#i'm assuming you've read my writing and seen my notes lmao
finniestoncrane · 2 years
Hello! I don't want you to feel like you have to answer this but I appreciate anything you have to say; I just started write some fanfictions, mostly ships and sometimes character/reader and I wonder if you know how to get more likes or advice for a new writer?
hey lil bug, i am probably not the best person to ask because i am in an eternal struggle there too, i think we all are? but i think important things (that are easier said than done trust me) i'll list below and apologies if i'm talking absolute shite i am so ill lmao
stop counting notes and don't compare yourself to others, i see people get lots more likes or reblogs than me because they are bigger blogs or more than me because they are smaller but better lmao but if you're writing things you like and are having fun then who the fuck cares (it's me i care deeply and ashamedly oops) but it leads to some classic menty-bs™ at least on my part
i run an etsy shop and i don't do jack shit in terms of pushing it so like i just inherently do not care about engagement culture? i noticed that the people who like my fics also like my dumb posts about my life, so it's nice to conflate it like do they like me because of my fics or my fics because of me, either way that's a warming feeling, so maybe try being yourself more and not a "content machine"? i dunno i'd rather have friends than popularity
even if you get one like that's still a whole person who read your thing and like it u-u i love reading stuff by people who are just starting to write (i think fic writers who don't support other fic writers are weird sorry, like i'll push someone to write the exact same scenario as me with the same characters if i need to and then i'll reblog it without giving a shit because someone's hobby is valuable and beautiful)
ok so for new writers: write as much as you can, but you don't need to post everything! and my top tip is writing notes to yourself the way you would talk to yourself like i no kidding have documents filled with things like "and then omg finnie what if he took his dick out and slapped you in the OMG IN THE FACE WITH IT and then yummy sex ensues yeah bitch" and just having something silly but that feels fun is enough to make me find the energy to write
and! foster as many relationships as you can, sometimes i write things knowing full well that the only people who might enjoy it are the discord server, or my one friend who is also deeply into a specific niche fetish in relation to one character, and it feels like giving a gift to someone which is joyous
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sandy-the-glader · 1 year
maybe a george x grumpy! reader who never really smiles or shows emotion and George kinds makes it his secret mission to do that
Come on I see that smile!
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Character: George Karim x Fem!Reader
Type: fluff
Length: 1.7K Words
Summary: Ever since you got to Portland row all it has been is neutral faces, anger and frowns. But George seems to be curious about what your smile looks like… for research purposes of course!
Trope: Grumpy x Sunshine (sorta)
A/n: Sorry if this is bad I've been trying to get back into writing btw maybe a tad bit of ooc George? Anyways this is a mix of second and first-person. Lmao lastly the format and like the 4 and 1 idea came from this fic so go check it out!
4 tries and 1 unintentional victory
Baked goods
Large raindrops pattered against the kitchen window of 35 Portland Row, creating a relaxing rhythm. I sprawled out articles and other various newspapers across the table. There wasn't much information on this house, no visitors had been reported before this caller. No murder cases from that house or interesting behaviors. I jotted down as many notes as I could on a surprisingly clean part of the thinking cloth.
A loud knock echoed through the house. I was too sucked into finding information and suspicious parts about this house to answer the door. Thankfully, I heard someone (most likely George) quickly dash to the door and handled with whatever it was. I assumed it was Arif since it was a quick interaction and the scent was so strong I could already smell it. Damn it smelled good.
George's quick footsteps dashed down to the kitchen, quickly landing the box on an available part of the table. I quickly drew my eyes back to the pages scanning for something remotely helpful. The worst case was going in cold.
"How's the case going?" George came to look at the papers and my progress. His fingers traced my handwriting.
"Not good. There is not a single thing tied to this house. And she said I have to be there in a week." I said with a dry expression. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw George rock back and forth on his heels before he spoke again.
"Well um, I got you extra of your favorite this week." I looked up at him. "If you need to take a break they are there." He offered.
"Thank you I appreciate that." George looked somewhat upset with my reaction. Why? I'm not exactly sure
"Yeah.." He grabbed a chocolate donut from the box and sighed on the way out of the room. I hope he’s okay.
Did I do something wrong?
"Is that a donut??" I heard Lucy call out from the stairs. "I didn't even know we had those!" maybe a break wouldn’t hurt…
2. Stress Cleaning
Sure this was more for George than it was for you but he hoped to kill 2 birds with one stone. He had spent the whole evening cleaning the house. Kitchen, library you name it. He left the bedrooms for last.
He knocked softly on your door and waited for a reply before going up the stairs. There wasn't much to clean in your's and Lucy's shared area besides maybe the windows and a few pieces of clothing needed to be picked up off the ground.
You were reading a book on your bed instead of trying to find more information on that house. You needed a break and your mind was just tired from searching article upon article. You had 3 more days and thought to hell with it I'll just do my best.
"What's up, George?" You peered over your book and at the boy. "Oh." From seeing his apron and blue gloves you already knew he meant cleaning. "You know you don't always have to clean up after us." He shook his head.
"You know cleaning is one of my favorite things right?" He cleaned every single day. Not even kidding. You can't remember the last time you've seen the house jaw-droppingly dirty. Because it never has been. For the many months you’ve been here George has done a fantastic job with keeping the house organized.
"That is true. I do feel bad sometimes." You hummed. "Well thank you." George quirked a small smile but you just nodded in acknowledgment.
Well, it was worth a try. He sighed quietly.
3. Favorite food
He knew as soon as you stepped through the door and slammed it shut, he had made a good decision. Another thing on George's list of "Y/n's smiles" was dinner. Sure food didn't work as well last time this was different.
