blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
I think Ichiji would be one of the most jealous people on earth when it comes to Koby even though quite literally Koby's job is to be around a lot of people and do dumb shit on behalf of the marines and it drives Ichiji up the wall.
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lairde-lampblack · 4 months
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@liliflower137 may or may not have infected me with the thinking about vinsmokes disease and shi may or may not have asked for this for @vinshippingweek
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eryingsfate · 4 months
Ichiby H-e-double-hockey sticks
Now that i have been informed of this ship and read a whole ao3 fic (LITERALLY THE ONLY ONE) on it, i have become obsessed and hyper fixated... SO heres a prompt/story idea for any writers out there! (pls write ichiby content im literally dying)
amnesia au!
Sometime after the battle with Big Mom, or even later in the series, a mission involving Ichiji goes wrong and he ends up knocked out and is left drifting on the sea. He washes up on the shore of a small island and the only thing he remembers is his first name. He's sitting on the beach in a daze when Koby finds him.
Koby was stationed on a small, warm island that has been a victim of numerous pirate attacks. He had a small squadron with him in case the pirates were to come back. (Really it was a forced vacation because he's supposed to be stuck there for a month.) He was walking along the beach when he saw Ichiji, instantly recognizing the curled eyebrows, striking red hair, and germa attire. Koby instantly went on guard as he approached Ichiji and after a small interaction it became very clear that Ichiji had no idea where, or even WHO, he was. Koby decided to take advantage of this and see if he can find out anything about the germa modifications. As time goes on it becomes clear that something about Ichiji was different. Koby heard the stories of the infamous Germa prince, about how he was emotionless and held no sympathy whatsoever. How he was modified to be the perfect soldier, but Ichiji seemed to show any emotion like it was the first time he'd ever even felt. Koby began theorizing on what happened and came to the conclusion that whatever happened before he found Ichiji had messed with his modifications and given him his emotions back. Koby then realized he could try and help Ichiji and maybe even redeem him.
Meanwhile everything felt so foreign to Ichiji, everything he saw came with a feeling and it was driving him mad because a part of him was screaming that it was wrong. When Ichiji looked at the ocean, he felt his mind calm and blue hair appeared in his mind. When he looked at the green leaves of the trees he felt protective as green hair flashed in head. He looked at the pink flowers and felt a deep respect. He saw the sun and felt his heart twist. Ichiji didn't understand it at all.
Koby decides to start his idea with taking Ichiji to see the townspeople, since he doesn't remember anything he shouldn't try anything against them. The marine believed the best way to start helping Ichiji understand emotions was to let him see how other people interacted. It was all going well until one of Koby's men came up to him and reported that a little girl had gone missing. An island-wide search began.
As Ichiji follows Koby around the island, looking for a little girl named 'Miriam,' he feels concern run deep into his bones, it makes him want to run and scream the girl's name but he refrains from doing so. Ichiji sees a flash of yellow run behind a tall tree, and he stops Koby and shushes the pink haired man. Ichiji carefully steps around the tree and sees a little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes looking at him. She's obviously scared. Ichiji just crouches down and looks at her, he doesn't know why he does it, he just does. Koby watches on, ready to intervene at any moment. The little girl goes running into Ichiji's arms and she hugs him. Ichiji freezes and doesn't know how to respond, so he looks at Koby, who has a soft smile on his face, and it's a look that warms the red haired man's heart. It's revealed that Miriam's father had been upset with Miriam's poor performance in school and he had hit her. All he can think of is how disgusting the man was for punishing a child for something almost completely out of their control. As Ichiji hears this he sees a scene passing through his mind, of a blonde boy who looks similar to him begging for his father to help him as he's beat into the ground. As the memory(?) fades, Ichiji feels that gut wrenching guilt come back and it's even worse this time.
