#i've disabled anon asks for the time being
childofthewolvess · 4 months
A masterpost digital grimoire a list of all the educational content on deities, witchcraft, and familiars I've posted!
As a key: if the post is about Loki, it is marked in green, if the post is about Aphrodite, it is marked in pink, if it is about Ares, it is marked in red, if it is about Apollo, it is marked in orange. If it is a post about familiars, it is purple. If it is general witchcraft, deities, spellwork, or religion, or advice, it is marked in blue. If it is marked with a ❗, it is a longer and more educational-based post.
This will be updates each time I post!
Devotional day to Aphrodite
Aphrodite's beauty
Shattered and put back together - a devotional story from Aphrodite❗
Aphrodite's altar
Aphrodite's beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Aphrodite and my service dog
Some simple subtle every-day worship I do as an Aphrodite devotee
Aphrodite and my familiars working together
Loki as a god of storytellers
Loki UPG quote about storytelling
Loki and his glowsticks (UPG)
Loki's altar shot glass and a chaotic job change
Personal associations with Loki (ask)
Interpreting Loki as a nature deity❗
Loki and Sigyn: Lessons on Chaos, Laughter, and Loyalty from the Norse Gods (quotes)
Loki's a little bit like moldavite
Loki's altar
Ares moodboard and aesthetic
To find peace in a war deity ❗
Ares is a woman respector send post
Ares as a protector of women and god of strength
Ares and how his energy feels
Ares altar
Ares is a proud dad, I guess?
I am a daughter of Ares
A prayer to Apollo❗
Apollo werewolf cult curiosity
Deity appreciation post
My god squad's energies and how I see them as a poet
Blending/combining different branches of polytheism
Devotee and Deity Trend
My participation in devotee and deity
Deity interactions in my practice
How my relationships with my deities feels ❗
Worship the gods you are drawn to!
My God Squad + Familiar Moodboards
What is spiritual psychosis, and how do you recognize the signs in pagan spaces?❗
The danger of Divine Masculinity and Femininity in pagan spaces
What is a spirit worker?❗
A unique perspective on godspousing and the afterlife ❗
The Divine Aurora Borealis
Mundane enchantment ideas
Becoming open and loud about being a pagan & witch is scary. But what makes that any different than a Christian being open and loud about their faith? ❗
Custom tincture and balm making/herbalism
Colored flame candles
Healing from spiritual psychosis—a survivor's journey from delusion and depression, to happiness and purpose as a practicing pagan. ❗
Reminders for the disabled and chronically ill pagans/witches
Wolf encounter in Yellowstone as a wolf spirit worker
Learning about spiritual psychosis saves lives (thread) ❗
Litha wreathes with the coven!
Ecology, nature, and accessibility in neo-paganism
Honk if you worship the old gods
Intersectionality and spiritual psychosis ❗
Spiritual psychosis is not a harmless delusion ❗
Familiar Spirits in Eclectic Paganism and Witchcraft ❗
Life as a wolf spirit worker
Familiar appreciation post
How I work with my familiars❗
Familiar spirit readings (OPEN)
Reasons I think every witch/pagan should have a familiar spirit
A lil wisdom from the wolf spirits :)
Resources and readings for research on familiars & familiar spirits
How are familiar spirits found?
Familiar spirit anon Q&A ❗
Can we tell I never shut my mouth?
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vaspider · 7 months
Intro Post, updated August 25, 2024
I post all asks as they were submitted. I answer at my whim and not upon demand. I will never honor requests to answer asks privately or anonymously. Anon is never turned on. These are hard self-care boundaries. Please block the tag "harassment tag" if you don't want to see to some of the horrible shit I get sent sometimes.
I will only reblog/repost/boost a given fundraiser once every 7 days. Period. Sending me more asks will not change that. If you only interact with me to ask for signal boosts, I'll just block you with no response. That is the only exception to my "post all asks" policy. I am a person, not a public resource. Don't make me feel used. It's exhausting.
If you like what I do, please consider hiring me, buying something from my company, NerdyKeppie, buying me a coffee, becoming a Patron or tossing some money in my PayPal tip jar. I am a disabled, queer, Jewish, non-binary butch, and those sources plus freelance writing are my entire income.
I will not debate my identity with anyone. I am a transmasculine non-binary butch lesbian, a cripple, a dyke, and lots of other things, too. You don't get a vote in that, and if any of those words are words you object to someone using in reference to himself, block me. I won't censor my identity for your comfort; it took a lot of hard work over decades to become proud of who I am.
ACAB includes gender/sexuality cops. You aren't the mayor of Dyketown, fuck off.
Mom is a job title to me. I'm okay with being called Mama Spider, but no other feminine terms.
No, I am not an anti or an anti-anti. Leave me alone.
No, I won't DM you.
No, I won't answer your question about Israel.
No, I won't talk to you about I/P.
Yes, I've been out for a very long time. No, I'm not interested in being lectured by people half my age over shit that happened when you weren't alive yet.
"Man bad/woman good" is regressive TERF/right-wing shit, it doesn't matter how you dress it up. Knock it off.
Curate your own experiences. If you don't like seeing what I write, then add 'vaspider' to your "filtered content" list and don't bother me about it. Tumblr is a 17+ environment and I am not responsible for you seeing things you don't like. My daughter is an adult. I raised my kid. I'm not raising you or any other kids.
Anyone who tries to turn you on your fellow trans people is a fucking Fed.
My icon has lore, apparently.
I post all asks and anon is never turned on.
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wingsofachampion · 4 months
I'm going to preface this by saying that I'm not mad at anyone. I love the Pokemon IRL community, and I'm so so happy to be a part of it. And I don't plan on leaving for good anytime soon.
But. Look.
This is getting out of hand.
I've been here since November of 2022, and I haven't seen things being this bad in the community since The Incident.
I'm trying as hard as I can to hold things together, even when it seems like everything's falling apart. But it's getting really exhausting.
So that's why I'm making this post.
There's a lot of problems happening in this community, and I'm going to try to address at least a few of them in this post.
So, here we go.
Part 1: Anon Hate & Other Harassment
There's unfortunately a lot of this in the community. I've been a victim of it myself.
Anon hate is a serious problem that has led several pokebloggers to completely disable anon asks or even leave the community entirely.
I'm not sure how to combat this, unfortunately, other than blocking them as they come, but that's an imperfect solution.
There's also been direct harassment, too, not just through anon asks. I'm unsure how to tackle that either, but I'm spreading awareness just in case.
Part 2: Lack of Engagement
There's a ton of blogs that get little to no engagement, and not for a lack of trying. Pixelated made a great post on this already, so I won't rehash it much.
My main advice is to send asks. That goes both ways. If you see someone struggling to get engagement, send them an ask, brighten their day!
And if you're struggling to get engagement, send asks to as many blogs as you feel comfortable. That way, you put your name out there.
I know it can be scary to send asks, but if it helps, you can send one to me! I won't bite!
Part 3: "Cliques"
There's a lot of subcommunities in the Pokemon IRL community. Eebydeebies, Fallers, Blueberry Academy, and so on. And that's great! What's not so great, though, is how some of these can be rather cliquey.
Sometimes, it's hard to join a subcommunity. Sometimes they push you away, are just difficult to fit in a new blog, or something else.
I've been trying to remedy this in the eebydeeby subcommunity by having Gen send asks to every new eeby blog I can find, but I'm not in every subcommunity, so I can't do this for all of them.
What I suggest to remedy this is, those in subcommunities, reach out! If you see someone trying to join, reach out and welcome them in! Send them asks! Tell other people in the subcommunity about them! Let them know that they're welcome there.
Part 4: Lack of Warnings During MMM
This one is something that mostly just affects me personally, but Muse Mixup Madness has been extremely stressful for me because people keep completely changing up their blogs with little to no warning.
