roboticgrapefruit · 3 years
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There’s no way in hell this fucker is straight
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I think I'm gonna challenge myself and try to digitally redraw and upload my best doodles from this semesters notes. Every uploaded image will be a reminder of what i didn't learn this semester.
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cjstryker · 4 years
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‪#IamADumbass! I was wondering how @justforfanssite models give other #JFF models free access or if it’s even possible. I feel stupid. I also finally noticed, I had some friend requests on @JustForFansSite . Well all requests finally accepted. Took me long enough. Notification alerts need to be designed on there.‬ I need to really play around with that site.‬ https://www.instagram.com/p/B_yo1GwhFdA/?igshid=18hb947uqs1hd
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orcapillow-blog · 5 years
Ya know, for a person who absolutely adores nature, I'd almost immediately die in the wild.
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thej0ry · 4 years
All my passwords are things like IAmADumbass ImALoser so no one will wanna type that in.
I’m Hacker-proof.
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rulerofdumbassery · 4 years
As a invisible gay I am going to find a magenta morphsuit and wear it for Halloween, screaming "according to the government and science I don't exist!" at the top of my lungs
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bobginpgh · 7 years
When angle grinding be sure to secure your earbuds. #iamadumbass #maker #welding #grinder #notgrindr
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calismarveltrash · 8 years
I am an idiot
Note if you double check the address double check the time. Last time for this testing I had to be there at 10 now at 14... So I got to kill 4 hours in a different city while -1°C.
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rulerofdumbassery · 5 years
Me: fucking hell! I have an essay due tomorrow and I haven't done shit!
Paper: ....
Me: .....
Paper: ...why are you like this
Me: ..... *reads reqirements*
Paper: "Your paper should be a maximum of two (2) pages."
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mylifeisjustwierd · 9 years
So I had a mechanical pencil on my bed because a few minutes ago I was writing and then I rolled over and got distracted by tumblr and long story short at some point I rolled back over and I just stabbed myself in the ribs with a mechanical pencil.
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amethyst-irises · 10 years
You think I would be smart enough to take my medicine everyday instead of waiting for me to feel extra shitty then remember wow I should take my medicine like a normal person.
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robmongoose · 10 years
My GTD is demanding oil. "WTF!?" I think, "After 7.5K Miles?. My Focus never needed a drop!".
Oh yeah... Performance car. Driven hard.. Mmm, figures. Guess I better stock up and keep it checked.
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lovemecancerouslyy · 11 years
Broke a Promise
Cheers to me being a fucking fuck up and doing the one thing I said I would never do again. I promised my family and I promised my boyfriend, but I guess that doesn't matter cause I let things get bad again. Have burn blisters up my arm again, just when the scars were finally starting to fade. The disappointment in my boyfriends voice when I told him was enough too much to handle. I need to stop this shit. I need to stop letting everyone down, especially myself
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I am such a dumbass..
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