He heard you curse at something and then throw your rapier into its spot by the door. You took in a deep breath through your nose trying to contain your anger from the trip and not make a lot of noise considering the time but you smelt something. Something so heavenly that's all you needed right now. Food.
You quickly went down the stairs and saw George in his apron Moving around the kitchen.
"Smells great Georgie. It's 3 am you didn't have to." She frowned feeling a bit bad for keeping him up.
"It's really no problem at all." He loved cooking so really it was just fun. "Looks like you had a fun night." She rolled her eyes and groaned. He leaned against a cabinet and glanced at you up and down. Your hair was very messy, traces of ectoplasm was all over your shoes and the bottom of your pants, and you were just really wanting food and a shower.
"Sarcasm. Not now I beg of you. But really the food smells fantastic." A sneaky smile formed on George's lips, not yours though you were far too tired to even think about it.
"Alright. Food's ready anyway." He brought two servings of the food over to the table placing one in front of you and the other across from you. "Do you want to talk about it?" He offered sitting down in front of his food.
"It was awful! The source was in a completely different part of the house than she thought and it was just disastrous!" You complained. He sat there and listened to your troubles like you always did with him.
You finally had a bite of the food and you felt at ease.
“George Casper Karim why can you cook so well?” He smiled downward. You didn’t smile you just had this tired yet calm look on your face.
“I have more talent than just touch.” He joked. She was right though the food did taste amazing.
“Yes you do.” George wasn’t entirely mad at the fact you didn’t smile but he did enjoy the compliment.
4. A New Sweater
George scanned the shelves of your favorite store looking for something you would like. There were plenty of things your style but what caught his eye was a sweater.
Your closet was full of them. Lucy too and so a sweater could be another candidate for his "Y/n's smiles" list.
It wasn’t too thick nor too light because he knew you were sorta picky when it comes to sweaters. And a bonus was it was one of your favorite colours.
He held it in his hands but, he double and even triple-checked the store for something you might like better. But he did not and he went and brought it up to the counter to pay.
The cashier was nice but she had mistaken George as your boyfriend which made him blush furiously and confirm the two of you were just close friends. The cashier didn’t buy it. She gave him a small disbelieving look and he tried to ignore it.
He was impressed by how well she wrapped up the sweater and put it in a really nice bag.
When he came back the house was insanely quiet, mainly because Lockwood was out of the house and Lucy was training in the basement. You had decided to have a lazy day you were mainly just in your bed or in front of your desk.
But he noticed you were making tea in the kitchen so he quietly ran upstairs to put your gift on your bed. And then he snuck back down to his room to wait for your return.
You held a cup in your hand and carefully walked upstairs. You were confused when finding a gift on your bed mainly because no one really gave you gifts out of the blue. A small gasp escaped your lips when you reached into the bag and pulled out a sweater. You held the sweater close. It was the right size it was quite a shocker
You didn't think Lucy even knew your size.
"Surprise." George came back up the stairs. You went and hugged him. He was slightly taken aback by the gesture. He wasn't exactly a hugger but he wrapped his arm around you and squeezed gently.
"Thank you, George. You do so much for me." Again he wasn't exactly angry that it had failed because he's never had a hug that felt this relaxing. He was feeling loved. "Anything." He said simply. You pulled back and ruffled his hair.
"You're too good for me."
George returned to his room and took a pen and struck off another idea on a sticky note above his desk. But he did put a small heart next to it.
5. Quality Time.
"Wanna go the archives with me? Lucy and Lockwood already said no but they were caught up in their own thing." George huffed. You sat up immediately and shoved a bookmark into your book. You cracked a half smile.
"I would love to." You sprung up and grabbed your bag and shoes. "They never want to go with me either." Still, a small smile plastered on your face.
George was shocked in the 3 months he knew you that's all it took? Just going to the archives? He would have groaned if he wasn't so happy for finally making you smile. The look was so unfamiliar on you but he definitely knew he wanted to see it more.
"I don't know why I never asked you." You chuckled softly. That was a complete lie. You didn't want to admit it or make it obvious that you have a raging crush on the other boy while being alone and so very close to him doing what you loved most.
George didn't even think about your comment. A chuckle? George's expectations were exceeded. He thought you would shrug it off and either go and keep to yourself or kindly decline.
"Come on Georgie!" You practically skipped out of the room, brushing past his shoulder and sending a jolt through his body. His heart swelled and he was honestly quite boastful at the moment. If he could shout it at the world he would. He felt like he deserved something for making Y/n L/n smile. But seeing your smile was an award in itself.
George followed her out of the house and down to explore the archives.
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dragontamerno3 · 5 months
DS9 S1 E20 - In The Hands Of The Prophets
Soooooooooooo.... I finished S1. And I officially hate Space Karen.
I want to get this out of the way so I hopefully never have to say it again because praising this character hurts me deep in my religiously traumatized soul (lol), but she is *really* good. I mean, of course she was going to be well played given the actress who plays her (RIP Louise Fletcher), but she's so fucking good at how evil she actually is. We're meant to hate her, I get that. But the writing and acting is phenomenal when it comes to this level of religious bigotry and scheming.
I have seen actual people IRL that were just a couple steps down the ladder from being pure fanatics to this dangerous level and the shit they've said in some cases were almost word for word how she spun in.
We started out the episode though with a fun note on Keiko joking with Miles and clearly hinting at something that is probably just supposed to be her playing at being jealous but definitely reads as swinger language to me. Which, from what I've gathered DS9 is one big polyam fam so I may be picking up on those vibes.
