#i'm probably gonna go back to making my own deodorant soon
dancingazaleas · 4 years
𖨆. 02 / all for us
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summary: you’ve finally decided it was time to eat and bathe, but now that you aren’t worried about starving to death, you’re getting homesick. maybe a cup of tea and a movie is the best.
note: i, now, have a taglist for this series especially!! here’s the taglist form!! it will also be posted on the series masterlist!! much love <33
word count: +3.0k
warnings/notes: starvation, manipulation, abuse, slight panic attack, thoughts of suicide
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IT'S been five days since you've had anything to eat.
your body is so weak from the lack of nutrients that you can't stand up on your own. your head is constantly aching from lack of food and you keep getting dizzy.
you feel like you're on the brink of death now, you can't even get out of bed to get yourself water out of your sink, shortening your life span if you keep this up. you feel yourself crying as you roll your body off of the bed and onto the floor.
hissing in pain, you dig your nails into the spruce hardwood floor.
"you are not weak for this. you're surviving," you whisper to yourself as you push yourself forwards with your arms.
it's so painful with the bruises. they rub up against your clothing, already irritating them a bit more than before, and now it's having pressure added onto it. your tears are blocking your sight, but you push on anyways. the door has never felt so far away.
you almost perk up when your nails scratch at the door. with weak fists, you bang at the door and call for one of the men that has captured you. your tears are dripping on the ground below you, forming a small puddle as they all bunch together.
"please," you croak, "please..."
the door is being unlocked and you feel as if all of your strength has been used at that moment. you lay still as your breath falters from your sobbing.
the door bumps against your head, shooting a sharp pain through your head. you can't find strength to care about it.
"so you're finally ready to listen. you look pathetic," you don't have to look up to tell it's levi speaking to you.
he calls out to erwin, telling him to fix you small and easy meal and to get you new clothes. he squats down and takes you into his arms bridal style.
if you weren't crying and letting out weak sobs, he would think your dead. you're so limp in his arms and your eyes are empty and droopy as they stare right through him. and it creeps him out.
he takes you into a bathroom with a tub, setting you gently on the toilet. he doesn't bother locking the door behind him, you're too weak to run away right now. levi's preparing you a bath, walking back and forth as he gets towels and soaps and checking the water.
you hiccup as you watch levi starting to remove that collar and chains around your neck, and you feel like a weight has been lifted off of your chest, literally. he's undressing you, obviously trying to avert his cold eyes away from your body. you're gently laid in the bath, head resting against the rim.
levi's quiet as he pours a warm cup of water over your hair and face, squatting down to reach your level.
"stupid," he scoffs as he lathers up shampoo in his hands. he washes your hair gently.
"this isn't mine and erwin's fault," he shakes his head while he pours water over your head, "it's your fault. you refused our care."
you don't argue back, too tired to even think of a comeback. you also don't feel like getting beat any more than you already are. your eyelids are getting heavy, immediately shutting them as soon as you feel the pressure on them.
levi stares, mouth slightly parted as you breathe in and out through your nose. your cheek was sprinkled in the color crimson, his own handiwork made him cringe. he just sighs, now brushing through your locks of hair with conditioner coated on his hands.
he rinses his hands off, letting the conditioner stay there just for a few seconds so it can soak in. his eyes trail down your body, stopping at your bruised breast. he didn't even realize he hit you there.
he shrugs it off and gathers water into the small cup in his hand, pouring it over your head. he expects you to jump up at the water over your head but all you do is mumble. he wants to wash your body, specifically your underarms, but with you half asleep and barely able to stand on your own without him holding onto you, he can't.
he clicks his tongue and pulls out the cover up blocking the drain. he grabs you by the arm, ignoring the whimper of pain that you let out, and pulls you up onto your wobbling feet. he helps you step out of the tub and wraps a fluffy pink towel around your shoulders, carefully sitting you onto the toilet again.
the bath water is a little murky and levi cringes at it because he knows it'll leave a ring around the tub. he'll clean it up later.
erwin's opening the door, a pile of clothes in his large hands.
"she's all tuckered out," he chuckles, handing off the clothes to levi.
"yeah. don't know how, she's barely done anything. must be the hunger or something," levi shrugs and watches the folded clothing come undone as he holds the hemline between his fingers.
"maybe we were too harsh on her."
"no, we weren't. we can't trust her. believe it or not, but forks can hurt whenever you put force into them when you stab someone. she could've hurt one of us or herself," he folds the clothes over his arm and holds out a hand.
erwin hands him underwear, "i suppose you're right."
"i'm always right," levi carefully puts on your underwear for you.
erwin rolls his eyes at levi's comment, "make sure to dry her hair."
