#i'm an old artefact from ye olde internet
dvrtrblhr · 1 year
What is your Twitter? 😭❤️
Hello! I'm very bad at being social so I... don't have a twitter 😥 I have been meaning to create one for very long, but then that guy bought the thing and my interest waned.
I wonder... do you people still think it's worth it to be there? Would you prefer/ find easier to find my art there than here on tumblr? I'm just VERY unfamiliar with twitter's environment so I find it... unnerving.
But it's something I have considered, so maybe I should take the plunge? IDK...
On another note, I do have an instagram account (I'm babittia there) and AO3 (dvrtrblhr - fic only).
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luwupercal · 2 years
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this post got five likes so i'm posting this vignette. it's part of an au i discussed w @horuslupercal a while ago i might've posted about it? anyway here's a little under 1000 words written at 5 AM. very funny i guarantee!! if you can guess when it's set and/or what's going on you win an internet cookie <3. but with no more addendums here is:
They would be known as "cameras", to you, the flock of glass-eyed artefacts that descend upon the occasion. Recording footage for a—now perhaps not-so-glorious—posterity, these clockwork vultures are the emotionless wandering eye of an empire that’s not so much in mourning as it is in doubt: how can the mighty fall? How many lies have they promised? How mad should they be? The remembrancers manning the swarm will provide, hopefully, part of the answer to these questions; the rest of it, tonight at 8, on every planet unlucky enough to have figured out 24-hour media circuses.
One of these cameras seems unremarkable. Its model isn't even gold-plated and engraved like the fashion demands nowadays, shy in its bare steel shell—but it is, actually, a very lucky camera. In fact, it might be the luckiest. (Its contents will soon propel its wielder into non-literal Sainthood for the next century, and if possible, literal Sainthood for two after that—no small task, dare I say).
This camera is not trained on the procession: its larger and better sister has that job, and the lucky little camera's operator instead is swerving around the crowd, trying to capture this energy. She wants to do her own documentary filmmaking, you see, but she's stuck apprenticing; but this is such a powerful moment in the history of Humanity, she gathers, that, even if nothing happens, any footage she captures—on this humble silver creature—of the unnameable emotion currently permeating the air is something that can, and will, be used for millennia to come.
But remember: this camera is lucky, and so her operator—her name would translate to Daisy, with some liberties—notices a break in a vital part of those gathered, in a half-shadowed corner.
Two relatives, both tall and long haired; one steps aside, the other follows on cue, invited. They separate somewhat from the crowd, and Daisy's lucky, lucky camera zooms closer. As the view inches forward, the shorter figure's body language changes; he steps back, away from the other. Then his—limbs, so to speak, his whole body, the soft enormity of it, raises its hackles. He steps closer to the taller one, who looks unphased, surprised maybe, annoyed at the surprise. And then, right after the camera jerks forward one last time, the action comes.
The lucky, lucky camera is the only one who records any footage of Sanguinius punching the everloving shit out of Lion El'Jonson's jaw at the late Warmaster's funeral. 
It remains its homeworld's most prized possession, even today.
The Lion, of course, has an approximate shit-tonne of metric force directed to his face by a man who flies with those back muscles. So, yes, he stumbles. It is in fact a testament to his strength that he doesn't fucking crashland on his derrière. He doesn't get the last word in the argument; Sanguinius rejoins the funeral procession, now fuming at the audacity. New warmaster. New warmaster! A proposal to fill the post! At their brother's funeral—Sanguinius never believed the Lion to be so thoughtless, but this is something else. At their brother's—when they should be—his eyes well up once more. Sanguinius thought grief was an old friend, for those who raised him, for his sons, for—for unnameable people. He didn't expect the suddenness—he likes the Baalite word, súbito—of this loss. It feels like an old and loveable neighbour is pummeling him across the chest with a hammer; these are not, necessarily, tears he wants to turn into a fashion statement.
The Lion rejoins his family after a minute, pride wounded in more ways than one. Fulgrim shoots him an unabashed look, then makes a maddened grin of disbelief that the Lion actually growls at. Fulgrim ignores that, shooting a wide-eyed glance and a head-tilt at Ferrus—who's been occasionally side-eyeing Fulgrim's thicker-than-usual makeup for the funeral with confusion, and Lion has noticed that, thank you very much—to indicate to him Lion's new angel-given bruise. Ferrus doesn't have the willpower to hold back a snort, and the Lion swears vengeance on both of them—failing to notice, of course, how his appearance has been the first thing to produce such a reaction out of an unusually quiet Fulgrim in the whole day.
Next to Ferrus is Guilliman—Angron is absent, as is Curze, for perhaps the obvious reasons that they're technically-at-large-Terra has it covered do not even worry; Roboute notices Ferrus's double-take and steels his expression, still trying to will away with determination alone the ugly redness that creeps over his patrician features when he's recently cried in fear. Mortarion, next over, doesn't see any of it, his face under the hood a terrifyingly blank mask; Magnus, fresh from colloquial house arrest and with his hair tamed perhaps for the first time since the Lion met him, has already turned to Sanguinius, sensing a new emotion in the maelstrom of his grief. (It isn't so much anger or offence as it is wrath). Besides Fulgrim, Perturabo peers at him so discreetly the Lion almost doesn't notice and then looks back at Horus's grave, dissociated; Jaghatai Khan not so much sees as perceives a disturbance and crosses something off a mental bingo with genuine bitterness. Slowly, the information trickles, Rogal Dorn blatantly ignoring them, Vulkan frowning in obvious concern, Leman's disappointment a surprise to the both of them, Corax an enigma as he always is.