Which, I'm kinda sad Neela was the traitor here. I called it when the tool was discovered missing though "it" hadn't been revealed to be secret traitor levels yet and I just assumed she used the tool for some reason. I still knew it was her and when the episode went on and murder turned into potential terrorism I was just... bummed. She seemed to truly be getting alone with Miles and the scene in the shuttle def added to my polyam/swinger thoughts, but she really seemed to actually care for him. This didn't take away from my... enjoyment, can one really call it that when one is also seething? Anyway, it didn't take anything away from the episode from me, if fact it kinda made it feel a bit more realistic cause I have absolutely lost people I cared about because of religion. It just sucked.
Then Winn shows up at the school to talk religious nonsense and the "real" trouble starts. Oh I hate that woman.
And then Kira backing Winn? I know she's also got her own spiritual beliefs and journey but that felt... a bit much? Not aligned with who she had been up to this point? Not the teaching the kids part but the "lets separate everyone" idea. It definitely threw me out of the scene for a bit. I accept it, though, based on the very end of the episode where she explained that she hoped her beliefs were as strong as Winn's, but this was the one bit of writing that I disagreed with. If something has to wait to the end to be explained like this, it could use some fixing.
Quark and Odo meeting in secret to talk about a case seems to me like the writers were trying make up an excuse to get them alone together....
Watching Winn turn all the parents and kids against Keiko was frustrating. The Bajorian food seller not selling to them because of this wasn't so much upsetting as it just made me roll my eyes, but I adore Miles for wanting to jump the counter for his wifes honor lol
When the school blew and Miles ran towards it? And then Odo had to hold him back so he didn't jump into the fire? My heart. It was such a good scene.
I think my favorite part of this episode was Siskos speech. The "You've just made your first mistake" speech. I'm being a bit egotistical for this bit, though. I love it cause these are the same exact speeches I like to make in my ttrpgs. The "You think you've won but really you've severally underestimated us and we're going to ruin you now" speeches are my fucking favorite and I live for them. Sisko wins the gold star for this one.
8.75/10 cause I couldn't decide if I wanted to rate this one a 9 or an 8.5 so split the difference lmao
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bonefall · 2 years
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saw this post as was wondering if this would be a thing in your rewrite ?
[Ask contains a post that reads: Thinking about how cats' night vision is 6-8 times better than humans' and as such they can see thousands, if not tens of thousands, more stars than we can]
I know this answer is going to be disappointing since I try so hard to accommodate for the biological differences of cats, but I had to sit down and make a mental rule for myself early on that I had to just commit to using human vision, with just a touch of kitty vision 'flavoring.'
Cat vision is SUUUUUPER different from my own vision.
For one they're colorblind, unable to see red and orange or differentiate shades of blue. (I'd have to reconsider all color-based suffixes)
They can't track up-and-down movements as well as side-to-side ones, there's maneuvers that would work excellently to evade a human that wouldn't work for cats.
Their night vision would look completely different. More sensitivity to light, flashing, still able to see in near-total darkness, etc.
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[Image: A parrot in different colors, displaying what a cat perceives]
And on top of it, their other senses are MUCH stronger. Smell, hearing, they even have all these extra whiskers so their sense of touch is entirely different.
The amount of visual translation I'd have to do would be astonishing if I committed to full cat vision realism, and became overwhelming. You've probably seen how much effort I'm putting into considering their sense of taste alone for the Warrior Bites series, and I work with other artists for art entries. I'm already overwhelming with the amount of notes I provide, working with even more limitations on the sorts of colors they should use feels staggering.
Not to mention any time I would mess up and realize they shouldn't have a word for a color, or they SHOULD be able to see in a given level of dim light, or that they wouldn't lose track of a small animal with a certain movement...
So for my rewrite I said, "Bones. Hush." and decided to just leave it be, for my own sanity lmao.
I pepper in little thing here and there but for the most part, just assume I'm writing with my own vision in mind.
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 7 months
7 8 10
Ahhh the joys of reblogging multiple ask games with numbered questions within a day and not being able to tell which one is the current subject <3 (this just means you're getting the answers to six questions instead of three! Plus I'm bored and I don't mind lol)
7. Share a line or paragraph that you don't think will ever actually be posted in anything! (Or, if you don't hoard cut sentences and paragraphs like I do, share anything you want that has yet to see the light of day!)
Prefacing this by saying I know that Jake is implicitly an only child in canon. Counter argument, shut up /j oldest child syndrome made worse by absent parents. My defense:
Alana kept her voice as level as she could, despite her frustration. "Can you be an adult for just a couple minutes, please?"
A fist hit the table. "I've had to be the adult since I was thirteen!"
Alana startled at the harsh constriction in Jake's voice, his once casual and flippant demeanor turning so fast that it just about gave her whiplash.
A mirthless laugh choked Jake as he threw a hand out. "Criminal parents fucking off to who knows where all the time meant that someone needed to grow up! Someone needed to be responsible and make sure that the kids were happy and safe! And sometimes-"
His voice wavered, breath shaking as he looked off at the wall instead of at Alana.
"Maybe sometimes I just wanna be a kid. Get excited about Kiddie Land. Go down a Giant Slide. Just," he gave a hopeless shrug, "pretend things aren't so fucked up, at least for a little while. Long enough to not... burn out on being the adult, right when I really need to be."
—Tales From the Lagniappe
This is really rough atm but hopefully it gets the point across dbdjebdh
8. Is there a story idea that you would love if it could appear fully realized but that you do not think you'll ever write yourself?
Halo au would be fun. I say, as if I have a real Story in mind for it besides a couple scenes and Vibes lmao. I have so many Concept stories that I just never actually touch in any meaningful way, hell it's a miracle if I ever doodle anything for them.
