#i'm not proud of the hiyori one
enstars-syndrome · 6 months
plus purple watercolour cause the gouache won't give me purple >:(
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I thought it would be funny if there was an option for shin to pick up the gun instead of keiji during this fight, my friends agreed so I decided to make a quick edit and then the quick edit took me literally two hours. moral of the story there should be more high-quality playthroughs of 3-1a logic
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momentomori24 · 4 months
FINALLY FINISHED. Yay. This is just a very long overdue Soushin week piece inspired by the prompts "AI" and "Secrets". All from Shin AI's POV-- I just like writing Shin.
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penkura · 2 months
last forever [12/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed with the caveat of ending it via annulment once you received word from your parents regarding the original engagement, despite your growing feelings for your close friend.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami later (like epilogue later so chill)
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Romance, Fluff, Confessions, Implied Sex
Note: The next to last chapter!! This was originally going to be the ending, but I changed it a little bit. The next chapter is the official ending with a small epilogue at the end!
@misfits1a | @alucardsdaddyissues | @louweasleymalfoy | @fluffybunnyu | @yerrimm09 | @eyes-ofhell | @emmaiscool22 | @xenop0p | @hank88999
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5] ● [Ch. 6] ● [Ch. 7] ● [Ch. 8] ● [Ch. 9] ● [Ch. 10] ● [Ch. 11]
When you finally hear that Zoro and Luffy have woken up, you're still on the other side of the building with Sanji. Chopper comes running in to tell you both, and your eyes light up so quickly that when you look at Sanji, he's already smiling at you as you grin.
“Better go hug that husband of yours.”
You don't have to be told twice and you're running down the hall with Chopper, him holding one of your hands in his hoof while you use your other to keep the skirt of your kimono up so you don't trip. No need to see Zoro with a bloody nose, he'll think you're spending too much time with Sanji.
When you get to the room and Chopper throws the door open, he lets go of your hand and hurries to Luffy, while you catch your breath and watch the two, making up for lost time on their eating and drinking, of course. If you hadn't been so stressed and worried the last few days, you'd be laughing at them. When Luffy notices you, he says your name with a grin that makes you smile back at him, before you look over to Zoro and feel like you're about to start crying.
He's alive. Once again, he's pulled himself from the edge of death and come back to you. When he finally sees you, Zoro nods you over to him, pulling you to his side with an arm around your shoulders once you do reach him. You return the hug and bury your face in his chest, forcing yourself not to cry out of the happiness you feel right now.
You're alive. Thank God, I was so scared.
Almost as if he can read your mind, Zoro leans his head down towards yours, briefly brushing his lips against your head before whispering, “Everything's fine. We're okay.”
You nod a bit, pulling away to look up at him with a smile. You're just so glad he's all right, that he made it out of his fight against King mostly unscathed. Zoro moves his hand to your forehead, tapping the bandage for a second, before placing his hand on your back.
“What's this bandage about?”
“Oh,” you barely touch the bandage on your forehead, having forgotten all about it in your hurry to see Zoro, “A stray knife grazed me. Chopper says I'll be fine, no scarring.”
“Hope you cut the guy down.”
You nod, giving him a slight smirk. “Of course I did.”
“Yeah?” Zoro returns your smirk, pulling you closer to him, “Atta girl.”
That's my wife, I'm proud of you.
Zoro wants to say that aloud to you, but there's too many people around, and he hasn't been able to take you aside to tell you to get rid of those divorce papers,  to forget about your parents and how your marriage came about, to just stay with him.
He's back to drinking sake a moment later, but keeps you right next to him, even as Hiyori speaks up about how she'd help keep him (and Luffy of course) clean while they recovered. It makes your heart ache a bit, despite Sanji's reassuring you earlier, but Zoro doesn't say anything about it and keeps his arm around your shoulders, wanting you to stay there. Hiyori wasn't trying to upset you, you both knew that since she didn't know your relationship, but it stung a bit to know she was here when Zoro woke up while you'd been elsewhere.
He doesn't care, he cares that you're here now, safe and alive in his arms. Honestly, a few times he was worried for you during the raid, during the battles. Not knowing exactly where you were or how you were faring, until he started his battle against King, you were in the back of his mind. Even when that battle started, his mind would drift to you and silent hopes that you were safe.
Thankfully you were, and he knows you're more worried about him, just from how you hold onto him and don't look at anyone else, not even when Luffy and Chopper try talking to you.
“Hey, I need some help if anyone's free!”
Sanji interrupts a bit later, mostly expecting some of the guys to help, but you gently push yourself from Zoro and give him a smile when he looks at you.
“I'm going to go help Sanji.”
Zoro scowls for a second, making you laugh at his face.
“Curly brow can handle whatever it is,” Zoro pulls you back to him, kissing your temple briefly before letting you go, “but if you want to help him you can go.”
Smiling again, you nod before leaning up and kissing his cheek. “Thank you, husband.”
You don't miss the slightest blush on his face while you stand up, Zoro holding your wrist for a moment longer before speaking again.
“When we set sail…I want to talk to you alone, all right?”
Worry starts to take over your heart and head, but you do your best to hide it with a nod, going to follow Sanji and whoever else volunteered to help him. You fear Zoro is going to push you to sign the divorce papers, that despite how sweet he's been lately, it's all an act and he's going to end your sham marriage. It's what you've worried about ever since your crew's reunion in Sabaody. Even after the night you spent together recently, it still was in the back of your mind that he could choose to end your marriage.
While helping Sanji does distract you from your worry, there's still a small voice in the back of your head telling you that he doesn't love you, he must love Hiyori, that's all it is. He's going to end it there and that will be it.
You shake your head, forcing that voice to go away so you could continue helping.
Nothing you could do now except wait until you all board Sunny to leave again, and have your talk with Zoro.
Please don't end this….
“So, do you have feelings for her?”
Hiyori's question almost comes out of left field for Zoro, who simply finishes his drink and sets the bottle down, not making eye contact. You've gone off somewhere with Nami and some of the children to play games, which is probably why Hiyori chose to speak to him now, while you weren't around. It might make things easier for her to get some answers from him.
He has one, an answer, of course. He's known for a while now his feelings for you, how far they went and what he wants. It feels weird to think about telling Hiyori this, he can tell she has feelings for him too, but, he's pretty sure she already knows, even without having to ask.
“Your crewmate…the girl always hanging around you, um, [Y/N]?”
“Yeah, I know who you're talking about.”
“Is she truly your wife?”
Zoro nods, making Hiyori's shoulders slump a bit. She's heard Sanji call you “moss head's wife” once or twice or maybe several times to a few of the other Samurai, she believes on purpose whenever she was within earshot. Despite seeing you slap his arm and smile, saying you and Zoro were just really close, Hiyori could always see something like sadness behind your eyes and smile.
Truthfully, she wondered if it was unrequited love, that you loved him but Zoro didn't love you back. That's why she felt the need to ask before you all take off in the next couple of days.
“We didn't get married cause we were in love, if you're wondering.”
“Oh?” For a second she perks up, hearing that she now wonders if it was an arranged marriage, and that you two didn't have any feelings for each other. That would make sense, Hiyori thinks, until Zoro speaks again.
“I was keeping her from being sent home to an arranged marriage. Well…forced home, I guess,” Zoro doesn't even question where Hiyori got the bottle of sake she gave him, but he does thank her for it, “Thought after a few months we'd annul and move on with our lives. Didn't actually think we'd fall for each other.”
Her shoulders drop again, but Hiyori smiles anyway. There's something in the way Zoro speaks about you, as he tells her your story of how you two came to know each other, when you said you love him, and how he's come to feel the same way, after believing it would never happen to someone like him. It sounds like happiness, she realizes, recognizing it from what she remembers of her mother speaking about her father. Happiness and true love, it sounds like.
After a bit, Hiyori nods, still smiling.
“You love her.”
Zoro's quiet for a moment, before he simply nods. He's known this for a long time now, it's just been difficult to get alone time with you to tell you his feelings for you, despite how that sounded lame to him and something Sanji would say, despite your night together. He does hate that he never told you before that happened.
It's interesting how it feels to admit that, though, even with just a nod. To admit he loves you, when he was so sure love wasn't for him, that it would never find him and if it did, at one point he wanted to wipe his hands of it.
But you.
Of course, it would be you.
How you have changed things. You've convinced him that love isn't that bad, that yes, it's even for him, the self proclaimed king of hell. The once Pirate Hunter turned pirate himself, future greatest swordsman in the world. You've got him wrapped around your finger, got him thinking about what life after becoming the world's greatest swordsman and helping Luffy become King of the Pirates would be like. He's had thoughts more recently of you two settling down in his home village perhaps, maybe having a few brats of your own and living your life together.