One of my worst triggers is post-apocalypse, and I've been jumpscared by this several times during Muse Mixup Madness by blogs that were previously safe.
Please warn what your Muse Mixup Madness stuff will contain, and please use content warnings, too.
Part 5: New Blogs Dying
This is one of the ones I'm saddest about. Almost every day, there's at least one new person trying to join Pokemon IRL, but 75% of the time their blog dies within a week.
I recommend supporting newcomers as much as you can. If you see a newcomer, send them an ask! Interact with them! Boost them if you feel comfortable with it! Don't let them feel so discouraged that they leave so soon.
I recommend checking the reblogs on realpokemon's pinned post every so often. It's a fantastic way to find new blogs.
Part 6: Exhaustion & A Call for Help
I've been trying very very hard to fix things, but I'm only human (as much as I wish I was a Meganium). I can't do everything by myself.
So I'm asking for help.
I have two blogs primarily made for boosting. @pkmnirlblogboosting and @tacklrnews. Former is OOC, while the latter is IC.
Pkmnirlblogboosting is for boosting blogs that either have less than 75 followers, or are less than a month old. If anyone wants to help me run it and boost blogs, feel free to send me a message asking if you can be added to pkmnirlblogboosting.
Tacklrnews is for reporting on events that are happening in-character. Its primary purpose is to boost stuff happening on people's blogs that they want more people to see and interact with. If anyone wants to help me with this, feel free to send me a message asking if you can be added to tacklrnews.
A caveat with tacklrnews: It's fully in-character, so you'll need to create a character for it to be a part of Pelipper's little news agency. It also writes articles on Pokemon RPC and Pokeask blogs, so to people in those communities, this offer is open to you all, too.
I hope these will both be helpful in revitalizing the Pokemon IRL community.
Part 7: Moving Forward
So, how do we move forward?
I think we should be more supportive towards others in this community. Less OOC anon hate and harassment, more engagement and boosting. Tell your fellow blogrunners how much you appreciate their blogs! Let them know they have people who care about them.
I love this community so, so much. I don't want it to fall apart and die. I'm doing everything in my power to keep it standing, but I'm just one person. I need your help, too.
Together, we can make this community better.
That's about all I had to say.
If you've read this far, thank you. I really appreciate you taking the time to read through this.
I'd appreciate any reblogs to spread this around, but don't feel pressured to if you don't want to.
I hope you all have a wonderful Pride Month.
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blindbeta · 7 months
I've noticed that you are interested in stories with multiple blind characters and often propose adding more blind characters to a story as a solution. I really struggle with this because it's not as simple as that -- stories don't have infinite narrative space. The idea that every story has a large cast is influenced by the prevalence of long serialized media in fandom: webcomics, TV shows, etc. But many writers (myself included) write a lot of novellas and short stories which often only have a few characters -- maybe even only 1 or 2! Even novels don't usually have huge expansive casts -- maybe 5 main characters with some additional side characters.
Considering this, I don't understand how it's realistic for every story (or even, say, 50% of stories) to have multiple blind characters (without it feeling forced). This is compounded by the fact that most blogs that talk about other forms of representation say the same! So if I write a 2-character short story and the protagonist is a blind Latino man, does the second character also have to be a blind Latino man? It just doesn't make sense! This is just a general problem I've noticed in discussions around representation -- there's an assumption that every cast will have 10+ characters and narrative space to develop those characters, even though that's not realistic for most narrative forms.
Do you have any thoughts on this?
Writing Multiple Blind Characters in Short Stories
Hi Anon! Surprise. I write short stories as well. I have experience with this. I have never felt like my blind characters were forced or unrealistic, even with having several of them in the same story. I’ll try to explain what might help you.
First, the idea that multiple blind characters is forced or unrealistic comes from ableism. Think about why you feel there is a limit on disabled characters. If you can create stories, I would hope you are creative enough to consider the possibility that multiple blind characters could exist in the same place and time. Challenging this barrier opens up more possibilities, allowing you to explore different types of blindness, different reactions to it, different upbringings, and multiple ways of living, adapting, and navigating being blind.
Second, blind characters need access to their own community. This is where they learn how to be blind. This where they get support. This is where they might find understanding and belonging. You can find more information about community here in an excellent reblog. Also, here.
As you mentioned, I often suggest adding more blind characters when writers insist upon using stereotyped portrayals. Having multiple characters with different experiences helps to make your story more realistic and nuanced, contrary to what people might implicitly believe. Having more than one blind character is something I highly recommend because it helps with not having all your representation rest on the shoulders of one character.
For example, if you are worried a main character who has cloudy eyes might reinforce the idea that all blind people have cloudy eyes, having another blind character with a different experience may help. If one of your blind characters is naive and innocent, you might have another blind character who is brash, displays a lack of trust in others, and has a lot of shocking stories. Maybe they’re in a rock band together. They met while playing blind football (aka soccer) on a middle school team. They bonded over their pet cats and sour patch kids.
Or something.
Another important thing to remember when writing is that you have control over the story. Too many writers come to me feeling stuck because they feel they cannot change their story while also wanting to incorporate my suggestions. This makes it challenging to address implicit bias or stereotypes, much less guide writers in going in different directions.
Additionally, I feel uncomfortable with the complaints about other blogs in this ask. I feel like this isn’t really about me, nor is it something I can comment on. I will say that it sounds as if a bunch of blogs dedicated to helping people write marginalized characters are mentioning some of the same things. They are probably doing so for a reason.
However, while it helps, writing multiple blind characters won’t improve every story, which I explained in my review of the book Blind. I was not impressed with this book. I did not feel that the four blind characters were very good, nor did having them help with offsetting the portrayal of blindness as a miserable experience.
Conversely, one of my favorite blind characters is Toph Beifong from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Despite being the only blind character in the show, the writers did a good job with her. Would I have liked her to meet more of her community as she travels with the Gang? Absolutely. Even though I like her, she still never had access to her community after being isolated by her parents for so long.
So, no, you don’t need to have multiple blind characters if the suggestion bothers you this much. I even provided good examples of what to do, what not to do, and times where my typical advice was not as helpful for the resulting story.
However, please consider where these feelings stem from. Consider the origins of the idea that having multiple blind characters is unrealistic. Using the example you provided in your question, I wonder, would you say the same if both your characters were white and abled? Is there any way you can challenge the fear of seeming unrealistic? What about being considered unrealistic bothers you so much?
You don’t necessarily need to have characters in the story for them to exist. Even background characters can help. I will try to give some ideas for this:
Does your blind character have family they can talk about or remember? Are any of their family members blind?
Do they have any friends? Just because the friends aren’t in the story doesn’t mean they don’t exist at all.
Does the blind character have any formative memories or flashbacks?
Does the character who isn’t blind know any blind folks?
Your characters should have lives outside of the story. They should have memories and experiences that made them who they are. This is where you can have other blind characters. Perhaps this is how your blind character can have a community.
However, I would still like to see more blind characters interacting with each other. This is what I want as a blind person. If you don’t want to go that direction, that’s fine.
I hope this helps.
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to the purpose of the misandry post, I've seen plenty cis str8 white abled men suffer under patriarchy, it's a purposefully isolating and cannibalistic system, without a minority to target the yoke of victimhood will be passed to whoever the group finds to be the most lacking in "masculinity". Any system so hostile to the people who created it can only be doubly awful at least to the people it means to oppress. And we see time and time again white men who're at the bottom rung of the ladder turn and enact terrible violence on the groups they believe to be more deserving of the treatment they received
TW/CW: SA, genocide
What does that add to the conversation though? Or could you rephrase if I'm misreading?
Like isn't that just how privilege preserves itself? Using anything but ultimately violence to maintain its stand within the status quo? Doesn't every privileged person do that? How is that unique to men?
Aren't most women in America right now advocating for either Kamala or Trump to save their own skin from Project 2025 while Black and brown women and children overseas suffer the worst things possible during genocide? While marginalized people even in the USA ask them to support someone more progress and they refuse for the same reason?
