#i'm like ... do i belong to fandoms
transmascutena · 5 months
what's with that "fucked up ships" poll having both utenanthy and . akio and anthy in it. like huhwhat.
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ghost-proofbaby · 3 months
so... i just got off work, and can see i've missed a few things.
gonna spend the rest of my waking hours getting caught up, but just want to say a few things.
one, thank you to all the love and support. publicly and privately. it's seen and appreciated, even if i don't individually respond.
two, i hope going forward, we all carry the lesson learned from what's been happening in the fandom. i wasn't the only one who has received nasty reactions or felt exclusion to any degree, and that's really important to remember. i'm privileged to have any sort of platform to any degree on this hellsite, and i can guarantee you anything that's thrown at an account with reach like my own (no matter if sometimes i misconceive just how far that reach can be, given i didn't expect the response garnered), can be thrown just as easily if not ten times worse at smaller creators/those whose voices are getting lost in it all. i'm also privileged that thus far in my online presence, my queer experience has been entirely different from my actual life, and that's largely due to having my shit figured out, and for being a white cis woman who can wholeheartedly say she identifies as bisexual.
fandom spaces have always experienced these issues. they don't get better unless we speak up, and especially unless we listen.
uplift each other. be kind to each other. life is hard enough without this kind of stuff - if we want to see a better online space to feel safe in, we've gotta make it. there'll always be people like that anon. it's sad and shitty, but it's the human experience. the way to change it? keep the energy i saw today.
it's not just a today thing, and it's not just a "it happened to ghost so it matters" thing. it always happens, and it always matters.
keep. that. energy.
and, again just for shits and giggles and to drill it into all our brains, be kind to one another. <3
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r-adio · 5 months
i finally have a day off tomorrow, so i will be active then. but for today it's sillies & fun. sorry for no actual writing, but we have been working for the last few days, and then playing games with friends to decompress. i hope that everyone has been having a good day and continues to !!
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muffindaydream · 1 year
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way back when, sometime after I finished my first playthrough of pokemon scarlet, I brought back some of my old OCs and completely re-made them because the brainrot reached critical mass...
didn’t wanna take the student route so I made my OCs academy faculty members instead (librarians)!
Their names are Raine and Fatima. Raine is a Contest Coordinator hopeful and Fatima is a Dark-type specialist who wants to become a trainer again after previously retiring.
Raine is one of my oldest OCs ever, so I really wish I could have done her justice and made more art for her, especially by completing her full-body ref. My chronic pain won yet again..
You can read an even more detailed description of my Pokemon OCs here on a carrd I made just for them! bask in my self-indulgence.
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little-smartass · 1 year
so wild to me as someone who has been involved in online fandom for 15+ years seeing now a generation of young fans who have had queer rep in their mainstream media for pretty much their whole lives and are so used to audience/creator interaction on socials that they go into new media with the GENUINE ACTIVE EXPECTATION that their favourite noncanon queer ship will either be acknowledged or become canon if it's popular enough online
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emilykaldwen · 7 months
Definitely issues within the different communities on here including the OC community in the past few years for different reasons like stealing ideas etc and having all these people come forwards saying they had been stolen from and they'd been saying it for a long time but they were constantly told to basically shut up because the instigator had a huge following and influential friends. The person in question was part of a group of people who held hierarchy here once but the thing is a good percentage of them were fine, they didn't act like they were the hierarchy. It was others who made them like that through perception and the way they treated those people wanting their attention etc. It was the minority who abused the position they found themselves in.
However I feel the OC community is now currently dead in the water because that hierarchy has been dissembled, and it shows how much we gathered around them as an epicenter. They dictated trends for fandoms and what we made OCs for etc. There is people trying to form a new hub by making challenges etc but it feels like flagging a dead horse. Plus some of them have bad rep for just courting so called popular people. You can't build community that way but I think they're making the effort now to be better and make a difference.
