#i've never wanted to tug on a single curl more in my life
ex0rin · 2 years
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Danny Ramirez for the 2023 Critic’s Choice Awards via Mr. D. Adams
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k-nayee · 7 months
���All great changes are preceded by chaos.❞
Vespertilio M.List
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ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
AGE: 8
Midoriya Izuku lays on the ground in tears.
While small scratches and bruises covered his skin from Bakugo and his followers' attack, the large gash across his palm caused him the most pain.
'Am I really that useless because I'm quirkless? Is Kacchan right?'
As he continues to cry on the ground in sadness, darkness falls over him.
He curls into a smaller ball, convinced his bullies were coming back for more. 'Wouldn't be the first time.'
"Hey...are you alright?"
The new voice compels the young boy to look up. Through the haze of his tears, Midoriya faintly sees a small figure.
"Y-yeah," he quickly wipes away his tears, embarrassed that someone saw him like this, "I'm okay."
Vision finally cleared, he looks up once more.
Pale pink flowers are the first thing he sees.
They're scattered throughout the strands of your hair, making you appear ethereal in the sunlight. 'Is she a fairy?'
"Doesn't look like it." You look down at him in concern before squatting to his height. With you close enough, a strong scent apple surrounds him.
Packet of wipes taken out of your backpack, you start gently cleaning up his injuries.
Using your distracted focus as a chance to observe you, Izuku's gaze shifts from your concentrated expression to the delicate flowers adorning your hair.
They're familiar, comforting in a way that tugs at the edges of his memory. Then it hits him—a flicker of recognition stirring a quiet joy in his heart. 'Could it be?'
The flowers...
They were unmistakably similar to the one he found in his cubby last week, the latest addition to his invaluable collection of pressed flowers.
Hana, Izuku recalls briefly, the notebook he made in dedication to these cherished gifts several month ago—hidden away in his bedroom.
Though he still received a flower every now and then, the details of the person who gave him the first one were blurry; as it never progressed beyond those fleeting moment of kindness.
He only remembers she was a girl who was nice to him, leaving behind a single cheery blossom—the flower that started it all.
"Sorry!" You pull away with a sheepish grin, "I almost forgot to ask. Hope you don't mind me doing this."
It took a few moments for the poor boy to regain his bearings; too caught up in a swirl of thoughts while still too shy to speak, Izuku could only nod.
You perk up at his cooperation before continuing to clean him up.
Izuku could only sit there dumbfounded as you carefully wipe away the dirt smudges and tear marks from his face.
"These flowers... I've seen them before," he whispered, more to himself than to you.
You pause for a moment, movements stilling your eyes meeting his. There's depth in your gaze, a hint of recognition, but you say nothing.
"Aaaaaaaaand done!" Taking a step back, your eyes sparkle with pride at how much better he looks now.
"T-thank you..." The greenette mutters, cheeks taking on a fiery red glow "...a-and my name is Midoriya Izuku. Izuku is fine."
Instead of offering your own, you simply smile with a knowing glint in your eyes. "I know..."
The words hung in the air, a mix of familiarity and mystery.
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name," Izuku presses. A part of him, hopeful, almost desperate part, wanted to know if you were her: the girl who, though a brief presence in his life, left a lasting impact.
Your response, however, was not what he expected. Your smile widens just a bit, as if amused by his question. "It's not important. What matters is that you're okay now."
Before he could say more, you interrupt in with an offer of your hand. "Alright! We need to get the dust off your clothes. C'mon."
As you help the freckled boy off the ground, he lets out a cry. You immediately drop his hand in surprise.
"What's wrong?!"
"M-my hand," he softly stutters through tears, pain returning full force with a sting.
Your confusion turns into sorrow at the sight of the gash going across his hand.
With quick movements, the blood on your palm is wiped unto your dress before you tenderly grab his to get a look closer.
'Hmmm...so that's why he smelled so sweet...'
"A-are you alright? You seem off..." Izuku's voice fades the longer you stare at the cut on his skin, thoughts drifting to how good it smells.
'I wonder if it tastes just as sweet... A little won't hurt right?'
Mind foggy from the scent, you fail to hear Izuku's cry of shock.
It wasn't until a sweet tangy explosion filled your mouth did you finally snap out of it.
"Huh?" You meet the wide eyes of a disturbed and concerned Izuku as he held his hand to his chest. "Izuku?"
When you take a step towards him, he quickly takes one back, causing a hurt looks to flash across your face. "Is something wrong, Izuku? Are you hurt?"
He avoids your gaze with a shake of his head. "N-nothing wrong. It's just that you, um....y-you..."
The toll of his constant stammering and stretching of reply makes you to frown in annoyance. "What is it!?"
"Y-you licked my hand!"
You freeze at his words. The faint flavor of sweet metallic on your tongue proves his words to be true.
"I...I" Your mouth is covered in shock, eyes burned in shame at what you've done.
'I licked his hand?!'
'I never tasted blood before. I shouldn't have!'
'I'm...I'm a freak!'
"Sorry," You weakly choke out, bolting away as shame washed over, backpack forgotten in favor of getting home from it all.
Still trying to process what just happened, Izuku could only stare after you, a sense of loss washing over him.
It's then, in the silence of your absence did his mind begin to race. And as he began to reflect on the encounter, did the pieces start to fall in place: The flowers...your gentle care...the fleeting moments of connection—how could he have been so blind?!
Why did it take you running away for him to start connecting the dots? Heck he have the same type of flower that's in your hair pressed in his precious Hana book!
As Izuku stood there, pangs of regret for not realizing sooner filled his heart.
The kindness you showed him, both in the past and now, had been a beacon during his darkest times; yet he had failed to recognize the person behind it until it was too late.
Seeing your abandoned backpack, hope is reignited. Yeah, he can do this.
With renewed purpose, Izuku ball his hands into fists. He'll find you again, and this time he won't let you slip through his fingers.
'Wait...the pain...'
With furrowed brows, he flips his hand to see the 'injured' palm only for his mouth to gape open.
The cut...
It's gone?!
AGE: 11
It was a bright and beautiful day.
The sun was shining, bathing everything in its path with welcoming warmth; a blessing it was for the stressed students who were leaving school to experience such a calming view.
At least that's what Izuku believed as he saw the little pink petals of Sakura Blossoms floating in the gentle winds, reminding him of the "first" time he saw you.
His cheeks flushed at the memory of your giggles when he later confessed his initial belief of you being a fairy at first glance.
It was safe to say that even after the whole 'lick the hand' situation, the two of you still became besties. He would even call it fate that eight-year-old you left your backpack behind.
The excitement that filled his body when he found an 'if lost' tag containing your name and address nearly surpassed the All Might figurine he received for Christmas.
He never did bring up what you did. Wanting to avoid it so that you won't become upset or embarrassed, he told you his mom took him to a nurse when you saw his healed hand.
Yet why did he still have his other bruises if he got healed?
"Well well well...would you lookie here guys? Quirkless Deku in the flesh." The smile on the freckled boy's face immediately disappears at a familiar taunting voice.
Slowly turning away from the peaceful view, he's faced with three of his four bullies.
____ would usually call them the Three Followers or Bakugo's Groupie since they were never too far from the arrogant boy.
Even so, that never prevented them from actively messing with him on their own terms.
Like today for example.
The biggest of the three walks up to the greenette with a crooked grin before pushing the smaller boy to the ground.
A cry of surprise leaves Izuku at the sudden action.
He looks up and meets the beady eyes of his attacker as they gleam with malicious intent. The nameless boy could only let out a fake sigh of disappointment.
"Must be hard being quirkless. Unable to stand up for yourself, to be so weak. Speaking of weak, where's your little girlfriend?"
Izuku curls into himself at the snickering of the other two, face burning in a fiery red.
Flashes of your cute fanged smile flood his brain causing an unintelligible squawk to leave his trembling lips. 'G-girlfriend?!'
"S-she's n-not my g-girlfri-"
"Right here," your usually soft voice was hardened as it cut through the air, "heard you were looking for me."
The scent of citrus orange assaulted his senses before you came to view.
Even from the ground, he was able to take in the vivid sight of tiny orange blossoms nestled in your hair, the white petals contrasting against the pinkness of the Sakura trees all around.
"Aww, the rat with wings is trying to protect the weak? Look Deku, your girlfriend is here to save the day!"
Your hands ball into fists. To make fun of your bat quirk is one thing, but to call Izuku useless and hurt him for no reason?!
A shadow covers your eyes as they continue to throw in more taunts and jabs at the both of you (mainly Izuku).
'How dare they! To hurt what belongs to me...to hurt what is MINE!!'
The air surrounding you turns cold, so heavy with pressure it almost becomes difficult to breathe in.
The once healthy flowers in your hair suddenly wilt and fall to the ground. Silvery white bleeds into your locks until no strand of [hair color] is left behind.
"Really? It takes all three of you to defeat one person? How utterly pathetic." Even your voice changed, taking on a tone of pure ice and arrogance.
"__-___...." You turn at the choked sound of Izuku's surprise causing his eyes to grow even wider.
Your eyes.
Demon is the first thing that comes to mind as he holds eye contact with you.
[Eye color] is replaced with the color of blood red. The slitted pupils in your new eyes thin as they take in his dirty form laid on the ground.
Calls from the bullies fall on deaf ears as you walk over to the freckled boy, a sneer of disgust pulling at your lips.
Grabbing his hand, you pull him up with an incredible amount of strength no regular ten-year-old should have (without a strength quirk that is). "From now on, 'Moka' will suffice. It’s simpler this way, for both of us."
"A-ah! W-well Moka-san...h-how did you get here? Where is ____?"
"Simply Moka. And to answer your question," you ignore his flustered cries when you began to dust off his clothes,"I have always been there. ____ is me and I am ____. This...is merely another side of me, emerged after I first tasted your blood. It seems I've now gained enough strength to manifest fully."
You take a step back and assess his injuries, giving a stiff nod when seeing he wasn't too hurt. "Midoriya, you need to get stronger. Having such low-lives push you around is almost as bad as bullying. I won't always be by your side to protect you."
"Low-lives?? You think just because ya got a new look you're above us?!"
The bullies flinch at your sharp gaze when you turn around to face them. "Indeed, I do. Shall I repeat myself? You're nothing, the bottom of the barrel who clings to the coattails of someone with actual prowess. So I say this once again: you are sniveling weak minded low-lives."
The same one who pushed Izuku steps up with a red face, body shaking from humiliation. "You'll regret that you..."
He takes a step back, enlarging his fist with the intent to strike. "....YOU BITCH!"
Izuku face pales at the sight of the huge fist drawing back and swinging, directly towards your still frame.
"Moka!" Tears prickle his closed eyes in avoidance of seeing you get hurt.
...why doesn't he hear anything?
Opening his eyes to see what happened, Izuku's jaw drops.
You caught the punch?!
The trio of bullies' faces pales at the sight of you holding the bigger-than-average fist with a single hand. "B-but how?! No one's strong enough to catch my super punch!"
"Oh dear, is this truly the extent of your power? Poor thing..." Your red eyes take on a sinister glow, lips pulled into a venomous smile revealing a set of lethal fangs.
"My turn~"
| |
"Akashiya ____!!"
Walking through the front door, the first thing you see is your frantic mother as she paces the floor. "Why has the school contacted me that you've sent three boys to the hospital?!"
You say nothing, face set in a stern and apathetic expression.
Taking your silence as an answer, she whirls around with a wagging finger, ready to scold you some more. "Did you hear me?! Not only are they threatening to call the cops, but the school...is..."
Her words die out upon seeing your silver hair. "...well damn."
At the sudden jiggling of the front doorknob, you both turn in time to see your father step into the house. "I came home as soon as you told me what...happened..."
His words trail off at the sight of your now silver hair, a matching shade of his own. "...well damn."
"Honey," your mother begins to pace once more as she eyes your flowerless head and blood-red eyes, "w-why does she have your hair and eyes?"
Your father says nothing, instead kneeling down to meet your gaze.
Despite his face being stoic of emotion, his eyes revealed a mix of concern and a strange sense of pride. "__—"
"Call me Moka. Even though I'm still ____, I'd prefer Moka for now to prevent identity confusion."
"Moka," your father accepts your other name with a nod, "can you tell me who's blood you consumed for your powers to manifest like this?"
Your mother stiffens at his question with wide eyes. "Wait...did you say blood?! S-she shouldn't have, right? She only eats fruits like me...r-right?!"
You both ignore her existential crisis and continue with the conversation. "It was two years ago when I reunited with Midoriya Izuku; he had a cut on his hand and was bleeding. Unfortunately, I lost control for a moment and went for my desires. Embarrassed by what I've done, I ran home. Hence why I was so upset that day."
Your gaze cast down for a moment to showcase your shame before going blank face once again.
The revelation leads to a moment of silence until it's broken by the sigh of your father as he gets up and leaves to the back of the house.
Your mother finally calmed, walks up to you and caresses your pale hair, internally crying at the loss of your flowers. "Oh sweetie, are you okay? Why didn't you tell us about this?"
"Yes, I am okay. And I refused to tell you because of how easily I lost my composure. Had I been stronger..."
She gives you a hug causing the scent of fresh lemons to engulf you, the small white lemon blossoms you spot in her greying hair melts away any self-anger you had.
The sound of your father's footsteps breaks you out of the hug. You look up to see him with a red velvet box in hand.
Kneeling as he has done before, he opens the box revealing a steel rosary laying next to a black choker.
"This was mine when I was around your age, possibly younger. My father- your grandfather - was an inventor, and created this to keep my powers under control. It's made of quirk suppressing material." Taking the choker out of the box first, he fastens it around your neck.
"I'll admit, the moment I found out your mom was pregnant, I sent it to him to modify it just in case you ever did have my powers. After the first year or two, you only seemed to have your mother's fruit bat quirk, but it seemed my intuition paid off after all."
Once making sure the choker was in place, he picks up the rosary.
"Now Moka, there are certain things you must know before putting this on: those who share blood relations, such as me and your mom, and your blood bonds are the only ones who can remove it. In that case, Midoriya holds that responsibility as your blood bond. No one else will be able to take it off, not even you."
Your brows furrow. "Why is that?"
"Although there are only me and you, our vampire bat quirk holds strong abilities. And with yours being dormant for so long, you are exceptionally strong. So until you are mature enough to handle a situation where you won't constantly use your powers, this will keep you in check. Not to worry. If there's ever a life-or-death occasion where neither us nor Midoriya is present, the rosary will deactivate for a certain amount of time."
Nodding your head in agreement with the rules, you grab the rosary and hook it onto the choker.
A wave of vertigo suddenly hits you as your red eyes shift back to [eye color].
Your silver hair turns back into its original [hair color] shade, new orange blossoms budding back into its strands with a scent of citrus orange wafting off you once more.
You fall to the ground with a thud causing your mother to let out a cry of shock.
Your father sheepishly scratches the side of his face. "Oops, I forgot to mention the fainting spells due to lack of energy. We should probably get her a glass of blood and start implementing it into her daily diet."
She whacks him in the back of the head with a glare. "Ya think?!"
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marcspectorstannie · 2 years
ʚDesperate confessionsɞ(Steven Grant x reader)
Warnings: Smut obvi, a little cursing, palming, edging kinda, bottom Steven ( if that's a warning), hickeys, male receiving, begging, riding/dry humping
Summary: both you and Steven have huge obvious crushes on each other but both of your minds always lead to dirty thoughts,You wind up giving him the best night of his life
edit 2: heyyy this is very old and It's currently my bday for about 2 more hours so I'm dropping this while I finish the Kurt requests
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You were on his mind all day. Not a single minute went by without thinking of you. He was obsessed, secretly of course. He couldn't dare share his true feelings towards you, he couldn't risk it. Losing you and your 'friendship'. 'Sorry Steven, I don't see you that way' was the reoccurring thought going through his mind at night.All he looked forward to was for you to show up.
"Hey Steven,how's it going?" Your voice rang in his ears as he looked over to you walking towards his desk. "How's the gift shop treating you?" He smiled."It's seen better day's." You chuckled and turned your head to him fully. He heard the room go quite as he focused on your facial features. Your eyes, your nose, your skin beaming from the huge light above you. He could stare for hours. His thoughts were interrupted by you waving in front of his face. "Hey, you heard me? I asked if you'd like to hang at my place tonight, we could watch a movie" You were better at hiding your feelings from him,obviously. Steven almost melted when he finally processed your question. "O-oh, yeah I'd love to." "Great! I'll see you then" His heart eyes lingered on your back as you walked away, trying to stop himself from looking below your back. The way your jeans hugged your lower half drove him crazy. He'd wished to be in their place many of times, to be so close to you at all times. He quickly snapped out of it when you left. Now to wait for tonight.
Finally off of work, Steven rushes to his place to freshen up. His work clothes were a bit messy, he couldn't let you see him like this. Quickly, he put on a casual outfit that still made him look decently attractive. He made his way to your house in a hurry, excited to see you but hoping he wasn't late. He knocked on the door slightly and focused on the doorknob. You opened the door, looking at Stevens messy hair. He didn't care about his hair, he was able to see you again, this time in a short top and some flowy shorts. "Steven, come on in I've got evey thing ready" You welcomed him in watching his eyes scan you, then the room. Your mind's been running wild as well. You desperately wanted to run your fingers through his curls, lightly tugging them. You looked over at Steven who was standing awkwardly next to the couch, clearly scared to mess something up. You mustered up the courage to grab his hand and pull him next to you on the couch. You've never actually touched his hand so you never noticed how soft they were. His face was slowly turning red, along with his hands. "Steven... I know I invited you here to watch a movie but there's something else" He almost couldn't sit up on his own hearing that sentence. Was it something he did? He said? Something he didn't do or say? "I.. For the longest time I've always had a crush on you. We've known each other for a while now and I thought today now that we're alone would be a good time to say..." Stevens eyes darted to your lips as you uttered a phrase. "I love you" .
Luckily you saw right through him and quickly kissed him, savoring the bit of leftover peach chapstick he had from earlier. He pulled away slowly, catching his breath. "...I've wanted to do that for so long, you have no clue." He quickly kissed you again, but with more hunger. He nibbled on your bottom lip a bit, not enough to hurt you. His hands traveled to your back, pulling you closer to him and straddling him. You finally got your wish and tugged his messy curls, making him look up at you. He moaned quietly, struggling to keep eye contact with you. He's always wanted to be dominated by you in hopes of awakening some new interests in him. You kissed down his neck, sucking on certain spots to make dark marks. Steven shut his eyes lightly and let out a small whimper in pleasure. Must have found the spot. You leaned your body into him further, slowly grinding on his lap. "I-i've never felt this way before." He stuttered a bit, still feeling your lips on his skin. "I could help you out, I've got some experience" You got off his lap as his eyes followed you. You undid his belt, jeans button and zipper, but kept his pants up. You stared at Steven as you slowly rubbed his buldge, his eyebrows raising in surprise. You kissed him again, making him focus on your lips instead of your hands. You starting to grip at his pants slowly, making him bite your lip. "I need a favor from you, Steven" He looked up at you with his pathetic doe eyes, willing to do anything you asked. "Try not to make any noise, I think I heard the neighbors come in." He nodded,still staring at you. You were lying, no one was home. You just wanted to see how long he'd last trying to keep quiet. You continued rubbing and gripping his buldge watching his eyes try and track your hands. His chest rose up and down quickly, clearly needy. You realized your hand wasn't doing enough so you got back on top of him and began grinding on his lap. "O-oh gosh" you smirked, knowing you'd get this reaction from the poor man. You shifted your weight towards his hips, making him whimper.Steven has thought about you this way and he was ashamed, but now that he has you to please him, even just for today, he's the happiest man in the world. You felt him twitch under you, as he gripped the couch cushions. "A little longer, ok baby?" You praised him up and down the wall, driving him crazy. "You're doing so good for me, just be patient,ok?"Stevens muffled whimpers and whines echoed through the room. You loved seeing him like this, Steven hated to admit it but he did as well. "Love, I-i'm gonna-oh gosh-please.." He gripped your waist tightly, burying his face in your neck. "Are you gonna cum in your pants, love? It's ok just hold on a little longer, ok?" You ran your fingers through is messy curls, lightly tugging at them. You earned a low moan from Steven, his lower half driving him insane. "Please let me cum, please I love you so much...." Hearing him beg so desperately almost made you cum yourself,but you were too focused on letting him finish."I'll let you cum, but I want to hear you loud and clear" His eyes widened, remembering what his one rule was. "But what about the neighbors, I don't want them to know what we're doing..mainly me" you kissed his neck lightly. "I'll leave you just like this if I don't hear you, I know you can do it".You snaked your hand in his shirt, feeling the soft abs that were hidden under the shirt. Steven threw his his head back, beginning to feel the peak of his high. "Can I please cum I'll be as loud as you want, please darling oh my gosh." You nodded, pulling his head up to hear him better. He thanked you, letting out loud, high pitched moans. If he were any louder, you could probably hear him down the halls. You felt his cum leak through his jeans and onto your shorts. You would've licked it up but poor baby's had enough for one night.
Steven draped his hands over your shoulder,finally able to pull himself together. "Oh bollocks, um, sorry it's so much I didn't know-" You looked down at the cum still dripping from the zipper of his pants. You lightly smiled and looked at a bright red,clearly embarrassed Steven. "It's alright, love. Nothing a bit of cleaning can't fix." You kissed him lovingly, cherishing every part of him. "So,would you be willing to go on a proper date some time? One where we aren't on my living room couch." You smiled, waiting for Steven to answer your question.He was still kind of out of breath but tried his best to answer.
"I would love to.. "
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perfectlyboring · 2 years
Struggle For Light (Anakin Skywalker x fem!oc)
pairing: Anakin Skywalker x younger! fem!oc
summary: soulmate au that takes place some point after order 66, Anakin isn’t burnt though! Just a drab I did about my Star Wars oc getting Ani to come back to the light. Super angsty and fluffy.
warnings: angst (force restriction, pining, heartbreak lmao), light injury to oc, kidnap, nothing too specific
word count: 4.25k
A/N: I’ve never posted my writing before so please go easy on me!! I wrote this a while ago but I’m kinda proud of it. I know it’s not exactly canon but I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Rori couldn't suppress the quaking tremble that rocked her nerves in the presence of the all powerful Sith. From her place on the floor, the cold plated ground burned into her knees. The invisible force around her body constricted, pinning her movements harshly.
"Ah. We finally meet, young one." Darth Sidious hissed. His glowing amber eyes burned holes into her flesh, and it took everything in her not to flinch. Her eyes flickered to the looming dark figure standing just beside him.
No, not anymore. But she knew there was something of his former self buried within him, she could feel his light, clawing at his cage of suffering to be free.
Their eyes met, and she searched out the light in his eyes. However, she couldn't feel him.
A cold, biting frost curled inside her and for a moment, she wondered if her soulmate would never truly come back to the light.
"I've scoured the Galaxy looking for you. The last puzzle piece required to finally—" He placed a shriveled hand on Vader's shoulder. Though it wasn't comforting—it was claiming. Vader was his pawn, his puppet for dark bidding. "..cleanse the weakness from my apprentice."
He stalked forward then, and Rori forced herself to follow his movements, refusing to bow to his will, albeit it suffocating.
"And now that you're here, your fate is sealed. By taking your life, my apprentice will finally be free of his conflict, and free to rise up and rule on the Throne of the Sith." His words slithered across her skin, stroking the hard to swallow sinking feeling inside her. "That is—unless, you bow to the power of the Dark Side. Pledge your allegiance to your overlords, and I might have him spare your life."
There it was. An offer. A way out.
