#i'm glad i found a blind spot to write fluff
v7lgar · 5 months
im giving youuu a challenging prompt... FLUFF NO SMUT!!!! any ship you want babe
252 words | pillow talk | jegulus
One thing Regulus liked more than sex was the after-moment he shared with James.
Whenever the horniness started to wear off slowly, he became more clingy to him naturally. He hated being clingy, but also he was safe with James enough to not feel like he was embarrassing himself. It was okay, hell, to James he knew it was more than okay.
He was in James’ warm arms, leaving ghost kisses on his skin, he would never admit it but it gave him butterflies.
“Jamie…” he nuzzled against his neck, kissing it softly and looked up as he put a hand under his chin, “Are you sleepy?”
James slowly touched his cheek, and then his hair. He twirled one of Regulus’ curls around his finger and kissed his other cheek next.
“A bit, love,” he said, voice deep, “Are you?”
Regulus closed his eyes and grabbed James’ hand on his hip, kissed the inside of his palm and looked up to him again.
“A bit,” he sighed and he dropped his head to the side, resting his cheek on James' racing heart.
“James,” he said again, “Tell me a story.”
“Like a bedtime story?”
Regulus nodded as he closed his eyes slowly, “I want to hear our story.”
James traced his thumb at his bottom lip gradually and Regulus kissed it without opening his eyes.
“Once upon a time, there was a prince. Waiting for his charming prince…”
Regulus slowly drifted to sleep, and never let go of James from his arms.
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candymeowz · 3 years
Sentient!OM!Dateables Finding A Way Out Of The Phone:
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Wild Candyz: I'm not sure if you're taking requests, but can I request sentient! Simeon and/or Barbatos finding a way out of the phone, please? I'm absolutely in love with your writing by the way! :)
@min-rei : I was wondering if you've considered doing more finding their way out of the phone sentient demons? I really really love that whole series!
Barbatos and Simeon
Tw: Existential Crisis. Nothing else that I know of.
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It's been a few weeks since you learnt he's gained sentience, a few months since he did.
And you were strangely... welcoming, of this strange predicament.
You were scared, at first, and he completely understood since no one would expect their favourite character in an otome game to suddenly be able to communicate with them, but... you learnt to accept him.
Which he is quite happy about.
You'd received sweets and bakeries more often now, signed with his initial so you won't be too wary anymore, and every single time you received these gifts, you never fail to open the obey me app and thank him, giving him live commentary on the food he picked for the week.
He adored your smiling face when something is to your liking.
"Y'know, Barbs, I really wish I can try your baking..." You said as you ate another one of his choice of dessert. "The game made you seem like such a pro chef, and even the in-game spite of your cake looks mouth-watering."
He merely smiled in response.
"I'm glad the developers made it seem that way," Barbatos said. "Though I can't exactly see how you'll be able to taste any of my baking."
"Is there really no way for you to leave the world of codes?" You asked carelessly, and although Barbatos wondered the same thing, your question made him put more weight on that thought.
If there's a way for him to gain sentience in this world, then there must be a way to get out, right?
He began searching through the internet, a random rock band's music playing in the background. From articles to people's commentaries, and even the dark web, nothing he found resulted in anything.
Until, one day, he spotted something in the deepest and most ancient corners of the internet, a spell that might just be what he's looking for.
He checked it once over, and decided to inform you of his findings.
"Mc, I found a spell that might let me escape," he said, as you froze in your spot where you were doing your chores around your room. "How would you react if I asked to live with you?"
You immediately dropped everything, picking up the phone and observing for any signs of trickery or jokes. Finding none, you smiled.
"Really?! Try it!"
He found himself feeling excited alongside you, having the chance to finally see and touch you face to face.
"As you command," he said, before disappearing into your phone, preparing for the portal-opening ritual.
He stepped through the light, shining and blinding, yet the journey was mostly stable, and as he blinked open his eyes, he saw you standing in front of him, breath hitched while wearing a look of astonishment.
"It worked?" you asked, taking a step closer, head tilted, your hand extending and retracting. You were nervous, when a sudden light appeared in your room, but to see Barbatos- the Barbatos standing in here? You couldn't hide your excitement even if you wanted to.
He inspected himself, his hands, legs, outfit, and transformed into his demon form before wearing a peaceful smile on his face, feeling almost as if he was returning home.
"It worked," he whispered, his eyes meeting yours.