Miriam ends up having to go home with Koby and Ichiji as an emergency placement while Koby's men and some older townspeople contact her mother. It wasn't ideal, but Miriam didn't want to be away from the men who saved her. Once Miriam is safely tucked into one of the guest beds, Ichiji and Koby sit and talk about the days events and Ichiji reluctantly opens up about the things he felt and saw throughout the day.
Koby is shocked that his theory was right and that there was a chance to possibly help Ichiji. With his mind made up, Koby decides that before he leaves this island, he's going to help Ichiji Vinsmoke become a better person and help him see the error in his ways.
Throughout the story we see Koby teach Ichiji about different emotions and ways to deal with them. Ichiji ends up growing close with Miriam, whose smile reminds him of a woman he once saw. One day, Ichiji is sitting on the couch of the house reading a book when his head begins pounding and floods of memories come rushing back, each accompanied by strong emotions. He feels himself flooded with guilt over the blood he's spilled and the abuse he forced on his brother. Once Ichiji comes back to, he sees Koby fretting over him. He doesn't fully register that he's awake until Koby brushes his hand over Ichiji's forehead, which causes the man's stomach to erupt into butterflies.
Koby and Miriam heard a yell and ran into the living room to see Ichiji passed out on the couch with a pained expression stuck on his face. Once Ichiji wakes up about thirty minutes later, Koby can tell something changed by the haunted look in Ichiji's eyes. Nonetheless he takes care of Ichiji throughout the rest of the day until Miriam is tucked into bed, which is when Koby confronts him.
Ichiji had spent most the day agonizing over his past actions and wondering how the hell he was going to go home like this.
"You remember."
"I do."
Koby sits there and waits for Ichiji to do something. Ichiji on the other hand is questioning if he even wants to go back to Germa. For the past 2 weeks, his home had become the pink haired marine and the blonde little girl, how could he leave when looking at Koby brought him so much peace and taking care of Miriam made him feel like he had a real purpose? Ichiji Vinsmoke was a prince, a warrior, a killer, and a true monster. But Ichiji? The man who lived with Koby and Miriam, who was known to be helpful to the townspeople? He was a friend, a father figure, a lover, a person with emotions. He couldn't just leave Miriam and Koby, they had shown him how to love and to what it was like to be loved. He didn't even realize till this point, the defining moment, that he had fallen in love with man who decided he deserved a chance to be someone else, rather then throwing Ichiji into a cell for the rest of his life. Yet at the same time, Ichiji was also a brother and the heir to a kingdom. He had responsibilities and people to take care of. In that moment, Ichiji knew he had to make a decision. He could go back to being being a prince who killed without ever showing mercy, or he could stay and build a true family. Once he really thought about it, Ichiji knew what he wanted. He wanted a home, where could be Ichiji. Not Prince Ichiji Vinsmoke, not an assassin, but just Ichiji.
"Well? What are you going to do, Vinsmoke?"
Koby was on edge, now that everything was out and Ichiji has his memories back, he could easily turn on the entire town. Koby had tried to help Ichiji without his consent and who knows how the red haired man would react? Koby had spent all this time forgetting who this man truly was. Koby had ended up forgetting that Ichiji was a prince of Germa and instead found someone he was falling in love with. How stupid could he be?! Ichiji Vinsmoke was a dangerous assassin who could easily defeat and entire army by himself, and if Koby wasn't careful, he would take Miriam's life alongside his own. Koby had seem Ichiji go from someone dangerous, to someone who needed help, then to someone who he loved. And in this moment, Koby's own fate rested on Ichiji's decision.
"Don't look at me like that Ko"
Don't call me that, Please don't break my heart
"What game are you playing Vinsmoke?"
Please, I haven't changed
"And please don't call me that either, that's not my name."
The world seemed to come to a halt. Something had hardened in Ichiji's eyes, as if he made a decision.
"I am not a Vinsmoke, not anymore. You're the one who decided and taught me that."
