#i'm not gonna respond to any hate or harassment
itskindnessinfinite · 2 years
Treating fictional stories as some kind of moral compass is generally not the great idea some people might think it is.
You really shouldn’t expect every single story to depict every single relationship in a morally correct way. Sometimes, authors are going to romanticize a relationship that would be seen as wrong and/or immoral in real life and you know what? That’s fine. Because the point of fiction isn’t always to tell you exactly what’s right and wrong. Sometimes that might be the point of a fictional story but a lot of the time it’s up to you, as the consumer of whatever content, to make up your own opinion about the content you come in contact with. 
Dark fictional stories always has and always will exist. There will always be fiction that deals with things you don’t agree with and you know what? It’s up to you, the person consuming said content, to decide what kind of content you like and can deal with in a healthy manner. 
And if you don’t like it or agree with it? Please, for the love of god, stop consuming the content that’s making you upset. I swear, you will be so much happier if you dedicate your time to the things you actually enjoy.
Also, don’t harass people for enjoying fiction you might not agree with because I don’t know about you but I personally think that sending real life, actual, people death threats and harassing them will always be way worse than any fictional stories one might be able to consume.
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askthisfishprince · 1 month
✨Official Disclaimer/FAQ Master Post✨
I'm going to be pinning this one, just in case anyone has questions or hopefully make some things easier to find! Will also add things as I need to.
Questions Regarding Timelines or “Canon”
I don't have an exact timeline in my head for this blog. In my imagination, Eridan and the other trolls are just alive again and in the present, and all the previous storylines still exist within it. The difference is that it takes place after the comic, so everyone is an adult just going along for the ride lol I guess that's what I'm going for 🤷‍♀️
I apologize if I stray away from the "canon"... I try to stay as true to the characters and their dynamics as I can. But sometimes it's just fun to be a bit silly and go off book for the sake of adding some humor. Also….it is an ask blog of a character that died pretty early on and did not get much in the “character development” department lol So again, I do my best to write him as “canon” to his true attitude and behavior as I can. But it can get very hard to give nuance to a guy who overall was pretty shitty, didn’t have much dialogue in the first place while also giving him a fake timeline that takes place a couple years down the line and allow him to have a crumb of self improvement without it coming off as too ooc. So if you see behavior that you don't think is accurate to him…..i promise I do my best…….i have google docs and PowerPoints on this guy lol so I promise the brain rot runs deep
Why I Haven’t Answered Your Question
If you notice that I have not answered your question there are multiple factors.
I couldn’t come up with decent enough dialogue that I felt was good enough to respond with. I am extremely stubborn
I work a full time job and just couldn’t find the time to :(
It was a very strange question and I have no idea what to say lol usually sexual, creepy, violent etc
I have gotten multiple of the same question and I am currently working on a reply.
I waited too long and I feel too bad to respond now ❤️
I can tell if you are spamming me with the same question even if you are anonymous lol And I'm sorry but I won't answer those lol
My inbox is actually insane at times and I genuinely can’t get to everyone :(
I promise I read every single question and I appreciate all of them!! Even the creepy ones.
But I am one person running this blog on my own time with a full time job with only so much time during the day 😔 I also have rampant adhd that can make it very hard to complete certain things
“Will I be making more content of Eridan and *insert character*”
I try to avoid having strict shipping content on here. I don't want this blog to become limited in my responses because I inadvertently turned it into a shipping blog. I do enjoy dropping hints, but for the most part, I prefer to keep things open so that I don't unintentionally limit myself. I also don't want fans who ship other things to feel like they can't ask questions about different characters or scenarios.
I do not have any “headcannons” that I am against or a ride or die for…but….please do not send me any Cronus and Eridan shipping questions. It is very yucky to me. I outright ignore the ministrife….i pretend to not see it 🥰
Am I An Eridan “Defender”?
No lmao
I’m not gonna write down my whole pathetic analysis on him. But I’m not gonna be here at my old age defending a fictional fish guy who boasted about the aspects of eugenics and harass people who disagree?? What is this?? 2013? lol
If you hate him and think he is awful. That is 100000% A-okay! You are allowed to! And I understand lmao
If you ever want to actually talk about Eridan openly, and discuss him as a character or anything. Just dm me! :)
Also just a reminder to clarify that my writing for Eridan does not necessarily reflect my personal feelings. If you ask “Eridan” about certain characters and my response seems mean or nasty, please note that it doesn't mean I dislike the ship or character. Eridan is not particularly friendly, even towards people he likes, so I try not to insert too much of my own feelings into his responses.
(Erisol, EriRox, eridan and literally everybody lmao….except maybe Karkat…..thats his bro…)
All of my Eridan responses will always be tagged under my url “askthisfishprince”
Any questions directed at me that I post responses for will be under
How To View The Post Properly
Whenever I make a response, I try to keep things as clear as possible! Any text in the description or in the tags that does NOT have (()) around it, means thats Eridan talking.
Anything besides that is ✨me✨ lol
Always check the tags for extra dialogue! :) and also always check for “read more” because sometimes I add extra silly doodles lol
Also sometimes I give my two cents as to why I did something a certain way in the tags. So if you care to hear me Yap, check the tags.
Also if you ever want to send an ask to me, either state in the ask that its for op or just put (()) around it! :)
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ultfreakme · 5 months
wait, referring to your post, DamiJon shippers were swearing at real DC writers because of JonJay?
Well not swearing but they were going under DC writers' posts and calling their creative decisions trash or whatever. Tom Taylor responded once.
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Phillip Kennedy Johnson, who wrote Action Comics for like 2-3 years was constantly being asked to age down Jon in literally every interview he was in (by fans, actual interviewers were great) and he had to keep addressing it. Like I used to go under their tweets to defend them because the hate was BAD.
There's this one account that's been leaving hate comments CONSTANTLY since 2020 like its their job. I bet if you look up an Jon-based post made by literally any DC creator, there's bound to be someone harassing them. They come like its clockwork.
