#i'm so chuffed that you wanted a list!!!
picnokinesis · 2 years
Do you have a masterlist of your AU's somewhere? I'm simply a bit confused on where to find them and if they've actually been written at all, I'd just like to make sure I haven't missed anything as I'd really like to read them!
Oh my days anon bless you I am SO sorry, all my things are always a convoluted mess of stuff - no masterlist as of yet, but let me make one here real quick to explain to you where you can find everything (now placed below the cut)
(Note - some tumblr links may not work on mobile, but I put all the tags in the tags if you need them!)
CAMPERVAN AU - this is the main one, also known as the au where the doctor is an investigative journalist with amnesia and the tardis is a campervan. You can find the written parts of this one on ao3 (+ extra excerpts) and then there's also the campervan au tag on this blog for any asks people have sent, as well as artwork that I've done
Then - campervan au has FOUR offshoot aus. They are anterograde au (Notes to Self), ziptie au (The Ties That Bind Us), redacted au (All That Divides Us), and au5 (And I Run (Love, Run)). None of these are posted on ao3 at all, mostly because they're a mess but also because they are mired in spoilers for the main verse. Maybe when I'm done with the main verse, I'll post stuff I've written of the others. I'll briefly explain what they are for clarity and link their tags on my blog:
anterograde au - the one where the train crash results in the Doctor having anterograde amnesia rather than retrograde, so she can no longer form new memories. It's the one about brain injuries, autonomy, caregiver fatigue, learning that you are not alone, and the O'Briens adopting spydoc (cry over adult thoschei edtion). The tag is here
ziptie au - the one where the very end part 1 of campervan au goes differently and 1) graham, yaz and ryan die (I KNOW SORRY) 2) the doctor, ada and noor get captured with koschei. It's the one about separation anxiety, only being able to trust the person you hate, fist fights and identity confusion. Ziptie Thoschei are currently winning 'worst iteration of campervan thoschei' by being constantly feral. I adore them. The tag is here
redacted au - the most spoilery one. Things go differently when the doctor and koschei are kids, in a bad way. The one about breaking away from everything you've been led to believe, ft the doctor playing 4D gender chess with pronouns. Looks like a role reversal but it really isn't. The tag is here.
au5 - the other most spoilery one! Things go differently when they're kids, in a good way. The one about co-dependence, one-sided pining (until it isn't) and ghost-hunting. The O'Briens adopting spydoc (cry over baby thoschei edtion). The tag is here
PIRATE AU - aka that one time I wrote a 2k oneshot which is here on ao3, but then my brain wouldn't let it go and it spiralled wildly out of control and I told maybe three people about it. The Doctor is a privateer captain and the Master is an ex-lover ex-best friend pirate captain that she keeps betraying (but like he also killed nearly her entire crew so Y'KNOW don't feel too bad for him). Maybe one day I'll try and write it, but I cannot express how MASSIVE it is. The tag is here
ZOMBIE AU - my most recent project. The Doctor is a traumatised virologist trying to find a cure whilst everyone else tries to get her to forgive herself. Currently posting on ao3 right here (chapter 7 literally just went up tonight, I'm posting weekly around 7:30pm ish GMT on Wednesdays) but there is also the tag on my blog of course.
Hope that helps! <3
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bapple117 · 6 months
Velvette Slang Masterlist: for the fandom
A gift from a humble Brit to anyone (not from the UK) wanting to write Velv convincingly ~
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Hello you wayward sinner!
Are you looking to write Velvette into a fan fiction, comic, roleplay or something else? Would you like to make her sound legit but you have no idea about British (or indeed, South London) slang? FEAR NOT! I, Bapple, am here to hold your hand and guide you through the wonderful world of British slang so you can have fun making Velv sound legit. Let's proceed!
Not all of this will be limited to the UK, of course, and it's not an exhaustive list of ALL British slang either - it's just the kind of things Velv WOULD say as someone from South London.
For men: bastard, prick, wanker, knob, dickhead, wankstain, bellend, git, tosser, sod, cock, pillock, numpty, codger (means old man)
For women: bint, bitch, slag, wench, slut, tart, trollop, scrub
For anyone: arsehole, arse, twat, sket, muppet, minger (means ugly), bugger, gobshite, cretin
The absolute worst thing you can call someone else is cunt - this is very strong and isn't used in casual conversation, unless you are in VERY informal company, in which case it's thrown around like it's nothing at all. (Come here you cheeky cunt - playful)
Terms of Endearment
Babes, hun, luv, darlin', sweetheart, mate, sweetie, mucker, pal, blud, fam, dear, dearie, honey
Eg: "Alright babes? How's it going darlin?'"
British people often use insults affectionately, too, especially with close friends as a way to tease / banter. (You silly sod, you useless prick, you cheeky git, you daft muppet, etc)
Slang Words
Drunk: trollied, smashed, pissed, wasted, legless, hammered, sloshed, battered, bladdered, merry, shitfaced, arseholed, plastered, lashed
Good: banging, well good, mint, the dogs bollocks, ace, blinding, cracking, brill, fab, neat, beast, fresh, hench, jokes (that's jokes innit), lush, peng (good looking), sick, wicked, peak, wavy
Bad: grim, naff, shite, shit, crap, tat (useless old tat), minging, rank, dry, nasty, humming (means gross)
Pleased: chuffed, buzzing, tickled pink, sorted (I'm sorted mate)
Annoyed: gutted, miffed, pissed off, fucked off, fuming, raging, ticked off, well annoyed, bovvered (used more sarcastically eg: I aint bovvered), vexed
Bollocks, fucking hell, bloody hell, bugger, piss off, any of the insults used above
Other random words
Bare = a lot of (eg bare money)
Chirpsing, grafting = flirting
Garms = clothes
Lips = kiss (are you tryna lips me?)
Peng ting = good looking person / high quality thing
Standard = of course, yeah no duh (Yeah that's standard mate.)
Tight = cheapskate (Don't be so bloody tight!)
Yard = your house (Come over to my yard)
Banter = conversation that's funny, casual, playful (S'just banter innit)
Convo, chinwag, chat = conversation
Defo = short for definite (Oh he's defo up to something)
Other random phrases
Are you taking the mick? = are you mocking me?
Stop faffing around = be serious and stop messing about
That's mad = wow, I can't believe what you just said or that's amazing
Allow it = just leave it, it's no big deal (Whatever mate, allow it)
Other helpful pointers
When British people (who talk like Velv) swear angrily we do so many times in a whole sentence and add a lot of qualifiers, eg:
"Fuck off you fucking prick, you absolute fucking useless arsehole!"
"Don't piss me off babes or I'll fucking end your shitty little life!"
Making a crude observation about something nearly always a curse in-front of it, eg:
"That's fucking rank."
"It was fucking buzzing mate!"
The Magical Use of Innit:
Innit is a wonderful word that can be used everywhere, especially for someone from South London. It basically means "isn't it?" but it has MANY uses. It can be used to mean an agreement, like "I know right?"
"That was well good innit"
"He's a right twat" - response: "INNIT!"
"It's fuckin grim in here" - "Innit mate"
Adding "well" to words
That was well good - that was well bad - that was well grim
(You get the idea)
That's about it for now!
If I think of anything else I will edit this masterlist and if anyone has any questions please feel free to pop them in my inbox. Happy writing!
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milkywaydrabbles · 1 year
number 7 and 9 from flufftober list with alucard 🥺 baby boy is the prettiest man who ever lived and we gotta told him everyday
A/N: I swear one day I'll be able to make my fluff drabbles as long as the smut ones I'm still trying ;; I love Adrian Tepes with my whole heart I say it after every flufftober I write about him but I MEAN IT! Hope you like mwuah
“I could just stare at you forever” “Creep” “You’re the most beautiful being on the earth” x Alucard
Unnerving. That’s how Alucard would describe how you’re looking at him right now. He’s caught you staring a few times already. Normally he wouldn’t mind it, finding it rather adorable. But you’d be staring at him for what felt like hours now. Sighing every few minutes. Alucard tried to ignore it the best he could, really, he did. But how the fuck was he supposed to concentrate on anything at all when he felt your eyes boring into his soul. He sighed, giving in and closing the book in front of him. “Darling, you’re staring.”
