#i. fogot what my tag for these was
valleyfthdolls · 10 months
Drabble request: basically the missing kids + golden duo(cc and Cass). All forget their memories and names, so they go by their animatronic names, and act like the animatronic personalities.
(also cc and Cass)( are regarded as one person, even though they are separate, so like Fred or Goldie)
The little girl tilts her head. It's jerky, robotic. Years ago, she used to have a looser neck, she thinks. She glances.
The child awaiting her is blurry, its visage shifting, warping and distorting like it can't make up its mind. Through the monstrous yellow body, she can make out black, curly hair tied into pigtails. It stares blankly at her. Dressed in a ripped, baggy golden shirt with puff sleeves adorned with the dirtiest purple bow tie and vest she's ever seen, it stands with purpose, and oh. Goldie is acting like itself again. Chica swivels, turns around and faces it. Its image is blurry in her pretty blue eyes, shining a fuchsia hue under the stage lights. Its voice is whispery, but determined. Angry. Goldie is mad again, she thinks.
Trying her best not to upset it by noticing the difference, Chica smiles, and the skin of her cheeks crinkles and stretches painfully. She clasps her hands together.
"Goldie! Good to see ya got your wits about ya again, dear," She coos hollowly, her throat hurting with every word she speaks. She thinks there was something there once. Something cold, something metal. She swallows. It burns. Goldie scowls.
"Someone is here."
Chica's smile drops.
She doesn't like intruders. Not one bit. Not after they took her away from wherever she was supposed to have come from- the factory they made her body in, the pizzeria that used to be here.
"D- do Freddy n' the others know?" She whispers. Foxy won't like this, not one bit. Oh, and poor Freddy- the sweet little thing never got over his fear of the dark, and he'll be so upset knowing they've got someone lurking in the shadows. It doesn't help him to know that they're the monsters under the bed.
"Fredbear told them already," It rasps, pointing to its blue eye and tap-tap-tapping. "They're angry. They're real angry."
"Is that so?" Her voice rises, fearful. Goldie- Fredbear- either or, really- is angry. It always is. But it carries an air of seriousness- of barely masked fear and a desperation for self defense. Her eyes ask a silent question, a beg for an explanation that goes unseen and unregarded. Is it that man?
There's a man that Chica knows. The man, maybe, who took her from the factory, the pizzeria she was made in, stretched her skin and cut her neck and made her body rigid. All Chica knows is that because of that man, the world is no longer safe if it ever was.
"You know him," Goldie hisses. Chica's hinges are slow, awkward. When her head moves to face Goldie again, it's not looking at her, or any of the other children. It seems to be looking at itself. It nods carefully, and shaggy brown hair falls into its face. "I know him."
"Goldie? What's goin' on?"
"Shut up." Goldie's red eye briefly glances up at Chica as it brushes back a black curl that's slipped loose from its pigtails after years without brushing or washing. "You know him, Fredbear. Who is he?"
Chica steps back, not wanting to anger Goldie. Everyone is angry. Everyone is so angry all the time. The anger burning in Chica's little body is enough to make her want to burst. It scares her. It physically makes her sick with revulsion, and if she ever had a stomach she would throw it all up in the bathroom and it would come out tasting like old pizza. She wipes her mouth, almost preemptively. Her servo motors whir, air pressure valves clicking with the jerky movement.
"I will not let him touch us. Do you hear me, Fredbear? I will fucking kill him." Too young to be saying such nasty things. Chica frowns. Did it ever have parents? Did its creators ever scold it for its language? "Tell me. If it's not him, who is he?"
Suddenly drained of energy, Goldie looks down the hallway, a brown curl falling over its face. Its blue eye stares wistfully. Chica clasps her hands together again, preparing to try to butter it up so that no one else has to do anything that will make anyone more upset and no one has to make her any more afraid. Her cheeks ache as she prepares to smile.
"...I know him," It repeats.
(Drabble requests are open! Check pinned.)
(If you want a more specific situation that might focus on other characters, lmk and I can try to whip something else up for you too!)
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jkgnggj · 9 months
Before the year is over I wanted to post my torikechi in bunny suits drawings I made at the beginning of the year like in January <3
Fair warning it's a bit suggestive? (They're in skin tight suits so u can kinda see their bulge but it's not that noticeable imo idk but look if u wanna :3)
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I love bunny Akechi over bunny boy Tori bc of the pose the face the eyes the hair the anatomy like everything just looked cuter with him (maybe bc he came out like a twink while Tori looks like a twimbo? He leans towards himbo so maybe that's why he doesn't look as cute </3) I still love my boys tho!
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take-you-to-smau-town · 4 months
Anyways I Only Do Male Or GN Requests.
She/Her Or Fem Aligned Feel Free To Request A Gender Neutral One But I Do Not Enjoy Writing From A Fem Perspective And Will Not Do It. No Exceptions. It's Not Fun For Me. I Want To Have Fun Doing My Silly Smau Writing. :) /nm
Some Of My Smau Might Have Every Letter Capitalized. It's Just A Typing Trick I Use To Help Me Focus On What Letters I'm Clicking On The Keyboard.
