: Any of your stories inspired by  personal experience?
One of my old RWBY fics is me angsting about my neurodivergency via the lens of Professor Ozpin. NGL, I'm considering deleting it, it's... embarassing, and not my best work.
On top of that, the backstory for one of my WoW OCs was based on, for lack of a better term, my daddy issues. It's a fucking cringe backstory and it just turned melodramatic and I'm so glad I reworked it.
But for a more light-hearted response, it's a fic I'd like to write. When I was young, one of my teeth was loose. I complained about it to my older brothers, and one of them responded with: "Oh, your new tooth is going to grow into a vampire tooth" ...or something along those lines. Knowing my younger self, she was terrified and probably cried.
I think it's a perfect concept for Klint and Barok van Zieks!
F: Share a snippet from one of  your favorite dialogue scenes  you've written and explain why  you're proud of it.
As much as I want to post a snippet from my roleplaying on WoW, I won't, because it will require a paragraph of lore-dumping, which I am prone to do at a moments notice, just read any of my AU fics.
I have a LOT of WIPs, and some of them do have dialogue I quite enjoy. However, one of them just takes the cake: it's from an AU inspired by Baldur's Gate 3 (a very good game!) and tried to work within the canon of Dungeons and Dragons. In it, Klint is a bard of eloquence, rather than a ranger. I decided to make Balmung his stuffed hell-hound that Mama van Zieks made for him and he cherishes deeply, and my favorite dialogue is Klint talking to that Balmung:
”What was I thinking, Balmung?!“ No one would hear him, he had wards specially installed to prevent that. In here, he was free to talk how loud he wanted to an inanimate object, and no one to judge him for it, either! “Acting like some sort of seductress, touching her with my bare hands!” He gives Balmung a squeeze. “I don't want to be a harlot, and, I must have frightened her terribly with these talons of mine.”
This too, which happens some lines later:
“Hells!” He snatches his head back in. “Can you believe this, Balmung?” The dog did not respond, on account of being just a stuffed animal.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
First off, Guillermo del Toro. He is one of my idols and I look up to his storytelling a lot. I love that he does not sacrifice color to tell dark stories, and that his works have taught me to accept that I'll write what I want! Another one is Zack Morrison who writes and draws the webcomic Paranatural, which I have kept up with since high school. They made the swap to a blend of writing and art sometime in 2021, and the descriptiveness and cleverness of the writing has made my jaw drop.
Next, Another one is Eiichiro Oda. That man can casually reference something he wrote hundreds of chapters ago, and no matter how crazy things get, it feels perfectly plausible within the world of One Piece. But unfortunately it's come at a cost due to him being a mangaka, and I must stress the importance of taking care of yourself before anything else.
These two are well-known for their diverse cast of characters, and Zack Morrison does little, but effective things to make the characters stand out even more in the mixed setting and it's genius. However, an honorable mention to Andrew Hussie and Homestuck, for popularizing the concept of using limited things in text like numbers and cases to distinguish the characters.
Now, the next is sillier: Elizabeth Hoyt and Tessa Dare. Yes, they crank out regency romance novels but they know their niche, damn it! My first romance novel was Duke of Sin by Elizabeth Hoyt, and it's helped me really come to terms with the fact that what I read is not necessarily what I want. I love the fantasies romance novels bring, but the idea of actually BEING in a romance makes me want to run away screaming!
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threeletterslife · 3 years
ChANA!! I had a weird dream last night where you deactivated your Tumblr and I was like TT TT luckily I wake up and go "ah nevermind"... but ngl I was still kinda paranoid when I googled your Tumblr today 🤡 also, i'm reALLY EXCITED THAT YOU POSTED FLEETING FOREVERS OMG I'M SO EXCITED TO READ IT!! Does that mean you're back from your trip (and if yes, how was it :0)? Also... I'm a little late ;-; but could I send in two questions from the ask game? F, K, U, and V? If you're no longer answering 1
2 them, that's okay too heh. :] I hope you're having a nice day! ~🌻
ok wait sORRY I'M A CLOWN FJDSLFJDLFJD FLEETFOR HAS BEEN POSTED FOR SO LONG AND I NEVER REALIZED UM- sorry I'm just going to go sleep now because my brain has been *fried* for so long now jfdlfjoeiwjlsidjfdslfj 🌻
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AHHH A DREAM THAT I DE-ACTIVATED MY BLOG?? goodbYE 😭😭 good news, though! it's safe to say that um, that's not gonna happen any time soon! i have too many things planned for this blog at the moment!
aLsO HAHA yes my lil break is basically coming to an end since i’m gonna start posting next week again! after my trip from florida i was writing nonstop to catch up 😭😭and my trip was GREAT! florida is so nice omg. i went to key west, miami and orlando; key west turned out to be my absolute favorite!!
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F. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it
omg this was hard. i’m very bad at remembering what i’ve written, so i had to do some digging to find a scene i’m genuinely proud of. (maybe it’s my own bias but my yoongi fics’ dialogue kinda hit differently?????)
"Why are you even here again?"
You pause. Actually, why are you here? You could've just simply walked away and never had this conversation with Yoongi. But you'd stopped. And now you're talking with him. You answer him truthfully. "I really have no idea."
