#ichirota oniyuzu
lawieiscrazy · 27 days
Hey, hello, I'm sorry I haven't been active, lol, I've been very sick these days and I'm currently undergoing treatment, but I'll do my best to post some stuff😅
Anyways here are some stuff for my Spanish audience :3 (🇦🇷!incorrect tweets)
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I have A LOT more, but Tumblr has limits 😒
Hey, hola, lamento no haber estado activo, lol, estuve muy enfermo estos días y actualmente ando en tratamiento, pero daré mi mayor esfuerzo para publicar cosas 😅
Aquí tengo algunas cosas que hice para mi audiencia de habla española, algunos incorrect tweets "argentinos" se podría decir :3
Tengo muchos más pero Tumblr tiene sus límites 😒
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tgirlhawkins · 2 years
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halloween drawing 3! the bort swordsmen, they are so special to me. hassaku is a catboy, buntan is a werewolf, kagura is a vampire, kyoho is a ghost, hebiichigo is a witch, and ichirota is dorian grey. i stole that idea from a costume party i went to and i should have done the corrupted makeup on the other side bc he looks like he’s trying to be obito. hebiichigo did everyone’s makeup and sewed kyoho’s sheet :>
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catboysuigetsu · 4 years
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i mentioned a boruto-era seven swordsmen band so here we go
going from left to right (bc i know some of u are like me and don’t know them by name)
-Buntan is usually backup vocals and tambourine but if they need a kinda out-there instrument like a viola or a piccolo she’s got it
-Hebiichigo, who, fun fact, doesn’t have a last name, plays electric guitar and does backup vocals too. she is really fun to draw!! i like her long pointy eyeliner.
-Shizuma is an idiot and can’t play any instruments (unrelated to the idiot thing) but he’s pretty and sings decently so he’s the frontman, along with writing the bulk of the songs.
-Ichirōta, who has a really good sounding name, plays keytar. bc. why not
-Kyohō is the drummer bc i couldn’t think of anything else for him other than like, playing a cello like a guitar
-Hassaku plays bass. his shirt has a stick figure being beheaded by a guillotine bc he had the executioner’s blade and i thought it would be funny
they make “fuck the government” music that boruto really likes before he realizes who they are (he doesn’t stop listening to them actually, he’s just less enthusiastic abt it. he takes mitsuki out on a date to their concert when they come to a town near konoha and he spends the entire night making this :| face)
i don’t have an idea for a name for their band so if u do. pls throw it out 2 me :)
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nyanberri · 6 years
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College AU versions of the New Seven Ninja Ninja Swordsmen(minus Kyoho, sorry Kyoho). Edit: I have no idea how it happened but I got Shizuma’s hair backwards, whoops. Individual versions under the cut:
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stripesquadsideblog · 7 years
Meeting shizuma headcanons
For that lovely polite nonnie <3
Shizuma found hassaku scurrying around in the dark of his villain lair hideout . hassaku was arguing with his family and gone out for a walk in monsoon season. He had ducked into the building to get out of the rain. Shizuma found him nearly asleep on one of the gantries. Startled and spoiling for a fight hassaku attacked shizuma but he was no match for him.  Shizuma can smell emotional vulnerability a mile away, like blood in the water .hassaku is in marvel at how easily this man knocked his ass to the ground and now? Listening to him is like savlon of the soul. When shizuma asks him to join him hassaku jumps at the chance .
Buntan and shizuma met at the academy but not the way you’d think. They were in the same year but not the same class. They would occasionally make goo-goo eyes at one another across the canteen , buntans friends telling her to ask him out, but it never went any further than that. They didn’t have any real interaction until the chunin exams.
The year they graduated the exam took place in suna; all the kiri kids are water babes and as such they were suffering in suna’s dry heat. Buntan and Shizuma were paired up at random by their tutor for a quick sparing match early in the morning before it became too hot for them all. Buntan was taking her training seriously but shizuma was just playing around. As far as he was concerned the exam was beneath him. Buntan called him arrogant , until he told her it was beneath someone of  her skill too; buntan was struck dumb. Shizuma took advantage of the situation to win the match but honestly she couldn’t bring herself to bear much of a grudge .
