#i.  trystane allyrion  —  thread.
crvwnfought · 2 years
with  wyllas  caron    /    @flvvrpetals​ where:   the library at staerdale.
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       the  library  had  seen  more  of  the allyrion lord than any other room in staerdale, including his own chambers. it was here and here alone that he could seize even a momentary escape from the rest of his life. he’d been a fool to think matters would be more quiet in new valyria as long as he avoided one person, a task he’d already failed at, but now rumors filled the halls, stalking him wherever he went, and trystane wished he could disappear once and for all. the quiet corner of the library, entirely out of sight, was the best - his only safe haven. he didn’t even look up at the sound of footsteps; many had walked past over the days, but he’d chosen this spot for how hidden it was. only this time the person didn’t walk past. the chair opposite of him was pulled out. trystane looked up from his book and froze. get up. get up now and go. but wyllas caron’s gaze held him in place.
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ivorycrvwn · 2 years
for:   @flvvrkissed
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        a stack of books sat beside the allyrion, a clear sign to anyone who wandered by that he was occupied and would be for quite some time. he couldn't recall the last time he'd had an afternoon where he could simply immerse himself in a good book. to say his grandmother didn't mean well would be a lie, desiring only to see him happy and wed, but the endless courting could be tiresome - and also highlighted his continued failure to forget another. so trystane was determined to enjoy this afternoon he had to himself, selecting a secluded spot that he hoped others wouldn't find. he should have known better. the man approaching could always find him. they could be leagues apart and he'd still creep into trystane's thoughts.        ❝  my lord,  ❞        he greeted with a nod. he looks happy, was his first thought. curiosity sparked, the memory of the caron distraught over his sister's death still fresh in his mind, but went unvoiced.
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crownscost · 2 years
status   :   closed  for  trystane  allyrion     ↝     @crvwnfought​​​​   .
setting   :   quiet  corner  of  the  library   .
when   :   early  arrival  to  new  valyria   .
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          though  there’s  a  book  in  her  hand,  gwyn  has  no  intention  of  opening  it  as  she  maneuvered  through  the  neatly  maintained  stacks  of  books.  it  was  a  library  the  size  that  one  could  hardly  begin  to  fathom,  and  she  had  to  wonder  if  it  was  just  as  big  as  that  of  king’s  landing,  if  not  bigger.  the  youngest  manwoody  didn’t  dwell  on  it  for  long,  catching  sight  of  a  familiar  figure  she  was  keen  to  see,  she  greeted  him  with  a  keen  smile.     ❝  there  you  are.  it’s  been  so  long  since  i  saw  you  last,  i  was  beginning  to  worry  i  might  forget  that  handsome  face  of  yours  entirely.  ❞     truth  be  told,  she  was  far  more  keen  to  seek  out  the  pieces  of  her  pseudo  family  that  brought  her  comfort  and  peace,  long  before  she  considered  those  she  shared  blood  with.     ❝  have  you  actually  found  a  book  to  capture  your  attention,  or  are  you  simply  hoping  to  pretend  and  hide  behind  it  a  little  longer  ?  i’m  more  than  happy  to  join  in  the  latter.  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
with  wyllas  caron  &  aurore caron    /    @gcldenflwer & @aurorecaron​ where:   the great hall. when:   midway through the evening celebration.
        watching  one  piece  of  his  heart bind herself to another for all her days gave the lord of godsgrace very little reason to smile, but he’d maintain a neutral expression, a fragile one, and thankfully he was known for his quietness in recent years so no one looked twice while he remained on the sidelines for most of the night, watching the dancing rather than partaking. until a welcomed face caught his eye amongst the crowd. it was as if the gods themselves were reminding him that while his heart had lost one it had reunited with another, one trystane had only thought he would ever embrace again in his memories. their moments shared since their kiss rushed to the forefront of him mind, awaking not only a smile but a sense of boldness within the allyrion that he’d thought lost to his youth.
