#i'm just trying to crochet like an old woman
cerise-on-top · 13 hours
Hii, how are you? I hope you're fine, can you do pleasseee write how Nikolai, Price and Laswell how react to a reader that dream to be a housewife, someone that just love tô cook and take care of the house. Love youu.
Hello there! I'm fine, thank you! And sure I can!
Price, Laswell and Nikolai with a Housespouse!Reader
Price: I think he’d try to tell you to pursue at least some kind of job. But deep down, he actually would kind of enjoy that, as much as he hates the fact he would. On the one hand, he’s well aware that it’s not that unlikely for him to die on the battlefield and you won’t be able to live off of his earnings forever, so he wants you to have a good education and a well paying job. But on the other hand, he does like the sound of having a housespouse. Just someone sweet and loving to come home to, who will take care of his home, who will cook for him, and who will even do his laundry. Just someone he can spoil and love. He also kind of likes the fact that you’d be somewhat dependent on him, it sort of boosts his ego. But in the end, I feel as though his rational side would win and he would try to get you to get a well-paying job. If you’re still up for it, you can always cook a little bit after work, but he will absolutely not reprimand you for not wanting to either after an eight hour shift. In fact, when he’s home and had some good shut eye, he probably would love to help you out a little with all those chores. He’s an acts of service kind of person. Plus if he really were to pass before you, he wants you to be able to take care of yourself as well. Money wise, I mean. He does kinda hope you’ll miss him at least somewhat after his passing, though.
Laswell: Oh, absolutely not. Not saying that I write for fem!readers, but if you are a woman, then there’s absolutely no chance you’ll be a housewife for her. She loves you, and women did fight quite a while to not have to be housewives for the rest of their lives. No, you’ll get a good education and get a well paying job. Or at least a job that you’ll enjoy. If your thing is crocheting, you’re really good at it and you make ends meet by selling your stuff, though, then that’s fine by her as well, though. But she wants you to have at least some form of stable income. I know it’s not alright for her to think something of that sort, and she is well aware of that, but if you’re more of a gender neutral kind of person, or even a masc one, then she doesn’t mind it as much. Of course, she’d much rather you have a good job that pays your bills, even when she’s not around anymore, but she doesn’t see it as such a big problem if you’re not a woman. I don’t think she’d enjoy it too much, though. In fact, you’ll always have her “meddling” with your work in that she’ll actively do what she can to help you out with chores. Laswell is not a very touchy person, so she shows affection through gift giving and acts of service. And yes, she will absolutely sulk if you don’t let her help you. In fact, she’ll sometimes send you out to buy some groceries, only for her to do some chores that you would have done otherwise. No, you will not be overworking yourself as long as she’s around.
Nikolai: As much as I hate to say it, I do believe he’d actually enjoy having a housespouse as a partner. Nikolai is cocky enough to believe that he’ll actually die of old age instead of on the battlefield. I mean, he is on a good path there, not everyone could go into the military field and make it to 48, but still. He’d actually just love to have someone to come home to, who he can spoil, who will love him despite all the atrocities he commits on the daily. Besides, even if he were to die, he has enough money to actually keep you fed until the day you die, unless you’re bad with money. But that has nothing to do with him. I don’t think he’d actually try to convince you to become a housespouse, but you seem eager enough for it anyway. Still, if you ever grow tired of it and want to change your mind, then he’ll pay for your education. He can get you in just about anywhere too. But he’d love to not have to worry too much about doing chores and stuff when he’s home. Though I do believe he’d still want to cook because his food is heavenly and he knows that. It’s his pride and joy. Though, he would love to buy you just about anything you could ever want or need. Loves coming home to a kiss from you and a good meal on the table when he’s too tired to cook. You’ll absolutely never miss anything at all with him. So yes, he’d definitely love you even more if you wanted to be a housespouse for him.
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lifmera · 7 months
Hello! I adore your writing! May I please have a match up for Hazbin Hotel, Chainsaw man and Sally face if it’s not too much trouble? I'm demisexual 27 year old plus sized woman. I’m 5"7 with fairly wide hips that dip to more narrow center and broad shoulders. My eyes are pale green bordering yellow with short almost shoulder length dark brown hair that is an orange blond from the top of my ears down. I have a septum piercing, two sets of ear piercings and glasses in sort of an aviator style that I forget to wear. I'm a little buff under all this fluff as I am a baker by trade. But I have been dealing with a shoulder injury has kinda left me feeling a bit fragile and frustrated. I've been told I'm fairly pretty but I just kinda don't see myself that by conventional standards. I'm not really self conscious about my body, I am just a large animal and people will just have to deal with that. I prefer to dress comfortably but if I can I enjoy wearing jumpsuits as well as black dresses.
I would describe my personality as caring but very direct. I Tend to prioritize others well being over my own. However, I am working on ensuring I take care of myself just as well. I tend to be reserved around other people but once I get comfortable I tend to ramble on my interests in short bursts, primarily around biology, cryptids, animation and practical effects. Honestly I enjoy being a bit aggressive with my friends- usually intimidation play or picking up people to help make them feel a little small. Admittedly when I feel comfortable around someone I prefer feeling small and protected if I’m not needed for comfort. I have many creative hobbies, primarily sketching, painting, sculpting, and crocheting. One of my favorite things to do is wildlife drawings. Though I find it difficult to hold on to my passions for prolonged periods of time, if someone I'm close to is passionate about something- I'm completely enthralled and try to be as supportive as possible. I love word play, often trying to force puns where they don't fit. I love horror and thriller movies and have a decent tolerance for gore but to be perfectly honest I have a hard time with handling prolonged scenes with people actively suffering.
This sounds a little silly but I imagine if I was a demon in hell I would probably resemble something of a chimera. I do apologize if this is a bit of a long submission! Thank you so much for your time!! 💚
I read sally face and started tweaking….
God i love sally face. AND THANK YOUUUUU.
.. I’ve decided to pair you with… ALASTOR, DENJI & LARRY JOHNSON!
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Let’s be real. I think at first you’d remind him of his dear old mimzy. Before she died anyways, and obviously not dependent on him to fight your battles.
Alastor would find your rambling interesting, and he’d honestly probably learn something he hasn’t before? like “wow! Thats new.”
He’d want to learn more about your interests, also because he’s the radio demon, and doesn’t seem to really know much about the modern world- or care for it. But he IS based off a wendigo. So i’d think he’d find it interesting!
He LOVES when you paint, draw, crochet for hum! It reminds him or his own mother, and he’d probably become attached to you.
He’d also enjoy it if you did all of this, while he’s broadcasting too. He’s not able to always be there, but if he is, he’ll want to be with you.
Alastor would LOVE to watch horror movies, but if it makes you uncomfortable, or a scene does, he will pay no mind and skip it. Not like theres anything new he hasn’t seen.
If you were a chimera. He definitely would’ve been surprised at your look! Like- “oh ! Thats new.”
Ok … Denji time..
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This man would NEVER JUDGE YOU. He can’t even bag someone.
Honestly i think he’d prefer someone chubbier, he’d LOVE to give hugs.
I think Denji would be a very physical touchy person, esp after what happened with… everyone. It’d help him protect you :)
When he found out about your shoulder injury? He was on your ass all day, every day. You don’t get away!
He loves that you take care of others, but this man is always hurt. He’d rather you be okay than he is!
He would love to listen to you ramble. Denji knows when to shut up, and i think he would enjoy listening!
Okay i know I’ve said this before but denji WILL make you draw pictures of you and him together- or he’ll draw them himself. Like stick figures holding hands!
If you crochet him something? Over the MOON. If its a piece of clothing he’s always wearing it. If its a plushie? He’s sleeping with it at night.
Denji would be indifferent to horror movies. I think he’d prefer comedy. He’s seen enough! :(
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I feel like i shouldn’t have to explain.
He’d LOVE YOU. You remind him of his friends :)
Your personality allows his to come out! He loves that you care for his friends, and his well being cause we know damn well he doesn’t.
Larry is a Listener instead of a talker. He’d love to listen to you ramble and ask questions while he’s painting! His favorite things at the same time!!
You draw with him, you paint, you crochet? Holy SHIT!!!! HE’D BE IN LOVE. Like! Okay !!! I LOVE YOU!!! 🧡🧡
I think he doesn’t mind any movie you guys watch. As long as it’s a mean of being able to cuddle with you on the couch and watch a movie.
He definitely finds your puns funny.
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adoresia · 1 year
Tell me more about your spidersona
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I'm interested :3
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also ima use this post to say im sorry for being inactive i just took a quick break from my phone after shit went down irl but its all good now! 😝
Name : Astra
Age : 15
height : 5’6
race : Black carribean
ethnicity : Bajan / Hatian
Hometown : Greenwich, London
Nationality : British
Speaking languages : French, English.
Bit of backstory :
She lives in a tiny apartment In south east london, with her mum. Who she doesn’t even recognise anymore. Her father left her and her mother for another woman when she was 4 years old. Everything was fine before then though? no arguments, no divorce notices? no not getting along? it was just… normal. Until he packed up and left, and she just watched him with the two huge bags in his hands. Packed with everything he owned.
While her mother sobbed and begged for him to stay, astra did nothing except watch him walk away, treating her mother like a street beggar.
