#i'm only taking subjects i absolutely want to take but i'm still Scared <3
magdaclaire · 1 year
if i start academia posting again y'all will still love me right
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cyn-write · 6 months
"Waited All Night..."
Prompt - NRC is in upheaval. A video of Yuu singing a song has been circling around the school about her being "bewitched," and everyone is trying to figure out by who. Yuu is embarrassed and upset about her private song being the subject of gossip, so she decides to hide from everyone only for her crush to find her and reveal he has been "bewitched," by her...
Pairings - Savannaclaw x F!Yuu (Separate)
Warnings - FLUFFF; Incredibly shy Yuu; stagefright (Yuu again); swearing (mainly by Leona); Spoilers for book 3 (Jack's part)
Song Prompt - "Bewitched" by Laufey
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Prologue - Heartsyble - Savannaclaw (Here) - Octavinelle - Scarabia - Pomefiore - Ignanhyde - Diasmonia
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Leona hated the fact that he couldn't get to Yuu. He tried calling her but she didn't answer, he tried going to Ramshackle but the ghost kept him out, and when she didn't show to any of her classes or to clubs that is when his patience broke. He knew the Yuu had feelings for him and was waiting for the right time. When the song came out, he knew the time was now and he had to get her out of the stampped of gossip.
He was in an irritable mood for most of the day and by the end of it, Ruggie was ready to snap Leona's neck. Anytime Leona heard her name or the song or head and tail of the betting pot, he would snap at the closes person to him... which was often Ruggie. The last straw was the absolutely grueling Spelldrive Practice. He worked them harder than Vargas ever would and by the time it was over, half the team was crawling back to their dorms. Ruggie stayed to "help" clean up, but he had anterior motives. Leona was toweling off after showering, still scowling from hearing the guys discussing "the pot." apparently there was a lot of money on names that weren't his... but also the sum on his name was hefty. "Go." Ruggie said, done with the grumbling mess. "What?" Leona spat back. "Go. To Yuu. I'm done with this- whatever this is." Ruggie gestured to Leona, "You've been in an awful mood all day and taking it out on everyone around you. Namely ME. So Go. Talk to her. and PICK SOME DAISES. I don't care what it takes. But if you keep acting like this, I promise to make your life a living Hell if you keep all this bottled up." Leona knew Ruggie meant and could keep that promise. And that is what he needed to hear. "Fine." Leona threw his shirt on and grabbed his bag before leaving. "But If I hear your name anywhere near winning 'the pot', You're a deadman." "Wouldn't dream of it!" Ruggie chuckled as Leona made his way to Ramshackle. He had no clue what he was going to say. but he had to say something. By the time he made it to her door, Leona debated just barging in... but he knew if he did that it would make her even more scared than she already was. He knocked and called for her, when she didn't answer, decided to say what came to his heart; "Herbavior... let me it... I wanted to tell you this sooner or later but... I've been bewitched by you for a while now."
Leona was growing tired of waiting. He had to see her, he had to know how she felt, he had to fight for the one thing he was not going to let pass him by. As he reached his hand out to the know, the door opened.
On the other side, Yuu looked completely exhausted and relieved. She looked into his eyes and asked him, "You mean it? Truely?"
Leona sighed and said, "I won't repeat myself again. So listen." He placed his outstretched hand on her cheek. "I like you. Herbavior. A lot. You're my favorite pillow and one of the few people I can stand being around. But you drive me crazy at the same time." He looked into her doe eyes and closed the gap between him. "So I need to know. Your song. Do you mean it?"
Yuu placed her small hand on top of his and her eyes pricked with tears, "I wrote that song to work out my feelings... for you."
Leona never felt more relieved. He gave Yuu a smug smile and caressed her cheek with his thumb, "I knew it."
He leaned down and claimed her lips. After waiting around patiently, listening to the chatter of his classmates, and getting radio silence for a day, he finally had her in his arms. She wanted him. No one else.
When they parted he placed his forehead on hers. He finally saw her smiling and she had a blush on her cheeks that boosted Leona's ego. "I'm guessing you liked the song?"
"What do you think?" Leona chuckled, "I was hoping to hear it in person..."
That made Yuu divert her gaze and turn around, facing her back to Leona. "I-I... I would love to but... n-not yet..."
He could smell how nervous she was. Ever the smooth prince, Leona wrapped his arms around her mid-section and nestled his head into the crook of her neck. "I'm a patient lion. I'll wait as long as you need me to, herbivore."
Leona walked her to the bed and plopped down with her in his arms. And for the first time today, Leona and Yuu were able to nap.
Leona knew it would take time for her to become comfortable enough to share her voice, and thankfully he was a very patient man. The two spent a lot of time together, and after seeing Leona's arm around Yuu's shoulders all the vultures flew away and Ruggie became very happy. Leona was a lot easier to find, and Spelldrive practices became bearable again! In his opinion, Leona and Yuu getting together made Ruggie a very happy Hyena.
Over time, Yuu began to show Leona some of her songs and hum them, but nothing more. Until one evening after Spelldrive practice, Leona was lying in bed using Yuu like a pillow while she mindlessly played with his hair. The moment was peaceful, and Yuu was mindlessly humming. Leona was about to drift to sleep when he got a pleasant surprise, Yuu began to sing, "While You Were Sleeping,"
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Ruggie has an uneasy feeling in his gut all day. He was doing laundry when he heard some of his dormmates talking about Yuu's song, and his heart sunk. He knew Yuu had terrible stagefright, she told him this when directly when they were both doing chores the other day. He tried to call her and text her to see if she was alright but she left him unread. He listened to her song before bed the night before, and his gut began to twist.
He wanted to check on her, but she never showed up to class or clubs. What was worse was hearing the debates. Everyone was taking their bets and at times he would hear his name in the midst:
"It HAS to be Ruggie. They are always together! I saw them doing laundry like an old married couple the other day!" One of the Savannaclaw Underclassman pointed out. This made Ruggie start to blush and his stomach feel light.
Then, a scarbia student pointed out big wall in his way that has kept him from pursuing anything beyond a friendship with Yuu: "Why would she pick Ruggie when she has Kalim asking for her hand? Why choose a pauper when she could have a prince?"
That comment has been haunting him for weeks. Ever since he realized he liked Yuu as more than a friend. He had been able to brush off the feelings for a long time, but Yuu's song and the debate around it made him confront these feelings. He spent the day in a daze and out of it. He got his work done, but he nearly ran into a pillar twice that day and almost walked square into Jack.
During Club, it got dangerous as he nearly got hit in the head with a disk if not for Leona. Leona pulled Ruggie aside and called him out. He knew Ruggie has been crushing on Yuu, it was plane to see, but he also knew Ruggie's dilemma and was sick of it.
Leona dragged Ruggie into the locker room and threw him his duffle bag, "Go."
"What?" Ruggie thought he was being thrown off the team for a second.
"Do I need to spell it out for you?" Leona was incredibly annoyed and shook his head, "G. O. to HER." Ruggie just looked flabbergasted at his dorm leader. "B-but-" "If you give me that 'I'm too poor' bullshit again, I will knock your head in." Leona pinched his brow before grabbing his wallet and throwing a bundle of cash at his friend, "You work to the bone. You deserve to be happy. She makes you happy and she is happy with you. I can smell the attraction between the two of you and if I have to hear you whine about it or make dopey eyes at her one more hades-damned time. I will lock you two in a room and make you work it out." Leona sounded threatening, but Ruggie knew this was Leona's way of 'encouragement'. The lion-beastman walked past Ruggie and opened the locker room door before looking back at him. "If you are here by the time I get back and not taking Yuu out to a nice dinner. I swear you will be doing all of the teams laundry until you do." Then stormed out. Ruggie just sat there shocked before looking down at the cash in his lap. He could only smile. Leona may not show it often, but he does care. He decided to shower really quick before leaving for Ramshackle. On his way, he tried to think of what to say, and still even after stopping by Sam to get dinner, he had no idea by the time he got to her door. He hesitated to knock but just spoke what came to him in the moment. "Yuu. I know I'm not the... best choice. I don't have anything in the prospects of money or career besides Leona's runner, but... you've bewitched me and I don't want to get out from your spell..."
Everything was still, and Ruggies heart was teetering on the edge of breaking. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe the fleeting moments were just made up in his head. Maybe Leona was lying. Maybe she loved someone else...
He was about to walk away when he heard her move towards the door and twist the handle. As the door opened, he saw Yuu look at him with tear-stained eyes and a slightly agape mouth. "Do you mean it?" Yuu asked holding the door tightly, "You... feel the same?"
Ruggie nodded. His heart was beating out of his chest, his stomach was twisting in knots, but he pushed through those things and was able to give her a small smile, "I do. Every word." He scratched the back of his head and looked at himself then at her, "I know I don't have much, but I will work hard to give you the life you deserve." He looked her in the eyes and took a deep breath before professing his feelings, "I will work hard to be with you because you make me forget my situation for a moment. When we... when we walk together, do chores together, or even just hang out, I feel like a normal student for once instead of the hyena at the end of the food chain... So please," He reaches out and takes her hand in his, squeezing it gently and smiling sweetly, "please give me a chance?"
Yuu stared at him for a moment. She looked like she was about to cry again and Ruggie was readying an apology when she surprised him. She stepped forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.
Ruggie tensed for a second before melting into the kiss. He dropped the bag of food in his one hand and used it to gently hold the small of her back while the other still held her hand. She adjusted the position of her hand to lace her fingers with his and deepen the kiss.
They eventually parted and she was finally smiling. "Is that a good enough answer for you?" She asked with a coy grin.
Ruggie's signature smile returned to his face for the first time today. "Shishishi, I don't know, maybe I need to hear it one more time?~" This time he leaned in and kissed her deeply. She let go of the door and looped her arms around his shoulders this time.
It didn't last as long since Yuu's stomach interrupted the kiss.
Ruggie leaned back and chuckled again, "Someone hungry? Guess I made the right call." He crouched down, picked up the bag, and held it up, "Chicken sound good?"
Yuu nodded and giggled, "Sounds delicious!"
The rest of the evening, Ruggie felt like he was dreaming. Between a nice dinner, snuggling on the couch, and her falling asleep on him as they watched some TV, he didn't want to wake up.
Ruggie has never been happier. He and Yuu spent as much time as they could together between school, work, and chores. The gossip halted quickly as Ruggie made it clear the SHE chose HIM. Leona was also a smug ass for the week after and would throw smug comments at the two in the vain of "finally," and "You're welcome," that even though they annoyed Ruggie, he was grateful to his friend.