And with those two words, you ran into his arms, hugging him like you were hugging a long lost friend, your smile rivalling his.
"You're here, you're here, you're here!"
He laughed at your enthusiasm, hugging you back just as tightly.
"I'm here," he replied, loving the physical contact after many months- or even centuries, of having none.
You leaned back, staring straight into his eyes.
"I can try your bakeries now!"
He wore an amused smile.
"Is that the only reason you're happy to see me, Mc?"
You grinned.
He adored your house, especially the little things that makes it a home.
The used dishes in the sinks, yet to be washed; the piles of clothes on the couch which you sheepishly tried to hide behind your back; and the books strewn on your table, to be read or written on.
But he can't say his life as a butler made him completely fine with it.
Almost immediately, he offered to clean your house until it is spotless, and even if you try to stop him, you can't.
He'll get up in the middle of the night if he has to, just let him wipe that speck of dust on the windows!
Your place has never been cleaner.
And you know how where-ever you live, it's smaller than a demon lord's castle?
Barbatos found himself having nothing to do.
No demon-man-child to take care of, no halls to be swept, nor is there any documents needing to be sorted.
He's always been doing that even in the world of codes, considering how many cobwebs can be found at the H.o.L...
So what's a good alternative? Voluntary work!
Your neighbourhood is now considered one of the cleanest in the world, and anyone who disobeyed the rules will get a deadly glare by that one green-haired man and fear made them clean up after themselves.
No rats are allowed in this neighbourhood, thank you.
Ah, but first, an identification card...
Don't worry, Mc, he'll take care of it.
Easily registered his name as a citizen in your country through magic and codes.
He'd also start baking and might create a living out of it, starting his own cafe and becoming more popular among the locals.
And you get to be his personal taste-tester for any of his new food inventions!
Dessert is now something you can have at any time for free.
Barbatos also got all of your basic needs covered, and even more.
And this butler is so used to being a butler you best believe he'll always be at your service, even if you're dating.
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You've always been a kind human, to him, at least, since you never let a day go by where you don't give him the physical affection and love he needs to stay sane in the dark world of codes.
He's also figured out how to open a keyboard and write! Which is what he's been doing for the majority of his new life.
Just go over to the notes section and click that one code over there, and voila, he can now start plotting a new novel!
He feels sad he needs to abandon his TSL series, but he refuses to rewrite the entire first hundreds of chapters...
Almost everyday you'd feel excited to read the latest paragraph or idea points in your note-taking app.
And Simeon's always happy whenever you engage him in his ideas for the latest book he's writing.
And when you suggested he publish his works?
"That's a thoughtful idea, Mc, but aren't you forgetting something?"
He gestured towards himself, stuck in the world of codes.
Your mouth turned into a perfect O.
Just as you were about to say something, a light suddenly shone from right besides him, and when he turned to look at it, the tip of his nose brushed against it and almost immediately began sucking him in.
His scream never got the chance to leave his throat.
Simeon slowly blinked open his eyes, reaching a hand towards his pounding head. He couldn't tell which is up and down at this point, waiting patiently for the dizziness to lessen.
"Is that you, Simeon?"
As his vision came to focus, your upside down face filled his view, your hair framing your face gorgeously as a sweet smile adorned your face.
"You're Simeon, aren't you?"
"That I am, and am I correct to assume you're Mc?"
Your grin was all the answer he need, as he reached a hand to touch your cheeks tenderly, quite in disbelief at the reality of all this.
"And, you're real?" He played with a strand of your hair, and you bumped your noses together.
"Why? Do I look like I'm from out of this world?"
He ruffled your hair.
"Like an angel."
Simeon is one of the best housemate you could ask for, always finishing his chores and doing more, having a habit of baking which means free dessert, and he's the best cuddle buddy and comfort provider should you ever need one!
He'd definitely offer to pay for the entire mortgage on your house, because of his generosity as an angel as well as 'cause he loves you and helping you.
He wants to help make your life easier, alright?
Oh, and the plan to publish his own book in your world? The success was so huge it's basically became the next Harry Potter series.
Except it's based on a reality only he ever knew of angels, demons and humans.
You caught him smiling when he read the letters from his readers of 'HOW DARE YOU' and 'WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME???'
It feeds a certain part of his soul.
Which is why he's planning to provide even more.
