#i'm always down for connections even if we don't rp
swallowtailed · 3 months
palisade 55 / finalisade pt. 10
this is so fucking funny
incredible. they've done it. double feature finale. i don't even want to try and guess how many episodes are left. sometime around 44 or 45 i said they should do thirty more AS A JOKE
i'm not sure i agree that motion is the loose end that needs tying up with an armor astir sortie, but i still think it'll be fun and i'm really excited to get perennial onscreen. hoping both cori and elle can make it >:)
more to the point i gotta say questlandia did not hit as a finale for me, which i think was largely due to the changes in the pc cast and the lack of rp. it felt like the conclusion to a different season. (wrt all the delegate plotlines in particular.) i'm not entirely sure that this next sortie will resolve that for me, but knowing fatt it might well.
because i'm always curious about stuff like this, i am really wondering when they decided to do another armor astir sortie
okay let's talk epilogues a bit though. with the understanding that any/all of these may cease to be endings per se. brnine:
brnine ends up fulfilling the future they envisioned for themself at the beginning of questlandia--continuing the fight outside the mirage. a millennium break admiral, leading the revolution... it really does change lives huh
character of All Time, btw. not entirely sure if this is their ending as a pc but still. All Fucking Time
sorry to hear they broke up with both jesset and gucci. dating sim fail ending. married to the job [ghost of valence]
delicious however that brnine's kingdom-level "unfortunately" ending is a rise in cults of personality and popular hero-worship. that does feel like an accurate downside outcome of a revolution story focused on a crew of heroes where the broader cause keeps getting beat down and the main character crew keeps winning. (that's one detail that really delivered on palisade, imo.)
august and levi:
i liked the twilight mirage's role in these epilogues because it was so uneven. we have the mirage getting twisted around trying to figure out whether august's justice was done well because they didn't directly experience the invasion, while also starting to join the fight in the broader galaxy per levi's epilogue. the high-minded naivety forced into practice is really compelling to me. (cf volition's conversation with thisbe.) not that we haven't seen idealists before in the divine cycle, but i'm eager to see what an attitude of radical forgiveness looks like outside the mirage.
similarly i found levi's localized approach disconnected from the goals of mbreak/other pcs in a way that is... realistic to the character, but might just get overwritten in the next in-universe push toward connection and coalition building, because i don't really see fatt moving away from that framework. (it's not a bad one necessarily, i just don't think they're leaving it.)
anyway. august. man. deciding to join wakeful and then getting stranded for a week that turns into a year, and never quite getting up to it again... brutal. (also completes a very well structured arc.) there are a lot of voids left by unfulfilled desires in these epilogues.
but not in levi's! very hopeful final beat there. both for the character and for the revolution. partizan ended with mbreak reviled as terrorists, now palisade ends (uh. "ends") with a new movement and new hope known throughout the galaxy.
ctc+eggs breakfast is so accurate
thisbe and cori:
thisbe and cori started out with a mirrored pair of goals and now they have a (differently) mirrored pair of epilogues. seizing your freedom and launching off into the galaxy and then realizing that means you're stuck wandering alone. (which does hit a little close to home. lmao.)
very reminiscent of the sangfielle epilogues, by the way, but doesn't work as well after a full season of crew bonding imo
thisbe being able to know and acknowledge and grasp her own freedom, being able to follow her own curiosity, is such a huge win for her. she's come so far.
tbh i'm disappointed that the scattered shards of divinity goal didn't come to pass, because thisbe did get some wins there! two wins and a... something! so that didn't really feel fair. but the chimeric cadent and the afflictions being out in the galaxy does actually feel kind of hopeful to me.
(man, i really wish we'd gotten more about partial palisade and the planet of palisade.)
i have to say, i really liked how cori's epilogue went despite the massive wave of misfortune. the shift into wandering felt more fitting for cori, since she's had a whole arc about losing her place with the devotees. assuming she's coming back in p3, an arc about finding/rebuilding community would be lovely.
also elle getting yanked back by arbitrage was of course inevitable and thus delicious. i'm considering fic ideas. watch this space.
clem's fortunately/unfortunately was so funny. vindictive. austin being like "there's no one around to tell clem she's done a good job" followed by jack going "and gucci doesn't even like her". and then the only future she can see is one in which she's still powerless and not ruling anything because not even being an oracle can help clementine kesh. satisfying.
so anyway
it was nice to see eclectic again. pleased he didn't fully vanish from the narrative (a ghost!), and the new look is slick. i'm curious whether he's gonna try to mount an escape while separated from wakeful. maybe that's not even an option anymore, though.
who do we think is gonna be on the next sortie? levi for sure, and eclectic (unless leap), and like, it's gotta be cori. are brnine and thisbe coming back? are jack and art playing???
sort of a philosophical question here but is questlandia arguably the holiday special
god it's so funny that they've done this. when i first heard this was happening, i was initially like, this is kind of a failure case of fatt's black box pacing for the week to week perspective. but it is also extremely funny. friends at the table.
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king-midas-fortnite · 3 months
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Hello. I assume there is little need for introduction, but I am Midas. I've recently returned from a brief..."sabbatical", shall we call it, in the Underworld.
My daughter, Jules thought it would be a good idea to keep a blog. Not sure why. Something about venting feelings, connecting with other people not in my crew, etc. Not exactly things I find very high priority, but I suppose it can't kill me. I'd know better than anyone what can, after all. And perhaps it'll make keeping tabs on people of interest easier...
Feel free to reach out, if you wish. Message me, tag me, whatever the case may be. I'll do my best to be active here. Whatever it takes to make my daughter happy. However, I am a busy man. Apologies if I miss anything.
((Keep reading for rules and notes!))
Rules and guidelines for interacting!
1. This blog is run by an adult. I am 26, my main is @snippydippy. Please keep this in mind when interacting with me. I ask that minors please consider a different Midas.
I will use (()) to indicate when I'm speaking out of character in any posts!
2. I don't mind NSFW content myself, but may not answer questions or reblog content pertaining to sexually explicit topics to keep things relatively appropriate.
3. This blog may contain ship content, it may not. I have ships I like, they may not be the ones you do. While my version of Midas is cis, he's not straight (bi king). If this bothers you, I don't know what to tell you.
4. My DMs and asks will always be open! Please don't be shy, Midas won't bite. I'm down to RP in the reblogs with anyone! However, DM roleplays for other adults only, please.
5. This blog will always be skewed towards a more serious vibe. I take my characterization of Midas very seriously (more so than I probably should for a FN character lol). You won't find much in the way of him being a silly guy. Even if I find it funny, if I don't think a situation would be in character for my version of him, it won't happen.
That's it as far as my rules go aside from the obvious "don't be a dick" sentiments that I feel I shouldn't have to say. Thank you for reading them! Next are just a couple notes on my headcanons for Midas.
-Midas has some control over his Golden Touch. I think of the curse in a way that is similar to chronic pains. Some days, it is manageable, and he can touch whatever he'd like without issue. Some days, it is bad. He has to avoid people, can't eat, and struggles getting through mundane tasks without frustration.
I believe his curse may also be in part tied to his emotions. Any intense anger, sadness, or other strong feelings will make it harder to control the Touch, and it does cause him some amount of pain when it's out of control. (Doing mental gymnastics to explain why Fortnite itself isn't consistent with his power.)