Look, I wouldn't hate DamiJon with the fire of a thousand suns if they stopped doing this, stopped hate-posting on the Jon tag about Jay, actually tagged their ship, and didn't try to moralize their ship and admit that "hey! I like this ship b/w a 17 & 14 year old! And I'm gonna mind my business over there instead of being racist to morally justify my hatred for another ship!"
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digenerate-trash · 1 year
All of my teacher head cannons are based on my experiences with real teachers. 
that being said: 
More teacher head cannons!!! 
(this time I rated them on how well I think they would be as a teacher)
Lowkey would fuck a student if they got consent.
Gives off “I have a daddy kink” energy but not the cool kind 
Calls students Good boy/girl to gauge their reactions.
Will give extra homework to the whole class if one dude pisses them off
Has a ‘I’m the cool’ teacher thing going on but is really the most uncool bitch in the whole world. 
Would spit on you if he could get away with it. 
Is absolutely a bitch that says “I don’t know CAN you?” when you just need to piss
Will put stickers on your tests that say generic shit like “good job” and “wonderful” 
No one gets graded above a 95% because he personally believes that he knows better than every student and even some teacher's real “I'm the smartest man in this school” energy 
Will put on movies at the end of the year because he doesn't feel like teaching the last week 
Overall 2/10 I’m not learning shit in this class (out of spite.)
Needs approval from everyone for everything. 
Probably just learning the ropes as a teacher 
The cool teacher. 
Everyone wants a piece of this man and he just wants to swim
Could literally convince him the sky was purple he's a gullible mess
Gym body but puppy personality 
Would throw hands at anyone who harassed any of his students. 
Gentle teaching methods. Sometimes super effective but some students use it to coast
Super easy to get sidetracked
Undiagnosed ADHD man 
Students openly flirt with him and he's got no clue how to respond so he's just like “Haha good joke” 
Would not fuck a student no matter what, 
Clueless about other teachers and the inner politics going on at the school 
Stay in his lane king 
Absolutely started off as a lifeguard and doesn't know how his life got here
6/10 I’m a big fan of your class but it's only because it's easy. 
Has a full life outside of school 
Like two years away from retirement 
When the class gets too out of hand wants to curl up and die right there
Stressed as hell 24/7 
Never married never will be 
Teaching style is harsh as hell but will stay after school or give up their lunch break to help out students who are struggling 
No days off in this class it doesn't matter if your exams are done. School is school and you will learn as long as you are here
Doesn't play favourites but he seriously should. 
Hates Doren (just has a bad feeling about the dude) 
5/10 I'm trying my best dude please stop saying you know I can my reach potential if I applied myself. Its math. I'm not gonna apply myself
Says she “knows what I'm going through” but I doubt her science teacher was a MILF. 
Why are you always wearing low-cut tops??? 
At least one rumor about how a student fucked her over her desk and it was so good she hentai came. 
Gentle teaching style but doesn't take any shit. 
Has considered slapping students but never would 
Personal stories that tie into the lesson somehow 
Talks all the time about how much she loves her kid and how much of an angel he is 
Would love to get a tiny kiss on the head from her. Please
She brings a lot of momma bird energy to the class. 
Will touch your shoulder very gently 
Will then look over your test and say to the whole class “Remember to read the questions on the test carefully”
A student has absolutely called her ‘mom’ by accident and she feels flattered by that
Will put on bill nye on Fridays after a test to give everyone a break. 
8/10 Either adopt me or let me make out with you. I'm dealing with confusing feelings! 
Bro if Sirris is a MILF winter is like a super MILF with no kids. 
Big BDSM lesbian energy. 
Her weekends are booked solid and she has no time for school life to get involved with that. 
Wears SFW leather accents all the time no matter the weather. 
Has decided that instead of gray hair they want platinum blonde and they are rocking it 
Calls her students good boys/girls out of habit. 
Absolutely could beat any of the other teachers in a fight. 
She's super passionate about history and has several antiques which she considers priceless. 
Students who mock her subject are always sorry after she lectures them. 
She's happy to help students during lunch. But not after school. She has boundaries 
Overall 8/10. Im not confused. Fuck me into the historically accurate pillary with your massive strap. Im fucking ready. 
Will fuck students without their consent 
Absolutely blackmails students and teachers. 
Dude jacks it under his desk at school while he watches porn after using his admin pass to get passed the website blockers. 
Will send teachers an NSFW link and then mark them for disciplinary action for clicking on it. (Mason will fall for this trick every time) 
Has never and will never hire an outside consultant or HR representative claiming its a ‘waste of resources’ 
Dude will rub his hard dick on your back while you're sitting in his office for detention. 
Piss kink. Don't ask me for evidence. I just get this /feeling/
Will take a long weekend more than a couple of times a year just for the fun of it. But will never allow the same grace to any other teacher. 
Has a file of his favourite students that he meticulously plans to molest. It's like a black book. 
Bro obviously watches teacher/student porn or 18yr/old man porn at school. 
Teaching style is fucking old school. Reinforcement through pain/ruler. Writing lines. Detention sessions are just holding a penny between your knees and standing in the corner with a dunce cap on. 
Plays favourites but if you are his favourite fucking watch your back. 
0/10 I’m not learning shit. And also I dread office visits. If you touch me I'm calling the police.
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will80sbyers · 5 months
I don't follow Noah at all. But it's not because of what he said, I actually just became aware of that not that long ago.
I don't follow him because I've never been interested in him outside of ST/Will since I first watched ST in 2017. I don't know why, I guess the vibes were just always off with him (he's not the only either, I don't follow Millie either).
Anyway, I don't follow him, but I had the impression that the fandom adored him and thought very highly of him, and I know he received a lot of support from the fandom at some point because of something that was going on at his college.
And then the strikes happened and I took a break from the fandom. I just recently came back to follow the ST5 updates.
So, imagine my surprise to see that about half the fandom basically hates him now while the rest seems to just have given up on him and only care about his character.
