#i'm not exaggerating btw i actually NEVER do it
le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
I'm genuinely so concerned about the fact that I don't have motivation for my creative hobbies anymore ._. I don't know what happened, and I don't know how to get back into them, and it freaks me out
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upperranktwo · 11 months
It's 6:30 and I haven't slept at all, from what I recall, I've almost been awake for 24 hours. I can't keep doing this (have been like this for years) I need to see a doctor about my unhealthy sleeping at some point lmao (will not see a doctor)
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doesnotloveyou · 6 months
whenever I have an issue with a website/product/company/etc i find myself wanting to talk to a real person on the phone. You can explain things to other humans that automated systems aren't designed for or can't compute. having been the receptionist people call to resolve an issue made me appreciate the obvious fact that only humans can provide solutions to human issues. even if the person who picks up the phone is genuinely an ass, you still have options that do not exist with an online guide or bot.
that there are daily industries that exist without an available phone line or walk-up desk bothers me to the point that I don't want to interact with those places (like the self-checkouts whose intricacies are lost on even the lone min wage employee when something doesn't ring up right and their security system swears you stole something because it's glitched out and they can't prove you did or didn't because they aren't trained for that and by the time you reach the employee willing to decode the checkout robot's mysteries you sincerely wish you had just shoplifted $7 worth of bottled water)
I swear I thought it was just a generational thing that my parents and grandparents were invested in, but apparently it's something you can grow into. The machines are wrong and David at the DMV was right
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tastesousweet · 9 months
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (i)
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grumpy!matt sturniolo x sunshine!fem oc / reader
summary : matt is a grumpy tattoo artist and y/n books him for her first tattoo.
warnings : needles and pain (not very detailed tho)
mickey speaks : i don't have any tattoos so i actually know nothing ab the procedure lmaooo just guessing but i’ll be writing multiple parts for this. also i am very much self indulging bc i headcannon y/n as poc! but obvi anyone can read there's not much exclusivity ab how i write her, i js wanted to note that for any poc readers <3.
“SHITTT,” you draw out the last syllable at the rumble and screech of your car engine as you continue your attempt to start it.
eventually you throw your head backwards in defeat, annoyed by the unbudging car. this is the actual worst timing. you're supposed to be at the tattoo shop (that is a 12 minute drive from your apartment complex) for an appointment in less than twenty minutes.
you truly want to scream and border on throwing a tantrum but decide it would probably be better to find a solution than complain about the agony further.
you quickly find your roommate's contact, raising your phone to your ear and pinching your eyes shut as the vibrating ring hums through your skull.
"y/n? what's up?" andrea answers confused as you had only just walked out of the door five minutes ago.
"hi drea... so i know you have your own plans right now but is there any way you can give me a ride... please?"
you hear shuffling on the line, "mmm, where to?"
“thank you again for driving me,” you smile at andrea and squeeze her hand before reaching for the door.
“yes, of course. you can call me when you’re done and i’ll head over here- m’sorry i can’t stay with you.” she replies and exaggerates a frown.
"i'll be fine, i think- i hope..."
"you will be fine. just don't stress or it'll hurt more."
your arms are crossed tightly over your chest as you make your way into the shop (in its form of an oversized warehouse, fixed up to look stylish and comfortable- something you’d never really seen before). the rickety jingle of a small bell kindly indicates your presence to the rest of the shop.
a few people sitting in a waiting area look up before continuing their conversations (though some continued to stare as you walk by). you see a surprising amount of people crowding in a brightly decorated lounge area, housing many arcade games and a kitchenette.
you reach the receptionist desk and are greeted by a young man dressed casually, humming along to the music playing in the background of the space.
“um, hi. i’m here for my 1:30 appointment.” you state with a smile, you’re suddenly aware of how nervous you truly are.
the brunette looks over to a desktop screen with a soft scrunch of his face, “for y/n, right? huh, that’s crazy…” he rubs his chin, “1:30 was like nine minutes ago,” he looks up at you, almost like he was questioning you; who do you think you are? and why do you think you’re important enough to be late?
as soon as your face begins to morph into fear and embarrassment his own face splits into a large smile as he laughs softly. “i’m sorry- i’m such an ass but i had to- your file said you’re new clientele so i just had to fuck around.”
“you’re sick! i was fully prepared for a fucking lecture on timeliness or something,” you let out a soft laugh.
the boy comes from around the desk holding a paper and clipboard. “yeah, sorry, i’m chris,” he reaches a hand out to which you willingly return and restate your name to him, “‘m not usually up front so you probably talked to asha over the phone when booking.”
you nod and smile at the familiar name, “yeah, she was so helpful over the phone.”
“she’s awesome, i miss her,” he touches each of his shoulders then forehead before kissing his hand and pointing to the sky.
"oh my god? i'm sorry for your loss."
his eyes squint and lips pucker in confusion, "oh, she's not fired she's just on vacation right now."
"so why'd you...?"
chris cuts you off by handing you the clipboard and grabbing a pen from a cluttered mason jar on the desk as he explains, “okay, we’re just gonna have you fill out this quick consultation form; just so you and your artist will be on the same page about things.” you nod in understanding. “keep it brief, matt’s not big on reading large bodies of text,” chris laughs.
“got it,” you smile before turning to find a chair and begin writing. you truly were relieved that chris wasn’t hard on you about being late, for a second you thought you would be lectured and have to carry the guilt of dissapointing someone into a room where you'd be paying to lie in excruciating physical pain. (damn, double homecide)
the sheet had general information to fill before the questions specifically about the tattoo you’d be getting today came.
you go back up to chris once you’re finished.
“cool, follow me we’ll set you up with matt.” he leads the way and your nerves are suddenly back as it's feeling more and more real with each step. you pacify your thoughts by looking around at the many images and messages written in sharpie along the walls of the hallway. there's also plenty of hanging shelves around with vintage trinkets and succulents that compliment the space around.
chris reaches a curtain and dips his head past as if he were checking for something before giving you a chance to see. you notice the small "Matt" embroidered on the black curtain. chris then opens it wide enough for the both of you to walk into the surprisingly large space.
(who you can only assume to be) matt sits comfortably in a wheeled desk chair, legs spread. his elbow rests on the arm of the chair and he holds his head up with two of his fingers, as his middle finger grazes his irritated mouth with a stern look on his face while he scrolls on his phone.
he doesn’t move his position when he looks up at the two of you.
“alright! matt this is y/n,” chris motions between you two. matt hums, placing his phone on the desk and placing his hand out expectantly for the clipboard. chris goes to hand it to him and whispers, “fix your face, jackass,” then turning around to leave you some reassuring words, “good luck y/n, the tat’s gonna look amazing.”
but chris doesn’t see matt exaggerating a large, sarcastic smile from behind him in defense of chris’ words (he immediately drops it though). something that would make you at least giggle if you weren’t so nervous.
“thanks,” your voice is a little hoarse as you haven’t used it in some time. matt watches the boy leave before looking over to you. he rolls the chair closer, reading over your short (as requested) responses.
“you can sit down.” he forms it almost as a question like are you going to sit down or do i have to direct you to do everything?
you sit on the black cushioned bench, lined with a disposable white cloth and begin to fidget with your fingernails as matt goes over your paperwork quietly.
“''kay, so you’re getting a small hello kitty on your lower hip?” he summarizes while checking and signing a few lines on a paper.
“yeah, um, i told asha over the phone that way you could have it sketched already- she told me that’s best and saves time for the both of us.”
his response is a slowed nod and a breathy, “yep,” as he rolls over to his desk and places the clipboard on the surface before opening a drawer and digging through it.
you gaze around the room and wonder if he decorated the space himself or if he wasn’t the type to be bothered enough to add personal things to his work area. almost all the posters are of music artists or tattoos, the most personal things you see are a small picture frame on his desk and a pokémon plushie sat on a chair in the corner of the room. all of which just pose more questions in your working brain.
you notice him switching to a different swivel chair that is lower to the ground and bringing himself (as well as a moving table with already prepared supplies) closer to you.
you’re nervous again. even after your roommate and older brother have both given you advice on first tattoos and the pain expected you’re still finding yourself scared of what to expect. your ear piercings would have nothing on this.
“first tattoo?” matt clarifies, as if he could read your mind. you nod and go to speak but stop when he gestures for you to lay back on the cushion.
you’re sure that he only was searching for a quick confirmation from you and is not too interested in your life or what brings you here but you’ve found that talking relieves your own stress and you absolutely cannot just lay there and only speak when spoken to.
“yeah, i guess m’nervous. i just hope i don’t, like, die from pain or hate the outcome or curse myself in a couple years for the placement- but it's not that i'm doubting that it'd be cute. younger me would be screaming at the fact that i'm even here..." you pause just for a second. "but then again i'm not sure how much forty year old me will appreciate it. so i guess i just don’t know. you know?”
you lean yourself up to get a look at matt, only to realize he has airpods in and simply has not been listening or interested in you (just as you expected). he’s moving his head the smallest amount to the beat as he works on his sketch.
he notices your movement though and takes a headphone out of his ear, “are you okay?” is all he asks.
a pretty broad question. and an anxiety inducing question to ask a girl who's been questioning her decisions as much as you have. you hope you’re okay. will you still be okay when this (mostly) permanent decision is etched into your skin forever? is he okay? will he give you any sense of encouragement or comfort during this process? are tattoo artists typically like this or are you just considered especially needy clientele?
“yeah, i just was- like, curious, i guess.” you mumble a little and internally hate that you feel so insecure in this situation. so out of control.
“was just adjusting my sketch to be a smaller. nothing crazy happening over here.” he shrugs. “you can go ahead and pull your shirt up, though. i’m just gonna clean the area and prep before inking.” he explains to you very straight and to the point.
you fall back into place and obey, inching your shirt up further to expose your lower stomach. you drape your arms over your face to gain composure as you hear matt rip some packaging.
the coolness of the cleaning pad sends your stomach butterflies and you try to not think too hard about the fact that matt’s hands will be on your lower stomach and hip for a good length of time.
eventually matt speaks to you again, “i’m starting so if you’re feeling the need to get the fuck out you gotta do it now or for forever hold your peace.”
you smile a little at his dry joke but when you turn your head to see him fully serious you blink, “no, i’ll be fine. thanks though.”
he just nods his head and goes to put his airpods back in before you’re interrupting again, “wait. whatcha listening to?”
he’s suprised by the question. his clients rarely get too involved in what he’s doing. mostly because he does a great fucking job no matter how few words he may utter over an entire session. there's a mutual understanding there that he's never had to speak up about to anyone. other artists use a strong bond or charisma to secure returning customers but matt finds there’s nothing better to display than his pure talent and passion for his craft. that’s how he keeps clients. they ask and he will always deliver; and that’s how he particularly likes it. no questions and minimal conversation.
the sound of the tattoo gun begins and just for your sake he decides to answer the question without malice, “just some frank ocean instrumental tracks." he places his hands back onto your skin, "don’t start moving.”
you pinch your eyes shut and squeeze your forearms as soon as the initial pain takes over. it’s a feeling you can only describe as a needle poking into you a trillion times at once. which is literally what's happening to you.
you’re not oblivious to matt’s disengagement with your attempts at conversation but you need him to continue to speak to you or else you’ll think too much about the needle actively puncturing you. “oh yeah? i’ve never listened to him before…”
“surprising. he’s pretty big.” matt mumbles slightly, focusing on his work far more than his slight interest in your knowledge of frank ocean.
“mhm. i’ve been meaning to give him a listen. could you share?”
matt’s eyes just move to look up at your face as he tries not to beg you to just be quiet and let him do this so that you both can leave within an hour. “i’m good on that.” he returns to tattooing.
“huh? you can’t share music?”
“i would prefer not to but-” he doesn’t even know why he’s continuing to fuel this anymore.
“what if i add a pretty,” you pause to wince a little as the needle moves lower, “pretty please?”