It took a while for Yuu to feel comfortable enough to show Ruggie her notebook, and it was even longer for her to start humming. Sometimes, when they are doing laundry, dishes, or some other chores alone together, Ruggie and Yuu would hum or softly sing together to pass the time. Until one night, after a particularly rough week, Ruggies was enjoying a rare night in with Yuu. They were snuggled together on Yuu's bed, just enjoying eachothers embrace. He was enjoying the peace, and Yuu's humming turned into singing, "Dandelions"
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Jack was on edge all day. From the the gossip that surrounded him to his friend (who he has had a crush on since the octanvinelle situation) disappearing and ignoring all attempts at contact, Jack felt cornered all day. Anytime someone brought up Yuu's song or the bet going on, Jack's hair would stand on end and he would get tense. Epel, Ruggie, and Leona all knew Jack had a huge crush on Yuu for a while and the former two would ask him if he was alright and check in on him all day which only proceeded to annoy him. When Jack saw Grim, he had to contain himself from punching the cat. He betrayed Yuu's trust and privacy, he hurt Yuu, and Jack wanted to protect her but he had no clue how. Due to this energy and rage being pent up for most of the day, Jack was like a cornered canine all day. He snapped at his classmates, his friends, and what got him was snapping at VIL. Jack was jogging around the school and down the main street where the Film Club was shooting a scene. They were packing up for the day and Vil was talking to an Ignanhyde student about something or other. Jack was distracted trying to think about anything other than Yuu and ran into Vil accidentally. Due to Jack's size, he knocked Vil into the Fairest Queen Statue behind him. "JACK!" Vil called and dusted himself off with grace. Jack stopped and bowed, his ears flattening, "Vil, I-I am sorry." The Ignanhyde student was frozen in place and looked Jack up and down. Vil looked at the student and gestured for him to leave, which his clubmate appreciated. "I didn't see you there. I'm so sorry." Vil looked at his childhood friend and sharpened his gaze, "It's alright." He nods for the underclassman to follow him behind the statue. Once out of sight, Vil crossed his arms and asked, "What is going on? According to Epel, you have been on edge all day. It isn't like you to not keep an eye on your surroundings." Jack shook his head and said, "It's nothing. I'm fine." Vil stepped closer and tilted his head, "It's Yuu isn't it?" Jack's cheeks went red and he looked away. "No." Vil kept pushing Jack as he knew the freshman was lying. He knew he pushed the right button when he said, "You're in love with her aren't you?" "WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE IT!" Jack snapped at the upperclassman and immediately regretted it. Vil wasn't phased but had a stern look on his face, "Jack. Because you are a good friend of mine I am going to let that go. But listen to what I say and take it to heart." Vil's tone was sharp and the beastman listened intently, "Go find her and tell her how you feel before it is too late." His eyes softened and he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, "Yuu is a shy person and you obviously have very strong feelings for her and a desire to protect her. She is probably scared right now and needs someone to lean on. Go to her and do what you do best. Make her feel safe." Jack rubbed the back of his neck and felt small, "But what if... what if she doesn't feel the same?" Vil sighs and says, "You don't know she doesn't until you try." Jack nodded and released some of the tension in his body. "Thanks, Vil." The Pomefiore Dorm leader nodded and released the freshman in the direction of Ramshackle. Jack jogged over to the dilapidated building and was finally able to get inside. He stood in front of Yuu's door, took a deep breath, and let his heart speak. "Yuu... I'm here for you and always will be... I don't want you to feel any pressure, but I need to get this off my chest... I-I... ever since you saved everyone from Azul's contracts, you... I've been bewitched... by you."
Jack's tail never stopped wagging for the next few weeks. Anytime Yuu's scent was in the air or they were sitting together, his tail would give away his joy at having her near. The other first years did point this out (Ace), but he didn't care, and Yuu found it endearing. Vil smiled when he saw the two and Jack thanked him personally saying that he always knew they were meant for each other (Rook and Vil had known about the two's mutual feelings for a long time now, but it wasn't their place to tell).
Jack felt incredibly self-concise about his size, his hair, his smell... everything. He had no clue how to stand, where to put his hands, and his heart was beating out of his chest. He felt like he was standing there for hours and debated leaving when he heard footsteps on the other side. He looked up in time for Yuu to open the door. He looked directly in her beautiful doe eyes and saw a glint of hope.
She stood there silent for a moment, both of them searching for words. When words failed to come, Yuu hugged him. Her small frame fit snug against him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and the back of her head. He held her with such gentleness as if he was scared to break her.
Jack needed no words to express his feelings, he expressed them in the way he held her close. His large hand cradled her head and stroked it with such love. His lips barely grazed the top of her head, but that is all that was needed. He loved her. He wanted to protect her. And no words could express how much he felt for her, and no words were needed. She knew how he felt.
"... I love you too Jack ..." Yuu said softly and it made Jack's heart jump again.
His tail began to wag and a smile graced his lips. His large hand moved to her cheek and gently guided her to look at him. He stroked her soft cheek with his calloused hand and leaned his forehead against hers, "I know I am not much for words but... I promise, I'll protect you, no matter what comes our way. And I will love you with all my being."
"I know," Yuu smiled, "and so will I,"
With that, the two leaned in and sealed their promise of devotion with a tender kiss.
Eventually, Yuu had gotten comfortable enough with Jack to work on her songs while he was in the room. It was a random Thursday night, Jack was working on homework and Yuu was working on her songs. She caught Jack by surprise when she asked him his opinion on a song. He put down his homework and agreed to listen. He curled up behind her and listened as she sang the song she had been working on the past couple of weeks, all while Jack's tail lightly wagged on the side of the bed; "Lovesick"
Note: Please Like, Reblog, and Follow for more! If you are interested in seeing more characters in this scenario or these characters in different scenarios, please let me know! (Do not Steal)
Tag List: @dummytwo @growinguprealizing @night-shadowblood-writes2 @nimko @girl-nahh-two @mrs-schoenheit @trashykawa09 @kiraversee @juliechi @guava-writes @savanaclaw1996 @starlets-things @whatsgoingonridley @cenatour @dweeb-central @uta-ackerman4 @nightshade-clown @n-lol
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somewhat-insane · 8 months
~Shadowpeach Headcanons (I'm Delusional)~
I did this because I was bored... so if you happen to like this... uh... feel free to suggest other things you would want to see headcanons for (I also take art and one-shot requests too -3- (pleaseee, I need ideassss))
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Neither of them bothers labeling their relationship (Macaque is more aware of identities and labels and identifies as bisexual. On the other hand, if you ask Wukong about his pronouns, he'll just stare at you silently before completely changing the subject.)
Wukong may be a jerk, but one thing he absolutely WON'T do is make fun of Macaque's art. (He was always happy when Macaque would express himself when they were younger and still has a similar mentality about it. Definitely would diss anyone else's art though.)
Both are subconsciously protective of the other's boundaries (Macaque steers clear of subjects that might trigger memories of Wukong's past, and Wukong makes sure others don't get too loud around Macaque (while still forgetting to check his own volume.) If you were to ask them, they'd say it's because they're the only ones who get to antagonize each other.)
Wukong is surprisingly good at dancing; Macaque is salty about it.
They fall asleep facing away from each other and then wake up cuddling
At first, they would stick around each other just to be annoying, but it slowly turned into them genuinely hanging out, and now they have regular "dates."
Macaque writes notes to remind Wukong of things when he can't be there to remind him himself, and Wukong doodles on them (and then forgets what he was supposed to do anyway)
Wukong likes to draw Macaque smiling (both genuine smiles and that bastard smile he does)
Macaque is surprisingly cuddly in the morning.
They are groggy after waking up, but sometimes Wukong will be up all night and super energetic when Mac wakes up.
Macaque constantly rearranges the furniture, and Wukong runs into stuff because he moves through rooms on muscle memory
Macaque tries flirting with Wukong, but it all goes over his head. Meanwhile, Wukong says things that fluster Macaque without even knowing it.
Macaque laughs so hard at Wukong that he snorts, and Wukong teases him for it.
They have so many inside jokes that their conversations have become incomprehensible to people who don't know them.
They don't like beds and will shove a bunch of blankets in a corner and curl up there if they can't sleep outside because it's raining.
They have serious talks late at night that they both pretend never happened in the morning.
Both of them get really excited about random things and will info dump on each other
Macaque is scared of his food/drinks being contaminated and won't eat/drink something that is out of his sight for too long; sometimes, he trusts Wukong to watch his food, and other times doesn't
Wukong loves eating peaches and playing in the dirt but hates the feeling of his skin being sticky or dirt under his claws; Macaque will grumble and huff but will eventually clean him up
They make weird noises at each other.
Wukong still doesn't understand tech and constantly has to ask Macaque for help. Macaque is more knowledgeable than Wukong but still has to ask MK for help helping Wukong sometimes.
Wukong doesn't save his drawings because he doesn't think they're that important, but Macaque always keeps them. The same can be said vice versa.
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Green Mommy
Summary: Your girlfriend's new power has made your sex life a whole lot more interesting.
Pairing: Jennifer Walters / She-Hulk x Fem! Reader.
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, Lesbian smut, Girl on Girl, Monster fucking, Oral sex (fem giving and receiving), Cum eating, Established relationship, Mommy kink, Use of Vibrator, Use of Strap-On, Anal sex (fem). Reader is tipsy and She-Hulk is sober during the sex.
I use the word 'minge' once.
Writing Time: 2 hours.
Word Count: 1,857.
Format: Kinktober Fic, Day 24.
I was super excited for this fic, I've been wanting to write for She-Hulk for ages and I'm super into monster fucking so this was bound to be great. Hope you enjoy!
I wrote this slightly weirdly. I was trying to keep Jennifer and She-Hulk completely separate in the beginning but towards the end it sort of becomes, Jennifer-in-She-Hulk's-body, but it's still clear to read.
Here are my other Kinktober 2023 works.
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You and Jennifer had been dating long before she became She-Hulk.
But sadly it wasn't as perfect as you thought it would be. Yes, you and Jennifer were definitely in love and spent a lot of time together. But your issues were not so much to do with your relationship.
It was your sex life. It practically didn't exist.
You and Jennifer had had sex twice since you started dating, 3 years ago. You knew Jennifer had some serious body issues that put her off the subject, but also that she wanted it just as badly as you did.
Jennifer spent a lot of her time before her transformation thinking of ways to have sex with you, she never thought of anything she was happy with and willing to start with you.
But that changed with She-Hulk.
Jennifer felt a newfound confidence in her body as She-Hulk, and a spike in her sex drive.
As did you. Seeing your girlfriend so big, proud and confident made you so hot and wet. You could almost hear the squelching in between your thighs as She-Hulk handled Titania in the court room.
She may have lost the case because of it but she absolutely taught you and Titania something. That she couldn't be physically brought down.
At the bar later you gripped your girlfriend's arm tightly and drunkenly whispered to her how wet you was, just from her little take down as She-Hulk. Jennifer, now back in her She-Hulk form, grinned back at you.
Before you knew it you were both home and in the bedroom.
You were undeniably a little scared to sex with a giantess, but more excited. She-Hulk was the same, a little scared to have sex for the first time in this form and about hurting you, but her excitement was bleeding into her core and making her burn.
She laid you down gently on the bed and kissed you sweetly. She kissed all the way down your tiny body till she reached your hips, then she was ripping off your clothes like they meant nothing.
Jennifer had never been rough with you before and usually she cared a lot about clothes, so this was completely new from her.
Your panties stayed on though. She-Hulk ripped a hole in them, it was clearly a calculated move to keep them on but still expose your pussy to her.
The green giantess looking down at your pussy first and smiled, patting it gently with two fingers before slowly pushing in one finger. She looked up at your face to see you moan and shiver.
Of course She-Hulk knew her finger was radically different in size from say Jennifer's or your own, but she knew you could take it. You was her good girl.
So she started fingering you, in and out, painfully slowly.
After only a minute or two, you was begging her for more. No matter how big, just one finger wasn't enough.
She-Hulk giggled and added two more fingers, and quickly leaned down to catch your loud moans in her mouth and swallow them.
You moved your legs up onto the bed, knees bent and feet flat against the bed. And wrapped your arms around your green lover and pulled her in close, a silent beg for more.
Which She-Hulk understood, she pushed you up further on the bed and leaned back down to your pussy. Whilst she started carefully and slowly with the fingering, she began vicious and ruthless with the pussy eating.
Your moaned turned into screamed as She-Hulk lapped you up like a man woman, still finger-fucking you with three fingers. You had barely started and you already felt your head getting dizzy.
Maybe it was the wine from earlier, it couldn't just be your pending hard orgasm, so it had to be both.
You came onto She-Hulk's face with a cry, but she didn't stop them. She wouldn't stop until she was satisfied, so she ate you through your orgasm. Her mouth and fingers swapped positions, her fingers now rubbing and pinching your clit and her tongue reaching deep inside of you for your next orgasm.
You were crying and screaming now, you felt your second orgasm approaching and overstimulation not far behind it. Your thighs were squeezing your girlfriend's head tightly, surely without her size and strength you would of crushed her by now.
But you didn't feel bad. Not when she suddenly stopped and lifted her head up. You whined and glared down at her, She-Hulk only giggled again at your frustration.
She stood up and wiped her face and licked your cum off her lips. The look was beyond erotic and was almost enough to make you cum.
She-Hulk stuck her giant fingers just used for fingering you, into your mouth. You almost choked at first but quickly got the hang of suck on them as if they were a dick. You closed your eyes as you are your own cum of the new superhero's fingers.
She-Hulk smiled at the sight and pulled her fingers away when you was done.