I never felt anything for the guy, I mean he was always just there for me. But I mean, I don't think any 19-year-old should receive such harassment. I read that he's not even allowed to be (publicly) photographed with the rest of the ST cast? Like wow. And on their last year of filming all together too. Men, that's messed up.
Anyways, I just wanted to say this. In case there are other people out there who were never really interested in him but are now afraid to say it because they think people will assume they're supporting the harassment.
Exactly, you don't even have to like him to realize things went waaay overboard, he's not even a politician - he could have a bit of influence that's true, but not that much to actually change the minds of the government of Isr*el - but in any case you can't force someone to speak up or to change their mind by abusing them like that even if you don't care about the fact that it's simply a morally deranged thing to do, that's just useless
Responding to someone's bad take doesn't have to turn into bullying, sending death threats or doxing him, sharing his private pictures and all that I've seen!
Honestly to me that's disgusting, and there are a lot of celebrities I don't like and people that I can't stand like Jkr, for example, or Elon Musk - but even if I respond to their idiocy online and even if I can hope bad for them or hope that they start shutting the fuck up I'm not gonna personally harass them or become a freaking obsessive stalker dedicated to ruin their existence because that's fucked up and if I do and they send me to prison they are right to... and in my opinion they did and continue to do way worse stuff than what Noah did - like his take was bad but not to have this big of a response... Also I would never wish them to experience sexual harassment / rape that is so fucking foul even more than wishing for them to die and there were people doing that to a 19yo kid
Like, people you have to come to your senses and stop fr that's not how we go on to have a better world or stop kids & people in general from being killed in Gaz*
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cloangi · 5 months
Get to know me 🔥
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**Post may be updated every so often to change wording, to add/delete things, etc
Part 1 of Bio - Information for starters⤵️
Fine to interact:
Under my age (15)
A bit over 18
A furry (not the gross kind though. Just the ones who dress up for fun)
Part of LGBTQ+
Overall everyone is welcome‼️
Do NOT interact (I seriously dont want any sort of conflict here):
Racist (if you're going out your way to harass people and be an overall bitch that is)
Phobia against any religion
Into sick activities (you already know what I mean by this 😐)
Against the military in any way (We get the whole propaganda stuff, but don't hate people who are active duty, in the reserves, etc. If someone wants to join, don't hate on them and spread death threats, its sad to see some people sre actually like this)
If I see any of yall tweaking out or being problematic over some shit, don't be surprised if I block your ass from here 💀🙏. I'm tryna keep this a "good vibe" type place. And keep in mind that I tolerate most types of behavior, and I literally never block people (very high and bold emphasis on "never").
So if I do happen to block you, you done messed up.
General things about me:
15 years old
I'm AROACE 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
ENTJ personality type
Only do art as a hobby (so no money taking or commissions people)
Art consists of my fandom fixations
You can refer to me as either my username or the names Baaz and Keegan. Either one works, I don't care.
Extra: Besides posting low quality drawings of my fixations, I mostly reblog art or anything I can find of the fandoms/fixations I'm in (or know a bit about), such as art, memes, and such. Or you can find some random art that isn't related to any fandom reblogged on here.
I am fine with people + mutuals sending me DM's‼️ Just don't make it weird (you already know what I mean by that)
Also, please do send me asks 🙏‼️. I enjoy responding to them and sadly never get any 😔
Note: You can make offensive + dark humor jokes (at least with me in the ask box or DM's) I'm into that shit. Can be racist jokes, sexist, sexual in some way, or whatever. Insulting me in any way doesn't affect me in the slighest as long as it's a joke. The more offensive the better—so go all out (not S/A though, that's something that even I'll never joke about).
Social stuff:
Quora Account - [Place where I've spent most of my time online, around 4-5 years or so. I post random things of me yapping of all topics or things I've found/seen].
Part 2 of Bio - Fixations⤵️
The list below is color coded based on the fandoms I'm fixated on, or I just like
Orange = Fixated
Green = Like
Rainbow 6 Siege - Don't have the console to play the actual game so I watch it instead.
Call of Duty - Certain campaigns in it, mostly COD Ghosts though (Yes, I have played the OG versions of some of the campaigns on the old ps3 we have, and I do play MP Cod Ghosts).
Hell Divers 2 - Like R6S, I don't have the actual console itself to play it but it's on my wishlist and I really like the concept of the game, plus the community seems pretty fire.
Eddsworld - Used to have a HUGE fixation on this fandom, prob for up to 1-2 years (shit had a strong grip on me)
My Little Pony - I'm surprised this fandom is absolutely booming now. Watched the entire show (forgot everything though 💀), I love the art the fandom makes though, including the AU's.
Saiki K - Started to rewatch it again since I forgot the whole storyline 💀🙏
The Amazing Digital Circus - Caught up on all episodes
Demon Slayer - Watched all seasons
The Amazing World of Gumball - Havent really watched it much, but I really like it including the fan base
Into the Spiderverse - Have never read the comics, but movie-wise I like it
...Damn, you still reading? I mean if you're interested go ahead and drop a follow to this thing (you're likely gonna forget this account anyways, so free follow for me mwhahaha).
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
hi yeah lmao, im ⌛🌟 and im not whatever random ass person you accused me of being 💀💀???? nice try lmao
also you know that. trans people. can be transphobic right. just like how disabled people can be ableist.
but im not gonna be responding to anymore of ur dumbass shit sophie, the majority of what youve done is spout some transphobic shit and told me the history i alr know because i am trnas and lived through it!! crazy. hope you have fun harming random ass people on the internet!!! cant wait until youre left empty inside and broken bc of constantly harrassing people and constantly giving out hate where its not justified <3
Wait! Who did I accuse you of being?
Do you think this post commenting on a timing coincidence was meant to imply that you were the anti-endo who posted about the word "sysmed" at the exact same time as me? 🤣
also you know that. trans people. can be transphobic right. just like how disabled people can be ableist.