Especially not after he invited her out for dinner to make up for it. They got to talking and realised how much they had in common ( regarding the blood mist anyway)
Theyve been pretty inseparably since.
Shizuma went looking for Ichirota.  Hes a year or two his senior so i doubt they were in the same class. He might have seen shizuma around the academy but its been implied that shizuma was a poor student so i doubt they associated much . mr Ichirota “perfect grade” oniyuzu does not affiliate with second class low achieving scum. Especially not a low chaste member of kiri like a hoshigaki.
Ichirota is terminally bored of life. Hes looking for anything to make things interesting for him . no one is more surprised than Ichirota when shizuma slides into his life with his ideas of revolution.. it doesn’t take long for Ichirota to become completely devoted to the idea and by affiliation, shizuma.
Hebiichigo was out of the academy for over a year before she met shizuma. They were both on penance for botched missions at the time: doing menial labor around kiri . hebii is tiny. Labor is not for her, she tried to tell the powers that be that she couldn’t do something like that but no one listened. Bitter and grumpy everyone else on penance avoided her for fear of stabbing. nobody noticed hebiichigo get knocked over and stuck under a pile of logs . shizuma herd her swearing and squeeking by accident and simply came over to investigate out of curiosity. He eventually got her out, after about 20 minutes of laughing and even offered to help  her finish her work as a reward for giving him a good laugh.
He then discovered that hebiichigo has a damn good right hook. He recruited her because she is mean as all hell and always ready to fight. if youre going to war you need an angry goblin like hebiichigo
No one knows where shizuma found kyoho. He speaks so little the only reason everyone in the stripe squad knows his name is even kyoho is because he has it on the door of his room.
The prevailing theory is that kyoho used to participate in a lot of underground illegal sparing matches in and around kiri. They’re pretty popular since fighting to the death is discouraged now  thanks chojuro . they think shizuma must have gone to watch or participate and found kyoho down there like some sort of kiri god of war. Impressed by his bloodlust and sheer strength there was no way shizuma was going to leave someone of his skill alone. He just sort of showed up one day with a suitcase ( no one knows what was in it) and moved in to their hideout. Shizuma just acted like it was totally normal and everyone was too freaked out by this behemoth of a man showing up on their doorstep to ask.
Shizuma only took the position of senpai at the academy teaching all those little snotty brats how not to use a sword  because his parents told him it would be good for him ( or rather they said do it or suffer our wrath)  Shizuma was just a bored instructor half heartedly supervising until he saw kagura. He’d heard the rumours ; that Yaguras grandson was in the academy, but he didn’t believe it until he saw kagura for himself. Ever since then kept an uncomfortably close eye on kagura waiting for the chance to  get closer to him.
Kagura being the little cinnamon roll he is never noticed shizuma trying to monopolise his time, never realised that shizuma was the one spreading rumours about kaguras viciousness around the academy in an attempt to drive him to shizumas side. Not until it was too late anyway
Tsurushi Hachiya
Tsurushi fell in with shizuma totally by accident and got too deep in way to fast. The light closed above him and now he was sort of stuck with a crazed murderer. He knew from the start that this new group of friends was bad news but he didn’t care. He had a group of “friends” who listened to him, who looked up to him. Shizuma saw he had a large following of blind fools who just wanted to cause trouble
Their first meeting was cool enough. Shizuma took him and a load of others out to dinner , flaunting his power by getting them a private table in the back room. Tsurushi felt like a kid at the adults table but he didn’t care because this was just so cool!.
Things  were going swimmingly...untill shizuma reviled he knew several of his minions had betrayed him. Their food poisoned they were dead within minutes leaving the rest him stairing in abject horror while the rest of the table looked on in apathy.
