#i'm really behind on giffing her projects
Everything we know about Project Apple (and, by extension, Anya's past) thus far
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thought i'd compile all of that now while endo's on break Just In Case the next chapter happens to start anya's backstory (i don't Think it will but endo likes surprising us LSDFKLFS)
important disclaimer that project apple and the organization in charge of anya's experiments have not been confirmed to be related! there's evidence that they have things in common, in particular employees, but that's our only real connection between the two thus far. still! worth looking into
more under the cut!
so, starting very strongly with the very first mention of anything related to the project: anya's introduction in chapter 1
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despite her being a main character, we know very little about her past at the moment, and this little blurb at the beginning makes up a very big portion of what we know.
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things to note here:
as an experiment, her name was "Test Subject 007". important to note that the notation differs between her and bond: she was Test Subject 007, bond was Subject 8, no zeroes in there;
she had been made thus by accident, the phrasing itself implying quite heavily that she was just a normal child before said accident (but this is the translation! i don't know japanese so i can't cross-reference with the raws to clarify if the phrasing changes anything, but the fanbook uses the word "gained" to describe her powers too);
because her mind-reading is an unintended consequence, that means the scientists were presumably not, at least initially, trying to achieve cognitive enhancements in humans, and were instead trying to achieve something else, whatever that might've been;
she escaped from the facility and then moved from institution to institution, looking for a family.
so, crucially, through this little introduction we learn that there is an organization, government-funded or otherwise, that is or was conducting human experiments for unknown purposes. we also learn that whatever family anya had prior to being involved in the experiments is more than likely unreachable, at least as far as she knows, and so she has settled for finding a new family to take care of her instead.
in terms of the facility itself, here we see they clearly drilled it into her that she can't ever reveal her secret (and the darn plush is there too -- in the anime it's even more emphasized, as you can see in the gif i made)
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through her reminiscing though, we get our very first look at the scientists that were in charge of her! they're in the gif above but here they are in the manga too. it's so interesting that the anime actually shows their eyes behind the glasses though, fascinating choice.
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the insistence on world peace is important, as it explains her own personal obsession with it and shows that it's not just because of twilight's own focus on preserving the peace. i also don't think twilight ever really talks about "world peace," only about "preserving the current peace between westalis and ostania" -- anya seems to be the only one talking about WORLD peace (even in the very first scene where either of them mention it in proximity to each other in ch 1, loid says "understanding the other party is the first step towards peace" and anya's interpretation is "understanding me makes world peace?") but take this with a grain of salt because i might be wrong! going through every single mention of peace in the story just to fact check this one little trivia fact is a bit much i think so i'm not doing it JSDFKLSD
but yes
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remember mr hair strand and baldy, we'll see them again. not her though, ig she wasn't in charge of bond
now, fast-forwarding to chapter 19, we finally get a name and a premise for the experiments:
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"but oana," you might say, "this is talking about animals only! how do we know it's the same project as anya's, which involved human experimentation?"
i don't think it is, is the thing! i think it's related to the experiments anya was a part of, which is evidenced by the same scientists being featured in project apple too, but there's more going on that we don't know about. there wouldn't be such adamancy on keeping the two separate in every official mention of them if they were just the same thing, imo!
back to the evidence, we learn that the project, conducted and funded by the previous ostanian regime (meaning donovan's related to it one way or another, since he was prime minister), was marked by franticness and desperation -- a prime place for accidents like anya's telepathy and bond's future vision.
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we also learn that the project was sacked by the new administration and that the former test subjects ended up on the black market.
(this makes it very important, imo, to learn when anya escaped the facility vs. when the project was sacked. it's clearly no longer in function, but while we've heard nothing from them thus far, i'm willing to bet the shady dealings around the desmond group are NOT related to the war, as W.I.S.E. has been led to believe, but rather to reignite project apple. that is speculation however so i'm going to refrain from theorising much on why the desmond group is focused on acquiring pharmaceutical companies!!)
ok speculation tangent over, back on track
so, that's already a decent amount of info! but moving to chapter 22, when bond is finally home, and we finally see some familiar faces
behold! baldy and mr hair strand!
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and 2 other guys we don't know but will see again in another bond flashback!
that's 2 out of the 3 scientists we've seen thus far from anya's own time as subject 007, confirming that there IS a connection between anya and bond's experiments, regardless of whatever the project anya was a part of might've been named.
this is also the chapter in which we learn that bond himself was subject 8 (or, if we take it from the fanbook, subject #8. still, diff notation from anya!)
in chapter 31, we learn an interesting tiny piece of trivia. we don't get any further info on it, but it IS mentioned as something that is known by W.I.S.E.:
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ostania is rumoured to have done human experimentation! and W.I.S.E., and by extension loid, are aware of that.
do i know how them knowing may be important later? not really!
the next droplet of info we get is in chapter 40. we see that project apple had collaborators that are still functioning unhindered.
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of course, born industries is only rumoured to have been involved with project apple, but regardless of whether or not they actually were, the rumour itself implies that the project likely pulled scientists from various other companies' R&D departments.
(this makes the desmond group's acquisition of glooman pharmaceuticals shadier, but anyway)
as a side note, twilight is emoting so much at just his wrong assumption that bond is seeking revenge against the scientists. imagine how he's going to react when he finds out about anya JKSDFKLFSD
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and now aaaaall the way in chapter 58, we see the bald guy who anya also knows, the two scientists from bond's previous flashback, and one whole new guy!
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and thus ends our current knowledge of it all!
the only other thing worth discussing is anya's knowledge of classical language
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but plenty people have already discussed these scenes, especially recently, so here are some links: 1 | 2 | 3
the only thing i can add is that i'm fairly certain that classical language is a lot more likely to be latin than old english, because it's a very common language to learn in school (in europe at least, and ostania is based on east germany so it makes sense to me. i learned mandatory latin in school for a few good years too, even if i wasn't that good at it lol) and because one of the most common modern usages of latin are in medicine and science, it would make sense that she'd be better at it due to exposure.
a possibility is also that the scientists would think in latin to conceal their thoughts from her, and that's how she ended up learning so much. she's not fluent in latin, she's just well acquainted and that cicumstance would explain the how.
also i don't think "ANIA" is an acronym, nor do i think anya's been misspelling her own name out of lack of knowledge. "ania" is a polish diminutive of anna and an alternate transcription of Аня, so i think it's far more likely that anya isn't ostanian or westalian than it is that her name comes from an acronym.
what we know about project apple (and the "mysterious organization"):
project apple was funded and conducted by what appears to have been donovan's regime and, from what W.I.S.E. knows, aimed to create highly intelligent animals for military purposes;
W.I.S.E. is aware that ostania is at the very least rumoured to have dabbled in human experimentation;
the project is presumably no longer on-going, though it is likely there are efforts behind the scenes to revive it;
it is rumoured but not confirmed that project apple had collaborating companies that are still functioning perfectly fine;
the same scientists who were in charge of bond were also in charge of anya, signalling that there is a very significant connection between project apple and the "mysterious organization;"
based on what they were telling anya, they were/are very focused on "world peace";
their experimentation methods include but likely aren't limited to electrocution.
and what we (vaguely) know about anya that relates to this:
she is at the youngest, 4 years old, and at the oldest, 5 nearing 6. we don't know her real age, all we know is she definitely lied about being 6;
she is very fixated on specifically world peace while twilight is focused on peace between ostania and westalis. the scientists are the very first we see talking about this, so it's likely their fault;
she is unreasonably well acquainted with classical language;
she has escaped the facility at LEAST 1 year ago;
and, one tidbit from the fanbook (page 29): "Anya has been reading minds for as long as she can remember," implying that her memory of a life before the lab is muddy at best and absent at worst.
that's all we know that i know of!!
if you got this far, thank you for reading :D hope any of this was interesting or sparked any theories >:] have a good day!
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number1mingyustan · 1 year
Expiration Date (2/2) ☾✹
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GIF by shatsusik
artist!joshua x model!fem!reader
Genre: smut, hurt, angst
Warnings: cursing, brief smut, explicit smut, mentions of pregnancy/miscarriage, arguments, a lot of angsty sad stuff
Summary: there’s only one way to go from here
Word Count: 4.1k
part 1
Out of the 206 bones in your body, you don't have a doubtful one that believes Joshua Hong is not your soulmate. Everything in you believes you were meant to be together.
You'd bet money that it was written somewhere in the stars.
He loved you and you loved him.
When you first met, everything fell into place with him so easily. He was kind and caring and things were simple with him. He would never shy away from compliments, often painting you because he thought you were so beautiful.
His muse.
It wasn't until he started painting you that his career really began to take off. His previous work was less abstract and interpretive, often capturing different colors and shapes. He never painted people, but of course that all changed when you came around.
His work was known before you, but his popularity skyrocketed, gaining worldwide attention and giving him much more credit within the art world.
You became a large part of his art. He's often mix different shapes and colors with your features. Your eyes, your breasts, your legs, everything he found beautiful about you really.
It gained a lot of attention and people grew curious to know who the mystery woman that appeared in all his new art was. Much like Joshua himself, they too thought she was beautiful.
But that was then. When your relationships still made you feel like you were floating and the honeymoon phase felt like it would never end.
You and Joshua Hong were meant to be part of each other's lives, you don't question that. However, you do question how long you were meant to be together.
---------------Two Years Ago ---------------
"I'm just so glad you guys were able to come down here and visit," Mrs.Hong says for the fourth time since the two of you arrived in LA.
You smile at her excitement.
"I hardly hear from my son since he moved all the way up to New York," she continues, shooting her son a glare.
Joshua rolls his eyes playfully. "I call you every week. Don't be so dramatic."
"It's not the same," she frowns. "I like having you here with me."
"Yeah well I've been busy with my art and everything," he sighs, pulling you closer to his side. His hand is on yours, thumb drawing small circles on your knuckles.
You lean into his touch, breathing in his natural scent. He's so warm and comforting. "Yes... extremely busy," you pout. "He does so much nowadays I can't even keep up with it all. All kinds of projects and interviews, don't know how he does it."
He smiles at you. "I've got the best support backing me up," he pats your head lightly. "With you by my side, I can handle anything."
He opens his mouth to speak again, but he's interrupted by the ringing of his phone.
"Oh- one second. Angel is calling," He excuses himself from the table and exits to take his phone call.
Angelina Yoon, his manager. You absolutely despised her. She was a great manager, you give her credit for that. She's incredibly smart and good at her job, but on a personal level? Couldn't stand her.
You didn't like the way she talked to you or the way she talked to Joshua. She flirted often and acted rudely toward you. Of course any time you brought it up to Joshua, he brushed it off. He'd tell you 'you're being dramatic' or 'she's just doing her job.'
Fucking Angel.
Not a very fitting name for her.
"Soooo where's the ring?" His mother asks, grabbing your hand and inspecting your fingers.
"Ring?" you ask.
"He hasn't asked yet?" she raises an eyebrow.
"I'm not sure what you're talking about."
"Aishh this boy," she sighs. "Four years and he still hasn't popped the question."
You retreat, pulling your hand back slowly and pushing your hair behind your ear. "Oh yeah... I mean it's fine. He works so much you know? I think he's just waiting for a better time.... did he mention anything to you about it? L-Like is he planning something?"
"No, I'm afraid not. If he is planning for it, he hasn't told me about it yet at least. I just assumed after all this time he would have done it already. I'll have to talk some sense into that boy," she scoffs.
Your heart breaks a little, but you don't let it show. It's already been a few months since it was first brought up. It was in a similar manner, his mother had brought it up in conversation months prior and put ideas into your head. But that time, Joshua was sitting at the table and he didn't seem too keen on the way his mother had suggested it.
You asked him about it that night and he explained to you how it wasn't the right time with his career taking off. It hurt, but you were understanding. It was something you strayed away from even bringing up.
It stung though.
When Joshua's art first started to gain popularity, Angel suggested keeping your relationship and identity a secret. No one knew who you were, they just thought you were pretty and that Joshua captured your beauty perfectly.
It would create more buzz for him to be capturing some sort of mystery woman. Angel talked about how much it would help his career to keep you in the shadows and him in the light. So you did it.
For nearly the first three years of your relationship, you were a secret. A mystery, a pretty face on a canvas with no name, a nobody. It wasn't easy, having to sneak around and keep your entire life private.
Part of you thinks you lost yourself in those first three years, but that's an entirely different issue.
Thankfully, after you did finally go public with things, the modeling agencies came flooding in and you were in high demand.
"Don't worry about it... I don't want to put any more pressure on him," you give her a half-smile.
She feels for you. "You're too nice sweetheart."
Before anything else can be said, Joshua walks back into the kitchen with an excited smile. You and his mother both look at him as he sits back down.
"So.. Angel just told me there's a huge art exhibit coming up in Sydney, Australia and their main exhibit just fell through so they want me to replace them," he beams.
"That's so great Joshie!" you smile and hug him. "I'm proud of you."
"Thanks honey, they want me to do all new pieces though, and they need me in Australia in two days. The exhibit is in three weeks," he explains.
"But we're supposed to stay down here for another week... and then we have our trip planned for Aruba. Josh... the whole point of this trip was so that we could spend our time together and with family. I cleared my schedule for this Joshua." you sigh. "Besides how are you gonna put together a whole exhibit's worth of pieces in two weeks."