But it's Lorgar's reaction that sticks with Lion—he struggles to read faces at the best of times (misses Luther's assistance when he sees it, regrets leaving him back with his Legion). But he remembers it—and he will ignore it at first, but later, when things come to light, he won't be able to help but think that what his paranoid mind saw now makes for a sickening picture.
The pure, unadulterated guilt that knits together Lorgar's face is unmistakable, even to him.
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shurisneakers · 2 years
bridges break (i)
Summary: steve shuts himself away. you pull him along on a trip of a lifetime in an attempt to reconnect. great plan! except there's one big secret he's keeping from you that could change the course of your entire relationship, and there's no greasy stack of diner pancakes in the country big enough to hide behind.
(road trip!au, best friends to lovers)
Warnings: angst, mentions of death and violence, nightmares (?), mental health issues and disorientation, ptsd, swearing. lemme know if i missed anything and I'll tag it.
A/N: TAKE 2 MFS. a tarot reader lady on youtube told me to stop pushing and finally publish this fic lol. to my beloveds: tanya, ayesha, and chips ahoy traitor. thank you. ily.
pls know that this is my lil fic in my lil corner of the internet don't come at me if you don't like it, just block me <3
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Steve’s legs dangle languidly off the concrete shore. His palm should be pressed to the ground, keeping his balance, but they instead defiantly clasp around an old worn-out sketchbook. His fingers nimbly capture ships on the horizon, waves lapping at the wall several feet below him and the orange of the evening reflecting off of rusted metal.
He looks up for a moment when a horn blares, loud and good. A smile slips past as he snaps his notebook shut and places it beside him, clenching his eyes shut and deeply inhaling the saltiness in the air.
Life is warm. Life is stripped down to its bare essence and still, life is good.
Steve jerks awake.
For months he expected nightmares to drag him out of his sleep, heaving and wide-eyed.
For months they never arrive, leaving him with the saccharine sweetness of the sun’s heat on his skin and legs stretched over the harbour.
Decidedly, it is worse.
He's seen those apartments in the catalogues, on TV shows and more. Grey, with furniture placed methodically only where it was required. A fake plant to spruce it up, one painting adding just one colour-- maybe a yellow, or an orange-- amidst the whites and blacks.
He's always thought it looked too sanitised. Like an office, or the boardrooms he spent most of daylight in. You couldn't possibly live in a home where everything felt like a touch away from being corrupted; too clean, like no one had ever lived in it.
But mostly, he always thought it looked lonely.
His apartment was filled- and remained in the process of it, too- with knick-knacks. Posters of movies he hadn't yet seen and of ones from the past that he had, paintings from local artists selling on the street, stuff he'd wrestled back from the museums. They'd called it artefacts, Steve had always just called it his old notebooks and his mother's clay sculptures. Those rested on the mantle.
Nothing had been added to the house in months.
Steve blinks, long.
He lifts his eyes to the person opposite to him, dark tailored suit and pinned back hair, greying prematurely.
"Yes?" he asks, ring finger still covering his mouth as his palm holds up the weight of his jaw.
"You haven't said a word since you got here," she replies with a poisonously sweet smile.
"Was just listening to what everyone had to say," Steve lies, and it's the first of many he'll tell today.
A panel. Steve’s on a panel of experts. Security experts. He doesn't even fucking know why-- he's never been very good at predicting which new being was going to fall out of the sky and try to kill all his friends.
"Nothing to add?" Though her tone is friendly, her eyes unsettlingly held no emotion.
"Have a feelin' you all know what I'm gonna say," he replies.
There's a sigh at the end of the long table, clearing one's throat from the other. Steve's stare remains steadfast.
“Captain Rogers. Steve," she-- Councilwoman Murray, he suddenly remembers-- says with a tick in her voice, pleasantly. "What we're proposing-"
"I know. I heard you," he says, calm as ever. "You want to set up a base in space with weapons of mass destruction in case an event like the Blip were to happen again. While I appreciate your patience, Councilwoman, here's where you're going to have to put up with me because I'm gonna tell you what I've been sayin' every single time we've met: it doesn't make sense."
"It is for international peace," she sighs.
It became very clear in the first meeting that his beliefs don’t align with the rest of them, but they've committed and so has he. No matter how many people slid him deals under the table or offered him positions like president, his opinion wasn't going to shift.
"A base that falls under American jurisdiction, run by American soldiers, using American produced weapons, serving under the orders of an American government, serving on the basis of, and I'm quoting your proposal here, threats against the citizens of the United States of America." Steve arches a brow. "Doesn't sound real international to me, especially when you're planning on vetoing anyone who doesn't agree. Just a scare tactic to the rest of the world."
Another suffering sigh. He can see a smile threaten to creep up on Mona’s face.