Some Obey Me players definitely noticed more than a few similarities between the game and his novel, though...
Some even speculated he's actually from the worlds he's written about itself.
Thankfully, no one ever took it seriously, so Simeon's safe.
Oh, and what did you say about needing an identity card, Mc?
He casually held up his I.D betwen two fingers, grinning innocently.
"Wha- How did you get that?"
Simeon hummed.
"Let's just say, some humans can be extremely predictable."
You wanted to question more, but something tells you you shouldn't.
Even angels has their secrets, it seems.
Oh, and you better be careful whenever you go out, since for some reason, people just flock to him like he's a celebrity, even though he's written the novels under a pen name.
It might be the angelic charm, or the sense of peace and protection you get from being around him.
Better make sure to keep him safe, Mc~
Simeon's not the best at technology, still, so you need to help him with that.
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A/N: Thx, candyz! I finally found my will to write this and had fun doing it! Idk what's wrong with Simeon's though... CHARACTERIZING CHARACTERS WILL BE EASIER IN THE FUTURE, ALRIGHT? I'd say it's hard, but I kinda mayhaps sorta accidentally-on-purpose forbid myself from saying that kinda stuff... Y'know, alternate an 'it's hard' with 'it'll be easier' or 'I hate myself' with 'I'll love myself'. It's an easy way to feel happy 'bout yourself... Works for me, at least!
Also, I just found out forbade is the past tense of forbid 🤔
Anyways, hope you enjoyed these~
Tagging: @yukihaie @ariavage @satanist-apparently
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Bad Blood
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 8
"She made friends and enemies"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark Tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 4,601
Warnings: language, sexism if you squint, angst, torture(Bucky style with needles and blood and knives etc), and a little fluff- not in that order.
A/N: I'm sure you guys will hate me after this. Sorry in advance? I'm saying this again- remember the timeline from the last chapter and this one...
A/N 2: thank you for @peterbenjiparker for helping me outline this chapter! And thanks to @chrissquares for the dividers! And of course to @nacho-bucky for reading this over!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
Song on Spotify and YouTube
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The pain in your head almost pulled you under and out of consciousness with the way your body felt heavy and all the- were they hands? That seemed to touch you. You shivered when you felt a spark of electricity travel through your body and your eyes shot open.
There was a blinding light directly from above you and both of your sides but after a couple of moments you managed to see through that. You saw the agents, the building, the chair you were seated in with equipment you did not know but you did not want to find out what they do. When they noticed you were awake, two men walked to you.
Mike was standing on the side, grinning, while the doctor from the warehouse seemed to look you over.
"And she is awake." His voice wasn't charming anymore, now it just sent red alarms in your brain. "She looks so cute asleep."
In a glare you looked at him and he fell to his knees in the agony that overtook him, his eyes were hazy and you wanted to make sure it hurt.
"Put her under!" the doctor yelled and a searing electrical pain ran through your body and instead of his yelling in the room, it was now filled with yours. You didn't hear anything anymore and then all you knew was black. Your body jolted in its place despite the restraints before it went limp.
"When are you guys going to solve the problem?" Doctor Zazu laughed at the remark.
"What problem?"
"Her powers, they are intense and harmful! When she wakes up again, this will keep happening!" the doctor looked at the young agent who was struggling to get up and shook his head, he was still young.
"That's not the problem- that is the solution!"
"How the hell is that a solution? We can't use her until we make her under our control." Mike looked over at you. "Besides, it took years to make the Soldat."
"We are making advances on detecting her powers, and with the new technology and knowledge that we have now, we will be able to overpower her. I doubt she will make such a fight, especially with what you've told me."
"She was quite fun, certainly worth working there for as much as I did."
"I'm glad you enjoyed her, now it's my turn to toy with that brain of hers." He stood at the railing and watched as agents prepared the room that will soon be yours, and the staff that stood proudly just outside of it.
Three months ago in Asgard…
"This is such a blessed day to unite the lovely couple!" Lady Iyllir's mother raised her glass during breakfast. It'd been mere hours since Loki knocked on her door and here he was sitting at the long table with his father and Iyllir with her family.
Glasses clunk against each other but they only made Loki wince when he came back to the reality of the situation.
"Indeed it is, I am glad we will be uniting the families soon enough," his father then looked at him. "And I am happy it worked out as it should've."
