#i've been uploading things to my new art instagram and discovered i never posted this one here??
dovelydraws · 2 months
Hi, a different anon (I'll explain why in a moment)
First of all, I wanted to say that your post about the internet being lonely really resonated with me. I'm gonna out myself as a Tumblr veteran here but I remember how Tumblr used to be and it was very different. People would follow other blogs instantly if they saw someone posted or reblogged stuff they liked. Ask games would be going on frequently, people would send messages a lot, or even follow back because idk, I guess it was fun to get to know people?
I came back to Tumblr after a long hiatus and deleting my old blog. Things have changed... A lot. I am on anon because I'm relatively active in a couple fandoms and idk paranoid people read this... But I feel like a lot of previously very welcoming communities have become (pardon my French) circle jerks for the same 5 people who don't care about maintaining a community or welcoming new people into it.
I realise I sounded super bitter here and I don't want you to feel like I'm dumping negative thoughts on you. Your art is awesome, I followed you because you posted stuff about a Pf2e game and stayed for cool stuff. Thanks for speaking up about how things are. I'll definitely be more mindful about interacting with artists and trying to do it more. Have a lovely day :)
I get that, yeah. I've been on tumblr pretty consistently since like... 2013 I wanna say? Because it's been the only social media site I've actually felt comfortable and happy being a part of for all these years. Before I came here I was a deviantart kid, and I remember the reason I made the switch is because a lot of my old deviantart friends had moved here and the site had started to feel very lonely and sterile in its interactions with fellow artists and fans. I'm definitely seeing a lot of similarities in this new feeling of loss of community here, but now there's not really all that many good alternatives. I've always hated instagram, and twitter was never good for my mental health even before musk took over. I've considered uploading some of my work to tiktok, but that also seems like kind of a nightmare, lmao.
I'm happy to hear you discovered me from my pf2e game!!! This campaign has become my hyperfixation for the good part of the last year and a half, I haven't found any other show or series that's been able to hook me out of it. It's kinda difficult being hyperfixated on your own characters, since all "fanwork" has to be made by yourself, lol. This party has meant so much to me, and I've really wanted to share that with other people.
I haven't really had the chance to talk about my "Out of Bounds" project too, though I have uploaded those 4 main character sheets. I've been busy writing the book 1 scripts, albeit slowly, since my full time job has been keeping me pretty mentally drained. I really hope that project will be able to find an audience too once I'm able to get it off the ground!
I'm glad my rambling has maybe inspired some people to be more interactive with the artists they enjoy, lol. I hope you have a lovely day as well!
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arttani · 2 years
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