"Besides, it's quite the budget you've allocated to this project," he continues, pushing forward the document. "I think it'd be better spent on the millions of people you say you're glad are back. Last I heard, they’re still waiting on the resources you've promised."
With the last word, there's a faint sense of deja vu warm in his chest. He's sure he's brought this up elsewhere, but he can't pinpoint where. It’s hard to remember how he gets from one place to another. Or is it hard to pay attention? He can’t tell the difference anymore, it didn’t matter much.
Years, he has to correct himself.
Everything looked the same as it did six years ago. The last thing that he remembers adding to the decor was a framed picture of you and him at a baseball game before it all went to shit in Germany. That sat on the mantle, too.
He walks past it every morning, diverting his eyes to the kitchen before he catches sight of it and the pit forms in his stomach again. Still, he can't find it in himself to remove it.
Steve drags a razor across his cheek. It cleanly wipes away the foam, leaving behind clear skin, neat. Some days he just used soap when he couldn't open the shelf and reach for the shaving cream.
He turns his head down to slosh the razor around in the water. He remembers when he used to like the sound, thought it was fun.
There is red when he lifts his head back up to the mirror. Piercing red.
“It’s not that easy, Rogers.”
“Isn’t it?” Steve shoots a glance at the head of the table. "Seems pretty damn easy to me to decide what the money should go towards, and it's not the next tax write-off for the megalomaniac who's funded the doughnuts for this meeting."
The member’s jaw tightens and he sinks back into his seat again. The room’s quiet, an amalgamation of awkward stares and rolling eyes.
Because of course, Steve didn’t understand the problem. Steve didn’t understand the politics of it all.
Steve's just there 'cause Captain America has to be.
There's a thin line of blood when he lifts his head back up to the mirror. It races from about half his cheek down to his jaw, bright crimson changing to a dull red as it dilutes.
Steve stares at it for several moments. His watch ticks, reminding him that he may be frozen but the world was still spinning around him. But it was 5am and he's got nowhere to be for at least three hours.
When he drags his stare away from the nick and to his eyes in the mirror, he remember how the air used to get sucked out of the room. The same clocks used to stop ticking.
There was nothing there. He was not there. It was empty and he looked back at himself, tired eyes and glowing skin.
But now everything goes on as it did before. There is still nothing there, not even him. The air is still heavy in the bathroom and the watch keeps ticking.
Steve uses his thumb to wipe away the blood, and keeps going.
“Coffee, Captain Rogers?”
It’s a steady little routine they’ve fallen into. Mona asks him, always at precisely the right time, whether he would like a cup as they walk towards one of the many assigned conference rooms that day.
He told her yes once, and she committed his order to heart. It wasn't a big feat-- black, with no sugar and no cream-- but he appreciated it all the same. He carelessly downed it like a shot, ignoring the s as it goes down his throat.
Steve gently turns her down today, however. She quickly rats off a list of people he has to meet, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose in the process. He nods dimly, knowing that she'd send him a text with all the details anyway.
“You have to meet with Mr Langstaff at 12, and Mr Estrada at 1:30 to decide your press release. Y/N demands that you pick up the phone, and you have dinner with Mrs Madron at 8 at the Ritz about the ambassadorship.”
Steve's ears perk up, head snapping towards her. “What was that?”
“You have dinner at 8 with Mrs Madron at the Ritz,” Mona repeats slowly, deliberately.
“No, before that.”
She flips a page back on her notepad before reciting, “Y/N demands that you pick up the phone.”
Steve swiftly skims through his phone, brows furrowing when he finds nothing. It takes a second to hit that if you were to call him, it probably wouldn't be to his work number. The work phone had a few texts and missed calls he hadn't responded to yet. He would be meeting them in the next few days anyway, what was the damn hurry?
From Y/N
Been a few days, you around?
From Y/N
Mona says you're busy so I'm not gonna call, but I left a message with her. Don't feel pressured to respond immediately, it was mostly a joke
From Y/N
Just lemme know if you're good
He curses softly under his breath, before pressing a button and holding the phone up to his ear.
He ignores the people walking past, some doing a double take when they see him standing in the middle of the hallway on a random weekday.
“Y/N,” he says in greeting the second you pick up. "Hey."
“Steve,” you reply equally as quick. “You all right?”`
“'M sorry, it's been a while since I checked this phone. I‘m fine.”
He can hear you exhale slightly at the other end, and the snap of elastic on your skin. He waits patiently outside the conference room for the people to start filing in, but he estimates another ten minutes before they do.
“Sorry, Stevie, didn’t mean to worry you,” you say, prying the gloves away from your hand, “It's just-- the last time you missed a couple'a calls, I had to find out you’re enemy of the state from the receptionist.”
“No, I get it. I forgot to respond, it's my bad.” He keeps his phone on silent these days. The only communication he really responds to with urgency is what Mona deems critical.
 “We still meeting up for coffee today?”
Steve pinches the bridge of his nose hard. Of all the things to slip his mind in the middle of all the legal jargon and fundraising efforts.
He sneaks a glance at his watch, and then back at the meeting room where an assistant was placing glasses of water in front of seats, and back at his watch.
“We don’t have to, if you’re not up for it,” you remind him in the lingering silence. “I know your schedule is busy these days.”