"i know what i'm doing," he snaps, "go put her food in her room."
erwin complies, swinging the door shut behind him as he goes to fetch your food.
you've barely processed their conversation, too focused on levi's hands putting you in a satin light grey nightgown that ends just below your knees. the bishop sleeves keep your arms warm and cold at the same time, in fact, the whole material of the dress does as well. the neckline is a v-neck, not that you mind too much because of the risk you might get too hot.
"do i...," you manage to mumble, "do i have to wear this to sleep...?"
"yeah, unless you feel like sleeping in just underwear. i don't think you want that though," he scoffs as he towels off your damp hair.
you don't reply, far too tired to even say a 'whatever' to him. you let your forehead come into contact with his hip, taking in the cold temperature radiating off of his body. you want to nuzzle into his hip, but thankfully you have enough will to not do so. it reminds you of your friend, pieck, and her cat like tendencies. the memory has you letting out a pained laugh.
levi can feel his face getting warmer at every movement you make with your head, but he manages to play it off because of the towel blocking your view. he throws the towel into the basket by the tub, hand silently stroking at the back of your head in comfort.
it doesn't give you comfort. but you don't let it show.
levi's grabbing a hair brush, a clean and new one, and running it through your (hair type) locks. there are far too many tangles from the lack of care you've been giving your hair, but not enough to make a knot.
levi then pulls out a block of deodorant from the cabinet below the sink. it's unused and you can smell the scent of flowers on it as he brings it closer. his hands slide up your dress with caution, trying to avoid coming into contact with your bruised body.
he manages to put on the deodorant easily. he picks you back up with a grunt, eyebrows furrowing at your pained expression. he's placing you back onto your bed in just a matter of seconds, throwing the covers over your legs.
erwin's sitting at the edge of your bed, holding a fork with food already on it. your eyes are droopy while you look at erwin.
you don't eat a lot, they're in fear that you might throw everything up if fed too fast. you don't blame them, you haven't eaten in five miserable days. it's best to be cautious.
"scooby...," you manage to whisper out, eyes fluttering shut.
"she wants to watch scooby doo even though she's already asleep," levi huffs with the shaking of his head, grabbing the tray from erwin's hands.
erwin follows after levi, closing the door behind the both of them and locking it.
"she seems to be getting adjusted," erwin notes while standing behind levi and watching him wash the dishes.
"only because she was on the brink of death. let's just hope she learned from it," levi's aggressively scrubbing the plate with a sponge.
you lay in your bed a few days later, the feeling of homesickness is eating you up inside. did no one care? did anyone even notice you vanished? where was everyone? what were they doing?
you think of zeke. the man you were sort of dating, it's complicated. well, it was. now, it's just nonexistent.
zeke was out of the country for a bit, something to do with work. he left you with a kiss on the forehead and a hug. you wonder if he's texted you.
you think of pieck. oh my god, she's had to have noticed by now. she's your best friend, she lives with you. but the memory of the two of you fighting right before you were kidnapped comes flooding back, and you deflate. if you weren't in the house then pieck would probably think it was normal.
what about porco? reiner? your guys friends who act like guard dogs towards you. where were they? did they notice? surely they had to, you never not text them back.
bertholdt? your close friend that you also worked with him. he was a music prodigy and he texted you almost everyday. did he notice?
you're breathing erratically as you sit up and clutch your hands over your ringing ears. where were they? where even was your phone?
you're gonna get killed before you can tell any of them that you love them. the thought has you crying and tugging at your hair. you were so mean to pieck before you were kidnapped. you hadn't talked to zeke since the day of your kidnapping, who probably wasn't worried because he was busy with work.
when will you see them again? will you ever even get to see them again?
'maybe after death,' you think, eyes darting up to the mirror on your vanity.
you slap yourself upside the head, slapping away the thought. you struggle to get onto your feet, but when you do, you're banging at the door for levi and erwin again.
you have to know if they're okay, to know if they know you're gone. you step away from the door at the sound of keys jingling and their footsteps.
"what are you freaking out about now," levi's being followed by erwin.
"my friends... did.. did you tell them i was okay," with a boost of confidence, your gripping at levi's biceps.
"get your filthy hands off of me," he smacks them away.
"yes, we did tell them you were going away. we said you decided on a vacation," erwin speaks and watches your eyes dart back to the mirror.
"fuck," you whisper to yourself. everyone would believe you'd go on vacation, you had been stressed with your job for the past month.
"levi's gonna make you some tea and then we can all chat, we were about to do so anyways," erwin's hand rubs at your back as he pulls you close to him.
levi leaves the room, following the orders of erwin. erwin, on the other hand, is cooing at you.
"no one's going to miss you," he whispers in a sweet tone and it gives you goosebumps, "no one at all."
you know it's not true. it can't be true. zeke would miss you. reiner would miss you, pieck, porco, bertholdt. they'd all miss you.... right?
"we're the only ones who care, no one else cares," his grip tightens.
"want to know what that girl said," you hear the arrogance in his voice, and you can't do anything to stop it since he's buried your face in his chest.