“i’m almost done,” he mumbles the lie.
he pauses for only a second to glance over to you. he’s met with a face scrunched in pain with an attempted smile that he thinks makes you look more like a doped up hippie than the cute effect you were going for. you plead after his glance, “pretty please?”
he rolls his eyes and sets his tattoo gun down, reluctantly swiveling over to his desk. before you even realize what exactly he’s doing there’s a airy beat of drums and piano playing from a small speaker in the room.
once he's back over to you he can tell you’re smiling even though your face is mostly covered by your arms. “thank you, i needed a distraction or something.”
he mumbles an “mhm” and returns to his work.
there was generally no talking after that. only a few moments you observed (due to your need to cling on to literally anything going on besides the pinching at your lower side) that were any indication of matt's quiet presence. you noticed when matt would softly hum the lyrics to the instrumentals over the speaker and when you began to tap your fingers out of boredom and nerves, to which he simply placed his hand over them to force them flat while muttering a small “stop.”
when matt was completely finished he asked you if he could take a picture to add to his instagram and you agreed eagerly. he then added a strip of tattoo film over a layer of protective ointment. after he helped you to fully stand he explained how to care for it and how important cleaning is because “that shit will get gunky as fuck.” and you told him that you promise to do everything he said. he also gave you a detailed list on a card for you to follow just in case you forget.
you glance down at your tattoo one last time before you begin to leave the room you’d just spent a lengthy hour of your life in. you assume matt doesn’t want much else from you until he calls your name from his desk. you turn and see him still looking at his phone before glancing up, “uh, what’s your insta handle, so i can tag you in this?”
you don’t know why you’re surprised but you are.
you agree to exchange handles with him before deciding to compliment him once more, “my tattoo is perfect, by the way. i love it so much, thank you.” you want to tell him that you hope you didn’t annoy him too much but you don’t know if that will annoy him more. so you take his nod and hint of a smile as his way of showing appreciation, keeping your own smile bright to mask the crushing feeling of someone seeming so indifferent towards you.
after walking past the curtain and through the trinket-filled hallway you’re back to the main area of the warehouse. you see a different collection of people gathered playing pool and some more huddled on a couch looking at a girl’s phone in awe. chris is busy talking with what seems to be a close friend when you walk up to the reception desk.
when his eyes find your bright expression he’s bouncing back with energy, “hey! i’m assuming it went well?" he asks.
"very well. glad it's over though, i can't lie." you laugh while taking your debit card from your purse.
"yeah, definitely not the best feeling. especially when matt's ugly face is that close to you." chris jokes and takes your card to cash you out.
you laugh along with him but assure him that matt's looks weren't an issue. he raises his eyebrows and has a growing smirk that travels to his eyes when he gives you your card back. you try not the blush at the implication, "i didn't mean it like that."
"right," he nods and chuckles softly, "well hopefully you'll be back for another eventually?" he hands you a receipt.
"i mean how could i not with such a sweet receptionist asking me? i'm sure you get everyone to come back," you joke.
chris shrugs with a cocky grin, "somethin' like that."
"oh my god it's fucking adorable, what?!" andrea exclaims with a spoonful of frozen yogurt still in her mouth.
she initally begged to see it as soon as she picked you up but you dramatically told her you had just experienced the worst pain of your life and you'd need a sweet treat if you were planning to not sleep the rest of the day away. so she just rolled her eyes and demanded you show her once you both arrive at your favorite frozen yogurt shop (conveniently down the street from your apartment complex).
"i knowww," you respond and quickly pull the lower part of your shirt down with a smile, taking a seat across from drea.
"how'd it go, though? i'm curious. i've only been to warehouse 79 like once, and it was for an event."
"it was good, they were all generally kind and my guy did exactly what i wanted. i'm pretty happy."
"'my guy,' oh okayy?" she takes a bite and smirks.
"not what i meant! i should have just said matt. like, the guy who did my tattoo-"
"stop.” you smirk, “i mean he was not ugly by any means but he seemed to not care to get to know me at all. which is fine, he's not paid to care about me. but i doubt i'll ever see him again." you shrug taking another bite of frozen yogurt.
꩜�� ˚。⋆🎱˚
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ethansluvbot · 1 year
riding ethan for the first time please!!! love your writing btw<3
warnings: adult content, spoilers?, rough sex, riding, unprotected sex, and smut :)
an: i just got really sick randomly? anyways, i'm so so sorry for not posting in awhile. i just started a new school and even though its the end of the year its stressful. it also didn't help that i had horrible writers block. also, I've never written smut before so i will get better at this eventually! i'm binge watching the harry potter movies while eating soup now lol.
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with a ton of convincing from sam, ethan and tara you decided to volunteer for a summer camp. sure, spending you day with kids had its downs, but you enjoyed seeing ethan interact with kids.
the kids screams filled your ears as you run to pick up their messes. the sticky hair didn't help your anxiety at all. you sat next to sam with your head on her shoulder.
"how did you convince me to do this shit?"
a quick slap hit your shoulder as you let out a yelp, "no cursing, there's kids around. plus you could never say no to ethan, it looks like he's enjoying it."
"i know. he's been going on about this since january.," you know ethan was a total soft guy, he never would harm a soul. it took him awhile but he finally convinced you to help out.
you both heard footsteps approach you, a sigh came out as you saw his shoes. immediately you jump up and wrap your arms around his neck.
"thank god you're here to save me from sam, she's trying to make me actually do something." he let out a chuckle as he waved to sam.
"im here to take you away," he smirked as you smiled back at sam. you heard her softly gagging beginning to walk away.
"hey! i missed you today, it seemed like you were having fun with your cabin."
"i was! i actually taught a kid how to swim today." you grabbed on to his hand. you loved this side of ethan the soft, dorky and funny side of him to be exact.
"umm, i was wondering where you see us in the future? i know we have a little until we finish college but it's been on my mind."
"well, to be exact i see us in well paying jobs, a modern family home and hopefully kids of our own." you felt his mood shift with that. you might've not been the most kid involved person, but it was great to know you would consider the idea.
you both stepped into the cabin immediately grabbing pajamas. you felt ethans shattered breath at your neck. turning around you slinked your arms around his torso.
"can i help you?"
"god- i want to kiss you so bad right now."
you gave in to ethans innocent act, attaching both of your lips. his cold hands found his way up your back as you moaned in surprise. he hummed in pleasure, kissing down your stomach.
you flip the two of you over, "i wanted to try something new if that's fine?"
he nodded intently, he trusted you with his life and knew you wouldn't do anything to hurt either of you. he's desperate to finally get you undressed as he tugs at your pants.
"someones needy," you tease unbuttoning your jean shorts. his hands explored your body, undoing your bra and throwing it to the side. ethan was already undressed by the time you turned around.
"lay down."
he threw his head back as you pushed yourself down onto his cock. you put your hand over his mouth being careful not to arouse any suspicion.
"will you be a good boy and be quiet?" he hummed in response, "words baby."
"yes, ill be good," he let a muffeled whined out.
you let your nails scratch down his abs as you begin to move. his fingers begin to trace circles on your clit as you bounce. you were still adjusting to his size but since ethan was so eager you began to move.
"don't stop," he lets an exaggerated sigh come out of his mouth. you grab his chin making him look at you. he keeps his hands on your hips as you trail kisses down his neck.
you rested your hands on his chest helping him move you. even without him speaking he could tell he enjoyed this greatly. you felt his hand kneed at your ass.
looking down you see his glossy eyes look up at you, "aw, poor baby. are you not getting enough attention."
you were almost using him for your own pleasure, which you felt bad but, oh did it feel so good. he was getting anxious as you felt him squirming.
you felt him thrust into you a few more times. you could feel his tenseness, only meaning that he was reaching his high. leaning down you planted a kiss onto his lips.
"oh fuck- i love you."
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cheapshrimpysheep · 8 months
For the request thing, might be dark but holing it's more angst/scary -> Fluff. NRC First years (or any boy you wanna write about) get a phone call from Fem!reader in the night, they think they hear someone breaking into Ramshackle and are scared, the boys' rush in to rescue/protect reader. (Up to you if there is actually someone breaking in or its just old house noises/Grim or ghosts rummaging around etc) thank you for your lovely work thus far!
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COMMENTS: Hi! Thank you. 😊 First I just wanted to say that the way I wrote it doesn't make any difference if it's a Fem Reader, so I did it for a GN Reader like I always do. I also apologize that Ace and Deuce's parts are the shortest, it just happened. 😔
More recently I also have less time to write, which is why this one took so long to finish. But I hope you and all like it.❤️
BTW: I used Bard to help me with Epel's dialect. 😜
CHARACTERS: Freshmen (Ace Trappola; Deuce Spade; Jack Howl; Epel Felmier; Sebek Zigvolt)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader
WORD COUNT: An average of 490 words per character.
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CONTEXT: You had stayed in the bedroom while Grim went downstairs to do something. Probably for a snack. But then you hear him shouting your name as if asking for help.
Knowing that without magic you could be in even more danger than Grim, you pick up your cell phone and call the first contact that appears.
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“What's your deal calling so late, hum?” Ace says when he answers you. “It can be off with my head for this, you know?” You explain to him what happened. “Ah, so you called me to come and protect you, is that it?” he says smugly. “You're probably just exaggerating. Maybe Grim is asking for help because he realized he already ate all the-” he noticed that the call was suddenly cut. “Oi, Prefect?... (Y/N)?... (Y/N)?!”
Ace ran out of Heartslabyul without passing anyone who could stop him. Even though he knew he would have problems when he returned.
When he arrived at Ramshackle Dorm, he cautiously approached the door, trying to listen for something to know what state things were in and what situation you were in. But he can't hear anything.
Until you scream! He tries to open the door but it is locked. So he decides to break it in with magic, and runs to the lounge where you were.
“(Y/N)!” He runs to the lounge instinctively, automatically pointing his magic pen at whoever is there with you. Grim and the ghosts scream at being surprised by Ace and he realizes it's just you and them in the dorm.
“Wha- What is going on?!” He asks “You called me because you thought someone was breaking into the dorm. And I come running here to find out that nothing happened?”
You tell Ace that technically you never talked about someone breaking into the dorm, and that after all he was right and Grim was melodramatically asking for help because he had nothing to snack on.
“So what was that about the call hanging up while we were talking?” Your cell phone has run out of battery. “And the scream just now?” The ghosts had decided to take advantage of the situation to prank on you.
Ace was upset, probably as much as you were.
“Serious? All this rush for nothing. How am I going to explain this to the housewarden? I'm going to lose my head at this hour.” He looks at you with that sly smile. “You know, this is your fault. I came running here because you hinted that you were in danger. I think I deserve compensation. What if you let me sleep here tonight?
“If you get in charge of fixing the door that you just broke into.” Grim says.
“I did it because I thought it was an emergency!”
“Oh yeah? We can always settle this in Heartslabyul's court.”
“Fine, fine, I'll fix the door.” He looks at you “Can I sleep here tonight then?”
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“Hi (Y/N). It's really late for you to be calling, is something wrong?” You explain to Deuce what happened. “Don't leave your room! Stay safe there, I'm on my way!” He hangs up the call and runs out of Heartslabyul without passing anyone who could stop him. He doesn't think twice because you wouldn't be the type to play a prank like that on him. Right?
When Deuce arrives at Ramshackle, he calls your cell phone. But you don't answer. Which worries him even more. He runs to the front door and tries to open it. Obviously it was locked. So he breaks it open with a mix of brute force and magic... or maybe a cauldron.
“(Y/N)! GRIM!” He calls.
“DEUCE?!” He hears the incredulous voice of you and Grim in unison. They were coming from the lounge, so he runs there. To find you, Grim and the ghosts safe and sound.
“Are you guys okay? What happened?”
You explain to him that after all, Grim was just melodramatically asking for help because he had nothing to snack on.
“Oh... That's a relief, I think. But why didn't you answer me then? I called you before I came in.” Your cell phone had run out of battery. He sighs and smiles at you. “Well, I'm glad it was just a misunderstanding and that you're okay.” All of his priorities at that moment were knowing that you were safe, so much so that it didn't even occur to him to ask any more questions.
You hear the door that Deuce had just broken down creaking in the wind. “I am so sorry!” he says “I can fix the door, don't worry.”
But the wind starts to get stronger, and thinking about the problems he will have when he returns, you invite him to sleep in Ramshackle Dorm that night.
“Are you sure?” He asks, as if he also said he didn't want to bother. It's the least you can do for him. And you will talk to Riddle to explain what happened and stop him from cutting off Deuce's head.
“Thank you so much (Y/N).” He smiles at you. “I promise I'll fix the door tomorrow.”
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“Hello (Y/N). Is something wrong?” Jack knew that for you to be calling at that time there was little chance of it being for a simple conversation. You explain to him what happened. “Did you hear any other strange noises?” You say there was absolutely nothing else, which also worries you. And at that moment you start to hear the wood on the floor creak as if someone was climbing the stairs. “Stay safe in your room! I’m on my way!”
The thing is that when you called him, he was already getting ready for bed. So he quickly changed his clothes with the help of magic and ran out of Savanaclaw right to Ramshackle Dorm. Making sure not to wake up any of the Savanaclaw students who might already be asleep, especially Leona.
When he arrives, he uses his signature spell to transform into a wolf and sniff the outside of the dorm to try to notice if there was any different smell, from someone other than you and Grim perhaps. But he doesn't notice anything strange in the air. Which meant that either there was nothing strange going on or whoever showed up was really good at hiding their tracks.
He approaches the front door and tries to listen inside. And that's when he hears you scream. He wastes no more time, breaks down the door in his wolf form and follows the trail of your scent to you. Upstairs. In your bedroom.
As soon as a huge white wolf appears at the door of your bedroom, Grim and the ghosts are the ones who scream this time. No one else was there with you. Jack returns to his beastman form.
“What happened? Did someone break into the dorm? Have they already run away?” He still had his defensive and ready to attack posture.
You apologize to him and explain that Grim's cry for help was nothing more than him being melodramatic when he discovered he was out of snacks.