Still, there was a roaring beast inside of her that could never allow herself to turn in the way that they had. A single line of purpose drew her eyes back to her soulmate, before she angrily flickered her gaze up at the Sith.
"Whatever you have to offer me—I don't want it. I will never bow to you." She managed to keep her voice steady, her soft features set in determination, her jaw set.
"Such fire you have." He hissed, presence circling around her. Testing. "Such potential for greatness. That anger inside of you—it could give you so much power."
Rori winced at his words.
"Ah, I see." He spoke. "Conflict, yes. But there's more—your feelings drive your will." He paused, coming to stand above her appraisingly. She felt an aggressive tug at the front of her mind as his clawed hand rose to her head.
She gasped in pain at the sharp intrusion, blinded by the shuffling and peeling away at her mind.
"There it is." He grunted. "Pain. Suffering. And..rejection. Abandonment. Your family is gone, your very fate balanced in the hands of my apprentice himself. You only have one option—allow yourself to indulge on those powerful emotions."
She managed to open her eyes, immediately locking onto Vader's. Though his eyes glowed russet, she searched for him anyways. He was in there. Somewhere buried in his own self-isolation was Anakin, the hero from the Clone Wars she'd always heard about. A boy so powerful in the light that he became a hero.
Sidious hissed then, a wheeze of disgust.
"Compassion." He growled out the word. "Is weak. It is easily squashed in the face of true power."
"I won't give in, Sidious. Your attempts to manipulate me as you have done with Anakin won't work." Rori heaved with the force of his prying at her brain.
She felt her breathing echo in her ears as she struggled to find the defining thread of calm in her mind. When she felt it, she grabbed on with both hands and held onto it forcefully. Her ivy green eyes held steady with his own, and with one slight push—she knocked the looming void of darkness further from her head.
The dark lord let out a short gasp of surprise—stepping a foot back from her.
"Confounding." He breathed in a hiss, his eyes burning down at her. "Vader's soulmate is force-sensitive." Though there was an underlying icy chill in his words—he wasn't praising her, no—he was testing her. Eyeing her with intrigue, suspicion—and greed.
She held his gaze, and just she felt his sharp tendrils creep back into her brain—she gathered her energy and quieted her mind to push once more. She felt his hold slip momentarily as he physically slid back another foot.
She was trembling visibly now, the force of her energy untapped and raw. She'd spent her whole life concealing her ability in fear of who might notice the connection.
Well—she guessed the lothcat was out of the bag now.
Sidious seemed to set his shoulders, a snarl echoing from his mouth. She figured that was it—she would likely be slaughtered here in front of them both, left for dead with a saber burn through her chest. Her eyes flashed to Vader again, allowing herself another glance at who her soulmate might've been. She could almost picture it—in another way, another life—she could see herself alongside him at the Old Republic temple of the Jedi, could see his boyish light, his eyes unmarred by darkness.
That was when Sidious let out a sharp cackle of delight that had her snapping her attention back to him.
"Truly remarkable. Your darkness rises, and light comes to meet it. Your abilities, your connection to the Force, it reminds me of the raw strength I once sensed in my young apprentice." One claw rose as he spoke, a dark grin on his pale, scarred face.
"Untapped potential for power. With my guidance, you could lead the Sith from the throne alongside your soulmate. Yes, yes—I see it now. The Galaxy would be forced to their knees in the presence of you both—your dyad in the force is strong—ruling together as one would be much more beneficial to me."
Then, for the first time throughout the confrontation, he turned towards his apprentice. His figure, however, slinked back so he was standing to her side.
"I see a new opportunity for the both of you, Vader. One that will only strengthen your power." He lowered his hand and let one mangled claw scratch against her jaw, lifting it to face Vader again. Rori inhaled sharply at the scrape digging into her soft flesh, her features twisting in a flash of disgust. "This girl is your prophecy. I know you desire her—you cannot hide such an emotion, my apprentice. Your soul aches to intertwine with hers, your force signature longs to claim her as your own. Her beauty is undeniable—" His claws scrape deeper into her jaw, as if presenting her face to his apprentice invitingly. "Her connection to the force mirrors your own, her bravery and rebelliousness are cunning."
His grip digs into her skin, making her stifle a whimper of pain. Her heart thrumming in her chest, her arms still struggling to break free of the invisible binds that held her down.
"Rise and claim her, Vader. Fuse your power with her own, and you will be unstoppable, unbeatable. And if you will not—then you will rise, and you will kill her. You will consume her life force, and all the raw power she holds will be yours." He barked.
She felt a sizzling electric current slither into her body, a sting of electricity that curled into her bones. All attention turned to Vader in that moment. Though he wasn't looking at her, he was looking at Sidious.
She couldn't help but allow her signature to brush against his own, seeking any sort of give in his coldness. He couldn't accept his Master's sinister plan—it would only bring darkness, pain, suffering. And she knew he had his fair share of those things already. If he accepted—then his soul was truly lost.
Her Anakin wouldn't exist any longer. Her once beautiful, shining beacon of a man who was once loved, once grounded by compassion and honor, would be finally reduced to nothing but a lost, isolated husk of the boy he once was.
And Rori would rather he strike her down with the burning heat of his saber and bleed out on the floor than witness the remnants of his light be snuffed out. And she would sooner drive the saber into her own heart than agree to rule beside him.
It was then that his flickering gaze met hers. She felt something stir within her—she felt his own signature weakly give way to her own prodding, golden bright energy. She struggled to not reveal the shock it gave her. She allowed it to bloom into her own—that was when she was racked with the intensity of his emotions—suffering, guilt, anger, longing.
And she knew it wasn't Vader's signature she was feeling—it was his.
Anakin's. The Chosen One, the hero, the one who she would have fallen madly in love with if they had met before he became suffocated be fear and anguish. The one whose soul was crafted by the force to perfectly mold with her own.
Then, he spoke.
"I will..." His resounding footsteps moved infinitesimally closer. "..claim her, Master. I was blind to her force capabilities—but now I see what I must do." His voice wracked a tremor down her spine.
She held his gaze as he slowly approached. She felt a twinge of fear bubble in her throat. His words said something different than his heart—and now she would finally see what side would win.
"The choice is yours, my apprentice. Either way..her power is yours for the taking." Sidious urged.
Her clear, sea glass eyes burned into his own. A part of her pleading—for what, she didn't know. Maybe it was to just end it for her, to save her from a life of corruption and evil. Or maybe it was to save her, save them both, somehow.
His gloved hand clenched around the hilt of his saber—and in one flash of carmine red, she felt the heat and sizzle as it ignited, heard the hum it exuded in the grand room swallowed in silence.
Though her heart now jammed uncontrollably against her chest, her mouth drying as it felt like she was swallowing hot sand—she kept her eyes trained steadily on his.
Come back to me, Anakin. Be with me.
The words pressed from her mind, and somehow, she knew they pressed directly into his. He stood before her now, looming over her like an Angel of death. If she was to die like this, at least his face would be the last thing she would see.
"Wise choice, my young apprentice." Sidious croaked from the sidelines, and she barely noticed his claws had unlatched from her skin as he floated to stand beside the display in front of him. "Strike her down, now! Set yourself free from the weakness of the Light. There will be no mortal coil strong enough to hold you back any longer—soon you will be free to bathe in true power!"
Rori breathed in, feeling a sense of calm wash over her mind as she pulled herself tighter to the Force, the burning light within her. She blocked Sidious' voice from her mind, focusing solely on Anakin's presence within the Sith before her. She kept it close to her own signature, refusing to let it weaken and bury itself back into the suffocating fog of darkness that had rooted into him. She grasped the swirling tendrils of Light with her full force, curling her own into it and tugging it up, up and up.
"Do it, Vader! Do it now!" Sidious thundered, though it seemed so far away to her ears. "Kill the final restraint to your darkness, snuff out the last of your weakness—fulfill your prophecy!"
Rori struggled with the tremors racking her nerves, struggled against the choking shadows that burned against her own signature as she dug deeper into his. Her total strength was pouring through their bond now, allowing her molten glowing Light to fully link to his own. Her bones trembled with the strength it took her to do so, as if her body was physically fighting.
Be with me, Anakin.
I know you. I feel you.
You're not lost. Not to me.
Their gazes swallowed each other whole—it was all consuming. She knew he could hear her, but his face failed to reveal any sign. His eyes though—his burning Sith eyes—for just a moment—flickered in recognition.
She felt her incessant tugging finally give way—his scalding Light shone through like a beacon amongst the night sky. It immediately sought her own—curling it's tendrils almost shyly towards her calming presence—before rolling like a freighter right into her inviting warmth.
It was then that she became aware that there was no longer any invisible binds locked tight around her arms. The icy chill of restraint had long since lifted.
She rolled her wrists behind her back in relief, though she knew better than to reveal her renewed mobility. Something in his gaze reflected that battle raging between their signatures—it was as if the armor had been reduced to ash, burnt and melted away by her incessant, flickering flame. She only sensed vindication now—he had decided. And though her heart fluttered in her throat and her body warmed at the feeling of his final give— flooded her with relief as two halves swirled into each other, reunited at last—she knew she had to allow him to take the final step.
And so, she allowed herself to engulf him fully, knowing that he would be able to read her just as easily. She blanketed him with her Light, her forgiveness, her very being——and with the first spark of their shared flame, she knew whatever he did next was his own choice. Anakin's—not Vader's.
As his arm lifted the humming saber up and over his head, his eyes flickered in the hazy red light reflected in them. And she swore, for a moment, the golden color shifted to an electrifying azure blue. The saber disappeared behind the vast expanse of his darkened figure as he prepared to strike a final blow—
Determination steeled his gaze into hers—but it was not the murderous gaze of a Sith—instead, it reflected the rising spirit of Light—of a Jedi who had conviction in himself and his connection to the Force. A connection to the Light.
Then she felt the cold hilt of his saber materialize into her open palms behind her back. An imperceptible nod from him told her that it was now time to end this suffering.
"Strike her! Do it now!" Sidious roared.
And in that moment—Aurora gripped the metal in her hands tightly, rose up from her aching legs, and ignited the burning red saber. With Sidious' attention on Anakin—she swiftly arced the blade straight into his back, spearing him right through the chest.
His cry of surprise and agony gurgled in his throat, but not before his face curled into a monstrous snarl at the betrayal.
Before she could sense it, his hand shot out and a blast of energy lifted her into the air and flung her all the way until she was crashing painfully into the pillar of the throne.
"You dare betray me?!" His words boomed, shaking the floor she was slumped against. A pain rattled through her skull, echoing in an ache that spread throughout her body.
Through hazy eyes, she watched as Sidious staggered from the blow, face seized in fury towards Anakin.
"You're weak! I always knew it to be true! Pathetic little Skywalker—" He hissed out, though she could sense his scramble to gain control as the life force faded from his body. "I am what gave you such power! You're nothing without me! You have nothing without me—"
His clawed hand shot out, attempting to pull the saber into his own grip at the same time that Anakin did the same. The glinting saber rattled at the force exerted on it, refusing to give in either direction.
"You're blinded by your weakness, Vader! You've always been weak—you've always been afflicted by your compassion! Blinded by your pathetic need to protect—yet you didn't have the strength to kill that wife of yours, and you continue to fail in killing Kenobi!" Sidious wheezed.
In an instant—the saber had flung itself right into the Sith Lord's shriveled hand.
Anakin glowered at his former Master—his outstretched hand falling slack as the words echoed around the room.
"You told me I killed her." His voice was low, thick with rolling anger. Rori could sense it though—the slight tremble in his nerves.
Sidious grinned something dark.
"I did, didn't I?"
Then, before her eyes could blink, the two lunged at each other. Anakin pushed his hand out as a snarl reminiscent of Vader curled onto his face, causing the Sith to slide back. He was quickly onto his feet for someone with a saber burn sliced clean through them—igniting the saber just in time to swing it at Anakin's offensive.
It was a swirl of black cloaks as the two grunted, gnashed their teeth, struggling for the saber hilt. It flung back forth between the former Master and Apprentice—each one not sparing a single moment to slash a killing blow.
Rori found herself flinching every time it seemed like Sidious had gained the upper hand—only to witness Anakin deftly evade the masterful saber technique. A burst if lightening tinged the edges of her vision white—crackling against the heat of the saber as Anakin blocked it.
Another blast of lightening bolted from the Sith's outstretched, clawed fingers. This time, it was powerful enough to blast the saber out of Anakin's grip, grunting as the jolt burned his flesh.
Rori, who had been sluggishly following the fight through heavy eyes, had been waiting for an opportunity to help somehow. Though, the pounding in her skull prevented her from pushing herself to stand, the hot spill of what she knew to be blood streaming down her cheek.
As Anakin briefly bounced back from the burn—Sidious' hand reached for the saber as it flew high into the air.
But Rori was faster.
With one hand outstretched, she bit down on her lip harshly to suppress the grunt of pain at the exertion she needed—and she was rewarded by the saber twisting in the air at her command. With the kyber blade still ignited, she held it suspended for a moment as she called out to him.
"Anakin!" She cried—pushing as much of her Force energy through their bond, getting his attention all within a panicked moment.
She swung her hand with the last of her strength, causing the ignited saber to hurdle straight towards Anakin's already waiting hand.
Sidious had barely a moment to acknowledge their coordinated attack—that angry snarl ripping through his gnashing teeth at the realization that the girl managed to prevail, that she was faster.
And in a blink of an eye, Anakin had gripped his saber back into his hands. With one last twist, one more swirl of his red saber, struck Sidious one last time, effectively cutting off his next words.
Silence filled the throne room as she watched—with a sickening flop! as Sidious' head rolled off his shoulders and rolled with a sizzle onto the floor.
Her body was frozen solid as she stared at the mangled body of what was once Vader's Master. Whatever came next, she could at least be assured the Sith Master's reign of evil had come to an end. She only hoped that by breaking the bond of darkness from his mind that Anakin would be free—though she wasn't sure if there was anything left within him—she wasn't sure if he would flip and strike her down as well, or if he would fall to the floor in anguish, in a further entrapment of misery and suffering.
So, when she huffed out a small gasp of pain, she was not expecting the thundering sound of heavy black boots that approached her. And she also didn't expect to see him kneel in front of her, to meet his gaze as her eyes fluttered in a wince. What she saw froze her all over again—
His eyes, now a burning azure. Like the waves of the Grandaan ocean she spent her summers frolicking in as a youngling. And they were so close now, his looming height level with her own as his burning gaze flickered across her form. He didn't seem to know what to do, with his body or his mind. But he had come to her side, and that was what mattered.
"Anakin." She murmured softly, like a brush of wind. It was an acknowledgement—a recognition of who now crouched before her. And although her head pounded, threatening to force her lids closed, she couldn't take her eyes off of him. The hand that wasn't holding the injured, angry bloom of pain across her temple and forehead reached out. Not hesitantly, but with determination.
Her small fingers gently skimmed the skin of his cheek, allowing herself this one simple pleasure. A hum of tingles erupted like the electric center of a storm—in the eye of the hurricane, where there was peace and strength.
His head tilted slightly into her touch, and her gently skimming fingers shifted to press the warmth of her palm flush against his cheek. His eyes were deep pools, and they conveyed the gravity of the emotion he was feeling. But she could feel it even more forcefully through the rush of their bond that swirled around them, their signatures humming in delight at finally being unified in the Force. His was strong—though clouded with his flood of emotion—shame, guilt, determination, and concern.
Rori couldn't help the bright smile that tugged at her lips, morphing into a beam that seemed to bring a slight shudder to his heaving form. His eyes drank her in—her gleaming teeth, the soft dimples in her rosy skin, the shining glimmer in her ivy green eyes that could only be the sheer pride that swirled around her.
She was proud of him.
"I'm sorry." His words whistled past his teeth. His thick brows were furrowed in anguish, his features seeming much older than she knew he was. Weighed down by the force of his betrayals, his mistakes.
Her smile fell into something soft, the light refusing to dim.
"You did it, Anakin." She breathed out. "You came back to me. That's what matters." Though, a shooting pain caused her words to falter then.
She winced as she lifted her hand from her head, blinking dazedly at the copious amount of red blood that was leaking down her palm, and now, dripping off her face. With a soft groan, she moved to bring her hand back to the wound. But a hand stopped her, shooting out to tug her wrist away.
His eyes were now set on the gash across her temple, a hard set locking his jaw. He replaced her hand with his own, gently cupping the wound beneath his massive palm. The flicker of pain was there, but she was distracted by the warmth of tingles that the contact brought. Then his eyes fluttered closed, his energy stilling before her. She didn't know what he was doing, but she trusted him. Trusted the spark of light that now flickered inside him.
Her bloodied hand came to rest against the Kevlar sleeve of his forearm, her other hand dropping from his face.
And then she felt it.
A tingle in her skin that sped towards the open wound in her head—it softly urged a life force into her, his life force. She was shocked when the pain began to dim, and the blood began to slow. And then the pain was gone all together—leaving a fully healed patch of skin in the place where her wound had once ached.
His eyes fluttered open then, and she noticed that his other hand had come to rest against her back, holding her slumped form from the floor.
Force healing.
She had thought it was a myth.
And now she could breathe in fully—feel the remnants of his own energy in her veins.
"Stars." She breathed out dazedly, bringing her hand up to tap against the now perfectly smooth patch of flesh.
She met his eyes again, her eyes flickering down to his lips. They were inviting, soft, pink. She blinked back up at him, waiting with baited breath for his next move. He was an unpredictable one—her Anakin. That much she could gather.
And then he was closing the gap between them, and instead of claiming her lips with his own in a searing, burning kiss—his lips gently brushed against her own for a moment. The flurry of tingles burst through the faint touch causing them both to inhale—he was hesitating. Reluctant. Holding himself back by his own fear.
So, she helped him out.
And caught his lips against her own.
A/N: let me know what you think! Thanks for reading this far 💖
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
Warm At Night
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Pairing: Beomgyu x married! afab! reader
Genre: Smut; unprotected sex (reader on the pill); fellatio (m. oral); mentions of cheating
Cw/Tw: Non-idol au!; married! reader; cheating/infidelity; mentions of (kinda) playboy! Taehyun; swearing; drinking and mentions of beer
Word Count: 2.1k words
Mellow speaks: I've been thinking about what to write in this one for days, and an idea finally struck me yesterday, so here we are!! I hope you guys enjoy this, it took quite a bit of effort from me lmao.
Tagging: @freckledwinterfalls
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"I'm so through with this stupid arrangement," you almost yell, slamming the door shut behind you as your overcoat bellows in the gust of wind in your wake.
"What's gotten your panties in a knot?," Beomgyu quips, sauntering over with a smirk on his face. "Shut the fuck up," you pointedly say, lips curling into a sneer as you take your shoes off. The man in front of you can only raise his arms in surrender, the beer in the jug he's holding swishing ever-so-slightly.
"Taehyun again, isn't it?," he asks, his voice much more somber this time. And that's all it takes for you to finally crumble, your hand flying to rest against your forehead as you heave and annoyed sigh. "I'm so done with this arranged marriage and that jerk is a husband," you say, or rather, whine, your eyes following Beomgyu's form as he retreats towards the couch.
"Then break out of it," he says nonchalantly, plopping back down onto the couch, his legs spread out in front of him. You can't help but scoff at his words, muttering something along the lines of "And risk losing my share of the property? No can do." All your 'friend' does in response is shrug, his free hand getting wrapped your wrist as he tugs at his, pulling you onto his lap.
He doesn't bother to ask you what actually happened this time, having had become only too familiar with just how much you despise what your life has become. Despise the way you've gone from the optimistic, happier version of yourself, to what you are now. He knows you're hurting, and even though he'll never say it out loud, it hurts him too.
It hurts him seeing your smile grow thinner every day, when you and him both know he's the only one who can make you smile your real smile. "Two more years," he tells him every single day, the only real consolation to his heart breaking whenever he sees the tears of anger in your eyes.
Your marriage with Taehyun.....is living hell not only to you, but also to him. After all, what else could you expect when two completely opposite individuals are forced to tie the knot, against their wishes. You hadn't wanted to get married, and he had never been one for settling down. Yet your families seemed to think that tying the two of you to each other would, in their own words, "bring stability into your lives."
The result? A very unhappy 'happily married couple that pretended to be madly in love when there were people watching, but could never see each other in the eye over anything behind closed doors. He'd always been intent on living the best life, coming home with a different partner every night. And that had continued even after you had exchanged your vows, not that you cared though.
Because you were a little too busy spreading your thighs for a certain guy from Daegu, who just so happened to be your now (publicly) ex-boyfriend. Beomgyu was nothing more more your colleague by day, his flirtatious way appearing to be a major source of irritation to you. But by night, he was back to being your lover, just like he had always been, even before you had walked down the alter towards someone else.
Of course, your wedding has an expiration date, with one particular clause in the prenup allowing you to file for a divorce once you've been together with Taehyun for five years. And with three years having already had passed, you're left with only two more years to go before you'll finally be free to start a new life with your real love. And that is exactly what Beomgyu has been waiting for ever since that day when he clapped the loudest at your wedding, in a weak attempt to stop his tears.
But that doesn't really matter at the moment, he realizes when you snap him out of his trance by placing a kiss to his neck. "I'm glad I have you," you mumble against his skin, your voice low as his grip around your waist tightens. He knows where this is going, and it'd be a lie if he said he isn't looking forward to tonight being yet another night when two wrongs make a right.
And so, he lets go of his inhibitions, his mind racing as he tilts his head back ever-so-gently, an action that you've learnt to deem as a non-verbal of telling you that he wants it too. So the next thing you know, your lips are on his, his tongue tasting like the beer he had been drinking and the cheap snack he likes to binge on. You finally smile for the first time that day, your weariness receding away the longer you continue to swap saliva with him.
The kiss starts out as slow and almost lazy, but you can feel it grow more intense and heated with every second that passes, your tongues getting wrapped around each other as you let your hands roam across the other's body. Beomgyu's touch is the only thing that can help you blow steam off right now, and you can't wait to have him inside of you.
Before you know it, he has your back pushed against the couch, his weight resting on top of you as his mouth continues to assault your own. Your hands find their home in his hair, tugging on on and pulling him in even closer. Had the you from three years ago seen you now, you would never have been able to believe that you could cheat on your husband. But things are different now. And cheating though it might be, you wouldn't have it any other way.
That's the thought you bear in mind as you feel him start grinding against you, your pencil skirt pooling near the top of your thighs. You can only moan at the contact, the sound traveling right past his lips and making him speed up just a little. With every touch of his trouser-laden crotch against your clothed heat, you can feel him grow harder, his desire for you making itself known the longer you keep it up.
He keeps moving, trying to generate friction between the two of you. The feeling is exquisite to say the least, and you find your mouth watering as you think of taking him into your mouth. And it's like your hands have a mind of their own, pushing away at his chest and forcing him to get up, a quizzical look on his face. But that quickly changes into an amused one when he realizes what you're up to as you get on your knees, your hands making quick work of his pants.
It's quick after that, your hand palming him through his boxers as you gauge the change in his expression. You stay like that for just a few moments, before letting your fingers get hooked in the waistband of his underwear, pulling it down and causing his now-hard member to spring out, slapping against his abdomen.
You wrap your hands around his shaft, rubbing his length and pumping him while you lick your lips. Beomgyu can't hold back on the moans, his face contorting into one of pleasure as you continue your ministrations. He wants to tell you stop playing, but he can't bring himself to, too lost in how amazing you're making him feel. You know what he needs though, smirking to yourself as you finally go down on him, your lips getting wrapped around his tip.