Is it different because women are just voting for it to continue and not doing the dirty work of killing pregnant women or SA-ing them directly themselves?
No, tell me.
How is that different from when BBQ Becky "just" calls the police on Black people while the cops do her actual dirty work?
The more I talk about this and read what Julia Serano said about needing more language because there is a need for it as transmisogyny isn't enough and about intersectionality from Black feminists (Mikki Kendall, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Audre Lorde, Layla Saad) and read critiques from those same people about mainstream/white feminism...the more I think we need a more a unified structure to fight a more unified enemy.
The issue I'm having with needing language to describe my experiences as a semi-genderfluid nonbinary/two spirit bi/pansexual trans person is the narrow lens through which gender oppression is currently understood.
My oppressor isn't just the government. It's not not just men. Nor is it just women. Nor is just cis people or straight people or or abled people or settlers or- It is...all of it. Except Black people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That's why I talk about it all on my blog. It's why I why I want these systems and even this country structurally decolonized.
My gender is tied to all of these structures which compound on each other. I'm not treated badly just for looking like a badly performing woman, im systematically oppressed for being a badly performing brown woman in a queer relationship and being someone who is not pretty by eurocentric beauty standards, disabled being a lazy leech, and toxic mentally ill with symptoms
I wish I could have such a simple understanding as you anon, but I've not got the privilege for it.
I guess the TLDR is this:
"Men = bad," does not work for me. Women were there cheering on lynchings and colonization for centuries, too.
"White supremacy and it's infrastructure= bad," Does work for me and it places responsibility back on individuals who interact with me rather than conceptual groups of oppressors they can shift blame to instead in order to avoid accountability/responsibility for their role in my oppression.
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gayaest · 24 days
I just want to say your Paravolley AU has helped me a lot with overcoming internalized ableism, made me learn about sitting volleyball, and has also gotten me to read and watch Haikyuu again after years. I've been a volleyball person my whole life but I got a sports injury in highschool and now use a cane (and hopefully a rollator walker in the future).
Kageyama Tobio has always been my favorite character and seeing him in your AU hit me really hard. Though we don't have the same injury, I saw myself in your portrayal of him very much.
Your AU had made me re-evaluate the Haikyuu manga and anime through a disabled lense, and made me fall in love with Furudate's story all over again. Even stronger than it was before. And I adore the parallels you decided to put with your own AU.
I've since been searching up if there's sitting volleyball in my area (with little luck so far but dammit I'm going to keep looking). I'm so disappointed that it's never been brought up to me when I got injured. I'm upset that I was convinced that I'd never have a place in volleyball again. I legitimately started crying tears of joy when I learned sitting volleyball existed.
Thank you so much for your AU. I think it'll have a special place in my heart for a long time.
This is a genuinely sweet and kind-hearted message, and I have to thank you for sending it.
It means a lot that my AU brings comfort to not only myself, but other disabled people as well — the idea that my experiences, thoughts, feelings, research, etc is being put to good use to help and soothe people is more than I could ever wish to achieve or want.
I think something so important in my AU with Kageyama is that he wasn’t born disabled, he got his spinal cord injury at one of the worst points in his life, while simultaneously losing his support system (grandfather). He had no idea how to cope with becoming disabled because the people he surrounded himself with previously (MiddleSchool Volleyball Team) all turned their back on him and his drive to still want to play volleyball and feel lost without it. In turn, he turns that anger and fear and disappointment into internalized ableism, and even some outwards ableism he doesn’t even realize he needs to fix, because it’s just something most able-bodied people get told or believe. He pushes himself past his limits, hoping that he could one day be back to his old self, but that old self no longer exists, and that’s something the Karasuno Sitting Volleyball team teaches him. They teach him acceptance, support, community, etc when he didn’t even know it existed before.
I’m glad my AU can resonate with so many people, and I wish I could blab even more about it because it’s always in my head constantly, so if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask about it.
Furudate’s story is truly amazing, and to me, it doesn’t lose it’s charm and meaning for me as a disabled person, in fact, in makes me want to form even bigger bonds with community and other disabled people.
Thank you again for the ask, anon! It’s very sweet.
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stargazer-sims-cc · 2 months
Welcome to my Custom Content blog!
My name is Sapphire, and I've been playing the Sims since 2000. I started making custom content for The Sims 4 in 2015 and started sharing my creations in 2016. This is something I do for fun, not for profit, so my CC will always be free and without ads. New updates will be added when I feel like it, and not based on a regular schedule.
I make custom content primarily for myself, for my own characters and gameplay. It's rare that I'll make something with the sole objective of it being publicly-consumed content. As a result, things that I share on this blog may contain swatches that are unique and specific to my characters and builds. If you don't like that, then I suggest you look elsewhere for custom content that more adequately meets your needs.
Due to past issues on my old CC blog, all messaging is disabled for this account. If you need to contact me about something, please reach out to me on my main account - @stargazer-sims. Do not ask me CC-related questions on anon. They will be deleted immediately. This account is not WCIF friendly. If you want WCIFs, please send me a message on my main.
I make recolours, mesh edits, tuning mods and overrides, and I may also share builds and sims from time to time. I'm always learning new things, and I like to experiment, so if you're looking for something boring and cookie-cutter, this is not the place to find it.
I have a lot of male characters and I like making masculine-frame clothing and accessories. I test my stuff on all default body types, and I try to make clothing unisex whenever possible.
To help you find things, here are some links to my categories:
masculine adult
feminine adult
tattoos & body details
medical & disability
build & environment items
tuning mods & overrides
My TOU I can't stop anyone from doing whatever they want with my custom content. The only things I ask are that you don't claim my creations as your own and that you don't re-upload them or place them behind ads or paywalls.
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raffe156 · 1 year
Late Night sparring
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Pairing - Price X Tank X Ghost
Summary - A Late Night sparring sessions turns into something more.
Warnings - Smut (18+) Voyeurism, Language, Age gap Price (39) Tank (25) Ghost (36) SoftDom!Price, public sex, praise kink, fingering, Oral (F receiving) P in V, unsafe sex, Ghost being a little simp for Tank, Price likes to watch...
AN- I'm so sorry this took so long! not 100% happy with it, but we'll see what you guys think.
It's kind of filth, I re wrote this about 4 times so please please please let me know what you guys think either by comments, anon asks or however you feel comfortable! I've been in such a writers block headspace that getting this out felt like such an accomplishment haha!
Also enjoy another one of the commissions I had done by the amazingly talented @hffhifjou x
@deadbranch @mildlyhopeless @fanficandartgal @shuttlelauncher81 @a-littlebirdie @soapyghost @boomtowngirl @mostannoyingbillioner @brewed-pangolin @chb-7 @sarcastic-raptor163 @tapioca-marzipan
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Call of duty characters, Only Tank
“Hands where I can see them Riley!” Price shouted from the side lines. Ghost currently had you pinned underneath him both arms locked behind your back pressed to his stomach, face pressed to the floor of the ring.
“Will one do?” Ghost waved his free hand at Price causing his weight to shift fully onto you. You could just make out Price giving him the finger, his brow furrowed.
“Off now…” He made his way over to the edge of the ring, but Ghost didn’t ease up. Instead he leaned down close, you could feel the warmth of his breath on your cheek.
“You don’t want me to get up do you?…I think you like being under me…” it was just quiet enough for Price to miss but he didn’t miss the flush that spread across your face.
“UP NOW!” It was more of a warning that a request now. Ghost made a slow effort to get up, his hands being the last to leave your wrists. They felt bruised but it was a nice ache. You would never admit it to him, but he was right.
‘I think I’m done for tonight cap…I need a shower” You rolled over onto your back flat out. You didn’t even need to look at Price to know that wasn’t happening.
“Ill be the judge of that…I’ll take over the session..” Price shrugged his shoulders, stretched his arms and entered the ring. Ghost shot him a look.