10. If you could banish a single trope to live at the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen by any human eyes (or at least your own), which trope would that be?
The simple fact that I don't know by virtue of not reading super often goes to show that I don't feel strong negative emotions about any particular trope (and that im not adventurous lmao /hj.) Anything can be executed beautifully or terribly.
I once criticized coffee shop and adjacent aus for being nothing burgers by (generally, i can think of at least one exception) ending after character A gives B their number, but like? I don't have enough vitriol to cast such aus into the ocean lol, they can stay
7. A fic of yours you think is underrated?
Besides my 4 year old coping-with-quarantine project that spiraled into almost 330k words of length and became So Personal, probably Joyride. I blame its lack of attention on the fact that I just shat out a one-sentence summary and assumed that would be enough for those that had already read Weakness lol (hi becca)
8. What's the best summary you've come up with?
The fact that the L2C summary was so long that it wouldn't fit into ao3's character limit (but that it wasn't long enough/was too summarizey to be its own chapter or part of the prologue) and had to be broken into the summary and beginning notes goes to show how much I cared about making it Perfect™️ lol
10. Do you read your own fics for fun?
Not super often but yeah! Usually as a post-upload riding the high ya know? Swallow Up Your Heart of Gold actually keeps popping into my brain and I gotta get a hit of that sweet sweet hurt/comfort <3
In fact I would often reread rps that a friend and I did so get that same hit
I'm lonely and touch starved I bet you couldn't tell
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claymotif · 2 years
hi and also hello. may i please hear everything about seia i would like the seia breakdown please and thank you <3
seia breakdown!!!! seia my beloved <3
the short version is that seia is 95% of keldan's impulse control. long version under the cut
okay in my head i picture seia as being from like a mountain village whose primary economy is mining-based. this is almost completely irrelevant to the actual story but i planned out everyone's backstories like three years ago so you're getting it. seia's naturally smaller than most people from these mining villages tend to be but he was also more sick than the average kid (which did not help) so growing up he was sort of on the frail side. that being said there was absolutely zero like "gender role" expectation that he would ever have to work in the quarries, because his culture doesn't really have Gender the way others do, and thus don't have gender roles either; everyone just contributes what they can to make sure the household runs smoothly, which means seia grew up helping out with stuff like finances, gardening/animal tending if he had the energy for it, sewing/mending clothes/weaving, other stuff around the house that's less physical labor. (btw this cultural view of gender is also why seia's nonbinary; he literally just cannot be bothered with translating his experience for others, and the first person who spoke to him in another language assigned him he/him pronouns and seia was like "whatever".)
anyway. there's some imperial/war-related stuff that happens next. crown soldiers show up, "this land belongs to this nation now", and they ship off basically everyone who's still school-aged to boarding schools in the empire proper. (two notes: first, i haven't named like most of the places that are relevant to backstory. yes i've had this wip for years. move on. second, i am assuming you've heard of cultural genocide. that's what's happening here.)
seia ends up rising through the ranks so to speak and gets a lot of attention for his knack for languages. he ends up in service of the crown that kidnapped him (this is probably around age 16 or so), as a translator/interpreter, and after a couple years ends up sold/traded to the highest bidder (melati's father, the king of. yet another name i haven't thought up yet.) they use nicer words than "sold/bought", because "slavery is illegal", but i'm not going to pretend seia had any choice in what's happening.
he does use his essentially-free access to royal libraries to do a LOT of reading, both before and after the trade. he teaches himself a lot of stuff, including More languages and some "applicable" life skills. (read: forgery. he gets terrifyingly good at forging official documents. he doesn't use this until after he joins up with keldan, because he's afraid of what will happen if he gets caught, but with keldan he's a bit of a loose cannon lmao)
also. MOSTLY irrelevant to the story but seia has like one friend, who was the youngest son of the first king seia worked for. they made it work alarmingly well despite the power imbalance thing, and the prince teaches seia how to swordfight. seia later trades that in for a dagger, saying it's more his style, but in a pinch.... absolutely deadly. they keep in touch after seia gets traded off, they write letters to each other in varying languages and use code names. the prince's real name is kazik tho.
also also. working for melati's father and spending like 90% of his free time in the library, seia's seen her before and she's seen him. they've talked more than once and melati would even loosely call him a friend at this point in their lives. being a princess she doesn't really question the exact terms of his employment. it's not really malicious, it's just that in her mind, the palace is kind of the best gig anyone could hope for, and she has a daughter's trust in her father (for now) and believes he'd never hold anyone against their will. and while technically he's not holding seia prisoner, seia has nothing and no one on the outside, and nowhere to go, and a contract a mile long that he doesn't know the exact terms of but surely there's a clause in there about abandoning your post before your term is served (there is. seia ends up breaking it anyway).
anyway. seia meets keldan on a diplomatic trip to okskiy, where keldan lounges around the throne room despite his king's best efforts to get rid of him before the party starts. (this is like almost immediately post-aderyn-breakup btw). seia doesn't get much time off during the actual meeting/negotiations/dinner, but once everyone's drunk and happy seia gets to slip away from his interpreter role, and he and keldan make small talk for a while and seia commits his face to memory because it feels like he's the first (second?) person to ever actually look at seia. it's complicated.
they end up meeting again on seia's "home turf"; keldan's delivering something on behalf of his king, and seia's the only one who speaks a language keldan understands, so they get plenty of more-or-less one-on-one conversation time. call it bonding or whatever. later, keldan's wandering around the castle (read: snooping) and happens upon the king propositioning seia (this is compete chance here. keldan's the only person i know who's obnoxious enough to have even the opportunity to stumble in on this conversation), which seia does not want but can't exactly say no to without risking. yknow. his life.