You look up at him through hooded eyes, his cock inside your mouth as his hands travel to your head, pushing it down and forcing you to take him in even deeper. You starting bobbing your face up and down, his tip nearly hitting the back of your throat as your tongue swirls around his girth, getting a taste of him. And Beomgyu is an absolute mess, moaning with eyes screwed shut. You're the only one who make him feel this weak, like putty in your hands, just the way he Iikes it.
You gradually pick up the pace, his climax drawing near as you lips continue to take him in and let him out, his hands guiding your head and urging you to go even faster. Maybe it's the fact that he's the one keeping you warm despite the the fact that you have a 'loving' husband, or maybe it's the fact that even though you put up a façade, every one that's close to you knows that he's the only one who can make you feel good.
Whatever it is, Beomgyu has come to learn over time that making love to you behind closed doors and behind Taehyun's back has made sex that much more interesting and enjoyable. And that's the thing that finally pushes him off the edge, his warm seed spilling into your mouth as you eagerly lap it up. Pulling away with a 'pop,' you're quick to pull him in for a kiss, your lips salty from his cum.
It was meant to be a peck, but it swiftly turns into something more, his lips hot against your own as he pushes you back down, his hands traveling down your sides as he folds your skirt up, making the fabric lay crumpled against your waist and giving himself a clear view of your blue panties. His favorite. A deep groan emanates from his chest before he can stop himself, just a preview of what's to come.
His fingers ghost over your heat, rubbing against the crotch of your panties as you let out a loud moan, unable to wait any longer. You need him to do something, and since he seems keen on taking things slow, all you can do is roll your hips, silently begging for more. Your antics cause Beomgyu to chuckle darkly, his index and middle finger pushing the fabric covering your pussy to the side as he licks his lips.
But you're not wasted enough to not stop him, your hand closing in on his wrist just like his had done on yours. "Inside," is all you say, your voice breathy as your chest heaves up and down. Beomgyu chuckles again, an "As you wish" slipping past his lips as you feel his tip get aligned at your entrance. He leans down to place a kiss to your neck, distracting you just long enough to push past your folds. It catches you by surprise, your eyes going wide as a sharp gasp escapes you.
He continues to nibble at your skin, covering you in hickeys that would make your husband rolls his eyes in annoyance tomorrow. The mere thought makes Beomgyu smirk, his member pushing inside all the way before pulling back out. He begins rolling his hips, his cock stretching you out in the best way possible.
Your walls feel heavenly wrapped around his shaft, and he can't help but think that the one good thing that's come out of your marriage is the fact that you've started being on birth control, allowing him to chuck using a condom altogether. Your moans are music to his ears, and keeps moving in and out, relishing the fact that he's the one making you whine and scream.
He knows your body like the back of his hand, repeatedly hitting that one spot that has you losing your mind and moaning his name like a chant. "You like that huh?," he mumbles against your skin, biting down really hard as you let out a loud "Yes!" "You're mine, only mine," he reminds you, drilling it into your brain and he drills your body into oblivion.
And then you feel it, that coil inside your stomach that makes your toes curl and your eyes shut. You're close, and you want him to go faster. Letting your nails dig into his biceps, you make sure to leave a mark as he gets the signal, picking up the pace. All it takes is a couple more minutes before you come undone, your high wrecking you completely. Beomgyu keeps up his thrusts, chasing his own orgasm as he licks your neck.
It finally arrives, his second high of the day filling you up to the brim as he collapses on top of your chest. You stay like that that a while, too tired to move. He knows you're not going anywhere, but he still asks you to 'Stay the night.' And you can only smile at that, refusing to leave the one who keeps you warm every night.
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kiridarling · 3 years
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izuku midoriya | tw!guns, single mom!reader, bouncer!izuku, domestic stuffs, tit sucking, mommy!calling ah, AND daddy!calling oh my, breeding kink, breaking the bed (futon). minors dni!
— 5.4k words
“When’s the last time someone touched you like this, hmm?”
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The alley is dark.
There's a disconcerting feeling as you step deeper into the quiet darkness,
You turn to look at the door you entered this dank place from, but it's just as dark and grimy as the walls. You're almost positive that if you rested a hand against them, it would return pitch black, and if you stood in one spot for more than five minutes, the sticky booze would glue your heels to the floor. You're surprised when it doesn't.
"Hand over your wallet and no one gets hurt, pretty lady."
He's a smarmy looking bastard and as thin as they come. It’s clear this isn’t something he does on the regular, the pointed gun quivering so much you worry a trembling might slip and pull the trigger. And you fucking freeze, blood running below zero and heart plummeting because why you?
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And fuck, you’ve got a kid at home with a babysitter, and there are many outcomes to this situation, none of them too cute.
"I said hand it over," he grunts, pressing forwards. Your back hits the grimy brick wall as your eyes dart to the mouth of the alley, where life continues, where cars race past, but no one sees a damn thing. Fuck. Fuck.
And it's not like you have much—hell, you may be a mother, but you know how to party. You squeeze your eyes shut, grip tightening around your purse as you clumsily fumble through it and the man steps closer. You toss all you have to his feet. A fucking twenty. He raises an eyebrow before eyeing your watch. He lets out an unimpressed snort.
"That it?"
You nod, taking a shaky step back.
"Well, that ain't fuckin' enough."
There's a click and you're positive it's him turning off the safety. His face twists like he's about to shoot a bullseye, and you squeeze your eyes as tight as they can go.
Until the looming shadow of the stranger disappears, followed by a sound that's distinctly skin on skin. Er—skin on bone.
You don't watch the fight. Frankly, you don't want to, and you still get to hear your protector spew a litany of curses and disrespectful phrases that should really only come from someone's mother. You don't even open your eyes, still screwed shut with a vice grip around your purse and wallet.
"Um, excuse me Miss? Are you alright?"
Your protector's eyes are much bigger than you expect them to be—and green. You realize you remember seeing those eyes, hardened from across the club.
He's hesitant to touch you, hands rising and falling and rising again. Though you suppose a hug seems like it'd be a little abrasive, it also sounds like the exact kind of thing you need right now.
"U-Um, yeah I'm..." you start, before noticing your attackers body bloodied and wrapped like a pretzel on the ground. "...Fine..."
He sounds like he's going to pass out—he doesn't.
"We should um, we should get you home," As he speaks, the greenette shuffles you out of the alley and into the streetlamp light, blinking himself out of something before holding a meaty hand out of formality. "I'm Izuku by the way. Izuku Midoriya."
For such a big guy, Izuku seems rather timid, and yet, seeing him at the entrance with crossed arms in a black tee and a scowl in the club doesn't give you much insight into his personality. Which makes you wonder why he became the club's bouncer in the first place.
"Um, nice to meet you," you nod, trying to suppress the shake in your hands as you take his. "Y/N."
Izuku smiles at that, and even though you're a regular, you've never actually seen him beam on the job. "Cool! Cool, so...um, I don't really feel comfortable letting you walk home...alone..."
You nod—he panics as if you aren't already on board.
"'Cause it's like, a conscience thing, you know? Like, I really won't be able to sleep tonight otherwise," Izuku defends, shoving a clumsy hand in his green curls. "B-But if you don't feel comfortable with it, or something, that's totally fine! I know what you just experienced was horrible, and you probably do—"
"Yeah?" He perks up. It seems as if the circuit his mind runs finally comes to a stop.
"I'd...feel more comfortable if you walked me home. Too."
Your innards ache at the stiffness in both your voice and figure, but Izuku doesn't seem to notice. Instead, he beams, standing ten feet taller, and you think—yeah. You'd feel much safer if he did.
"O-Okay! Cool!" He confirms a bit stiff himself, and then, in a smoother motion, holds his hand out to take. "Shall we?"
Your red palm claps over his, and you snort quietly, "We shall."
You two walk in a surprisingly comfortable silence for the beginning of the walk—you lead the way and he silently trails behind, glaring daggers at any passerby with lingering eyes as you march on, unknowing.
"So um, do you come to Club 777 often?"
Which is a question you know he knows the answer to, completely aware you almost come every Saturday. But you smile at his attempt to start a conversation anyways, hands tucking underneath your armpits in search of warmth.
"Yeah, sometimes. Just trying to get out and stuff. Y'know, away from the kid."
"I get that," he nods with a smile, before tugging at the hem of his hoodie. "Oh! Are you cold? Here—wait, let me."
He shucks it over your head and your positive it messes up your hair. But you find that you don't care much, especially in favor of the warmth that it provides.
And then, "You have a kid?"
"Yep," you say, tucking your fists into the jacket pockets. "A big two-year-old potato waits for me back home."
"Oh," Izuku chortles at your description before tucking his hands into his jean pockets too. Licking his lips, his eyes dart to the street, "I...assume your boyfriend watches him for the night? Or husband or whoever."
"Uhm, not quite," you chuckle towards your feet, though it's a touch acrid. Izuku picks up on it immediately.
"Oh I'm so sorr—I didn't kno—"
"It's fine, Izuku really—"
"I—but I shouldn't even be assuming what if you had a wife or girlfriend or—" he takes a second to gasp, and your eyes widen in fear that he'll choke, "—or if they're nonbinary or—"
"Izuku," you knock him on the shoulder and he finally shuts up. "It's fine. I get it all the time."
He falters, but at least he seems to relax. "Really?"
"Yes," you giggle behind a hand, and the greenette smiles at it.
"O-Okay, cool."
Flecks of gold swim in Izuku's green irises and you find yourself noticing them now, suppressing the urge to advance closer for a better look. You stare long enough to watch his smile relax into a comfortable line, but you snap out of it once he kicks a rock, the sound of the gravel skittering across the floor tugging you out of your reverie.
"I'm not very good with kids, y'know," he says as an afterthought. You snort.
"Yeah, I mean," he scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. "Like what am I supposed to feed it? French fries?"
"Toddlers aren't it's, Izu." You can't tell if he flushes from the nickname or from what you said, but either way, it's enough to prompt another laugh. "And maybe start with baby food?"
"Ah," Izuku nods, and you guide him in turning a corner. "That would make sense.
"It would."
By the time you stop in front of your red front door, it's almost three am. You figure you caught Izuku right after he got off work, if the cheesy All Might sweatshirt you're wearing is any evidence of that, but either way, he looks like he's about to fall flat on his face.
"You can stay for the night, if you want," you offer, albeit meekly, and Izuku lifts two hands with insistence.
"Oh! No no no please, I'm fine," he shakes his head so quickly his curls bounce in a flurry, and you genuinely worry he's going to pass out when he tries to blink himself awake. "Just...not used to staying up this late is all."
"Then stay," you offer with a shrug, and your orange porch light flickers. "It's the least I can do. I've got a bed and a futon, and I'm fine with sleeping on either."
"I..." Izuku's green eyes flicker towards your door before back to you, "I really shouldn't. I'm a stranger an—"
"And I'm offering."
Izuku's eyebrows fold with the dilemma, but you grab his hand with a tug and a smile, while your free one shoves the keys into the door. "C'mon. Let's get you some rest, yeah?"
You can't tell if Izuku blushes or if it's just the lighting, but either way, his chest inflates in protest before deflating in resignation.
With a smile, you turn the doorknob. Your door has always taken some shoulder to get open, so you don't hesitate in shoving your collarbone into the hardwood. Izuku cringes at the sight.
Your hit in the legs first, nearly stumbling back with a quiet oof. You look down to see Max wrapped around your legs like you're a fucking jungle gym, grinning with two missing teeth and a bandaid over his nose.
It's three am.
"I'm done," your babysitter grunts. "He doesn't listen when I tell him to bathe, eat, anything—I fucking quit."
And with that, they slam the door behind them, house rattling under the pressure. You sigh. There goes another one. Fuck.
"Well that wasn't very nice," Izuku grumbles under his breath disapprovingly. You smile at the arms crossed over his chest until Max peeks around your legs to see...
"A new daddy?"
"I—no, baby," you fight the embarrassment (and the urge to say you fucking wish) by picking the little one up by his armpits, smiling when he thrusts his hands in the air and goes weee! After he's comfortably cradled in your arms, you say, "He's just staying the night."
"Like daddy did!" Max defends with a giggle before rushing the greenette with open arms. Izuku just looks at you with a shrug before kneeling to take a hug to the chest as Max chants, "New daddy! New daddy!"
And, well. There's no stopping him now.
You peel your heels off your cramping feet and sigh at the fucking freedom, toes uncurling from the scrunched position it feels like they've been holding the entire night. You curse under your breath when you realize since Max is awake you've got to put him to bed too, and honestly, if you knew this babysitter was going to be just as useless as the others, you would've just let Max run fucking free while you lived life for a few hours. Not like that outcome would be any better.
"Alright Maxie, c'mon."
You take him away from his celebration with the greenette and though he pouts, he allows his mother to gather him in her arms.
"Do you um, need help?"
You turn to see Izuku awkwardly shifting in the doorway from the request, hands behind his back with pursed lips. You shake your head.
"Oh no, it's fine. I just have to put him down really quickly and then I'll be—"
"Mama, I'm hungry. I want chicken nuggies." Max loops his arms around your neck and tugs so hard you worry about your bones. You shake your head with a sigh and a pout.
"It's too late for you to be up, bud. You can have chicken nuggies for lunch tomorrow. Sound like a plan?"
But goodness. In this state, it'll take hours for him to relax—and you still have to unfold the futon for Izuku.
Max whines and kicks his legs but doesn't say no, meaning he's not really that hungry, he just wants to stay awake. "But—but what if new daddy's gone in the morning like the last one?"
"Max," you sigh, giving him a light shake so his matching eyes look into you yours. You speak a little softer, "Izuku's not your new daddy, okay? He's a houseguest."
Max's face drops. "Not eve—"
"No, Maxie," you sigh, squeezing him on the shoulder. "Now let's go to bed, okay?"
"I can—I can put him down if you'd like! So you can get into something more comfortable and stuff. I mean, I've never worn a dress but sweats are so much better, you know? Or shorts, or...whatever you wear to sleep."
You understand the many points he's trying to get across, one being that's he's not a creep, just a nice guy, and you suppose you and Max can live in your "new daddy" fantasy for a little longer. Even if you know this one will be gone by morning.
"Um, okay yeah," you say, voice a little thin, before handing your child over to the greenette—who bounces into his arms excitedly. "I'll be back, then? His room is down the hall to the right. The one with the race car bed."
Izuku's eyes narrow as he processes your directions. "Down the hall to the right—okay! I'll just go take this little guy to bed, then."
"Okay, thank you," you nearly bow, because Izuku just saved both of you so much time and he doesn't even understand how. "Oh! And good luck."
"Yep!" You say with a wink and a pat on the back before scooping your heels and booking it back to your bedroom with a cackle. Time to get out of this dress. Fucking finally.
You realize that being alone is much more unsettling when you've had a gun held to your head today.
Every little noise just seems off, like it could belong to something more than it actually does, even the silence; you find yourself shoving your head through your t-shirt abnormally fast, eyes blinking to take a survey of the room to ensure that you're alone. You are. It's fine.
And that's what you tell yourself when you close your eyes to run a wet rag over your face, and again with the dry one. All of a sudden, you don't like the way your bathroom window faces the open backyard nor do you like how dark it is outside. You don't like how big your bed looks, and goddammit, you haven't even gotten into it yet.
Pushing all uneasy thoughts aside, you stumble out of your bedroom with a fresh face and a new outfit, stilling in Max's doorway when the greenette doesn't notice you. Resting against the frame with crossed arms, you smile.
"I do so like green eggs and ham! Thank you! Thank you, Sam-I-am. You know, when I was a kid I—oh, he's asleep."
Izuku tucks the snoring boy in his lap under the covers with a gentle grin, pulling them underneath his chin. The greenette takes a second, watches Max's chest rise and fall a few times, before ruffling the tuft of hair on his head with a snort, and walking away.
You don't even think Izuku sees you until he practically sashays out the door, winking, "Good luck, huh?"
To say you go red in the face from that is an understatement.
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"How do you do this?"
"Do what?" You ask as you pulling the futon in your living room forwards. Izuku yawns before gesturing to the clock with a shake of his head.
"Take care of a kid, and work, and go to a bar every Saturday evening? It's four am, and something tells me you've been up for a while. I'm practically dead and I wake up at one pm every day!"
You chuckle at that, jumping on the bed with your hands and knees to ensure its lays flat...and ensure that it won't make an Izuku sandwich at seven in the morning. "You build up stamina after a while, I guess."
"No shit," he gestures to you as you utilize the entire length of your body to put the sheets on the mattress. He would help, but you told him no, insisting that he'd only make this take longer. "Are you sure you do—"
"Nope," you huff, clapping your hands together. "I'm done."
Izuku blinks at the made bed, to you, to the made bed again, and then back to you with wide eyes.
"Mommy magic."
"I—" you blink towards the ceiling to see if that even makes sense, but you figure fuck it, it's four am, with a snort. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want to call it."
In reality, you feel like you're about to pass out.
"Um, so I don't really have pj pants and I don't think you'll have any that'll fit, so..."
"Yeah no, I definitely burned all the shit my ex left—"
"Aha okay, cool, um, so just boxers...are fine...?"
He looks down at his black jeans and back to you, raising an eyebrow. You toss a nonchalant shrug in return, and you hate to say it, but your inner school girl goes—dick outline.
"O-Okay, then," Izuku says, and you watch his hands curl around the waistband. "I'm just gonna—"
He shucks his pants so hard they hit the floor, and your eyes widen because...well...looks like he's just gonna do it then.
Until Izuku's hands rush to cover his crotch (which you weren't peeking at, you weren't) and you realize that maybe you should've stepped out of the room or something.
"U-Um—that was fast—"
"I thought—thought you were going to uhm, turn around," he flushes, a funny contrast to the way his muscles fold under that black shirt, and your feet move to turn around like he ordered you to do it.
"Sorry! So sorry," you try to apologize, but now his dick print is burned in your brain, and...it isn't that bad.
"It—It's fine! I'm in the bed now so, you can turn around."
You laugh awkwardly and scuffle to turn, as you do, and Izuku beams at you from the bed with a wave.
"Hi," he says, his lower half-tucked under the covers. You wave back.
Izuku's eyes dart to you living room tv before the come back to you. "So uhm, I guess this is goodnight?"
"Oh right," you perk up at that, hands rubbing the sides of your thighs like there's something on them. "Time to go to bed, right?"
"Uh, yeah!" He nods, chest shuddering before he says, "so uh, sweet dreams?"
You smile tight at the kind gesture, and your hands opt to pull at the hem of your shirt instead, eyes drifting to an old pile of records you haven't regarded in months. "Thanks! You...too?"
Izuku smiles, though his eyes drift, "Yeah..."
You beam back. You figure you should probably go now, or something, until you think of something and slam a fist into your palm. "Oh! Also, I meant to thank you for saving me. I'm not sure if I did that. Did I do that?"
The greenette shrugs, "Uh, I think so?"
"Okay! Okay. Cool," you nod, flashing a tight smile. "Mmk. Night Izuku."
And see, you would move—except it seems as if your feet are glued to the floor and won't move no matter how hard you try, to the point where it feels like your straining and they're going numb, and yet you're still staring at Izuku's pretty fucking face.
"C'mon," he chuckles, scooting over on the futon to make extra space for you. "If you take all day, the beds gonna get cold, and then I'm going to have to crawl into yours like a creep."
"Oh my fucking god," you snort one breath and move to flick off the lights before stumbling through the darkness for the futon. "You're so weird."
"Weird in a good way, I hope," he lifts the blanket and you slide under—and swear your knee grazes his before it's snatched away.
"There's no weird in a bad way," you say once you've settled comfortably, tucking your hands under your head as you lay on your stomach. Izuku mimics your position, though he takes up much more of the blanket, and you find that it drapes over you like a tent over his shoulders. Neither of you close your eyes, for some reason.
"Hi," Izuku whispers.
"Hi," you smile back.
"Okay," he huffs, face twisting in determination, "Now it's goodnight."
"Right," you nod, but your eyes don't close. "Goodnight. Of course."
"Don't let the bedbugs bite," he says with a chuckle, and you can't tell if his eyes flicker to your lips or if you imagine it. Either way, you look them just in case.
"I better not have bedbugs," you snort. "I clean this place like a motherfucker."
Izuku's nose twitches at that with a nod. Moonlight pours into your living room and colors his pale skin silver, though you figure it won't take the sun much longer to color it a strawberry pink. "You really do. It's...different when it's quiet."
"Yeah," you agree, placing your hands on his chest. It shudders under your palms. "Kinda personal, huh?"
"Mhm," he nods, and though his hands wrap around your wrists, they never pull them away. You lift an eyebrow.
"A bad personal?"
Izuku doesn't hesitate, breath nearly ghosting your lips as he says, "Hardly."
"Would you..." now it's your chests turn to shudder, and sliding a hand up to play with his ear, you bite the bullet. "Like to get more personal?"
Izuku's lips melt into a grin against yours, "I'd love to."
His lips are softer than you thought.
Maybe because you assumed all of him was a bumbling mess, including his chapstick application; but they're fucking pillow-soft, and you don't realize how deprived you are until his hold around your body turns from protective to sensual and you melt from his heat.
"Fuck," Izuku huffs between kisses, growling when your grip around his neck tightens. "Watching you from across the club for weeks can do a thing to a guy's patience, you know."
"Oh?" You snort as he presses enthusiastic open-mouthed kisses down the column of your neck, hot and wet, and painful once his teeth dig into your collarbone. "A-Ah, Izuku—no marks."
"O-Oh! Sorry," he pulls away, lips red and swollen, and shiny with spit. You smile at the reaction.
"'S okay, Baby," you giggle at the speed to which his muscles go lax, and his eyes droop to your chest when you scratch the back of his head.
"Can I—can I suck your tits?"
He asks so bashfully it's nearly innocent, and you find your eyes dropping to your chest along with his before you're ditching his All Might sweatshirt all together.
"God," Izuku's eyes flutter as he gathers your breasts in both palms, groaning at the sight. "They're fucking perfect."
You shudder as his thumb ghosts a nipple, and Izuku dips an experimental hand under your lacy bra and pinches. Hard.
Your thighs jolt and hands fist the sheets, and a moan comes from the back of your throat before you can stop it. Izuku's hand rocket to cover your mouth.
"Shh—you don't wanna wake him up, do you?"
You shake your head, but it's hard to keep quiet when your nipples are as sensitive as they are. Izuku doesn't seem like he really means that statement, though, lowering his head with a devilish grin as if he knows that for himself.
“Sensitive, Mommy?”
“O-Oh um,” you flush at the nickname, and even more so when his lips close around your nipple and suck. Tangling a hand in his hair, you sigh, “Yeah, a little.”
Izuku hums at that, eyes fluttering to watch you bite your bottom lip in a poor attempt to muffle a moan, hissing as his teeth dig into the hardened bud. He pulls off with a slurp and moves to the other, but not without a few kisses across your chest.
“When’s the last time someone touched you like this, hmm?” Izuku nearly growls out before biting into the opposite nipple, and you shudder as he dips a scarred hand down the waistband of your shorts and panties. He chuckles after sliding a finger through your slit. “So wet for me.”
“It—It’s been a second,” you sigh, grip tightening around his shoulders as he slides a finger in. Even Izuku has to bite a lip at your tightness in anticipation, mouth descending over your nipple once more to send frissons of fire up your spine.
“No shit,” he grunts around your nipple, curling his finger. You gasp. “Think I can fit another one in there?”
“Why don’t you try?” You giggle, but it dissipates into nothing but air as he does, his two fingers filling you up enough to elicit a sigh.