Of course. Transmeds themselves being an example of that. And system medicalism is similarly rooted in ableism and sanism. Especially when it comes to mixed origin systems, who sysmeds will straight-up deny a right to religious beliefs based on their disability.
My issue with this isn't that "trans people can't be transphobic."
It's that trans people can't be transphobic for comparing the pain they've suffered from transmeds to what they've suffered from sysmeds.
And also that transgender people can't "STEAL" their own terms.
Accusing trans people of stealing their own terms is implying that they're an outgroup that is coming in to steal the words. Frankly, it's trans erasure. You have to actually erase their transness to make this argument work. Which, IMO, is actually transphobic of you.
Once we get past the absurdity of "trans people are transphobic for stealing trans terms" the only thing your argument is left with is... what? "Transphobic people are transphobic for comparing transness to a mental disorder?"
But this point, you know, is a lie. If you've spent any bit of time in syscourse, you should know that the pro-endo position, along with the position of every psychiatrist and psychologist who has weighed in on the debate, is that you don't need a disorder to be plural.
See again, Eric Yarbrough's Transgender Mental Health, which was reviewed and published by the American Psychiatric Association.
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So the whole "this is transphobic for comparing being transgender to a mental disorder" point is null. Being plural and being a system are not inherently mental disorders.
But I'm sure you're going to make some excuse about why this book, published by the American Psychiatric Association, is totally not valid. You know, just like how transmeds have historically dismissed all the doctors and research saying that you didn't need dysphoria to be trans.
Are you going to try to call me transphobic again for pointing out how your arguments and tactics are exactly like those of transmeds?
constantly harrassing people
This is beside the point, but I feel like this would be a bit more effective had sysmeds not watered down "harassment" to the point of being meaningless.
Like, I just saw a post from a sysmed who was asked why they were putting "doctors" in scare quotes to imply the authors of articles cited by pro-endos aren't real doctors, and the sysmed accused the anon of harassment just for asking the question.
Like to me, harassment means namecalling. Threats of violence. Bullying. Fakeclaiming. Personal attacks.
But it seems to most sysmeds, harassment means questioning them. It means having a different opinion and stating it where they can hear. It means linking sources or saying that they're wrong.
I've seen sysmeds, always desperate to play the part of the victim, complain about being asked "loaded questions" (the question was what punk values meant to them) and beg for death threats in the same post.
It's just so hard anymore to take sysmeds complaining about harassment seriously when it's clear they're just calling everything harassment so they can win victim points.
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stupendousfoxthing · 4 months
What do you think is going with this daen n jmn situation? You think she behaving like exo's wife? Or some jilted lover? Think she's gonna respond to all this hate by exposing her relationship?
Well, it's been a situation for a while. It was background noise until last year when Jimin did a live from his apartment and showed a brief glimpse of his bedroom, which matched with pics and videos of a bedroom Daeun posted. Then the documentary was released in October which was when it really started to blow up. That showed his living room and kitchen/dining area which also all matched with pics and videos that Daeun posted. I think a lot of Taekookers saw this but stayed quiet. Daeun just got very very loud about it a week ago. I think that is obviously his apartment. Whatever relationship they have, they were close enough that she spent time in that space. The one thing that makes me think it was/is probably romantic is the "Da Eun <3U" caption on the video because I think Jimin most likely added that. But I'm open minded until they confirm what is going on, if they do. I've seen the clips where she supposedly denied it and I don't see a clear denial. One short clip I can't even tell if she's reading messages or responding to them. If she denied it as clearly as is claimed, why has she been posting pics and videos from his apartment since last year. A lot of people are trying to say she's just a clout chaser who links herself to everyone. This also appears exaggerated because the previous rumors seem to have been quickly officially denied and one was over two pictures matching a couch and pictures of sandwiches she shared with someone she was working with at the time. They're trying to say she pushed a rumor with Jungkook with a collage circling matching items like a dog toy and a Fiji water bottle, but she never pushed anything with him. This is shippers doing this, this is what they do. So if that's her trying to link herself to JK, I guess every idol that has any matching items with another idol is intentionally trying to link themselves. So she somehow matched her apartment to Jimin's that he didn't start revealing until last year, but also all of these pic/videos are older than that (taken around the time the documentary was shot). Those explanations obviously contradict each other. I know she posts pictures and videos from another apartment, and this is also not a denial to me because having separate places would not be odd at all. I think people immediately jumped on the "they live together" narrative and so think if they can prove they don't live together that debunks everything. I don't know what's going on or why she escalated things so much a week ago, but I don't play the "someone in a relationship wouldn't do that" game because we're all humans with complicated feelings. I've done not smart things for (what I thought was) love. In her recent live clips and IG stories she seems fed up with the harassment but not afraid for herself. As far as "to stop the harassment she can just stop what she's doing" goes, if they're actually together how would she stop that. End the relationship? This is an IG account dedicated entirely to hating her, and here's them bragging about finding her in the comments section of her friend's IG and harassing her there until she deleted a post from January that showed her sitting in front of the obviously recognizable couch. I took this screenshot and censored her friend's name.
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How much of this would you put up with before you fought back?
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fallstreakfeathers · 4 months
I am nearly back from my break, I will be gone several more days, but the time away has given me the opportunity to see this situation from a less emotionally charged state and therefore I have a few words before my official return.
1. I have decided to leave Anon asks on, for now. No anon hate or inflammatory messages will be replied to. They'll simply be reported and deleted or blocked.
2. I have blocked several users who have been involved on Mothzii's side. At this point, though I am aware that the opposing side has contributed to continuing the drama weeks back, I do not trust anyone who has been blatantly supportive of mothzii. I also am not necessarily trusting of the other side. I've been online almost since its conception - I have seen some horrifically manipulative shit, and to be frank, there are some things I have seen in this debacle that gives me very odd gut feelings. If you are continuing to harass mothzii in revenge/payback- STOP. You are not making things better.