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        he strode through the crowd with eyes locked on wyllas. his heart pounded in his chest, still possessing a reluctance to draw too much attention to himself, but bravery - love even - kept him moving until he stood before the other man. only then did he realize that lady aurore stood beside him. quickly, he nodded his head in greeting to her.        ❝  lady aurore. you look lovely this evening. i’m surprised lady ravenna could bear leaving you alone.  ❞        as quickly as he looked at her, he looked away. warmth and affection swam in dark hues as he looked upon wyllas. there was never a moment where trystane didn’t think he looked handsome, but tonight, seeing him dressed in his finest attire, he looked more god than man. his heart stuttered.        ❝  wyllas.  ❞        fondness bled into his words. ignoring any hesitation, he reached out and grasped the other’s hand, raising it so he could place a kiss on the caron’s knuckles.        ❝  would you do me the honor of joining me for this dance?  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
with  nymeria  allyrion    /    @glvrious​ where:   an empty hallway away from the celebration. when:   later in the evening.
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       hurt  and  embarrassment  dragged  him  down into the depths of despondency, brightened only by flickers of anger, even betrayal, that grew the longer he sat in silence. trystane knew he must eventually return to the celebration unless the rumors grew worse, ruining his reputation even more, but he couldn’t yet face the judging looks. his stepmother must be laughing in her grave; she’d always whispered to any who would listen how unfit he was as a ruler. the sound of footsteps made him curse under his breath. eyes narrowed when he turned and saw her.        ❝  i’m not in the mood, nymeria.  ❞        he snapped, too wounded to maintain the distant but otherwise courteous demeanor normally extended to his sister.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
with  elia  martell    /    @flowrsrot​ where:   one of the carnival games at the festival.
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      ❝  i  think  i’ll  let  the  princess select the prize,  ❞        he looked away from the prizes lined up on the table, one of them now his for the taking after his victory over the carnival game. it had been a simple game and one he likely wouldn’t have even played if elia hadn’t wanted one of the prizes so much. how could he refuse the dornish princess’s wishes when she carried the very sun with her wherever she went? he motioned toward the prizes, waiting for her to make her selection.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
with  dyana  harlaw    /    @godspecd​ where:   corner of the great hall. when:   after the wyllas and aurore thread.
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      his  stomach  dropped  when  he  saw her approaching. his gaze dropped immediately. the prospect of seeing anger, or worse hatred, in his dearest friend’s eyes far too much for him to bear when he was held together only by the thinnest string. he wouldn’t even have returned to the great hall had he had the choice, but he was still the lord of godsgrace and needed to preserve whatever shreds of his reputation remained. with eyes trained on his boots, he waited until he heard her stop in front of him and then before she could yell, he blurted,        ❝  i didn’t know.  ❞        pathetic. unbelievable. he wouldn’t believe it if he were her, and yet it was true.        ❝  dyana, i swear. he didn’t... he didn’t tell me.  ❞       saying the truth aloud made his voice crack.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
for trystane: if you could only save one would you choose nuray or nymeria?
