#i'm sorry anon we got caught up in a whirlwind of our love
simmonsized · 2 years
Tell us more weird stuff you/your partner have said to eachother please???
LOL god we've been together for SO long that's so hard. i just went through our twitters i'm sorry it got out of hand i know no one else will think it's funny but i don't care at this point i'm like crying LOL
the one time i said "if i started walking around like this would you still love me" and he said yes without turning around to look and then when he did i was standing on the bed on all fours and he died laughing
that time i got my wordle on the second try because tony, next to me, said "shart wasn't in the dictionary :/"
when we were watching sing 2 and i said "i'm not a furry but i would FUCK that old lion" and tony, baffled, said, "you said that about the wolf too???" and i said "AND???" which made him laugh so hard he cried
that time i told tony his facial hair looked like shaggy and he ran to the bathroom and i could hear the beard trimmer through the door
that time tony asked if i wanted to cosplay klaus with him and when i asked if he wanted me to be the teacher he said (through tears) "i want you to be Klaus,,"
tony, to me: everything i've learned about your friends has been against my will
that time he came into the living room with a mountain of fishsticks on a plate and when i asked he had no idea how many there were so i took them away while i counted and he just kept crying, "don't count my fishsticks! don't count my fishsticks!!!!"
tony, out loud to me, in the car: do you not hold your breath when you get in the car so the windows don't fog up????
that time that tony didn't believe that the "what did the farmer say when he lost his tractor (where's my tractor)" joke was real and he legit thought i made it up to be shitty until we were watching some streamer and he told the joke and tony screamed
that time tony whispered "we can't date because there's an age gap..............." in my ear (we are one year apart)
that time we were watching the zombie episode of gravity falls and tony got really jealous of grunkle stan
tony, pointing to a stick: at first i thought that stick on the ground was a really big worm
that time tony saw a deer and said "why is that dog's neck so long"
"somehow getting back into homstuck is less bad [than getting back into supernatural]" - tony, circa 2018
when i told tony "sorry tony, i didn't mean to make both of us seem straight," and he said "it's okay it happens"
That time they were out of little packaged cherry pies and tony texted me like "there's a frozen marie callenders pie but you have to cook it" and i was like lmfao ya bring it home, thinking surely he would not, and he did???
"Nico Yazawa is my Bro Strider" - Tony, 11:02 am, 2/28/2018
These whole ass screenshots:
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