the king fucks off w/ keldan's arrival (not that keldan understood what was being said exactly but the postures... expressions... yeah) to avoid suspicion (does not work) and keldan's like. "fuck that guy." seia replies "he's my king." keldan says "what if he wasn't though" and then gets to play white knight for seia for about thirty minutes (the time it takes them to get back onto keldan's ship) before keldan really starts to get to know seia and realizes he is WAY out of his depth here.
they're more or less business partners after that. it's weird because seia definitely is not considered part of keldan's "crew", but keldan's operation is able to expand thanks to the breadth of languages seia can speak, seia travels everywhere with keldan + has his own cabins on the ship that he never uses bc he's always in keldan's, they read each other's minds and gaze longingly when the other isn't looking, but if a crewmate asks whether they've slept together keldan is like "why would we do that". they're a hot mess. seia forges like 90% of keldan's documents, whatever he needs (the other 10% are, technically, legal), and literally asks for nothing in return. keldan's always putting gold coins in with the rest of seia's stuff or trying to slip him payment some other way. seia stashes his collection of inks and fancy pens and parchments under keldan's bed.
the really sticky part is that neither of them really talk about their pasts. granted keldan can't talk about his childhood without getting into stuff that would make him sound crazy ("turns out there is stuff below the continents" crazy), but neither of them know where the other is from, they don't communicate w/each other in either person's native language, seia doesn't even know keldan had a partner before him.
keldan's also a bit insane. so he gets all these random ideas for all kinds of things (business, ship repairs/additions, fanciful vacations, you name it) and then seia's the one who filters it down into something doable. half the time seia is then also the one who implements it, whatever it is. keldan will be like "lets do a vacation on one of those waterfall islands" and seia will be like "what if instead we just spend a couple weeks off in okskiy" and then also schedule that time off into their calendar. this is more or less because seia is wayyyy more organized but also a little bit because even tho keldan has the big ideas, he wouldn't actually be into them. he would hate the wet humid nature of the waterfall islands and seia knows that and talks him out of it, and keldan wants seia happy so he agrees readily when seia suggests okskiy instead. they make it work somehow and everyone's like "how have you not broken up yet" and they're like "broken what up?"
so. that's where they're at at the beginning of the story, and then aderyn and melati walk onto their ship as a unit and everyone collectively is like. "what the fuck" for a whole host of different reasons. the plot of sky sea is like 50% character-driven conflict in the sense that while aderyn and keldan are trying to reconcile their old history, aderyn's guilt, and keldan's anger, seia's also insanely jealous but doesn't understand why and almost flat out refuses to talk to keldan about it. aderyn and melati have the whole "we're only in this together because both our lives are in danger" on top of the whole "you said no one would know who you were" "how was i supposed to know that the one person who could possibly still be alive to recognize me would be on this boat" thing. seia and melati have a little bit of a guilt/anger thing happening too; it's sort of "logically i know it wasn't her fault but emotionally i need someone to blame and she should have known something was wrong". keldan and melati are pretty much the only pair NOT fighting, but they do bond over being generally obnoxious and high-maintenance. when aderyn and seia aren't trying to kill each other over extremely minor arguments that are actually metaphors for much bigger issues, they're complaining about "royals. ugh". keldan's crew wants to quit sooooo bad except that they also find the drama highly amusing. one guy on the crew is like 'man i always wanted to be part of a high-speed chase' and boy does he get his wish.
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whumptimebaby · 2 years
Hi. I just read the 4 town fic you mosterd on ao3 and I also wanted to make a fic like that and I was wondering if you have any ideas on what I could write on. I understand it must be hard to write so much but I was wondering if you have anything you would like to see in a fic writen by someone else.
Hi! I'm so sorry for the late reply, I was camping 😭
I'm so honoured that you read my fic and were inspired to write something similar!
I've been brainstorming fic ideas all day 👹 so here are some of my suggestions depending on what you specifally liked!
If you like the tour setting, you could always write some tour shenanigans! Depending on the tone you want to convey, you could write about the Toledo concert for something fluffy, or post-pandapacalpyse for a recovery/angst fic! You could even play with writing about previous tours. I don't know what your headcanons are, but canonically they've been on at least one tour before '02 ('99, it's on the disk Miriam gave Mei), so it could be fun to write about what that tour was like. Since it's uncharted territory, you've got full reign to do whatever you want with that!
Specific Tour Ideas:
It's their first tour, and they're not used to being so close to each other all the time. Fic focuses on them bringing down each other's walls, and they go from coworkers/friends to family.
They're performing in Kitchner, and nobody can really shake the whole giant red panda thing. Could take a similar format, with the first chapter focusing on them before the concert, the second during, and the third after.
If the tour setting is too limiting, but you want them to still be doing boy band things, you could always write them doing a myriad of other things. There are plenty of promotional things they have to do (interviews, shooting music videos, recording songs in the studio, etc.) and all of those have been grazed upon at best by the fandom, so I'm sure many people would be interested in reading that. Generally speaking, there is so little content surrounding 4*Town, even in the fandom, that mundane interactions are just as fulfilling as larger scale stories.
Specific Boy Bandy Ideas:
I literally haven't stopped thinking about 4*Town messing around in the recording booth (If you don't write this, I will LMAO). One of the members is there alone, vibing with something they've written, and any number of members come in, and just,,, shenanigans. Messing around, trying to hit each other's notes, improvising, trying to make each other laugh, and they end up recording a lot of it. Maybe part of the amalgamation they made ends up on their next album, and the fans eat it up.
