#i've been wrestling with on and off nausea for days now and i don't Understand
onewakingworld · 6 months
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Highway to Heaven Hell (Part 4)
Chapter Synopsis - Johnny, in a frenzied state, confesses to Y/N, but was it real or just the powder? Mark and Jaehyun get trapped when the security around the Light side strengthens. Y/N begins to learn more about the truth of what happened to Jeonghan.
Warnings - Two uses of the C word
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"I'm sorry. You'll have to wait longer," Y/N pushed herself off of him, yanking the shower knob to start pouring out ice cold water. She grabbed a scarf from the hamper, tying the shower door so Johnny couldn't escape.
Johnny started convulsing as the water hit him, his eyes going back to normal. Johnny tries to stand up in the shower as he is quickly brought back down to his knees, hurling up a blue sludge. Y/N hated seeing him in pain. When Johnny started crying out for help, Y/N untied the scarf, jumping in and turned the shower off.
"Johnny! What the hell just happened?!" Y/N hugged him, his body was freezing from the water, yet hot from the nausea, "please tell me you're okay."
Johnny nodded his head, "I'm fine now, I promise. Y/N I'm sorry, I have no idea what that was about. Please forg-"
Y/N hugged Johnny, "of course I'm going to forgive you. That wasn't you, Johnny. Can you stand up?"
"Yeah," Johnny got up off the tile floor of the shower, Y/N getting up to grab him a towel, "It's totally fine if you don't want me to, but Mr. Siwon actually wanted me to stay the night up here, for extra security he said."
"About th-"
"Ok. I understand, I'll be downstairs if you nee-"
"Please stay. I really can't be alone right now and I know you're back to normal, so please stay."
Johnny let out a soft laugh as he made his way to the couch, turning up the volume on the TV, Y/N throwing him a pillow and blanket.
When Y/N went to lay down, Johnny got comfortable on the couch, noticing a notebook on the table. Reaching for it, Johnny opened it up and started to read the beginning of a note.
It's okay, Jaehyun. I'm sorry for what happened today.
A frantic knock on the door made the two turn their heads, a voice known to only Y/N began to speak, Johnny placing the notebook back on the table.
"Y/N, it's me, Jaehyun!" The voice yelled in hushed tones, "Please let me in!"
Johnny was confused as Y/N ran to the door, opening it to reveal a tall male he knew as the one Y/N danced with at the lesson. Their eyes met and the same thing came out of their mouth in disbelief.
"Who's he?"
"I asked first," Johnny became defensive at the presence of Jaehyun, flashing back to earlier in the day when Mr. Siwon complimented their natural chemistry, "who the hell are you?"
"I'm Jaehyun, I'm one of Y/N's friends," he took a spot towards the taller male.
"I am too. I've never seen you around here before, how do you know her?" The space between them got smaller as they tried to intimidate each other.
Y/N got in the middle of them, "Guys, listen, I promise I'll explain, but Jaehyun, why are you over here?"
"Over here?! You mean to tell me he's one of those fuc-" Johnny remembered seeing Jaehyun on the roof, Ms. Hyoyeon's suspicions correct, "you fucking demon cunt, I should kill you."
Johnny tried to punch Jaehyun, missing when the younger male ducked down. Johnny got up, charging after Jaehyun, knocking him down to the floor, landing blows to his face as Y/N tried to pull him off. Jaehyun pleaded to get a word in, only having the ability to do so when Y/N managed to push Johnny after the younger boy.
"Dude! I'm here because Mark is fucking stuck on the dark side, I'm stuck over here and I overheard that Hyoyeon bitch talking about some guy named Jeonghan. And I know about the attacks and I can tell you those weren't dark siders!"
Johnny's temper cooled down when he saw a glint of sincerity in Jaehyun's eye, "what the hell do you mean those weren't dark siders, those weren't demons? What the hell was that powder they threw at us?!"
"They're rangers, guys from each kingdom hellbent on destroying every kingdom, they want the kingdoms destoryed, that way they can rebuild and take over. I have some friends who turned against us, I think some of the higher-ups here are a part of them too," Jaehyun spurted out, "they may be demons, but they are not dark siders, we actually have morals."