He anticipated more from you, not just a nod of affirmation and a smile. Okay then.
Alucard continued his day, and you yours, going about his duties within the village and you doing the daily chores around the castle (he always begged you to relax for a day, leave him something--anything--to do, but you never listened.) He’d swing in and check on you every now and again, and you’d just stare with a dreamy look on your face. Ignoring that. You’d talk to him while you washed clothes, yelling into the other room about some gossip you heard while he studied new defenses to put up around the village. Then the second he stepped into the room you grew silent, dopey smile on your lips. He thought he would burst, until you finally, finally, spoke up about it.
“I could just stare at you forever.”
“Creep.” You cackled, he continued. “That’s exactly what you’ve been doing. All day. I was starting to get worried I’ve forgotten something important and you were just waiting for me to notice.” Really, he was worried. Your laughter died down, hanging the rest of the clothes to try before bouncing over to the dhampir, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down for a chaste kiss. “Can’t help but to look at you, so handsome~” You cooed, peppering kisses all over his face. He smiled, chuffed to bits, and picked you up in his arms bridal style. You squealed, your giggles filling the air around him. Alucard spun you around, wanting to hear more of your happiness. It made his heart grow warm. “What are you going on about, silly girl?” You kicked your feet, leaning your head on his shoulder, and he swears he sees hearts in your eyes. “Feeling very lucky these days, is all. I don’t think I tell you enough that you’re pretty.” 
That made him bark out a laugh, beginning to walk out the wash room with you still in his arms, making way to his study again to have you sit on his lap whilst on the chair. “I think you tell me plenty, sweetheart.” Alucard kissed your forehead, and then your cheeks, and then your nose for good measure. You sighed, melting into his arms and running your fingers through his silky locks. “No, I mean it, you’re so pretty. Beautiful even!” You sat up straight, taking his face in your hands. “You’re beautiful, Adrian. You’re the most beautiful being on this Earth. And I’m so lucky, to be yours.” Alucard let out a shaky breath. You’re always so appreciative of him, really, you are. But each and every time he hears you wax poetry about him it takes his breath away. He never considered that he would make you feel the same way you made him feel. Even though that’s a silly thought, sometimes it was difficult to remember that you loved him. Sometimes it was difficult to imagine anyone loving him.
But you reminded him each and every day.
“Correction, darling--I’m so lucky to be yours.” Alucard tipped your head back, pouring all his love and affection into the kiss. He wanted you to feel his emotions deep in your bones, enough that your marrow would turn to love itself. He kissed you until you pulled back to breathe, and he kissed you some more after that. “Adrian,” you started with a breathy laugh gently holding his jaw.
“We’re lucky then, together.”
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coffeeghoulie · 11 months
#12 is so swiss/aeon coded if you wanted a pop art that? <333
thank you for the prompt! I hope you enjoy!
#12 from this prompt list: lifting you up during a hug and swirling you around
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"You sure you want me teaching you this, stickbug?" Swiss asks, brushing a strand of dark hair behind their ear. "Aeth and Omega would be more than willing to help with your magick."
Aeon sighs, leaning into Swiss's warm touch. They're both lounging in Swiss's room, smoke-hazy and not quite sober, spending a lazy afternoon in each other's arms. "It's embarrassing though," they say, dragging it out nearly into a whine. "I've been Up Top for months and I can't connect to your guys' minds. Any quintessence ghoul worth their salt can do it. And Aeth and Meg are busy in the infirmary."
Swiss hums, still playing absentmindedly with their hair. "It's not embarrassing at all, buggy," he says, voice gentle as it washes over them. "It took almost a year for me to get used to my magick Up Top. It works differently up here than it does in the Pit. It still kind of slips every once in a while. It's okay to ask the others for help."
"I'm asking you," Aeon presses, leaning in close enough to touch their nose to Swiss's, face crinkling as his mustache tickles his upper lip.
Swiss grins, nudging his horn against Aeon's two-toned one. "Of course, stickbug," he says, urging them both up so they're sitting. "You want me to show you how I do it, with my little quintessence? Or do you want to show me what you've been trying?"
"Could ya show me?" Aeon asks, chuffing softly as they lean against Swiss's chest.
The multi-ghoul nods, urging them both to stand. "You stay here, stickbuggy," Swiss says, crossing the room in a few long strides. Aeon whines as he leaves their grasp. "I don't really know how to explain it, but you just sorta, reach out? With your mind? I'm gonna show you one of my memories, put it in your head. I want you to try and do the same."
Aeon nods, swaying a little on their feet. They stare at Swiss as he focuses, gold eyes clear despite their recent indulging of some of Mountain's finest.
The world shifts, no longer in Swiss's bedroom, and suddenly Aeon's looking out over a Ritual stage, watching over Papa and the other ghouls. Aeon startles as they recognize themselves from behind, realizing that this is Swiss's point of view. They watch themselves lean out over the speaker, reaching out to the Ritual goers at the barricade, screaming and grinning. The roar of the crowd only grows as they watch themselves reach further out to the crowd, tossing a pick to a young person wearing black lipstick, grinning wide up at them.
From their point of view, watching themselves give a fan a pick, they feel pride growing in their chest, realizing they're feeling what Swiss was feeling in that moment, seeing what he was seeing. He cocks his head, grinning at them, and the memory fades.
Swiss is grinning at them when they come out of his memory. His tail sweeps languidly behind him. "You're blushing, buggy."
"Shut it," Aeon hisses, focusing and trying to give Swiss a memory of their own. They're distracted by his lazy grin, the magick slipping out of their grasp.
"Focus, darling," Swiss says, tone light and teasing. Aeon snaps their fangs once, no real threat, and tries to focus, feeling their magick swirl around their fingertips, dancing over their skin.
They remember a different Ritual, walking up to Swiss's podium, playing a song they can't put a name to. They gesture up to Swiss, and the multi ghoul crouches down. Aeon takes his face between their hands, pressing a kiss to his lips through their balaclava. As Swiss stands back up, he grins down at them, and Aeon feels the warmth blossom in their chest.
The memory fades, back to reality, and Aeon startles as they see Swiss approaching him, not quite running but almost. He scoops them up, squeezing the breath out of them with a squeak.
"Oh, buggy, you did it!" Swiss shouts, spinning them around with the momentum. Aeon clings to his neck, giggling as they spin.
"I did it?" they repeat, a little stunned, still a little high and giddy. "I did it!"
Swiss grins wider, if such a thing is possible, all teeth and crinkled eyes, setting Aeon down on their feet. He still holds them around the waist, leaning down and peppering kisses over his mottled lilac and grey skin. "You did it, baby bug," he coos, laughing as they giggle. "You don't give yourself enough credit. You've got this, you're just psyching yourself out."
"What can I say?" Aeon laughs, nuzzling against Swiss's stubble like a cat. They rub their cheek against his, chuffing happily as they settle back down on Swiss's mattress, their tail smacking against the mattress as it wags. "I've got a really good teacher."
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queermentaldisaster · 10 days
“The Hunt Is My Muse”
Holy fucking shit y'all, it's been a while since I've updated this fic. Finally managed to finish this chapter, so here you go! I don't remember if there was a tag list or not so uh...woe be upon ye ig, lol. Enjoy!
“Thank you for letting us use your interrogation room, Alejandro.” Price thanked him, as Soap kept Graves moving forward, Ghost at his side, in panther form.
Graves stayed quiet, even as Alejandro shot him a glare, before speaking to Price. “It’s no problem. You all are a part of this force as far as we are concerned,” Alejandro said, with a soft smile. “Mi casa es tu casa. It means that my home is your home.”