It was crazy to him, to think about it, and know where he's come from with not knowing a real family or that kind of love, to wanting it with you. If he told his 8-year-old self about this, the brat he was would cringe and turn his nose up at the thought of marriage, current age Zoro would have to laugh at his younger self.
“It's not so bad. Yeah you have someone else to worry about, but, for some reason, knowing they worry about you too…it's comforting, really “
Taking another drink of sake, Zoro knows that later, once you've all set sail again, he's going to make things right with you. No more of you wondering what he was thinking about you and your marriage. No more beating around the bush, making excuses to be with or to avoid each other.
“Yeah. I love her.”
He's going to make sure you know that soon.
"Do you still have those divorce papers?"
Freezing up, you nod a bit before grabbing your bag, pulling out the crumpled papers you'd had for the last two and a half years, handing them to Zoro. The argument you two had gotten into when Robin first joined, where Zoro called you stupid for blindly trusting her and you called him an idiot for being so untrusting, had caused you both to seriously consider ending your sham marriage then, but you never ended up signing the annulment papers in time. If you wanted to end it now, divorce was your only option. You didn't think Zoro would ever actually ask for them, and you didn't want to give them to him, but he had asked and you did still have them.
He must've decided he didn't want to be your husband, sham or real. You'd seen how close he'd gotten with Hiyori during your time in Wano, especially after she gave him the sword Enma. Maybe he wanted to be with her, though it would be a long distance relationship you were sure they'd make it work. They'd be cute together, and–
Why do you hear papers being torn?
Zoro didn't say anything after you handed him the papers, but he ends up tearing them into pieces while you were running a million thoughts in your head, your eyes widening when you finally notice what he's done.
"What are you doing?!"
"What does it look like I'm doing? Ripping up these useless papers."
You can't get any words out, stuck stammering in confusion even as Zoro sits in front of you on your bed.
"Why did you do that? We can't get divorced without those!"
"Who says I want to?" The look on your face, one of pure shock and a bright red blush, makes Zoro smile a bit, mostly to himself. You two had such little alone time in Wano he never had a chance to tell you to rip up or burn the papers, that he didn't want to divorce you. Finally though, as your ship heads towards your next destination, he gets to tell you. "I don't want to divorce you. I've decided we're staying married and you're taking my last name."
You're still so in shock you don't know what to say or how to say it. Hearing Zoro say such a thing, and that he wants you to take his last name makes your face even redder. "W-what?!"
You end up slapping your hands over your cheeks out of embarrassment and to make sure you aren't dreaming while Zoro nods and places a hand on his chin like he was thinking
"Roronoa [Y/N]. Sounds pretty good to me."
"Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Slow down. I…I'm getting dizzy." Leaning against the wall, you hold your head in your hands and try to calm your pounding heart. This was all so much at once, he can't just tell you he's decided you two were staying married and you were going to be a Roronoa now!
Granted yes, it's what you've wanted the last two and a half years, but still. He could at least ask if you were all right with this!
"Are you…are you saying you…"
"Want to stay your husband? Yeah, that's what I'm saying." Zoro moves closer to you, putting his arm around your shoulders and leaning you into him, maybe that would help clear your head. "I won't divorce you or let anyone else marry you."
"But…what about Hiyori…?"
"What about her? She's nice enough and gave me her father's sword but…I don't…feel that way for her."
So you were wrong. Zoro didn't have any romantic feelings for Hiyori. You were never so glad to be so wrong before now. You can feel tears starting, but try to blink them away, sitting up and taking his hand in your own.
“When did you decide this?”
“A while ago, honestly,” Zoro draws you closer to him, the softest look you've ever seen from him as he places his forehead against yours, “I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you, I had to make sure it was right first. That this is what I wanted too.”
"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that," biting your lip, you look away with a slight blush, "but…are you sure you want me? I feel like you don't have a real choice here…"
"I made my choice when I offered to marry you to keep you out of that arranged marriage. You were my choice from the beginning."
You don't say anything else or give Zoro the chance to say more before you kiss him, no hesitation from him in returning it, pulling you as close as possible, into his lap just like your first kiss in Water 7 two years. It's been a long time coming, and you're just glad your feelings were finally returned, you don't have to worry about a possible divorce and the heartbreak that would follow.
No, you and Zoro are desperately in love with each other. It took you some time to get to this point, but you were here now. No need for an annulment or divorce, not even a need for you to find a place to get married, you're already several steps ahead.
"I love you, husband."
"I love you too, wife."
And you don't think you can be any happier.
Zoro wakes up the next morning to you digging through a drawer in your nightstand, muttering something like "where did it go" and "what did I do with it". He figures you're trying to be quiet, but you failed at that and woke him, though he isn't really upset about it.
It seems like Robin and Nami never came back to the women's bunks, something he's sure you're grateful for so they didn't walk in on anything they wouldn't want to see. Zoro won't ever tell you that he specifically asked them not to come by if they could, since he wasn't sure at the time how things were going to play out.
He lays there and watches you for a moment, until you seem to find what you had been looking for, happily pulling the item out of the drawer and checking whatever it was to make sure it was all right.
You scream a bit, not expecting Zoro to be awake and almost dropping the item in your hands. He just laughs at you so hard, you have half a mind to shove him off your small bed, he was near the edge anyway. Instead your face goes bright red and you punch his shoulder, making him laugh even more.
"You jerk, you scared me! When did you wake up?!"
"A couple minutes ago, while you were digging in your drawer."
You pout while Zoro sits up and tries to see what you have in your hands, you trying to keep it hidden and focus more on how he scared you. Of course you knew he didn't mean to, he'd never do that on purpose, but you were trying to keep something a surprise.
"What you got there, wife?"
"It's…it's nothing, husband."
The inflection you put on the word husband doesn't convince Zoro that it really is nothing. He knows you were hiding something you don't want him to see yet, to the point he pulls you into a kiss, keeping you in place by holding the back of your head while he reaches around you to take whatever is in your hands.
"Hey!" You push him back when you realize he took the item from you, and give him a glare. "You can't just kiss me and steal my stuff!"
"Thought husbands and wives weren't supposed to keep secrets."
"Surprises aren't technically secrets."
Zoro rolls his eye at you, ignoring the slight blush you have as you don't fight to get the small box back while he opens it. He's a bit surprised after all, looking from the box to you, who is trying not to look him in the eye.
Your secret item was a set of wedding rings it looked like, maybe just regular rings but they matched too well to just be random rings put in a box together. A plain, thick silver band and a smaller, thin silver band with a small jewel on it. Obviously, one for a man and one for a woman, definitely wedding bands.
When did you have time to get these though? Neither of you had acted on your feelings until after you'd all come together again, and even after that, no real confessions or anything had happened until the night before. Did you get these in Wano before your ship left, or had you gotten them a while ago? Zoro knew you would start talking the longer he looked at you.
"I," you bite your lip and keep looking away, your cheeks red out of embarrassment as you try to explain, "I found them in Loguetown…I know we weren't really together then but…I don't know, I couldn't help it…"
"You want me to put your ring on you then?"
You didn't think Zoro would be willing to do something so romantic, but it is traditional and he leans more to that than you had originally expected.
Your marriage isn't traditional though, having gotten married at a backwater court house almost three years prior, only to save you from an arranged marriage. You'd nearly annulled your marriage, thought he was going to divorce you the night before, and spent two years apart.
The fact that Zoro, of all people, is willing to stay married to you and make it work, to actually make a life with you, it makes you happy.
"Then," you nod, smiling while Zoro turns to face you better, "I'll put yours on you."
You two are quiet for a bit, you looking at the rings you'd bought forever ago, honestly kind of amazed you'd reached this point. There was a time you thought they'd never be used, but now, as you watch Zoro take your ring from the box to put on your hand, you can't help but smile and laugh a bit.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing, it's just…weird to think we're doing this," a thought hits you, and you give Zoro a slight grin, "You know, you're supposed to say something when you put the ring on me."
He raises an eyebrow, while you blush a bit. Zoro had never been to a wedding, why would he know all the words said at those things? He always thought weddings were stupid when he was a kid, but now as an adult, he almost felt bad that you two didn't have a proper wedding, despite your insistence that it was perfectly fine and would be a fun story to tell your kids, if you had any.
"What do you mean? Don't I just put it on your finger and that's it?"
Giggling, you shake your head and take his ring in your hand to place on his finger. "So…what you'd do, if we'd had a real ceremony, is take the ring, and say, 'with this ring I thee wed.'"
Zoro looks at the ring now on his left hand, before looking back to you.
"That's dumb."
It makes you burst out laughing to hear that. Of course he thinks it's dumb, but you don't expect anything less from him. It does make you happy though, to give Zoro his ring and watch him look it over, getting used to it being there, before he takes your ring and your left hand in his. His face is red, and he looks like he's thinking about what you said, which makes you smile a bit.
