#i'm sorry but if i was an archivist this would be 90% of my power usage
fuckthisshitimin · 2 years
I wonder if Archivists can compel themselves.
Because, we've seen that Archivist powers can make people remember more clearly, and say truths they wished to hide... And sometimes you lie to yourself without wanting to. Sometimes you don't know what you know. So could an Archivist stare into the mirror and ask themself what they truly want? Could they compel themself, jaws clenched, What did I come into this room for?
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quartxio · 2 months
What type of magic does each artifact grant? Do the artifacts have any negative affect the user? If so, are all the negative effects different? Is magic something someone can be born with? What are the dynamics between Quincy, Suzie, and TJ? What's Rebecca like? Does Teneson still have feelings for Rebecca and if so, does she like him back? Does Rose wield a unique kind of magic? What makes her powers different? If they aren't, can she wield multiple magics better than the average person? Where did Rose come from before meeting Mr. Riffraff? Is Charles evil in this AU? Which planet is TJ, Suzie, and Quincy from? Is there a hierarchy based on which planet you're from? What is Joseph Bright like and what are his motives?
I'm sorry for overwhelming you, I love this AU. One day I want to make one with my characters too! Doodle World: Starfall is an inspiration. (In my opinion.)
- magic follows the Doodle typings, so each Artifact grants a holder a specific power over a type. the main reason there's such a big race for them is because depending on the Artifact, the holder is allowed a level of influence over the Doodles of the Artifact's type; for example, if someone were to hold the Artifact of Minds, they could influence mind-type doodles to do their bidding, though they'd have to be at least past the novice stage of magic to actually be capable of doing that at all
- humans never naturally obtained magic, so if they hold onto the Artifact too much, they'll start to burn out in energy and grow weaker, and it'll eventually warp their bodies and minds into something inhuman. the negative effects are all the same between the Artifacts
- unless there was divine intervention, humans cannot be born with magic, it is always something learned
- at first, they have a pretty tense friendship due to Quincy being a rich snob that doesn't know how to talk to other people in a not rude way, Suzie being very very quiet 90% of the time and TJ talking way too much, but they become close friends after saving each other numerous times and sharing their dreams and insecurities. Quincy is the smart ass and often straight man of the group that is the one to take on Doodle battles head first when their group is challenged, TJ is the confident one that wants to show off his magic skills which either goes well or doesn't, and Suzie is the quiet kid that knows a lot about the world around them and helps them get out of situations involving the environment. in short, they're all smart but they share one brain cell in dangerous situations bc that's what kids do™
- Portia inherited a lot of her personality from her mother; Rebecca is outgoing and encouraging, not afraid to give Portia a push in the right direction when she falters. hidden beneath her bravado though is guilt for being involved in the imprisonment of Somniere and Verdrok, but DoodleCo and its cities are so reliant on them that she has decided that taking any action would create more problems
- Teneson and Rebecca have a bit of a strained relationship; they have feelings for each other, but both want to keep it professional since their line of work is very very dangerous
- Rose wields the power of the stars, she's on some anime magical girl shitttttt 🔥 what makes her different is her ability to conjure starstuff and utilize space itself, which is something humanity can never do without their machines. however, she can't wield humanity's magic at all because her body is composed of starstuff as a Constellation, so she is physically incompatible with it
- before DW: SF, Rose came from some distant universe where she lived as a cosmic archivist. she came to this universe with a desire to expand her library of knowledge and to find new life to document
- Charles follows the idea of "necessary evil", and he doesn't take pleasure in what he has to do to keep all of DoodleCo's cities running, but what other choice do they have? so i wouldn't say he's evil, just forced to commit it for the sake of his people
- TJ is from Eria while Quincy is from Earth. i have no idea where Suzie comes from yet
- there is no hierarchy
- Joseph... i actually haven't thought about him yet, but given his nature in canon i may make him somewhat similar to Rose. someone who does not belong, but unlike Rose, manages to blend in among the public. for his motives, i imagine he may be something of a herald for something otherworldly, like some sort of black-hole doodle, but this may change! so take this with a grain of salt
thanks for asking me these questions!! i feel appreciated that you're so interested in my AU, and im glad to be an inspiration :]
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