I Might Do Angst Or Darker Things But Those Will Be Tagged Accordingly Using Either "CW: Triggering Subject" Or "TW: Triggering Subject"
Only Exceptions That Come To Mind Off Hand Are P.3.d.0. Stuff (Though I Will Write Character X Reader Comforting A CSA Survivor!Reader) And Extreme Fetishes
If You're Unsure How To Blacklist Tags Google "How To Blacklist Tags On Tumblr [App]/[Website]" Depending On What You're Using. It Should Be The First Thing That Comes Up. :)
I Get To The Easier Requests First, But Unless I'm Uncomfortable With The Ask/Don't Know How To Fit It In A Text Message Style I Usually Get To All Of Them. Eventually.
I'm Dyslexic And Make Spelling Mistakes Sometimes. Don't Point It Out Unless You Genuinely Cannot Tell What I Meant. If You GenuinelyCannot Tell I Will Clarify And/Or Remake It Depending On My Energy Levels. If You Know What I Meant Pointing It Out Is Not Constructive Criticism And I'll Just Block You. I Don't Find It Funny And It's Not A Joke If You're Laughing AT Me. 🤷‍♂️
Also I Cannot Tell If Any Of That Sounded Condescending But In Case All Of That Was /Gen. Expection For The Salt In That Last Rule Tho Lol
Main Account: @bi-lil-guy
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catnykit · 9 months
𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕡𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 #𝟙 𝔸 ℙ𝕆𝕆ℝ 𝔻𝔼𝕍𝕀𝕃
𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠 𓃬𓃠
pls tell me if you want to be tagged for more stuff like this idk
Word count: 1674
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;Suicide/suicide attempt
Blood loss
Torture hints/mentions
✨️Trauma,Of course
Mourning(????? Mild mourning???
Self hatred
Major character death :)
All warnings happen almost randomly,But not immediatly,Like— I gotta first explain and then the fuss happens you know
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The dizzness was starting to became hard to ignore
Damm,It was expected,You cant lock yourself in the bathroom after accidentally torturing an innocent and then go free like nothing
Well,In her defense,Carmen did not knew that liam was innocent
Now she was the monster here,Isnt she? She had good meanings,The suspect's actions were too much to get ignored by the police Even if she was there,All by herself,She could still hearing her friend's cries that night....
She didnt know what happen in the woods until she saw wesley,Her best friend,Cover in a blanket while sitting in the border of an ambulance
They were shaking,All bloody.Carmen couldnt let the things like that!! Since childhood carmen was told she was 'way too impulsive' And why would they care?! She only did what was needed
Blood didnt stop coming as the yells didnt stopped. They wanted her to go out of the bathroom. Now.
Of course,The needed was to kidnap liam and torture them just like he did with wesley....
So one good day,She grab choloform and kidnap him in the middle of the night
How fun!,Guts,Blood,Burns,And a little syringue to make sure they dont pass out
The begs where even more satisfactory considering that,It was probabily how wesley beg in liam's hands,he deserve it!
What was not fun Was the call....
After being done with liam,And without any more ideas She decided to call wesley!,Yay!
Little problem,She did not tell wesley anything about her little plan ....Carmen was sure they would accept no matter what.
Or maybe she fogot it? In all the rage?
Staying awake was hard,Breathing was hard. She deserved it thought. They were always right and this wasnt the exception.
or Atleast thats why she throught
It didnt matter now
God,Wesley was mad.
So,So mad :(
And they had the right to be it! It was the wrong person!! Carmen is the heartless monster In here.....Atleast that was Wes said.....
"B-But I did it for.... you!"
God,And they used to be friends
Dear fucking God,It was truth....
Liam was aslo bleeding out,Atleast kind of
Carmen was so careless that she sewed up the wound with the first Thing she found,It wouldnt last forever
But the diference is that wesley was there for him
Such a backstabbed!,Or was she?
Did it care anyway?
Why was wesley yelling at her to get out?
Why did they wanted her alive?
Wesley was just there,Outside the bathroom,Trying to get who was once his friend out,For their own fucking sake
Liam was still there too,Watching quietly the blood stain the floor under the bathroom's door;All while squirming slighty In pain
The sedatives of the first aid kit did barely anything,Atleast he wasnt crying
Wesley was scared too,Goddamit,They were way too scared of anything that happen
Why the fuck did they told carmen about it? Knowing how she was?
It didnt matter now,They went mad and they know it.
They aslo knew that she was way too sensitive for reasons that they told eachother on countless outings to eat, walks, just being together
The worst part it was how close they were from eachother,And how that somewhat end in this absolute Mess
Now wesley has to cope with Not one,But two persons bleeding out.
Why do they always need to be so rude?
They felt way too guilty too
Guilty about the person in the couch who didnt hurt them,But everyone thought against it because they say "He look similar"
Well,They didnt know it was gonna end like this.
