#i'm in a huge music mood rn this was perfect timing
moonfromearth · 1 year
🎶✨ when you get this, you have to write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them. then send this (ask or tag) to 10 cool people✨🎶
Thank you sooooo much for the tag @akitasimblr!!
Wasteland, Baby! - Hozier (i saw enough about Hozier on here that i eventually added a bunch of his songs to my playlist and the vibes of this one are my favorite aaaand it's been stuck in my head all day 😆)
IDKW - Daisy the Great (has also been stuck in my head today. love it~)
From the Start - Laufey (because I'm late to everything popular, i just heard this song in a Spotify ad and it's ~so good~)
Don't Say Goodbye - Kaori Sawada (my brother showed me this the other day and I totally love it. I should really finish watching The Origin now...)
The Last Shanty - Derina Harvey Band (in a suuuuper big pirate mood and this song just fits the pirate vibes ~so perfectly~)
Okay I'll tag @sasaofastora @thebramblewood @tricoufamily @luvbugtrait @birdietrait @cowplant-snacks @virgowhiims @gnometraits @lotuso3o @caffeinatedtrait but feel free to ignore it if you don't want to do it or already have! 😊
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tearsasmascara · 2 years
I'm ngl I kinda forgot my name for a sec so when I saw your tag I went ?? 😭 but I feel like an ask game is perfect rn so nutmeg, ivy daffodil and orchid (Ik it's a lot but I love asking ppl questions like this + I love getting song recs) if it's not too much !!
nutmeg; how’s your room/home decorated?
okay so my room doesn’t have a style, like at all. i don’t really use it considering it’s kinda bare and not decorated to my taste :p but i can’t wait until i can decorate a room of my choosing
ivy; what are your tells for emotions and moods? how can you tell when someone is upset, etc?
this really varies from person to person! im a really empathetic person (i’ve been told) so often what cues me to sadness is maybe someone being quieter then usual, a certain look on their face, playing with their fingers, etc etc. when it’s happiness i’m really good at making people laugh so i rely on laughs and smiles. now for annoyed or mad, i’m a huge over thinker, my irls often get the question “are you mad at me?” from me so i can’t answer that hahahaaha-
daffodil; do you have siblings? in what ways do you think you’re similar or different to them?
i am the oldest! i’m really different from my younger ones bevause i tend to be more introverted and quiet, preferring to read or watch anime as a pass time while they’re more extroverted and like going out. they’re also a natural leader, unlike me who’s more of a “work alone” person. they also love to be so loud?? THEYRE SO LOUD but i love em to death <3
orchid; what song do you consider to be perfect?
so fun fact about me, i’m a music fanatic. there’s so so many but the first one that popped into my head (and is one of my favs) is this one here:
i love love the beat and the singers voice, and how the lyrics are sweet but catchy at the same time. i’ll stop here before i make this ask too long 💀
thank you so much for all the questions!! i loved answering these <3
random get to know me ask game
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lovely-renard · 2 years
1st!! congrats on hitting 300 <3 I always enjoy reading your works and you always do so good on them :)
here's the info!! / psst my mbti is istp. my pronouns r she/they. I would like a haikyuu matchup- any gender is fine!
in general I am a pretty cheerful and friendly person. I am a huge introvert in-public, I get anxiety ( I start stuttering,sweating and breathing fast) it's worse when I have to speak to people, So I usually tap my fingers to calm down. I'm pretty socially awkward, I can't really start a conversation with just anyone and I just sit there and stare or figure out something . Though when you get to know me, I am really talkative and goofy. I love cracking jokes and having a overall good time. I can be a very big clutz, I either hit my head on stuff or trip over something (mostly the air). around my friends, I am the therapist/mom/fun friend! usually people come and ask me for advice or vent. I like cracking flirty jokes with my friends, and I sound like a pervert sometimes >_< . I also am kind of boy-crazy? like I see a cute boy and I start freaking out- I'm just gushing about them, same thing with females- I am just a big simp though,I GET VERY EMBARASSED easily and flustered, I'm also kind of reckless? I don't think anything through until midway and if i feel like doing something, I'm gonna do it- and suffer the consequences after ( I walked outside during a rainstorm/thunder storm and started dancing in the rain- I later got sick.) I would say my bad traits are that I am blunt. I can be really truthful and hurtful in what I say (depending on who I talk to). I get angry too easily sometimes, I don't lash out or anything, I just shut down and kick around things (if it's at someone- I glare at them), this also makes me kind of mean, like i start insulting . not vocal whatsoever in how i feel, my emotions r like not going in the open. I say uncanny things sometime, like randomly- I don't know why? I just say weird things to get a reaction out of someone ( I randomly asked my sister what it's like to get knocked out by a stalker. yeah.) eerr i can't take a joke, depending on how it sounds. If it's like, "your dumb y'know?" with a certain tone, then I start getting mad and talking back. I'm pretty dense at somethings- it's hard for me to catch on irl.
my fav song/series/style - my fav song rn is cotiles - ENA REMIX. my fav series is moriarty the patriot and my style is mainly black clothing/grunge or alt (tho I just wear oversized hoodies + leggings )
hobbies/interest - anime/manga,thrifting,writing/reading,true crime,music,fashion/makeup, I've been meaning to pick up photography again, piano,video games,singing and dancing! (in private bc I'm shy </3)
I match you with... Yaku Morisuke ♡
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Your relationship song : HIP (MAMAMOO)
“That’s the worst idea you could ever had.
- But that’s what makes it funny!”
Honestly, you know your boyfriend is right: trying to do a whole spin while flipping crepes wasn’t smart nor useful. Why are you trying it tho? For entertainment purpose. After all, it’s gloomy outside and the only way to light up the mood, according to you, are to make crepe and have fun during the process. That’s where your little challenge came from.
You pour a good spoon of batter in the pan, smearing it across the whole surface. When bubbles start to form, you prepare yourself, shaking lightly your wrist to get in the move. While you’re waiting for the perfect moment, Yaku eyes you, arms crossed on his chest, disappointment but also worry painted across his face. Once the bubbles are popping, you give a vigorous shake to the pan, effectively flipping the crepe and you start spinning.
OK, maybe you went overboard with it and spined way too fast, ending in you loosing your balance and falling on your butt. And OK, maybe you should have seen it coming but honestly, is it that bad if, in the end, the crepe miraculously land on the pan again.
“ I did it! you cheer loudly before wincing.
- Are you alright?” Says Yaku who’s already kneeling beside you, taking the pan from your hand, putting it back on the stove and checking you for any injury.
Of course, your achievement couldn’t be perfect, you had to injure yourself in the process. Your left hand is bright red, probably because, when you fell, the burning pan came in contact with your skin. It hurts a bit but you’re quick to reassure your boyfriend everything will be fine quickly. He stills stands up, sighs, and brings you to the sink, putting your hand under the cold water.
“I can’t believe you made it but found a way to fail at the same time…
- Hey, I did NOT fail, it was just a contest of circumstances!
- Right… Please be careful next time.” he concludes, kissing your forehead gently.
You ended up doing it again, under the eyes of your pleasantly surprised boyfriend who really thought it was luck the first time.
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