Filming a music video could have a similar, but a little more controlled vibe. Depending on the concept you come up with, the process could be,,, interesting. I'm imagining them in mermaid costumes right now, but you're definitely not limited to things we've seen in canon. They could be the school bad boys, or maybe filming something that the viewer is supposed to insert themself into (akin to the music video for One Direction's Night Changes). Of course, none of the members can take each other seriously, no matter what acting instructions they're given.
This one is a little out there, but what if 4*Town had a show similar to Run BTS? Just something that gives them an excuse to do weird things as a group in a controlled environment, so they don't have to worry about getting swarmed by fans (unless that appeals to you 👀 the angst could be juicy). Haunted houses come to mind, just because it's a pretty classic trope that, to my knowledge, has yet to be explored with 4*Town, but really, this idea goes as far as your imagination can take it. Could be a one-shot, or each chapter could be a different episode, it's really up to you!
Of course, 4*Town isn't always going to be on-duty. Assuming they actually like spending time together, there are many things they could get up while on a break from their promotional stuff. From what I've seen, this is the most saturated concept in the 4*Town subsection of the Turning Red fandom by far, but I still eat it up whenever I see it, so 😭
Specific Off-Duty Ideas:
Maybe I'm a little biased, because I just got back from a camping trip, but send them camping! There are so many shenanigans that can come from being out in the wild, and so much to play off of. Camping brings beaches, and hiking, and campfire stories, and importantly, privacy.
Domestic 4*Town!!! For something really relaxed, you could just write them at home! I don't know if you headcanon that they live together or not, but post-ikea trying to build furniture fresh after moving in together is an underrated trope. There's movie nights, baking, cleaning fics, or if you're feeling more angsty, nightmares, sickfics, and general exhaustion are all things to play with.
Then, of course, you have heavier angst. I'm currently 11000ish words into a plane crash fic for 4*Town, but if you also want to write a plane crash, please do!! It's literally my favourite trope lol, I can't get enough.
Specific Angst Ideas:
A stalker (either fan or anti) breaks into their hotel/apartment/house.
Somebody gets violent at one of their fan interaction events, and hurts one (or multiple) of the members.
Car accident, tour bus accident, plane crash (👹) literally any form of accident can be fun to play with, especially once you've established exactly how each member interacts with each other.
Finally, you could always do your own take on the Pandapacalypse! I wasn't the first, nor will I be the last to write 4*Town's POV, and there still is so much to explore! If there was anything you wanted to change, any headcanons to insert, dynamics to change, go for it! Nobody owns this concept, it's yours to do whatever you want with. Hell, you could even just,, write pretty much the same fic if you wanted to, or even missing scenes from it. I think I would cry if anyone ever wrote Aaron T.'s pool escapade from his perspective 😭 that would be so cool.
One super small piece of advice that you didn't ask for (but I've been dying to show off my notes LMAO) is to keep little headcanoned events in a document or notebook or something for reference! They're great things to reference as a bit of world building, and to make the members feel a little more well-rounded, since the only canon stuff on their personalities gives them one or two character traits at best. I'm just gonna,,, drop some of mine here 💅 for funsies 💅
As seen in You Know What's UP (It's Us):
T and Tae got kicked out of the hotel for being too rowdy on their first tour.
Aaron Z. doesn't like sleeping alone, and will stop at nothing to end up at the end of someone's bed.
Jesse is the secret third member of the menace line, specifically and only because he knows exactly how to make the members talk.
And some yet to be seen (but referenced in my next fic 👀) headcanons!
Robaire reads a lot of romance novels.
Aaron T. will whine forever about stubbing his toe, but if he injures himself in a way that could warrant a doctors visit? He's hiding it until he can't anymore.
Aaron Z. and Taeyoung go on hikes together.
Aaron T. and Jesse met because T. fell down the stairs at their agency. He found him laughing his ass off, ankle sprained, and ended up taking him to the doctor on-site.
So yeah! Those are my suggestions :-)! Feel free to take them, leave them, or take the aspects you like and leave the stuff you don't! I really am so honoured that you asked me. Thank you!
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huntertherapyeras · 3 years
all -5's please!
thanks for asking anon! before y'all continue reading this, i want to warn y'all that it gets heavy at points, as aster lore often does. i put warnings before each triggering topic followed by dots in case you want to avoid reading those responses! happy learning 💜
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
cans all the way!!! super cold soda cans have the best carbonation... soda bottles go next! i find once you've poured the soda into any sort of cup a lot of the carbonation goes away with it and i dont like that >:(
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
bold of you to assume my dyspraxic ass was good at anything during pe. i have very little upper body strength (even after years of gymnastics conditioning trying to build it up), and i couldn't catch or throw a ball until i was like 15 bc my shoulders like to dislocate whenever i use them djnnfnn. also didnt realize until i was an adult that my eyes have totally different prescriptions so my depth perception was garbage the first 20 years of my life which is probably why my left eye is lazy now 😭
but once high school hit and i was able to do gymnastics for all my pe credits thru my homeschool program i did great! lmao
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
ok i know ayn rand is disgusting but anthem kind of changed my life when i first read it. id never seen a writing style like that before and i honestly think it influenced my own writing style a lot!!!!
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
on my laptop! i cant handwrite anymore after my arm injury and writing was already pretty hard before that bc my fine motor skills.... are not so good. learning to type opened up a whole new world for me, im a pro at it now!
25. first song you remember hearing?
is it super weird if i say "a cruel angel's thesis", the neon genesis evangelion theme song? one of my first memories is hearing that song and watching that anime. i was probably like three? Thats Not For Children Mom. but i mean. i guess i turned out ok (lmao) so its FINE!
