#i'm thinking erik is meph's contract? though the terms of the deal are hand wave-y
scythc · 7 months
starter call ) @musikensangel ) from mephisto .
while the representation in question was dubious, there was an element of charm in attending a play about himself. swallowed up by the darkness of the auditorium, he has no care in hide a grimace at fonta's powerful baritone, so utterly disparate from his memory of faust's character. even more egregious still, the caricature of himself: comically malevolent, adorned with a blood-red coat and the curve of thin, antelope horns.
given, he had not covered up the brief encounter well. faust was a ignoble pretender, a doctor of theology masquerading as professional; a miserly man who wished to satisfy lustful appetite by ungodly means. he had wrongly assumed that no one had enough detail about their brief meeting to procure anything worthy of publish. given, he had abandoned most subtlety by the end, for there were better souls to reap in the ottoman empire and he grew impatient - with the context of his next reap, it was the right judgment call to make. though, when people shied away and uttered his name in fearful tone after, it was then that he properly learnt the merits of disguises.
speaking of souls to reap ... he sighs. there is little he can do in this instance, save of paving the way for the man. though, he rather fancies having a chance to meddle.
"miss daae," he protrudes from shadow, catching her in stillness betwixt the flurries of people; a moment of privacy in the crowd. "i believe you will perform splendidly in your part as margarita." smiles before she can correct him about the casting, "i will see to it that you perform. it is the angel's word that i bring, after all. and..." eyes dart briefly to a particular red-clad singer, "i have a particular role for myself in mind."
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