Thank you
"I didn't decide nor did I teach you that. I saw someone who was forced into a horrible lifestyle and saw a chance to help, so I did, because that is what i do. You didn't have a choice. I heard the story after Whole Cake Island and when everything came out. Your 'father' decided your life was worth less and turned you into a lab rat, and you never got a chance to decide how you felt about it because you were only a child and that man stole your humanity in the form of your emotions. You only did what you were taught because no one ever thought to teach you better. You thought yourself higher than everyone else because that is what you were taught and told to believe. No one in this world is born truly evil, many turn to the wrong side because no one helped them and it was a means to an end, or perhaps they lost their way because no one was there to help them. When i saw you that day I saw someone who was given a second chance by the world, and I chose to help you because I wanted to. Now you will decide what to do with that chance, Ichiji."
Everything was silent as Koby awaited Ichiji's answer.
"Thank you. I choose to stay here with you and Miriam."
Koby's eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he smiled. He felt his heart beat faster at the smile he received in return. Koby felt his heart stop as Ichiji pulled him closer and rested his forehead against Koby's.
"Please, I want to become a good older brother and i want to apologize to Sanji and be able to help fix the others. I don't want to go back to being father's puppet."
"I'll help you every step of the way."
For a moment, the two just stayed in that position salty tears dripping onto the couch, and their breath mingling. The two came closer until a creak was heard in the hallway. The two looked at eachother with the silent agreement to talk about that later, but first, they had to tend to Miriam.
Thats all folks! If anyone wants me to ill write more of this au later! Now i didn't even know this ship was a thing till two days ago (You two know who you are) and i found it thru someone i follow! I hope ya'll enjoyed my silly lil story!
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liliflower137 · 4 months
Hello! Ichiby ask!!
What marines do you think react the WORST to Ichiby? I get the feeling that Helmeppo, Hibari, and Tashigi are appalled at their friend's taste in men! Garp probably absolutely hates it, i just have a feeling.
On the other hand, how would the other Vinsmokes react? Which siblings absolutely adore Koby? How against this is Judge? Sora would have loved him!
I can't decide between Garp clapping him on the back and congratulating him (and maybe demanding grandkids from him because Koby is totally his son) or hating it. The first seems more him to me but I can picture him hating it too.
Helmeppo is like really?? Him?? HIM?? ARE YOU INSANE?? YOU'RE GOING TO GET US KILLED!!! He also thinks Koby's taste in men is apalling in general he could've picked ANYONE but he picked an emotionally stunted asshole.
Hibari seems the sentimental type so I think she'd think it's kind of sweet actually! She's absolutely terrified of Ichiji though.
Judge does not approve at ALL. It wouldn't surprise me if he was homophobic honestly, luckily Ichiji bites the bullet and cuts all ties with the Vinsmoke name not long after meeting Koby, his rapidly developing ability to feel definitely accelerating things.
Niji makes fun of him for choosing such a wimpy guy (ESPECIALLY once he starts dating Law. He pretty quickly starts demanding to know which one of their boyfriends would win in a fight)
Yonji is a simple guy and just wants to fight Koby to earn his approval. I don't know who would win that fight but I think either way Yonji deems him worthy of his big brother
Reiju is just proud :)
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kobayashisoul · 17 days
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》 ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ᴘᴜᴘᴘᴇᴛꜱ 《
As I told you, the Relationship between Gaara and Raziela in Road to Ninja Universe was very toxic in the first Months, even years. And this Picture shows that in a perfect way.
In the first time, Gaara only used Raziela for several Reasons. For his physical needs, for his own amusement, just to manipulate someone because he simply needed that. And why? Because all his life he was a truly toxic Person. Maybe even the most toxic Person alive, at least in Sunagakure.
And Raziela had no problem with being used by him. She was madly in love with that Man and she would've done everything to please him, to make him happy and proud. All she wanted was his love and affection and she was ready to do everything for that, even heavy Crimes.
This Relationship - at least in the first Months or years - was beyond toxic. But Raziela was blind for that, was blind for everything else than Gaara.