"Such a good sweet girl, Mommy is gonna have to reward you."
You was shocked to hear her refer to herself as 'Mommy', but you was more than all for it.
Your 'Mommy' stripped completely naked in front of you and slowly crawled onto the bed next you.
You felt yourself becoming wet again at the sight of the She-Hulk completely naked. She gently stroked your stomach and spoke in a sultry voice,
"Would you like Mommy to give you your reward now, Baby?"
"Yes Mommy..."
She-Hulk grinned and made herself comfortable on your face. Her giant green thighs and pussy completely blocked your vision, and if she wasn't being careful you would of started suffocating too.
"Now, Mommy—- Ah!"
You got to work immediately, licking and sucking your Mommy's cunt. She-Hulk's head fell back and she moaned, your small pink tongue reached every detail of her green kitty. It made She-Hulk cry and grind herself against your face.
You was having the time of your life, down there. Seeing nothing but your beautiful giant girlfriend's cunt and having a mission to make her cum as hard as possible, seemed like the kind of life you wanted to live forever.
"Oh Baby, oh Fuck!"
She-Hulk's moans and curses were whispers and you could hear them with her big thighs covering your ears. But you knew she was loving it from how she moved against your face and occasionally grabs of your breasts from behind her.
Once She-Hulk came on your face, she moved off of you. You had close your eyes when she came, due to the sheer amount it could of easily gone in your eyes and blinded you. And if you were blind, you'd never see your hot girlfriend naked again.
She-Hulk smiled down at you as you cleaned your face of her cum, eating most of it. She kissed your cheek, then licked her cum off the corners of your mouth. Before sticking her tongue down your throat, again, nearly making you choke.
"Mommy..." You whispered to her in between kisses, "I need more..."
"I know Baby, and Mommy is going to give you more."
She-Hulk picked you up with ease and moved you onto the bed properly, with your head on the pillows.
"Turn over Baby."
She told you whilst reaching into her bottom side drawer. You gladly obeyed and turned over onto your front and pulled your ass up.
"Aw, what a good girl!"
She-Hulk praised you when she saw how good you followed orders. You felt her slide a finger up and down your minge and you shivered, still sensitive from your first and almost orgasm.
You could hear She-Hulk moving on the bed behind you as well as hear and feel the bed squeaking from her weight. Surely Jennifer knew already she needed to invest in a bigger stronger bed for She-Hulk, so you didn't bother saying anything.
You felt your girlfriend straddle your hips from behind and insert something in your hole, you breathed in carefully, comfortable with the new foreign object due to being more than soaked.
Until it started vibrating.
Then you started to moan and struggle, so much so She-Hulk held you down by your shoulder and laughed at your reaction.
"Oh Princess, you like that don't you?"
"You'll like this as well."
You didn't really know what she meant by that. But you found out rather quickly, when she pushed something harder and bigger into your ass.
Now, whilst you and Jennifer had never engaged in anything anally, you had in the past made it clear to her that it was something you wanted to try. Jennifer would never shove something up your asshole without your consent, nor would She-Hulk.
You screamed at the dildo making it way into your not used before hole.
"Oh Mommy!"
"I knew you'd like this!"
She-Hulk fucked you into the bed with her strap-on. And the vibrator brought you even further down into the bed. You quickly welcomed your second orgasm of the night... then your third, and finally your fourth.
By the time She-Hulk was done with you, your voice was hoarse from screaming and moaning, your face was red and completely covered in tears and leftover cum, your cunt was used and abused and your pussy lips and asshole were covered in fresh cum.
You gasped and shivered as She-Hulk pulled out of you and turned off the vibrator. You were shaking now and curling into a ball on your girlfriend's bed, no care in the World for the ruined sheets beneath you.
She-Hulk placed her strap on on her nightstand and turned back into Jennifer. Your girlfriend now once again smaller and whiter, pulled you into her arms and cuddled you tightly.
"You did really well my Love. I hope you enjoyed it."
You slowly looked up at her and nodded, too tired to even speak. Jennifer figured she'd let you relax a bit before she dragged you into the bathroom for some proper aftercare. Or she could turn into She-Hulk again and carry you there. But you didn't care what happened next, just as long as you got to stay in your girlfriend's arms.
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lolitakirstein · 6 days
Sore part 2/3
AN: GODDD WHY DO I WRITE SUCH LONG STUFF. There's just so much I want to put in. Anyway here is part one CW: Smut
I walked into the gym the next evening but it was more like a hobble. I'm more sore today than yesterday. I find Toji throwing punches at the punchbags. The sounds of his fist hitting the bag sound like gunshots and the bared teeth and scowl he's wearing are absolutely deadly.
I approach slowly, not wanting to startle him into whipping those fists around on me, but before I can say hi, he grabs the bag to still it.
"I've seen sloths move faster than you, grandma." He says breathlessly, wiping sweat from his brow.
"That's no way to treat a customer," I cross my arms and pout.
He chuckles and unwraps the taping from his large hands.
Am I really about to let this man touch me with those paws after what he just did to that bag?
"Is it still tight?"
"Excuse me," I shake out of my thoughts.
He rolls his eyes, "your neck? You said it was bothering you yesterday."
"oh, yeah." I try to save this conversation with humor. "But as you can see it's a bit more than my neck today. I'm more sore than yesterday"
"DOMS" he answers.
"Uhm, I"m more of a sub myself-"
He cuts me off with a booming laugh, "That's great to know, but DOMS is delayed onset muscle soreness. Happens from progressive overload."
My cheeks burn. Not only have I shown where my mind is twice (the gutter) I've also exposed my preferences (a whore).
"Youve been squatting heavier so it check out," he shrugs.
Is he hinting that he's been watching me squat?
"Yes I watch," he reads my mind.
"What? Why?"
He shrugs again, "I like to make sure everyone is using proper form."
"And how is my form?" i arch a brown
"Excellent," he croons, eyes slowing scanning my body. It's suddenly hotter than the sauna room in here.
"But you can quit the theatrics of pushing your ass out as far as you can. You'll hurt your lower back."
Fuck he is watching me be a whore
"I'll keep that in mind." I try to change the subject though I doubt where I'm going with this is any more appropriate. "So, if your not busy do you wanna take a look."
He pauses wiping off with a towel and we both stare at each other before it clicks what I just said.
"LOOK AT MY ALIGNMENT I MEAN!" i say quickly, but Toji already has a smug fucking looking gracing those scared lips.
The gym's spa room is complete with a hot tub, sauna, tanning booths, and tables that customers can schedule for a masseuse to come in.
Toji gestures to the table, pressing a button that lowers it. "Hop on."
is he being suggestive now?
I sit on the table after removing my shoes. "How do you want me?"
Damn it's no wonder so many porns revolve around massaging, it's too damn easy.
"Well, let me feel your neck first." He steps behind me, "Is it ok if I touch you now?"
I nod. Fuck yes, you can sir.
"Let's get this hair out of the way," he says, gathering my hair in his large hand and laying it across my shoulder. The touch is gentle and comforting. Toji presses the pads of his thumbs along the base of my neck, "Tell me when it's tender."
He continues to palpate around my nape, hitting a tender spot right at the base of my skull. "Ouch right there, " i wince
He place his whole palm on the column of my neck, massaging up and down the area."Yeah, your really tight along the cervical spine area." (😏)
I pull away from his touch, too sore to take it.
"I'm sorry, too much?" He asks, placing his hand on my shoulder.
I nod and he waits for me to signal that he can continue.
"Do you get headaches alot?"
I nod again
"Hmph," he uses a lighter touch to prod my muscles. "Lay on your back for me."
I do as he instructs, placing my head in the desginated head rest.
Toji pulls a stool up, sitting his large thighs now framing my head. I close my eyes to not have to see him overtop of me. My face is literally between his legs wtf.
He puts both hands on the side of my neck, his fingertips push and rub against the base of my skull. It feels amazing in a painful way.
"Right there," i breathe when he hits a particular sore spot.
"Yeah? Does that feel good."
I whimper at the sensation...and at the low purr of his voice.
"I could adjust ya if ya let me. Just a quick crack."
"Uhm, I don't know," I sit up, suddently scared that this man is going to snap my neck. "That seems scary."
He laughs, "It wont hurt, I promise. Youll just hear the cracking like when you pop your knuckles."
I'm still unsure and look down at his large hands.
"I'll be gentle, I swear to you. It'll be quick." He eases me back down onto my back. "I won't kill ya. Would be a horrible PR stunt if i killed a woman in my own gym." He teases.
"Thanks, really reassuring thing to say with your hands around my throat." But damn if it wasn't a thrilling sensation to feel his warm palms pressing against my neck and his fingers slipping through my hair as he moves it out of the way.
"Alright," He pulls himself closer. My whole head is now fully in the palm of his hands. "Just relax, let me do the work."
I glance up quickly at yet another ambiguous comments. how many is that now.
I relax me head into his hands and his moves it side to side, feeling for the knots.
"Yeah right there it is," he says to himself.
Before I can think of anything salacious, Toji twist my neck to the side. A rush of heat enters my head and I gasp at the abrupt movement.
"There, breathe," he lays my head down on the table and rubs my shoulders encouragingly. "Good girl."
I take a deep breathe as more blood rushes to my head. it roars in my ears.
"Wasn't so bad was it?"
I shake my head. Too stunned to speak.
"How do you feel?"
"Wow, so much better" I laugh in relief at home incredible how my neck now feel.
"Now you said you have low back pain?" He swings around the side of the table. I nod. " Lay on your stomach."
Toji stands over my prone body, "I'm going to lift your shirt up a bit."
I feel the fabric slowly graze my low back, a chill springs up at the chill to the room temperature. But it's quickly heated by Toji's warm palms coming to rest right at the dimples above my ass. His thumbs dig it, moving in slow circles and I moan at the delicious pain.
"Seems like a pinched nerve. Nothing to adjust really."I hear toji readjust his positioning, "I need a better angle to push it back into place. "
He leans on the table, one knee bumping between mine so he's able to dig his thumb hard into my sacrum. "Just breathe."
I feel a nudge in my lower spine as he pushes into it, a tingling sensation shoots around my hips. I sigh in relief as the nerve is released.
"There we go," he continues to rub his thumbs into my back, and with the pain subsiding, I can't help but arch into his hands, losing myself to sensations. "Does that help?
When I nod, his hands move lower, spreading outward to grip my sides. "You have beautiful hips..."
I arch more into his touch, the movement causing my body to shift downwards, putting my aching core directly onto his knee. I fear I've gone too far but he doesn't move, just continues to rub my low back, moving slower, almost guiding my hips in circular motions.
The rough fabric of his sweats catches my already wet center. The thin yoga pants I'm wearing probably show just how aroused I am. I continue to grind on his knee; he continues to move my hips, completely silent as though he's afraid of snapping me out of this deviant act.
"Oh, god," I gasp, pushing my hard onto his knee as my orgasm rips through me. I lose myself in it, humping like a damn bitch in heat against him.
When I land back on earth and catch my breath, I push myself to my elbows. My hair sticks to my sweaty face.
Looking behind me at toji, I don't know what to expect. I see toji, still as a lake. His hands have loosened on my hips. He stares at me with pupils that completely engulf his green irises. His throat bobs as he swallows thickly and removes his knee from between my legs, coming to a standing position. My cheeks are on fire as I see the damp spot on his pants from me.
I stand quickly from the table, my blood rushes to my head and causes me to go blind momentarily. I stumble past him without waiting to see clearly.
After mumbling a thanks, I rush out the door, leaving my gym bag behind...
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francesderwent · 5 months
Hello! I hope this doesn't come across as a Taylor-bashing question. While I believe that artists should be able to sing/write/create about their lived experience, there's something about the way Taylor handled mental health in this album that rubbed me the wrong way. I'll try to put it succinctly in three points: 1) TTPD seems to spill out the mental health issues/depression of Joe Alwyn, who seems like a very private person. I don't want to bring celebrity drama into this, but there's something discomfiting abot Taylor being more subtle and silent about his mental illness when they were together, and then spilling about it when they've broken up. 2) The way that she writes about mental illness/depression strikes me as hurtful. An example: "You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days." The takeaway seems to be an accusation that the subject chose his depression over her, which is...iffy. 3) The aesthetic of her album seems to be 'insanity' and 'mental torture' and, especially given the above two, it seems to be in poor taste?