It beats her up to this day. The way she just observed one of the people she was meant to look up to walk out of her life just like that.
It wasn’t easy trying to adapt to life as a single mother, so the same way her husband walked away she was made to think astra did too. She just reminded her more and more of the person who ruined her life.
So she turned to drinking and taking drugs. And again astra just watched. She just watched yet another person walk out of her life and did nothing, though you couldn’t really blame her she was 4. But its still engraved in her mind like an old television stuck on replay, it haunted her.
Now her mother was unrecognisable, lost in the shadows of drugs and alcohol. Waiting day by day for her husband to miraculously come back, so that they could go back to the life they used to live.
But it never happened.
So Astra grew up on her own, and every night she’d go for a walk outside. And gazed interestingly at the stars. Since she believed that maybe, one day a shooting star would fly past her. And one day bring her dad back home.
Thus the name Astra.
Spider bite :
After a long history of looking at stars from afar she worked hard and made up enough money to buy herself a traditional telescope.
One day while she was looking at the stars a spider crawled down the telescope onto her hand and bit her, i might go into detail with this laterr
Interesting facts :
She enjoys stargazing of course, she believed her father was a shooting star. And maybe he would turn up again! (yeah he never did)
She plays sports (sometime) : Volleyball and badminton. But not competitively, just for funsies with her friends. Mostly in school during PE or acter school clubs. (friends dragged her into it but it was fun the first time so she just gave in)
She enjoys crochetinggg 😝 (never finishes her pieces.) There could be like 4 unfinished works under her bed and she just started a new one (me.) she picked up crocheting from her mother, and does it in her spare time.
She used to cook with her mom but now she just cooks by herself, doesn’t mind it though. The music blasting in her ears is all she needs😻 (until she accidentally cuts her finger off.)
Yeah this is what i had in my notes its not a lot but ima add onto itt 😋
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theshakykid · 2 years
En Route (Peter Parker X Reader)
Summary: Peter Parker is aboard the Argo III, the world’s biggest passenger ship. He was sent by Tony Stark to strike a deal with Silver Sable, a wealthy businesswoman. But Stark’s deal will have to wait, as Peter has set his eyes on something- or someone - else.
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Warning: Mentions of naked people lol.
Peter saw (Y/N) three days later. She was lounging on the main deck, her head immersed in a book. Huge black sunglasses framed her face. Her white sundress was slightly sheer, leaving Peter's face a burning red.
He walked past her, hiding his face behind the photo album he was holding. Peter was too concerned with not getting noticed that he didn't see the woman standing in front.
"Oh my- Watch where you're going," the woman yelled, pushing him out of the way.
His mission of not getting noticed was now futile.
"Peter?! Hey, it's been quite some time since we've seen. I tried looking for you, but this ship is huge," (Y/N) giggled, removing the sunglasses off her face.
"H... Hey (Y/N), I was a little busy with some things so... uhm... yeah," Peter answered, trying not to meet her eyes.
"Come on, why are you still standing there? Sit here."
Peter reluctantly walked up to her and sat down on the nearest chair. He placed his album behind him, trying to hide it from her.
"What's that?" she asked, tilting her head.
"Oh, it's nothing. Just an album."
"An album? Of what?"
"Some... Uh... photos. That I took."
"Okay, you can't say that and not show me," (Y/N) grinned.
Peter sighed and opened it. He knew there was no way for him to deter her from looking at it.
He flipped through to the first page, gesturing her to get closer. The photo was of an old woman. Her hair almost completely white, save for a few strands in front of her face. She is sitting on a chair under a tree. A crochet hook hung from her hands.
"This is Bridget. I met her when I went to Germany."
"Is that a spruce tree?"
Peter hummed and replied, "She sits under it till the sun sets, waiting for her husband to return home."
"Is he not going to come back?"
"No, he died during the Vietnam War," Peter replied, his mouth upturned into a poignant smile. He flipped to the next photo. A man in his forties. He's sitting in a bar. The neon pink hair tie around his wrist contrasted against the light-yellow beer he was holding.
"This is Ivan. Met him at a Russian bar. He lost his daughter to cancer a few years back. He carries one of her scrunchies wherever he goes."
(Y/N) looked at the picture, and then up at Peter. For somebody who claims to be a casual photographer, he's really good at capturing the feel of the person being photographed.
Peter flipped through some more photos of people, but as soon as he reached the middle of the book, he quickly closed it.
"Wait, what happened? Is that all?" (Y/N) asked, confused why he did that.
"Uh yeah, yeah. That's it. I didn't take anymore," Peter replied, his fingers fiddling with each other.
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes and grabbed the book before he could stop her.
She flipped past the middle of the book to be met with-
"Is this a naked woman?!" (Y/N) gasped, getting distasteful looks from the people nearby.
"Shh, don't yell that out loud! Yes, it is. And before you call me a perv-"
"Uh, too late, pervert."
"I'm not a pervert! It's art, ok? Like those photos we saw below deck."
"Uh huh, right," (Y/N) gazed at him with squinted eyes, not believing his claims.
"Fine, look at the next one," Peter tensed, taking the book from her hands. He went to the next page, and the one after that.
It was photos of women... and men.... either half-naked or completely nude. But (Y/N) could see what Peter was implying. It wasn't anything lewd or vulgar. It was simply, art.
"D... Do you understand now?" Peter squeaked; worry etched into his crimson face.
"Mm, Sort of."
"At least you don't think of me as a perv?"
"Yeah, I guess."
Peter let out a sigh and leaned back into the chair, ignoring (Y/N)'s look of amusement.
"Hey, what did you mean by that?" Peter started. He sat upright again and balanced his photo album on his lap.
"By what?"
"That day in the bar. You said it was quite some time since you truly smiled?"
(Y/N) took in a deep breath.
"Nothing. I was just drunk," she replied, her mouth drawn into a thin line. Her face suddenly lit up, almost as quickly as it went down. "Hey, let's do something. Come on, follow me."
Peter sighed and got up, following her out of the main deck. He already knew it was going to be something crazy. Fortunately, he liked crazy.
"Can I know where exactly we're going?" Peter asked, walking with a slight skip to his step.
"My room," (Y/N) grinned.
They stopped in front of a white door. (Y/N) swiped her key card and got in. It was a big suite. There was only one bedroom and bathroom, but it was much more spacious compared to Peter's place.
"What do you want to do?" Peter asked, sitting on her bed.
"Can you take a photo of me?" (Y/N) asked, grabbing a camera from one of the cupboards. "This camera belongs to my fiancé, Sean. You met him in that bar, remember? I want you to take a photo of me with this."
"Uhm, ok sure. Just sit somewhere and strike a pose," Peter shrugged. He took the camera and adjusted the settings.
"But there's a catch," (Y/N) said with a glint in her eye.
"Which is?"
"You should take a photo of me, wearing this necklace."
(Y/N) held up a blue pendant necklace. The locket was in the shape of a heart. The blue gemstone glistened under the sunlight coming in through the window.
"Wearing only this."
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electricea · 8 months
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@chibitantei sent - 🌻 ( Sunflower Facts - Accepting! )
So I touched on her previously in the last ask but there's this one old lady customer at my grocery store job who wears these obnoxious colourful bows in her hair - and she's known as being that customer, the one who nobody really wants to deal with and who everyone just seeks to avoid. Somehow during all of my shifts, I somehow manage to have at least one encounter with her despite my best efforts to avoid her. My first encounter was her asking about the number of carbohydrates in a bag of oats, so that was about a few minutes spent asking around - just what the hell are carbohydrates? My job is to stock shelves not to be a nutritionist, lmao. Another time in the thick of COVID, she approached me just to complain about how our high prices was ruining her Etsy business or something? I didn't exactly ask her to go into detail because I was trying to squirm away from her - and then just two weeks ago, she sees me stocking broth and is like 'are you tired at the end of your shift?' I mean no shit, I'm tired, I spend all day walking around lol - but she follows it up by asking if I'm happy at the job that I have and I'm just like ...yeah, gonna offer me a new job? Was really weird and awkward recent encounter with her lmao.
Oh and also the train story - so last summer my dad and I take the Go Train down to Toronto and as we're shuffling down to get seats, where does my dad end up deciding to sit? Directly across from her. I did genuinely want to just keep walking forward but I didn't want to deal with annoying questions or potentially being rude to her (because unlike her, I just don't like being rude for the hell of it lmao) so I had to spend that entire train ride sitting across from her. She burped a lot, talked to herself and at one point asked me to look up crochet patterns for her - also there was a point early on in the train ride where she stood up and I thought I was free, but no...she came back several minutes later. My despair at having to sit with her for about an hour was well documented in Discord dm's with a friend, lmao. My dad understood by the end why I didn't like this woman, lmao. I continue to try and avoid her.
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thessalian · 7 months
Thess vs A CrapSack World
So basically the world is really, really fucked up right now. I can bullet-point a lot of it, or at least I can try.
And across the pond from me... Not seeing nearly enough about the fact that "old white dude quietly trying to get shit done as leader of his country but also maintaining the status quo on genocide" is still better than "old orange-ish dude who will destroy your fucking country and exacerbate the genocide if you let him get in again"
Apparently standing up and shouting "GENOCIDE BAD" is enough to panic people in this country so hard that folks are spinning fantasies about some Israeli Deep State controlling all of us (yes, actual government officials are saying this shit, and not even really getting condemned for it - look up Lee Anderson sometime) and start hinting at new anti-protest legislation (as if we didn't have enough of that) because "mob rule is replacing democratic rule". Says the man who nobody voted for.