Shizuma could only smile at his reactions.”how cute” he had said. Tsurushi wasn’t used to death, especially not when it had fallen on his lap before the hors d'oeuvres.  It didn’t occur to Tsurushi until much later that this wasn’t just an efficient way to get rid of his enemies; it was a warning to him and him specifically. “ this is what happens when you mess with me.”
Tsurushi will forever be grateful to boruto and sarada for getting him out of that situation and putting shizuma away.
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lawieiscrazy · 1 month
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I Love chaotic lovers dynamic
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lawieiscrazy · 2 months
They are SO underrated
(Están MUY infravalorados)
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Hassaku is the one who takes the photo while admiring his boyfriends
I wanted to try a more chibi style, I'm happy with the result
Hassaku es el que está tomando la foto mientras admira a sus novios.
Quise probar un estilo más chibi, estoy bastante feliz con el resultado ;)
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lawieiscrazy · 2 months
But I will do it later.
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They're in love your honor
This is an AU, k?
- Shizuma: Bisexual & Polyamorous
- Hassaku: Demiromantic, gay & Polyamorous
- Ichirota: Aroace, gay & Polyamorous
My hc for the canon ones;
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Shizu; Aroace (ig?)
Hassa: Gay (sorry)
Ichi: Straight (I mean, kinda🤷‍♂️)
They're so cute, I Love them 💗💗
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tgirlhawkins · 2 years
idk how to put all the info on here
this is a bort swordsmen fic post-second arc, some people live au. it’s ~2500 words. suigetsu is there. he has a car
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tgirlhawkins · 2 years
what if ichirota is a fucking kaguya
like obviously not a full-blooded one who had been living with that family but if one member of the clan had ran away and had baby. that could have been him
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tgirlhawkins · 2 years
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here are today’s thoughts and feelings
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stripesquadsideblog · 7 years
Ichirota Oniyuzu headcanons
Ichirota actually had the nicest childhood out of all of the stripe squad.  His parents were  genin/ chunin to two rich clans in and around the war so they  have a fair idea of what goes on in a ninjas life. They always made sure he had the best equipment and  private training and so on.
While they themselves weren’t anything special ninjutsu wise but they were still decent ninja. they retired to look after the family fortunes and have ichrota.
Before and during the war they were medic ninja. They now work as pediatricians in Kiri’s largest hospital.
Because of this Ichirota is the stripe squads medic nin. He constantly complains about it because everyone is so god damn clumsy and careless and HOW DID YOU CUT YOURSELF ON A CUSHION NO WAIT STOP JUST COME HERE AND LET ME FIX YOU.
90% of his out breaths are sighs of exasperation.
Hes not spoiled per say but he can be very snobby . his parents dote on him and get him pretty much anything he wants.
But rather than appreciate it he does the bratty rich kid thing of lamenting how being rich means he cant have a normal life.
Hence why he rebels and joins shizuma.
He doesn’t particularly care about the downtrodden, hes just looking for an excuse to make a mess and do something not normal and that’ll tick off his parents and prove he isnt the little sheltered flower child they think he is
He constantly scores top of his class in grades on written tests but is only so so at ninjutsu.
Fairly decent sword skills but shibuki his really heavy and hes not built for that kind of thing
Defiantly one of those white girls on instagram types who like to post about their time backpacking around Kohoha Europe
I headcanon that he had some sort of serious child hood illness like leukemia or something .
He was actually born with jet black hair like both his parents but because of all the treatments for his illness it gradually went white and made his skin super pale.
Because he spent so much of his time in the hospital as a kid hes pretty awkward around new people.
Hes also a 110% germophobe and has like 9 of those little hand sanitizers in different scents on him at all time.
He hasn’t made a conscious decision to follow his parents footsteps into medicine but all that time at the hospital in isolation for treatment let alone with medical journals and the ninja equivilant of greys anatomy has him sort of stuck in the mind set of a medic ninja.
