#i026 world
i026-net · 5 months
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When envisioning the narrative I crafted, I picture them awakening serenely post-robotic surgery, a tranquil experience for the human involved. The cybernetic entity transitions into a more tangible existence. They wake each other gently, bracing for the impending events.
Yet, in an alternate universe, the scenario can take a dramatic turn. They rouse in a harrowing environment, amidst the vast expanse of space.
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i026-net · 6 months
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He found himself seated at the pool's edge, his feet clad in tennis shoes dipping into the water. His gaze remained fixed downward, entranced by the patterns of the rippling surface. Out of nowhere, an unseen presence pushed him into the pool, leaving him bewildered as he navigated the submerged world, searching for the origin of the force that had propelled him.
Moments later, he resurfaced, only to realize he was in an entirely different location. The scene seamlessly transitioned; he stood on a pristine beach, hand in hand with a boy of similar age. Both were attired in suits, their bare feet sinking into the immaculate white sand. Unexpectedly, the boy leaned in and kissed him, sparking a whirlwind of unfamiliar emotions. This unexpected kiss stirred deep contemplation, challenging his understanding of love and self-discovery.
Later, he found himself reclined on a pristine white bed, pondering the societal constraints that bound him. The lingering memory of that unexpected kiss raised questions about life's infinite possibilities, leaving him yearning for answers and contemplating the elusive presence of the boy who had reshaped his perspective.
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i026-net · 11 months
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It is an oddly familiar yet mysterious sensation, as if I have undergone a rebirth into a world preceding the significant event of 2042, leaving me disoriented and uncertain of my present circumstances.
In this unfamiliar realm, I find myself situated in a peculiarly solitary, immaculate, and contemporary apartment. Within its confines, a modest room unfolds, housing a bed, a mirrored closet, and a mini desk adorned with an iMac G4 computer. Its light blue screen displays a gentle and unhurried animation, while a door, seemingly imbued with a touch-sensitive mechanism, opens automatically upon detecting my presence.
Stepping through the doorway, I am greeted by an elongated, pristine hallway suffused with a blend of white hues and intermittent blue LED lights. On the left, a door beckons, yet curiously, I am compelled to forgo exploring its contents.
Enveloped in a veil of ambiguity, my own unidentified electronic song, potentially from the depths of the future, softly permeates the atmosphere. The ethereal composition, interlaced with the chords of D, Em, and G, dances alongside the haunting strains of violins, evoking a sense of enigmatic allure and intrigue. But, the composition was obscured by an overwhelming muffled quality, rendering the lyrics indiscernible and impeding a thorough understanding of its intended message.
My journey unfolds further within a metropolis adorned with neon lights, reminiscent of the bustling cityscapes of New York or Tokyo. It is amidst this vibrant backdrop that I encounter my closest friend atop a building's rooftop. We lock eyes, he has cascading locks of long hair accented by pink accessories, while dressed in a pristine white shirt and pleated black skirt. In a seamless transition, our attire metamorphoses into sleek suits, signifying the commencement of an enigmatic mission that beckons us forward.
The precise nature and objective of the mission remain undisclosed to us.
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i026-net · 11 months
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The 2060 alternative version of myself inquires, "May I inquire as to the reason for your pursuit?" I am aware that he is being handsomely compensated for his service, but he harbor no intention of inflicting harm.
Now addressing "myself", I would maintain a stoic countenance while a sense of dissatisfaction wells up within me, causing my chest to feel uncomfortably warm.
"I have grown weary of feigning indifference and pretending that nothing holds any significance to me whilst being pursued by individuals in pursuit of unverified knowledge. My objective is to offer aid to those who seek an escape from their worldly pain, not to condemn them to death but to provide an alternate solution. Not everyone wishes to meet their demise, they simply desire relief from their suffering and a chance at a better existence. I comprehend their predicament."
I comprehend.
I comprehend.
I comprehend.
"I implore you, will you continue to pursue me or would you consider joining in my endeavors?"
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i026-net · 8 months
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Suddenly, I find myself ensconced within an environment that remains elusive to my conscious understanding, yet curiously evokes a sense of familiarity deep within. A sweeping gaze reveals the presence of several individuals—individuals who, in their demeanor, defy the constraints of reality. Their smiles, while seemingly genuine, impart an aura of uncanniness, as if their forms exist within the realm of illusion. These figures, though appearing corporeal, exhibit an otherworldly quality, as if they were superimposed onto this space akin to figures on a digital green screen. And yet, despite their numbers, I remain the sole inhabitant of this enigmatic setting.