A few people in the hierarchy who I admired well their true colours show now like hate reading fic etc. I still can't believe they believed their own hype to the point they thought they were superior to other creators on here. Also the person who stole from so many people. That was really bad. Another person I admired would get upset if a new 'contender' emerged whose amazing edits and ideas would naturally get attention. They would openly say how upset they were at this, say they saw this other person as a rival and anyone who sent this rival asks was a backstabber and it was up to the rival to comfort and reassure them and downplay their own talents to be accepted. This person was then applauded for being vulnerable and open? Like what? You rip down this other creator passive aggressively resulting in them crawling on their belly to appease you and offer comfort, as if THEY did something wrong. Again this was a person I really admired once. But talent doesn't make them good people.
Fandoms are the same there is all these toxic elements. I would just love to enjoy the view and share my stuff and other people's stuff. But people only want to like stuff for some reason. I don't mind if it's to bookmark it but for real I wish they would goddamn disable the like button. If you like it enough to like them surely it stands you like it ro reblog?
You're doing the right thing keeping to your friends. Ignore people who call you a clique. They're the reason why we build walls around our friendship groups and ourselves. People are always on the attack or dictating or social climbing. If you find a good person then ofc you're going to protect that friendship and yourself.
Anon, first off, I just wanna say I'm really sorry you've dealt with all of this. The last majorly active fandom (fic wise) I was involved in was over two decades ago, but I have heard and seen the horror stories. I've had friends cry over having things stolen, of hearing the horror stories over people out there who want to rally up and drag anyone who dares call out the theft and bad behavior.
We are human, and we are creative human and wanting recognition and validation for our hard work is never a bad thing. We love being told good job! Well done!
I have dealt with a person like this last summer who I thought made friends with, but then twisted themselves into thinking everything I did in pursuing my own stories was a direct attack on them/in direct response. I had to have friends step in because I was so utterly fucking confused and frankly hysterical.
I'll say this: it's rarely ever just one person. It's the people around them who enable it, who don't call out behavior, because again, we like validation, we don't want to rock the boat. If someone is stealing, or being a bully, call them out. And if they don't listen, just dump them. You and everyone else will be better for it.
I'm in my mid-30s at this point. I've been around the drama friends before and I want no part of it. I'm not here to have a million followers. I'm here to make connection with people that feel meaningful. And others may see that connection as alienating. But I mean... I walked into this fandom and saw... a lot happening. A lot that I didn't want a part of.
Fandom is meant to be a place where we can support each other creatively. And if you're jealous, that is a you thing and it's nothing to be ashamed of feeling, but it is your responsibility to handle. (and I mean a general YOU, not specifically you, anon). This was the issue with the friend I broke away from last year.
There is, in fact, enough internet to go around. How often do we go searching for stories of the same trope and same pairings? No one is going to complain about more chocolate chip cookies at the bake sale.
As an OC writer, I don't know where I stand in fandom. I try to keep my nose out of it, but I do get heated when I see friends and otherwise chill people getting caught unfairly. I just want to write my fic that I'm working really hard on, and I'm sharing it because I want to reach other people and make connections.
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
Fuck it, weird-yet-galaxy-brain take is that Love Is War is rom-com Death Note, but not in regard to the ship that everyone thinks, and what I mean by this is that Kaguya and Miyuki are NOT the lighthearted lower-stakes rom-com version of Light and L, they're the lighthearted lower-stakes rom-com version of Near and Mello.
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rotisseries · 1 year
I'm LOSING MY MIND I didn't realize we were having actual taylor swift byler discourse I thought we were just talking
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universalcas · 8 months
deleted last post I think i'm going to keep this blog strictly fandom
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rebuke-me · 10 months
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die-schwanenkoenigin · 10 months
it's like everyone's interacting with everyone but me and i know this sounds like a conspiracy but like???????? it's literally true??????
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this-acuteneurosis · 2 years
Part of the reason Anakin's characterization is so varied is probably because the clone wars had a bunch of different writers who all wrote Anakin differently but it is safe to say that your Anakin is one of my favorites! Can't wait to see how things go with him!