They didnt know how Mad carmen was for someone hurting them
How much Rage in order to find someone to blame
It wasnt till then that they noticed The stain that they relized it. All the restroom was quiet since they kick the door open to the basment And find their best friend torturing an innocent person,Liam They didnt think carmen could do this and yet? It was there Just there And the worst part its that All was Her fault,Thats what she thought. Carmen was alredy blood-stained when she run upstairs trying to hide from wesley,Who didnt stop yelling at her how much of an horrible person she was And in part,It was right,The problem is that She alredy knew that. She alredy knew that So when wesley saw the blood under the door,open the damm bathroom door, He wasnt ready. He had to leave liam just to... Just to see it? How one of the most important persons in his life was laying om a pool of her own blood.
Well,She regret it.
How do you deal with the thought that you're a monster who deserved to be put down?
Its not like somebody would care anyway,Is not like they would care anyway
by this point,The blood lossed was enough to just
Pass out
Wesley was terryfied. Standing there,In the bathroom door....
Liam was still laying on the couch,In pain after Everything that carmen put them throught horryfing torture...
How was they supposed to fix this?
Was it any way to do it,Was it possible?
And now they were crying.Over the dying figure of someone who tried to be a good person And failed.
𓃠 𓃬𓃠
Carmen was...confusing
A year ago,They were the one in an ambulance
And they werent that...bad
wesley remembered how bad it was... They remember a strong hand dragging them to the white van They do remember the pain,They got beat up and starved But that was nothing compared to what carmen did to liam
What was most heartbreaking it was that there was no "villian" to blame
The ones who actually kidnap them were in fact,An entire gang.
They got confused following instructions and end up getting the wrong guy
The gang promised them that,If they didnt say a word they would free them and never meet agaim
Wesley accepted
And now they're here
With two people on the ambulance
All because they didnt talk...and because carmen went insane
was it her fault tho?? Wanting revengue for her friend??
Was it wesley's fault? They were too focused on trying to keep liam alive they didnt notice when carmen— ... Carmen was only concern. It was her fault the way she decided to be ruthless about it But she didnt deserve...death. She thought she did tho That was wesley's fault.
Wesley was shocked when carmen,Practically drunk called him to say to him that she kidnap one of the suspect and gut him alive.
And other unspeakable stuff that left Liam way more broken than Wesley. All in one night.
The second worst night!— who would guess it...
Wesley tried to get an first aid kit being on the restroom, trying to atleast help liam
Even so,They did not measure their words....
Carmen felt hurt. Attacked,Even so!
by a Friend. That she thought she could trust... But could she? They instead called her inhuman and disgusting Because? Just for wanting revengue? Camen felt alredy sick when she lock the bathroom door and got left alone with her thoughts... Thoughts that didnt stop ominously chanting what wesley said. Liam was innocent you heartless monster.
Liam was innocent.
Liam was fucking innocent
All this time it was wrong
Because liam. Was. Innocent.
There was no one to blame more than the monster that looked back in the mirror The monster that did all of that to an innocent person The monster that cried while hearing who was supposed to be their friend yell at her for all that she has done Nothing but a fox that deserved to be put down
She was gonna get killed anyway,If she didnt do it,The police would.
So...she did it
Eventually wesley give up and just stay,Trying to keep liam alive
Wesley thought that carmen would just hide in the bathroom
The police would kick the door open and all would be over
Carmen felt backstabbed.
Wesley wouldnt even care,Probabily.
He did.
He did when they understood that it went more far than that....
She was dying. Atleast liam was stable She wasnt. Wheb the ambulance finally arrived to the place,Wesley finally got to open the door snd rushed to her The cuts in the wrist were too deep. Too bad. While he tried to hold on her,To just try to stop the bleeding and made her sit up,To just have a last moment!... She lean in his ear whispered with hatred,Her voice straned because of the blooe loss
the whisper of the devil. A self-proclaimed demon
Wesley was destroyed
Liam was healing
And carmen died. That very night,Commited suicide
All because wesley went mad. All because they didnt say a word
All because carmen was impulsive,And ruthless
All the pain for revengue,All the death for guilt
All for nothing at all.
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(The ones who anwsered the last post :3)
Pls tell me if you want a taglist,I think im gonna do more content if you guys like this <3
i gotta admiiit this wasnt what I had in mind buuut...again is just a draft sooo
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twobirdsflytogether · 5 months
🍄 (share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings), 🧸(what's the fastest way to become your mutual?), 🐝 (tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them), and 🎨 (link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it) for the writer ask game, if you'd like!
Okay! This gets a bit long so it shall go below a line
Ask game fogot to add that
🍄; ships I'll be talking about, q!lovebirds(without pancake polycule), pancake polycule, and WhiteRose
silly lil headcanon for LB is that they just wont tell anyone if they are or arent together. They find the assumptions amusing.
Pancake polycule. Bagi as a way to like show she trust Jaiden, goes and learns about avian culture, and with the rest of the girls(including Baghera, and the kids) work together to craft a nest. Some happy tears are shed, they all cuddle in the nest🥰
Whiterose; Weiss stops calling Ruby a dolt, cause she feels bad 'insulting' her partner, even if its affectionate. But Ruby starts worrying that she did something wrong and weiss is mad at her, cause she knows 'Dolt' was being used affectionately. When she tells Weiss, she huffs and hugs Ruby mumbling "you dolt, I could never be mad at you"
🧸; fastest way to become mutuals? Idk, but if you really want to be mutuals you could like message me/send a nonanonymous thing asking?