"I know baby... but this is important work stuff. You understand, right? We can always plan another trip, but this is a big opportunity for me. My work would be extending all the way into Australia," he places his hand on your shoulder. "Besides I'll probably just use those sketches I've been working on"
"I mean yeah... it's really great Josh, for you. What about me? I cleared my entire schedule for this," you frown.
"I know baby, I'm sorry. I'm sure we can just book two tickets and you can come with me if you want," he suggests.
"I think I'd rather we just go home. You'll be working a whole bunch in Australia anyway," you bite the inside of your cheek.
"There's no time to go back to New York honey. They want me out there in two days. If you want me to book you a flight home, I can do that if you really wanna go back, but I can't go with you. I'm gonna have to leave straight from here. I was hoping you'd come with me."
You frown. "I don't really want to fly alone."
"I mean, you can stay here with mom, until I get back of course. I won't object to it, but I've got to book my flight in the next few hours. So just let me know ASAP," he leaves a quick kiss on your head and stands back up.
"Sorry ma, I'll come visit soon," he hugs his mother and kisses her cheek. "I promise... love you"
His footsteps grown faint as he makes his way upstairs for the night. Your heart breaks a little more. His mother glances at you, she really feels for you.
"I'm getting tired... think I'll go join him," you tell her with a sad smile. "Thank you so much for dinner, I appreciate it."
You give her a light hug before disappearing into the bedroom with Joshua.
He got you pregnant that night. He was much more excited than you were, he couldn't keep his hands off of you. Pulled you onto his lap not long after you walked into the room.
He was quick to strip you and pin you down onto the bed. You were still upset, but the pleasure was a temporary fix for the pain.
Sweaty and passionate lovemaking between the thin sheets of the old bed. His hands were all over you that night. You let the pleasure consume you, allowed it to pull you away from reality.
He told you how much he loved you as he drilled his cock inside of you, even had to cover your mouth with his hand to keep you from being too loud. He whispered dirty words and sweet nothings into your ear and left purple hickies along your skin. He pounded into you over and over again that night, switching positions halfway through.
The bed was old, creaked and shifted every time he thrusted his hips into you. You came twice, once on his fingers and once on his cock.
And when he came, he came inside of you. It wasn't unusual for him to do so, but for some reason your birth control wasn't very effective that time.
You wouldn't know it that night, but you realize that was the best and worse night of your life.
Because as quickly as it came, it went.
You stayed with his mom in LA for the next month while he was in Australia. He didn't call you every day the way he said he would, but that wasn't the least bit shocking. He ended up having to stay another week after the showcase to meet with different people about his work.
While he was sitting in meetings and being interviewed, you were pacing around the bathroom anxiously awaiting the results of the pregnancy test sitting on the edge of the sink.
You didn't tell him until you went back home to New York. You ended up flying alone anyway, Joshua thought it was pointless to fly to LA and then New York when both of you could just go to New York and see each other at home.
He was beyond excited when you did tell him and foolishly got your hopes up about what the baby would mean for the two of you. You'd convinced yourself that having the baby would make Joshua more involved. You thought his excitement would translate into him being more present.
But then you lost the baby two months later and it caused you two to drift more. The doctors told you it was a miracle you were even able to conceive in the first place. They said you were basically infertile and if you were ever able to somehow conceive again, the fetus wouldn't even make it through the first trimester. You fell into a depressive episode, making reckless decisions driven by hurt and pain.
You had to quit modeling and be admitted. The next 9 weeks you got treated and you got better. Although things got better, you'd never say they reached the level of good.
Better is simply and improvement, not necessarily success.
Joshua never saw it that way. He didn't see the way you were still hurting and suffering. He thought you getting treatment and getting better meant that everything was okay. He thought that because you saw a therapist twice a week, that you would just be okay. Because you took two small pills every morning, he thought you were no longer suffering.
It's your own fault partially, you played the role. You hid your hurt well, contributed to his thoughts about you being fine. At first, it seemed like he cared a lot more. But with him constantly asking "Are you Okay?" it was easier for you to just say yes. It was easier for him to believe it too. He threw himself back into his art and didn't put in the extra effort to ensure the well-being of your mental health after that.
It took two years and a very heated argument for him to really see it.
---------------Modern Day ---------------
The bed is empty when you wake up in the morning. It's not a foreign feeling, unfortunately. But with everything that occurred last night, it feels worse than usual.
You're not sure where your relationship stands right now. There's a tightness constricting in your chest and you're dreading the idea of getting out of bed.
After nearly ten minutes of you rolling around in the bed and avoiding it, you finally got yourself out of the bed. You wince when your foot first meet the bedroom floor. A reminder of everything that occurred last night.
After you go into the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face, you walk cautiously and quietly through the penthouse. The temperature dropped again and the marble floors are cold on your bare feet.
When you reach the living room, you don't see Joshua anywhere. His blanket and pillow are still on the couch, but you don't see him anywhere.
You let out a breath of relief. You're really not ready to speak with him yet.
You walk into the kitchen, seeing that the glass is still shattered on the ground. You reach down, picking up some of the larger shards.
"Don't worry about it, I'll clean it up," Joshua says from behind you.
You jump at the sound of his voice. You weren't expecting him to come up behind you and startle you. However, you remain silent.
"You need to take your meds, it's past 11. You were asleep for a while," he says and begins picking up the other large shards of glass.
You stand to your feet and nod. You don't look at him, you can't. You simply walk around the island and open on of the cabinets to grab your medicine.
"You have been taking your meds everyday, right?" he asks.
It feels even colder in the kitchen suddenly. The tension in the air hasn't subsided. If anything, it's grown thicker.
"Yes Josh," you say.
Even after all those nights of sleeping alone, Joshua greeted you with a good morning and a kiss. At the very least you could expect some sort of greeting.
But now? Nothing.
"Don't forget to eat something," he reminds you quietly.
You nod. "Right."
You pop a slice of bread into the toaster and wait. It only takes two minutes, but it feels like an eternity. Joshua grabs the dustpan and broom to sweet up the glass.
It's uncomfortable quiet. Your stomach is turning in knots and your leg is bouncing anxiously.
"Where did you just come from? I didn't know where you were," you finally break the unbearable silence.
"On the balcony, needed some fresh air," he says, continuing to sweep up the remaining glass.
"It's thirty degrees outside."
He shrugs, disposing of the glass properly. "Just needed some fresh air. It's not much warmer in here anyway, damn thermostat is broken."
He avoids eye contact with you, stepping away from the kitchen quietly. Your heart rate spikes.
"Joshua..." you start. "We have to talk about-"
You're cut off when your toast pops up.
"Your breakfast is ready," he says shortly and fully leaves the kitchen.
Your eyes follow him. He walks back into the living room, grabbing the blanket he slept under and folding it back up. His footsteps fade as he disappears into the penthouse toward your bedroom.
You sigh and take a few bites out of your toast. You don't have much of an appetite with the way your stomach is churning. You chase the two small pills with a sip of water before walking toward your bedroom.
When you step into the room, Joshua is already in there making up your bed. He's cleaning to distract himself, to avoid you.
" 'Shua," You say quietly, leaning against the door frame.
"Wait," he continues folding the blankets on your bed. "I'm doing something right now."
" 'Shua," you say a little louder.
"Did you wash your dishes? I know you used a glass for the water," he asks.
"Joshua." You say firmly.
He sighs, giving up and sitting down on the bed. He runs his hands from his face up to his hair. You sit down on the bed next to him. In reality it's only a few moments, but it feels like an eternity of silence.
"I'm sorry," he starts.
"Don't apologize... we both said some hurtful, but truthful things last night," you bite the inside of your cheek.
A beat.
"You were right... I did give up on us a long time ago. But it wasn't unprompted, and I want you to understand that. I gave up before you could."
"What?" he asks, turning his head to look at you.
"You work so much... and so hard. I had no idea artists did so much until I met you, but your work has always been your priority. I love that you're passionate about your art, but you'll always put your work before me."
"That's not true," he defends.
"It is."
A beat.
You and Joshua Hong were meant to be, not meant to last. You shared your best and worst moments with him. You spent nearly 6 years creating unforgettable memories and sharing experiences you hold dear to your heart.
Your love was like a candle, it was once lit and burned with fiery passion. But it eventually burned out and faded into nothing but melted wax.
Fire may be pretty to look at, but touch it and you get burned.
"But I love you,"
"You don't.... not anymore"
"Don't try to tell me how I feel."
"I don't know what it is you're trying to get at or do here, but it's fucked up. If this is you're way of trying to make excuses for falling out of love with me or something, then that’s just wrong Y/n.”
"Joshua! This relationship is not the way it was five years ago and you know it. You couldn't even thank me in your speech last night."
"You told me you were over that. I told you tha-"
"Stop cutting me off and let me speak!" you shout. "You forgot to thank me in your speech while I was standing in front of you with a painting of me displayed in my background. I have become an afterthought in your life and not a priority anymore. You managed to forget about me while looking directly at me... and a painting you did of me. If you loved me, if you really loved me, I would have been the first person you thanked. I wouldn't have slipped your mind Joshua. It may have been a mistake, but it told me everything I needed to know."
He frowns.
"You think you still love me because you love the idea of me. You-you love the way I look on a canvas and in exhibits. You love that even after 5 years of painting me, it still makes you money. But those fucking paintings don't have feelings he way I do," your eyes start to water. "You love the way Angel validates your artwork of me and is constantly working to get your work out there. You would never forget to thank Angel, because she's not just an idea or an afterthought to you. She gets you what you want and I just... don't."
"Oh my gosh how many times do I need to prove to you that I'm not fucking Angel?" he groans and stands up.
"Are you seriously still not listening to me? Not once did I accuse you of fucking her, and that's all you took away?! Fuck's sake Joshua!" You exclaim and stand to your feet. "I'm done."
"What do you mean 'you're done?'"
"It means... I can't do this anymore."
"So what... that's it? You wanna break up because of an argument?"
"IT IS NOT JUST AN ARGUMENT!" You scream. "I don't know how many ways there are for me to say it. I am exhausted, mentally, physically, emotionally. Last night... you said you weren't the only one who lost the baby. But when was the last time I modeled Joshua? I didn't get that chance to just jump back into my work after the loss. I'm sure it affected you, it was a horrible thing to go through, but I didn't just throw myself back into my work and move on. I am still struggling every day and you don't love me anymore. I have no reason to stay here with you."
The truth is... Joshua knows exactly what you're saying. For the first time, he's really really listening to you. He knows what you're saying is true, but he's having a hard time accepting it.
Joshua has never been good with criticism, being an artist and all.
The room is silent aside from you sniffling as you wipe away your tears. Joshua feels the knots twisting in his stomach and it's making him feel uneasy.
“I’m sorry… I know I should just accept it but I can’t. I’m hearing you, I really am. I just don’t want to let go… I won’t just throw away the last five years between us.”
“We can’t keep doing this Josh… holding onto nothing. There’s nothing that could really fix us at this point.”
“We could do therapy..” he suggests.
“Pay $200 a week just to have someone tell us what we already know? C’mon Josh, you know you don’t have the time for that.”
“I’d make the time.”
“You haven’t for the last few years… let’s not kid ourselves”
“So… you just wanna give up? You don’t want to try anymore?”
“I have been trying Josh. But it’s exhausting and there’s no point if there’s nothing worth holding onto anymore.”
“So… you don’t love me anymore either?”
“You don’t love me anymore, do you? It’s not just me, right?”
“Yeah Josh, it’s mutual.”
His heart aches when you say it. The words leave a bitter aftertaste on your tongue.
"Okay," he says finally.
"Okay what?" You sniffle.
“Okay then… we’re done. There’s no point in staying together anymore.”
He runs the palms of his hands from his face to his hair and inhales.
“I hate that is had to come to this,” you say quietly.
“Yeah… me too” his voice breaks. “I can be out of here by tonight… you can keep the penthouse.”
“I couldn’t afford to live here on my own anyway, I’ll probably just uh- go back with my parents” You sniffle.
“You don’t-“
“It’s better that way, really.”
Silence fills the room. There’s so much to process. You really just ended things with the love of your life, your soulmate, your Joshie.
He sits on the floor with his back against the bed. He tilts his head back and sighs. You join him, sitting in an identical position next to him.
It doesn’t even feel real yet.
You’ve spent the last 5 years by his side with your mind filled with thoughts of how your story would unfold.
The aching in your heart hasn’t stopped, but you know this is for the best. It was long overdue, past the expiration date.
Much like a carton of milk, you can only drink it until it expires. Once it expires, it's no longer good and there's no way of restoring it to the way it used to be.
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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amberbeach · 2 months
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Preston often struggled with the guilt of keeping such a large secret from you. When he became the Blue Ranger he didn't believe he could do it, and you saw his sullen mood and asked what was wrong. He bent the truth and said he didn't feel capable of helping Sarah complete a project, and whenever he felt those doubts creeping back in he remembered the way you smiled at him, and for every worry you listed reasons why he could do it. And while you never knew what was really troubling him, you built his confidence and over time Preston became a stronger Ranger because of your reassurance.
The words were on the tip of his tongue that day, but Preston knew how important it was to keep his identity a secret. It was for your protection and he didn't want to do anything to put you in harms way.
