#i'm glad everyone agree akane would do that
sparkymalone · 9 months
I'm unsupervised at work, time to write some garbage!
Fuyuhiko knew he was in trouble as soon as he set foot on the beach.
Chiaki had demanded that he join the rest of the class for a beach day, and he had begrudgingly agreed. It was their first day off from gathering materials in at least a week, and everyone was excited to get to enjoy the sun and sea.
Trying not to feel self-conscious, Fuyuhiko made his way down to the beach to join the others. Even though she had insisted he come, Chiaki had left him on his own, trusting that he would actually show. It would have been so easy for him to just not go, or to hide somewhere until the festivities were over.
But he wasn't that kind of guy, as much as he wanted to seem like he was. If the others were expecting him at the beach, he couldn't very well stand them up.
Besides, Peko would definitely scold him if he upset Chiaki.
So he stepped onto the warm sand, dressed only in a pair of swim trunks and his jewelry (being mostly naked was no excuse not to look your best), and took in the sight before him.
All of his classmates were having fun, in their own ways. Some were swimming, some were sunbathing, Mahiru and Hiyoko were building a sand castle, and Nekomaru had apparently challenged Akane and Kazuichi to a push-up contest. The moment Fuyuhiko knew he was in trouble, however, was when his eyes fell on Hajime.
The brunette was emerging from the surf like some cheesy movie, laughing and shaking the water out of his hair. Sunlight glinted off his tanned shoulders and rivulets of saltwater ran down his shapely chest.
Damn, had Hajime always had such nice tits?
Fuyuhiko looked away, mortified at his own thoughts. His whole body felt hot and he briefly considered just turning around and leaving. Before he could, however, a voice called out to him.
"Fuyuhiko! You came!" Chiaki jogged up to him and he had to pointedly not look at the way her body moved in her white bikini. He may not have been attracted to her, but he still had eyes, and her outfit left nothing to the imagination.
"Yeah, well, I didn't want to hear you bitch about me not showing up," he grumbled, looking at anything but Chiaki. His eyes slowly travelled back to where Hajime was, and oh god, he's coming this way.
Chiaki ignored his grumpy comment, smiling happily. "I'm glad you're here. Do you want to play in the water with me?"
Fuyuhiko looked at her incredulously, and was about to answer, when Hajime reached them and joined the conversation. "Hey, Fuyuhiko! I didn't expect you to be here."
"I invited him," Chiaki told him.
"More like annoyed me into coming." Fuyuhiko was trying desperately not to look at either of the curvy chests in front of him and failing miserably.
Hajime's brow furrowed. "You're all red. We should get you out of the sun. Come on." He grabbed the other boy by the wrist and began leading him to a row of beach umbrellas. Fuyuhiko was so startled that he didn't even try to pull away.
The taller boy led him to an unoccupied umbrella and sat him down on an empty towel. "I'll get you something to drink. Do you like lemonade?"
Fuyuhiko stared back blankly, brain still trying to catch up. He finally managed a small nod and Hajime quickly wandered off to find a cooler. Chiaki had apparently followed them and she sat down next to Fuyuhiko, smiling at him knowingly.
"You know, Hajime was really hoping you'd be here today."
The yakuza heir blinked in confusion, turning to look at her. "What? Why?"
Chiaki giggled. "Why do you think?"
That was such a non-answer that Fuyuhiko had no idea how to even respond. He glanced over at where Hajime was digging through a cooler, pulling out two bottles of lemonade. He had wanted Fuyuhiko to come?
"...Huh," Fuyuhiko mused. He let his thoughts wander a bit, not paying attention to where he was looking, but apparently he had been staring because Chiaki leaned over to whisper conspiratorially in his ear.
"He looks really good shirtless, right?"
The blonde turned bright red and he jerked away from her, ignoring her giggles. "Th-That's not what I-! I wasn't-!" He made a frustrated noise and turned away.
Hajime returned with the lemonade, handing a bottle to each of them. Fuyuhiko mumbled his thanks, pointedly not looking at the taller boy.
Chiaki rose to her feet, smiling at both of them. "Well, I'll leave you two alone. Have fun."