I don't mean that Taylor shouldn't write about her experience about being resentful for a partner's mental illness/how they handled it, it just seems she's threading a sketchy line and I'm not sure if she handled that very well. But, I would really appreciate it if you have another way of looking at this. I do like Taylor's songs, and I appreciate your insights to them!
well first of all I sincerely love you for numbering your ask, it’s so readable and coherent. bless!! I’ll answer in order:
I think she absolutely was not any more subtle or silent about his struggles while they were together. his sadness has been all over so many of her love songs about him, using the exact same images that she brings back in ttpd. she says in hoax, “don’t want no other shade of blue but you, no other sadness in the world would do”. and she talks in the long pond sessions about this for her being an example of true love, the person you want to be with in really dark times. in renegade she says “the shape of you was jagged and weak, there was nowhere for me to stay, but I stayed anyway”. a lot of what she says in ttpd is a purposeful callback to words of love she spoke in earlier songs, not undoing them, but mourning the fact they weren’t enough. mirrorball says “I’m still trying everything to get you laughing at me”, So Long London says “I stopped trying to make him laugh, stopped trying to drill the safe”. it’s not about airing his private business, she doesn’t give us any more details now than she did when they were in love. the only difference is in how it made her feel.
I don’t think Taylor is saying that her partner chose depression over her, or that it’s his fault for not pulling himself out of it. if we look at You’re Losing Me along with this album, I think it’s abundantly clear that the reason she left is because She Wanted To Be Married. “do something babe, say something. choose something babe, I’ve got nothing to believe unless you’re choosing me.” “are we really gonna talk about timing in times like these??” she wanted them to choose each other despite everything difficult and sad. and he simply never did. you can say that a huge commitment like that would be horrifically hard for a person deeply depressed, but she waited six years, and he was showing more interest in anything but her (“I’m the best thing at this party” “I founded the club she’s heard great things about” “it’s not right to be scared every day of a love affair” “fell victim to interlopers’ glances”). “is it your anxiety that stops you from giving me everything or do you just not want to?” indeed.
I don’t think there’s any reason to assume this is merely an album aesthetic. I don’t necessarily take it as literal-diagnostic as some other commenters have, but when Taylor talks about her mental health on this album, I think we can take her pretty seriously. “how much sad did you think I had”, “am I allowed to cry”, “you don’t get to tell me about sad” are repeated through this album, but it’s not new. “I’m with you even if it makes me blue” in Paper Rings, “when my depression works the graveyard shift all of the people I ghosted stand there in the room” in Anti-Hero, “a house, not a home, all alone 'cause nobody's there, where I pace in my pen and my friends found friends who care” from Dear Reader. she’s suffering too. the breakdown that happens over the course of this album is not a performance, it is very very real and a long time coming.
tldr: I think she really really loved him. and she loved him while both of them were really sad. he didn’t choose depression over her, but he also didn’t choose her, and that finally broke her. she has every right to leave a relationship that’s dragging on and never going anywhere to seek somebody who wants the same life she does.
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capricosalvation · 4 months
🇦🇷25 de Mayo Special🇦🇷 Star x Arg!Fem! Reader (a couple of silly things and travelling headcannons)
⊹ Feliz 25 de Mayo, viva la patria! ^^
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
• Cathleen do likes to travel, She enjoys a break from work (when She has one) so when you invited her to your country she was like an exited puppy, there was a month before the flight and she already knew basic Words, places she would like to see, food she would like to eat and that little data You can find in the touristic videos. It was cute tbh, it reminded You Of a kid on Disney.
•When both Of You arrived, She was ecstatic, Even if there was some sad things, like homeless people on the Main city, She would kindly give Them some money. You Didnt had the chance to change the dollars for pesos, so lets say that those homeless people were really really happy. (At the time i'm writing this, one dollar is equivalent of 890 pesos argentinos)
• For her, the food Is absolutely heavenly. She Isnt very picky With food, and the fact that is the food of Your land makes her like it even more. It's obvious that She likes asado, but She was amazed to see lots and lots of artisanal ice cream places. There was a gummy bear flavor in one of those places!
• Lets Say You wake up at Night only to find her infront of the fridge With a empanada on her mouth (sin doble sentido)
• You were driving to a little town that had a lagoon. San Miguel del Monte, a gorgeous place. Then You asked her "Gorda me cebas unos mates?" She then abruptly looked at You, confused "Did You just called me Fat?"
You then explained her that Gorda can Mean fat, but in argentinian mannerisms it is a pet name, like a "dearie/dear". You also explained that the word Torta means cake, but in argentinian mannerisms it also means Lesbian. She then let a loud "ooohhhhh i understand now!", She's very eager to learn and understand the jokes that your friends made. "If i'm a cake then... What cake would You think i would be?" - She said, in a joking manner with a smug smile. What cake would She be?
• Cassie dressed like a gaucho dancing "chacarera del olvido" with Y/N dressed up as a paisana.. She would try her hardest to dance, and she actually does decently! The shy look an her face after it is priceless! Please fill her face With kisses and tell her She made it right! (SOMEONE PLEASE DRAW THAT)
• She would use the Boca Juniors oversiced shirt you gifted her as a Pijama. Imagine the sight Of her with that shirt and her undies. Her face still groggy as She asks You if there are some remaining coquitos bc She LOVES THEM.
• Imagine her in a typical party, the saturated cumbia on the speakers, then. El carnaval carioca.
• She would be confused, but trying Her best. Someone gave her a matraca and some silly spectacles. She looks so cute yet ankwardly trying to blend in, the Mountain of a woman in the train of party people, she looks at you with a face that screams "take me out of here, im confused and scared", but when the ankwardness goes away, She enjoys the party. But She's still confused about the Meneaito. If You want to laught Your ass off and then get punished in bedroom by her, make her dance alongside the family. Don't forget to record her!
• As an important person, She attended some military parties, and got interested in learning the history of the land of her beloved. Because it's not only gauchos and meat. Not even tango!
• She got herself like five books, which She reads at night (With her reading glasses, that make her look 20/ more hotter). She wants to know more of the woman She loves and swears to protect, and part of her is the history of the land that saw her grow.
• Cathleen wants to be an expert in the T/N subject, not only her tastes and body languaje, She want to know what You learned at school when You were little, those nostalgic flavors you tasted, those party nights that left You dysphonic,and much more. Cassie wants to know her little Star like the palm of her hand<3
𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓇼
𓆟 Hi guys, sorry for the delay, i had lots Of work to do. The next work is going to be "Songs That remind me Of Star". A personal take, it's going to have songs that i think She would listen, and songs that i listen and that I associate with her.
𓆉I hope You liked it, i'll try to make it better next time!
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overandundertarot · 1 year
Exam Period Tarot Reading
How's your exam period going to go? Lets take a look.
Pick a picture(1-4)
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Pile 1
This exam period won't be as successful as you expect it to be. Regardless, by the time its over you'll be rejoicing and ready to crashland on your bed. At the beginning of this exam period/semester you may have had a lot of hope and ambition to give your 100% and receive your rewards in full, but it proved too much for you. You might not have reached the goal you had in mind, but you still did really well for yourself and should be very proud!!
Pile 2
Pile 2 are you intimidated by your course/ subject of study? You're giving off very timid energy. You might be looking for some help and are scared to reach out; just do it. It seems that everyone is busy right now and you fear no one has time available for you, or you are the one who is helping everyone else without having taken time to prepare yourself. Either way; the message for you is to keep trying and take a strategic approach; work smarter not harder. Something may happen this exam period that you perceive to be out of your control. Something that may make you say "Just my luck," or "Why does this keep happening to me." Be aware of being naive concerning other peoples motives; just because you wouldn't doesnt mean that someone else won't as well. Be careful of exam malparactice, it will backfire for you.
Pile 3
Pile 3 you're tiiiiiiirrrreeeeddddd. This exam period/semester has absolutely drained you. You may be wondering what it's all for; if it's really worth it. It seems that you're quite burnt out and even depressed. School has taken a huge toll on your mental health and this exam period just adds on to that. It may be the straw that breaks the camels back. Try to reach out and get help if you can; talk to your friends/therapist. It seems like the general advice of taking short breaks/taking careof yourself is not enough to solve this. Strong message is to seek help while you still can to make it easier/better for your future self.
Pile 4
Are you planning to cheat during your exams, pile 4? 👀 You're super smart, but this might make you lazy about the exam preparations. Honestly your mind is elsewhere, you may be trying to gain a leadership position in school . You are abusing your power in some way though and the funny thing is that it's completely unecessary. Are you trying to prove a point to someone? You could be acheiving whatever it is that you want to achive without going so far, but it gives you self satisfaction to have this control. Ease up and separate yourself from the situation. You may acting without really knowing why you do the things you are doing. I'm sensing that you are quite closed off as well. The origin of all this is not related to school; it only got tangled up in this along the way but became an important part. The message is to start working through your trauma/ emotions/ needs. There's something in the shadows you're trying to suppress. Working through this will bring you so much satisfaction and peace.
Thanks for participating in my pick a card reading! If you would like to book a private reading with me; you can do so here.
*The pictures are not mine, I found them on pinterest.
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julietasgf · 7 months
Olá olá, I am back back again (I survived a week-long exam and 4 hours of sleep)
I know in theory LGB has an Appalachian accent in the movie I remember seeing some complaints from the audience <3 (isn't it fascinating and horrible when the audience confirms why a certain trait in a character is vital and revolutionary?)
It's really a shame that Sejanus and LGB barely interact in the book because I know they would have understood each other very well (and YES they really are alike, again the big difference between them is that Sejanus most of the time wouldn't stand for doing an act while LGB has survived from doing one but unlike Snowflake, she still strives for her humanity and doing good like Sejanus. UGH MAKE THEM BESTIES).
While I hate to say it because the movie turned the games into an entertaining spectacle I agree that it had several of the best changes from the book. Reaper scene was simply powerful and yes Wovey snakes scene was absolutely heartbreaking. Even Coral with the role she was given felt more like a whole person than in the text and from what I hear there are many deleted scenes of her and how she goes about developing her strategy that I really hoped one day they might see the light of day.
I also have so much to say about the arena scene. There are so many minor changes that make me freak out in a bad way. First of all that Ma Plinth's presence in the Snow's apartment is removed. As you say I think they could have kept that moment to give more punch to Sejanus' last words and it really didn't take up much time.
Then the implications of Sejanus bribing a guard, when in the book it's all to his credit and even a way to one-up Gaul herself that HE WILL GET IN THERE. And finally that: Sejanus wasn't really going to protest, he didn't expect anyone to come to his rescue, because he NEVER PLANTED TO GET OUT ALIVE (another change that made me groan in the movie but well I got plenty of forehead touch at least but I agree with everything you say about Sejanus.
Because yes even if I want to rip the heads off of everyone who does bad takes of Sejanus in tiktok, I certainly can't blame them, in the movie he is that naive and spoiled which is sad.
Talking more about the changes to me Coriolanus from the book and the movie are two different people in my head, there are so many changes between the two and their arcs are so different that it's hard to reconcile them (for me) in the same person tbh (I only get to do that from the idea: movie is Snow propaganda: its how people SEE him, etc).
I think Coriolanus story along with the decision to make Sejanus not know about the weapons are the clearest evidence of one of the biggest flaws I think the movie has (and at the same time I think it's impossible that we could get a big budget adaptation without this flaw) and that is how much it fears being political (Not that it doesn't prompt reflection on certain serious issues and of course they are not afraid to talk about Panem's policies but from there to other policies...)
Coriolanus as a prejudiced and oppressive teenager who has the opportunity to see up close different perspectives than those he has known from subjects he contributes to oppressing and even experiences firsthand the injustices of the system decides in the end not to change his mind and become not only complicit but an active agent in the flawed and inhumane system is not an alien story. It is the daily life of many people. In fact I'm sure Coriolanus vocalizing some of his more deranged thoughts in the movie wouldn't have scared people as much as many believe and would still be as popular just because Tom played him.