3. I'm sure I'm gonna have a lot of people disagreeing with me, but I very much urge everyone to ignore these bullies. Entirely. Do not respond to their hate or their harassment. They WANT to make you upset. They WANT the attention. Dont give it to them. One day, these fiends will fall out of love with the characters they are using to hurt others and move on.
To see that the harassment of certain individuals has continued during my rest is heartbreaking, but I want to believe that the Hantengu/KnY fandom is more good than bad. I dont talk to many people here (I've always been a hermit and socially inept), but I'm fond of the conversations I DO have, no matter how short.
As a final word before normal posts:
I want to encourage anyone affected by the awful people behind those messages, art, and actions to not let them destroy your passion. Do not let these people have any power or sway over you. They don't deserve that privilege.
Until the harassment stops, we must stand together in support of one another, and I believe that we are stronger together.
When creators continue to dream and make their work public and continue sharing their love and support for others, that light will eventually stamp out the darkness.
To the people behind the horrific messages and artwork: These things you've done affect real, living people. You have posted them on the internet. They aren't reversible. You can not take them back, even if you one day apologize. This cloud of evil you've attracted to yourself will follow you like a shadow as long as you are online. The consequences of your actions will always find you. It may not be now, or next week, or even in the next year, but things have a real funny way of catching up to you at the worst times. Dont forget that.
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sunny6677 · 3 months
Never really made a introduction post to my blog, so here—
Hello! I am Sunny, or Lila, or Tomori—you can call me either one of those but Lila makes my gender euphoria go yippee more jdnsnsj /lh
I'm taken by my lovely partner who I would tag if they actually had a Tumblr hsnsns /lh
My pronouns are she/her but I don't mind being referred to with they/them. I am transfem and lesbian—(and possibly on the ace spectrum??? Still trying to figure that out). I am autistic, and possibly have BPD—I also have pretty bad anxiety issues and some pretty bad OCD.
My interests are: FNAF, Spooky Month, horror, analog horror, poetry, BATIM, dinosaurs, jurassic park, TADC, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, etc etc the list goes on.
My kins, or rather just characters I strongly relate to are: Lila, Skid, Streber, Radford, Pomni, Zooble, Patty, Wednesday Addams, Eleven from Stranger Things, Rika Furude from Higurashi, Edd from Eddsworld (the character), Toriel, Alphys, Pacifist! Frisk, Kyoko Kirigiri, Jake from The Music Freaks, The Crying Child/CC from FNAF, Darwin Watterson from TAWOG, Garnet from Steven Universe, Marceline from Adventure Time etc etc.
My comfort characters right now are: Kevin and Lila from Spooky Month, or rather basically any character from Spooky Month, but mainly those two lmao.
My ships are: Lila x Kevin, Kevin x Radford, Edd x Tord (the characters are who I ship), Tom x Matt, Pomni x Ragatha, Lila x Jaune, Wednesday x Enid, Betty Groff x Simon Petrikov, etc etc.
DNI: MAPS, MAPS supporters, Zoos, Proshippers, any NSFW accounts in general because I'm a minor—I'm chill if suggestive stuff or jokes are made but nothing too heavy, anyone who takes shipping a little too seriously, ableist people, racist people, transphobic or homophobic people, any kind of LGBT-phobic people, anti-self shippers or anti oc x canon (I do self shipping and oc x canon so you should probably skedaddle out of here if you don't like either of those things). Tbh, just dni people who are weird or do stuff that harms other people in general. I'm cool if you don't like certain characters or shows or whatever the hell, but if you like doxx or harass people over having opinions or if you do anything creepy in general, you should probably get outta here. Also younger kids in general—like any age below 13.
This is also supposed to be a chill blog where I just post stuff I like—and I tend to really hate fighting, so chances are if someone tries to start fighting shit up in here, I'm probably either not gonna respond or I'll just delete whatever they said. I mean like if I did something genuinely wrong I'll reply, but this isn't meant to be a discourse blog. I'm just here to have a good time fam. /lh
And request—if you're gonna block me at least tell me why before you do. Not because of any specific reason, I just happen to flip out due to a personal experience I had a while ago and I start thinking that they blocked me because I'm a horrible person and did something terribly bad. So if you're not blocking me because you think I'm a bad person, it might be better to explain to me before you do since my obsessive thinking won't freak out if it's just something like me being into a ship that's a trigger for you or me just creating stuff that makes you uncomfortable/just stuff ya don't like in general. /gen
Other blogs: @ask-the-wage-trio and a few others I can't tag for some reason
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(OOC: Wasn't able to make a blog for this one due to some minor troubles, so here—this one is the Ask Tom! blog thing jrndnd)
(Edit: Finally made a Tom blog!!)
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(She jumps up and down in front of the camera, placing her hands on her hips.)
(Tom's reference sheet)
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Tom's relationship chart:
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sageistri · 4 months
This is why I'm kinda angry that hybe is not doing anything about it. Denying the rumours won't be too much for them would it? If it's not them dating currently then what's stopping you from denying it? They have had denied some bs rumours about RM and JK back in 2021 that no one even knew about.
The girlie ain't stopping any moment, she's getting attention from tkkrs, KTHs, jjks and she's loving it. Saw a ss from a tkkr whom i don't even know but they posted ss of her being on live (seems like she was on live yesterday) and this woman literally pinned a comment saying "why are you dating jm, keep pretending to be jimin's gf till end" ig she also responded it with "some people might take it in negative or positive way" like does this look like she's stopping any moment?? She keeps involving him. plus the time when she posted those old jm videos she had multiple stories and for one of the stories girlie used a song from "gray" who she also made rumours with years ago and the guy denied it yet she's being like this.
And Tkkrs are the ones that are making those videos with 300-400k views and the whole comment section being disgusting about it and saying what not about jm, even going as far as to say she's pregnant with jm's child. Plus some totally saying that she's dating jm and she was involved in burning sun (she wasn't involved she's cleared it in the past but there's articles about it like her denying and pic of her with seiungri) so people should treat jm the same way like others involvements. They're blocking the comments who's trying to take jm's side or saying the rumours are not true. The only thing that's frustrating me is him name getting attached to unnecessary scandals.