I mean, multiple writers certain can explain why TCW Anakin is internally inconsistent.
But I don't think we can dismiss the influence of the Cold War and Vietnam War on shaping the Empire and its military, and Darth Vader's character, in comparison to TPM being released in 1999, and AtoC coming out the year after 9/11. Like...geeze, where do I even begin. I am not a history buff, but having lived through 1999-2002 and the culture shift that happened then, uh. Yeah. I'd argue that Anakin's path to evil, and the shape that evil took, was strongly impacted by the world events that were going on. (Anakin killing the Tuskens has received a lot of critique generally, but uh, yeah. That? In 2002? Correlation is not causation, but...)
And that's before I swallow a repeat rant of adding "The Chosen One" to Anakin's backstory in the PT.
Which was always the risk of telling the story backwards. Consistent characterization is hard enough in linear, forward moving stories.
As a result, in much of the fic that I've read about Vader, there are lot of interpretations of the character with a compulsive lack of control, and a delight and interest in violence and pain, that doesn't ring true for me personally. The first example I can think of where someone deliberately and successfully reconciled the active, aggressive, impulsive Anakin of the PT to the cold, looming (but still kind of impulsive) Vader of the OT is @chancecraz in Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns, where (spoilers for fic) events from the PT and Rebels were used as a through line to get Vader to a point where he had sort of burned himself out into being suicidal. (Double Agent Vader starts with a still pretty young, already burned out, depressed, apathetic Anakin, so while I love it, it's not a good example.)
I didn't like RotS initially because I didn't see a strong connection between the Anakin/Vader of that movie and the Vader/Anakin I remembered from a pre-PT era. And I know there has been a bunch of back filling of those years, but every time I'm reminded there are games and books and additional shows I could consume that would "fix" it, I just...
I remember that I'm really an outsider to this fandom. And that was a huge worry for me when I started writing fic for it.
(Kinda still is, so I'm glad you like this Anakin, anon.)
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variablejabberwocky · 10 months
...i have learned more about the batman canon/dc universe against my will and i think i get it now
i think i get why everyone is angry
because right now?
right now i'm furious
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
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I’m making this post for me for my brain for my sorting little thinker
The Ideal Polycule is of course made up of three different Self Ships, of which have their own separate S/Is with different dynamics and personalities. I, the real human person who smooches the full polycule, am sort of the combination of the three of them.
This is just a quick summery post of them as separate S/Is and their story as it currently is in their own Universe. I don’t know how to summarize things so forgive me I’m long winded.
Does any of that make sense? No? Cool keep scrolling. If you somehow understood that and want to know more, keep reading. Uh also Spoilers for Assassination Classroom and Danganronpa
Doctor Emile Hides - Assassination Classroom
Age: 20-21
Gender: Agender - He/Him
Sexuality: Panromantic, Asexual
Self Shipped with: Koro-Sensei
Other Affiliations: Karasuma + Irina (Friends), All of class 3-E (Students)
Most Prominent Traits:
Comically Bad at Cooking
Still learning Japanese
Arrives Late to most everything
Classic “boy genius” trope levels of Smart
Emile came to be the stand in Nurse for class 3-E soon after their return from Okinawa, where his medical knowledge would have surely been useful during the poisoning incident. It was a decision made by Karasuma, and urged by Koro-Sensei. The kids do some dangerous stuff, they could use an on sight professional.
He is not an assassin, nor does he plan to try his hand at killing Koro-Sensei, he’s just a collage student studying abroad who was picked up by Asano as a “good enough” for E Class.
Immediately he was fascinated by Koro-Sensei, or “Koro-San” as he calls him, and began doing his best to study the unkillable teacher in between bandaging students. Emile’s focus was Biology, and he eventually filled an entire notebook with questions and drawings about Koro-Sensei and, without much thought, presented it too the teacher, asking if he’d be willing to answer them.
Koro-Sensei agreed, filling out most of the questions in the notebook.. in Kanji. Which Emile couldn’t read. He also swore the Doctor not to show the book to anyone else, which Emile had agreed too. This was Koro-Sensei’s way of helping Emile learn Japanese.