Price smiled. “Gracias, Alejandro.”
Soap pushed Graves into the interrogation room, Ghost following behind. Graves went to the chair without a single fuss, sitting down and letting Soap restrain him. Soap’s eyes narrowed. ‘Suspicious.’ He thought, before grabbing Graves’ chin. “Where’s all yer fight, ye bawbag?” Soap demanded. Ghost tilted his head, watching Graves closely.
Graves looked Soap in the eyes, his face expressionless. He didn’t say a word, which only raised Soap’s suspicions. Ghost let out a low growl, stepping closer, his tail lashing. Price stepped in, crossing his arms. “What’s going on, Soap?” The older man asked, and Soap looked back at Price.
“He’s doin’ nothin’. Nae dout he’s up tae somethin’.” Soap spat, his eyes narrowed further. He let go of Graves’ chin, stepping back. Graves let his head hang low, visibly refusing to do anything but sit there. Ghost snarled, just as Gaz entered the room who let out a sharp breath, his nostrils flaring.
“Alright, everyone out, I need to work.” Gaz ordered, and Soap nodded, leaving with Ghost and Price.
Gaz came out about an hour later, sitting on the couch in the lounge, right next to Roach, who was rambling to Ghost and Soap. Soap looked up. “Any luck?” He asked.
Gaz shook his head. “Not exactly. He told me what we already knew, but nothing more.” He grumped, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Soap hummed, idly picking at a scab on his arm.
“Hm. He's bein’ too cooperative.” He muttered, mostly to himself as he stared into the distance. “I cannae tell if he's daft or suicidal.”
Ghost chuffed and put a paw on Soap's hand, drawing him back to reality. He looked down at the panther and used his free hand to scratch behind his ears. “Och, ah dinnae ken if it matters either. He's no’ goin’ free.”
Gaz hummed, tapping his fingers on the holster of his gun. “Not sure it's either of those.” He murmured, causing the others to look at him with confusion. Gaz shrugged, looking directly at Soap. “He mentioned something in passing as I was leaving. Something about how he just wanted to keep what he'd managed to build.”
Roach arched an eyebrow. “Shepherd threatened to destroy his life?” Gaz shrugged again and Ghost's ears flicked in irritation from the repeated tapping on the holster.
Soap slipped Gaz a pen to twirl as the other man began speaking. “Maybe. But I'm not so sure that it's that simple. I'ma talk to Price, see if he and Laswell can dig up Graves’ files. We're missing a piece here.”
Ghost growled, displeased with what Gaz was implying. Gaz looked at him with a sigh. “I know, you want him six feet under, but he could have extra information we need and I need to know where to push to get that information.”
Soap scratched Ghost's head, nodding at Gaz. “Aye, we can understand that. We're nae goin’ tae be happy about it though.”
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thalialunacy · 4 months
[for the @calaisreno MayProWriMo, which we're halfway through, whaaaat. take heed: I'm gonna call this one nc-17/nsfw/explicit; also smol cw for John being a middle-aged white dude who tries hard.]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) 16: experiment (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31)
'The true method of knowledge is experiment.' -- William Blake
John's birthday do turns into a Rosie-themed party, but he doesn't mind. He's chuffed, truth be told. And not at all biased.
Luckily, all the other adults present are also not at all biased, so she has a willing audience for her various toddler antics, and throws herself into them full-speed.
'Perfect,' John says aside to Sherlock as Rosie demonstrates to the twelfth guest how to use her new rocking horse. The thing is solid. 'She'll wear herself down and pass out as soon as I put her to bed.'
Sherlock glances down at him from where he'd been watching a folded-up Stamford give the toy horse a few rocks before listing to one side and plonking down onto the carpet dramatically. 'You have plans?' he deduces easily while Rosie's giggles spin through the air.
John clears his throat. 'Possibly.'
Sherlock's lips curve into a smile, even after he turns his focus back to the room. 'Indeed.'
'In the spirit of science, there really is no such thing as a 'failed experiment.' Any test that yields valid data is a valid test.' -- Adam Savage
In true contrarian form, Rosie fights the fight of the exhausted and over-stimulated when John tries to start her bedtime routine after finally shoving all the guests out the door. He gets more water on him than she does during her bath, she ends up with backwards jammies on because she absolutely refuses to wear them any other way, and she has declared her disgust with every single one of their normal bedtime stories before he can blink.
John loves her to the ends of the earth, but he's suddenly feeling some strong nostalgia for his bachelor days. Very strong. Very. Strong.
A few moments before his patience is truly drained to nil, there's a knock on the door and Sherlock sticks his head in. 'Rosamund?' he asks, walking over and meeting her gaze. 'What's all this?'
'Don't want bad story!' she exclaims with watery eyes, like the idea is tantamount to state-sanctioned torture.
Sherlock glances at John, who just shrugs wearily. 'There's no accounting for taste.'
Sherlock snorts. 'Alright, Watsons. Here's the plan. Watson the Elder will go have a bath and some tea, and Watson the Younger will listen attentively while I tell the most riveting story of all time.'
He tucks her blanket back around her and she settles a little at his touch. Then he starts in with That Voice, and she's no match. 'Long ago, there once was a woman named Marie. She was from a land far, far away called Poland.' John makes a noise, and Sherlock in turn makes a shooing motion at him.
Plodding his way down the stairs, John muses that all of Sherlock's Rosie stories have involved female protagonists, usually non-fictional. They're not a particularly outwardly 'woke' bunch, the residents of 221 Baker St, but John reckons it's the little things. Like raising a daughter with heroes like Marie Curie.
It's not something they've even discussed, as her caretakers, and affection for Sherlock hits John hard in the chest. He's the luckiest bastard in the world, he really is.
'Argument is conclusive, but it does not remove doubt, so that the mind may rest in the sure knowledge of the truth, unless it finds it by the method of experiment.' -- Roger Bacon
That appreciation is still lingering when John exits the loo in his bathrobe to find Sherlock sprawled on the kitchen table, which is a new one, reading a book that looks about as old as the earth itself.
'Feel better?' he says without lifting his eyes to John.
John nods, approaching him. 'You left out the part where Marie Curie died of radiation poisoning, yes?'
'Obviously,' Sherlock says, easing his legs over the edge of the table until he's sitting on it like a normal person, but still reading. 'That will keep until she's at least four.'
'Right. What's the book about?' John asks as he makes his way between Sherlock's knees.
Sherlock holds up a pointer finger. 'One moment.'
John shakes his head with a small smile, then without really considering it he rolls his palms up Sherlock's thighs. The detective is still wearing his party trousers, fine wool John really doesn't want to know the cost of, and it feels smooth and satisfying under his skin.
He leaves his hands at the top of Sherlock's thighs, pressing lightly into small spaces. Sherlock coughs. 'If you distract me, it'll take even longer.'
John raises his hands. 'Fine, fine. I'll just be in bed.' He lowers his voice a little. 'In your bed.'
Sherlock goes very still, eyes staying glued to the page. But his thighs tighten around John when he tries to back away.
John chuckles, and debates the merits of keeping his hands to himself. But before he's decided, he's interrupted.
'Done,' Sherlock announces loudly, slapping the book shut and putting it down on the table with only a modicum of care. He pulls John into him immediately, but his brow is a little furrowed. 'Do you mean it?'
'We've shared beds before,' John strings him along with.
Sherlock tuts. 'John Watson, don't be coy, it doesn't suit you.'
John sobers, and then nods. 'I want… ' He goes for the plain truth. The opposite of coy. 'I want to sleep in your bed, and I'd prefer it'd be after some orgasms.'
Sherlock makes a noise John's not sure how to interpret.
'If you want,' John adds lightly. 
Crystalline eyes search John's face. 'Aren't you tired?'