He had conferences, and dinners, and calls to ignore, and people to scorn, because if he wasn't fighting, then he's gotta be doing more to be helping people out, right?
“4pm, at Whole Latte Love, wasn't it?” His eye catches Mona’s, who swiftly flips through several pages of her notebook to write down his new plan. “I’ll be there.”
“You sure?”
“‘Course.” The corners of his mouth lift softly. "Can't wait."
“All right.” He can hear the smile in your voice. It’d been a while. “See you there.”
The call ends with a soft click. His posture immediately stiffens again.
Mona’s attention is still on the notepad when she says, “Guess that cancels the video call with Jepsen at 4:15.”
He pulls the brim of his cap even lower, if that was possible, fully intending to cover up his untrimmed hair. It didn't work very well; whatever was too long for the cap just stuck up in strange angles given how tight the hat was.
The smell of roasting coffee beans was intense, and a little hard to take in. He had been here loads of times before, but those visits had thinned out and the gaps in between each had increased exponentially over the last few years.
When he scours the area, all he sees are booths occupied with people speaking in hushed tones. It serves to remind him again that the world seemed a lot quieter now.
Six years ago, he couldn't take a step down a street without hearing cries for missing sons, aunts, friends. Then, of course, there was silence. Almost deafening, as people slowly picked themselves up, tried to make sense of the life they were living now.
It continued even when the Snapped were back. The parades were loud and the parties even louder but everything seemed muted. Almost like they expected the returned to leave again, cautious about how much energy they spent celebrating something that could disappear in an instant.
The chair scrapes against the linoleum floor, pulling his attention away from his lap.
He doesn't even know when he sat down.
“Please, don’t look so surprised.” You don’t go for a greeting, instead, taking note of the slightly dilated eyes. “Only you would wear a cap indoors and think it’s a good disguise.”
Steve glances around discreetly. “No one else noticed.”
“What, that you look like you want to hide?” You snort, laying all your stuff on the table after taking a seat. “Yeah, they did. Hi, by the way.”
If they did, they didn’t say anything.
"Hi," he says back. "You look good."
You narrow your eyes at him, before your face breaks into a small smile. "I didn't realise disarray and chaos was pleasing to you."
He shrugs. "You make it work."
Your head ducks with a smile and a small shake. “Did you order anything?”
"Not yet."
“Do you want to?” You pour over the menu in front of you even though you’ve been here before with him so many times you know exactly what you want. “Coffee, black, no sugar, no cream?”
Even though he declined Mona on the same offer, he takes you up on yours. It's always been hard to say no to you.
You quickly flag down the waitress, giving her your orders and a big smile and revert back to Steve.
“Haven’t heard from you in a while,” you say, leaning forward on your elbows. “How’s everything going?”
It hasn’t been on purpose-- well, it was-- but no one had really heard from him in a while.
“You know,” he draws out, “a lot of conversations with a lot of… interesting people.”
“Snobs?" you offer. "Uptight?”
“That's one way to put it.” There’s humour in his words but only a wisp of it on his face. “They’re thinkin’ of holding another carnival in a month.”
“What, like one obnoxious parade wasn’t enough already?”
“That’s what I told ‘em. But elections are coming up and the guy wants as much publicity as they can afford.” He restrains himself from rolling his eyes. “Tell me you're doing better on your side.”
“It’s like middle school all over again, Stevie.” The corner of your lip stretches thin in annoyance. “Ever since the return, everyone’s been fightin’ over desks and projects that we completed while they were gone.”
One of the most reputed labs in the world, some of the most formidable brains of nature and endless arguments over whose table gets to face the window, and who gets to sit nearest to the water cooler for better access to office gossip.
"Jesus," he says, before a familiar voice pinches him. Don't take the Lord's name in vain.
"Gets better."
Steve quirks an eyebrow.
The conversation gets cut short when the waitress sets down a cup in front of him and fills it nearly to the brim. It already smells better than the garbage they serve at the town hall, and he certainly could use a cup to make up for the fifty hours he'd spent awake so far.
"Thank you," he tells her before turning his attention to you. "Better how?"
“Well-- better is actually pretty subjective. Positions are shuffling around, people are moving.” You bite your lip. “They offered me a new job.”
He smiles for the first time that day, a big-toothed grin. "They did?"
"New title. Just fancier words for a person that runs that joint." You blow gently at your beverage, shoulders rising and falling nonchalantly. "Pays real well. Lot more access to resources, grants. Everything."
"Sounds like a dream," he says carefully, noting the lack of eye contact.
“I’m not sure if I’m gonna take it, though."
There it is. “Why?”
“Don't know if I want to." You shrug. "They only floated it by me a while ago, and it's pretty under wraps, so I have time. Don't have to answer 'em right away."
"Is there something going on?" If he'd somehow managed to miss it while doing God knows what, he'd never let himself forget it.
"No, there's nothing," you reassure. "I just don't know if I wanna do it."
Steve inclines his head. You expertly dodge it with a clearing of your throat. 
“Sam told me the new compound’s been coming up okay.” God, he hadn’t seen Sam since the time he came back from returning the stones to their rightful place and that had been a few months ago.