"A demon talking about morals, that's rich," Johnny scoffed, "but if what you're saying is tru-"
"It is. What do you think happened to Jeonghan? Mark was right, you angels don't really know anything."
Before Johnny could get out another quip, Y/N interjected.
"What happened to Jeonghan? We were told he was corrupted by the dark side, some demons called Minghao and Yut-"
"Yuta wouldn't corrupt someone, he may be a slut, but he has too good of a soul, even for a dark sider. He's actually been working on a way to get rid of the Rangers without harming them. Minghao, on the other hand, he is one of the underlings."
"How can we trust him, Y/N?" Johnny flickered his eyes between Y/N, Jaehyun and the notebook on the table, "didn't you called him Jaehyun earlier? And you were at the dance less-"
It clicked in his brain.
"You've been talking to a demon from the dark side?! For how fucking long?!" Johnny pushed Jaehyun, knocking the male on the footrest in front of Y/N's bed, Y/N stunned as Johnny grabbed her shoulders.
"For a few weeks or so," Y/N was about to start crying, "Johnny, I promise he's not like the other. He knows Mark and Mark can vouch for him."
"And where's Mark, huh? Stuck with those disgusting, worthless demon fuckhe-"
"Those are my family, you cunt," Jaehyun rushed Johnny, the pair falling to the ground, landing punches to the older male's face.
Y/N panicked, almost screaming at the violence between the two boys, "Guys! Stop, please! You'll wake up everyone!"
But they didn't let up, the two kept wrestling on the floor. Y/N looked around for something, anything to get them to stop. She ran out the balcony door, slamming it against the wall and gaining the boys' attention.
"I'll do it. I'll jump over the fence, I'll land right in the middle and I'll run," Y/N readied herself as Jaehyun and Johnny got up from the floor, both bloodied.
"Y/N, please. If Ms. Hyoyeon finds out I let you run aw-"
Jaehyun interrupted the older boy, who started walking over to Y/N, "Wait. Ms. Hyoyeon? That blonde teacher at the dance lesson?"
"Yeah. What about her?" Y/N walked back inside, Johnny shutting the door and trying to calm down his heartbeat.
"If Professor Oak tree right here promises not to kick my ass again, I'll continue with the Jeonghan story."
Y/N poured some peppermint tea into three cups, Johnny icing his forehead as Jaehyun wrapped up his wrist.
"So, let me get this straight. The lady we've known as Ms. Hyoyeon for the past 2 decades is actually a part of the Rangers, her real name is Kyungri and the night her gang and she kidnapped Jeonghan, the actual Ms. Hyoyeon discovered them and she hasn't been seen since with no way to be found?" Johnny sat up in disbelief, Y/N sitting in shock as she took a small sip of her tea.
"Yeah, Kyungri's been using a perfected masking spell. She's been working with some guy, but Haechan has yet to find out who he is. Jaemin was looking into it when the alarm started going over. Mark didn't want to get caught, so I pushed him past the cloaking spell, made sure he was safe," Jaehyun pulled out his phone, "speak of the devil, he texted me from Yuta's phone. He's fine and he's safe, they're working on a masking spell for him to make sure he's not caught by the light siders."
"Why kidnap Jeonghan though?" Johnny questioned as Y/N stayed in a silent state, "what does he have to do with any of this? How do you know all of this?"
"Jeonghan was the next heir, she wanted to speed up the ritual. The coronation isn't a crowning, it's a codename, those who are considered the next heir get their blood drained from them, just enough to keep them alive, but with no will. The Rangers are like vampires, Kyungri has brainwashed them for the last 20 years to make them believe if they follow her, she'll give them eternal life, they just have to help her ruin the kingdoms and kidnap the heirs. That's why they have the whole bullshit ceremony, the wheel is rigged to choose who Kyungri, or Ms. Hyoyeon, feels would be the next great heir."
"The whole coronation is essentially a ritual sacrifice? What about those who have been heirs before?"