He frequently grappled with his choice to keep you in the dark. Before becoming a Ranger, and meeting Sarah, Preston didn't dare to ask you out, but with a little push from the blonde he asked you to a school dance and your relationship had only grown stronger since that day.
Galvanax started his invasion of Earth by sending monsters down to destroy the city but the power-hungry champion began to realize that he needed to change tactics. And needed to weaken the team that, while knocked down now and then, was always victorious in the end.
You were hanging with friends when your phone rang and heard Preston's voice. "Hi, I really need to talk to you. Can we meet somewhere?"
"Of course."
Unbeknownst to you the caller was not your boyfriend and was the latest contestant Galvanax had sent down to Earth. Phonepanzee, who had the ability to mimic anyone's voice, was luring you to a trap that would change your life forever.
Your friends were confused when they saw Preston with Sarah less than fifteen minutes after you were gone. The two Rangers approached the table when they called out and Preston was confused when they told him about the phone call.
"I didn't call her."
"But she went to meet you."
"Did you hear where?" Sarah asked.
"Yeah, the park."
Preston left the café with Sarah and the two Rangers rushed across town to the park. As they got closer his phone buzzed and he read your text message, asking where he was. He pressed number one on his speed dial and was relieved when you answered seconds later.
"Where are you?"
"I'm at the park. Where are you?"
"Listen, I can't explain it right now, but that wasn't me on the phone earlier."
"Preston I know your voice."
"It's a trap. You need to leave, right now."
"But -"
"I promise I'll explain later, just, please, get out of there."
He sighed in relief when you agreed and the two Rangers arrived at the park ten minutes later. Preston looked around warily as they split up and took out his cell phone when it rang.
"Preston, help!"
"Where are you?" He turned, his eyes searching the park for any sign of you, but this early in the day it was practically deserted.
"Right here!" A manic voice laughed and Preston jumped back when a monster leaped off a tree, landing in front of him. "Please help me."
Preston rolled his jaw when the monster mimicked your scared tone and clenched his fists. "Where is she?"
The monster spoke using his own voice, "You'll have to go through me first."
"Fine by me." Preston took out his power star and morphed, holding his sword tightly as he got into a fighting stance. When the monster jumped up and down, laughing gleefully, he was confused by the reaction.
"I told you, didn't I?"
Preston looked at where the monster removed a device that mirrored its surroundings and his eyes widened behind his helmet when he saw you tied to a tree nearby. You were equally shocked by the revelation that he was the Blue Ranger.
"Y/N?" He stepped towards you but the monster lunged towards him and Preston rolled backward, blocking the attack.
"You lied to me, Preston!" The monster continued to force him to back away with each strike and when he had managed to temporarily hold his arms, Preston pushed him away.
"Stop mimicking her voice!"
You could see that the monster had gained the element of surprise by exposing his secret, and by using your voice he was distracting the Blue Ranger who was struggling to stay on his feet. You struggled against the ropes and inhaled sharply when they dug into your skin, watching as Preston fell to his knees, losing his suit. He held up his sword when the monster, Phonepanzee, struck, pushing down on his sword.
"I understand why you did it!" You called out to your boyfriend who turned his head to look at you. "I know why you couldn't tell me. And it doesn't change how I feel about you."
Phonepanzee looked at you then at Preston when he felt him breaking free.
"I love you!"
Preston grinned as he slowly got to his feet, pushing the monster backward. "I love you too!"
You smiled brightly as he gained the upper hand and the monster got to his feet, waving his arms around as he yelled, "No! I was winning!"
Preston slashed his sword left to right as he spoke, "There was a flaw in your plan. You underestimated her. You've already lost." He rested his sword on his shoulder, meeting your gaze with a smile before he looked at Phonepanzee.
You watched as the Pink Ranger ran toward the monster, blasting him backward as she stood next to Preston. As the two Rangers fended off the monster, the rest of the team arrived and you got a front-row seat to his defeat.
As the monster grew, Preston cut you free and closed his eyes when you wrapped your arms around his neck, lifting you off the ground as buried his head in the crook of your neck. You pulled back as your feet touched the ground and kissed him passionately.
"We have so much to talk about, Blue." You smiled softly.
Preston nodded in agreement. "I will tell you everything I promise." He reignited your kiss before you got as far away from the enlarged monster as you could while he joined his team to defeat him a second time.
You were sitting outside an ice parlor when Preston arrived and you smiled when he greeted you with a kiss before occupying the chair beside you.
You ordered more ice cream and listened as he told you the story of how he became a Ranger and some of the battles they had won. He revealed the real reason why he had doubted his abilities and how your support had helped him grow as a Ranger and as a person.
"He told me that his plan was to weaken the team. He wanted to break you exposing a weakness. That's why he lured me out there."
"It almost worked," Preston admitted. "I thought by keeping you in the dark I was protecting you. I should've told you the truth. I'm sorry."
"I know why you did it. And I understand why. If the roles were reversed, I would probably make the same choice." You placed a hand on his arm and he covered your hand with his, squeezing gently, sweeping his thumb back on forth over the back of your hand.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Blue." You smiled when he chuckled lightly and closed your eyes when he lifted a hand to your cheek, kissing you tenderly.
When you pulled away, you walked away from the ice cream parlor and Preston took your hand, intertwining your fingers. You rested your head on his shoulder with a smile and placed your free hand on his arm. As he turned his head, closing his eyes as he placed a lingering kiss on your head, he knew that whatever the future had in store, you would face it as you did everything else - together.
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lamialamia · 3 months
linh my linh my linh! for the hbowar ask game, l, q, u, w, x, z!
thank you so much!
l. would you say the hbo war fandom is more or less hectic than your previous/other ones?
less hectic. I don't wanna show my hide here but my main fandom before HBOWar is Dota 2 Esport. Oh boi. It was a toxic cesspool of gamerdom™️I'm glad I left it behind.
q. acknowledge something nice about your least favorite of the hbo war shows.
I can and I would. MOTA's music and sound mixing is amazing. The title theme really goes above and beyond and absolutely needs to win an award or two.
u. acknowledge a flaw in your favorite of the hbo war shows.
TP has no flaw! /j
I think while there is some obvious flaw with TP, for instance its pacing issue. But another lesser problem it has is how unbalance Basilone's storyline is. Speilberg and Hank really can't make these war show without some mythical hero-ism. No offense to the real life Basilone who I know is a really cool dude, but this storyline imo lacks the depth that Leckie's and Sledge's have.
w. what's an hbo war url that you like/would change to? if you have an hbo war url, why did you choose it?
i don't have an HBOWar url 😔 But if I don, I wanna have the eugenebsledge url
x. choose one screencap of any of the shows that you would frame and put on the wall.
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z. tag some of your favorite artists/writers/editors in the fandom and give them a compliment.
aaahhh okay imma try to be cool.
@bitch-butter webgott extraordinaire. I love love your realistic yet riveting portrayal of the up and down in relationships (both romantic and platonic) and how messy people can be. Your OCs are fantastic. And your deconstruction of typical Omegaverse tropes in 'everybody wants to rule the world' is the first i've ever seen and so well-done it should be setting the new standard for this AU.
@ep6bastogne listen to me. you have a very distinct voice, you are meticulous in your detail. and you have so much passion for writing it shows in any of your project
@avonne-writes you have a very gentle yet devastating prose. Your world-building has a unique quality: its depth peaks through every ordinary detail and make me want to know more about everything. I love all your works. You never miss.
@gorgeousundertow the first thing that come to my mind is your research and how much you have fun with real life details. And you are so so good at the ✨yearning✨ you can teach a class on that xD
@thewayisset I LOVE YOUR ART. You deserve to have your own gallery, that's all <3333 I feel like I suck at analysing art so I can only give you a lot of heart ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
@screwby again. what can i say. your works are spectacular! Especially your watercolor!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
@cinnamonrollsledge i already screamed and shouted in your inbox but I need to say it into the world how much i love your edits!!! I love the TP ep 6+White gif set you made wowza that is talent
@antigonenikk devastating edits. hits everytime. and I'm loving all your fics too, you are really good at poking at the pain and angst but keep it in-character. That Sledgefu/Mr.robot fusion fic lives in my mind rent-free 🗣️🗣️🗣️
@almost-a-class-act queen of banter in her fics, you are very insightful and I love your perspective on both the historical side of things and also the fandom side of things <3
@getmean one of the biggest inspiration for my own writing. i don't know what more can I say beside, you are the GOAT. And unlike sport commentators, I really mean it.
okay that is a lot of people. I will stop now.
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totesnothere04 · 2 years
Unexpected Turn of Events Pt.5
Tonowari x Fem!Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the fanart, screenshots, or gifs used with my stories.
Warnings: Protective Wari, barely a description of childbirth, Neteyam doesn't die, kinda crappy chapter because I'm writing this while I'm sick👌🏻, if I missed anything lmk.
Pt.4 here. Pt.6 here.
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A year had passed.
You laid flat on your back as Neytiri was checking a hunch the two of you had. You both suspected that you were pregnant because of your mood swings, morning sickness, and change in appetite. You hadn't told Tonowari because you didn't want to get his hopes up and crush them if you weren't pregnant.
Neytiri sits back on her heels and you sit up with her waiting almost impatiently for the verdict.
"You are with child." Neytiri finally says with a smile breaking out on her face. You launch yourself into her arms for a hug as you find yourself to be ecstatic for the news. She hugs you back almost instantly. "Go tell Tonowari." It was a short sentence, but it had your realization crashing down on you.
"It will have to wait until later Neytiri. He's hunting past the reef today." You tell her and she remembers why Jake and Neteyam aren't around right now.
"Well, then you will tell him later when he returns." She says and pats your knee as she gets up and leaves. You grabbed all the materials needed to start making clothing for the baby. You were still early on, but you just couldn't wait for them to be here. You started weaving all the pieces together when you heard footsteps approaching. Tsireya comes prancing into the marui with her usual happy expression.
"Hello Reya. Did you have fun hanging out with Lo'ak, Kiri, Tuk, and Rotxo?" You asked her and she nodded.
"They are always fun to be around. Even when they're trying to learn." Tsireya grabs a fruit and sits infront of you. "What are you making?" She asks and your hands freeze. You hadn't thought about how the kids would feel about a baby sibling. They're in their teens and Ao'nung was training for his iknimaya. At the thought of him completing his rite of passage, you made a mental note to make him a new necklace.
"It is a necklace." You tell her and she looks at it confused.
"It's too small to fit any of us. Was there a new addition to the clan made today?" She asked excitedly thinking about Sya's very pregnant state.
"No. It is too early for her baby to come." You said as you set your project to the side. "Reya I have a question for you." She smiles and folds her hands in anticipation.
"How would you feel about a little sibling?" You ask her and her eyes widen in realization.
"Are you-" She can't even finish her question but you nod since you know what she's asking. She jumps up in excitement her smile only becoming wider, and it's moments like this you can tell. She really is her father's daughter. They have the same attitude and the same smile. "We must tell father. He is going to be so happy."
"He is hunting out past the reef Reya." You remind her, but she pulls you to your feet.
"They will be returning soon. Father never stays past the reef after midday. Especially with this being Neteyam's first clan hunt. Come let's prepare for their return!" She pulls you along behind her and you're both giggling as you head to the return point. You help prepare food for the tsurak and drinks and snacks for the hunters. The horn sounding their return goes off in the distance and you look up to see the hunters. Neteyam and Ao'nung seemed to be racing to see who could get back first. In the end, Tonowari touches down first with Jake right behind him. They dismount their tsurak laughing at the looks on their son's faces since they lost. You rush over to Neteyam and Ao'nung and start checking them over for injuries. Neteyam especially since you became overprotective of him after his near-death experience. You had only barely managed to save his life on that rock in the middle of a literal battle.
"Auntie I'm okay. No injuries see?" Neteyam says as he does a 360 in place and you exhale. You turn to Ao'nung again and he does the same. You pull both of them into a hug. Neteyam easily melts into it, and Ao'nung basically initiated it. You planted a motherly kiss on the crown of each of their heads and you rested your cheek on Ao'nungs head. You pull away from the hug and find Tonowari watching you with a fond expression. You place your hands on your hips and he does a 360 as well. You turn to Jake who has a hand nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
"What are you hiding Sully?" You ask him and he exhales and then turns around. His entire back had been scraped up.
"Jake fell off of his tsurak and scraped his back on the coral." Tonowari says with a chuckle, but you snap your head in his direction.
"What color?" You ask him and he gains a nervous smile.
"It was orange." Jake says when he realizes Tonowari didn't look.
"Good. We wouldn't want Jake to be bedridden until I warded off the infection of poisonous stinging coral." You say. "But that will need to be cleaned."
"I can do that." Neytiri says and she cuts her eyes to Tonowari and then back to you. You chuckle, grab him a drink, and make your way into his arms.
"Did Neytiri figure out what's wrong?" Tonowari asks as you hand him the drink and make yourself comfortable in his arms.
"Yes, she did." You tell him with a smile and he brings the cup to his lips.
"What is it?" He asks.
"Ma Wari... I'm with child." You tell him and he stops his movements and slowly sets the cup down.
"You are sure?" He asks and you nod. He yells in excitement as he picks you up to spin you in a circle. This gains the attention of everyone in the vicinity and Tsireya yips happily as she joins the hug. Ao'nung watches confused since he didn't hear what you told his father. Neytiri joins in the yipping with Tsireya and Jake is taken aback by her sudden outburst.