His smile blooms slowly. 'Yeah, I am. But not too tired for this.' He reaches up to cradle Sherlock's face in his hands, and kisses him, slow and steady, feeling the beat of his heart.
'If I experiment enough, I get a deeper understanding.' -- Terence Tao
The first word gets drawn on Sherlock's right hip.
John's left index finger traces eight letters while his right hand tucks into Sherlock's pants and draws them down and off, his mouth following then trailing along hot, hard skin. He knows Sherlock's watching, and likes the idea that he's being at least a little unpredictable.
He's not done this before, but he's done this before. His tongue, and palate, and salivary glands adjust without much fanfare.
The second word, also eight letters, is then stencilled into Sherlock's right thigh, where the hair is downy, and the tendon cords under John's hand.
'John--' Sherlock murmurs roughly. 'What--'
John, on a whim, tries a thing with his tongue, and Sherlock cuts off with a groan. Then John finds himself so involved he forgets to do the next word until Sherlock pulls him up into a tight embrace.
John lets him, because it leaves him in the perfect position to tongue the ten letters into Sherlock's long, exposed neck.
'John, really. Your penmanship is--' His breath catches as John uses a few teeth. '--terrible.'
John huffs a laugh, genuinely amused. 'Doctor, remember?'
'No excuse,' Sherlock says blithely, then starts pulling away.
John is unashamed to admit he tries to stop him, tries to keep him close. Sherlock's gaze softens, and he leans back in.
'Not going further than this bed,' he says against John's mouth. 'It's just that I have something I wish to do.' He smiles, slow and long, and says, 'You did just have a bath, did you not?'
John searches his face, feeling scorched down to his toes at the implied invitation. His thumb traces the fourth word, only four letters, into the thin skin of Sherlock's unbroken wrist, and Sherlock's eyes widen fractionally.
'Perfect,' Sherlock says, then captures his mouth in another kiss. 'Turn over.'
'Your fracture,' John protests. 'It isn't fully healed.'
Sherlock rolls his eyes, and John is reassured he's still the same as he ever was. 'Which is why you should turn over. I'm going to kneel at the foot of the bed. That alright with you, Doctor?'
 'Oh, hell. Yes.'
The fifth word-- Well, John is surprised it took this long for the tables to turn, really, but the fifth word gets bitten into the rounded flesh where John's upper thigh tucks into his arse, before he has a chance to rise up onto his hands and knees. All seven letters, nibbled precisely into sensitive skin while Sherlock's uninjured hand teases at the goal.
'Jesus God,' John mutters weakly. 'Sherlock--'
'Up,' Sherlock says with a tap. John levers himself into position with a grunt, and barely has time to steady himself before Sherlock licks into him.
'Fuck,' he hisses, almost surging forward but being caught round the hip by Sherlock's good hand, steadied.
And then absolutely taken apart.
'Sher--' he falters, ages and a moment later, panting and trying to hold onto his clanging heart. 'Please, come here, I want-- I want you to come with me-- Oh, fuck.''
Sherlock's groan reverberates into him, and John falls onto his forearms, arse held in the air purely by strength of will. He'll congratulate himself later.
When Sherlock pulls away and climbs back onto the bed, John is caught in a messy web of lust and turns over just enough to pull Sherlock down onto his side. 'Please,' he says roughly, reaching for Sherlock's prick. 'Can I--'
'Yes,' Sherlock hisses, seeking out reciprocation. 'Whatever you want.'
And they sync up without too much struggle, racing to bring the other pleasure, and John can't quite remain tethered when he feels Sherlock's tongue tracing the sixth word over his heart. 'Sherlock,' he whispers. He tenses, and it's over; he's awash with sensation and floating away.
Seven steps of the scientific method: 1) Question 2) Research 3) Hypothesis 4) Test 5) Analyse 6) Conclusions 7) Communicate.
'You know,' Sherlock says enough moments later that John can focus on him again. 'The seventh step is debatable.'
John smirks sleepily, reaching blindly for his pants to wipe the majority of the evidence off their skin. 'I'd say communication is the most important part, actually.'
Sherlock huffs; John feels it on his temple and decides he's not moving for a while. And it takes a while for Sherlock to say what John can tell is brewing in his mind, anyway. It's alright. He can wait.
'What was that about, truly?' Sherlock finally asks quietly.
'Well,' John says, thinking as he traces figures, meaningless figures this time, into Sherlock's arm. 'Sometimes experiments are about demonstrating a known fact that’s already proven. '
'And this one proved…?'
John's hand comes to a stop. 'Oh, come on, you know what.'
Silence stretches after that statement, and John finally raises his eyes to meet Sherlock's. A smile spreads across his face at what he sees there.
'Just that I love the hell out of you,' he says matter-of-factly.
Sherlock lets out a stream of breath he'd apparently been holding. 'A reasonable conclusion,' he mutters, bringing their mouths together.
John grins, knowing exactly what Sherlock is saying with those words, and lets him have it.
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purrmoon · 2 years
🌙 lore: noises & mannerisms
these lists are non-exhaustive, and i may reblog or edit with additions~
Pack Calls. Meant to attract the attention of pack immediately—whether to alert danger, expression of loneliness or helplessness, or simply to alert to a cycle beginning. (A pup call is the same thing, though younger sounding and harder to ignore.)
Purrs. Usually an expression of happiness or contentment, but they can also be use to self-soothe or comfort. Purring promotes healing. The sound can be made unconsciously or on purpose. An alpha’s purrs tend to be low and rumbling; sometimes almost inaudible, and easier to feel than hear. Bets and omegas have more mid-toned purrs. Pups have loud, rumbly, often uneven purrs.
Growls. In betas and omegas, a growl is a warning. Alphas will growl as a threat, in play, during sex / arousal, and sometimes even when they yawn—and as such, tend to make the noise the most. Pups may also growl in play. Alphas have the deepest growls, followed by omegas. Betas have fairly mid-toned growls. Pups have tiny, high-pitched growls.
Snarls. Much like a growl, but deeper and more threatening. This isn’t just a threat or warning, but often the precursor of a fight. Snarls may also be heard during a fight.
Chuffs. A low huffing noise used as a signal to ‘come here.’ Often used on pups or younger siblings. They’re difficult to ignore from packmates—especially older packmates or parents. Alphas are especially good at chuffing.
Croons. Low, musical sounds meant to comfort and reassure. They’re often used to help lull pups to sleep.
Trills. A high, musical sound that express happiness, joy, excitement. Adult alphas have a harder time making them, and rarely do so, but happy betas, omegas, and pups make them frequently.
Whines. A high pitched expression of sadness or discomfort. These tend to sound uniform among adults, and a little higher in pups. Pup whines, especially before speech, usually indicate hunger, lack of attention, or a need for changing.
Keens. High pitched calls of want or need, though they can also be used to express more acute pain—like grief.
Scruffing. Refers to grabbing the back of the neck, fingers touching the scent glands, and squeezing gently. This triggers a flood of submission hormones, forcibly relaxing the muscles. It can induce drowsiness. This can be comforting when done by a trusted packmate, but terrifying and unpleasant when done by a stranger. The effect lasts longer in pups, or those in their cycle.
Submission bite. Refers to biting the back or side of the neck. Like a scruff, this triggers a flood of submission hormone, though it’s much stronger. A hard enough bite can cause a mild paralysis, the limbs becoming too heavy to move. The bitee is more susceptible to orders given by the biter. In both the case of a scruff and a submission bite, the hormone can be fought, but it’s difficult. Submission bites are typically denote the end of a challenge fight. Submission bites given outside of that are considered a form of assault or abuse, as scruffing is considered a more appropriate way of dealing with any unruly or rebellious behavior. It’s considered unconscionable for an adult to give a submission bite to a pup.
Nipping. A light bite, and a common way to express affection both platonically and romantically. Romantic partners may nip at each other’s necks, ears, jaws, & lips. Platonic packmates may nip pack members shoulders, arms, fingers, or noses.