“So who was coming up the stairs when you called me?”
After Grimm screams, the ghosts appear and they thought it was an excellent opportunity to scare you. They had just jump-scared you before Jack showed up. Up until then they had been making strange noises to build the suspense.
“And did you find that funny?!” Jack shouts at them. “This could have been an emergency! You shouldn't joke about something like that!” He starts to calm down as the ghosts apologize and Grim says it wasn't out of spite. And he remembers one thing. He puts his hand on the back of his neck and rubs it. “Oh, um... I... I ended up breaking down your door to get in. I'm sorry. I'll fix it.”
After all that and at a time like that, you invite Jack to sleep in Ramshackle Dorm. It's the least you can do for getting him into all that mess.
“Well, that would be very helpful. Especially because I don't want to risk waking up anyone in my dorm when I get back. But... are you sure?” You could see his tail starting to wag a little.
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“Good evening (Y/N).” Epel greets you “Is everything alright?” You explain to him what happened. “Hmm?! M-Maybe it's nothing serious. D-Do you have any way of knowing what happened safely? You know, without you being noticed if someone is there I mean?”
You say you'll try and Epel hears you walking and leaving the door of your bedroom but then he stops hearing anything.
“(Y/N)? Can you hear me?... (Y/N)?!” He looks at his cell phone and sees that the call has disconnected. “Land sakes alive, what have I done now? I gotta get on over there right this minute!” AKA: "AH! What have I done? I have to go there! NOW!"
He changes his clothes as quickly as possible with the help of magic and runs out of Pomefiore. Praying that no one spots him and stops him. The part about someone stopping him didn't happen, now the part about being seen or noticed could be another story.
When he arrives at Ramshackle Dorm he tries to call you again, but it seems like your cell phone is turned off. He prepares his magic pen and thinks about breaking the door with magic. But then he realizes that he can make your situation worse, since he doesn't know what's happening inside.
Until he hears you scream and then he forgets all his pacifist options and breaks down the door as his instinct was telling him to do.
“(Y/N)?!” he calls for you.
“EPEL?!” He hears your incredulous voice. It was coming from the lounge, so he runs there. To find you, Grim and the ghosts safe and sound.
"What in tarnation happened? Y'all alright?"
You explain to him that after all, Grim was just melodramatically asking for help because he had nothing to snack on.
“You're pulling my leg, ain't you? All this hullabaloo over a little snack?” You, Grim and the ghosts look at him confused. He clears his throat. “I mean, all this fuss for a late night snack?” He looks at Grim in annoyance. “Wait!” He looks at you. “What about your cell phone? The call dropped and I couldn't call you anymore.”
You explain that you ran out of battery on it.
“And your scream just now?”
The ghosts had decided to take advantage of the situation to prank on you. He looks at the ghosts with the same look of annoyance that he looked at Grim. Epel takes a deep breath and sighs. You all heard the wind making the now broken door creak.
“Ah! The door!” He realizes. “I’m so sorry. I break it to get in. I can fix it, I promise. I can make it as good as new. I can make it look like new. Since you'll probably need a new one anyway. I´m sorry... again.”
After all that, at a time like that, and thinking about the problems he will have when he returns, you invite Epel to sleep in Ramshackle Dorm. And you say that you will explain everything to Vil, especially the fact that Epel did that because he thought you were in danger.
“R-Really?! Um, but are you sure it's okay for me to sleep here tonight?”
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“HUMAN!” Sebek shout at your ear. “What is your business calling me at an unacceptable hour like this?” You explain to him what happened. “Don't be ridiculous! I'm sure nothing serious could be happening.” You hear footsteps coming up the stairs and approaching your bedroom. You tell him this. “Are you saying those footsteps sound like a human and not Grim?” The call hangs up. “Human?... (Y/N)! I DEMAND THAT YOU ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW IF YOU ARE LISTENING TO ME!” But he doesn't hear anything else.
Under normal circumstances he would notify Lilia and ask for permission to leave Diasomnia at an hour like that. But he was also trained to act in emergencies and this was one of those times. He cannot waste any time and must leave immediately for Ramshackle Dorm.
Despite his temperament, he was trained to know how to act in these types of situations. He must first analyze what is happening and only then create a plan. Otherwise he takes the risk of making things even worse and in the worst case scenario, your life will end because of his irresponsibility. He approaches the door and listens. Things were calm, too calm. Until he hears you scream!
He immediately breaks down the door with just his strength and takes out his magic pen. He hears movement upstairs. In your room. He runs there and when he arrives, his warning shout gives a heart-stopping scare to everyone there with you. Which is just Grim and the ghosts.
You explain to him that after all, Grim was just melodramatically asking for help because he had nothing to snack on. And then he and the ghosts decided to take advantage of the situation to play a trick on you.
“Was that why you screamed before I came in?” He asks. You confirm. “What about your cell phone? The call ended after you told me you heard someone coming up the stairs.” Your cell phone ran out of battery.
“HOW CAN YOU BE SO CARELESS? You should always have your greatest means of communication ready for an emergency!” He then looks at Grim. “AND YOU! You should redefine your priorities! Asking for help over a snack is unacceptable!” Before Grim can complain, he finally looks at the ghosts, but still referring to Grim as well. “And what you did, from what I know, humans call it a prank. I always found them unnecessary and ridiculous. And look how right I am! UNACCEPTABLE TO BE USED IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS!”
Grim starts arguing with Sebek until the ghosts say he's right. That was a mean joke at a bad time and they apologize to both you and Sebek. Which brings a smug to his face.
You hear a creak, the wind passing through the broken door.
“Do you see where your joke took you? You made me break down the door thinking it was a rescue.”
“You broke her because you wanted to!” Grim responds. “We didn't force you into anything!”
Sebek sighs, annoyed. “Very well, I'll find a way to fix the door. BUT MAY THIS BE THE LAST TIME YOU TRICK (Y/N) TO THE POINT OF CALLING ME TO COME HERE!”
After all that and at a time like that, you invite Sebek to sleep in Ramshackle Dorm.
“Don't worry.” He says “There will be no such need. Just as I came here, I can easily return without any problems.” But if you say that you feel bad about making him go to Ramshackle Dorm for nothing and that it is the least you can do for the inconvenience, he might reconsider. “Oh, I see. You're still scared, are you not? Very well, I can keep you company tonight.”
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If you dropped in here out of the blue and want to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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doki-doki-imagines · 5 months
hello! I am the person who requested that reader with a cat who likes the boys a lot if u remember that request.
may I request (if ur not uncomfortable with it) some period comfort with an afab!reader (they/them pls) just taking care and helping reader with their period? if it's not too much can u also include reader sleeping a lot and craving lots of food (typical ik) and how reader just gets mad rlly easily.
characters: bi-han, syzoth, shang tsung, kenshi, raiden and liu kang
thank u and have a good day :) (smiling through the pain)
author note: I'm super late, but I suppose it's better than never. Hope you'll like these! Link to the cat post
Kenshi Takahashi: -He…He can smell when you are on your period. -Actually Kenshi can even tell when it is coming so he is always ready with food when it finally comes. -He tries to keep your pelvis warm and treat you softly since your body gets sore way more easily. -Kenshi goes a bit insane when you're ovulating, so now he is more calm and soft. -He'll try to make your mean comments slide, but it is hard for him, so it's better not to exaggerate, or Kenshi will snap back.
Raiden: -Really sweet and understand your needs. -But Raiden won't be a sticky boyfriend. He has work to do and won't take a day off. -When he finally understands how this period works for you, he will be prepared for the next one. -Your fave food? Check. Warm beverages? Check. Cover and 3 different kinds of movies to match your current mood? Check. -When Raiden gets home tho he is all for you. He likes to put you in his arms and draw circles on your hand, waiting for you to fall asleep on his chest. -Mean words are nothing to him. A king of taking the hit and making it slide off him.
Liu Kang: -"You bastard! Couldn't you erase menstruation while creating this world?" You whine into his arms, cramps making you curl in his body.
"Would you rather lay eggs, dear one?" Liu Kang replies, with a smile on his face, forefinger lifting your chin up to make you look into his brilliant eyes.
"You are just a meanie." You snap back, pushing his face away from yours, making a laughter blossom in his throat. -He tries not to make you eat too much junk food, but he'll back off when you look at him with fury in your eyes. -His body is better than any cover.
Bi-Han: -I'm sorry, but he would be pretty cold. -He was raised in a way that even if you were dying, you should take care of yourself without the help of anybody, so at max, he'll send your way a doctor. -Bi-Han has to work A LOT on being a normal human. He really doesn't know how to work around normal feelings that are outside his field of work. -And the future grandmaster lessons he has been given as a kid never focused on helping his partner out. It is already much that he decided who to be with. -Bi-Han probably knows very little about how menstruation works, mostly because they taught him not to care about other people and just think about how to be the perfect Lin Kuei's leader. -First work on making him act as a decent human, then Bi-Han will even make you a special tea to make your cramps less painful. -And if you look particularly pitiful he may snuck junk food too…
Syzoth: -The first time he saw you losing blood, he panicked because "Why are you losing blood?!?!" -After you explain how things work, Syzoth will let out a breath of relief. -Surprisingly, he understands pretty well that losing blood is a pain, so he doesn't mind following your order like a butler. -Syzoth is gonna snuggle under the covers with you, btw. -Not used to you being mean tho, even if he understands you aren't fine, he still takes those words personally.
Shang Tsung: -Actually, he'd make a potion to make your cramps fade. -But he doesn't do anything for nothing…are you ready to try his next experiments? Maybe the potion isn't as safe as he says. -Shang Tsung satisfies your cravings, but don't nag too much, or he'll get annoyed. -Also, don't be mean, or he will snap back, then you'll start to cry, and actually Shang Tsung has a weakness: your tears. Then he'll have to try to make you stop, but sadly, another mean word slips…it's an endless cycle that makes him think just "Hope this will end soon."
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 11 days
Hi! Hope you’re doing well! 😊 I was wondering if I could request something fluffy? How about a story where reader moves in with Donna, bringing along her cat? At first, Donna might be scared of the cat or worried it will scratch and ruin her dolls. But over time, she starts to really like R's furry friend.
And btw, you’re my favorite author on this app! Love you!
Yesss!!!!! Thank you for your request and for you words of support :)))!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!!
A furry member of the family
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff,
Word count: 6,701
Summary: You think Donna doesn't like your friend...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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“That's all, I guess,” you sighed after your last trip to the estate, one from which you would never return.
Those cracked walls, that humid and floral essence that made up the old mansion were not simply a place to visit. It was finally your home.
Of course, a mansion was much better than the humble cabin you had in the village.
You were always a happy, cheerful girl, one who saw the good side of things, the light in the middle of so much darkness. It might seem very daring to smile at the life that had been offered to you, but still, you did it.
The Cult, the Black Gods, Mother Miranda, the Lords... Everything that surrounded you seemed enough reason to bow your head and pray for, every night that you closed your eyes, you would still be able to open them again.
Fear, submission and faith were things you lived with, that you ignored as much as possible so your smile would never disappear. Neither the lycans, nor all the sermons, nor the rumors surrounding those divine authorities scared you.
In that village there was no bogeyman, no deceiving witch, no terrible wolf with an insatiable appetite. No, the fear with which mothers cradled their children didn’t come from legends, the danger was real. But… did you care? Not at all.
Living alone in that dark world seemed terrible, but actually, it wasn't.
But your days of solitude, your humble and quiet life in that old cabin would not last forever.
As if you were the pagan mockery of the Gods, you made your way through that dark corridor, into that blind spot that people refused to look at. The Lords seemed like monsters, but deep down, they were people.
That almost utopian thought with which your eyes turned to those dangerous figures could have cost your life, but it didn't.
Among all those mysterious beings, there was one in particular that had caught your attention: A woman who was said to be deformed, sick, dangerous, disturbed, the youngest of the Four Lords, the woman in mourning, covered with a black veil, Donna Beneviento.
It didn't matter how many times you had heard absurd things about that woman, about what she was capable of. Curiosity overcame the irrational fear of the unknown.
Convinced that things weren't so dire, that those rumors were an exaggeration, you decided to put your own optimism to the test, to put the joy of living you had to deal with every day to the test.
Meeting that lonely woman was a risky step, knowing that, indeed, the rumors were true but bordered on legend, was the best decision of your life. Selling your handmade clay works, you got a glimpse of the mystery surrounding that woman in black.
You weren't particularly good at making and painting vases, but to her, it seemed like art. Maybe it was just because the clay resembled the porcelain she worked with.
What seemed like an innocent first visit, led to many more, led to continuous commissions from the lady in black. It could be a boost to your humble business but... You never saw it that way, especially when, after a rainy afternoon, you stopped being a saleswoman to become a guest.
A quiet dinner, an unknown kindness… Donna was strange, yes, a few words woman, with a hoarse voice, a stoic pose. As time went by, the rain and the inclement weather stopped being excuses for you to spend time with her.