"she said she was glad you were on vacation. she said that it was good that she didn't have to see you," yoy hiccup against his chest, pieck couldn't have said that, right?
he pulls away finally, satisfied at your expressionless face—if you overlook the tears. you can't give in, pieck would never say that. never in a million years would she say that, even if she hated your guts.
levi comes back in, hands holding a tray that has teacups and a pot of tea on it. levi goes to the area with three chairs, setting the tray onto the coffee table and sitting himself down in one. erwin follows behind him, leaving the chair in between them open for you to sit.
they stare at you expectedly, it makes you uncomfortable so you decide to just deal with it and sit with them.
"what tea is this," erwin asks while levi pours everyone a cup.
"earl grey, what else do we have," levi hands a cup to erwin and then to you.
you hold it by the handle, silently admiring the cup's delicate and intricate design. you try to ignore the voice in the back of your head to break it on the ground and slash your neck open. you want to drink it too, it smells absolutely perfect, but if you hold it any longer you might just listen to that voice.
you set it back down, left hand immediately grabbing at your right wrist. you didn't trust yourself to make a move on your own, if you did you fear it might end up with a shard of glass at your throat.
erwin's ice eyes stare at your wrist and hand, taking in how your knuckles were white and the skin on your arm was reddening.
"just say if you want handcuffs," erwin sips at his tea and looks away.
"what," you flinch at his voice interrupting the quiet that was once there.
his comment has you looking at your hands, which you let go of at the sight of the irritation.
"sorry," you shrug and lean back in your chair.
"good. can't have you hurting your hands," levi comments, eyes staring outside of the bay window.
"speaking of that," you sigh, "why do you always leave my hands alone. you've shown no mercy to my arms, so why my hands?"
"when you're good enough, you'll be allowed to play the piano," erwin crosses a leg over the other, ankle resting on his knee.
"play? for who? there's no one in this empty house but us," you scoff and cross your arms.
"me. and there's more people here than you think," levi's giving you a small smirk, "you're just separated from them."
"it's hard to believe that you have friends, levi," you mumble loud enough for them to hear. your comment has erwin chuckling and levi rolling his eyes.
"i have friends, believe it or not. watch your attitude," he's putting his tea back onto the tray.
"i don't have an attitude," you sound like a child arguing with their parent.
erwin butts in the conversation before levi can get mad, "anyways, we will allow you to play if we think you've been good enough. levi likes the piano, remember?"
you bite down on your tongue to stop the words 'no but i remember getting kidnapped!!' from coming out of your mouth.
"when can i leave this room, it's too stuffy in here?"
"did you not just listen to erwin? he said when we feel you've been good enough. you've got to start by loosing the attitude," levi snaps his fingers irritatedly.
"how am i supposed to act?!"
"obedient," erwin's now standing over your chair, hands gripping the arms as he leans over you.
"like a dog," you look to levi at the sound of his voice, you try to make yourself smaller.
"you have on a chain and collar for a reason, don't you," erwin smiles gently, hand taking ahold of the chains while he stands up straight.
you choke when erwin tugs the chains towards himself, head knocking right against his stomach while the chains swing in the air and curl around his arm. his other arm swiftly grabs at jaw and forces you to look up at him with your chin pressed to his body.
erwin feels himself harden at the sight, your eyes are widened and your mouth his agape and panting because of the sudden cut off of air.
"just like that," he strokes his thumb along your jaw while you wonder what's caused a sudden change in him these past few days; he used to be so gentle. oh right, kidnapping.
his words have you turning hot, embarrassment hugging you from behind. it wasn't like you easily complied, you were forced to do so. you're also embarrassed because you can feel his hard-on against your sternum, and while you haven't thought about it before, you realize that erwin is fucking hung. you hope that you're not too good for them.
you're saying prayers in your head whenever levi speaks up, "i thought we came in here to watch a movie or something."
erwin lets you go, chains dropping from his arm as he does so. you sigh in relief as erwin grabs the remote from your bed and turns the tv on. you huff while you flop onto your bed and crawl up under your covers, knowing that you'll probably just fall asleep as you watch the movie.
unfortunately, this gives off the impression that you would like to be cuddled. levi's sliding under the covers with you, chest pressing against your back with arms wrapped around your waist. erwin follows soon after, inserting himself in your arms as he scrolls through the different movies at his disposal on the television. you're slightly frustrated at all of the physical contact, but you know that if you reject their advances it'll end up bad for you.
"put on heather's, please," you ask, which erwin obliges to.
as the movie goes on, you hope that they get the message.
you'll be veronica, and they'll be jd.
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deadlyweapon10 · 4 years
Paring: Mina Ashido x reader
Synopsis: Where Y/n secretly crushes on her fellow classmate, Mina Ashido.
Words: 3.5k
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Earthy warm, rich, with a hint of sour components along with heaviness of a cocoa.
