#i'm hoping if i get a couple asks it will jumpstart the morsel of writing motivation i had way back in march šŸ˜…
a-lil-bi-furious Ā· 3 years
šŸ¤help get me to write?āœ
idk about anyone else, but I have lots of story ideas and precisely zero follow-through on my own. SO. New ask game Iā€™m calling: āœØkindly pressure me to actually write thingsāœØ I will list my current WIPā€™s and brief descriptions. For each title I get in my inbox, I will write you a snippet for that WIP (send as many as youā€™d like, as many times as youā€™d like).
my promises to anyone who indulges me in this:
I will answer your ask within the week.
Each snippet will be a few paragraphs long.
Iā€™ll do my damnedest to make them good paragraphs.
I will love you forever for sending one <33
Not starting a tag chain, but if anyone wants to do this for their own WIP pile, feel free.Ā 
WIP list below the cut:
A Memory Lost is a Family Found
A canon-divergent AU in which Kira is taken by the Wild Hunt at the end of 5B and the tail she gave to Scott is left behind as a relic. In her absence, Scott grows close with Ken and Noshiko as they all attempt to fill the Kira sized hole theyā€™re unaware exists in their life. Slowly but surely, they figure out together that they are missing someone important to them, and it all starts when Scott finds a carved shard of obsidian in his jacket pocket.
A Road for Three
(Alternating POV) The Scirasaac OT3 long-fic Iā€™m determined to write. I donā€™t have much of a plot yet, but essentially Scott leaves on a road trip post-series to take a break from Beacon Hills and head to the desert to check in on Kira after everything with Monroe. Isaac winds up joining him. Feelings ensue. Things get complicated.Ā 
Broken and Begging for Something More
A cento (in this case a story pieced together from song lyrics) following Theo throughout his arcs in seasons 5 and 6 and a redemption arc post-series. tbd, but currently leaning toward unrequited Sceo feelings in the end.Ā 
Invisible Wounds Still Leave Scars
A missing scene in which (on Masonā€™s insistence) Corey asks Scott for help when he starts struggling with his chimera abilities, and they end up talking about what Scott did to him in ā€œOuroboros.ā€
In Your Hands is a Touch That Can Heal
After Derek kills Peter and all hope for a cure is lost, Scott is mourning who he once was and confronted with the horror of what he now permanently is. Heā€™s filled with despair, believing all heā€™s left with is anger and bloodlust and violence. One shift at the clinic, Deaton shows him that all is not lost--there is still so much good he can do. (or: a missing scene between seasons 1 and 2 in which Deaton teaches Scott how to take pain)
Inner Demons Donā€™t Play by the Rules
A rewrite of the library scene with Scott and the Anuk-Ite in the series finale, which focuses the Anuk-Iteā€™s attacks more on Scottā€™s fear of becoming a monster and hurting/losing those he cares about.
Itā€™s CalledĀ ā€œSacrificeā€ for a Reason
When Scott dies inĀ ā€œStatus Asthmaticus,ā€ he wakes up in a basin filled with ice water, Stiles and Allison on either side, in that same white room from the night they sacrificed themselves to the Nemeton. When Melissa restarts his heart, Scott isnā€™t sure anymore if heā€™s actually alive or still trapped in that empty room, drowning in that basin in the clinic, and hallucinating everything.
La BĆŖte Ć  Lā€™intĆ©rieur
Mason wasnā€™t conscious for most of what he did as La BĆŖte, but he passively remembers everything that happened. In dreams, heā€™s confronted with what The Beast did, but when heā€™s awake heā€™s too far removed to properly deal with it.Ā Ā (or: a post-5B fic exploring Masonā€™s issues with his identity and latent trauma from being The Beast.)
Now I See You in My Nightmares (Or Not At All)
After Theo is freed from the Skinwalker prison, his nightmares continue to manifest his guilt over the crimes heā€™s committed. The only difference: now the dreams include Scott, and Tara isnā€™t the one punishing him anymore. Heā€™s punishing himself.
The Facade of NormalĀ 
The Only non-Teen Wolf WIP on this list.Ā šŸ˜‚ TechnicallyĀ aĀ ā€œPushā€ fanfic. But the only connector is the name for the power classes which could easily change, so itā€™s really not? Essentially a glorified road trip fic, but both the fun-accidentally-falling-in-love-type andĀ the on-the-run-from-people-trying-to kill-us type.Ā 
Weā€™re Not Who We Were, But Weā€™ll Always Die Trying
(Hayden POV) A missing scene in which Hayden meets with Scott to decide if becoming an actual werewolf, and consequently becoming his beta, is something she really wants. When the conversation turns into them sharing their experiences the night they both died, Hayden realizes she and Scott have more in common than she thought.
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