“Maybe we should just hit the showers eh Cap?” Ghost rubbed your calf, you both knew exactly what he meant and the mental image caused your mind to wander…would all 3 of you even fit? The cubicles were small…you and Price just about fit…would Ghost keep his mask on? Did Ghost wear his mask in the shower? You hadn’t realised Price was talking to you till he snapped his fingers in front of your face.
“I said are you ready kid?” Price cocked his eyebrow at you.
“what? Really? I’ve just had my arse handed to me by him…I don’t need another beat down from you! Can we just all go take a shower?” You sat up, looking up at Price from under your lashes…hopefully the little lost lamb look would soften his big bad wolf stance…it didn’t. The pathetic attempt made Ghost scoff…but you and he knew it would have worked on him. Price was a tougher nut to crack. You stood up.
“If that’s what you want then you better get to work…because we aren’t stopping till you get me pinned to the ground” before you could protest Price was on you like a rash, in two moves he had disabled you completely. Both arms behind your back body bent forward. If you weren’t so pissed off this would have been hot, but you knew he meant business an knew he wasn’t joking about not stopping till you pinned him.
It had been about an hour your breath was ragged, the sweat dripping from you, your body ached from being slammed to the ground numerous times by Price his full weight resting on you each time, he didn’t hold back.
Every sly attempt to seduce him or touch him failed and almost always ended up with you on your arse or in a headlock tapping his arm.
“Can’t flirt your way out of a headlock love!”
“How long can you keep this up? Really?” You crouched taking in the few minutes rest. You watched Price from the corner of your eye he circled you like a predator his breathing was deep, though he didn’t look half as worn out as you did, if anything he looked virile, rejuvenated what was he getting out of this? He crouched in front of you a smirk planted across his face.
“You know me Tank I can go all night…”
His smug words had you grabbing at his arm to attempt a throw but instead he pulled you back into him your back pressed to his chest your own arm locking you in place.
“Nearly…” He chuckled in your ear, he knew it enraged you. He knew you were getting ratty now like a toddler that had been deprived of an afternoon nap. You bucked back into him trying and failing to throw him over. His laugh only get louder.
Ghost was silent in the corner, he had watching in awe as the two of you had fought. Watched as your bodies collided and crashed into one another. He watched as if in slow motion you bare and snap your teeth at Price who only returned the aggression in the form or a smirk. It was like a dance and Ghost wanted to cut in.
“Think she’s had enough Price…she’s getting snappy now…literally” Just as he said it you had sunk your teeth into Prices forearm. He kicked your leg out from under you causing you to drop down releasing his arm from your bite, Price went down with you repositioning himself so your arms were completely locked behind you.
“Im sick of this shit…” you were struggling against him so much you hadn’t even clocked Ghost now crouched in front of you. His ski mask was up.
He leaned in his lips grazing yours. It took you by surprise but you welcomed him in, Price watched as you let Ghost slip his tongue into your mouth. He felt you ease up but he didn’t release his hold. He liked the control. He pulled you back.
“Tell me what you want Tank?” Price was in your ear. You let out a sigh.
“Ghost…” you knew the answer was a risky one, but he had wound you up. Ghost looked at you a little smirk on his face, but he knew Price was in charge here still.
“Is that right?…fair enough…” Price slowly released his hold. You looked back…there must be a catch surely it wasn’t that easy? But not to look a gift horse in the mouth as soon as your hands were free they flew up to Ghost face, your thumbs running just under the edge of his mask testing your limits, his hands came up to rest on yours.
“Easy tiger haha” Ghost watched Price from the corner of his eye, what was he up to? Price jumped out of the ring and made his way over to his jacket pulling out a cigar and lighter. Really?
Ghost turned his attention back to you, he was going to make the most of this “free rein”. He gently pushed you back so you were lay flat pulling your shorts off in one quick move. Your underwear was soaked. It made him feral the thought of you getting off on being thrown around and pinned by you Captain and Lieutenant.
He lowered his head his mouth just a few inches from your centre making you scream internally, his hand kneading your inner thigh he lifted his head slightly to plant little kisses close to where his hand rested in between each kiss you could feel the faint nip of his teeth, as he got close he used his other hand to gently pull your underwear to the side. His warm breath caused your nerves to spark and fizz. The sight of you laid open for him made his mouth water like a sour sweet had been placed under his tongue. He noticed your hand fidgeting in anticipation so decide to lace his fingers with yours, his much larger hand nearly swallowing yours as he did he slowly licked a stripe up your core, savouring your taste, smoked honey mixed with salt…it drove him insane as he licked and sucked at your slit you could feel your eyes rolling to the back of your head, as he pushed two fingers inside, you felt your walls clamping down on him and then came the familiar swell in your stomach. You turned your head locking eyes with Price his face mostly distorted by a cloud of thick cigar smoke, but you could just make out his sharp blue eyes.
The thought of Price watching you pushed you over the edge, he didn’t break eye contact as you came.
“Atta girl” the sound of praise from Price flooded your system just like his smoke filled your lungs. Even without touching you he could still cause a stir inside. He still had control. Ghost knew this but he didn’t care, he had you laid out, open for him to explore even if he had to share your attention.
He made his way up your body, taking you in as he did. He almost completely covered you, his body a shield. He had you caged underneath him his arm blocking you from Price’s view. He could see you looking for your Captain, but right now here you were under your Lieutenants command.
“Eyes on me…” he whispered as he undid his pants, pulling his cock out the weight of it resting on your opening. You were pinned under him but you watched his eyes as you managed to roll your hips up into him causing the head of his cock to slip over your clit.
“Fucking HELL” his eyes rolled back as you rolled your hips again for another pass. Ghost couldn’t take it anymore he hooked your legs over his thighs pulling you up as he did supporting you from underneath, you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck. He fisted his cock angling it at your core you were warm an inviting. You looked at him your eyes glossy an wet, you wanted him inside you here an now and you wanted Price to watch him have you. You both looked down to where you were almost joined.
“Ready?” Ghost drew back he knew from last time he had to take it slow allow you to adjust around him.
“Mhmm” you head felt foggy like the smoke from Prices cigar had clouded it. But the feeling of Ghost entering you cleared the fog like a wave, washing it away suddenly all your senses were filled with Ghost, his body heat, his smell cigarettes and mint all filled you up the feeling of his rough hands gripping your arse as you rocked back down onto him. You held on tight pushing yourself into him chest to chest. He could feel your heart racing he wanted you closer needed you closer if he could he would open his chest an keep you there.
His thrusts became rampant, rutting up into you the sounds echoing across the gym. Ghost could feel himself getting close an could tell you were as well by how your walls clung to him reluctant to let him pull out even an inch.
“Cum for me…” he lowered you back down onto the floor of the ring his pace only slowing slightly your legs still wrapped around his waist.
You felt the spring in your stomach coil up tight as Ghost buried his face in your neck.
“Are you gonna be a good girl an cum for your Lieutenant” he growled through gritted teeth into your neck. You turned you head to allow him to get deeper into your clavicle. As your eyes fluttered open you noticed Price was sat closer to the ring slouched and legs spread, cigar still in his mouth puffing away. A smirk on his face was he enjoying this? He knew you were looking for him, knew you needed to know he was watching you. He knew you needed his nod of approval to say you could be a good girl an cum and there it was subtle but it was there. You allowed yourself to fully be devoured by Ghost and swallowed whole, you took all of him in every nerve ending was alight and screaming his name an he knew it he could feel the difference in you, Ghost wanted to give you all of him willed you to take it he only asked for a fraction of you in return as he knew he could never have all of you but for a split second as he glanced down at you he felt like he did.