30. places that you find sacred?
empty beaches. especially when its a little cold out. the ocean seems to stretch endlessly and you can feel the sand between your toes and everything is so quiet and loud at the same time. and then the sun goes down and the tide rises and you're just a little convinced its gonna swallow you right up. you feel so small.
the louisiana bayou at night. it feels like you shouldn't be there. there are spirits roaming the streets. one day when i being babysat at my mom's friend's house i looked out the window and saw a pair of glowing red eyes. i'm not sure if anyone believed me.
35. average time you fall asleep?
that is a LOADED question lol! my sleeping schedule is so weird bc im just now being treated for bipolar after years of being in denial about it and i have a delayed sleep phase + severe sleep apnea. so uhhh. really depends. but when i just follow what my body wants and don't worry about responsibilities i usually pass out around 3/4 am and wake up around 3-5 pm.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
drugs m, pregnancy loss m
when i was 12 i nearly skipped another grade and went straight to high school instead of grade 8. i would have stuck with it too, but i was being bullied really heavily at my school (partially bc i was considered a prodigy i guess). it was a small alternative school that encouraged weed smoking. i once found a bud on a desk and everyone tried to act like i wouldnt know what it was even though my mom grew weed medically when i was growing up and supplied like. the entire midwest or whatever. but i went along with it because i didn't want to put a target on us. *shrugs* middle school was hard for me lol. i eventually left the school because the principal mentioned my mom's recent miscarriage in front of everyone. between that and the bullying i just couldn't deal anymore i guess.
the school ended up being closed a year later because of shady stuff. my mom and i kinda saw it as karma i guess
sorry! that story is kind of a bummer!
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
ohhhh i think... i think i love science fiction and fantasy equally! especially stuff that weaves the two together, so like science fiction with fantasy elements or fantasy with science fiction explanations! superhero stuff is great too ofc!
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
😳 i dont... remember .... djdnfn my memory is mostly blank spaces tbh..but recently! fandom shitposts i think!
55. favorite fairy tale?
rapunzel hits hard. also the little mermaid.... yeah
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
oh defs slice of life! but like... a slice of life that romanticizes the mundane 💜 there's so much beauty in normal things. ive had such a strange life that i kind of cling to it i think
65. any permanent scars?
a facet of my ehlers danlos syndrome is that i scar easily, and that the scarring is often abnormal and extensive. pretty much every open wound i have ever had has left a scar on me.
the biggest ones i can list: (tw for abuse mentioned, an allusion to self harm (im ok now))
the discoloration on my right foot from stepping into a pot of boiling water when i was an infant
the gouge on my knee when i fell on it walking when i was 4
the eye shaped scar i have on my right hand from touching a lightbulb when i was 8 (idk what i expected lol)
the place where my bone chipped when i fell out of a tree house when i was 11/12
another gouge on the same knee from falling between the tumble track and the floor when i was 13
the four inch long and inch 1/2 wide flat keloid on my left arm that i have from the surgery to repair my broken arm from where they inserted a titanium plate and screws when i was 15 and the inch long keloid i have from where they tried to insert a rod instead (bone was too misshapen, they did surgery too late)
various scars that i dont wanna say where they came from, but im extremely mentally ill so u can probably guess
the keloid i have on my right arm from my mom biting me when i was 17
another burn mark on my right arm from dropping a glass jar of queso hot from the microwave (again, idk what i expected -_-)
70. left or right handed?
left handed! but i can use my right for most thinks since my left never fully regained function. i still hold a needle and write with my left hand but everything else i can now do with my right!
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i mean. i must've been six? i remember my mom kept all my baby teeth in a little unicorn resin jar. i wonder if she still has it 🤔
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
jewel tones!!!! i live for glamour 💕
85. fairy tales or mythology?
mythology!!!! love fairy tales, but theres just something about things people have Believed in. its so special to me. so sacred.
90. luckiest mistake?
something really scary happened last year and the police got involved. i was determined to not be at fault, but im so lucky that no one got hurt and that the person who could have blamed me was on my side and advocated for me 🥺💜
95. favorite app on your phone?
mmmm probably either Hellsite (affectionate) or picsart. i love picsart so much. MEME EDITING??? ON MY PHONE... immaculate
so sorry this got so heavy at points x.x
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xuseokgyu · 3 years
This might be the longest one yet.......... rip. i had some stories to tell.... :((
My job is to mostly to tell people when they make mistakes lmao. i work in document quality control ? for a manufacturing company, mostly check the inspection paperwork and certificates for the medical/surgical devices. and then have to be like this... is not right. fix this. currently have a lot of prototype parts going through which have some added requirements but also they keep changing the prints so then obviously the paperwork then changes and its just been annoying cuz its redo-ing a lot of paperwork.
yeah, that makes sense and that is part of it sometimes... i also think im just not in the mood for certain genres of music at times lol.
lol yeah it was so funny in the beginning she was watching some mv's and kept sending me screenshots of jeonghan with different hair styles with this message "who is this????" and every single time it was still jeonghan. i was just like lmao you should just assume that its jeonghan at this point. her defense was that he looks really different every time he changes his hair. she can recognize him now at least. the only other ones she can recognize currently are s.coups (her current favorite member overall) and vernon (her favorite rapper in their songs - she really like how vernon raps). shes more rap biased lol.
thank you.. you are only a little late lol my bday was the 11th. the last time i played bingo i spent $40 total over two days (80 games @ $0.50/game) and won zero. its a skill... i only got close to bingo (1 space away) like 3 times total. it was really tragic... at one point the lady sitting at the same table as us was just like wow... i haven't seen you even get three in a row since i've been here (which was like an hour).