-Jules means everything to Midas. He will do absolutely anything in his power to keep his daughter safe and to keep his relationship with her in good standing. He's wronged her in the past, and is doing all he can to make up for those actions and lost time.
-His time in the underworld changed him a bit. He's less cold to the people close to him. He allows more feeling than pure calculation into his thought processes, but a stranger may not be able to tell. Midas is a relatively closed off man. He does not wear his emotions on his sleeve, and doesn't often make friends without some kind of benefit to be had from the relationship. Be it power or connections. However, the friendships he does have mean a great deal to him. He is quick to provide aid in any way he can to those he cares about.
Another thing about his imprisonment in Hell: Time in the underworld was experienced differently. While we may have waited four years for Midas to return, for him it was much, much longer. Now that he is back, he is determined to never be put in chains ever again.
-My version of him obviously has not left the island after returning from the underworld, instead opting to stay as his curiosity for how things have changed has gotten the better of him. He wants to keep up with the power struggles, and find a way to insert himself back into them.
This blog is semi-independent! Some lore is shared with @perseus-ihatemydad-fortnite in that he helped Midas escape from the Underworld. As well as most often being seen interacting with @kado-fortnite and @valeria-fortnite
Tags I'll use!
#Midas Answers -For asks answered in character
#Midas Posts -For interactions in character
#Gold Reserves -In-character reblogs of art, aesthetic posts, etc.
#Gold Encounter -For interactions between other characters that are meant to be read as happening in-person/privately
#Journal Entries - For uh. For Journal Entries lol. These are, in a meta sense, private to him. They are for interactions that happen on the Discord server rather than Tumblr for reader convenience.
- 👑 for anon messages
#Shut your trap snippy -For posts like these that include me talking OOC (I know, long tag. It's just what I've been using on my main blog for years to tag my own garbage lol)
Screenshot in this post and my header are from @corvidazed 💛
Thank you for getting all the way down here! I hope our interactions are fun!
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shining-gem34 · 29 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
Hm! I won't say it here, because I don't want to give the wrong impression. I will say I do have a few OTPs! My close friends/besties already know my bias!
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Excluding the big NO-NO (r*pe, non-con, underage sex, and etc.), I'm pretty open and willing to try a variety of things for shipping. It can go from fluffy/playful to angsty next. On that note, I am also open to exploring toxic ships/red flags as well. :3
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
As someone who RP's muses who are either in the three digits or immortals, I can safely say as long as they are both ADULTS who are consenting, all is good. I will say NO if our muses have a parent/child bond like Muse A has raised Muse B since they were a kid, or anything similar to that.
Are you selective when shipping?
In general, it's a yes.
Mostly because I don't get home until the evening and by then my energy is pretty low. It takes time for me to sit down and focus on tumblr replies. Too many things happening can feel overwhelming for me, especially if I think about making sure shipping with the same muses are different/varied. It hasn't happened yet as my activity levels here are random! But I am thinking it about now and rjrbrjrhrje Y e a h. That is why I made the shipping rule for new people who are following me the first time.
Otherwise, if we're already friends, chances are we already went feral about the characters/ship. I don't mind going straight into pre-established ship or RPing (plotting) how they got together. I'm not picky in that regard.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I don't think I have reached that point on this site. If I do, I would say the moment they start stripping while kissing and getting handsy with each other. Maybe there's touching the private parts. At that point, as I try to follow my own rules, I would probably move the full NSFW into DMs/IMs.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Uh. For reasons, I'll keep this short and sweet:
For everyone who saw read my ramblings in DM's or I drop something and leave like a rat, thank you so much for indulging me. <3 I had so much fun coming up with fluffy, silly, and angsty stuff for our muses together!
And it doesn't have to be just romantic too! It applies to platonic/familial muses too!
I do hope we can continue this and watch out muses get into shenanigans together. <3
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Preferably, yes! If you don't tell me, then I won't know!
How often do you like to ship?
I'm thinking hard on this, because both outside and inside here? Not alot honestly. I do think about shipping however it usually ends up being brief and passing entertainment. So I don't really have alot of ships I am committed to.
Are you multiship?
Yes! It's surprisingly refreshing thinking of each ship being it's own thing and not a bunch of connected events. <3 I definitely enjoy the dynamics of each ship too!
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
I say ship more-or-less than ship-obsessed. I don't actively seek out people to ship. Also it's too much for me to handle checking too many things happening at once. So, I'm usually committed to a few ships and if something develops naturally, or I feel something is happening? Yeah, I'll ship. :3
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Me x Dan Feng
Finally, how does one ship with you?
I would say just be direct and ask if we can ship our muses together. I will say "yes" most of the time, especially if we have been plotting in the DMs and have a few IC already). If not, then yes I would like to discuss it first and get some IC interactions going. I always have a meme tag for a bunch of memes I've reblogged to break the ice, or starters if you prefer that!
Because, the more we talk about our muses dynamics and each other, I am more likely to fall in love and turn feral! I will be 100% on board shipping them! Like moreso if it's a character I am neutral about it's a BIG WIN because YOU made me love them!
Trust me it happened like....3-4? times now since I started this blog. I love it when people have so much love for their muses I just support them and fall in love too!
Tagged by: @memovia, @etherealguard, @grislyintentions Tagging: You!
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capsekai · 5 months
RP Prompts:
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Inspired by Random Lyrics Edition to get people started! Disclaimer: We probably aren't that good at this, we just figured we'd chime in for funsies.
What is it about them - I must be missing something...
Can you check your uber rating?
And i'm lying now, like a child in your arms, what is this feeling?
Wake up, earn a little money, but is the hustle free?
You should see me in a crown, i'll rule you until my dying day
If I could change the way that you see yourself
But when I wake up, I see, the world beyond you
Just say that I'm not your preferred sexual orientation
If teardrops could be bottled, there'd be swimming pools filled by models
Every time I feel the need, I envision you caressing me..
You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows
You came to my window on a dark and stormy day
Emptiness is filling me... to the point of agony
Shadows of you keep washing over me
Look, you know it's harder to find my mind in these times
Was hopin' I could catch you throwin' smiles in my face
You live in the dark, I cannot pretend
Said you wanted to see me thrive, but is it a lie?
I need to sit down, don't mean to make demands, but can you clarify?
If I gave you everything and everything is what I bought
I don't have no clue, ain't no me without you
Get your soldiers, tell 'em I ain't layin' low
Is there a word for bad miracle?
What would you trade the pain for?
This city always hangs a little bit lonely on me
I found the cure to growing older
Am I more than you bargained for yet?
Find a safe place, brace yourself, bite your lips
Why can you read me like no one else?
Where you've been lost, between the lines of eternity
The next time the phone can wring my neck
It's only therapy.
Long ago, you used to want me
This room won't be open, until the event you're searching for happens
if it makes you happy, then why the hell are you so sad?
If we are nothing more than dreamers
If I hadn't blown the whole thing years ago, i might not be alone
You know how us Catholic girls can be
If I jump in this fountain, will I be forgiven?
And THATS IT, that is your random extreme sides of my not paying attention to RPC prompts even tho I run @midnyte-muses. XD
Have fun playing connect the dots to my piss poor music catalog.