Loki couldn't speak against Odin. Your voice was haunting him and you were right- he could get away from this if he wanted to, but he can't. He needed this too much even if he didn't want it.
"We are so excited! Right, Loki?" the girl looked at him with bright eyes her ginger hair was just as bright. He nodded and spread a smile.
"Of course, my dear, I look forward to it." She gave him her hand and he was a proper prince after all, so he raised her hand to his lips and gave her knuckles a gentle kiss.
"When shall we do the wedding?" Iyllir's parents talked to Odin more than Loki and the girl who sat behind him.
"We could have it soon, I'm sure we are just as eager to have this wedding just as the two lovers are to getting married." The father talked to Odin.
"Actually, father-" Iyllir quipped up and he felt her hand tighten around his. "I thought we could have it a couple of months from now, the flowers will be the brightest then."
"Dear, don't be silly the flowers are still pretty now." Her mother shook her head at her.
Before she could go further, Loki spoke instead of the girl.
"Shouldn't the bride decide how her own wedding will be designed?" the mother in front of him smiled nervously.
"Of course, Prince Loki, you are right."
With this the conversation went into planning the wedding which left Loki only half listening.
"I want it to be golden, we can even have our clothes be of such too!" he heard her before zoning out of the conversation. Breakfast ended soon after, with a promise from Odin to send maidens that'll be at the Lady's disposal for any wedding idea she wants.
Loki was walking beside her in silence as he escorted her to her chambers.
"What made you change your mind?"
"Pardon me?"
"You didn't want me or this wedding before, so what changed your mind?" he was at a loss of words, not knowing how to answer that- he couldn't bring you up, but Iyllir was indeed clever so she must know already.
"I came to a few realizations lately, but I assure you that I want this marriage." She nodded to him with a smile and he decided to sway the conversation away from you, the redhead beat him to it.
"Thank you for standing up for me earlier." She took his hand in hers as they neared her room.
"Of course, I understand parents can be tough." She let out a huff at that. "I admire that you spoke up."
"My parents sure can be hard to deal with. They like to decide everything for me but one good thing they did was lead me to you." She giggled up at him and he couldn't help but think that she deserved someone who will actually love her, and he hoped for both of their sake that he will learn to do that with time, and time can heal almost everything right?
"Yes, now I will let you go rest."
"I hope I'll see you later."
The sting of the needle only grew when you resisted it, your body was shaking still trying to relax from the shock you were put through yet again.
Your eyes were hazy but you were more stubborn than to submit to pain.
"They will come for me, you know." You heard your own voice stumble out the words.
"You think the Avengers will come save you?" Doctor Zazu chuckled and your vision came back to reality. "How long will it take them though? By the time they manage to find you, you will have already become my new soldier."
You focused your stare at him, but before you could do anything he pushed a button that sent searing pain into your mind.
"Blue." You heard him say and it wasn't hard for you to guess what he meant.
"Tony, have you seen Y/N?" Tony raised his mask and looked over at Steve.
"I haven't seen her in a few days but it's alright we don't have missions now." He was about to return to fixing his suit. "Plus, she is probably shaking up with that new boyfriend of hers."
"Tony…" Steve groaned at it.
"She's an adult Steve, get used to it. She can fondue whoever she likes." He snickered at the supersoldier who only looked at him in a not amused look.
"It's been a couple of days Tony, I'm getting worried. She would tell me if she was going away- she never went away like this before."
Tony sighed at Steve's stressed face.
"Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y, do you know where Y/N is?" he called to the AI.
"I'm afraid I don't know, the last she has been in the building was a few days ago, she was in the garage and she took one of your cars alongside some of your wine bottles, sir."
"She did what now? I told her several times to not touch my cars." Tony got up from where he was sitting. "Okay, can you call her?"
A moment has passed before they got a reply.
"She is not answering, and it seems like she took out the tracker from her phone since I can't track her."
"You see Tony I have every reason to be worried!" Steve grew angry at the new information, he paced the lab. "F.R.I.D.A.Y where is Mike? The guy that Y/N was with"
"He has not showed up to work in a few days, on the same day Y/N drove away."
Silence took over the room. Tony looked at his friend's crestfallen face.
"I might know where she went to."
"What, where?"
"She has an apartment up in Brooklyn, I saved it for her."
"Why didn't I know about it?" Steve walked up to the billionaire who held his hands up in defense.
"She didn't want to tell anyone, she wanted it to be only hers. I only know it because she needed to buy it, so I bought the entire building."