"With…this ring…I thee wed."
Zoro barely speaks above a whisper, but you hear him. It's a vow, not something flowery or long winded, but still a vow that he's yours and you're his. The way he holds your hand, running his thumb across your fingers while staring at your ring. You giggle a bit at how shy he acted, repeating those words to you, giving him a kiss and a smile.
"I love you, husband."
"I love you too, wife."
"...you did put my ring on the wrong finger though."
"Damn it, [Y/N]."
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seangelfish · 7 months
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Meet and Greet
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Jun Sazanami x Reader ♡ Tags: Fluff, established relationship, romance, no mention of pronouns ♡ Word count: 864 ♡ Synopsis: An idol like yourself shouldn't be spotted at events like this. That's just too risky! But you're here anyway to not only experience what it's like from the fan's point of view, but also to surprise your boyfriend, Jun Sazanami from Eve. ♡ A/N: Had this in the drafts for a while and it is finally finished! I miss my Jun Sazanami phase~ I still love him and he will forever be my dream boyfriend.
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Your hair was tied back with a black cap covering your head. Over your eyes laid a pair of dark shades and a mask to cover your mouth. This was the perfect disguise for you to go see your boyfriend at his meet and greet. After all, you were an idol at the same agency he was in, so you had to be careful about being recognised by his fans.
However, what you really came dressed in was not the disguise you should've gone for, but a casual outfit instead. Sure, you still covered your head with a cap, but your whole face was exposed which could lead to trouble.
You thought otherwise though because despite being a popular idol at Cos Pro, you were still going to attend a meet and greet for Eve, a unit that attracts all eyes. So, you didn't need to worry about being recognised as everyone's attention would be only on them. You doubted anyone would look your way if the Hiyori Tomoe and Jun Sazanami were in the same room as them.
You entered the line, awaiting your turn to meet Eve. For some reason, the idea of being here as a fan when you were an idol was absolutely nerve-racking. Maybe you should've gone in disguise? It was too late now as the line started moving forward, yet thankfully enough, as you expected, no one batted an eye at you.
And despite feeling so nervous, you felt a sensation of excitement brew in you. You were going to see your boyfriend from a different perspective! This is so exciting! you thought to yourself happily. I can't wait to see him!
You hummed a little tune to yourself as you watched fans squeal in delight as they readied themselves to shake their favourite idols' hands.
The venue was crowded with girls which wasn't a surprise to you since Eve catered towards that demographic, but a part of you couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous when Jun would dish out his attention to them. At the same time, you were proud of him. He looked so happy and fulfilled to be given such love for his hard work. It was his dream to become an idol, so seeing him smile so brightly like this only made your heart flutter.
"Thank you for supporting me and Eve," he said politely, shaking a fan's hand firmly. "I appreciate it so much."
"O-Of course!" they would bashfully reply, a slight blush appearing on their cheeks. "I will always be your fan!"
You sighed contently at this. You were nearing the front of the line now, so you readied yourself as you stepped in front of the dark blue-haired boy.
Before you could greet him though, his eyes widened at your figure in front of him.
"(Y/N), w-what are you doing here?" he hissed worriedly. "You're not even wearing a mask! Did anyone recognise you? I hope you didn't get harassed... I'll call security later to escort you out, but you shouldn't..."
Despite the shock in his eyes, you could see how they lit up when he saw you.
"Don't worry, Jun," you whispered back. "No one recognised me!"
He sighed but smiled. "Alright, let's get this over with. Take my hands."
You placed your hands in his. As expected, they were calloused and rough, but at the same time, soft. Your boyfriend shook your hands gently, but his grip was tight as if he didn't want to let you go.
"Thank you for coming here to visit me!" he exclaimed. "I appreciate your support so much!"
His usual lines. He really was taking this seriously so that no one would spot you.
You grinned, then said, "Jun, I'm so proud of you. Do you know exactly why I'm here? I'm here to tell you that you've been doing such a good job getting to this point. You've worked so hard and it's admirable. I hope that you keep at it, that life continues to treat you well."
He looked at you dazed, but his eyes glistened. He wasn't sure if it was the lights that had him squinting like this, but your words did take an emotional toll on him.
"And remember that you're loved," you continued.
At that point, he knew that it was you – the reason why his eyes started to water. Your words touched his heart, and hearing them from you made it all worthwhile that he was here, existing, as an idol.
"T-Thank you..." he stammered out. "I really am happy that you're here, (Y/N)–"
"20 seconds left!" reminded one of employees.
"My time's nearly up, Jun," you stated. "Have a good rest of your day. I love you."
You whispered the last part, but only for Jun to hear. Thankfully, he caught it amid chatter.
"I love you too," he whispered back.
You unlinked your hands from Jun's, then stepped away from the table to chat with Hiyori. Jun continued his job greeting the next fans in line, but from the corner of his eye, he kept looking at you, hoping that you, his lover, would have a good day too.
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist | Rules
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hyenahunt · 6 months
Obbligato: Epilogue - 4 (END)
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Hiyori, Jun, Tatsumi, Nagisa, HiMERU
Proofreading: Remi + 310mc (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Peace & hyenahunt
Tatsumi: Amen.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Hiyori: Haha. Yes, do continue to lavish your praise upon our Jun-kun!
...Honestly, when I was first shown around Reimei Academy, I found myself feeling as though we'd gotten the short end of the stick.
At that time, we had nowhere else that we could go, so we'd no choice but to resign ourselves to it. That before we could escape from Hell, we'd continue to be trapped in its depths for a while longer still.
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Hiyori: But you see, as I walked along preoccupied with such melancholy thoughts, I happened to look out the window, and there I saw Jun-kun, dutifully practicing in silence all on his own.
The atmosphere of Reimei Academy at the time was truly dreadful — everyone seemed either dead inside, or they glared at each other with pure resentment.
Jun-kun was the only one with none of that air about him — instead he aspired only to improve himself.
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Hiyori: And what a beautiful sight he was... Of course, telling him that to his face would be too embarrassing — it'd go to his head and he'd never let me hear the end of it.
It was while watching this boy that I found it in myself to believe my decision hadn't been made in vain. That if there was even one person like him here, then perhaps it wasn't all so bad.
And so that's why I made the decision to enroll at Reimei Academy, with Jun-kun as my goal. Honestly, I was there initially to scope out Shuuetsu Academy, a school made up of nothing but Special Student elites.
But I found myself believing that I should start all over again at rock bottom and covered with mud, just like Jun-kun.
After all, when you're up somewhere so lofty and high, you'll fail to see what's truly important.
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Jun: And just what have you been so cheerfully badmouthing me 'bout, huh~?
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Hiyori: Goodness, I wasn't badmouthing you. You're simply being paranoid.
Jun: You swear?
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Tatsumi: That's right. I believe that you're rather important to Tomoe-san, Jun-san.
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Hiyori: It's true! You rank right after my family, namely Nagisa-kun and Mary!
Jun: I rank below a dog, huh?
Hiyori: If that bothers you so much, then climb your way up! Come now, put your all into it and work ever harder for my love!
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Jun: Shut it... It's not like I'm working hard for the sake of your love, y'know~?
I'm working hard so that I can be a better version of myself. Maybe my life looks all kinds of unfortunate and pitiful besides yours, but...
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That's precisely why I wanna become the best and strongest idol, so that someday I can declare that's who I am, loud and proud.
It's then that the hard work of my past self will finally all be worth it.
So I'm gonna work hard, right now. I'm gonna give it everything I've got — 'cause giving it all that I've got is all I can do.
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Tatsumi: That's right. Fufu, you truly do have no need for God's divine protection.
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Jun: You got that right. I don't need no God to save me — 'cause I'm gonna be the one who'll save myself.
Tatsumi: .......♪
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Nagisa: ... Shall we stop this idle chatter and begin recording, everyone?
... Though we could simply just rehearse today, and leave the actual filming for another day…
... We don’t have another day to spare, do we?
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HiMERU: HiMERU agrees. There is no time to be looking back on days gone by.
We must look towards the future instead, and live earnestly.
So long as we are allowed to do so.
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HiMERU: (Kaname. My poor, pitiable little brother. I shall take your place, at least for now.)
(I hope that one day, when you are able to walk once more, you will be able to live a little happier than before.)
(I'll arrange an environment in which you can, and secure a place for you in it as well.)
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HiMERU: (I am your older brother, after all.)
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HiMERU: (When you awake, when you're able to walk once more…)
(I won't fail this time. I'll make your wish come true.)
(Long have I lived alone, void of any dream at all — and now what was yours has since become my own.)
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Tatsumi: (... Ah, even though this is the same place as then, the same Reimei Academy…)
(It feels different. Right now, I feel so refreshed and full of energy.)