You both came at the same time you could feel the hot ropes of cum filling you as your bodies eased up. Your panting an moans filled the gym hall. Both trying to catch your breath a haze of lust and body heat surrounded you. Then out of the haze came Prices voice
“Hurry up an hit the showers, you still haven’t pinned me yet Tank…so don’t be thinking we are done for the night…”
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drill-teeth-art · 13 days
A late night, slight retrospective on the tiny amount of Tumblr fame I've gathered that also might be slightly annoying for my audience to read so feel free to skip it if you want.
I started sharing Transformers fanart on here back in 2022, around October. I had been posting art on here for a while before actually but people really started following me and asking about my work and actually reblogging my stuff when I started posting Transformers fanart in 2022. I was in a really low place then, and I really welcomed the attention. My art was and still is something I take a lot of pride in. It's my own. There's quite a few years of my life where the fact I could still draw was the only thing stopping me from attempting suicide. It's something that has always meant a lot to me, so the attention on one of the only things I really liked about myself was nice. It was nice for a while.
But I've gotta say the slight Tumblr fame (and I do mean slight, I've only got around 3k followers which is a lot of people and more than I ever thought I'd have following me and more than a lot of folks will ever have but not like A Ton Of Fame) has wreaked havoc on my mental health. Which is already pretty rough as is. Suddenly I wasn't just some guy making Transformers fanart while desperately saving up to get out of my parents' house. Suddenly I was some people's FAVORITE Transformers artist. Suddenly I was a role model to people and I had people in my DMs clambering for my attention and I had an audience that would cheer or boo or go awkwardly silent at my every post depending on how much they liked it. And it was Not Good For Me. I had and still do have people all over my inbox, excited about how I drew fat and disabled and trans characters asking me over and over to draw some specific representation that I don't want to draw right away. I had and still have people begging me to draw their favorite Transformers character who I happen to not really care about and not want to draw at all. And I am painfully aware how often people take personal offense to my polite "no I'm not drawing that unless it's a commission" and my not answering their ask because I'm not in the mood. I've had people send in asks asking for a specific drawing and then follow up asks when I don't answer in a timely manner. And it's really uncomfortable! And it's almost more uncomfortable that it feels like a lot of people don't even notice that they're making me uncomfortable.
And I like learning how to draw bodies I've never drawn before. I like looking at a character who I think is meh and being like "well actually how can I make them interesting to me...". But it really felt and still feels like my art was getting away from me, like I was drawing more what people were asking me to make instead of what I wanted to because people would take it so badly when I'd say no. I was getting commissions though and I was saving up money to move out so I ignored that bad feeling of getting distanced from my own craft because I was trying so hard to save money and I was actually making some. And I still wanted the attention. Plenty of people were still kind to me despite everything.
Things got weirder for me after I released my Good Bi Gender comic. Which I do still recommend people read I think it's some of my best work. But that comic became a huge hit. And it made things really complicated for a while. I got anon hate. I was told to kill myself by strangers online more than once while I was already deeply suicidal. Something I thought I stated very clearly in the comic itself, that I didn't want strangers calling me "she" though I did and do let my close trusted people call me "she", was immediately ignored by my regular audience and people reading the comic. I got a lot of "you go girl!" kind of messages in response to my comic, and I didn't say anything at the time but it made me deeply uncomfortable. The comic was partly about how the she/her part of my identity is off limits to strangers. How I don't let just anyone she/her me because I work so hard to have the he/him aspect identity acknowledged at all. And it was like what Tumblr decided for me was to go against my wishes. Was to be like "we'll accept your identity for you!" when that's not what I wanted. I did NOT want to be she/her'd by thousands of strangers at the time. And though I'm grateful to have heard the understanding stories of other folks with nonbinary gender identities in the notes, it was deeply humiliating and invalidating to watch as others decided for me to accept the Girl part of my identity. The opening lines of the comic are explicitly a plea to the reader to listen and understand why they're not allowed to use she/her for me even though I'm opening up about the complexities of my identity.
And like. I don't care anymore if people online she/her me. At least I don't care right now that's why she/her is in my bio right now maybe I'll change that. But at the time it was awful. It was something I asked people not to do. And between that and the constant clambering for my attention from people I didn't want to talk to (because I was severely depressed and wasn't looking to make a ton of new friends) and the alienation from my own work I felt like shit. I felt like garbage. I still do. I hate my art sometimes. I really hate it. And for a while, I considered breaking my own fingers just so people would stop acting so entitled to my art and I would have a reason not to post. And honestly the only thing that stopped me was just trying to get by financially. Just watching my follower count and regular notes steadily trend upward so I could do more commissions so I could move out.
And doing things for the numbers, even for a relatively short time, only made things worse. It sounds a little silly even to me, but I get so stressed out when my posts flop, especially if it's art I was really proud of. I'm struggling to detangle my sense of worth in my art from the online numbers game. And I'm proud of the progress I'm making, but it does really suck and it's really hard. And I really wish I was still the same person back in early 2022 who could say "I don't care about the numbers!" and actually mean it because god I WISH I didn't care about the numbers now. Especially now. I dunno if it's me posting more art people don't wanna see or people leaving Tumblr or a shift in the culture of Tumblr but fewer and fewer people interact with my posts despite my follower count ticking up slowly but surely and it kind of bums me the fuck out. But. I am very proud of myself for still drawing the ocs that I want to draw even if they get less notes every time. And even if I'm slightly frustrated they get less notes every time.
I don't really have a neat bow to tie on my personal story right now. I'm still healing and sometimes I backslide and it's hard and it sucks. I don't want to sound ungrateful or to sound like I'm trying to shoo people off my blog because I'm not. I'm really grateful for the attention and interest and I'm not trying to turn people off my art blog. But it's been a rough few years on here. And don't be surprised if you see me take more and more breaks from this website. I do sincerely hope y'all will stick around and watch me continue to post whatever art and say kind things because I do appreciate that a lot. I'm trying really hard to mend my relationship with my own art. To not be so hard on myself. And for the record I don't want any asks telling me to take breaks when necessary or reminding me to draw for me. I appreciate the sentiment, but I already know all that and I personally don't find it helpful to be reminded of things I already know. But anyway. I hope that I will draw more and more of whatever I want to, even if that means I fade back into obscurity.
If you stuck around to read me reflect on the stresses and occasional humiliation of my small amount of online notoriety, then thank you. I appreciate that. And really I do like people looking at my art on here and sharing it and sending asks about my work. And the person I expect to be responsible for my mental health and how much social media is impacting it is Me first and foremost. But sometimes I think that it's important to remember there's a person behind your favorite art blog. And sometimes when you get swept up in parasocial attachment and hype, you kind of treat that person really fucking weirdly. And no that doesn't make you a bad person or a monster. But it does mean you have to learn to deal with it when someone who you might even idolize is like "back off me you're making me uncomfortable".
Anyway. I shouldn't be up as late as I am. A headache has been keeping me up all night. I'm gonna try to rest though. Goodnight.
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stonercow · 7 months
intro post :)
first off, this is an NSFT blog!!!! MDNI!!!!!!! if you don't have an age/age range on ur account ur also not getting in!!!