If you LIKE The crazy, feel free to ask for more <3
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ferinehuntress · 6 months
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◈ NAME  ⋯  Panda, Panda Bear, Nessie
◈ PRONOUNS  ⋯  she/her
◈ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?  ⋯  Caitlyn, Vi, Karlach, and Aylin. I only keep active muses ^^
◈ RP PET PEEVES?  ⋯  Hmmm, so one would be one way roleplays. When someone doesn't help push the story along. I don't want to sit here, debating on how I can encourage some reactions or what not. So I always try to give something to reply to whether its by an action, a question, a response that can be added to, etc... I also don't like when I reply with several paragraphs and someone only gives me 1-4 sentences. I do not expect mirror reflections of my post, but I do like quality. Quality does not equal quantity, but can still give absolutely plenty with a couple of paragraphs. And lastly, not communicating. I know sometimes it can be hard, some days your mind literally has no ideas or process. or if your distracted (I know a few people have that with me right now cause I'm playing BG3 XDD) but when you just, don't communicate, how can you write with each other? Its why I always try to send out welcome messages and encouarge the first step of communication.
◈ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS  ⋯  I started roleplaying when I was 11 on a site called Avidgamers. So its been a good.....24 years ish?
◈ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT  ⋯  Hands down, Angst is my go to. I will, without a doubt, love angst. Its never too much for me, i could have a bunch of angst going and it doesn't wear me down or anything. That being said, I don't like certain kinds of angst, like person versus person (example, my character and your character getting into an arguing and hating each other, or break ups or things like that). My kind of angst tends to be two people versus a situation, or where one is trying to save the other cause they are cursed, or trapped, being tortured, etc....Angst comfort too is good. I do like smut, but I tend to like to write it with people I talk to often and we have a good dynamic between our characters. Fluff is a bit harder for me, I can't do domestic cutesy things as I tend to get a little bored after awhile.
◈ PLOTS OR MEMES  ⋯  I prefer plotting, plotting helps get a dynamic down (as I do not write first meetings or encounters) so this allows me to get a development of what are muses are like together. Its also a nice little platform of security to know what is going to happen in a thread. It isn't step by step plotting, but just enough of like 'okay, tehy are going to this place, its probably going to have a fight, and this is their objective'. Really simple plotting that allows for the comfort of stability while still allowing the flexibility of a character to control teh flow of the scene. Memes I tend to use after we've done  some plotting because I understand dynamics better and I know what to write or ideas to creat.
◈ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES  ⋯  I'll never give short replies. the shortest you'll get from me is about 2 paragraphs. I don't like gives just a skeleton writing and I tend not to follow people who do one liners or small less then 5 sentences writing. I'm in this for the long haul, I want stories and adventures and fun paragraph form writing.
◈ TIME TO WRITE  ⋯  While I'm online almost all day, its more then likely you see me writing about 10-11pm CST. Writing at night is a lot easier then it is writing during the day. Don't know why, I'm a weird little night owl XD.
◈ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)  ⋯  I tend to write characters I associate with in some form or manner. Karlach for example, her absolute love of animals, and Caitlyn's more reclusive nature, or Vi's heart on her sleeve, and Aylin's protectiveness. I like to think I am in some way like them which allows me to bring them to life even more through this connection.
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❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘  ⋯  @apalestar, @c-leric, and others who said 'steal this' XD ❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆  ⋯ @shimmerbeasts, @jynxd, @necrophcge, @never-surrender, @bubblybabins, @bakrahispul, @clara-eternal, @zaunseye, @lunarrepel, @lunawish, @lordliing, @hellscaress, @goldenfists, @governoir, @gauntlets-shot, @fereldensheroes, @dalishflame, @shldmaidns, @sanguisarcana, @starbvund, @arcanecast, @piltover-sharpshooter, @playgroundmonsters, @undercity-merc, @ruinouss, @runes-menagerie, @warwaited, and anyone else who wants to.
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segment-epsilon · 2 months
Let's Be Honest
Hey gang. I wanted to clear up some reasons why activity on this blog has been really hard for me these past few months. I'm doing what I can to make this cohesive, but I just need to let this drop in whatever form it takes.
I used to love Genshin. It was my main comfort media, and I still have a soft spot for it that'll always be in my heart, but in January, things changed. Genshin used to be a huge part of my relationship with my ex boyfriend. It was Our Thing. We would call and play it together while we talked about shit, we had Genshin OCS who were shipped together, I would lean on him for help with it because I was a newer player.
It should've been fine, and I wish it had been fine. This fandom meant so much to me because it reminded me of someone I loved dearly.
Someone who I turned out to be codependent on.
Someone who turned out to be more abusive than I ever could've anticipated.
I really should've seen it coming. The flags were there, but it took him taking it one big step too far in order for me to wake up to it.
Aside from him, I found it hard to make friends in this community, especially in the world of Tumblr roleplay. After he finally fucking left me, my interest in the fandom dropped. So did my energy in keeping up with this blog or just Tumblr in general. Nobody else was really here keeping me active or close, and I didn't feel like I had many good connections going in this particular RP community, so I laid down and gave up for awhile.
To be clear, I'm not quitting. I love Epsilon way too much to give up on him as a character, even if I have to rework him into a completely different universe to do so. Currently, I'm working on rebuilding a positive connection with Genshin as a game, and then hopefully a larger portion of the community.
I'm really sorry for the delay and I hope that laying this little part of my personal life bare helps explain what's been going on. I'm okay and I'm alive, just rebuilding things brick by brick and regaining my energy. I don't know exactly when I'll be back or if Epsilon will transform into something else, but I promise I won't be gone forever.
Thank you all so much for staying around as long as you have.
~ Mod
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dcviated · 1 month
Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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ROLEPLAYER NAME: bear! or will, I don't mind being referred to by my real name but even my wife calls me bear most of the time, so-
MUSE NAME: I feel the mainstays will always be Wylan, Raguna, and Eira. But many many others-
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: As needed. I'm low maintenance while still considering us 'in contact'. But I do love getting sent random bits as relevant and commentary on threads. I can be short or slow on replies at times though. Discord all the way over tumblr IM.
EXPERIENCE: Back when I was 15 or 16 on forums. I did some avatar games that had roleplay baked into it as well that were good. Did a lot of RP in warcraft back during BC to WOTLK, but could not get into it in FFXIV. Tumblr has been my favorite place to write, by far. I love getting into longer form. On that note-
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: Literate paragraphs! I can't stay bantering in short stuff to save my life. Like a leak I inevitably switch over to having a paragraph. Then two. Maybe three. I'm pretty comfy around the 300-500 word length on my replies. I get intimidated when they get consistently longer and writer's block starts to lay its bricks.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: An inability to meet halfway when plotting is brought up. I don't like being waited on like it's my responsibility to come up with a compelling plot that I suspect you'll half-ass reply to. Have some advocation for what you want. Otherwise ... yeah.
Also an overabundance of context-less dash commentary. Particularly connected to their discord happenings. Some blogs feel less 'indie' and more pseudo-group related. And if you're not involved good luck.
PLOTS OR MEMES: I like to think I'm pretty good rolling with the punches! I can do memes, random asks, and memes and ad-libbing a situation out of a few back and forth banters is really amusing. It's also easier than front-loading a ton of plotting that may or may not be realized anyway. Letting events happen off the cuff feels more dynamic and allows more surprises for both writing parties. <:
That said, don't mind plotting whatsoever! So long as the other person actually wants it and isn't going through the motion of it because it's 'what people do'. Also... I hope they're ready for the long game if so? Like they want to let the plot play out and not just making a plot and then jumping to the end of it.