“Yeah, almost done, actually. Most of the stuff’s been moved already.” 
All the way across the country, far away from New York and its bi-annual alien attacks. Pepper had had enough after the compound got wrecked again, ordering for a complete shift to preserve whatever was left from the destruction.
“Do you think I can score a designated parking spot?”
“You can try."
"Or you can." You grin at him. "Put in a word for me."
Steve clicks his tongue. “Don't think it'd do any good. No special privileges, even for employees.”
“Damn it,” you curse under your breath and he lets out a small chuckle. “You think they’d throw free parking in with the healthcare.”
 "Did you get yourself checked up?" She eyes him, top to bottom.
"Bucky had a look."
"So, that's a no, then," she says flatly. "When was this?"
"Two days ago."
"And you're completely all right?"
He forcefully zeroes his focus back on you. "I'm sorry, what was that?"
Your head quirks, but you let go of it a second later.
"I asked how you were." You twirl a stirring rod around your hot chocolate, letting its warmth seep into your palms through the cup as you hold it up. “If you were holdin’ up okay.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’ve been good," he says, lips stretched into a tight smile. “Keeping myself occupied.”
 Steve purposely takes a long sip of his coffee, avoiding the furrow of your eyebrows. It makes his stomach lurch a little, and he raises his cup to his lips again to avoid thinking about it too much.
“You get any time off at all?”
“Sometimes.” Before you can question, he counters, "Do you?”
"I've had vacation days buildin' up for years now. Got nowhere to use 'em." Your eyes dart about the shop before landing on him. "Which is actually what I wanted to talk to you about."
Steve peers back in question, setting the cup down.
“What if I were to ask you-” you begin casually “-if you’d wanna maybe get away for a while.”
He only waits for you to continue.
“I was thinking we could take a road trip.”
A road trip?
Steve voices exactly that.
“We’ll get a car, drive it down to wherever you wanna go. Texas, Washington-” you speak a little faster, leaning forward to take his hand in yours “-hell, even fuckin’ Florida, I don’t care. I’ll plan it out, I’ll take care of everything."
His eyes flit down your hand on his, swallowing thickly. A break. A break. The idea makes his head spin and a laugh bubble out of him incredulously. But as soon as it arrives, it dissipates, leaving in its wake hesitancy and 'I'm sorry, I don't know if I can'.
“Why?” he asks instead, to squander any outright denial.
Why? He wants to smack himself in the head. Because best friends do that. Best friends take road trips together and host dinner parties and tell each other what’s on their minds and don't hide things, life-changing things.
You cage your bottom lip between your teeth, gaze softening. “I miss you.”
Steve feels the familiar sickness in his stomach, the same pit that forms every time he walks past the framed picture of you both in the morning.
“A road trip,” he repeats, testing it out for himself.
“A month, you and me. We're not leaving tomorrow or something, don't worry. Still gotta apply for leave and take care of some stuff, it'll take a while." Your eyes brighten when he doesn't immediately shoot it down. “I’ll even let you pick the music.”
“My taste isn’t that bad," he deflects offhandedly.
You give him a half-smile in response. “What d’ya say, Stevie?”
“A month?” Steve asks again, knowing that he was about to send Mona into an absolute panic.
“Just one," you swear.
A road trip. Across a country he was named after, one that he had never seen, save for in a state of destruction and despair.
"I'll have to check," he says. "Can I let you know?"
It's like you deflate, only by a minuscule amount but he catches it.
"Of course. No pressure, okay? It was just an idea."
"I know," Steve says quickly, flipping his hand so that it covers yours instead. "I promise I'll see what I can do."
You nod, a little uncertain before a smile overtakes your face.
It isn't a no. It isn't a flat-out refusal but he knows. He’s been pulling away and this is another attempt atit.
A cruel part of his mind says that it’s easy, it makes it easier for him and you later on.
"Something to eat?" you query, settling back into your seat. "I could go for some food."
The logical part says it’s because he’s a damn coward.
Day slips into night and night slips into early morning faster than he anticipates.
If he didn't sleep, he didn't have to relive it all over again and the choice, therefore, was glaringly simple.
His phone shudders to let him know there's only 15 percent of battery left. Only then, when his neck cranes to reach around for his charger does he notice the time.
Steve stares at the phone for a while.
The light hadn't even come in yet, but with all the blinds in his house closed, he doubts they would have.
He blinks when he feels the familiar burn in his eyes.
Then he's made slowly aware of the dull ache in his neck he can easily attribute to sitting in the wrong position for too long. 
Did he eat dinner?
Steve stares at the lock screen. An urge suddenly tugs at his brain.
Change it, or change his phone, or remove the cover. Or throw it at a wall.
By the time he locks it again, it reads 4:21am.
He thinks it's good enough to get a shower in.
"A road trip?"
"Yeah." Steve rubs at his eyes with the heel of his palm.
"Thought you left that life behind with your plastic dinner plate."
Steve winces at the thought of his ill-fitting velcro suit. “Shut up.”
"Suppose your metal dinner plate deserves the same honour," Bucky muses, looking down at something off-screen. "Are you getting a tour bus?"
"Just a car, m'afraid," Steve says wearily. "Maybe on the European leg."