“How’s that?” He breathes, face hovering over yours. As your hands coil around his neck, his free one reaches for your inner thigh and pulls it back far enough to give him a better angle as he presses you into the mattress.
“Good, it’s good,” you nod, and your hips start to move on their own, bucking forwards as if there’s any more finger left for you to fuck. (Spoiler: there’s not.)
“Good,” he breathes, eyes going glossy as he watches you writhe under him. You're positive that you're carving painful red lines into his back, but considering the way his eyebrows fold every time you do, makes you wonder if he doesn't mind. "Fuck I can't wait to fuck you—I can fuck you, right?"
"No Izuku, I'm just letting you finger me for fu-u—fuck."
He slides in a third finger and for some reason, it burns a little—but the burn only makes your eyes roll further, and he's stuffing you with a chuckle.
"What was that?"
"I-I—you're not pla—playing very fair," you huff, chest shuddering as he tilts your hips higher for a better angle. You suppress a scream when his fingers curl, jolting forwards at such a speed it makes the futon creak. Izuku tightens his grip around your waist to keep you from going too far.
"No one said anything about being fair, Mommy," he teases, and you whine when he removes his fingers, tapping them against your lips. "C'mon, you gotta get 'em wet so I can fuck you, right?"
You nod at the idea, enjoying the idea of being filled up much more, and coat his fingers to the point where they're dripping when he pulls him out. Izuku's chest rumbles.
"So good for me," he purrs, using your spit to coat his cock before he's sliding his head between your folds—you shiver, grabbing onto his back again. "Ready?"
“Mhm,” you nod, spreading your legs further—though you swear they do that on their own.
“Oh my, you’re um...tight...”
You whimper from the stretch and look between your legs, eyes widening upon seeing that Izuku’s much bigger than you had anticipated. Or had been warned of.
“F-Fuck, I can’t—“
“Shhhh, it’s okay, just a little more, okay?” Izuku nearly whispers into your lips as his hands move to rub your shuddering sides. Your eyes screw shut, “Jus’ a little more, Mommy...”
Izuku pushes deeper and you’re being split in half—because what else could that burn be—but you’ll admit, the feeling of accomplishment you receive once he bottoms out is surreal.
“Good—Good girl,” Izuku’s nearly quivering and plants his hands on both sides of your head with a huff.
“I-Izu,” you whimper as he starts to move, feeling impossibly full no matter how far he pulls out. Izuku shudders, mouth rounding into an ‘o’ when his hips slowly start to gain rhythm, and though it’s loud, you know the creak of the futon is unavoidable. You squeal as his head hammers into your cervix, pulling out a wanton Daddy before you have half a mind to shut the fuck up. You nearly freeze, and yet, all Izuku’s hips do is speed up.
“Yeah? Want me to be your new Daddy?” He moans, and you dig your nails into his back with a nod. The greenette curses at that, biting his bottom lip and his hand drops between your legs to rub at your clit. With thighs seizing around his waist, you slam a hand over your mouth to keep yourself quiet.
“Fuck—I make you feel that good, Mommy?” Izuku nearly wheezes, eyes suppressing the urge to screw closed, “So good you can’t keep your pretty mouth shut?”
“Y-Yeah, I—“ you gasp when he lifts your hips off the bed for a better angle, hands fisting the sheets. “Harder, Daddy—“
“Oh Mommy, if I go any harder I think I might break this bed,” he says, borderline bashful, but you find yourself saying fuck the bed as your hips buck in search of a feeling he refuses to give you. Izuku’s chuckle strains as he says, “So needy, Mommy. You that needy for my cum?”
Clawing at his back, you try your damnest to stutter out a yes. Izuku chuckles at your desperation before he cuts himself off with a groan, eyes rocketing to where you’re both connected as you tighten around him.
“F-Fill me up, I wanna—“
“You want another baby, Mommy?” Izuku pants, and you’re so close you start to feel a buzz in your thighs, praying he isn’t too far behind. You nod vehemently with a gasp and his lips slide into an exhausted smile, "Fuck, of course you do—and you’re gonna take me so well, aren’t you? All of it.”
Izuku finishes his sentence with a growl, pressing you further into the mattress—it squeaks like a squeaky wheel, and when it thunks a level lower both of you yelp, the back of the futon thumping on your hardwood floor with each thrust.
“Told ya,” Izuku wheezes, eyes scrunching in a chuckle. You return it.
“It—It’s old anyway,” you reply, but your eyebrows fold as quickly as they unfold from the crash. The creaking futon increases in pitch as his hips pick up the pace, “Fuck—fuck Izuku I’m gonna cum.”
“What’s my name?” The greenette challenges, and you find yourself shivering at the dominance he exudes. The finger on your clit disappears and you whine, knowing damn well you can’t cum without it.
“Daddy—Daddy please—“
“Good—fuck, so good for me,” his hand returns to your clit and you sigh at the feeling. As the coil in your gut threatens to snap, his hips speed up, and Izuku pants, “We’re gonna cum together, yeah? Cum with me Mommy, c’mon—“
“Fuck!” You drag red lines down Izuku’s back as you quake under the weight of your orgasm, broken bed whining as Izuku thrusts all his weight into you. Digging his teeth into your shoulder, the greenette cums with a broken moan, hips stuttering into yours for the final time that night.
The room fills with a comfortable silence, minus the panting, and Izuku rolls onto the mattress next to you with a bounce. It creaks, whines, and then drops again, catching both you and the greenette by surprise. (Again.)
“I think—I think we broke it,” Izuku says towards the ceiling as he catches his breath. You giggle at that, hands laid across your sweaty stomach, and turn to him with your head in the pillow.
“Gives me an excuse to buy a new one,” you say with a shrug. Izuku chuckles back.
“I guess,” he teeters his head to both sides. “I can...also pitch in, if you want. Since I broke the thing. Technically.”
His offer sounds apprehensive as if he’s encroaching in your space, as if he hasn’t been all up in your space less than a minute ago. You smile. “I’d like that a lot, actually. Thanks.”
"And um, breakfast? I mean," he snorts, though it seems rather defensive, and his eyes rocket to the ticking clock on your wall. Your eyes follow: five am. "I mean—fuck um, I feel like this might be weird but I think you're cool? Um, yeah, so breakfast, I can make it if you want because you're so busy being motherly and stuff and plus, it's Sunday but again, if you don't wan—"
"Izuku," you giggle, wrapping your arms around his gut with a little squeeze. "Breakfast sounds nice."
The greenette beams and his chest stutters. "O-Okay cool! Cool, cool. Breakfast then?"
You snort, driving your palm into his face to shut him the fuck up. "Goodnight, Izuku."
Izuku giggles, getting the message, and coils his arms around your shoulders to provide a comfort you haven't felt in a very, very long time.
"G'night Mommy."
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Cassandra x Maiden----Anonymity Ch.5 (NSFW!)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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'Cassandra's favorite', the other maids call you.
You can't tell if they mean it as a good or a bad thing. Hell, you can't even tell which of the two it really is.
Being her 'favorite' does not make you immune to harm in any way; bruises litter your shoulders and sides from when she grabs you too forcefully and cuts from her nails sting at your neck and stomach, renewed each time she comes to take a kiss.
None of that existed back when you were something of zero interest to her. On the other hand, she's told you several times you're 'a thing of beauty' --her thing of beauty-- and she won't let anything ruin a natural piece of art.
If you know anything about Cassandra, it is that she takes art very seriously. Your interpretation of the word greatly varies from hers, you're sure, but it doesn't change the fact she won't easily raise a sickle on you.
Cassandra won't break you. She won't let Daniela do so, either. Bela doesn't even care to hurt you. It means you're safe for now...
Unless Lady Dimitrescu decides you're best taken away from her daughter. Permanently. You don't dare meet her eyes, but you can feel them on you, scrutinizing, every night at dinner.
You're pretty sure she knows.
The thought sits heavy in your mind while you're cleaning bloodied steps off a corridor at three in the small hours of the morning, along with another maid. Adella is a quiet and hardworking one; the two of you make a good team and you know you'll be done in record time.
But it only takes a single moment for everything to go wrong.
Adella is hastily walking back to you with a bucket of fresh water in hand when you hear a different set of steps approach from the side. You make to warn her, but it's already too late.
The collision happens at the turn where the two passageways meet. As soon as you see black robes dripping wet you pray to whichever God will listen for mercy.
Because Cassandra has not been in a good mood all night and she is not the understanding type regardless.
Adella gasps and shakingly backs away, a waterfall of apologies spilling from her lips. Cassandra rolls her neck and draws her sickle, advancing on her slowly. She looks terrifying.
"Don't move now." she orders.
And you just- can't watch this. You don't know why, but the realization you cannot hits you like a speeding truck. You can't stand there while the the woman you frequently kiss cuts away at a girl you know is as good and compassionate as a human under your circumstances can possibly get.
You react.
Before you can even think how impossibly stupid you're being, you drop the mop in your hands and dash forward, crashing into Cassandra's form. Your right arm wraps around her waist and your left grips at her wrist like a vice. Your heart is pounding. You don't even know what you're saying;
"Cassandra, no! Please. Don't." Cold and rigid as she is, it may as well be a statue you're holding. "Cassandra, stop. Please." Once impulse dies down, you realize you've just signed your death wish for two seconds of playing hero.
And you thought you were smarter than that. Ha. But maybe, just maybe, part of you wants to die, so long as it's quick and painless.
With Cassandra, though, you doubt it. Especially with how lethal she sounds when she says:
"You. Disappear." You hear, rather than see, Adella scurrying off for her life. "As for you..."
You only register a blur, nausea, cold nails piercing at your neck, over already existing marks. You are shoved into the nearest wall so powerfully you can't breathe for all of ten seconds. It's a wonder you don't hear any cracks from within your body.
Cassandra is on you, her fingers harsh on your chin and breath chilly on your lips. "Good pets don't bark against their own masters. What made you so bold, hm?"
You don't answer, too busy summoning your mental strength for what comes next. The way her eyes and the lines of her pretty face have hardened, she looks nothing like the flirty girl who comes to steal kisses from you at random times during the night.
"Maybe I've been too nice to you. The first time you call my name and it's for some other maid?"
She looks like she wants to let out a bitter laugh, break something and slice you into stripes simultaneously. And then you realize; Cassandra is jealous.
It doesn't get any worse than that.
"Maybe I should make sure you never say anything again." The corner of her lips curls up in dark amusement as she talks. "You don't talk much, anyway."
Well. She did say she wouldn't let anyone ruin your looks. Never promised anything about what's on the inside.
You're shaking, even if her grasp doesn't leave much room to do so. Your brain is restlessly trying to come up with something to get you out of this mess-
"I'm of way more use to you with my tongue intact." you somehow manage to speak without stuttering. It makes you wonder where the hell this confidence came from.
Cassandra stills for a moment. Her grip eases the slightest amount, probably from surprise.
You wonder what the hell you're even doing, yourself, when you bring your hands to her sides and lean in, to the curve of her nice jawline. You've never kissed her neck before, but you remember from the times you've given her a massage that she's very sensitive around it.
Cautiously, you press your mouth to the soft spot under her ear.
She smells so good and her skin feels so smooth you're not exactly forcing yourself to kiss her. If you're going to be mutilated anyway, the part of you that must be severely messed up muses, you may as well take some pleasure for yourself beforehand. Who knows, it may change her mind along the way.
So you lick her there and suck over her faint pulse. You don't get any stimuli from her, at first.
Until her hand trails from your shoulder to your nape, urging you harder against her. It's the green light to keep going.
You put all your skill into it as you lavish her neck and collarbones with open-mouthed kisses. She's loose and moaning low in her throat now.
You can't tell why, but the sound echoes right though your adrenaline-induced system, tickles down your spinal cord to pool low in your stomach. You either had a kink for danger you never knew of, or you developed one in the castle.
Whatever the case, your fingers are working on the buttons of her outfit and she doesn't seem like stopping you has even crossed her mind.
When the robes barely hang onto her shoulders, Cassandra maneuvers you to the closest room, shuts the door and presses you against it. Hard. Your lips slide together hungrily. You taste wine on her tongue.
At this point, your hands are the only thing supporting her outfit on her. She looks too fucking sexy for words like this, half-undressed, lipstick smeared, so turned on and ready for you. But you also want to see more of her, so you let the black fabric drop.
She's getting impatient, though. Being more vocal, tugging your hand to the apex of her legs.
"Cassandra." you moan when you push the midnight lace of her panties aside and touch her. She's so wet.
Her mouth falls open in a soundless gasp, brows drawn softly. "Oh, you're lucky I like my name on your lips." she says, breathless.
You did start this trying to prove to her how useful your tongue can be attached to your body, however... so it's only fair that's how you finish it.
Finish her.
Cassandra looks dazed and confused when you kneel in front of her, but it's quickly replaced with a broken moan when you take her into your mouth. You revel in every single gasp you coax out of her, every minuscule shake of her perfect thighs.
She bites into her own hand when she reaches her peak, nails leaving four parallel marks on the wall.
You're gentlewomanly enough to pull her outfit up for her while she's coming down from her high. Your gaze takes its sweet time admiring the contours of her chest as you button it closed. She really is the most attractive girl you've ever seen, if you somehow don't take into consideration her body count.
"Good?" you ask when she opens her pretty eyes to look at you.
"It's not cute to be smug, plaything." Cassandra makes a soft grimace at you, though you can see the lazy, satisfied smile tugging at the corner of her lip. "But. I suppose your tongue has its uses to me, after all."
You gently push off the door to let her exit at her leisure. The movement makes you realize you won't really be able to move tomorrow, with how sore you already are.
To your surprise, Cassandra takes a moment longer in the room.
She turns back to you and raises her hands to your torso, then carefully adjusts your wrinkled shirt. Her long fingers smooth over the imperfections she caused...
And you don't know why after everything the two of you just did, it's this that feels the most intimate.
The same digits brush over your throat as she pulls away.
By the time your mind starts working right again, Cassandra is already gone. Absently, you trace over the weeping scratches on your neck.
Later, at the main hall of the castle...
"Oh, boo, look who's late again." Daniela rolls her eyes at Cassandra's fashionably delayed arrival.
"Surprise, surprise." Bela smirks, casually leaned against the side of the fireplace.
"Are you two done being insufferable or should I come by later?" Cassandra asks.
"And scar our ears and minds with another round of your 'oh's and 'ah's, sister? I think not." Daniela comments.
Bela raises an eyebrow in amusement. "Had a nice time?"
"You two have very active imaginations, you know? Tells a lot about you." Cassandra chuckles. "She was just giving me a massage. But do go on. Be thirsty. I can wait."
Daniela and Bela share a look, thrown off their game by the nonchalance.
Cassandra hides a smirk under her hood and steps out first, into the peerless dark.
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rreyie · 3 years
k. (eren j. x reader)
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summary; you're well aware by now that your feelings of eren have blossomed into something more than a fuckbuddy. but you're not quite sure if he'll agree.
content warnings; smut (18+), fingering, oral (f. receiving), vaginal, unprotected sex, unestablished relationship, degrading, use of pet names, creampie, slight dumbification, hurt at the end i’m sorry.
word count; 2.2k
a/n; the fic that has been sitting in my drafts for 2 months has been completed! anyways i’m sorry i’m advance
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you're well aware by now that eren jaeger isn't just a one night stand you had a week ago. you couldn't quite call it a friendship now, but perhaps fuckbuddies- or people who banged on the low with no strings attached.
well, you wouldn't say you didn't have feelings for him by now. you couldn't tell if it was his mischievous personality or his nine inch long dick, but there were certainly more than platonic feelings on your end.
you two had met when armin, mikasa and eren bought a house to rent out for college. you were a friend of mikasa's and had nowhere to go except to the house they rented, so you moved in. you and eren clicked almost instantaneously, as if you were best friends your whole life.
the sexual tension between you two was inexplicable. and you both knew it. and that's why one day, eren chose to make his move when you two were watching "finding nemo: blu-ray dvd edition" on the couch in the living room.
you two fucked during the scene when the little red-headed girl was terrorizing the other fish. but you two don't talk about it. all that mattered was that it was good sex- and by good, you meant really. fucking. good. you had no clue how he gained all this experience, but that didn't matter either.
now you were here, nearing the end of your sophomore year. this little rendezvous with eren had lasted five months now. you two definitely fucked often- sometimes sucking him off while he was studying for is psychology course, other times bending you over the bathroom counter with a death grip on your asscheeks.
this time he had walked into your room while you were clicking away at your laptop while you sat on your bed, doing your best to study for the exam you had next week. he didn't say a word, just laid down on the bed next to you and stared up at the ceiling.
you tried your hardest to ignore him, but your train of thought was lost when he cleared his throat unnecessarily loudly as if you couldn't already tell that he was right next to you.
you shut your laptop in defeat, and turned your head over to eren, a smile ever so slightly curling on his lips. you were unamused at his behavior.
"yes, eren?" you ask, eyes locking with his jade orbs. he clearly hasn't slept in a while, telling from the dark circles under his eyes, contrasting his somewhat tan skin. his brown hair was in its messy bun like normal, tied up sloppily with some baby hairs poking out here and there.
"dunno", he responded. "just seeing what you're up to."
"mhm? well, that sounds like bullshit to me, mister jaeger", you scoff. "you always come in here and make yourself at home when you're horny."
eren sighed, and sat up from his position. "fine, you caught me red handed. but i know you're as horny as i am."
"...you're right", you admit, before he flips over so he's on all fours and crawls over so he's in front of you. the several rings that adorned his fingers glistened in the ceiling light above, his grey sweatshirt hanging loosely around his body. though what he always wore was so simple, he never failed to look breathtaking in it.
tugging at the waist of your sweatpants, eren growled a "take it off" before you slid your hands down to your waist and did as he told you, leaving you in your panties. you didn't wear nice ones today assuming you weren't going to be fucking somebody, but here you were.
the rest was done by him as he pulled down your panties, breath hitching at the sight of your wet cunt. eren licked his lips hungrily.
"wet? already? what are you, some kind of whore?"
when you only looked at him with doe eyes, he rose his voice. "well? give me an answer, slut."
his very words made something awaken in your core, and you responded with a "y-your whore, eren."
eren nodded in satisfaction, content with your answer. "you're learning."
in past experiences, you had been quite a brat to him- as he would say. constantly going up against what he wanted, trying to dominate him. but every single time he ended up pushing you back down and pounding you into the nearest surface, making you state exactly who you belonged to. but since you were being good this time, he relented.
dipping a cold finger into your folds, he collected the juices that wetted the outer lips of your cunt, savoring the warmth it provided him in contrast to his hand. in response, you jolted at the cold temperature, only for eren to hold you down by the waist to prevent too much movement.
working his fingers inside your impossibly tight cunt, he pushed in one, swirling it around in an attempt to find your sweet spot- in which he succeeded. with a hum of approval, he pushed through another finger past the bit of muscle and into your walls, placing it in the same spot the other finger was. curling his digits around that spongy spot and placing the gentlest pressure upon it. letting a pathetic whimper escape your lips, eren is quick to stop what he's doing and reach for your panties.
"w-what are you doing?" you croak, voice weak from the recent stimulation.
"shutting you the fuck up", he snapped back in response. balling up your pair of soaked panties, he stuffed them in your mouth, making you gag a little. he only smirked at the fact you were struggling. "you're just too fuckin' loud. if armin and mikasa weren't downstairs i would let you have at it, but we've gotta keep this a secret baby."
resuming what he was doing a minute ago, he moves his mouth closer to your cunt, ever so gently wrapping his lips around your delicate little clit. your hips bucked upwards as he put his two fingers in their previous spot, pumping slowly in and out.
you're only able to mumble in approval as his pumping turns languid and rough, and before you know it you're already feeling that knot that's all too familiar in your stomach. you yelp into your balled up panties that occupied your little mouth, the sound coming out muffled. erens brow raises as he removes his fingers from your fluttering cunt.
you're about to mutter something in disapproval, but eren starts talking before you. "i told you to stay quitet, princess. what don't you get about that? are you that stupid whore i thought you were? yeah, i thought so."
"'m not a stupid whore", you say, making your statement clear even though there was a piece of fabric in your mouth.
"then show it", eren demands as he slides his fingers back in, his thrusting become too quick for you to resist an orgasm, but still staying quiet so he would let you cum.
you gush all over his fingers, creamy white liquid coating his fingers as he pulls out, and places his fingers in his mouth, licking off the substance. you're reduced to a panting mess on your bed.
"that tired, are ya?" eren mocks you. "too bad. i still've got a hard cock and you're gonna take care of it." he isn't wrong. his print is easily visible in his grey sweats, at its full length and glory.
"more", you pant out. "want your cock, can handle it, eren..."
"i know you can, princess", he coos as he practically rips down his pants and boxers at the same time, exposing his hardened and flushed cock. the tip was tinted red, a few veins protruding through the skin on the side. he had a pretty cock indeed.
"bend over", he commands. shakily, you comply and get on all fours so that your head is near a pillow in case your legs give out. "that's'a girl."
you can feel him come up from behind you, and rub his warm tip over your cunt, making a shiver run down your spine. his size never failed to make you at least just a little bit nervous, it always hurt a bit when it went in but he prepped you well enough that it would slide in easily.
with his right hand, he grabbed the sturdy frame of the headboard, and with his left, started to push his cockhead into your tight little hole. you squealed as you felt his flesh enter you slowly, but soon sheathed his whole self in with one thrust.
"fuck- you're tight", he grunted, and removed his left hand so it was now gripping your ass. you could feel his fingernails digging into the supple skin, likely leaving red crescent marks. after eren took a deep breath or two, he started his movements. and he didn't relent.
the pace he was moving at was almost dizzying, making you let out a few high-pitched wails. his balls slapped up against your behind, lewd noises of skin on skin filling the room. he held onto the headboard, making the bed shake and creak with every new thrust he took.
"eren, eren, eren", you mumbled, completely cockdrunk by him. "more, more please".
eren smirked, his hair starting to fall out of his bun. "liking that? i knew it, you're just a whore. begging for my cock like always, just like the slut i've always known."
his words were mean, but they made you clamp around his dick, making him release a stuttered moan. were you perhaps sick for liking the way he degraded you? you didn't know and didn't care.
"s' good, 'ren", you gasped, wanting him to keep calling you these names and degrading you down to the bone. you would never let any man talk to you like that- only eren could, he did it the right way.
"i know baby, i know", he purred. "m' gonna cum, you gonna cum with me?"
"y-yes!" you shriek, feeling your second orgasm creep up on you, making your stomach do a somersault. "please 'ren! make me cum! need you filling me up!"
eren gave a dark chuckle, and threw his head back into a moan. your orgasm hit you like a truck, the pleasure taking over your entire body and making you shake uncontrollably, squealing into your pillow as your legs gave out. eren knew this was coming, so he removed his right hand from his headboard and put both of his hands under your legs to hold you out as he rode out his high. he jackhammered into you, balls tightening as the knot in his stomach finally snapped, making his cum spurt out of his tip and into your cunt. you were left immobile and speechless, drooling into your pillow as he pulled himself out and let his semen leak out from your hole and all over your sheets.
after he finished panting, he looked over to you. "you good?"
"mmph", you mumble, eren barely hearing you. you meant for that to be an affirmation.
he flipped you over so you were on your back, your sweatshirt still on your body. he cursed himself for not removing it, but there was always a next time. he smiled at your state, knowing he fucked you that good.
“you did good, princess”, he grinned, and pulled up his boxers again, and searched for his phone which he left somewhere in the room.
“eren”, you ask. “where are you going?”