"What is happening right now?" Jake asks noone in particular.
"Ma muntxate is with child!" Tonowari announces proudly. His fellow hunters started their own celebratory yips and yells. Ao'nung is shocked but when it clicks in his mind he runs into the family hug. The crowd all dispersed in different directions to start preparations for the communal meal that evening. "We shall announce it to the entire clan at dinner. Oel ngati kameie, ma muntxate."
The announcement was received with excitement by the clan members and elders. Days started to drag on as you continued to grow bigger. According to Neytiri you were 5 months along, but much larger than you should've been. This was like any other day until the horn announcing the tulkun's return sounded. You ran out of your marui in excitement to see Roa again. However, excitement turned to foreboding and confusion when the people realized they were leading 6 ikran to Awa'atlu. They all had riders dressed in human garb. As they moved to land you, Tonowari, Jake, and Neytiri all pushed through the gathered crowd to the front. You released a humorless laugh as you took in the uncivilized and unkempt Colonel and his unit.
"What are you doing here Quaritch?" You ask angrily and he unfolds his arms and moves to step forward. He's met with a territorial hiss from your mate as he stepped infront of you.
"We been lookin' for ya cher. Well mostly for Sully." Quaritch said as he took the hint that your mate was not one to challenge.
"Why? We made it very obvious after last year that we do not want you near." You said as you made your way infront of Tonowari, much to his dismay.
"Ardmore chased us off base when we tried to return. Said our failure marked us defunct and reported us dead." Quaritch said and you sniffed trying to find any human-like scent on them. You weren't close enough and didn't trust moving closer to them to find out. Wainfleet cocked his head to the side as he realized what you were trying to do. He pushed past the Colonel and started to remove his shirt. Tonowari became on high alert and stepped up behind you and set his hand on your shoulder.
"What are you doing?" Tonowari asked the soldier.
"She was trying to scent us. Figured she didn't want to approach us so I was gonna throw her my shirt." Wainfleet explained as he finished removing his shirt and tossed it to you. You caught it and retreated to Neytiri and Jake as you sniffed the clothing.
"Rancid. You need a bath." You said and Wainfleet nodded in agreement. You handed the shirt to Jake and Neytiri who scented the shirt as well. Jake's face screwed up at the stench of the shirt in his hands. Neytiri looked up surprised and you quirked a brow at her.
"I do not smell the stench of human life on it. It smells of the forest and the sea." She tells you and you turn to look at the group of men.
"What happened to Zdinarsk?" You asked skeptically.
"That was the lesson Ardmore taught us. Don't return or..." Mansk doesn't seem to be able to finish his sentence as he remembers his friend's death. You hum in skepticism as you remove the pincher from your headpiece and jab Quaritch, and then taste the blood it presented.
"Why do you come to us? Why not try to start fresh in a clan that would only know of your origin?" You ask them.
"I once took Sully under my wing. I was hoping... I was hoping he would do the same for us." Quaritch says with a grimace. You turn to Tonowari and Jake. The three of you having a silent conversation.
"Answer me why the tulkun brought you to us?" Tonowari said to the group.
"Wainfleet fainted and fell off of his banshee. He got attacked by this thing with sharp ass teeth and they saved him. Chased that thing off and helped us get him back on his banshee and brought us here. We were aiming more for land that we could rest up on before continuing our search, but here we are." Quaritch answered.
"Wai-nfleet?" Tonowari asked while completely butchering the man's name.
"You can call me Lyle, sir." Wainfleet said and your eyes narrowed at the group.
"Look we don't hold any grudges against you or any of the Sully's. We understand that Zhang shot Sully's boy and that's why you went all Jackie Chan on the kid. After spending this last year moving and surviving... We kind of understand what we put you and your family through. All we're askin' is a second chance to prove we just wanna live in peace." Quaritch almost pleaded and you looked up into Tonowari's eyes. He seemed heavily conflicted as were you. He was conflicted because the part of him that held the safety of his people and his family didn't trust them, but the part of him that was more empathetic wanted to grant them a second chance. You took a deep breath and looked at Jake and his family. You looked directly at Neteyam and he sensed your eyes as he looked up at you. He noticed Tonowari looking at him too and he looked back to Quaritch. Neteyam nodded once and you looked at him surprised as well as Tonowari. When you and Tonowari silently confirmed with each other what you were thinking he turned back to the men infront of him.
"Would you mind announcing, ma (Y/n)? I cannot pronounce most of their names." Tonowari asked and you nodded.
"Miles and the men of his... Family will be staying with us. They are to be taught to be Na'vi and to think and act as we do if they wish to live among us. You will learn to thrive so you do not fall into the shame of being useless." You say it loud enough for the people around you to hear. When you finished you grabbed Tonowari's hand and led him toward the men. "I do not trust our children being near you to teach you our way of living. So I will be taking on the burden of teaching you." You tell the group and they nod.
"I will be joining you so I will need to know their names." Tonowari says.
"This one is Miles Quaritch. Miles will be easier for you to pronounce. Lyle, Prager, Ja, Lopez, and Mansk." You gesture to each person as you introduce them to him. Miles starts to step forward to shake hands with Tonowari but you hiss and your ears pin back. His hands shoot up in a show of submission and his eyes nearly bulged out of his skull when he finally looked down. The others followed his line of site to find your baby bump and Mansk lit up. He took off his sunglasses and smiled wide.
"You're expecting?" Mansk asked and started to try to celebrate with you, but Tonowari stepped infront of you glaring at the man infront of him. The hiss and growl that escaped from deep within his chest were the most ferocious you had ever heard from him or anyone.
"Ma Tonowari, Mansk used to be one of my best friends when I was human... Until he turned out to be a skxawng. This is a second chance for them." You tell him and he seems to ease back a bit but still doesn't step back. That would be Mansk's place. You motioned to Mansk to show submission and step back which he did. His ears slicked back and he bowed his head down as he stepped back. This seemed to appease Tonowari as he let the tension ease from his shoulders.
"Come. Ma muntxate was right. You smell terrible and need to bathe." Tonowari says as he ushers you to lead the way. Jake and Neytiri brought up the rear of the group as you passed by the gathered clan members. "Everyone go greet our brothers and sisters." Everyone did as asked and happily went to greet their family. You lead the men to the bathing pools and gather ingredients along the way to make hair and body paste. Mansk goes to touch a bright purple flower but you smack his hand.
"You were allergic to lavender in your human body, and that is the Pandora equivalent." You tell him.
"I haven't had a reaction in this body." Mansk says and you nod and pick some of the flowers.
"I will take precautions and only use a small amount to test on your scalp." You say and he smiles.
"You always were pushy with us following our restrictions." Lyle jokes.
"Not restrictions. I enforced your dietary needs and catered to your allergies." You responded curtly but felt yourself frown. "Z-dog always had the worst reactions to Benadryl." You say sadly but push forward with your mission. Get these stinky fucks clean.
"Neytiri would you mind getting some clothing for them? They will not want to wear their human clothes of they wish to thrive." You say and she bows her head.
"Yes, Tsahík." She almost announces to the group to get the point across to them that you and Tonowari are in charge.
"What's a Tsahík?" Mansk asks as she leaves.
"A spiritual guide and leader of the healers of the clan. That is what (Y/n) became when she mated with the Olo'eyktan." Jake explains and Tonowari's chest puffs out in pride. "Olo'eyktan is the chief of the clan. He leads the clan in entirety."
"You will be taught everything you need to know about this society. Our language and our way of hunting." Tonowari adds in Na'vi and surprisingly the group infront of you nodded.
"I will teach you of Eywa and our rules of life here. However, none of you are seen as full adults in our society yet. You must complete the iknimaya. Our rite of passage." You tell them. "Ja I will teach you how we heal. And what plants are poisonous and what plants we use to heal." Ja nods. You sit down with Tonowari's help and start making the bathing pastes.
"You want some help (Y/n)?" Mansk asks as he sits next to you while Tonowari and Jake sit on your other side.
"You really thought I was going to mother you? All of you are making your own bathing supplies. Here we do not mass produce and there is no running to the nearest Walmart." You tell them and show them to get a rock and the large flat rock you were using served as a mashing table.
"So who are you making that for?" Lyle asks.
"Neytiri and I are fixing Jake's hair. He has allowed it to become disgusting." You say with anger. "He used to have beautiful hair. Much like my mates gorgeous locks." You praise your mate and he nuzzles your cheek with his nose.
"My dreads are not that bad." Jake protests and Lyle chuckles as he looks at his hair. "Shut it Spalding." The group laughs at the exchange and Neytiri returns. Jake turns to pout at her and she exhales a breathy chuckle.
"I take it you told him we are fixing his hair?" Neytiri asks and you nod.
"Yes. He does not think his hair is bad." You tell her and her nose scrunched.
"This is all the weavers had available." Neytiri hands you the twengs(loincloths) and takes over making the rejuvenating paste.
"These will do until they learn to make new clothing or until they pass their iknimaya's." You say.
"What's the difference?" Ja asks.
"When you complete your iknimaya you choose your path or occupation. We have the options healer, hunter, fisherman, weaver, and gatherer. Here currency is not our way of trade." You tell them. "And typically your tweng shows your status in the clan. These are for those who are learning and haven't chosen a path yet."
"Ma (Y/n) they are trying to clean themselves. We can teach them later." Tonowari says as he turns his body toward you. His right leg hikes up behind your back and he rests his right arm on your shoulders. You lean into his chest as you sort through the clothing, and hand out the pieces to everyone.
"Alright your pastes should be ready so go clean." You usher them away and try to stand. You grunt in frustration when you can't and Tonowari chuckles as he helps you up. "Come on Jake. Time for your torture." Jake groans and follows you and Neytiri into the pool. Tonowari rubs his hands on your swollen tummy and buries his face in your neck and hair.
"I would be happy to let you clean me." Tonowari whispers and you blush and then turn to nuzzle into his hair.
"Anytime you want me to, ma yawtu." You respond and he allows himself to purr at your statement. The day had passed with you and Jake showing Quaritch's men to the two marui's that they would be inhabiting, and introducing them to the ocean. You and Neytiri took Ja, Mansk, and Prager to start teaching them about this way of living. While Tonowari and Jake took Miles, Lyle, and Lopez to start teaching them to hunt.
Two weeks before you were due you woke up to feeling the tale tell signs of going into labor. You shook Tonowari awake and he did immediately.
"It's time." You tell him and he runs off to fetch Neytiri while Tsireya ran in to help you to the water. Their tradition was to have all births in the ocean to introduce the children to their home immediately after birth. You were lowering yourself into the water when Tonowari returned with Neytiri and Jake trailing behind him.
"Oel ngati kameie, (Y/n)." Neytiri says as she climbs into the water with you. Tonowari slithers into the water and takes his position behind you, while Jake takes to holding your hand next to you. Tsireya, being your tsakarem, was helping and observing Neytiri as she helped deliver your baby. The last 3 months had been hell since you were moody beyond belief and absolutely massive. Tonowari had insisted you weren't and that he was lucky to have a mate as beautiful as you.
"Breath, ma muntxate." Tonowari said, and you did as told and the group lowered into the water. It was painful and for a moment you didn't think you'd be able to do it, but having Tonowari near gave you the strength you needed. When the baby was out the group moved back to the surface and Neytiri handed you your baby.
"A healthy baby boy." Neytiri said and you cooed at the baby in your arms. It was a beautiful moment until another contraction ripped through you. You grunted and shifted forward and Neytiri seemed panicked for a moment. "Ma Jake, take the boy." You handed Jake your son as you leaned back into Tonowari again.
"Neytiri, what's going on?" Tonowari asked her but Tsireya resurfaced with wide eyes.
"Another is here." Tsireya says and Tonowari looks at you with wide eyes.
"Two?" He asked her and she nodded. With Jake staying on the surface with your son the four of your lowered back into the water. This one was easier than the first but still painful, but when you surfaced again Neytiri handed you your other child.
"Another healthy boy." Neytiri told you and Tsireya was still in shock. Ao'nung had woken up in the middle of the commotion and was standing on the dock unaware of the situation. Jake, Tonowari, and Tsireya climbed out first with Tsireya and Jake taking one of your children each. Tonowari helped you and Neytiri up and your sons were handed to you.
"They are beautiful, ma (Y/n)." Tonowari said as he huddled the four of you closer together. Ao'nung and Tsireya joined the hug and Ao'nung was still trying to wrap his head around having two new baby brothers.
"Hey (Y/n) what did you and Norm say that one time while I was watching Neteyam, Kiri, and Lo'ak? 'Jake you and Neytiri have so many kids. I think you should slow down a bit.'" Jake says trying to imitate your voice.
"We only joked about it with you because all three of them were hanging onto you like a jungle gym. And it was three children in the span of 2 years." You said calmly and you heard an audible smack.
"Ow! Ma yawne... Why?" Jake asks Neytiri exasperated.
"She just gave birth, ma Jake. Let's leave the family be." Neytiri drags her husband away and you look up at Tonowari.
"What should we name them?" He asks you.
"I would very much like to honor a fallen friend if that would be okay?" You ask him and he gestures for you to continue as the 6 of you head into your marui. "His name was Tsu'tey and he died during the first war against the sky people."