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       ❝  how  dare  you  ask  such  a  question?  ❞        his nostrils flared as his eyes narrowed. even in the wake of his stepmother’s betrayal, he hadn’t wished for any of his siblings to die; it was why he hadn’t been able to banish them from godsgrace. even after people had told him it was for the best. a way to make certain that further treacheries wouldn’t occur, but his heart had won out. the mere thought of hypothetically choosing between his two sisters made him recoil, even if the answer had filled his mind shortly after the initial horror subsided. a heavy sigh broke the silence. he hung his head.        ❝  nymeria.  ❞        it’d always been the two of them, after all. the closest out of all their siblings. growing up, trystane couldn’t think of a time when nymeria hadn’t been at his side - before tyanna’s betrayal had been revealed. and afterwards, there hadn’t been a day in the following seven years where he hadn’t missed how things had once been. of course, he would save her. even if the question had been asked before their trust had started being rebuilt, he would have chosen his eldest sister.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
starter    /    trystane allyrion. where:   staerdale library. who:   @caelestiaes , @russaldondarrion , @prodiiteur , @scndrenched​
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        hidden  behind  the  shelves  and  stacks  of books, the allyrion felt like he could breath, something he desperately needed given recent events. however, unlike normally he found that he couldn’t immerse himself in the book before him, mind drifting to a certain someone against his wishes, and thus, he remained aware of his surroundings. it was why he noticed the person lingering in front of one of the shelves for a particularly long time.        ❝  are you looking for a particular book or simply an interesting one?  ❞         either way, he might be of some help after spending hours in the library.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
with  wyllas  caron    /    @flvvrpetals​ where:   dorne, somewhere between godsgrace and starfall. when:   years ago, before their first separation. 
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        ❝  hold  still.  ❞        lips  were  pressed  into  a thin line as he tended to the wound on the other’s arm. worry had seized his chest when he’d watched the stranger’s sword slip past wyllas’ defenses and made his blood spill. it’d only been his arm, but had wyllas misstepped or the other’s aim been more accurate it could have been the heart’s blood dripping to the ground - trystane powerless. only now that he is staring at the wound, wrapping a bandage around it so it ceases spilling life’s liquid, than the fear abated. he sympathized with poor patroclus; it was difficult cherishing a warrior so dear, even if trystane’s devotion remained a quiet secret of his heart. dark eyes flicker toward wyllas’.        ❝  that was reckless of you. you can’t cross blades with everyone who says something that irritates you.  ❞        but holding onto annoyance was near impossible when the words that had spurned the fight had been an insult against the allyrion; one he would have bore in silence had wyllas not risen with sword brandished like the moon rising to combat the night’s darkness when the sun was too fatigued to shine. in that moment, an emotion he’d never felt had overtaken trystane. it lingered now, swimming in his eyes as he stared at wyllas.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
with  dyana  harlaw    /    @godspecd​​ where:   a hallways in staerdale. when:   late in the afternoon.
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        if  there  was  one  silver  lining  of them all being summoned once more by their kind overlords, it was the ability to reconnect with friends otherwise separated by great distances. he’d had no desire to travel beyond dorne after returning seven months ago. his thoughts, however, drifted as they often did, especially as he’d heard of the tragedy in the iron islands. he had written to ensure she was well and only known relief upon knowing she was indeed safe. in the back of his mind, hesitation lingered, remembering the harm he’d, albeit unknowingly, inflicted upon her sister, but trystane pushed that aside, reminding himself of the mercy she’d shown even on that night, and smiled as he drew nearer.        ❝  dyana! i was wondering when i’d see you.  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
with  aurore  caron    /    @aurorecaron​ where:   the study in the allyrion apartments. when:   midday.
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        the  door  opened  a  brief  knock,  but trystane didn’t bother looking up, knowing who was entering. he’d left king’s landing with the intention of barricading himself within godsgrace’s wall, not cowering he’d told himself despite never believing it, but it wasn’t only his grandmother who had brought visitors. ravens had visited him often. he’d been determined not to correspond with any who bore the name caron, but after staring at her letter and rereading it far too many times, he’d replied, feeling he owed that at the very least. he hadn’t expected the correspondence to continue. he waited until she’d sat down in the other chair before he looked over at her..        ❝  lady aurore, i’m certain you’re pleased to be back at court.  ❞        there was a knowing look in his eyes.        ❝  and what a wonderful new stronghold for the dragons we reside in.  ❞       caged was the better word.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
— - a raven arrives addressed to lord trystane of godsgrace shortly after most nobles arrive home from the destruction of the red keep
Dear Lord Allyrion, 
     I would apologize that I'm not one for writing grand openings to letters, but I believe we've already passed the threshold for polite introductions. I had planned to speak to you further after the Prince's wedding, but it seems the gods had far different plans. Nevertheless, I hope this letter finds you and your family in safety following the tragedy in King's Landing. 