The aroma of a simple yet delectable coffee wafted into the nose of the (hair color) as she inhaled its exotic scent. A warm feeling growing in her stomach region as she sipped said drink from her favorite one-of-a-kind mug.
She snuggled into her jacket as she sat outside on the chair that was placed on the deck. With the sun barely rising, the air was perfectly warm and gentle, flowers beginning to bloom and birds chirping, typical for spring weather.
As she sat there with a smile on her face daydreaming away the sound of a door opening brought her back to reality.
"Jeez it's barley 6:30 and you're already up? You're the opposite of Aizawa-sensei I swear, always up while everyone is asleep! Have you even eaten yet?" Said the red-head as he walked into the view line of the coffee-filled (hair color) as a chuckle escaped past her lips. "We've lived in the dorms for a month and a half and every single time you catch me out here it's always the same questions Kiri."
The gentle blow of a breeze passed by as the sound of a busy buzzing bee was faintly heard.
Kirishima smiled. "Do you have any plans for today? I'm trying to see if Bakubro, Sero and Denki are down to go to the arcade. If you're not doing anything then would you like to go with us?" He asked while sitting on the chair next to her. The girl thought for a few seconds before opening her mouth. "I would but I feel like reading today. Besides I'd rather let "the boys" have their fun and do whatever it is that you do."
The sound of an apple being bitten into broke the silence, crispy yet sweet. The second Kirishima swallowed he started talking yet again. "You know, "
"Mina is also coming. You should take the chance to confess-"
"EH?! I have no idea what you're talking about Kiri! Where did you get that idea that I like her. No wait more importantly how did you find out? Ahhhh I practically just told you I do-" Having out her mug down minutes ago, the girl who was in the middle of freaking out continued talking in a fast speed as images of said female flashed in her mind, making her stumble around with her words.
The poor girl could feel her heart thump in her chest and felt all warm inside. If there's anything that could get her to react in such a way then it was simply by mentioning her crushes name. Oh how easy it was to get her all worked up.
"Woah woah calm down! Forget I said that alright. But seriously hang out with us, you need to get out more often. I mean how is it that you have such good fashion sense yet you never leave your room unless it's for food or classes?" He spoke while rubbing the back of his neck, a smile plastered on his face. The both of them stood up at the same time with him grabbing the apples core in one hand and the girls mug in the other before handing it to her. She nodded.
As they walked into the building, now dubbed as their home, they walked through the lounge past the dining room and into the kitchen. Clearing his voice while walking to the blue sofa he looked back at her, "We're gonna be leaving at around 12 to get lunch and then to the arcade that's in the mall. See ya." "Alrighty! See you in a bit."
•°¯'•• 🎀 𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒-𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅 🎀 ••'¯°•
Having been back in her room for just around two hours gaming on her counsel, she got up and looked at the clock on her pastel (favorite color) wall. 'Mm it's only 9:15. I should go shower now so that I have enough time to dress on my very own existence and to choose an outfit.' That means I have two hours and forty-five minutes, which means at least a good hour and thirty minutes to shower and that leaves me with an hour and fifteen minutes which then means I have a good thirty minutes to think about my life while sitting on the corner of my bed in a robe and forty-five minutes to get ready. Perfect.'
And with that she grabbed her towel, bathrobe, shampoo and conditioner, razor (only if you shave, if not then forget that), body soap, deodorant and comb. Taking a quirk look to see if she has everything, she walked to the bathrooms that she shared with the other girls and instantly began her shower. (If you're african american/any other person I didn't include and you wear a wig then instead of shampoo and conditioner you grabbed a shower cap to protect it. I heard it's not supposed to get wet but correct me if I'm wrong.)
•°¯'••   🎀  𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒-𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅  🎀   ••'¯°•
After her shower she made sure to brush her hair to untangle it before it went back to being straight/wavy/curly. (If you're like me and you have curly hair then obviously you have to put curl smoothies, protection sprays, etc.) and young-life crisis thinking, she began to look through her closet. Before picking out two different options.
(Option 1)
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(Option 2)
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After a minute on deciding what to wear, Y/n choose the (1/2) option and quickly slipped on the clothes before putting on her shoes. Glancing at the clock and seeing that she only had ten minutes before they were gonna meet up she grabbing her phone along with earbuds/airpods and closed her bedroom door before soon heading towards the elevator.
Scrolling through her phone she clicked a song and began humming along to the lyrics.
By the time she arrived in the lounge, a new song started playing. Looking up she soon spotted the group and started to walk to them when she realized a certain person was missing. "Hey guys where's MinaAAA!" She shrieked as a pair of slim arms wrapped around her body and a head full of pink hair and yellow beady eyes peaked freon behind her. "Hey silly. I'm right here and ready too rumble!"
'Thump.. Thump.. Thump..'