Everything is way too expensive. And is only getting more and more expensive as time goes on - especially here, since we're having the worst effects of Brexit hitting us in stages and we're just about at the worst of it now.
The wealthy are blaming us for not wanting to work too hard for too little money, and for not buying enough to keep industries running, and generally fucking over everybody to keep their profit margins going ever-upwards. I can almost see the upcoming destruction of the bubble, but apparently we're going to go into "dynamic pricing" first, to make us pay more even for essentials depending on some AI's idea of when they can fleece us the most. Basically I'm tired of being a money-stuffed pinata to be beaten on by our corporate overlords until cash comes out.
On a personal note, I just had to register for postal voting and have no the fuck idea who I should be voting for because for fuck's sake, they're all as bad as each other at that point. I could probably focus on my constituency, but this is such a safe Labour seat that it barely even matters. Still, I'm not going to hike up a fucking hill to exercise my democratic rights, even if I don't know if there's anyone I can actually in all good conscience vote for.
Further personal note: just about every fucking part of the government seems to hate trans people. They all seem to be making the statement about "I know what a man is and I know what a woman is and there is no confusion about that", with the underlying suggestion of "man = penis, woman = vulva", which ... dear gods. We've got people asking, "Were the two kids who murdered a trans pupil really evil?" like, "Yeah, they fucking killed somebody, but ... well, it was only one of those..."
Final personal note: I am still so fucking tired of being disabled. I want to go out to the yarn store in my area, because ... y'know, good yarn, learning to crochet, yadda. Plus some other errands - I need gluten-free pasta, which they ran out of for my big monthly grocery order, and some other stuff. But I'm having to plan this entire trip in the most strategic way you can imagine because ... well, pain. I am so tired of having pain.
So there's all of ... y'know. This. And sometimes I don't know how I don't just despair myself into the ground. Because I can't do anything about most of this. Hell, I can't do anything about any of this. It just sits there, being shitty.
However. I had a really helpful therapist once, after I had my really major breakdown, and she said that the whole thing where I was grabbing at anything that might have the remotest chance of making me even briefly happy was a good instinct, and I just had to learn to do it more consciously. So. As small and shallow as some of these things are, here are my things right now:
I have the most awesome friends.
On the subject of friends, I have D&D nights.
I have pretty decent parentals, all told.
I have a new-old book (an old favourite I haven't read in a long time, and picked up for my Kindle recently)
I have a week off work, so I can recover a bit from the ow.
I have the first game I've pre-ordered since Dredge, which will be available in just over two weeks.
I have a trip to the yarn store ... and the yarn store has a shop cat.
That'll do for the time being. It may not seem like much, but it's a good bulwark between me and despair. I remember enough about my really major breakdown to know I really need those.
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worldiary · 1 year
A few of you asked for progress updates on the crochet experiment, so here we are!
Thoughts on crocheting lace for the first time:
Glad I was forced to get a set of crochet needles, if I got to pick just one I think I accidentally would have gone too small.
Daiso has nice, cheap, lace yarn in a nice small bundle. Perfect for "idk if I'll keep up this hobby".
The upside of getting crochet needles the same day I got the yarn is that I was able to capitalize on my energy and my Sunday by getting started. The downside of not waiting for a tatting shuttle is that... I'm not sure I want to switch to a shuttle after I just bought a set of like 5 crochet needles. So maybe I'll wait until I'm bored of the crochet needles, if such a thing occurs?
My eyes and knuckles are confused by this sudden change in muscle usage. I feel like an old woman with my mildly sore knuckles and mildly irritated eyes. I work with computers, so I was excited to try a hobby that doesn't involve staring at a screen. But is it that much better if I'm staring even closer?
Oof, I'm terrible at it so far. Below is a pic from day 1. White is the YouTube video screenshot and navy blue is mine. You see how in the center of the white one there's a ring of little columns and then 2 layers up there's another ring of columns? That's (in theory) what I've achieved in the blue image. But! I'm not restarting anymore: done is better than perfect. And for a first project, it's not bad. It's in a circle shape, mostly.
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Torn on my decision to start with a doily rather than straight lace. What I'm doing is less repetitive which means it's not boring (good) but I get less time to perfect each technique (bad). Also if one ring has a mistake in it, the next layer is built on that mistake (mixed). If it was straight lace, if I made a mistake it would look very obviously like a mistake, assuming I fixed it going forward. But I would get to start fresh each time. But! The doily shape is a little more usable (coaster)... Idk what I'd do with a straight strip of lace.
All that to say, once I finish this tragic coaster, maybe I'll try a straight lace strip next? If I don't try this again.
My fake!eureka moment at the end of day one/before starting to crochet in day 2 is: everything is secretly a chain stitch from a different angle. I noticed that every time I have to ladder up to the next layer, I do a bunch of chain stitches to fake whatever the end of the layer will connect to. Which suggests that all the dc-ing I'm doing through the rest of the layer will look exactly like my chain stitch by the end. I assume I'm actually wrong about this in general, but it at least seems true for this doily pattern. Maybe only true for the dc?
Today was day 2 and amusingly I started layer 5 and was like "Ohhh I think I finally understand what I did wrong in some of the previous layers. Great, I think I've got the hang of it, this is going to start looking a lot better" and then proceeded to make the most HORRIFIC layer. So now I've learned that consistent thread tension probably matters? Not that I know how to resolve that yet. Also, counting dc stitches is the worst. Chain stitches are short enough that they can sit in your bioRAM. By the time you finish one dc, you can't remember if it's your first or second one. So that probably didn't help. (Also no, I don't know what dc stands for. I think maybe double crochet? But I know it as the 1-in-pull-4to2-3to1). We'll see how layer 6 goes tomorrow! I'm optimistic it'll be better than layer 5 🤞
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genrefluid-arts · 1 year
C'mon Yo-Kai Let's be friends! Chapter 1: Exploring the heights
Current Word Count: 2,453 words 13,449 characters A Fanfic about ocs and fankais, mostly a origin about how *this specific* group got together. Updates might be slow but hopefully I'll complete it eventually!
It was around late afternoon in the town of Azalea Heights, Japon. The air was crisp and clean, and yet the aftermath of a suddenly destroyed building was still fresh, with remains of debris covering sidewalks and streets, and caution signs and ‘keep out’ lines surrounding the premises. But in another part of the city, a family had just moved in and arrived today around early noon.
Although, the house itself wasn’t brand new, no; It belonged to the paternal grandmother of the family, an elderly woman in her early 70s who gave her son a scare in terms of medical care. As the family proceeds to remove stuff from luggage and boxes, however, there was a boy who was currently typing an online diary entry, venting out his feelings, as he said them out loud
‘Taki Oshimo here, today we have moved into my gram gram's place in Azalea Heights. I know I'm supposed to finish unpacking my belongings, but to be honest; I am WAY TOO EXCITED to finish unpacking!’
The boy paused, tapping his fingers on the desk, letting his fingers rest for a moment before resuming.
‘I mean, don’t get me wrong- I miss everyone back at my old home, but say- nothing can go wrong with trying to make new friends here! Besides…’
He spins his computer chair, looking at a suitcase of various going away gifts; ranging from flowers, a homemade scrapbook, a few childhood toys given to him by old friends, and a couple of photos. He smiled softly as he turned back to his laptop.
‘I have their memories here. Anyway, gotta go and finish before my mom gives me the business!’
The boy closes the book, taking a deep breath as he heads to finish unpacking, humming a tune akin to ‘September’ by Earth, Wind, and Fire. As he got into the groove of putting his clothes in drawers and organizing his other belongings, he heard a knock at the door.
“Hey dork,” his older sister Junko teased, leaning against the doorframe like a chill person. “When you're done, Gram Gram wants to see you, something about a gift????”
“Oh, neat!” Taki beamed, putting his stuff away in a hurry as he raced past Junko. “I wonder what it is?”
“Well, it’s probably better than my gift,” Junko holds up a stack of cards, bound by a rubber band, her face sour. “I’ll make use of this somehow…”
Taki skipped down the stairs on the way to gram gram's room, nearly bumping into his father in the process. “Sorry, dad!”
“Taki, be careful when entering your gram gram’s room, please! I don’t want her to get into a coughing fit!” He fretted, Taki nodding in understanding as he walked ahead.
Slowly creaking the door open, he takes a good look at the room;
The room was lit up by the ceiling light, showcasing the room for all who entered to see.
While the floors were clean and furnished with a large crochet carpet, desktops, and surfaces were cluttered with photos, yarn, old-timey trinkets, and old, dusty antiques. Taki lightly gagged at the smell of mothballs and coconut. Not a pleasant aroma combo.
An old lady was sitting on the bed, humming a tune as she stared down at a photo, a soft smile curved on her lips.
“Gram Gram?” Taki whispered, closing the door quietly but loud enough so Gram Gram could hear. She perked up, giving him a warm smile.
“Hello dear,” she said as she put down the framed picture, gesturing to Taki to come and sit by her. The floors had a slight creak to them as Taki took a few steps, sitting down on the plush bed next to his grandmother. “Now, I have a gift for you..”