The two spent a lot of time together after that, Koro-Sensei offering to tutor Emile in Japanese after class, which eventually lead to Koro-Sensei flying Emile home most nights, as they’d study so long in the faculty room Emile would miss the last train home.
Emile eventually confesses his romantic feelings for Koro-Sensei after soon after Reaper Time, and while Koro-Sensei is hesitant for multiple reasons, the two end up an official couple, which Koro-Sensei then cannot keep to himself and blabs about to the entire class.
During Winter Break Emile stays with Koro-Sensei in the empty Class E building, and studying possible ways to keep him from self destructing. This becomes his obsession until mid February on his birthday when Koro-Sensei finally convinces him to put it down and spend what time they have left together.
Emile wasn’t on the mountain during Koro-Sensei’s final moments, he’s not an assassin, he couldn’t evade the military like the students. Instead he called Nakamura to his apartment the night the students where infiltrating the mountain and asked her to deliver to Koro-Sensei his Birthday Cake, the first successful thing Emile had ever cooked.
Post timeskip Emile has settled into being a Manga artist, rather than going fully into the Medical Field like he had been expected to with how smart he was. He joins class 3-E in cleaning up the mountain every year on Koro-Sensei’s birthday, and brings homemade sweets for them every year.
The Ultimate Collector V2 - Danganronpa 3 (Despair Arc)
Age: 16-18 (unclear)
Gender: Trans Man - He/Him
Sexuality: Frayromantic, Panromantic, Asexual
Self Shipped with: Teruteru Hanamura
Other Affiliations: The Ultimate Collector V1 (twin brother), Hifumi + Celeste Chihiro + Kazuichi + Sonia + Gundham + Chiaki (Friends)
Most Prominent Traits:
Socially Anxious to the point of occasional Mutism
Picky Eater
Comically bad sense of direction
Has everything one could ever need in his bag at all times
Very OCD and protective of his things
Emile is a very quiet, shy, introverted person who, upon being separated from his twin brother, tended to keep to himself as much as possible and blend into the background. Being an Ultimate at Hope’s Peak didn’t really matter to him, he’d preferred to stay in his room with all his things nearby.
Moving to the dorms on campus was extra hard for Emile. Despite his title as the Ultimate collector the school didn’t allow him to bring his entire collection with him. Being so far away from all his favorite things was just too much stress for Emile, causing him to shut down even more than he would have already.
Teruteru Hanamura was the only one in the class to notice Emile didn’t eat lunch and took the responsibility to keep his classmate fed into his own hands. Despite Emile’s blatant refusal to speak, he didn’t mind being spoken to, leading to Teruteru to slowly, through questions and trials and errors, to learn what things Emile could and couldn’t eat as he shared his lunch with his fellow student every day.
Teruteru got use to one sided conversations. He took pleasure in cracking a smile on Emile’s face with his jokes, or when he’d say something so awful the quiet student couldn’t stop himself from unfurling to give him a slap on the shoulder. The first time Emile had the courage to speak to Teruteru sent him over the moon.
Emile only got better through Teruteru’s friendship. Despite being easily everyone’s least favorite classmate, Teruteru was still able to worm himself and Emile into group activities, forcing the collector into social situations that slowly opened him up to the rest of the class.
The next year, when Emile’s brother joined the 78th class as The Ultimate Collector Again, Emile found himself opening up even more, mingling between both classes along with Teruteru. Even joining an anime club his brother, Hifumi, and Celeste had started. 
When the biggest most awful most tragic event in human history struck, Emile fell into Despair along side the rest of his class, but instead of becoming an ultimate despair like them, folded in on himself again, shutting down into himself, becoming an immobile shell of a person.
Teruteru ended up taking Emile with him as he caused destruction and despair throughout the world, taking care of the other like a doll. At some point, due to his new cannibalistic habits, Teruteru safely removed and ate one of Emile’s legs.