DNI : usual dni stuffs, you don't support palestine/zionist, over 40, fetishizer, pro ana/ed, no age, under 18, don't respect my disability/my limits that come with it, treat me like a sex toy, are fatphobic/disrespectful abt my weight (i'm a person!!)
hello everyone!! my name is andy (19, he/him), i'm a transmasc fagdyke who's been on t for over 2 years now. (also, i use ftm tags for reach but i do not identify as such)
i'm a submissive bottom (no exceptions. you will not change this i promise), t4t, and i am single but not looking for anything (aroallo)!! i'm also disabled (pots, fibromyalgia) /mentally ill so if i dissapear for times that's why (i also discuss my physical issues often on here)!!
if you'd like to support me! my cashapp is $stonercow (no pressure!!!! all money goes towards utilities, weed, or sex supplies for posts) and my wishlist is linked here :3 (all buyers will get a lil shoutout and photo wearing what you buy me)
my photo tag is pb.photos if you'd like to see any photos i've posted of myself (including my face :))
asks are encouraged!! i love talking to anons and seeing what perverted thoughts i cause you to have <3
praise me here :333 (my tag i use is below as well)
things i'm into are below the cut :))
my kinks!
intox (specifically weed and sometimes alc)
overstimulation (esp w my tdick)
being dominated
primal (as prey)
size difference
degredation (light)
guided/mutual masturbation
pet play (i like being a dog and a cat hehehe)
forced masculinzation and feminization (bimbo/himboification too ugh please)
nipple/boob play
freeuse (light)
cnc (light)
spanking (light, ass/tdick)
catholic/religion kink stuff
prince/royalty kink
breast/stomach expansion
pregnancy (no birth)
mommy kink
what i'm NOT into (you can still follow, just not for me :))
vomit (i'm emetophobic)
omorashi/pee play
feet stuff
weapon play
use of word rape (with me, if you use it on your blog its all good!!)
anal play
fauxcest/incest in general
using "daddy" as a title
feederism, sloppy food eating, inmobility
unhygenic things
face slapping/hitting
any slapping/physical abuse that isn't on my ass or cunt
passing out in any sense that isn't sleep/weed related
obviously i may be forgetting some but just ask me if you're curious :)
you can call me any petname (i love pretty boy, darling, and pup obviously)! if i'm uncomfy i will say, and you can call my genitals anything too, i'm very open, i prefer "tcock" and "pussy" to name a few.
claimed anon emoji's!
🦷 , 🧱 , 🦴 , 🐺 , 🤟🏻 , 🫀 , 🎸 ,💫 , 🍣 ,
the tags i use most frequently are below!! (including my photo, ask, and textpost tags!!!)
so yeah! shoot me an ask, send me a little tip for being a good cow, tell me how to use my toys, i'm horny and love attention hehe :3
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ilgaksu · 7 months
i will now be referring to this situation as weimargate, because i must laugh or i will dissolve into the void.
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aka i have had a VERY weird experience of it in fandom lately, and it has escalated to memes in lieu of interpretative dance*, but also i want to talk about it because i think, in more general terms, it's relevant for discussion about how fandom is evolving.
(*as illustrated by @difeisheng because i am personally intimidated by photoshop. interpretative dance would've only had me to blame.)
so. hi! if you don't know me, i am an ao3 writer who goes by the pen name ilgaksu. i have 179 fics on my ao3 account, and of those, 46 of these are for DMBJ or grave robber's chronicles. i've been writing in this fandom for roughly three years, which means according to the laws of mathematics and my own inability to stop posting about my favourite blorbos, that's a new fic every 3.39 weeks. i have not counted chapter updates in this count, but given several have multiple chapters, i think we can see there's....a lot. one ongoing series is currently sitting at about 200k, word-count wise. i like to write, overall, about disability, reclamation, legacy and memory. i also overuse semi-colons.
i am also a very private person at this point in my fandom career. this will be the first post i've made in a while talking about myself where i have allowed there to be reblogs on it. this isn't intended as an affront to anyone else in fandom. my ask box is open, sans anon, and in the last few years, i chose to reply to every comment i could to make sure i still get to engage about the characters i love without compromising my own desire for privacy about my personal life. i choose to work under an explicit persona - because we all do on the internet but i have made mine obvious and enunciated and almost a brand - because i think there is something freeing about allowing myself that experience. it's allowed me to write work that i relate to deeply without having to divulge my life to be analysed by strangers on the internet. generally, i like to post my silly little stories, talk to people about them, and then go about my day offline.
anyway, so this week, i seriously considered walking away wholesale from my current fandom, and i'd actually like to talk about why, and talk about me as a person as opposed to the narrative of persona that i've crafted.
because the reality of a persona is that a real, living person is required to animate it. if i am the person who is small and human and anxious to even speak about this, then i am also the reason the operation is running. it's a one-man show. as much as i want my work to speak for itself without my need to justify its meaning or worth, without my experiences, research and choices about my time, the work would not exist. that's just fact. it's fact for every writer and artist and podficcer and person who labours out of love you see. i also deliberately consider myself a writer as opposed to a content creator, because i believe that label mimics a wider culture i have no interest in - that of someone creating a consumable, ownable object. my fanfiction is a hobby. it cannot be owned by other people. unlike my original work, where it can be bought, there is no formal, explicit contract between me and the reader. there is, however, in fandom, an implicit social contract of equality and collaboration, where we are all equals. i am fundamentally no better than someone who never writes fic and never wants to and never will. i reject the idea of superiority among fans because i do not engage in subculture to mimic the dominant culture, the one that tells me stories are something only certain people are allowed to see themselves in, or even tell to others; that production is the only means of social capital and intrinsic worth.
i am aware, also, that by being private the way i am, i end up sacrificing some experiences that i could have by being more accessible, but i want to reiterate that i have never gone out of my way to conceal my tumblr, nor ignored people who contacted me directly to talk about my fic. in fact, if you show up to talk about my fic, i will probably be so thrilled i'll never let you leave - especially since, when it comes to a majority of it - i spend a lot of time on research, something i enjoy, and deliberately cite my research in the notes because i want to share it as part of the experience of my writing. clearly, i want ideas i have come up with to be enjoyed and loved and shared, because otherwise why would i take the risk of putting them out online, where i then cannot control how they're received or transformed?
however, since about a year ago, i've maintained a policy of works based on my own that i've had outlined clearly in my profile on ao3 here:
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as someone who is playing in someone else's sandbox for free myself, my only request is if when you use an idea, usually a headcanon, which is one i created, which you can as much and in whatever way you want because that is the nature of collaborative fandom and the reason i love it so much, you cite that i was the originator of the idea. and secondly, that you let me know. this is a personal request based on how writing can be a very lonely project, even in fandom. you put your work out into the world, with no sense of who it will reach and if it will mean anything to them, and you have to work on the faith that even if it doesn't, the work itself was worthwhile. but you hope it will, because everyone hopes it will.
all of this is outlining so it's understandable to people that read this how i was completely off my face bewildered when i found out a headcanon of mine had reached the level of fanon popularity where it's been mistaken for canon, and has been for over a year at the very least, and i had literally no idea this had happened.
which, frankly, was both hilarious, in a very bizarre way, and completely, deeply sucked.
i know this is my idea because of how distinctive it is, and how much it contravenes canon - namely, that a character, hei xiazi, was a medical student in berlin during the weimar republic. i know it's mine because the timeline with the canon we're told by the actual writer of the source material doesn't match up, which i was aware of and chose to retcon. it was designed and fitted to a personal interpretation of canon material i had been working on for years, and involved a lot of time and research and intense love for the era, the character, and the ways a story about being alone in a foreign country had intertwined with my own personal life. ever since i wrote it, i assumed that the one or two people who had used it with credit were the only ones who had, and because they had honoured my request i was honestly completely thrilled. i still am that those fics exist. that's because it was collaborative.
i want to be clear: nothing about the situation as it stands has been collaborative. a writer being the last to know about the commonality of their own idea in a small fandom is not collaborative. and while it might not bother everyone, it's bothered me to the point i've had serious consideration for several days about whether i should walk away from the fandom.
but ilgaksu, surely you should be flattered that people liked the idea so much?
yes. this was never about the use of the idea. it's about the way this idea has been isolated and used with an assumption that i would have no interest in knowing, or that i would even need to know. i'm not sure what has caused this - whether the persona element of my work has led people to believe i would not have any emotions about finding this out, but i am not, actually, a persona. i am the person who uses it. and as the person who uses it, this is how it felt to find this out. it felt, and still feels uncomfortable, hurtful and isolating to find out your idea has been so beloved but that nobody considered whether you would like to know. it feels like the collaborative element of fandom has been severed from you, specifically, and that your fanwork has been treated as entirely other from you as a fan. i hope nobody else making work feels like this, and i've been told this situation is so strange as to ensure that's hopefully not the case, but i think this is an ongoing issue more widely - the idea that writers are separate from fan culture, and their works are products as opposed to the shared results of a hobby.