🐝; biggest supporter(s)?
I dont really interact with yall oop😅
Uhhhh first 4 @ that come to mind
@that-one-prince @javitouille Which, these two are alway in my notifs with likes at impressive speeds, @keirawantstocry who is simply amazing, I love reading what they write. And @min3nc my fellow lovebird shipper, my first mutual on here and writer of my fav fic🛐 I may have freaked out a bit to my friends when you followed me back cause "guys, holy shit the writer of the lovebird fic followed me back"
🎨; i dont really have a favorite piece of fanart. I do however really like these. First one cause, well, my favorite duo. Second cause creature qJaiden is awesome. But theres so many amazing pieces of art out there that are all wonderful and unique in there own ways 💜
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buck-yyyy · 1 year
i spend waaaay too much time researching my fics tbh i feel like if i dont get something right im gonna have people pissed of lol
also i was going to say something about the forst one but i fogot what it was
what’s a story or scene you created that you’re a smidge embarrassed exists?
ahaha okay so this is now an orphaned work (for reasons i will explain in a moment), but! it’s a fic centering around mike kissing will on the forehead in the heat of the moment after winning a game.
why is this embarrassing?
because it happened to me. i have been the will in this situation. i literally just slapped that experience onto a google doc and tweaked it a little bit LMAO
why is it orphaned?
two reasons. 1, the writing wasn’t very good because it’s from when i just got started, and 2, more relevantly, my girlfriend found my ao3 account and i did NOT need her knowing that i wrote about my blorbos in one of our pre-dating memories because i. would. rather. die.
do you spend much time researching for your stories?
i’m way too lazy for that, plus most of my stuff is pretty grounded in canon (which i’m confident in knowing a lot about) or plays off of things that i myself have personally experienced lol
do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
i…. hate tagging things. so. fucking. much. so no not really abidbskxbs
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appy-polly-reblogs · 3 years
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"Come with me to the altar of darkness"
I will now quote vdotu until the day I die 😂
#I fogot to tell you somethingggg#Remember Twyla?#Well the lady I'm getting the dolls from is also selling accessories#And i dont know if you could tell but my Twyla isnt wearing clothes meant for her 😂#And the lady just happened to be selling a complete outfit for her#So yeah Twyla my beloved is gonna be complete 😂 except for her hand#I still haven't found one for her#So.. Hopefully one time 😂#When i bought her she came in howleens clothes#But not the ones youve seen in the valentine's thing 😂 basic howleen dress#And since i gave that dress to howleen i had to give twyla some spares 😂 so what she's wearing now is clawdeens dress#Oh yeah did i tell you i have two howleens now? 😂#Okay i got too much into doll stuff again#Anyway 😂#This little surprise above was supposed to be colored and all but since i needed to urgently dump random doll stuff in the tags i had to jus#t post it as it was 😂😂#Hope its okay with you 😂#It always takes me so long to get my fav boi Silas' face right its insane 😂😂#He a pretty boi#Had to do him justice#Okay hope youre all tucked in and sleeping now 😂#Baiiiiii love you ❤️🧡💖💓💜💕🧡💖💗💚🧡💚💜💕🧡❤️💗💝🧡❤️💗💕🧡💚💜💟🧡❤️💗💛🧡💖💚🧡💟💖💛💙💖💜❤️🧡💖💗💚#Rat and me kissies? 😂 💛❤️💚💕💞💕💙❣️❣️😂💞❣️🖤🧡💟💜💗💓💚💝💚🧡💟💕💙❤️💟🧡💚❣️💟❤️💟💝💚❤️💟💚🧡💟❤️💟💕💚❤️❤️💟💛💛💛❤#Sleep well ❤️❤️❤️🧡🧡🧡💛💛💛💚💚💚💙💙💙💜💜💜🖤🖤🖤💗💗💗💖💖💖
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anderson-residence · 4 years
@ruthlessnessisyourdesire beeped: Happy Birthday to the angst queen that always manages to make me go "oh no what have you done now?" You're an amazing friend and such a cool person to chat with. I live for the wild plots and all those fabulous aus. I hope you have a wonderful day. You deserve the world. Love you Alley. uwu
UWU thank you so much Ash babe.😀😘 You're a great friend too, who also deserves the world. Cool me? Nah its you!
I love talking to you and seeing what awful lovely asks I can send your way and how you and the muses will react. I already made some of my rounds this morning haha keep an eye on those inboxes and like always no pressure to answer quickly or at all. Replies are wonderful but I find fun in just making us both scream at just seeing the screen. Hahaha If you say oh no or laugh then my job is done
Seeing a notification for a mention or answered ask gets me so excited. I love seeing what you come up with for my hijinx and just seeing all your fabulous on dash ooc and ic even if I'm not involved.
The oh nos fuel me 😆 my first thought was 'oh I'm not really an angst queen' and then I realized I was in the middle of writing Mayson angst when I got the notification for this ask hahaha so oops you're right.
But all that angst and plots and aus (and sweet family fluff too!) wouldn't be anything without awesome people like you to share with ❤❤❤ thank you for making today and everyday great!