We went to the same kindergarten, then i moved away and then i moved back in the 8th grade (i also have known the friend that is getting into svt for the same amount of time since she went to that same school, though her family are basically neighbors with my cousins family, and they are really close, so i saw her a lot more overall but wasn't super close to her until more recently actually, when we went to the same wedding (my cousin's) and starting talking again)
also to help this make more sense (as in why would they remember me lol) my graduating class size at that school was only 22 people, and my cousins also went to that same school. my dad went to that school, the english teacher there had taught my dad when he was in high school, its extreme small town vibes. people would literally just recognize what family i came from and just start talking to me. and i'd just be frantically trying to figure out who they were. like oh god oh god am i supposed to know who this is?? have i met this person before???
actually the wackiest thing is one of my friends from when i moved (big school), her grandma, i found out after we moved back to the small town, used to babysit my dad and her grandmas house was literally a mile down the street from us... you could see her grandmas house from our living room windows. i was just like what?? her cousins also then went to the same school as me. and then we fell out of touch but then ended up going to the same college. where she would be like "i saw you on campus today" and i was just like??? i did not see you, where are you? i haven't talked to you in like 3 years wtf?? i'm not in touch with her anymore but my younger sister is currently roommates with her younger sister in college lmao. oh other bizarre thing... one of my classmate's (from the big school) relatives bought the house we sold when i moved in kindergarten, and idk for some reason a few years after we moved we went back to the old house for something idk, and my classmate was visiting her family at my old house at the same time. we saw each other and we just stared at each other like what are you doing here?? we had moved like hour away (highway travel times) lol so it was just so random. (wow i hope these made sense lol)
the heat was worse in the beginning of summer i think... or i've just gotten used to it lol. there was all that smoke though that blew in from canada a bit ago though. but thats almost become a yearly thing now unfortunately. lol your weather sounds like how the weather is here sometimes - i live in minnesota, we are known for our wildly fluctuating weather. extreme highs and lows.
I love piano in music! I had to learn how to play piano as a kid... my grandma taught (most) of the grandchildren. i'm not very good at it tbh i never liked to practice and i havent played in years lol. we also learned how to play the piano/read sheet music when i went to the big school for music class for a year. I feel like if you are able to buy a little cheap or used keyboard it shouldn't be too hard to teach yourself if you wanted to start?? at least simple songs. I guess learning to read music would be the hardest place to start if you've never read sheet music before?? but thats what cheat sheets are for tbh. write the notes in, write them on the keys whatever works. we had a foldable note cheat sheet thing that went behind the keys and said the name of the note and where it was on the staff behind all the keys. when I was learning i'd be like b b b where is the b im looking for... ah here it is *ding* ok and now c ... c . c. ah ha *ding* and then repeat until you can play at a normal speed lol.
oh hands down its Oh My! best summer song lol i love Oh My! .... You Made My Day is also my fav album... what about you?
also what's ur favorite cold drink (#2)? picked this one cuz I have been buying myself bubble tea like once a week almost uhhh all summer lol the tapioca pearls at this place are so much better than other places i've been to and this place has cheese foam that i have also become obsessed with (tho thats very expensive its an extreme treat myself drink add-on lol) the blended mango with cheese foam... so good.... its like $7 though. today i got the normal mango milk tea which i hadn't had in a while cuz i'd been going through the various types of regular? milk tea (made with different types of black tea - i love black tea i have um a lot of tea i think i have like 15 different types rn). Otherwise I almost always have ginger ale in my fridge lol its great for a lot of things and also just to drink. love ginger ale... i just love ginger honestly.....
Is 1am and I should be sleeping but I wanna answer this before reveal day!!!
Best job description 😂😂 I feel like your job is one that can become automatic very easily so I can see how the changes can be annoying
SCoups and Vernon are definitely the ones with more distinctive faces, they were the ones I recognized better first, same for my father... he knows the names of all the members now but he still messes up the three Js hahah Jeonghan Joshua and Jun always take a while for him to recognize, sometimes Wonwoo too, which drives my sister crazy cause two of her three bias are there 😂😂
These small town vibes are so cool! I love that you have this community and managed to form long lasting friendships!! I basically had the same classmates for ten years and as soon as we graduated I lost touch... I made great friends at college tho The pandemic has been hard, we are respecting our health and haven’t seen each other personally since it all started, but I hope once we can meet again everything will go back to how it was between us
I had a situation sort of similar to yours at school too ahha My mom was and had already been a teacher (P.E.) at my school for years so all the staff and a looot of the older students knew who I was, but I had no idea who those people were hahah To this day almost everywhere we go together we will encounter some old student of hers...
Is so cool that your grandma did that! But I can see how it was more a task than something you truly wanted to do so you probably wouldn’t be very excited heheh I was part of a choir growing up and we had sheet music but our teacher never truly showed us how to read it, I know the basics but is literally like a toddler that just learned the alphabet hahah
Oh my! really is THE summer song I completely agree with you there!! I also absolutely loove the mv and whole comeback seemed really cool
Oohh I only had bubble tea once and I want to drink it again!! I only know of one place that sells it here, it is still a pretty new “concept” so there’s not a lot of shops around... And I never had ginger ale! I’m super curious about it cause I’ve heard it being mentioned in, like, tv series, but I don’t drink sodas so I don’t know if I would break my “diet” for a taste heheh My favorite cold drink is lemon iced tea, the ones we have here are really sweet and kinda “sparkling”? (I don’t know how to say it... is almost like a soda but not really 😅) Even during the winter, we drink it during weekends cause is a “special drink” hahahah not a Brazilian thing, just in my house
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