Like a story marinated over time, cooked slowly with patience and curiosity, you came to understand that the joy that characterized you only came to light when Lady Beneviento was near.
Sad in her solitude, happy in your company.
 It seemed like a difficult phrase to decipher until, after seeing the horror that the veil claimed to contain, you gave a name to your feelings. Yes, you loved her. She was the most beautiful woman in the world.
Nothing, not her scar, not her problems were reasons to come back home that night, the night in which your lips finally met.
It was an unexpected love, a welcome one, a love you would never regret, one you would enjoy day after day until, after her constant insistence, you decided to take that last step and move in with her.
Her little pleas, her fear of losing you, her crises… Everything would be much better with you always by her side. You couldn't say why it took you so long to accept that house, with that woman, even with that sinister and rude doll, was the place you wanted to be.
“Is that all?” the lady asked, nervously playing with her hands while you looked around at that pile of stuff you brought from your old cabin.
You looked at her and nodded with a smile, walking slowly to calm her nerves with a small kiss.
“Well, I was missing, but here I’m,” you whispered affectionately, losing yourself in the brightness of that beautiful eye, of those features that only you had the privilege of admiring.
“So... I won't have to wait to see you through the window anymore?” Donna asked, gently grabbing your waist while you shook your head.
“No,” you said amused, panting when, with a grip typical of romantic novels, the lady bent you over, held by her grip while she kissed you again, in a way that you could only see in her movies. “Hey... Donna...”
She laughed after kissing and again, and again. That woman with a hidden smile, who never laughed, who didn't feel, who had no heart according to her legend, seemed happier than ever.
“I'm so happy, tesoro...” she murmured, helping you to get up, playing with your hands affectionately. “I can't believe you're here…”
“Well, well,” you laughed, fighting those quick kisses with which your face was adored. “Anyway, it was like I lived here.”
“But you always left… You always left me…” she lamented, caressing your cheek.
The sparkle in her eye was erratic. She could transmit happiness, but also madness, sadness and fear at the same. Luckily, you had already gotten used to it.
You shook your head, sighing as you heard her verbalize her greatest fears again; the fear of you abandoning her, of being alone again.
Only your smile was enough to calm her nerves, just one look, one to which the two of you had become hopelessly addicted.
“Ahhhhhhh!” an irritating squeal took you out of that romantic moment.
It shouldn't have surprised you. Donna and you weren't the only inhabitants of that place. Always by Donna's side, always ready to remind you of your simple village status, there was Angie.
“Angie, per favore… Don't squeal…” the lady whispered, annoyed by the interruption.
You shook your head, downplaying it, pulling her chin so your lips would collide again.
“Donna, Donna!” the doll shouted, ignoring her owner, running towards you and pulling her dress hard. “Donna, you fool, stop mixing fluids with (Y/N) and listen to me!”
“Oh, Angie, che vuoi?” Donna said, with a look of disgust, causing the puppet to let her dress go.
“Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo monster…” the doll stammered, pointing towards your stuff. “Monster!”
“Monster?” you asked amused, looking where the puppet had pointed. Oh, yes, surely for Angie it would be a monster. “Oh, that's right…”
You separated painfully from your lover, walking slowly towards your luggage and taking the box the doll indicated.
“Don't bring it near here!” Angie protested, taking refuge behind her owner, who looked at you with curiosity. “Donna, a monster…”
“It's not a monster,” you said, with a firm voice, opening the small gate of the box and taking out its contents.
“Don't take it out of there, silly!” the puppet shrieked again, causing a sigh of annoyance from the doll maker, who seemed to look at you perplexed.
“Why?” you asked amused, cradling your pet in your arms. “It's such a cutie…”
Oh, that's right. You forgot to mention to the lady in black that you didn't live completely alone. On one of your days out, you found what would become your faithful companion, a cat, one with black fur and bright eyes.
“(Y/N)? What is that?” Donna asked with a frown, looking at the feline suspiciously.
You, with the animal still in your arms, smiled, moving his paw in greeting.
“A cat,” you said amused. Donna was confused, gently shaking her head. “My cat.”
“Your cat? Since when do you have a cat?” the lady asked, stepping back, with Angie cowardly taking refuge behind her dress.
“Oh, for a couple of years now,” you explained, extending the animal's paw towards her again. “Meet Bubbles.”
“Bubbles,” she repeated, with a confused sigh.
You nodded, proud of your cat, of its black fur, of the company it offered to your strange life.
“Yeah, I found him in the river. The poor thing was frozen to death. I rescued him and well...” you said, petting the animal, who purred peacefully in your arms.
“Get that furry thing out of my sight, silly!” Angie shouted, comically poking her head out.
You put on a haughty look, hugging the animal closer while shaking your head.
“Oh, come on, are you scared of a kitten?” you joked, putting it down on the floor.
“I'm not scared!” Angie shouted, following the curious animal with her gaze.
“Um, (Y/N)...” Donna said, in a low tone, approaching again but trying to surround the cat instead of interrupting its exploration. “You didn't tell me you had a cat.”
“Didn’t I? I think I really did,” you said, blinking in confusion. “Don't you listen to me when I talk to you, darling?” you joked.
Donna smiled shyly, not finding the right words.
“Yes, I... You're just so beautiful...” she sighed, biting her lip and running a soft hand over your neck. “Sometimes I get lost in your gaze.”
“Donna...” you murmured, laughing amused by the compliment, by her eternal flattery. “Hey, there's no problem, right?”
Donna moved away a little, glancing sideways at the cat, which also seemed attentive to the conversation.
“No, but...” she whispered, scratching the back of her neck. “(Y/N), I... I wasn't expecting a cat.”
“Relax, it's a good boy,” you said, with an innocent look.
The lady laughed nervously, shaking her head.
“Good? He’s a scratching and biting machine! He can’t stay here!” Angie protested, running away from the animal, which seemed to have caught a curious interest in the doll, who fled cowardly.
“You’re a biting and scratching machine too, and here you are,” you said in a cocky tone, crossing your arms.
“I’m the Great Angie, silly,” said the doll, comically running away from Bubbles. “I live here, not like that furry thing.”
“The Great Angie…” you muttered, rolling your eyes, seeing how Donna seemed to think the same as her doll, looking at your cat distrustfully. “Come on, it’s just a cat.”
“A cat…” Donna sighed, blinking erratically. “(Y/N) I don’t know if it’s a good idea.”
“Why not? He keeps a lot of company,” you said, a little worried about the lady’s reaction.
“Yes, but…” Donna said, tilting her head towards the animal, which comically, like in a comedy movie, did the same. “What if he scratches the furniture?”
“He won't,” you answered immediately, starting to get nervous.
“Oh, okay but…” she murmured, stopping looking at the animal and getting closer to you. “My, my dolls, (Y/N), he might, might ruin them.”
“Yes, and that includes me!” Angie added, without taking her eyes off your furry companion.
“If you don't want him to live with us, say it clearly, Donna,” you said, with a cold look.
“It's not that, it's just…” she said, breathing heavily, walking towards you, putting her legs over the cat and grabbing your shoulders. “He could, he could stay on the grounds and then he'd have… Freedom to… Well, to do cat stuff.”
“No, I'm not leaving him,” you denied, with a more intense look. “He's my friend.”
“Your friend…” Donna snorted, turning her head back to the cat, which was walking elegantly around you. “Tesoro, I…”
“He was so alone…” you said, pouting. “You can't ask me to leave him…”
“I didn't say that,” the lady said, frowning.
Okay, plan B.
“Please, Donna…” you said in a sweet voice, bringing your hands together and making puppy dog ​​eyes as you leaned towards her. “Let him stay… Please…”
“Don't get fooled, Donna! She's a manipulator!” Angie squealed, eliciting a subtle growl from you, who never lost that innocent look.
“Please, please…” you insisted, gracefully moving your lower lip, your eyes shining.
“Oh, Io…” she stammered, looking at you and then at the cat repeatedly. “But, but…”
You tilted your head, emphasizing your pout.
“Va bene…” she finally sighed, causing you to throw yourself into her arms with a dazzling smile, covering her cheek with kisses.
“Mmm, thank you, thank you, thank you,” you said as you jumped for joy, picking up your pet from the floor. “Did you hear that, Bubbles? You can stay.”
“But, but…” Donna interrupted, putting a hand on your chest to get you to move away. “You’ll be the one to take care of him.”
“Sure,” you said, nodding, kissing the cat’s head, which purred pleased. “Say hello, Bubbles… Say hello, Donna… Come on, pet him.”
“Um, I…” the lady stammered, slowly bringing her hand closer to the animal, a trembling hand that passed through the cat's black fur. He meowed surprisingly, causing the lady to back away in fear.
“Oh, don't be scared,” you said amused. “He’s an adorable ball of fur, you'll see.”
“If, if you say so…” she murmured, playing with her hands, with a confused look.
“Donna, you silly…” Angie hissed, tugging at her dress again. “He's an evil beast. He's going to bring us a lot of trouble.”
“You are an evil beast,” you said, amused, placing some of your stuff away while owner and doll watched the movements of the cat, which sniffed around curiously. “Honey, help me with this.”
Donna approached cautiously, helping you move your delicate clay bowls. “Do you think there will be room for everything?”
“Yes,” she answered dryly, without losing sight of the animal, which climbed onto the small table where Donna sewed from time to time, looking with interest at one of the wool balls.
“Stop worrying...” you sighed, cupping her face in your hands. “He won't give you any trouble.”
“Hey, you furry burglar!” Angie shrieked, causing a loud scandal when Bubbles grabbed one of the balls in his jaws, fleeing in terror, leaving a trail of yellow thread around the house.
Donna looked at you with a frown while you blushed.
“Um, I'll buy you another one…” you said shyly, scratching your head.
“You mean I'll buy another one,” she said in a low voice, sighing annoyed.
You shrugged your shoulders with the best weapon you had, your innocent smile.
The lady in black reluctantly agreed to live with Bubbles, although she wasn’t able to hide her dissatisfaction. You were not going to get rid of your companion, that was clear. You would have to work very hard for Donna to adapt to this new member of the family.
The days passed calmly, well, relatively calmly. The doll maker was tense, she wasn’t comfortable with the intruder. She always watched him from afar. She didn’t approach him despite the fact that, since you rescued him, he didn’t stop following you everywhere, day and night.
“Donna, please…” you begged one night already tucked into bed, while the brunette was quietly reading, or rather, pretending to read.
“No,” she replied with a sigh, with a cold look.
“He misses me,” you repeated, using your best acting skills.
The days were simple. The house was big and it wasn't hard for the lady in black to avoid contact with the cat, but… The nights, oh, the nights were very different.
The agonizing meows of poor Bubbles echoed off the walls of the mansion despite being in the basement. You, like every night, begged your girlfriend to let you take him down with you.
“I said no,” Donna hissed, frowning every time the cat meowed desperately. “Oh, taci… Taci!”
“He meows because he wants to be here with us,” you explained, pointing at the ceiling. “He was used to sleeping with me.”
“Well, he'll have to get used to not doing that,” Donna murmured, turning a page of that book she wasn't reading.
“But Donna…” you said with a sad look. “I promise he won't bother us, just…”
“No,” she insisted, shaking her head. “He can meow all night long if he wants.”
“You're… Ugh,” you protested, waving your arms exaggeratedly. The lady in black didn't flinch at your gestures, blinking disinterestedly. “You're a grumpy witch.”
“What did you call me?” she hissed, with a dangerous look.
“Grumpy witch,” you repeated cockily, looking at your nails with disinterest. “Aren't you a powerful Lord? I can't believe you're scared of a cat…”
“I'm not scared of the cat,” Donna protested, putting the book on her lap, gritting her teeth.
“Please…” you said amused. “You haven't been near him in two weeks. He scares you, admit it.”
“Okay, yes, he scares me,” she said, shaking her head. “I'm scared because he'll destroy my dolls, and my house.”
“Our house,” you joked, with a raised finger. “And he doesn't do that, you've already know.”
“Mm, yes, I've seen how, mysteriously, all my wool balls have disappeared, and how curious, that thing always seems to be present at the crime scene,” the lady in black commented, with a proud look.
“Oh, you're such a great detective,” you mocked, running a hand over her shoulders and kissing her cheek. “It must be very stressful for him to be in a new place, you have to understand.”
“No, it's not stressful for him, it's stressful for me,” she said, gently pushing you away. “Shut up once and for all!”
“Shhh, don't yell,” you protested. “He would shut up if you let him down.”
“No,” she said again, with a dark look.
You shrugged and lay down on the bed.
“Fine, enjoy the concert then,” you said angrily, covering yourself with the sheets.
Donna sighed, getting a little closer to you and resting her head on your shoulder.
“I think we could do something to distract ourselves,” she purred in your ear, kissing your neck. You tried not to smile at that seductive display of affection, but you couldn't help it.
“Mm, what are you thinking?” you said, with a mischievous smile, letting the lady lay you down on your back while kissing you.