Another pause.
"Are you gonna ask me to leave?"
"... No."
"Oh." You cock your head. "Okay."
The two of you stare at each other. A staring game commences.
But Yoongi blinks first, claiming you the victor of the little contest. "You can stay if you want."
You scoff. "Excuse me, I didn't know I needed your permission."
Yoongi throws his hands up in the air. "Do you always have to fucking pick a fight?"
"You're the one who starts them!"
"I didn't even say anything mildly rude."
—propinquity (law of seesaw)
originally, i was gonna pick an angstier quote, but i’m actually quite proud of this scene!! i think it really encompasses the ‘enemies’ portion of enemies to lovers, all the while hinting at something more (especially with yoongi suggesting that oc can stay with him)
K. What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
LOL the angstiest idea i’ve ever come up with??? HOW CAN I CHOOSE? at first, i was like, the exam. because, i mean, it’s sad. but then?? i was like... okay but don’t look back... but then no, because i totally forgot about where the colors fade. and then i thought about it some more and realized a whole ass before the looking glass exists. in conclusion, there is no conclusion 💀 especially because my angstiest idea is still in my drafts 👀👀
U. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much
@jimlingss @inktae @readyplayerhobi 
all three writers are so, so talented!! i really appreciate writers who write angst—but the angst is so angsty that you can literally feel the words rip your heart in two 😩their plots, characterizations, obvious eloquence are just a fEW of their best qualities. you can find a lot of their fics on my recs page
V. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
shit that’s hard. i’m not a huge fan of sequels or prequels so it took a while for me to come up with some ideas LOL. my number one choice, however, would be the sequel to game of temptation, by kina! i’m super invested in that universe, and ever since i finished reading it, i always wondered how the future events would actually play out
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ocalaghan · 3 years
Hello, lurker who has always quite liked your writing. Sort of want you to do all the fanfic asks because I am nosy lol. But if you don't want to do that then 📊🖊️
this one made me all 🥺🥺 thanks yo i'll do all the ones i haven't done yet
😐 What embarrasses you most about your own writing?
ummm. i think... maybe how dramatic but also straight-up unrealistic some of my older work is? like rescue me is ridiculous.
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
ooooh. probably the half-finished baradine fics. partly bc i feel disillusioned by jack barakat as a whole rn and don't know if that will ever go away, and partly bc i don't feel the same way about the ship as i used to. it was a sweet fantasy for me for many years and i think aesthetically they would make a good couple but i've always been garbage at writing het fics and now i feel even less of a pull to finish them soooooo... they might never see the light of day.
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
i have died every day waiting for you, got forever to spend with me on a fool's holiday, and you could say that your demons excite me
✏️ Do you write every day?
LMAO. i actually haven't written in forever. maybe since pre-pandemic? no that's probably not true but i did write very little since the start of covid. i wrote a bit of a fic for the first time in sooooo long the other night. normally i would go through periods of writing one week and then not the next but this is probably THE longest writing break i have ever taken.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
😐😐 enjoy (this isn't really 'current' but whatever)
It’s hard to tell what John feels after we fuck though. Or even before. During, it’s different, but sex is sex and the high makes him clingy.
“We still on for Saturday?” John’s voice breaks me out of my thoughts of iniquity, and I look at him for a moment before it registers what he’s said.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah, man, Saturday’s still good,” I nod.
The edge of John’s mouth quirks into a smile, perfectly aligned teeth almost gleaming at me. “You ever gonna pass that back?”
I realise the joint is still burning away between my fingers, and I laugh, taking one more quick draw before I give it to him. Our fingers brush as I pass it, and I feel my skin tingling. Our eyes meet when he breathes in the smoke, and I know he’s picturing me naked.
Yeah. Saturday’s still good.
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
the fact that i actually wrote anything at all lol
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
using certain smut words that probably make some people cringe lol
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
i... do not know what those words mean
📊 Current number of WIPs
i'm literally not even going to count this bc i would need to go get my usb stick. i'm gonna say about 50.
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?
yes! a lot of my friends know and some have read them. some of my friends wrote fic years ago too. and my boyfriend's read some of my work as well.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
the himym cast!
📝 What is one growth area you have for your writing?
good question. it's been so long that i'd probably say all of it. i feel a little rusty.
📚 Do you read your own fic?
yeah. i like to look back on it and i tend to re-read it several times after i've posted it at different points.
🌈 What inspired you to write [insert fic here]?
cannot really answer dis one, i need y'all to pick a title heh
🤔 What is the hardest part of writing fic?
honestly? the filler parts. i get bored and just want to do all the exciting bits but it all needs to connect and make sense lol.
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
definitely. probably on something porn-esque for kink fic ngl.
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
effervescent. peculiar. warm.
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
uhhhhh. for a specific story? not really sure how to answer tbh. is it a headcanon if it's your own fic? lol.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
for ages it was stuttering. don't know if i have one these days?
⏰ Do you spend more time reading fic, writing fic, or do you do both equally?
neither at this current moment lol. but overall, writing.
💋 [Freeform - what is something you want to know about one of poster’s fics?]
also would need y'all to specify on this one. but overall, thanku for asking me! Xo
fanfic ask game (the movie, the sequel)
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