Because of this, during the hope Program, Emile was considered more of a victim than an Ultimate Despair, and was not put into the simulation with the other students, but acted as more of a beta test to see if the system could work to recover the rest of his class from despair. During the events of the game Emile watches along side Future Foundation, waiting for his friends to come back to him.
Home-Run Hero; Gumball - My Hero Academia
Age: 29
Gender: Agender - He/Him
Sexuality: Panromantic, Asexual, Polyamourus
Self Shipped with: Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum)
Other Affiliations: Tamaki Amajiki + Eijiro Kirishima + Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu + Momo Yoayorozu + Nirengeki Shoda (Adopted kids), Kendo Rappa (Taishi’s Stalker/Eventual addition to the polycule)
Quirk: Bubblegum - Gumball’s saliva has all the properties of Bubblegum. Upon being blown into a bubble, the gum will harden into a hard plastic ball, typically  around the size of a baseball.
Most Prominent Traits:
Affectionately a Bully
Extremely Agile
Will eat almost anything without question
Avid PDA offender on both Taishiro and their kids
Weak to Heat
Emile and Taishiro were classmates at Shiketsu High, their relationship started on one of annoyance, as Emile was far too touchy and nosy for Taishiro at the time. Emile sat in front of Taishiro, and took every spare moment to spin around and pester him with questions about himself, class, his quirk, the other students, and so on.
During their first sparring session, Taishiro was rather excited to have teacher’s permission to beat on the annoying kid who sat in front of him. However, due to his poor quirk management back in the day, Taishiro didn’t have near as much fat built up as he does now, and ended up on his ass at Emile’s hand multiple times.
After that, Emile was constantly offering Taishiro things to eat. Every time he turned around to talk to him in class, he’d come with something tasty and some tips on preserving fat cells. It took a while, but Taishiro eventually realized this was Emile’s attempts at being nice, in his own, slightly annoying ways, and slowly the two became real friends. Though Emile thought they were already besties.
Shiketsu is a very strict school, the students are to focus on their Hero Studies; No dating, no extra curriculars, strict curfews, ridged dorm expectations. Breaking the rules could risk immediate expulsion. But despite it all Emile ran free, broke curfew and snuck in and out whenever he pleased, typically dragging Taishiro along with him. He joined a local Baseball team without the school’s permission, and invited Taishiro to all his games. He had sleep over’s in his classmate’s rooms, and slept in the common area, and his contraband all throughout the dorms. The only rule he hadn’t actively broken was no dating.
Taishiro, slowly, found himself being thankful for that, because if that rule wasn’t in place, he’d asked Emile out right then and there. And if he’d found out his friend was dating someone, or asked someone out, Taishiro wasn’t sure his heart would ever recover.
Upon becoming Pro Heroes, Emile and Taishiro went their separate ways for a while. Emile falling more into the “Idol Hero” roll, as he joined a professional Quick Baseball League, where as Taishiro kept their high school streak of rule breaking alive and became an Undercover Hero breaking up fight clubs and chasing drug dealers under the radar. This is where most of their 20′s were spent.
They kept well in touch, back and forth whenever their schedules lined up, which was rare and always brief. Taishiro got better at saving up fat for his quirk, Emile became more and more of a heavy hitter, they grew older and wiser from their high school days of breaking out of the dorms at night, and eventually Emile confessed to Taishiro.
Soon after he joined the Fatgum agency, still playing Clean Up hitter for his own Baseball League, but mostly slowing down steadily into Hero Work, and apparently parenting as the Fatgum agency gains more and more interns every year.