“there’s a party at jeans dorm tonight. you going?”
you sigh. “no, studying for the exam. i need to pass it, maybe i’ll go next time.”
eren nodded, and walked out the door. “thanks again.”
staring up at the ceiling, you wondered how eren could always treat the fact you two fucked on the regular so casually. he always went around and flirted with other girls at parties, but never took them home.
well, it was now or never that you were going to make your move.
you grabbed your phone from your nightstand and unlocked it, your home screen being a photo of you, eren, armin and mikasa all huddled around the couch for a movie night. you opened your messaging app, and clicked on erens contact. this is where you began drafting your message.
| You: um okay hi eren! so thanks for today, it felt really good as always. but i was wondering if maybe you would want to take things further? we can go out to dinner thursday night if you’re free :)
reading it over once before sending, you pressed the blue button that sent the message to him. it took two minutes for him to read if.
the three dots in a bubble popped up on his end of the conversation. you internally panicked, wondering if this was the right choice.
| erennn: i mean don’t we fuck? don’t get me wrong u cool but i mean idk man
your heart quite literally froze at the sight of his message. the dots popped up again, and you held your breath waiting for an answer.
| erennn: so like fuckbuddies basically, that’s all i want rn so uhhhh yeah 💀
this was the exact moment you felt your heart physically sink. fuck, now you’ve embarrassed yourself. would he think your weird?
wanting to act calm and unaffected by his answer, all you wrote was one letter.
| You: k.
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besotted-eros · 3 years
Visit from a Ghost
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Eren x Fem!Reader
Content: Angst, smut, unprotected sex, oral (f! receiving), pining, overstim, dirty talk, slight blood, bruising, established relationship, canon compliant
A/N: so this is a companion piece to my obsessed! Eren headcanons and fic. References to manga spoilers, heavy on the angsty sex. Very self indulgent. Hope you enjoy!
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When you saw the figure at your bedroom window, lounging upon the sill as though he was meant to be there, you drew your gun.
It was a small, angry thing, wrestled from the grasps of a Marleyan soldier and entrusted to you to help protect the queen. You had yet to use it, but levelled it naturally now, letting out a growled command for the shadowed being to raise his hands.
When you saw the figure turn from your bedroom window, lazily leaning his head back so his viridian gaze met yours, you dropped your gun.
It hit the floorboards with a metallic thud, and in a better context you would have held your breath, jumped away from the risk of a bullet discharging from the fall. But you were motionless, staring at the apparition in front of you. That was what he felt like. A ghost, conjured from beyond the veil.
"Eren." You said it like one calls to the dead, your voice shaky and unconfident. But brimming, with hope. With fear.
"I come all this way to see you, and your first reaction is to shoot me?" He murmured, his rich voice creeping through the dark to find the holes in your heart.
 Moth bitten, hung up in a closet and forgotten, you had lost the memory of the pain and euphoria that Eren brought you. But you could feel it now, searing your chest.
"You deserve worse. Months. It's been months." The words tumbled from your throat as you fought the urge to cry. "I didn't know where you were. For months. And they won't tell me what what happened, no one will." You felt like a child, choking on your words as your hands bunched into fists. The only thing you knew is that you were meant to raise the alarm as soon as you saw him. But you couldn't. Not for him. You wanted to fall to your knees, to see how he'd rush across the room to gather you in his arms.
"You don't want me to answer that truthfully." He moved from the windowsill, feet silently hitting the ground as he faced you completely.
You didn't recognize him. Those were the eyes of your lover, those the lips you kissed, the brow you rested yours upon. The man who was once the boy you slept beside, you fought beside, you grew beside. The face you had seen overcome with passion, with pain and glory. But he was stoic, as grey as the three walls. You had felt him slipping before Marley, but now?
Even though he was in the same room, breathing your air, he felt gone.
"I do. I know you're the one who pushed me onto this duty, you made Hisu call for me, and for what? To keep me stupid and ignorant?" You spat the words at his feet, and it made him bristle.
"To protect you, why else? This stupid farm house is the safest place on the island. Safer than any of the walls, or the inner castle, or-"
"Safer than with you?"
That touched him. The repetition of his vow, that as long as you were by his side you would come to no harm. That he would hold you with his heart and protect you with his life. As long as you stayed within reach of him.
"Yes. Safer than with me. So much safer." He didn't want that to be true. He wanted to be where you belonged.
But he needed to make the world safe for you.
"I needed to make sure you were taken care of, that I could do the things I was meant to do without risking you." He crossed his arms in front of his body, and the tone of his voice bordered on petulant. But despite his stoic face, you could tell he was nervous. The clench of his jaw, how his eyes looked past you instead of at you. This wasn't a man who had forgone emotions. Just a mask.
Maybe that was your Eren after all.
"I know you hate me-"
"I don't hate you." You cut him off sharply, reaching up to touch the pendant at your throat. It was a piece of sea glass, tumbled by the waves to the colour of his eyes. You had picked it up on a beach patrol, and told him how it matched him perfectly. He had stolen it out of your pocket that night and fashioned a cage with stolen wire. The next morning it hung from the leather cord his father's key once did, and found its permanent home upon your neck.
He told you it was his eye and his heart, and to keep watch over it as he kept watch over you.
He had been so gentle. You remembered how the sea breeze rustled the hair, grown to the nape of his neck, how he had given you a smile that had become so rare. He had known then that the boat would be returning without him.
"I don't hate you even if I want to. I never could. I... I miss you." The dam in your throat broke as you hiccuped a single sob. And the dam in his face broke, eyebrows upturned with remorse.
He had made you cry. 
"No, no, no." He murmured, crossing the floor to take you in his arms. He was taller, his body somehow even more wiry than when he had left. Toughened by hardship. But the way his fingers curled around the back of your head, the way his arm wrapped around your waist. That was how he held you. How he always had. The familiarity made you weak, and you clung to him desperately, fists mangling the fabric of his shirt as you buried your face against him.
"Y/n." He said it through gritted teeth, and then repeated it. And then again.
You thought back to every time you had embraced after being apart. The sound of his feet pounding the stone of Wall Maria to throw his arms around you, his cries of your name loud enough to send birds flying. How he had whispered your name when you saw him after Shiganshina, his face buried in the crook of your neck and the weight of the world suddenly so much more heavy upon his shoulders.
"Eren." You reached up, taking his face delicately in your hands. His malachite gaze was wide, wild with desperation and hurt. "What happened to you, 'ren?" You asked, and his eyes shut tightly. "What did you do?"
"Please. Don't ask me. I'll answer to God, but I can't answer to you."
You could have pressed. He would have given up, at least... The Eren who loved you a lifetime ago would have. But the darkness in his mouth when he pressed his lips to your forehead convinced you not to.
He had followed you so diligently when you were young. Seeking the peace he had somehow found in you. And as you pulled him towards your lips, you knew it was that same comfort he was searching for. Peace, amongst his life of nothing but war. So you kissed serenity onto his lips, knowing that this may be the last taste of it he would ever have.
He groaned softly against your mouth, still for a moment before pressing into the touch. His fingers were gentle as they brought you closer, and closer still. Tugging at your hips, your shoulders, your hair, coiling around your neck. He was rediscovering you, reminding himself of the map of your body. It was like he was finding his way home again.
"I missed you. I thought about you, so much." He exhaled over your lips, and you tried to keep the welling of your tears from spilling over again. You had needed that. Needed to know that he still breathed for you. "Even when it hurt. I thought about you."
"I thought about you too." You whispered, stroking your hands through his silken hair. "I hoped... I didn't think it was smart, but I hoped. You would come to me."
Your hands traversed his chest and back, running down his shoulders and muscular arms. You grabbed his wrists, feeling the bump of your hair tie still upon it. He lifted for you to see, and you pressed a kiss to his hot skin, unable to hold back the tears anymore. You watered his skin with them. 
"See? I kept you with me. Always." his mouth was against your forehead, tendons in his wrist flexing. "I lost a lot of myself. But I never lost you."
You let out a choked whimper and he pressed his cheek to yours, murmuring your name softly. Finally your knees gave out, but his arms were vices around your waist, holding you as you leaned against him. But he came down with you, kneeling with you in the puddle of moonlight. It painted him white and black, his shadows so much deeper but where it graced him, he glowed.
"I'm sorry." You sighed into his shoulder, all but pawing at his back. "I just... Am I dreaming, Eren? Are you going to be gone when my eyes open in the morning?"
He didn't answer for a moment, face buried in your hair. "I'm real. This is real. I promise."
"Prove it." You whispered, turning your mouth to his ear like a bloom to sun. "I've had this nightmare, every night since you've left. Prove this isn't one."
His fingers curled around your upper arms as his eyes bore into yours. They were shadowed, haunted by things you knew you'd never know. "Tell me how. I'll do anything for you."
Almost, you wanted to correct him. He'd do almost anything for you.
"Love me."
"I do." He murmured, voice strained as he moved to cup your face, his thumb stroking across your lips. You parted them, inviting his digit to press against your tongue. His eyes widened slightly, and you saw something spark. It encouraged you to wrap your lips around him, suckling at his first knuckle. You let it pop from your mouth, dragging your tongue from his palm to the pad.
"Show me. Show me the way only you can." You spoke softly against his skin, and he let out a soft groan, from deep deep within his chest.
"Only me?" He whispered hoarsely, hands squeezing the sides of your face. You nodded as best as you could. "You haven't touched another since I've been gone?"
"Of course not. Since that first night, since that first kiss..." You gripped his wrists tightly, voice thick with emotions you couldn't name. "It's only been you, forever just you."
He kissed you like he wanted to consume you. Open mouthed, hot breath, all teeth and clawing fingers. You fell into him, letting him pull you up and push you towards your bed. You fell backwards, welcoming the soft mattress against your back. A stark contrast to his body, all hard lines and firm hands.
Eren's heat was enough to melt you. You didn't realise you had been so cold. Your legs wrapped around him, pulling his warmth further against your core. He grunted softly against your mouth, jutting his hips forward so you could feel how you made him.
Your lips trailed from his, kissing along the sharp line of his jaw, up to his ear. You didn't need to say anything into it, just your breath made him wild. He tore at your shirt, sending buttons flying across the room as the moonlight met your skin. In response you pulled at his, unhooking your legs to push at his pants. You wanted skin, you wanted bare vulnerable touch. You wanted to see the parts of him he kept hidden.
He never scarred. Your hands traced the unmarred landscape of his torso as he flexed underneath you. No matter what horrors his body faced, it would never leave a lasting impression on him. The titan in him assured that.
You wondered if it was the same for love, as your teeth pricked at his skin, making him shiver. You marked him, delicate and light. In the sun it would look like stepping stones, tracing the path of a lovers touch. If it would even last till morning.
But you loved him anyway, even if it was temporary.
"So beautiful." His voice was guttural, hands cupping your breasts after yanking your bra down. Your nipples didn't have time to harden under his thumb before his mouth was upon them, suckling gently. You gripped his chestnut hair in response, letting out a soft whine of pleasure that encouraged him to suck harder. He switched sides, leaving the cold air to caress the wetness at your precipice.
"I can hear your heartbeat" he murmured, pausing for a moment to press himself against your flesh. "It's so fast."
Your nails traced vows on the back of his neck, down his back as far as you could reach. "You make me like this." You whispered, and his teeth sunk into your skin, making your back arch. "You scare me. You turn me on. You make my head dizzy and my st-stomach fill with butterflies." He stripped you as you spoke, pushing down the soft fabric of your pants, then the cotton of your panties. You felt the kiss of the cold night air for a moment, drifting through the window. And then his fingers were upon you, slowly stroking along your aching entrance and your slick lips.
"I make you wet." He murmured against your skin, and you flushed, nodding.
"Yes, you do." You responded, moving your hips along his hand, encouraging him. He obliged happily, digits wet with your desire now sliding into your hole. You had been so long neglected, not feeling the desire to even touch yourself without him there to see. He could feel your tightness, how you gripped his fingers.
"My sweetheart," he purred, lifting his face to gaze up at you. His eyes were heavy lidded, almost hiding the jade irises that haunted your dreams. "You're so tight, spread your legs." You obeyed him as easily as breathing, opening your legs as he began to kiss his way further down. You whined again, and his fingers gripped your thighs, forcefully enough to close them slightly.
"The fucking noises you make..." He hissed, breath hot against your pussy. He dragged a tongue from the bottom, to the very top, glancing off of your clit in a way that made you cry out. "I want you to keep quiet so we don't get caught but..." Another languid lick, another lewd gasp. "I want to make you scream too."
Your hand came down hard on the back of his head, gripping his hair tightly. He groaned against you, sending vibrations through you. You didn't mean to be hard, to have tugged so roughly. But Eren loved it, eyes glinting as he sank his tongue into you, letting your plush walls envelope the muscle eagerly. Each time your hand twitched, responding to the waves of pleasure he drew from you, you'd pull more. And it would drive him forward, tongue sliding across your lips desperately, lips closing around your clit to suckle at it.
Your body was uncontrollable, hips lifting from the bed and chest heaving. At points it felt like he was drinking from you, loud slurps as he thumbed your clit. The movement repeated, becoming faster and faster. The pleasure mounted, a  knot tightened where his tongue touched you.
"Do it." He purred against you, feeling how your legs trembled and thighs touched his ears. He knew you, knew what every jerk of your body meant. "On my tongue, want to taste you."
That was what made the bud burst, your hips rocking desperately against him as your pussy fluttered, overcome with its first orgasm in months. It coursed through you, and you felt the bed wet with your love. 
Your toes curled with pleasure and you moved onto your elbows, staring down at him.
"Eren," you whimpered, and his eyes opened once more. From your vantage point you could see how his hips moved, thrusting slowly against the mattress. He was as desperate for you as you were for him."Eren I need you. I need you so bad." With a final pop of your clit, one that made you gasp, he pulled back and straightened up. His cock bobbed as he looked at you, eyes filled with a dangerous mixture of love and lust. He was dripping, your wetness from his chin and his pre-cum from his mushroom head.
"How badly?"
You brought your legs to your chest slowly, and his eyes dropped from your face to your heat. Your hole closed around emptiness, so desperate to be filled. "More than anything."
His fist closed around his shaft, stroking slightly as he stared at you with a slack jaw, face softened with awe. He always looked at you as though you hung the moon. As if you were responsible for everything soft and wonderful in the world. You watched as he touched himself and his mouth twisted into a grin.
"Did this..." He whispered, his hand moving faster, the noises filling the room. They were hot, lewd. The hot slick of his skin, your moans rising to meet it. "Did this when I thought of you."
The thought of him, so far away from you, deep in trouble but still overcome by his want, the aching need of you. It was enough to make you gush visibly, and Eren moaned at the sight. Before you had the chance to beg again he was at your entrance, hands pushing on the backs of your thighs. You pulled at him, bringing him to your lips so you could kiss your moans into his mouth.
Because the moment he started pushing, moan you did. Loud and desperate, feeling how he spread you. How he made you stretch to fit him like a glove.
He was mumbling in your ear, alternating between sweet calls of your name and darkened swears. Your nails dragged down his back, digging into his smooth skin and making steam rise. His hips were slow, but only for a moment. The need took over quickly, and you bucked to meet him as best as you could. But he was long, long enough to make you start each time he bottomed out in you.
"Eren, Eren, Eren," you whispered into the dark, each iteration becoming more and more sloppy. He grabbed your face, pulling himself up so he could stare at you. Sweat beaded on his elegant forehead, his long hair slicked back. But his eyes glowed in the lowlight, focusing on your face as though nothing but you existed.
He pounded you in time with your chants, each drill concentrated on getting as much of himself into you as he could. He filled your needy hole like he filled your heart. Wholly, fully. Enough to make your eyes well with tears.
He caught one that trickled down the side of your face, lapping it up with his long tongue. You gasped for air, twisting his hair in your fingers as legs wrapped around him desperately. You wanted to stay like this, stay connected to him forever. His hands traversed you, finding the places he had made home. The curve of your waist, the precipice of your hips, the valley under your ass as he pulled you up further, hitting you now at an angle that dragged across the nub on your inner wall.
And then he lifted you, pulling back to sit on his heels and to suspend you in his arms. You grasped his face as you looked down at him, your hair falling like a curtain. Hiding him from the world, the world that would take him from you. He was beautiful. All wild eyes, soft pouting lips. His fine features were shadowed, his expression twisted with pleasure. You kissed him, once. Twice. Three times. Each time deeper.
Stay here.
You wanted to say as he began to bounce you, sliding you upon his length, fingers digging into the soft plush of your ass.
Stay here, we can be okay.
His mouth was hot on your neck and shoulders, leaving bruises that you worried would outlast him.
Stay here, I can love you safe here.
But all that came out of your mouth was a keening moan, your walls fluttering as you came like a river, washing over him. Your head was thrown back in ecstasy, the wave of euphoria making you tremble and making him growl. He bite your shoulder, drawing soft droplets of blood, and you felt his hips stutter, and the telltale wetness that heralded his own cum. Filling you, as it should. He moaned, vulnerable and wanton into your shoulder.
"That's fucking it, baby. Cream on my cock." He cooed, his pace unrelenting as he fucked you through both of your orgasms. You were relieved when he let you fall back onto the bed, eyes opening to pull in for a kiss.
But he didn't stop.
"Er-eren..." You whimpered, and he kissed you hard, enough to bruise the pulp of your lip.
"Hold on... Hold on to me..." He whispered, teeth dragging across your sensitive flesh. You obliged, throwing your arms around his neck, legs circling him and pulling him in to the hilt. He pulled back, snapping in quickly, his pace sloppy and hurried.
"Need more...need more of you and I..." A gasp, a throb from deep within you. "need to give you all of me."
You were seeing stars. Bursting across your vision like supernovas. Though your limbs clung to him, the pleasure grew almost unbearable. A burning fire twisting between your legs, making you jerk and throb. It's like you could feel him in ways you never could.
The drip of his sweat, watering the forgotten lands of your body. The way his skin soothed yours, healing empty wounds. How his hair shifted, a lock falling to caress your cheek.
And his heartbeat. You felt it. Inside you, beating as though it was your own. The sensation drove you wild, clawing at his shoulders and yanking at his ochre locks.
"Gonna- it's gonna..." You whimpered, unable to form coherence. He drove into you faster, nodding against you. You were reduced to a babbling mess, eyes rolled back, mouth slack.
"Yeah, yeah baby yeah me too. Gonna cum in you again. Take it, take me. Take it all." He said, his voice thick with lust as he clawed into you, the slam of his hips hitting you in the most unimaginable of ways. He reared back suddenly, gripping your face hard enough to hurt as he placed his brow to yours.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." You replied, and with that you were both over the cliff, bodies shaking with pleasure. He filled you, his hot cum spurting from the slight space between you. His hand slammed against the head board, chest heaving, hips stuttering. But his eyes never left yours, gaze glazed with pleasure. His weight collapsed against you, and you cradled him, murmuring as his lips pressed to yours.
"Say it again." He demanded, hand moving to cup your cheek. "Say you love me."
"I love you." You turned your head to kiss his palm. "I love you, Eren. I love you."
He let out a soft sound, resting his mouth against your cheek. "More." He demanded, rolling over now and pulling you with him. His arms caged you, in a way that made you never want to be free. "I want a lifetimes worth."
"I'll give you a few months." You muttered, and could feel him smile against the top of your head. You wondered when was the last time he did that. When would be the next. "Just to catch you up." His hands stroked through your hair, teasing knots from it. You laid your ear flat to his toned chest. "You'll have to get the rest next time." His hand faltered and then tightened, pushing you into him. You could hear his heart pick up speed.
"Don't." You interrupted him. It was sharper than you intended, but you thought you had the right to it. "Don't say a word."
He went silent, resuming his grooming of your locks.
"Tell me we'll see each other again. Even if it's for a moment. Just once more. I don't want this to be it." His hands flattened on your back as he held you.
"I promise." He murmured. "We'll see each other again. But by then you'll hate me."
You didn't argue. Somehow you knew.
"For now, I love you." You pulled yourself to him, kissing his mouth with sweetness. You whispered it, over and over. Like a promise. Like a prayer. You said until your voice was hoarse, curled up on your side as his body surrounded you. You fell asleep with it on your tongue.
And you woke up to an empty bed.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Made with love | Helmut Zemo
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Chef Zemo AU! 👨‍🍳
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 4
Helmut wiped down the last of the tables. It was just him and Bucky left at the moment. It was closing time. Bucky counted up the money in the till as Zemo made sure every aspect of his restaurant was clean and tidy for tomorrow.
Once everything was accounted for Bucky went home and Zemo locked up. He tugged his coat around him a little tighter and and began the small journey to his home. However, something caught his eye and he stopped to take it in.
Across the square there was a man standing there, looking in his direction. He couldn't quite tell who it was, but he could take a pretty good guess. There had been rumours of the infamous Tony Stark arriving in Sokovia.
Helmut watched him for a moment before turning and leaving. He had no reason to dwell on it right now.
Zemo went home.
When he opens shop again in the morning, he doesn't see the man again. However, he does see you and Wanda walking, arms interlinked, the pair of you laughing and chatting.
He can't stop himself from looking at you.
Yesterday when he brought up how well you would fit in with Sokovia, he was hoping to maybe spark a slight idea into your head. The fact you were only visiting his country made him feel rather sad. To see you every day, chat with you at the bar, to see you smile, he wanted more of that.
Never before had someone been on his mind this much before.
You and Wanda walk out of sight.
Sam and Bucky enter to start their work day. Zemo goes into the kitchen to prepare for the day.
Wanda takes you to her favourite place, surprised it was even still open. A bowling alley. You chuckle as she drags you through the door and over to the desk.
"Pietro and I would come here all the time," she told you.
"Sounds like you two had a lot of fun."
"Oh, we did. Pietro used to work at Escorpión Morado. I would meet him outside and we would come here."
"Pietro used to work at the restaurant?"
You both are given a pair of bowling shoes each and you go sit down to out them on.
"Yeah, he used to tend the bar. It was his first job. He loved it."
"That explains why he's so good with drinks," you chuckle. Pietro had his own bar back home, often he would make you, Wanda and Natasha drinks on your nights out.
"He learned from the best."
You both stand up and go to your designated alley, thanking the staff for guiding you. Wanda puts your names into the system.
Wing woman
Y/N Zemo
She laughs as she confirms the names and stands up. You glare up at the monitor and then glare at her.
"You can scold me all you like, but in going to have you fall in love with that man of it's the last thing I do."
"Wanda, please be realistic about this."
Wanda picks up her preferred ball and steps up to the lane.
"I am," she says, pulling her arm back and lining up her ball.
"No you're not. You want to set me up with a man who lives in a completely different country to me. This is mean."
Wanda throws her ball.
"It's not mean. It's helping. Ever since you came back, I know he has been on your mind. I can tell by the way you talk about him that you like him. I know because it's the same way I talk about Vision. I know love when I see it, Y/N."
She takes another turn.
You sit there, watching her second ball glide down the lane and take out a few more pins, three still standing. The lane resets the pins for you as you swap places with Wanda.
"It's just a silly crush. It will go away."
Wanda resists rolling her eyes at you.
"Do you really think the only reason I came here with you is because I wanted to see my home? Don't get me wrong, I am over the moon to see Sokovia again, but I cane here for you."
You throw the ball and watch it go.
"Why is this so important to you?" You look at her as you grab a second ball.
"Because you never show interest in anyone and suddenly you do. I've been telling you from the start, you'll marry this man one day and you'll be happy with him. You'll be running Escorpión Morado together, you'll see."
You throw your second ball and say nothing to her. You only take down four pins in total. You go sit back down.
"He likes you too, you know. I've seen the way he looks at you. He wants to spend time with you, talk to you, be around you. He likes having you in his restaurant."