Pre-establish-jutsu is not plotting!!
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: Middle?? Both?? There's a time for everything but like I said before I'm a fan of 300-500 words for my replies. Sometimes I like them shorter, others longer. But we're biasing towards the 'long' given when a lot of what's in vogue as of late.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Whenever I can put my adhd into proper submission. I like writing at the office (after I have my work for the day handled) because it separates me from the usual distractions but we can only be so strong...
I like writing earlier in the day! I feel like my best work is done in the mornings, after all. And the head is clearer before I've hit lunch. So on weekends where I don't have plans and I can make myself sit down at a keyboard before everyone else is around, that's just great.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: Like any good oc writer, I pull out little pieces of myself and cram them into other beings to irreversibly corrupt them not unlike a certain villain from a certain manga. People have called me dad in the past... perhaps that fits better than I thought.
tagged by: @triinitas (thank!!) tagging: gosh this one has gone around a few times, steal it if you like!
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systemadministratorclu · 10 months
Fandom asks meme
1, 11, 14!
1: list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
First, I'm in more obscure fandoms, so there's not much drama. People are more open to different things because they're just happy to see more stuff for the fandom
Second, most everyone I meet is someone that has been in the fandom for a while. People who really do connect with it and care about it (as opposed to people that just stop by while it's popular for a bit, but leave once the hype dies down)
Third, the fan content that exists for my fandoms is amazing. From detailed AUs to just further explaining something from canon to that joke thing someone claims they 'just HAD' to do, it's incredible and I love it.
11: if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
Definitely all my stories in The ScholMander Files. There's really only two people that actually care about this series, but I've had so much fun talking with those two people about ideas for my own fics and theirs, and I've really enjoyed writing these. I've probably written more fics for this pairing than any other single author, and I've got more coming. Which leads to....
14: the ship that always makes you smile
There's a few for this, and a lot of it has to do with RPs here. It's a tie for me between:
☆ ScholMander (Milo Thatch/Commander Rourke from Atlantis: the Lost Empire) - This is probably the unicorn of the fandom in terms of how rare it is. But having written so much for it and even RPed it, this is now canon to me. These two are just so sweet to each other I'm surprised I don't have cavities yet. And it all started because I saw some photoedit fanart that had an image of Rourke with an arm around Milo and I couldn't stop thinking about that image. Now, they are canon to me.
☆ Clu x Tron/Rinzler (from.....uh.....Tron) - This is largely due to RP threads I've done on here. I honestly hadn't thought of this until I started RPing it with people here,but now I love it. Especially Clu and Tron as sort-of-parents for Beck. Ugh, the sweetness!
☆ Halman (Hal 9000/Dave Bowman from 2001: A Space Odyssey and its sequel movie/books) - This is probably the one canon ship I'm into, and yes it is very obviously canon, especially in the sequel movie 2010: The Year We Make Contact when they have the following exchange:
Hal 9000: What is going to happen? Dave Bowman: Something wonderful. Hal 9000: I'm afraid. Dave Bowman: Don't be. We'll be together. Hal 9000: Where will we be? Dave Bowman: Where I am now.
I mean, it's even more obvious than Spirk (which I also love) and that's saying something. Just the way these two care for each other is just so wholesome and sweet. It's the one ship I don't see much smut stuff for, and honestly, it doesn't need smut, it works so well. They are just so good to each other. Dave does not want to kill Hal, he does it because he has no choice and (my interpretation) he figured out at that point that something was wrong, that Hal was 'sick' and Dave didn't want to see this person he cares so much about suffering anymore. But when Hal is brought back in the sequel, Dave takes extra time during his short visit to check on Hal and make sure he's okay and ultimately saves him from a second death, after which they literally spend eternity together.
Honorable Mentions - Spirk (Spock/Kirk from Star Trek), Jack O'Neil/Sam Carter (Stargate SG1), Claire Finn/Isaac (The Orville), Ineffable Husbands (Aziraphale/Crowley from Good Omens, please don't comment about Season 2 as I haven't gotten to watch it yet), Yugi Mutou/Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh), Yugi Mutou x Yami/Atem (Yu-Gi-Oh, Yami and Atem are the same person to me, just at different points in time.)
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lusthurts · 1 year
Fic Writers Tag
got tagged by @daisyishedwig, thank you :))
and I'll tag @vrt77 and anyone else who wants to do it!
how many works do you have on ao3?
I only have 10 on ao3, I originally started writing on fanfiction.net in like 2011 or something, and no one will ever get that username out of me lol I would've deleted the account but I don't want to be the kind of fic writer that deletes things just because I'm not proud of them anymore.
I used to cross-post everything from ao3 on there because it's the roots of why I enjoy fanficiton, but I don't anymore, mostly because it's a lot of work and I get frustrated with not being able to tag things + having to write super short summaries.
2. what's your ao3 word count?
currently at 345,703 & will be at about 400k when I finish posting my wip
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Glee, and it's surprisingly always been Glee. That's taken different forms over the years, like there were several years where I wasn't posting anything and was just doing some silly little instagram rp with some great friends I made. But Glee is how I discovered fanfiction in the first place, and it's consistently been the one fandom I feel connected enough to write this much about.
I have dabbled in other things over time - wrote a Girl Meets World fic I never finished, got really into some teen shows like Pretty Little Liars, 90210, Gossip Girl, etc. when I was a teenager. But I've pretty consistently only posted glee fics.
4. top 5 fics by kudos
For Real This Time (280), Something More (180), How Bright We Burn (178), slipped away like a bottle of wine (120), and invisible string (102)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Yes, I try to respond to every comment unless it's super short/I have nothing to say. I usually try to avoid spoilers, and I generally like to treat comments more as my opportunity to make friends/chat with readers about the characters/the ship/the plot.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely 11:11, it's a canon compliant one shot about slushy-gate which basically just involves Sebastian and Blaine both independently being angsty about everything that went down and wondering what went wrong in their friendship, and by the time Sebastian comes around and apologizes, it's too late.
Some of my other one shots don't necessary have happy endings, but they do have optimistic endings, so I think 11:11 is the only one that counts as straight up angst.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think Something More - don't wanna spoil it, but I think that's the nature of writing a fic where the characters are a little older and you can just feel that the happy ending is permanent, rather than when they're teenagers and happy endings can be very short lived.
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not really, and I can be kinda sensitive lol so I'm glad I don't.
Most of the time if I do get hate, it's not criticizing me as a writer but rather criticizing the way the characters are behaving (which I guess is a reflection of me as a writer because sometimes it's because they don't like the way I've written characters), but I can move past that pretty easily because I realize everyone has different head canons, especially for characters like Sebastian who get like less than 10 episodes of canon screen time.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Not really? I mean, some of the things I've written toe the line between smut and fade to black (like How Bright We Burn, For Real This Time, & The Way I Loved You, mostly) but I like to think I do so in a way that is way more focused on feelings and emotions than what body part goes where. Even in How Bright We Burn where sex is like a very big part of their arc, most of the way you know what's going on is from Blaine's inner monologue or Sebastian's jokes, not so much from me just like describing the scene.