#Emile's Arts#Self Insert#Self Ship#Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh this took me all day it wasn't supposed to take all day it was just going to be a summer thing sdklfjsdkjgkds#I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so annoying I KNOW#I just dsfkjsdfkjkds My BRAIN#Look their singular plot synopsis posts are super bad and out dated#And for SOME REASON instead of sorting by Fandom like I normally do I chose to do THIS#It's the poll I made a which S/I is best poll but none of you know anything about these three#Well now you do#The answer is Gumball btw Gumball is the best he's cool and a Dad#And I'm realizing now he and Taishiro are probably not legally married but they certainly call eachother their husbands#NO ONE QUESTION ME ABOUT MOMO AND SHODA BEING IN THE INTERNS I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT#THEY BELONG HERE#I never know how to deal with Despair Teruteru because I KNOW how he works and what he does and all that#And it happens to be one of my triggers but no like I'll fall apart if it's too close to me more like#I just don't. Like it. And hearing about it makes me want to vomit#But it's COOL as a narrative thing!!!#I didn't write the collector into DR2 because Teru and Imposter die in trial 1 and they were my favorites right out the gate so#More just some normal highschool fluff for me#My AssClass S/I has changed the least out of all my S/Is and probably has the most concrete timeline#But that's just because out of these three Assassination Classroom is the most well written by like a mile#Watch Assassination Classroom this is no longer a request#It's almost March now is the BEST time to watch AssClass actually#I remember being super emotional about Teruteru for a very long time because he's played as such a joke#That he ends up hard isolated from the rest of his class#and the anime didn't even give him a school uniform!! Or at least a DIFFERENT OUTFIT like Kazuichi got#so he feels even MORE isolated like!!! He has no friends the hell!!!!!!#So I am forcing him to make friends by forcing him to force me to make friends#AssClass me is so much Just some guy like that's his whole thing he's just a guy
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bravevolunteer · 1 year
wait wait wait if I’m not too late headcanon + fitzgerald
jeremy fitzgerald who i have been building in my head as an npc/oc! here we go!!
quick disclaimer: given that we know literally nothing about this man, me oc-ifying him does NOT mean i'm not willing to write with versions of him. i don't have him as a by default npc either, more so applicable in interactions where it may apply and my self indulgent personal timeline stuff. also since this is a headcanon for michael... it mainly dives into the dynamic on his end. i both have thoughts about establishing jeremy as a character outside of this and this dynamic and specific events only goes for the versions of both of them in my mind palace.
jeremy fitzgerald moved to hurricane around 1985, already standing out for the sheer fact that he's one of the few who wasn't stuck in this same town his whole life ( not too far away, either from SLC or Arizona ). he quickly felt ostracized in hurricane— he's the kind of guy who ends up with a bunch of "friends" but never really anyone truly CLOSE. more so school / convenience friends, has had a few bad experiences to do with that. so when he arrives in hurricane, while he decides to reach out to as many people as he can, he figures those who are worth it will accept and those who don't... he won't pay any mind to ( he's very "do no harm but take no shit," easygoing but less overly sunshine-y, more sun coded in the way that he puts a LOT of passion into everything he does ).
he took the opportunity to try talking to michael in school ( knowing next to nothing about what the rest of the town knows and how they see michael— he seemed intimidating, but jeremy recognized a similar outcast feeling ). although jeremy gave it a few good goes, michael, unsurprisingly, shot him down VERY quickly and rudely, immediately distrusting. jeremy went okay i see why you're alone then god damn and left him be. which... michael figured would be the end of it but something deep down just bothered him.
the two of them are left with an air of antagonism for a bit— it's a small school, classes overlap, and they got off on the wrong foot. it's... basically guy who thinks this one dude is his certain enemy ( because jeremy had the audacity to Reach Out And Be Genuine About It! why would he do that! he MUST have an ulterior motive! ) and... said dude doesn't really give a fuck! which is... so stupid and hilarious of michael first of all. again, jeremy is easygoing, but he's not going to shy away from meeting the energy of michael's standoffishness either when he literally did NOTHING to deserve it ( probably called michael a little bitch to his face once LMAO ). stupid teenagers.