Scenting. An important part of pack bonding, and a way of expressing, "I'm here, I care about you, I want people to know we're connected even when we're apart." Covered in more detail here.
Claiming bites. Referring to the bite claiming someone as pack or mate. Pack bites are more like nips, and accompanied by licking, while mating bites will draw blood, and leave a scar. Pack and mate bonds are covered in more detail here.
Nuzzling. Rubbing noses is a common way of greeting close pack members. Cheeks may also be nuzzled. Romantic partners will nuzzle shoulders, backs, thighs, the back of the knee, etc. Alphas find it very comforting to have their neck/throat nuzzled.
Forehead touch. Another common greeting between close pack members, though slightly more common in romantic partners.
Head-butting. A playful variation of the forehead touch.
Wrist-brushing. Pressing the wrists together. A gesture of comfort or intimacy. It’s also common to stroke the gland with the thumb—something omegas find especially comforting.
Scent-guarding. Raising the shoulders and/or lowering the chin to block the scent glands, often paired with wrapping the arms around the stomach. An expression of fear, meant to try and block or suppress one’s scent.
Throat-baring. Lifting the chin and showing off the throat is a sign of submission. It may be done out of respect, trust, or fear, or as a way to show that one isn’t a threat. This is considered the best way to approach someone in a feral state.
Teeth-baring. Sometimes this is a warning. Other times it’s a challenge, especially when compared with snapping their teeth or snarling.
Posturing. Making one’s self look bigger—raising the shoulders, standing up as straight as possible, maybe even bouncing up on the balls of the feet. Often combined with circling. This is often the precursor to a challenge fight. Posturing may also refer to trying to impress a potential mate, usually by making one's self look bigger / more impressive than a rival.
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takeariskao3 · 7 months
WIP tag
Thanks for the tags @nodirectionhome-ao3 & @missgryffin!!! both of you are incredible writers and i am just chuffed that you thought of me. <3
List the titles of your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
my wips (and the fact that they are still wips and not finished) make me so sad but we're working through it. also the priority levels have changed massively in the past week or so (whoops)
already gone--amnesia hinny au, ginny wakes up without six years of memory and no context for the world she finds herself in
the path from you-- a post-war hinny au/bodyguard fic, ginny is receiving anonymous letters and harry gets assigned to her case... will their shared history get in the way of solving the mystery?
love wasn't designed for the cynical-- (not posted/oneshot) amnesia/timeloop percabeth au, percy pisses off hera (again) and gets stuck in an alternate universe where he and annabeth never got together. he has to relive the same day over and over with no idea how to get out
spring fever-- a/b/o & sex pollen hinny au, a mutation in the cherry blossoms reactivate a long dormant biological reaction and humanity dissolves into a sex crazed pandemic. through absolutely no fault of their own, harry and ginny end up riding out the stay at home measures together... and maybe, accidentally, trigger each others designations
it's a match!-- (not posted/oneshot) an epistolary (text fic/socmed au) where harry and ginny keep matching across all dating apps over the span over several years. will they ever move past their casual acquaintanceship and actually go on a date?
scenes i'm excited to write:
harry takes ginny to the holyhead harpies stadium. ginny has some expected, and some unexpected, interactions
i'm really looking forward to writing the entirety of chap, 19 to be honest, but specifically harry and ginny trying and failing to have a secret relationship
mr d knows exactly what's going on, and refuses to help percy even a little bit lmaooo
spring fever is tough. i feel like the smut i'm writing right now isn't hitting the plot beats that i want so i am taking a SHORT break from it and focusing on some other things that have more momentum. but i'm excited to write harry and ginny going into a full sex fog and this fic finally earning it's dubious consent tag
i made the graphics so all i have left to do for this one is format the messages... and i'm actually not looking forward to this part because it's so time consuming and trial and error and it's frustrating for me so that's why i haven't posted it yet whoops.... other than that it's done 😅
my plan was to update already gone next but as always i will honor the results of the sacred tumblr poll
tagging: @thenicestthingiveseen @displayheartcode @brightlybound @starlingflight @nena-96 @celestemagnoliathewriter @corneliaavenue-ao3 @four2andnew @historyevolving @ginnyw-potter @greenhousethree
(sorry if you've already been tagged)
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The battle
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Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3
Prompt : “If I can still breath, I’m fine.”
Warnings: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Words: 1.600
The air was charged with tension. It was mere hours before the Others came. People were scared and anxious. So was Faerys. That's what brought her here in the courtyard. Her steps were light but her heart was heavy. She knew that many of the faces she sees now will not be here when everything is done. Maybe she herself will be on the list of deceased. Who knows?
She was walking around until she heard chatter growing curious she walked towards it.
"I'm no king but if I were I'd knight you ten times over." Peering over the edge of the wall she saw Tormund speaking to Brienne causing Faerys to smile and finally walk in making her presence known with her next words.
"Correct me if I am wrong ser Jamie, but any knight can make another knight." Said man looked at her and nodded. "You are right my lady, and I am going to prove it." He pulled his sword out and continued. "Kneel lady Brienne." The chuckle left her lips not believing Jamie. "Do you want to be a knight or not? Kneel." At those words she realized that Jamie was in fact serious, so she did as commanded. Dropping on to one knee.
Faerys looked on with pride, her friend is finally being acknowledged for her deeds.
"Arise, Brienne of Tarth the knight of Seven kingdoms." She arose with tears in her eyes. Soon round of applause followed. Tyrion spoke above the noise "Ser Brienne of Tarth, knight of seven kingdoms." Said woman looked at Faerys with watery eyes and big smile. If it was possible the eldest Targaryen would have melted on the spot as she smiled back with a nod. Soon everyone was back in their seats.
"Nice of you to join us my lady." Tyrion spoke. "Well someone does need to keep you people in check, especially you my lord." Her tone was light and teasing as she spoke which caused round of laughter, and it was spent like that until last moment. They were laughing and joking knowing full well that faces they see now maybe won't be there after battle is over so they made most of it. But like every other good thing this also has passed and news saying that army of the dead is here.
Battle was bloody, at some point Faerys was hit with an arrow it pierced her shoulder and went out on the other side. Her loyal dragon caught her mid air and plummeted along with her to the ground. Army didn't wait as they started swarming young dragon and her rider. But Faerys wouldn't give in so easily neither would Layan, they fought valiantly. But the Dead were slowly overpowering exhausted duo, and just as she thought that she is done for... They dropped, all of them like leafs on fall fell down. Lifeless. That is when she too allowed herself to drop, her body weak and exhausted blood loss taking it's toll.
It was Tyrion who found young Targaryen her body surrounded by dozens of heads of undead and the whole bodies. Her body held in protective grasp of her dragon battered and bleeding profusely, but still breathing ever so slightly. Layan was letting out soft breezes of air and chuffing ever so slightly, nudging her master with her head trying to awake Faerys. He was quick to ask for help, calling for maesters to come and take care of her.
Besides the arrow shot there several more deep wounds. "She is truly a dragon my lady. I never saw someone take such wounds and still survive. Her recovery will be hard one but she will be good as new." Maester spoke to future queen, younger sister of the woman laying down on the bed covered in bandages. She nodded and spoke "Leave us." So he did, youngest sat beside her sisters bed as she clutched her hand tears welling in her eyes. "Please come back to us soon. We need you. I need you."
Distant sobs were heard, Faerys felt like she was miles apart from the sound but she recognized it oh so well, so she forced her eyes open and saw her little sister turned in to the small girl she once knew. Her shoulders shaking as she sobbed silently, begging to whoever listened that her sister doesn't die. Gently grabbing the hand of younger girl Faerys spoke "No need to weep my sweet. I am here." Daenerys jerked her head up and saw her sister with smile on her face, she jumped in to her spread arms and clutched her as hard as wounds allowed her. Hiding her head in her sisters neck she spoke "I thought I lost you."