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The trailer for Avegners just gave me a solid excuse to go home sick. Sick with the feels. Sick with the excitement. Sick with 'Oh my God look at that trailer I can't function now!'
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jackjames-exe · 5 years
Hey everyone!! It’s JSE Sleepover time!!!
That’s right, I’m alive, and it is the first Saturday of the month!
Today, Saturday June 1st 2019 starting at 1 pm ADT (or 4 pm uk time) and ending at 1 am ADT (or 4 am uk time) June 2nd. [maybe we’ll be on longer] we will start up the server!!
And! Not only is that exciting but it’s very special because it’s Pride Month! (And my birthday month *cough cough* no subtlety)
Because it’s Pride and I’m extremely queer, we’re doing something special in the Sleepover!
I don’t know how or if this will work but! My plan is to have as many LGBTQA+ related videos in this Sleepover as we can! All the videos you can think of that Sean and Mark have done are welcome (and any others you think are rad as hell) and can be added!
And also just as a reminder bullying of any kind is not tolerated!
Because it’s Pride some people might wanna share their stories and or share their sexualities/gender identities. If you aren’t cool with that, you can not join. I don’t want people to worry about whether or not someone will fight them on their place in the LGBTQA+ community or about their sexuality and/or gender.
If anyone does try this or tries being homophobic or a gatekeeper or just a general asshole about it you will be banned permanently. You have no second changes, no “oh but it was a joke!” You can not come back period end of story. (I can tell what is and isn’t a joke, I’m not an idiot. If they aren’t cool with the joke, still applies)
People’s sexuality and gender identity are a part of who they are it isn’t a joke and if you try and belittle them I will never speak to you again.
(I don’t usually have this because, yea duh obviously. I’m very much vocal about my trans identity and activism. But, with Pride some asshole might come out of the woodwork so yea)
Don’t forget that you can add and vote for any video in these, it’s a community thing so if your video hasn’t played either people don’t know it’s there (so let us know) or people are excited about other stuff. So it might take time. No worries ^-^ just wait or remind us!
Here’s a link to my rules. And to where the server is. (If these don’t work just DM me or send me an ask for me to send it to you, to fix it, or post the actual link in a reblog)
Here are all my tagged dudes! [if you wanna be added or taken off (or I fogot to add you like an ass) just let me know by PM or whatever you feel like ^-^] : @mrcamillaa @jacksoopticboop @isa-ghost @kasper-the-ghost @jacksinsanity @thesepticactress22 @ghost-septic-eye @septicplier @septic-heart-and-mind @septiceye-girl @lum1natrix @glixbitch @glitchyxwitchy @ocelot-109 @thesuperyooper @punkygeefunk-jse @grimcats @scarlet--raven @fireflia @aisu-zeilia @antiknife @fadesinthelight @lyra-mithril-aryl--op20 @hotcocoachia @cosm-ixx @lythariwolf @fairyofsomething @anticoffeebeans @greenglitchbitch @luci-morningstar812 @alsoluci-morningstar812 @luverofsupernatural @pastelnooodle @viostormcaller @theblackphoebe @thevampireauthoress @victory-cookies @lildevyl @officialdragontop @ninjasinsocks @silverghosting @miraifuturegirl @hissesssss @burnbrightfadefast @jayiplier379 @djmonbon
Just as a reminder: newcomers are ALWAYS welcome!
Anyone of any age or however new you are to the community or Sean’s channel!
Come join in on the fun ^-^
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sukiiidakara · 7 years
dude dude, this is unnecessary to say, but when you wrote in the tags "mhh you got a 5 in pe and in two other subjects you sure are a dumb kid" i was confused because in croatia a 5 in an A, but then i remembered that in germany the grading system in opposite of croatia, so a 5 in germany is a 1 in croatia,,, ok bye
I know! I’m sorry for confusing you, it wasn’t my intention. Grading systems can be really confusing, the same with time zones and dates. I mean..9/11?? 11th of September, oh, okay. I was born on the 9th of November, and we write dates like DD/MM/YYYY. So when I told people who were talking about 9/11 in my class that I was born on the ninth of November, they were like “whHATth ZTWBV” and then they realized: “Oh, right, dates. Hah.”I think the grading system in all slavic countries is like 5 = very good grade and 1 = worst grade you can get but I’m not sure if it really is like that in every slavic country
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the-fiction-witch · 6 years
wwesarahjaneroszko said: Can I have a Scott Tracy imagine Could you have me as his girlfriend and lives on Tracy island and surprise me and do you think that you could try posting it today and could you write Scott Tracy imagines