While Sejanus on the other hand is clearly one of the voices of reason in the book, he is one of the few who denounces injustices and tries to do something. If Sejanus knew about the weapons and even bought them, it would be a way of legitimizing violent resistance as an appropriate measure and valid to change the system and well it is USA. That doesn't suit them so Sejanus had to be downgraded to what a "decent rebel" would be: a no violent and smart one BUT WHO KNOWS. I DONT
Finishing this movie issue I agree that it was criminal that they took Lysistrata away from us but I think you put it best in words the matter with the academy students in the movie. They clearly tried to make most of the mentors mean and cruel to their tributes so that Coriolanus stands out as the "good" and humane one.
I have to agree that it should be a requirement to read the book and look I usually believe in book adaptations can be their own world apart but I ask on my knees to the only movie fans who want to have an opinion about Sejanus - LGB or write about them to READ THE BOOK.
Now let's talk about fics. I'm curious do you have some favorite fics in the fandom? I have a few that I think are excellent (😝 I had my fav fics, you've written several of them haha but there are also others like this fic where Coriolanus has a dream with LGB and Sejanus after killing them and with ultra symbolic details. Or the fic where Coriolanus was poisoned with the same poison that causes you halucinations in THG and sees Sejanus, etc) but I want to know what you read buddy. Btw I hope you have read the second one shot of that baby Sejanus series in the war during D2 because for me it is canon now that the Plinth suffered an attack in post war times in D2. I am very normal...
Also I'm sorting out still my thoughts on carcara but you destroyed me emotionally 🥰🥰 hope that sums it up well. Me crying for Strabo? That's another level. Speaking of the Plinth, Ma Plinth's ideas contributing in the games ate direct to the Quarter Quell fic idea that is in building. I had vagues ideas and some phrases that I want to use without any context:
"Of all my creations, none has reached perfection like Coriolanus Snow." Volumnia Gaul.
"Snow men die in District 12." Tigris Snow.
I will stop the rambling, lets focus better on our beautiful latam au where no one dies pls.
I'm happy that you liked my sejarcus ideas (maybe I'll write them hehe), I didn't stop thinking about them either, I need them to do a dance at school and baby Sejanus knows how to dance because his mother is Vesta but he's embarrassed to do it in front of the others and Marcus is there encouraging him that he can do it. And yesiii I ADORE the idea of sejarcus on playdates, pls not Sejanus giving away his stuffed animals just because Marcus said he would like to have one. Marcus refusing to take the bunny named plum.
"Sejanus it's your stuff." "But mr. plum wants to go with you." 🙏🙏
About the Christmas dinners YES I AGREE 😭😭😭😭 in fact I think it might be worse with Strabo sober jajsks at least when he is drunk he talks funny and I think if you get Sejanus out of the room he will end up complaining to a piece of furniture about how ungrateful his son is but Strabo sober and Sejanus will end up in an endless 10 hour debate. Everyone else had escaped to the courtyard to try to quiet their voices with the music AND YET YOU CAN HEAR THEM.
Pls. Coriolanus making a fool of himself <3 my beloved. First by trying to convince his father-in-law to make him his heir and then by stepping on his mother-in-law's foot. I propose it's on the birthday of one of Sejanus' cousins and he thought it was a good time to introduce his boyfriend (too Argentinian to exist) and when Vesta takes Coryo to the dance floor, his whole family tries so hard not to laugh at him but they lost it in the end 🤭 but ultimately that will lead to some fun and adorable private lessons with lot of kisses
Coriolanus and Strabo being closet telenovelas fans is such a fun concept. And yes my god Sejanus would have an existential crisis the moment they start talking. PLS I CAN SEE SOMETHING LIKE THEM EVEN TALKING AT THE SAME TIME HAPPENING 😭😭
C: But I think
S: But I think
C: Oh excuse me Mr. Plinth
S: No, no young Snow. Speak
*Sejanus shouting in the background*
By the way. Marcus would also be Boricua? Because that would be cool but there's also something in my head screaming cubano idk. Also I know I said it was our funny au but I have a couple of crazy ideas in my head about snowjanus because if everyone is from Latin America and we assume this happens in today's normal USA and Coriolanus thinks he is more European than the rest. I thought about maybe he lied to everyone about having Italian heritage (that's why my name is from Ancient Roma) and embodying the experience of feeling ashamed of your origins and meeting Sejanus which is the opposite and kind of like giving him character development?
Damn it, maybe I really need my 8 hours of sleep
Music recommendation?
Well it's more like a poem:
Cabras -Little Jesus
The type of things in my mind are TBOSAS coded in some way also the type of things I believe Sejanus could read.
I hope you are well when you read this Juli. And let me say I love your designs, we need to start a campaign to get people to show their book designs more often, I love seeing how the characters look in everyone's heads.
Ah I'll get back to you in a bit about your beautiful ocs.
OLAAA!!! I'm so happy to see you again 🥹 exams SUCK, take care buddie, hope you rest well and sleep after them <3
no way ppl complained abt lgb's accent on the movie...... I swear to god that there are few audiences that are so determinated to prove the point of the original work like the thg/tbosas audience, it's quite insane. how do you go out from a movie that criticizes xenophobia and prejudice and then proceeds to... complain abt lucy gray's accent?? media literacy is really dead 😭
yessssss I really wishe they could've had more time together, because they have so much in common :(( lucy gray at least have the covey, but I really wished sejanus could hang out with someone who could actually understand him in the sense of what it means not being able to fit in, and lucy gray is just- they would be perfect friends if coriolanus wasn't around. AND YES!!! I always joke that coriolanus made it too obvious that he had type bc sejanus and lucy gray are too alike, but non-ironically, I think it's interesting how alike they are in storytelling terms (specially bc their final decision is the opposite; sejanus runs to coriolanus and it kills him, and lucy gray runs away from him... and it still "kills" her). I've seen a post around here that made a lot of sense, where the person said that sejanus is lucy gray if she had more privilege and a chance of keeping her innocence, while lucy gray is sejanus if he was forced to mature earlier and learn how to survive. ughhhh they should've been besties and slander coriolanus together
yesssss, plus, ironically, I feel like the movie made the tributes even more human than the book (tbosas has a big difference regarding thg, which is: we actually know the names of EVERY. SINGLE. TRIBUTE). everything regarding the tributes in the movie, I thought it was fantastic (ofc I missed some of them, like the D3 guys, but I understand they chose to focus on just some tributes). also, I don't remember in the book the plot regarding treech leaving lamina behind to get with coral's group, and I thought that was another interesting details on giving more personality and backstory to the tributes. reaper and dill, too, loved how they made him protect her and care for her, it was really precious. and, oh my god, I forgot talking abt that on the other post, but CORAL IN GENERAL!!! I really loved coral in the movie, and her last line and the way it was delivered was HEARTBREAKING. yesssss really wish one day we can see the deleted scenes, because FOR SURE there are plenty (I mean.... I would beg on my knees for the 4 hrs cut....)
the thing with tbosas is that there are plenty of small details, small things, that make a big difference on how you view characters and how you view the story. and the thing about the movie is: they got rid of these small details. and THAT'S the biggest problem with the arena scene: these small details really impacted some aspects of the storytelling. and you put them very well, I couldn't agree more 😭 I HAD EVEN FORGOT ABT THE THING WITH THE GUARD. but yeaaaaaaah people who saw the movie don't really get that he was straight up trying to kill himself... think abt rose on titanic when she was about to jump from that ship. it was pure despair, and she didn't ask for the guy to try to come and save her and risk his life in the proccess. anyway, these small changes regarding sejanus are so weird man, because are small things that actually impact on the storytelling and how the audience view him. getting rid of his relationship with ma, getting rid of the fact that he's suicidal, implying he bribed a guard. idk, it just feels really weird to me, specially bc sejanus is a foil to coriolanus.
(I try to not think a lot abt the arena scene bc I REALLY like the forehead touch, love how in the movie that's a thing coriolanus does to the people he shows to love: sejanus, tigris, lucy gray, and only these three).
yes, I absolutely agree with you regarding coriolanus!! I've said before that coriolanus in the movie is almost sweet to me. he was brave when he entered that car with the tributes, he risked his life entering that arena after the explosions for lucy gray, he laughed at sejanus' comebacks at arachne and festus. he has his fucked up moments, but mostly, it really seemed like a corrupt society corrupting a decent, but ambitious and a tad little mean young boy. they really dracomalfoy-ed him 😭 (and yessss that's how I usually explain the movie to ppl who didn't read the book, that coriolanus seems sweet because you don't know what the hell he's thinking and how nasty his thoughts are).
AND YES!!! YES, YES, YES!!! YOU ARE SO ON POINT!!! the adaptation of a highly political book FEARS BEING POLITICAL.
okay, so, I talked about this before, but context is extremely important to understand some works, and that's the case of tbosas: it's a book that was published in 2020, a highly political and tense time for the usa. but the most worrying about these times was that young people, young boys were falling under dangerous and extreme political propaganda from the far right. privileged straight white boys from working class falling under this kind of agenda and propaganda, even though they for sure had the ways to search up and understand that this was wrong, that this was oppression and they are just tools for a system much bigger than them. maybe they were raised like this, raised to believe in those indocrinated views and ways that they should have more right than everyone else, that they are better than everyone else... but what if they had the chance to change? to know people who are different from them and are the target of this oppressive system? would they change? can they change?
it sounds familiar, doesn't it?
coriolanus is bigoted because he was raised by adults who are bigoted in an environment full of bigotry (okay that boys who are raised by their grandmas are already red flags, but his grandma in particular, my GOD, no surprise she raised a fascist). but he has contact with people who are oppressed. he knows sejanus in first hand, who even though lives in the capitol, is relentlessly harassed and bullied for being different, for being district. then he meets lucy gray, and he has the opportunity to talk directly to someone who had their whole family killed by this cruel system and who faces the cruelty against the districts in first hand, living in the districts. and even coriolanus himself isn't safe from the capitol's oppression: he knows hunger, he knows poverty.
and what he does with all of this? he gets sejanus killed, tries to kill lucy gray and becomes a dictator to make panem even more oppressive. and even when he's in love with lucy gray, is so bizarre how he REFUSES to see district people as people, because in his head, in order for him to be in love with lucy gray, then it's because she isn't district: it's because she doesn't belong in the districts. he does a whole mental gymnastic regarding this, on how different she is, on how that justifies him being attracted to her.
he chooses to be that way.
yes, the society he lives in plays a big part on how he's molded, but in the end... these are his choices. and that's pretty much what suzanne collins (imo) wanted to pass with this book. it's almost a cautionary tale.