I mostly don't think I'm great at writing smut, and I've found I really like the style of writing about sex that like Casey McQuiston uses in "Red, White, & Royal Blue" where it's not smut but rather indirectly describing what's going down with a huge focus on the emotions at play. If you've read the book, I feel like you'd understand what I mean, but I don't know how else to describe it.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've ever written?
I do not, mostly because there's not really a fandom I'm as passionate about as Glee that I feel like could go well together. I do hope some day I find the inspiration to write a Flash/Glee crossover fic, but who knows. Back in like 2011 when I first started writing fanfiction, I would sometimes include like one or two characters from other fandoms, maybe as like a roommate when a character went to college or as some background character, but nowadays I prefer to write OCs for those purposes.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, but who knows honestly. I did have some writing I did on a fandom Instagram at one point + some edits stolen, and it was crazy because they blocked me so that I wouldn't find out but didn't bother to block any of my friends.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
nope :) I feel like someone asked me once if they could, but I never heard anything back from them after I said yes.
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, but I did some Instagram RP back in the day that felt very much like co-writing. I had this Klaine RP that really helped me develop the way I write Blaine, and I think I had a Blam one too. But I enjoyed writing the friendships a lot more. I was Blaine and really close with someone who played Tina & someone who played Brittany, so those friendships became super important to me.
14. fave all time ship?
I mean,, my favorite to write is Seblaine and I'm obsessed with them. Their relationship is so special to me and I've never enjoyed writing about anyone as much as I do with them. I've been a Glee fan since I was in middle school when it was still on air, but I never really shipped them to this extent until I rewatched for the 800th time during the pandemic. Since then, they've been my OTP. They're both just very dynamic characters with infinite writing potential, and I love that neither of them is perfect, and there's so much from canon left unsaid that I get to explore. I'm also a sucker for friends to lovers and enemies to lovers, and Seblaine has elements of both.
But some other favorite ships include Wolfstar (Harry Potter), firstprince (Red, White, & Royal Blue), Gallavich (Shameless), Shara & Chloe (I Kissed Shara Wheeler), Evelyn & Celia (The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo), Nick & Jess (New Girl), Barney & Robin (How I Met Your Mother), & Jake & Amy (Brooklyn 99).
15. wip you want to finish but doubt you will?
I honestly don't have many of these, mostly because I tend to write entire projects at a time then move onto something else, at least with fanfiction. But I do have this little spooky halloween one shot au I started like two years ago and haven't felt motivated to finish because I'm just not good at writing spooky things.
I also have this sort of longfic I worked on for a really long time as a way to deal with something going on in my life, but I doubt I will ever finish it or post any of it because it's lowkey traumatic (deals with like car accidents & the death of a child) and I doubt anyone would be interested in reading something like that. It's Seblaine but involves a lot of Glee characters I haven't written beyond brief scenes in like 10+ years, like Finn, Rachel, Quinn, etc.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm good at writing like anxiety and very detailed internal monologues. I sometimes feel like I include too much of it, but it's always come very naturally to me. I also think I've gotten a lot better in the last year or so at writing funny side characters and dialogue in a group setting.
And I think I've gotten a lot better at writing chemistry and building that chemistry over time instead of skipping to the good part right away - the evolution of that skill to me is very apparent in how I wrote For Real This Time vs. How Bright We Burn.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
lol smut
I also think I tend to not trust myself enough and end up writing exactly what's going on instead of like implying it. I just want readers to understand so bad that I sometimes feel the need to explicitly say what a character is thinking or feeling, which isn't always what you want, especially when it's a character whose POV I'm not writing.
Also I think my sentence structure can be kinda not great. I write really long wordy run-on sentences too often when it should probably be reserved as a narrative device.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I know a lot of French - I took it for five and a half years and keep up with it on Duolingo so I don't forget anything. I wouldn't call myself fluent, but I can generally understand it in reading and writing. That's the only language I'd be comfortable writing in other than English, which is SO convenient because you know who else is fluent in French? Sebastian ;)
19. first fandom you wrote for?
glee! nothing has changed lol
20. fave fic you've written?
How Bright We Burn! It is my nature that whatever I'm working on at that moment is my favorite thing. I'm really proud of the slow burn in that fic and the character development work I've done for Blaine and Sebastian but also for the side characters like Nick, Jeff, etc. and even my OCs like Ethan. But I'm even more excited about the sequel because it's something I've never really attempted to this extent before, and that's the thing that I'm actively working on since How Bright We Burn is done other than some minor editing.
also gonna shout out 11:11 because I think that is the best job I've ever done with writing angst, and it was both challenging and rewarding for me to write
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doctorbrown · 6 months
ooc: meet the mun
NAME?: Red
PRONOUNS?: he/she/they, idc honestly. i usually just call myself that/this bitch.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Pav, my darling and beloved, but also Doc (even if I'm not always actively writing here, I promise my love for him hasn't diminished)
RP PET PEEVES?: people not respecting other people's characters ooc, people not willing to share the spotlight in threads where both their muses get to be the centre of attention for a while, the lack of willingness to plot.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: i've been roleplaying for the better part of fifteen years now across various platforms.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: angst! it's my favourite thing to write because it opens so many doors and i am such a sucker for tossing characters into crazy situations and watching them connect/learn/grow from it. it often lends the most to bonds/character development and that's what i adore out of roleplaying and what i want for my muse. plus it gives me the chance to write some of the wildest, off the rails shit sometimes and really push the limits of my imagination. not that i don't appreciate fluff, but as a treat that the characters earn after all the bs. or something quick to break up the pain.
PLOTS OR MEMES?: plots, hands down. like i can wing shit, sure, but after a while when there's no communication, i tend to get burnt out without the direction and there's that awkward stalemate sometimes between the two muns without communication because both are afraid to leap into something; i know i worry sometimes about driving a thread somewhere the other may not want it to go or overstepping boundaries. but i'm also always down for turning a meme into a plot! and the plot doesn't have to be figured out down to the smallest detail; just a general idea, a vibe, a direction will do and we can take it from there.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: me, glancing nervously at my blog/carrd: long? no, i'm a long reply kind of person. multi-para to novella, that's most often what you'll find from me. i can really only do shorter than that if it's a quick crack thing.
TIME TO WRITE?: when i shouldn't be, like at work hahaha. no, i write whenever the inspiration hits. sometimes i'm on mobile in a car somewhere or waiting for something or i'm just sitting in my bed like i wanna write. there's no real set time of day for me.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: mmmm sort of? i've for sure got that awkward social thing down pat but i've also got as wild a fashion sense as doc. i wear whatever i want regardless of how it looks in public, whether the colours match, and idgaf. as a kid, my mum used to always tell me i looked stupid and i didn't match and i needed to change to which i told her oh well. we're also similar in the loneliness/solitude aspects. not that i don't enjoy company, but i do like being left alone to do my own thing a lot of the time and i'm also very independent. we're also both in the same boat from a romantic standpoint. (pre-clara for doc anyway).
tagged by: @freakarus (ty!) tagging: anyone active rn
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Roleplay Standards; Reasons to use them.