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I sat waiting around listening every so often to the messages coming though from the boys. "Okay just finished up with the caved in mine in mexico, On my way home" I heard scott say so I butted in "So you'll be home soon?" I ask "Yeah I should be back on tracy Island by dinner time don't worry y/n" he says I got a little excited I went around cleaning up the living room but it got well past dinner time and nothing "John, Where's Scott? and why is he taking so long?" I ask "Ohh sorry y/n, He asked me to call you. he had to rush off typhoon in hawaii" He says "Ohh" I sigh "I'm sorry I was meant to tell you-" He began "It's fine, get back to work" I sigh going back to my cleaning once I was done "Okay john, The kids are in there bunkers I'm on my way back" I heard scott tell him "Sure scott, make sure you get back quick y/n's getting loney" He laughs "I am not!" I yell "oops! sorry fogot you where still listening" he sighed "Your lucky your up in thunderbird five john else I'd kick your butt!" I complain as I went and I sat at the window looking across the pool and out to the sky to wait for Thunderbird one to come in on the sky line but nothing "Uhh sorry Scott we areally need your help here with this dam" I heard gordon chime in "On my way" he says so I sighed "It's like he forgets im here" I sigh "hey now, he'll be home soon safe and sound you know that y/n" Grandma told me "I know, I just worry when they send him off so much. sometimes I just wish he could be here with me" I said "it comes with being a thundergirl. you sit and you wait while the people you love risk their lives out across the world." she explained "I guess so, sometimes I wish I could go with him be a help rather then just sitting here" i complain "Your a big help, you have to remember y/n as much as those boys run around saving the world, it gets stressful belive me, they need a sweet face to come home to with a cooked dinner and a cuddle waiting for them. your his rock y/n your what he comes home too at the end of it all" she explained "Thanks, tha makes me feel better" I smile "On that note, lets make those boys a good dinner" she smiles "I think I'd better do it" I laugh going to make dinner while I was working everyone else got home, gordon and virgil then alan even john came down for dinner I made sure to punch his arm for those comments earlier as I served up dinner for everyone but still no scott yet "Hey finaly!" Gordon laughs and I turned to see scott at home at last so I ran an hugged him tightly "aww hello my sweet love" he laughs hugging me tightly too "I've missed you" I smile "I missed you too" he smiles
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alemeino-blog · 6 years
A Not So Prefect Anniversary
Pairing: Kustard (UF Sans/ UT Sans)
Tags: Romance, Couples bullshit, angst?, Happy ending, also Sans is an a-hole. Still happy and fluffy.
Despite the near impossible weather underground, Sans was almost never surprised by how harsh conditions got in Snowdin. It seemed as if the barrier itself controlled weather with its magic, changing it almost to fit human seasons. Even if no summer existed in the snowy forest or no rain fell in the fiery Hotland. Yet it was always near these dates that the temperature lowered and blizzards grew stronger and more frequent. Nearly no one ever was outside and the town looked more ghostly than the usual warm welcome it held.
But unlike others, who were with family gathered around the fireplace or drinking hot cocoa wrapped in blankets while watching Japanese cartoons or MTT, Sans found himself down in the lab, with his hoodie and a blanket on sitting on his stool looking at the transporter. It was probably the second anniversary of when he and Red had met, and like last time they were planning on spending it at Sans'. Heck Sans had been planning to take the other to Waterfall but the weather decided to mess up with his plans. If Red came that is.
He had already been waiting for more than an hour, the cocoa his brother had prepared already cold from being left untouched on the cool table. A cold breath escaped Sans as he wrapped the blanket closer, glancing up at the ticking clock as it hands pointed at 20 past ten. They had already made plans the week before for what they would do, deciding to spend it at Sans' verse since Red refused to let his softer version stay at his universe anymore than he needed to. Saying how it would only be a pain in the ass for him to have to watch his way laid back boyfriend to make sure he didn't do anything stupid and get himself killed. He was an adult for goodness sake he didn't need Red pampering him as if he were some baby bones. Sure he may be weaker, smaller, and heck way lazier than Red but that didn't mean he couldn't take care of himself.
He sighed, already thinking about how overprotective his boyfriend was and how much he simply cared for his health and happiness. Often times overlooking himself. God how he wanted to be wrapped around those sturdy arms and held close, not needing a fire or blanket because the magic and love radiating was warmer than any fire place. Glancing up at the clock which pointed to half past ten, he wondered what could be taking Red so long. Was there a problem with the machine? Not likely, each made sure both were running two days ago and Sans just checked his. Was Edge screaming at him to go do chores and tasks? Not an option for the edgier version if his brother was trying to make amends with Red and try to fix their relationship. Probably to impress Papyrus with how much of a good monster he was trying to be, at least to Red.
Did Red forget...or.... not care...?
Sans scoffed it off, not believing it for a single bit. The idea itself was crazy, unbelievable, impossible. If Sans knew anything about Red was, he was loyal to those he truly cared for. His devoted loyalt was probably a reason to why he barely trusted anyone, much like why Sans' devotion to keeping promises was why he hated making them. So why, what was taking Red so long? What could be keeping him back for nearly three hours?
Sans shivered again, beginning to feel the outside cold seep in to his lab. He may be a skeleton but heck even he could feel dire temperatures. Laying his chin on his hands, he waited for the door to open up, to see those piercing yet beautiful red eyelights and to bury his nose hole deep into the other's jacket and taking in that welcoming smell of mustard. He felt his eyes droop and forced them awake for he didn't want to fall asleep. He just had to stay up to at least see the other.
