#i'm still practicing my art too
unsung-idiot · 1 month
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not exactly the response Mabel was hoping for
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humming-fly · 5 months
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It's dark Arthur, pull out your lighter.
(practically I know john is most easily portrayed as a normal hooded guy with a mask but deep down my heart of hearts still belongs to mergo's wet nurse)
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takethelx3 · 10 days
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when ur platonic bro is just helping u stretch while u platonically yap about ur MAGNUM DO-- detective skills.
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effen-draws · 6 months
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“Oh tragic clown, so much sadness now. You built your mountain and now it blocks the sun.”
Alts and lines under cut:
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dawnthefluffyduck · 1 month
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feeling of being watched
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cut-aare · 5 months
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Traumatized protags my beloved
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upsidedownsmore · 8 months
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ENTRIES CLOSED, reblogs turned off, thank you everyone for entering and sharing your wonderful works!!
A compilation of every entry piece can be found here!
The winner is @mugbearerscorner and the information has been confirmed in DMs!!
Roll proof:
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A link to the full spreadsheet of entries can be found here!
I'm so so grateful to all the people who participated in this event!! I'm so happy with how well it turned out and I'm so so thankful to be able to host it!!! Love you all!! :) :) :)
* Provided by Digital Extremes! Info about the prime access here.
To enter, simply reblog with your art of ANY warframe giving a thumbs up!
Giveaway entries will close on FEBRUARY 10TH at 10:00pm CST
The post for the above drawing (with reference screenshot and wips) can be found here.
This is not a contest! The winner will be decided entirely randomly, image quality will have no effect on chances of winning! Make whatever you can in any medium you want! (This can also include 3D mediums! The only thing I'm not including is unedited game screenshots/captura, though edited might be okay). Everyone can draw regardless of how good you think your own skills are!
Please submit your own drawing(s)!! Only one is necessary but you can make more if you want of course! Do not use any AI generation tools for your entry.
When reblogging it might be a good idea to enter some text either in the post or in the tags! It turns out reblogs with just an image and nothing else might not show up under the original post, which means I might miss your submission!
Only one entry per person, you will not get more entries for additional reblogs and/or drawings.
The goal of this is for the community to have a fun little gallery of warframe thumb ups in the reblogs, but again don't stress over how "good" your drawing is! As long as you have fun and submit something vaguely in line with the prompt you're good! (such as a wave instead of a thumbs up or an operator instead of a warframe, etc. Up to you how closely you want to follow the prompt!)
You DO NOT need to engage with me in any other way (likes, follows, etc.) to enter, just a reblog with a drawing loosely following the prompt!
This giveaway will only run here on Tumblr due to issues with bots and impersonation on Twitter. The issue of course is that the only way to submit images under a single post on Tumblr is through reblogs, but please know that I do not intend this to be a means of promotion. If people could submit images in the replies I would gladly take that option! If this post gets taken down I will look into other giveaway options.
As this is my first giveaway as a Warframe creator please let me know if I've made any mistakes!
Here are some example drawings that would all work, but of course whatever you want to make shouldn't be limited to this!
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Inspired by @ritens, I will be assigning one unique number per individual and then throwing them into the random number generator on random.org. After the entries close and I roll the winner, I will update this post with the winner's name and a message saying that the giveaway is closed. Reblogs will also be turned off once the giveaway is closed, as I am only using reblogs as means of congregating drawing submissions under one post during the giveaway period.
Whoever's number get's chosen will be contacted via DMs here on Tumblr, so please make sure your DMs are open! I will be asking for your Warframe IGN and platform so DE can give send over your prize! If you have cross-save linked or merged then please tell me, though I will also be asking in DMs as well. If the winner doesn't respond within 48 hours or no longer wants the prime access pack, then I will roll a new winner with the same method but with the previous winner(s) number(s) taken out of the pool.
Topmost drawing without giveaway text:
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Anyways good luck and most importantly have fun!!