Eldest stroked her sisters cheek “If I can still breath, I’m fine.” Watery smile spread along the face of Daenerys and Faerys reciprocated. Soon cheers were heard and Faerys looked confused. "The feast is being held as celebration of our victory."
"Well what are you waiting. Help me up."
"No way are you getting up."
"Who is elder here my little flame?"
"I don't care that you are older you are staying in bed."
"Since when are you so bossy?"
"Since you nearly died few hours ago, you need your rest." Faerys pouted knowing her sister is right, she nodded nonetheless knowing that when Danny put her mind to something there's no changing it. So she relaxed back in to her mattress and let sleep overtake her.
She was woken up by strange sounds, listening closer she realized those were moans. Her heart clenched in her chest because she knew. Room by hers was Brienne's, and she very well knew who was with her in it. Covering her head with the pillow and trying to tune out the sounds she fell back asleep with tears in her eyes.
Day passed and Faerys got better, being way too stubborn to stay in bed she walked out of her room and started walking around. That is when she heard it. "She can't be serious right? We just finished one war, all of us are tired and she wants to jump in to another?!" One of the solders spoke and grabbed Faerys's attention. "Who are you talking about pray tell?" She asked and northerner looked at her with nasty glare. "It doesn't concern you." "Careful how you speak to her solider." It was Brienne, her tone leaving no place for argument, man went pale as he nodded, apologized and scurried away.
Faerys chuckled "You shouldn't have been so harsh." Brienne raised her eyebrow and shook her head. "You are his elder and superior. He has no right to speak to you in such manner." Faerys smiled gently at her protective nature but then smirked. "But most importantly I am friend of Ser Brienne. So no one will dare to speak against me as long as she is by my side." Teasing her friend was favorite past time of Faerys but also seeing her friend going beet red is one of her favorite things to do. Brienne shook her head and grunted.
"Shouldn't you be in bed. I heard you were wounded pretty badly, I wanted to visit but no one would let me in." Taking Brienne's hand in to her own Faerys smiled. "I am well, no big deal to be honest to me it seems that maesters love to overexaggerate somethings." Brienne laughed at exparated tone of her friend as she started to walk alongside her.
"I see. I am glad. But to answer your earlier question. Queen plans to ride on kings landing tomorrow." This took Faerys off guard. "She what?" "You didn't know?" Faerys shook her head wondering what was going trough her sisters head. "I will speak to her immediately. Men are obviously tired. Everyone needs time to rest, going to battle now would be suicide." "Good luck convincing her." Faerys nodded and walked away from Brienne.
Knocking on to the doorway of the room in which Daenerys, Tyrion and John were she walked in. Younger Targaryen was shocked to see her sister on her legs. "What are you doing outside of bed?" Faerys smiled at her sisters concern. "I am well my little flame. But I heard something that concerns me. How come you plan to ride on to King's Landing tomorrow when your soldiers can barely hold their heads up from exhaustion." The Queen frowned at how quickly information spread but nodded nonetheless. "If we don't take it now, then when. Cersei is just going to get stronger." Faerys nodded at the logic of her sister but didn't find satisfaction in it. "Only if I can be by your side when you march towards it." Daenerys shook her head. "You barely just got out of bed, there is no way I am risking your life like that." Faerys smirked. "But everyone else is. I am no better than them little one. I am riding with you either tomorrow or in ten years. I am going."
Faerys had her reasons for insisting. Yes mainly to protect her younger sister but also to protect innocents of King's landing should her sister be too consumed by rage to think clearly. Eventually the Queen agreed. Although she was reluctant she knew that when Faerys set out to do something she will do it no matter what.
At the end of the day it's where the queen herself got her own stubbornness from.
So the planning began, Faerys didn't know what the night will bring or what morning will give.
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panelshowsource · 1 year
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this was my first time seeing tim and also getting a chance to say a brief hello! (though, i’m not particularly keen on meeting celebs or comedians and rarely take the opportunity, tim just seemed so approachable and that "this really could be my only chance ever" feeling hit hard, so i did it!; that said, i am incredibly disappointed having missed richard osman's book signing last month, but now i’m digressing…) he seemed so, so chuffed at the show being sold out and people being so happy to see him, it made my heart happy 🥹 and, yes, totally polite! (and quite hairy?) i said this before, but one of the best things about nyc shows is watching artists brim with pride — nyc brings out the 15-year-old dreamer in them that they used to be, you can see the "holy shit i really did it" in their eyes... never gets old!!
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(this is a follow-up to a question about which 3 comedians i’d want to have dinner with!)
i think people would typically approach this question one of two ways: you want to meet the people you really, really love no matter what or you want to meet the people you really, really want to know more about. those two things can overlap, but sometimes a person you adore has already shared so much, written so many books, created so much, done so many interviews and answered so many questions that you might feel it's a greater privilege to see behind the door of a fiercely private person instead, if forced to choose. stephen fry and simon amstell are great examples of people i've loved so long, respect so much, find endlessly funny and interesting and inspiring — but they've been so generous with their lives and thoughts that there are other comedians & writers i'd never know 1/100th as well even after a three-hour dinner and their undivided attention, and i may selfishly, desperately want to. i say "may" because i don't really blame anyone who would prefer to live in ignorance about their favourite comedians & writers and just enjoy them through their work. sometimes i think that's how i feel about victoria; she's so witty and so smart and represents so much of what i respect about women in her industry that i love her to bits, but because her opinions can be so strong and even acerbic i'm intimidated by the reality that we may clash in some of our ways of thinking — and, selfishly, i don't necessarily want to face that. anyways—
if we were having dinner all of us together, i think it'd be nice to pick 3 people who are friends and would have a lot to talk about amongst themselves — since i'd mostly be there as a voyeur, or to ask a question to spurn on more stories. there are also comedians i'd pick in this scenario because they'd do much better amongst their own kind than a one on one with a normie...
do you ever regret asking me these kinds of questions bc my answers are always so long and qualified and boring like i type this shit out thinking "who would ever read all this or care even half as much just list the fucking comedians" im so sorry for who i am
...like, really, someone like alex horne...he'll be much better in a group, with his friends to play off of...but fock he's kinda hard to fit in with my other faves...
i think for a group dinner i'd enjoy so much seeing catherine tate, lee mack, and david tennant. how epic would be that? the oldest of friends, who used to be in a group on the circuit as kids, and the long-time colleagues and icons, who have ruled tv culture with their talent and their charisma; three open, warm people, all legends in their own rights, with endless stories, who may not otherwise show lower-key sides of themselves. i'd sit at that table forever, i think, learning about the comedy scene, the acting scene, television and movies, how the industry circles have overlapped and evolved and helped and hurt. i could sit at that table forever, i think.
as for one on one dinners, it's too difficult not to say david mitchell (is that so predictable ╥﹏╥ ), who is someone who feels close but far; i think — apart from his love of history — he's offered many more scratched surfaces than deep dives, and i deeply appreciate the spectrum of his career and interests. i couldn't keep him too long because i don't think he appreciates going on and on about himself, and i'm sure i couldn't be too interesting, but man what an experience that would be no matter if it was just a short tea! otherwise, i would say sean lock and...as a kind of wild card...richard osman. i think a lot of people will relate to sean, just wanting to see him again, just wanting a moment of his humanity, his great balance between accepting the harsh and coping what we can. richard is a strikingly fascinating person — the younger brother of a famous rockstar and a massive comedy nerd who went on to become one of the richest comedy tv producers and now a crime author? talk about containing multitudes. he's been around for so long but really hasn't given much of himself away — i'm so curious about his life! and he seems such a polite, gentle, intelligent, insightful person, i think the conversation would just be so enlightening!
as you can imagine i have about 15 other people i'd be dying dying dying to have dinner with but i stuck with the prompt!!! sorry i was so word vomit about it >.<
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the thing is julian has 0% dad energy — what he has is INTENSE rich childfree aunt energy. she’s gonna come around for dinner once in a while and wear that fake smile around the kids that makes it very obvious she’s not into them but is happy for you and talk about her recent trip to paris and after about two hours she has to leave 1) to go to the theatre but mostly 2) for her own sanity. as for lucy and sam, i saw an amazing exchange (i think on tiktok?? idr) discussing the quite serious difference at the foundations of james acaster’s and sam campbell’s comedy, since they’re being often erroneously compared, and someone made a point that went more or less like this: “the basis of james’ comedy is the fact he is a deeply angry, self-loathing and mentally ill person. sam is just a toddler who has had way too many lollipops.” and…that’s it. older sister lucy and younger brother sam have had too many lollies — you can even find some in their hair 🍭🍭
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well you know what i watched an episode of pointless where THIS FUCKING CLUE got 86!!!!!!!!!! 14 people didn’t get sheep!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so frankly i don’t trust this audience anyways!!!!