“I don't know...” she whispered with a mischievous smile.
“Ah!” Donna squealed, when a too close meow interrupted what seemed like a night of passion.
Bubbles appeared on the floor of the room, sitting, looking at you with curiosity.
“Bubbles!” you shouted, a bit scared too. “But what are you doing here?”
“I let him go down!” Angie said, entering the room too, with her hands on her hips. “He wouldn't stop meowing!”
“Angie…” Donna protested, moving away from you and looking at the cat with distrust.
“I can’t sleep with that evil beast next to me!” the doll protested.
“Were you sleeping?” you asked, stroking the cat, who had climbed onto the bed, satisfied, rubbing himself on your body. “Are you even aware of being sleepy?”
“You don't have a brain and you’re alive, so don't ask stupid questions,” Angie mocked, with a cocky pose.
“No, no, get down,” Donna said, pushing the animal, who, apparently, wanted to greet her too. “Down, down.”
“See? He just wants some company,” you said, watching how, despite Donna's rejection, the animal insisted, climbing onto the bed again and again.
“Angie…” she sighed when the puppet also climbed onto the bed, settling into her favorite spot, between you two. “Go away, and take that furry thing with you.”
“No! If he stays, so do I,” the doll said, pushing you. “Get away, silly.”
You laughed in amusement, shaking your head.
“Well, it looks like we have company tonight,” you commented, letting your pet lay down net to you.
Donna groaned and turned around.
“Just tonight, you hear me?” she hissed, turning off the light.
“Yes, yes…” you said amused, closing your eyes.
Of course, that warning didn’t come to pass.
The days passed and the nights stopped being little, solitary moments just for Donna and you, well, almost all of them.
It seemed that the lady in black was slowly adapting to the animal, but a show of affection on her part was still just a fantasy.
One afternoon, you and Donna were reading quietly. Your body on hers lovingly, her breathing calm, everything was perfect. The lady in black turned the pages while caressing your hair, giving you soft kisses from time to time, kisses followed by tender giggles, sincere smiles.
But, also from time to time, the lady looked up, observing Bubbles, who sat in front of you, looking at you with curiosity, almost without moving. Donna looked at him briefly and went back to her reading, moving uncomfortably.
That gesture was repeated several times, which made you have to hold back your laughter.
“Your cat won't stop looking at me,” Donna whispered, frowning, watching the animal over her book.
“He probably finds you curious,” you said, leaning a little closer to her. “Don't pay attention to him.”
“Curious?” she asked, turning the page while you shook your head.
“Hey, I wasn't finished yet,” you protested, returning the book to its previous page. “Are you actually reading?”
“It's hard for me to read with those eyes piercing through my soul,” she commented, with a serious voice, looking at the animal whenever she could.
“Donna...” you sighed, kissing her cheek, a gesture that finally managed to get a tender smile from the lady in black. “You know I love you, right?”
“Not as much as I do,” she whispered with a sweet voice, emphasized by her subtle accent, one that you adored. “Ti amo così tanto…”
“Mm,” you purred amused, rubbing your head on her shoulder with a tender smile, closing your eyes. “You have to teach me to speak Italian…”
“Mm?” she murmured, curious, running her free hand over your body, bringing you a little closer to her. “Do you want to learn?”
“Yes, I would really like to be able to say those beautiful words you say,” you whispered, sighing relaxedly. Donna looked at you and nodded, kissing you briefly on the lips.
“A language is neither pretty nor ugly, (Y/N). The important thing about words is the feelings with which you say them,” she commented, sighing too, without looking at you, with her eye fixed on the book.
“Oh, is that the first lesson?” you asked amused, biting your lip.
Donna nodded slowly, looking up, and startled.
“Hey, where did he go?” she asked in a different tone, sitting up.
“Who?” you asked, annoyed due to the lack of contact.
“Your, your cat, where is he? He was here just a moment ago,” the lady said, looking around.
“Leave him alone, he must have gotten bored of watching us read,” you said in a calm voice, burying yourself in her chest again.
“Mm,” she murmured, changing the calmness of her face to a tense one, with her one eye half-closed.
“Hey, get down from there!” Angie's screams interrupted that peaceful calm, that romantic moment.
The two of you looked at the source of them.
Apparently, Bubbles felt like doing some climbing, and had gone up onto one of the cupboards in the living room, walking dangerously among some of Donna's dolls.
“Cazzo…” the lady growled, closing the book and approaching the cupboard. “Come down from there!”
You stood up a bit worried. Bubbles was certainly not the most agile cat in the world.
“Bubbles,” you said, approaching slowly. “Come down, come on,” you ordered the animal, pointing to the floor.
The cat, as if he wanted to make fun of you, meowed, licking one of his paws and continuing on his way.
“Oh, no…” Donna said, running towards the furniture when that furry body dangerously passed by one of the dolls, causing it to fall.
The brunette picked it up before it crashed to the floor and, after that, many others fell.
With almost impossible juggling, the lady in black picked up each of those four dolls, having to throw herself to the floor to pick up the last one.
You and Angie looked at each other briefly at Donna's funny moves and nodded, starting to clap.
“Bravo, Donna,” you said amused, under the intense gaze of the brunette, who played with the dolls in her arms.
“That was spectacular, Don,” Angie joked, clapping at the same time as you, in a comical way.
The lady growled, but before she could protest and get up from the floor, a furry ball landed on her stomach, making her protest.
Bubbles, proud of his actions, rubbed his body against the brunette's face before leaving her body.
“Gatto…” she hissed, rubbing the spot where your pet landed while you, holding back your laughter, extended a hand to help her up.
“Are you okay, sweetie?” you asked amused, helping her put her dolls away from the cat claws that surrounded them.
“I'll be fine when that… Thing…” she mumbled, alternating unpleasant murmurs with what were surely insults in Italian.
“Well, there are no victims,” you commented amused, placing a hat on one of the dolls while the lady shook her dress.
“Teach that creature some manners!” Angie protested, pointing at the cat, which was once again looking at you with curiosity. “He almost killed my friends.”
“How dramatic,” you mocked, helping the brunette regain her composure. “I'm sorry, Donna.”
“You're sorry…” she growled. “Angie is right. You should train your pet better.”
“It's a cat, I can't stop him from wanting to climb on things,” you said, glancing sideways at the animal that seemed to starting to harass Angie.
“Donna!” the doll squealed, fleeing from his timid claws. “I'm not a toy!”
“Bubbles…” you sighed, rubbing your eyes as the cat chased the doll. “Come on, be a good cat.”
Your words, which normally had no effect, seemed to stop the animal, who meowed playfully, moving away from you when the doll, tired of being chased, distracted it with one of the wool balls, his favorite toy.
“Donna, are you okay?” you asked, placing a hand on the brunette's shoulder, who seemed to be putting the clothes on those dolls. She nodded reluctantly as you pulled her towards you.
“That cat... He's going to give me a lot of trouble,” she whispered, letting herself be comforted by your caresses.
“He still has to adapt,” you defended him. “It's not easy for him.”
“You've spoiled him, that creature needs rules,” the lady snapped, moving away from you a little so your charms wouldn't dazzle her again.
“Oh, come on…” you sighed, rolling your eyes.
“My sister's cat had better manners,” she explained, crossing her arms.
“Did your sister have a cat?” you asked curiously.
Donna nodded with a frown.
“Yes,” the lady answered dryly.
You knew you couldn't insist, that her family was a dangerous subject, but you couldn't help it.
“I'm sure she spoiled it too, am I wrong?” you said with a haughty tone.
“It was on the grounds, we never let it to enter the house, my father didn't allow it,” Donna said, shaking her head. “It's where cats have to be.”
“What nonsense,” you said a bit annoyed.”-I'm sure your sister wanted it to be with her, didn't she?”
“That doesn't matter, the rules are the rules,” she said, with a tone that was darkening little by little.
“Yes, of course,” you sighed angrily, crossing your arms.
The lady didn't answer, as if she had suddenly remembered something, as if she had realized who she was talking about without meaning to. Her hand began to tremble and her eye opened as she blinked nervously.
“Oh, Donna... Donna...” you said in a different tone, observing the brunette's reaction, the trembling of her body and the erratic movements of her head. A condition that, unfortunately, you already knew. “Hey, Donna, my love...”
“Claudia!” she shrieked, furious, squeezing her head between her hands, shaking it effusively. “Claudia! È colpa mia!”
“No, no, no, no, darling, calm down...” you said nervously, putting a hand on her shoulders to reassure her, something that didn't work, as she pushed them away abruptly, kicking furiously.
“Claudia, perdonami, sorella!” Donna shrieked again, completely losing control, pulling at her hair as she growled angrily. “Claudia, tesoro!”
“Donna, no, no, hey, don't do that, stop, my love…” you said hastily, fighting against her grip. “It's okay, my love, I'm with you, it wasn't your fault.”
“Chiudi il becco!” she shouted, pushing you away furiously, with one eye shining with the madness of her soul. “È colpa mia! Mia!”
“No, darling, it's not true, it was an accident, remember?” you said in a soft voice, unable to handle that crisis.
“Look what you've done, stupid! Donna's nervous again!” Angie protested, helping you calm her owner's madness, something impossible.
“No, no, lasciami! Lasciami stare!” the lady shrieked, slowly lowering herself to the floor, crawling along it as if she was running away from something, from her own demons.
“Donna,” you said, also lowering to the floor and putting a hand on the wall so Donna wouldn't hit her head against it. “Shhh, darling, please come to your senses. Donna, my love… I'm here with you.”
“Sono una stupida… Stupida!” The mad lady kicked while the cat, apparently unaffected by the screams, approached her.
“Shit… Bubbles, not now…” you said fearfully watching how the animal approached the lady, looking at her curiously. “Go, please…”
The animal didn’t listen. He simply walked elegantly towards Donna, climbing up her body, purring strangely.
“Bubbles…”you said with a nervous look, watching as he settled on her chest with a soft meow, rubbing against her face.
Donna stood still, breathing heavily, but making no effort to push the animal away, in fact, her hand moved to the black fur, caressing it with a trembling hand.
Her breathing miraculously calmed as her hand ran along the animal’s back, which seemed not to want to leave her, rubbing affectionately against her, soothing her tormented soul.
“Wow…”you sighed, watching as Donna’s gaze stopped being erratic, as her eye returned to its usual shine.
The cat purred triumphantly, briefly licking the brunette’s face before climbing down from her body with a discreet meow.
“(Y/N)… What?” the doll maker stammered, blinking in confusion. “Gods…”
“Oh, Donna, my love… How are you feeling?” you asked, ignoring Bubbles and grabbing your girlfriend's face, looking for possible wounds or scratches.
“F-Fine, I think,” she murmured, blinking nervously and turning her head towards the cat who, with a graceful movement, climbed onto the couch to take a well-deserved nap.
“Okay, up,” you said, helping her up and running a hand over her forehead. “You're soaked, honey… I'll prepare a hot bath for you, would you like it?”
She nodded, her gaze fixed on the cat, who was licking himself disinterestedly.
Well, crisis over. You didn't expect Bubbles' help, of course, but apparently, it was one of the reasons that made the lady regain her sanity, something admirable, of course.
After the hot bath, it was time to make dinner. Donna hummed quietly in the kitchen while you, having nothing better to do, kept her company.
“You look fine,” you commented, leaning on the wooden counter. She smiled tenderly, stirring something in a small pot.
“Yes, I'm much better, thank you, (Y/N),” she whispered gratefully, focused on the kitchen, as always.
“What are you cooking?” you asked, hugging her around the waist.
Donna, after kissing you quickly, pointed with her head to a bowl with a salad.
“Do you fancy some?” she asked in a low voice. You nodded curiously, looking again at that small pot.
“Yes, of course,” you said, pointing to its contents. “Boiled chicken?”
“Yes,” Donna replied, turning off the gas.
“Well, I prefer grilled chicken for salads,” you commented, scratching the back of your neck.
Donna laughed, shaking her head.
“It's not for us, tesoro,” the lady said, picking up a clay bowl, one you already knew, one with a name engraved on it. “It's for Bubbles.”
“For Bubbles?” you asked suspiciously.
“Yes,” Donna said, nodding slightly.
“Oh...” you murmured. “Wow, it's the first time you call him by his name and not a furry thing, or a vermin, or a scratch-everything monster or...”
“I admit that I have to thank him, he's helped me a lot,” she said, sighing. “You know, before, when... I lost, I lost my temper.”
You nodded with a smile as she prepared that delicious reward lunch.
“Honestly, I didn't know he was good at it,” you commented, tilting your head.
“Me neither,” she whispered, winking at you. “But hey, I think he deserves a reward. Will you help me?”
You nodded a bit confused, but you obeyed.
“Kitty?” Donna asked with a radiant smile, looking for the feline around the house and showing the bowl with his food. “Look what I have for you.”
“Bubbles?” you called him, something that wasn't necessary, because, as soon as he heard Donna's voice, he walked quickly towards her.