Bit of a hipster who claims to enjoy things ironically on a regular basis
Including  pumkin spice lattes  but thats a downright lie he actually loves them for real
He is incredibly well spoken and has an incredible vocabulary  but utterly resents having to dumb himself down for others.
Horse riding is not a popular past time in the shinobi world but ichirota enjoys it none the less.
There aren’t many oppertunites for showing off his horse riding skills . no races or shows persay, but should one arise ichirota jumps at the opportunity
there are a lot of flat planes leading to mountainous ranges in and around kiri that he loves to explore on horseback
he was seriously considering making horses his summon before he joined shizuma and got into the whole shark thing.
Even though his last name is Oniyuzu hes actually allergic to a lot of fruit from the orange, grapefruit and melon family. They make him break out in hives
He was always 100% extra for picture day when he was a child.
More of a bath person than a shower person, but if you force him to have a shower he will never leave. Hour long showers are a regular  which the rest of the stripe squad finds extremely annoying because GDI ONIYUZU YOURE USING ALL THE HOT WATER.
He sings in the shower and thinks no one can hear him but they can all hear him and take the piss out of him constantly
His favourite food is Roe and anything with red meat since it tends to be very expensive in Kiri
His least favorite food is any “ sickness food” so porridge , chicken soup , hot tea with honey or ginger etc
 here you go @dreamer-and-rude
Nsfw below the cut
I characterize him as one of the older members of the stripe squad so he probably has a little more..ahem life experience than the others.
i had a hard time working out a sexuality for him. I couldn’t just say bois hella gey because its kind of a stereotype and ichirota is a bit of a dick. It didn’t feel right to just lump him into one thing.
I think like most of the stripe squad hes pretty emotionally deficient. so a normal  loving and healthy relationship is pretty much a no go. 
Although he is the most normal one so it comes across as him just being a selfish jerk in any relationship. They don’t tend to last long.
So im going to say maybe aromantic and bi or pan sexual? Hes not fussy about the gender or sex of his partner he just doest want them to try and be his boyfriend/girlfriend/partner because eww feelings.
He is extremely boring and vanilla in the bedroom. He knows enough about anatomy to make himself and his partner feel good but its very cold and clinical
He would not be ok with being a bottom or a switch because hes a snobby prick who just considers that shit degrading
He constantly looks down his nose at people who do bottom/switch even though without them he’d be having no fun. I guess its a power trip /sense of superiority thing.
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stripesquadsideblog · 7 years
Perhaps I should concentrate at work? Well, not gonna happen anyway XD 2,4,5,9,11,28,35,41 if you don't mind.
big post so brace yourself
2. Hate
Tsurushi is not a hateful person by any stretch ofthe word. He likes to put on a tough guy facade, pretend that everything sucksin that stereotypical teenage angsty way. He says he hate many things: peace, foreigners,his class mates, his clan mates and basically anything different from hisfriends narrow world view.
Everything Tsurushi hates is simply for the sake offitting in.
After the field trip arc he patches things up withKagura and stops hanging out with a bad crowd and eventually the little cuddlebug he is comes back out. He’ll never be a flower child with a smile and a hugfor every living thing like some of his clan mates but Tsurushi is generally areally nice person with a kind heart.
Ichirota on the other hand can be a very hatefulyoung man. He is bitter towards his parents for essentially isolating him whenhe was younger (even as an adult now he fails to understand it was for his owngood as he was very ill), he hates the era he lives in and Chojuro for creatingthis world of peace were people like him just don’t fit in and he really hatesoutsiders who preach chojuros peaceful nonsense without understanding what it’sreally like to live in a peaceful kiri.
While he’s not usually outspoken in his hate ofthings, he gets a lot worse after the field trip arc. He’s prone to violentoutbursts and huffing like a child when his views are challenged. His parentssuspect he’s resentful towards shizuma for failing him but they don’t quiteknow how to ask.
 4. Fears
Tsurushi as I’ve mentioned is a mess with anobvious anxiety disorder bubbling in the background. It might not be a fullblown illness right now but he’s defiantly going to struggle with it in thefuture.