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hahaha no i just threw it together for that ask post that’s why it’s so sloppy 😂 you can use it if you want!
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aw anon that's so nice! like i said, someone else made that action and i would love to know who (well, i know their name is ana, but have never found their blog in all these years) — the whole community is built on sharing resources and tips! hope you're having fun :')
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get out of here!!! these were so sweet. thank you so much. to echo my answer to the anon before these, it's a huge community effort and the people who rip this content are my heroes. i'm happy you have some resources to help you smile and laugh 🥹
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julietsbb · 1 month
Hi, it's G again. I opened Twitter this morning to escape a nasty meeting to see all the updates. AND IT WAS GLORIOUS!!
You write them so exquisitely. The emotions you conveyed for both of them, especially in trying to resolve their conflict... 1000/10, no notes. The hurt between them was a living breathing thing that made me want to choke. But the communication, the openness, the care, all of the ways they were determined to not let it break them; it was so so beautiful. I died reading the bit where Phuwin is taking off Pond's shirt ( he's so careful with him, like he thinks Pond is a delicate crystal and any wrong move will leave him shattered on the ground). I love the way Pond responded to the whole situation. He had to step in, both to stand up for himself and to stop Phuwin's doom spiral. Not sure if he's even consciously considering the doom spiral aspect though. It just feels like something he would do for someone he loves.
There is so much love and affection in them. I'm not sure if they even realise it themselves. It'll be fun to see where this goes when they are back home and no longer forced to live in the same space. Will the physical space manifest space in their relationship? I can't wait to find out!
I had a nice little laugh about Phuwin's thoughts while looking at Pond. Very 'No Homo' while being anything but. Oh baby Phu, you remind me of my own baby gay moments.
I might have to dig out my old stan account to gush at you on Twitter, but till I do that, I hope it's okay to send you these over here.
Love, G
i'm so glad you enjoyed the update!! that was a lot of my sunday LOL
thank you so much for your sweet sweet words and for coming back to me to talk to me about this monster that started on accident...
"It just feels like something he would do for someone he loves." it does anon G, it does T_T
ah yes the going home... it's the next big segment in my notes doc and it's listed in all caps.... i have a couple of different ideas i like that i want to incorporate re: that, specifically.
lolololol you're the third person to point out that moment to me and i'm endlessly amused by it because i really didn't give it that much thought as i wrote it, it just made sense aslfkaldkf
but yes they are but gaybies, hence why they get easily confused and also know nothing, aren't even thinking of what they're doing under the umbrella term of 'kinky' ....i am still very unsure whether to have one of them actually do some research at some point but i guess we'll see 🤷‍♀️
It is MORE than okay, anon G, i am delighted, I am HONOURED, and if you do decide to dust off your twitter, you're more than welcome to say hi and pls introduce yourself as anon G if you do 🙏 Thank you again for your sweet ask and have a lovely morning/evening/timezone, where ever you are! I'm so chuffed I could help you escape a nasty meeting and I hope you survived it okay!
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unclewaynemunson · 11 months
Hi!!! I have mildly reigned in my Clarkson music thoughts:
I think Wayne would be pretty set in his ways with the music he likes. Country, bluegrass, folk music. All very acoustic-based. Lots of lyrics about travelling and wandering. Songs that are probably very sad too.
Some musicians: early Bob Dylan, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Patsy Cline, Gram Parsons/The Byrds, James Taylor.
He’d be pretty chuffed at the idea of a bunch of his faves forming The Travelling Willburys. They released their first album in 1988 (which Eddie buys him).
I don’t know why I’m envisioning Scott as liking a lot of female singer-songwriters from the 70s and that’s where there would be an overlap with Wayne’s music tastes. Like Wayne loves learns that Scott likes Emmylou Harris and Linda Ronstadt. He likes Carol King and Joni Mitchell the most.
Buuut I also think Scott would be into more contemporary stuff for the time, considering he’s a middle school teacher so he overhears a lot of music talk and has needed to confiscate a Walkman or two in his time!
Talking Heads, Peter Gabriel. I could totally see him liking the techo-whatever (I don’t know music terms) of groups like Devo too.
I'm now resisting the strong urge to write a ficlet of Scott making Wayne a mixtape!
Anyway, I'll stop. Hope this was okay 💖
Okay so it took me a while until i actually had time to answer this with the attention it deserves but THANK YOU I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS. I will now be obsessively thinking about Scott giving Wayne a mixtape bc holy shit that is the most adorable thing ever i am screaming into my pillow!!! He'd be all embarrassed about it like "i know it's something silly that all my middle schoolers do but those songs made me think of you and i wanted to share them with you" (idk if they're already officially together or still in that awkward are-we-dating-or-not phase but eddie would be watching this interaction from the couch like 👀👀👀👀👀👀 and tease wayne about it for the next 100 years. i would devour any fic about this tbh)
And i'm so glad you agree with me about Wayne being a James Taylor sad country bluegrass man! I can also definitely picture them listening to Joni Mitchell together i love that for them <3 There are for sure some artists in this list that i'm gonna have to check out, so thank you so much for sending me so many great and well thought out ideas ily! <333
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vraisetzen · 24 days
I think your Kokushibo is the best one I’ve read in fan fictions. I haven’t read anyone who approaches him with such complexity. You really do pay deference to his character and study the way he speaks and navigates the world. I really appreciate the fact that you respect his character as it reflects in your writing. You make him sound three-dimensional and interesting. I haven’t seen anyone else do anything remotely similar for him either here or on AO3. In fact, there really seems to be a dearth of fan fictions about him in general… and the ones that do choose to tackle him… well, I must admit, I very rarely liked their takes on him. All in all, I just think it’s cool that you managed to write him so well and I’ve really enjoyed reading your works both here and on AO3. I’m not sure if you’ll be sharing much writing in the future, but if you do, I’d be super chuffed.
Hi Anon! Thank you for your very lovely words — I'm so pleased that you find my depiction of Kokushibo agreeable!
I guess, at the heart of things, I just wanted to find out more about what sort of man Kokushibo was beyond what Gotouge showed us. He was a married man, after all, with two children, and by his words lived a quiet, peaceful life for a brief period of time; how does one reconcile this earlier part of him with the demon he would become? Did he really give up all of his humanity?
And I suppose when it comes to romance and erotica, there is inevitably that aspect of wish fulfilment and fantasy; I think we'd all want our faves to share our same tastes, but the truth is rarely ever so. Personal preferences can be quite unpredictable and don't always map into someone's personality; and I have a list of things that I think Kokushibo would like and do in a relationship, and things that he strictly will not. This keeps me grounded whenever I'm brainstorming and writing!