Gram Gram opened the bottom of the bureau with gentle precision, and took out a small box, with detailed carvings etched onto it. Taki leaned in closer, focusing his gaze on the box in curiosity,
“What is it, Gram Gram?”
Gram Gram let out a hearty chuckle. “Just an old accessory from my childhood.”
She unlatched the padlocks and opened them. Inside, was a pair of goggles, the color of orange slightly desaturated with years of being kept away. Taki let out an impressed whistle as she carefully took them out, holding them out for Taki to take.
“U-uh, you sure gram gram?” Taki quizzed, a hint of unsureness in his tone. She gave him an approving nod.
With the go-ahead, he took them in hesitation, giving them a closer look. “Wow, you know, this matches the color of my jacket!”
“I thought so too.” Gram Gram chuckled, her dimpled smile never fading as Taki carefully put them on with playfulness, gently reminding her of her youth. “You know, those goggles weren’t just a simple fashion accessory..”
Taki pushed the goggles up, giving Gram Gram a confused look. “They weren’t?”
She gave him a playful nod. “Let me ask you something.”
Gram Gram fixed her posture, giving Taki her focused gaze. “Have you heard of the creatures called ‘yokai’?”
“Yokai???” He confusedly repeated. He tapped his chin in thought. “They are supernatural creatures residing in and around japon..?”
Gram Gram nodded, relaxing her posture as she collected some old memories. “When I was your age…I made friends, each one was different.” she picked up the picture frame she placed down before, handing it over to Taki.
The picture itself included four kids, including a younger Gram Gram. Yet it only confused Taki further. And Gram Gram could tell.
“You see, Taki,” She paused, her train of thought pausing as she took back the framed photo. “Some of my other friends were yo-kai.”
Taki's eyes grew wide in shock and he hopped off the bed. His mind? Blown.
“H-how is that possible!? I thought yokai were only folk tales!?!”
Gram Gram let out a hearty laugh as Taki started to stammer from both confusion, fear, and excitement. “My boy, please calm down! Your folks will think I'm having a fit.
“But Gram Gram! This is exciting! Humans and yo-kai can be friends!?! How did you do it!?!?!”
Taki covered his mouth as she shushed him, gesturing to tone it down a little bit. Taki slowly sits back down on the bed, mouth still covered.
“You see- I didn’t have a device that allowed me to see yo-kai at first. Sooo I made a pair of yo-kai seeing goggles.”
The boy gasps in realization and excitement, putting back on the goggles as he quickly scans the room. “...I don't see any yokai here.”
Gram gram gives him a knowing look. “Perhaps they are somewhere outside, there are usually a few of them causing some sort of trouble.”
“Trouble?” Taki inquired. “I thought since you were able to befriend yokai they’d all be good or something.”
Gram Gram waved a hand at the statement, scoffing. “The yokai were known to be mischievous creatures in myths, and they are in real life. But, it’s just in their nature. Sometimes, they don’t even mean to cause an inch of harm”
Taki let out a soft hum, nodding in understanding. Sorta. “Alright Gram, I’m heading off!”
Taki gave her a goodbye wave as he opened the door, closing it as Gram Gram waves back.
Taki rushes to put on his shoes, nearly making it out the door before anyone notices. However, a figure appeared behind him before he even touched the doorknob.
“Hold up! Where do you think you're going?” His mother called out to him, her hands on her hips.
Taki paused, an invisible sweat dripping down. It’s not good to lie to your mom at times, but at the same time, if you’d told her that you were going to look for yo-kai, she’d probably think you went nuts.
“I was going,” he drawled for a second ”... on a walk.”
She crooks her eyebrow, not convinced quite yet. “A walk?”
“Yes mama, that is correct.”
She hummed in thought for a minute. “Well, I did take a peek in your room and I saw that you've finished unpacking your belongings…..” she continued humming, leaving Taki on the edge of his toes for an answer.
“Alright, you can go,” Taki let out a soft ‘yus’ as he pumped a fist in the air. “However, I need you to run a quick errand while you're out!” She steps towards the nightstand, and takes out a pen and a notepad, writing something on it. “I need you to go to the bakery on 121 Clover Avenue and buy some bread for your father’s dinner plan.”
She hands Taki the note and a few yen bills, about 1347 JYP. “If you end up having change you can buy a little something for yourself.”
“ ‘Kay mom!” Taki exclaimed, heading out the door. — As Taki walked through the streets of Azalea Heights, he scanned every nook and cranny of the area he was currently surrounded by. From under parked cars, to the corner of buildings, to the light poles. But so far, every single place was yo-kai-free, and the judgemental looks of strangers weren’t helping either.
I’m starting to think Gram Gram was playfully messing with me…
Taki let out a sigh as he entered the bakery, the bell softly alarming people of his presence. The smell of fresh goods wavered through the air, calming him down a little bit. He lets out a deep breath as he walks to the counter. He’s kinda surprised that there isn’t a line. Actually….
Taki took a quick look around. The place is almost like a ghost town, the only people that seem to be here are a few bakers in the back, a girl who just walked in, and a girl right behind the counter.
“Hello,” the counter girl called out, giving Taki a soft smile as he turned around. “How can I help you?”
Taki took a moment to reach into his pocket, grabbing the note his mom gave him. “Yes can I get some,” he paused, squinting his eyes as he took a closer look. “...Shokupan..?”
“Of course! Let me get it ready for you!”
She hummed as she went into the back, leaving Taki alone. Although he isn’t COMPLETELY alone. There is a girl right behind him, But it seems like she isn’t much of a talker. And then, the whole room is filled with awkwardness.
Taki fumbled and played with his thumbs for a bit, before taking a deep breath. “So, is the bread here good?”
The girl thought for a minute and then nodded. “The peach and melon bread is really good! But I mostly come here to simply visit my friend Momoka.”
“Momoka…? Oh! The girl who works behind the counter!”
She nods. “Yeah, she’s recently graduated from elementary school, so she and I usually hang out here or whenever she is free. Although, she might get out early thanks to slow business and…a few accidents.”
“Accidents?” Taki queried, a hint of worry in his tone. “What kind of accidents?”
“Like,” she pauses for a moment. “Street-wide blackouts, buildings breaking down, monsters in the sewers-”
“Monsters in the what?”
“Oh?” She gives Taki an eerie look. “Haven’t you heard? There is a monster living in the sewers. Legends say, that if you get too close at the strike of midnight, the monster comes out and drags you into the sewers, intending on having you for breakfast ....”
Taki felt his legs wobble, his mind going blank as his heart sank. “UUUUUUUUUUUUH-”
“Sumiko!!” Momoka called out, scolding the girl. “You gotta stop scaring people with that fake story!”
Oh, it was fake.
Taki sighed in relief as Sumiko chuckled mischievously. “I can’t help it~ Besides! People should think twice before believing in those stories, but I am sorry. I guess I should’ve given you a heads-up.”
Taki waved his arms assuring “No, no, no! You're all good! All though to be fair, I did get a sense of fear..”
And I’m glad there is no such thing as a sewer yokai...
A few moments later, Momoka comes out with Taki’s bread, packaged with gentleness and care. “That’ll be ¥1077.48 please!”
Taki, while not having divided change, gave her the entire bill. In exchange, he received change back.
“Thank you, and have a nice day!” Momoka shouted
“Thank you!” Taki replied as he walked out the door, the bell announcing his departure. Momoka and Sumiko paused for a moment, with the latter speaking up.
“That kid has some cool goggles.” — It was nighttime now, and Taki was dressed in his pj’s now, writing a last diary entry for the day, and of course, talking as he typed.
‘So far, no luck finding and befriending yo-kai. The good news is, I made two new friends already! I think. I dunno, we seemed to hit it off well but we’ll see. Through, Sumiko mentioned stuff about blackouts and destroyed buildings. Could it be the work of a yokai? Maybe I’ll start investigating soon, but answers could show up at any moment, so for now, Peace ✌️’
Taki closed his laptop, stretching as he let out a huge yawn and made his way towards his bed, slumping against it as he lazily pulled the blanket over him, sighing in contentment as he drifted off to sleep
Meanwhile, in another part of Azalea Heights…
A Gokudō was in the middle of getting a beatdown from a monstrous creature, his fellow gang members beaten and unconscious before them. And his weapon broke in half. The creature was striking him left and right, giving the yokai no area to breathe. Eventually, the creature whipped him with its tail, flinging him and causing him to crash into a concrete wall.
The Gokudō breathed heavily, grunting in pain as he tried to sustain his injuries.
“You guys got some nerve attacking us from behind…” A voice behind the creature called out. “Then again, most of you yo kai would do ANYTHING to try to get rid of us what…”
The Gokudō growled, spitting out a mixture of saliva and blood against the concrete ground, glaring at the two in contempt.
“The yokai of Azalea Heights all agreed: Neither of you belongs here…”
The human walked out of the shadows, his arms crossed as a yo-kai watch dangled with movement, bound by a chain around his neck.
“That’s strange…” They paused, before the yo-kai next to him growled, prepared for a final attack. “Because last time I checked Unless you know what we went through…”
The monstrous yokai launches forward, its arms raised for the finishing blow.
“You don’t get to dictate where we go…”
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ettawritesnstudies · 2 years
what's a story premise you've had lurking in your head but haven't done anything with yet?