Wands stands to take her next turn.
"I like being there," you say, softly.
"Good, we shall go there after we're done here."
You don't even argue with her. You want to go. You want to see him. Wands knows this. You can see the way she looks at you that she knows.
Wanda ends up winning in the end, which does not surprise you if she and her brother spent so much time here when they were younger.
You walk arm in arm to the restaurant. There's a few people about, but it's not crazy busy.
Sam sees you enter and smoothly glides into the kitchen. Zemo is finishing up a dish as he enters. He looks up when sees Sam come over.
"What is it?" He asks, assuming another order.
"Y/N is here with their friend. Thought you might like to take this one," Sam grins.
Normally Zemo would just tell Sam to go back to work and stop messing about, but he knows he wants to see you. He had been thinking of you all morning. He wipes his hands and presents the dish to Sam, who takes it and goes out to serve it.
For a brief moment Zemo pauses and quickly fixes his hair and straightens his shirt. He steps out of the kitchen. Wanda and yourself were sitting at a table near the window.
He smiles when his eyes land on you.
Helmut holds his head high and walks over to your table. Your eyes catch his and you smile softly at him. Wanda is looking at you with a grin on her lips, but he isn't really paying attention to her. He can only look at you.
"How are you today?" He asks, lips curled into a handsome smile, dark eyes glistening with happiness.
"We're good, how are you today?"
"Doing better now my favourite customer is here. What can I get for you both?"
"Coffee?" You ask, nibbling at your lower lip shyly.
His smile was making you feel things.
"Coming up."
He leaves the table and you bury your face in your hands. Wands laughs from across the table.
"You are so in love with him!"
"I am," you admit.
The fact you admitted it makes Wanda smile. She was proud of you for confessing how you felt.
"Maybe there is a life for you out here," she says, deep in thought.
"You really think I should just up and move to another country, leaving you all behind and starting over here?" You look at her.
"Yes. Back home, sure, you have all your friends and your job. Out here, there's him. This man you can't stop thinking about."
You glance over to the bar. Zemo has poured you each a cup of coffee and is coming over. He smiles when he sees you looking at him. You thank him softly when he places the coffee down in front of you.
Before he can say anything, a customer entering the restaurant cat has his attention. Both Wanda and yourself turn to see who had come in.
This man felt like he demanded attention. His suit looked expensive and tailored. There was a presence about him that made him stand out among the other people in the restaurant.
"Who is that?" You hear Wanda ask.
Helmut gives an apologetic smile and excuses himself from you, approaching the man.
You watch him curiously.
"He seems important," Wanda whispers.
You watch as they shake hands and talk. The stranger gestures to a table and Zemo leads him over to it. They sit down and they chat.
There is something about Helmut's expression that concerns you.
The stranger looks around the room, his eyes hidden by his sunglasses, but you can see the way his lips a pulled into a thing grimace.
You feel offended by his distaste in the establishment. Poor Helmut.
They sit there and chat for several minutes before he gets up and leaves. Helmut looks a little defeated as he stands up and looks over at your table. Upon seeing you looking at him, he smiles and makes his way back over.
"I'm sorry about that."
"Don't be. Who was that?" You ask, too curious not to know.
"His name is Tony Stark. Remember that new restaurant I was telling you about?" You nod at his question. "Well, he owns it. He was checking out his competition in the area."
"I don't like him," you say, not really intending to say that out loud.
Helmut chuckles softly.
"Neither do I."
"What did he say?" Wanda asks.
"That he wasn't worried if this place is considered the best in Novi Grad. My restaurant isn't a threat to his business."
You unconsciously clench your fists.
"Your restaurant is the nicest place here. He has no idea what he's talking about. He didn't even try your food."
Helmut grins at your comments.
"No he didn't. Though he intends to come back. I need to cook up something magnificent for his return."
"You can do it. Everything you cook is amazing, Helmut. A lot of care goes into your cooking."
His smile makes you giddy.
"Food tastes best when it's made for enjoyment and not just to satisfy hunger," you tell him, meaning every word of that.
Zemo swears his heart would beat out of his chest if it could. If he wasn't already swooned by you, he would have been now. You had no idea what kind of power you had over him.
"I am always glad to hear it."
Wanda looks between the pair of you and smiles. She quietly excuses herself to go use the bathroom. Neither one of you glance at her as she slips away.
Helmut sits at the table.
"How long do we have?" He asks.
"Wanda and I have a few days left yet. We're not leaving too soon."
"Good," he nods his head. "I'd like to see more of you."
"Really?" You ask, shocked by his words.
"Yes, really."
You smile. Your smile makes him smile. Oh, what he would do to see it every single day of his life. This man was utterly in love with you, but he would be fool to just blurt that out.
Plus, you weren't staying. He would have to say goodbye to you again.
"Maybe Wanda and I could pop back every day. When the coffee is this good, we would be silly not to come back," you drink the last drop from your cup.
"Ah, so it's my coffee you like?"
"The owner isn't so bad either," you say, unable to hold eye contact much longer.
The chuckle that escapes past his lips makes you tingle all over. It's so deep, yet so joyful and pure. A sense of pride washes over you for making him laugh.
"Sokovia will feel so empty when you're gone," he says, softly.
"I will miss it. I have missed it."
"I missed you, you know," he admits.
Your heart stutters. You don't get a chance to say anything as Wanda returns. Zemo is quick to change the topic of conversation, smoothly too.
"Can you cook?"
"Uh, I can cook to feed myself. Wanda is more of a chef than I am, but even she can't compare to your culinary skills."
Wanda was caught off-guard by your statement and Zemo was full of pride again. The more you complimented his cooking, the bigger his ego was inflating.
"Would you like to assist me for Stark's visit tomorrow?"
You stare at him, lips parted, mind whirling in confusion.
"You want my help?"
"Yes. I could teach you."
You glance at Wanda. She nods enthusiastically at you, winking.
"Alright, but please don't let me get in the way. I'd hate to be the reason things go wrong."
He leans forward, lips tugged into a grin.
"I trust you."
You smile softly, finding the table suddenly more interesting than before.
Wanda chuckles softly.
"While you do that I'll go see if my old family home is still there," she says, smiling.
"Are you sure?" You ask her.
"Of course I am."
You smile and turn back to Helmut.
"Then it's settled. We'll show Stark what he's up against."
Zemo smiled brightly.
Just you and him in the kitchen tomorrow. He was going to make every moment count. This might be the most amount of time he will get to spend with you while you're here.
Zemo gets up from his seat and grabs the two empty cups from the table.
Both of you nod.
Zemo goes to get more coffee. While he's gone, Wanda leans across the table and takes your hands into hers.
"Woo that man!"
You laugh.
"I mean it! One day you'll marry him and be the happiest person alive. Maybe you should seriously consider moving out here. I could help you. Maybe I'll find some places for you tomorrow."
"You don't have to do that."
"You're not saying no, though," she grins.
"You're right, I'm not." You glance over to the bar. "I really like him Wanda."
"I know, so let's do something about it."
You nod softly.
Zemo returns, this time with an extra cup. He sits down with you both and asks you to be at the restaurant first thing in the morning. You agree.
From tomorrow onward, you knew things would take a turn. Your life would literally be flipped upside down.
And you were happy to let it happen.
@namethathasnotbeentaken @belle82devart @cathrin2405 @lieutenantn @wilder-fangirl @latenightartist-author @lucky-luck-lucky @hb8301 @charistory @thatoneartgalsstuff @thesuitkovian @malkaviangirl @zemosimp420 @realremyd @the-chaotic-cow @lostghostgirl94 @zafiro-draco @lazygurl05 @pinkcutiepiee @goddessofmischief03 @whovianayesha @myybebe @awesomesauce-abbie @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @zemo-is-my-muse @nonamec0s @apparrio @scuttle-buttle @alex-the-nb
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
The Coordinates Of My Heart ~ JJK [Request]
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GENRE: Angst, fluffy ending, established relationship
PAIRING: Jungkook x fem!reader
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It was no secret that Jungkook had tattoos all over his body, everyone had seen them by now but not every single tattoo that covered him. There was one very secret tattoo that nobody except for you and Jungkook knew about...Well, you, Jungkook and his ex-girlfriend that was. It was only a small tattoo on his left peck but it was one of the biggest mistakes Jungkook had ever made in his life, the whole time he was getting his collection of tattoos he swore he would never have someone's name tattooed onto his body and yet there it sat. Black ink across his peck with her name in cursive writing with a small heart attached at the end, "SeoJun" The tattoo bothered you a lot but you would never let that show in front of Jungkook. You'd been dating for almost three years now so you never brought it up except for the first time he showed you. He wanted you to know that she meant nothing to him anymore but that it was there and something he had to deal with. 
It was still a crushing feeling to see another girls name tattooed on his body and him always saying that he would never do it again, never tattoo a name across him anywhere on his body. You knew he was thinking rationally but there was a part of you inside that cried out to know why he wouldn't put your name on himself instead but the other part of you thought rationally. He probably didn't want to chance it by getting your name tattooed anywhere on himself and having the relationship fall through. 
"Baby I'm so tired," Jungkook groaned that morning as he walked down the stairs to you in the living room he was shirtless and wearing a pair of shorts, you were trying to convince him to go swimming with you. It was his week off from the studio, he took it off to spend time with you but for the last six days he'd done nothing but lay in bed gaming or go out to dinner with his friends, or hang out with the boys. 
"I'm only asking for this one thing baby...Please! I don't want to go alone." You giggled to him as you tugged on his hands trying to convince him to go with you, he looked at you tiredly as he shook his head.
"I'm busy today," He mumbled as he took his arm out of your grasp, ignoring the look of confusion written across your face as he walked into the kitchen. Jungkook hadn't told you he'd made plans with anyone which was why you'd woken him up in the first place if you'd have known he was busy you would have left him. Following after him, you went into the kitchen and he began to make himself something to eat,
"Busy with what? We haven't hung out all week, you said you took the week off to spend time with me." You uttered you knew it probably sounded as though you were being childish but right now you didn't care, you'd missed your boyfriend and this week it felt like you saw him less than you did when he was actually working. 
"I actually said I took the week off to relax, so far I haven't done any of that." He grumbled as he began pouring himself a bowl of cereal, not meeting your eyes as he spoke. Rolling your eyes at him you shook your head, 
"You've relaxed plenty, all you've done is game and sleep...As well as go to lunch, or spent time with friends...W-What if we went for walk instead? Namjoon said he found this really cute hiking trail..." You trailed off when you realised Jungkook was more interested in the phone that was sitting in his hand than he was in listening to you talk to him. The thought of him ignoring you was heartbreaking enough, you began to overthink everything, maybe he was getting bored of being with you...
"But of course, I wouldn't want to take you away from what is really important." You grumbled to him referring to the phone before storming out of the kitchen and into the living room to grab your swimming bag to go alone since he wasn't that bothered about you anymore.
"Are you upset because I won't hang out with you?! We don't have to be around each other 24/7 Y/n." He followed you into the living room staring into your eyes as he waited for you to say something back to him. He didn't mean for it to come out as harsh as the way it was.
"No, but it would be nice if my own boyfriend wanted to do something with me. Watch a movie, go for a walk, order food. All you've been bothered about is gaming or hanging with the guys, we haven't done anything this week." He rolled his eyes at you before going back into the kitchen without another word in your direction. You knew it wasn't supposed to start a fight but there was a part inside of you that wanted answers from him. 
"Tell me I'm wrong then. Tell me one time this week you've even wanted or offered to hang out with me." You stated as you walked back into the kitchen, he put his bowl down into the sink shaking his head at you. 
"I've been busy. I'm doing stuff all week, I don't need you jumping down my neck-" He stopped talking when his phone began to ring on the table in front of him for a second you could have sworn a panicked look spread across his face. Out of habit your eyes glanced down to see who it was but as soon as you saw the name you wish you hadn't. SEOJUN. Was written across the screen in big bold writing with a broken heart beside her name just like the tattoo Jungkook had only the heart was broken. 
"W-Why is she calling you?" Instead of answering you Jungkook just turned the phone over so you couldn't see it and shook his head at the question. 
"Jungkook..." You whispered feeling insecure at the thought of him starting to see her again, it wasn't that you didn't trust him. It was Seojun that you didn't trust. She was manipulative and cunning. She always got whatever it was she wanted if she used the right way on Jungkook it was like she had a spell on him.
"Y/n it's not what it looks like, she's just started to say sorry to me that's all. She wants to make up for all the awful things that happened, she opened up her new shop so I've been going to help-" The look on your face made Jungkook stop talking instantly and he knew he fucked up, it was a look of sadness and anger as you realised he'd been spending all of his time with her. 
"S-So you've been spending time with her? On your week off..." He nodded his head slowly not wanting to lie to you about where he had been anymore, 
"Because I knew if I told you, you would be upset-" He tried to rationalise it but you cut him off,
"Of course I would! You've been spending all of your free time with your ex-girlfriend and lying to me about it!" You yelled out as you stared down at his phone, it was starting to ring again but you both ignored it this time letting it go to voicemail.
"I was just helping out with her shop, she's straightened herself out." You scoffed at the thought of it all and the phone began to ring again, it was clear she wasn't going to quit calling him until he finally answered her call. 
"So she's trying to get back with you?" You questioned as you stared at him folding your arms over your chest,
"No! She's trying to say sorry..." You rolled your eyes at the statement, at how naive he was being about all of it and began walking away from him not wanting to listen to this.
"Am I not allowed, friends?!" He snapped at you making you turn to face him you were angrier now at the fact that he was making it seem like you were forcing him not to talk to her, 
"You can be friends with whoever you want...B-But didn't you think about how this would make me feel? Seeing her again? When she's literally tattooed across your chest?!" He heard the crack in your voice as you stormed out of the door, leaving him alone in the world of his own thoughts. He knew how much the tattoo hurt you even if you refused to show him that sometimes, he groaned picking up his phone to her. 
"I'll be running late today, come by about 2 pm? The place will be empty and it'll be just me and you, like old times." He sighed as he heard her voice down the other side of the phone, 
"We should stop, she's suspicious..." He whispered to Seojun as he walked out of the kitchen and towards the front door, you were sitting in the car so he walked up the stairs to talk. 
You whimpered as you got into your car, starting up the engine and driving off towards the pool. You didn't even need to go, you just had to be out of the house for a while to let your brain cool down from what was happening, you were probably just overreacting to it all. 
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When you came in after swimming the house was empty, all of the lights were off so you knew Jungkook must have been out or up in bed asleep but it was only 7 pm so that was unlikely true. You dropped your keys down in the small bowl by the front door and kicked off your shoes wanting nothing more than to snuggle up beside Jungkook and say sorry for that morning but he wasn't there so you went for the next best thing. Having a shower and curling up in one of his shirts while you waited for him to come home, you'd left him some texts but if he was still upset about this morning you doubted he would answer you. 
As you walked into the kitchen you saw a note on the door, 
Went out to think. Don't wait up. Love you. x x x JJK x x x You smiled halfheartedly as you read the note from him to you and screwed it up before putting it into the bin. All you had to do was remind yourself that Jungkook loved you, he would never do anything to hurt you.
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Later that night Jungkook pulled up outside the house and saw your car, 
"I'll call you later, Y/n's home so I'm going to talk to her if she's awake," Jungkook said to Seojun who hummed before hanging upon him. He shut the door carefully and headed up to the front door, it was almost 12 pm so you were most likely asleep in bed but when he walked into the living room you were out cold on the sofa. Draped in one of his jumpers and a pair of shorts with a blanket around you, the TV was playing to itself all of their Bangtan bombs and he smiled to himself. At least you weren't too angry at him to fall asleep to his voice, he turned off the TV and headed into the kitchen. 
A small hissing noise made you wake up when you heard small grunts of pain, 
"Guk?" You moaned out as you rubbed your eyes, the kitchen light was on and the moaning was coming from there. Terror ripped through you at the thought of him and someone else being in there together but Jungkook would never do that...Would he? Slowly sliding off the sofa you tip-toed into the kitchen to see Jungkook with his back to you, he was hissing as he pulled something off his chest, 
"Kookie? What's going on?" Jungkook jumped as your voice suddenly filled the air, he turned to face you and you saw what he was struggling to do. There was fresh clingfilm wrapped around his chest along with some pads, 
"Jungkook?" You frowned walking further into the kitchen as you helped him take off the cling film, 
"I did something." He mumbled as he took your hands into his own to stop you from removing the rest of it all, 
"We have to talk..." You stared into his eyes waiting for him to continue and he looked down, 
"I know how much the tattooed bothered you without you saying anything...That's the reason I've been seeing Seojun so much, she runs her own tattoo parlour instead of working for other people now..." You remembered him telling you once that she worked as a tattooist in someone else's shop, 
"S-So you went to her to get a tattoo done? Why didn't you tell me?" He let go of your wrists and allowed you to keep unwrapping the clingfilm until it got to the end and the flower could be seen, 
"Because we were working on something I couldn't tell you about," Sitting on his left peck, covering the entire muscle was a huge tattoo of your birth flower. Tears began to well up in your eyes as you stared at the masterpiece, 
"The best part." He whispered as he took your hand carefully and lead it over to the middle of his chest, written in small black in were some coordinates. 
"Do you know what that is?" You stared at them with a frown on your face shaking your head at him trying to work it out, 
"It's the coordinates of where I first told you that I loved you," You stared at the coordinates before wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and dragging him into a passionate kiss. Tugging him closer to you until he hissed out in pain, 
"S-Sorry, the tattoo is sore." He chuckled as you looked at it again, 
"Where's your cream? I'll apply it and then we can go to bed?" You questioned as he nodded at you, telling you where the cream he used for all his tattoo's was kept and went to sit on the sofa for you. Smiling happily as he waited for you to come back to him.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @bisexualmess007​ @innersooya​ @sw33tnight​ @jin-from-the-block​ @sweeneyblue1​
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327 notes · View notes
taehyungsgrowl · 3 years
Illicit Affairs IV - Duncan Shepherd x Fem!Reader
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{gif by @ansonmount}
hey babies! it has been a while! but i have finally gotten enough brain cells to write part four of illicit affairs!
big thank you to @desertsunflower00 for pointing me in the direction i wanted the story to go to after being stuck ily amiga!
also.... this was not the ending i thought i was gonna give when i started writing it but my heart led me to this so
i hope you all enjoy!!! and thank you so much for being so patient!
I've had so so much fun and heartache writing for this story.
please let me know what you think!!!
the first 3 parts are linked here!
Illicit Affairs Part I
Illicit Affairs Part II
Illicit Affairs Part III
word count: 5.9 k
as always! not proofread! italics are for memories!
(also really hope the italics copied correctly from google docs!)
Emma’s head was pounding. With each sob she felt the pain strike her heart.
Duncan was her world. She couldn’t imagine… couldn’t even think of what her life would be like without him. He was the one who lit up even her darkest days - always being that rock that held her together.
All the years they’d been together, she never had reason to think Duncan didn’t feel the same way. She thought he was enough for him…
A message from her friend pinged her phone, making her acknowledge the time.
God, she wanted to scream again. She didn’t know whether to believe if he was really at his office.
Lost. Alone. She didn’t know what to do. The one person she knew could make her feel loved was now the person causing her the most pain.
Emma tried to get herself off the floor, but what was the point. She didn't see a rhyme or reason to it when she didn’t know what to do.
She didn’t know where he was.
She didn’t know what she’d say to him if he was.
And she felt like she had nowhere to go.
So she laid on her closet floor, clutching the nearest shirt of his she could reach and stained his shirt with her tears. Her tears would soon dry and disappear from the fabric, but the lip print on his collar would be painful to remove both from his shirt and her mind.
While Duncan waited for Y/N to finish in the bathroom, he checked his phone and saw a message that had come in from Emma. Guilt clouded every emotion he had. It overtook the anxiety he felt of the what ifs with Y/N. It encompassed him completely.
Missing you x, she sent with a picture of their dog.
He’d been gone for longer than he anticipated and knew she must be getting worried. He took a deep breath, trying to ease himself.
He was doing this for her.
Y/N’s nerves bubbled up in her stomach, but she couldn’t stall much longer.
“Are you okay?” Duncan asked right at the door.
She knew looking at the results would then seal her fate with Duncan - one way or another.
“Yup! Just a minute.” she got up and held on to the edge of the sink before splashing her face with cold water. “You can do this,” she whispered to herself.
Y/N picked up the test and held her breath.
Not pregnant.
As relief washed over her she couldn’t deny the tiny part of her that hoped she was -- as selfish as it was, she didn’t think Duncan wouldn’t leave her if she was.
Y/N walked out of the bathroom, negative test in hand, to a Duncan who nervously paced her living room.
“It’s fine, Duncan. I’m not pregnant.” She pretended not to care when she saw his shoulders finally relax since he’d heard of the possibility of it being true.
He clapped his hands together nervously. Duncan hadn’t realized how sweaty his palms were in the short time waiting. “Okay,” he nodded. “Okay - I… How are you feel-”
“Stop.” she interrupted him. “We don’t have to do this.” Although normally seeing Duncan in her apartment always filled her with a sense of warmth - it was the illusion of having a life with him - when she saw him now, he seemed out of place. He didn’t belong there no matter how much she wanted to force that piece there.
He frowned, studying her expressions, “I came because last time we spoke -”
Y/N interrupted him again, “I know why you’re here. You think you can clear your conscious by telling me how fucking special I am,” she rolled her eyes. “We don’t need to do all that.” If she had any doubts about the way he felt before - they were made clear now.
And while she felt she had a million things left unsaid to him, she didn’t feel like she owed him that. “You’re good. We’re good. I just want to shower and move on. So I’d appreciate it if you quit calling and showing up.”
Just let me go.... She wanted to scream.
Duncan was driving back home from Y/N’s apartment and while he had so many thoughts racing in his head - for the first time in a long time, he felt lighter. As difficult as it’s been to part ways with Y/N, he knew that it was the right decision. He’d finally have a chance to do things right by Emma.
“I’m home, baby!” Duncan called out, hanging his keys by the door. The house felt cold and a shiver ran down his spine.
He walked into their bedroom looking for his wife and saw the door of their walk-in closet jarred open. When he opened the door he saw Emma curled into the fetal position asleep, holding his shirt with Captain snuggled up on her side.
She had tired herself out from crying and fell asleep waiting for his return.
Duncan’s heart rate spiked, thinking she’d been hurt or something happened. “Emma!” he fell to his knees, placing the back of his hand on her forehead, feeling for a temperature. “Baby, wake up,” he cooed, until he saw her eyes flutter open.
And for the fraction of a second between unconsciousness and consciousness, she got lost in the blue of his eyes all over again. For that fraction of a second it was like waking up to him that very first night they spent together.
“Hold still,” Duncan laughed, his fingers delicately brushed over Emma’s face until he got the eyelash that was in danger of going into her eye. “There,” he showed her the lash stuck to his thumb.
“Thank you,” she licked her lips, her eyes glancing down at Duncan’s pink lips.
“Wait,” he grabbed her wrist with his other hand, “Press your thumb to mine - and whoever the lash sticks to gets to make a wish,” he explained the silly ritual. It was something one of his nannies had taught him and it always stuck with him. He loved how he could be like this with Emma… soft… vulnerable. He’s sure very little people actually knew this side of him.
Sure, they’d only been dating for a little bit now, but Duncan was more than sure that she was the love of his life.
“What?” she laughed, her voice like music to his ears.
“Trust me,” he smiled when she pressed her thumb to his. “Okay, ready? One… two… three.” They each pulled their digits away from each other and took a look. The lash was gone from Duncan’s thumb and Emma was smiling like a child with it pressed on her skin.