(Are you the one I should thank for that, God?)
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Tatsumi: (Our Father who art in heaven, you have always guided my life with your hand.)
(Dear fate, dear faith, I thank you for leading me to where I stand today.)
(We have faced much sorrow, despair, and tragedy.)
(Nonetheless, I stand enveloped in the warmth I had always craved. If this is reward for my piety, O God, then I truly could never detest you.)
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Tatsumi: (Even if it happens that God does not exist, and this is nothing but a series of coincidences…)
(Then I shall call those coincidences miracles, rewards, and love you all the more.)
(Fufu. I shall do as Tomoe-san did and use Jun-san, whom he loves so much, as an example; I'll begin at the very bottom, crawling my way through the mud.)
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Tatsumi: (No matter how often he gets knocked down, how often he collapses, he still stands right back up.)
(I am forever grateful for that. Not only do I have God on my side, but friends as well.)
(Such invaluable friends who support one another…)
(Who share their warmth, and move forward with happiness in their hearts.)
(We shall walk together on this road, step by step.)
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Tatsumi: ♪~♪~♪
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datastate · 5 months
steeples my hands. hello all. i'm thinking about asunaro's perception of maple again
...& it's honestly a bit funny how hiyori's supremely fucked up the majority of his relationships with the other asu-agents simply through his manipulation of maple - especially as, within asunaro, artificial intelligence is commonly seen as a reflection of humanity, if not human in their own right (which they try to prove through the death game)
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LISTEN... mr. chidouin's generally shown to be very loving and affectionate (arguably overly so) with sara (and even kai!), i cannot believe he doesn't feel similarly with mrs. chidouin. whatever issues they share, i'm firmly of the belief that he insists on the idea he's doing the best for his family because he so openly and genuinely loves them and wishes for their success, or to otherwise mean something in the grand scheme of asunaro. seeing one's love be programmed in and repeatedly manipulated/discarded like this, beyond that of its intended gimmick, is an immensely uncomfortable situation. don't get me wrong, mr. chidouin has indubitably manipulated kai and imposes on sara. however, he imagines for kai that it is worth the harm because it's cultivated a better life for him on the whole. he's groomed them into these set roles out of care, with the thought they have the strength to carry these mantles in this recreation of the hades incident - but hiyori does not care for maple's place in the death game. the only reason hiyori interacts with maple at all, this outdated iteration of dolls, is due to his own fear. mr. chidouin cannot sympathize with this. he had accepted kai into the family fully-aware of the fact that if kai discovered his true identity, he would surely resent or kill him - he's an assassin still! - but he was more than willing to put his life on the line if it meant he could provide a better ending for the satous who had survived the assassin's trial... and, eventually, he wanted to know kai on a much more personal level. kai, like maple, was built for the ultimatum - but kai was granted love where maple was continuously denied it. what love she held was utilized as a barrier rather than an emotion worth actually fostering. there would be no betrayal in 'crossing that line' of killing hiyori, nothing in it to make it a fault of hers. unlike mr. chidouin's peace with the knowledge his leverage over kai is fragile, hiyori would die an uneventful death at maple's hand if she finally wrangled free of his control. there is nothing honorable in that, and his selfishness brings only disgrace to the ultimatum.
seeing how easily someone's emotions can be toyed with on a surface level, enough so to dissuade their original personality, does not inspire confidence, to say the least! & definitely not after being faced with grieving her lover. if she did join asunaro in the hopes of reviving him, the sight of this completely destroys that hope; she bears firsthand the proof that love is only something to be manipulated by those in power in asunaro. she doesn't even have the work she was once so proud of - what she has left of herself are... these scattered pieces that were incompatible when moving from civilian life into asunaro's clutches. where, if you peer too close, you'd inevitably find a weakness; which is implied to be the cause of this persona of hers. never allowing anyone near enough to recognize what lays beneath, otherwise she'll be discarded just the same because... she, like mr. chidouin, did have a loving relationship. and seeing the destruction of her own reflected in another innocent person who is unable/unaware of the utter grasp asunaro has on her is repulsive; regardless of her personal beliefs on whether or not AIs are "human enough" - to program one is to put in faith that they are. to then go so far as to rid the choices crucial to being human... hits a bit too close to home, aha.
as one who is evidently very firm in her belief that her creations are perfect & that AIs are practically interchangeable with humans, i'm sure her opinions on hiyori's treatment of maple are. less than ideal for Workplace Civilty. to say nothing of the implied idea that they work closely together with AI development (hiyori specifically crediting any of ranger's success to michiru's ability alone) and thus michiru has had personal contact with maple to see the effects of hiyori's treatment... michiru's already spent much of her life feeling suppressed. asunaro recognized she was unable to fully flourish in her previous workplace and offered her a place where she could do away with ethics in the chase of something larger than her, in the name of humanity - but seeing what hiyori's imposed upon maple just drags back all of those unwelcome feelings. it's horrifying - though she knows she can't speak on it because she doesn't have seniority on the maple project, nor does she have a place on floors four/five where this gimmick would take place. the most she can do in the meanwhile is comfort maple. indulge that humanity where hiyori refutes it. but even if she comforts maple, she cannot remove that tie to hiyori keeping her subdued. she feels terribly complicit. michiru particularly loves the AI creations because they resemble the best of humanity in her eyes; for hiyori to discard maple like this begs the question of his dedication to asunaro's projects at all, not to mention it seems needlessly cruel. he's neglecting her without even taking interest in the pain she endures at his behest - there's hardly any reason. and that's the worst of it. michiru, as most asunaro does, believes in the idea of 'the ends must justify the means' -- and in maple's case, hiyori lacks that vital rule.
it's... complicated. gashu resents the hiyoris on the idea that their methodology is reprehensible, having been victim to it himself, and yet recognizes the necessity of having a department of asunaro dedicated to extortion to keep public relations stable. of course, this means their pride is unfortunately not without basis. for their work, they are rewarded, and maple is the piteous pinnacle of that. gashu has created ranger in the hopes of replicating the children he wished to save, whereas maple's creation has no such purpose beyond the implied "let's see how incorporating emotions will work for future artificial intelligence" - a stepping stone in something larger, rather than a project in its own right. but while she could've been laid to rest once their technology moved forward, sou hiyori had the power to deny her that. he forces a role upon her for the death game without accepting the burden that entails - it's irresponsible and a clear indication of his assumption that the world must fall in line with his every whim. hiyori demands maple accept her fate in the ultimatum so he needn't accept his own death; never need experience that utter lack of control he exercises freely over others. to gashu, hiyori does present the worst vices of his family. he almost pities him. almost.
ranger and maple have fought over their respective favored person. i know this to be true. maple points out that gashu's intentions aren't entirely in rio's favor, instead the shadows lingering in his creation. maple recognizes the emotional weight behind some of the things he says to ranger where rio is quite literally unable to comprehend them. she will critique gashu's desire to constantly have rio 'prove' himself to his creator (...even as she attempts to 'prove' herself to hiyori, it's easier to recognize in another) -- meanwhile, rio gets annoyed with maple and how content she appears with her current programming, with letting hiyori crush her personality in favor of giving her something tantalizingly out of reach: a new feeling. the dolls endure a monochrome world unless they have something to incite those feelings. maple is more fortunate than ranger in this sense, but is still left with the high that only hiyori can grant her. ...and rio gets angry. it's aggravation on her behalf, but he doesn't have the capacity to understand that, instead blaming it on the idea she's incompetent and far too reliant on humanity. but even if he doesn't share the appeal of humanity, he doesn't only use that as a point in their arguments - rather demanding to know that if that's what she wants, then why the fuck are you letting that asshole stifle who you are? letting him control your every move? but of course, sometimes after an argument with maple, he's left irritated with hiyori. even if he can't recognize why, the reality of the matter is that maple wasn't the true source of his anger. hiyori also shares a fascination with humanity which ranger feels he's infected maple with, to flaunt the unachievable to her as justification for why she'll never be enough for him. ranger initiates these loaded conversations to try to get maple to learn to fight back for herself instead of his sake. and sure, rio doesn't fight gashu, but that's out of respect. instead, maple's become so... blasé about her treatment, and is far too hopeful that there's anything she can do to have hiyori's eyes on her alone. maple's already proven herself to ranger and earned some semblance of respect (in physical capability + rio's... somewhat envious of her larger range of emotion, though he mostly mirrors the curiosity he knows michiru & gashu use when he asks). but, to rio, she'll never be 'enough' to anyone if she's not allowed to accept that she's a doll who is capable of so much more than he's limited her program to; she doesn't have to remain stagnant and subservient to be something worthwhile. rio's changed, and his father still praises him. if hiyori's worth half the shit he spits, he'll do the same for her. the majority of this is speculation, admittedly. but i like to think rio's always felt defensive over the dolls; it's just that the ways he does are. difficult to recognize. with the limiter on his emotions. there's an inherent understanding there.