This is what's making me more angry on hybe like denying it won't hurt you like what's the fking point of you taking action when shit gets too far? We know how tkkrs get's engagement and even blinks are involved in dragging him, like imagine now them doing same on twitter how bad it will be for jm and you know kpopies just wait for jm's name to be in a tweet to gang up in there. It's not even like the company doens't know cause there's plenty of navar articles, ig kmedia articles too, heck i even saw someone posting an article from Indian news paper about their dating rumour.
Many are dismissing it saying she's just attention seeking, and no one's paying it attention when article are being written about it alot, the company gonna get him dragged then take action like what's the fking point? It's been more than 2 years and she hasn't stopped yet. I'm glad that pjms aren't giving it too much attention like others got but still these tkkrs are ain't stopping and are just spreading lies on every sns.
One thing I've never understood is stans acting like people saying their fave is dating someone is hate. Relax and take a deep breath. This should never even be added to list of things Jimin has gone through. It's a dating rumor which is normal.
What hybe does concerning this doesn't matter to me because I don't think it's that serious. Jimin's name is only being linked to a woman, we'll live I think.
Should a statement be made because you want to be reassured that he isn't dating her? If hybe and other BTS members never spoke out about Jimin being harassed for years over a fictional relationship then I could care less about them making a statement just because he's being linked to a woman.
Stuff like these are only weaponized by people like tkkrs when stans like you make a big deal of it.
I don't think Jimin is dating her, but imagine a reality where he is, what would you do then? Make posts asking to report people who are talking about it? Tkkrs talking about it doesn't do anything to Jimin and it doesn't make tkk real.
Dating rumors are not defamation, he's only being linked to a woman not being accused of a crime.
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bungoustraypups · 7 months
@daught3rsofcain i made a separate post for this, btw, to respect creantzy and (try to) keep any more unnecessary fighting off of their posts, however i feel this needs to be addressed given how it caused issues over on twitter and i wanna make my stance clear as well as make it clear that this kind of comment is unacceptable
tl;dr for anyone who doesn't wanna/can't/doesn't have time to read my whole rant/already agrees with me and doesn't need to be convinced on why you should shut the fuck up if you see fanart/fanfic/other fan shit you dislike or that mildly bothers you but is otherwise harming no one online: curate your online spaces, block liberally and without question, do whatever you need to do to be comfortable, but never demand that other people bend to your will just because you personally think something is disrespectful to you
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i'm gonna keep it brief: don't say this shit on someone's art.
you might think it's disrespectful and "disgusting", but that doesn't actually make it so. i implore you to do a little googling into the history of romantic jesus depictions, because if you do, you'll quickly find that people have been doing this very thing for literal centuries.
yes, they had pushback even back then, as most artists who make any kind of art esp religious art often do no matter what they're depicting, but obviously the fact that people continuously do it and that most christians either don't give a fuck or at the very least ignore it and move on.
if you were truly so incensed upon seeing silly fanart of bsd fyodor dostoevsky and a very historically inaccurate depiction of jesus christ based off of leonardo da vinci's gay lover (yes, that is where this very popular depiction of jesus comes from, while there's some debate over who exactly was the muse as leo had a few gay lovers, most people agree the depictions of white or fair-skinned jesus today that are similar to the ones da vinci made are based off of someone he was in love with whether they were in a relationship officially yet or not) you simply could have blocked OP or the post or simply ignored it, and yet you chose instead to do this, which is why i bothered responding
people threatened creantzy on twitter and sent death threats to them over this, for much the same reason as you claim to have left this thoughtless, hurtful comment. even if creantzy doesn't care and can brush it off, which is a fair and valid response, the way people online feel entitled to force everyone they interact with to only produce material they personally agree with is childish, immature, cruel, entitled, and quite frankly, shitty behavior.
it would be one thing if this artwork depicted, for example, a marginalized religious figure, but considering Christianity is not just a major global religion, but is the current dominant global religion with approximately 2.4 billion followers worldwide, and most countries have no discriminatory laws against the practice of christianity or against christians themselves, when the same cannot be said for literally every other religion on the planet right now to varying degrees (if you live in the USA, for example, we may not explicitly forbid the practice of other religions, but hate crimes are rising, especially antisemitic and islamophobic hate crimes, and the perpetrators of those crimes are largely either atheists who were formerly christian, or current christians; and almost all of our major holidays are centered around christian religious holidays, even if the marketing no longer reflects this, that doesn't make it less true)...
basically you're causing a fuss over a non-issue. my grandma is very christian and thinks this art is pretty and even though she doesn't get it, has no real issue with it considering christians themselves have been doing this for... almost since christianity began, arguably. your opinions don't dictate what people should or shouldn't post online.
block, move on, and live your life. stop harassing artists.
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ericshoney · 1 year
The Mafia Boss ~ Chapter seven
Y/n's POV
As we go outside, I see a black Jeep parked up outside. I look to Sunghoon who pulls his keys out.
"Hop in." He mumbles, getting in the drivers seat.
"Where we going?" I ask, putting my seatbelt on.
"You'll see." He responds.
He begins driving and after a few minutes, I realise we're heading to the Enhypen home. I don't say anything as he parks up in the driveway.
"Come on." He said, getting out. I slowly get out, following him inside. When we walk in, I hear the others chatting quietly. I follow Sunghoon into the living room where the guys and Beatrix are sitting.
"Woah, Hyung. Didn't know you would bring Noona back!" Niki exclaims.
"Can it, Riki. All of you sit down, including you." Sunghoon spits, turning to me. I sit down on the sofa next to Jay.
"Can someone please explain why the fuck, I haven't been aware that Y/n has been visiting?" Sunghoon questions.
"W-What?" Jungwon stutters.
"I know Y/n visited a month ago. When Jay sent me off to that meeting. You know, Jay, the fake one." Sunghoon responds, looking at Jay.