Red mentally cursed himself as he ran back home. Not only had he fallen asleep at work but Doggo and his gang decided to be complete dick heads and decided to pester him, which eventually led to Red snapping out and nearly dusting them while escaping from the ones he couldn't damage as easily. On top of that he was on his way down and fogoted the anniversary gift he had gotten Sans so he had to teleport to his room and scavenge for it. Lucky for him his room wasn't nearly as messed up as Sans, but it was still basically a dump. After a whole he managed to find where he had hidden it in case Sans decided to come over and their date happened to take him to his room. Grabbing the passage he glanced at the clock, already late as hell as he teleported back to his lab, not caring if he was dressed nicely or not anymore.
As he got there however he realized the machinery was running low on gasoline so whoopsie number three! 'Fuck can anything go right already?!,' Red bitterly thought as he teleported to Alphys' lab, stealing some of hers and not caring as she yelled curses at him. Not like she could do anything. Even if she got her girlfriend Undyne on it she doubted stealing gasoline was an exuse to kill someone over it.
Red hated having to use that instead of electricity like Sans did. Unlike his alternative Red didn't have the tools at hand to make it electrical, since his dick of a brother never let him get anything and Alphys and him weren't exactly lab partners, reffering back to the recent incident. So he had to stick with gasoline which was rare in the Underground, only Alphys had some that he knew. Often Chillby gave him some or he found a bit at the dump but he had completely forgotten ot refill. With that done Red rushed to grab the package, disposed of the now empty canteen and flipped the switch after typing in the coordinates for Sans' universe.
Getting out he was gonna check at the clock, till his eyes fell upon the figure wrapped in a blanket, asleep on the chair. His soul felt a pinch of guilt and pain as he saw the figure was Sans. He had been waiting for him till is will gave out, till he passed out. Red cursed at himself for not having been more prepared. He looked at the table as he placed the gift there, seeing two cups of cocoa already too cold to call it hot. One was half empty while the other was untouched. He had prepared it all for him, and he was such a horrible boyfriend that due to his messiness he got there too late. God Sans was probably having who knows what sorta ideas due to him. Whatever the case he really hoped it wasn't self blame.
Knowing standing in his own self loathing wasn't going to do much he had to decide whether or not to wake his alternative. As much as he wanted to spend time with him, who knows if the other had had a long day. Not to mention how Red would have to explain to Sans how, because he was a complete idiot, he had to run this way and that yet still got late. What a great boyfriend he was! Looking at Sans' sleeping form, it would probably be best to celebrate their anniversary tomorrow. And from the cold air, he probably knew the weather outside was hell, heck his own universe was going through the same thing, how could he not know. Picking his sleeping boyfriend he teleported them to the other's room, deciding to pick up the present tense following day.
Red was basically sweating, having spent so much magic and energy all at the same time. Heck he may have a bit more stamina but that didn't mean he didn't tire out easily, he was a Sans for goodness sake!
He laid the other down on the bed before kicking off his sneakers and climbing in afterwards. As if on instant he felt Sans cuddle deeper into Red's turtleneck, yet not showing signs of stirring or waking up. 'Needy ass,' thought Red with a chuckle as he rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around Sans as he shut his eyes, despite having already over slept at work.
Yes their anniversary didn't go as planned but at least they were together and they were still alive. At least the still had each other and that was all they really needed. Both smiled, especially Sans after he smelled that familiar mustard smell close in around him and felt the embrace in response to his cuddling.
'Just as planned,' thought Sans as he smirked, Red not being able to see as he was buried into the crimson turtleneck.
Hewwo everyone, long time no see. Yeah I got a bit of motivation back in my shitty ass life so I decided to waste it all on this shit! Yep I know it is crappy as fuck but if I don't write me some Kustard than what other reason do I have to live? I know this is shity as fuck and I know I made a shit ton of grammatical errors but ey, my English isn't perfect, ain't my first language either. Anyways do whatever ya want to this, like, reblog, report, hate. Don't know don't care it is nearly 2 in the morning, I'm hungry, tired yet my insomia is acting up. Whatever, this shit will probably be ignored. Anyways, bye.
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fuckyeahsmoshgames · 7 years
Smosh Fandom of Tumblr!
Yo, it’s your boy lil smoshy it’s me, Jacky, and...
I need your help!
That’s right. With what, you ask? Well, I’m gonna tell you. I am currently updating my tag page because it obviously needs to be done since people left and new challengers approached,  and while doing that, I thought ‘Why not change it up a little?’ So I had the idea of adding a trivia kind of section to the ‘character boxes’. I obviously know some shit that I could add, but I’m sure over the years and during my reoccuring big fat phases of being missing in action, there’s probably a lot of things that I already fogot. So:
Send me some Smosh Family trivia in my askbox or via messenger!
What do I mean by trivia? Everything. I’m open for everything and anything.No basic info that I already listed tho, check the page for what’s already listed maybe. :)
Tell me eeeeverything you know about...
the Smosh guys,
the Squad members,
the Games Crew guys and gals,
...oh and the producers too! I plan on adding them too, maybe.
I’ll probably do posts like this every once in a while now, depending on how well my plan actually goes, so yeah, expect to see this a couple of times. Thanks in advance! :) - Jacky.
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doro7winchester · 8 years
Lucie part 2 (there will be more tomorrow)
"Try me mister, I'm not your normal person, I believe weird shit, and I'll take lunch and a lie if I have to." She said as she walked around the can and pulled a baby stroller out from a nook no one could see unless they were looking for it.