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kyokutsu-sama · 2 years
Hi everyone🤗
I've been received a few requests about how captains would react if they found out their s/o was pregnant or how they would they react to their birthday. Here are some headcanons to answer to all these requests and sorry for the delay by the way🙏😅
Characters: Shunsui, Kenpachi, Jushiro, shinji and Byakuya
Headcanons: Bleach characters with a pregnant reader
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Shunsui never thought that one day he would have the opportunity to become a father, but when he found out that you were carrying his child in your belly, he felt happier than ever.
Now he has a reason to convince Nanao to let him have party and drink all night to celebrate.
Shunsui was always by your side although he had some doubts about babies and children and sometimes he asked his friend Jushiro or even Nanao for advice.
You also explained some things to him so that he would do well when his son was born.
When his son was born, his heart almost melted with that scene. It was a little boy. Shunsui took him in his arms and smiled.
"I'm proud of this boy and you Y/n. I can't wait for him to grow up a little more so he can drink sake with me"
He always had a little joke to make until Nanao came in and punched him.
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This man is already a big child so you were going to have two children at home now.
He was a little confused and doubtful when you told him you were pregnant, but after the shock he smiled at you.
He was very playful with you and always hugged you.
Deep down, this was all to disguise the lack of knowledge about what he should do when the child was born.
He once tried to ask Hiyori a few things, but she, instead of answering, called him irresponsible and scolded him for not knowing anything about such a serious matter.
He chose to seek information elsewhere and this made him more aware of the situation and so he would not be so misinformed anymore.
When his son was born he almost fainted. After that little "heart attack" he sat beside you with his little boy on his hands.
"Look at him Y/n, he'll be handsome like his dad and have an army of girls chasing him"
You laughed at what you said and he laughed along with you and kissed your forehead hugging you.
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He was always very focused on his work and never thought of having a child even though the two of you were together after so long.
You hesitated for a moment to tell him the news but then you lifted your head and walked over to him to told him.
He looked at you without saying a word although you were smiling slightly at him waiting for his answer.
He went to you and held your hands looking into your eyes it was in his eyes that you saw the answer you were looking for. He was happy.
"I'll be by your side, you don't need to be worried about anything Y/n"-he said hugging you
And he was. He knew more or less what to do after looking for information so that he was ready to receive his son.
He was by your side while you gave birth to the most precious girl in his life.
He held her in his arms carefully while he walked over to hug you.
"She is so beautiful Y/n. I will always be here to protect her from everything"
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This man may be the most bloodthirsty and violent person that exists but one thing is for sure: he loves children.
You were sitting on the futon waiting for him to come home to tell him the news.
When he arrived and you told him you were pregnant he kept silent for a moment and then he smiled. He picked you up on his shoulder and went back into the bedroom to lay you down on the futon.
"You have to rest so that this child is born healthy to fight with me later"
Yachiru was also very happy when he heard that you were going to have Kenny's child.
Kenpachi didn't know anything about what he had to do when his son was born and so he asked Ikkaku and Yumichika to help him and they agreed.
When you were giving it to Kenpachi he was even a little scared to see you screaming and bleeding something he only used to see in his fights.
You gave birth to a girl and he had no reaction after seeing that beautiful girl who had just come into the world. He approached you and took it from your hands into his hands. She was so tiny and delicate in his hands. Ikkaku and Yumichika were peeking through the half-open door and both their hearts were melting from the cuteness.
"I will train her and make her the strongest girl in Seireitei"- he said with his typical sadistic smile
Yachiro spotted the two of you and climbed onto Kenpachi's shoulders to see his daughter. She smiled with happiness after seeing the little girl that was in Kenpachi's hands.
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This man is the truly definition of the "best dad ever"
He LOVES children and just thinking that one day he could become a father made his heart soften.
One day you were sitting with him on his Ugendo and you told him that you were pregnant. He almost cried with happiness. He hugged you tight and gave you lots of kisses while expressing his happiness.
He had a lot of knowledge about what he had to do to make sure everything went well and that his son was born healthy and safe.
Sentaro and Kiyone fought every day to see who would best take care of their captain's son.
When you were giving birth, Jushiro was by your side holding your hand and never letting go. When he first saw his boy he felt a few tears run down his face. He held the boy in his hands and then hugged you kissing your forehead.
"Thank you Y/n for bringing our boy into the world. I love you and our son so much"
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fallensnowfan · 7 months
Dedicated post for the Wano cover arc. I will update this as new issues are released.
Character locations and status:
Kin'emon - Castle in the Flower Capital. Momo's surrogate father.
Momo - Castle in the Flower Capital. Shogun.
Hiyori - Castle in the Flower Capital. Toko's older sister.
Toko - Castle in the Flower Capital. Hiyori's little sister.
Otsuru - Flower Capital. Teahouse owner.
Urashima - Flower Capital
Neko - Flower Capital. Yakuza with Hyogoro.
Hyogoro - Flower Capital. Yakuza.
Denjiro & the Kibi kids - Kibi. Daimyo of Kibi.
Osome & Chuji - Kuri, working in Okobore Town, at the teahouse it seems.
Yamato - Kuri. Delivering Yasu's sword.
Inu - Kuri. Daimyo of Kuri.
Kawamatsu - ?
Raizo - ?
Okiku(best girl) - ?
Not on the covers, though listening to Vegapunk's broascast.
Shinobu - Flower Capital. Otama's teacher.
Tama - Flower Capital. Shinobu's student.
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Onigashima, how'd it get there I wonder?
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Momo just chilling. Seems a bit sad.
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Kin'emon being paternal, sending Yamato on an errand to learn about being responsible with money. aww
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The pilgrimage is routed out.
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Hiyori & Toko have new kimonos! And that bento box is wonderful.
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Hi Miss Tsuru! Good to see you again. Wonderful and kind as always. Like Hiyori & Toko, you're wearing a new kimono as well. Pretty!
And ayo?! Urashima appearance? I was wondering what happened to him. Loving seeing cameos of familiar faces, perhaps he's starting to change his ways, now that he's lost his status as the Yokozuna.
Okiku being absent here is quite curious.
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Awww! Big hug for the big kitty! Love how wholesome these covers have been. Fingers crossed a future one is Yamato meeting with Inu, Onimaru, and Komachiyo. The dogs putting the "Wan" in Wano.
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The journey begins! Cue the 2011 Hunter x Hunter opening. Will the plants from Ryo's attack in 1054 & 1055 still be growing I wonder?
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I think I'm beginning to see the direction of this cover arc. Kaido's absence, and how his legacy still effects Wano/how Wano will continue to move past from it.
Onigashima in the first entry is a remnant of Kaido's rule, much like the weapons factories here, and Yamato is dealing with being Kaido's kid. No one can escape their past, but those three Daimyo saw Yamato as more than just Kaido's kid.
There is likely a range of how much various people have begun recovering from Kaido's reign. The people in the Flower Capital have had at least a week to get to know Yamato, and gave a big happy send off for the pilgrimage to go well.
Though this cover seems to be the first time he's been around people from outside it, it makes sense for these kids to be sacred and react like this initially. Maybe now is a good time to share medicine and food?
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Denjiro has been given the title of Daimyo! Same Oden had in the past, since he never became Shogun. I'm so proud of Denjiro!
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Man I love Denjiro. Everyone eating together reminds me of when Izo and Kiku were first found by Oden. Extra kudos to Denjiro for not calling the kids brats.
It's cool seeing a building in Kibi, the one that Denjiro and co are in. Don't think we've seen one there before. I love that Denjiro just has ingredients for Oden on hand. Feels like he is returning the favor to Oden for sharing food with him in the past. Now he is bringing people together in the present.
Him during this cover arc also reminds me of how Oden reprimanded those guys who were going to execute Neko, Inu, and Kawamatsu. Man I love Denjiro.
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A mysterious abduction attempt! Who will the culprit be?
It's a nice detail to have a defunct weapons factory in the background here, making a quiet point that Wano is still recovering.
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Rebuilding Oden Castle now? When everyone who would live there is already set up else where? Odd choice though will see where it goes. Minatomo, where did you run off too? And it's Home, Ashura Doji's bull, helping to carry lumber! Happy to see the fella is going well.
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Hi again Some! Seems that you are working at the teahouse full time now? That's a nice development. Soba being served is a nice way of tying in Sanji's role during early Wano. Also want to note that the title of the chapter shares the kanji with those of the Payback War.
Otoshi mae. 落とし前
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One of my hopes for this cover arc happened! Inu is at the beach in Kuri! Love the vibes here, two dog fellas chowing down on some onigiri. New Daimyo and deliverer of a former Daimyo's sword.