A peculiar sense of duality pervades this environment—an unsettling harmony of belonging and isolation. While encircled by these enigmatic entities, a profound sense of solitude persists, not in a manner that evokes loneliness, but rather a unique form of detachment. It is as though the distinction between my consciousness and this space remains immutable, rendering me a solitary observer amidst a populace that defies traditional understanding.
As I endeavor to reconcile this paradox, the notion tantalizingly emerges that this place might bear resemblance to a location I encountered during a prior update, an intuitive inkling that remains shrouded in uncertainty. This semblance, however fleeting, stirs further inquiries regarding the nature of my surroundings and the intangible threads that might link them.
In this puzzling tapestry of experience, the boundary between reality and illusion is blurred, and I am left to contemplate the implications of existing within a space where the tangible and the ephemeral intertwine inextricably.
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i026-net · 5 months
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In the awakening of an unfamiliar yet strangely familiar setting, I find myself adorned in my standard PS101142 pajamas, realizing that this is not my accustomed dwelling. As I leisurely traverse the house, approaching the window to discern my location, an unexpected interruption occurs when he begins to speak. In that moment, the floodgates of recollection open, and I am reminded of the intense emotions that surged within me upon his return—my body overwhelmed, shaking, and crying tears of happiness, a manifestation of emotions that momentarily eclipsed my physical strength.
He greets me with a simple ”good morning” before remarking, “Last night was intense”. Suddenly, a chaotic sequence of memories floods my consciousness—our relapse into a dark place, a tumultuous event characterized by mental breakdowns amidst the rain, reminiscent of the occurrences on March 6, 2021, before I even met him. Now situated in this peculiar space, I feel an odd sense of disconnection coupled with an unfamiliar yet comforting safety, akin to an open door leading to healing. Contemplating our next move, the prospect of exploring this new place looms before us, yet the lingering question persists: “How did I get in here?”
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i026-net · 1 year
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Sometimes I want to run away freely. Sometimes, I get dreams where I'm running away, although, I don't know why I always wake up whenever I'm running away freely and experiencing a strange happiness I haven't experienced before. A few months ago, I had a dream where I was hanging out with some old friends I had in sixth grade, when I was still at school.
We were running away into different places, it was four of us. We came across these stairs and we really wanted to go there, to see what it was, but it was almost 1 in the morning and I was feeling a creepy vibe which is why I did not go to the stairs. To describe the stairs, it looked like those from Japan but they were all broken, like it hasn't been taken care of for a long time. One of them stayed there.
We ran into this restroom-looking place but it was like, old but we had to change our clothes into our pajamas. That's when we were running on NOVCOTT and came across a place like the one you're seeing in the photo, we were on top of it. I think we just planned to stay at home and do a slumber party but we wanted to keep running around the neighborhood. But I woke up. When I see this place or places like this, I often associate it with strange freedom because it makes me feel that way but then you ask yourself, "Freedom? But why the place looks like this?", same question I ask to myself.
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i026-net · 11 months
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A dream I had in 2019:
I found myself in a seemingly captive situation, held by unknown humans. Unexpectedly, an old elementary school friend, who had developed an unexplained animosity towards me, appeared and became my rescuer. Together, we managed to escape from my captors, ran in this place, and eventually found refuge in a familiar location reminiscent of the supermarket I frequented in the past, Ralph's Food Warehouse.
The time was around 6PM, and the sky adorned a gentle hue of purple. We decided to enter the market to procure some provisions before continuing our journey. However, a peculiar phenomenon occurred as time seemingly accelerated, with a mere five minutes causing the transition from 6PM to 9PM. The once radiant sky transformed into complete darkness, sparsely adorned with stars.
Seeking solace from the unsettling events, we sought shelter in their car. In a moment of gratitude and appreciation for their act of saving me, I expressed my gratitude by kissing their lips. Their initial surprise soon turned into a smile, symbolizing a mutual understanding. As rain began to pour, we proceeded to a McDonald's drive-through to acquire sustenance. Silence enveloped our surroundings, especially after the kiss, leaving an air of mystery regarding our destination as the dream abruptly concluded.