"By the way this is Luci, she is my baby girl.. my whole life…" you said to the handsome weird man.
"Well let's feed both of you, and see if we can be of service to one another, no "hooking" involved." He said the word in air quotes making you smile.
"Deal, and your voice is beautiful dude, I'm sure that sounds silly but it is." You say with a small smile looking at your daughter sleeping.
    You both walk to the Denny's in the same parking lot you were dumpster diving in, you can sense at this point he Is catering to your feelings and it make you feel better, maybe he understands tour situation, others have to have been here before…. Right? You think.
You both seem on edge, and being the extrovert you are, you take charge of the conversation easily.
"So you're not looking for a hook, but you want to help?" you say with a raised eyebrow and a mouth full of cherry Pepsi.  He smiles at you, this smile you can't seem to gage, which is odd for you, seeing as you can gage damn near anyone.
"Well yes beautiful person with a beautiful baby girl, can't I just want to help a fellow person in need?" he says with this smirk hat gives you all of the feels and makes you wonder, is he for real or some crazy yahoo?
"Well yes you can. But from my experience, which is vast for my age, I might say; most people who are 'helping others' are either hippies, who's are probably the best people on earth, or lookin to come up in some way. And I ain't got much to come up on." You say the phrase ‘helping others’ in air quotes to prove your point, thinking he ill back down.
"Well I am not a 'hippie' as you say, and I am most certainly not exactly looking to come up off of you, but there is a lot you do not understand yet that I would like you to, in time…" the man replies and looks at his feet at the same time, which to you seems off.
"Hey, I told you I'm weird, I'm also Wiccan and don't believe in a lot of, and do believe in a lot of weird shit, so if you wanna lay some weird shit on me I'm cool with that." you say with a giant grin, as you watch Luci eat her fourth frie and you are so glad what she is eating is freshly made for once.
He smiles a soft and yet almost terrifying smile, and then he speaks, "well you beautifule person and mother, what would you say if I told you I, me, this person you see here," he says gesturing to himself, "is the devil you fear what would you say?" he asks you very seriously.
"hu, well, being wiccan I do not believe in heaven and hell, nor do I the devil, so I guess I'd have to tell you, you are an ill man who needs more help than I think I can offer." You reply very seriously.
As you do his face lights up even more, and you're not quite sure if this is a good, or bad thing.
"Well Y/N that sounds about right, at least the devil human kind believes in isn’t real but hell is." He says, at his surroundings more than at you. "But you thinking the devil is not real that makes this much easier." He says with a grin, that you're not quite sure how to interpret.
"hu, well you’re an odd one, but odd I can deal with. You're not some cray person who likes eats babies or people right?" you say with a half-smile hoping he laughs with you…
And he does, laugh at your reply that is, "no darling, in fact I eat very little, but I have a wonderful home, and both you and little Lucie here are welcome to the spare rooms of your choice."
You bush, not quite sure how to feel, you knew really good people were out there, but they were so far and few in between that you didn’t know if you should trust him, and with Lucie that made things even more hard…of a choice.
 Making choices with just you involved made things so much damn easier, you used to not have to worry if you came out alive, you didn’t care about that who would miss you. But now, you had to care, and about both of you because without you she would die, be left for dead and not taken care for, and she never asked to be born, so you would make her life the best you possibly could if it killed you.
"Alright mister what's your game? Hu? I have her, and she didn’t ask to be made, or brought into this world, I made her with no consent of hers, so I have to be here and take care of her, an I won't have some man thinking he gets a say or gets to tell me nothing about her or my life. But that being said, I obviously need help. shit you caught me dumpster diving to make some money. But still she's mine, and I have to protect her." You blurt out all too fast hoping he understood you.
Before he could reply you began gathering up Lucie's things, her pacifier her small plastic elephant, and getting ready to bolt so that you could get away.
When he realized this he sighed, "sweetie I can't judge you or tell you how to raise her…" he looked at you, as your eyes meet something hit you in the face, something you didn’t understand, and you felt his hurt.
You reached out for his hand to comfort him and you felt it…all the hurt he felt, all the self-hate, all the anguish and wishing he could be what he was designed to be, but he couldn’t.
And you knew he was supposed to find you two, because you felt that way every day since the day you turned 19, and he did too, but like a mirror. You knew what you did was right even if 'they' hated you, but he hated himself for thinking he was right. And you wanted him to know he wasn’t even if he felt that way, but you didn't know how. Shit you didn’t even understand what it was you were feeling.
And before you knew it you were holding his head in your arms and his arms were wrapped around your waist. And Lucie was cooing on as if nothing weird had just occurred.
"ok, so I know enough of the universe to know something big as fuck is up, but, uhhh, mister, you are to tell me what that is…if you know?" you asked him very softly leaning into his ear, knowing he may need some time to process, not knowing if he was as oblivious to what was going on as you were…
tagggin some peeps @goldenangelbloodcastiel @riversong-sam @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @wonderange @avasmommy224 @impalaimagining @sleepywinchester @wheresthekillswitch
(if i fogot you ill tag you in the next part :*)
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