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eerna · 9 months
The kid shinkis are friends. Yukiné, Nora, Nana, and Shiiho def hang out together. I'm sure of it. Arahabaki at one point also decided to make his home a school and Yukiné, Nora, and maybe even Bisha's kid shinkis go there. Actually, you know what!!! Remember that one omake of Yato saying he'll save up sm money, he'll get Yukiné to college? Well, he actually did it! And guess what! Hiyori still helps him with homework!!! As long as I live and breathe, no one can stop me from thinking of more happy endings!!!!!
I WILL ALWAYS BE A PROUD SUPPORTER OF THE POWERFUL SHINKI DAYCARE SQUAD!!! THINK UP ALL THE HAPPY ENDINGS YOU WISH AND SO WILL I!!!! I absolutely consider it canon that the kids spent the rest of eternity in happy friendship
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prophecydungeon · 7 days
:EYES: gimme 1, 3, 10, 12, 16, 18, 22, 23, 24. :3c
How old were you when you started writing fic?
oh man.... it was the summer before 9th grade, so i think i must have been 13 or 14? that's the first time i sat down expressly thinking "i want to write a story about naruto where there's a GIRL with COOL POWERS and-", but then when i think back, i'm sure i probably scribbled down other similar "stories" about [insert media]. fanart For Sure came before fanfic for me.
3. What was your first fandom?
for the purposes of this Q i'm going to define one's first fandom as something i felt, like, Identifiably Fandomy feelings and experiences about (not just "omgggg i love pokemon lugia is my fave"), and that was, unsurprisingly, naruto.
HOWEVER, nart came to me on the heels of FMA, which i also definitely had fandomy feelings and experiences about, but nart was when i really dove into the whole fucking nine yards of early-aughts Fandom: AMVs, googling "cute sasuke pictures", printing shit out to put in my binder, baby's first yaoi (legitimately got a Talking To from a conservative christian friend about this, it was so goddamn funny), those animatics that people posted on deviantart, drawing soooo much fanart, and reading and writing Fan Fiction™ while actually calling it that.
10. Do you read your own fics for fun?
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!! dude i reread my stuff ALL the time. especially when i'm at the point where i can't find anything that scratches the itch. i wrote that shit for me, of course i'm gonna reread it a million times.
12. Post a sentence from your current WIP
ok i lied i guess since we talked about it yesterday i will try to make this an active WIP so:
“If you chop my hands off,” Sanji threatens in Zoro’s low voice, jabbing an accusatory finger towards his own body, “I won’t just kill you. I’ll make you wish you bled out on the Baratie’s deck.”
16. What are your favorite characters to write?
i'm gonna take this as asking for a type of character rather than a list of names, so: i looooove writing POV characters who have every reason to misinterpret/misread what's happening, which is to say, i love an Outside POV character who doesn't catch on because why the fuck would they catch on. i've loved writing every outside POV fic i've written because i get to find ways for the POV character to reasonably not catch onto whatever fuckoffery is actually going on, albeit in different ways: hiyori doesn't like sanji because she's got no reason to believe The Bit is just a bit (girl i get it); the POV chars in the last two ficlets in this bleach collection genuinely have no frame of reference for what the fuck kind of creatures ichigo or grimmjow could be; if someone had told aunor flat-out "yeah shin malphur is also zyre orsa who is also dredgen vale and he's in some kind of situationship with the drifter" she would have laughed and fried them to cinders.
i could do this shit all day! it's all about finding a logical path for the POV char to figure out what is actually going on, at least to some degree, and then letting them deal with the fallout. (sorry, aunor.)
18. Is there some headcanon you've included in more than one fic?
yes, totally! i think Reishi Theory and adjacent bits and bobs is the most salient example; i think everything i've written for bleach has included some facet of our headcanons regarding how it all works. in general, my headcanons and interpretations tend to be pretty stable across fics, so if i've written more than one work for a fandom, there's probably some connecting thread.
22. Pick out a random line from a fic you're really proud of
from the blood of the covenant:
Sanji thinks: this is a ritual like everything Zeff has ever taught me. The purpose is in its existence. There's nothing unpragmatic about that.
this whole bit might be my favorite part of the fic, but this line(...s) in particular i like a lot; there's a lot of things in a lot of different disciplines that boil down to just being ritual, and that's a purpose of its own.
23. What's the most personal fic you've ever written?
ah....... i think in a roundabout way that goes to steam, fill, shape, share in ways that are pretty clear from the first paragraph. i project plenty throughout fics - really, what else is writing for - but this one was definitely personal.
24. What's the cringiest (affectionate) fic you've ever written?
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forsythi-amitie · 1 year
i would like to pretend i had a slightly more coherent thought today but nope i just think its funny how ibara picks at yuzuru for being an obedient butler and similar to a lap dog when he's the one who had to limit nagisa's allowance. He's the one who cooks dinner for him. (+ If you think about it hard enough, ibara is actually like. An evil butler. Who laughs maniacally) anyways here's my contribution.
i think its nice how being in Eden changed him, how he actually has friends, for one, but also how he's learned to be able to open up a little more. I guess it's like having to learn to undo all of the bad habits he'd learned for his own survival, because he now doesn't need to hold onto them as tightly as he did in the past.
This guy has some major trust issues. Constantly being in an environment where being able to trust someone was not guaranteed would probably do a number on you. I think some part of him is also scared to trust the rest of Eden, to an extent. I think his relationship with Eden as a unit in particular is interesting, since its something that he was able to build for himself, something that stands as proof of his effort, which is probably why he works so hard to make sure they succeed. Its probably one of the things he's the most proud of. I also see his "position" in Eden to be interesting, seeing how he does most of the work, but isn't the actual leader. Its probably because that would make it slightly easier for him to manage everything from behind the scenes, and help him to not stand out so much. Yet, he's slightly jealous of how jun was able to stand out, since in the end, he's an idol too. Maybe its the conflict between wanting to be recognized and stand out but also scared of that because a certain level of vulnerability is attached
In bogie time, he was able to open up to hajime because he's just so nice to everyone. Hajime is genuine and innocent, and nothing like the people ibara had encountered in the past. I'm pretty sure the entire event was him trying to strategize his way to victory and failing miserably, which i guess in a way was a sort of lesson? That sometimes you have to let yourself live and have fun. (I think hes still working on that)
I could bring up his list of business practices with questionable ethics, but thats probably just a result of having to live that kind of life, where you make use of everything around you, no matter how dirty. Still, he's above throwing people completely under the bus. He might blackmail them a bit though.
His inability to have fun shows up in his daily life too, like how his favourite food is nutritional supplements. Dude what. I'd like to think part of that is because he's so focused on work that it's easier to not take a lunch break and just take pills instead, and also how im pretty sure he's never actually been able to sit down and have a nice meal? So he just chooses the most bland (but healthy) option there. Thankfully the rest of Eden complained and offered to share their food (which is actually really cute? Lol) still, that makes me think of just how little of a "life" he actually had? To think that he doesn't have a proper favourite food, not because hes indecisive, but because he'd never had a chance to experience it. (Breath mints are more of a favourite food than supplements and that's saying something)
That and the fact that he manages a slightly concerning number of businesses. I might have missed a few things somewhere, but i dont think this guy has any hobbies. (Strategizing is not a hobby)
He should live a little. Go get lost in the mountains for a change.
He might not want to admit it, he definitely had gotten attached to the members of Eden, considering how he'd picked up Jun's catchphrase lol (what kind of catchphrase is Goddamn? Who knows) I also think about how Eden also cares about him, like how hiyori entrusted bloody mary to him, or how Nagisa is totally willing to interrupt his "evil schemes" (that's definitely a love language trust me). Anyways Eden found family.