(also you're so right lmao people would still love coriolanus just bc it's tom playing him 😭 and it's quite insane bc it proves the point of the book, that coriolanus is able to get away with a lot of things exactly because he's attractive)
and yessss!!! sejanus is the moral compass of the book, whenever a discussion is getting too morally grey, he appears and makes the reader come back to reality and understand that it doesn't matter this is dystopia, because THIS. ISN'T. RIGHT. there's a whole ass line that says that sejanus is moved by the urge of doing the right thing, always. so if that boy was willing to get his hand on guns, it's because it was the right thing to do. so yeah, I'm disappointed but not really surprised they changed this detail, specially when you consider everything that's going on... it just makes me really sad because in the current context, sejanus is such an important character, and he really had everything to be a fan favourite. but they changed his storyline to make it seem that having these kind of ideals are too absurd or too naive :(
anyways, love a guy who knows that violent resistance is valid resistance (rip sejanus, you would've loved diarios de motocicleta by che, I just know it) <3
I'm still mourning over lysistrata, I was living for her and jessup's dynamic, they were so cute and precious.... like lucy gray and coriolanus, but without the toxicity that makes lucy gray and coriolanus who they are lmao. I also believe that movies have the right to be interpretated in a sole way!!! but for this I open an exception bc lgb and sejanus are characters that are so special to me, I can't STAND when I see someone slandering them but they're clearly talking about the movie, like, YOU DON'T KNOW THEM LIKE I DO!!! LEAVE THEM ALONE OR READ THE BOOK 😭
I'm actually so honored that some of your fav fics are some of mine omg I'm going to cry 🥹 ALSO SEND ME THE LINK OF THESE PLS, I'M BEGGING. and YES, I'VE READ THE SECOND ONE-SHOT, really, the plinths during the rebellion are now living rent free on my head... and it was so well written- loved it, loved it, loved it, I live for hcs and character studies abt the plinths. but okay, let's go to some of my fav fics from this fandom (most of the stuff I read are character studies tbh, but also, it's worth saying I think I've read every single sejarcus fanfic on the tag, so- I have a few of them too bc I'm that sad 😭):
the golden heart & the golden voice. this is a series actually, it has only two works, but it's focused on sejanus and lucy gray interacting. it's so good!!! very bittersweet, but I live for these bairdplinth crumbs <3
and they called it puppy love. a very old fanfic, from the time tbosas was first published, and it's a character study regarding sejanus' dynamics with marcus and coriolanus. it's very bittersweet and heartbreaking, but so good.
ma. another old one that's SO GOOD, this is a character study from sejanus' pov during his execution and some of his thoughts regarding coriolanus and his ma. it's as heartbreaking as it sounds.
parallel lines. I won't say much about this one, just that it damaged me emotionally and changed the chemistry of my brain. it's really worth reading tho because it's one of the best things I've read.
(also, I love reading modern aus with different plots and stuff, but I've found so few :( but it's okay because the canon compliant fics are amazing, just mentioning it)
I was going to say I was so happy you enjoyed it, but then I remembered the "destroyed emotionally" part, but I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the colateral damage!!! 😭 (gonna be honest, I felt sad writing this fic, it's just that I feel so bad over complicated father-son relationships). YESSSSSS I'M ACTUALLY SO EXCITED TO READ THAT FIC FROM YOU, if you ever post it, tag me, knock on my door, wake me up in the middle of the night because I need to read it!!! (that line from gaul goes so insanely HARD, like my god-)
always say this, but again: LATAM AU MY BELOVED <33 (there's something so comforting in knowing these characters wouldn't say spongebob but bob esponja /jk
please, if you write it, tell me so I can read it, bc I would live for it and go feral over that concept 🙏 AAAAAAAA THIS IS JUST SO ADORABLE OMG 😭 now, hear me out: sejanus is terrified to dance, and to encourage him, marcus gives him a little kiss on the cheek. does it help? actually no because sejanus is so shocked and embarassed that now he can't move in front of the school, but it was worth the try! AND AGAIN, ANOTHER ADORABLE THOUGHT, sejanus is that kind of child who basically have every toy he wishes, so when marcus tells him the plushies are sejanus', he's like "but my pa can give me another!!! :)" and that's how marcus ends up with a lot of expensive plushies who were actually sejanus' (he promised to take care of every single one, so he has these plushies until nowadays <3 sejanus finds it adorable when he goes to marcus' room and finds ALL of his old plushies still there)
drunk strabo is probably so funny oh my god, he'll start complaining to a random painting about how sejanus grew up and is an ungrateful brat that doesn't value his opportunities, then you give him 30 minutes and he'll be on the verge of tears because he misses when sejanus was a baby so much. but you're actually so right 😭 you can probably hear sejanus and strabo screaming at each other from, like, a house away (vesta is so tired, someone save her please
coriolanus is that kind of guy that goes to meet his in-laws and he's not even nervous because he thinks so high of himself, OF COURSE he'll do good, of course mr. plinth will adore him (they have so much in common!!!) and mrs. plinth will love him. but then he meets his in-laws and mr. plinth kinda hates him and mrs. plinth thinks he's a little silly. it's even funnier if you think it's a birthday from a baby cousin from sejanus, so the house is full of children and they're all seeing coriolanus failing miserably <3 but next time he has the opportunity to dance with ma plinth and he's READY this time (sejanus is so proud
I'M SCREAMINGGGGGGG it's even funnier if you imagine that strabo isn't that fond of coriolanus at first 😭 he thinks sejanus deserves better and that boy isn't suited for him, so strabo is there complaining abt coriolanus and sejanus is there hearing like "hm. oh, yeah. sure. I wonder if I know someone who's just like that."
(yeah, it's the generational bad taste speaking louder)
BUDDIE. BUDDIEEEEEE, let me tell one fun fact. when I was writing the carrie au, and I included marcus, I made him boricua too, but I was like "he gives me cuban vibes.... idk why, but he gives....." (atp I already knew he was going to be latino too tho); I ended up going with making marcus boricua bc I wanted to give sejanus someone to bond with the same background as him (bc of the story and etc, etc) but marcus just gives cuban vibes, idk why, you're so right!!! and also, TELL ME MORE ABT THESE IDEAS BC I LOVE THEM!!! I love this so much!!!! and coriolanus' dynamic with sejanus is even more interesting, because while coriolanus gives in 100% to assimilation, sejanus resists it with everything he can. have you watched in the heights, the musical? because I can totally see the latam au working in that setting!!! coriolanus lived in the usa for a while now in a small town and always lied abt his origins, but he moves to new york for college and now he's living in a neighbourhood FULL of latin-americans and he can't run from it anymore, no matter how hard he tries (and plus, he meets lucy gray and sejanus, who are SO different from him regarding how they face assimilation; sejanus specifically is so politically engaged, he WILL force coriolanus to become a better person)
I've listened to it and LOVED IT, tbosas has a very twisted fairytale-like sense to me, and it just fits so much!!!
(also, I won't explain why and I'm not sure if it makes sense, but it just gives my snowbairdplinth- specifically, coriolanus' pov about these two poor souls)
I'm doing well, besides being a bit anxious bc my classes are going to start and it's my first year in college and stuff, just my anxiety getting the best of me 😭 hope you're doing well too, and hope you rest and take care after these exams, and sleep well too!! 🫶
TYSMMMM 🥹 and absolutely agree!!! one thing I adore from suzanne collins' writing is that she leaves the description of some characters' appearences to be quite vague, so you're free to imagine them how you desire (and this caught my attention, specifically, because when the first images of tbosas dropped, I remember someone commenting that they were surprised with sejanus' casting bc they imagined him to be black, and yeah, you can totally imagine him the way you want bc there's not a very specific description of him, and the same goes for A LOT of characters, even lucy gray isn't that specific regarding her appearence). I love the cast of the movie, but at the same time, it would be lovely to see how each person imagine these characters bc I know we would see so many different interpretations and thoughts <3
(also, I'll answer your ask abt my ocs tomorrow, now I really have to go to bed, but tysm for sending this ask, I love talking to you sm)
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1ore · 8 months
smash or pass; subjects of emails i have received in the past week: Uncaught bounce notification, arrival and parking, Registering ASAP, Flicker Film Screening, ITS Ticket #xxxxxx, Re: Water, us, PHYSICAL PLANT WORK ORDER - STATUS UPDATE, Advisor, ADD TO MY 416?, Image, Weather Alert: Frigid Temps Expected This Week; Employee Use of Space Heaters Prohibited, Eternal Waitlist, Undeliverable:, senior needing one class, No Subject, Todd's office door, SWOOP, Hanging metal pipe rods, "Software" update
Uncaught bounce notification
Oh hell yes. lost in transmission. It's not that I can't hear you, it's that I can only make out your unintelligible screaming in the vacuum of space. Verdict: Smash
arrival and parking
no thank you I want to be a nonpracticing motorist again Verdict: Pass
Registering ASAP
The one time i was written up at my old job was because I had failed to develop "a sense of urgency," which was a completely fair assessment and I won't argue with it. Anyway Verdict: Pass
Flicker Film Screening
There are at least 3 different films named some variation of "Flicker" and they all influence my opinion differently.
Verdict if it's "The Flicker" (1966): It's a visual hallucinatory aide that apparently made some viewers vomit. Smash.
Verdict if it's "FLicKeR" (2008): A documentary about a completely different visual hallucinatory aide that employs the same mechanics. (ok, so a trance generator, but still.) Smash.
Verdict if it's "Flicker" (2009): Low-budget horror film about a woman who gets into scooby doo antics with a bunch of cycle paths. Could be fun, but when it comes to horror, I'm more of a "incomprehensible jpegs" kind of girl than a "kooky slasher"-liker. Pass.
ITS Ticket #xxxxxx
If this is a response back, then that must mean something is getting fixed. Sadly time and time again I have been shown to be avoidant even of emails that I know are good. Verdict: Pass
Re: Water
Don't think this needs an explanation. Verdict: Smash
all lower case? TWO LETTER SUBJECT LINE? either the trailhead for an ARG or someone having one-sided problems with our relationship that were caused by projection. Verdict: wait and see
Don't think this needs an explanation either. Verdict: Smash
Advisor? I barely know her! Verdict: Pass
ADD TO MY 416?
This is either a class code or a government form or a gun. Answer is the same either way. Verdict: Pass
Tumblr media
Verdict: Smash
Weather Alert: Frigid Temps Expected This Week
<- thinks chilly and cold are the same thing Verdict: Pass
Employee Use of Space Heaters Prohibited
Eternal Waitlist
Are you kidding me. hell yeah. Verdict: Smash
The bounce notification implies that the transmission will come eventually, but girls this one's just gone. absolutely Verdict: Smash
senior needing one class
On the off-chance that this is a senior student that only wants to take one (1) class this semester I may reconsider because girl. same. Verdict: Pass
No Subject
The email equivalent of me checking out the symol hole in neopets knowing full well nothing is going to happen. Verdict: Smash?
Todd's office door
I want to open this because I want to know, but I don't want to follow through with whatever it is, you know. Verdict: Pass
Hanging metal pipe rods
Many Are Saying This. Verdict: Smash
"Software" update
Scare quotes doing more than most 2-sentence horror stories. Verdict: Smash
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scary-grace · 1 month
*ahem* I am here to ask a question, or at least, a couple questions about your barduil fic: Kairos.
When will it be updated, and is that soon... actually, I'm okay with that being a surprise. No pressure.
2. Why did you do that to me?! For context I will have to admit I am only currently at chapter twenty something or other which is pretty good for starting the fic only yesterday. And to avoid spoilers I will avoid saying anything too revealing. BUt HOly cOw You scared me half to death. Okay, to be honest, I do not read "scary books" ever. My imagination is too powerful. But this! This is something else. reading about certain creepy things that happened... okay, completely normal, very cool. *things get creepier* I think I need to take a break, maybe turn on my light and huddle underneath my blanket for a couple minutes.
3. I love this fic, probably one of my favorites ever. Hey everyone? Hear that? Go read Kairos. But in all seriousness are you going to add tags when you finish it? I panicked while reading it and flipped to the front because I was worried I had missed some tags and then it would be my fault, which it was... reading at midnight? Very. Bad. Idea. But still...
4. I want to say how fascinating the whole fic is. One of the things I love the most is how it mentions the Cambodian war. No. Not mentions. revolves around! And its so important that people learn about it and know that it happened. I'm just curious to know what made you decide for there to be where Thranduil and Rirosseth went?
I just wanted to say that though this sounds and has a couple mixed messages in it I am absolutely in love with this work. Sure, its given me the heebeejeebees but I can shake those off. What I can't shake off is how this fic haunts me, and I can't stop thinking about it and craving more and more. This is a love letter. Maybe a love letter with some complaints but Still!
-Short time fan but fan for life now.
<3 <3<3
Hello, and thank you for the ask! I'm going to address your points in order to make sure I answer them all (in recompense for you having to wait a few days for the answer to the ask.)
Kairos typically updates on the first Friday of every month! However, we're on an accelerated update schedule for the next few chapters, so while one will be released on September 6th, there will also be another released in September.
I'm really impressed with making it to Chapter 20 in a single day! That's a lot of fic to get through, and a lot of surprises of the pleasant and unpleasant variety to encounter.