"Tell Y/N it broke my whole heart when I didn't receive an invite in the mail for this trip."
Steve sighs. "Might wanna hold onto your tissues. I'm not even sure I'm going." 
"And why the hell not?"
"I don't know." He squints when Bucky ducks out of view, leaving him open to the attack of bright daylight through the phone. "I'm not sure."
"About what?" Bucky yells to be heard from off-screen.
"Got work to do."
Steve chews on his lip, letting his eyes close for a second in the silence.
There's a loud thud, and Steve opens his eyes to Bucky dropping a stack of files on the table in front of him. Brown, some sealed and others with corners softened from overuse.
"You're avoiding it," Bucky says flatly.
Steve's eyebrows furrow, more so in indignation than anything. "I am not."
"Shut the fuck up, Rogers," his best friend of many-- almost too many, he's beginning to think-- years tells him without even thinking twice. "What's your excuse this time, huh? Back pain? Senior's night at the country club?"
"Jesus Christ, Bucky."
"When's the last time you took a vacation?" Bucky's image is clear through the phone with no pixelation whatsoever. Steve can't imagine it's the same from his end, what with the crappy WiFi and sitting in the darkness of his bedroom.  
He blows out a breath. "Well, if you count th-"
"If you say the time you were frozen, I'm gonna hang up."
Steve shuts his mouth.
Bucky pauses to read something and Steve takes the opportunity to kick off the shoes he hadn't bothered removing before laying down.
Bucky peers up at the screen for a second. "D'you know where the-"
"Manila folder. Under the testimonials list," Steve completes.
He doesn't even look surprised, just nods and picks up the correct file before flipping through it.
"Have you gone through them all?"
"Should I?" Bucky asks wearily. "I mean, I lived through them, y'know."
Steve sighs, scratching his cheek, wincing when he comes across the tiny scab. "You need to go through the files, Bucky."
"I'm kidding," Bucky clarifies with a roll of his eyes. "You'd think people would cut me some slack after being imprisoned for sixty years, but no. Can't joke about torture, can't joke about forgetting what I had for breakfast."
Steve stares at him through the phone.
"It was eggs," he says slowly. "I had eggs. And juice. Orange."
The thin sheets rustle under Steve as he sits up straight. "This is why I'm not going on that trip."
Bucky drops the file he was holding with a loud scoff. "Now hold on there, Rogers. Don't you fuckin' act like you've got babysitting duty.."
It should be too early there for Bucky to be this confrontational and it was definitely too late for Steve to argue back. He makes a mental note to call him at midnight next time, but the bastard would probably be up and about then too. He wonders if Bucky ever sleeps.
"I'm not." Steve exhales. "I'm not. I'm just not going to leave you in the middle of your trial prep, Buck."
"In the middle of?" Bucky voices back incredulously. "There isn't even a trial yet and there is nothing more left to prep."
"There's gotta be more-"
"But there isn't," Bucky cuts him off. "Steve, we’ve been at this for years. We've gone through everything. Murdock's done it thrice, Nelson's done it, like, six times, bless his soul. Look at this file, Rogers. I've been through it twice since last night."
Steve's own copy of all the material sat at his desk, highlighted and annotated. The way the case was being dealt with was unusual, but the case itself was unusual. He didn't really know enough about the legal system to argue either.
"The only reason we're waiting is so that I can take some time off before we let the government know I'm here," he reminds. "Otherwise we're done, we just gotta get my ass back to the States and we're ready to go."
Steve bites the inside of his lip, out of Bucky's sight. The angle isn't very flattering. He's long given up on trying to look presentable.
"It's not right."
"Look, Steve." Bucky picks up a file again. "You've done enough. I can handle a month."
"A month and a half, maybe."
"Even better." He gives him a sly smile. "Shuri says if she has to see your dumb face moping around here anymore she's gonna get you banned from entering the country."
Steve rolls his eyes. "I don't mope."
"Sure ya don't. Gettin' sick of it m'self, gotta tell you," Bucky says blankly. "T'Challa's got all these people working on the case. Figuring out a timeline. Once we tell the authorities I'm here, I either gotta surrender myself or get extradited. Either way, I won't be back for another few months at least."
Steve says nothing.
"Go on your little road trip. Stop worrying 'bout me." Bucky shifts in his seat. "Technically I'm on vacation, too."
Steve says nothing.
"Once I'm back, you can help me move into my jail cell, how about that?"
Steve's silence only intensifies.
"You're a ray of sunshine," Bucky says. "Love how you can take a joke."
"Steve," he mocks, voice low. "I've been on my own since '45. I can handle it."
Even if he doesn't mean it like that, Steve feels an ache shoot through him in embarrassment. Bucky doesn't notice; he probably didn't even realise what he said.
"Plus, it's not the stone ages. I'll call you if I need anything, but I'm tellin' you, there's nothing. You've seen all the evidence. Only thing that's left is prepping for the stand, and they're only doing it after the therapist gives them the go-ahead to start poking in there." His index finger points to his temple.
Bucky's hair had grown long enough to curl lightly at his shoulder blades. He usually kept it tied up and out of his face but it hung loose today, forcing him to push back strands that kept covering his eyes as he read. Even through the phone, Steve could tell he looked better, dark circles faded significantly.
