#i've been thinking abt drawing this idea out but idk i can't quite figure out any clear imagery for it
wereh0gz ยท 1 year
Ok so like. A thought I've had bouncing around in my head for a day or two now is Ruby being very, VERY envious of Sonic, at least when they first meet. Like to the point where she can't look at him directly
Because here they are, looking at a person who also had Dark Gaia Energy forced into his body, who is a beast, who is sick, just like them... but he can hide it
He can feign normalcy. He can hide his monstrosity. She can't. She can't turn back into a normal mobian during the day like he can. She's stuck in her monstrous form and suffers every day because of it. She doesn't get any real normalcy
It's not like Sonic actually has it any better. He's still sick, just like they are. And there are times where his condition becomes obvious, when the sun sets and he forcefully transforms. But it never stopped him from being a hero, from having friends, from being loved by the world, from living the life they wished they could have
And maybe she resented him for it. Just a little
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jaeyooniverse ยท 3 years
Heyo, fantasy friend here! Oh roller skating at the park sounds like a lot of fun, how did it go?
Yeah... a pretty big chunk of the groups I'm into are getting to an age where the members have to start enlisting ๐Ÿ˜” I've temporarily lost three biases to the military already and the time is coming when another (Youngbin) is going to have to go as well :( this is what I get for biasing mostly older members... At least enlisting earlier means they'll be back earlier though ๐Ÿ˜ญ small comforts
It is super neat to figure out how things tie together! I love seeing the connections between things that seemed entirely different before and how they affect each other, it's really exciting ๐Ÿ˜„ ooh what kind of project is it? I imagine you use programming quite a lot especially with the AI stuff so good luck on that ๐Ÿ’• I'm cheering you on!
Ah I see you have a mindset kind of like mine ๐Ÿ˜‚ I love learning so much and I would study everything if I could, it's too bad there's not enough time to learn about everything (not to mention the amount that would cost in tuition!) I think that's the one thing that would tempt me to seek immortality... imagine having unlimited time to discover more about the world and how it works, and people and how they work, and to explore places and ideas and skills... man it would be so cool!!
Omg that picture is so pretty!! It sounds like it was really awesome ๐Ÿ˜„ now I'm remembering the time I went camping in a redwood forest with my family and we hiked up to a waterfall, I had a lot of fun on that trip and the forest was beautiful ๐Ÿ˜Œ
There are a few tricks I use to stay cool but I think the easiest one is to take a cold shower and then not dry your hair afterwards (obviously dry it enough that it doesn't drip everywhere, but like... as little as possible), the water will cool you off and then since your hair is wet it won't act as insulation to keep your head warm, and as it evaporates that will also keep you cool! Another one is to use ice packs, those can help a lot.
Tbh I think the fires are a lot more dangerous than the earthquakes at least in my experience, I've never been in an earthquake big enough to cause any damage but there have been some really serious fires in my area that affected a lot of people including ones I knew so that feels like a more immediate danger to me - idk though, every place has its risks and benefits and I'm willing to put up with it haha
Hm I think I'm most excited for the music but also the MV, it seems like it's going to be really cool! I'm obsessed with aesthetics so I can't wait to see the whole thing ๐Ÿ‘€ and I bet the gifs and edits everyone's going to make will be amazing as well!! If there are any particularly awesome shots in the music video I might even draw something based on it, I haven't really drawn in ages but maybe this will be the thing that gets me out of my rut ๐Ÿ˜Œ I'll almost definitely be making edits and/or moodboards though so I'm excited to do that as well!
Hope you have a good day! ๐Ÿ’–
it went okay! i was scared i was gonna get caught in the rain bc the sky was kinda gray on my walk over there but it didn't, and the weather was pretty nice overall! i'm still learning so i was pretty much just going around in circles the whole time ๐Ÿ˜‚ but it was fun ^^
aah pls i don't want to think abt it,, the thought of youngbin leaving,,,,, no๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ and yeah at least the sooner the go, the sooner they come back but..i'll miss them nonetheless :')
exactly!! i think thats what i like about math like so many things are connected, and it branches out into other disciplines like art and science it can be really cool to see the endless possibilities & connections ๐Ÿคฉ
the project is about truecasing, which is basically (to my understanding) getting the program to return the proper casing (uppercase, lowercase, etc.) of a given word based on context and probabilities. it's helpful to use on text that might have misspellings or things that are typed all uppercase or lowercase (like texts/messaging). it seems pretty interesting! tho i did almost fall asleep when I was doing the reading last night, but i'll blame that on the fact that i was tired out from skating ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜… and yeah there's a lot of programming and i told myself I should do a lot of practice over the summer at the end if the semester and yet..ive barely done anything. which is why I was excited when my professor mentioned this project bc I really need to get back into things. thank you for cheering me on!! im rooting for you as well ๐Ÿ˜šโคโค
there's soooo much out there i really wish there was more time to study all the things we want freely (and without the pressure of doing it for a grade) and ugh yeah tuition costs...imagine how many more people would have degrees and just more knowledgeable about anything if higher education didn't cost so much. i feel like it really comes down to money ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ like people don't get the highest education they want bc it costs so much, even if you want to study on the side you might not have time bc you have to work and earn money like.. we are not living in a society that properly promotes self-enrichment im so sad</33
ooh the hair trick sounds nice! i guess I've kinda done that before? and it was extra refreshing bc I washed my hair with mint shampoo so it felt really cool ๐Ÿ˜† we don't have any ice packs but I bet those would be helpful maybe we should get some lol
yeah ive heard that most earthquakes aren't that dangerous but little kid me didn't understand that there could be non-threatening earthquakes ๐Ÿ˜‚ oh the fires can get so bad it's scary ๐Ÿ˜ฅ i hope you stay safe out there <3
the mv does look really cool omg the shots are so beautiful! thatd be so nice if it'd give you some inspiration to get out of your artist block! honestly same here I havent drawn in so long I really want to get back into it. I can't wait to see what you create! ๐Ÿฅฐ
have a lovely day my lovely fantasy friend ! โ™ก
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