Y/n's heart started to beat like crazy again once her brain processed what just happened. Before she could even talk someone started talking. "Let's get going you extras. I'm hungry and I don't wanna wait around all day." Ah yes, Bakugou. "On it bro." Denki replied as Mina stepped from behind me and walked up to Sero and striked a conversation with him. Speeding up a bit Y/n walked next to Kirishima just in time for Denki to start cracking jokes.
"Hey L/n why do bees have sticky hair?" He asked as Bakugou and Kirishima were listening. "I don't know, why?"  "B-because they use honeycombs!" He shouted as he busted out laughing while Y/n giggled. "How do you idiots find that funny? Is your humor that broken." Bakugou muttered as he turned his attention to Sero's and Mina's conversation.
Feeling sorta left out from the group due to the fact that she doesn't exactly hang out with them as much (except for Mina and Kirishima), she took out her earbuds/airpods and turned on her music again. This time 'it's not u it's me' by Bea Miller and 6lack started playing.
Smiling to herself she began to sway a bit to the music as they neared the mall. As cliche as it sounds, music was always there to comfort Y/n. No matter what would trouble her, she'd always turn to her favorite playlist. Once they all entered the mall and headed straight to the food court she turned off her music and tuned in the the groups conversation.
"Hey L/n," Sero began as the girl turned her head to gaze at him and hummed quickly to show that she was paying attention. "What are you gonna get to eat?" "The only place I ever go to grab my food. I'm gonna head to (restaurant) to grab my usual." Nodding, he soon turned to Mina and quickly talked. "Mina since you said you wanted to try something new to eat you should totally go with L/n." "Holy cow dude! You're totally right." She said as she pumped her fist in the air and walked towards me. "Let's go L/n, I'm super starving." Grabbing my hand she started dragging me. "H-hey broski you're going the wrong way." She chuckled as the Pinkette stopped in her tracks, said a loud "Oops." And took the girl in the right direction. (Is Pinkette a word? Probably not.)
Once both girls ordered their desired meal and sat down, they began to eat in peace for a good few minutes before Mina's phone rang. Smashing the accept call, she out it on speaker. "Whafs uf-" She managed to say as her mouth was filled with food. "Hey Pinky, tell L/n that me and the guys decided to skip the arcade and headed to Game Stop and grabbed the new Cyberpunk game. We're currently on our way to the fast-food place near the school and then we're heading back to the dorms." A loud Denki said, as we heard grunts and insults from Bakugou from their side of the call.
'Wait wouldn't that mean that Mina and I are now alone... Is this considered a date? Of course not. As if she'd even like you.' She thought as she then asked Mina why they suddenly decided to switch their plans so suddenly without saying a word in the first place until now. Without a word the girl hung up the call and continued eating.
"N/n you know that American movie where the princess and prince turn into a frog for the whole movie and then they fall in love and miss then poof, they're human again?" Mina asked breaking the silence that once stood there. "Hm? Oh yeah! 'Princess and the Frog'. I watched it before. Sucks how African Americans finally got recognition from Disney and instead they get bullshit since the two main characters are frogs for three/fourths of the movie!" The (hair color) shouted angrily as she stabbed her food. Laughing at the girls reply, Mina leaned forward in her seat. "You know that dessert they show in the movie a lot? Beignets? I wanna try one so bad." Both girls sat in silence as they got lost in each other's eyes.
'Thump.. Thump.. Thump..'
Feeling her heart flutter, her gaze shifted back to her food. "How about we buy the ingredients and make it? I made it once for a school fair and everyone seemed to like it. Only if you're down of course!" "Wait for real? Like for real real? Big bet let's hurry up and eat!" And with that the Pink haired girl began scarfing down her food, cho.king a few times.
Once they were both done and cleaned up after themselves, both girls left the area and walked to the supermarket. The duo sparking a conversation about their hobbies and interests, soon made it into the supermarket. Walking down aisle after aisle grabbing ingredients left and right, Mina suddenly grabbed Y/n's hand. "Since it's Saturday me and you should totally have a sleepover in my room. Let's go grab more snacks!" And just like before, she dragged you out of the aisle and into the candy and chips one. 'My poor wallet.' Y/n thought as she silently cried. 'Then again if it means I get to hang out with her more ... Ahh! I need to be more social with her. I mean we do talk a lot but I get so freaking flustered and it messes me up. Then again at least I can talk to females unlike Midoriya. Ha in your face!' Feeling pumped the girl grabbed the snacks that were occupying her friends arms, shoved them in the basket and speed walked to the check out line, payed for everything and with both girls holding two bags in each hand they soon began their journey back to the campus dorms.
•°¯'••   🎀  𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒-𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅  🎀   ••'¯°•
Entering the dorms, both females headed straight to their rooms and quickly changed. Mina wearing blue shirts with a yellow shirt while Y/n wore (f/c) satin shorts along with its matching tank top.