"We are going now. Get Nat in one of your cars and I will go on my motorcycle." It was a command more than a request.
It didn't take them long to get to the building, Steve did not care about any traffic lights and Tony couldn't blame him. Natasha insisted that she drives faster than Tony and to her credit they arrived at the place at the same time Steve did.
It was eerily quiet and Tony used the scan on the door to open it. They reached inside and Natasha already had the clutch of her gun open,
"Y/N!" Cap called at the small apartment but no answer came. Tony spotted the two glasses in the living room, one full on the table and the other half empty on the floor next to the big red stain it left on the carpet.
"Cap," Tony put his hand on his shoulder and Steve turned and saw Natasha raising the fallen glass to her face and smelling the content of it.
"This is not good, boys."
"Blue." The words were distant.
"Five." You were fighting to stay awake.
"Airplane." No. You screamed, trying to get out of your head.
"No, I will not turn into one of your soldiers! I won't!" your eyes flashed to a group of guards and with your anger it took no time for them to fall screaming on the ground, they could barely move when you felt the pain in your head again and you were shot back inside your mind.
You didn't know how much time you've been in this chair, reality and fiction blurred as you eased in and out of your mind.
"I won't turn into your soldier." You repeated again and again every time the doctor played with you and let you be awake. You knew at this point it'll take a lot from you to use your abilities.
"Even if your little Avenger friends get here, you won't be theirs either."
"What?" you hated showing weakness but your inhibitions were low.
"Either you will become my soldier, or you won't be here at all." He laughed right at you and then looked at the scientists beside you. "Put her under again, restart her."
"No, please no." They pushed you back against the chair; put the mouth guard between your teeth, and you felt yourself sink into the numbness of the pain.
You were shivering next time you woke up, you still heard those familiar words.
The machine they put you in was now rusted, at the moment you had clear mind you picked up the discarded needle on the side of where you lay. You were weak but you won't go down without a fight.
You lay there silently until the next agent came next you. Attacking them, you took the needle and stabbed them right in the throat, red blood started pouring but before you could pull out the agent's gun another agent came and their knife made a really deep cut. You looked up at chocolate brown eyes that now only held darkness when you fell to the floor and other agents lifted you up and restrained you.
"Look what you've done! What happened baby? You never put up such a fight from what I remember." Mike mocked you, you really thought he could be trusted. You were certainly wrong when he pressed on your fresh bloody wound. "At least, not in bed."
"Don't worry, she can fight all she wants, the wounds that we will leave on her pretty little brain will last and they'll last no matter what you'll try to do." You recognized the voice of their commander.
"So, did your parents name you after the parrot from Aladdin or the traitor from Othello?" you snickered at him "Then again I don't think you're smart enough to read such a high level literature, all due respect Commander Iago. And don't even get me started on the good doctor over there."
"Oh don't think you have the upper hand here, see we know something you don't. Did you ever bother checking where your powers came from? I'm sure the great Tony Stark tried, but while he failed we didn't. So we are already smarter than your avenger friends!"
You were taken aback by that, whatever created those powers within you always remained as a mystery in your head. But if they knew that, then they know a way inside of your brain and powers that you don't want to imagine.
"Well then, if you are so sure that I will never get out of here- why not share the knowledge with me?"
"We never said that you'll never get out of here, trust me," he stroked your jaw and his hand went down to your throat. Disgust blossomed in your stomach. "We have quite a plan for you if you'll get rescued, I'm sure your friends will appreciate the surprise."
Your heart hammered in your chest, mind racing with possibilities.
"Give her a dose then send her to her new special room." He stepped away and then a needle was inserted in you again, pumping blue strange liquid into you, your mind was hazy with its heaviness, and you barely remembered being put inside a sealed room. You saw a blue glow from outside of the transparent room, barely seeing the long stick and cords that ran from it. Then a blinding light flashed in the room and you felt yourself sinking, sinking inside your own mind.
The light was bright as it shone from your window. Curiousity got the better of you and you almost got blinded by the light outside until it stopped and you could see clearly again. There in through the light Loki stood in some quiet unusual clothing but that all changed with a glowing green glimmer of light and he was in regular clothes looking like the Loki you knew.
You stood there by the window with wide eyes but you couldn't seem to move as you were frozen in place trying to understand the lucid dream that occurred right before your eyes in your empty street.