“What do I do now?” she giggled.
“Make a wish and then drop the eyelash into your shirt.”
“Okay.” She closed her eyes trying to keep a very serious face, but Duncan could see the smile tugging on her lips. “Done.” she dropped the lash into her shirt.
“Well… what was the wish?” he asked.
“I can’t tell you that!”
“I never said that was a rule!!” he argued back.
“That's a basic wish rule,” she rolled her eyes, crossing her legs criss crossed on his couch. “You can’t say what you wished for!”
“I’m taking the wish back if you won’t tell me,” Duncan tried to look stern, but his lopsided smile gave it away. He adjusted on the couch and pushed her down until he was hovering over her. His fingers started to tickle her sides, making the bottom of her shirt ride up.
She was in a fit of laughter begging him to stop. She found herself grabbing the back of his head and tugging his hair down to have his face just inches away from her own. Duncan’s fingers stopped tickling her, but his hand snuck inside her shirt, feeling her softness.
Everything froze for a moment when she stared into his eyes that way. He looked at her like she’d hung the moon and the stars. She never wanted to stop looking into the safety of his eyes.
She blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting and focusing back on Duncan’s. After that split second had passed, she sat up and shoved his chest, trying to make him give her space.
Duncan furrowed his brows, “Baby, what’s wrong?”
Emma backed away from him, eyes prickling with tears again. She picked up his stained shirt - what once was her favorite, got closer to him and shoved it into his chest, “F-fucking asshole!” she finally let herself sob again. She felt so weak when her forehead fell against his chest and her balled up fists rested against him.
Entirely confused, Duncan wrapped his arms around her waist, trying to get her to look at him. He hadn’t gotten a chance to examine the shirt she handed him.
Emma felt herself melting into his hold, but stopped herself. She took his arms and removed them from her waist, taking a step back, “Don’t touch me.”
“No…” Duncan let out under his breath, seeing the lipstick mark, “No,” he said louder, “No, honey, I can explain.” He reached his hand out to touch her but she flinched at his approach.
His warm “honey” had a cold stare behind her tears. He couldn’t imagine what she could be feeling… She was never supposed to find out.
A single tear rolled down his cheek. “I love you. No one else but you.” his voice cracked.
“Get out.” she sniffled, wanting so desperately to be strong.
“Let me explain!��� he felt his knees wanting to give out and his head started to spin. This couldn’t be happening. He asked her to let him explain but he didn’t know if he even had a good reason to give her.
For a moment, he saw her face soften. A result of seeing the sick look on his face - she still felt the urge to hold him, to kiss him.
He took the chance at her moment of softness and continued, “It’ll never happen again, I promise.”
“Maybe we should back up for a minute if you really want to explain.” she wiped her cheeks, “Let’s start with an easy one, no? What’s on that shirt, Dunc?”
“Baby…” it felt like a kick to the gut.
“I’ll help you out,” she continued, “Who’s lipstick is on your shirt?”
“It was a stupid mistake, Emma. I promise.” he pleaded.
“No, Dunc. A mistake is when I accidentally add too much salt to a recipe or leave my coffee mug on top of my car before I pull out of the driveway.” her voice lowers again, “I trusted you.”
“How long?” she took a deep breath. “And please don’t bother lying.”
“Six months.” he hung his head in shame.
No. No. No.
Emma thought she wanted to know the truth but… hearing it from his voice that this had been going on far longer than she imagined broke her heart all over again.
“Six months,” she repeated. “You’ve been fucking some whores for six months. God I’m so fucking stupid,” she groaned. She raised her hand to the pole that held all of Duncan’s clothes in the closet and slid them off, throwing them to the ground in frustration.
“It was never more than one.” he tried to defend himself.
“Because that makes it so much better!!!” she laughed humorlessly. “Get out! Get out!” she tossed his clothes at him until he backed out of the closet.
Even if it broke her again, she wanted to know the reason why. But it couldn’t be today. She could barely stand to look at him and with everything that came out his mouth - just ending up cutting her more and more.
“I love you,” Duncan dropped to his knees and crawled to her until he could wrap his arms around her legs. “If we can both calm down and talk-”
“I don’t need to calm down,” she cried.
In all his years spent with Emma - he’d never seen her so upset and it killed him to know he was the reason for it. Maybe it was his selfishness taking over again, but he couldn’t lose her - couldn’t let her go.
They’d almost been inseparable from the moment they met. Attached at the hip. Always in sync.
Duncan was in his home office, typing away on his laptop. His glasses were low on his face and he wore a white t-shirt and his plaid pajama pants.
Emma had been trying to get him to bed for the past hour, but he was really busy with the project he’d been working on.
She came back into his office ready for bed. She wore one of his old college sweatshirts and rubbed her eyes. “Almost done?” she yawned.
“Almost,” Duncan didn’t look up from his screen.
Emma lingered by the door, not wanting to go to bed without Duncan by her side. Duncan felt her at the door and looked up, pushing his glasses back. He knew how much she loved sleeping in his old sweatshirt at this point he considered it hers.
“C’mere,” he rolled back his chair, “You can sit in my lap until I’m done working.” he smiled, patting his thigh.
She hurried to his desk and curled up on his lap. She loved being close to him. Just feeling his breathing, taking in his scent, feeling his hands absently wander up and down her body.
Her legs hung off the side of his chair and her face was nestled in the crook of his neck, but Duncan kept her steady with his arm around her waist.
And he could stay like that for hours - feeling her close as he finishes reading over reports for his app. She was like a life size stress reliever for him. Just by having her touching him, pressing little kisses along his jaw… melted away his stress.
When she looked down at Duncan on his knees for her, she still saw the man she loved. She wasn’t sure she’d ever feel that way about someone again.
“Baby, honey,” he cried, “I’ll never stop making it up to you just please,” his forehead pressed into her thigh, “Don’t leave me.”
“I-if you won’t leave - I will,” she stepped out of his grasp. “I can’t think straight right now. I… I’m so hurt,” her voice broke with the last word.
“I’m going to my moms house…” she spoke out loud, guiding herself through the plan. “I can’t be here. I can’t even look at you.”
Duncan begged her to stay. He told her if anyone should be forced to leave the home it should be him - he was the one who screwed up. But she couldn’t stand being in the place that has brought them so many happy memories.
That night, Emma stayed in her childhood room. Although she had outgrown it over the years, the whole situation made her feel small. She curled up under her yellow bed sheets and stared at her phone each time it lit up with another text from Duncan.
Duncan tossed and turned in his empty bed. In his sleep, his arms searched for his Emma, coming up empty every time.
“Em?” her mother woke her up gently, “It’s been five days of just sulking around and ignoring calls. You need to get up, sweetheart.”
Her mother softly pulled her covers down. “Maybe you can get dressed and we can go for a coffee,” concern clouded her voice.
Emma didn’t say anything - just stared at her ceiling. “Duncan came by why you were sleeping,” her mom continued. His name was the only word she’d responded to; she looked at her mom with tears in her eyes.
“I told him you weren’t available to talk…” She handed her daughter her glasses off the nightstand.
She put her glasses on her face and slowly sat up in the bed. Her mom was right - she’d been avoiding everyone; avoiding Duncan for too long now. She slowly nodded, feeling her body drag out of bed.
The hot water that almost burned her skin in the shower suddenly turned frigid. The warm embrace evaporating away. Her heart was growing tired of the things she loved leaving her reach.
After a day of blurred nothingness, her heart was finally pounding a million beats per second, staring at the door of her home. As familiar as it was, it didn’t feel like home anymore.
With a shaky hand, her fingertip pressed deeply into the doorbell.
12:46 am - Although Duncan should have been asleep he found himself the same way he had since Emma left; sad and alone.
He pulled on an old pair of sweats, his hair in messy curls with a few strands in his face - even his stubble had gotten a little scruffier.
“Emma,” his eyes twinkled in the moonlight. Seeing her again finally made him feel like he could breathe again. “You’re home,” he tried to reach for her, but saw the way her entire body tensed up at his advancement.
“Stop,” she shook her head, her heart couldn’t handle having to reject him. She was holding on by a thread. “We need to talk.”
Four months later:
Y/N smiled in the sleepy state between dreaming and being conscious as she felt strong arms pulling her closer. His large hands pressed on her stomach, slowly inching up her shirt. At the same time, she felt his lips softly pressing into her shoulder.
“Morning,” she mumbled, keeping her eyes closed.
“Morning, princess,” he rolled over and pinned her below him. She met his kind, unclouded gaze. Not a trace of guilt behind his eyes - he was solely happy to be hers.
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, “You want chocolate chip or blueberry pancakes today?” he nuzzled the tip of his nose with her, making her break a smile.
“Both?” she bit her lip.
“Oh my god,” he playfully rolled his eyes before kissing her, “You’re absolutely spoiled, darling.” He started getting out of bed, pulling his sweats that were discarded on the floor. Y/N stared in awe at the strong muscles of his bare back. She loved running her fingers over the smoothness of his skin, leaving invisible idle patterns or semi-permanent marks of her fingernails scratching down.
There was peace knowing she never had to share him. With him, she didn’t have to sacrifice bits of her happiness.
With one last kiss, he stepped out of the room to take a quick shower before starting breakfast. It’d become sort of a ritual for them; Sundays were for Y/N to sleep in and for him to make her breakfast. They’d later fold their laundry together and watch movies.
Her phone buzzed too loudly on the nightstand for her to ignore. “Hello?” she picked up the call, her eyes still closed.
“Y/N?” her heart came to a halt. She’d recognize that voice anywhere. Her name dripped from his lips like molasses; warm and sickeningly sweet.
“Y/N, it 's me, Duncan.”
After a brief pause, Y/N let out a deep breath. She was fine. When Duncan left her apartment almost five months ago, she didn’t know what it would be like the next time she saw him. They’d left so much unsaid, but it was better this way. She wanted to be done. And while there were nights she thought she’d never stop missing him, the soft ache in her heart started to fade.
She was relearning what it meant to love someone who could give her what she wanted; what she deserved. No longer did she feel shameful - kept like a dirty secret.
Late night meet ups in dark parking lots with Duncan turned into proudly holding hands with someone who wanted the world to see the way he felt about her.
Quick fucks that left her feeling empty as Duncan hurried to leave her apartment to go home to his wife turned into her boyfriend spending the night to make her breakfast in the morning.
Things were never as bad as she anticipated. There was a part of her that was proud of not feeling fazed by Duncan’s call.
“I…” Duncan continued when she didn’t speak, “I mi- I’m sorry,” she could picture him pinching the bridge of his nose as he stumbled over his words, “How are you?”
“I am doing really well, Duncan,” her tone was sincere without a trace of bitterness. If there was one thing Duncan did right, was give her his final piece of advice - when he told her she deserves someone who could make her happy.
“Emma… filed for divorce.” he coughed to cover up any anxiety in his voice.
“We need to talk,” Emma told him before stepping into the house. Duncan still replayed that night over and over in his head wishing and attempting to bargain with anyone that would listen to turn back time.
Duncan sat beside her at their small kitchen table; they always talked about getting a bigger one when they’re little family started to grow, but it was perfect for just the two of them. Countless mornings sipping coffee with the comfort of the other’s company were spent at their little table.
“I need you to know how much you hurt me, Duncan.” Duncan couldn’t recall the last time Emma had called him Duncan. He was her babe, her baby, her honey, her Dunc. A few nights ago, when she left - as angry as she was, through all the tears and screams she still called him Dunc. Hearing his full name fall from her lips with distaste made him realize things were changing.
The more Emma listened to Duncan recounting his inexcusable reasons the more upset she became. Silent tears strolled down her face as he explained over and over that he didn’t even have a real reason why because that meant there was nothing she could have done to keep it from happening.
“Do you love her?” Emma interrupted him. If there were any hope for them, Emma knew it would be in his answer.
“Baby - that’s over. I’ll never see her again,” and with the absence of a ‘no,’ Duncan sealed his fate.
She winced, internally accepting the end.
Duncan had a harder time really accepting it was over. A few weeks after that night, Duncan was served with paperwork for the divorce. He hated the word; it felt heavy on his tongue.
He didn’t want to make the process miserable for Emma; the least she deserved was to be able to leave him without so much legal jargon in the way, entangling an already large mess.
But lawyers do what they do best.
His attorney ‘friends’ squeezed pretty dime after pretty dime out of Duncan.
“She found out. About us,” Y/N imagined all of the awful things his life must have thought about her. “A couple months ago, really,” Duncan couldn’t stop talking.
“Why are you telling me this? And why are you telling me this now?” her boyfriend’s shower was still running and she was thankful to have the privacy for this conversation.
“She’s really left. I don’t know what to do. I miss her. I miss you,” he looked out at the skyline from his downtown condo; a place that could never feel like a home. A bachelor pad with a sad bachelor. Could a divorce candidate be considered a bachelor?
“I’m sorry,” she didn’t know what else to offer to that, “I did what you said,” she continued after a moment of silence. “I found someone who could give me what I needed. I’m happy, Duncan. I didn’t think I’d ever be happy like I am now after you - and I don’t mean this to rub it in, I just mean,” she searched for the right words, “I know it feels like you’ll never be happy again without that certain person, but there will be time when you will. I know you love her a lot. I can see that now and I could see it then. I’m sorry for the part I played in all this.”
They were both moving on without him. Not that he could blame them; he’d made them both sacrifice parts of themselves so he could be selfish.
“I’m sorry for calling,” Duncan grimaced. “I really hope he treats you well, Y/N.”
“Thank you,” she sighed, “And Duncan,” she chewed on her bottom lip, “Take care, okay?”
“You too.”
One year later:
A bead of sweat dripped down her forehead as she huffed, setting the last of the boxes down by the front door. An entire year had passed and Emma had clung on to the final memories of her marriage. Things were different now and as much as she still found herself yearning for what she once had, she knew this was how things needed to be.
“Think we’ve got most of it now,” he came around the corner with a bottle of wine and two glasses in his hand he kept from being put up.
“How are you feeling?” Duncan asked, pouring her a generous amount before handing her the glass.
“Nervous,” she laughed, “scared,” she admitted.
Her bottom lip was caught between her teeth in the way it always was when she had more to say. Duncan couldn’t help but smile until his eyes crinkled; as happy as he was for her, he couldn’t wrap his mind about her leaving.
He wrapped one arm around her shoulder and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head, “You’re gonna do great. I don’t know anyone smarter, more qualified, more perfect for the job,” he encouraged.
“Not just about that,” she admitted. She sat on the floor of her empty living room and Duncan joined her, filling his own glass. “Moving. Being so far - starting over,” she sighed and took a long sip of her wine.
“Dunc,” she shook her head, “We grew up in this house. We loved in this house. Fought and made up,” she laughed.
“What’re we doing?” she kissed him as he pushed her into the house, hands fumbling all over each other.
“Don’t think about it,” he groaned against her lips, pressing her against the wall and hiking her up. “Just.. don’t think,”
“Mm, not here,” she sighed, feeling his hand wander up her dress, caressing the inside of her thigh. “The bed.. Our bed..” her voice was shaky as his skilled fingers brushed over her panties. She missed this. Missed him.
With signed divorce papers forgotten, Duncan tossed her on the bed and climbed over her, never letting his lips leave her skin. Savoring every moment she let him have with her. He didn’t know if she’d regret it in the morning. If she would hate him more than she did before, but she was giving him this now and he wanted to take it in. He wanted to memorize her taste as if it would be the last time.
He kissed down the hills of her breasts and hiked her dress past her thighs, dipping his head down to kiss along her inner thighs. “Emma,” he breathed her name like it was his final breath.
Duncan hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties, “Up.”
She raised her hips and he slid them off her legs in one quick movement. He wasted no time - he swiped his tongue along her wetness, immediately moaning at the feeling of having her on his tongue.
Two of his fingers plunged into her, slowly pumping in and out of her while his pouty lips wrapped around her clit. Those lips she loved. The same lips that formed into her favorite smile; the ones that kissed her like the most delicate flower in the world; the ones that held his tongue that massaged her just like that.
Like muscle memory taking over her, her fingers laced themselves in strands of honey brown hair - pulling with the way he was making her feel.
“Dunc!” she almost screamed, feeling his dexterous curl and brush against her g-spot.
“Gonna cum,” her legs wrapped around him, her thighs closing around his face.
Duncan didn’t stop. He kept going. Wet open-mouthed kisses on her pussy, letting a trail of saliva and cum drag from his lips. He peeked up to watch her with a wet mouth before licking them clean.
He tried to hold her still as she finished, not letting his lips leave her center. He cleaned up every bit of cum with his tongue before he sponged kisses along her twitching thighs as she came down from the high he’d given her.
Duncan climbed on top of her again, hiding his face in the crook of her neck. There was comfort in the scratchy tickles of his beard on her soft skin.
She held him, softly running her fingers through his hair until she was ready.
While she didn’t plan on thinking that night, there was a part of her that knew this would be the last time they’d ever be like this again. She shook the thought away. For selfish reasons, she didn’t want it to ruin the night.
“Fuck me,” like it’s the last time, she thought.
And he did.
Their teeth clashed together with desperate kisses as he buried himself inside of her. As close as they were - they wanted to be closer.
Duncan’s stomach tightened, feeling himself twitch inside her. Her walls clenched around him, milking his cock for his cum.
“Fuck,” she sighed against his lips. “Feels so good.”
“Missed this… missed you, baby,” he rut his hips against hers. He took her hands and pinned them above her head, staring into her eyes with a dazed out smile.
Duncan didn’t dare think about it the next morning. He wished it’d never come.
But it did… it always did.
By the time Duncan woke up from his Emma filled dreams, she was lying awake with nothing but the sheet covering her.
“Uh hey,” Duncan offered, trying to get a feel of the room. Maybe he was still in a blissed out state of mind, but he didn’t feel a sense of regret lingering between them.
“Hi,” she laughed, turning to face him. “About last night…” she tried to read his expressions.
“I missed that. In all honesty, I miss you.” Duncan couldn’t dare to move, afraid if he did he would wake up from a dream. “I don’t think… we need to stop being friends. You’ve always been my best friend.” Which was true. The months leading up to the divorce were miserable - for both of them. “I… don’t think we can continue doing this,” she gestured between their naked bodies. “I don’t want that - I can’t handle going back to how things were, but I miss my friend.”
Duncan would take having her in his life in any capacity she allowed.
Of course, what they had couldn’t be recreated. But they did their best to be good friends to each other. Emma was tired of feeling like a victim of betrayal. She wanted to move on and not feel heavy from that anymore.
Duncan would come over on occasion for dinner or they’d go for a walk. As much as he wanted more, he wouldn’t push her - he couldn’t.
And like a good friend, Duncan was helping her pack up her belongings from the house they called their home so she could move hours away from him. The small sliver of time he’d see her was now being taken away, but he couldn’t keep her from going.
“I’m scared of being away from you,” she looked over at those familiar eyes that would always be home to her. “You’ve been the one constant in my life - good or bad - and you’ll be so far,” her eyes started to wet with tears.
Duncan took her hands in his, “I won’t ask you to stay. As much as I want you to stay with every fiber of my being - I can’t ask that of you. What I can ask is this,” he paused and looked into her eyes, “do you want to go?”
“Yes,” she answered, keeping his stare.
He smiled and hoped it met his eyes, “Em, I’ll always be here. Near or far. I’ll always love you. You know that.” And he meant the words in ways she didn’t know.
“I know,” she whispered, “I love you too.” Duncan wanted her to mean it in the way he did, but he knew better.
“Change is good, right?”
“Change is scary - but good,” Duncan tried to affirm her.
As much as everything around them could change, one thing would remain true; Emma was the love of his life. There would always be a part of him that wished he didn’t mess up the best thing that happened to him.
But there was a time he thought she’d never speak to him again and they found themselves back to each other. He wasn’t holding his breath for more to happen, but wishful thinking kept him going.
Duncan hoped she wouldn’t ask him to take her to the airport because he knew he wouldn’t be able to handle that goodbye.
Her last few days in town were so busy, Duncan hardly got a chance to see her. He poured himself a glass of whiskey and stared out his view.
Emma was leaving the next morning and he hadn’t had a chance of a real goodbye.
What he didn’t know was that Emma found herself at his apartment door. Her stomach was tied in knots over the anxiety of it all.
Duncan opened the door after a soft knock.
“Hi” as confused as he was, he was also so happy she came.
“I just came to say bye,” she bit her lip in that way Duncan was too familiar with. He waited for her to say more, but she didn’t.
“Do you want to come in?” he moved out of the doorframe to let her in.
“I shouldn’t,” but she took a step forward.
“Tomorrow’s the day,” she sighed, nervously fidgeting with her clothes.
“Getting cold feet?” he joked.
“Didn't have cold feet when I married you, not getting cold feet now,” she laughed, cheeks burning hot.
“I just really came to see you before I left,”
“I’m glad you did. I have something for you. Wait here,” he rushed to his bedroom to get his college sweatshirt she loved. She made him take it when they split up. He’s never worn it since she used to - that was hers and she should have it.
“Dunc,” she smiled, taking the sweatshirt he handed her. “Thank you,” she hugged him.
She hugged him and didn’t let go. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist, breathing in her familiar scent, and just held her.
“I have to go,” she mumbled against his shoulder without making an effort to move.
“I know,” he squeezed her harder, making her laugh.
They eventually let each other go for their final goodbye.
“Promise you’ll call?”
“Of course,” she promised. She reached up to grab his face, giving him a kiss on his cheek, “Bye, honey,” she said softly in his ear.
@xavierplympton @thatonehumanbeing05 @plsfuckmelangdon @ntxoza @quillanpie @bloodcoatedeclipse @kitty4860 @welcometothelioncage @angelicmichael @silky-luxe @lady-jane-revisited @ritualmichael @feralthoughtdump @bitchchatter @wroteclassicaly @langdonswhoreprobably @devilish-hecate @thatspookyagent @dark-mei-rose @lovelylangdonx @fckinsupreme @littledemondani @brattylovee @ferndolan @dhampiravidi @7-wonders @melodylangdon @allytrap @luciahoneychurch @moriatysringtone7173
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scmoobly · 3 years
Sweet Melody | t.holland
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Performer! Reader
Summary: Your new single was set to premier on the BBMA's, where supportive / Jealous boyfriend Tom makes an appearance
Content: fluff, lil angst and then back to fluff
A/N: So this is obviously inspired by Sweet Melody by Little Mix (Queens comeback with confetti 😳) So I'd suggest listening to it before reading this to feel the full effect. I'm quite new to Tumblr but I hope I'm doing this right OKAY ENJOY
Not proofread
Your hands were clammy and unbearable from the sweat that was starting to seriously become a nuisance at that point.
Heart Racing inside your chest, you were waiting for your turn to go up on-stage to perform "the newest hit" as Tom had described it even though he never actually heard the song. He was effortlessly supportive of you, respecting your space and work ethics which was one of the many things you adored about him. The thought of Tom sitting out there to cheer you on calmed you down.
You were in your dressing room, stylists making sure that nothing was a-miss and that you were all set for the show when a knock interrupted them. You walked over to the door, tugging it open to be greeted by Tom, clad in his Black blazer and white under shirt.
"Babe!" He grinned pulling you in by the waist and giving you a soft lingering kiss as he pressed a bouquet of your favourite flowers into your hands. "Tom!" You gushed smelling the flowers and smiling back up at him. "I wanted to come and say goodluck before you go on- and well, I couldn't wait to kiss you"
You could feel your stylists eyes on you so decided to keep it short and sweet.