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br4inr0tx · 1 year
やあ!元気ですか? I hope your well! not sure if you remember me but Im Sure did a matchup for you on this blog? @toyafreethoughts but anyways I wanted to send in a request if that's cool with ya, and I would like a romantic matchup for hazbin hotel please! anywho~ let me introduce myself!
my name is joey, I use he/him pronouns, I'm transgender aromatic bisexual and unlabeled, I have adhdism and BPD and I'm a very cool person😎/hj
personality: im a ENTP and I'm very extroverted but at first when I meet someone I may come off/be awkward with them but it'll wear off eventually if we stick together right away, but I love, and I mean I LOVE to ramble about my interests, gossip, etc, I have positive and negative traits ofc but lets start with the positive ones hmm? So I'm highly attuned to the smallest details, and I'm often the first to notice patterns in a system or a group of people. I tend to enjoy strategizing, problem-solving, and brainstorming new ways to complete everyday tasks. Now for the negative ones now When I'm bored or feeling trapped, I become anxious, scattered, and impatient. I may make impulsive decisions or take needless unnecessary risks, I also cry when I feel alone or completely overwhelmed and one more thing that I'm not proud of at all is that I vape a lot when my anxiety goes through the roof. Now anyways with that, I have a huge passion for dancing, like I love it, I enjoy doing parapara dancing is a traditional thing where I dance to tech/euro music, but I also do regular dancing I love vocaloid a lot and I learnt how to dance to + boy recently and its pretty easy for me lol but I would love to dance with my partner and it can be slow dancing, etc idc anything PLEASE!!! also I enjoy flirting with my partner in different languages like Japanese and Spanish the nicknames I love to use would be ハニー (hanii), 恋人 / こいびと (Koibito), Mi amor and Mi alma, I have all the love languages I'm serious lmaoo, for dates it would be like going to a movie theater and then afterwards we can go get dinner, or personal for me I would like to go to an arcade and the shop for a little and whatever my partner wants really lolz xP
appearance: I'm 5'6, i have a rectangular body, I have dyed black boy hair with bangs, inhale brown/hazel eyes, I wear glasses, I also have piercings on my nose, lips, ears, eyebrow, etc 😭, I also wear a shit load of styles like goth (trad goth, romantic goth, cyber goth, mall goth, and nu goth), gyaru (himekaji, hime gal, rokku, manba, banba, agejo, kogal, tsuyome and kigurumin) scenemo/emo, and vkei ouji and lolita, I usually wear those for fun, when I'm going out somewhere, social media, etc but when I'm at home/school/work I wear street clothing type of stuff like a sweatshirt and baggy pants hehehe, also if I were a demon in hazbin hotel id be looking like one of these mfs
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hobbies/interests: anime/manga, gaming, cosplaying, fashion, art (painting, drawing, pottery, digital art, etc) learning new languages (Japanese and Spanish), cooking, volleyball, dancing, singing, listening to music/making music, playing piano/electric guitar , writing, collecting stuff(clothes, seashells, etc), shopping and more on
likes: vocaloid/utau, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), lemon demon, felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), musicals, hotels, my friend, enstars (switchP + more), rhythm games, doukyuusei, mystic messenger, twf, genshin, a silent voice, lemon demon/neil cicierega in general, breaking bad eddsworld, homestuck, horimiya, hxh, the great gatsby, saiki k, hamilton (sadly, im sorry.)
dislikes: negitive mentions of my voice, comparing me to people/saying stuff like "you remind me of ____", and spiders.
also these are some of my top kins!!:  hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), miyamura izumi (horimiya), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa) and more....!
どうもありがとう !¡Que tengas un gran resto de tu día o noche!
こんにちは! 私は元気です. you are so freaking cool. plus, we’re both dancers?? so cool! sorry for getting to you a little later then usual, my dance recital is this weekend, so it’s been very hectic. though a don’t remember sending you a matchup? that is, unless you haven’t gotten to mine yet, which is completely fine; please take your time. nevertheless, to your matchup!
warnings: Unhealthy coping mechanisms (Vaping), Discussion of mental disorders (ADHD, Autism, BPD.), Arachnophobia
your Hazbin Hotel matchup is.. Charlie Morningstar !!
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• I think you would get along best with Charlie!
• While I do headcanon her with ADHD, She’s very patient in her own sort of way. She’ll find ways to distract herself or find things to do in order to wait for things to happen; mainly with squishies I imagine. She understands where you’re coming from when you can’t stay focused because of your disorders, but is willing to show you some techniques she’s picked up to help her!
• She’s very quick to rush to your side and help you whenever you need it.
• Charlie doesn’t see anyone as awkward, so even if you feel that way just know she doesn’t see it like that.
• She loves to ramble! You can ramble together!
• She appreciates how observant and attentive you are, as it makes it easier to help patients/guests at the hotel (that is if you wish to help or work there. If anything, I think you’d be great advice!)
• You’d be a big help to her with any issues that plague her. She has so much on her mind; with you making simple solutions means a lot.
• When you have times where you’re scattered, she’s quick to jump to you and calm you down. Be it a nice hug or verbal reassurance.
• She does live in hell of course. I’d imagine vaping is a normal occurrence. On another note, she’s the owner of the Happy Hotel! She’d absolutely help you seek other coping mechanisms if you wish.
• We obviously see how much of a singer and dancer Charlie is, and as I said before I headcanon her as a theater kid!
• That being said she’d love to dance with you. Since she’s a princess she must know how to slow dance as well!
• The first time you used a nickname for her she stared blankly at you. Her heart was melted, even if she didn’t know what it meant. She’d soon learn what your nicknames mean eventually.
• When the hotel is in the hands of other managers, she’d have days to just focus on you. Date days! She’d love to have a day just focused on the two of you hanging out and doing whatever you wish specifically.
• She wears some sort of business goth (I think?), but I think feminine mall goth suits her well (Think like the band Kittie). She’s more on the cutesy and comfortable side of mall goth, but only dresses like this outside to hotel, mainly on date days.
• She indulges in lots of your hobbies by buying gifts that correlate with them! Since she is busy with the hotel and can’t do everything unfortunately.
• Silly headcanon, but she’d literally kicks Angel out for as long as you’re in the room knowing you don’t like spiders, but she’ll fail to acknowledge he barely looks like one aside from his long legs and multitude of arms. Maybe you appreciate it, maybe you don’t. I’ll leave it to you.
• You mean so much to Charlie, and she hopes it’s the same!
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enjomo-arch · 2 years
#4. Favourite thing about roleplaying?
another  thing  I  love  about  rping  is  being  creative.  Writing  is  a  two  ways  street  and  creating  along  someone  is  always  more  fun  than  doing  it  alone.  I  can't  write  fanfics  for  example  bc  they  don't  bring  me  as  much  fun  as  creating  with  other  people.  I'm  a  people's  person  I  love  communication.
#6. OTP for your muse?
UGHH  ugly  bites  my  hands  but  Ace  /  Sanji.  Do  you  understand  how  gay  it  is  to  light  a  man's  cigarette  ?Maybe  you  two  should  like  kiss  already??  Sanji  not  only  was  one  of  my  muses  but  I  love  Ace  being  a  tease  around  him  to  pull  out  reactions  of  the  cook  he  never  dreamed  of.  Making  sanji  bi  panic  is  funny  and  I  like  their  sexual  tension.
Another  one  is  Ace  /  Law  it  all  started  with  a  single  art  of  them. This  was  my  downfall  I  rotate  them  in  my  head  like  it's  a  microwave.
Ace  /  Smoker  for  obvious  reasons  silabus  sending  me  comics  and  reblogging  art  of  them  and  I'm  like  god  Smoker  you  have  to  take  care  of  one  feral  flame  guy  I  cheer  for  you  man.
Ace  /  Isuka  but  that's  more  of  a  guilty  pleasure  ship  for  me  after  reading  Ace's  novel  she's  just  so  angry  with  him  like  I  get  his  ugly  charm  and  annoying  attitude  captivated  her  I  been  here  Isuka,  I  been  here.
Ace  /  Hiyori  and  here  comes  vega  again  with  miss  swordswoman  who  can  beat  Ace  up  and  he'd  thank  her  on  his  knees.  I  had  so  much  fun  writing  them,  having  with  vega  the  plot  of  their  arranged  marriage.  It  was  such  a  great  idea  and  they  grew  on  me  so  much.
#7. NOTP for your muse?
Any  and  I  say  ANY  attempt  to  romantically  ship  ASL  brothers  in  any  fucking  way.  I  can't  stand  proshipping,  they're  brothers,  they're  family  even  if  they  aren't  related  by  blood  excusing  a  way  around  their  sworn  brothers  oath  is  disgusting  and  I  can't  fucking  stand  it  I  need  to  spill  battery  acid  into  my  eyeballs  if  I  see  any  romantic  content  including  ASL  I  just  cannot.
I  will  also  never  ship  Marco  and  Ace.  Same  thing,  they're  a  family  on  Whitebeard's  ship.  They're  Edward's  SONS  and  it  makes  them  SIBLINGS  in  the  crew.  I  will  never  look  at  Marco  and  Ace  other  than  brothers  and  this  is  how  it  is  or  any  other  ships  with  Ace  and  whitebeard  crew  like  the  fuck.
I  don't  get  Ace  and  Yamato  too.  I  mean  it's  hanging  on  a  string.  I  can't  say  if  it's  a  thing  I'd  ship  or  not  I  always  seen  them  as  bros  /  drinking  buddies.  I  guess  I'd  have  to  write  it  or  try  it  out  with  someone  trusted,  talk  about  the  dynamics  but  for  now  I'd  say  I  don't  see  them  more  as  guys  having  fun.
#24. What about your muse are you most proud of?