In terms of actual quantifiable fears Tsurushi isafraid of Shizuma. Not so much after seeing him beaten and broken by boruto andkagura, reduced to a bloody mess on the floor a dejected look on his face as herealises how badly he just fucked up. No after seeing shizuma like that he can’tbring himself to be afraid of him anymore. He’s dangerous, like a caged animalyes but Tsurushi only pities him now.
When Tsurushi was a child he was afraid of caves aswell. There are a lot of caves in and around kiri that fill with water becomingwatery coffins for anyone unlucky enough to be trapped in them. After going tothe academy and learning some basic water survival he’s mostly conquered thisfear but still shudders occasionally on a stormy day during high tide.
Ichirota is afraid of lots of things. Not that youwould ever know that. He keeps his fears hidden behind a veil of confidence.But this mask is paper thin, it wouldn’t exactly take someone like Ibiki morinoto push the wrong buttons or pull the right string and have it all crumblingdown.
Ichirotas biggest fear is actually being trapped:inside a cell or a room or a coffin. The size doesn’t really matter he justneeds to know that he can get out
5. Crying
Ichirota and Tsurushi are both ugly criers. Their facesare red and their noses are running and they sob and hiccup like children.
However where they differ is in the details: Tsurushigoes from 0 to 10 awful fast. He could be ok one second and the next you need alife raft to escape the deluge of tears. However it doesn’t really take much tostop him crying again and get his face back to normal. One well timed joke andhe’ll nose laugh himself happy again.
Ichirota on the other hand is a real slow builder. Ittakes A LOT to make him cry but when he does he just can’t stop. He gets prettymelodramatic about it too, like if HE is crying then the world must be ending. It’spretty difficult to get him to stop and it takes hours for the flush to fadefrom his face and the redness to fade from his eyes.
9. Music
There is always music in kiri so both of them grewup with it. I think they can both play some sort of instrument. Tsurushis momsings and plays the piano and I think he probably did too at some point. He eithergave it up when he became a big tough ninja or gave it up when people found outhe liked to sing and play the ninja equivalent of Mozart because don’t be such a girl Tsurushi. He tries to hide it but if there’s musicplaying he probably knows it and will sing the lyrics under his breath
Ichirota has really grown to hate music. His parentsforced him to play when he was younger. They tried everything to get him interested:different tutors, about 20 different instruments and even bribery. He would getgenuinely interested every now and again because he was too sick to play with the other kids so he might as well. But gradually interest dwindles and he windsup staring at the ceiling again.
11. Best Friend
Tsurushi has a lot of friends, or at least thatwhat he tells himself when the group gets together to try and cause somemischief. But when he’s home alone he realises that none of them would come ifhe called and it makes him pretty depressed. He looks at a photo of kagura andhim when they were academy kids and wonders if he made the right decision tofollow shizuma if it meant being such a jerk.
He tends to just push those thoughts to the sidebecause who needs a best friend when you have as many friends as him?
Ichirota never had friends as a child. He developeda bit of a superiority complex to cope with it. A sort of “I don’t care if you don’t like me, I’m too good to be your friendanyway” thing. He was ill and then so socially maladjusted he didn’t makehis first friend until he was a genin and put into a team. Ichirota was prettystandoffish at first. I mean he was essentially forced to be friends with thesesecond class losers.
But as time wore on, he eventually he came to lovethe people in his team. The worked flawlessly together and he has photos ofthem together everywhere he goes.
But like most things with growing up eventually theteam had to move on. One member left to marry her fiancé. They live in sunanow. The other member was asked to join the hunter squad. Even if Ichirotawanted to talk to her he probably wouldn’t be allowed.