The thing was also that she was easy to manipulate. She was very immature for her Age and acted mostly childish and not like her Age. So she didn't see a Problem with that Relationship, with Gaara, with what he did with her.
She did break every Bond with Family and Friends because no one accepted her being with Gaara. Everyone wanted to separate them, but especially Gaara didn't let that happen.
All she wanted was being with him. Forever.
Art (c) ucchihaizumi
Raziela Kobayashi (c) @kobayashisoul
Sabaku No Gaara (c) Masashi Kishimoto
Their Road to Ninja Designs (c) @kobayashisoul
Naruto & Boruto (c) Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto
This Picture was a Comission for me from ucchihaizumi . I am NOT the Artist of this Artwork. I am a Art Collector. I have the Artists written permission to upload this drawing to my Social Media. ⚠️
Their Road to Ninja Designs belong to me. ⚠️
Without my written permission you have no right to recolor/repost/trace/edit/use this in any way. Also please don't use my Characters for Roleplay or Fanfictions. ⚠️
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yellowocaballero · 3 months
i'm gonna sound pedantic but like... it's not shodaime... it's shodai... "sho" isn't a number like ni, san, or yon; it means beginning/initial/primary (+ "dai" is generation, "me" is denoting numerical order)... "shodaime" is an abomination of a word equivalent to beginningth or initialth... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'm sorry you know enough Japanese that you're left fighting for your life against anime fandom-typical mangled fanon Japanese. My mostly monolingual ass is out here taking cues from every other writer in a demented game of illiterate telephone. Bear the burden of knowledge with pride, anon. I'll remain faithful to the language of Naruto fanfiction and continue to mangle the Japanese.
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katrin-the-kitten · 1 year
Here I am
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Shukaku: Do you think I'm blind or deaf, Shikanami?
Shikanami: Excuse me?
Shukaku: These primitive nonentities can only joke about the fact that they consider me fat.
Shikanami: Oh, right.
Shukaku: You think I can't answer them the same way?
Shikanami: Well... in your case it would be too thick!
Shukaku: YOU LIL B****!
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katrinthecat · 1 year
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phlebaswrites · 1 year
Supporting a Soldier (In Flight)
There are some places.
(Which can only be filled by the right person.)
An Aburame story.
Takes place in 1945.
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Aburame Shino/Fū of Takigakure, Nara Shikamaru/Temari Word Count: approximately 2.5K (Complete and posts one chapter daily)
This story was written for @aburamewaifu​ , @momo-ceros​ , @dumbblossom​, and @fireflylitsky​ , with many thanks for idea bouncing!
Truly, it takes a village.
Warning: This being an Aburame story, it will include insects.
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Shino stares up into the sky, the dark glasses he wears protecting him from the glare of the sun.
"The ships have come into contact." The kikaichū which lands on his shoulder crawls up behind his ear. "My wife can see them."
"But can the American's see her?" Shikamaru tosses a kunai into the air before catching it again, and Shikadai-kun rolls his eyes at his father's impatience before slapping a book over his face and lying back on the grass. To all appearances, the boy is asleep, but not even a Nara would be that lazy, particularly not the son of the Kazekage. And yes, the long suffering sigh he makes when his father tugs on his hair is enough to announce his wakefulness.
"I do not think it will matter if they can," Shino frowns at the thought, but he has full confidence in his wife and her partner. "Chōmei-sama is faster than any of the clay birds the Tsuchikage produces, and a naval gun will not hit them except by chance."
They both know it, it's exactly why Fū and Chōmei-sama were chosen for this job, and Shikamaru nods his understanding, but really they're both just airing their anxieties at this point.
Two husbands, keeping each other company while their wives are in danger.
Read the rest on AO3.
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
I've got a crackship for ya I've gotten super attached to
Ichiji/Koby (Ichiby!)
A cold-hearted killer and the kid who stepped in front of AKAINU because he couldn't stand the fighting anymore
A soft boy who joins the Marines because he wants to keep people safe, and a soldier born into this life to fight for dominance and dominance alone
They could not be any more different and YET,, they've both lived through the horrors of war and their lives were both touched by the straw hats in some way. If anyone could melt Ichiji's frozen heart, it'd be someone who understood, but still knew kindness.