I'm  so  proud  of  Ace  that  despite  everything  he  decided  to  live  and  try  to  find  his  answer.  I  know  he  was  going  through  so  much,  he  feels  worthless  and  he  never  felt  good  enough.  He  felt  like  a  monster  and  was  seen  as  one  for  the  longest  time.  I'm  just  so  proud  of  him  pushing  forward  despite  what  happened  to  him.  He's  insanely  strong  for  that  and  I'll  always  respect  him  for  this.
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@erraticoptimism : 4, 6, 7, 24! ( prompt. )
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
Hello there! I'm glad to see proud Bleach fans like you! Seems like you appreciate and cherish the existence of every characters. But is there any Bleach character that you dislike, or just simply couldn't tolerate their action or contribution on the story? Tell us tell us!
There are a lot of characters to love! Though I think it helps to be two people, because while our faves do overlap they're not identical, so there's double the coverage. XDD
I think it's probably giving us too much credit to say that we cherish every character, but I think what's reflected in this blog (and this is mostly the deft work of my co-blogger, because she does a lot more of our reblogs/queue) is the pleasure of appreciation. If someone shares phenomenal fan art of a character who is not one of our personal blorbos, the art is still phenomenal, so that's cool to see, and the artist's love of that character is also very cool to see, so what's not to love?
Same goes for appreciation in-series, honestly. Like, my co-blogger does not like Yamamoto. (Sidebar: The Third Captain Amagai Arc was some kind of Yamamoto Image Recuperation Arc but we all know he's a war criminal and they all know he's a war criminal [and so are most of them] but and IN THIS ESSAY I WILL--) But a bunch of characters in Bleach clearly do love him, so sure, let's appreciate that. Same with Soi Fon and Oomaeda--Soi Fon does acually care about Oomaeda, and Oomaeda cares about her, so sure, let's appreciate that Oomaeda is part of this network of care.
The opposite isn't true, though, where if a character is hated in-series we also hate them. Usually that also means we love them, LOL. Aizen? Fabulous. Amazing. Top tier. Mayuri? LOVE that guy. You? You torment our favs? Gold star material! You're doing amazing, sweetie.
I PROMISE WE'RE NOT DODGING THE QUESTION HERE. Maybe these are low-hanging fruit, but here are two characters who came up first in our discussion of this ask + one caveat:
Baby Nel -- It happened that we were at Hueco Mundo in our rewatch at the same time as Ichigo was wandering around Hueco Mundo in TYBW, so there was double Baby Nel happening in our lives, and we were just like, "I can't. I can't do this in two timelines at once. IT'S TOO MUCH." The vocal affectation... I can't. XD
That filler guy who accompanied Ichigo and Rukia to the Grand Fisher showdown in the anime -- Why was he there? What did he add? He was there for no reason, and the only thing he added was another guy to animate, in order to ultimately make everything worse. He is the embodied version of a censorship block, because I guess otherwise the scene would be... too sad? Too scary? People talk a lot about how much more IchiRuki the anime is than the manga but boy, this guy was third-wheeling so hard it's a miracle we all survived!
The caveat being, while our disinterest in these two things (or the amount of these two things happening in a given timeframe) is genuine, sometimes we're just as ungenerous about our faves.
I'll confess I did say during our Winter War rewatch that I wished my blorbo Hitsugaya "would simply die" because he and Hiyori were being extremely annoying for multiple extended scenes and Lisa was just LETTING THEM. So take that as you will. 😂
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hyenahunt · 9 months
Saga: Rivals - 31
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Jun, Seiya, Hokuto, Jin, Hiyori
Proofreading: 310mc (JP) & hyenahunt (ENG)
Translation: kotofucius
Hiyori: Ahaha, you were such a lovely little boy, Jun-kun! Well, but the current you also has your cute sides ♪
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Reverse Live Stage
Jun: Now that I’ve been freed ever so slightly from my parents’ curse, I'm gonna walk forward with my own life. And by taking down Sagami Jin today, I'll gain even more momentum.
I’m all pumped up and raring to go~ Winning this'll be a cinch ♪
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Seiya: Fufu. I do beg your pardon, but I’m afraid that will be difficult.
Jun: …Sorry?
Seiya: If I were to summarize that video, or well, how it seemed to our audience due to the convenient editing, perhaps it'd be along the lines of how...
Sagami Jin-kun, the Super Idol who once had the world wrapped around his little finger, had a rival. And now, here is the son of that very rival — Sazanami Jun-kun, of Lilith.
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Hokuto: That’s… well, that’s just a fact, isn’t it?
Seiya: It is indeed. The video included some cuts from back then too; and perhaps because this Project-Saga concert is all about reviving retired idols…
It was met with an incredibly good reception from the audience.
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Jin: Watching old videos of myself was awfully humiliating for me, though?
Ugh, my lines were so grating they set my teeth on edge… I was internally screaming at my past self the whole time. What kinda living hell did I get myself into?
Seiya: Fufu. Oh, you’ll survive. It made for some fantastic promotion for Rain-bows, didn't it?
The video showed your brilliant figure as you performed so many great feats — A given, of course, as the shows from that time were produced for that purpose in the first place.
Even those who have forgotten must’ve been reminded of just how amazing the very Jin-kun that stands before them was.
As a result, you’ll naturally gain an increased amount of votes.
And at the same time, Jun-kun must’ve looked like… a boy raised with the greatest admiration for Jin-kun, his father’s rival, one aspiring to follow in his footsteps.
After all, we added some childhood shots of Jun-kun singing to Jin-kun's poster while he gazed intently at it all the while.
To any outsider, he’s practically all over Jin-kun.
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Hiyori: Ahaha, you were such a lovely little boy, Jun-kun! Well, but the current you also has your cute sides ♪
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Jun: Guh… I feel like I just experienced a living hell, too~ To think that videos from that time not only exist but got showcased in front of so many people... This has gotta be the most embarrassing moment of my life.
Seiya: But weren't they just so heartwarming?
Hocchan, my wife has many similar moments of you preserved as videos, so should you ever want them played during a concert just like tonight, let me know anytime.
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Hokuto: Don’t you worry, because that will never happen. Actually, just get rid of them. I hate that there's even a possibility that you might use them like this someday.
Seiya: Oh, we aren’t getting rid of anything. They’re precious memories, you see.
But in any case, how it looks to the audience is that Jun-kun so ardently admired Jin-kun that he decided to be an idol.
Your parents may have apologized many times in the video, but to anyone besides us, who already know of the circumstances, the editing made it so that no viewers would understand just what it was about...
It only seemed as if your father was apologizing to you for being a lesser idol than Jin-kun.
Your parents started crying at some point, too, but it only seemed as if they were so very proud of their son who grew beyond their own achievements… and those tears were, therefore, ones of joy.
You understand now, yes? What I just did was make a charming little tale out of the harrowing life you’ve led up until now.
Rather than your grudges, nor your parents' forceful coercion, it was your supposed admiration for Jin-kun that I turned into your reason for becoming an idol.
Jun: Turned, huh… Is it really gonna be okay when the actual truth’s completely different~?
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Jun: …Well, no one’s gonna be happy if we ever laid the whole truth bare.
I’m not asking for pity from the world or anything, though. All I wanna do is overcome the wall that stands in front of me.
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Jin: Hey now, don’t glare at me while saying that… C'mon, you admire me, right~? It'd make my day if your eyes could sparkle a lil' more when ya look at me.
Jun: Goddamn. …Ugh, in any case, what exactly is all this for?
I'm real thankful that you didn’t make a nasty villain out of anyone, including my old man, but there’s gotta be some kinda vital reason you went to all these lengths, right?
Seiya: Correct. How about I give you a hint, then? There's no time for me to explain in length, so please think it through on your own.
Ultimately, this is all for the sake of balance. And just as I said at the start, I've wanted to make Jun-kun into the very embodiment of the name Lilith.
Can you predict the rest?
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Hokuto: No, I can’t. Just what are you doing, Father?
Seiya: I've already answered that, too. In this kingless era, there is no meaning in winning by a landslide.
All that will achieve is reverse things back to a former era, and I wouldn’t like that to happen, either.
At the same time, I can’t have the situation so spectacularly reversed on me, either. I cannot allow there to be an overwhelming victory that would completely cripple the defeated.
After all, I want to continue surviving on, so that I may become a supporting role for the future you’ll all bring about.
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Now, the “reverse” in Reverse Live will refer to neither the reversal of time nor the situation. [1]
I will wash it clean from any sense of those meanings so that it may very well have been chosen purely for the sound of it.
And if I could sing until the end and welcome a happily-ever-after with a smile… Then there will be nothing else I would wish for. My job will be done.
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Hokuto: …?
[ ☆ ]
"Reverse" (リバース) in Japanese is pronounced the same as "rebirth", so throughout the chapters there is some ambiguity on which meaning the name has. Incidentally, the official English name according to ! appears to be Rebirth Live....
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