"They'll call you too. Grill your ass 'bout how much you love me."
"I don't."
"Should be easy then," he replies breezily, leafing through a folder. “Did you know I was apparently in Paris at some point? You’d think I'd remember the tower, but no. Turns out I just got stabbed.”
“Buck,” Steve says sternly.
“Sorry, sorry.” He holds up the file. “I got shot too.”
"Just go." Bucky grins. "You can come back here and look at all these fun numbers.”
Steve shakes his head, pressing the heel of his palm into his eyes. The last two times he'd been to Wakanda, he had nothing to do. He met Bucky's goats. Ate a tomato he grew (it was still a little green but Bucky was damn proud of it. Best tomato Steve’d ever eaten). The rest was the same as the last few visits.
"If you don't wanna go for some other reason-" Bucky sneaks him a glance -"then don't. But don't let it be 'cause of me. Hell, I'd join too if I wasn't across an ocean. And gotten an invite."
He thinks it’s something to consider once Bucky can walk freely.
“You’re not doing a bad thing, Rogers," Bucky adds, tone a little more gentle this time. “You’re not a bad person. Stop beating yourself up about this and just go.”
Wasn’t he? He wasn’t a good person, that’s for sure. 
Who the fuck even is he anymore?
"You sure?" Steve asks warily, the unease still lapping at him. 
"Get me a souvenir," Bucky says. "Bet it'd look great next to my prison bed."
Steve's eyes snap towards the person in front of him. Dark suit, hair brushed back.
"Yes?" he asks again and ignores the feeling that he's done this before.
"I asked if you'd gotten the email for the fundraiser."
Steve's eyes glance towards his left. It's almost like Mona reads his mind because she's already halfway through pulling out a folder from an even bigger folder.
"We did," she confirms. "We'll let you know about his availability. June is a tough month."
Steve looks down at his glass of water, determined to not let it show on his face that he's got no fucking idea what she's talking about.
The water ripples as Steve lifts it, but if someone were to ask, he isn't sure he ever drank it or not.
Steve stares at the red on his skin, wondering where it came from. It stretches down his skin like a long, raw scar before diluting at his jaw.
God, didn't that happen yesterday? Did he cut himself again? Or--wait, was it the day before yesterday? 
Where was the fucking shaving cream– why was he shaving without shaving cream?
His phone chimes with a text alert from Mona. He sees from the home screen that it's a schedule for today. It started the same as always, with her cheerful 'Good morning. Here's the plan for the day'. And usually, it could be boiled down to meeting people he couldn't stand, people he was still treading the fence about, and lunch.
When he looks up at the mirror, the red has begun to dry, forming little crusts that cracked when he opened his mouth.
Steve blinks and it's gone, and there's a wet towel on the sink.
Dinner is something. Chicken. Rice. Something healthy, there's some greens in there. He watches some sitcoms and laughs when the laugh track plays even when the joke isn't all that funny.
He eats his chicken and wonders whether 2am is too early to take a shower.
"You got any food in you or is that all you’ve been taking in all day?” He makes a mention to the cigarette that was almost halfway done.
“Jeanie managed to get us some soup. Should last us a few days if we divide it up real nice.”
“We got some extra bread.”
“Nah, Rogers.” The teen flicks the tail end of the smoke, getting rid of the extra ash. “We’ll be all right. Save that for another day.”
Steve jolts up when the familiar feeling of falling hits him. But the couch is still underneath him and the TV's moved on to another late-night rerun. The laugh track is mundane but feels like it's directed at him.
The plate clangs on the ground-- he's glad he's invested in metal ones after the first few times it happened.
He rubs his eyes, hand reaching out for his phone.
Steve pulls on a jacket and some well worn sneakers. It can't be too early for a run.
Steve snaps back. “Yes?”
Dinner is lunch? Pasta? 
No, he ate rice for lunch. 
Why the fuck is he eating dinner at 2am?
“Please, it’s Steve,” he repeats, shaking hands with a polite smile.
“Steve. Thank you for the advertisement you did for us. Sales really rocketed.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Steve feels the scab on his skin. Scraped again?
Steve laughs with the laugh track.
Was this who he was? Laughing at some joke he wouldn’t be able to remember even with a gun to his head?
He shovels another soon of cereal into his mouth and discards the rest in the sink.
“He’s not available, sorry,” Mona cuts in curtly as she walks swiftly beside him. “You can schedule a meeting with me, though.”
Steve looks at her when they round a corner. “Who was that?”
“Um–” Mona scrolls through her tablet. “Senator–”
“5am is not too early for a run,” he repeats to himself in assurance under his breath, tugging his shoes on. 
He stops to look in the mirror and it is empty. There should be dark circles and stubble and pale skin from not seeing the light of day. His skin glows. There is hardly a line on his face.
“Shave when you get back,” he says aloud, and his voice is hoarse from hours of unuse. 
He swaps out the elevator for the stairs, bounding down quietly. 5am was still early for his neighbours. 
He pushes open the door to his apartment and--
It is pitch black.
Steve takes a step outside, head turned up to the sky. 
It is dark, cloudy and deafeningly silent.
Steve’s eyebrows pull together.