But enough of me babbling on and on about my process, haha — I'm just glad that my interpretation of Kokushibo was at least truthful to how he was portrayed in fandom, and that you enjoyed reading my fics! I will be tackling Muzan next, and that itself is a whole new challenge, but I will give my best!
xoxo, V ♥️
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musette22 · 25 days
Minnie! I've been having all these "Mattfleck" content on my TikTok fyp, moments between Ben Afleck and Matt Damon going viral (most of the viral videos are by one or two accounts too, if not all of them) and everyone's going crazy with all the new information and people are shipping them hard (I do not blame them, lol), and I saw one comment on one of these post saying "you guys need to check out Milex" and naturally, I thought of you, and then naturally, I thought about Evanstan, and I was like god, there are so many moments of Chris and Seb (and of Milex too, I'm sure) that no one pays attention to, and we just need one or two heroes getting them out there. Like the intimate hugs, the whole Civil War press tour thing, etc. Make a fucking catalog, thread, picture album, I don't care.
I don't even know why I want general public to just fucking pay attention to them too, nothing more, just see these two together, please! Like actually see all these moments and the rest is up to you. It's so silly lol but sometimes it's so lonely outside of here 😂 this is not to be taken much seriously, by the way, I know they were much more popular a few years ago -but I'm sure there are plenty who have no clue about them and would probably lose their shit, but then again, maybe this is for the best -,but I just needed to ramble. So yeah, thank you, I'll be praying.
Ohh honey!! I totally missed this ask until just now, somehow! I'm so sorry, not sure when you sent this but I didn't mean to ignore you 🤦🏻‍♀️
But aaahhh I think it's so sweet of you that you thought of me when you saw people mentioning Milex! 🥰 And ngl, I'm pretty chuffed someone mentioned them because they DO deserve to be on that list for sure! It's some of the wildest rpf stuff you can imagine, honestly.
However, Chris and Seb definitely deserve a solid mention too, you're absolutely right! I've always said it, but the way they always light up when they see each other or even when the other is mentioned, and especially the way they interacted during all those press tours... there was something there. Whether they ever acted on it or not, I absolutely believe they've got a big old soft spot for each other and it wouldn't surprise me at all if anything did happen between them tbh. But yeah, some of those civil war press tour moments especially were SO telling, and I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who would be blown away by seeing a compilation of all those kinds of moments, just like I was when I first stumbled upon them ❤️ There are some GREAT and pretty comprehensive videos on YouTube, lemme tell you....
Anyway, they're both happily settled right now of course and that's wonderful for them, but just as I think they'll always have a special place in each other's hearts, their connection and that wonderful, soft and warm sort of tension that exists between them will always have a special place in mine 💘 Sending you hugs, lovely!
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coffeeghoulie · 7 months
Hi! For the Kiss prompts, how about Dewther and 16? ^^
Thanks for the prompt! Hope you enjoy!
Prompt from this list
16. lazily
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The room is dark, candle burnt out on the nightstand, incense crumbled to ash in the tray next to it, when Aether finally returns from the infirmary. He's careful with the hinges, knows exactly how hard he has to push to keep them from squeaking loudly as he enters.
His eyes shine like amethyst in the dark, taking a moment to adjust to the low light. Dew's exactly where Aether had expected to find him; sprawled out on his stomach, legs and arms splayed out, neck craned, oversized band shirt ridden up, exposing the fair skin at the small of his back, and the covers kicked down to the foot of the bed. Aether carefully shuts the door behind him, turning the handle so it doesn't latch loudly.
Dew deserves every second of sleep he can get. He's been spending most of his days since coming home from tour passed out in his and Aether's bed. Aether can't complain- it gives him an excuse for him to stare at his mate for hours, sleep softening his stoic features, smoothing out the crease in his brow, mouth soft and relaxed, eyelashes pressed against the sharpness of his cheek.
Aether groans under his breath as he hangs up his white infirmary coat, exhaustion hitting him like a bus. He was supposed to finish up a few hours ago, but there had been a Sibling with a medical emergency, and Aether loves his job even more now that he can dedicate his whole self to it, but he wants nothing more than to collapse into bed with his mate now that they're both home.
He washes up quickly, changing into sweats and setting his glasses onto the nightstand before leaning over the bed.
Dew smells sweet, like cinnamon dumped onto a campfire, and Aether hums softly, nosing at the torn point of Dew's ear, nudging the silver ring pierced through it. He smells the strongest behind his ear, in the crook of his neck, and Aether's eyes flutter shut.
The fire ghoul grumbles, shifting on the bed, but he doesn't quite wake; Aether watches his spindly fingers twitch, grabbing at the pillowcase like he's looking for something.
"Darling, 'm home," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the warm skin behind his ear. It flicks, and Dew grumbles a little louder, copper eyes cracking open.
"Hey, Aeth," Dew mumbles, voice heavy with sleep, and he swallows, bringing a hand to wipe at his lips.
"Sorry to wake you, baby," Aether says, the mattress shifting as he settles down half on top of him.
Dew purrs, a sound like a rusty engine coming to life, and Aether can't help himself but bury his nose behind Dew's ear again, chuffing contently. "You're not sorry," Dew laughs, eyes still half shut.
"I am," Aether says. "You deserve your rest."
"I deserve time with my mate, and I don't get that if I sleep through it."
Aether chuffs apologetically. "I didn't mean to keep you waiting."
Dew huffs, craning his neck further to rub his cheek against Aether's. "S'alright."
"Darling," Aether says, trying to arrange the two of them so they're both comfortable, limbs and tails tangled together as tight as they can get. Dew doesn't make it particularly easy, all limp with sleep, but Aether's well-versed in wrangling fire ghouls, this one in particular.
"What?" Dew huffs, nosing under the scruff on Aether's jaw.
"I'm not on the infirmary schedule again for two days, barring an emergency," Aether whispers, pressing a soft, easy kiss on the corner of Dew's mouth. "But you have my undivided attention until then."
Dew grins lazily, every sharp fang on display. "Fuckin' excellent," he says, kissing him softly.
Aether, privately, thinks that this is his favorite version of his mate. Soft and pliant, so affectionate it almost makes his teeth hurt. He kisses him back, big hand cupping the side of his face, smoothing long strands of hair behind his ear.
There's no rush, no urgency, not with the promise of time after so long apart. Aether kisses his mate, holds him close, and they keep kissing until sleep claims them again.
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akajustmerry · 2 years
when I did the press event where I interviewed Paul Rudd I also got to interview ant man director Peyton Reid but my boss decided not to use anything from it. ironically it was the interview I enjoyed the most on the day because I do genuinely love the ant man films because there's such a clear love of scifi and adventure running through them. so I asked Peyton what his scifi influences and inspirations were and his face lit UP. my guy started listing off the CLASSICS like twenty thousand leagues, the lost world, the island of Dr Moreu, at the mountains of madness and a whole bunch of classic scifi comics I hadn't even heard of. I told him I could see very much see the unironic love for strange world stories in the ant man films that aren't in any other marvel movies and also told him how much I loved the references to Indiana Jones and other iconic adventure stories including Michael Douglas/Jewel of the Nile he was like "you got that? You're so young". he also explained how he mixed practical with CGI for as much of quantumania as he could because he wanted it to have the sort of feel that 80s adventure flicks like Bill and Ted had but ANYWAY my favourite part of the interview was when I asked him about picking the cast and he mentioned he had to chase Michelle Pfeifer down for months to ask her to play Janet before she said yes. so I asked what he said that finally convinced her and he said that she wasn't interested in being some superhero's mum or the villain which is what she assumed the offer was, but he told her no you're going to be janet van dyne aka the wasp and APPARENTLY she was chuffed because she'd never been offered a hero role and she'd always wanted one after being type cast as a villain for so long so she said yes!!! all this is to say that it's really cool and I'm so lucky to ask ppl who make things i really enjoy about the parts of those things i enjoy the most. Like I do genuinely think it's a shame that the antman films are so panned but I think that's because that's how ppl have always treated sincerely weird scifi!!
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