“That's it... Good cat...” the lady said, bending down to run a hand over his head, something the animal thanked with a meow while purring, looking at the bowl curiously. “Do you like chicken, little one?”
“Oh, sure,” you said amused, putting your plates on the table. “He likes anything.”
The cat rubbed itself on your lover's legs while she, laughing shyly, approached you, closely followed by the hungry Bubbles, who licked his lips with pleasure.
“That's it... Good kitty, I hope you eat it all, huh?” Donna said affectionately.
You frowned and looked at Angie, who shrugged with a gesture of disgust.
“Damn manipulative beast...” the doll whispered. “Look at that…”
You obeyed, watching the affection your pet gave to the lady in black as she served him his reward, one that he gladly accepted, of course.
“Donna,” you said, drawing the attention of the brunette, who looked at the black cat with curiosity. “Are you coming to dinner or should I serve you another bowl?” you joked.
She stood up nodding, smiling at the cat and sitting in her chair.
“Is that chicken?” Angie asked, pointing at the feeder. Donna and you looked at each other and nodded. “How lucky, Your Majesty! Hey, Donna, Donna, you've never done anything like that to me!” the puppet protested, tugging at her owner's black dress.
“You don't have a stomach,” Donna murmured, elegantly serving you a glass of wine.
“No, well… But, but I've helped you more times than that furball,” the doll defended herself, looking up and down at the feline, who was licking his delicious food, looking at Angie with curiosity.
“Don't be jealous,” you joked, of course, causing an annoyed gasp from the puppet, who protested by kicking the floor.
“Jealous? Donna, I think we need to talk,” Angie said, crossing her arms while Bubbles sniffed her. “Hey, get away! Get away!”
The cat meowed curiously, licking Angie briefly, something that calmed her protests.
“Did you see that?” the doll asked. Donna smiled and looked at her, nodding. “It's adorable!”
“Wow, your mind changes quickly,” you teased, continuing with your dinner as the puppet cautiously ran a wooden hand over the cat, who rubbed himself against her, causing Angie to fall comically.
“Oh…” Angie moaned, getting up and wrapping her arms around the cat, something the animal didn't protest about, but instead meowed happily. “He loves me too.”
That was a turning point.
Miraculously, everything changed after that horrible crisis. You couldn't say why, whether it was because of Bubbles' loving altruism, or because Donna had already gotten used to his presence, but... Everything seemed different.
The lady in black seemed much less bothered by the black cat, in fact, she no longer protested every time he got on the couch, or every time he approached her to play.
You even started to get a little jealous. Yes, he was your cat, but mysteriously, he increasingly preferred the company of the lady in black, even Angie’s. It didn't bother you at all, although many times those hands that caressed you stopped doing so, moving on to your pet's black fur.
Well, of course your love continued to burn as always, only that, in addition to an irreverent doll, in your routine, there was always Bubbles, eager to receive Donna's displays of affection, as well as her delicious special meals.
You couldn't compete with a boiled chicken or desalted tuna, you just couldn't.
“Bubbles...” you said, one morning, spending your time with clay while Donna was working on her dolls in the basement.
Everything seemed normal but... There was something strange in the house, or rather, there wasn't something.
Bubbles, although dazzled by Donna, was still your faithful companion, one who stayed by your side while you worked. That day you couldn't find him and you started to worry.
“Where are you?” you asked, getting up from the lathe and looking under the chairs. Nothing, no sign of the cat. Your gaze went to the doll, which seemed distracted, wandering around the house like she always do. “Angie...”
You growled nervously.
Yes, the puppet had also gotten used to the cat, but it was a terribly jealous doll, she cared day after day to prove it to you, to remind you that you had "stolen her Donna."
She had no reason to hurt the animal, in fact you thought she had already gotten used to its presence but, deep down, you feared she had carelessly (or on purpose) let it out of the mansion.
“What do you want, silly?” the doll asked, annoyed by your interruption.
“Where is Bubbles?” you asked, crossing your arms and stamping your feet impatiently.
“Do I look like a zoo keeper? I don't know where he is,” Angie said, with the same cocky gesture as you.
“Ugh…” you protested, walking through the house. Nothing, no sign of the cat, again.
Scared that it had escaped, you started to get nervous, walking quickly towards the elevator.
“Donna, Donna,” you said hurriedly, opening the doors of the workshop.
The lady turned around a bit surprised, bringing a finger to her lips.
“Shh,” she hissed at you, making you roll your eyes.
“Hey, I know you don't like me disturbing you but…” you said in a calmer voice, walking towards her. “I can't find Bubbles. I don't know if that evil doll has something to do with it but…”
Your words faded away when the lady in black turned more, showing you a black lump that camouflaged itself with her dress. Bubbles, that traitor cat, slept peacefully on her lap, something he didn't do even with you.
“Oh, I don't believe it…” you sighed in disbelief, being reprimanded again by a brusque gesture from the lady.
“Hey, lower your voice, tesoro, you're going to wake him up…” she whispered, running her hand over the cat's head, who purred at the contact.
You blinked several times and shook your head.
“I can't believe it,” you murmured with a surprised expression. “I thought Bubbles was totally forbidden to come down here.”
“Well…” she whispered, smiling at the animal with a tender look. “He's insistent…”
“Yes, and a treacherous manipulator too,” you joked, petting him.
Donna laughed, shaking her head and showing you what she was working on.
“Look, tesoro, I'm making a little bed for him,” the lady said, proudly. “We can put it in the bedroom, what do you think?”
“What do I think?” you asked amused, bending down to kiss her cheek. “I think I love you, Donna.”
Well, at least Bubbles was now a member of the family, an important one for all of you.
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silenzahra · 2 months
They keep saving my life ✨
Dear friends, I've been missing today because I've been trying to recover from last night's experience! I went to watch my favorite band live again and I'm not exaggerating when I say they saved my life once more 🥹 It's just what I needed to feel entirely good again! My beloved Estopa never fail to make me feel better, them and the Mario Brothers are literally keeping me ALIVE these last years and I'm seriously so blessed 😭
I'm not gonna repeat everything I said here as the repertory was essentially the same, but I do want to add a video and some pics, and also a VERY silly conversation they had (as well as something related to my writing). So keep reading if you're curious, and it's totally fine if you're not! 🥰
Still, I believe perhaps @bberetd @vulpixfairy1985 @stripetkattelalala54-gf @itsavee4117 would like this! Of course, if you're not interested, just let me know and I'll remove your tag! 💖
THE FOREHEAD TOUCH AT THE END. THE WAY THE CROWD STARTS SCREAMING WHEN THEY DO IT. People do LOVE seeing them doing it, me included of course, and I can only melt and CRY 😭 (Yes, you can hear me singing and screaming, I recorded this video myself, so surprise! Voice reveal 😂)
And the line they were singing face to face right before bringing their foreheads together...
"And I'm still here by your side until the wind blows me away."
... I'm not crying, I just got some brotherly love in my eye 🥲🥲🥲
Also, a few minutes ago I just ran into this pic, a close-up of THE moment, and I DIED again 👇
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THEIR FACES. THEIR FOREHEADS. I CAN'T. These brothers are gonna be the DEATH of me I swear 😭😭😭
The fact that they're REAL. I just can't get over it. Mario and Luigi have a WONDERFUL bond and you all know I love them wholeheartedly, but the fact that Estopa are the real, actual personification of brotherly love? In our world?? Them having so much fun together and always showing how much they LOVE each other in every single concert???
Excuse me if I CRY but they're too PRECIOUS.
I just can't have enough of them. As you all know, they inspired me to write my musicians post, and also two of my WIPs that revolve around different things (the brothers on stage and Luaisy smut). They inspire me. They've been doing so ever since I became a fan of them, which, btw, happened exactly 18 years ago today! Man, I'm old 🥲
And the thing is... If you've been following me lately, you know I've been going through some hard times and I've been feeling down for a long time. So much so that I was unable to read... nor write. I'm still in the process of getting over my reader's block...
... but my writer's one might be coming to an end at last.
It's too soon to speak yet, but Estopa's music does inspire me, as well as their brotherly dynamic and their chemistry on stage. And yesterday, a few things happened that only gave me more and more ideas for that future story I wanna write with Mario and Luigi being musicians and performing together.
First of all, a very silly conversation:
"I am your brother." "Yes, me too." "... No." "Yes, I am your brother." "I am your brother, but you're my brother. I'm not my brother." "Of course, because I am your brother. You're my brother." "No, I'm not my brother, I'm your brother!"
I swear, me and my friend were just cracking up at the stupidest conversation EVER 😂 You can't tell me this isn't Mario and Luigi 🤭😂
Unfortunately... there were a couple of times where David almost fell off the stage 😅 The first time, I didn't even notice because I was further back, but I was a bit confused that he was standing still at one end of the stage when he's usually running and dancing here and there while singing.
And then... I saw this. Unfortunately it's an Instagram story which means it'll be gone at some point, but even though I've tried, Tumblr just wouldn't let me add a second video to this post 🤦‍♀️ So I just hope you can get to see it before it's gone, but it's basically poor David tripping and being about to fall off the stage 🥲
Poor man, I swear I feel SO BAD for him 😭😭😭 All I wanna do is run and help him through the screen! Thank God he handled it and didn't hurt himself but I swear I SCREAMED when I saw this 🥺
On a brighter note though... the second time was hilarious and he didn't hurt himself 🤭 To give you some context, it turns out there was a famous artist among the crowd watching the concert. His name is Dani Martín and he's friends with Estopa. They actually sang one of Estopa's songs together a while back, and when they started playing it last night, David suddenly noticed his friend...
... And he jumped off the stage to go sing with him! 😂😂😂
The moment his butt literally kisses the ground, I'm so DEAD I swear 😂😂😂 You just CAN'T convince me Mario wouldn't do something like this if he spotted, I don't know, Geno, maybe? 🤭
They're so friendly I swear! This was such a big surprise, and my friend was elated because she's also a big fan of Dani Martín! So it was really so great they did something like this 🥹 David jumping to bring him on stage and Jose ceding him his mic, they're just so nice and pure 😭
Anyways, as I said, the rest was very similar to the concert in Sevilla I attended back in June (only that this time I was WAY closer and I couldn't believe it 🤩), so I'll just add that I've been sharing some videos of the concert on my Instagram stories, and I'll probably share a few more tomorrow as I recorded a lot 🤭
Also, my friend sent me the videos she recorded and her phone has such a higher quality than mine! So yeah, those are coming to my insta stories tomorrow too 😂 Just in case you'd like to see said videos, here's my Instagram account! I'm saving them all on the higlighted stories called "Estopa Chiclana" btw, so they're gonna remain there no matter what 🥰
And to say goodbye, here's an AMAZING pic my friend took at the beginning of the concert and that has become my new lockscreen! 😁🔥
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It captures their essence SO WELL and it gives me so many ideas for Mario and Luigi! 🥹❤️💚
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tsuunara · 5 months
   " lets crash course learn twice choreography ! "
SPECIAL GUESTS : chuuya nakahara , osamu dazai , atsushi nakajima !
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 ABOUT ORDER : forcing teaching bsd men twice choreography! how into it are they? do they hate it or enjoy it ?
 CONTENTS :  might be ooc !! , profanity in chuuya's part , dazai shenanigans , kunikida appears in dazai's part !! , poor atsushi is struggling to keep up :( , kyouka appears in atsushi's part !! .
 SERVER'S NOTES : stan twice!!! this was a warm up to prepare for my soon chuuya angst fic... sorry for the wait :( btw here is the playlist of all the songs for each character! i'll make a pt 2 with nikolai and fyodor . :) this was super fun to write lol
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   chuuya nakahara ! The Feels
chuuya has seen you practice the choreography a couple of times . he doesn't really mind when the music blasts and just lets it slide because he loves you so much ! chuuya doesn't know much about kpop but he's heard a couple in your playlists , and hears you play the same ones over and over again ... not like he doesn't mind though . despite it not being his actual music taste, he secretly enjoys listening to it sometimes and it's his guilty pleasure . when he sees you dancing all silly , he can't help but smile in awe . he thinks it's so funny and cute seeing you put your all into it !!
" well uh shit... am i interrupting something here ? "
" lightning straight to my heart oh yeaAAAH WHAT THE FUCK CHUUYA- "
oh, but when you encourage him to dance with you ? who is he to say no with that stupid smile of yours ? no matter how silly it is , he WILL do it .
" ...so uh- "
" ...crash course twice choreography . "
" ...what ? "
" you know what , chuu ? you're in perfect timing . you should really join me !! come on , i'll teach you twice choreography ! "
" huh ?? woah woAH WOAH- WAIT HOLD ON NOW- "
although he is a bit hesitant , he always gives in . and with no regrets after whatsoever !!! he's a very quick learner too with lots of flexibility !