Imagine them meeting on a battlefield. A revolution the Marines are intervening in stopping, and that Germa was hired to fight for, perhaps. They encounter each other, both separated from their groups, and start to fight, but an explosion leaves them trapped somewhere. Maybe a collapsed building, or underground somewhere, and there's no point in fighting until they escape. Leaving them plenty of time to get to know each other.
Also: they're pink and red. They match.
That's so fucking cute. OML okay. Should be good we call it 'ichiby'
For some reason Ichiji and Koby have separated from their battalions and are fighting in the basement of the headquarters of the rebellion because Koby was trying to be sneaky or something and then found the Red Vinsmoke and Koby has heard the rumors so he keeps his distance from the guy and dodging the lasers from his eyes. Neither of them want to play this game exactly but here they are. Then the building collapses above them and they have no way until further notice. They're stuck. Together.
Koby is looking at him when Ichiji asks what he wants and he asks if he knows Sanji because he's on his friend Luffy's crew and Ichiji blinks at him and says not anymore.
Koby says that's dumb, just because he's changed just means you know a new version of them, but they're still them. Ichiji shrugs and says that's not exactly how disownment works and that they're dead to each other. That's all there is to it. Koby laughs and says Luffy would call that dumb and Ichiji says if he runs into his brother again it will be a fight to the death based on their agreement with the Strawhat crew. Koby blinks at him and asks how they could fuck up that bad and Ichiji just stares at the audacity of this kid. He's a prince goddammit, and a deadly one at that! This pinkhaired marine brat thinks he has the right to question him? Him?! But then Koby just continues on that Luffy didn't even kill anyone at Marineford, he doesn't kill people generally or promise to so for Luffy to do that means something bad happened and Ichiji sighs.
Ichiji explains that he's coming to terms with a lot of things that are brand new to him. He's never felt anything until recently and he's figuring out what a lot of things are outside of what he's been raised with. Koby is just stares at him and asks if it's like the Sora: Warrior of the Sea comics and Ichiji sighs and asks if he's a fanboy and Koby says no, just that Germa in the comic is really fucked up and so is the king. Ichiji says it's not far from the truth and asks Koby about himself. So Koby talks about Alvida and Luffy getting him out and helping him enlist in the marines and everything. Shit's wild to Ichiji as Koby goes on about Luffy and serving in the marines and Marineford and how he thought he would go to prison but didn't.
Koby says Luffy taught him to be brave and that it's important to go after dreams because if he hadn't met Luffy he doesn't know where he would be, what he would be doing but he can't imagine doing anything else either. Ichiji says he doesn't have a dream to go after, let alone deserves one and asks what the hell is up with Luffy's dream. Koby laughing and smiling does something to Ichiji he's never really experienced before because it's not like when he sees a hot woman or something, this is like his chest has butterflies in it and he's having a heart attack at the look on this marine's face.
"Well, Luffy wants to be free, and what's freer than the King of the Pirates, but he also wants his crew to find their dreams and they're all interconnected in a way. If you think about it, my dream and his aren't all that different. I want to protect people, to give out justice that is deserved, that's why I spoke out at Marineford." Koby smiles brightly at him.
"Do, do you know Sanji's dream?" Ichiji asks more subdued.
"Huh? I think it's finding that mythical ocean, the All Blue?" Koby questions himself. "But you should probably focus on figuring out what you want first. You can start with something small, like a new food you've never had or something you've never done." Koby laughs and Ichiji is just staring at him.
"I want to take you on a date." Ichiji says without thinking and Koby blinks at him.
"Want me to tell you 'no' so you can experience rejection?" Koby grins at him.
"Only if you mean it." Ichiji grins back as the butterflies grow more intense in his chest.