So, it's been a bit with some insanity behind the scenes, but I'm able to actually sit down and form some thoughts and feelings surrounding these things. But first; a scenario! You're going around and you're roleplaying in groups, you're making connections and plans. Things are going good! But then you start to notice some little things that seem off. One of them seems very possessive of your time. Yet another tends to ignore plans they've made as well as hooks. What do you do? Here's where the standards come in. But before I go further, I should note; YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO ROLEPLAY WITH OTHERS. But I will also stress that if you give dates, or tell someone you're 'going to', that implies that said obligation will be met. I'm someone who doesn't expect much out of others aside from the bare minimum. Being good to one another, open communication in regards to potential triggers so I know what to stay away from, etc. Very basic things that help us gauge whether or not we're a 'fit' in terms of collaborative writing and how well our energy bounces. But then you run into two types of people who abuse that. You have the person who will demand EVERY ounce of your time, which is bad... Then you have people who will set a time and day, flake, then set another time and day. When you find yourself the object of obsession to the point they want you to have a certain face credit/claim, or that your character in a video game isn't to their expectations all the while obsessing over scenes that have yet to happen? Drop, block, and run. This is one of the very few instances where I find ghosting absolutely necessary. These are the type of people that you should have standards against because 1) they're suck the energy right out of you and 2) use narcissistic or dark empath traits to keep you there. More times than not, these people are why BadRPerStories exist. Likewise, when you find yourself being flaked out on over and over on specific dates with frequent communication over an obligation? Don't waste your time on them, especially if they're very active in other circles. Hold your standards and quietly drop them. If they ask why -- be honest if you tell them, but don't be a jerk about it. Though, this is another situation where I feel ghosting is very valid because they're not valuing your time enough. And sure, there's nuance to every situation. Maybe IRL came up or the muse isn't there -- in which case it's easier to be honest, that way time isn't invested unnecessarily. Speaking from personal experience, it takes a while to rebuild that momentum back if you're an avid storyteller and you let people walk all over you. Have reasonable standards. Communicate them often. If they cannot meet expectations of either posting cadence deadlines, or just meet a very simple obligation after they said they would? Get rid of them. They're not worth it. If they're obsessing over you, your character to the point you're drained? Get rid of them. If you're in a group RP (discord or video games) and they're always needing to know who you're roleplaying with? Get rid of them. These are, and should be if they aren't, red flags. Block them, block their alts. Having standards will help protect your mental health, help you garner the right people that fit your writing styles best, and generally it helps keep you safe on the internet. We live in a time where this hobby has often turned into a different form of escapism. Where instead it was just a fun thing that we could do, people are using it to completely substitute things in real life and will try to use you to do that. Don't fall for it. If you've found yourself in situations like these, or even going through them currently and you stumble onto this -- it doesn't hurt to re-evaluate your standards. If you feel trapped or stuck? Maybe raise the bar of entry just a little bit. <3
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corruptedforce · 7 months
respond to the prompts out of character!
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? I wanted to write Anakin for years, but I don't half ass pick up any character. It's one of the reason why I keep my multi under 15, at all times. I have to have them fleshed out. I've been fascinated by Vader since I was a child. All my friends had Leia Halloween costumes. I just wanted to be Vader. Anakin intrigued me, as well, as I got older. I ALWAYS loved Hayden as Anakin. But, I spent years before ultimately choosing to write him. I had to learn mannerisms, ways he fights, his quirks, his emotional responses, and Vader, because Vader is Anakin.
is there anything you don’t like to write? Look when you play one of the biggest villains in pop culture, there is not much that is off limits. I refuse to ever write or AU him, as a Rebel. He would never be a rebel and I would never write him as such. I also only very rarely and only really for I think one or two people, will write him not falling. His fall is extremely important to what the chosen one prophecy needs, to fufill. I'm not huge on fix-it. I mean, sometimes I enjoy them and I will never change Hayden as Anakin's FC. I don't ship him with other males, with the exception of one and it's writer specific. I don't write smut on him to just write smut, but if it fits, I'm okay. I also don't auto ship.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? Angst, pain, drama, things that make you cry and hate life. I love happiness if we have like something dramatic too. The prequels are a tragedy. They just are. Anakin's life even before his fall, he may have been married, but he was at war. He has brief times with Padme for instance, when he does have happy moments, but war is something that was a lot of his life. I lean towards his destiny more towards trying to create a healthy family dynamic, that didn't exist.
how do you come up with headcanons? I have things knocking around my head and sometimes I get asks. I'm currrently working on one, for three days now based off someone asking me what I thought of one quote.
do you write in silence or do you play music? usually, the TV is on.
do you plan your replies or wing them? I wing them mostly or for the most part, I don't pre-read the previous reply always. I mean, I will sometimes, but with certain partners, I know how I'll react. Sometimess, I have to calm Anakin or Vader down if it's angst before I reply because he's a mess, who will say things, if I don't. But, my best rp partners understand his reactionary responses.
do you enjoy shipping? I love shipping. Just not having it forced on me. I'm open to a lot, if it it makes sense. I also love many types of connections.
what’s your alias/name? Tanya
age? Older than 30. I'm at the age where it says years young on Tumblr.
birthday? April 21st
favorite color?  Cubbie Blue
favorite song?  Anything off the Sons of Anarchy Soundtracks by lately Day is Gone by Noah Gundersen and Come Join the Murder; Also, Lightning Crashes by Live is a song I listen to a lot, Anything by Bob Seger when I need to feel close to my mom
last movie you watched?  Red Dawn (not my idea)
last show you watched?  One Tree Hill
last song you listened to? Ainsi Bas La Vida by Indila.
favorite food?  Tough Guys by REO Speedwagon
favorite season?  sprinter. it's that time in February - March, when it's like 70 but not miserable yet.
do you have a tumblr best friend?
For the last year and half and some change, 100% it has to be Mica (mayxthexforce) and Tori (bchemianrhapscody). With Mica, I have talked to her more than I have talked to anyone, in a time when things were really hard for me, after I lost my mom. But, there are others in the Star Wars fandom, and those are people who have been my friend, even when lies were told and I lost long-term friends. Some people aren't like bestie status but I adore them so much. More recently, I have been talking a ton to @story1ines of late and she is quickly becoming a close friend who I bombard with messages. I also adore @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx, who listens to my baseball ramblings.
I have been on tumblr rp for 13 years and there are people who have come and gone. I will always still communicate with the ones I was the closest to in the world offline, but I forever love my first rp friendship, the Rachel to my Puck, my main Tara to my Jax who I wrie with on Discord only now, the only Wendy I will ever accept to my Jax, my one and only Athelstan and Philippe @mcnsieur, who even though I don't talk to everyday by any means because life is busy, I literally can message her anytime. So many other people I am not remembering.
TAGGED BY: @mayxthexforce
TAGGING: @galaccias, @bchemianrhapscdy, @cagedpotential, @writtenxbeginnings, @story1ines, @mcnsieur, @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Maybe this is too spicy a question, but what is the petty reason for why someone would want Laudna's potential new patron to be The Raven Queen/Vax? I personally don't want to see it because I'm tired of all the C1 connections, but the people who I've seen want it *seem* well intentioned. Why do you think it's so bad?
We'll start with the petty reason, and to be clear, I do not think this is anyone's motivation; I think people want it for reasons that I do not agree with, but are not ill-intentioned. Anyway: for some reason that I truly do not know, a small but loud group of people who are specifically huge fans of Marisha detest Liam. I don't know why, because first, like it or not, no one on Earth or in/en route to the International Space Station is a bigger fan of Keyleth than Liam; and second, I actually find Marisha and Liam to be some of the most similar in the cast in terms of acting/RP style and thematic preferences. So, were Marisha to choose to have Vax as a patron, it would make those people lose their damn minds and this would be funny for a day or so. However, there is nothing else to recommend it and "it would be mean to people I find annoying" isn't a good reason.