Fuyuhiko watched her walk away with a baffled expression. Why would she need to leave them alone? He glanced up at Hajime and noticed that the brunette's cheeks were flushed as he also watched Chiaki go, wide-eyed. Hajime turned to Fuyuhiko with the same deer-in-headlights expression and reddened cheeks.
Everything suddenly clicked and Fuyuhiko felt his face heat up again. The reason Chiaki had been so insistent about him being here, the reason Hajime had looked forward to seeing him, the reason Chiaki was leaving them alone now. It finally all made sense and he felt his heart flutter.
Their eyes locked and Fuyuhiko was pretty sure that neither of them was breathing. "Sit down, dumbass," he told Hajime quietly.
The taller boy obeyed, sitting next to Fuyuhiko on the towel.
But hey, at least I'm writing!! Let me know what you think and where you think it should go. Cute confession? Antics involving Fuyuhiko not knowing how to swim? SMUT?!
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skania · 1 year
ONK Replies #4
If you've sent me an Anonymous message these past two weeks and I haven't replied to it yet, it should be here!
On a related note, unless it's something I've been meaning to talk about, I'm taking a break from replying to anon messages about Aqua/Kana because it's just not what I'm here for 😭 I don't want my blog to focus on the things I dislike about a ship I don't ship, I'd rather it be focused on the things I love about the ship I do ship.
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Off we go!
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Hi anon! No, I don't think Kana is the only light for Aqua. I agree with you, I think Kana is "light" in general and not Aqua's light specifically, I actually think she's meant to be "Everyone's Heroine" much like Fujiwara was in Kaguya.
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Yes anon, it's in Chapter 98.
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Hi anon! It's as Kana explains it:
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Himekawa wasn't trying to outshine anyone, he was acting the way any lead actor would. Akane deliberately outshone everyone in order to draw Kana out of her shell, but it has the opposite result because Akane stands out so much that Kana automatically falls into her self-appointed role of "coordinator".
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The way I saw it, it's because he was thinking of doing something (revealing Ai's secret) for someone else's sake (to save Kana). Since his actions are not (purely) motivated by negative emotions like revenge, his star briefly turns white. One of Ruby's stars goes white in that same chapter for the same reasons.
To be clear, Aqua was going to reveal Ai's secret regardless, it was part of his plan. But the timing of the reveal was for Kana's sake.
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I mean, the manga does go out of its way so we'll pity Kana, but it's used for comic relief just like Maki's self-inflicted suffering in Kaguya. The comment you read comes from someone who seems to expect OnK to be written like a shoujo, but it isn't supposed to be one lol
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No, I don't think Aka will go down the incest route. He will definitely have fun with it before he shoots it down, though 😂
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I think that acknowledging the contradictions would mean acknowledging Akane is more important to Aqua than they'd like to admit and/or believe, so it's easier to just not do it. Ironically, one could try to justify all of this by saying that Aqua just can't help himself: he comes up with excuses to stay near Kana but is perfectly capable of staying away from Akane.
...Except Aqua stayed away from Kana from an entire year, meanwhile with Akane he caved in and went to see her within 3/4 months of claiming he would have nothing to do with her 😂
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I'm glad it made sense to you anon! I honestly also felt like something clicked in my brain when I read that take 😂 It explains why Aqua's reaction is so subdued, why there is no focus given to it at all and just as you say, it also explains why Crow Girl just describes Kana as the girl who loves Aqua.
Honestly, I'm always trying to stay as cautious as possible, but by this point I do think it's Akane. I'm just waiting for the upcoming chapters to either confirm or deny it. So, all we can do for now is cross our fingers so that Aka takes this where we think it's going! lol
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To be fair, Aqua and Kana are a pretty inoffensive ship all in all, so it's not hard to see why people ship them. I personally don't ship them because I find them boring and underdeveloped, but that's just a matter of taste 😂
I can see why you feel that way! I'm not sure I see Akane as someone who is in the dark, but that may just be me. I think she is someone who can go there if she has to, but it isn't her normal disposition. She was willing to walk with him in the darkness if that's what it took, and now she is ready to do what it takes to pull him out of it.