A knock on the door caused you to shriek and you stumbled down to the ground, looking at the door.
"Y/N dear, are you okay? I can hear you inside." Loki's voice called out to you when you have yet to open the door.
Gathering up the courage you walked to the door and slowly opened it, willing yourself to look normal.
"Hello Loki, hello." You mentally cringed at your awkwardness.
"Are you okay? I heard something falling." He walked into your apartment casually while you were trying to gather up your thoughts.
"Yes, I'm- I'm okay. How are you?" you closed the door and locked it, facing away from him.
"I'm alright, thank you for asking." Loki looked at your form still standing by the door. "Why are you acting strange?"
"I am always strange, you should know that," you turned to him and briefly met his eyes before you made a move to go to the kitchen. "Do you want water? I'll bring us some water."
Loki caught your wrist and turned you to him.
"Are you mad at me for something? Come on, out with it. You know I always find out what you're hiding." He laughed that beautiful laugh of his and looked at you again when you were quiet. "Come on, you can tell me anything, you know that."
He let go of your hand when you still didn't answer and looked at the ground. Deciding to let it go he walked towards your kitchen.
"I'll get you a cup of water then-"
"Why are you glowing?" you winced when your voice was too loud for your liking.
"What?" you turned to him.
"You can glow, like a lamp or something. You glow-" you didn't know how to explain what you saw. "I saw you glow outside!"
"Oh." You almost felt bad at your accusation when you saw his face fall. "Well I guess there's no point in hiding it anymore- I am not who or what you think I am. I'm sorry I lied to you, do you want me to leave?"
"No! I don't want you to leave Loki, of course I don't want you to leave." He looked at you strangely and you looked at him back, a silent chuckle leaving your lips at his absurd question. "No don't leave, can you just tell me what's going on? Please."
Loki studied you then as he saw all the nerves leave you, or at the very least the fear that he dreaded seeing in your eyes.
"Very well," you've never seen Loki this nervous before. "You might want to sit down for this."
You sat down on one side on the couch and pouted when Loki chose to sit on the far side of the couch, away from you.
The talk was long to say the least, and you couldn't tell who it was harder to.
"I can make you forget all about this if that'll make it easier for you." Loki told you after you took in the information he gave you. A god was sitting on your couch. Your best friend was a god. But he was still your best friend.
"No! I don't want that!" You shook your head at him. "Can you maybe show me?"
"Show you what?"
"Your magic, I want to see it."
"You want to see my magic?" Loki was taking aback by the request, he expected for you to be scared of him or hate him. He knew you were special to him, but he didn't think you will find interest in his magic over everything else.
"Yes!" The smile on his face sent shivers down your spine, you recognized that smile.
The next second Loki disappeared from his place on the couch and you stared at the place in shock. Cautiously you scooched forward until you were sitting right next to his former place on the sofa. You reached a hand forward, searching for him in the air but when your hand went through nothing you looked at it and tilted your head.
That's when you felt the breath in your ear. "I'm not there, love." His voice was right beside you and you turned too fast and fell off of the couch.
You saw Loki there sitting right behind where you were a second ago. Gaping at him, you huffed when he laughed at you.
"You can't just scare me like that!"
"You wanted to see my magic and I showed it to you. It's your fault that you couldn't handle it well." Getting up you took a pillow in your hand. "I am the god of mischief as I just told you. So come on what did you expect?"
"I don't care if you're the god of my ass, you are a little shit." You hit him with the pillow over and over again. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!"
"Okay okay I yield!" his laughter calmed down as yours started and he knew he was done for. Out of all of the scenarios he played in his head about this moment, he never would have expected this. "What are you laughing at?"
"I just punched a god with a pillow."
"Why haven't you killed her yet?"
"Well, it takes time to extract what we want from her. Don't you want to see her before it?" the commander stuttered a bit when he saw who stood in front of him, coming unannounced. The moment they heard the loud familiar noise from outside, they started to hide everything they were working on so that they won't be interrupted and killed.
The two of them walked towards where you still lay in the almost empty room. At the commander's order you were taken out of it and strapped to the chair again.
You slowly opened your eyes a small gasp leaving your throat at the cold shivers that you felt as you got back into reality. You couldn't tell how long it was.
You felt yourself being watched, warning alarms ran through your head and suddenly the shivers weren't from the cold. You forced your eyes to focus back and when you did you finally saw them clearly.