"They're 'sent to another kingdom.' They're fucking kept in cages, kept alive only for their blo-"
"How the hell do you know this?" Johnny broke the tea cup that was in his hand, crushing it in his grasp.
"My parents were Rangers, left me alone all the time. They wanted me to be one, so I became some sort of a double agent, attending Ranger meetings, but feeding the information back to Doyoung and Yuta," Jaehyun begun to help pick up the broken teacup shards as Johnny grabbed a towel from Y/N's bathroom, "I stopped going and they disowned me. Which is why I went after you for calling my friends worthless, sorry about that by the way. They're my family, more than my actual parents."
Johnny patted Jaehyun's back, "dude, it's okay. I'd do the same if someone called Mark, Taeil, Taeyong or Y/N names like that. It was a heated moment. We have to think of a plan to stop them, but how?"
"First things first, we need to get Mark and my friends over on this side. Make Kyungri paranoid. Once we have all of us on this side, we can take them down from within."
Y/N stood up, walking over to her computer, "give me your phone, Jae."
Jaehyun handed Y/N his phone, yanking it out of his hands and texting Mark.
Mark, tell the others we have a plan. We'll be talking through notes like me and Jaehyun were.
I assume they told you too?
Yes and I'm fucking pissed.
"Damn, this is a side of Y/N I never thought I'd ever see," Jaehyun smirked as Johnny felt his heart drop a bit.
Where are we going to pick up the notes?
Every night after the light side has gone to sleep, I will throw a paper plane over, aiming for the plants on the little widow's peak on the roof, right across from my balcony, where me and Jaehyun originally started with the notes. Amazing, I'll let the others know.
Stay safe, Y/N, Johnny and Jaehyun.
You too, little dude.
Y/N erased the messages, the evidence that proved they knew anything.
Johnny placed his hand on Y/N's shoulder, "we have to make it seem as if we're oblivious, but how?"
"Act as if everything is normal. I can make some clothes for Jaehyun, so he's not stuck in dark side garb."
"Where would I sleep?"
"I keep an extra sleeping bag in my room for Mark, in case he doesn't want to sleep in his room. Speaking of which, it's late, we should probably go to bed. Will you be okay, Y/N?"
Y/N nodded, standing up from the desk chair, "Yea, I should be fine."
"We should probably go," Johnny and Jaehyun hugged Y/N, Johnny's lingering a second longer, while Jaehyun slipped something into Y/N's hand when she handed him his phone back, "We'll be right downstairs, ok?"
Johnny started to head to the door, thinking Jaehyun was right behind him. Jaehyun gave a gentle peck on Y/N's cheek as he ran towards Johnny, who had a sad smile on his face. The two boys left the room, leaving Y/N alone on her couch as she cuddled up to her pillow, watching TV, attempting to distract her mind.
She looked at the note Jaehyun handed her. The writing was messy and all she got make out was Don't Trust S, the remaining letters mashing together in an mostly unintelligible mess, most likely due to Jaehyun rushing.
Johnny laid the sleeping bag out for Jaehyun, the younger male taking a look at the angel's room. Jaehyun saw a photo of a young Y/N, a ponytail in a bow and Johnny with a matching bowtie.
"Yea, she is."
"I meant you both. Kids are adorable, regardless if they're demon or angel. Just because we're supposed to hate each other, doesn't mean I can't give you a compliment. You can throw some damn good-ass punches too."
"Thanks, Mr Siwon taught me when I was younger. He's like a father figure to me."
"I noticed that. A lot of kids over here don't have parents," Jaehyun sat down on the sleeping bag, laying back as he tried to find a comfortable position.
"The story is they keep parents and children separate so the kids have a chance to be free and form their own opnions. Twice a month, they allow us to meet up with our parents and talk about what's been going on. This past few hours have been a total culture shock to me, thinking more and more about the system here seems insane."
Jaehyun sat up, "it is insane. The higher-ups want you guys to believe there is only one way of life and that the dark side is actually a horrible, terrible place, but I can assure you it's not."
Johnny laid on his bed, Jaehyun resting his chin on the side of the king-sized mattress, "this plan is going to work, right?"
"I hope so, bro. I really hope so."
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