I've got one mulling about called StoryWeavers where the magic system is based on the intersection of fiber arts, storytelling, and the metaphors behind them (manipulation "pulling on the strings", fate "caught in a web", creativity "spinning a yarn", etc.). This is inspired by my special interest of historical costuming and how much of our modern vernacular stems directly from how important fibercraft was throughout history and the legacy of the quiet women who kept the world clothed and how much politics happened around the embroidery hoop.
It would be a magical realism kind of story taking place in an ancient world where the gods and spirits walk amongst humans. I don't know what kind of culture I would want it to be inspired by because there's so many interesting historical fibercrafts. Right now I'm kind of torn between Incan because of the quipu writing system and the bridges woven over the mountains works really well thematically. I am afraid of writing this though because I don't want to appropriate anything and I would want to be sure to do a LOT of research and get sensitivity readers. Their patterns are also really gorgeous.
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Alternatively I would want a Eastern European winter type of setting because I think these geometric and floral patterns are just so pretty and half of my family is Polish I don't know nearly enough about that mythology as I want to.
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Anyhow, the plot goes as follows: In this little village is an old grandmother named Lohe who was a master of her craft, but has been losing her sight to old age. Her granddaughter, Janome, trained as her apprentice and the two of them work side by side, younger aiding the elder to cope with her blindness, and the elder guiding the younger's unpracticed hands. All is well with the world until one day, a sorceress (who may or may not also be a cursed dragon-like monster) steals the sun, trapping it in a bag woven so tightly that no light can leak through. The world is plunged into darkness and cold, and the Queen despairs, instructing every seamstress to get to work making blankets and cloaks to keep people warm.
Janome and Lohe decide they need to fix the problem because they can see their fellow weavers burning themselves out trying to save everyone else, and so they crochet shawls of feathers to fly into the sky, knit mittens that will let them hold the sun without burning, and sew skirts with tactile star maps embroidered into the fabric, so they can still read the skies when the wax of their candles is gone.
[they do the adventure]
[they save the day]
The plot is still coming together, but I have some other mythological things I might want to feature. The Crane Wife story involves a crane sacrificing her feathers to sew into garments, so they are going to meet a crane woman at some point who helps them out. Maybe also a Selkie because of the sealskin thing. Spiders of course. Birds who weave nests. Storks are different from cranes but they're the bird on my favorite pair of embroidery scissors. There's a goddess named Trama that they need to help/ask for help, I haven't decided yet.
Just vibes.
Thanks for asking!
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mr---cringe · 2 years
19, 21, 26
19 - fact about personality
(These are more like stuff which affected it)
An unexpected one: I attended an orthodox primary school, and they gendered everything in there. And they made sure we believed in god and were religious. So since I had 'F' in my ID, according to their beliefs, I was supposed to become a "true woman". And they taught us multiple things which in fact were really useful and fun and I wish they just gave all the children an opportunity to participate in these activities. Such as sewing, stitching, crocheting, cooking, making plushies, weaving, felting, painting, doing pottery and others. Crafts teacher gathered me and my classmates, we were creating something cool together and talked a lot. I haven't bought a single beanie or a scarf in my life and if I want for some reason I can craft almost everything I need. I can even make a knife out of an old plate, a piece of antler and a stripe of leather
A strange one: I'm left-handed and as a child I used to mirror all the symbols when writing. I guess that's the reason I can read and write backwards easily
A sad one: my bio father was a gangster, and when cops started seeking for him, he just vanished into thin air. my mom had to live with her best friend (whose husband was a gangster too, but he was caught) and stay with me and the friend's son, when her friend worked to provide such an improvised same-sex family with everything. They did it because cops were extremely rough to us, since they couldn't find my bio dad. They believed my mom knew where he was, but she didn't. That time I was clueless about all the stuff, I was glad my friend lived with me, and we could play together all day long. I believed he became my brother
21 - What I love most about myself:
In terms of my appearance: I love how white and Asian genes combined in me to create my eyes, which are blue but don't have a white-like shape. And my voice. It's pretty low, even though I haven't started T yet
In terms of my temper: I'm able to find a good solution in extreme situations quickly enough
In terms of my skills: my drawings are pretty, I speak 3 foreign languages and I cook well
26. My biggest pet peeves:
- I'd rather walk outside when it's -40° Celsius rather than when it's something like +27°. Hot summers suck
- Pictures of me taken by someone else. Like I know my smile's ugly and I have huge hips, don't remind me about it
- Every damn thing in the world's created for right-handed people. Scissors and other tools have left-handed-friendly alternatives, which are absolutely useless, because you learn using regular ones since young age, and you adapt to it. But the barriers in the subway... they're always right-handed. Like they have coin insertion slot and the spot where you're supposed to press a card located at the right side. And if I forget to take my card consciously with my right hand to open the barrier, I automatically open another one when trying to enter the closed one. At such moments everyone looks at me like I'm a cave person.
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fiercelywinged · 2 years
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About the Mun!
Name/Ailias: My actual name is Kelsey but I tend to encourage people to call me Kels. As far as "gamer tags" go, you can find me at RedDragonAmber or Inuwolf(012).
Age: 31
Favorite season: Spring and Fall, I live in New England and in my opinion, those are the best seasons around here. Also, it's our rainy seasons and I love rain.
Favorite book?: This is actually hard as I read a lot but I'd say To Sir Phillip, With Love: Bridgerton (Book 5).
Favorite color: Red, black, and purple
Scars/stories behind them?: It's not a scar but I did somehow manage to dislocate a rib. I used to work at Home Depot (a large hardware store change in USA for my non-USA followers) for about seven years and most of that time I worked in the paint department. I was the shorter one in the department, at 5'2'', and though one of the youngest I was usually the only woman. And though all of my older coworkers (my boss included) would try to encourage me to ask them to get me any five-gallon paint buckets I needed to tint. But...I'm hella stubborn and independent. So, during a shift where I was on my own for a lot of it, I ended up doing quite a few five-gallons (I think it was an order for a contractor but I can't remember). The next day, I'm taking a shower before work and I just happen to feel a bump somewhat below my left breast. Cue mild panic and a trip to the hospital to get an x-ray that confirmed I had simply dislocated one of my upper ribs.
Pets?: I have three dogs. I live with my parents still, so my dad's dog is a 8 year old Keeshound named Hobby (I call him the Grumpy Old Man) and my mom has a 10 month old Maltese named Winston. My dog is a 2 year old Pembrook Corgi named Bilbo, who I will often refer to as my son (because he is).
Hobbies: Writing (I'm actually slowly working on a rough draft for a novel), crocheting, and playing video games
Partner?: Yes I have a boyfriend named Roberto, I will most likely refer to him as bf or Berto here. We've been together about four-five years now and plan to move in together whenever the housing prices come down around here.
Kids?: Yes and no. No human kids and I have no plans to have any. But Bilbo is my son and I do plan to have furbabies in the future (Roberto wants a Rottie since he had two when he lived in Puerto Rico and hasn't had any since then).
Special talents?: I'm sort of a tech wiz and after playing around with any tech for about a minute, I somewhat know how something works.
Tag people you'd like to know better: Anyone who wishes to do this u w u
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How did a Art witch meet a Cyberpunk dragon?
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Zodia, to people on the outside looking in, is a beautiful online city loaded with so many realms, adventure, and information.
Christina Conlin Also known as L1M80 logged in and lives in a town called Covehallow. It's a Tradeport on the northeast side of Astoria. She is an art witch in this artistic plane which is widely noted for its Polymaths and artistry. This is mainly why the police force is owned by the theoretically most corrupt mafia to ever exist. People can identify her by her dark chocolate almond-shaped eyes hidden by pastel blue reading glasses with small butterflies on the prescription side because she had far-sighted vision. She was deep in doubt as she was reading the latest crochet book by Ava Phoebe Parson. Her long, straight, fine, Void black to blood red at the tips hair is worn in a wavy, beachy ponytail. Her long bangs slightly blocked her right eye. She is on the slightly wide-hipped side for a 4'11" woman stuck in on the crowded train. Not that she's fat! She was just born like this. She blamed the gene pool roulette table. Mostly on her height. Today was a bit on the chilly side, so she chose to wear a pastel dress under a black sweater with various patches from bands and things she likes. She was on the Hermes 98 train for a reason. She was having a secret meeting with Rosalie Kendall Cadwell. Rosalie is a matchmaker in Tolos that got her swan friends paired up. As much as she appreciated their help, Christina just assumed she was a lost cause and that they were just doing this so she wouldn't act like she needed to barf when they were all cute with one another.
The ride lasted about an hour, and she arrived at this large house that looked like an old castle. It should have been torn down. How is it STILL STANDING?! The yard was decently large and was sort of neatly trimmed. Not too short for the grass to die but not too long for any HOA to harass. After a small breath, she put her book in her bag and went inside. The interior is done in colors that remind her of an old factory. Maybe it was once a woodworker's shop? It would explain the stone exterior. Also, besides that, her friends recommended this lady, and this house was once featured in a magazine series showcasing unusually-decorated homes. Gee, she wondered why.