"We'll aren't you the sweetest English Man I've ever met" "Really?" He asked as he leaned in slowly, a side smirk gracing his face.
You put your index finger up to his lips effectively stopping his movement and hoped he wouldn't feel too dejected. "If we're not counting Harrison of course" You attacked as Tom rolled his eyes and grabbed both of your cheeks with one hand, only slightly aggressively
"These Jokes are gonna get you in so much trouble Darling" Snaking your arms around his neck, you looked up at him challengingly. "Try me Love, I bite pretty rough myself" He took your hand in his and kissed the back of it as he retreated from the doorway, smirk never leaving his face. " I'll see you on stage babygirl"
He came to help calm your nerves. You looked down at the bundle of flowers in your hands and smiled.
Tom was always curious about what you'd be working on, especially if you intended to keep it a secret. You kept this one to yourself though. He had asked you about the song you'd be performing millions of times but you didn't give in. You wanted to see his raw reaction.
Taking in a deep breath you let the sound of the music drown out the nervousness as the beat gave you the signal to begin. You turned towards the audience in all your shining glory as you sang
"In a whole nother life, there was this boy that I knew.."
The crowd looked way bigger from upstage and you tried hard not to let it effect you, which was when you noticed the familiar mop of curls, hands high up in the air with that goofy grin on his face.
"I wasn't crazy 'bout the words. But the melodies were sweet"
Toms face contorted into one of confusion as he had attempted to pay more attention to the lyrics rather then the extremely sexy outfit and dance moves.
"And it went like do do do ro ro do..... He used to sing me sweet melodies! He played me! Made me believe me it was real love..."
The cheers were wild as the beat dropped and you could feel yourself gaining more and more confidence in your steps.
"...Sang me, Sweet Melodies. But the day he did me wrong the song couldn't go on and on and on"
After your performance you were hot and covered in sweat but too giddy to even care. A trail of compliments from crew members and backup dancers followed you all the way back to your dressing room.
You heard the the door close and lock sharply behind you making you look back to see none other then Tom Holland.
"Hey!" You giggled as you ran over to him and gave him a tight hug, which he returned not-so-tightly, however you were too excited to notice the dark air around him. "So, how was it?" You asked referring to the performance.
Tom gave you a small smile and kissed your forehead, knowing he shouldn't ruin this moment no matter how he was feeling. "You were Amazing" His arms found your hips once again, something he tended to do when he was feeling down or possessive. "Loved seeing every second of it"
"oh yeah?" You beamed, getting up on your toes and kissing his nose. "Yeah, not so much hearing it though" Tom continued
He went and did it. Tom knew he was being petty and mentally smacked himself for it.
"what?" Your eyebrows furrowed as your face backed away from his slightly. "Well- I just wasn't expecting this top-secret song you've been working on for months to be about someone else" His eyes fell to the ground, a bit disappointed in himself that he let his feelings slip when he should've been happy for you.
Tom knew about your ex. He was a guitarist and you were the voice to his tunes. That's how you two had gotten together in the first place. Tom had always felt like music was a barrier between you and him since he wasn't particularly musical. He felt like "just" an Actor, but you were a star. You were the pinnacle of his entire life. The thought of you thinking and writing about someone else put him on edge and it was starting to show more and more as the minutes passed.
A light laugh came from you, making him look back at you. "Tom, My love, You were listening, but I don't think you were really listening"
You smiled gently, meeting his eyes.
"He used to sing me sweet melodies"
You sang, no backup music, stage effects or spotlights. Just you and your angelic voice that Tom would drown himself in if he could've.
"He played me, made me believe it was real love"
He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead down to lay on your shoulders and he focused on every single word this time.
"Sang me, Sweet Melodies. But the day he did me wrong, the song couldn't go on and on and on"
Tom looked back up and pressed a kiss to your lips, his grasp on your hips tightening. "Don't you see Tom, you're not just a Melody. You are the entire song. I want to spend every note of my life with you. I want you to play on my radio till I run out of batteries" He chuckled, almost sniffling as he put his forehead against yours. "Darling, you know I'm bad at music theory, you're basically speaking a foreign language to me"
You both laughed heartily, holding onto each other as you did, the tension from before dissipating quickly in each other's arms.
"And who says I can't write a song about you lover boy" You smirked looking up at him and lightly flicking his nose to which he winced. "I'd have a lot to say"
"I'm holding you to that then" Tom smiled and pulled you against him to capture your lips in a deep kiss.
"oh by the way, do you think you can keep this outfit for- well, you know"
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hoaxsen · 4 years
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| a/n: first time doing a fic on tumblr, heh. enjoy. :)
| word count: 1,519
| pairing: Ryomen Sukuna x reader
| tw: character death, and blood.
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King of Destruction. 
The Ruler of All Curses. 
He's heard it all, and has taken it in with great pride. A wicked grin on his face as he wrecked any kind of havoc he could. Most of it out of pure boredom. 
But that was centuries ago. 
Now he resides in his domain, in the mind of a young boy he's taking as a vessel. Since who else in their right mind would casually eat one of his fingers? This was certainly the best he could get, along with that. This boy, Yuuji Itadori, was probably the most compatible person he's come across. 
The rest died. 
Sitting on a throne of skull and bones, Ryomen Sukuna was lost in thought now. Taking trips back down memory lane that dates back to over five hundred years ago. Probably landing him at the age of five hundred years old, or maybe four hundred and ninety-nine years. Who knows? He doesn't care for the age, just the person that occupied his time back then. Before his fingers were scattered off to the winds, labeled as special grade curses. The most dangerous things deemed on the face of the planet. 
" Sukuna! " 
It was like he could almost hear their voice again. Playing aloud in the back of his mind, as almost if they were still with him. Vividly and clear, as if you were right behind him. 
" You did this to me! You are what they say! " 
Brows furrowing as one memory in particular started to play like a movie in his mind. His fist clenching at the thought, the leg that was crossed over the other started swaying back and forth. Black claw like fingernails rapping and tapping against his leg. He wanted to forget, but he also wanted to remember. The look of fear on your face that day, burned permanently into his mind.
It couldn't seem to ever leave him. 
" My dear, are you going to wake up at all today? It's nearly noon! " 
A top and bottom ruby red eye opened to take in the appearance of the one disturbing his slumber. A slow sleepy like grin adorned his face once he saw, an arm reaching out to drag them down to join him in the plush sheets. Their resistance was futile, as all it took was one gentle tug in his own strength to bring them down. Four arms reaching out to cage them close to his chest. A hand in their hair, two around their waist, as the last one rested on the small of their back. The demon hummed contently, curling around his adoring lover. Their small squeaks of protest to get up was falling on deaf ears, a chuckle rumbling from the deepest pits of his chest. 
" What's the rush? Let me enjoy this. Leaving that wretched village behind, nothing is stopping me. " 
This was wrong, he was so vulnerable at this point. 
As their head popped up, with a pouting glare to meet his smirking features. Crimson red eyes clashing with e/c orbs, they had to be his favorite shade of the color. 
" Stop staring like that. It's weird. " 
" I might be a curse, but I know when to stop and appreciate things. " 
Though it seemed like he didn't stop enough to appreciate anything. His pride started to overtake his being, wanting to cause more destruction and chaos that the world has ever seen. Of course it didn't sit right with you, it never did. Never when he came back, sometimes covered head to toe in blood. Dragging in behind a new souvenir, the chaotic outbursts that came along with everything else. Tied off into some gorgeous, yet twisted bow, and handed to you like a birthday gift. 
" I can't keep doing this. " 
Stopping Sukuna dead in his tracks, a brow being arched to show his confused state. 
" Can't keep doing what? " 
" Being in love with a demon. " 
One, ouch. Two, what? Why speak up now of all times? You knew what he did, yet stayed silent with him the entire time. Like what the cursed man did was of any hindrance in this. It must be an off day, or clearly he misheard. 
Oh how he wished it was that. 
" Look at this! Look at you, yes you're a demon sent straight from the depths of hell. Yes, you do whatever it is you want. " 
Where was this going? 
" But I can't sit here and be apart of this! I was already shunned by my people for just saying ' I love you ', I've tried to ignore what you've been doing for so long. But I can't, Sukuna. I can't! You parade the innocent towns for nothing, not a drop of revenge, or anything against them. Just wake up one day and choose this sicking, maddening violence! " 
" Where is this goi--? " 
" I'm leaving. " 
It was quiet enough to hear a pin drop, all four eyes he adorned started to narrow and glare harshly at your figure. As if he was searching for a hidden message behind this. 
" Say that again. " 
" I said. I'm leaving you. " 
Like hell you were that day. This might just be a phase, something you'd get over in the meantime. What the humans would call these days, ' a misunderstanding between couples. ' 
" No. " 
" What? What do you mean no? You can't make a decision like tha--! " 
" No. You're not leaving me, you are to remain here. " 
His voice was increasing, he could remember the small hunted traces of fear in your eyes as he took his steps forward. Causing you to take a few steps back, which he had no care for. 
He remembers the screaming, yelling, breaking of a few small and meaningless objects. 
Though what he vividly remembers was, once being close enough, one of his arms shot out and a hand grabbing your face. Black nails gently leaving indents prickling into your s/c skin, his harsh words that soon brought tears to the colorful eyes he used to love so. 
Out of his fit of rage and this argument going on for how long it did, Sukuna's grip did tighten. Ignoring the protests of him hurting you escaping from your lips. Something just snapped inside of Sukuna, from angered yelling and screaming, to now just seeing red. Red was somewhat of a favorite color to him, how the blood drips from a corpse. Or how it pools from under one, didn't even matter who it came from. 
For this time, of course it did. That same red from the trigger for him to kill, murder, destroy all before him. Sadly, it was you. 
Nails digging into your cheeks, your hands on his wrist trying to pry him away was not enough. Weak against him, nothing against him, futile against him. It was enough to show the signs of prey struggling to stay alive once they know that they've been cornered by their predators. As his nails dug into your skin, blood started dripping along with the mix of tears from pure fear running down the nail. Coating it this coat of red with a shining clear. 
That was taken as another sign, go in for the kill. As all signs were evident and shown, Ryomen Sukuna did. The sickening crack of a neck being broken filled the air, followed by a dead silence as he came back to his senses. The curse pulled away, as if his hand was being burned. Your body hitting the floor with a thud, the culprit standing and staring right over it. No emotion on his face, no looks of being teary eyed or angered. 
This would be the first time Ryomen Sukuna felt numb and powerless. A first in  where he didn't know what to do, a first for everything there was. 
Nudging your body with his foot, Sukuna was not ready to accept the fact that he's done this. Quick to deny it and shut it down. 
Denying how the spark left your shining eyes.
Denying how the red blood that dripped from the small cuts in your skin was of his doing. 
Denying that you were dead.
He's never disliked the color red so much before now. It took years for him to finally stop lying to himself and accept the faults. 
He killed his love, and he knows it oh so well now. 
Resting in his domain, still have not shed a single tear. Not even on that day, nor the next day after that, or the next day after that. Sukuna roamed around with the knowledge of him doing such a deed. 
What would it have mattered right? Your lifespan would not have lifted up to his, still. 
He had no right to take it. 
" Are you happy with yourself? King of Curses? " 
It was like he could still hear you. Taunting him, throwing him off balance. The one life he wishes that he didn't take.  Though, you can never change the past. 
With all the cursed magic running through him. 
Ryomen Sukuna sometimes wishes he could. 
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Maybe we could be more than just friends?
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🦋 Blaine Anderson x fem! reader ,, triggers: mentions of doubting one's sexuality.
hello loves! I've not been well these past few days, stress has been getting to me. So I've temporarily put all projects on hold in order to prevent myself from overworking. I'm writing this now because it's something *I* want to write. Will be putting up a Masterlist for non-haikyuu characters soon. Love y'all 💞
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Blaine was everything to you. You didn't know how it happened, or why, but every fibre of your body seemed drawn to him. You loved him. You were inexplicably, undeniably in love, with your gay best friend, Blaine Devon Anderson.
He was the sun in your life, lighting it with radiance and meaning. He was the ocean you often found yourself getting lost in. But mostly, he was Blaine. Just plain ol' Blaine. The dork who lived for Katy Perry top hits, and bow-ties.
“I'm not feeling well” he whispered softly, in a husky voice. Your heart tugged as you gently adjusted his bow tie and smoothed the creases in his cardigan. His preppy sense of style was one of the cutest things about him, but today, he looked like he got dressed with his eyes closed.
His hazel eyes were hooded, and he looked one coffee away from passing out.
“Is it a cold?”
He nodded groggily and slammed his locker shut. “Yeah, I just, need to sleep it off, I guess.”
You followed him down the hallways and found your heart beating faster with each step. Sometime this week, I am going to tell him how I feel.
How you love him so much, you feel like you can barely breathe sometimes.
You blinked out of your thoughts and gently kissed his cheek. “You'll be okay, Anderson. I'll make sure of it”
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That night, in Blaine's room, the music from his stereo enveloped the both of you, as the hammering in your heart became unable to ignore.
After making him a warm bowl of soup, he quietly watched you, as you practiced strumming your guitar to the music.
“Have you ever been with a girl, Blaine?”
He smiled fondly at you. “Never. I guess I've always known I was... I was gay, you know?”
Disappointment was evident on your face. You smiled as tears threatened to fall.
“But I think girls are wonderful. They're kind, and sensitive, and they have beautiful bodies and gorgeous smiles”
You bit your lip “You don't have to say that.”
He smiled lopsidedly as he rubbed the small cough syrup bottle you had brought for him earlier, and placed it on his bedside.
“Girls are wonderful, y/n. But you? You're the most important girl in my life. So funny and sweet, I don't think I've ever felt closer to someone.”
Don't. You don't know how much I've longed for you to say this.
His eyes started drooping as the cough syrup seemed to have started taking full effect.
“You're so perfect. Why do you make me so confused?” was all he trailed off before succumbing to sleep.
The guitar seemed to weigh more in your hands as you gently placed it away and pulled a tub of vaseline from your bag.
That hopeless angel. You gently unbuttoned his plaid shirt and unraveled his bow-tie. He had a serious addiction to those. Whilst spreading the vaseline on his muscled chest, you blinked away tears.
Now that he was asleep, they finally came out. Your silent sobs were the only noise in the room as your hands were on Blaine's chest, soothing his laboured breathing.
I love you.
Just once, I want to know what it feels like, to be in your arms. What Kurt might've taken for granted, Blaine I don't even care if you'll never have sex with me, I just love you, so much. Being with you is enough.
You placed your head on his heart and laid there, silently wishing he'd get better soon. Silently wishing he'd love you back, soon.
Before leaving, you pressed a kiss to his temple and ruffled his hair. The gel had worn off and his natural curls were untamed, and oh so adorable.
Running your fingers through them, he pulled your hand to his chest. “No, not the hair.”
You chuckled at his sleep-talking. Even in slumber, he was so self conscious about his hair. He also made it so hard for you to leave.
“Alright Borat, goodnight. I love you.”
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In school the next day, Blaine Anderson looked as bright as a penny. “Hey y/n, thank you so much for taking care of me last night. I feel amazing now.”
But you could barely even listen. It was horrible, falling in love with him like this, and feeling terrible because you knew he could never see you in the exact same way. It kept you up all night.
“Y/n did I say something wrong?”
his hazel eyes, those gorgeous irises settled on you.
“I love you. I know it's crazy, you're gay, and you'd never think of me in the way I want you to, but my heart breaks a little every single day because I want you so bad. Us being friends? It's the best thing that has happened to me, but I need to know, is there even a small chance you'd think the same of me?”
He looked stunned, and gently reached out for your hand.
“Blaine say something or I swear I m-might cry.”
“Oh y/n.” his grip on you felt so comforting, as his strong arms wrapped themselves around your figure, pulling you close to his chest. He smelled like mint and vanilla, scents you never knew you craved until you hugged him like that.
“I'm so confused these days too” he whispered softly. You were in the hallway, but the world seemed to melt away as the only thing you could focus on was his soft voice.
“I'm confused because I'm starting to fall in love with you too. You make me rethink everything about myself and you do it with the sweetest smile, and most beautiful eyes.”
You choked back a sob as you listened on.
“This world doesn't deserve you, and I less so, but I want to try. I don't understand how someone as wonderful as you even liked me in the first place, but y/n I will not break your heart.”
He finally pulled away and wiped the stray tears from off of your face.
“Aw babe, you're supposed to feel honoured. After all, you kinda made me, the gold star gay, doubt my own sexuality”
You chuckled and kissed his lips. A proper kiss. Not a stolen one, or one exchanged between friends.
A kiss with Blaine, the guy who loves you back.
“You're sure, right?”
“Yeah, now I won't be "bi" myself anymore” he laughed with a small blush “Just getting used to my new label, babe”
You turned away so he couldn't see that your cheeks had a blush not unlike his. Ah Blaine Anderson, you colour me pink.
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doyelikehaggis · 4 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Klaus Mikaelson x Lexi Branson (The Vampire Diaries)
Requested by @insidious-wxlf
Klaus eyes the girl standing alone in the corner of the exhibit. He thinks the word "girl" lightly only because her face is surprisingly smooth and unblemished by the age that he's aware she possesses.
He politely excuses himself from his conversation with an over enthusiastic guest. She doesn't mind in the slightest when her agreement rewards her with a pleased smile that holds the potential of a promise of his return. He's not one to keep a promise.
The girl with the locks of golden curls just stands there, head tilting this way and that. Sidling up to her, he notices her even squinting her eyes a little bit with her lips twisted uncertainly.
"You're not impressed," he says bluntly, and knows he's guessed correctly.
The girl doesn't even turn to him. She merely glances with a sideways flick of her sparkling eyes, like bubbles in champagne, and gives a tittering smile. Familiar and infuriating at the same time.
"Now, did I say that?" Alexia responds.
"You didn't have to," Klaus says flatly, hands behind his back and doing his best to keep his face a mask so as to not seem wounded by the slight poking of a sharp dagger in his chest and his throat. "Your face said it for you."
"Well, I wasn't aware that my face had developed the unheard of ability to speak for me. And with my mouth closed, to add further astonishment."
Klaus rolls his eyes and sighs, already sick of their little game. He waves a hand at the canvas in front of them.
"If you're going to come here and silently judge my work, then, do tell, what exactly is it about it that you find so unimpressive?" he asks. More demands, but one never really demands anything of Alexia Branson. He's learned that lesson before. Many times.
Sure enough, she takes an extra moment to answer simply to spite his tone. He clenches his jaw but stays quiet, waiting.
Then she squints her eyes some more, gives another tilt of her head, as if really examining the flaws in the painting. Klaus even finds himself glancing over it uncertainly. Perhaps it wasn't one of his best. He does recall being rather frustrated with it during the process of creation, and there had been a light squabble between his siblings that he had been made to deal with in between. Maybe it reflected a little too much in his work.
Then Alexia says, with an air of finality on her descision, and extreme confidence, "It's too blue."
Klaus stares at her. "It's too... blue? Your problem with this piece is that there is too much... blue?"
"No, not too much of the colour blue," Alexia says, shaking her head, making those curls move with her, fascinatingly. "It's too blue. Sad. You may has well have just painted a big frown on it and titled it, "My Inner Soul"."
She turns to him and he finally sees the grin stretching across her delicately painted lips. A weight is lifted out of his chest and then he's shaking off his disbelief.
"You're mocking me," he scoffs, a low chuckle starting beneath it in his throat. "To my face as well, a very bold move, I have to say!"
It's her turn to roll her eyes now. "Oh, I'm so scared, Nik! What are you going to do? Kill the only person who actually buys your paintings? Now, would that not just be a poorly-thought out business move?"
She's turned to properly face him now, her head tilted again, and that smile still playing across her lips. It's impossible to hold any displeasing thoughts or feelings inside of him when it feels as though she can peer right into the soul that he questions the existence of. She doesn't. She has no doubt that it's in there -- she's told him as such, time and again, despite his protests and attempts to prove her wrong. She's so certain.
He sputters a bit, fumbling over his words, something in which she finds great amusement. And he finds fondness in her amusement, so really, he doesn't mind too badly.
"Now -- that is simply untrue! I have other buyers."
"Mhm." Lexi hums. "But if that's the case, then why have I been granted the absolute privilege of being allowed to remain... well, undead?"
Klaus considers it. In truth, he's snapped necks for lesser insults and grievances.
But he looks at Lexi, and his mind instantly softens his hands to caress the delicate skin of her neck instead. He can see the places where his lips have left love letters, once reread over and again, now tucked away beneath the surface of her skin to be kept secret.
An odd feeling posesses him for a moment longer than he'd like. Similar to the time one vampire got brave and made a grab for his heart, managing to get their idiotic little fingers wrapped around it for just a moment. They had just started to twist when their head had landed on the other side of the room, courtesy of a well-timed Elijah.
It's that feeling. The twisting of his heart, phantom fingers around it like it's some kind of ball for them to play with, just to give the strings a little tug.
It's an aching, hollow feeling right in his chest and down a bit, where no one should be able to reach.
He swallows and draws his eyes away from Alexia's unmarked neck, back up to her still sparkling eyes. She raises her eyebrows at his delay in answering.
"My god," she says, widening her eyes with feigned amazement, "I've actually rendered the great Niklaus Mikaelson speechless. I wasn't sure anything could ever make you stop talking -- if you don't inflate your ego, who else will?"
Klaus' mouth twitches at the corner and he allows the smile to blossom into another chuckle. He shakes his head.
"Precisely, my love," he says, but he is too soft, still caught up in his thoughts, where the desire to be gentle always won out.
Alexia doesn't bat an eyelash. "So, am I going to be walking out of Chicago with a head then?"
She's kidding, of course. Teasing him because they both know that he's never had a single desire for her pain in any form. Even the thought of it makes his gut twist like someone has stuck a dagger in it and forgot to remove it.
"I'd rather you didn't walk out of Chicago at all," he confesses before he can think.
This wasn't how things were supposed to be. Alexia was simply a fellow vampire he stumbled across during a darker period. Many vampires have come and gone through his many centuries, many during much worse times in his life, and yet she's one of the rare few who got stuck in his mind. Her gentleness, the way he softens just by being near her or thinking of her and how she'd react if he made a particularly unpleasant descision.
Finally, she's the one who's caught off her guard. "Oh," she flusters. "Um... I mean, I don't have to go right now. Kind of got forever. So... I can stay."
Klaus nods. "Good. I'd..." he clears his throat, but the words seem to have lodged themselves firmly in there.
Alexia's grinning again, leaning in closer. "What was that? That word you were going to say? You'd...?"
Klaus clenched his teeth again but it's partly to keep his smile from stretching like it wants to.
"I'd advise you quit while you're ahead, dear Alexia, or--"
"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?" she interrupts. "You sound like your brother when you call me Alexia."
Klaus actually is wounded this time. "Point made. Lexi it is."
She smirks, and says, "Good. Now, you were saying that I should quit while I'm ahead?"
"Which would apparently be always," Klaus concedes.
Lexi laughs, looking rather pleased about it, too. Such cockiness on anyone else would infuriate him. With Lexi, it's more fond exasperation. If anything, it's a good look on her and one he always takes pleasure in.
"I would be very happy if you were to stay for a little while longer," Klaus says, finishing his thought.
Lexi beams at him. She tilts her chin up and takes his arm, surprising him as she hooks it over her own.
"Then it is a very good thing that your happiness actually means something to me," she says. "Now, show me the rest of your paintings. And I want less sadness! Show me your happiest one."
Klaus peers at her for a moment. She just smiles that beautiful smile at him.
"I know just the one," he says, and she gestures for him to lead the way.
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