#iced stuff
icedfairy · 2 years
So you want to stab Angels : RPG setting ideas
One of the very poorly served areas of RPGs is the evil / anti-hero campaign.  Most of the time you get to stab angels it's either because they've been brainwashed or you're running the most cartoon cliche edgy nonsense campaign someone could dream up.
And so this section of the campaign setting is designed to allow people to play all the necromancers, plague shamans, and other evil characters without having to join fantasy nazis or eat babies.  Similarly it can have conflicts between two groups that each feel what they're doing is good, and perhaps even go deeper.  But at the base level the design is to let people be dark while still having at least some morality.
And stab angels.
The Setting : (previous  works)
The Solar's Betrayal :
When the Demon Lord was summoned from the Abyss and used the unique features of this planet to ascend to godhood, there were a lot of people looking for ways to stop his hordes.  One nation, Ysild, considered the obvious.  Summon an angel.  And so the greatest spellcasters were gathered and they opened a gate to call through a Solar.
The Solar arrived and immediately saw the danger presented, not just to this world, but to the multiverse.  If the forces of the Abyss could raise their Lords to true godhood, unbound by the usual restrictions, they could win the Blood War and unite evil against the Heavens.  And so he immediately reached out to the local gods to organize a defense.
However, to his horror, he discovered that the gods not only were skewed towards neutrality, but they were unwilling to accept the need to serve good to defend all reality.  Even the good gods insisted the world needed to stay the same, only changing at the fickle desires of races made to embrace conflict!
And so with a heavy heart the Solar had to take control himself, acquiring Godhood and giving his greatest servitors demigod status.  From the lands he claimed as his own he began his crusade.
But the local gods weren't going to accept that.  They resisted his attempts to grow his power, confining him just as they did the Demonic forces!  Now he works with both diplomacy, cunning, and military might to claim control over this land, for the good of all.
Good as an enemy :
This is going to be a tightrope no matter how you slice it.  The antagonists in this setting are good.  Lawful, but GOOD.  Mistakes are the exception, not the norm.  It's hard to claim a moral ground when objectively the world would be a better place if everyone just let the angels take charge.
It is very very tempting to make Good aligned villains go 'too far.'  Have them kill innocents or commit atrocities.  Again this should be the exception, not the rule, and those people that indulge in those excesses will be prosecuted by their own side as much as the PCs and their allies!
Instead you want to personally challenge the PCs.  It's a Good act to punish everyone who creates undead and summons devils harshly.  But if your PCs have necromancers and devil summoners as friends they're going to look poorly on those laws.  Similarly it's a Good thing to send your armies to defeat the demons.  But if they're marching through your lands, isn't it your right to refuse entry?
Yeah sure the angels are embodiment of all that is good, and they really do want the best for everyone, but you're at war with their nation, your people have been at war with them for a thousand years, and you're gonna be burning down that town built on stolen land.  Thanks.
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gravitycoill · 1 year
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lil comic i’ve had in my head for a bit
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solidwater05 · 10 months
Apparently this needs to be said so
Forgetting things is morally neutral! Memory issues are morally neutral!
You're not a bad person if you...
forget things quickly
forget people
can't remember entire stages of your life
can't remember important things
can remember some things very well and forget other things all the time
can't remember things (or anything!) about your interests
forget to eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, etc
forget to reply to texts
remember things and immediately forget them again
can't remember birthdays, events, etc
frequently answer 'I forgot' to questions
can't retain new information
forget things you used to know
only remember things when it's too late
have vague, distorted and/or unreliable memories
depend on others to know how an event you were in played out
have other symptoms that are worsened by memory issues and vice versa
... and anything else I might have missed!
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fiftysevenacademics · 3 months
Wake up babe a new open access review about Ice Age fashion just dropped.
Paleolithic eyed needles and the evolution of dress (Science Advances 28 June 2024)
This article uses the spread of bone awls and needles to trace the evolution of clothing from simple, minimally protective coverings to finely tailored, insulating garments across the geography of the Last Glacial Maximum. Not surprisingly, needle use is associated with cold climates and the need for warm, fitted clothing. But the wide variation in needle size, including very small ones for fine, delicate work, along with frequent discovery of shell and bone beads showing use wear consistent with rubbing against clothing, shows the evolution of clothing into dress. Bodily adornment transitioned to clothing to mark identity and status.