So if Aqua and Akane are endgame, they'll be endgame because Akane has seen and been there for Aqua at his lowest and she has loved him and offered him solace through all of it.
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Hi anon, thank you!! I think it's a bit different. With Ai, he "superimposed" Sarina onto her because Ai was walking the road Sarina wanted to walk, it had little to do with the kind of person Ai was. With Kana, it's the opposite. I feel like Aqua thought 'Yes, she can be the kind of idol Sarina-chan wanted to be.'
Since Kana can be the kind of idol Sarina wanted to be (an honest one), Aqua likely felt that Kana could give Ruby (Sarina) the right example and lead her on the right path to become the (pure, honest) idol she's meant to be.
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Aqua didn't really need to project Sarina's dreams onto Ruby because Ruby had the same dreams herself. If anything, I think Aqua was waging a war on himself all along, because he did see Ruby as Sarina and blamed himself for it, thinking that he was only seeing what he wanted to see and that there was no way something that good could happen to him.
So all Aqua really had to do was watch over Ruby (Sarina) so she would fulfill her dream.
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"I don't know how you feel, but I'm here to listen" I love that! I think you're both right: Kana's intention was to empathize with Aqua and to offer him comfort, but she missed the mark. I think Kana's aim was to say I've lost people too and I know it hurts, your pain must be so much worse though. Don't downplay it! The problem is that she gets carried away in her own feelings, so the conversation immediately stops revolving around Aqua and his pain to revolve around her.
So while she meant well, this interaction does end up being an example of one of the fundamental problems I have with their dynamic. It's way too Kana-focused. We see Kana's fantasies about Aqua, how she depends on him, that she wants to be his idol, etc. We've seen Aqua saving Kana, but even when she makes the effort to try and comfort him, he ends up comforting her instead lol It's not balanced at all, for me at least.
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mari-lair · 2 years
you are right about akane being willing to make a deal with a sea witch for love and you should say it
He is hopeless and dumb and I love him dearly,
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Just look at him! There isn't a single thought in his lovey dovey head, the second he hears about a sea witch he'll practically teleport to her lair and deal with a shit ton of curses just in the name of love~
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asknagito-official · 3 years
Miyuki squeaked too, she turned to him; however she looked relieved to see him. "Nagito, where have you been?" She walked over to him, his whole aura was... Pretty pompous right now. Arrogant in some ways.
"We're not ignoring the problem, idiot!" Akane snapped. "And where the hell do you get off sayin' we're weak huh?!" She cracked her knuckles as she approached him, preparing to punch Nagito.
Miyuki stood between them, arms out stretched to protect him. Akane was someone who scared her the most, this was absolutely terrifying being a human shield. "A-Akane stop! Don't hurt people.." She looked back at Nagito.
"W-We're not running away though, we're discussing the possibility that maybe Monokuma is just messing with us." She tried to defend Sonia's argument. "Besides, with no clues so far; what are we supposed to do? Just turn on each other blindly?"
She turned back to the rest of them. "Okay look, I'm not the.. most confident out of all of us; but I stand proud at believing in us!" Miyuki smiled at the group. "We've been through alot, and if there really is someone amongst us that isn't who they say they are and this whole time they've been lying to us.. just know this, we'll find you. Not because we doubt each other... But because we believe in each other!"
After a few moments of silence, she started to blush; she really went on her own little rant and now felt pretty embarrassed..
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Nagito glanced at Miyuki as she made a very positive speech. It seemed to lift everyone's spirits as they happily agreed with her, but he still felt frustrated that none of them were working as hard as him to find the traitor.
He was glad she had confidence. He still couldn't bring himself to be annoyed with her even if he was with everyone else. He knew Miyuki was doing the best she could to make sure everyone kept up their hopes and kept searching. He felt like she was the only one willing to keep pushing. In that regard, he felt bad having to do this to her.
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"Hmph... All of you are just running around in circles, seriously." He wasn't scared by Akane's threat to beat him up. If she wanted to, he'd be fine with that.
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"...You wanted to know where I was, right? Well, I was actually looking for someone. I thought they'd already arrived, which is why I was looking for them, but I guess I was wrong, haha. Or maybe they're just hiding?"
