#i'm bi & i love finding fellow bis 🥺
vintageseawitch · 2 years
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he is so bisexual i can't even-
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hi yaz, i'm a bi muslim as well. so the thing is, sometimes i feel like i'm being forced to make a choice between my religion and identity. i love my religion but i also want to be able to feel comfortable with the person i am. did you feel the same way before or how do you think i should handle this situation? sorry if i made you uncomfortable, it's just rare that i come across someone i can relate to! hope you're having a great day 🌾
hi anon! sorry this took a while for me to answer 🥺 you didn’t make me uncomfortable, it’s just that i was puzzling over what to tell u for quite some time. i’ll be honest and say yes, i did feel that way for a long time. sometimes i still feel as though my sexuality is a choice i’m making (obviously an untrue line of thought) that is actively at odds with islam (again, untrue). i feel this way a lot less than i used to though, thankfully, so i promise you that with time, you genuinely will grow to feel more comfortable with both parts of your identity coexisting.
i also can’t emphasize enough how important it is to befriend fellow lgbt muslims. having just muslim friends is nice or having just lgbt friends is nice ofc, but ultimately neither of them experience the intersection of religion & sexuality in the way you do, and finding people with whom u can relate (even online!) is so helpful and so comforting. it’s such a relief to see that you’re not alone in this, and that it is possible for you & for others to not have to give up one part of your identity for the other.
ultimately, it’s true that it’s difficult to come to terms w/ the material reality of your situation in that like... no matter how personally comfortable you are with being an lgbt muslim, it’s almost guaranteed that u will experience homophobia from the muslim community at large if you choose to be out (and that u will experience islamophobia from the lgbt community as well). there’s not much i can really say abt this :-( it’s something i still have to grapple with every day as well.
but at the end of the day, surrounding yourself with like-minded people, being kind to yourself, keeping your deen close to your heart and not letting your faith weaken because u feel guilty or uncomfortable with being bi and muslim, and embracing your sexuality as something innate abt you and something nice, even, is all u can do. with time, you will grow to feel comfortable with yourself, and happy abt yourself, and both glad and proud abt your same-sex attraction. you will find so much love too! i’ve seen a lot of positive growth in myself since i first figured out i was bi (both in terms of spirituality and accepting my sexuality) and i’m wishing the same for you inshallah! take care of yourself and be well 💗🌙🍊
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