"So there she is, finally with us sweetheart?" Commander Iago's voice ringed in your ears.
"Is this the little girl that is causing so much trouble? She looks so delicate, so breakable."
The second was a voice you did not recognize, it was almost melodic.
"I'm afraid her powers are the danger here, nothing more. We are taking the powers away from her like we agreed."
The new information registered in your brain, you didn't call him out on his lie- not yet at least, not when you actually have an advantage.
"You told me," you could see his eyes widen. "That you know about my powers, so at least be decent and tell me about them before you drain them out of me."
"Go ahead, tell her." The Hydra commander swallowed loudly before he let out a laugh.
"Well, did it ever occur to you that maybe your encounter with a deity left some marks on you?"
"What are you saying?"
"Dear Loki must have put some ancient spell on you not knowing it would cause what it did."
Oh. Then you cast your eyes down and let it register in your brain. All the incidents, the weapons…
"And how would you know about Loki? Who are you?" you looked into those dark grey eyes.
"I guess you're not used to this kind of grace to recognize royalty. I'm Princess Iyllir, wife of your dear little Loki."
"Oh you're no princess." You won't let her see what you were feeling, the effects of her words.
"I will be soon, he was so eager to marry me. I must say I understand why you liked him," she leaned down to you a bit. "He certainly comes with perks with that silver tongue of his."
You knew he was never yours, but hearing her say that only put salt on your open wound.
"He is probably waiting in bed for me, so I should go. But I hope you'll have fun here, it's not like you will be staying with us for long." She then looked back at the agent. "Good job with her, I want you to finish this as soon as possible.
"Yes of course." You saw him pull the remote in his hand and your heart started to race when they put a mouth guard, tears gathered in your eyes as he pressed it and the pain began again.
"How did you not know that Mike is Hydra?" Steve yelled at Tony.
"We must have missed him somehow but we don't have time to blame me for that! The question we need to ask is how do we not know of other Hydra bases?" Bruce took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes.
"Wasn't he working in analysis?"
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, scan everything Mike worked on ever since he and Y/N got together."
"It's his fault."
"Yeah we know- he kidnapped her."
"It's Loki's fault. Everything went wrong after he got here." Steve kicked over a chair and paced the room.
"Steve let's not focus on the blame right now, we need to focus on finding Y/N." Bucky put a hand on his friend's shoulder until he looked up at him and he shot him a reassuring smile. "We all care about her, it's not just you."
"I know Buck, sorry."
"Why would Hydra target her?" Natasha thought out loud.
"It must connect to everything that is going on with their Asgardian technology." Clint sat down next to Tony.
"What about the Asgardian things they stole?" Thor walked into the room and everyone stared at him.
One month ago in Asgard…
"The view from here is beautiful, isn't it?" Grey eyes looked up at him. Iyllir and Loki sat on a bench in the balcony of his room, the skies were clear and the sun shone bright.
He spent the day with the girl. They read books together and she was good conversation, he knew that.
"It is." He looked over all that was below them, the gardens and workers and surrounding all of that were the palace walls.
"It's been lovely spending more time with you, I'm sure the wedding will go splendidly!" she gushed to him and sat ever so closer to him. "It's so soon too."
It really was soon, Loki knew that. You were still there though, all around in his mind. In a crowd he sometimes thinks he sees your face, but he didn't.
He knew he was just chasing shadows, trying to keep himself away from Iyllir but it was of no use, the wedding is soon and he needs to forget about you. He looked over to her.
"I look forward to our new start together." She smiled back at him.
He tried to think clearly, he had to get over you somehow.
The girl in front of him was as beautiful as any Asgardian princess would be- from her soft eyes to her plump lips, and to the rest of her figure. She was smart and perfectly polite like any lady should be.
In the last four months he got to know her better, he couldn't deny her kindness and if only he could forget you he knows he might be satisfied with her.
He had to forget you.
He gently grabbed her chin, moving it slightly upwards to him. He had been dragging this for months, denying it all but the wedding is already planned and he wanted this, he couldn't live in the shadows anymore.
Loki saw the look of surprise on the redhead's face but it soon turned lustful when she leaned up as he leaned down to her. He captured her lips in his and gave it his all; there was no turning back now. She tasted sweet; he brought her even closer to him, deepening the kiss, starting to feel her lust take over him as well.
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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