Now as an adult he is loyal to a fault and dare Ieven say a bit clingy. He was willing to die by explosion for shizuma and hisplans. I think it goes a bit beyond best friends with shizuma, almost to an unhealthydegree. There’s a little bit of idolization and hero worship in there thatsomeone emotionally unbalanced as Ichirota could do without
28. Home
Home for Tsurushi is the hachiya family plot. It isquite unlike the rest of kiri. It is lush and full of life and greenery. Hachiyashouse is covered in constantly blooming flowers and wildlife. The inside of hishouse is always the perfect temperature, inviting and present. The wet climateof kiri is perfect for growing things but the cold tends to let them down. As suchthe family land is heated constantly by their fire style users and is now someof the most fertile growing land in all of kiri.
The hachiya family uses this to grow herbs and medicinesfor most of the village. They are among the kindest clans in kiri and have noproblem sharing with anyone who might need it even outsiders. Now you mightthink that kiri Nin would eat such kindness alive but you’d be wrong. Everyone hasa sort of fearful respect for the high ranking Hachiyas because if they everrealise what kind of power they have in being the village healers (and thendecide to withhold it from anyone who’s mean to them) the whole of kiri wouldbe collectively f’d in the A.
Ichirotas house is constantly cold even in themiddle of summer. To the untrained eye it looks inviting and lavish. The oniyuzufamily are mostly non ninja with expensive tastes. They like things they knowand have a fondness for antiques. The clans land is decorated like a feudalvillage. With the clans enormous wealth they have found a way to incorporatethe latest technology in with the old world aesthetic.
Ichirotas house is not his home. When he joined thestripe squad they let him in on their little secret: an abandoned building theyhave turned into their head quarters. Shizuma shows him to his room. It’s easilya 1/8 of the size of the one he’s used to but he loves it 100x more. Because it’shis and he earned it and he can decorated it whatever way he wants. Home for Ichirotais a pokey shoe box room in a crappy old building decorated with lights andphotos and best of all no antiques.
 35. Guilt
Tsurushi has massive amounts of guilt about prettymuch everything he’s done in the last few years. Try as he might he just keepsmaking stupid decisions because he’s justso afraid of sticking out .he wants friends and he wants to fit in but atwhat cost?
He acts out of course in different ways trying tocope with it. Yells at people who don’t deserve it for asking questions “why don’tyou hang out with that karatachi boy anymore? He was lovely, such a politeyoung man.” Eventually the guilt keeps him awake at night. By the time thefield trip arc rolls around he’s hardly sleeping at night, frequently nappingduring class and in the afternoon when he should be up and about.
After the field trip incident he decides to make achange. He stops talking to shizumas messenger boys and makes up with kagura. Theguilt doesn’t fade like he wanted it to but he hope with time, things willchange.
Even after being caught and getting in trouble. Evenafter hurting a lot of people and even after he finds out about all shizumasmurders Ichirota refuses to feel oraccept any guilt. He remains stubborn even as his mother is crying in the chairacross the room for him just begging him to admit he was wrong and say he’s sorry.“I didn’t do anything wrong” he says through gritted teeth causing his motherto sob and his father to shake his head in anger. “I didn’t do anything wrong” he repeats it like a mantra as theycart him away in hand cuffs.
By the time he reaches his cell it’s more of aquestion than a statement
41. Memory
So I’m not sure if this refers to a specific memoryor their ability to remember stuff so I’ll just go with if they have a goodmemory or not
Tsurushi has an ok memory. He frequently forgets toput on matching socks, grab his lunch on the way to class and leaves hispartially done homework on his desk but he always knows what day it is, whenpeoples birthdays are and how many bottles of his favourite soda are left inthe fridge.
Ichirota hates forgetting things. Really trulyresents it. He has very few memories from early child hood. He spent so muchtime in hospital back then he tells himself it’s probably not worthremembering. He’s beginning to getting more forgetful lately too which reallyscares him. Both sets of his grandparents had some sort of dementia and hewonders if it’s hereditary or that his illness may have set it off prematurely.He brings his concerns to his parents who tell him he’s probably just stressedor tired. he thinks to himself that he can’t wait to forget about them.
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