     I simply wish to discuss what I might have if fate had not intervened, and firstly wish you to know that it's quite clear to me you had no knowledge of my marriage to Wyllas. In fact you looked and sounded quite stricken if my memory serves me properly. And it usually does. I look forward to your reply, and ask that you address any ravens to Karhold. 
      Lady Captain Aurore of the Iron Fleet
        the  letter  had  sat  unopened  on  a table in his study for far too long, staring at him whenever he walked by, before he opened it, knowing he owed her at least that. more days passed before a satisfactory response was penned. it reached karhold near the end of the first month.
dear lady captain aurore,
        it is i and i alone who must apologize both for my delayed response and most especially, for my conduct at the wedding and the embarrassment i inflicted upon you. my sincerest apologizes. i regret that i couldn’t apologize in person as i’d planned to. my family is well and safe. i hope the same can be said of yours? 
        you are correct. i was unaware of your marriage to lord caron. had i known, i never would have looked in his direction  ( the line was scratched out and the first sentences rewritten on a blank page. because he doubted himself. had wyllas only told him... maybe love wouldn’t have let him care )  but it is no excuse. i was the one who assumed you spoke of lady ravenna when you mentioned your marriage after wyllas had made no mentions of being wed when we first met. i neither ask nor expect your forgiveness for i know i don’t deserve it. however, if you have any questions, i will answer. otherwise, i wish you well and promise i shall no longer interfere in your and your husband’s lives.
sincerely,         lord trystane allyrion of godsgrace
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crvwnfought · 2 years
with  nymeria  allyrion    /    @glvrious​ where:   one of staerdale’s gardens. when:   midday.
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       he  would  much  prefer  remaining  in  the allyrion apartments or the libraries, nose buried in a book, but there were a handful of people he couldn’t say no to, and the youngest of that group was now sitting on his shoulders, reaching up for an apple. it would have been easy for trystane to reach out and get it himself for his niece - it barely hung a few inches above his head. ashara had refused, insisting that she wanted to get it herself and looking expectantly up at her uncle. the request had been clear.         ❝  can you reach it now, little sun?  ❞        he asked, standing perfectly still.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
with  cerenna  lannister    /    @dicmcnds​ where:   the great hall when:   after his conversations with nymeria and tommen.
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        it  took  all  his  strength  not  to cower like a kicked dog under the weight of sharp eyes following him as he moved through the room. he had rebuilt himself before; he could do it once more - or so he hoped. his sister’s and also his friend’s words rang in his ear, giving him a temporary rush of confidence that allowed him to approach the lady, one he viewed as a possible ally given his friendship with her brother. hopefully he wasn’t mistaken for he doubted he could handle another public embarrassment.        ❝  lady cerenna.  ❞        he bowed.        ❝  if your dance card is not already full, would you do me the honor of joining me for this dance?  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
with  shaera  rogare    /    @shesiren​ where:   the great hall. when:   early in the evening, near the beginning of the celebration
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        the  gods  had  no  fondness  for him. for while he, their faithful servant, had stood silent within in their temple as the maiden who’d once held his entire heart was cloaked not in allyrion colors but by the dragon’s claws, they couldn’t grant him his wish for a quiet passing of the hours until an acceptable one arrived and permitted his departure. no, the gods laughed. she walked his way. a hand was wrapped around his throat. foolish man who’d hoped, despite the sting of refusal, that she might still change her mind, showing up at his door with no thoughts save for him, intentions set only on the escape he’d promised. for while another tugged at his heart now, a part of it orbited still around her sun. but his door had stood untouched, and now hers was locked.            ❝  sh- your highness.  ❞        he made himself bow, his heart cracking more as he pretended that she was nothing more than a princess, that they were nothing.        ❝  my congratulations.  ❞
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