Both now in the kitchen with aprons on, they took out the items they brought for the beignets and placed it on the counter. 'MISS YOU!' by CORPSE was blaring from Y/n's phone as she bopped her head and hummed along to the lyrics while she added the warm water, sugar and active yeast in a bowl and whisked it while Mina measured the other ingredients, which Y/n soon regrets for the face that a mess of flour was all over the counter.
After mixing the rest of the ingredients in the watery liquid and letting it set on a lined baking sheet, Mina took out the fryer and added oil so that it could be ready for later. "Hey n/n can I play a song?" "Of course silly. I wanted to change the song anyways." Laughing like a maniac, Mina grabbed the phone and quickly typed away before placing the phone back on the counter.
"Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead"
The voice of both Smash Mouth and Mina's rang out in the air as the girl started singing the lyrics. "Heyyy you should sing with me! Come on." She said as she twirled around the kitchen floor. Giggling as she put the bowl filled with the dough in the fridge, she began shouting the lyrics right along with Mina.
"Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
So much to do, so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets?
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow"
Now moving her head to the beat, both girls grabbed each other's hands and began dancing like crazy with not a care to the world, swaying their hips side to side as they sang the next verse with all their heart.
"Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play
Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold"
As they continued singing, they began to clean the dishes and put most of the ingredients they wouldn't be using anymore away and took out a pair of tongs, paper towels, powdered sugar and honey from the cabinets. After a good 30 minutes past Mina turned on the fryer, the familiar 'click' of the knob sounding. Taking out the bowl from the fridge, Y/n placed the soft, glutinous dough on the now flour dusted counter and began following it out with the rolling pin until it was a good quarter inch thick and began to slit the doughy flesh making two inch squares just as Mina grabbed a few pieces and dropped it into the hot oil.
As time went by, they were finally finished frying. All they had left was to dust powdered sugar and drizzle honey to it. The second they did so, they took half the batch with them along with a few drinks and the snacks they brought and went to Mina's room. Closing the door on their way in the brightly pink room, they sat down on the bed and hopped on Mina's laptop to watch 'A Slap On Titan'.
"Armin had broken the silence as the video zoomed to the top of the wall, the starry night sky coming into view. "Do you ever with that humans could photosynthesis?"
Eren surprised with the sudden question, instantly replied. "What? No."
"I do... I think it'd be cool to be a plant." The scene then changed to show the Survey Corps coming back from a mission."
Liquid shooting out of her nose, Mina laughed as she grabbed a tissue and wiped her face, watching as Y/n pressed a pillow against her face to muffle her loud laughter. The now chuckling girl took the pillow from her face and noticed Mina's smile that was directed at her direction. Shooting back a toothy grin, she got lost in her eyes yet again.
'Ah jeez she saw me laugh... She looks so cute.'
"You know the beignets were really good." Mina said as she scooted next to her and leaned her fuzzy head on the girls shoulder. "You think so? I hope the others enjoyed the ones we left for them. I'm so happy we got to spend today together! I would have never expected this to happen ya know?" 'Play it cool Y/n. This is no big deal at all, she's probably just a bit exhausted from all the walking and baking we did earlier. Yeah, that's right-'
"You know, I'm the one who told the boys to leave us alone and to head back to the dorms."
That caught her off guard.
"Excuse me?"
Humming to herself, Mina life's her head slightly to look at the (eye color) girl. "Listen silly, I know when it comes to academics I'm not exactly smart, but when it came to you it was easy to figure you out." Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, she urged the girl to continue talking. "I know you like me." Y/n's breathing stopped for a second, her heart beating rashly against her chest. How was it possible that the girl she's secretly liked from a distance knew? "Listen I-" She was cut off as a pair of soft pink hands covered her mouth.
"Hold up! Hear me out before you start talking. I sorta found out a few weeks back when I overheard you tell Iida about your feelings. Ever since then I confronted him and I made up this plan for both you and I to hang out alone. Like a date but it's not a date since you wouldn't know? Ahh anyways after I came up with the plan I began noticing how you'd act completely normal around the other girls, but when it came to me you'd barley mutter a word, despite you being super-duper confident." Y/n felt herself breathe again as she stared at the girl, her eyes now filled with curiosity and her head amused at the girls statement. She took the words to heart and found it to be true when she said she'd act differently around her. I mean how could she not when her heart would beat fast, her stomach flutter in nervousness and her brain would completely shut down on her.
"So wait... You like me?" She spoke slowly to make sure her voice wouldn't just randomly give up on her. Now sitting up straight, the pink haired girl nodded as she shyly smiled and rubbed the back of her neck. "I do."
'She likes me..'
The second her brain processed the two words, she locked eyes with her and then shut them down before slowly leaning forward. The feeling of her plump, powdered sugar dusted lips faintly against hers before both girls lips soon meshed into one and began harmonizing as if creating a symphony. It felt passionate and intense, yet delicate and sweet.