"Hello?" She asked nervously, looking around and getting startled to see a woman in maybe her mid to late 30s poke out from the kitchen, and her aura intimidated Christina cause it puts her in the mindset that she is not in a good mood at 1st. She has hooded blue eyes that look like she hasn't slept in 2 days. Her thick, wavy, blonde hair is worn in a style that reminds anyone of a mysterious enchantress. She is very tall and has a narrow build. Her skin is porcelain, and her lips are so thin she almost thought she didn't have a mouth! Her wardrobe is risque as well. A red dress with slits on BOTH SIDES that looked like it was either in a burlesque show or is some rich matriarch. Talk about a GREAT 1st impression. "Ah, you must be L1M80… SIT SIIIIT! My name is Rosalie. I am SO HAPPY to finally meet you!" The woman said in a Russian accent. Christina nodded in acknowledgment and sat down nervously. "Y-you have a nice place." She said, trying to hide her nerves.
The woman looked at her up and down, seeing her mark as she took off the sweater. "Aren't you steampunk horse types supposed to have that assertive, extroverted personality? You seem to behave more like a jade mouse." Rosalie said a bit bitterly. Christina just stared, annoyed. "And aren't doves supposed to be nice?" she slightly sassed back. Rosalie glared back at her and showed her gray dove on her left arm." It's.a.GRAY.dove! I am not that pure and innocent!" Christina panics for a sec before bowing. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be rude!" Rosalie takes a deep breath and sighs as they both sit down, a droid coming by and giving them tea. "Look, Dahling. From your paperwork and the phone call interview..you just want a simple life. I get that. Dahling, I do. But why come to me of all people?" Christina sighed and looked down at her tea. "A friend mentioned that you gave great advice when looking for love. And I was lonely..like sure I have friends, but I want my missing piece. Someone that won't burn me out .Someone that can detect that I'm about to burn out and put me somewhere quiet. And yet.." Rosalie looked up curiously. "I also want someone to show me what real fun is..what I'm missing out on." Rosalie then looked oddly amused. "Have you tried actually going out and saying hi to a guy you think is cute? It's not that hard." She said, drinking a blue liquid in her teacup. As she drinks, her body turns to more of a 16-year-old girl. Then on her computer, as she looked at her matchmaking profile, bricks of low self-esteem, shyness around people she doesn't know or trust, trauma with some men that sound or look intimidating, and INFP-T popped up, making the girl shocked and pity her a bit "That bad huh?" she asked, seeing her client nod. Rosalie nodded before reaching into the drawer to pull out a pendant and gently toss it to Christina. As she caught it, it pricked her finger. The amulet absorbs it like a hungry child and then turns from a clear crystal to a blood ruby red.
"What is it?" Chrissy asked curiously as she quickly found a bandaid in her purse. "Call it a type of good luck charm, sunshine." The woman said, smiling. "It'll help you find your match. Or matches since your mark is a special case." "Special?" Christina asked, and Rosalie hums, "You will see, dear." As Rosalie saw Christina leave, she smiled. "I finally found you. My beautiful Trojan horse. Have fun ruining what my ancestors helped build."
An hour or so later, Christina arrives home at her cottage. The place looked like a crafters paradise with one side being a painter's corner and then there's the other side where a worn-out pink plaid couch was where yarn patterns and semi-half-done yarn projects were on one side. Christina was emotionally drained from being on a crowded train for so long and feels like her social battery is almost dead. She sits on a stool near her gamer chair and looks at the amulet to get a better look at what that 568,597 credit appointment paid for. It was a cobalt blue dragon with sapphire blue eyes and its tail shaped like a heart and its claws holding the heart-shaped bloodstone. The design alone looked like something out of a magical girl anime. "How the fuck are you supposed to help? Also, you know you cost me about a year's worth of rent!?" she asked, looking at it slightly annoyed.
After saying that, she hears a ping from the computer screen and her witch avatar saying, "You have mail!" over and over. Christina sighs and types in her username and password, and gets into the email from Cypher Tech Guild. Her eyes widened more on the message.
Dear Miss L1M80,
My name is Adrian T Bellerose. Leader of the Cypher Tech. Yes, the same guild that builds not only our cities' security but also weapons of war and safety. I would be honored if you would join our guild. If you are worried about housing and benefits we will cover that free of charge. We would love a beautiful witch like yourself in our guild. Also i am interested in one of your paintings. I await your reply.
A.T Bellerose.
When reading this Christina blushed and thinks Beautiful? Me? This guy's standards must be sewer-level low or he says that to all the women in his pools. Also, is this guy SERIOUSLY USING A CELEB NAME FOR A SCAM!?! She looks at the amulet and then sighs. "What have I got to lose? Why not?" She takes a breath and starts emailing the reply.
Dear Mr. Bellerose,
Thank you sir for the kind request and offer. If you give me at least an hour to prepare the studio, You can surely come to do an interview.
Signed Christina Conlin.
"And send," she said as she pressed the enter button. And with that, she began cleaning and prepping for the visitor while listening to hard rock and metal music. She even wondered if her paintings or even her trash writings alone would be put in a museum or a bookstore that's in the higher-class area. She giggled at the thought, almost squeaking when she heard the doorbell. Almost forgetting he was arriving thinking it was her groceries. "Ok ok, I'm coming, can you hold your lack of…pan…ties."
What was in front of her as she opened the door wasn't the asshole grocery guy that tells her that she looks like a shut-in sponge that mooches off her parents. But the Matrix dragon himself, Adrian T Bellerose. His cobalt eyes can convince anyone of a deal or make them piss their pants with a glance. His matching short cobalt-blue hair is wild and untamed like the ocean in a storm. He was wearing a reflective black trench coat, a cobalt blue suit, work boots, and glasses that looked more like they could hack into her computer to see if it had anything useful. He overall looked like a guy who was frank, sincere, moody and had creative ideas all into one. The moment they locked eyes there was a twinge of pain in her left arm and his right arm. Her horse mark changed to a pastel coloring and his dragon was also steampunk, changing to a more pastel shine and their eyes had more sparkle.
Soulmate found beginning new questline.
This was Infront of them in a heart shaped screen.
After some silence, they realized what this meant. Soulmate binding. They were soulmates. Christina smiled nervously. "Exsqueeze me for one moment.." She said as she slowly closed the door and made a slight scream.
HOLY FUCKBALLS! Adrian Bellrose…MY SOULMATE! Ok ok….be calm…there is a 30-day pause for the binding… He might not love me back just yet..so just open the door and just.. do the sale. And explain that there MUST be some misunderstanding.
Christina takes a few panicked breaths trying to be as professional as HUMANLY possible and opens it again and sees he had the look of a kitten that just got adopted. This was gonna be a LONG month. "Sorry about that Mr. Bellro-" "Adrian…please…As my soulmate please call me Adrian..and yours?"
"Christina..now please come inside before my landlord assumes shit again. He already thinks I sell Fairy dust and pot on the side because I give teabags with my paintings and collect jars.."
Adrian walked in and looked around the studio. His interest in her as a soulmate activated his curiosity but now it peaked with her tastes. Homemade statues of things like frogs and fairies scattered around, a sphynx on a fairy-themed cat tree with a luxury bed with clear domes revealing their toe beans. Sketchbooks scattered about some open with written chicken scratch handwriting. He was loving this and wanted more. Normally women around him were haughty or bloodsuckers wanting only his money and an heir to get his company. He hates women like that but this one..she was somehow different. He can tell. Such a young-hearted one this girl is. Adrian thought with a smile.
With all these decorations, am I meant to be her soulmate?Her Oberon? Decent enough decor and some fine sketches though.
Christina comes back pulling out the 8x10 painting. He just adored it! seeing how she put work into it. He saw the water coloring brush strokes on the details of the trees and leaves, he can feel the emotions in each stroke and that she put in so much work. AND THIS WAS UP FOR 2 MONTHS! He pulled out his black credit card and his cellphone and Chrissy made a happy squeal of 'oh my god he's buying it.' But froze when he said. "I'll take your entire stock." He said as a blue screen appeared and he began going to the payment screen. He chuckled at Christina's now goldfish face. It was cute. "C-come again?" "Did I stutter?" He asked with a serious face. "N-n-no, sir. I just thought it was only 1 painting, not 20 paintings, and a lame statue of a lizard in a tophat. D-do you have?" She noticed him already calling someone to pick it up and sighs "Of course, you have someone to pick it up.." She was about to ask for his credit info but hears him say "How much is this place to buy?"
Excuse me? Is he BUYING MY COTTAGE NOW? "About 10 million credits… It is a single-bedroom studio" "So about pocket change.." He said in a slightly monotone voice. "YOU CALL 10 MILLION CREDITS POCKET CHANGE!" Adrian then looked at her confused "Why yes…oh you're part of the middle class of the island."Then he saw the sass of his new lover. Christina was not fond of being called poor. "Well no shit sherlock." Then he finished the credits and handed them to her. about 30 million credits in total.
Christina was shaking. She was just HANDED money to keep her studio and impove it into a dream home. She wanted to refuse it cause she ain't no gold digger. "NOnononononoo I can't take this. This is too much money!" she exclaimed gently and pushed the check away only for it to be gently pushed back into her hands. "Take it. The rules of this soulmate binding mean I have to take care of you, yes? And Your dream of a quiet place in the woods is quite nice. I am curious as to why you don't cater to city life however, I will not pry into your closet of skeletons until you are ready to share. I have my own skeleton closet myself. Well…it's more like a walk-in closet. With two floors."