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"Huh? Who the hell are you even talking about?" Fuyuhiko demanded. He looked pretty pissed off.
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"The survivor of the last killing school life, obviously. But I don't think you guys would understand even if I explained it."
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"Haha, it's such a painful feeling to be the only one who knows the truth. I don't know if any of you could even understand the suffering that this burden gives me." He was still smiling even though he said he was suffering. No one seemed to believe his words at all.
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"I-I do not like this new version of Nagito one bit... He has been acting very strange lately..." Sonia chimed in quietly, looking nervous.
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yomiurinikei · 4 years
I think when Sora said that to Yuuki she was upset, but I don't remember her telling anyone to kill themselves aside from Mikado and that one's optional when you do his free time events.
i apologize if this is weirdly written, in writing this inbetween watching the video, but! here's abt how it goes down
reminder: this is a killing game meant to make him feel hopeless, i don't think it'd b a stretch to say mikado was going it'd end like this, with his favorite actress + a band he likes being revealed as void/one member being a crazy incestual murderer 
sora is talking to everyone abt how they should work together to make hope. yuuki says he agrees with her, but he feels like there isn't any hope. He says Sora was feeling similarly yesterday, and asks if she's found a clue, and if that's why she's more hopeful now. At this point, Yoruko gets upset with him. 
sora says that yuuki should keep trying, keep working so they can escape the island (imo it comes across as “if ur depressed, just try thinking positive thoughts!” good in theory, but so fucking hard + negates what the person is going through, but i might just b looking too much into it)
okay so this just happened: mikado just applauded sora, which. actually kinda goes and works well with a theory i haven't talked about much: mikado programmed sora to hurt yuuki and make him fall into despair while posing as his friend. a example of this: later on, yuuki apologizes to sora (as he should've done) but rather than being all “ty for apologizing, i also could've handled the situation better” she just says something along the lines of “"i'm glad u realized u were being bad :)” and doesn't acknowledge where she went wrong, and makes yuuki feel guiltier, but that's just a theory i can but won't go more into (at least, not here)
next, yuuki says that what she's saying is a hollow platitude (aka: everyone says that, it's not helpful) sora says that her platitudes are better than “the aimless whines of a identically hopeless baby like you (yuuki)” i don't wanna copy the rest down, imma just summarize it only using words they actually say, but she says that he's always whining but never thinks of discussing it. now in this scene, yuuki. is actually trying to discuss with everyone, he just hasn't been persuaded yet to have hope in a game that has caused the death of 7 people so far, where literally anyone could be planning to sacrifice you and there's been no sign of change for weeks now.
yuuki says that talking won't find the exit, and sora says a person who complains will never escape. yuuki goes “"you little...!” (which, side note, is incredibly similar to what both shinji and yoruko said to him minutes ago) sora resounds with this, which my lovely bf actually typed out as a exact quote, ty babe ily “is that your attempt at threatening me? my aren’t you scary? would you like to hit me? come on hit me. as if you even have the courage to do that” 
yoruko calls her pissed off, which tells us abt her tone, shinji tells yuuki to stop, and we see some of soras internal thoughts. she calls yuuki pathetic, and apologizes. we. never see sora show any actual regret, only upset that she keeps getting angry. i'm not gonna go watch other videos, but. yea 
so sora was angry because yuuki was “pathetic” which i think is a reflection abt how deep down she is akane taira (not really, but they're meant to be similar) and how akane would be angry is master utsuro was hurt because she views him as being better than being upset. 
what yuuki did wasn't okay, he apologized, and that's what he should've done. however, sora also should have apologized, as this is just one of the many times yuuki has been hurting (my memory fails me, but in the video she mentions being angry and yelling at yuuki before) he's gone to a friend for help, and just been mocked and berated. sora was trying to provoke him when he was hurt and vulnerable. they were both wrong, but yuuki is the only one who ever shows remorse and who ever apologizes
and we already talked abt ur point with sora and mikado, both the ask u sent me, and the other anon + this is pretty long and my fingers hurt like hell so uh. the end :D
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