#i'm planning a new environmental fundraiser for the near-ish future as well
aurosoulart · 2 years
I had to turn anonymous asks off because people are starting to send me more aggressive messages (death wishes, telling me my art sucks, saying I should quit art, etc.) which is........ something I’ve never had to deal with before, but it is what it is :/
HOWEVER, in more positive news I calculated the final donation amount from the Club Q fundraiser last month, and with the last round of donations from ‘The World Has Been Changed’ sales sent out, the total amount raised is $320!!!!!
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$88 of that was purely what I got in sales from the World artwork last month, so thank you all so much for helping and supporting this cause. 🙏 it means so much to me that I (and Kevin Ang!) were able to use art to give back in this way 💖
for anyone who still wants to donate, the Club Q family Gofundme is still active! all proceeds go towards helping the victims and their families.
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