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wickedcriminal · 7 months
I found my Last Dragon folder and i can't believe I never posted these
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Hiccup as the Unicorn (Dragon)/Lady Amalthea
Fishlegs as Schmendrick/Prince Lyr
Camicazi as Molly Gru/Captain Cully
Alvin the Treacherous as King Haggard
The Witch Excellinor as Mommy Fortuna
Valhallarama as a Wilderwest warrior, Stoick as a castle guard, Old Wrinkly as the castle cook. King Haggard had men-at-arms in the book, so that's who they are
New secret roles for Hiccups 1 and 2
Snotlout as Ruhk
I had a vision that Hiccup would be a seadragon that goes on the same journey as the Unicorn, trying to find out where the other dragons disappeared to, befriending eccentric friends with dark secrets, looking for the Famed and Terrifying Dragon Furious, and the terrible King Alvin the Treacherous. He becomes human, but instead of falling in love he just gets adopted by the castle staff and his crazy friends and he suddenly realizes that he loves this mortal life more than his immortality; but will he have to give it all up to save the dragons?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years
Just popping in to say i LOVE UR ART SO MUCH WAUGH!!!! Its soooooooo exoressive and u get across emotion and movement SO WELL!! I love ...littlr apple ...so much.....u imbue this donkey with Such Chaos
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I love this little chaos creature, we should all forfeit our mortal possessions to her.
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prylc · 1 month
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Cooking up some art cause I've recently had a show marathon
And decided to draw this fellow LOL
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jorvikwildhorse · 1 year
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My Horse’s Dragon: a Star Stable Online fan comic – Chapter 3: Vetting
Sorry this took so long, I had a lot of set-backs and self-doubt while working on this chapter. I apologize that it's another "talky" chapter as well, but hopefully the next one will have a little bit more action. Thank you for reading!
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more Ruju doodles because I lost control of my hands, oops
this time, featuring a later snapshot from Ruju's Commander timeline: set around the time of Secrets of the Obscure and Janthir Wilds, he's now even farther off model than he already was!!
and now some obligatory (non-spoiler) ratmander lore-dumping under the cut:
characterization notes as The Commander™
slowly comes into his own over the years, with his softer side finally showing itself mainly when Aurene chooses him
this rat was the softest little guy wherever she was concerned
no seriously he was almost as clingy with her as she was
Caithe was the serious parent he was the fun uncle/big bro
he used to race her up the jumping puzzle in the egg room
largely wanted her to get to have the childhood he never did
he still play-wrestled with her even once she was 1000x his size
his bond to Aurene helps stabilize his magic significantly
there is an inverted bell-curve of 'respect for the Commander' based on how much experience one has with him
step 1: celebrity hero. step 2: violently insane. step 3: ok yes he's insane but also thank every divinity he's on OUR side
actually did NOT get along with Gorrik at first. he is a grade A projector and also distrusts anyone Inquest immediately
Gorrik being enamored by the murderous beetles did not help.
(that entomologist almost wound up in the sea. oops)
after multiple interventions and a few sincere heart-to-hearts though he's become EXTREMELY protective of the guy
similarly protective of Taimi, though he teases her back too
genuinely struggles to keep track of things. he writes out the canon story journal in a small notebook to help with that
miscellaneous other details you didn't ask for
consistently chooses ferocity-aligned dialogue options even and especially when he has absolutely no good reason to do so
do not pick him up. do not pick him up. do not pick him up.
if he allows you to carry him either he really really likes you or he's pretty sure he'd serve a prison sentence for biting you
acts very big and tough but is a total softie deep down
no seriously if you hug him he might actually cry
(he'll claim it's just something in his eye though)
had some crushes in college and fumbled every single one
50/50 shot of whether the rats he picked on were just easy targets or if he liked them and was trying really hard to cover it up
(if he ever met them again he might actually burst into flames)
incapable of sleeping in normal positions. also snores LOUDLY
puts bloodstone dust on ALL his food. Oxbone would be proud
also makes his own food EXTREMELY spicy when he can
dw he won't put that on yours though. he's not THAT mean
originally got into cooking as a method of training his fire magic
LOVES to put on a big show with it if he has guests, too, complete with all sorts of fancy knife tricks. you get The Works
his ADHD hyperfixation is knives/cutlery. he has told no one this
constant motion/fidgeting, can't keep still. foot tapping, scratching, claw biting, pacing, etc are all very common
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sentrysapper · 1 month
NOT an sfm unfortunately BUT I would like to know if any of you want to know about my tf2 OCS... this is sort of a test post...
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spacebubblehomebase · 6 months
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Without colors or context, this simple and stupid comic of mine feels so, so tense; It's ominous. The difference from the tone of my last doodle is low-key hilarious though. But please, *insert ace joke here* cause I swear this is nothing serious. I don't even know why I gave in so much effort or show ya'll my progress before finishing, yet here we are. -Bubbly💙
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bigbrainbiology · 9 months
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Practicing drawing guys with help from Neuvi and Wrio <3
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chaotic-chicken-lady · 9 months
welcome to the future ~
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What a georgous woman.
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