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Fig. 4. Puncture marks consistent with leather hole punching on a bone fragment at Canyars, Catalonia, dated to 39,600 cal B.P. Scale bars, 1 cm. Photos: L. Doyon, F. d’Errico.
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Fig. 5. Morphological variation in the size and shape of Late Pleistocene eyed needles. Scale bar, 1 cm. Modified from d’Errico et al.
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Fig. 2. Nassarius kraussianu shell beads from Blombos Cave Still Bay layers, southern Africa, dated to approximately 73,000 to 70,000 years ago. Arrows indicate use-wear facets. Photos: F. d’Errico [modified after d’Errico et al.]
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creekfiend · 1 year
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if even MORE stuff shows up on my dash that I did not ask for I swear I shall simply start biting people
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saintaviator · 2 months
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the feeling of being watched or followed
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vintrage · 1 month
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fire cannot kill a dragon BITCH
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hrtsick · 2 months
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❏ ˚ 𖨂🥄⠀ུ ⁺ ⋯✫ ⺀
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❏ ˚ 𖨂🍦⠀ུ ⁺ ⋯✫ ⺀
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florietas · 3 months
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bloodybellycomb · 1 year
I genuinely mean it when I say that life becomes at least 30% more manageable whenever you allow yourself to become obsessed with something that is a little bit silly
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icedfairy · 2 years
Bone Mountain 
Bone Mountain isn't really a mountain.  It's barely 20 feet tall at its highest.  It is however almost purely made of bone, making it a terrifying monument to the rage and determination of the dwarves who live there.
The dwarves of Ferhold didn't really care what was happening aboveground.  The demons were far away, and the city of Ysild could do all the angelic nonsense it wanted so long as it stuck to the lowlands.  Ferhold was a community that worked with stone and steel, and they were going to stick to that.
Unfortunately there was a big problem.  The mountains they claimed were a massive barrier to movement through the Goddess of Agriculture's lands.  Negotiations went for years, but the dwarves held firm.  They would never let the angels through their mountain.
And so feeling her hand was forced the Goddess of Agriculture removed the mountain from 'her' lands.  Shocked, the dwarven refugees fled to the borders of the angelic territory.  The Goddess offered recompense.  The Chieftain responded by demanding the mountain be restored.  When the diplomats protested he proceeded to slaughter them all and declared they'd rebuild their mountains with the bones of the thieves.
That chieftain died in the following battles, but the dwarves held firm, fusing his bones with stone and making him the cornerstone of their new home.  Their losses were replaced by relatives arriving to aid their kin, and the priests of Law answering the calls of the faithful.  The smiths and enchanters became bone carvers and necromancers.  And so the mountain of bone has slowly grown, each death adding to the pile.
Despite the grim scenery, Bone Mountain Dwarves lean towards law and good.  Priests make sure the spirits of their enemies are properly cast on to the outer planes before adding their bones to the pile.  Meanwhile honored dead are mixed in with concrete and stone to live forever in the walls of their family homes.  Ironically there's far more ghosts than skeletons here.  At least in terms of undead.  Bone golems and constructs however are very common.
Campaigns in Bone Mountain : For people who want to do good on good violence.  Or just think living in a mountain made from bones is metal as fuck.  Bone mountain is a great campaign staging point, either temporary or permanent, and PCs working out of here can deal with raids against enemy strongholds, monster hunting to get new bones, or tracking down foreign Necromancers to inform them that borrowing bones is not allowed, and they will need to repay with interest.
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kurozu501 · 5 months
genuinely how do you fumble something like yuri on ice. the show was so popular all over the world. tons of actual ice skaters were talking about it, iirc one professional ice skater even did a routine to a yoi song, it was wild. all they had to do was lean into it, make the movie and then a season 2. and instead they announce the movie, go radio silent for years before limply trotting out a "oh btw the movie's cancelled" today. just pathetic.
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fluffyslug · 1 month
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I drew this a couple months ago (for the solstice, ahah) but I didn't have tumblr then. Hope my fellow cartoon devourers like it!
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finalskies · 6 months
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Godzilla x Kong is a very silly movie. I kinda love it. Shimo stole my heart. She deserves all the good things now.
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the-fandom-queenxox · 2 months
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I have been sensing a theme to Martyn's characters as of late...
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vannral · 9 months
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icemav's ways to flirt: banter and longing looks
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