He digs his phone out of his pocket to check the time.
He thought it was 5.
“My opinion isn’t going to change, Senator.”
Steve’s attention drags him back to harsh fluorescent lighting and the smell of astringent hand sanitiser.
“I said you’re free to go.” The doctor flips the pages on his clipboard. “Good as new.”
“Serum, am I right?” he tries for a joke. It’s not even funny. He feels like a sitcom.
“Miracle of science.” The doctor graces him with a smile that seems almost pitiful. “Just try to get some sunlight. Your vitamin D’s a little low, but you’re cleared.”
“Great,” he says. Cleared for what, exactly?
“Mona.” Steve rubs his temples.
Steve watches his food spin around in the microwave. 
It goes on endlessly, for ages and ages. He's mesmerised.
It finally beeps and he yanks it out.
He takes a bite. The center is still cold.
“It’s Councilwoman,” Mona whispers from beside him.
“Councilwoman,” Steve corrects. “My apologies. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
“We’ve all been there.” She smiles kindly at him. He thinks she’s one of the only people he likes. “Now about your tweets, we’d really appreciate if you didn’t go against the organization that’s been, you know–”
He thinks he doesn’t like her.
Steve’s attention returns to his phone as she rattles on about why he should lend his public support to some fucking businessman who had stakes in some place for some reason. If he tweeted against him, it was probably for good reason.
You’ve sent him a meme.
The corners of his mouth curl up slightly.
“So we believe it’s in everybody’s best interest that you–”
“No,” Steve says resolutely, gaze rising up again. “My condolences, but I don’t think I’ll be doing that. Now can we continue to more important issues?”
Steve tries a drama for once, instead of a comedy.
Three episodes in and he has no idea what the hell has happened so far.
He checks his phone. 
Too early for a run. 
He gets ready for a shower.
Steve walks out, towel around his waist and hoodie covering his chest. His hair is slicked back, still dripping water down his back. 
His phone chimes with another notification.
Steve waits for it to download, one hand on his waist.
From Y/N
(image attached)
From Y/N
Why on earth are you awake this late?
From Steve:
Could ask you the same thing. Don’t you have work tomorrow?
From Y/N:
Don’t you have an interview with CNN tomorrow?
From Steve:
Steve’s eyebrows furrow as he looks up, racking his brain to remember if he did have something lined up.
How do you know my schedule better than me?
From Y/N:
They tweeted about it, Steve
He smiles, barely listening to his dinner spin around in the microwave.
From Y/N:
Why are you up?
From Steve:
Got in late.
From Y/N:
Go to sleep
From Steve:
You first.
From Y/N:
What are you, my dad?
From Y/N:
Kidding, I’m going. Have fun in your lil interview. Give me a shoutout
From Steve:
Keep your ears peeled.
From Steve:
From Y/N:
Better not see you awake after this, Rogers
Steve pulls his eyes away from his phone when the microwave beeps dramatically.
From Y/N:
Goodnight. Talk to you tomorrow ily
He pulls his food out carefully. It’s the worst looking slice of pizza he’d ever seen, but he drops it onto a plate anyway and walks toward his couch.
He’s seen these reruns before. Twice, actually.
Steve takes a bite. It’s stone cold.
The laugh track plays again. His lip twitches. 
Steve takes another bite and swallows it down without thinking too much. 
He switches the channel. Someone advertises something he doesn’t want. 
He switches the channel. His face. The channel changes faster.
Steve takes a bite. Winces and chews slowly, purposefully. The channel switches.
Laugh track. Steve bites the crust. His face.
The plate’s discarded. He’s got a box of cereal. The channel switches.
Steve takes a spoonful. Advertisement. 
Interview today. Fuck. 
He takes a bite. Parade promo. 
Channel switches. CNN? Who the fuck was he talking to?
Steve chews on muesli. 
Laugh track.  
He swallows. Advertisement. Laugh track. He laughs.
Muesli. Interview at 9. 
Steve drags the razor over his chin. 
He swishes it around in the water, and there is red that mixes with dissolving foam.
He checks his phone. Muesli. Steve laughs.
It’s been half an hour. It’s still 3am.
Steve chews. Advertisement. 
He laughs. Muesli. He laughs. Swallows. 
Laugh track. Spoonful.
Dry pizza.
Steve laughs.
Steve pulls on his shoes and checks the time.
Something suddenly flips in him. He doesn't have a name for it.
Laugh track.
Steve exhales, tucking his phone into his pocket before he could send a retraction.
To Y/N:
Let's do it. Road trip. I'm in.
It was done now. 
He couldn't go back.
It hardly takes a few seconds for the notification to ring out in an empty apartment.
From Y/N:
Fuck yes. You won’t regret this.
As much as he wishes this trip is for you and for the two of you only, he knows it is simply one small part of it. 
Steve stares down at the phone, knowing he will.
Mostly, it drags him out of he darkness and into a spotlight. There was no turning back now, he couldn’t hide it behind absence. 
There is still time, though. To somehow conjure up a way to tell you about the dreams and the docks and the sun on his face. Of dog tags and disinfectant on his torn skin and toffee from corner stores.
It gives him time to tell you he’s thinking of going back to the past.
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