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aceyanaheim · 2 years
“it’s not that complicated i simply wanna kill him”
asjdfnksdf Gaara omg
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eryingsfate · 4 months
Ichiby eloping au!
After three years of sneaking out and hiding from his family, Ichiji was ready to marry his husband and leave the Vinsmokes behind. After a chance encounter with a marine, Koby, Ichiji began to wonder if there was more to life than being a mindless robot who bends to the wishes of a cruel man. Ichiji had run into Koby many times and began to grow enamoured with him, not that Ichiji had realized it at the time. It took a lot of confidence, but Ichiji had confided in the marine about his wonders, and that marine made it his mission to show Ichiji what his life could be like. From that day on Ichiji began sneaking away after hastily finishing up missions and secretly keeping in contact with his new friend. Everyone knows how that kind of story goes... they fall in love and then ends in tragedy. But Ichiji and Koby didn't want that, they wanted to live freely together. Koby wanted Ichiji to see the world and live. Ichiji wanted to see Koby achieve his dreams and be happy, and he'd be damned if he wasn't there for the day his fiance became an admiral.
Everything was going according to plan. Ichiji had made sure there was no way Judge could track him, Koby was on the way with hair bleach and blond dye, Helmeppo was getting the marriage certificates and picking up the rings, Garp was ready to officiate a wedding on the fly, Hibari and Tashigi as witnesses, and Smoker as security. Everything was going according to plan. Ichiji Vinsmoke would be no more, and in his place would be Ichiji Prince, known to the public as Pion. Ichiji reached the hotel room he and Koby would be staying in, and quickly got to work. It took a few hours, but Ichiji's hair was now a similar color to Sanji's. He took the scissors and trimmed his hair slightly, and styling it to look similar to Reiju's but shorter. He flipped his bangs and styled them to at least cover his eyebrows. By the time he was done, ichiji could barely recognize himself. He ran to put on his suit and rush to the nearby church.
After everything was said and done, Ichiji and Koby now sported matching rings that hung on chains around their necks. Ichiji was ready to start his life with his husband by his side. Little did they know, on a nearby building a woman with bright pink hair wiped away a tear and felt happiness bloom in her heart for the first time in a long time. The woman watched the two married men and the rest of their party make their way to a nice restaurant to celebrate, and as soon as she was sure they were going to be safe, she left with a secret to take to her grave.
This was a lil rushed sorry! Totally love the idea of ichiji saying fuck it and running off to get married tho
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liliflower137 · 4 months
ichiby ask! (always makes me think of HEB lmao)
do you think ichiji notices that kobys face matches his pink hair when he blushes? and do you think ichijis made it his mission to make kobys face match his own red hair?
Okay YES that's fucking adorable I love that
He's still new at the whole emotions thing so blushing that much is kinda foreign to him so he thinks it's REALLY cute
Ichiji's whole life so far has been him having to be the best and perfect and the example to his younger brothers, so if he picks up a skill he is going to be the best at it or die trying
Even if that skill is making his little pink boyfriend turn into a tomato
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amynchan · 2 years
This is what we get up to in DnD. X'D
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So Jannas (10 yo human Boi who has lots of things going for him that are Not Relevant atm) is casting an illusion spell on Ichibi (the most Chaotic little fox-dragon you'll ever meet) because it's clearly a good battle strategy.
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jaguarys · 2 days
I really wish Gaara's arc had been a little more involved because I truly don't think the sheer horror of it all is delved into enough. In the end it's sort of like he just. Snaps out of it. But then you start thinking about it and you're like. Oh. This kid literally could not sleep for years. Oh this kid was being tormented by Ichibi 24/7. Oh this kid had everyone trying to assassinate him when he was tiny. Oh this kid trusted one single person and they tried to kill him too and then died in front of him. Oh this kid was told everyone including his family hated him and that he was a monster and should die. Oh ok. Like sure murder was not the answer but also considering the circumstances he should've been even more out of it than he was
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katrinthecat · 1 year
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Random shipp shit
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