"Hmm Tsu'tey... I like it." Tonowari says and looks between the boys. "He is Tsu'tey. Now for our other boy." Gesturing to the baby in your arms.
"We were wondering if we could suggest a name that we both like." Tsireya says and sits next to you and her father.
"We both like the name Ateyo." Ao'nung says as he sits next to his sister. You look at Tonowari to gauge his reaction because you frankly liked that name.
"It suits him." Tonowari says as he tickles the chest of the babe in his arms. You pull out two of the little necklaces that you made for the boys. You placed the necklace with turquoise beads on Ateyo and the red beaded necklace on Tsu'tey. Your family lay down in a sleeping pile and went to bed.
The next morning you had a full busy marui with the entire Sully family. When you woke up Neytiri was cooking and Jake was playing with one of your sons while sitting next to Tonowari who was doing the same.
"So what did you name them?" You heard Neytiri ask.
"This is Ateyo." Tonowari said gesturing to the boy in his arms. "And this one is Tsu'tey." He said gesturing to the boy in Jake's arms. Jake's head snapped up at the name and so did Neytiri's. "(Y/n) told me he was a good friend of hers and he died in battle against the sky people."
"He was a good man and a good brother. He was a fierce warrior and an even better hunter." Jake says as he looks at the boy. "You're even wearing his favorite color. You're definitely going to be mighty judging by the grip you've got on my fingers."
"The men in my family are always large and strong. I'm very surprised how well (Y/n) carried two." Tonowari says as his tail wraps around your ankle. You decide to get up and join your fairly large family. You sit beside Tonowari and look over your boys.
"They're beautiful like their father." You say as you lean into him, and his deep chuckle jostles you a bit. He slings an arm over your shoulder and Jake hands you your son.
"Oh yeah. They're going to be troublemakers, Auntie." Lo'ak says as he looks at them.
"Not if I have anything to say about it. You won't be babysitting alone Lo'ak... Ever." You joke as you pinch him.
"I'll babysit!" Kiri says excitedly.
"I'll help her!" Tsireya joins her excitement.
"I will too." Neteyam offers and you softly smile at him. You watch with a fond smile as everyone in your family jokes, eats, and hangs around for the morning. You can't help but wonder how your life could get any better.
"We should have another." Your eyes widen and you look at Tonowari in surprise. He only smirks then gently nudges his head against yours.
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catelyngrant · 7 months
The Doctor Who Script collection dropped earlier this week and I've already spent, uh, many hours digging through various scripts (including all of the SJA scripts!), but if you've been here awhile, you know that the first one I went for was School Reunion.
It was really fun reading through what was changed, what beats were scripted vs. which weren't, and the emotional backdrops. One of the things that struck me most was that, for a very bittersweet episode, the script absolutely leaned harder into the bitter side of bittersweet than the episode as aired did. There were elements that I'm very glad didn't stay as well as moments I desperately wish had been kept. Overall, it was a joy to see the original draft of the story that got me into Doctor Who all those years ago.
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He's so happy. Transported. Mesmerised. Dazed, reeling from the encounter. Oh, my HEART. This scene was pretty much aired as written, and David played it to the nines, of course, but it's really sweet to see how explicit the script is about how overwhelmed the Doctor is in this moment. So much of the episode focuses on Sarah's emotional reaction (rightly, if not always perfectly) and the hurt/discomfort that colors their relationship once she realizes it's the Doctor, so to have this moment of the Doctor's unadulterated happiness to see her is really lovely.
More highlights (including things that were cut, changed—for better or worse, and just directions that made me happy or that I found interesting) under the cut!
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This scene was definitely different. The script didn't include the bit about them both investigating at the school and it has a bit more flippancy. I can't imagine this scene without the iconic slow shot of Sarah backing up and turning to see the Doctor behind her, so I'm really, really glad that they moved away from the idea of them colliding into each other and leaned into the gravitas a bit more.
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Oh, what I would've given for them to have kept this!!!
On to the diner scene...oh boy, feelings about this. I've written essays about this scene—how in some ways it feels perfect and appropriate and Sarah's grief/lines like "you were my life" make a lot of sense in the context of the shock and hurt of an old wound reopened so violently, how that shouldn't be taken to mean that she'd wasted her life or that she's been paralyzed by a broken heart for thirty years, how everything is heightened and that's okay even if, on their own, some of these beats paint a grim picture—but whew. This would've been harder to swallow with the last bit, which I remember Lis having mentioned as something she fought back against.
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I actually do love that she mentioned UNIT and Harry! But yeah, very glad that Lis talked them out of the last lines. There clearly wasn't an effort to adhere to Big Finish canon but minimizing and deflating her successful career on top of everything else would've been upsetting, and there just wasn't a good reason to paint her entire life as tragic outside of the raw reactions the Doctor's return illicit.
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"If I thought about you..." Project it onto my GRAVESTONE!
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THIS WAS SCRIPTED I AM SCREAMING, this is one of my FAVORITE little beats of the episode (so much so that I made a gif out of it like 13 years ago!)
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The Sarah/Rose dynamic was a little 🙄 in the episode and a little more-so in the script, but I liked this bit:
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The explicit apology is nice, but goddamn, I wish they'd kept "He doesn't deserve us."
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I'm fascinated by the fact that in the script, she shrugs him off! The script generally has a slightly more bitter tinge than the episode itself did, which is so interesting to me, and that I'm glad was tempered.
The goodbye scene as scripted is set in the ruins of the school. I like that they moved it and created some space and time—everyone's changed clothes, they've had some breathing room, emotions have cooled a bit. It serves the scene better than I think this would have. This bit of the script includes a line that I always assumed had been cut given her line in the episode about "And like I said, I wouldn't have missed it for the world". Other than that, the dialogue and beats are pretty much what we see onscreen.
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And then:
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I have a very messy tangle of feelings about "Last chance" / "I know" that I'll be sorting out for the next 4-6 business weeks, so...stay tuned. (I also have an essay about ace-spectrum Sarah Jane that builds on the "he was a tough act to follow" line that WILL exist outside of my head at some point!)
Anyway! This was a fun deep dive 💞 I got a Doctor/Sarah-inspired tattoo earlier this month so I'm really in my renaissance era here!otp
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buffster · 4 months
The Replacement (BTVS 5.03)
This is part of my ongoing Buffyverse Project, where I write notes/meta for every episode in an attempt to better understand the characters and themes of the shows. You can find the BTVS list here and the ATS list here. Gifs are not mine.
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This episode got heavy on the psycho-analysis. Let's dive in.
We open on Xander's continued humiliation in his parent's basement. He's double dating with Buffy and Riley and--I assume--doesn't have the cash to take this party literally anywhere else. The cat peed on his hot plate--eliminating their food options--and his parents quickly start fighting horribly upstairs.
All signs point to Xander developing his easy-going, friendly, always-has-a-joke personality as a way to cope with his parent's toxic relationship. If he was able to lighten the mood it probably gave him a sense of safety when it calmed down the screaming and throwing. No wonder he's charming with even the most hostile people.
Xander witnesses Riley please Buffy with some shoulder rubbing and quickly tries it on Anya who--whoops--has a dislocated shoulder. But it's not all paradise in Briley land. Riley is feeling a little neglected in the relationship as Buffy dives headlong into slaying. He makes some subtle remarks but never opts to just communicate his needs to Buffy.
Riley: Hey, Buff. Maybe you oughtta leave the work behind sometimes. You're not always a slayer on duty, you know.
Buffy: Well, it would drive you crazy if this was an army movie and they were all, you know, saluting backwards and, and… invading all willy-nilly.
Subtext here:
Riley: Hey Buffy, pay attention to me on our date night.
Buffy: Oh, he's annoyed I'm analyzing the movie. Sorry!
The awkward date seems to finally give Xander a push to look at apartments. They immediately assume Riley is the one looking. Anya's matter-of-fact dissection of his life is definitely not helping his self-esteem, either.
Anya: Which is when, Xander? 'Cause right now things are looking pretty un-together and you can't expect me to just wait around-
Xander: Quiet, please. Anya, what is this? What's going on with you?
Anya: What's going on is my arm is hurt and I'm tired and I don't really feel like finishing the tour of beautiful things I can't have.
We're also getting a little more Anya character development this season as we see her adjust to what it means to be human. This episode highlights some of their issues as a couple. Anya is looking for a protector and a provider, which leaves Xander constantly feeling like he's not enough. Xander needs someone to bolster his confidence and self-worth, which I don't think Anya's matter-of-fact attitude really does. There's also a sense that neither of them are really seeing the other. Anya looks at Xander and sees the role he plays in the list of things she wants to accomplish during her human life. Xander looks at Anya and sees someone to bolster his ego and--to be honest--someone who embarrasses him.
The demon Toth plans to attack Buffy but hits Xander instead.
Xander: So, you take the bullet for the swinging Scooby-friends and what do you get? A pat on the head? A tasteful medal? No! You get left for dead under a light layer of moldy socks and banana peels!
How did Xander genuinely believe his friends would just leave him there? Goodness.
The Xander split raises the question of whether Xander is wearing his weakness as a defense mechanism. As I said, a jovial, non-threatening personality probably worked to disarm his father and mother and created a sense of safety. The "weak" version of Xander is the most Xander-like of the two, to the extent we're suspicious the other one isn't Xander at all. Strong Xander dresses well and carries himself with confidence. He nods solemnly as Giles explains what likely happened, while "weak" Xander is shouting, "It's probably a robot!" Does Xander feel safer being the joke even as it cuts at his self-esteem?
Xander: I'm just... another great humiliation. And this time it's even worse. This demon, he's like, taking my life and, everyone's treating him...everyone's treating him like a grown-up. Well, I'm starting to feel like... Like, it's doing everything better, it's smarter and... I don't know. Maybe I should just let it have it. Take my life, please.
I do think Willow has a point that there's a connection missing between Xander and Anya. He doesn't think of her for some time during the whole fiasco, signaling she's not his partner in a real way. It seems more like they stumbled into a relationship and never saw a reason to end things than anything else. Xander says he "needs her" but...why? Though Riley claims Anya "wants the whole package", I got the sense she was far more attracted to strong Xander and could have done away with the other part.
I want to touch on Buffy and Dawn's sibling rivalry for a second. I think part of it is meant to be attributed to Buffy having to acclimate to a sister after always being an only child, but I say Joyce gets some of the blame here too. Children need adults to intervene and create boundaries. Why is Joyce allowing Dawn to stand in the hallway and harass Buffy? You're just not fostering a good relationship here, Joyce.
After we learn that Toth meant to split Buffy into slayer Buffy and regular Buffy, Buffy has concerns:
Buffy: Well, you have been kinda rankly about the whole "Slayer" gig. Instead of Slayer Buffy you could have Buffy Buffy.
Riley: I have Buffy Buffy. Being the slayer is part of who you are. You keep thinking I don't get that, but --
Buffy: I just know how unfun it can be. Bad hours, frequent bruising, cranky monsters-
Riley: Buffy, if you led a perfectly normal life, you wouldn't be half as crazy as you are. I gotta have that. I'm talking toes, elbows, the whole bad-ice-skating-movie obsession, everything. There's no part of you I'm not in love with.
The thing is, I don't think Riley does have a problem with slaying. At least not with the slaying itself. He has a problem with what being a Slayer means: Buffy doesn't look to him as a partner. Riley isn't strong enough to stand by her side. She has to protect him and therefore must stand alone. I think this fact also carries over to other areas of her life, which is why she doesn't lean on him even in areas where she could. The trauma of Angelus also left a lasting impact on her and she's unable to fully lean on anyone. There is a part of her that stands apart...Riley senses that and becomes insecure. Add in some abandonment trauma from her dad, and I think Buffy has some clear attachment issues. None of this has anything to do with Riley himself, but he doesn't get that.
He seems to take the view that allowing someone into her Slaying life is letting them in completely, but I don't think that's true. Later in the season she lets Spike stand by her side because he can physically handle it, but it's not until she tests him again and again that she begins to think he might not leave her and she feels safe to open up. And we're only beginning to get there by series end. Riley is missing the point here, is what I'm saying!
Once the Xanders are back as one, the gang helps Xander finally move out of the basement. He thinks people only want cool Xander, and we see Dawn whisper that she likes the weak part of him, too. Xander also mentions that Anya always make him feel insecure, which I don't think is a great sign.
Riley: Hey, I'm well aware of how lucky I am. Like, lottery lucky. Buffy's like nobody else in the world. When I'm with her, it's like I'm split in two -- half of me is just on fire, going crazy if I'm not touching her. Other half is so still and peaceful, just perfectly content. Just knows: this is the one. But she doesn't love me.
I'm going to hold thoughts on this until later in the season.
Character Notes:
Riley Finn: We continue to see his identity is increasingly tied up in being Buffy's boyfriend. It's not that she's the center of his world...it's that she's his entire world. He genuinely likes psychology and wants to lock the Xanders in separate rooms and do experiments on them.
Spike: We see him scavenging at the local dump.
Xander Harris: He has a collection of Babylon 5 commemorative plates. Also "for my seventh birthday I wanted a toy fire truck and I didn't get it and you were really nice about it and then the house next door burned down and real fire trucks came and for years I thought you set the fire for me. And if you did, you can tell me." Every Christmas he watches Charlie Brown with Willow and does the Snoopy dance.