" one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight ! one , two , three and four , five and six and seven , eight ! good ! just make sure to bend your knees a bit more... and then... stretch them ! "
" uhuh, okay... like this ? my god- this dance is kinda hard... how'd ya even manage this ? "
" not to worry , chuu ! just like that !! YOU DID IT !! "
"holy fucking shit . I DID IT . "
overall , 9/10 is super into it . always exaggerates his moves but at least it shows he's having fun !! bonus points for being a new little distraction he can do at work ! has definitely had a couple of his colleagues walk in on him . whoopsies !
" you have stolen my heart oh yeah... never let it go oh oh no , never gonna let it go , oh , oh , oh... "
" uh... sir ? the... documents... "
" lightning straight to my heart oh yeaa- GOD WHAT THE FUCK ?! oh . it's you . the documents ? yeah yeah , uh... go put them... over there . "
" ......sir- "
" no . if it's about that , then i don't want to hear it . "
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   osamu dazai ! FANCY
dazai's favorite pastime ? learning twice choreography . and what better ? with you !! he's had his ass dragged into your little dance classes sooo many times... (not like he's complaining though !) he knows somewhat about kpop , he likes listening to it with you (and for shits and giggles . ) also loves to see you dance to the songs yourself !! always tries to copy you so much so he ends up distracting you because it's funny , causing you to mess up the entire choreography :( when he hears the music play , that's when he knows it's time to crash course learn twice choreography !
" ...'samu ! "
" yes lovely ? "
" do you know what time it is ? "
" hmm..... four-thirty . "
" stupid , not the actual time ! c'moooonnnn you knowww thissss... "
" well color me clueless . "
" 'samu.... "
" i'm kidding! hmm... oh , don't tell... it's that time , isn't it ?! "
a little slower learning the choreography (because mf can't take it seriously sometimes) , but once he gets the hang of it you bet fucker WILL be hitting those moves whenever has the chance .
" it seems another job well done to us for solving the mystery , bella ! oh , OH , OHH !! i feel a song coming ... LET'S HIT IT , [name] !!! ohhh yes GET IT !! "
of course being dazai, you can't have a dance lesson with a little chaos in between ! but that's what makes it even more fun !
" one, two, three and four... no 'samu, that's not how do it ! "
" hehehe. fancyyyy youuu ooh-ooh-ooh- "
" ouchieeee.... !!! bellaaaa~ help me out hereeeee... my hips huuurrrrrt !!!! "
" oh my god... "
overrall , 9/10 very chaotic but totally fun experience ! he enjoys it far too much for his own liking . he does a few freestyle moves of his own to " jazz up " the dance takes your dance lessons to HEART . period . kunikida always scolds him at work :P
" OI DAZAI . this isn't some dance class . get back to work !! "
" whaaaat ? sorry kunikida~ i can't hear you right now over the music !! my dearest [name] just taught me how to dance ! and i feel so POWERFUL !! OHH , keep quiet now !! THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART !! "
" DAZAI- "
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   atsushi nakajima ! TT
atsushi is a very interesting case when it comes to learning choreography... he tries his best though ! i feel like atsushi is very open to different kinds of music , so kpop is no different to him and enjoys listening to it ! super fascinated by how you managed to learn the dances . always slides in compliments after you finish with a little clap !! atsushi NEVER thinks about learning the choreography himself . he just likes listening to the music . but who is he to say no to you ?
" atsu !! "
" [name] !! what's the matter ? did something happen ? "
" atsushi . you know the one thing that you're missing right now ? it's that you NEED to crash course learn twice choreography with me . there's no backing out now !! "
" wha- ??? wait- HUH ???? "
poor boy is unfortunately a slow learner when it comes to dancing... but he's trying !!! his moves are a bit stiff , but just a little more practice and instructing will do !!!
" it's easy ! one , two , three , four , five , six , seven, eight ! can you try that for me ? "
" umm... one... two... three... four and five and six and seven eight... ?! did i do it ? "
" close !! there's room for improvement , though ! you're doing great though ! for your first time and the easiest twice choreography to learn ! "
" EASIEST ?!? aaahhhh... this is so hard , [name] ..... can we take a break ? "
practices whenever he can . you've seen and walked in on him practicing in front of the mirror and he's always gets soo embarrassed , but slowly he's starting to get the hang of it and you're so proud of him !!!
" one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight... "
" well , someone's been doing their homework ! "
" [name] ?! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM- "
overrall , 7/10 . he's proud to know he's finally learned how to perform twice choreography ! (even if the process was literal hell) obviously still struggles sometimes , but very silly and cute when he does it ! kyouka has walked in on him a few times... but she doesn't seem to mind !
" one , two , three , four...- "
" ...why are you dancing ? "
" YEAOW- oh... it's just you , kyouka... practicing this dance [name] taught me ! ah , where was i again...? one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight... "
" i didn't know they could dance . maybe i'll ask them about it later... "
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   reblogs appreciated ! ♡
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daisylark · 7 months
Hey, this is kinda gonna be a rant so if you're not in the mood for that feel free to delete.
I saw your post -
- and it hit me a certain way. Yes, I understand that this man is making it up, it's a fantasy. But I am a woman who has actually experienced living in a homeless shelter with a man, and it got to me.
I was 19 at the time, this was about six years ago. Literally the first thing he said to me when I walked in was that he still had his dick. (He phrased it as being intact and not having had bottom surgery.) I had no idea what he was talking about. at the time I was unfamiliar with trans ideology. Frantically googling to figure out what was happening was how I originally found radfems, bc they were the only people calling this shit out.
I could go on, but the thing that really gets me is that this experience was six or seven years ago, right. I'm in a better, more stable place in life, and have been seeking therapy for several years now. And the worst thing is THAT EXPERIENCE SPECIFICALLY has been a consistent impediment to getting to help.
Because even when I find a therapist, which is harder than you'd think, and do intake, which is exhausting and damaging every time, etc etc etc, so far no one can handle the specific trauma that I have from seeking shelter when I was at my most vulnerable and being gaslit and forced to cohabit with a man by the ppl who should have protected me.
And because my story is such a hot button issue, everyone kind of blue screens when they hear about it. Y'know? It's a little much to believe, in the current political climate, if you're trying to be a good progressive or whatever, that a 6ft pwecious wittle twans woman would act like that in a woman's homeless shelter. He was in his 40s btw. Ppl don't want to engage with it. They want me to be quiet. They've already decided I'm exaggerating.
The last therapist I had I started talking about this experience and the way it damaged my trust in institutions and so on, and the therapist interrupted to be confused, called him "they," and was asking about how he identified. I can be sitting right in front of someone I've known for months and the moment a man is brought up his hypothetical feelings take precedence over me.
So I understand that the reddit post is made up. But I saw it and I had to say, this shit fucking happens. It happens and it's real. The fawning over him doesn't happen quite like that, but in my experience, if a man is admitted to a woman's shelter his needs are already being prioritized and that is unlikely to change. I hate these men - the ones who go to the shelters, the ones who fantasize about it, the ones who support it. I won't forgive anyone who supports it.
Thank you for hearing me out.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I am so sorry that this happened to you. These are exactly the kind of things that we are afraid of. These are the things that people insist never happen, but they do.
These kind of things were the main things that peaked me. That a man's feelings would matter more than a woman's physical safety. It's horrifying.
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Dofus: The Production - reviewing the artbook
This post won't go too deep in detail, it's just my commentary on the artbook — but the next (or, well, one after the next), post will be me doing some actual research outside of it. I recommend you to buy the artbook, and go see its contents for yourself, if you're curious about it. (or download it. It's been scanned to hell and back...)
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God, this makes me deranged and insane. Even being baby does not stop Kerubim from loving Joris's jokes... I'm insane...
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This part of the artbook has always scared me because like... Does he kill people in Dofus 2, Tot?. Does he.?
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Epic events is a funny way to refer to this movie's unending barrage of traumatic events, but man, we were kinda robbed of cool draconic winged Joris. That's sad.
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I won't include too much art from the artbook if I can help it, but I wanted to report that this is a very good art and theres a lot of love and um and they love each other and um and [CAR CRASH] [GLASS SHATTERING] ‘GOOD LORD!’ [GENERAL COMMOTION] [BABY CRYING] ‘WAAAAH WAAAAH’ [YELLING] [POLICE SIRENS] WEEWOO WEEWOO [HELICOPTERS] ‘WE’RE REPORTING LIVE-‘ [EXPLOSION] ‘MY LEG… MY LEG…’
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I wish I knew what the fuck Tot meant by this. However, knowing that Pupuce is Kerubim's pet, who just liked her owner's kid more than her owner, has fueled some of my headcanons for years and years:
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This version of his armour matches the one we could see in the Dofus Manga. :)
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I find it quite fascinating that at one point, it was considered for Julith to be an osamodas huppermage, considering it was theorized for some time that Joris might be an osamodas.
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I wouldn't call her a tender mother, but eh. She's more of a... "very loving yet despaired mother who doesn't even know her son" mother. A "wants to get back the past which will never return to the point of putting her son into the torture nexus" mother. A "has love in her that is so mentally disturbed" mother. AND I LOVE HER FOR IT!!
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I know that her being an alcoholic is a retcon that Dessous did, but its such a good one. I think it's a good show of her decade of slow slippage of sanity. Comic retcons win over Tot's ideas for all Joris-related media once again.
This post was made by "I love Kerubim's dead family from Dofus Heroes Kerubim and Bakara Alcoholism Lore from Dessous de Dofus" gang.
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These two huppermages from the movie's concept art were reused in season 4 of Wakfu. Though it would be easier to say what in season 4 of Wakfu isn't reused stuff considering the "shoestring and a piece of chewed gum" budget it was made on...
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God, him petting a pupuce is the most important part of the artbook, save for perhaps...
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The fact that this was cut is the biggest personal tragedy of my entire life, and I am NOT joking.
Apparently, in this tavern, we were supposed to learn more of his backstory, — like how his father was a gobbowler, but sadly (or happily, if you really hate Khan) it was cut.
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But listen. Khan would go to some sexworkers to stare at them and do nothing. He's that much of a loser. He would take a 10yo as his drinking buddy.
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This is where my headcanon that he buys Joris booze post-movie comes from, btw.
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Compared to the movie's exaggerated visions of Kerubim crying, these images feel like something Joris would remember seeing in real life, something he'd want to avoid.
It feels more real, than just his panicked visions.
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snellyfish · 6 months
Why is Angie your favourite character?
This is really funny I just got off call with Glownary and was talking about how much I don't miss Danganronpa discourse. Anyway I hope someone finds a way to get mad at me in this post!
((Admittedly I'd probably actually place Korekiyo above her because he ACTUALLY has a relevant and specified canon story,,, but, y'kno))
Plain and simple, she just has a handful of design and character tropes I super adore in characters! As a base, I'm usually not super into,,, well-adjusted, well-liked , reasonable, and rational characters. LMAO. They're fine but I live for exaggeration. I LOVE when they're little freaks and not watered down at all for the viewers sake/comfort, I love when they (both the writers and the written) just keep twisting the knife for no good reason other than the bit despite how unconventional it may be.
One could argue that her not being watered down and being as shitty to the other players as she is is a trauma response, or just a mentally ill person being mentally ill. It can be neat to think of her that way sometimes! It's of my opinion that almost all Danganronpa characters are super open-ended lore/personality-wise and we as fans are just making up canon as we go because it's FUCKING FUN, and, as such, all the ways that Angie can be interpreted is very interesting to me-- EVEN if that's seen as "the irredeemable annoying religion-force-feeding zealot antagonist." Which is, of course, an objectively awful way to view anyone REGARDLESS of media illiteracy, but, you know! I like weird freaks so this "flaw" they see is simply more food for me. Yippee!!
Whether I think she's canonically A) genuinely malicious and sadistic, B) traumatized from an abusive religious sect, C) honestly caring about the other players, and/or D) none/all of the above? I'll never tell! Oops all bangers!
Tropes I enjoy, whether or not I found myself enjoying them BECAUSE of Angie herself;;
Religion, especially if it's horrifying and...bad! (Most of my own characters deal heavily with religion and religious trauma, I think it's cool to play with, whether or not it's a fantasy religion like I think Angie's is)
CULTS! Cult behavior! Let's live in a commune!! (GUYS I LOVE MIDSOMMAR)
Dark skin / light hair contrast color combo goes hard!!!
+ The pansexual flag palette is literally my favorite color combo ever!!!!
Manipulative little shits!!!!!
Small scary women!!!!!!
Islander stuff, it's very nostalgic to me and I just have a deep love and appreciation for the beach and ocean!!!!!!!
Cutesy sunshine character who could and would stab you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDK HOW THIS WASN'T MY FIRST POINT!!!!!!!!!!