An intriguing aspect of the dream was the age dynamic between myself and the old friend accompanying me. Despite our apparent youth, around 13 or 14 years old, it was remarkable to observe that they possessed their own car and displayed a remarkable aptitude for driving.
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i026-net · 1 year
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I get a flashback. I remember myself screaming but I could only hear the scream, everyone couldn't, wishing I was not alive, while the water was falling on me. My head hurt so much and mentally, I was at the worst.
Losing friends due to reckless choices that it did not even feel like it was me, but instead of trying to get the hand down to hold me like an angel would, I get called things I was not, I was aware of what happened, I knew I was a good person but there was something wrong.
"I understand now."
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i026-net · 1 year
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Upon my extended escape from the dystopian metropolis, I have apparently come upon solace within the confines of the 2042 urban center. Subsequently, I was "resurrected" through means of a technological "egg" and bestowed with a rebirth via advanced technological mechanisms. Nevertheless, the current state of disarray renders me unable to ascertain the purpose of this occurrence.
However, such events have only been a dream.
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i026-net · 1 year
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It's a mixed feeling. It's in the past yet "present" which is not present but the future. I often ask myself if I will be able to see that kind of future, you know, the ones that you see in movies. Technology is getting advanced so quickly, it's scary yet nice to know that.
If there weren't many buildings in this place, I could see flying cars and big ads by using these big futuristically "TVs" around. I don't know what my reaction is going to be, because one thing is things actually happening and another thing is being a fantasy where humans can lie about things being in certain ways. Will it be noisy?
Right now, I'm in this place, I'm trying to see more than just this picture, like what's more from here? I just can see apartments with the same kind of room, almost being the same, is there happiness? I'm not sure.
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i026-net · 1 year
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When I was about 9 years old. I remember being excited for my parents getting this one Burger King coupon.
I was waiting for hours before we got out of our house to get this one-hour trip to Burger King, not sure why we didn't go to the nearest one, though. I know it ended up with disappointment because the burger didn't taste good for me.
This is one of the rarest places I could visit in the i026 World, I can only see an image of it and remember, or have an idea. In the real world, it was like this, but blueish with a really big TV somewhere, I don't remember where but I know it was right there.
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i026-net · 1 year
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Dream I have gotten twice. When I'm running away from my house and my neighborhood has these kinds of colors. The far I run away from my house, the more things look really different and the more "saturated" the colors start getting. And I'm wondering, is this actually NOVCOTT (my home place and neighborhood) or this is actually another dimension that looks like NOVCOTT. It's a strange feeling, nostalgic, it's like I was in a similar place before but it was my grandma's neighborhood instead. I don't think I can visit this place regularly like I do with the others, I can only see them once in a while when I probably sleep at a certain hour.
There's a theory that dreams get weirder and weirder by really early mornings, like 4AM to 7AM, I do think that's true because I noticed I get really weird dreams at these times. I noticed the two times I dreamt about NOVCOTT [?] slowly becoming saturated in terms of color and more "dreamy liminal space" like, it used to happen when I was asleep at 11AM and woke up at 12PM. But why the dream happens somewhere at 4 in the afternoon?
I wish I was able to explore this place more often, maybe if I make myself observe and absorb these places, maybe I will be able to visit at a different hour. I'm trying to fix my sleeping schedule and even if I am asleep at 11AM, it's still a low possibility. But maybe I should start absolving these places, but how? The best I can do is just observe and absorb. I actually have something in mind though (will post the little plan in another post).
They say dreams mean something, then do you think this dream is telling me something?
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i026-net · 1 year
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When I started watching Serial Experiments Lain, I was seeing the places, such as the cities at night and Lain's room when she was slowly modifying her computer, I strangely felt connected to it, even though I haven't even finished the anime yet. But so far, Lain is a character where I can see myself there, I never seen a character who could be so similar to me. This place itself feels how I felt when I started watching Serial Experiments Lain and it just gives a vibe I cannot describe properly. It's like a casual boring life in a heavy-feel city with buildings that are mostly messy apartments with messy cables around but you will feel nostalgic in a few years.
I started building i026 World around April when I find out some of my delusions basically led me to find out about this world but I will talk about that in another post. So who knows I will find another city or I have the reference to it, I just need to make it bigger and clearer.
i026 World is not a fake world, it does not exist in the real world but it does exist in my mind and the internet can be also a place.
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