"Look, I was out and about, saw a club, wanted a drink. I saw the bartender being harassed so I stepped in to help, saw Y/n, thought to catch up. A week later she messaged saying she wanted to visit but the deal was if you wasn't here." Jay tells him.
"Cause you hate me." Sunghoon mumbles, as I look at him, I see a faint glimmer of sadness before it returns to the ice like glare.
"Can you blame her if she does?" Jake questions.
"No. Have fun catching up." He responds, walking out the room, I hear his car start up as he leaves.
"I'm gonna head home. Long night at work." I said, standing up.
"You don't want to stay?" Sunoo asks.
"I should head home. Sunghoon's mad, its late and to be fair, none have you actually messaged me, beside Beatrix. See you around." I reply, grabbing my bag and heading out.
"Y/n wait up!" I turn to see Heeseung running out the mansion.
"What?" I call.
"As you said, its late. Let me drive you home." He offers. I sigh and since I'm tired, I agree.
"Fine." I walk back over to him as he leads me to his car.
I don't say anything as I get into the fancy Mercades. Heeseung gets comfortable and starts driving me home.
"Sorry about Hoon showing up. He forced Jay to give him the club name." He tells me.
"I don't care." I mumble, looking out the window.
Heeseung stays quiet the rest of the drive, when we pull up I grab my bag getting out the car. Heeeung rolls down his window, letting me talk to him.
"Thanks for the ride but don't think cause you know my address, you can show up again." I tell him.
"Whatever you say." He smirks. I move away heading inside my apartment. He better not get any ideas.
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the-haunted-prince-au · 8 months
Chapter 3
Snatcher didn't know how to feel. There in the dinning room was the monster that haunted his afterlife the horrific beast that had an unpredictable temper and often took her anger out on others... Looking at him like he was some kind of small cute animal. He had forgotten how tame she used to be when she wasn't upset. No wonder she loved him THEY WERE BOTH DORKS! she was just a significantly prettier dork. Wait,? What was he thinking? EW NO he hates this woman! Doesn't he? YES! Yes he does stay focused! "Good mooorning My Prince!" She spoke in a sing-song voice. Yup definitely a dork. Snatcher hoped giving her the silent treatment would work because if anyone was gonna notice his voice it was going to be her! "Oddly quiet today my love? Are you feeling sick?" She got up out her seat and tried to hug him resulting in Snatcher letting out a startled hiss. "dang it!" He hadn't been human in 1000's of years and hissing was one of those behaviors he picked up in that time. "Oh my! Are you upset today? What did I do?" She said shocked from the sudden reaction "you touched me without my consent what did you expect to happen?" He muttered under his breath. God breathing sucked! "What was that My Prince?" Oh boy he could sense it she was getting mad! "Nothing Vanessa" he replied in a snarky tone "oh? What happened to the name Princess?" "Nothing I just think Vanessa suits you better" "buts thats my real name I thought you agreed to only refer to me as princess!" Snatcher Grinned "I take it back" "YOU PROMISED!" A spike of ice shot up almost impaling poor Salem "uhm breakfast is ready-" good he didn't need to eat but he wanted to have an excuse to stop talking to Vanessa. His enthusiasm only got bigger when he saw what was on his plate. "Bacooooon-" he was not immune to bacon... And he never was. However over a millennia of consuming the souls of the innocent leads to some unpleasant visuals at the table... Snatcher bit into a piece of bacon as hard as he could and started ripping it apart with his teeth and claws. Salem proceeded to leave the room as Vanessa stared in pure horror. Just the way he liked it. "My Prince... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT???" "bacon" Snatcher responded with a smug look on his face. "MY PRINCE IM SERIOUS DO YOU NEED HELP??? IM GETTING HELP!" Uh oh! Uhh think of something! "Are you sure YOU don't need help?" Vannesa flintched. Nailed it. "Hehehe WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?" Snatcher made sure to put on his creepiest smile as the lights flickered out.
"You know what I said!"
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Huh so he did still have some of his powers. Vanessa looked like she was about to snap. "LISTEN HERE YOU-" she then realized she was talking to her "precious little Prince" and backed down. She finished her breakfast in angry silence as Snatchers smug grin only got bigger. In that very moment he used his past selves body to verbally harass his abusive ex and get away with it scar free. He was ecstatic so ecstatic that he decided to take a walk around the village and maybe try another jab at Vanessa when he gets back. Poke the sleeping bear and all that jazz. "Hey everyone look it's Prince!" A swarm of children proceeded to corner him but not just any annoying children the village children "can you play us a tune on your fancy violin?" "OO OOH! How about you tell us a story!" "Yeah tell us a story!" Ignoring the sinking feeling in his gut (ew) Snatcher tried to mimic his old self. He just couldn't be mean to the children. "Sorry little ones I'm not feeling so well and I forgot violin back at the manor but if you all run along I'll be back tomorrow!" (Eugh! He'd have to remind himself to never speak like that again) "oki Mr Prince! Come on guys let's go play somewhere else!" The children left him alone and now could continue walking in peace- "you handled that well you highness"
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Crap. A young woman with poppy red hair, a large braid, and sun kissed freckled skin had noticed him internally gagging he prepared himself for more social interaction. "Hiii Ivy-" "dude that was the worst voice crack I've ever heard holy cow!" Oh yeah his voice used to crack when he was nervous. And apparently it still did curse this flesh vessel- "so how are you doing now that your back from that fancy law school!" "What" "your back from the academy? I thought it was obvious" she jokingly said. There was an intense moment of awkward silence. "OK IM GOING BACK TO THE MANOR NOW BYEE IVY-" he cringed as he heard his voice crack. There was no way forget annoying Vanessa he need to think about this. As he entered the manor he saw them. The flowers he had bought for Vanessa placed nicely in a pot. "I'm starting to think this isn't the right past"
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maxpaulll · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
I was tagged by @agentplutonium who knows I absolutely despise tag games so I'm doing this out of spite.