do i think this was deliberate? not at all. do i think this was intended to be hurtful? not even in the slightest. but i want to be clear how personal this feels.
i don't have an answer for this situation. the cat is out of the bag, ilgaksu knows about the fanon, and hei xiazi is, despite all canon, going to medical school in 1920s germany. expressing my discomfort with how this has gone down feels important to me anyway, and it's also important to me that i do it in this very detailed way so that people who were unaware do not feel personally at fault, or feel like by me expressing this i am taking this idea back from them. i always wanted this idea to be loved and to be shared.
i also always hoped this idea would find people who wanted and needed a story about someone a long way from home following an ambition, and how much fear and hope and desire goes into the decision to do something like that, and what it means to be a disabled person in a foreign country, and what it means to be queer in a foreign country, and overall what it means to be a stranger in a strange land. i want to be clear that while i wrote this for me, i also wrote it for everyone who has also lived that. i want my work to feel like someone is holding your hand, not that they're at a distance and disregarding you, the reader, and the relationship we have together during the time you read my work.
i hope in future that if you use my headcanons and are aware of that being the case, you let me know. i don't have to read the work itself if you find that intimidating. i will not go out of my way to find it. whatever you've done with the idea, i will fundamentally see it as a compliment and evidence of an exchange between us as a fandom. but i want to know because otherwise, all i see is you taking something i loved and wanted to share and enjoying it with a door firmly shut between us. i am too old to care if i'm not invited to a party, but if the party is themed around a concept i put so much thought and love - for the source material, the people who were going to read it and myself - i can't help but care. it's hard to feel like a vending machine, even if the process of making the fic is so joyful for me that i won't stop until the joy is gone. it hasn't gone yet, but this week it's been dented a bit.
anyway - if you got to the end of this, thank you. please be considerate of how much this has taken for me to express, regardless of your own feelings on it, and how unusual it is for me to make a post that is able to be shared. if you use the idea in future, you do so with my blessing, which was always there. if you want primary sources, places to start, or anything like that - fashion, language, visuals - i want to be clear you can ask me and i will be beyond thrilled to help. i always have been and i'm concerned that because of this that hasn't been clear. but i also feel like if i don't state this experience in this way at this time, and how it was experienced by me, odds are i will now forever look over my shoulder and wonder if this will happen again, and i love writing for this fandom so much that i will not allow something like that to dim that love. i know you love these characters so much too - it's why you're here. i actually used to make a lot more meta posts like this, about fan culture, and i've been considering if i will again - just less personal and less anxiety-inducing to post next time. until and beyond then, i just hope we can all consider things like this in future - that i can treat you with the same grace - and understand the pressures and anxieties of writers in fandom at this point in time especially. a lot of us have hearts far more made of glass about the things we love, like our work, than can be immediately apparent.
anyway, i'm going back into hiding now.
your friendly local cryptid fanwriter,
ao3 user ilgaksu <3
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emiko-matsui · 4 months
i don't think any of you care, but i have blocked that person now and im gonna delete some posts from last night to clean up my own account from that shit. they doubled down on the fact that i'm a creep who's being weird about fat people, and when asked to produce the posts they're talking about that supposedly back them up they either stop replying or just repeat what they said in the previous message. im really grateful so many people have been nice to me about this and sent me messages, but i also wish we don't engage with this person anymore and stop sending them anons. for everyone's sake, but i also grabbed this from underneath one of their posts about the situation
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when being asked to remember people online also are real people they completely disregard it, so i believe everyone is best to just move on from this. block them, because this lack of respect is insane and harmful to others in an online space.
lastly i also just wanted to say that i've had issues with my own body for a very long time (i won't say if it's regarding me being fat, skinny, disabled, etc. especially since that was one of the things that person got mad at me for not sharing) and that i, personally, am so grateful that all different body types exist because i think it makes humanity so much more beautiful. the fetishisation of fat people was something this person really hammered about, and i just wanna say that when it comes to your body it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of it, when you have sex or are just naked you are beautiful and sexy, not because someone desires you or says so but because you feel it. i believe this to be true in every situation, but highlighted the naked part because that is what a lot of people struggle with and what i got jumped about by that blog. if any teenagers or younger people follow me and read a lot of my posts i want to remind you that the best feature on the internet is the block button. you don't have to justify yourself in your space, so if you don't like something just move past it. it's always okay to make things up about fictional character to make you feel better, as long as you're not mean to someone else what they think about the same character if they think differently. create your own space online, but also remember that the internet and what exists on it is available for anyone to see, so you can't go on making things up about real people. that goes just as much for someone trying to make up that i have a fat fetish as someone making up things about a mega celebrity like harry styles. it's far more unlikely to reach, but still affects a real person, and that is not okay.
I didn't mean for this to turn into a goddamn short story, so if anyones still reading i just wanna say thank you and remind you that kristen applebees is a chubby girl
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uluvjay · 1 year
prompt 4 from the 8th list with luke hughes? :)
"it won't matter to me what other people think as long as we're together in it. please"
Luke Hughes x new relationship reader!
Warnings?; light angst, talk of cyber bullying, happy ending i had a bit of brain fart with this prompt and this was all i could come up with, i hope you enjoy anon!
"Are you sure you want to go public?" I asked Luke for the thousandth time today.
"Babe i told you if your not comfortable being public yet then we don't have to be" he reasured me
"no i do trust me, I'm just scared of what people are going to say about me. I've seen the things your brothers girlfriends have gone through and the nasty things that were said about and to them" I told him trying my best to communicate my feelings to him.
"it won't matter what other people think, as long as we're together in it, but like i said if your uncomfortable we do not have to post"
you didn't reply at first instead just pulled his face to yours and place a sweet kiss upon his lips, "Post the picture" I told him as we pulled apart.
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liked by Jackhughes and 1,813,726 others
LukeHughes Best time of the year
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homestuckconfession · 5 months
Why are you posting asks that are pro proship when one of your first rules is literally that you won't answer asks that are about Incest or pedophilia like???
People are discussing the actual content of Homestuck and its spinoffs and have a right to discuss all sides of it, including fandom reactions and discourse associated with it. What I don't intend to publish is people going "ong stridercest so hotzzzzzz" or "I love those creepy nsfw babysitting hiveswap fanfics so much". Commenting on fandom in general or offering opinions on reactions to stuff in fandom is not that.
Further, an admission to being "proship" is not the same as an admission to liking such things, as you may be surprised to learn that proship is about every relationship that is or has been demonized by the self-described "antiship" community on the same level (that being where the name came from), including things that are not implicitly abusive, such as "lesbian x man" (my personal introduction to the discourse--how many lesbians dated men before they found out they were gay?), "disabled character x abled character" (especially if the disability happens to be autism, I wish I was joking), and "what if they worked out their issues and lived happily ever after instead of being in a toxic relationship". I've even seen people say that interracial ships are inherently bad because fetishism or systemic racism creating a power imbalance or whatever. Not to mention the whole can of worms that's "terf antiship" which, as you might guess, works with the assumption that trans women are rapists and blasts ships accordingly. Anyone remember that anon who went around claiming Jade raped Rose on the basis that she had a penis?
Not to mention, as evidenced by all the messages I've gotten that are upset that HSBC might address incestuous abuse, the antiship discourse has warped how fandom analyzes media to the point that just talking about any kind of abuse, even in a negative light, is seen as being just as bad as glorifying it. I would say nobody in this discourse would survive watching Utena, but I learned recently that there's actually people who watched the show and, in response, spouted that it's evil proship BS because it portrayed pedophilia and incest in the process of sending a message that pedophilia and incest are bad. When you've seen stuff like that, it's hard to support the antiship cause, which often means you'll be considered proship by their standards. There's no in-between label for "sane about fiction", so you'd be lumped in with proship just for not aligning with antiship even if you're disgusted by glorification and fetishization of abuse.