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dormarunt · 9 months
Berlin (Netflix) - episode 3
Episode tres starts with the quintessential presentation of the heist plan to the heist team, except a couple of minutes in Bruce gets peckish and restless and gets up to raid the fridge and Berlin takes it personally - he decides to go LOCO on his ass and make everyone uncomfortable (and probably bullies Bruce into getting alcohol poisoning)
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You know what would have been hilarious? (and probably would have led to Bruce getting murdered lol) If after he finishes drinking all that champagne and Berlin resumes laying out his plan, Bruce gets up to pee the heroic amount of liquid he had to ingest under duress.
It's episode three and we get a sort of explanation for the set-up of the series. Sergio gets an honorable mention (he's too busy working on his own heist to be there)
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and it's explained why Berlin's not working with "professional" thieves - shocking no one, Andrés' ego is so big there's no room for others'. Also, the new team is "enthusiastic" and "not hardened by apathy", which he implies that professional thieves are, and the new team can listen and learn from everything Andres is teaching them. Well that turns out-- surprisingly okay, given the shitshow that follows.
((Berlin touches Damian in a way reminiscent of how he gets all close and personal and touchy with Martin, except that Berlermo magic is absent. What I'm saying is that Berlermo >>> Darlin and no matter how tactile Andres is, his relationship with Martin IS extraordinary, unique, marvelous))
"Because, if we are to end bullet-ridden on the streets of Paris, we'll leave five beautiful bodies behind -- and Damian's"
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This is where we get HOW the heist will happen - they're taking control of the CCTV and literally cutting the back of the vault clean off to be able to enter/exit as their hearts desire. We see them do it, we actually get to see them heisting like pros - and as it happens this is one of the few scenes of them actually doing the heist that's at the center of the show. (But the show isn't JUST about the heist, we get that; I just thought there would be more heisting involved)
Meanwhile, instead of watching his team break into that vault with baited breath, Berlin creeps on watches Camille and plans to spend with her the few days until the vault is filled and "enjoying Paris".
Which he does, by taking the woman out to lunch in a public place, having lobster because he apparently REALLY loves seafood.
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It's the second time he refers to her as "self-centered"; he's projecting so hard he could open a cinema.
His plan to fuck Camille in the bathroom (klassy) is interrupted by her husband who annoys Berlin to such a degree that he's looking at the available cutlery like I WILL FORK THIS DUDE IN THE NADS (a fairly hamfisted callback, imo. I'm precisely the type of person to be pleased by this mention but I'm-- strangely eh about it?)
Rant; to be the wait staff at that restaurant, casually watching the patrons only to see this woman using lobster-eating cutlery to cut off her underwear in one place and then magic it off herself somehow. IN FRONT OF PEOPLE'S SALADS. 
We then get a throwback to the original Banda talking about what they'd do with the money - and I'm fine with it, and with seeing Keila go through all stages of horniness around Bruce.
Oh SNAP Damian's joining the divorced club, lol. Did not see it coming. Also, I specifically said how I agreed with his outlook on love? Hahahahah. Hah.
After a Berlin sex scene that I was (for some reason?) not expecting, we're treated to a glimpse into whatever's motivating Camille (tl;dr - it's basically FOMO) and Andres makes a comment that made *my* heart jump --
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What does it mean?? Is it a Martin reference? (No)
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We need a gif compilation of Berlin dramatically going through doors in this show. @wedgeantill - how does that sound? :D
After that dramatic exit we get one of the most cringe-worthy slow-motion montages of Berlin being happy in the most over-the-top, theatrical way that I fast-forwarded through during both times I watched the episode. But good for him, I guess; way to bag the wife of the guy he's currently robbing. (*)
Back where the main act is set to take place, Damian's going full
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Meanwhile Cameron has the ingrate job of reminding the people in charge of the team as well as the audience of the fact that they're all there to do a heist, and that they'll have to do it THAT VERY NIGHT. Which begs the question-- where is Berlin?
Roi is the one who has the privilege of finding that out
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(basically "I just had sex but my girlfriend's husband is cool with it")
as he tries to get a word in edgewise and tell Berlin to put it back in his pants because they have a heist to do.
Poor guy Roi is the same one who has to listen to the utter mental breakdown that Andres has in the car back to Paris, that culminates with
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Perfectly normal, sane response.
NGL, I laughed so hard the first time I watched this scene. The #priorities on this man.
(*) REMEMBER season 5 when he's confronting Rafael for sleeping with Tatiana and he goes -- whenever I see a guy that I find  hot dressed well I want to fuck his wife.
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Guy took one look at Francois and FELT THINGS. This explains everything.
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findusinaweek · 11 months
10 Characters/10 Fandoms/10 Tags
I was tagged by @ainulindaelynn and @krankittoeleven. Thanks, buddies! I didn't know most of the characters you mentioned, so it's fun getting to be introduced. I honestly like when my mutuals post about characters they love, even if I have no clue or am not into it. It's just fun seeing what people are passionate about, you know? Also, ainulindaelynn, I like blurbs so I'll do that too.
1) Akito Sohma (Fruits Basket) A terrible person. The first character that I felt like I needed to chew on, you know, like really just gnaw on them. Unhinged4Unhinged. Me questioning my sexuality, morality, and religion over this character. UGH. These are screenshots from the remake, like actual dialogue, and 100% how I feel about this character.
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2) Chell (Portal 2)
I love her. She's powerful. Good at jumping. Mute. Smart. Infuriating to murderous A.I. Probably traumatized as all hell.
3) Handsome Jack (Borderlands series)
My favorite irredeemable villain? I want to study him like a bug.
4) Haldir (LOTR)
OK! He's very cool! He's very pretty! He shows up at Helm's Deep and the way Legolas is grinning behind him is how I feel about him too. He's just so cool!!
5) Jim Jimenez (OFMD)
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6) Erwin Smith (AOT) I'd follow this guy and his eyebrows to my death, sure. Very charismatic. I like the deep dives into his character, the ways he must feel guilt and shame. He's a very devoted man, and I'm impressed by that type of characterization.
7) Lito Rodriguez (Sense8) I admire his grasp of emotions. I admire his growth through the show, from cowardice to sticking up for the people he loves. 8) Eliot Waugh (The Magicians) His "Becoming me was the greatest creative project of my life" quote lives in my head.
9) Anna Karenina (Anna Karenina) Flawed, fascinating. The kind of character that waltzes into my brain and steals my attention. I need to try to read the book again. It's interesting how my feelings about her change as I get older. I'm less behind her decisions, but I think I understand them better.
10) Brasidas (AC Odyssey) Do I need to say anything about this guy? Do I? You know how I feel, I'm sure.
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Also, I'm unsure if I've seen this gif before, but wow <3 <3 <3
@saenora, @milfeivor, @shirayuki7, @hagiographer13, @illegible-scribble, @thecontractorandtheastronaut, @stressfulsloth, @fikali, @the-writings-of-a-mad-foxgirl, @cata-liinaa If you all would like, go ahead. If anyone else wants to do this, go ahead as well.
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emilykaldwen · 10 months
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Hey everyone! So I meant to do this a freaking month ago when it was the first anniversary of properly working on this fic but hey! time flies. So on this Thankful Thursday (thanks for the idea, @mercurygray!), I decided to post the original end of chapter one for The Maiden and the Drowning Boy. This scene was redone and became the opener for Chapter 2, with Aegon and Abby in Rhaenys' garden, as well as the picnic date in Chapter 6. I wrote this back in mid-November before I needed to stop for surgery prep soooo I guess we're closer to the anniversary of this scene LOL
Overall, I adore both of these scenes so I wanted to share the original as a thank you for those who have been supporting me since the start.
TMatDB returns on December 8th!
A huge thank you to those who have been with me for so long, through the gif sets and the snippets as I recovered from surgery and finally got back into writing this. Thank you for finding me and loving this story, thank you for giving me the love and motivation to really put this passion project out into the world. I'm so grateful for each and every one of you!
She didn’t dare look back over her shoulder as they rushed past the sleeping stone dragon. Abby didn’t even think she could form words. Instead, she stroked her thumb over the knuckle on his hand in a circular pattern. She kept her eyes forward so as not to trip, and she felt his hand flex against hers. Then, so light she almost missed it, Abby felt the rough pad of his thumb stroke once. Twice. Three times over her pinky. Are you okay? Not really. Abby heard the faint clink of at least one guard following them, but they had enough of a head start that there was time to lose the one that either Otto or the queen dispatched in their wake.
“Wait,” she gasped, tugging on his hand to slow down as they hit the stairs so she could gather her skirt up. Aegon didn’t even stop as he reached across her to shove a handful of fabric into her hand. He was too focused on putting as much distance between him and the Hightower as fast as he could.
Betrothed. Married. To Aegon.
Abby was so overwhelmed that she didn’t even voice a protest when he yanked her into the alcove behind the tapestry at the bottom of the stairs. The thick fabric muffled the world outside, and it was dark save for the light that broke through around the edges and the worn patches visible from this side. There was enough that she could make out his flushed face, and Aegon was close enough that if she squinted hard enough, she might even make out the pale dusting of freckles over his nose. His silver hair nearly glowed in the dark.
“You’re hilarious. That was really…” He shook his head, and another laugh escaped him with the mad edge of hysteria making her shiver. He held his hands up, which was awkward because he was still holding her own, but either he’d forgotten or he didn’t care. “That was really something. You really had me fooled.”
Abby could feel her own face crinkle in confusion, and she tugged on their joined hands in hopes that he’d let go. Aegon steadfastly refused. “I’m not going to run.”
“You could.”
It was her turn to laugh, although it was a far less delicate snort while she attempted to pry his fingers off her hand. It only goaded him on. Two pairs of hands fighting to hold on and let go. He slapped her hand, and she slapped his back, which only called for more of his mad, hysterical laughter. She could just make out the sound of armor approaching, and Abby pressed her hand over his mouth to muffle him as the guard approached their hiding spot.
Aegon’s breath was heavy as he panted, then something warmer and wetter slowly dragged across her palm. She bit her lip so hard she tasted copper to muffle her startled sound, but other than that did not give him acknowledgement. Abby felt the burning flush creep further along her cheeks and up her ears before she finally glared up at the amused look he was giving her from behind her hand. She felt Aegon drag his tongue along her palm again. Childish games, as always.
“You’re ridiculous,” she hissed, finally letting go once the guard had passed and wiping her palm off on his sleeve. She was closer to him now and could smell the lingering scent of stale wine still clinging beneath the clean smell of soap. “Did Ser Criston shove you in a trough, and have them soap you down like a horse?”
He pressed a hand to his heart as if she’d wounded him and leaned forward. The last time they were this close, Aegon was maybe a hand’s width taller than her. Now, leaning forward meant he leaned over her. Damp waves of his moonlit hair fell across his forehead and into a doe-eyed gaze; lilac glittering beneath a sheen of wine and the lingering presence of tears from his laughter.
“You wound me, Lady Abrogail. It was a proper bathtub, but the water was like ice.”
“If you’re trying to intimidate me, it won’t work.” She went to cross her arms but ended up hugging herself instead as the uncertainty and confusion of what had just transpired filtered back through. “I wasn’t trying to fool anyone.”
Aegon’s eyes flashed, and she took a step back as he leaned into her even more. “Weren’t you?” His voice took on a higher pitch in mockery of her courtesy. “Oh, how lucky we are. Thanks for looking out for me, brother. No protests, not even when he was dangling the opportunity to get away right in front of you. It took me longer than I’d like to see how terrified you were.”
“Are you still drunk?” 
“Is it drunk if you never stop drinking? Or just a state of being? You could ask Aemond. He’s got a new philosophy book he won’t shut up about.” Aegon rocked back on one foot and reached down to snag at the end of her embroidered belt to play with the fringed edge. “You didn’t answer my question.” 
In the space between heartbeats, Abby imagined they were back in the Godswood beneath the tree. She, with the book in hand, giggling along with his running commentary on his assigned reading he was supposed to be doing – the assigned reading that she was too nice to deny doing for him. Aegon, with his head in her lap, offering her bits of cake so she wouldn’t get sticky fingers on the delicate pages.
Beneath the haze of inebriation and hysteria was that same laughing boy. It was the only reason she hadn’t left yet.
“It was the truth. I don’t want to marry Elmo Tully. I don’t know him except that he has an heir-”
“Is that what you care about? Your son inheriting a seat and power?” His expression twisted as his voice sharpened, his eyes searching her face again for something she didn’t understand.
She continued, ignoring him. “And I don’t want to go to Faircastle only to be attacked by a Greyjoy fleet and made into some salt wife, let alone be closer to my sister. She despises me.” 
Aegon’s boots scraped against the flagstone, and his free hand reached for the edge of her belt. He wrapped the woven band around his hand and then unwound it. “You wouldn’t be a salt wife,” he said in a still, quiet tone. She’d heard it once before, but it did not throw her the way it had then. He watched his own hand fiddle with her embroidered belt, and she ran her thumb over his knuckle again. “Sunfyre and I would come to your rescue.”
Even as his tone dipped, Abby felt her mouth twitch as an amused smile threatened, one she tried to force away. The desire to ease the dragon claws that had descended, to soothe the sullen expression, was as instinctive to her as breathing.
“Four days at least to get a raven to King’s Landing. I’d be on a rocky outcrop in the Iron Islands by then.”