She was an IMMEDIATE favorite when I played V3 and when I found out that, like, everyone fucking HATED her and she's probably the least liked character in the entire class by the fans, my brain immediately went the contrarian route to find reasons to like her even MORE. I tend to do this a lot, but when it's a character I already enjoy, it's even worse, dude.
ummmmm obligatory Shinnaga mention sorry but I frequently tend to appreciate a character a lot more based on potential dynamics alone. Ships, romantic or not, have legitimately gotten me to enjoy characters I hated before, based on interesting interactions unique to them alone. So while Kiyo and Angie's (they're making out btw) ingame dynamic and dialogues aren't REALLY what my sick and twisted mind views them as, it's worth noting that my honest belief and interpretation of the two of them could even give me a sliver of that dynamic being possible .......... means she's fuckin slay ............ it means love wins..... It means Vote For Yonaga 2024
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katherinakaina · 10 months
I like how people are reacting to this post about Hbomb's Pathologic video both in the reblogs and in separate posts. The most common response is along the lines of 'yeah, I guess it's fine, but after actually playing the game I disagree with it a lot'. Same. I got the wrong impression about Daniil and about how difficult it would be. I probably have a dozen minor nitpicks here and there but they are just that, nitpicks. It's a good video.
What is notable to me about people's responses is that in criticizing the work for being inaccurate they tend to be inaccurate about said work. I suppose it's just easy to forget things. But like... You don't have to invent things that are wrong about the video. It kinda undermines your point.
Like, you don't have to kill Lika? Okay. Hbomb never said you have to. Weird that you got that impression. He literally just compares it to other video games where killing children is not even possible. Pathologic on the other hand provides you with incentive. Lika's got a shmowder on him. At this point you have no idea how many shmowders and panaceas you will have. You can always grind for them. It's not a huge loss. But it is an incentive. One of the strongest ones in the game. Not to mention the gun, that is nice to be able to sell on the first day.
Selling guns is also easy. When you get used to it. You can not appreciate how outside the box and uncomfortable that would be for a first time player who was not told all these hacks.
Speaking of. Hbomb oversells the difficulty, that's true. But also he told me how to play the game. How can I really say that it would be as easy if I had to figure everything out on my own? For example, in all the video I watched before playing there was no instructions on how to manage your infection level properly. I found myself almost dying from the plague (the blacking out effects the game has when you approach high levels of infection are pretty cool though, I'm glad I saw them) before I pieced together the perfect formula for infinite health.
And even then he literally acknowledges that the game is easy if you know what you are doing. He just marvels at the fact that it has this reputation. And I think it has it not because it's difficult but because it's tedious. Especially in the Clara's route where you have to just look for Albino without clues? Ugh. I like did it once and then I just looked up the map. And then it was easy. But I cheated though! If you've beaten p1 without using playthrough guides or advice even once and you still think it was a breeze then I bet you are in the minority.
Also ADHD? Makes it more difficult to concentrate maybe? Stop telling people that they suck at the game (that they've beaten btw) just because they found it challenging. It's mean and probably ableist.
Speaking of Clara. He does not underestimate her route. He said it was really satisfying. He's the only person I know to this day who got her ending. Which you can disagree with but he is allowed an opinion and he clearly thought about it. What else do you need?
He doesn't simplify the story. He says the game has a rich plot worthy of a novel with the equivalent amount of words to read. Other than that he just doesn't talk about it at all almost. Which is a shame. I also would have liked a story deep dive more. But also... Would I? It was so interesting to play pathologic even with all the spoilers because it is basically a book pretending to be a game. It is at least a thousand pages tome. I'm glad I experienced it for myself.
There are probably more takes out there but I think I made my point. Hbomb exaggerated a lot of things for comedic effect and it may be annoying. But you don't need to do the same? Or maybe you do? Well, then you can understand why he did what he did.
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lillified · 1 year
Oh!! Btw! I'm a drag artist and I'm doing a drag cosplay of starscream for pride and tfnation 2023 and sometimes when I question if the look is too fem or cutesy shaped, I think about your starscream and I remind myself that I'm serving cunt actually. Thank you for your service
hi!! I absolutely love both of the asks you sent but I hope you don’t mind me responding to this one with a little bit of personal musing—specifically about Starscream and femininity, lol. (long post warning!!)
I cannot stress enough how generally positive and supportive reception to my changes has been, especially in the case of Starscream—that being said, I do think about the occasional pushback I get every so often, and how it feeds into why I make the choices I do
starscream has always been a feminine character, which I think is part of why a lot of people are drawn to it in the first place—even talking to older fans, who grew up with the original show, there seems to be this implicit understanding that Starscream is something “other” (“pretty poison” as a beta name should tell you quite a bit). this is something that has remained relatively consistent in the entirety of transformers—albeit in, I’d argue, the worst way possible.
there are a lot of character decisions I dislike on a thematic level that vary across continuity, but one extremely reliable element of any Starscream is the way femininity defines their villainy. you’re never supposed to like the “feminine” traits. they’re played for jokes and comically exaggerated at best; at worst, any and all Starscream redemption arcs are completely dependent on grappling with emasculation, and shedding the feminine. Even in continuities where other characters (a whole other ballpark) are murderous, abusive, and violent, Starscream is canonically regarded as morally lesser, specifically because their villainy manifests in the feminine. masculine, “active” displays of malice are more noble and admirable than the “passive” and “feminine” act of quiet scheming and deception.
I’m not saying that Starscream doesn’t do bad things, obviously, but this is such a constant theme that it has thoroughly leeched its way into fan spaces as well. I’m not really active in fan communities anymore, but I will always feel frustrated with how the character’s femininity is simultaneously misunderstood and exploited, because that is the natural reaction to femininity. it is inoffensive and clean and neat, and it fits into one of very few digestible archetypes, because it is not perceived as a natural form of expression, but an other. it is only allowed when it is attractive and easy to understand.
this is something that extends to women, as, obviously, in a performative binary womanhood is a shorthand for femininity. “woman” is an other, and feminine women exist in palatable, digestible archetypes. even with all the progress we have made it is really not common to see women or feminine characters in general treated with equal respect or interest, and, the more you pay attention, the more you’ll notice a total apathy for their feelings, struggles, and complexity.
I know this is all really dense, but I bring that all up to say that there is a reason I want to spotlight and elaborate on Starscream’s femininity. it’s a trait that is inherent to the character, but I’d argue that there hasn’t ever really been a moment where that femininity ever manifests as something positive. it’s a derogatory label, but never something the character owns.
I want to see a Starscream that is confidently feminine and “cutesy” because the character has never been afforded that luxury! moreover, I want to portray a fully femme Starscream because there is no reason that should change the character’s complexity or their queer association! (I once saw the argument that making Starscream a girl would be “erasing the character’s queer history” and that kind of sums up the casual effect of misogyny in these weird online spaces, lol. granted that doesn’t mean you can’t project or imagine any gender identity you want for the character—I think that’s very good, actually!!) even though I have never personally been a feminine person, I’ve always been really attached to Starscream’s femininity and the idea of a femme-presenting version because there was a sorely lacking character type I desperately wanted to see—a messy, bitter, and by all means “evil” person who was also feminine, without those things being linked via cause and effect. I hope that makes sense?? essentially, a very feminine girl whose femininity wasn’t the implicit or explicit cause of their moral failings, and was instead treated as. yknow, a neutral mode of expression
anyway, I am very sorry for saying so many words about something pretty trivial here. if you couldn’t tell transformers was the thing that first got me thinking about gender and themes and media critique as a child, so i have feelings like this, lol. none of the problems I listed here are ultimately all that serious and they certainly aren’t exclusive to the robots, but it’s something I really wanted to talk about!
TL;DR: Starscream’s gender is what you make of it and i think you shouldnt stop yourself because it is accurate to the character, actually! I hope that I can encourage people to think outside the box of what rigidly exists in writing and expand their horizons to what the art is trying to say, and how your experience is important :)
sorry again for the long post jeez!!
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lolkitkatbar · 1 month
Sorry y'all but this episode was the WORST murder drones episode EVER :(
Strap in folks. This is gonna be one LONG complaint...
(Sorry for the bad screenshots. I'm so fucking tired idgaf) SPOILERS UNDERNEATH THIS LINE GIRLIE! I REPEAT! SPOILERS UNDER THIS LINE!
Okay, positives (Don't worry. There isn't much) First of all, animation is GREAT. A bit zany and exaggerated but definitely not BAD. Voice acting is great. Cyn is great, Music's good....uh, Nuzi?...yeah that's it
Okay so we start off with Copper-9 exploding and the teacher giving zero fucks. I thought that was pretty funny. Then we see Uzi in space, currently tweaking out until Nori just basically spells out how to defeat the solver. There is no realization about how they can defeat the solver, it's just given to them. And no real reunion scene with Uzi and Nori. Sure they meet each other but there is NO closure. They act like they've been together for YEARS! Why doesn't Uzi freak out about meting her mom? Why doesn't Nori freak out about seeing her daughter? Or bring up N? Or how her life is? I get we're on a time crunch but COME ON!
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Then N just swoops in to save Uzi. We kinda just skip past his reaction to Uzi's sacrifice which is a disappointment. He just says that he was mad about that and that they'll talk about it later, but they never do. It's just brushed over and done with. Then the solver comes in and throws them into space and then they're falling and burning up and then Nuzi becomes officially official.
As a Nuzi shipper, I should feel happy. My favorite ship was just mentioned of course, but it feels so shoe horned in and rushed. I was hoping it would have a bigger impact but it's just shoved in there without a celebration and the abruptly ends because Uzi want to slap a demon
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You might also notice that it's been four minutes and SO much is happening in such a short amount of time. This will be a problem for the ENTIRE episode
Next we cut to J, Thad, Lizzy, and Khan and holy shit I am SO upset because they do NOTHING with them in this episode! They were setting them up for a fight but now everyone is just laying on the floor and doing jack.
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Also SURPRISE, J is evil! Did you want more J screentime. Did you want her to be important to the plot or even have the SMALLEST redemption arc by the end? WELL TOO BAD because J being evil is all you're getting before she's kicked into the void forever :)
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V also comes back and she has befriended the sentinels. I don't think anyone really believed she died. She basically just fights J and realizes how horrible of a person she is. She then says sorry to N for lying to him and stuff. That's cool. Don't exactly have anything to say on her. She's a good part of the episode but she suffers from underutilization like the others
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Something something hot drones. Something something NxUzixV canon (My Uzi's Bi headcanon is REAL! YIPPEE)
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Then they have an admittedly good fight scene. I have to say tho. There are a LOT of times where it seems like the characters are actually going to die and then the story just doesn't let it happen like some twisted game of hot potato and it gets annoying after a while. (Like when Cyn pulls out their hearts and stuff)
Then N and Uzi make up a handshake mid-fight and it just...stops the momentum of the fight. IF YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO MAKE A JOKE IN THERE THEN JUST DON'T MAKE A JOKE!
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Then Uzi just...kills the solver? Or at least Cyn? Not because of something she did btw, but because Cyn went too crazy with fazing around and shit. ARE. YOU. SERIOUS! This character has been set up to be a strong a challenging foe and she just DIES because of an OOPSIE!? It's Doll's sudden death all over again but somehow WORSE. But of course we have to make Cyn's death rushed! WE ONLY HAVE 20 MINUTES IN THIS DAMN EPISODE!
And then Uzi, like, eats her heart? And then solver is just...inside her? And there's no consequences? It's just treated as a cool accessory? Holy shit this episode was rushed
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Nori saves Khan from dying. I thought they were also going to have a heartfelt moment or something. All sobing. All tears. But no. For some reason Nori gets nervous about seeing her hubby again and runs off (Honestly if I was a fleshy spider heart, I would be nervous too). Then Khan calls the flesh heart hot because he's a freak
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And then....that's it. They go back to the school like nothing happened. They don't really adress that the world is currently broken, or that N, V, and Uzi still got that dawg in them (Solver). They're all just like, YEP! THAT'S THE END OF THE STORY NOW!
N says that Uzi's his girlfriend, V and Lizzy are shown to be friends even tho we've only ever been TOLD that they're friends, We get a cut away to Doll's dead body that only makes me sad they didn't do more with her, and V gets turned on by N's anime drawings, the end.
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Oh yeah, and there's an after credit scene of Uzi looking miserable, probably still having issues with the solver, so clearly not EVERYTHING is resolved by the end of this season. Uzi having to battle with the Solver inside her body is a cool concept and NOBODY can tell me that Liam was TOTALLY going to do another season with this premise, but then by episode 7, decided to stop mysteriously
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Okay, not part of the episode but N's merch don't make no sense. V and Uzi's make sense because they have something that is related to what they did in that episode. V fought against the sentinels. Uzi got corrupted by the solver and dragged into the hole. But N's stand shows an event that happens in episode 2. Yes! EPISODE 2! At first, I was confused why this was but it's probably because unlike the other 2, N did nothing significant in this episode except get beat up and have panic attacks. (I did feel bad for and sympathized with him the whole time ngl). But I guess getting beat up and having panic attacks wouldn't make a cool stand now would it.
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Yeah, all in all, I'm disappointed. So disappointed that I might just make a fanfiction rewritting episode 8 for myself and then make it canon out of spite. Honestly the lowest ranked episode for-
Hold on
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CAT V PLUSH!!!!!!!!!!!????
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