there is also something to be said about michael refusing to accept that offer when jeremy is new, doesn't know who he is and the way everybody's seen him, not allowing himself to risk actually forming a connection because he knows he will inevitably ruin it when jeremy Finds Out, so he lets his kneejerk reaction and worse parts win, and THAT'S why it continues to bother him deep down... it's not what he really wants it's a survival tactic, but i digress-
the first time they Really talked was at a party— michael, drunk off his ass, saw someone fucking with jeremy ( which? pisses him off?? and he decides not to unpack that! ) and walks up and shoves the offender. this starts a slapfight between them where... the offender is winning, because michael is drunk off his ass, jeremy pushes in and punches the asshole right in the jaw before dragging himself and michael off to the bathroom to sober up and stop the bleeding.
they actually end up talking normally, wow, who would have thought that was an option. jeremy, starting to realize there's a lot more to michael than what he presents, decides on giving it a second chance ( he didn't really click with anyone he's met since anyway ). jeremy drives michal home, and in a moment of gay, still slightly drunk confidence, michael wrote his number on the back of jeremy's hand before fucking right off out the car.
... to BEFRIEND him, god what were YOU thinking
what he did not account for was the heart attack that happens when Jeremy actually fucking calls that weekend to check up and he has to speed down the stairs in a desperate attempt to get to the phone before William does
from then on, they actually do slowly start hanging out— michael is still wary, still waiting for the other shoe to drop, and it takes a BIT for him to really hand his trust over even when they do start having civil conversations, but jeremy saw his lower points, heard what people say about him, and STILL decided to give him a chance, and michael hasn't had anyone in his corner in a really long time, he's also gay and jeremy punched someone in the face for him alright.
there's something in the simplicity of just having a real friend for the first time in a while that really affects michael—there's not much to do, really. they cut class for lunch, go to the like 3 different places they possibly could that aren't Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, get high together and pick apart movies, and for just a little bit, michael actually feels NORMAL. this is happening around the time where michael ends up alone with william, where everything has spiraled even further, his friendship with jeremy becomes the only ANCHOR he really has during this incredibly low period at home. michael ends up admiring jeremy's passion, the way he guards himself while still managing to keep so much more hope in the world than he has, he is a source of light that michael so desperately needed at this point, totally heterosexual ways to talk about your buddy.
as for how they got together ( yeah if you haven't gotten the memo yet, gay people in my mind ), it was more of a PROCESS than one confession moment. BOTH of them are closeted, they're both afraid of abandonment, they just steadily grow in this affection that toes the line between platonic and romantic for a while. jeremy is better at verbal communication than michael, but there is NOT a lot of it for awhile ( even after they kiss, stupids ). i don't have specific circumstances yet just... turn up the yearning homoerotic friendship very clearly dating before they even say it idiots to lovers vibe up to 100%.
at some point, michael pulls a "move away with me," wanting to just finally get the fuck out of hurricane with the only person he cares about there— jeremy wants to, but he's reluctant to leave his family ( which i haven't gotten into here but he's been helping with financial issues ). he agrees under the condition that they wait a bit to plan things out and make sure jeremy's family will be okay without him... and in comes his job at the restaurant. michael is NOT a fan, but it was easy to secure, william shouldn't have been as involved in this location, and nothing sinister seemed to be going on for a while... until jeremy was transferred to the security guard position.
... this is too long for me to get into the fucking bite of 87 and the couple options i have for what happens ( spoiler! none of them end well even if he lives! ) but... it's another MONUMENTAL loss for michael. it's not only losing another person in his life, but someone who he opened himself up to, someone he found solace in, someone who was able to see the worst parts of him and loved him anyone, who michael STILL pulled into his destruction. it's the inherent tragedy of jeremy, who carried himself with so much PASSION and should have had a bright future ahead of him, having that ripped away.
jeremy becomes someone that michael mourns for the rest of his life along with the others— when he blurts out the last name 'fitzgerald' as a fake name, it's... while something he's long accepted by then, a reflection of how he really would have stayed with him if they were ever given the chance.
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total-drama-takes · 1 year
hello i will be taking a break of unknown length (like. a few days probably. ill have to be back for tti. actually i could have just not said anything. anyway) due to sha-mental health sha-problems i cannot be here rn <3 think of lightning for me
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