Aegon re-wrapped the edge of the belt around his hand and sharply tugged her closer. Abby stiffened immediately, her heart kicking up and something knotting tight and low in her belly. He watched her face, bitterness twisting at his mouth. “You hate me so much now, don’t you? You can’t be close to me.”
There was a painful ache in her chest. He sounded so lost, defeated. What happened before didn’t matter; it didn’t erase everything else. She felt a nagging feeling that he was trying to manipulate her, but she couldn’t ignore the genuine pain in his voice, for she knew it as well as she knew her own. “I don’t hate you. I could never hate you, Aegon.”
“You were terrified in there, and your smile was so convincing.” The quiet stillness remained, and he refused to meet her eyes, despite being the one to close the distance between them.
Abby blinked as the air left her lungs to join the observation that hung in the little space left between them. She couldn’t discern if it was because she hadn’t realized that was what she had been doing, or that he’d noticed at all.
She reached up to rest her free hand along the back of the one that held her belt hostage. The warmth of his fingers felt like a balm against the coolness of her own, but she focused on stroking his hand in reassurance, allowing the movement to soothe the confusion inside of her.
“So were you. That was a brave thing you did. I couldn’t have done it.” She reached for his hand to deflect the attention from him. Maybe it was more than Aegon deserved, but that was who she was.
Aegon’s gaze snapped to hers, then caught on the reddened wound on her lower lip. Abby was relieved; she didn’t think she could bear his look right then. “So convincing you are,” he said again, but the stillness had given way to something different. A deeper tone that made the knot low in her belly tighten. “Don’t pretend with me, Abby.” Unlike everything else, his warning was unmistakable.
“It doesn’t mean I’m not still upset, and that I’m not still hurt.” She kept her own voice soft, but he scoffed just the same. The hysterical laughter was bitter now – ugly and harsh – and his eyes shone with tears as he tore his gaze from her mouth to meet her eyes. It rooted her to the spot. Abby couldn’t figure out which feeling was stronger: the urge to run, or the urge to stay.
“Terrified.” They were back to that. “Thank you, thank you, for betrothing me to a monster, right?” he whispered.
All she could do was watch him. Even though she caught him drifting closer to her, she didn’t move away. Aegon knocked his head into hers, rubbing a cheek fuzzy with stubble against her own; it reminded her of the way Theraxis would purr and rub his soft face against her cheek. A shiver of relief washed through her. She inhaled sharply and held it in before shutting her eyes and leaning her head against his. His hair tickled at her nose, and when she concentrated hard enough, she was certain she could hear his heartbeat echoing into her chest.
Once. Twice. Three times.
Are you okay?
Not really.
She opened her mouth to speak, but Aegon’s hands released her first, pushing her abruptly away from him. Her eyes flew open, but she only caught his retreating form as he left her alone.
Left her behind.
tag list: @fyeahhotdocs, @ocappreciation, @stannisfactions, @fragilestorm, @starcrossedjedis, @darkwolf76, @arrthurpendragon, @dopedaegus, @hiddenqveendom, @mantillon, @lightofthearrow, @songsonacliffside, @acrossthesestars, @insabecs, @prosemoireia, @dragonsbone, @corporalicent, @jadore-andor, @selfproclaimedunicorn, @gwenllian-in-the-abbey, @notbloodraven, @impales, @arcielee, @thesunfyre4446, @alexandria-millie
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alltimefail · 1 month
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Hi! Welcome to my page!
➪ My name is V (she/her) and I’m 27 years old. I'm very bad at writing "about me" blurbs and I'm slow to respond to DMs, but if you send me an ask/private message I promise I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner! 🖤
➪ I really LOVE Dead Boy Detectives. Help me save Dead Boy Detectives by streaming it on Netflix and by signing our renewal petition HERE. 💜💀🔎
➪ If you are in the Dead Boy Detectives fandom and want to access my "To-Do" list for saving our show, CLICK HERE.
➪ Follow me on Twitter for more shitposting, I'm atfsims1!
➪ My simblr is HERE (@alltimefail-sims).
➪ Every fundraiser or resource I’ve posted for Palestine can be found HERE. Please check this tag if you can help financially in any way or are willing to reblog the fundraisers to boost their visibility. FREE PALESTINE! 🍉
Navigate my fandoms and commonly used tags below ↓
➪ It shouldn't need to be said but DNI if you're racist, homophobic, transphobic/a rad fem/a TERF, ableist, and so on. You lot wouldn't like it here anyway. 👍
Dead Boy Detectives 💀🔎 (Main Tag) - Meta/Analysis - Gif Sets - Memes/Funny Text Posts - Behind the Scenes/Cast-specific posts ➪ This is my main fandom currently which is why the tag is so organized lol.
Other various fandoms I'm in but don't have super organized tags for include: #Stranger Things #Twenty One Pilots #The Goldfinch #Scott Pilgrim #ILITW "It Lives In The Woods" #ILW "It Lives Within" (ILITW Fan Project) #The Haunting of Hill House / Bly Manor #Midnight Mass #The Midnight Club #Watcher (Puppet History, Ghost Files, Mystery Files, and so on) #ACNH #Julie and the Phantoms #The Quarry #Heartstopper #RWRB "Red, White, and Royal Blue"
Note: I'm constantly adding to this list, this is just the stuff off the top of my head honestly. If you like any of this stuff feel free to follow! Also some of these tags will have less than 10 posts because I've just recently started being mindful of tagging my reblogs lol.
General and random tags I use often: #Fanart (One of my most used tags probably. I don't make it, but I do reblog it! There's a shit ton of good stuff in here!!) #Art (I don't make it, but I reblog it!) #Writing Inspo (Lots of poems and text posts tbh) #Personal (Where I shitpost)
➪ If any links seem broken, please try opening them in a browser!
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Florence Pugh x Reader: Coffee
Life update: This was in my drafts and I did see it. I thought it was really good and Harry Styles really wasn't that bad.
Description: Flo and reader in a coffee shop ❤️
Gender: neutral! No pronouns used!
WARNINGS: none :p
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*not my gif*
You take the last available tabil (A/N: yeah, this is about how well my brain is working right now), which is tucked into a comfortable little corner. You put your hands on your coffee cup, feeling your fingers soak in the warmth after being in the cold all morning.
You pull out a textbook and a highlighter, determined to at least do some work since you trekked the whole way here from your apartment. So far, that's not going very well.
The words flying right through your brain. You don't pick up any information, despite following along with a highlighter.
"Excuse me?" A gentle voice from behind you spooks you out of your frustration. You turn around to see a woman with a black hoodie and sunglasses on. "Could I sit here? There's no other open seats."
For a second, you almost deny her request. You'd rather not be murdered before you have the chance to graduate. But the way she looks so anxious makes you nod. She's probably hiding a gun in her pocket.
"Thank you so much." She sits down and you hear a little British accent in her voice. Strange.
She doesn't say anything else as she pulls out a laptop. You return to your book.
You can't focus. You keep looking up at the woman, wondering why she won't take her sunglasses off inside.
Finally, you have to ask "what's with the disguise?"
Her head jerks up.
"Trying to hide from the paparazzi?" You joke.
"Yeah," she answers very seriously.
You laugh until you realize she's not joking. "Are you famous?"
"Maybe." She has lowered her voice to a whisper now. You can barely hear her.
"Can I know who you are?" You ask, not meaning to be nosy. Her face is frozen. "You know, cause I was nice enough to let you sit here."
She glances around the cafe, then takes off her sunglasses.
"Weren't you in Little Women?" You calmly ask.
"You really didn't recognize me?" Florence's eyes study your face.
"Not until you took the sunglasses off. What's your name?"
Wow, you are holding it together really well.
"You don't know my name?"
You give her a defeated smile. "No, I do. I'm just trying to be civil."
She smiles slightly. "Thanks."
You nod.
"What's your name?"
You almost trip up for a moment. Florence Pugh wants to know your name? "Y/N."
"Nice to meet you Y/N." She gives you a genuine smile. "What brought you to this cafe today?"
You hold up your book. "I planned on trying to study."
Florence reads the cover. "That sounds boring."
"It is," you laugh and put the book back down. "What about you?"
"Reading through a script." She flips her computer around and you see a movie script. "Trying to decide if I should agree to this project or not."
"Do you think you will?"
She nods slowly. "I really like the character. Sounds like a good opportunity for me."
"Then I think you should take it."
Florence smiles. "Well if you think so, maybe I should."
You smile.
"Do you come here to study a lot?" She suddenly asks.
"When I feel like walking up that big hill." You roll your eyes.
"Well, I think you're a really nice person to talk to. Let me know when you'll be here again." She passes you a little slip of paper. You pick it up.
It's her phone number.
Flufftober dayyyyy 4? Thx for reading, don't steal.
Buy me a coffee?
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kafus · 1 year
oh hey ive been meaning to ask is there an easy or preferred way to get into kamitsubaki lore esp for vwp. ive tried to skim the website like 3 separate times & only picked up the very very basics
ok so the problem with kamitsubaki lore is that literally like Most of it that is direct and not just implied thru music videos/twitter posts happened in a fuckign ARG that is... kind of lost media kind of not. the kamitsubaki city ARG took place on a website where players were given new... riddles and tasks called Qs every day for the month of october in 2021 and that website is now inaccessible but people i know archived and translated all the content they could so it's still viewable in some fashion. a couple of my friends practically singlehandedly edit the kamitsubaki fandom wiki and you can find all the "story fragments" (cutscenes from the ARG with direct story) translated here (oh and there's also lost media from before the ARG from kaf's old fanbox page that is now inactive/lost media... i have all of the images from that but they aren't all typeset yet so i'd have to get back to you on that one. it's dubious whether all that stuff is still canon anyways, a lot of it seemed conceptual before kamicity was properly outlined. one day i'll compile all this shit somewhere for everyone to have easy access since the wiki is kinda eh for it)
when you said "skim the website" i assume you're talking about the website for the narrative TTRPG stuff? perhaps? sorry kamitsubaki has websites all over the place it's kind of a disaster. i can't give too much information on this one honestly, my japanese isn't good enough and i'm a little bit behind, but afaik other than the tutorial after you sign up which walks you through a scenario with one of the girls as TTRPG practice, the rest is just... TTRPG stuff. like you making up stories with other players within the setting and whatnot. you'd have to browse through it. (eventually there's going to be some sort of small video game related to all of this. exciting. who knows when that'll happen)
there is also some stuff to do with the cr/ypto project that's loosely correlated with kamitsubaki city i guess but not really you can ignore that. and i would ignore it. i do
otherwise it's kind of like vocaloid song series where the VWP music videos contain hints to lore/metaphorically show what's happening. occasionally art is posted to the hashtag # STORY_VWP on twitter too which contains art correlated with the actual story of kamicity.
if you want my basic breakdown and understanding, tldr the girls r summoned from elsewhere by a mysterious organization called the Restoration Foundation to use magic singing powers to restore life to a city, but the city is doomed to end in apocalypse from fishlike creatures called Tessaracters every single time and they're like. in a time loop with varying amounts of memory retrieval trying to save kamitsubaki city and go home. there seems to be a lot of significance with what clothes the girls are wearing in different media and etc etc
Sorry i'm sleepy and this is probably too long and also a mess. the reason it's a mess though is because VWP lore is a mess and that's part of the fun for me. if you have more specific questions about specific parts i probably can help with an answer though! i'm not as into it as some other people but the lore is still fun to theorize on and i like seeing symbolism in the music videos.
this isn't even touching on like. how there's the kaf membership manga canon which is just an official comic where vwp is in high school together. or otogibanashi which was a series of... spoken skits? that kaf put on at her concerts for a while and has yet to be concluded and is a completely different universe from the rest of the vwp lore. Truly an enigma
by the way look at this video of one of my fandom friends posting a shitpost gif we made into the japanese kamicity ARG discord chat during a livestream. we made kaf laugh. the joke is that parrot was so annoying you don't want to know. i am so proud of this communityjsfdksdf
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moroinini · 2 years
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‌𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗢𝗗𝗨𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
🩸 I'm Nini Moroi ! 🩸 VTuber, VSinger & Cosplayer !
Also ASMRtist creating Roleplay and Ambience ⬆️
🧄 I'm the Garlic Loving Vampire Princess 🧄
🍬 My Community is my Candy - my "Sweetmeats" 🍬
With this blog I would love to make friendships or sweet connections geeking out about our interests ! And hey, maybe we end up creating some projects together ! Most likely song related !
Also I'm here to share my love for garlic and vampires and could make a bunch of side blogs around these topics ! :
🧄 Vocaloid, Utaite, Youtaite Jpop & rock
🧄 ASMR, Ambience, 3Dio Stuff
🧄 Cosplay, Crafting, Anime & Voice Acting
Tumblr looks fun when it comes to writing ! Story + Song writing is what I love too ! So once I figured that side of tumblr out we can expect it on Ninis main blog aswell !