Sweet like the honey from the beignets they had moments ago. The floral yet earthy taste now onto her very own lips. Deliciously golden and wild. The strong fragrance drifting slowly to her nose, similar to a white dandelion falling slowly to the ground after being blown by the wind on a vibrant, sun-filled day.
They both soon pulled away, gasping a bit for air. Y/n felt her body get warm as she realized what just happened. "I like you, Mina. A lot. And I'm glad you like me too." She finally confessed. "Finally n/n, I've been dying to hear you say that. Now then let me ask you this, will you be my girlfriend?" Mina asked, her eyes shining as bright as a star in the dark. Y/n leaned forward and kissed the girls nose before speaking. "I'll be happy to be called yours," Both girls soon in each other's arms, held one another until she spoke again.
"Out of all the pretty girls in this world, I'm glad to share this space with you."
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Hi Jake
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I stood looking at my bedroom checking there wasn't anything out of place and nothing I didn't want her to find hiding the teddy bear of my bed and putting the little three pack of condoms I bought at the store today on my bedside table but not somewhere too obvious so they where kinda hidden.
As I did my phone went off so I grabbed it excitedly
'y/n <3 - just leaving now xxxx'
'jake - okay see you soon x'
I put my phone down and had to calm my self down as I was a little overexcited I knew it wouldn't be long till she was here so I went to the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror and checking my hair, even if I must have done it a million times today making sure nothing was out of place grabbing my deodorant and putting on yet another layer being incredibly scared I'd sweat if I got to nervous around her, grabbing the body spray she had told me she likes on me and pretty much creating my own cloud of it. I checked my clothes putting the belt of my jeans a little tighter incase they decided to fall off checking my light blue shirt I got from the store it has a motorbike on it not completely sure what one exactly but I hope she does, and fixing where my blue check over shirt the sleave had rolled down again so I fixed it and fixed my hair one more time before I heard that familiar noise.
I checked my room again shutting every other door in the house and having a tiny peak out the living room window, I could see in the darkness that like bike pull up Infront of the house. I debated for a moment going out to her or maybe I should stay inside till she knocks don't want to look to eger.
But I went out into the dark trying not to blush as I looked at her.
She sat perfectly on her battered old motorbike, it used to be her dad's but he gave it to her for her birthday so she could get around, her thick boots on my path, her tight black jeans hugging her every curve as she had a tight belt on around her waist like a corset, her leather jacket a little to big for her but it made her look so sweet she sat up a little more turning off the bike slipping off her gloves and then pulling off her helmet revealing her beautiful face and letting her hair down, the second she did all I could think about was kissing those beautiful red lips
"Hi Jake" she smiled
"Uhhhh... Hi y/n" I smiled
"You okay?" She asks getting off her bike and fiddling around with the box on the back "am I early? Is your mum and gran still here?"
"Oh no there gone they've been gone since this morning" I told her "why do you ask?"
"Humm you just seemed a little nervous that's all" she smiled getting her bag and pushing her bike into the drive so it wasn't on the road she smiled at me giving my cheek a kiss "come on then" she laughs going inside so I happily followed her shutting the door as she puts her helmet and gloves down by the door slipping off her boots too "you look handsome" she smiled
"Ohh thanks y/n, you look beautiful" I told her
"Aww your too sweet" she smiled kissing my cheek again and she laughed "this for me?" She asks pulling on my shirt
"Uhh kinda" I blushed
"Awww Jake, your so sweet" she laughs sitting on the sofa so I went and sat with her "you don't have to do all this for little me"
"Well I wanted to" I blushed "so you gonna take the rest of your gear off?" I asked curious as to whys he still had her jacket on
"Really I've been here five minutes and you already want me to take my clothes off?" She laughs
"No no that's not what i-" I began
"I know it's not what you meant Jake I'm just fooling around" she laughs
"Ooh, you scared me" I blushed "guess I'm still getting use to your sense of humour" I admit "so, what did you want to do about dinner?"