Christina blinked in some shock, concern, and fear but eventually shook it off and smiled. This guy was quite sincere about his motives despite confessing to a two-floor skeleton closet.. "Ok ok, Romeo you can have a chance. But, if you want this to work we need to find a compromise between ourselves. Mostly because…I'm more country and arty and you're more technology… And shooting people in the face." Adrien was about to object but..the girl had a point.
After a proper conversation they agreed to give each other a gamers level of a chance. How hard could the quest be?
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mygainyear2024 · 5 months
Day 31 Carvoeira - the little Santorini of Portugal (but first, side tracked by a pay it forward Mumma moment...)
Rosie and I planned a trip to Carvoeira today to include a long walk. We decided to head off around lunch time, when the weather got a bit warmer, Uber/Bolt there, see the sites, eat lunch and then take that long walk. I was hopeful we'd get as far as Ferragudo (about one hour 40) as I've had on my list the Dom Rodrigo gelato recommended by the tile painting teacher. I walked to Rosie's apartment, running late as I was down a rabbit hole finding a day trip to Tavira, close to the Spanish border (where I wanted to drive to after Rio Formosa Natural Park, but that seemed a little too far for me).
While I'm waiting for Rosie, and looking up ride share prices, I was mildly distracted by some yelling. I thought it was a mother yelling at a child. She moved on, then I saw another woman looking lost. She was being oggled by old dudes walking past, I think it was her skimpy bikini and crocheted see through dress. She then disappeared and the first woman walks past Rosie and I looking lost too and on the phone sounding frustrated (trying to find her accommodation), she bursts into tears. Well, a mother/social worker and a great grandmother/life coach couldn't help themselves. We are right in there. "Are you ok?" "No, I've got my period and I'm lost and (more tears)" So long story short, the two friends just arrived from the UK into Faro, caught a taxi from Faro airport (about an hour) for this huge music festival (DnB Allstars) that is on this weekend and they were dropped off at an address and couldn't get in. They continued to ring the owner of the apartment and he kept telling them it wasn't the right place. They both had oversized suitcases for the week, and cheap ones, which were scraping on the ground and toppling over from the uneven distribution of the goods inside. Exactly what I have done in the past, several times over! At one point I did say to the second young woman, with very good intentions, maybe you could ask Mum and Dad to buy you a better suitcase for Christmas!
It took us over one hour to find Condominio Oásis Mar lote 2, bloco B, 1B! And in the end it was a 5 minute walk from Rosie's apartment, we went to the wrong building according to my own google search, then to lote 1 and all those blocos and then walked up the hill and around. We finally found the place. The one they had originally been taken to. They'd gotten through the front gates with the code, found bloco B, but instead of 1B, they were on Ground B!!
We gave them a lot of hugs, strongly suggested they settle in and go get some drinks and make up. I used a Ben Crowe quote on each of them, something like "what's the kindest interpretation you can have of your friend right now"!
After all that, we ended up back at Rosie's apartment for a loo stop, in the Bolt and on our way. What Rosie didn't realise until she got back to her apartment after 7pm was that she'd locked herself out! She was so exhausted, sat in the hallway and waited over 30 minutes for someone to let her in. I did offer to go sit with her or have her come back to my apartment with the lure of rosé. I think she'll be glad to see me depart on Sunday. She keeps saying don't you ever stop LOL!
Carvoeira seemed like a great spot. Lots of restaurants, shops, white washed buildings, sheltered beach - except it was bloody cold today.
We were so hungry by the time we got there, we headed to one of the two spots I'd sourced, Earth Shop & Café. I really liked the food, but the service was super slow. This late in the day all we could manage was to browse some shops, do the short boardwalk, take respite at a cool bar for more drinks and Bolt back.
With about an hour to go before sunset, I decided to head off to the beach to see what was happening crowd wise and concert wise. No concert space has been set up yet and the beach was pretty deserted. Stay tuned.
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dxughterofpluto · 1 year
In a candle-lit hallway, with intricate and old-fashioned wallpaper stood a girl, looking frazzled and as if she'd just woken up; well at least that's how it felt for her. With a pounding head, she rubbed her temples. Heaving a sigh, she darted her eyes and became one with her surroundings; or rather not because she couldn't recognize this place at all.
' How did I get here?' The thought echoed her mind, like how as minor as her movement was, it still echoed through the vacant hallway. She squinted, staring aimlessly ahead into a dimly-lit uncertainty. She felt shivers go up her spine, despite being inside…somewhere, she felt a sudden cold. The girl glanced over her shoulder; again another candle-lit, seemingly endless hallway." Well I can't just stand here forever, can I?” She concluded aloud, although in actuality she was unsure. Trying to keep calm in a situation of possible danger was difficult, but panicking would just make this all the more real to her.
So, the girl stepped forward with perseverance. She was clutching her elbows, it was still cold and beginning to get colder. As she walked, the only sounds were from herself; steady breaths and the shuffling from the bunny slippers she was wearing. Stopping in her tracks, she looked down at them and let out a noise of confusion." Hm…Why am I wearing these..?" She asked herself, searching her mind for any possible clue but to no avail; as another startling realisation hit her over the head. Holding her arms up in front of her slightly; the girl saw she was wearing a long-sleeved, flowy nightgown." It's not like I was asleep standing up in the hallway, was I?" She whispered. Her vision was becoming less blurry and so was the situation.
Nevertheless; she pressed forward. As she did so, she began to notice slight changes to her surroundings. The narrow, dimly-lit hallway was a lot wider than she'd initially thought. As she walked, the girl drifted her hand across the wall to her right to guide herself." Whoever lives here's probably a hermit," she mumbled, " could use more light, this place." Not only that, but the eerie hallway was starting to become repetitive. The candle sticks stuck to the wall illuminated her path of otherwise never-ending. Not only was this journey through the unknown tedious, the girl was starting to feel a pressure against her chest, more anxiety was consuming her by the second.
It was interrupted by the sudden feeling of not the rough-textured wallpaper, but a hard, wooden feeling. She stopped in her tracks for the second time, and although hesitant, she stepped back slightly in an attempt to get a better view of what she'd just come across. From what she could tell, it was a wooden frame, but it was too dark to tell what was being framed. Her eyes drifted over to the candlestick on the wall to her left; she gripped its handle and held it towards the frame.
The candle illuminated a painting; a portrait of a woman holding a baby. She was sitting in a rocking chair, hair pinned back and wearing a royal blue robe, as her baby seemed to be sleeping in the woman's arms who was wrapped in white, crochet blanket. The pressure on the girl's chest hadn't gone away. No. it was shifting now, becoming suddenly painful. A lump in her throat she didn't realise was there gave out and salty tears streamed down her face.
The girl sniffled, before quickly wiping her cheeks. A burning question was present in her watery eyes." Why am I crying?"
It was ridiculous, it wasn't like she knew who this mother and child were; so what had she suddenly become so upset over? She furrowed her eyebrows in not only confusion but agitation. Before she could ask herself more unanswerable questions, there was an interjection.
Music. It was faint, but she still managed to pick up on it as distant as it was. After a few months, she concluded that it was a soft piano ballad, as gentle as a lullaby." Music..? Does that mean I'm not alone?" She wondered, not knowing whether to feel relieved or terrified at the thought. Glancing at the strange yet solemn painting once more; she forced herself to continue down the gloomy hallway. The girl listened intently to the piano ballad as she did." This house must be huge." She thought aloud. Surprisingly, the music that had started playing out of nowhere didn't really startle her; of course the situation was scary to her but she couldn't help but feel soothed at the soft ballad that echoed across the walls. It felt strangely familiar.
As the girl guided herself with the candlestick, she could hear the music slowly quickening and becoming louder. Closer. With a pounding heart, and free hand clutching the fabric over her chest, the girl couldn't help but quicken the paces of her steps.
She came to a halt. A double door was illuminated by the candlestick; it was a dark, moody brown and seemingly opened slightly, a small creek. This wasn't a dead end however; to her right the hallway continued. Upon further notice she realised that the music wasn't coming from inside the ominous room begging to be peaked into; but instead from further down the hallway. She furrowed her brows and frowned in confliction." Maybe following the music isn't a good idea after all…" She concluded, although for some reason she felt a slight twinge at her heart. Someone could very well be trying to lure her into a trap; and besides, maybe she could find some answers.
So, the girl stepped forward and peaked through the crack of the door, her eye meeting a peculiar sight; her own. From the small crack in the door, the girl could see her own reflection, which from what she could tell was a floor length mirror with its own back stand. Her eyes darted around the room; but it was otherwise covered in darkness and couldn't make out anything else. Although she couldn't see any figures inside…so maybe it was safe.
Holding her breath, the girl hesitantly stepped into the unknown yet again. The room was seemingly empty besides the mirror; even if it was dark she could tell there was no other furniture present. That wasn't what struck the girl though. No, something had caught her eye. Her reflection…again, but this time she had realised something about it. As she etched towards it, she squinted her eyes at the girl that squinted back at her; one that knotted, greasy slimy hair, dark and deep circles under her eyes and flaky skin. The girl in her reflection, or otherwise known as a stranger.