Games that I focus on are Platform, Story Based, RPG Maker & Monster Collector ! But I also fell for Rune Factory 5 and similar games that I play in private ♡ My Favourite Game is Crash Bandicoot - WAH
Tags : moroinini (all) | vibenini (blog themes) | talknini (vtuber + other) | re:nini (own reblogs)
Now below you can find my Character Sheet & Socials ❣️
ʚ💜ɞ Twitch ʚ❤️ɞ YouTube ʚ💛ɞ Instagram ʚ💙ɞ Twitter ʚ🖤ɞ TikTok ʚ💗ɞ Carrd + Credits
CLICK For Character Sheet ⬇️
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Nini has some distinct features that I love very much ! Character design is so fun ! 🧄 That's why I create more outfits for Song Cover ! Please feel free to use this sheet for Nini art, IF interested whatsoever haha ! Credit
She got Head-wings that are tied behind with a ribbon ! 🦇 The open version is visible in the 3D Nini gif ⬆️ This helps avoiding drawing them, if necessary ! They grow from the back head piercing through the hair, not the sides, yes ! ^^ That works, because they're very slim and grow bigger at the end !
The Ankle-Wings are also a body part and grow above the shoes through holes of her stockings ! The shoes form a cute vamp face !
Another distinct feature is her Grey Skin, Garlic Accessoire AND Bra Window with the bra / top being a part of the dress haha Underneath the white sleeves the dress continues on with black tight sleeves & yellow ends !
Overall I really like the combination of different textures, I was going for something "sleek" that suits a vampire ! So the huge sleeves and the dress were roughly reminding me of romanian traditions aswell. Since that fit very well I thought haha !
In the future I hope to make a traditional romanian outfit, to share the love & beautiful clothes of my culture 💜Hoping to represent it well ! In fact, the design itself is already planned haha
Although I didn't plan a full on description, I hope you enjoyed ! ♡
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tallulahchanel · 2 years
Malice (Snippet)
Here it is!!!!! I hope y'all enjoy it!!!
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(gif from @stars-bean)
Nakia laid flat on the table, unsure of the reason adrenaline coursed through her veins. Nervousness or excitement for the events that were about to occur. The herb could work, increasing her strength and other abilities, or it could fail, leaving her dead and Kya without her only sister. She turned her head to the side and grasped her omncinci's hand, caressing her knuckles silently. She didn't have to say it, the gratitude for her sister's presence showed in her eyes.
      Kya leaned down and gave her sister a kiss on the forehead. She lingered for a bit, as if this would be the last intimate moment between them. Finally, she rose up and locked eyes with her best friend. "What will happen to Nakia's spirit when she takes this herb? Will she see our mother?"
      "I don't know," Shuri said with a heavy sigh. Not having all the answers was really messing with Shuri's head, but nonetheless, they were going to fix this, for the sake of the royal family and Wakanda as a whole. "Nakia," she addressed her while lifting the mortar that contained water mixed with Jefurio herb, the liquid glowing pink. "I am granting you the power of the Jefurio herb for to make you strong, faster, and give you the ability to seduce men without their control."
      As she brought it to Nakia's lips, the War Dog drank the contents. Soon, the herb pulses through her veins that glowed pink against her skin. She closed her eyes, suddenly overtaken by the visions of herself at eighteen in the Echo Chambers, the cave, the scary woman she faced, and how fast she ran out of there.
      "Relax, Nakia," Kya's words of comfort were almost drowned out by the sound of her heartbeat and her breathing feeling her ears. The only thing that made Nakia aware of her sister was the way she rubbed soothing circles on her belly as she guided her through a breathing exercise. "It's okay."
      That was the last thing she heard before everything blacked out.
"I am not afraid," her own voice came through her ears. "I'm not afraid."
      The sound of snapping stick startled her and she popped her eyes open while a gasp emitted from her lips. Once she was sure the danger had passed, she got a look at her surroundings, seeing that she was in a jungle where everything was a shade of pink. The leaves of the trees and plants were a fiery rose color, while the small bits of sky she could see were a carnation shade. Even the dirt below was salmon pink. After a minute, she realized this jungle was very familiar, and she began her trek down a path she hadn't taken since she was eighteen. That was decades ago, yet she remembered the way. She soon came to a dead-end and inched close enough to remove a leaf, revealing the words etched on a pink stone.
Echo Chambers - the same place she was told to go on that faithful day.
      "7." She waited patiently for the projection to tell her she was right and she could go. Instead, the projection just went away, then...nothing.
      She took off her boots as she did those years ago and entered the cave, hearing that horrid crunching sound. She walked until she came across the familiar drum. Instead of taking a seat on the floor like she did then, she stayed on her feet and tapped the drum with the stick. A loud sound erupted and Nakia had to cover her ears to prevent a migraine. When the sound stopped, she looked up and saw nothing, and that made her furrow her brows in confusion. That was until a projection came across the wall in front of her that read: 6 ÷ 2(1+2). This was the same test she had all those years ago, so she gave the same answer she did then.
      "Didn't matter what the answer was," a voice from behind startled her. "What mattered was how confident you were in your answer, but because you hesitated and second guessed yourself, you failed."
      Nakia's eyes widen at what she saw in front of her.
      Sitting on a throne that looked exactly like the king's throne, Malice sat crossed-legged from her. She didn't look how she did all those years ago when she had dark eyes and a gray tint in her skin. This woman looked exactly as she did in that moment. Neat bantu knots, green leather pants, and a matching tank-top. The only thing that distinguished them were the fact that she wore green boots, and had a vibranium whip at her side.
      "Hello, Nakia," she greeted her with an intimidated smirk.
     "Malice," Nakia whispered to herself.
       The anti closed her eyes and inhaled, delighted that Nakia had left her fear and insecurity open for her to soak up. "You were always scared of me. I liked that."
      "What are you?"
      Malice leaned back in the seat as if it was her rightful place."I'm your anger, your unresolved grief, your sadness. I am what you could be if you weren't so always in control, so protective of yourself. You put on a facade that you're okay, but really you just want to scream and make people listen."
      "What do you want from me?"
      "It's not about what I want, it's about what you deserve."
      Nakia shook her head. "I don't understand."
      Malice smiled and released a contented sigh. "Sitting on this throne makes me feel strong, powerful, like all my hard work has paid off."
      "Hard work? Your work was built on the back of the people you hurt, the ones you tried to kill."
      "Building an empire means sacrifices must be made, and they were the sacrifices."
      Nakia shook her head again. "I don't know what you want, but know that I'm going to stop you."
      Malice chuckled darkly, making Nakia even more uncomfortable. "Stop me? You're willing to turn down the opportunity of a lifetime." She got up from the throne and walked over to Nakia, lifting her chin. "I don't want to fight you. I want to work with you, give you everything you could ever want. Riches, influence, and even the man you could never stop loving. Your little...thing with the colonizer is cute, but he'll never be T'Challa."
      Nakia backed away from her. "I know you're dangling pretty things in front of me, but there's a catch to it. There always is."
      Malice leaned closer. "Merge with me. Let's become one flesh. You and I together will be unstoppable. Stronger, powerful, no one can ever tell us no."
      "I can't do that. Not if it means hurting innocent people, including the ones I love."
      Malice's eyes turned dark, like the day Nakia met her. "You're so weak Nakia." As the War Dog prepared to rebuttal, the anti put a hand up to silence her. "Yes, you are. You pretend to be this strong and fierce warrior, but deep down inside, you're just a scared little girl, failing to live up to her dead umama's legacy."
      That was the nerve and Malice relished in the fact that she had Nakia right where she wanted her.
      "You leave my mother out of this."
      "Or what? If you want to hit me, go right ahead. That won't make her be any less dead."
      Tears of anger brimmed Nakia's eyes, but she fought them back, so Malice won't think she's getting to her. "My mother was strong, she didn't have to set the world on fire to prove she was strong.  Unathi died an honorable woman."
      Malice glared. "Your mother died falling 25ft off a railing, where's the honor in that?"
      Nakia raised a hand to smack her face, but she stopped. If she hit Malice, she'd be giving her what she wanted. Malice fed off her emotions, and she couldn't let her have them.
      Malice smirked when she saw Nakia's hand returned to her side. "Like I said, weak. You don't fight for anything. You give up before you can even try. Just like you did with T'Challa."
      Nakia closed her eyes. Even though T'Challa has been married for years and she's currently engaged to Everett, losing his love stung her soul deeply. Especially since they're not as close of friends as they once were. "T'Challa and I have been over with for years. "I wasn't the woman he needed, so when he found someone that was better for him, I took in stride."
      "You could've been queen!" Malice scolded, causing the flames on the cave walls to burn brighter. "You could've had the life you deserved, and you gave that up for what?! So he can love a dumb American who will never be half the woman you are."
      The tears held back were now falling freely down Nakia's cheek. "I loved him enough to let him go. There was no other choice."
      "There was a choice. You just didn't take it."
      A sob escaped Nakia's lips as she shook her head. "I couldn't do that. I couldn't hurt him by taking her life away. More than that, I couldn't hurt my Kya. She would've been devastated if I had done that."
      Malice snarled. "That's why you'll always be weak, Nakia. You're too scared to do the things that matter. And that's what makes the difference between you and I."
      A lump formed in Nakia's throat upon realization. "You didn't. Please tell me no one is hurt."
      A devious smirk crossed Malice's lips. "Not yet, anyways."
      Just like that, Nakia was jolted back to reality, waking up in full-blown panic attack.
      "Nakia, breathe," Kya instructed while rubbing her back. "It's okay, it's okay."
      By the time, she was able to catch her breath, tears were down her cheeks as she locked eyes with the young genius.
      Shuri walked over to her and lifted her chin. "Nakia, what did you see?"
      Nakia swallowed hard, still shaken by the encounter. "My worst enemy."
Tagging: @theultimateblacknerdwithglasses @thekrazykeke @tchallasbabymama @marieewrites @i-drink-and-i-write-fics
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani 👋🏼 ¿cómo estás? ¿Sigues de viaje? How did it go with HR? I hope everything is going well and that you're staying hydrated like a queen!!!
I have to tell you... the post about the royalty AU Mavid has given me life, it fixed all my problems, cleared my skin, watered my crops!!! I know it's just an idea but I can already picture myself waiting for each chapter to drop!! OMG!!
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But this not about that, so let's get on with the new chapter...
The One with the Theory
A warlock was using magic – the second most beautiful thing in the world – to hurt David – the first most beautiful thing in the world.
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“Max,” David said, his blue eyes frantic. “Don’t you get it? It’s Mallory.”
*Pretends to be shocked* although... I don't actually think is Mallory, she is an evil greedy bitch but I think there's something else going on, however... I'm on David's side always so let's blame the wicked bitch 😌
“Because she wants you!” David said, his voice angry. “And I’m standing in the way.”
This is 100% true!!! Shower her with fire 🔥
“Because that’s exactly what she wants, Max!” David screamed at him. “She attacks the institute to keep me occupied! So that she can have you all to yourself!”
That does sound like something she would do
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“It’s the truth!” Max yelled. “Stop turning this into something it isn’t, David! You’re just overwhelmed and paranoid.”
Maxwell!!! You better watch your tone when you talk to my primary source of serotonin 🥺🥺
“You don’t have time for me anymore,” Max said, his voice threatening to break. “You’re never here. I felt so abandoned.”
Aww Maxie!! 😭 David you better fix this you little shit! 😡
He blinked back the tears. “I…I’m gonna go.”
Nooooo noooo nooooooooo... my happiness!! 😭😭😭
“Leave me alone, Magnus!” Max yelled.
Maxwell stop 😭😭
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“Look stunning and kick ass,” Camila winked.
Always a great plan!! 😌🙌🏼🥰
Sometimes people wanting to help felt better than them actually helping you.
OMG this... 😍 So true!! 100% 😍
Georgia thought it was weird that Marcus didn’t acknowledge Anjali’s presence.
Look at my Gigi capturing the red flags like a queen! 😌🤩😌🤩
Marcus looked out of the window. At Idris. “Maybe it’s something amazing.”
I hate this creepy bitch!!! 😡😡
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Jace considered that for a moment. “No.”
Jace is such a mood, I love him!! 🥰
“It was probably a mistake,” Alec pointed out softly.
No my beautiful, beloved, blue eyed twin brother, it wasn't!! He was being a little shit *whispers* on propose *le gasp*
“Okay,” Alec said. “Can I be alone with you?”
If I ever get one of those 3 wishes deal, I will make every one know how to do this!!
“You’re assuming we’d still be hanging out in 500 years,” Max grinned.
Maxwell!! Don't make me laugh when I'm not 100% happy with you!! Also, don't say shit like that!!!
Sometimes you needed to run away. It was self-care.
So much same!!
“That means this warlock could have the magic of more than one person.”
Aha!!! It all makes sense now, the missing magic is being used to make the portals, those fucking bitch ass bitches are behind this!!!
“The Clave is made up of hot, respectable people,” Gabriel told her, kissing her finger. 
I would listen to them to 😌
He didn’t answer. He looked at her. “Selena. I think…I think Max is going to break up with me.”
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When she opened them, David’s hands were still bleeding.
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Ok but... every chapter I end up with more and more questions 🥲🥲 why Dani?? Why??
Thank you Dani...!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Buenos dias!
(that's all i have for today, i have not downloaded duolingo yet smh. but i did get a lot of work done this week and i am happy about that. HR is very meh. They haven't gotten back to me yet. They were all about making sure the project gets resolved instead of addressing my issue anyhoo fuck that)
Funny thing, whenever i get your ask, I'm ALWAYS at a boring meeting (which I don't have to attend) and your ask really puts me in a good mood.
You are a hilarious bean, Alex. Love you!
Some questions MIGHT be answered soon ;)
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