As for why I actually think it's bad: I do legitimately think the depth of C1 connections we have already is a problem for "overshadowing Marquet and cutting off more interesting avenues of the story that are in Marquet" reasons (and "many people who did not watch C1 do not have any reason to give a fuck about Vox Machina" reasons). So retreading the same territory, whether it is Vax or the Raven Queen - who was pretty extensively explored as a deity, and the interesting things about her are more in the Calamity-era realm of research rather than as a source of power - is in and of itself very uninteresting. Add that to the fact that I personally find Vax to be like, middle of the pack of Vox Machina as a character and the subsequent idealization of him post-mortem to be generally nauseating (and to be clear: I think he's a good character, I just am more interested by many other members of Vox Machina), and the fact that we've really only explored strong connections to a handful of Prime Deities, and I find myself asking "what if we like, chose to look into every part of the massive world that has been created instead of walking in increasingly tight little circles over ground we've already tread?"
But, more seriously, it belies a complete misunderstanding of The Raven Queen, who hates the undead and sees them as a perversion of life. She's not going to, you know, personally kill Laudna, since Delilah's the problem here; but I highly recommend looking up the Raven Queen's commandments, which boil down to "Death is natural and normal; Undeath is an atrocity to be punished; and those who defy fate must also be punished". Let's be real, Bells Hells are probably already on her watchlist for embarking on this specific resurrection. The Raven Queen is sitting in her domain eating goth popcorn with Vax and saying "you know, I knew I always liked your brother-in-law! He made some salient points back there!"
It is also a complete misunderstanding of Laudna, who is somewhat adrift and has no particular regard for fate nor issues with death. Basically: so long as Laudna is still a Hollow One, it's not happening. If she's returned to life in full it would objectively require a complete warlock subclass change (The Raven Queen is NOT granting powers to an undead, folks, and paladin is actually laughable as a suggestion - setting aside the 5 strength score, Laudna lacks the temperament, at least at this juncture) and significant penance. Honestly shadow sorcerer alone likely already pushes Laudna into "still probably not on the Raven Queen's Nice list", and Otohan Thull is, lest we forget, a Raven Queen worshiper which makes this suggestion even fucking weirder like, Laudna finally gets free of her first murderer to cozy up to the god of her second?
In general: there are quite literally dozens (well. like 2 dozen) more interesting potential warlock patron sources whom we've barely seen, should Laudna wish to make a new pact. Why choose someone we've seen so extensively and who fundamentally conflicts with the core premise of the character?
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torneye · 8 months
Tumblr media
𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙽𝙴𝚈𝙴.𝚃𝚄𝙼𝙱𝙻𝚁.𝙲𝙾𝙼     ...     a  reese  production.      very  sporadic  activity  blog  for  a  yellowjackets  based  original  character,    DANIELLE   ‛DANNY‛   HALL.      always  the  scapegoat.     just  another  girl  doomed  by  the  narrative  asking    ———    WILL  I  EVEN  BE  REMEMBERED?   MOURNED?      [   twenty - six.   they / she.   est.   ]       minors  &  personal  blogs  dni.      *    sideblog!!   follows  back  from badbandits!
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affiliated  with   :       brontë  landry.
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basic  guidelines  &  rp  ettiqute  apply   ..     see  below  for  more  indepth  rules.
interactions   ..    open  starters  are  for  ANYONE   ( unless  otherwise  stated )   who  wants  to  write  a  character  that  fits  gender  of  character  is  open  to  replies  from  and  fit  within  my  rules.    please  only  submit  meme  prompts  if  we  are  mutuals.   i'll  write  with  anyone  18+.   don't  be  afraid  of  following  me  if  you're  interested  in  writing  with  me,    i'm  often  very  receptive  to  anyone  who  wants  to  write  with  me.   THERE  WILL  BE  CONTENT  NOT  SUITABLE  FOR  MINORS  ON  THIS  BLOG.
shipping   ..    always  down  for  a  ship  but  i  will  never  force  a  ship.   i'm  cool  with  assuming  pre-established  connections,  but  if  it  doesn't  vibe  right  away,   we'll  try  plotting.   even  if  a  ship  doesn't  work,   i  will  always  be  down  to  continue  writing  with  you!   just  need  to  try  other  connections!   i  would  prefer  writing  ships  with  anyone  20  and  above,   I  WILL  NOT  WRITE  SMUT  WITH  ANYONE  UNDER  THE  AGE  OF  21.
i  will  always  be  mindful  to  tag  anything  that  i  could  think  may  be  triggering  to others   ( or  if  i  follow  someone  who  has  it  listed  as a  trigger ).   i  write  trigger  warnings  as   " trigger tw ".   as  for  myself,   i  don't  really  have  any triggers,   besides  very  graphic  descriptions  of  eye  trauma,   fingernail / toenail  and  teeth  trauma  also  get  to  me  but  are  not  nearly  as  distressing,   but  a  heads  up  would  be  so  greatly  appreciated.   i  like  to  discuss  with  my  writing  partner  if  something  comes  up  that  feels  uncomfortable,   hope  you  will  as  well.
reply  style   ..    i  do  not  regularly  use  icons  or  gifs  or  graphics  in  my  replies.   however,   it  is  so  fine  if  you  do.   i  make  text  smaller  to  look  more  uniform.   i  do  use  icons  for  starters,   sometimes.   i  am  more  likely  to  use  icons  or  gifs  in  replies  if  there  are  resources  for  said  faceclaim.
simple  little  dni   ..    do  not  interact  if  you  are  a  single  muse  blog  portraying  a  real  person,   you're  under  the  age  of  18  or  a  personal  account.
disclaimer   ..    i  am  not  in  any  way  affiliated  with  ava  capri  or  showtime's  yellowjackets.   this  blog  is  for  the  fun  of  writing  and  roleplay  and  in  no way is  being  used  to  impersonate  anybody.
credits  &  such
the  psd  used  on  this  blog  and  graphics  is  back  to  basics  by  stephysource.    meanwhile  all  graphics  unless  stated  otherwise  for  this  blog  have  been  created  by  my  dear  friend  foster  💌
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What is your favorite thing about each of the Sealands?
@fort-no-more, (Peter that I write; default for when he references Peter unless someone requests a specific Peter for their lore! I default to being multiverse with each character, but I'm happy to change that upon request): He has so much care for others. He's always so excited to meet new people and help however he can, and despite how badly he was let down from so early on, he still finds it in himself to trust and care and hope. He started off as a fort, so childish innocence was never really an option... but he tries anyways, and he keeps an open mind an open heart. Don't let the snarky sense of humor fool you! There's strength in kindness, and despite how young he is, he's one of the strongest people I know
@sea-enjoyer (partially based on Discord RPs, so this might not be reflected in things seen on this account): No one can make me laugh like him. When I'm around him, it's like all my worries disappear. Well, erm, aside from my worries about him, because I might coddle a bit... Still, I feel comfortable with him in a way that I don't around anyone else, maybe even more than I feel with the other Baltics. I was so worried about how our relationship would change once he stopped being a child, but now he gets to be my little brother and closest peer at the same time. I feel like I can tell him almost anything... so, um, letting my guard down. That's the favorite thing. Laughing, comfort, trust: general things associated with letting guard down.