For the tags...I originally went with "no archive warnings apply" because that was my standard tag for fics up to that point, but the more appropriate tag is probably "chose not to use archive warnings". It's possible that I'll update them with a few more specifics after the fic is complete, since I've gotten a few pieces of feedback now that I underestimated the spookiness level.
Some of it was dictated by the time period the fic was set in -- I feel like it would be weird to write a fic set in the U.S. in the 1970s and not at least acknowledge the U.S.-instigated wars in Southeast Asia. From there, I had a choice about what to focus on and how much to focus on it, and I chose the Khmer Rouge and the Cambodian genocide. It didn't seem like a subject to acknowledge and gloss over, and with Thranduil's role as a doctor and his desire to help others with all the means at his disposal, the only place that seemed realistic for he and Riro to be was working with refugees. That's the part of the fic I spent more research on than anything else, and it's the piece of it I was most concerned about getting right.
Thank you so much for this wonderful asks! Getting any asks about a fic is exciting for a writer, but long ones like this are especially awesome. Apologies again for the delayed response, and I hope you enjoy the next chapter of the fic when it's posted on the 6th!
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coridotmp3 · 10 months
thanks for the tag, cori! your wip titles are immaculate. I absolutely must know about 99.3 kiss fm, jason sudeikis must pay, and mickey mouse the matchmaker.
:) thank you darling !!
99.3 KISS FM
This one's a college! bob floyd x reader !! bob, reader (nickname: cherry, pronouns: they/them), and various other daggers work the late shift at their college's radio station!! there's just endless amounts of mutual pining, a dash of miscommunication, and so many song references that only i will understand <3
have a little taste:
As the studio filled with the slow strums of “Trust” by Lucy Dacus, you made sure your mic was off before turning to the blob on the couch across from you. 
“Was that still too wordy? I’m really trying to take Penny’s note about brevity to heart but how else am I supposed to fill time?” 
Bob’s eyes shot up from where they had been focused on his laptop, composing his next setlist for the shift after yours. “I don’t think it was wordy but I think your pacing is more of an issue here. You literally said take a breath, but talked too fast to take one yourself. You’ll sound less like you’re rambling if you just slow down, speak with confidence.”
"If I had realized this job would be so stressful, I never would have begged Penny to let me sign up." You pouted, slumping in the desk chair as much as you could without falling off.
“Cherry, you’re fine! It’s not like the 12 people listening to a college radio station are gonna be concerned with your takes between songs. Not when you have the best song queue out of the whole lineup bar one.”
“If that one is you, I’m gonna smack you upside the head, Bo. I’m not listening to a whole night of The Cars, not again.”
“You love The Cars!”
“Yeah, in moderation! Not when I have to hear “My Best Friend’s Girl” eight times in a row at 2 in the morning!”
“I take back every nice thing I’ve ever said about you, obviously you have no taste.”
jason sudeikis must pay aka the hangster sleeping with other people au
two lonely souls in college agree to lose their virginities to each other, only to spend the next ten years having very strained relationships with sex. When they meet again in a sex addicts support group, Jake and Bradley decide to use their renewed friendship to help each other heal. Maybe, in more ways than one. (and also rhett abbott is there because i needed a scapegoat thank you <3)
something to whet your appetite:
"He came through every few weeks on one of his bull riding tours or to meet with vendors. He never stayed more than a night before he went back to her, and I was left with this profound emptiness in his absence.
I let myself get wrapped up in his world. I deluded myself with these fantasies that one day he would stay. All I wanted was for him to stay. I just wanted to be enough for him, so I broke myself apart into something I thought he would want. There's no telling how much of me I lost pursuing that pipe dream.
"Must have been a pretty good pipe to string you along like this for the past ten years."
"Oh shut up, Bradshaw."
"No, I'm serious! What, is it ten inches? Is it made of gold? Can it vibrate? What about him and his magical two foot long dick had you so spellbound?"
mickey mouse the matchmaker
this one is soooooo very self-indulgent. it's bob x mickey's cousin (x reader for now but that is subject to change). BASICALLY, mickey and bob have been good friends since their OCS training in Rhode Island all those years ago. While they were stationed in Newport, Mickey and Bob would go and visit Mickey's cousin while she was in school in Providence. Bob and the cousin got along like a house on fire, but were both too scared to do anything about it (even though mickey knows they both want to). Fast forward a few years, and she moves out to San Diego where the daggers are now stationed. AND WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, READER NEEDS A PLACE TO LIVE AND BOB HAS AN EXTRA ROOM !! Mickey's masterplan is all coming together
(there's no excerpt for this one because the whole fic is just various one-liners strung together with a wish and a prayer)
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purplekoop · 11 months
Tumblr media
(@daylightcommand3 once again responding in a separate post to keep things tidy with the original)
First off, thanks! I wrote the bulk of that story log a while back, only touching up a few minor details that I wanted to add, change, or clarify, and I'm still pretty proud of it. It felt important to properly establish the world and how it works before I could really figure out how these characters work as more than just gameplay functions. There were a lot of things I didn't feel right just shrugging off as "don't worry about it", like how they made more robots and what makes a new sentient bot different from a person-shaped pile of metal and circuitry. There's still a few gaps in the logic, like "how did they repopulate and rebuild if humans depleted all the natural resources", but like. I'll get there. probably.
I haven't talked much about the plants (or to use the official and also very temporary term "Plantoids"), and while they deserve their own posts soon, I'll say for now that their intelligence and capacity for strategy is comparable to ants or other eusocial insects more than anything else. This is actually based (very loosely) on behaviors some real plants can do! While not to an extremely apparent effects to us, plants can communicate through roots or chemical signals, warning each other about environmental dangers so their systems can prepare accordingly. This is an extension of that, where most individual Plantoids have evolved a capacity to communicate and cooperate similar to eusocial insects. The main unique advancement is that separate species can cooperate seamlessly, both to increase their odds of taking out opposition that could take on one species but not another, and also to increase enemy variety within missions. That said, it's rare to see an ant colony without a queen, so expect some even more advanced plantoids to be responsible for coordinating their attacks...
The comparisons to Overwatch are very much fair and intended, which should make sense considering... *vaguely gestures around everything here.* While the whole "rag-tag team of heroes stepping up against a sudden threat" angle is very much Overwatch inspired, the rest of the backstory is actually much more directly based on Splatoon, particularly the logs from Splatoon 3, in both structure and content. I wanted this log to feel like something that could semi-convincingly be a historical text in-universe, hence why the knowledge is limited to what could be common knowledge to the bots themselves.
That's also a big reason why I included dates, to add to that historical record feeling. Admittedly I was pretty scared to add them at first, since I wanted to avoid a time scale so absolutely incomprehensible to us (zelda timeline ever since the BotW trilogy my detested), but still long enough to explain the state of the world. I actually just recently added a whole extra millennium to the timeline, with the awakening originally taking place in 4000 CE/AD instead of 5000. 2,000 years is probably still a little short to explain how the plantoids came to be, but again, I'll get to that. This cast in particular also has some interesting things to consider when it comes to character ages (every Overwatch fan's favorite subject), since there can very realistically be characters who've been around since the dawn of their civilization, so it's gonna be interesting trying to decide who'd make sense to be a new blood bot and who'd make more sense being around since the awakening. Ages are weird for these guys since they don't really need to age like we do from childs to adults, and with proper maintenance are theoretically immortal, so the main difference between a 1 year old and a 500 year old in this world is experience and knowledge past basic innate functions. Again, dates and years are the part of the story I have the most caution tape around right now, it's a hazardous construction zone.
Another thing I wanted to note with that last paragraph though is that I wanted there to be a solid start point where every character could theoretically be there from the start of the main action. While I think a story where characters are more scattered in factions we follow and when they join those sides, I want something plain and simple for the sake of the mission mode feeling like "the canon" while also letting players pick the characters they want from the start. It's like a DnD party: the campaign starts with everybody in the same place, though their backstories differ on how they get there. And while the whole cast is fighting the same fight, their thoughts on the mission and each other can differ greatly as well. Velenna for instance isn't exactly the friendliest member of the crew, and she especially isn't happy working with Arber, but she'll tough it out so she can get what she wants out of the mission. Every job has people you do and don't get along with, including fighting off hordes of mutant plants.
Lastly in this overly long session of tooting my own horn, I'm also pretty content with the state of the mysteries I've laid out already. While I don't think literally everything needs an explanation, some things are better left unanswered, I don't wanna have the big questions be JJ Abrams unopened boxes. Some things I still need to figure out, but there's one big mystery in particular I already have a very fun answer for. At least I think it's fun, opinions exist, but like. I hope it's cool anyways.
So yeah, thanks again! I'm at least assuming you don't mind me taking this chance to mention a few more meta things that wouldn't've fit with the story log and would be more convenient to say now rather than later.
I think next up I'll introduce just a taste of what the plantoids are like, with some rough concepts I have lying around and some info on how the hordes operate on a gameplay level. Stay tuned!
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hecckyeah · 1 year
Hi so you don't have to if you don't want to but. I'm curious about your thoughts on all the main characters of The Rookie. So, on a scale of one to ten (ten being you would die for them and one being you really dislike them) where would you rank the main characters (and anyone else you feel like talking about!)
DUDE are you kidding me?? I don’t think you understand how much I would LOVE to subject my weirdly specific opinions about The Rookie onto unsuspecting followers. Fair warning: this could get lengthy. I have a Lot of Feelings.
(disclaimer: I’m only rating the main characters that have stuck around until/are new in season 5. there are just too many temporary ones to keep track of everyone)
starting off strong with my best dude, my main squeeze… John Nolan himself.
Solid 12/10
1 point off for his current taste in women (see Nune, Bailey)
BUT a million 3 extra points for being the straight shooting square golden retriever dad we all know and love 🫶 He (along with Grey) is the most constant, reliable entity on this show and I really appreciate that about him. I think season 5 had so much potential in watching him grow and learn in a teaching role, but unfortunately the writers did him dirty. Between teaching Celina and dating Bailey (neither of whom have solid relationships with any other main character) he felt isolated from the rest of the team and therefore weakened; the opposite of what he’s been in seasons 1-4. I hope it’s something they change going forward. That said, I still adore this man. Nolan my absolute BELOVED
Lucy Chen
TEN out of TEN. This woman owns my heart, she’s way too good for this world, too pure. If the sun and the moon were one person, they would be Lucy Chen. I absolutely adore her tenacity, her scrappiness in a tough situation, and her insightfulness not just in her job but in all her relationships and especially with herself. It takes a quality person to have so much self awareness, and she is the master of that. Also she is a CINNAMON ROLL and we LOVE her for it. Top marks all around, no notes.
Tim Bradford
Bradford my BELOVED. Minus .1 point for making me low-key hate him in the first season by being such a hardass, but ultimately a million points for being just an all around really solid character. His characterization is spot on: consistent, layered, intriguing, sometimes surprising (coaching little league?? who would have thought), and the most fiercely protective and badass-est of them all. I LOVE how we get little glimpses at his softer side, mostly around Lucy but even with random kids and his sister and occasionally the rest of Mid-Wilshire. Him being Angela’s man of honor was ICONIC, and it seriously fit his character so well. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes ;) I didn’t expect him to steal my heart like this but here we are!
Nyla Harper
Honestly? 8/10
I think she’s incredible and has the potential to be a really complex character, but something along the way fell flat. It's almost like the writers got scared of pushing the envelope with her too much. One of my absolute favorite scenes with her was that first time she quickly went undercover as Crystal in the laundromat and scared poor rookie Nolan half to death. We just haven't seen her like that in her element anymore, and her character feels shallow for it. Such a bummer, because she's awesome!
Angela Lopez
Also a good, solid 8/10.