I will not tag anyone because I don't know who to tag and don't want to but you can feel free to use this as an excuse to do it if you want.
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
3 because I don't write often and I orphaned all my old fandom ones
2 - What's your total AO3 word count?
hhhhhh uhm... 5,403 because again, I don't write often. When I do it's just a one shot cause that's all I can commit to.
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
Redacted Audio, and you can't prove any other fandom /lh
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm gonna rank these but I don't have enough so they all get featured, Get rekt losers.
#1 is Adventure of the Mates' Night Out. This is just a silly little one shot abt the Shaw Pack mates & Baabe being cool as heck B]
#2 is Family Gets Nicknames which is a short lil angst fic about Quinn taking Angel & Tank/Darlin' not being able to do anything about it. Technically it's unfinished but I wouldn't expect an update
#3 is The Stars Are Gone Now. It is my FAVOURITE AND YOU ALL ARE COWARDS FOR NOT LIKING IT/J. It's about Imp!Vega's death and Pet's grief. I love it more than life itself but it's pretty heavy and a lesser beloved pairing so I understand why it's not super popular.
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Sometimes, if I'm feeling silly
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Stars are gone now. Hands down. Pets stuck in Vega's room with no idea what's going on during the rebellion. The only solace they have is the lights on the ceiling which relieve them that Vega is still alive... until he's not. (family get's nickames is kinda sad too but it was written to be more panicky. I write a lot of angst because it helps me deal with my 🌟feelings🌟)
7 -What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Mates' Night Out!!! It ends with everybody being fine and Baabe being super sexy n cool but I should give a TW for mild violence, sexual harassment and swearing <3
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
Not as far as I know?
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Once when I was like 15 and then never again. I'm no good at it.
10 - Do you write crossovers?
Nope <3
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No?? I wouldn't know
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope <3
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes. In high school. On a twitter thread. With Pluto.
14 - What's your all time favorite ship?
I will die for Imp!Vega & Pet, I would give my life for Imp!Freelancer & Vindemiator, and I will kiss Gavin & Freelancer on their sweet little heads.
15 - What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I started writing this AU about Detective!Milo & Thief!Sweetheart that never made it past planning in gdocs but I think it would be cool to finish but I don't think I'll ever get there. There's also this one Playlist plotline I made because I wanted people to be able to see what I was thinking about when I listened to the songs. Making that into a finished fic would be cool but I don't have it in me. If you wanna read it, the link is here.
16 - What are your writing strengths?
I think my descriptions are my strong suit? I feel like my dialogue can be lacking but I feel good about my visualizations of scenes n stuff.
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
Definitely making anything more than a one shot. I just don't have that level of commitment for something. When I write stuff it's because I'm in the moment and feeling what I'm writing. If I have to sit down and come back to it I lose my mojo.
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'd feel way more comfortable doing if I or someone I knew understood/spoke the language. I don't trust google translate for that.
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
Listen. Wattpad was a place... where I wrote Good Omens things. BUT WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THE DARK TIMES.
20 - Favorite fic you've written?
okay thats all
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piratefalls · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @ninzied! thank you friend!
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
169,903, which is a shock to me because it really doesn't feel like that much.
What fandoms do you write for?
previously teen wolf/sterek and hawaii five-0/mcdanno, currently taking my first stab at rwrb/firstprince
Top five fics by kudos:
(Waiting) Until the Sky Falls Down on Me (sterek)
Today and Every Day (sterek)
I'm Gonna Give All My Secrets Away (stanny)
Man, Interrupted (sterek)
it's my (pants) party and i'll cry if i want to (sterek)
Do you respond to comments?
i do my best! sometimes i'm terrible at it, but i try!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do angsty endings! I'm a HEA kinda girl.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably either Today and Every Day or it's like taking a guess when the only answer is yes because they both end in proposals lol
Do you get hate on fics?
never hate, but i've had a comment here and there that wasn't necessarily appreciated
Do you write smut?
not really anymore. i got myself to do it because it felt like the only thing that got traction and maybe if that was good enough it'd be a gateway to the stuff i enjoyed writing (and, frankly, stuff i spent far more time on). and i don't think i'm particularly good at smut anyway lol. but if given the choice between smut or funny/introspective i'm gonna go with the latter every time.
Craziest crossover:
I haven't done a crossover!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
so idk who remembers this but a while ago there were people who would post people's fics to Goodreads and one of mine wound up there and those reviews hurt my feelings enough that i quit writing for a while after.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
not to my knowledge!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
haven't, but i think it could be fun with the right partner!
All time favorite ship?
this is an impossible question and i can't choose. i love them all equally, just for different reasons.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
good lord my person of interest post-canon fic. will anyone read it? very unlikely. is it the principle of the thing? yes.
What are your writing strengths?
i genuinely have no idea. i've never given it any real thought. i mean, the build of what i write is some form of introspection mixed with humor, so probably those things.
What are your writing weaknesses?
plot and world building. i'm useless at it, for the most part. and like i said above, i don't think i'm great at smut. it's passable at best.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i love it. though i do miss the days when people regularly utilized that hover function that would show the translation if you left your mouse over the phrase for a few seconds. way better than having to scroll down to the notes for the translation.
First fandom you wrote in?
teen wolf. much simpler times.
Favorite fic you've written?
I don't have a single favorite so I'm gonna go with a few for different reasons
humor: Got Your Body On My Mind (I Want it Bad) - mcdanno & co get sent to a sexual harassment training seminar. chaos ensues.
character analysis: Written in the Scars on Our Hearts - steve mcgarrett and all the ways a person can be touched and the
most cathartic: & lift him back up again - working through my own grief by making a character sad
crack, my beloved: it's my (pants) party and i'll cry if i want to - every time stiles orgasms his dick sounds like a party horn. there's glitter come. i might have been hammered.
tagging @wellhalesbells @priincebutt + i feel like doing an open tag for anyone who wants to share what they love about their work!
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