"Order pizza?" She offers
"Fine by me honey" I smiled getting my phone she smiled nuzzling into my neck so I put my arm around her as we looked for dinner "okay that everything you want?" I asked
"Maybe some ice cream?" She giggled
"Really y/n? I invited you to come stay with me you think I didn't buy us some ice cream" I laughed kissing her head we put our order in and it said it would be a little while so we sat cuddling a bit more "uhh look y/n I really need to tell you something"
"Sure what is it?" She asks
"I Uhhh I've never had a girl stay over with me before" I blushed "let alone has a girl in my room"
"You stay over with me all the time" She laughs
"I know but that's your house, and this is my house and my bedroom and my bed, and all that" I blushed
"Jake if you don't want me to-" she began
"No no no I want you to stay, I just I'm a little nervous that's all" I admit
"Aww Jake, you don't have to be nervous, you stay over at my house all the time there's nothing to be nervous about" she smiled "plus I've seen your room in video calls" she laughs
"I know, it's just... A week is a long time, I mean we'll be sharing a bed, we'll likely have to go to the store at some point, probably gonna have to arrange some sort of system for the shower"
"Jake, it's okay, we share my little bed sometimes when my dad's not home, and honestly I don't care about the shower, I don't mind you being around or even us shareing," she explained "it's nothing I haven't seen before" she laughs kissing down my neck I almost moaned so desperate for those perfect lips
"Your right, sorry just a little overthinking again" I told her as her kisses turned harder she was going to move away once I answered her but I held her hair "please don't stop" I begged her and she giggled pulling away she smiled wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her lips to my own I instantly kissed her back putting my hands on her waist. The kissed began slow and tender but soon turned more passionate, I tested the waters a little running my tounge across her bottom lip she opened her mouth and I opened my own our kiss turning into a snog i didn't want to push much more Incase she thought I was too forward or something but I couldn't help it teenage hormones took over me as I pulled her to sit on my legs my hands moving up and down her back as we made out both of us desperately kissing often moving our heads to get better angles as our tongues battled for control her hands ran up and down my chest sometimes even digging her nails in my back with gentle moans which often made me moan too I slipped a hand down running my hand across the rough fabric of her jeans crawling up he leg and running my hand around her arse ummm it felt so good before I noticed something and I gently pulled away not that I really wanted to "are you wearing underwear?" I asked as I couldn't feel the lines of anything under her jeans
"No" she giggled
I was breathless instantly unsure how to respond I simply pulled her back to our make out feeling up her arse with both of my hands rubbing and squeezing it as we kissed she pulled my neck a little pulling me closer as our little moans continued
I was beyond horny for her, I was desperate and I think she knew I was as she gently moved her hips against my erection making me moan into her mouth alot groping her arse much harder as we kissed I tried to slow her down a little but she wasn't having it moving her hips constantly to grind on me moving herself as if she was riding me I could barely take it I held her hips tightly and just as I did she began to push on me so I pulled down down too so she laid ontop of me as we laid down my sofa making out lustfully our hands exploring every inch or each other I reached my hand up to undo her Jacket and maybe her jeans too if she let me but the door knocked and she pulled away
"That'll be dinner, you answer the door I'll go make some drinks and stuff' shs says going to get off me but I held her tightly
"No please, don't stop" i begged her "don't go honey"
"After dinner" she says kissing me deeply again before she ran off so I sighed getting up and going to the door the guy gave me a funny look but I imagine I likely gave him one as I felt increadly frustrated I shut the door putting the food on the table and I noticed in the mirror my hair was all over the place, my shirt all over the place to, my jeans doing a piss poor job of concealing my erection and I had y/n's red lipstick smuged all over my mouth and a little down my neck I laughed a little cleaning it off and fixing my hair as we sat down to dinner.
Once dinner was over she went to get ready for bed so I put the left overs away and went to my room figuring out what the hell I was gonna wear to bed, I got one of my better t shirts and my best pair of boxers I could find getting quickly into bed as I heard her come out the bathroom I tucked myself up a little still really nervous
"Hi Jake" She smiled leaning on my door she had a little sex red a black nightie that hugged her curves and left little to my imagination
"Uuuuuuhhhh Hi" I blushed
she giggled seeing my reaction "your so sweet jake"
"Uhh I Uhhh well uhh you look beautiful" I told her
"Thank you" she smiled getting into bed beside me I couldn't stop looking at her boobs as they almost burst out her nightie each time she takes a breath "I like your room"
"Thank you, I uhh I cleaned it all up for you coming"
"You didn't have to do that for little me" she giggled
"Well I wanted to" I blushed
"I like your PJ's" she giggled
"Thanks, I like your nightie" I told her trying to take my eyes off her but I couldn't
"You wanna keep going?" She asked putting her hand on my chin forcing my head up a little to look at her face and not her boobs
"Yes please" I blushed and she giggled laying down in bed and opening her arms I didn't need any other sort of instruction as I pretty much jumped ontop of her getting back to the make out we had on the sofa...
I yawned as I turned over checking the time it was about time I got up so I yawned again having a stretch as I got out of bed rubbing my eyes as I walked downstairs, as I did I could smell the sweet alluring scent of pancakes and syrup I turned the corner to the kitchen and saw a beautiful sight
Y/n stood in my blue checked overshirt from yesterday some buttons done others not so it hung off her body In a beautiful suggestive way, her hair a mess and not a single bit of make up done as she hummed a little tune making some pancakes I leaned on the door watching her a while
"Hi Jake" she smiled as she saw me
"Hi y/n" I smiled going and giving her a cuddle "good morning"
"Good morning" she smiled back giving me a little kiss on the cheek as she worked
"I love you so much"
"Awww I love you too" she giggled turning around to properly kiss me.
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