Having once been wrapped up deep in shipping discourse myself, where I witnessed all of this first hand, I have a hard time making the assumption that everyone who says they're proship is those specific people who are out there beating themselves silly to incest and pedophilia. I mean, something like 80% of self-identified proshippers are kids barely old enough to use the internet, for crying out loud.
tl;dr: The topic is relevant because Homestuck made it relevant. Also, shipping discourse is a lot more nuanced than "people who have a fetish for pedophilia and incest vs people who think that's bad".
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demiaroacejadeharley · 11 months
This post contains some spoilers from The Amazing Digital Circus. This post also contains critiques in regard to Vivziepop, Helluva Boss, and Hazbin Hotel. Vivziepop stans (as in the people who defend her work and her as a person) are not allowed to interact with me. Any Vivziepop fan who sends me asks (especially Anon asks) will be deleted. Any fans who DM me will have their message deleted and will be blocked. Finally, anyone who screenshots this post and makes a post tagging me in it to defending Vivziepop will be blocked.
I'm not trying to get people to harass Vivziepop and harass anyone who is a fan of her. And I'm not trying to stop people from supporting Vivziepop and not trying to make people feel bad about supporting her either. Watch whatever you want. Take this post with a grain of salt. And if you get somewhat upset with the criticisms I have for Vivziepop, then that's your problem.
Vivziepop antis and critical fans are allowed to interact.
Earlier today, I watched The Amazing Digital Circus, and these are my final thoughts.
Honestly, the pilot was really good, and I'm looking forward to it finally becoming a full-fledged series. And I'm looking forward to it expanding the Lore as well. I'm curious as to how Pomni got trapped there in the first place and other stuff like the void and the exit door thing.
What I appreciate it is that it didn't need copious amounts of swearing, unlike other comedy web series like Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. There were swears, but they were more spread out and brief on top of the swears being censored.
Even though Gooseworx has worked with Vivziepop in the past, I find TADC to be leagues better than HH and HB. I've seen a video about the drama surrounding Gooseworx, but from what I've seen,the stuff they have done is much more tame than the shit Vivziepop has pulled.
I hope to see more Amazing Digital Circus content to come out in the future. I'm interested as to see where the series will go. Unlike Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, it didn't feel like I was watching something that felt like it was created by an edgy middle schooler. The female characters had much more personality than the ones from HH and HB, despite it being just a pilot.
Another thing to point out is that the cast of TADC had a lot of fresh faces to the voice acting industry, unlike Hazbin and Helluva Boss, where Vivziepop relied on casting big name actors in order to garner more attention to her work. And I'm going to be fully honest, I find it really sus at the fact that the OG cast of HH couldn't return because they didn't unionize in order to get their roles back. A lot of them were fully new to the industry, too, which is the sad part. I wish that Vivziepop wouldn't rely on hiring big-name actors in her work and would hire people who are very new to the voice acting scene who are desperate to land a role as some of them rely on voice acting as their main source of income.
To end this post, I just want to point out that I'm not blaming Vivziepop for the fact that the original cast of Hazbin Hotel didn't get their roles back. But at the same time, that whole situation feels questionable to me. Until I hear the full story about it, then I'll decide if she should be held accountable or not. However, the whole hiring big actors thing has been a critique of mine for a while on top of the use of the r slur in Helluva Boss (even though it was only said once and was almost again, it shouldn't have been used at all as it's an ableist slur and I'm a disabled person who has been called the r slur many times in the past). I'm fully aware that HB takes place in hell, but using hell as a way to excuse the use of the r slur is ableist. It's still ableist to call someone the r slur regardless of the setting and the context. The r slur should never be used as a way to call someone stupid. I'm not sure if Vivziepop wrote the script herself, but whoever is in charge of the script should be careful of the type of language they use in the show. I'm fully aware that both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel are adult shows, but it doesn't mean it's an excuse to normalize offensive and bigoted language. It doesn't help that the shows poorly portray women (like how Millie is just reduced to being Moxxie's wife and likes killing) even though the creator of both shows is a woman.
I'm just gonna stop here for now. I'm going to go back to waiting for more Amazing Digital Circus content to come out.
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gerec · 8 months
Hello, I just want to say thank you so much because you’re one of the main reason I’m back into the Cherik hole again after 8 years :Đ (I’m still having a lovely time here). Also, would you mind if I ask you for some fic recs of 1. Alternative first meeting where Erik and Charles meet/flirt with each other at the bar and 2. Smut fics that included dirty talk about breeding/pregnant kink but no actual mpreg. I know it’s a lot but I hope you could help :Đ Thank you so so much for still being here!
Hello darling Anon! Sorry for the delay; it took a while for me to search for recs based on your criteria! I've got some good ones for their first meeting at a bar, but I was only able to think of/find one fic with dirty talk that didn't include mpreg (the other one is rule 63). Anyway I'm so glad you're giving Cherik another go around it's wonderful to rediscover an old love :D :D :D Hope you enjoy!!!
First Meeting at a bar (there aren't many canon verse fics I know of, but there are many great aus):
In Plain Sight by Lenore
As it happens, Charles does know how it feels to hide who he is. A stranger in a pub sees right through him.
Bloodbound by ikeracity
Finding himself strapped for cash at the start of his senior year, Erik decides to become a donor at TypO, a blood bar where vampires come to drink fresh blood from consenting donors, safely and legally. There, he catches the eye of Charles Xavier, vampire, telepath, professor at Columbia, and quite possibly the most alluring person Erik's ever met. Their first meeting sets into motion a bond much deeper than they can understand, one that neither of them had ever expected.
Hitting If Off by niniblack
Erik meets the perfect guy at the bar. Too bad Mr. Perfect is on a date with someone else...
Twinks, Daddies & Bears. Oh my! by Villain
Charles is fresh back from Oxford and new to the gay scene in New York. On his first night out at the clubs with his best friend Hank, he sees the Big Bad Wolf; otherwise known as Erik Lehnsherr.
Punk Rock Boy by Not_You
Charles goes to a punk gig for an anthropology paper, and things get crazy.
A Telepath Walks Into a Bar by ximeria
Erik hates it when drunk idiots interrupt his flirting.
United We Stand, Divided They Fall by ximeria
The prompt was "the only two people at a bar rooting for the same football team au". And that's more or less what it is.
99 bottles of beer on the wall by orphan_account
It's been years since the accident that paralyzed Charles, leaving him wheelchair-bound and shattering his carefree life of drinking, sex, and loose telepathy. Raven finally guilt's Charles into going to a bar with her, only to have them run into a rather unsavory Mutant and Disability fetishist.
And One For Yourself? (Let Me Take You Home?) by meh_guh
Charles has had it with academia. He's sick of Boston, sick of teaching Bio 101, sick of Nathaniel Essex's guerrilla campaign against his lab time. So of course, the only thing to do is to move back to NYC and open a bar. It'll be a lark.
And Tony's there! Scads of guilt-free, friendly sex is never to be frowned upon.
Of course, the bewitching lunatic behind the bar complicates matters, but Charles is hardly new at seduction. He'll win Erik over in a matter of weeks.
A month at the outside.
Baby, You're A Hit by mutanitys (chekov)
"How to not make it up to the cute professor you mistakenly punched at a bar" by Erik Lehnsherr.
(Erik still punches the wrong guy, but this time the hospital doesn't seem to be an option.)
Fics with dirty talk about breeding/pregnant kink:
serendipity by intentation
Charles runs into his professor at a sex club. How can he possibly resist?
Perfection by LadyLustful
Charlotte Xavier didn't think she would be into being bred but here she is, getting off on hearing how she's perfect and will give Erik perfect babies.
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