I think her character has been WONDERFULLY done. She balances being the badass cop with being a no-nonsense, protective mother and wife. We get some really amazing insight into her backstory and a lot of her quirks (the part with her apartment being so messy made me feel SO validated lolll). I absolutely adore how close she is with her coworkers, especially Jackson and Tim. It feels natural and real, coming from years of trust and experience. I think where Nyla has fallen flat, Angela has really shined (shone? shin? lol). She's one of those that I wouldn't label as my favorite, per se, but I'm never mad when she's onscreen :)
Wade Grey
Grey, my man! 7.5/10
Listen. This man has almost retired at least thirteen times over the course of the show, and I'm pretty sure it's his insane dad instinct telling him to stick around and watch over his kids crew. He's predictable (in a good way), steady, unflappable... all the things a good sergeant should be. I love the subtle character development he's been through, mostly regarding Nolan and how he was so skeptical at first but now believes in him more than anyone else, basically. I love him for the glue that he is for the team, but he's not on an I would die for him tier. I'm honestly surprised he's lasted on the show this long lol but we LOVE Sergeant Dad around here
Wesley Evers
8.5/10, no hesitation.
Wesley is an ANGEL. I can't believe he and Lopez work so well together, but that just shows his incredible depth of character. He's a rich kid turned almost-philanthropist, who just wants to help people through his skills as a lawyer. He's real, with raw emotions guarded behind a wall of professionalism, that only slips once in a while... but when it does, it's heartbreaking. Ugh he's just SO good. A very very chewy delicious character, as some would say. I think there's a level of relatability with him that I've really become attached to. Incredible dude. Need more of this guy.
Aaron Thorsen
Amazing. 6/10
I think I feel sort of disconnected from Aaron, just because he's very much a background main character, if that makes any sense? His training was kind of breezed over, and so much of his introduction to the team/audience was based on the murder accusations and documentary that I feel like we never got to know the real Aaron aside from being rich and going through a tragedy. Kind of ironic and meta, eh? That said, I love him, he's absolutely awesome, and I REALLY hope he's okay :(
Adorable. 7/10
I LOVE that they kept Tamara around after her first appearance. I love how much of a literary foil she is to Lucy. They’re opposites in a lot of ways, and she serves as that little sister figure, there for Lucy to protect and care for, but also she allows us to see the main cast and the police station through younger eyes. I think she’s a fantastic character, adorable and lovable despite all her Gen Z apathy.
Quigley Smitty
Plus 1 point for being comedic relief once in a while. Hard dislike. This dude is a waste of screen time.
Bailey Nune
I just. I WANT to love her, I really do. But as a character she’s just incredibly shallow. She’s disconnected from the rest of the team, and while I can see the value of having a main character who doesn’t work at Mid-Wilshire and isn’t a lawyer, the showrunners really dropped the ball with Bailey. She and Nolan have zero chemistry. It all feels extremely forced, that they’re pushing Nolan into a relationship simply for the sake of him being….in a relationship. And it pulls him away from the team, so we don’t see as many quality interactions with him and Chen anymore, even though Lucy is on record saying that the three OG rookies were inseparable. It also limits his interactions with everyone else, especially Bradford and the detectives. And it really hurts the quality of the show, with Nolan being the main driving character and all. Not to sound crass, but it almost would have been more poignant if Bailey died in the Rosalind tank and we had to watch Nolan grieve while still training Celina and walking her through her own lasting grief about her sister. It would have thrown a healthy wrench in the story, in my opinion. But aside from all of that, I wish I could like her…..but I just can’t.
WOW yeah so this has been initial thoughts on the main characters of The Rookie with yours truly 😂 I might come back and add a little addendum to this with some other thoughts, but for now!! this is what I’ve got!
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chronotopes · 1 year
lark and 15 for the asks? OR ALL OF THEM i want to hear about them!! :D
HIIIIII HELEN I LOVE YOU i'm gonna briefly touch on all of them because you have given me the ok. but wow that is a really on-mark question for lark (name subject to change) in particular so good job
I ended up taking these questions into a focus on assumed protection/responsibility moreso than the literality of 'picking up strays' but i hope it's interesting insight all the same
15. Are they the type to adopt strays (animals or people?) What or who have they “adopted” over the years?
Lark: Yes, absolutely. She has a deep affection for anyone in need and, after losing her birth family (including a younger sister), invests herself deeply and without reservation into the concept of The Found Family. She feels confident in her work settings and therefore 'picks up strays' by making a point of befriending people who feel less confident in it; when Jasper, Mari, and Quartz are new to the town she's been occupying for a few years, she's quick to sweep them all under what she thinks of as 'her protection' as well. She thinks of Quartz as 'it's my job to protect you' in particular, in a way that Quartz varies her feelings about: moments of 'this is kind of gay of her and I like it' are displaced by moments of 'doesn't she know I've been taking care of myself almost as long as she has?' And of course (with the caveat that I would not write this plotline of my own accord bc I don't know how to write young children, but am beholden to the much older version of this story written by much younger people), one of Lark's central arcs is appointing herself as the protector/adopted sister/at times functional teen mom of a much younger girl named June (lol) who suffers a family tragedy much like her own, only to have that relationship snatched away after two years, against both their wills, by their absence of a legal relationship. It is a formative trauma for her and part of what sets the stage for Lark to loosen her trust in the Found Family and renew her dream of the perceived safety of a Legal Family.
And shorter responses for the others-
Mari - yes, with the caveat that she's a lot less quick and democratic with the 'I'm your mom/sister/guard dog now!' instinct than Lark is. Still, the two share an overarching motivation to Protect.
Quartz - not as much, she tends to gravitate to people as objects of profound friendship/admiration/friendship-as-desire-as-envy than the Authority that she imbues protection with. If Mari and Lark grew up seeing parenthood or guardianship as a space of safety and protection, Quartz and Jasper grew into the notion of Parents As Deeply Flawed People much earlier. As such, Quartz is much less drawn to the idea of parenthood, whether it's picking-up-strays found family parenthood or actual parenthood, than Lark. Lark's assumption of responsibility for June scares Quartz a lot because she cannot imagine feeling that kind of responsibility. It is one of the major divides between them, one that sometimes feels unbreachable. In adulthood, she grows more comfortable with 'picking up strays' but in the context of academic mentorship and the dream of making university education more equitable. Oops i made this too long <3
Jasper - he is deeply protective of people, the 'keeps trying to die for you' to Mari's 'keeps trying to kill for you', but he feels the same reservations as Quartz regarding assumption of responsibility for a person, their life, or their happiness. Unlike her, he overcomes these reservations enough to have a child in adulthood
Leander - 100% secret horseboy with a deep affection for animals, also definitely someone who feels a little awkward around children/younger people. Combines Quartz and Jasper's concern about responsibility with being extroverted and people-motivated enough that he ranks closer to Lark and Mari on the 'picking up strays' scale. Grows into being more confident with responsibility than he maybe should, though that confidence is very much a deliberate survival strategy
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poemsforparker · 2 years
tongue tied - tasm!peter × reader (college!au)
Tumblr media
marvel masterlist
pairing: peter parker × gn!reader
summary: Peter lets a drunk confession slide during an after party you took care of him. He didn't remember anything so he didn't understand your behaviour the next day.
tropes: best friends to lovers, drunk confessions ‹3
warnings: mentions of alcohol
a.n.: I missed writing for my ultimate boyfriend SO MUCHH. I missed writing in general for this profile, but I’m backk, I have about 6 drafts yet to finish including 2 requests that had been sitting here for ages (rlly sorry ab that whoever asked for  them I really was overwhelmed for the last 5 months lmao), anyways if you’re reading this still I love you already, enjoy this lil drabble <3.
You entered your apartment nearly falling by Peter's weight almost entirely supported on you, he'd crossed the line and the bastard was lucky to have a best friend like you.
"Can you sit by yourself?" you ask worried looking at him, who had the silliest smile since you entered the elevator. "What is it?"
"You look gorgeous."
Trying your hardest to remember this was drunk Peter talking, you shake out the embarrassment and slightly nudging his arm. "Stop. Sit down, I'm grabbing you a blanket for you to sleep here, and a bucket, just in case."
You make your way to the room grabbing a blanket Peter always used on sleepovers at your place. Taking a blue old bucket on your way, you get to the living room, showing up to the view of a drunk Peter mumbling songs on your couch.
"Here," you place the blanket on him, pointing at the bucket on the floor right after. "Please just don't puke on my carpet. I'll leave you some painkillers and water by the couch. Anything you need you know where to find me. G'night, Pete." You kiss his forehead before walking out and have your arm grabbed, forcing you to stop.
"Thank you, you're so sweet. Sometimes I really want to kiss you." He speaks lazily and with a boyish smile never leaving his stupidly handsome face.
You played that phrase on your head over and over again, your heart racing on your chest thinking if Peter would even remember what he said to you.
It killed you to know that meant so much to you mean while Peter could only be mouthing random words lead out by the large amount of alcohol in his blood system.
You're awaken from your thoughts when you hear his loud yawn from the living room, probably a moment before he feels a terrible headache. You get up and go face him as if nothing happened, hoping he'd get back to the subject himself if he remembered it.
He didn't.
Peter spent his day acting fully normal to you, something you're sure he'd never be able to pull up such an act if he had any idea what he said the night earlier. To your surprise, you were really disappointed by that.
You always had feelings towards Peter, never really stopping to think about how it'd really be if you were a couple. Not until yesterday, when it felt so near reality, and you did not feel scared at all, as you thought it would be. In fact, the way you liked that idea just opened your eyes to how badly you had fallen for Peter long earlier, and the thought was eating you alive.
He was so kind, so caregiving, respectful and absolutely breathtaking, who wouldn't fall for him? Silly of you to think you'd scape that.
"What do you think?" Peter says excited about something you had no idea what since you'd been zoning out, taken by intrusive thoughts of kissing him right then and there.
"C'mon, it must be like the third time you're not paying attention to what I'm saying today. What's up with you, bug?"
"Have you ever thought of us as a couple?" You let out not really aware of the words, just letting out what was in your head. Damn you for getting used to be fully honest to him.
"I, uh- um... What?"
"No- never mind I just- was thinking too loud... I guess." In embarrassment, you stare at the ceiling, which seemed suddenly more interesting that this conversation right now.
"I know this didn't came out of nowhere." You can hear he's smiling. He puts his hand slightly pulling your chin down to look at him. "What did I do?"
“You did nothing, Pete.”
“Oh, c’mon, I know you and I know my drunk self better than this, I must’ve  done something to lead to this.” He slides his thumb mindlessly on your cheeks while waiting for a response. “C’mon, say it.”
"Last night" you heavily sigh, in disbelief you were actually talking about this with Peter "you said sometimes you felt like kissing me." closing your eyes shut you think how you ended up here having this conversation with your best friend. "It just... Stayed in my head I guess." you shrug as if it wasn't much and see Peter's cheeks gain a heated tone of red, a sudden worried look showing up to his beautiful hazel eyes.
"Did I say that? God, I'm sorry, bug. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable around me." he leans closer, holding your hands and kissing them. "I'm really sorry, that won't happen again." you smile at his reaction, the first thought that came to his mind being nothing but your well being.
"I didn't say I got uncomfortable." you grin taking your hands out of his.
"You're not?"
“No.” you shake your head, still not helping your smile and now feeling your cheeks heat up "I just wanted to know if that's a genuine thought of yours or just drunk Peter spilling random stuff as always.” you chuckle. “I kinda of have an idea myself but I want to hear it from you."
“Oh... I see.” he shrinks his eyes as if studying your expression before saying a word more. “And what are your thoughts on this? Honestly.”
“Honestly?” you pull the last drop of braveness inside of you before the next sentence. “I sort of wanted it to be true.” you try to act like you said nothing much by not looking him in the eye and trying to shrug. Truth was, if he was still holding them, he’d feel your hands dripping sweat.
Peter gasps. “rEallY?” his voice fails like a twelve year old and he clears his throat to ask again, in embarassment “Really?”
You laugh a bit at him while nodding “Yeah.”
“Well, the we can make it happen.” he gives you a one sided smile while his eyebrows went up and down in a rhythm, making  you giggle at his childish acts.
“You’re such a dork.” while saying that, you lean closer to him now being mere inches away.
“A dork that you love.” and without giving you any time for an answer, that Peter could prevent being something along the lined of ‘don’t be so convinced’, he closes the space between you, joining his soft lips on yours. “You have no idea how long I waited for this.”
“Then just shut up and kiss me more.”
tags: @rudy-the-winged-wolf
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