@paralianprince: I'm only now starting to get to know him, but he's so passionate! When he cares about something, he puts so much energy towards it that it's contagious. Whether it's about his fellow micronations, kaijus, or concerns about a perceived slight towards me, he expresses his feelings and sweeps you up in them, too. Again, I've only recently met him, but I feel like I could listen to him explain his interests and opinions and ways of thinking for hours, and it makes me want to share more of myself, too. It's kind of scary how quickly we connected, but I think that's part of the same thing. He feels and expresses things quite intensely, and when I'm with him, I feel that, too, so it makes sense that the friendly feelings would also come so sudden and intense, if that makes sense.
@bates--boy: He's so motivated! Hobbies, careers, self-improvement, creativity, now family: He has so much going on! I should have known since he was little, you know? He was always such a bright kid, but to see him grow into someone with the means, skill, and dedication to figure out what he wants and to go for it is truly humbling. Especially when life has been so unkind, it can be easy to learn passiveness and self-pity, but he never really let that take hold of him, at least not for long. Even when he stumbles, he pushes himself back on his feet and keeps running. I just hope he knows that it's okay to stop and breathe sometimes, and to ask for help. I think he must know that if he's gotten so far, but it's my nature to worry. And I hope he knows that I'm proud of him - truly, deeply proud of what a great person he's grown to be. My Not-So-Little Brother
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badbandits · 2 years
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𝙱𝙰𝙳𝙱𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙸𝚃𝚂.𝚃𝚄𝙼𝙱𝙻𝚁.𝙲𝙾𝙼     ..     a  reese  production.      very  sporadic  activity  multimuse  containing  canon  and  original  characters  from  various  sources  of  media  from  films,   television,   video  games  and  my  own  brain .       [   twenty - six.   they / she.   est.   ]       minors  &  personal  blogs  dni.
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affiliated  with   :       withbags  /  rewhy
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*   all  muses  are  18+,   often  played  between  -5 / +5  of  the  faceclaim,   but  there  are  exceptions  for  verses,   etc.
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film  muses
damian  hubbard  from  mean  girls :   canon  inspired / draws  inspiration  from  both  the  2004  &  2024  films  as  well  as  the broadway  musical  —   fc.   jaquel  spivey
gretchen  wieners  from  mean  girls :   canon  inspired / draws  inspiration  from  both  the  2004  &  2024  films  as  well  as  the broadway  musical  —   fc.   bebe  wood
amanda  young  from  saw :   canon  inspired / semi  to  completely - canon  compliant  —   fc.   shawnee  smith
jill  tuck  from  saw :   canon  inspired / semi  to  completely - canon  compliant  —   fc.   betsy  russell
television  muses
brittany  s.  pierce  from  glee :   canon  inspired /  semi - divergent   —   fc.   sabrina carpenter
sam  evans  from  glee :   canon  inspired /  semi - divergent   —   fc.   cooper  van  grootel
lucy  moore  from  love,  victor :   canon  compliant  ( mostly ) /  headcanon  based   —   fc.   ava  capri
leighton murray from the sex life of college girls : canon compliant - fc. reneé rapp
video  game  muses
sly  cooper  based  on  the  sly cooper trilogy   —   fc.   logan  lerman
murray  anderson  based  on  the  sly cooper trilogy   —   fc. christopher meyer
montgomery  brown  aka  muggshot  based  on  the  sly cooper trilogy   —   fc.   joe  manganiello
the contessa based on the sly cooper trilogy -- fc. vera farmiga
original  characters
peyton  ciccone,   fandomless  multi - use  oc  —   fc.   ava  capri
logan anderson,   fandomless  multi - use  oc   —   fc.   alexis   g.   zall
luna  joseph,   fandomless  musican  oc   —   fc.   paris  jackson
caroline  lawrence,   fandomless  college  oc   ( horror based )   —   fc.   natalia  dyer    [ bio ]
olivia  kovach,   fandomless  actor  oc   —   fc.   taissa  farmiga
houston  santos,   fandomless  oc   ( mostly  hockey / college  based )  —   fc.   michael  cimino
aspen jones, do revenge oc (son of carissa an gabbi jones, twin to willow) -- fc. finn wolfhard
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basic  guidelines  &  rp  ettiqute  apply   ..     see  below  for  more  indepth  rules.
  interactions   ..    open  starters  are  for  ANYONE   ( unless  otherwise  stated )   who  wants  to  write  a  character  that  fits  gender  of  character  is  open  to  replies  from  and  fit  within  my  rules.    please  only  submit  meme  prompts  if  we  are  mutuals.   i'll  write  with  anyone  18+.   don't  be  afraid  of  following  me  if  you're  interested  in  writing  with  me,    i'm  often  very  receptive  to  anyone  who  wants  to  write  with  me.   THERE  WILL  BE  CONTENT  NOT  SUITABLE  FOR  MINORS  ON  THIS  BLOG.
shipping   ..    always  down  for  a  ship  but  i  will  never  force  a  ship.   i'm  cool  with  assuming  pre-established  connections,  but  if  it  doesn't  vibe  right  away,   we'll  try  plotting.   even  if  a  ship  doesn't  work,   i  will  always  be  down  to  continue  writing  with  you!   just  need  to  try  other  connections!   i  would  prefer  writing  ships  with  anyone  20  and  above,   I  WILL  NOT  WRITE  SMUT  WITH  ANYONE  UNDER  THE  AGE  OF  21.
triggers   ..    triggering  content  will  be  on  this  blog,   but  i  will  always  be  mindful  to  tag  anything  that  i  could  think  may  be  triggering  to others   ( or  if  i  follow  someone  who  has  it  listed  as a  trigger ).   i  write  trigger  warnings  as   " trigger tw ".   as  for  myself,   i  don't  really  have  any triggers,   besides  very  graphic  descriptions  of  eye  trauma,   fingernail / toenail  and  teeth  trauma  also  get  to  me  but  are  not  nearly  as  distressing,   but  a  heads  up  would  be  so  greatly  appreciated.   i  like  to  discuss  with  my  writing  partner  if  something  comes  up  that  feels  uncomfortable,   hope  you  will  as  well.
reply  style   ..    i  do  not  regularly  use  icons  or  gifs  or  graphics  in  my  replies.   however,   it  is  so  fine  if  you  do.   i  make  text  smaller  to  look  more  uniform.   i  do  use  icons  for  starters,   sometimes.   i  am  more  likely  to  use  icons  or  gifs  in  replies  if  there  are  resources  for  said  faceclaim.
simple  little  dni   ..    do  not  interact  if  you  are  a  single  muse  blog  portraying  a  real  person,   you're  under  the  age  of  18  or  a  personal  account.
disclaimer   ..    i  am  not  in  any  way  affiliated  with  any  of  the  faceclaims  or  fandoms  used  or  may  be  present  on  this  blog.   this  blog  is  for  the  fun  of  writing  and  roleplay  and  in  no way is  being  used  to  impersonate  anybody.
credits  &  such
the  psd  used  on  this  blog  and  graphics  is  hyacinth  by  jessource.    meanwhile  all  graphics  unless  stated  otherwise  for  this  blog  have  been  created  by  my  dear  friend  foster  💌
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