" Who…" She began but couldn't finish her sentence, unable to comprehend the fact that this was in fact not her. With shaky hands, she felt her hair, attempting to run her hands through it but to no avail; she let out a whimper as they got stuck and tangled. Next was her face, which she clutched and rubbed, only to then wretch them off to see dead skin coating her hands. Her breath quickened." Ho…How-"
She cut herself off as another realisation had struck her like an arrow. Suppose this wasn't just some mass hallucination, if not, then just who was she? She stared at the stranger in the mirror again pleadingly, seeing that her eyes were welling with tears. Who was she? Now that she thought about it, she couldn't recall what she was supposed to look like either, nor even her name. She began to feel nauseated, as if her heart pounding wasn't enough, she started to hyperventilate and the pounding sensation from her head from earlier had returned. Falling to her knees, she sobbed and screamed, blocking out the piano ballad that was still playing.
She jolted her head out of her hands." But of course…", the girl got to her feet, "...That's it…" She concluded. The music had been the only thing so far that hadn't felt jarring to her, the only thing that made sense. The girl couldn't explain it, but for some reason she felt it was the only thing keeping her sane at the moment. She needed the music.
Bolting out of the room, slamming the door open in the process, she turned to her left and started running. The act might've been incredibly reckless, but her instincts were telling her otherwise. The ballad was much louder now, and being played at a quicker pace too. Her heart thumping at the same. She ran for what felt like hours, down different hallways that all looked the same. At some point she felt like she was going in circles, like some cruel merry go round. Her sprinting eventually ceased though as she'd reached a dead end. A door stood there, waiting in anticipation to be opened. At this point the music was through the walls. Yet it still gave her the same, soft and easy feeling it did when she'd first heard it.
With fists clenched, she marched towards the door and gripped its handle." Am I crazy?" She wondered, looking down at it." Or am I just lost…?" She continued. Another unanswerable question, but she could get answers if she just opened the door, couldn't she?
Holding her breath again, she turned the handle and burst into the room. The girl was immediately hit with body-shocking warmth. The room overall had a cosy look to it, with its fireplace, crochet blankets and cushions. However, what caught her immediate eye about it was the piano that was in the centre of the room, and the person that was playing it.
Another version of herself; but this one was well groomed and much healthier looking, her porcelain skin seemed to glisten in the firelight, her silky and soft hair rested on her shoulders. The girl stood there for a few moments, panting and staring, watching the other play, waiting for something to happen. Until, the other girl halted her playing and slowly turned around to face her. A warm smile formed from the piano player's lips, eyes lighting up.
"You found me."
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somedaytakethetime · 1 year
In the vein of writing my lost chapters of the Old Testament and just.. I don't know ranting about things I'm interested in or on my mind but I try not to bother my friends with because this is uninteresting, I'm using this mess as a personal diary again. After the jump that is, I'm still kind, you know?
So, in case anyone is reading this, which I doubt, and you're unaware I'm nearly 30 and thus lots and lots of introspect are happening lately. One of the things that has been most heavy on my mind is my wardrobe and how I dress. Yes, I know that's vain, but guess what? I'm vain. Also I don't want to look sloppy, I'm technically a grown woman even if I still feel like a child 😭😭
I've been thinking about comfort and practicality, not just trendy stuff that I like the look of but won't ever wear. I'm trying to wear things that make me look decent and possibly if everyone has been drinking even pretty. I've been hyper obsessed with the whole seasonal theory thing, and Kibbe body types, trying to figure out what I actually look like in terms of proportions and colouring, etc. I started years ago, actually, but I've been extra on it lately because I really want to create some sort of capsule wardrobe if you will.
Over the years I've acquired a few nifty talents: my mother taught me how to sew and I taught myself how to pattern draft a few years ago, she also taught me how to cross stitch and embroider, knit and crochet. I improved knitting and crocheting on my own over the years with the help of the internet, and books, and recently I've been trying to teach myself to pattern draft for knitted garments. The concept of drafting a pattern that will fit your body is almost the same in every medium you can use, but knitting up fabric is a tad different than cutting it out so there's a lot more maths, trial and error, involved. BUT with these skills in mind I've essentially gotten to point where I don't need to buy clothes at all, I can make everything I want or need, and embellish it accordingly.
I've narrowed down a few things: I won't ever wear low waisted things again. I lived through the 2000s, we had our 🍑 crack on show from how low waisted those jeans were... I don't ever want a low waist or a mid waist again because I'm only 1,57m (5'2'' I think, if that's your style) and I've convinced myself I have a long waist (I don't even know, the bottom of my ribs are nearly glued to the top of my hips but I still don't think I look short waisted..) so I don't want my legs to look even shorter. I also don't enjoy super tightly fitted clothes anymore. Not a fan of a skinny jean, not a fan of a top that's so tight I can't breathe (been there, done that), not a fan of tight dresses either because I don't love the way my body looks. I don't accessorise a ton anymore, a very simple thin chain necklace or two and very small earrings are the most I do. I have sausage fingers and wearing rings starts to get on my nerves after a while, bracelets are a no go except if I'm dressing up. But for dressing up I still keep things to the minimal of just metal jewellery. I'm not a high heels girl anymore, I'm also not really a ballet flats girl anymore. I prefer a trainer or a loafer because I'm still an old man at heart. Not a huge fan of a ton of ruffles, floof and huge prints anymore. My tops need to be cropped or at least only a fraction longer than waist length, because that's full length on me, everything I wear is high waisted. I sort of hate my legs but I've noticed they actually look better if I wear short skirts and shorts (mid thigh) vs if I wear midi length skirts. I look like a Jehovah's witness.. I think in order to combat that I need to keep the longer skirts to more fancy stuff and just wear short ones for daily wear. Possibly add a low back or a v neck with a long skirt, makes it less Catholic schoolgirl which was my mode of operation before...
As for colours I've noticed that I gravitate towards navy blue and greys a lot more than any other colour. I wear black, brown, jewel tones and even autumnal colours (which makes sense because if I'm doing it correctly I'm a dark autumn) but I tend to like navy blue and grey most. I barely own anything cream, beige or white... I don't look super good in bright white, for me it needs to be off white. Beige, taupe, cream, coffee and latte I can look decent in. Depends on the saturation. And so I need to fix the lack of lighter tones in my wardrobe because spring and summer are also seasons... and I'm not Scandinavian (no shade to their style at all, I take inspiration from them), I'm not super fond of wearing all black in the summer, it's hot as balls here and I would melt outside like that 😭
I've been clearing out my clothes and essentially stockpiling almost everything I own to donate to people that will want it and wear it, because I need to create a lot more things that I will wear instead of just having stuff hanging in my closet. So far I've reviewed some of my clothes, gone through all of my shoes. I need to go through all my accessories and bags, and look over the fix and mend pile of clothes that I have, to see what I actually want to keep and will realistically wear. I prefer trousers for daily wear, I need house clothes that are comfortable, loose and stretchy, and I'll add a few skirts, shorts and maybe a "fancy" dress or two in the mix for a more formal activity I might need to go to. I should probably make some summer dresses, realistically that's the season when I might gravitate towards them most because they're easier and a no brainer outfit. I still think I own too many coats because honestly? In the dead of winter I only really wear my big brown coat. It has a lining that's like... I don't know a skinned teddy bear... I think it's an imitation of sheep wool, at least it looks that way, and it's extra large on me which is perfect for the dozens of layers I wear. I need to dye my denim jacket, I don't like how light it is anymore, it looks dated to me now. I have two old lady oversized blazers, one in a posh 'I go hunting on the weekends' tweed (got it from a family friend and it's probably from like the 90s but I like the look of it) and one in black that I need to fix the length of. I'm keeping these even though I don't wear blazers... I feel like they might come in handy for something that's I might need to look put together for. Got a basic trench that swamps me a little and I'm unsure if I should keep, a grey teddy bear coat that I don't like the length of and I'm wondering if I should shorten it because it would probably get more wear that way, my Nancy Wheeler burgundy jacket (not like her actual jacket but it looks really close to it and I love it, bought it just because of that, it's staying 😤) and a short 80s fur short coat that a friend gifted my mum.. in the 80s. I'm don't support the fur business but I love that coat and I feel bad tossing it knowing animals died for it. There is no such thing as fur recycling or donation stores here, I know the US has things like that but here we don't, so the coat stays where it's been too even if it's a more rare wear for me because I feel like it's so.. over the top. I have a weird hung up on trying not to be too over the top now, I've been that for years.. 😅
I still have beef with my sweater collection. I have LOADS of yarn to knit up a few sweaters in the upcoming months using source images on pinterest (I'll address that in another post) and thus it's making me ponder the sweaters that I already own. I kept quite a few of them after the clear out but I'm still wondering if realistically I'm going to wear them or if I'm just saving them because I've grown attached to them... I barely have any trousers, I mean.. I have a few pairs, but they don't fit properly and I've been so lazy to fix them. I need to fix that in the upcoming months too if I'm going to have clothes to wear. I saved buttons ups and I'm still pondering why I'm saving some of them, two of them are EXTRA LARGE on me, but they belonged to my grandfather, who's died now, and I sort of like that connection to him.. I just need to find a way to style them that won't make me feel sloppy I guess... WHY DO WE CREATE EMOTIONAL BONDS WITH OBJECTS!? WHY??? THIS IS SICK!
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